. . - ' ; : : , - : _ - - - - - -r ' - . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . DAILY BEE WEDNESDAY , AUGUST t& 188 4 - - -n-I- _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ - ThE OMAHA . - : . - - = : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , , THE DAILY BEE. L'CHLIS1II1) I'flItY MO1ttNG. , TrIlMs SI'llSClihl9'ON. ! 3)a1ylMorntflg ElltlOflI inclutltng tili.tY ltIIne Yetr. ,1o UI Fet IX Months r 9) ) Frn flireo Nonthi ; - : Laix OMAJ ; . INhIAY jIir , inatled tu any nthlrc. line Y&ftr . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 U ) O.IA ii.IEFLtfl.N.UII ( . . I.HNAM tiII'r. NEW YtItK OvIC1. llOtM4 I I HD 1 Till IItNI 7 IftJIT.ttNfl. V tsii INflT4) UI IlCi , No. 513 ' 1UCItTITiI STItPE ? . COIC'tESIONDI'I. All cointntinlcntlons reintingi' , nev anl fl(11. ( V tonal ! 1ittterarnI1'1 ! ' be a(1leaed to tlit , lIiITt ) ji riii : 11IK. It'S1N1SS ) f.111'IItS. Alt btlIneM 1cttor Kn ( ) r.jiitttitflCe' 1)o11d ) tie V adtires-ed ti' 'lilE Iii ! : ; PrIII&SIIINI ( OMIA % . OtAII. . 1)ratt ) , cieck. ) niil postolllcc orderi to be matte luyaIJIe to theorder i the coiiipny. V Tile Bcc Pith1ishuii Callipny , Pcprictors1 E. UOSfl\VATEIL EitIto. TIIfl IAIIaY It1H. ; % , orII MtittotUeti ( ot Cirouhitlon. . Btntoot rejriii ) , Cotloty ot IflUgiii. , ( k'o. It. Tzschwk , secretary of The tlo 1ub. V 1lIilniz COlfltIafl3P , tl)04 iliiiii1y Mvenr ttitt : the L actual e1rcuatton of Tiii. D.tIr.v Ihi br the week enillng August Ia' , 1b& , was a tollowa. L ; KnIuay , 'ttIgtiSt 12 I.2. fl . MOflt'tfl ) . Vtugut 13 1l2I ) t TI1f s1n ) U I S edi1-srlIt3 . hl1i1it 15 TIiLlrrtnV. , ttI1ISt P1 V Yiltay ( , 2oitit 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IM,041) ) atnr1ayugut 13 V Average . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.1U4 (11:0. : 11. /sc11tTcg. . Sworn tt 1wrnrE me anil Molrrthet in my remmu thh Istli ilay Ut imgtImt A. I ) ) NV 1' . i It , OtnVy Public. I. tmite ntNo1irnkn t a. 1kiugia. i totmtmty at . Ueore ) II. Tzicnhietc. being flrst iliily sworn,1o po ( a an anys timit lie b4 meeretary ( it ' .1 hO Pmibltahttlg coTiipufly. tlimtt the actual averilge daily cmvculittloim ot 'J ii m lt irv lIE : for time mouth ofmguat. . It7 , % vai Jl.fll COP1 ° V'4 : for epternber. 17. ii.u : CoVIUS ; for October. I4,7 , ) I. Copbal for ovetmmer , . V 1S copies : for Iecemubor. lM7 , 1.Rtl ( ' 0) ) ) . 1 : for.lanuary , li..s. )5,21khopie ) ; for Ftilnmmtry , r i't. Ir..tf92 copici for Mnrcli.l.lt.I ( copies : for L April. lm4.744 cojie4 ) : for Iay. ) ii l.1'41 copiem ; for .1une,18 , JD,2lcopte' for .tniy. 1S8 , fr 1.i3 ( COpI8. ( ( I lo. : I ; . l7 4CI I tJV'FC. ( S , Vorfl to before me mnul i.tmbicrlbed in mimy preencu oils 1st day of iigust A V I ) , . lS' ° . r N. I' . l'I.l I. 'otmry Public. A SIIEIIIFF in Wyorniig Is nuvor o happy tt when on the trail of out1ttv priced at it thouammd dollttrs thoad deader or alive. Tiii report of the umifavorablu turn in the Illness of ex-Govotnor Satin dets will be received with deep regret by the . city ILS well as the state. Niiittsi doInoCrmtt3 are preparing for their big sun dance , but McShane's V tnocassins itre all worn out mtnd tlier&s . not another pair in the camp. T ( ) TIIOIJSANI ) roptlIcan ) spcmtkcrs vill stump InmUnna this fall , and thu V democrats arc nervously laying In more "soap" for distributmu in that state. . . MR.VEIIItIIi , of the board of educa- toii , will win his spurs as the eltain- 1)1011 objector If he continues to prod the mcmnberm and committees at every meeting. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The American partygocs in for ago In the choice of its presidential candi- tiato. "General" Curtis , its notrnnco , is eghty.tx and therefore entitled to pose as the "first" Amerkan. IT WAS very thoughtful of the young ladles of it Now York county town to vote Mr. Clovoiammd a bed spread. The nights of November nra uncomntnnnly oh illy and Nr. Clovolamid cotisequen tly appreciatea nio gift. . Tiri raising of beet sugar undertaken by the government in order to introduce - duce that industry into America has not been encouraging. The last report to the agricultural bureau comes from the OXlOrimontal station iii Kansas wluiro a fair trial was given to the industry with indifferent success. The attempt to introduce - troduco the culture of beets for the making of sugar will in all likelihood bo abandoned by the bureau as one of the costly hobbies of thatdepartment. _ SuATon RL'AOAN cmLll3 a trust "n combination of capital or skill by two or more persons to create restrictions of trade , to limit , reduce or limerease pro- duetion or prices of commodities , or tc prevent competition in the manufacture or sale of anything. " Thu senate will in all probabilIty take up the ( llsoussfoml ofthi all-imnportantquestion , if flOtV dur Ing the lrCSOflt session , at an curly e Ciiitis CROCICJVIt : , wito was one o the "big four" combination which built the Central Pacific , left atm estate valuc . itt LO,000,000. The commission of in , quiry sent outby conros to inyostigaU the Central Pacific ) nanngolnone tli rowm some light on the methods adopted . Crocker to gaimi his wealth. Thu "bit four" was made upof Crockom , Stanford Huntington amid Ilopklnm3. In the 00)1 ) tructIon of the Central Pa cilia railroad they clmumned t ( have Ia.d forty - Omie m1llioim in cash , eighteen millions Lu bonds sixty millions in stoek-nimlklng a tota of one hundred and twenty millions The cost of luilding the rztilroad a ilotormninod by the Pacific rallroth commission was only fifty-oght inil : , liofls. T1iS may explain into whos pocket the sixty millions jingled a clear profit , paid by congress to Crocke and ilh pltrtItcrs over ammd above the tic - teal cost of the road. ; AN example of the love railroad boar to cities Is irell 1Ilttttrated by tit combined action of the Chicag ralirbads in gIvii Ut ) their fa Q passenger trains to Omaha LUIU ICiti sits City , but maintaining th fast cattle trains to Ch1cao. With draviug the limited passenger servic ivan ( lone On the 1)lca ) that ' 'cut rates would be nmdo by those lines wimic cOUhkt not compete with the fast passem ' : gor trains , but flO such tears soomn I ; ' disturb the railroad wo4tl rc # ' garding the limited stock trattu ? ' , Both ICansas City and Omaha are lnat ' ihe vIctims of the fnt cattle trains I , Chlctgo. : I1r. Biploy , the traflic V get of the Burlington , is crctllted vt saying that wore it not fortho fatstoc trauii all the packing and blattglmtcrlll , . Industries would be located on the Mi : sourl river. It is very evident that Ui railroads are looking out for their ow r Interests t1r3t , last , amid all the tIin ) Chicago is favorad its aguinst Omali and Kansas Ciy.becztuso lust live 8to , trains pay bettor than fut pasaoug Bervice. h _ _ : Wa , ; Yost SIsnlored ? Some of Mr. friends bitterly denotmnco time editor t TIII ho- hind his back , and assort that what ho said in li1 card a few days ago concorm- lug ! r. YosLs ioiltIcal career is a cruel slittidet. Lot us quote what tvtts said about Imiixi : Mr. YoMt lma no claim upon trun republi. cans who lay strs upon loyalty to the party. lie was an miblc.bodied .voummg man when the war brOke out , but. slmiriced uk duty to the country , and never even hired a suhtitute. Within six months after ho came to Nebras1a ho wat mode deputy United Stnte ntarsimul. WIthin two year5 after the ussaMination of Abraham Lincoln , when trcaon ivaa rampant unil time country va nbout to be Imantled over to Its enemies by Andrew Johnson , MT' . Yost bcrnmno an apostate to the party and Johnsoimzcd ! with other oflicohioldera who were i'IlIiflg to wreck time republican 1)ttY and the cuuntty for their selfish ends. lb hoped to organize thmo .1otmnomm.demo&ratia larty and stipportctl j. Sterlimig Morton , then a uronoumleed cop i > crhead , for governor. When U. S. Grant becamno jiresidemit In ISC)3 Yost was promnpty ) depocd as United States marshal. Front that tinmo umitil lie svmo ; made 1ostmater of Omaha Yost mievor SPOlCO Of Grant cxc pt In terms thmat are np Plied to the vilest of vile men. In 1SO , when General .Ioliii M. Thiayor , who had served gallantly through the entire ivar , was rccognized as aatalwartreptmtmliean , hind voted In time senate to impeach Andrew Jolmusomi anti vtis a warm supporter of Germ- oral Grant's ndmnmnistrtttion , was a candidate for re.election to the United Statc3 senate , Casper I. Yost xnmlo comnmon cause 'ittm the democrats and sUpOrtOd ) the demnocratie legislative ticket iii Douglas county against the strmiirht republican ticket which was pledged to ro-olcct Thmiyor. During Yost's incumimbency as postmaster of Oimmnhma lie used his power and hufluemico repeatedly to defeat republican candidates ivimo were personally offemusive to 1dm. In lSTO he organIzed liii rostnl employcs and iieliied to defeat V . J. Comimueli , timen ro- jiuhiliean camumlidate for dktrict attorney. In 18S5 Mr. Yost joined hands with the demmuocrats again and supported James E. Boyd for mayor of Omaha , against Murphy , time regular rciuhulcan candldatc. Now , wherein , vo pray , hits ? 1r. Yost bceiu sittuudorod ? Is there a aiiuglo nile- gation in this indictment which can be refuted ? If Mr. Yost has been slandered , why has his organ fnilfml to even mnako time attempt to set , 10111 right before loyal ro- publicans. 'die Treaty It.Jeeted. On strict party lines the senate yesterday - terday rejected the fisheries treaty , the vote being thirty against and twenty- seven in favor of rmitifletttion. Tluo course of time discussion llainlY itithi- citted this result , so that time failure of time treaty will be no surprise either to the people of this country or of Canada. This leaves the controversy ju3t where it was before the treaty was no- gutlated , amid the tedious and irritating difficulty will very likely be reopened lit ti not remote day , with possible consequences - sequences more or less serious to both countries. Time last congress authorized - ized the president to proclaluti comninor- cml muon-intercourse with Canada in case : the authorities of thatcoumttry persisted n tue policy hostile to Amnerican fishermen - mon and in comutrttvention of riglit Chtitllel by this country to be guartum- teed by treaty. It has been reported tc be the intention of the president to act under this authority UOU the first occa- siomu that arises justifying a declaration L of mion-intercourse , auid it is rather tobc eCpeet0d that ho will do so. The rojec. t toui of the treaty cannot be othcrtvisc than very displeasing to him. lIe wam undoubtedly proud of the negotiation notwithstanding the fact that Ii t was effected in plain disregard of thc wish of congress , very clearly expressed amid hoped to utilize it in the way o f political capital. Tite defeat and dis - appointment cannot fail , therefore , t greatly Irritate the prdsltlont , and ii Cammudmi shall give cause for declaring V a policy of retaliation , and political con alderations appear to Mr. Cleveland 1101 b ummfavorable to such a policy , ho will very likely seize the first opportunitj 7 to declare it. lIe may' make mion-iumtor course general or parthft , according ti his discretion , and in fact the wlmol mutter is heft to his judgment o what may ho necessary or oxpcliolmt As to whether Canada sviil be likely- ) irOvOko such action , the chances ttr' that her former policy with respect t ( American fishermen will be rommo wed . r There was a very considerable sentiment mont III that country opposed to tb L treaty , though doubtless it was accoptt ; , blo to the majority , but now that it ha beemi rejected the very' general fcolin m amnong tle Canadian people is likely tt be favorable to aim insistence U0fl tie Cammadimut view of existing treaty at . rangonients , which will mean a rciuewr of time Policy that caused so much troti - ble amid irritation , and tnermaced th ) peace of tue two countries. Havin , B bioiu sustained iii her past course b time British govorimmnont , Caimada wE doubtless again reeoivo that support b Commercial non-intercourse botwee S the United States and Cammada is apossi 1 bility not to be regarded with imuhiffeu emice. Undoubtedly Canada would b 0 the larger loser by such a policy , hi i S aside from the financial aspects of thu r matter Is the moral effect of such a imo - tile proceeding 111)0)1 ) 4hme future roli tiomis of the two countries. It woul seem that it must inevitably increat i S the irritation cmi both sides and thut 0 tend to postpone the consummation of ti L 0 reciprocal commercial relations while it are being urged with apparently grov I- lug favor in both countries. 0 As to the political effect lii this coum 1 L try of the rejection of ho treaty , we eni I 0 not 300 that it caui amount to much. , , the treaty hind boon ratified the mtdmnlmmi it trtrtlon would of course iltive had it litt Iglory. . of which it is now deprived , hi L ; o iii aumy' event the matter ivould iumu ' 1played a very itilnot' part. The able 3. 1tmmd most comivincimug speech made I 'e opjuositlon to the treaty was that o Senator Sherznami1 amid no otmo svlmo lu i remid his clear anti conclusive expo : 11 tlon of the treaty can doubt that it iv : 1 Ic tile duty of the senate to reject it. C. ( V _ _ _ _ _ _ 5- Thurman In time Plehil. La Tim "Old Roman" has buckled emi ii n armor amid entered the nrcmiiiof Politic u D. controversy for the campalgnornslon i ia as his strength will ; ormit him to r 1 k main. Ho Is Intellectually a giadiati r of no ordinary capacity. lie certain I bus uo veer in his own party. But ii , V worth itsan lmmstruotor of tim peopiC ( ma the democratic faith i wholly with resIoot to those doctrines amid princiPles of the dernoernoy ivilkil ttro purely political , aud timoo are not eutt1imt a very large figure lii the present ctunpalgn. With regard to the chief issue before timi , people Mr. Thurman I ; ilOt likely to make a great impression. Ito has mmevoi' distinguished hmlnuself in the dIscussion of time fiscal policy of the government , amid it is not to be expected that lue will do so now. At any rate , there is nothiimg ill tile brief references lie made to the tarli ! question in his talk to the 1)001)10 0)1 ) time rotmte to Toledo - ledo :111(1 in that city to ivarramit the belief - lief that he will timrow iimmy new light on time subject. Most of what Ito said was 1101. 01113' VCV comnmnonliaco phtitittmdes , but a great deal of it was oxtwedimigly weak , lie mmmv do better in tIm imlore einboi'ato effort which ho will lntLhco to-day at Port huron. There ivmts ommo thing said by Ir. 'l1imtmm'mmtati which ii'as sigmtilletiimt. Itvas titis : ' 'I camm tell you this , my friemlds , that if you want this old fellow to be your imoxt vice 1wesideiit you tmtust go to work. " The demnoet'atie pai'ty of Ohio is not flloi'c apathetic tulci wanting In zeal and cnthuslnsmn titaim is the ltrtY ill tilost otimer states , and the oxpor- lonced old poiittciitn kimon's what this mnolims : , Looking out over time country ho tliscowet's thitit everywhere a huemLvy i mid i lie m'emm cc appcnrs to ilave settled dowml on his party , mittil lie ummdor- stands that if tills sort of thing coimtimiimes mntich lommgcr it vill be imilitossible to m'ecovcr lost ground , mmii the cruise of the party will be 1)01)0- ) less. This itljUtlCtioml to go to iVork was hot. intended for Ohio demnocrots tiloime , for thmey cmiii do mtotimiimg oxcoot by way of example. Idi' . ThuI'mmlan s'ory' well knows thmttt Olmio is as certain for time republican candidates its Iississippi is for the democratic. his counsel , therefore - fore , was of general mtpplieatiomt , atmd it 1mm d icatos that time ablest delnocralVie leader , auth one of tile most expct'ionced , Is not emutirely satisfied wtil the situa- Vtoti , and (1005 miot view the future with tinquestionimmg commiltleumco. It will soon be simoivn ivhmetller Thurman caim inspire ammy' activity in his party timid induce it to go to work. lIe has responded to time earnest call UiO11 Iminm to take the field , altiiougli ummdoubtedly he would iiavo mmiuch it'efcrr'erl to veniaumm at imonm.Ve simuul see whether time slogamm of the "Old toimmamm" time can arouse democracy fi'ommt its lethargy ttmmd immuse seine life into time party' . If it cammutot there will be little use for othlotu to make time effort. But ? ilr. Thurmamm imimmlseif rtiust very greatly improve upon wlmat lie huts thus far done. Two Third l'atty JIlczminuas. Miss Fm'ances E. Willard , who for eight or ton years past. has possessed a national reputation as an oloquemmt tutu- retance lecturer , has gene to Maine to take part in the political canvass iii ) r0gt'caS ill that state. If out' memory servos us correctly tite Maine liquor law was enacted during tile s'immter of 1851-over' timirty-soveit years ngo-evi- dontly 1)ofot'c Miss \Villard was borim. Now one of two tiliuugs is true. Eittmei' Miss \Villard is sincere lii making her ) ilgrimnago to IIaino or she is not. If site is sincere , thtemi she mtist acicnowl- edge that liar presence ill MainO is 11cc- essttry' ; because , after thim'ty-sovemr years of exlerimnont , prohibitloim in Maitmo is still a failure , ammd it is neces- sat'y for ilet' to go there nmmd bolster itt lii ) . If Miss \Villard is not sincere , she cannot ask self-respecting voters in 1\IitimlO or elsewhere to listen to her liru'ungues. For the benefit of our third party ) prohibition neighbors we lut the : same thing in amiotlmer way' . Eltimer Miss \Villat'd's prosclco itt Maine us miocessary or it is not. If Ilor PrOSeimCe is necessary , then it lt'0VC that after thirty-seven yetti's of trial prohibition has proved a failure , timid it - is umifuir foi third party prohibitionists ) to ask right thinking people to support their cause. If , on the oUter hand , I\Iiss WTillards proomtce jim Maine is not necessary , tiloml tlimtt shows that tht third larty h.t Ilot mnakimmg a simmcerc fight 3 iii IltiIle , Ot' elsewhere ; hut is doing thc ) bidding of the deimiocratie party to di'asi ' votes from the republiemums. % Vc huvc titus presented two dilemmas. Let out U third party friommds take either horn 01 - either diloimlmna , aitd let us see lloti S great is their consoiatiomm. Mit. Fit.NK hhwtn is excellent dom oct'atic authority 0mm some thiiugs , tum - ivhtomi lie states tiiut the demnocraey cami not carry York this y'erir 0110 1fl3 feel aura that ito ittis t'Oflciled that COIl U clusmoim only after most careful ammd COflV g vlumeing investigation , \Ve know of n democrat wimo would be moro reluetamm y to make this statement timaim Mr. hlurd . flhIl iiis doing so must be itccopted mu ovideimco that ho has mIot the smmimtiles - doubt in the mutter , In the opimmion 0 - this gentlomnmtn time emily' 1101)0 of tin C denlocracy is in cnpturiimg time olectora t votes of some of the states of thc 0 nortilivest , timId to that emmd IIr' . hurt 3. will ( lCfOfld time tariff policy o 1- the dempocracy lit Michigmul , Mhmmlesotm . a and Iowa. If Mr. .hlurd is correct , ama O there Is very good reitsoit lot' havini Is confidence lit his judgment , the demo U cratlo outlook Is very far fi'otn hopeful II Of course there is only tue most remnot . - possibility' of the dotnoeracy carryint Lilly' nortitwusterit state , and this ivil ' 1- muot be imloroased by the confession timmi , I- time party cannot cai't'y Now York. A If the ittmatlon now flp)0arS , tlto emil , S. 1101)0 of the democracy is in some ver , he bad blunderimlg on the pat't 'of the i'c It publicitiis. , 0 at Titmi remarkable growth of busmnes ii lit Omaha for the your ending Angus of 1 , mis conipllod by l3radstrcot , ta cmi , ts nontly satisfactory. Thmo gain of forty 1nIght wilolosalo amid jobbing firms Is 15 ftitt' index of the intportamlco of Omalt to Nebraska auid the ivost as a jobbln , center , Timorc'uro to-day two in'ndre and sixty-four wholesale itousos in th is city WhilCil comnmnmmnd a territory oxtomtC I Ing from titO Missouri t'lvor to Salt Lak g City. The gain to the city In businot 3- of all lcimmda is six per cent ovom tltiit C ) L thG whole sUite , which In itself Is a chin ly iimdlcation of the remnarkabh growth C 13 the metropolis ofNobrasoa. . If , th ' V mitmathor of btisijqs ; flrin in South Oiualma wore Ipiludud iii ittaking up Omahtti's total ghltm , imsit properly should be , tim rccordI'f 'hto conttmterclttt no. tivity of our cltyw0)tld be unequalled by mtmmy city 1mm tijowi4t. Tiix contest ' botieoml the peolo zind the rn1lroad has been very simitri ) for the Iiftt , atid imowhiero more so tlmamt lit town ( iliti irnslti. Last year tile 1I'd would have moved heaven au1 irtli to defeat Cur- ornor Larrabee in Iowa for a second termmm. Thu m1to.Ih1 ititrelonting 1111(1 bitterest - torest Opiloaltiolt 010110 front the Citi- cage , Iitirllngtomt , Quiney road. They did succeed ill cutting ttowmu Lttrrabeo's majority , but to corec Up tinIt' dirty work they SOt UI ) it imotc'l timat "prohib- itlon was losimmg ground in Iowa , ' ' and timat wns tile cause of Lnrrttbee's sututlt majority. It Is easy to see the imnittis of railroad mmimugimmttos in political mnatters iii Nebraska this yeah' . All over time state tilcir friends have been tr.vimmg to diutato time action of ht'itltttt1e8 , timid voL.c it hot tittit t lie iCOPie nt'e Oit tilel 1 , guard the r'ault'oatls ivould hare things pretty n'mucim tileit' own \s'mty. \Vt : tiu asked by Pat Ford's organ oil lower Iougltts witethet' T1ii DFI : dares to cimarge that the colored rote of tile 'l'itit'd ward was iii tile mnttt'ket tvimemm Pat wts : re-elected councilman. This is rather cool. Nobody law over pretctmdcd tilat Put could immtvo been re-elected except - copt for tito purchasable colored vote. V Now lot tue organ exhiaiii why it 1)t'o- posed to btiit time i'opublleamm candidttto In favor of l'at. Is it purely lit the iii- torest. of good govcrmlmunut , or is l'ttt to be paid oil' for supporting the flcpub- liCtIt ( itt its n'iimtiiig steal last year ? Piit' 0mm the pt.liitlmmg comtlntittce , you him ow. Joii rr.miIts1'oN wammts to be a presidential elector. Does Johit1 M. want the earth ? Time Comn mat. GlbC.It7iCP ) ? ( ( ) t , Wimen Presmdemmt Arthur was confronted by a rIver amid imarbom' bill of atm objectionable character ho vetoeh it lilie an honest ammd courageous tnatt , whereas l'rcsldent Cieve. himmui , w'hicmt Put to a similar test , evaded tIme respoimsibility' and let time bill become a l.tw svitlmomit lila signatum'e because its extrav.t grmnco was mnmiiimly iii time interest of demo. cratie localities. ' . 'lmert , to ltVi' ( , ( lie TarilT. l'h 11iilcp1i ) ft flfV)7 ) ) ) Time Joggins lumber raft has becim entered itt time New York custotmi hmouse , not mis a raft 01 ml siiii' , but as ummimetvml thither. If It had liecit a gmammd shmii , , culluablo of testifying to time greatness of time Atiiericamm miatiotu 1mm the Ports of time is'om'ld , our lairs would have classed it witim counterfeit mnone,1 amld obscemme literature and cast it into outer ilai'hmmess. But being only nn aggregatIon of uncouthi logs , It sails through thu custoimi imouso s'Ithi- out. itnpcdimemlt. I flnilly 1ilixft Ii ) ) . 1i tl 1901 VCitVj1)iTlt ) ( ! ) . it ivims an epemm scrct ahi lust wimmter that Cleveland lmuImnad a pohiticil mnistahe in lila iiiessage. Smno o lila closest frictmds in Now Yorle were out of humor with hum , rind It ivas commildontly oxleetcd tlmmmt the St. touis commvcimtlon would bridge over tue blunder. hut time Indorsemeilt of tIme Mills bill tilahiciled that hope. Time situatiorm be. calito so grave that time only recourse loft was the letter of tmccoptammce of Mr. Uloveland , hut us imis mmtessage Ia before the world , mmimd as the St. Louis platformu Indorses not oimiy time titessago , but time Milk bill , It is umot clear Imow the letter of acceptance by way of cod ! . cml ctn be made available witimout a rolLmdla- ) tioim of time umessago and platform both. STAT1 ANI ) TI1tIt1TO1tY. NebrasKa Jottings. Sidney needs a hour and grist mill. Box Butte county ivill have an enormous crop of oats , wheat timid potatoes titis year. Tito towimsite colmupatmy Is trviimg to hieed the Greeley Center imeoplo 1mm the sale of a lo- catiotm for the school house. Nebrasha has a new migricultimral paper in the Western Nebraska FarnIer , time first Issue of which rupleared last week. it is publislmetl at Sidney by W. F. Paimme and wiil be printed 111011 tlmI' . Plattainouth furnisimed nimottmer victmmn of time gasoline steve Sunday in time iuerson of Mrs. Walter Young. Luekmly ttmo lady was hot fatally burned , but simo iviit carry time : scars all Item life. Alexitmidria boys , ivlmo wemo playmmig bali on Stumday , defied the towim mmumrshal to stop tue t gamne , but ivlmemm time ladies of the lulitcu itmt in umi nppcmtm'aflCo to roimiotmstrate with them the jlaycrs cut and mu. The base bail tossem' of Beatrice droanted Sunday night that Ito ss'as stoaiimmg second base , amid when the captain yelled ' 'slide , " Dahlia slid. ho landed on ttimtt part of lila anmitomny witero a slider usually lands , in the r street , linvimig jtimnped froiil the second story of time ( irammd Central Imotel. The Dakota City Argus reports that Cole. man , thu fimluerutmummi , sumys thttmt as itunny as six faumililes frommi Sioux Cmty are lit camp on . the Island this truck. lie hums been In their cntpioy catclminir light. Sommmo ibjys Ito has . caught over fifteen pounds for them. The Pierce ( JaIl says that some smmeakiimg , tlmioviiig chiuummp , under coverof dariomess that ivould iveil commecal thu cowardly act , cut tlni rope iiehlittg thio gate of George GoIT's corral mind let several humid of cattle out onto the ) prairie anti iimto uuijacetmt ormifieh1s. George Is out the war matim with blood in lmia eye tiuutt bodes a mocky reeoption for that Individual should ho thud imtumm , l'ierce hitis umo use for S iersomms with aunt lrecllvlties for genuine ctmsetiness amid imis room is i'referabie ' to 1mb cotupammy. f IOWim. ) Time glucose compammy at Marsiusiltown Imiti becmm suedifom' the ahieged polsotmiimg 01 Limmir creek. The Chirlatian conveumtion in Iowa City f raised $ lO0in ) a few mitlimutes to carryirn tIn g0SOl work tim Iowa , .1. Thio i'iuitm ' cm'op Is said to be simort thmli year. The fruit iiims fuuhep , badly maid what retnatits will be ratimerMhln4om jmlcking. - C.V. . lhtttman , a % 3ahmy ) retired busittesm uumtml of Dubuque Imas.glvn 13,5OO to estab lisim a ioor fund n ltIj naive village , lliliig a helm , Gcrmatt.v , ' . . -F Tom Ceonan , of Emnmtsburg , foil frour tIme second story ivimidowof a bufliiing tin 'I otherdimy wiiiiu asleep. One rib was broker t amid Ito was badly Injured uliout the head. S Coloitel Joyce , now. of..Clmicago , but for , mnerly of Iowmu , and a lawstudemmt In Senntimi Allison's 0111cc , ammdmo krrcd a term itt tim y PelmitcntiarY for his tuffumrts ltm thai St. Loui Iwhisky frauds , Is wilting tin autobiography 'rtvo maca mtammmed Kelly hind been drinkImu thgcthmem at Fort Madison all day Friday , am S'uiturday umuormmimmg ono of tbemmm ivas fount S dead ill the outskirts of the cIty with Iii t throat cut. ! I'ho oflicermi are In search of tie other ICelly , who Is supposed to be the mum - demur. , - " . % 'yOllmlIlg ttimtl .1outann. helena Sent 2,000 pounds of mineral simccm a ncims to the St. Paul emhibit. Cr There is a good deal of Omnlgrammt travel b a iwagon now to ho seen imu Montaaa , ant bound \Vaahmlngton Territory. 0 'fImO Nortlmwostern i now completed IiI Iw'itimin ten nuiles of time now town of liesso 0 mor , nut ! the Uurlimmgton has a survey thu runs 1mm close to towtm , 'S Sheridan Is about the only town lit Wyc ) f miming having uohtiior telegraphic or toic r vhmonlo cooumnunieatlon wmth time outsid I world , and her people are thInking abou ) building a line to ImiTate. 0 A Maryivillo man oured to wager $ l,00 to roe that the 9It Lake baseball club would beat the helena chub two to one. Ito ias promnptly taken up and the ivager depos. ltett wIth a stakoholder. Plre miles cast of Carbon a Union Pitciflo spur irlil be run front Sumlpiiur SprIngs to a mmciv coal mine that Iii to be oiemmod twelve miles fromn Carbon. The rein is fifteen feet timick stud thlo supply ineximaustibie. At Fort. Coimratt In Northern Montana time large gray' svolres are now more mmutnorous tItan thayhmuiro over boon , and are commit. thug serious anti froiuent depreciations upon the range cattle and other stock itt tltat. sec- Several ctti and a few horses hare been killed In time mountain P1IS south nun is'cst of iouglas during time sunmmcm' by bear and mnotmiltimlum hlotma. in niammy ca'os the strtmglu hits been despemate , but caclt tinte brimin hums lOft miotimimig but tIme toni and mtmammglcd me- mains of a once strong amilnual. ! I'lio f4ii'o Stock Journal says that cattle. lumen t'ho mmro doing business on a large scttle ni-u disposing of their 'site' stock. 'l'lme fm- turo of time cattle industry for time fttttmre wilt be time imnpot'tatton of Tcaastcera for fatten. Ing out otmr superb ranges. Tue vmnctieo huts alremtdy been iuuaugturmtted , but , bids fair to be mtlntost excitusivoly observed in the future. A jury sat Ott Charles Phillips at Laratmiie time other ( lay and liOumoutiCeti Imimmi imusamie , sitys the Douglas liudgot , 'J'liey could overlook - look thu fact tiumtt ho tumid changed his clothes tlmiuteen times mt tlay' and ate his iao wltiu a for-lut tvticu lie declared that lie coulu sitmiimt Into futurits' , amid roimlil sco i3Oncr- itmmg l3ttrrowes stttlmmg Oil a cloud t'att'ing ' it golden iitmrp they tmrosu as one immamm aud ad. judged lilta itmsane. McGIbIjlCUiDY'S TAIjIC , lie Apprehends No 'Iroimlilo l'romim thn i4iotix lixii rslomi. Dr. McGlilicudthy , fortumerly of time l'imme Ridge ] mmdiamm ugcni'y , nmmd who hiss just couuto fromut that mteimhmhorhood , irita at. time I'attuit yett'rdmy. : lie ( hoes hot npprehmemtd any iimtmnm fromit the excursion of the Sioux bravot , tt'lto were reported ns lmav- Imm left time rescrvmutiomi , but thmiiml4 it is ummerohy mm sort of social affair amnoumg time 1mm- dian , as time tts'o tribes hmmivo iumtermmmarm'led amid mtru more or less commnectud thmrotmght ties of coimamuigruinity. lIe thmliiks It would be a good tluimug to have tIme two tribes oil 0mw reservation. tie admits that if time Sioux amnd Ciueyenmucs simotmid ummite forces they cotmld create terrible itmivoc before timey commld be stopped , so 110w' cifuI are they , but thiitmks there is ito duinget' front such aim iimstmriection. Since Sitting I3tmhl was deposed , there is no itlace of rorugu for rebellious savages atmil timoy realize time povei' of time pale.fuico too fully to atteitupt tummy wholesale murder or pmhlage. TIme chiefs inmrtietmlari.v uimtiesmtnd this and have urged a ieacu policy its best. J'imey' tlmimik it is fool' isti to light thto Oreat F'mtthier ts'huo is Iurmmlshu. hug them with plenty to eat and wear. 'J'Iicro omuly tivo timings , time doctor timinks , that would be lialmie to cimimso time Iumt'htius to rutiso an itusurrettlomi , amid that is to rerluce tiieit rations or attempt to forcibly remove tiiemut fm-em their imimeis , This it'ouhd cause even white mcmi to lIght. lit' tlmlumk time government makes a ummis. tulce iii treating time tmmdhtns its 'nature white lumen. wliemm Uicy am'o merely' overgrown cluildrcmm , who are swayed more by iimmpuko thimmmm by reason. But little : ttteiutioum lie says is i'aid to time boasts of time ot'Llinmu-ybrave. 'rimey are even ivorso bragget's amid "biutler3" timan the hale' face. TIlfl ltEjIjTY MilttCET. Ilum4truumeimts i'iaceU on iteeom'tI Iimr- 11mg Yestcrlay. W'liihmmn A. Itottick amid wife to M Schous , a 4 ft , lot I , bIle ) , Armumstrouig's lt add , 'V Ct . , . . , , . , . , , . , . , , , . , , , , I l,70 A Itictiarilsoim to wife. , mhi property. tvliI. F .1 vommmeu's et mit to L .Jummge , tots li tumtl ml , tl& 2 , Onto Cii ) ' park , v tt , . . . . . . , . . SO0 i : F limmgur { mtnd who 14) (1 1) iCoiier , trims- tee 43lots. I'orttanth PImicC. :1 : lot , Ciitton lull1 , anti : I lots in iemumman ) place , d. . . . . 5 George 1oatmi and % iTe to J ii lvaui , loti I mmmiii 2 , btk 3 , amid lot , 1,1k , 4 , l.a 'eta piitc. , ( I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,410 F tV 3imdchmer to .1 1" l'otnstock , lot3J , l)1k5 , i'uublock pmace , l d . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 2,500 A .1 nomerts to .ti C lttmborts , anti ; , lot 7 , l'ruymu's html ) , lot. 2i. M .c C S mithih , w l. . . . 1,500 city or Ommiatia to .ij cmmmuuttmt , 14z7 ft tot. lolntng lot 4 , bIle 8iOmimtminm , 'm c (1. . . . . . . . . 425 is' .i Sine and vifo to 1) Jotter , lot 11 , bItc 7. , ltttel S told , 'I ' C ii . . . , . , . . . . . , , , . , , . . . . l l"ermmanttts amid wife to E Muiiery , lot 1 , bile i , tiedfortl , v d V 1,20 J 11 1elilohh et at to public , tmmx lots 10 mutt 12 , beC 3115.13 , hlat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T itomlmiem fluid wife to Ftrt liaptist cimmurch , part of mot 4 , bIte 75. Oumlahul1 'V ti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II .Icttcr mmml wife to M . It Iiowiammd , lot 1 : , btmc 1 , .Intter"s mold , ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000 \ indsor 1'Iumce ltulhdlumg association to \iuit liottumell , lot 3S'Imitbor puree , wtt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800 E It l'erfect et al to .1 Smmhlers , tot 15 , bIle 2 , hitchcock's 1st acId , iv U. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375 N C Itoberts and wife to 11 Imolin , lot 7 , , Irtmymt's sub , lot 2 , N & ( Js add. w d. . . . 3,500 \iuut ii Craig mind ivlfo to iVin IC lCtirtz lot II , bile 13 ; iot 5. blk aVi ; lot 4 , bIle 23 ; iota I ; mud 11 , pIle 21 ; lot 3 , blk ni , Carthage , 'V (1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,0Xl A G Inttrmiumi to N Serreoc , tot 3 , blie 1 , Cmos. ton riace , \ % ' ( t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VA U Ingrain to C 1 % ' l'artridge , lot 2 , blk 1 , Creston juiaco. (1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W'mmi IL Craig amid wife to F A Smnith , lot 2 , bIte 15 ; lot 5 , blk Mu ; lot 12 , bUilT , Carthm. age , w ( I , . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , , . 3C0) 1' Drexel aal ( wife to it Droessel , lot 0 , bIiz 2 , 1)t'extt's sub , v d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \S'ihttani IC Kurtz to J I ) 1dontgouumory , lot 11 , bhk 13 , nnhlotm. , bik2.i , Carthagmmt'd 2,000 1) FV tutxe etat to Vi' Lout , lot 2 , bIte 1' ' , Ox. ford idace , w d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A C Clmaritoum ala' Wife tel 11 ibid. lots it meal 1. blk 1. InstItute place , % ' d 600 So 1) Laud Co to Union stock Yards Ce. , , iOta , ii smut ii , 1,1k : uiil. lot 5 , elk ; mis , lots 5 , 8 , ii autt 10 , blr mium7 , So 0 , w tI. . . . . . . . . . 7,000 J 1) lryuutt ) ci ul to it 1) Mirttier , a t' lot 5 , bite lrHiOmahma , q c tl , . . , . . . . . . . . . . , . . j ii Unult atmd s ife to .1 'l'mml'umuun , , s SO ft. lot 1' ' . blk 10 , iVtlcox2d told , w d , 800 0 Itoimscmrreut aumU wife to .1 J Cugmmy , ju' , y 31 2.19 it. lot II , I'meulsea's meld , q c d. . . . . It 1' ilosivortli mind s Ifo to It Ii haIti' ridge. limIt t' , lot 4 , ttichlmart & Porbomu , ' simb , tV ( I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,750 11 i I iirmttirlttgo to 11 Maginumis , lot 1 , iuclm. . hart & 1'erons' itmli , v mm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,600 ii. IC Kmmrtz to iV ' 1' Robinson , hot ( I , bik 21 , Cmtm't hmmrte mmliit' d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,0X ( ) 1' A Sntltlm to F Jouelro , lot 2 , bik 15 lot 5 , 1)1K Iii , lot 12 , 01k 17. Cmmrttmugo multi , w d. 7,500 E 1 Ilatlimgs to iv w'umlmko , w of s ti ft , lot U , bhk 3. Slimuli'ii mmdii.V ml. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1COJ p BiiiitIiig k'ernimts. Tue following permits to build wore us- sued yrstertlay : J. II. Van Cioter , dwelling , Tlmlrty.lhftlm Imear 1'arlticatret..3 ' 11. II. ! tietlay , twoiiing , Twemmty.bevt'tutim itvenhio near halt hlowartm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C. C. Cary , cottage. Florcuice avenue be' tIvecul Seronmi umnt'thmlril , atreets. . . . . . . . . 1,000 Frank laclu , cottage. Fiftuenthu Street t umear J'lorco V COO L. Wootworthm , , imnprovcmnetmts , 31)3 North L } 'ifteenth itreet V V V 100 T. Ii. 'Irylor. two dwellings , Dorcas near l'lftecittlm street. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.400 Six permits , aggregating..811,100 Malinger ArOilbOik Dead , Nnw Yomuc , August 21.-Speclat [ Telegram to Tim I3cej-Edward Am'onson , the vell hiiot'mi mammagum' of the Casino theater , died ' yestot'day of ceasunuptiotm. TilE COMINC "ONVENTION. totivity In TholrJ i'iittsries thin Dciii. norittlo l'olit I ci Cmnp. Time democratic count. , onvontiou of Doug. las ivlli meet lit this city' tito cIty hall out next. Saturday at2 o'clock for tlto purpose of selecting thmirt3'-flvo deteg .V ntteumd the dotmiocrat Ic state convcntio. vlmicb comireumes In Llmmcohir omt time 2Ott ) lust V select forty. seven tiolegates to time congi 4lonaI commvcmu tion of the First district. 'l'i ' ' 'rimnarlos to elect dohegatc to the eotmiuty c ' entlon iviil be held out next I"rhlmmy , Auglu Ji , between noon and 7 o'clock in thmo evt ut. In the cotmmttry ireclncts time irinmmmrie.s ) V II be opcmt betwocim Gimmud S o'clock in time cv itmmg. Each ivmtrrl will be omitltled to seven deh it 'scachm imrcciflct in Sottthm Oninluit to tit'o , kgates , itutti machi cothnti'y prei'immct to three' elegates lit thuo comtveumtlomm. 1'im triuuathu ) 'viii be itch at time foliotviimg hmmces \\'arii-Southuwest corner Te it nod Jones streets. Second Vi'ard-W'igtrnmn of the Mc. . mane Invineibles , Thuli \'artl-1Ii2 I lowmtrd street. F'nmmthu Vnrth-.h loffumumimi's hivot'y barn. Fiftim \ VardCom'itor SLxtceimthu attn Izar I streets. Sixth W'ttrri-Nortlmoast corume r Sixth amid fm1l1o streets. SevomttimVmtrdNom'tlitr'ost ' - coriier rt'emtty- mmimith itmidS'uinut streetA. 1'1ghithm Vmtrtt-2 (03 ( Ctumuuimmg street. Niiit \\'tmrd-Ttvemut y'muimmtim amid Fmtrumulnl , at C. J. Joiimmsomt's. mx 'nit : ( 'ITt' 01' OltAift. Plrat Vnrd-Old school house ott Twenty'- sevemuth street. Secoimd'nrdJcsse Lowo'a ofllco , 'l'liirilVmtrd -itear of lr'Ilktmr's hotel. 1'oumtht \ ' . 1'oumthtVam'dFtchimmmmgc litiiidluug. ( ( i ) NTitt m'mmm'iu'Ts. : Chicago l'rcclmmct-Blerbachc huall. Eikhmortm 1'recmnct-Cit' imali at Elicimorn. iotmgia l'm'evlmuct-i Icmum'y ilusors' residence Vahle.i' l'm'cciimct-Vmthioy school ii3use. \lC2rdle l'reclumet-\icArdio school itotmac. Unlomm l'rcelmict-\\'imriier sectiomu hmouso. Jefferson I'rccimict-Cook's blacksimtitlm shop I lenui lii itttmm. \Vmmtcrloo I 'm'eelmmct.-Mimhmew's hiotel. \Vcst Ounahumi Preciuct-Stuecly' sclmool house. Floreimec Preemiuct-Florenco school house. iliihtird Prccimmut-j. ( I'opcmmhagemt's mill. 'Fime Siege ol' Srbmstopul. ; The Siege of Sebastopol , which 0hCliS lii this city omm time evemmimig of August h ) , is a gorgeotis Jt'oduot ion full of time mitost t'ettiistic efloet intaginuble , ttmmd OflU the like of witicht iins ilever iteemi witiuesseml before iii this country otutsidum of Now York. A brief de.sct'iption will coimvey to tue t'ettder a fauimt idea of wimmit it is to be , Sebastopol opeums in front of tue lultukof ttntl itidan , great t'udotmits cutp- tum'cd iy time Fremuch anti Emighisim. Omi time hills ubovo are scoit the tiussitum sciutimmels , 'I'iue Eimglislm tire wor'kiimg iii tite tt'eileimes and l'mximug emumummomi in tiu eau'thmivom'hs ; cntem'Etuglisht cavalry. They ttt'e reviewed mimud imuspeeted , follow- lug tt'hmich itil Eumghish guard brimu ga in soirmo iussinmt ht'Isonet's ; they utro woniudemi and sommue are brougitt 0mm stretchers , wlttle others have bandages - dages omm titeli' luends tImId linibs. Thou the Italian soldiers nmat'ch on and go into ctmltp : , miftor pet'for'mnhmig stuitablo ovum- tlhns. 'I'iue 1"t'emmeii follow amud tufter tltmn time 'Jtmr'ks , let ! by lfoinirt l'nsiia and his brilliant ittuult. ' ] 'huemm to miumuke thmimmgs lively' aumd pleasant , ten F'reiicht soldiers utt'i'lvc with six Ittussinu mn'isomi- ems , tumd time lattem' are eectitcti omm time S id. to time ttiiue of a line of rules. Tiieim t me btmud : strikes imp "Time Cumtpbellsam'c Commtiumg" tumid time bau'c-legged Highlanders - landers will gtppcar. After they rotlic thu bugle ivill sotmumd ' 'to arms' ' tumid time gm'and pictutre of time mmteetiuug of the goit- crals will be given ; time smiilots on time SltilS hltttuumtiflg tile ytut'Is mind those 011 tite boats tomis'mimg the otti's. 'rliemt for a time imlstcry ivili be kimoclred tOSy' turvy , while the speetut- tors rtt'e treated to tin imuturestimig ierics of CR1111) guttncs. There ivili be cutlass tlt'iils , vaulting , a domukey race , a listi- cull match on back of donkey , aim cxlii- bitioum of SWOm'l Cttt'Ving' a hhigitland skill anti prowess , wh'iem m-ollei'o the swot'd-dutmmce. amId otimom' simnilttr feats of monotony of cnmt life iii tire am'mnics of of time diltem'emlt umatmens Time gamnes will close Withl a grand. assault of utrIlls timid a duel between cavalry numd iii- fnntry. Then vil1 come time battle , and Itudes will break loose until the fatuous cry goca UI ) , "Sebastopol has fallen. " All the resources of time pyrotechlumists at't will be called iimto 1)1113' to hiuighitemi time realismn of timis great combat. Fol- lowimug tile 'battle will ho given a most magnificent dis- Plus of fireworks , coiuslstiuug of portraits of local celebrities , sot pieces. jeweled fouumturins , forest of fire , amId imumidreds of the most gorgeous of Pain & Low's lim'ewor'ks , which ut'o renowned time ivom'ld over. Mm' . Newniamu. stmporimmtendeuut , canme ill ) fm'ommt St. Louis yesterday , timid informed - formed Messrs. 11cm' & Colpetzor titutt 0mm the four evemmings advertised as py't'o- technic umights outly' , I\lr. Palum had con- eluded to give the Oinmullapeople Sobas- toiol also , so that this womider'ful limo- ductiomt will immivo a m'umn of muimucteout' mmight , coimimnoncliug August 80 , tmild eoiitimmttimmg from Solutemubor 1 to 15 1mm- cltisive' , Snmmdn.ys excepted , auni nit other ( ltttCS as follows : September' 18 , 20 , 22 , 23 umtd 37. _ _ _ _ _ _ At ( lie Commiuty Jiosimital. The county couummmmissiotmers were busy yes tertlay' stud'ing the Phmfls of mime county imuspitmtl. They will it'obably' lower thmo floor of the boiler m'ooimm four feet in ou'dcr timrmt time water commdcimscd fioio time steammi used Ia tmoating tIm buihdimmg may' rtmn back Into tIme boIler. it Is milso Imm'oposcd to enlarge time room immuri give three or fonr more feet of worklmmtt betweemm tIme boiler firebox anti the ivuil To unamco timese clmimngos it ivalt now sovcm'al foot high ivili have to ho pulled down. ' .L'hmo coimmmmmiaslonors ivill visit thai lies. pmtal thus inomnlumg to Inspect the structure and matte a decision. - - Pair Notes , Asslatamut Secretary Gibbs Is itrinting the badges for titevarions ofuicers ammd heads of deluartumcmmts. lie hiss just received hitimograpims of floats In tue trades dispitmy 1mm St. Louis , tvlulcii will L be opout to Limo lnspcctloii of our nmerclimtmmts L is'lmo iiroimoso to build Iloats for time drumimmem's. The mmmcc entries for timofair closed Monday uiiglmt at It o'clock. L : iW4'll . 'aIm ' I . f . : " : - V ' V , r/ 5-e" : I : , f ; ; I - V. , . . ) . .Dald V ) D'-Im . f- - u = 'r4' t . . V : . -V _ - - V ' DIAMONDS Watches and OlanionJs Found in Tea and Cofleo---A Novel Way of Introducing - troducing Goods1 Time mimtmmmes of nit lCt'soiS ) % flumihitmg ilimi. . miuonils , watchiem , etc. , mmm'o mimitled to I his list ( htllv. 'i'hmo Osorla mmml 'l'e'n comutptimmy of Samm l'm'ammelium'oiutvn rciltted tiuu' stom'e , 2 : ( ) S. 1 itIm St. , nounltu'mmitmmi , Oiimttiuut. mmmutl lii ot'tlct' to tmmtt'omluco tlucmi' goods , thui conipany ttt for 1k ) cinys , sottvetmlrs iii every enmi of tea mtumd (1)1100 sold such as solid gold , silvom' tmmmd mutchel wutteimus , also gemmimino ( llmtmmmommds , 1mm mullti gold setting ; also mmmouuey' , and tuuitmuy othmem' articles of less i'ttlmue. Every comm comu- talus a souvcmmii' . 'rho coiTce , can ammil contents is'olgim about timr'o pounds ; thmo tea , citmu amu ml enim to im t ithouit num o aim (1 it half pounmis. 'i'Imis oxlh'umi'I i'o a uid imovel i : ty of mmd i'em'tlsI ii g tvih I ho d ion U ii tied ml 'ci' (10 ( dmmys , itmuti timotti ri'tlIy choice 1' mtti , will be toiti strictly ott tlmt'lL' miter- Its bmmt witimotmt. the souv'mmir. Of c'oumrmto Cl. A 1" ; amrchmasor mmtust mmcm. ( iXhuect. to got ii ( lit , iIimitl or watch. 'l'luis commuptitmy' chiuhimu t itat they ittuvo just ims genii a riglmt I ii ztve titvmty wmutchies , limiiumoiuiimm or otime : ' jemi'olm'y imiid mimommoy ui thet u' voumt- imotitors have to give muisity glumsswmmm'o , Clmm'OumtS , etc. Cot up it eltib. 'l'hioso ivlmo got imp : t clmmb ( , rlc'm' mmmnst nhvtmys get a htuimmdsouume 'n'esoiit. Om'ders by mmiutil tm'0imihitIy' forsr. riled to all i1tt't : of t ho United States o receipt of cashu ci' ix't olhlco order. 'rem'mm : Stiigio 'utn * I six for 5 ; thirtocim for ill ) , mud ti'oumty-sci'- cii for ihid. Atlthrcss Ovot'lamtd ' , l'oum Co. , Omnmtlma , Nebr'tska. : ? tlr , J. 13. lAddIe , mail ordem' , Liimcohim. Nub. , silver sugar bowl ; Mrs. J. C. llr'mggs , Ctmiifoi'nia mire , , silver enIo stamutl ; G. tI. IItu'voy , hai'eimttom't st. , gemmt's htmmmtlng case gold watch iii tout ; : Mm's. hugon1a Kllbom'n , prop. Jordtim : , llotuse , Gi'and Isinmud , Nob. , niail ot'lem' , ( liiummomml i'immg lii tea ; ImIiss LiilioVost , So. 20th st. , silvem' pickle stand ; IIrs. .1. C. ( 'ole , South Onmahia , sliver five-bottlo custom' ; Mm's. Gm'mtnt Cooper , 42d at. , silver' cup S. .1. Fni'ls , N. l8tii at. , ( liRmmlOtmtl thug imi ten ; 1Jrs. IVililaun Ltutvt'eimeo , ( Jhmio st. , $ O In gold coimi iii tout ; Mrs. A. S. I'umidem'y , nmail ordom' , Bhtdm' , Nub. , silver' sumgar bowl ; Mr. C'imtmm' . Chmu'k , tm'ni'ellmmg salcsmnmtn , ologamit dianmoimd slmii't stvd imm tett lilies ICittlo 1ttt'5OtI. N. 17111 st. , Ili'em' piclelo stamtd ; irs. [ EdmuViltiutmmumm , south 16th st , ail "em' sugar bowl ; iittiViihio Seilmniko , clumttoltuine ivateim lii tea ; iIr , Iobert Shelton , Cotumucil limits , Ia. , can money I ii tea ; t1 m. I" . E. 1Cm rId mtumd , hhutm'noy at. , silver fu'uuit statmd ; Mm's. .Iitnmes Couns- inmtn , Simcm'mmuin ave. , dianlond ring im tett Miss LiilIe littt'nes , olegamut gold m'iumg , dinmmmommd. ruby amid sapphire set- thug , iim temt ; Mm' . G.V. . Caimmet'on sliver sugar howl ; Albeit liutiom' , F'om't mnaha , silver suguir howl ; Mi's. S. J. Pitcem , 2d ! trod Mason at. , fruit stmuid ; MiS. George Tylem' , I"mrm'mlmrnm at , , $10 In gold coiim jim tutu ; Mi's , G. W. Wimito , mmiii order , Ies Moluics , Itt , , elegutmit intiles' gold wateim 1mm ten ; IIlss Uessio Hunter , l'utm'k tire. , silver castor'T1 ; , Ititteic , l3uncy' at. , diuumnoutd ring lii Cflil tea ; Mr. .1. II. hiutntt : , shlvem' sugar bowl ; Mm. \Vmn , Geyser , N. 20th at. , sulvor CUpI Ii. 13 , ilmUl. South 20tim at. , ( limtmimommd ring iim tea ; Miss Ella McConmtell , S. 19th at. , ' silver pickle stanl ; Mr. William J. Rob- cm'ts , curn nloiioy iii tea ; l'et'cy' Eilis , fair- gt'oummmis , sili'er limitter (11511irs ; , E. A. W'lmiteoumtb , S. 82imd at. , silver cake stamud ; ? tliss Iamimmio Got'ditmt , ladles' diii. amend scarf pin , dimtmtmomtd mind ruby set- , " V tiimg In teir ; Mm's. C. J , Bttt'ltoy , silver stigmur boivl , llowumrd at. ; Mrs. Aegidur F'mnmmlciin tire , , dittiumoimd m1umg in can o tout ; Tilt- . hugh Sinytim , S. 19th st.sllvcm , sugar bowl ; 'tV. A. Claussomm , 22mmd and izat'd , ( liutttlond i'lng lit tea ; Mu's. John- scum , 10th st. , stlvor butter ilisim. \1rs. J . ItI. hianliltomu , Sotmtlm iOth st. , dinummonti ring in tea ; Mrs. ' 1' . \ VVimit - more , ( Jotmiiell htlutle , silver butter dlsiuj Mm' , J. 0. fltmsselh , Cass at , , gent's gall llummutimmg case wutteim ; Mm's. D. C. Daumn. guti'dumor' , North 10th at. , silver calcO stnumd ; Mm's. E. Juld , North 9th at. , sliver stmgnm' bowl ; Mr.V. . it. Pam'kor , ' Howard at. , can nmoimey in tout ; Mrs. Charles l3ehlimmnn , South 32d st. , silver live bottle castor ; Mm's. D. 13. S. femler , L'muucolmi , Nub. , mail order , $10.00 iml gold coin , iii tea ; Mu' . J. P. Scimumiico , IGtlt ammd uIlttern , dimunond l'iimg lit tea ; Mm' . E. \Vlmitmuoy , liar- mtuy at. , silver sugar bowl ; Mm-s. Fm'ank Lawrommce , Capitol ave. , gent's diainoiud shirt stint ut tou : ; ItIm's. Joimn Suhlivamu , 10th aimd \ ' jlllaimms ats. , silver' 1)101610 ) staimd ; i'Iat'gutret Coituvmuy , Cotmm't at. , all- s.d. suugmim' bowl ; Mrs. II. M. Baxter , Al. litunce , Neb , , mnmul order , diamnoimd co ) , . inc buttomm lit tea ; 1.tm's. Emits' , Connmmt , Farii inn at. , ladies' elegmimu I gold ittee iil mm , tliiiimtoiiti , m'ttby amud tuulhimlm'e ) sottlumg I Mi' . Edward ] Jisseil , Douglmts at. , alive ctmp ; Mis. VU hi. lJu&'dlelc Cuam- imug lit , , silvom' mumgutr bowl ; Itirs F. F. Cuimmpbeil , Am'li imgtoum , Nob. , rmuat order , djimmmoumd : utud lit ton ; Idr9. Alt Thoumipsoim , ] 'tii'k trio. , sliver ivator p'mtciwm ; Miss Ktmtie lAlligVietorstreot , thimttnotmd ring in tea ; Mt' . Ciumus. Rob- iaoiu , IJowai'd at. silver pickle stmtutd ; n , j. ICmuahm ) , lhlelcory at. , dituuommd i'm g ill tea ; C. 11. Mituhull , Des Moines , In. , $20.01) ) iii gold coin , tummuilordor ; Mrs. M. , C. Rumudehi , silvei' sugar bowl ; L. A. 3 Pickorlmig , 1st Lictmtonmtnt U. S. A. Foi't Omaha , dlmtmtmmiiud riiug in tout ; tIrs. KittieTebber , 10th at. , silver' fruit stand ; Chmaa. H. Davis , 1)cctttur ) at. , dlii- mmmond m'immg ill toit ; Mrs. Chums. le'iVolf , imurril order , Keariiuy , Nob. , elegamit Imulics' gold svuttcim 1mm tort ; IIm's. L. N. ICetclmaiim , silvom' sugar bowl , 17th at. 0. 11. Legg , 4 aimd Jaulcaoim , dIamonc m'i mm g I n tea. Miss Sadie Gihison , TWOmlty'-SIXtit stm'cot , silver cup ; Iotiia Cimmrmluior , innfl order , Grutmud Islmmiud , Nub. , iiuimtlumg case gold wtrtehm 1mm tea ; iIrs. ] 'iiilhip Coillima , Soutim 'I'welftlt atmect , diimmnoimd ring ; itilas Marie Pnmkei' , itiver VIew , silver OUl ) ' Alice llldley , mmmuil ordom' , IIlssour1 Valley , Ttmmmctlon , 115(1 ( lii gold colmm lmt tomm ; 1tIrs. Sheridan , Nom'tim 'i'tveil ti otht street , silver butter disim ; Mark A. Andrewa1 Sixteontlm street , cuumu mimoumey ; Mr. J. E. Storer , South 'l'uvontlotim uitm'cut , alli'or' castem' ; 1) . E. 1elItms , South Oinmtima , silver five iuotthe cimatci' ; JmtmmimIa Shuat'ply , Iodgo street , ciustor din- iimomitl r'limg lii tea ; iItas 1lmmm'y Adams , .Iuekaoim at. , silver five bottie custer ; Ami mm loVtttsun , Imrvoim pot't at. , can lumoney' 11om'm'ia .Joimmmsorm , l'ttr.Ic mive , chustem' dlamnoiid scarf jmhmm In tea ; Ernest .fessersiicItii , 1"mimiilclfim at. , sliver hut , ter ihisit Ida Luwlstomm , N. Othi at- Ilnuidsounc gold hare phi , di iainoumd , ruby and snpplmlmo aetting ; ( ice. I. hltmtchilii' 1,011 , imumill order Mascot , Nob. allvet'etmp ; Itlm's. 1 { . U. Wnuigiuer , Sprimugliuld , 1)ak. ) sliver sugar bowl ; W.AICeoiom'Oi'aftoiu , Neb. mull ordo r , d tmtmmmon d ml 1mg ; Fraum Ic ZtlcGlmuioy , mull cruet' ICcam'uioy , Nub , , solItaIre diamond iht stud ; Elluir Jones , Cass at. ; dlmumimomid m'iuug ; Amitlm'ow Roberts , 8th at. , $5.00 lii gold coin 1mm tea ; U. II. Andm'uws , F'ioimiomit , Neb , , dlamimoumtl l'iulg ; Jatumo 51ff , I iitsti rigs , Nob. , mall or'dcm' steam wluidlimg amid atont setting WtittV4t Mm's. lltuimtIimlsim'u , .Tackson at. , sIlver picicho tttimi1 , Ciuum'los Kelley hlam'nuv at , , cqp mmicnuy ; Mr. Joint i'otter , 29th at , , ilvoi' Pluiclo stand ; 11i's , 5 , 0. ilitrimmirti , Iouglims st. , ( hlalflOfld vlimg ; Sadlo Jlnuumiiuford , Farrm- flit ) street silver amigut' bowl ; JulIa If3'lflmtn , oth at. , imumd a hmuntiumg ease gold ivatchi 1mm toll ; ! ulrs. .M. J , I"ittmmlc , of tiuo Cozzomma hotel , aoltnhi'a llummmon4 rIng ; Mrs. Suhllmmo , S. 80th , atlvoi butter dish. : : ' ' V : Lk1