THM OMATTA DATSVY RTOIQl WTCTYWTRHr > A V ATTttTTOT 582. 1888. pIE EYE OF THE CONVENTION Republican Hosts Gathering at tbo f Capital , JTHE RAILROAD CAMP VERY QUIET OundldntCH Making Their. Final Move on tlio Polltlonl Checker Board Supreme Court Gcnornl Notes. LINCOLN Hcniuo op TUB OUAIIA I3EB , 1 IttW P SfimnT , LINCOLN , August .St. I The hosts nro rapidly gathering for the fray. Interest nnd excitement Increase as prominent arrivals are announced. Graham , tPetot' , Yost , Scott , Lumlcen nnd Halrd nr- fe-ivcd last night , ami Dow , Irvine , Hurper , | 3cobo , Corroll , Stoeln and Russell joined the candidate nnnj this morning. Yost's shallow , /lowcver , was cast by the arrival of David JI. Mercer earlier In the day. Ho Is the irccognlzcd commander ot the outposts , nnd felvcs It out cold that he is hero lo bag snipe. | lo has n prominent array of "spotters" and 'setters" In Loran Clark , Juil Wright , W. T. JStevcnson , C. O. Hales and W. M. Waring , who are also on the ground , Nine candidates Cor state treasurer are hero and they have camped to stay until the sculps dangle at the bolt of the victor. Graham and Hill stand nloof , end It would scorn that they wcro but disinterested spectators , judging from their outward movements , It Is evident that the Uurllngtonnnd Union Pacific railroad strik er * have a common end In view. There Is no war or strife or bickering in their camp. ( Sutherland Is held as their reserve force , nnd ho Is casting about for every ncriip that comes In his way. It Is Ulso quietly talked that Hartley , who will nrrivo on n special train to-night , will not bo nverso to n combination that will insure the nomination of a railroad man. Hut Suther land is n candidate only to insure tliu success pf either Einsol or Yost. It Is a dare-devil frame , nnd these gentleman nro staying in the jack pot hoping to fill on three knaves or lo draw the fourth. Captain Palmer , the gentleman who had Cuss county In a bag and let it get away , Is conspicuously present. This boils the cauili- flaoy for lieutenant governor down to three men , viz. : Mclklcjohn of Nance , Correll of Thayer , and "Spy" Hussoll of Colfux. The belief is strong that , this will bo but side play , and that the Nanco county stnlesman will bo nominated by acclamation. How ever , n dark horse candidate is suggested from Johnson , Pawnee or Kiclmrdson coun ties. The wind Is blowing , nnd one cannot tell whither it cOincth or whither it goutn , f > nd this trust may by lost sight of In the conllict for bigger game. The race for auditor of public accounts eocms to have settled bolwoon Grosshnns of Cluy and Peters of Uoono. Uenton 13 no longer considered a possibility. Mr. Johnson , of Sutton , Is hero miiutlv looking after the interests of Grossnans , nnd the gentleman - man himself will appear on the scene ready for a test of caucus strength , or u set-to in the dark , without the knowledge or under standing of party strength and wishes , early to-morrow. The savants of Nemahn county will ho hero to-night. Tlio press of the state has been Jying about these gentlemen outrageously. This is all wrong. Church nnd Tom may Iinvo tied up down in Nomaha county , but It don't go when they are nwv ftom home. Z hiiva it on good authority that they will ap preach the city from different directions , and Will not promenade the streets , as has been suggested , arm in arm. They will register Ot different hotels , and refuse to know each other whllo they are in Lincoln. Spectators who have come n long distance to witness the suggested sccno , only equalled by the transfiguration , might just as well wend tholr weary way homeward. This show has been Indefinitely postponed. The railroad cappers and htrlkers lose no Opportunity lo plunge their knives into Locso. lie Is now charged with having tied up with this ono or that ono for stnto treasurer , nnd the story Is told promiscuously with the hope that ho will bo injured thereby. The Lincoln "gang" and outside strikers nro working upon prejudices and possible ambitions , and they nro playing tlio gnmo for all it la worth. Hut It only works when duplicity lies on the sur face. First It was stafud that Leeso had tied up with Hill , then with Graham , but the smooth-bore story is rapidly losing all force , nnd the bottom will nil bo knocked out of it before the day that shall nominate the re publican candidates for the state trusts. General Lecso is standing upon his own merits. Ho Is of the people and for the people ple , and is clear and free of any combination that may have been suggested by overzealous ous friends. Tliuyor and Lnwcs will bo renoininntcd by Acclamation. No ono questions tills , nnd it Is also probable that Mlekeljohn nnd Lceso will ho nominated in the same way. In the true sense Yost and Einsol are not esteemed strong , nnd tlio nomination of either of them can only bo secured by the basest betrayal nnd treachery of the people imaginable. They are backed and urged to the front by the hcnlpors. schemers und shylooks. Their stock in trade are the Burlington ami Union j'liUiflo railroad companies , nnd they want tlit'lr man only because it adds it vote to their pldo of the count on tlio state hoard of trans portation. With Yost or Einsol they Iviil bo satisfied with Peters , Stecn i or Dew. The Index linger of the strikers points this way. Their undcr-cover tnoves are as plain as day. For treasurer Graham or Hill are strong with the people. GroHshans has a strong following for nudl- i.i to , and It now scorns that ho has the best ii chance for'tho nomination. Carter and Lun- ilccn w'll ' make a strong pull for commis i- ii sioner of public lands and buildings , rimKK rou AN ixJtiNimox. Mrs. Augusta Huctteiibach is in further tr ublo. Last May she tiled her petition in the district court praying for n divorce from Jicr husband , Henry Huettonbnch , charging extreme cruelty , habitual drunkenness and tack of sufficient and proper maiuteuuncu , al 1- though the husband IB alleged to bo abund antly able to provide for the petitioner's ' m\ry want , nnd this after n marital journey > together for twenty-nine years. This morning the philnlln" again comes Into court and files her vpctiti- lion , praying that a temporary In- lu net ion bo granted her restraining IILT husband from selling and disposing 3 liia personal property , to the amount of f 4,000 or ili.OOO , which ho had advertised to do at publiu sale , until after a llnal decree- mada to her prayer for divorce and alimony , the pl.iintllT alleging Unit said sale is advertised nnd to be made to defraud her of the just al- llwony to which she Is entitled. The peti tion also sets forth the fact that the court bus granted her temporary alimony , amount ing to SI00 , one-third of which was to have been paid on the loth day of August , but that tlio defendant absolutely refuses to pay lur any portion of it , and that if the Injunc tion Is not granted she will not bo nblo to recover - cover the alimony to which ttho is entitled , 0us the property advertised for sale Includes all of his possessions und ability to pay , and that in justice and equity to her the prayer for the Injunction ought to bo granted. "FKllXIXST" IHSTIXOS' 1IOAII1) ( IF THAI ) ! ! . Adams county citizens and business an tire not all of ono < nccord. Two ts repudiated the action of the Hustings board of trade , condemning the state board of t\wi \ i > ortatloii in reducing freight rates , nnd nt their caurussos held on the 10th lust. , Ayer ni d Genoa townships unanimously adopted th ' following resolutions : Hosolved , That wo condemn the action of tin Hastings board of trade , for petitioning IU state bourn ot transportation , requesting that no reduction bo mudo In the railroad ttlstnuco tariffs , asserting that the present rot os are fair nnd reasonable and claiming 11.ut lower rates would bo of no benefit to boot fat mora , Resolved , That wo commend the action of the stuto board of tr.uisportutlon In fixing a distance tariff for the railroads in the st.tto which , after long nnd patient study on tlioir part , geems to them to bo just , both i to ttio railroads nnd the public. W. W. Pmu.irs , Secretary. DEATH OK JAMKS hCllOl'lEUO. James SchotleW. of Wuverly , died yester day at his homo of lung troubles after a long nud severe Illness , aged DO years. The funeral - oral services tafto place to-morrow at 'J o'clock , and will bo under the auspices of luitcliuUPostof the G. A. U. , of which In lifo ho was a zealous member. Mr. Scholluld was u pronounced indepen dent republican , nn earnest nud law a aiding citizen , and as such was esteemed wherever lno\vn. Ho Unow no compromise with what ( iu believed to bo wrong and always extended n helping hand to those In distress in houra of need. Ho was among Lancaster's bust known citizens and Is widely mourned. TUB StTIIBMB COVllT. The following cn os were lllcd In the BU- prcmo court of Nebraska this morning by Clerk Wheeler : Edward P. Allis vs. Henry Newman ct nl ; appeal from Hamilton county. K. It. Norman vs. Daniel M. Waited nl ; appeal from Hamilton county. W. V. Morse & Co. vs. Catharine Englo et al ; appeal from Hamilton county. Tlio Komi Hcnltliwiml Matin Knslnr. You have been ill , wo will suppose , nnd nro convalescing slowly. That Is , you are try ing to pick up a little flesh , to regain some of your wonted color , to ncciistom your stomach to more solid nutriment than its recently en- fccbled condition permitted you to tnku. How can you accelerate your snail's p.ico health- ward I Wo are warranted bv concurrent testimony In nfllrrning , that If you will use twice or Ulrica u day Hosteller's Stomach Hitters , an enabling medicine of long ascer tained purity und tonic virtues , that you will be materially aided , It promotes a flow of the gastric Juices , nnd helps to nsslmulato the nourishment of which It stands DO mUch in need. It remedies a tendency to constipa tion without convulsing the bowels. The liver It stimulates to renewed activity , safely promote ) the action of the kldnovs nnd bluif- her , nnd annihilates malaria and rhetimatisn nt thu outset. AHAXDOXKI ) The Gcrmui-Aincrl ; < ; an School a ol" tlic Pnst. After a long and precarious existence the German-American school has abandoned the old ijuartors in Germunla hull and moved to 111 South Twentieth street , where it will bo known as the Humboldt Academy. The old building had outlived its usefulness for school purposes. Dr. lintmicclotti's veteri nary hospital on ono side shut off some of the light from the pastern class rooms , while the proposed creche would have the same ctfoct on the west. The rooms wore therefore badly lighted nnd ventilated nnd the change was rendered Imperative. Here tofore , the school has been under thodirection of the turn vcrein , who have resorted to many expedients to keep it in existence. Under the new order. Prof. Hcmplo Is to bo the dlrector/.thotigh the ladies of the German- American school as also the vcrein have pledged theniselvo * annually to pay a certain amount toward sustaining the Institution. The balance Prof. Homplc proposes to supply by tuition. It is the intention to raise the standard of the ] school and pl.ico it on the grade of an academy. . The vacated rooms in the old hall will bo converted by the turn vorcin into parlors nnd reception rooms. A Prominent Mcrolinnt In Trouble Old moneybags mopes in his ofllcc nil dav , As snappish nnd cross as a boar ; Tlio clerks know enough to keep out of his wav , Lest tlio merchant should grumble and swear. Even Tabby , the cat. Is in fear of a cuff , Or a kick , if she ventures too near ; They all know the master is apt to be rough , And his freaks unexpected and queer. What makes the old fellow an surly nnd grim , And behave so confoundedly mean ! Tncro's certainly something the matter with hire- Is it stomach , or liver , orspleonl We've guessed it his liver Is sluggish and bad , His blood is disordered and foul. It's enough to mnko any ono hopelessly mad , And greet his best friend witli a growl. The world-wide remedy , Dr. Piorcu's Golden Medical Discovery , will correct 11 disordered liver und purify the blood , one your system and build up your llebh and strength. _ _ MOULOEHS MOVING. They Are FollmvIiiK Union Paclllo Pat terns to Get Work. Keferring to an interview with a mechanic of the Union Pacillc shops , published in Tin : BUB of a few days ago , regarding thu foun dry , the letter below has been received. It is written by a moulder. It will bo observed that while the correspondent corrects the re porter in ono instance , it is only to'inako the state of affairs in the foundry worse than they were represented in the interview. The correspondent writes : "The article in TUB Bnn of August 10 is all a mistake. On Wednesday , the 15th , there were ten moulders got their time checks. They gave us no chance to corao back to go to work. I have boon working here ton months , and wonted as hard hero as in nny other foundry I have been in. I have my wife and children here , but I must go. I am sorry to leave Omaha , but there is no work for mo hero. I have my grip packed and am going to leave for Kansas City to-morrow , whore live of the moulders loft for last weelc , and wo expect a good many more will follow us shortly. " To enrich nud quicken tlio circulation of the blood , and to reform irre ulnr- itios of the system , use Or. J. II. Mc Lean's strengthening cordial and blood purifier. THE ATTACHMENTS GO ON. The Sheriff Still levying On Mr. Mayno nnd Mr. Corhott's uttornoy both stated Monday in the presence of each other ton Hen reporter the difference between Mr. Corbott nnd Mr. Mayno in re- garu to the forecloauro of a chattel mortgage on Muyno's stock to satisfy the mortgage had been settled and that the stock that had been removed from Mr. Uedick's barn had been returned to Mr. Mayno. Notwithstanding , Deputy Sheriff Houck was instructed Tuesday afternoon to go to the fair grounds and attach tlio horses that nro in training on the track thoro. They are Ashby and Clifton E. When the olllcor went to take them , Mr. Collins , the proprie tor of the barn , offered such resistance that ho had to bo arrested and brought into the city. Ho wanted to keep tlio horses to se cure himself for an unpaid feed and care bill of $ ! > ( > . The trotters wcro taken to Not Brown's , nt the Merchant's hotel , who guvo n receipt for them , and they were sent back to Mr. Collins' stable. The deputy went to the track yesterday to appraisethem. . It is by copying utter nature , that mnn gets beat results. Dr. .Tones' Roil Clover Tonic is nature's own romcily , is purely vegetable , can bo taken by the most delicate. Cures nil stomach , kidney - noy and liver troubles. 60 cents. Good man Drug company , The niK Belfast Strike. liEi.r.vsT , August . The trouble in the ship yards hero , which resulted in the lock out of 3,000 shipwrights , la duo to the strike of 800 bollcrniakcrs. In another column of this issue will bo found an entirely now nnd novel speci men of attractive advertising. It is ono of the neatest over placed in our paper nnd wo think our readers will bo well repaid for examining the surroSRD display letters in tlio advortisotnont of Prickly Ash Bittors. Colonel Mnxoii Hotlrccl. WASHINGTON , August 21. Colonel John S. Mason , Ninth infantry , was to-day retired from active service. . -wcaflspsajBfis g GREATREMEOY nboumatliin , "Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , llaoknch * . Toothache , Her Throat , Bwolllng , SprfUni , BruU f > Ilurns , Scalds , Krost-bltes. kldl > yDraliUsii > DMl nET r > b r . riftyOBtl | beCU I * A. VogelerCo. , IaUo.Mli. CALIFORNIA ! Tllti LAND OP DISCOVERIES. A > LAB ] CTINEtOCoTOBilV.LLECAL. Santa Abio : and : Cat-R-Cure For Sale by Goodman Drug Co. Tbo b kt sorest Beme-Jy for Core of all dlseueg eaastd by tny dcraogement of tlio Liver , Klilnrys , Stomach and Bowela. Dyipopsta , Sick Headachi ) , CotstlpaHon , nillaaa Complaints sad Hularlaof all klntle yield readily to the beneficent laflnenco of It is pleasant to the tart , tones up the system , restores end prescrres health. It la purely Vegetable , end cannot fall to prove beneficial , both to old and young , As n Blood Purifier it is superior to all others. Sold everywhere at 91.00 a bottle , ( UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION W OVKK A MUjMONDtSTKIHUTED Louisiana State Lottery Company , Incorporated by the legislature In 18W , forKcl- ucatlonal nnd Charitable purpose , -ma Its fran chise made a p.irt of the present Stnto Constitu tion , lu 1ST1 ! ' oy nil overwhelming popular vote. ItsHKAN'nCXTllAOItMNAUVDllAWINGS. take place Senil-Annunlly. ( June and December ) and Its GHANI * SINOLK Nt'-MIHHl DUAW- 1NOS take place on eaeli of tlio other t en months in tlio year , nnd niv all drawn lu public , nt the Academy of Music , New Orleans , 1,8. "Wo do hereby certify that wo nupervl&o the arrangements for nil the Monthly and 8oinl-An- nual Drawings of The Louisiana State Lottery Comnany. nnd In person manage and control the Dr.iwlnas themselves , and that the game nvo conducted , with honesty , talriiess , and In L'ood faltn toward all parties , nnd wo authorize the company to use this eertillrate , with fac similes of our signatures attached , In Its udvei- tlsoments. " COMMIBSION'RHS. Wo the nmlorslBned Hanks anil imnki > rs will pay all 1'riztM drawn In The Ijonlstnnn State I.otterlm which may ho jirwented lit our conn- It. \VAI.MSIjKV , Prcs. Loiilstima Nut. Ilk. I'llllllti : I.ANAUX. 1'res. Stntu Nnt'l me. A. HALDWIN , 1'res. New Orleans Nnt'l Ilk. OAllfi KOIIN.l'res. Union National Dank. GRAND MONTHLY DRAWIHG , In thn Academy of Music , Now Or leans , Tuesday , Sept. 11 , 1888. CAPITAL PfcIZE , $300,000 , 100,000 , Tickets at Twenty Dollars each. Halves $10 ; Quarters $5 ; Tenths $2 ; ieths $1. LIST OF I'UIZES. i ntr/E OF sioo.tioo i . esoo.ox 1 1MIIZK OK 11KVWO Is . lOD.OUO 1 1'HIZK . OK 5U.OOO id . HJ.OOII "VOX ) Is . y 1MII/.KS OK 10,000 are . fi PH1/E80H' 6.001) ) lire . Si.UH ) 25 IMtl/.KMOK J.OJU nru . .oau 1(10 ( I > II/.KSOK ( 5(0 ( are . VIU/.KSOK IIOJ are . MI.OOO COO PH1/.ES01' ' \XU are . 100.WJO AITHOXIXIATION PHIZES. 100 1'rlzes or .r > 00 ore . noooo 1UU do HOO are . Jill.OO'l ' 100 do -JO are . HO.UUO Ji 3 do 100 are VM do 100 are , . IW.UOO 3,131 Prizes , amounting to . 11,054.600 NOTK. TlckcH drawing Capital 1'rlioi uro not en- tllleilto t ruiln l I'rlios. jyt'on Cr.tni HATKI , or any further Information duslrod , wrlto IcKlblr tot bo umlorilKneit , clearly stut- Init your retlilenco , wllh'fctate , County. Hiruct and .Number.More rapid return mull Oullury will lia us- BUTCH ! by your enclosing aa cnvclopo bearlnit four full attnrosH. Benil 1'O.VI'AL NOTIW , Kxpro * > .Moner Ordcri , of New York ExcUanue lu ordinary letter , Currency by Kxpicss ( at our ( expense ) iiddri'ssod A. 1IAU1 IIlti or I. A. DAUPHIN , New Orleans , La. , Wusliiniilon , I ) . C. Address RegisteretFlelters to NE\V OHLHANS NATJONATi HANK. _ Kow Orleans , La. l)11lTT\f"nTl ? That Ilio presence of Oen- ItllliMrjiMailllli crala llcaurruard and Kar- ly , who are In rhanie of the ilrBwlnits. ! n guarantee of atxoluto f ulrntsa and IntroKritr. that tltu chances uro ell equal , and thni no "no cau posslblr illvlna what number * 111 druw nprlie. "UKMK.MIIKIt , l o. that tlio payment ofPrUesIs nUAIIA.NTKKllIir hlUU NATro.VA ( < HANKS of New Orleans , and the Tickets uru elgned by the 1'rosl- tlent of an Institution , vrhote churtcrod rluliW uro In the highest Courts ; therefore , buwaro of any ImltaUODi or anonymoui nchemei. " SteekPiano Kemartahle for powerful iymp Ihetle tone , pUablo action and ah- oluta durability. BO y tars' record , , th * best gu rante ot th excU- ieuc of tnea * InstruineuU. WOODBRIDGEBROS , PEERlESf DYES MEDICAL' ' 5UR6IGAUNSTITUTE , APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRU 3ES. Best facilities , npt > aratua and rctnciUcs for su < . "e.vsful treatment ul'rvctv form ol dUc.ise icqnlr ing Mcdlcnl or Surgical I'reatnient. FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Hoard nnd attendance : beet ho pitll nccoiiimt' il.itioni in the west. WRITK rou CIBCCTARS on Deformities am * llrnccs , Trauscs , Club 1'ect , Curvatme of tin Spine , Plies , Tumor * , Ccac-r , Cat.mli , Ilror.clilll * Inhalation , Klectricltv , Pnrnly-ils , Kiillcixy KM ney , Bl.iiltler , Uye , liar , SUin aud llloou , tit'd nil Snrijlcnl Operations. Dlsonsoe of Wornon a Specie.y. ! HOOK ON DI9EACE8 Of WOEEN KlIFfi. ONLY RELIABLE HELICAL INSJ1TUTE A erccui/rr or PRIVATE DISEASES. All Illood Dlfcase ) successfully treated. Bvpli- Uitlc 1'oiMii removed from ( lie B > stem without mercury New restorative treatment far los ol Vital Power Peisons unable to vMIt us may lie tte.Ueil at home l > y corrc'poiulencc. All rumtmi nl.-niloiis confidential Medicines or ! n * > trimictit < < jient by innil or express , tccurely packed , no marks to indicate contents or Fender One per- onal interview prcfctrcil. Call mid consult ui or . fetul history of your case , nnd we will send in plain wrapper , our BCOSt TO MEN , FREE ; Upon Private. Special or'Netvous D ! tasc . Itu Voteiicy , Syphilis. C.leet and Varicocile , with cationM. \ . Address Uintihn Medical it nil . inrnleal ftntlltnlfot DR. Mc ENAR/lY / , Cor. 13th ana Oois ! Sli. . ittAHA.NEB. Dublin anil From New York Every Tuesday , \ibln jmisngo & " > und } . " > 0 , according to location 01 ttnte loom , r.xrm.slon , ? | M to J0. ! Stcermc ; > to from Kuropo nt Lowest Itutes. VUST1X IIAUMVIN Ar CO. . ( Jeil'l Agents , fil llro.idwny. New \ork , OIIN DliaKN. : OCn'l Western Agent , 1IU Itaml.ilph .St. , Chicago. IAIIUV K. .MOOHKS , Agent. Umnhu. Ituiluccil Cnbiti Kates to Ghi'-yow Ex hibition. t And such an one as will be duly appreciated by the general public , is to be inaugurated. I I It is almost unnecessary for us to go into dISails with regard to the quality , etc. , of our stock as it is conceded by everybody that it is unapproachable by any ready-made clothing in the country. Our last consignment consisted of an assortment of the Any mortal man could behold , and we will quote prices on these and all other goods for this occasion , that will induce the most inveterate bargain seekerto purchase. $ 8.0O buys a Seymour Sack Suit , which was made to order for $2O. 1O.OO buys a One Button Sack Suit which was madeto order for $22. 11.00 buys a Straight-cut Sack Suit , which was made to order for $28. 14.00 buys a Railroad Sack Suit , which was made to orderfor $30. 17.0O buys a Four Button Cutaway Suit , whicnwas made to order for $4O. 21 OO buys a One Button Cutaway Suit , which was made to order for $5O. 22.00 buys a Bannockburn Cheviot , Sack or Frock , which was made to order for $6O- 25 00 buys a Crepe Worsted , ( imp , ) 4-Button Cutaway , which was made to order for $ b5. 1 mttSl m * mKMMi H ea > M wr * - * " * mtmrn * * vmr m $15.00 Buys a Cassimere Prince Albert Snity/Mcli was made to order for $37 SIS 00 Euys a Cheviot Prince Albert Buit , wliicli was made to order for 9 45. S22 OO Biws a Corkscrew Prince Albert Suit wliicli was made to order ipr 850. $25.00 Buys a Hobby jiii Glieck , light color , which was made to order for $60. S30.OO Eiiys an Imported Worsted , sa/tin lined , which was made to order for $7O. $35.0O Buys a Clay Worsted , silk lined , which was matte to order for $80. _ . . m A Nobby ( inl Complete tine of runtnloons from , J2.7 < 5 to ? IO. All itltcrntlonalo improve a fit done free of chtirye. 1119 FARNAM STREET. 1119 Three Doors Eastofi2th Street. Omaha , Neb. Mail Orders Promptly Attended to DYSPEPTICS REJOICE In the Mild nnd Certain Action of TABBANT'S SELTSSB APERIENT. EXHAUSTED VITALITY rpnE SCIENCE OF LIFE , the -great Medical Work ot the ag on Manhood , Nerrcma and I Pbyttcal Debllltr , Premature ' Decline , Error ! of Youth , and the UD told mUerleiooni < iuent thereon , COO pagei 8vo , prucrlptlont for all dUeuci.j Cloth , full gilt , only ! .00 , t)1 mall , scaled. Illnttratlt o sample free to all young and rolddlO'ascd men. Bend now. Tlio Gold and Jewelled Medal awarded to the author by tag Na tional Medical Aiioclatlon. Addresi I' . O. box 1SS3 , Uoiton , SJasi. , or Dr. W. JI. PAIUCntgrad uatof Harvard Medical Collesre , M years'practice In Boston , who may b * consulted confidentially Bpeclalty.DUeaiesoIUan. OfflcoNo.4I3ulfltictiiit. FEIWVBOYAI * WAFEHfl ore jccesifuUy used monthly by orer 10,000 iLadles. " Are Safe. Effectual and Pleasant perboxbyroalloratdrueelsts. Sealed Tsx ECTUXA COMICAL uL , Dirxorr , ificu. F0r gale and by mail by ( loodman Drug Co , , Otnalwt Burlington Route C.B.8QR.R , The Burlington takes the lead. It was in advance of all lines in developing Nebraska. It was in advance of all lines in establishing dining-car service between Missouri river points and Chicago. It was in advance of all lines in giving the people of Omaha and the West a fast mail service. It was in advance of all lines in running its trains from the East into Omaha propar. It was in advance of all lines in reducing the time of passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago. It was in advance , and is the only line by which you can feavo Omaha in the morning rind arrive in Denver the evening of the same day. It has been progressive in the past. it will lead in the future. Travel and ship via the Burlington. Ticket Office , 1223 Farnam Street. Telephone 250. Depot on Tenth Street. AMU CONSTIPATION Effectually Cured hy TABEANTS BELTZEB APE3IBHT. TruM.eomblcid. Ouiranlteatho only one In tbo world ertntratlut contl ou Bltitria if ilnonitu nirrml. S lentlUe. fowerlal , Durnble , forltblo < uid KtfwtlTo. Arold Iraudi . . rB.OOOcur d. ALNO KUEOtlllO IIKI.TD KOU On. HORME. l v Mica. 101 WAOASH AVE. . CHICACO. LOWEST RATES ! AND BEST TERMS ! Responsible rppreientnttves wanted. Call or write UH. BURNIIAM , TKBVliTT ts MATTIS , * ' " Ileutrice FOENTAIN KINE ) OUT AN ID F LUQ _ lncomxrbly the Bait. L. A. NO.IKl-I'HOl'OS.U.S \T0.2 . . . - FOK AllMV -L > Bupplloi Olllce of I'nrclmsfnK and Depot ( 'omnil'sarles of SubsistenceU. S. Arniy.Omaha Neb. , AUK. auth. JK&8.foaled proposals In trip licate , subject to the usual conditionwill * be re ceived atthU olllce until It o'clock u. m.central standard tlnio. on Thursday , the & ) th dy of September , 1 * * * , at which tlnio and placu they w 111 bo opened In the presence of bidders , for the furnishing and delivery at Omaha. Nu\ > . , the the following army supplies , viz : I'nrk ; bacon ; liard-braidcorn-intMlbaconbreakfast ; ; ; cheese , V. A ; crackers ; Hour , family : hams , SI' ; lard ; and oatmeal , conked. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bldi. HlanV proposals and spoclllc.itlnns showing In detail the artlclos and < iunntltlet required aud giving full Informutlun as to condition ot contract , will ha f urulHhed on implication to thin olllce. J.V. . llAHUKlHIt , MaJ and U. 8. , U. S. A. - " ' " - " ' ' Tanslll's ' Punch Cigars wore ehlppod dnrlns the post two years , without a drum mer in our enipIOK No other noiino In the world can truth- fiillyiuftkoBuch a BLowln . Ono neont ( dealer oulyl wanted la ouch town. SOLO BY UAOING DRUGGISTS. R.VV.TANSILL& C0..55 Slate St.Chlr.aqo. JOSEPH 01LLOTTS STEEL PENS COLD MEDAL'PARIS EXPOSITION tsts. Nos. 3O3-4O4-I7O-0O4. THE MOST FEB ? CT OF PEN3 , ARE THE BEST ' Tlio largest , fattest and Diio c in the world. 'auungor accoinuodallcius unuicellod. fiiew VorJi lo Uliiteotv vln I ouiloudrrrr , . AuK.25in I ITIIIOI'IA : . font. IMh SopU 1st I ANrnolllA . hepU 2-'d iHnpt. Bill I IIEVOSIA . Kept. Rth NUW VOHKTO I.IVKKI'OIII , VIA UL'EKNuroWf ) . The Celebrated I Largest ami Unml ! ' I Sopt. 6th hteaiiKhln I teiiger Hteamor la I OCT. ilrd CITV Of IIOSIK | the World. | OCT. UK Saloon passHiie to CIs'KO" " . Derry , I.lTerpool.Helfast ur ( juKonstowii , KM und upwunli i > er Glntitnrr Hteam- ers. ttU ami iipnanli for c-lly of Home , beoonit-clax K'U. Hi-turn UcknK nt rotuced rulds made avallubla Inr either ruulo. oifurliiu mtnrsliinlsts the prlriiFKe of eelnir the Norlh unit South o ( Ireland , the Hirers Merioyand iilotuitsiueC'lydu. | Htt'cruife Ku. Anchor I.lnu tlrurtt iwynhlu free of charge , snM at lowest rules. Km- book of tours , tickers X > r further lalormi- tlouupplyto HENDEBSON BROS. , 72 La Salla St..0hieag , Or to nny ot our local uenl . ? r. J. Surgeon and Physician , OOlre N. W ( Xirner lUh iiLj l < oiilm St. UfflM telephone , < 0j ; UualUoQC * tolopUon * . & 04 4