Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 22, 1888, Image 1

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Another Man Shot Down by a
Cowboy Rufllan.
Texas Hill Fntallr Wounds a Straimor
For JlefiiHliiK IItin n Drink of
Wlilnky Determined Farm
ers In Pursuit.
Another Cowardly Assassination.
Sorrmion , Neb. , August 21. [ Special Tel
egram to Tin : Hi'E.j The indications nvo
that Texas Hill will soon Join liillColu across
the great divide.
There was another cowardly nssn f > inatlon
in Nucko'.ls county this morning of which he
was tlio author , and a posse of determined
farmers lire after him.
The meager details of the crlino which
have readied hero aio to tlio ofTcct tliat nt an
early hour Ihls morning Texas Hill went to
the tent of a man who was ramped near the
grndo of the Santa Fe road ahout nine miles
Bouthenst of liero and woke him up. Tlio
man came to tliu door and asked what was
wnntcd. "
"I want some whisky , " said Hill , laying his
hand on his revolver , "and I want it pretty
quick. "
The stranger replied that ho had none.
Hill insisted that ho had and expressed the
determination of searching tlio tent. Tlio
stranger told him 10 keep out and turned to
go back Into the tent when Texas drew his
revolver and llrcd. Tlio hall struck the man
In the small of the Illicit , passed clear
through his body and came out at the groin ,
There is no hope of recovery.
A posse of fanners tire after tlio assassin.
JIo Is very unpopular.
York County I'ollllc-i.
McCooi , . .TiJXurioNNeb. . , August 21.
[ Special to THE Br.K.J York county polities
have quieted down since the republican
county convention. The candidates nomi
nated glvo such unanimous satisfaction that
It in now supposed that there will bo no oppo
sition to the ticket. E. A. Gilbert and C. VV.
llnys are the candidates for representatives
to the legislature. Mr. Hiiys is a farmer ,
consequently his interests are Identical with
the agricultural musses of Nebraska. He is
not a ftllvcr-loiifzucd orator , but was nomi
nated on Ids anti-monopoly principles , is a
man of good sound judgment mid cannot be
influenced by demagogues and railioad cap-
lirrs.Hon. . Charles U. Kecklo.v Is the worthy
candidate for senator. Tlio delegation Is
solid for Manderson. and also for .submission.
The only dissatisfaction now existing in
tlm politics of this county is the delegation
to the state convention. The fanners and all
thi ) laboring classes of this county are al
most unanimous for N. I' . Lundccn , of York ,
for land commissioner , and the renomination
of Hon. William Loose. While there wcro no
instructions to the delegates , it was known
at the time of the convention that there were
several on the delegation who weio in favor
of Lecso for iirst choice , but since then the
delegation has been worked up In tlio intur-
e"sts of Scott , by Scott's friends securing
proxies from these who were known to bo
fnvorablo to Lundccm and Loose. The un
derhanded way in which this delegation has
been worked up In tlio interest of Scott Is
giving the greatest of dissatisfaction. Tlio
people or this county do not want to try u
now man or n railroad tool for attorney gen
eral of Nebraska , at this time , but want the
man who has proven himself to bo the true
friend of the people.
' The Democratic ) Fleht In Otoc.
NEIWASKA CmNeb. . , Augnst'Jl. [ Special
to THE BEE. ] The democratic fight over
the fiction of the congressional com
mittee in locating tlio convention at
Nebraska Ulty becomes decidedly Interesting ,
mul local democrats denounce the action of
Chairman CoggeshuH in no uncertain terms.
A gentleman prominent in state politics de
clares It nn attempt to gain cheap notoriety
on tlio clmirman's part , and the idea that J.
Sterling Morton had any influence in the
convention's decision Is simply absurd. Mr.
Morton lius always been friendly towards
McShano , and worked for his election two
yptrs ago , and to say that Morton is his en
emy is ridiculously false. The assertion is
also Hindu by un Omaha democrat that Mor-
toh and his followers have always
lie1 u hand in glove with Van Wyek ,
and that the scheme was to
use local influence In the democratic con
vention to nominate n South 1'luttu man , etc.
That assertion Is about us ridiculously fool
ish as could bo made , especially when it is
known that Van Wyck's most bitter political
enemy In Otoo county or in tlm entire dis
trict for that matter Is J. Sterling Morton.
The democracy of Otoo county is solid for
McShmio , and miy attempt now to change
the place of holding the congressional con
vcntlcm will only result In causing an irre
parable breach in the First district.
The Corporations HiiHy.
LINCOLN , Neb. , August' . ' ! . [ Special Tele-
pram to THE HER. ] Congressman George
W. 13 JJorsoy arrived to-night over the Kilt
ho : n and Is taking up what Is left of tlu
Beaten boon for state auditor , and with the
help of the insurance companies and corpor
utlons doing business in the state they hope
to secure him the nomination , but the hope is
considered n forlorn one. However , his To' ' '
lowing nppenrs confident , and ns-seit thai
thry liavu tliu key to the situation. The wool
butxveen the Insurance companies and rail
roads is certain. The former is to have
lUilton and the latter Yost or Elnscl foi
stati-treasurer. The corridor of the Capita
lintel in a seething mass of humanity to
nlitlit u' 10:80 : o'clock , and the delegated anil
lobby are gutting in their woi k. The rail
roai u\il insuriuico companies are bonding
every enerry to down Attorney Genera
I .cost , bntihls friends are eontlduut that lit
will stund the storm. Hentoa's share in thlt
treacherous deal to thwart the will of tlu
people- the btatu Is apparent.
Holt County's Delegation.
( VIC LI 1.1 , Neb. , August 21. [ Special ti
Tin : BKE. ] The bpeciul car carrying tin
Holt county delegation to the slate conven
lion left O'Neill this morning. The car xva
dcioratod with Hags and bunting and on eacl
Bldo was u largo banner on which wa
paintrd the following words : "Holt Count.x
Dolejfutlo'i. For State Treasurer , J. S
Haitlcy. " The Hrown county dologutloi
and u baud occupied the car with tliu Hull
county pcoplo , making In all not less that
one humlreft representative men from tin
two counties. Tlio enterprise of Hoi
cguuty's puoplo Is very commendable ant
even choujil they not succeed In nomlnatliif
their man they will feel amply repaid fo
tlio WK advertisement it will give oui
county. As It now is , however , Mr. Hurtle :
clearly leads the van In the North PIntu
country mid Ins friends are confident of ultl
mute survsis , ,3.1 * Durr. cashier of tin
Holt county bank , had charge of the ar
r nycments.
Duxvos County Dcmocrnlfl.
CuumoN' , Neb. , August 21. [ Special Tel
egi-nni to TIIK Hue. ] The Duxves count ;
democratlu convention was hold ut this plac
today. . Tlio following candidates were noui
inatcd : Tor county attorney , Judpo E. S
niqher , of Chudrou ; for county coramls
loner , Julius Luno , of Crawford. The fo !
lowing delegates were chosen for the stat
couvcntlon : General M. . Montgomery , W
Wilton and A. A. Cox from Chadrsi ; 1 > . U
Cooper from Whitney nnd C. I' . Short of
Crawford. For the senatorial convention at
HuMivll'.o ' ; Warren L. Cassady , Charles W.
Allen and IV. I . Powers , of Crawford. For
the congressional convention at Chadron :
M. IX Carlton , \V. II. CarterandC. 11. Elliott ,
of Chadron ; M. 1) . Cantlcld , of Whitney and
I' . W. McCuulcy , of Crawford.
Knpnl ) loan County Convention.
SYIIA < LSI : , Nob. , August 21. [ Special Tel
egram ttfTin : BEE. ] The republican county
convention met here to-day , selected dele
gates to the state and congressional conven
tions and adjourned until October 4. The
delegates to the state convention were In
structed to support Paul Schtnlnke for state
treasurer. W. .1. Council addressed the con
vention at length. Thu delegates to the state
convention arcC. . II. Van Wyek , I1' . L. Hun-
som , A. II. Hartling. N. Overton , J. O.
Moore , J. Farley. II. Hucking , F. K. Mcln-
tyre , William Dunn , Paul Hcnmlnke. O.
Herne , E. C. Withal ! ; congressional W. L.
Wilson , Dr. Liiher , .1. C. Watson , A. Heller ,
L. Dunn , C. W. Hoge , George Donaldson. G.
W. McICcc , II. Wendell , George Quible , E. J.
Stedman , O. M. Young.
Pir.ucK , Neb. , August 21. ( Special to THE
Hnn.j The republicans of Pierce county
held their county convention yesterday to
elect four delegates to the state convention ,
which resulted in si-ndlng 11. S. Heck and
J. P. Bucltncr , of Pierce , and L. L. Henson
and L. Stone , of Plainview. They weru In
structed for Attorney General Lccse. On
state treasurer they are supposed to bo for
McClary , of Norfolk , lor llrst choice and A.
.irahum , of Wlsncr , for second choice. No
iction wus taken on the question of submls-
ion , only one precinct in the county voting
jii it , Dry Creek , which cast thirteen for ami
en against. A majority of the delegates are
icllcvcd to bo against submission.
Started For the Summer Camp.
VALENTINE , Neb , , August 21. | Spcclal
telegram to Tin : HKK. ] Six companies of
ho Eighth infantry under command of Gen
eral Muutz left Fort Niobrara this morning
n their march to their summer encampment
on Little Bordeaux creek , six miles cast of
Chadron , where they will bo Joined bj' the
roops from Fort Robinson under General U.
\ . Hatch. Two companies of the Ninth
nvalry under the command of Captain
Jooney , will leave the pobt In the morning
o Join the infantry on their march to their
endesvous of four weeks. The day has been
xtrcmely warm and tlio Iirst day's march
lias been only nine miles. Two men , u ser
geant and a private , were overcome by heat
and were returned to the post hospital. One
of the men was in a critical condition. The
march will bo an extremely fatiguing one , as
much of the road , a distance of 1115 miles , is
through heavy sand. The Eighth infantry
band will not leave until the day previous to
the troop's reaching camp , when they will
o by rail and Join them.
Prohibition Con ven I Ions.
OAKLIND , Neb. , August 21. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : HIE. ] Tlio Hurt county pro-
: iibltlonists nominated Kcv. Hoywood , of
Lyons , for senator ; Robert Houston , of Oak
land , for representative , and A. W. Hebron ,
of Craig , for clerk of the district court. Dr.
Presson , of Lincoln , addressed n largo
audience in Oakland this evening on prohi
Oui ) , Neb. , August 21. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : HKE. ] Valley county prohibition
convention met to-day. Tlio nominations
were : For representative , H. A. Walker ;
county attorney , A. L. Squire ; county com
mission , W. 1) . Alter ; county coroner , Dr.
Charles E. Collln. A county central commit
tee consisting of two members from each
precinct was also elected. Hex * . . ! . II. Hector ,
the colored temperance orator spoke in the
court house to-night.
Charged With Indecent Assault.
Ffi.i.EiiTON , Neb. , Augus.t 21. [ Special to
Tin : HEE.J John E. Miller , living a few
miles south of Fullerton , wns arrested last
Friday for an attempted rape on the fifteen-
year old daughter of George Peregrine. A
preliminary hearing was held bcloro Judge
Oillniero yesterday. Miller was required to
give K > nO bond for his appearance at the next
term of the district court. Great interest
was shown in the trial , the court room being
packed. Miller is n married man , some forty
years old , and has always borne a good
name. There Is quite n conflict of opinion as
regards his Intentions in tlio matter. The
attempt , it is said , was made on the Sth of
June , but did not got to the ears of the par
ents till last Friday , when the arrest was
Annthy A in one the Democrats.
CEIUU Uu'ins , Nob. , August 21.- [ Special
to THE HEB.I Colonel Hobert E. FPzhugh ,
prospective candidate of the democrats for
representative , was In Cedar Kapids Satur
day , to preside at a democratic rally which
had been amply advertised. Upon taking up
the "pass word , " the assembled masses were
found 10 consist of six republicans and six
democrats. The democratic leaders seem to
have dilllculty in collecting their scattered
and disbanded forces , and all the eloquence
of Colonel Fit/hugh and the gilded promises
of Ammorman and ether leaders fall to
arouse nn interest sufficient to give a sem
blance of nu organized campaign.
An Old Lady Fatally Hurt.
CIJNTKAL CITV , Nob. , August21. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : BEL' . ] Mrs. II. C. Mot-
calf , wife of a prominent and wealthy cltl-
? un , left hero via the H & M. for Hampton
tills morning. Arriving there she neglected
to leave the train till it had started nnd in
alighting she was thrown to the ground and
fatally Injured , her wrist and shoulder being
broken , besides bovoral bruises. A report
received at li p. in. states that bho ia dying.
Tlio lady is aged about sixty years.
Brown County Crop * .
BASSETT , Neb. , Augusl2l. | SpecIaltoTiiJi
HEE. ] A good ruin Saturday night and Sun
day assures the best corn crop Hrown county
lias over had. Small grain is n fair crop
Now towns sprint ; up like mushroons. Txvc
are being started between hero und Newport -
port , a distance of only ten miles , and more
are talked of. "Tlio more the merrier. " Tin
county will be divided this full and som <
town will be n county scat.
Small Grain ; i Full lire.
D XKOTA CITV , Neb. , August 21. [ Spcda !
to TUP UKB. | Wheat and oats in this vicinity
are now regarded as n complete loss. Thesi
crops , to start with , wcro not over half ni
peed us usual , nnd ttio heavy rains slnci
they weru placed lu shook have dnmugei
them to such nn extent thai farmers , will
very few exceptions , will net feel warrautci
lu threshing.
A Hardware Hloro Burglarized.
NimuthKA CITV , Neb. , August 21. [ Spo
clal Telegram to TIIK HIE. The hardwan
store of Shoeltlng .t .Meyers was broken int <
by robbers last night who took away will
them 500 pocket knives , forty revolvers unt
u number of minor valuables. There is IK
clue to the thtovos.
Flro at ColtuiiliiiH.
Coi.UMitt'.s , Neb. , August 21. fSoocia
Telegram to TUB HEU. ] The explosion of i
gusolino stove In the house of Mrs. Niswcoml
wus the cause of n tire this afternoon. Klu
narrowly escaped int > tant death The los
to the house was small und was ctivcieu U ]
Insurance. _
Unit in n ituniiway.
YOIIK , N b. , August 21. [ Special Telegram
gram to TUB HEE ! Mrs. Harries , the wife 01
Hon. J. W. ! Jarncs , was ttis evening throw
from her carriage by a runaway horba nn : !
seriously , it not fatally , Injured. Mr
Harm * * Is In Lincoln.
Superior's Waterworks ,
SiTcnioit , Neb. , August 2t [ SpecialTele
gram to TUB BEE. | The contract for wate
works for tbly city was to-day awarded to K
K. Fcltm , of Oinalia , for | 23WO.
Senator Mandorson Explains the
Operation of the Now Bill.
How Arc Ulparliin lights to Ho Secured
cured ? Specimen Damourntlo
Economy GTOSH Violation of
the Civil Service Law.
The New Court Kill.
WASHINGTON Uuiuut ; TUB OMAHA line , )
3ii : FouHTnnxTii StunuT , , >
WASHINGTON , D. C. , August 21. )
I asked Senator Manderson this ultcrnoon
what changes would take place In the busi
ness of the United States courts under the
law which has Just gene into effect , Includ
ing Norfollc nndHastlngs , in the list of places
where terms of the district court shall beheld
held in Nebraska.
"There will be no material changes , " snid
the senator , "except those of convenience to
attorneys and clients. There are no forms
to DC exercised in putting the law into effect.
The llrst thing to be done will bo to secure
room nt Norfolk and Hastings for the court.
1 presume the United States court will beheld
held In these cities in the same rooms that
the county courts nro hclu. That
is the way it is usually done.
Of course the fact that terms
of the United States court are held
there will bo a strong recommendation for a
federal building , and these cities may get
them if we have a change of administration.
A bill appropriating $7 , . " > OJ for a public
building has passed the senate , but it will
lot pass this house. Tlicio will be two
terms held each year under the now luw ; at
Omaha , us usual , on the second Mondays In
May and November. A term will bo held
once each year at Lincoln , beginning on the
second Monday in January , and one term a
year will bo held at Hastings nnd Norfolk.
M the former place on the second Monday
in March , and at the latter place on tlio second
end Monday in April. "
'Is the business before the court in Ne
braska much behind ! " 1 asked.
"No , " replied the senator , "there is
but little business on the calendar
compared to that found in other
states. When congress passed two years ago
the amended judiciary act raising the mini
mum limit of tlio amount which was involved
in cases beforu these courts from $ f > ( JJ to
$ JOJO , the business was reduced about one
half , und all of the district and circuit courts
have , under that law , nearly caught up with
their work. Hastings and Norfolk were
added to the places to have terms of our
court , moro as n matter of convenience to
these who must attend the court than any
thing else. The Judges by order or the at
torneys by stipulation may say where n cause
may be heart ! , and the place nearest the
point where the cau o Is created will , of
course , bo selected in most Instances. "
"Uo you anticipate any trouble in securing
suitable arrangements , rooms , etc. , for the
court at Hastings and Norfolk i"
"No , I think the county commissioners will
meet the federal authorities upon a icasona-
bio basis , and that , inasmuch as it is nil for
the public , good and ample provisions will be
made bp tliu local authorities , 1 believe that
after the census of IS'JO is taken we can have
the state divided into two divisions , on the
Platte river. Now the whole state is n di
vision of itself. "
For several days SciiatoisPlumoniidMan-
derson have been in consultation as to thu
best method of reaching the evils which How
from a too abundant use of water in Colorado
for irrigation aud mining purposes at the
head of the Platte and Arkansas
rivers and their tributaries. They
wore first undecided as to whether to
proceed through the interior department or
by legislation. They finally ngrced upon the
resolution which Senator Plumb presented
in the senate this afternoon , undiwlilch will
como up for consideration to morrow , requir
ing the secretary of the interior to explain
the whole subject , mature nnd report nt the
next session of congress what are the ripa
rian right. , of land owners on these rivers in
Nebraska and Kansas , and what legislation ,
if any , is necessary to secure those rights.
This action comes out of the debate on an ap
propriation in tlio sundry civil service bill
providing for surveys for reservoirs at the
neiul of these rivers. A full report of the
debate in which Senators Manderson nnd
Plumb took a prominent purl was nuulo in a
UKB special. Senator Munderson differed
very materially from Senator Plumb on the
question of what course should bo pursued ,
but they are in perfect accord on the proposi
tion presented to-day , and which will un
doubtedly bo adopted.
A cnrious | commentary upon democratic
economy in congress was presented to the
house to-day in the bhapo of the following
letter from the United States marshal for
the District of Kentucky , which was for
warded by the house to-day to the attorney
general with n request for an appropriation.
The letter says :
'Enclosed find statement showing balance
duo Kentucky Jailors fortho fiscal years 185 ,
ISMiiindlSST. These men nro quite impa
tient waiting so long for tljelr money. They ,
ns u rule , nro poor men. Many of them have
been compelled to hyK | > thccato their claims
and such nave been required to pay n high
rate of interest. A great many of them say
such was not the cuso under republican rule.
Of this I know nothing as I was not in the
service then. I hope congress has provided
funds for the payment of these claims. If so ,
plcnsa notify mo and I will iniiku a requisi
tion and pay them. On receipt of the
money these claims can bo paid and vouchers
reported inside of ten days. Each claim has
been approved and entered for the amount
set. out in the statement. "
The money has not been appropriated nnd
for three years , although notified of this de
ficiency , the democrats of the house have
fulled to provide for these men. Thu de
ficiency for the three years mentioned is
* ll,8t2.
By nn nceident it wns discovered to-day
that the chairman of the democratic central
committee of North Carolina , has addressed
a largo number of circulars to the employes
of the pension nnd other departments here
soliciting contributions to tliu campaign fund
in the Tar Heel state. The form of tlio cir
cular Is that usually employed in this busi
ness nud the solicitation iscnrnest. This is. ol
course , a direct violation of the civil service
law , and the person sending them cou d be
punished boverely. A trick is used with t
view to evading the civil service law. Kveri
name used in the addresses has a slight typo
graphical error. The addresses arc all , how
ever , sufficiently plain and nccurato to war
runt the delivery of the letters. Althougl :
hundreds of thcso solicitations have been re
colved in the various departments nnd es
pecially in the pension office , no complaint
has bocn made und the flagrant violation ol
the law is winked at by the officers In charge ,
The sub-committee of the sonatu finance
committee did not quite complete its tarlfl
bill to-day but is exacted to have it readj
for the secretary of the full committee to
day. Opinion Is about equally divided as U
when this measure will bo put upon the sen
nte calendar. Some senators believe , as wui
stated In these dispatches last night , that II
will bo reiiorted to-morrow while others con
tend that it will not reach the senate before
the tlrst of next week and that It wil
not bo taken up for debate be
fore the 1st of September. WJilIi
the bill is practically complete the sub
committee finds when It is on the point of reporting
porting It to the full committee that then
area few minor details which have been lof
open for outside information and these ciin
not bo closed.
U is stated to-niuht upon the authority of i
republican member of the senate committee
oc ftuituce that the tariff bill will ugtbore
ported to the senate before the first week In
Tiir. TAitirr ON TIN PLATE.
The vnrlous ropresentntlvos of thoTIn Pinto
association wcro given n committee to-day.
They want n hlirher rnto of duty on tlu pinto
if that can bo obtained , and falling In that
they want the present duty retained. Tlio
Mills bill puts tin plato on the free list. It Is
scarcely probable- that any higher rate of
duty will be voted , und it Is by no means cer
tain that the present duty will bo retained.
The canncrs and packers ol lown , Chicago ,
Nebraska , and other portUms of the west
have petitioned for the removal of the duty ,
alleging that ns no Un exists In this country
the tax is only u burden on the consumer of
the ninny necessaries of life that nro packed
in tin. Senator Allison's constituents nro
largely interested but not on the side of In
creased duties.
The comptroller of the currency to-dny ac
cepted national banks as reserve agents for
national banks ns follows : The Commercial
National bank of Omaha for the Holdrcgo
National of Holdrege. Neb. ; the Chemical
National of Now York nnd the Omaha Na
tional of Omaha for the First National of
Gibbon , Neb. : the Omnhn Nationnl for the
First National of Ketcham , Idaho. ; the Na
tional Uank ot Illinois , Chicago , for thoMlu-
nehaun National of Sioux Falls , Dale.
Much Diunaiic DOIIO by the IllK'1 '
AVIndH and Water.
Monii.E , Ala. , August 21. The southeast
gale which began Saturday nftornooii in
creased in velocity to seventy-live miles nn
hour yesterday. Tlio waters of thcgtllf have
been driven over the lowlands both cnst nnd
west of here. There have been no trains
either way and the city was inundated.
Wires arc down everywhere.
NKVV OntXA.Ns , August 21. Pnssongers nr-
riving by the Texns iVi Pacific railway from
Slirovcsport report damage to the buildings
nnd crops similar to that done nt Donuldson-
villo and Plaquemlne. Sugnr houses nnd
other buildings were damaged or destroyed
and crops were blown down. Similar condi
tions of affairs are reported from points on
the Morgan road.
Great dumago wns donn In this city nnd
throughout the sutrnr belt from liaton Kongo
to the gulf , Including the rice section of the
stato. Much sugar cane nud lice wns blown
lint to the ground , and many sugar houses
and dwellings were damaged. Thu damage
to the sugar crop is roughly estimated at
from 10 to 20 per cent , nnd to the rice crop of
20 to 50 per cent.
In the city mnuy houses were unroofed ,
fences prostrated and trees uprooted. The
heavy ram of the Hlth for n time flooded the
entii e city. The rear portion of the city west
of Clayborno street is still inundated , the
water in the canal being so high that drainage
machines are comparatively useless.
Tlio city was in darkness on the night of
the I'Jth , the electric light wires coming in
contact with the wires of the telegraph and
telephone companies necessitating tlio cutting
off of the electric current. The greatest dam
age done by the stoiiu about the city was
along the river front.
The loss on the fifty conl barges sunk is to-
dny estimated -iSOO.OOO. . Crops along the
river for over twenty miles have been en
tirely destroyed.
At Wheeling.
WHKEMNO , W. Vu , , August 21. A storm ,
which in its disastrous effects rivals that of
July 19 last , has been In.progress hero since
8 n. m. nnd shows no signs of abating.
Wheeling creek , in a narrow vnlley cast of
Wheeling , is n foot higher'ntO p. in. than
ever before , the roads being flooded from two
to six feet deep and tbo bridges destroyed.
The valley is now one angry flood , nnd the
dnmnge can only be estimated by the wreckage -
ago that dashes through the city nnd out
into she river. At DM0 p. m. n
piece of the Baltimore & Ohio wooden
bridge from the Pittsburc division struck
the Baltimore fc Ohio bridge nt Mnin and
Sixteenth streets , which wns destroyed in
July and rebuilt , and it was carried away
with the rupidity of n cannon ball. Warned
by the former experience , there was no per
son on it. At 5:50 : , while one thousand or
moro people wcro massed on the substuntinl
stone bridge over Wheeling creek nt Main
street , n man on the creek's bank 100 feet
nbove shouted the warning , and the panic-
stricken crowd rushed over and into each
other in n wild effort to i each terra flrmn.
After the bridge was cleared these ncnrcst ,
seeing it apparently snfe , turned back laugh
ing nt their late alarm , but before they
reached there the bridge , 140 feet in
length , fell with ono awful crash and the
waters leaped sixty feet into tlio air. Water ,
gas and natural gas mains , sewers , telegraph
und telephone wires , electric light and street
car power conductors were cm lied down.
The Baltimore & Ohio depot and the Market
street iron bridge , it i& sdid , will go. The
losses will reach $ 50,000.
All trains have been abandoned on the
Ohio Hiver road. About two hundred dele
gates to the republican state convention at
Charleston to-morrow are stuck on this road
at Sistersvillo , Va. , forty miles south on the
It Secures Terminal Facilities at ft.
Louis With the Wnlmsh.
KCOKUK , la. , August 21. For years the
Burlington railway has been seeking ter
minal facilities in St. Louis. Tills result was
accomplished to-day uy a contract made by
the Burlington's St. Louis & St. Paul line ,
having headquarters iu this city , with the
Wabash railway , whereby the Burlington
secures the Joint occupancy of ths Wnbnsh
track from St. Peters , Mq. , to St. Louis , in
cluding the St. Louis terminal facilities. The
contract takes effect September 10. The Bur
lington proposes to put on a fast passenger
train from St. Louis to Denver over the Han
nibal fi St. Joe aud B. & M. ; also fast freight
trains to Missouri river points.
JiiHtnu Kdttor'H Luck.
PitT.snuiio , Pa. , August 21. [ Special Tel
egram to Tim BEG ] . Night EJitor Benning-
ton , of the New York Herald , came to this
city Saturday with the intention of marrying
Miss Lottio Faulkner , of Allegheny , yester
day. Hut early in tlio day the young lady
skipped with another admirer , Dr. E. C.
Maruoklu , hospital steward at thu Western
penitentiary , nnd wns transformed , into Mrs.
Mnrnckio. The expectant bridegroom had
purchased and furnisncd , a house In New
York und was terribly cut-up. The affair Is
the greatest social sensation of the season.
Moro Unilroiul HchemcH.
MONTHEVL , August 21. In view of the
proposed extension of the Canadian Pacific
railway to Detroit , it iaotfinounccd that the
Grand Trunk Hallway company has made
arrangements to extend its Michigan
nlr line in ordir to form a
short line between Detroit and Chicago , Independent -
dependent of the Wabuah , und Is also making
urrnngements to nt onca make connection bo-
twci-n Its system of line * und tlio 1 o'clock
St. Louis nml Kansas Cfty.truin , reaching St.
Louis and the southwest by n route equal to
that of the Wubash.
Hccr CoiiMiined l > y PlnincH.
noL'T , N. V. , August 21. At an early
hour this morning u large mullhouse , con-
tnining 80,000 bushels of uiult , owned by
Noldliugcr. Schmidt & Co. , of Now York ,
and two large ice houses owned by the Brew
ery Ice company , of New York , und a portion
tion of n boatyard , burned nt South Hondout
together with the machinery , etc. The total
loss U estimated ut over f 100,090.
far. Louis' Eloper * la Canada.
TORONTO , Out , August 21. Moore , the
Journalist , and Mrs. Norton , who recently
eloied | from St. Louts , are hero living at u
fashionable boarding houso.
The Wemther Indication * .
Nebraska , Iowa and Dakota ' : Generally
fair , slightly warmer , wluds 'becomlus. gcu
crally syulUerJy. '
i- . ,
Delegates to the Iowa Convention
on the Lookout for Traps.
The Perversity of the New Members
Driving the Slnto Makers Wild-
Other llawkoyo Polit
ical Notes.
Iowa's Itcpuhllcan Convention.
DBS MOINKS , In. , August 21. [ Special Tel
egram to THE BKI : . ] The hotels nro crowded
to-night with delegates and visitors to the
republican state convention to-morrow. Del
egations have been coming all day nnd nearly
nil nro hero now. Everybody remarks upon
the number of new faces. Old politicians
walk through the corridors of tlio hotels and
do not recognize ono man in twenty-five. So
many new men nro hero that it is very hard
to forecast any definite action. They knoxv
nothing about politics and are distrustful and
suspicious that everybody is trying to pet
them into n trap ; so they refuse to maku
pledges for different candidates , and drlvu
the slate-makers nearly wild by their per
As near as can bo gathered from the
drift of tilings to-day , Judge Urunccr
has gained the most for supreme Judge. Ho
comes from northeastern Iowa , which has
not nt present n representative on the bench ,
and ho has had n good force of workers on
the ground to-day. Ho seems to have cut
into Seevers' strength chlelly. Somewhat to
the surprise of nil , Attorney Cieuural Hakor
has been making some headway to-dny for
renomination. A number of delegate * are
pledged for him , along with Commissioners
Smith and Campbell. Ho urges that his inter
ests are Identical with theirs , aud that It is
necessary that all should be endorsed in
their fight ngninst tlio railroads. In all
probability thu two commissioners named
will bo nominated In the tight for the third
place John Mnhur. of Muscatlno , seems to
have iniidu thu most headway to-day. Sena
tor Lawrence , who was a favorlto last night ,
for some reason failed to arrive to-day , and
his candidacy Is therefore set back some.
The convention will form a temporary or
ganization to-morrow forenoon with General
J. M. Tuttlc , of this city , as chairman.
The Northwestern FrclKht Problem
Sioux CITV , la. , August 21. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK Hun. ] The general traffic man
agers of roads doing business at Sioux City
met in conference hero to-day. The roads
represented wcro the Chicago & Northwest
ernChicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha ,
Sioux City it Pacific , Chicago , Milwaukee &
St. Paul und the Illinois Central. The vexed
northwestern freight puzzle wns thu subject
of the conference , nnd it was brought on by
the announcement of the Illinois Central that
it would reduce the rate on fifth class between
Chicago und Sioux City from 2 < c to 20c on
the IGth inst. The reduction wns proposed
pending to-day's conference. The Sioux
City jobbers appeared at the conference und
mnde an earnest appeal for the proposed re
duction , representing that their Interests
were imperiled by the Minneapolis discrimi
nation. The representatives of nil the
roads admitted -tUis.but opposed the
reduction to Sioux City on the ground
that it would demoralize nil rates to Missouri
river points. They declared that it would re
sult simply in the extension of the present
northwestern rate demoralization. The Illi
nois Central stood out for reduction. Its in
terest is identical with Sioux City , since a
diversion of trnftlc through St. Paul is a di
version from its lines. The only result of
the conference wns nn agreement for a final
conference at Chicago on Saturday , the 23th
inst. , at which time the Central's twenty-cent
rate will go into effect unless revoked.
There is a fear hero that the other rends
will mnkc concessions of traffic to the Central
rather than face the danger of a comprehen
sive Missouri rate war involved in the Sioux
City twenty-cent rate.
A Tlppccanoo Ilnlly.
Dns MOINBS , la. , August 21. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Buu. ] There was n great
rally of Tippecanoo voters from all parts of
th. .State hero to-night. Many wore delegates
to the republican state convention , and com
bined the two meetings on the trip. About
six hundred of the veterans formed in line at
7:30 : at the Snvery house nnd paraded the
stx'eets with bands and banners nnd great en
thusiasm. The Grand opera house was packed
to the doors with u great audience to hear
their exercises. On the stage was n largo
log cabin witti the coon skin nnd cider barrel
In front. Beautiful decorations of 18-10 emb
lems , banners miniature nnd cabins abounded.
On the front of the stage was n row of old
Indies who wcro interested in the campaign
of 1S-10 , and the venerable grandmas with
their old fashioned bonnets nnd white hair
beamed happily on the great throng and
seemed as lively and as much interested as
in the days of Old Tippecnnoo. Tlio old fash
ioned songs were sun g , stories of olden days
wcro told , and great enthusiasm among tlio
old folks prevailed. The main speech of the
evening was madu by Hon. James Hurlnn , of
Mount Plensant , formerly United States sen
ator from Iowa , and secretary of the interior
In Lincoln's cabinet.
Ho Skipped With a Buodlc.
WATEIU.OO , In. , August 21. [ Special T clo
gram to THE Uni : . ] C. II. P. Andrews , a
dealer m general merchandise and n grain
merchant In Murray , disappeared the early
part of last week , and it is generally believed
that ho has absconded. A week or two since
n letter nddressea to Mr. Andrews from n
woman , formerly n resident of Murray , fell
into the linnds of his wife. The writer uc-
knowlcdgcd the receipt from him of nn ele
gant gold watch , nnd the letter was gener
ally of n character that might bo expected
under the circumstances. As u matter of
courbo , Mrs. Andrews wus indignant , nml
when she confronted her husband with the
letter and insisted upon un explanation , he
demanded possession of It. Upon refusnl , a
struggle ensued , in which Mrs. Andrews Is
said to have been choked and otherwise
cruelly maltreated by her husband and finally
compelled to surrender the letter. A separa
tion wus tlio first result and now Mr. An
drews' disappearance , together with the
bank deposits of the firm and the money bor
rowed on the eve of his departure , causes it
generally to be believed that hu has ab
sconded. His son is endeavoring to close up
thu business honorably , however , and hopes
to bo able to satisfy nil claims upon the firm.
Dolllvcr Wins In the Tenth.
DhS MOINES , In. , August 21. [ Special Tel-
egrain to THE BEE. ] Tliu most exciting con-
grcsslonul convention hold in Iowa in many
years closed ut Webster City to-day , when
the republicans of the Tenth district nomi
natcd J. P. Dolllver , of Fort Dodge , to suc
ceed Major Holmes , who has hud three
terms. Hundreds of visitors wcro present
from out of town with bands and spociu !
trams. Dollivur was nominated on the 100th
ballot , receiving 55 votes out ot US. Ho is
about thirty years old nnd famous us nri oru
tor. Thu Tenth district Is overwhelmingly
republican , so that a nomination is cqulvu
lent to nn election.
Conger Henomlnatcd.
DEsMoiNKH1August2l. ( Special Telegram
to Tin : HER. ! The republicans of this ( tl.o
seventh ) congressional district rcnomiuatcc
Congressman Conger to-day practically with
out opposition. Colonel H. J. Hudd , of Mar
lon county , nskcd his county for a compli
mentary vote , which wus given , but CVLTJ
other county in the convention voted solldlj
for Coiijter. He has had tw terms , anil given
great satisfaction. A letter received from
hli.i nt Washington , setting forth his views
on current | > olttlcnl Issues , was read with
great enthusiasm ,
A Terrible KIcctrlcnl Disturbance
Above the Clouds.
Coi.oiuno SI-HINDS. Colo. , August 21.
[ Special Telegram to THE BKr. . ] Yesterday
afternoon thirty-five tourists from various
pnrts of the United Stntcs visited the sum
mit of Pike's Peak. Between U nnd U o'clock
a severe clcctrlcnl storm , accompanied by n
heavy fall of hall , occurred. The visitors
look refuge in the signal station. Miss
Laura Cook , aged fourteen years , daughter
of Mr. George D. Cook , of Chicago , was
standing In the open doorway while the
ntorm wns nt its hciglith , gazing at the ragIng -
Ing elements , when suddenly , and slinutn-
neously with a deafening crash , a blinding
light filled the room , and the spectators weio
horrified to see the blue blaze of a lightning
bolt strike tno unfortunate- girl full in the
face nnd circle downward nround her body.
She was knocked senseless to the lloor , nnd
u fearful sight , met the eyes of her relatives
nnd friends , who crowded nround her. Her
head was swollen to nn enormous size , nnd
her body and limbs were cut in stripes and
horribly mutilated.
Very little could bo done to relieve her
sufferings , which were Intense , but a messen
ger was immediately dispatched to Manltou
lor a physician. The Manltou party left the
summit about three quarters of nn hour after
the nceident. At that tlmo the wounded girl
was uttei ing heartrending hcieams , audit
seemed to bo tliu general opinion that she
could not live.
Mr. Cook is well known In railway circles
throughout the country , and is nearly craved
with grief over the sad accident to his
Mr. George L. McClure , of the banking
firm of McClure & Sons , of Glb.son City ,
111. , was sitting on an unused battery in the
rear of the station and sustained a bevcro
shock , which caused him to utter several
fearful screams. The battery undoubtedly
attracted the lightning , us Miss Cook stood
in a direct line between the finsh and the
batterv. The balance of the party scarcely
felt the shock. The Incident Is n peculiar
phenomena , and old mountaineer * claim it to
bo tlio first serious electrical disturbance
ever occurring above thu clouds in the his
tory of the stnto.
The Slnycr of Architect Rnmsdcii of
KHIIHUH City Maker ! a Confusion.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , August 21. ( Special
Telegram to THE BEE. ] The Hamsdon mur
der mystery was cleared nwny to-night by
the confession of John II. Martlmg , a young
draughtsman recently employed by Itauis-
dcn. Martllng says in his confession that ho
went to Uamsdcn's oftlce on the afternoon of
Friday , the 17th inst. pile was washing
un ink block in the contractors' room , adjoin
ing Hamsdcn's office , when Hamsdon came
into the room and u quarrel rcgnrding some
money owing Martling occurred. Knmsden
ndvnnccd toward Mnrtling with a heavy
ruler In his hand , when the latter , fearing
bodily harm , seized a brick nnd throw it at
Hainsdcn. It struck him < ) n the side of the
head , indicting Injuries from which ho died.
The way the confession came about is
somewhat peculiar. At the inquest this af
ternoon Mnrtiing's father wns placed
on the stand , nud told the story of
the crime ns related to him by
his son. When Young Mnrtling was con
fronted with this fact ho gave away and
talked freely othls action. He alleged ns u
reason for his previous statements tnnt inns-
'inuch ' ns the action was committed in sclf-
dcfcnsu lie haa thought It best to keep quiet
and not get mixed up in tlio matter. Ho is
but nineteen years of ago. While public
opinion has been ngninst Hamsden , tlio well
known disposition of the man who was killed
has caused wide credence to bo given to the
story of self-defense. Leon K. Wlckes , who
was working in Uamsdcn's ofllco at the time
of the quarrel , was taken into custody to
night nml will bo held to await further de
The Murderer of Qiilnu Suffers the
IJIIXV'K Kxtrcinu Penalty.
Niw : YORK , August 21. Dan Lyons , the
murderer of Qulnn , was haiiccd nt 7:15 : this
morning in the Tombs. Lyons passed his
last night upon earth in u perfectly cool , col
lected xvay. His indifference to the uxvful
fate before him xx'iis not bravado , neither xvns
it religious enthusiasm. It was duo to the
fact that he oithcr did nofor could not rcal-
i/o his position. Ho xvus called ut 4 o'clock
this morning nnd arose. After performing
his ablutions , Lyons received the priests. Then
the procession xvas formed to the little chapel
over the female prison. After the bervicch
they returned to the cell. At 7 o'clock the
procession to tlio gulloxxs xvas formed , and
at 7:15 : the drop fell. From tlio time the
rope was cut until the time ho was pro
nounced dead at 7:10 : there xx'as but ono con
vulsive movement of the body. Txvcnty min
utes later the body xvas cut down and placed
in a coflln nnd taken to the undertakers.
This afternoon it will bo buried In Calvary
cemetery. The crime for which Lyons xxras
executed wns the murderof Joseph 10 , Quinii ,
July 3 , lbS7. The txvo men had a dispute )
over a girl , xvliicli ended In tlio shooting of
( Juinn by Lyons.
Ktrocler lecllnen to Dubatu.
CIIR voo , August 21. [ Spjoial Tola-gram
to THE BEE. ] Robert S. Coxvdroy , candi
date of the united labor party for president ,
challenged A. J. Strecter , candidate of tlio
union labor party , to a joint debate , txvo
weeks ago. He has received a reply xvhlch
in part reads : "Whilo I do not belicx'o in
George's land tax theory , yet in this canvass
I have not antagonized you nor your peculiar
tax theory. I have left you both alone in
your glory , and yet you nro not happy. I am
not one of these who promote divisions in
labor organisations by getting up hobbies to
ride. I decline. " Coxvdrey , in his reply to
this letter , points out tlio alleged differences
betxveeii the txvo xvings of the labor party ,
and regrets that Streeter would not consent
to a debate und the possible merging ot their
iiitiiicstn , to maKe their campaign moro suc
A Ncxv Depot ut St. Joseph.
ST , JoiErii , Mo. , August 21. [ Special Tel
egram to THE BEE. ] Commissioners have
been appointed by tlio circuit court to decide
upon the point xvhcro thu Cliiengo , St. Paul
& Kansas City shall Intersect the Kansas
City , St. Joseph & Council Bluffs , and the
latter road xvill noxv be compelled to take the
through Diagonal freight. The Diagonal
xvill ut mice commence the erection uf n
freight depot ut the corner of Main nnd Jule
streets , -JOO feet long by 'M xvlde. to cost
& XOJO. ) C. U. Berry , formerly cashier of the
Hock Islam ! ticket office , has been appointed
local freight agent nnd xvill take charge Oc
tober 1st.
OberkninprH Kvniiilnation.
CHICAGO , August 21. The exumlnatlon of
Frederick Oberknmpf , the alleged mull thir.f ,
xx'HH commenced this morning before Com
missioner Hoyno. After the examination of
several xvitnesscs the t'ovcrnmont's side of
the cuso wiift closed and the ca o continued
until Friday next.
Patent's for Nebraska Inventor * .
WASHINCJTOX , August 81 , [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : HKE. ] Patents xvero Issued
to the folloxvlngNebraskans to-dny : Andrew
Bethscheldur , Hebron , pruning Implement ;
Abram'M. Woodbury , Superior , oafciy shoe
for car trucks.
An Aflexod CountmTnlt DUuli.iiv.eil
DBiononp , Dak , August 21. [ SpecialTel-
egrani to TIIK Beu.J John Uo i , of Sturees ,
xvhtf visa ia t January arrested for counter-
fcltl&f.wa * to-day acquitted.
The Flshorlos Tronty Fnlls of RntU
flcatlon In tlio Souixto.
Mr. Ijyinnn I xplnliiH Ills Position on
tlio Snl > Jc.ot of 1'ciiHloii I < ejl .
Intlun The French Spolia
tion Clalmu.
August 21. In the sonnt *
this morning , at the close of Mr. Morgan's
speech , the proceedings on the llsherlc §
treaty wcro Interrupted by resolutions here
tofore offered by Mr. McPherson , returning
thanks to the state of Now Jersey for the
statues of Kichard Stockton and Phillip
Kearney , and accepting them in the name of
the nation.
After the adoption of the resolution the
senate proceeded to vote on the llshcrles
tieaty , the llrst vote being taken on Mr.
Gibson's motion looking either to the
amendment of the treaty or to arbitration.
It was rejected by a strict party vote yeas ,
29s nays , ill.
Tlio next vote taken was on the amend *
nient offered by Mr. Gray to article ) two ,
providing that on all occasions facllit crt
shall bo accorded to United States llshinj *
vessels in Canadian port * for the purchase of
casual or needful provisions and supplies. lo
was rejected by n like party vote yeas 23 ,
nays ! ! 0.
The next vote was on the resolution of rat
ification , requiring n two-thirds majority.
The resolution wus roected ] yeas 2 * ,
nays HO.
After the fisheries treaty was disposed of
a number of reports from committees wcro
made , including one by Mr. Harris from the
committee on epidemic diseases to appropri
ate 200UUO for the suppression of yellow fe
ver.Mr. . Stewart then made a personal explana
tion in regard to the charges that ho had in
troduced u measure in the interest of timber
Mr. Morgan said that ho nroposcd to ask
the MMiato to-morrow to proceed to the con
sideration of the bill relating to the debt of
the Union i'aeillc railway company.
Mr. Plumb "Is it jour purpose to bring it
up for the purpose of addressing the senate I"
Mr. Morgan "No , for action. "
Mr. Plumb- " ! hope the bill will not bo
pressed ut this session. 1 have an amend- „
incut of a very important etmractur to rnovo
to it , and shall nskthu senate to let it go
over. "
Mr. Platt "The bill for the admission of
Washington Territory 1ms been on the calen
dar for u long time as untlnishcd business.
1 must insist that its consideration bo pro
ceeded with without delay. Then I will ask
that the bills for the admission of northern
Dakota and Montana be disposed of. "
The house amendment to the Chinese pro
hibition bill was concurred In and the bill
now goes to the president. The conference
report on the naval appropriation bill was
agreed to.
The senate then passed 0 , ) private bills
upon the calendar. After an executive so -
sion the scnatu adjourned.
WASHINOTOX , August 21 , In tho-housq .
Mr. Hooker of Mississippi introduced n bill ,
which was referred to the committee on Ju
diciary , changing the time ior the assemb
ling of the Fifty-first and subsequent con
gresses to the first Monday in March instead
of ttio iirst Monday In December.
Mr. Lyman of Iowa , In explaining his rea
sons for objecting for some days past to the
transaction of business in the absence of a
quorum , expressed his anxiety to have BO mo
general pension legislation enacted , and crit
icized the committee on rules for refusing to
report n resolution assigning u day for the
consideration of such legislation. Ho was
informed that that committee had not had a
meeting since April last , notwithstanding
the efforts ot the republican members of the
com mitteo to secure one. Ho nlso charged
the democratic side of the house with having
filibustered against the adoption of the reso
lution called up on Thursday last by Mr.
Merrill of Kansas , fixing a day for pension
legislation , and with having adjourned the
house on Friday nnd thus preventing un evon.-
Ing session for the consideration of private
pension bills. Tlio responsibility for the fail
ure of legislation nad been ilxod. It
had been llxcd upon the shoulders of
the men who sat hero by reason
of the victories of the union army and the
magnanimity of the union soldiers. Ho had
thought that if n quorum was required to JIx
u day for pension legislation it should bo also
required to puss appropriation bills , nnd he
had. therefore , made a point of no quorum
ngninst the deficiency bill. Hut us that bill
contained items for the benefit of the ex-sol
diers of the union ho did did wish further to
obstruct the passage of the measure und for'
that reason , und for that reason nlonc. ha
would not raise u point of no quorum against
the bill.
MoMillen of Tennnesseo charged Mr. Ly-
man with having hinxelf' forced the house tq ,
adjourn on Friday und thus witb
tlm evening session.
The house then wont Uito com mitteo of the
whole , Mr. Springer of Illinois in the chairj )
on the deficiency appropriation bill.
The discussion of the French spoliation
claims section was resumed , but without con ?
eluding the donate the committee rose mm
the house proceeded to tliu consideration of
resolutions accojitlng , on behalf of congress ,
the statues of Uichard Stockton and Philip
Vcarney , presented by the state of Now1
Jersey , to bo placed in Statuary hull ,
The resolutions wcro adopted and the house
rcMimed consideration of tlio deficiency bill.
No action was taken and the house ad
The Lust Day ot tlio Inquiry in Now ,
Yorit City. |
Nuw YOIIK , August 21. The congressional
committee to Investigate the immigration
question entered upon the last day's Inquiry
this morning. After to-day's proceedings
they go to Hoston , where the inquiry will bo
Louis S. Samuel , u dry goods Importerwas
tlm tlrst witness. Ho has a contract for supplying - ,
plying mail and corn bags for the povonic
incut. To do this woik he employs 150 hands.
On being pressed by Congressman Splnola ,
the witness acknowledged that the majority
of hU workmen were Italians.
Tim committee UIBM examined Samuel
KreuU concerning the importation of musi
cians under contract. He admitted that ho
had brought six musicians from liavnrlu un
der contract , but did not hold tliu men totho
contract after hu heard that it was nguliibt
the law.
Immigration Commissioner Charles W.
Talnter appeared hnforo the committee nnfl
called its attention to u provision of the law
by which the secretary of llio treasury is em *
powered to enter Into contracts with the gov
ernors of'statos nnd other local authorities
for tlio carrying out of the provisions of tha
contract labor law. Ho said that no such
contract had over been entered Into between
the secretary of the treasury und Governor
Hill or any other official of lids stato. Henca
the immigration commlnblonoi-a do not feel It
their duty to look nfler the Observance of thi
law in this respect.
After hearing several other witnesses the
committee adjourned to meet in Ddston noxt'
week , when the invcstlfi'iUoa.Mil be p >
A Notorious UalU Knublier Killed.
ST. Louis , August St. A special from
Sprlilcfleld , Mn. , cayb that Captain Mat Kin.
ney , the famous chief and founder of the
Bald , Kuobbcrs organization , was ket
killed ntO/urk , Christian county , to-day fcy
Hill MUc , an autl-
v * ? jJ > _ _ j.a