Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 19, 1888, Page 9, Image 9

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Interesting Information Pickrd Up in
the CammeRI Quarters.
the Trze flene actor-A Word tn the
W1ie I. Sumci.nt-UoW We ( . * 3
angthcn Our LIvi.
mpbod7 C ? oth T mewhr or other.
cmetrnn or other biUt th' great cio4 d"
b7 flim who ke' twa iatte at ra DUW
wflere Ofl grew before. ( t COtU'4. 4r. or Mrs.
cr 31t" ) Ththg1mbnb. n , altL ths iat Wi
Tef4reWe to owthg a the otflufl
ent1prtMng tw3 aWl tfl Ont of flnUL4tUr
Ur : i SCT3. hr ( o 3WmeRUt actual or 11Va
bneflt. sow. I claim t b. just nwh a
benefactor. Di my r.attfle1 anti Cijit3 I ! bU"
you bow to makt a dollar i ) a ar a two
to : ow a thlThC ia7 b. mauI' . tr a given zost.
twice as ' ! efl al itiui or in iair ti. vjromury
tmp. I awetn your tmper. brlgfltefl fld
1enthen tour 11rp. . aid n.'ri17 b1p th1nz
ann. If there i my mctfiJ to b , 1Vn to
bnefaitor. I w&flt t to zand doWi to my ehil-
drpc. Zr no medal ti offDM ! , I ba this happy
COflC1OUhfleZ 1nC
Animal Vitaflti.
Tn these da Of COfl2St.4 ot pIIVifraI enih'r.
tflt4 thCT bA9 bees a dra siid ahont th.
thrr'aaigiraflty ot athIti a comp&rt wtth
that exhihtted by them &t the u.ul O1mptafl
a1ni and aimflar eontets. and the long-con-
tUM1 coW t betwpn the ore of ltZe and
d.nth refltl7 the ca of Emperor a well L4 tflt great IOflZV1tY of
. hts ath1ar3 anti geuerl ! : hn ao tiuii"il
r Dopuiar atientlon to the same tApC with an in
tre3t that hii. acarcely onniI a parallMl. . .xIept
111 thi day. witii reverti we
a ai lieI the bniletlZiH which tolil r the ebbing
ur ( tthe martyr ( arlehl. and then Laiir on
which nave the flew of ( eneral ( ; rnt3 condi.
tlmL attir of lonuevfty Hilit enlUrnce have
eagro1f..d our : itieflt afl4I bet U the suh1ct
of .xperm5nt re.earch. I have beU watchIng -
Ing th. conr of . .ver31 men and woynco noted
a rn-nmlnen factjrS tn the oncolnj. a
wfl a. tun-e 4if others ; "nibte thLid Us M1-
tone and village flamp4en' ' hu ha ibown
thmieIve to hay * In a miLrktMI li nr' thiiu1-
I tyor vitalttV. and I trnnk that what I bav. oh.
j aerred anti what I have thiIltht upon the tib-
tVt wfll 1iitrrot ou In a worrL fl3' { ) .
irnrn tnthL b.aitffnl city that taflil8 ilitwith
? promthenc. on th banks of one if the grMatt
rivers tn thb country. L fte b.-n wat'hin
. vlgorou5 DIPIe. and. In partitluar. avra fl. . . .
pie of promtflflC I cav rt'nntt out tbt& that In
erderto he baljtiy , one mtLtenny : ooi1 hc7llth
and In or.1trtoht . henlth and vjnt-oue. a man
mI2t have a giinI hfl..4 ) t 911.1tM. lie ZnUMt
have gwel unit cuillcIent fonil ifltl b abic to
.tIgrt It well In Ui. . tt'miu ii. anti after t ha.
* ) Ptfl then lirt.-iI he mnt bc afll * tO niake
bn anhl trnwfl and bran t2ie stomach i our
bet. trlcntL
VhIlt.on a hlt5tnCss trip to North Omaha r.-
cently I met and ci'ner1 with Mr. Wtlilain
Ward. a yuniz gent eman who employed ai a
grlpman on the cnblo ramway
; flir\Lt WRD.
Ward titvtng bad quite an experience
; nt..iy t414l me th tolluwing particulars of It :
1 Trmibtt1 with tht at4rrh about four
y.-ur' It roZfllfldflCCtI wIth a frcsfl cold. thu. !
- ' - nT ot tieetInc with rhilly enatIone followed
- by a euudtlon. and my nu.-e Wa
1 Mt..pp.-.I up athoinIi I had it wntery dt'chargu
b fl-tm my nn..trile cuntinnafly until the eilnei of
I no'.Iiil ' ( OkIMI * t1 enough to satty the
flujt TWUdifll4 ) oil ! top.r. and my eyes would bi
flhtcd with ter4. ThLM ctin.tlthin eon le.ned.
anil w.n.hileue me lut little annoyance. but
CuIt u. . ' calti woiihl make the cuudttitrn worse ,
until I lint ! ap.rmiinentcon.tirIonofeold inth.
head. The iIt.chzLrp wa4 then thicker and
changed La culur. I could har.tly breathe
through my no + e. antI the .th.charge would cul.
lt--t In WV th'our. , vbth kept me cmtlnuitlly
brmmiuz ni ! pittthu. the elightest change In
temperautre wju il atfert my condithm am !
then the other. ter o1ng to bed , If 1 laId on
my riiit , iiI. . m3 right noetril would stop up ,
If un my left , . my Jelt flth4tili. and 1 wai
eoiiipeiled to keci. my mouth onen Ic
: et mttIc1cflt eir. tv rotce bad a
mitI1t.l cbarncer and kin. . of "UUa1 twanir. '
1 hitti a continmil pain over my cyce
' and in the back part i f my esee. my foo,1 dIii
not s-v well on my Tomih and my appetit
wm. rhengeulib' . r ateaery 'Igbtbrenkte.t. ' dut ;
no douht to my compelieti to 11cm ant ! tptI :
tn much upon arIiuu. ! taffert-d thii wayuntj I
I b-came dtecntiregeL Attt'r tryIng iumerout
patent and ohtithtng no relief. I
.lnclut cit would mak. one more trial I Iiat I
Cb cen rcattlngnbcut Dr Mc'oy anti his atteocthte ,
tibt ! viit'teil theIr IJmre In the Ramue block ani I
mnwt ay thHt I wati beneilted by their treatment
ftrL feel ! tke a new man again. I feel toda3
like a mum who hae been 'Iherateil from a ch ,
crnflnmrnt. I do nt have the pelna over my eye'
, any nuire , ml' heat ! Ia clear anti my flole' alt. . , .
have no mn-e tilt eltar'e from the no.e , my anpe -
the I' . go.nI anti wbntTeutaizree with me. t an t
4 cnininginhl.--.h. I 1.-epwed and get up in tflt
mtrn1ng rtfl e-Iiet1 no inorebernminz antI itult-
tiu ; , unit In & : olt I feel much belt-erthan I have t
forever four vearit. I feel like doing an(1 .ay1n tr
all I an f r thi dot-tor and certainly recommenti
all b ( ) are nUTenntith ratarrh to give him I
trial. forhas worketl wontlers tornic.
: ! r. Ward. whoe porrrttt is produced above , .
IN cnilt1oed nit n-ipinam and rt'sidt.a at Yn. 41 ; I
i1ith lPth .trtet ant ! wdl wUhIngly suhetantiatt
It tht' above 4iitCmeflt to anyone duubting itwh ( ;
wIll take the trouthe to call on him.
. .I Don't "
* tt&Ieve It.
1 No doubt. this Is the remark miulemany thne'
attcr readtn our te"tlntonlals b7 alLrptlcs. .
4 'rht 1' buy theIr cacea. " Jw.t constter. fur tine I
ni meat. ax-it the people of tats community o
grat.uuur for mou'y that they in
caaes are tuen train the general nubile -wotUi
connive for a patrv 'utm to hooitwnk ! an
fteect' theIr ( allow meui Nut univ that. rout. I
arnr ) : in a monetary sense. not to epeak i
flndtnthe peraOn , to pay from ten to ntty do !
1a for the e of a man name and W man .
hood to .hrat and .wInttIt. poor nntortnnntee
4 tur UustnionIa1 are zven Y.duntarily b3
* hanktnl untient whotie namee .tml a.Iitrestw'
are given in flu ! . we tin not gtre the InithiL to ! .
lowed by & - . but the correct name and ad .
di-eas 'io thatail can tim ! them. Thereare thou. .
antisof . .keptlrs .tilLin thecity who .ulier trait
tupped up utiece. with muru..ro1Ii-ting In tht'i :
thcont.meImrtheIr volcea thIck anti hu..k r
anttwit.h a na4l twantr. anitering tram head
acbe. cure flntrttut. coughinir. hitw1n. . and aptt :
Un.retinthzuaIIrothere with dIcchari'e ft-un i
thrtri ears , m..rii or icea deaf , a great annoy .
ani.-e to tnem'IYfe , and others , and why iim
ply tiet-JltiM. tbt'y era akeptical I they don't rak. ;
' . the tmubiti to oo our caet.a up , and eveg
Uieytbd. they ot-tentIme , hug the timall .un
thax mtid make them well until It .roani.
health I' . worth more than money. anti at th. :
' low pt-Ira Dir wbIcn t.dlet an be ohuIned it i ;
a ' 9j1t.tjOn ! iii et-nvfleon" tij let the chanci .
_ _ _
. ' . - tIaTe. 01 I3.4'evuc Rutnitai.New York.
1 Ue.eede. by
1)4 ) t'T ( ) It
' IlAIttjts M .iORD.iN.
- , . , ( La ! . . ef the Inrreratty of New York City ant I
' llowa.-d tn.tvcntlry , Va4iington. I ) , C.
No. 310 and 311 Ramito BuUd1n r euth anti Harney Omaha , Neb. '
* here all curable cz..e are treated
with $ ucce-.N.
Note-br. ( .hnrIe hI. Jordan baa been re..1 .
iheut pbytt-tan for Dr. McCoy. in Omaha , ft. : r
the past yearend I. the pbl'airian who )
uuiIe tne core. that hava been
i.t'kly ULthh. paper ,
.Mteltrai diatnaea treated skilirtille. Consump ,
Unu. 1it-lhta .U.wuu.e , Dyipepei. , hbeumatiin
and all 1IIIVOC flI5jitES. , thl dheaee , ne :
etillar to the aexe a specialty
LtLT.TlOh t ouiee or by nudi , Ii.
Ilitice haure-etojlamto4pm.ttop .
m Sunday o21it iiOU-3 train U a.m. , , to 1 p. an ,
( .crtenendcnt-e rrc.'ire. prompt ate.nt1un.
ManydIp..a. ' , . MreZa-rat4.tI auri-retullvby Dr
3or1on thrQuIn the mail iantt It Ia tflU pu&atil a
fur ttioae uuable Di make a jourm7 to oblali
iL't1Eht.fylL : 11UPLT.tL T1tE.iMENT & 1 '
S Wact Head. , Ileeh wQrTII ct-ed lit
PIrlltte ti MAtcCumpIexIonaieap.a..bymali : . p
t .
- - > . .a .r. . '
A chioometWIe aud Otherwe ,
of the Fair Sex.
R eced by an Actree-She DiTch Ifl
and Saved Him-Won by Tro
Lengths-Mr. 'lames'
Typewrl Let.
Viroqna'e Valiant Yonnst Laitfes.
Globe-D&'mocratt ; The young 1adie of
Viroqua , Wia. . ( hvernor Ruiks home.
h uve nrranIztd a younr roinan'repub -
l ican club for eampagn work. Married
l aidies are a4cepted only ta honorary
memb.rship. The club hu. a large mei-
bur.hip aireinly. The prenrnbltt of the
c 1ub etint1ttition iii ai follows :
We , th. Ot1fl women of Viroona ,
believinir t.liitt the llrst concern of all
good overnmentis the virtue and ao-
brietyof the people and the purity of
their homes and b.lievthg that the republican -
publican party cnrdhtlly sympathise
with all wiae and well-directed etTort
for the promotion of temperance and
morality , do. in. order tofurm an ciTeg-
tire oL'Wanizattaon by which we tnay
give to the republican party our heurt-
felt ympnthy and earnest upport.nirree
to thbt constitution for the tounr
Woman's republican club of Viroqua ,
The otficere are :
PrediIeut-Lwy Dtwsnn. :
Vice-Preaident-Metla Hurpr.
Secretary-Helen Neff.
Treaaurer-Lihbie Spellum.
Exetrotive t ommittee-Jiin" Smith.
Edith Blake. Laura McCulloh , Annie
Njvhoh , Albert Pulver. and the prei-
ilent and , etrethry.
. Ite.ciei ! by an .lttre' . .
New York Star : Bertha Marthal1.
one of the eriu-eomie sinarer at Perry
Lilat , ' pariliont'oney Lktud. heroically
rctcued Beie Clear. the fifteen-year-
-olI dutghtor ; of Stiperintenuent Clear.
of the Brithten Beaeh L'icing auocia-
tion. aa he watt drowninr in the surf
oT ! Wtut Brihwn. The trirl. who jq a
good 4ts-immer. wa - a considerable dL-
toilce out from the hot'e when he wLa :
iezed with crnmp. She called for
help. and Miss Marehall. who i an e -
pert swimmer. and 'a-ho wa in the
water not far away from the 'irl.
promptly went to her ; uiatnnce , and after -
ter much dililcuity. brought her ashore
in safety. _ _ _
She Dive , ! In anit Saved Hint ,
Miss May Brest , of West Philadelphia -
phia , who has bcn stayinr at Somers
Point. ha ahiered the laurels of a
heroine. On Monday nirht. while
stonding in a pavilion near the yacht
wharf. she was startled by a cry for as-
sistanee. Runnint to the water's edge ,
she discovered that Lewis
the thirteen-year-old son of the pro-
pricier of Guy's hotel , Philadelphia ,
had fallen in the water. Knowing he
was the only pert-on near. she bravely
dived ott the wharf , rraptnl the boy's
sinkinr body. and. althouirh the tide
wa's awiftly running out , she brought
him k' the pier. where her - strentrth
failed. and when five minutes later she
was found. both herself and the boy
were unconscious. After a time they
were revived. rs Borst b described
as a young lady of prepossesin appearance -
pearance , about twenty years of age , of
quiet habits and a great favorite at the
Point. _ _
She Won by Two Lenthti.
New York Sun : There was a novel
swimnhing conteat froni Bambtrs bath
ing houae aLL \Vet Brighten on the Iill
von Cull between Mis Mary Seebecker
and Mr. W. H. Warburton , a wealthy
resident of West Britrhton. Miss See-
becker is twenty years old , a brunette
above methuni height. and with a good L
figure. Eer lonir imir hang3 in braids
below her waist. She is spending a fet
week3 with her cousin , Adolph Koenig
on Taylor street , West Brighten. She
is an expert swimxner and diver. and
since her arrival on Staten Island she
hn.s been practisingsteadily. Mr. War-
burten lives with his parents on Taylot :
street , a few doors from Mr. Koenig's
where he made the acquaintance 01 r
Mi-is Seabecker. He iii about twenty -
five years old , tall , well built and an all -
round athlete.
Mr. Warburton and MIis Seebecket
often visited the baths together. 't
rivalry spr.tng up between them as t )
which was the best swimmer. FinnJl r
MLSS Seebecker chaUenged Mr. War -
burton to swim a race. Mr. Warburter L
poompdy accepted the challenge. Tht
course was frout a float anchored at Mc -
Donald's Riverside hotel on the Berget
Point side of the river. a ilistance of on
mile and a quarter diagonally up th.
Kills. When the news of the conies t
leaked out , wagers were made by ihei r
friemLs. fL Seebecker was the favor -
ite in the betting.
There was a strong ebb tide running
The river was crowded with small boat a
and the shores were lined with peopli
t ) see the race. When 3liss Seebecke r
made her appearance she was greetet
with waving of handkerehief ant
merry cheers. She was dressed in :
neat fitting , dark blue armless bnthin
suit , trimnied with white braid. Tht
leggings , which were gathered at the
knees , displayed two white shapely leg :
below ,
When Warburtan made his appear .
nuns hecame in for partof the applause
He wore a striped jersey bathing suit
They both took their pOsithn5 on th t
float , and at the word 'Go" there wm
a splush of water as both plunged be -
fleiLth the surface.
They came up a short distance ( ron
the float , and both struck out at once
Warburton splashed a great deal in hi : S
swimming , mtmtof the time going hunt
over hand , while Mbs Seebeciter seemet I
to glide through the n-itr with scarcel3 r
an unnecessary ripple. She swam side- -
% % 'ayS most of the time , and apparentil
diii not exert herself.
In the firut two-thiriLs of the distanci S
they kept about abreast. Then Mis S
Seebecker gained a slight lead. Th 3
specttiors in the boats and on the tire-
banks clapped their hands with deligh t
and shouted encouragement. Wher
about feet ( toni the finish she spurtet
and passed her rival with a long , sweep -
Ing stroke. At every stroke her bar. .
arms and shoulders could be seen abort S
the water gleaming like snow in iii. .
sunlight. The CrOWd cheered , and shi S
quickened her stroke and reached tht
finish Mr. Warbunton about two tength S
behind. A dozen pair of hands wer
reaehed down to help her up on th.
float , while the shout of applause caine
up front both sides of the river. Sb. S
waon the raft in an instant and turne (
t4 : lend a helping hand to her rival a 'I '
he sn'um up to the float.
She covered the distnnce in ftuteei
mm ates , _ _ _
Mr. Jainei. ' TypewrIter
New Yoi * World : The only persoi
In New York , if not In the country
who enloys the distinction of employ -
lng a daughuir of a millionuire as 1 ,
typewriter is ex-Posimaster Genera 1
Thomas L. Jameti. Mr. James f.s prest -
dent of the Lincoln bank. The inter -
esting young ladyis MissJcnnlti Wehle I ,
the daughter of Charles Wehle , th
well known lawyer anti real estat. S
owner , who has a luxurious home it
SIxty-sixth 5treet. The only reasor
Miss W-ehie lute to be a typewriter I : S
beeuuse she lees her worg as an artia t
d oes his or a a born -msicIan loves
th usi. With d delightf'.il bomi' . , id
't rith ahnost evervthintr iiney ruuid
b uy , a finished i.enton , po-e&-sed o
n mny ! liraI nccomp1i-hmeat. she hts
il nosen to be a typewnter thstentl of a
iln ociety girl. Indeed , It Is whIspered
n anorig her friends that she flab declined
more than one .t.ring of
marriage becatise knew that With
assuming the retponsioilitIes of a wife
s h would have to give up the oceupa-
t ion of a typewriter.
It wn.s with no little stirprise that
Mi.s Wehie's frientis learned that she
had become a typewriter , and some of
t hese appeared to think that It was
horrid thtt : a young lady situated as
he was should become. as they termed
I t. "a bread-winner. " Her parents and
sister were oppo'-etI to her taking this
course , but as the yoong lady was de-
termineti and as they could nut urge
any reasonable ohctiou , like the sensible -
sible oeople that they are , they withdrew -
drew their opposition. and Mit's Jennie
treat ahead and ma.-tereil stenography
and typewriting. No one ever started
to aceompiiah a tnak with more tviil or
enthusiasm _ than did Miss Wehie. In
sLI months she was a better steno-
grupher than the nrnority of young
women are who have studied stenography -
graphy for a year.
Nowhavizwfltteilhersolfseait to be
rap ble of taking a situation , she announced -
nounced that she was going to seek
one. Her family and friends would not
hear of her doing this. With money at
her dispotal that would satisfy a young
lady of most eatravagant tastes , there
could be no reason for her adopting
such a course. Besides. the members
of her family and friends thotight it was
a mere whim with her and that she
would eon tire of tier seif-impo-ed oc-
cupation. But in thLs they were greatly
miataken. Her heart was just as much
set oil being ; i typewriter as any sta-ie-
struck irI vbo is benton adopting the
since : t a profes-lon. Per&ons who hail
years of e'perience as typewriters pic-
tureti to her the trials and drawbacks of
the busines without Ia the least decreasing -
creasing her enthusiasm.
Her father finally concluded that she
could take a ulace in his olfice , belier-
inc. that in a few monthi she would be
ghid to give it up. when ( eli into
the habita of other young ladies of her
wealth anti station. he was by no
means satisfied trith this , as che wished
to be like other typewriters who had to
deoend upon their own resources. She
felt that moitey she received front her
father would not be as much worth hay-
lug as money earned through her own
exertions. inasmuch as she could haive
the money from her parent without the
necessity of working for it. Anyway.
under the belief that she would not
stick at the buainess six. months. hut
father agreed to allow her to look for
another poition if she worked in his
otlice a year.
For twelve months she copied law
briefs and corresponded with her
father's clients. and at the end of that
time she s-as more in love with her
work than ever. and she set about to
look for a new situation. Ez-Posastcr
General .Tatmes was a friend of the tarn-
ily , and he at once offered the voun g
lady a place in his bank , There she
found a different typewritin machine
from the e she was accustomed to ase ,
and ahe surprb-d every one by learning
to operate the machine in a remarkaby !
short time. During the few montiis
she has been in the bank she has been
as prompt in her attendatice as any em-
ployc of that institution.
'W'ben it was learned that she was a
stenographer o ( the Lincoln bank. the
members of the circle of society in
which she and her sister moved ox-
pruesed astonishment , and in many
ca.-es disapproval. Several said Miss
Jennie must be of an eccentric turn of
mind to prefer hard work to the pleas-
urea of society. but these ouinions did
not affect her in the least. The majorIty -
Ity admired her pluck , and thought the
more of her for the atand she had
taken. But still people will talk. and
MissWehl&s course has been very much
discussed among her friends and neigh-
Corded silks willbe in high favor this
Dark rich failles in tvallflotver shades are
There is less and less bustle in the world
of fashion.
Directoire gowns and bonnets are very becoming -
coming to tati , stately women.
Sarah E , Toucey , of New York , is the in'
venter of a grape-seed extractor.
Thti queen of Sweden is acting as tier own
chamberin.ud to cure nervousneas ,
A novelty in underwear is the skirt of
striped lawn woven to imitate th-.nvxi work.
Loretta B. Weld , of taasachusctts , Is the
Inventor of three different pi-epur-utiuns of
Mrs. Gecre Westinghouse. of Pittsburg ,
is credited with an income of 2T,003 a month
from natural gas steks alone.
The bow at the top of your parasol cannot
betoo flamboyant for fashion , unit the richer
and costlier the ribbon compusmflf it , the bet.
icr the style.
The old fashioned carded and cross-barred
ortrandy muslin Is aarain In blith furor , as
welt as Iace..trped butiste , and cnurnbr3y
and Scotch ginghams as well.
Dark-green rough straw bats f.icni with a
ihrrriu of dark-rreen net and trunnied with
drooping pink gladioli and grasses are pretty
for wearduring _ the autumn.
Uort petticoats coming just bt ± Iowtbe knee
are worn by many ladies in place of the
chemise , and are trimmed with tucks anti
lace , or an embroidered rule.
Amoni liower.bonnets lately seen , one e.
ptteiaily notable was of rea1.uta red clover ,
and another of thistle and t-u'ciocks upon a
foundanon of twisted grasses ,
Habitue. of the theatre will mourn the m -
teth.aant'e that the Alpine and Spanish hats
with high-peaked crowns and standing brims
threaten to be popular this winter.
It is computed that there are nearly a
thousand women in Iowa who own farms and
give theta their personal attention. Only of these farms are mortguge.L
Mention must be made of the handsome
new mohair. and French poplin. that are
scarcely to be distinh'ushed from the soft-
ribbed beugahnes and other colored silks.
India pangee grows mare and more the
rat ; ; and is used indifferently for gowns ,
hats , wraps or blouses , which are usually
mmmcd with a sharply contrusUng- darker
new and very French fancy for
waist trimming is a Corselet of wide ribbon ,
pot fitted but beld in place by pin. , anti end-
tug in a aunt and long end to fall over the
Waists run to extremes , either antler the
armpits , or long as the moral law ; but the
same bodice may be made tO 3fl5 % fQ both
styles by means of th wIde softly-fouled
empire sasa.
In shirts elegant almolicity is now the ef.
feet most sougn ; though m.uzy tvtth et abor-
ate drapery and uU manner of foUls and frill-
tags are still seen on tho.'e whose hearts are
still deceive. ! by ornament.
Many of the latest toilets for bridesmaids
are quaint anti old.fashioned in effect , and
many t4illeLs of this description made by
London modistes are modeled alter drcss
poputh- thit siat.stnth century.
Palest rose pink : several delicate ahatles of
green , rosy blat ; and yellow are the tints in I
higlivogne for summer toilets at the various I
fashionable resorts. Some of these bare
snort skiria and others demi.trains.
French walkin4f skirts are two and one-
bait yards mona the bottom with tilted front
snd side gores and yoke at the nack breadth I
ls gathered , and bare either a hem with t
trimming put full below It or lace trimmed
ilounce set upan the skirt.
Therelsstillarnge for pLaids , and their
t-J is lIkely to pt-ave a toner one than
was , at first ProPhesied -qaxtetahuit at. least t
through the tall anti wmtcr seasons. Pliudnd i
- - . . - . -
. . : BtTP9P'o
C I GR R 0
Are the Finest Goods Ever Sold for the Money.
Buffos , 4 for 10 Cents. Cigarros , 5 for 25 Cents
Guaranteed Long Filler. fine as silk. Smokers , Aik Your Dealer for these goods. They can be foanci on sale a
J ames Haeratnt Conniti Wars
Moore .t Keplinger. tin
HJPahnrtr , iii ,
I t . ' . 1I&tr't , tb
M 4) Calef , tin
STMc.tei' . tIn
Pat tunnnade , tin
Radio t S-ar. . tIn
J ohn Allen , tin
. A I ) Fo'.ter .1 ; lIt-a , . tin
A M Reirttsley. do
Dr F V' ibolighton itt )
S 11 Kelly. tin
4 ) 14 Brown. tin
E C Drown. .1. .
Tholl Kracht.
Win. Arnit .i : Son. dii
Camp .t Ellis , dii
Delltflitorgaui.'Co. .10
J C Ibrarinton . % co , tin
t intkcItte1 , lit
Itobert Mull. . . , tin
Vic JennInc. .1.t
H . -icDonaid. . ( it
H C Han-on. lit )
It Gaflartier , itt )
St'lnItot & rotIekt do
C E 1Utth. ( IL )
v H ( iranday , itt )
, las D Stuart Couneil Blilifti.
. 1 5 ( 'britetit-en. OuiHtia. Neb.
Cornish t LeFe'cr 'In
II J . % het-iy. tin
lv . & Hotetier 1 Co , .10
Max Conrail , .10
" - J ware , tin
S T , do
NdflrIile , t hunter , tb
C 1 ; itapp , di-
Olaf I. hang , tip ,
2 W Clara , tin
U ( iirti , ' .in t'apbflhirn. ; eb
C A Mebcber.ntth Omaha
F S Tnt-her. Fhorenie , Neb
Cole , i Nerifle. Hohiritlup. Neb
II' Cutler. Raniti City. hak
.1ames.t ) t-rk.-r. ( ) "ceultt , Neb
S Whit-ox. S'ntlit. Nab
1 % ' M Sheparti , t l'o. DenblIrT. 13
( ; .i , 11 rarlton. Etcie Grove. Ta
Wm Hermini. Mo Valley. Ta
U .1 icIiorr. CreMion , La
Frank ) % 'aikey. Port nionth. La
, berry .t Had.'y. rx'e-tou. La
story . In , 1dney. I-a
Halter & 1111 ! . Cot-attic. ra
.1 tv ShCLb..rtte' , ( iaklaiitL Ia
.1 t Prather. No Valley , Ta
I lark Ellis. I.ltti. ) SIoux. Ii ,
Or. flos lia'-tarisnt' . Monilanifnra
H A Kauoff.4're-iton. Ia
S v (1er. Macnulls , Is
A 11 14.'EmIree. ( 'anti-n ! City , Nab
. .t It Smith .a Ca , Se'varti. ' .eb
F S Hazard. ( .rantt I'dantl , Nab
r. n 5impon. ( lyile. Kan' .
Ailanis lire. . Dcaiiwl)4kb , thik
D..ngtas'i . k NeIon , uperiot , Neb
1) 8 IIafl .t Son. Neison. N-h
J C Feidnasa. KansLCity. . Nab
Dr It II Ihiben. ltepnblI'an , i dv. Neb
tadleman .k flctiilen Orleans , Nab
H T Fergii'.nn. Ot-TCItUM. Nab ,
K E Ilowen.tier ! ! hartz-anti , Nab
Snow Hrrn , t ( 'a. ibnltirrgr. , Neb
l'atierman Co. Ray Springs. Nab
.1 1) Drury. Giboon. Nab
N Barnes'eural City , Nab
SPlualtMacqueen. . Cetlar Rapids , Nab
'l'ower & Stone.'ttlttnn. Nab
I s DarUar , Sti-anr , Nab
Pay Cro'40n. ( 'rete. Nab
\'etbu" t Barlow. .tlh-rt Lea. Iinn
1'laas F Woehner , Inilianola , Nab
_ t L5ehaIer , Lincoln. Nab
Thomas .t Co. rand Island , Neb
_ j 1. Taylor .k ( 'i , Akron , CoI
.1 Q Ilsuititon , IietrIc. ' . Nab
Dr . itIchaLin. Charts , Neb
ibingens , S gnnay. Plum Crack. Nab
A S Uyan. Ilartinuton. Neb
Dr C i. t'ean Arapsbott , Nab
Ii T Ferusnu. Orleaus , Neb
.1 ii ( ; alttralth , . % lbthn. Nab
A ( ; ¼ 1.leli. . St E.taants. Nab
( ; eL , E Gratbon , tlbIon , Nab
I'tliorua ftroe , ( jenos. Nab
IL J Zaykora , North bend , Neb
p GihilI' , North Rand.Neh
C U Chase. Sennyler. Nab
flarkoy , .tineworth. Nab
3 B. iIimfler , Bloomington Nab
Henry Crook , Rec Cloud. Nab
T Frahm. Fr"-niunt. Sal ,
.t G1bton. Freemoni. Nab
} 'tPtI N Pearein. Rustic , Nb
w K Ilodge , North Bend , Nab
Ed .1 te1dL Crete. Nab
E .1 Towbaa : Ca , Cheyenne , WI-n
T IL lt.hIer & Ca , Crete , Nab
FreiierIrk-t & Entrtrnm. llo1dree. Nab
1 % ' P Nortis t Ca , Bolttri'ge , Neb
Osborne 11mM. tranutbiirgb , 5th
II blarney. Denver. CoT
Web-'ter , t 50n. liarvarti. Stilt
Get F Fonda. fitutittar , C4.I
I. L Vounu. Tekaniab , Nab
Llria ' Williams. Omaha.
S Wht'.btar , Oskttale.
Kuhn - ( o. . Omaha.
D W Saxe , Omana.
Frank ( 'handler , Omaha.
Sam It Farnsworth. Omaha.
Fr-int-Ijteo : Co. , Omaha.
.t II B.'hrene. Omaha.
.1 D Adams . Co.StertlnitCol.
Ster1lnt ) tdi.t'C. , "
non' urns , ii Co. . Iloldregti. N oh.
And all other first c1as dea1er. Retailers ordering one thousand of these brands of us can ha.e their name and addre *
in this ad. gratis. Mail your orders to us at one.
urats , combined with cashmere or Hear.
etta cloth. are made up in many ' .ti'Iish trays ,
lcng etLuct. being particutarty popular
The old-fashioned beU-haped sleeve ti re
vired with the short French embroidered
under ale-ewe which was a feature of dress
many ye.Lrs are. The boll-shaped cleaves
when they bot'mne oagrcrated , as pii'tares
show. neceMsitated the very larc puff sleeve
with a banti as a.thiish. A tendency to re-
nrc a small puli-sleeve at the edre of the
rather short coat.sleove is now appureuL
There are iul3 number of fancy straw ban-
nets for the comingautnmn , made in colors ,
mixed or not. to tone with the new tweeds ,
and bricht cheviots which are made into tat.
br walkthir tout iravelinir costumes. The
shape of these bonets is rather snuill , intl
they hare open fronts that may be pinched
into that motillitsi 'Oliva"idiape popuLir
abroad. or otherwise be duet ! iii with ruches
of black : a.e or pinked or frimred silb.either
of which makes a becutning framework for
the man.
In our fitful climate the intermittent
chanae , from heat to cold are exceptionally
trytnw. anti durinar the Late stammer and
early autumn weeks ave no sooner discard
the thin gown than'we re gret itand putting
on a heavier onethe tickle sun breaks forth
with burning mrs. anti we ag-am suffer from
unsuitable clothlog To meet the exureneles
of this mutability of the wea ther , thea-c is
nothinr for wear more satisfactory than
tight woolen. We'are apt erronsously to associate -
sociate this fabric in slimmer with heat and
discomfort , but we have only to anpIy the
test and we shall assuredly declare in favor
of lhrht sheer wool aitainet niatly of the so
called seasonable goritis.
The women of Indepeitilence , Me. , carried
that town for prohibition recently by shrewd
and enerretic electioneering work. They-
swarmed around the polls and the lunch
stands and the street corners , wearing ay
badges and peddling "dry" tickets , Young
women camed banners tvhicn declared for
"Teniper-4nce Beaus or No Beaus at .UL"
Children marched through the streets carrying -
rying thitra on wukb teere inscribed : "Sow
\Vhisky Ballots and Reap Drunken Boys ; "
"Young Men , Keep Your ILecore Clean "
"Bairn , Revenue and Rags , " and the like.
And so the women won. aided by 100 voters
train the Mormon church there , who went
solidly for Tirohibitbon.
- p
Free iii All.
The beautiful picture. 'WiU They
Consent ? " is a large magnideent engraving -
graving , printed upon a aheet ii ) inches
wide by i4 Inches long. It is an exact
copy of an original painting by Kwall ,
xhich was sold ha' .5OOO.
This ebecaint picture represento a rouno'
latly staniiinn in a bt'autiftii room , surround.
ttd by all that Is Iuxnr1ous , near a half.
open door. while the young man , her loveris
seen in an adoinjng room asking the consent
of her parents for theirdaugliterin mairriama.
The fine interior decorations , together , wah
the griesfol po'dtion of the beautiful girl is
in keeping with the sentiment of the picture ,
It must be seen to be appreciated.
TitLe valuable picture is tItling to adorn the
wall of any ludie' . ' parlor , and in order to
oiler an ( ± .xtraordinary Inducement to intro.
duce our Wax Statrri , this costly picture will
be given away. free to every person purchas-
in a small box of Wax Starch.
'rhis starch is something entirely new and
is without a doubt the greatest starch invention -
tion ofthe ninetronthcunmiatleastevery. .
bOITSUyS so thathat'eusediti It sflwrcetles !
everythnr htretofore used or knotim to
science in the laundry art , tnlike any other
starth , as It is coated with pure white
wax and chemicalLy prepared upon scientific
principles by an expert in the laundry pro.
fession who has had years of practical exper.
jence in fancy laitindrying , It Is the firstnd
only starch in the world that makes nuning
easy and restores old summer dresses to their
natural whiteness , and imparts to linen a
beautiful anti hathairthileb ,
Please remember that the present you receive -
ceive with each box of Wax Starch , has
never been solttat 'retail for less than one
dollar , This great offer is only rood for six
weeks , after which the present wall be omitted -
ted and the start'h sold at the usual price.
Try it and be convILmed of the whole truth.
Ark your grocer lar Wax Starch and oh-
tam this beautif bl.nd costly picture free.
- .1 Keokuk , Iowa.
The Skt4tKentucklan.
.il Keutuckiaii'was sick in the hospital
with ( eve" . ' -
"Will you give .me something to
drink ? " he asked faintly of the nurse. .
"Certainly , sir'teiid the nu'ae , offering -
ing him a glass of watOr.
ife put up his hand feebly.
"Give it to me in a teaspoon , please , "
he whispered , huskily , "till. I get used
Not a California Bear.
Anybody can. catch cold. this kind of
weather , The trouble "is to let go , like
the man who caught the bear. We advise -
vise our renders to purchase of the
Goodman Drug Co. a bottle of SANTA
ABLE , the California King of Consumption -
tion , Asthma , bronchitis , Coughs and
Croup Cures anl keep it bandy. . 'Tie
pleaswg tsi theltanleanti death to the
above Comphtint& sold at .i.Oo a
bottle or 3 ( or IlJid. CALIFORNjA
gives immediate rolieL
The Catarrhij virus is seen displaced
by Its Lietliiiau4 : penetrating n'ttnre.
G _ % - , t a trial. s months treatment
* 1.00 , sCat by. mall 11Q
4.Ai . .
, , _
. 4
The BurIngton takes the lead.
It was in advance of all lines in developing Nebraska.
It was in advance ofall lines in establishing dining-car
service between Missouri river points and Chicago.
ft was in advance of all lines in giving the people of
Omaha and the West a fast mail service.
0 It was in advance of all lines in running its trains from
the East into Omaha proper.
It was in advance of all lines in reducing the time of
passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago.
It was in advance , and is the only line by which you can
( eave Omaha in the morning and arrive in Denver th.
evening of the same day.
It has been progressive in the past.
It will lead in the future.
Travel and ship via the Burlington. .
Ticket Office , 1223 Farnam Street. Telephone 250.
Depot on Tenth Street
: i :
North 16th Street. Between Bnney and Wirt Sts. , Omaha.
Commencing THURSDAY EVE'NG. , AUG. 30
Siege of Sebastopol
Invented and produced by Pain & Sons , of London and New York. Thirst-Ic & Cooper
Managers , Realistic bombardment of forts , by boats , on an smmen..e At-tin-
tin ! Lake. Tertitic Astault of Fortress by Allies.
Correctly ccitumed and excellently drilled as Rusiian Soldiers , Cosiacks , French
0 and English troops and marines , Turks , Sardinians , etc.
By speclaily engzed artists , Ruscian atheres , Swordsmen , etc. The whole to
conclude with
Consisting of the ateet novelticsManhattsn Beach Aerial and Aquatic Pyrotichnics
Music by Sabastopol Military Band.
Admission 50c ; - - Reserved Seats , 75c
Wells female cofleceatAnroraNew ,
the alma mater of Mrs. Cleveland , was to
tally destroyed by fire August 9.
The board of education at San Frtncisco
hi investigating charges to the effect that a
number of its teachers are incompetent.
The opening of the Coggaweit Polytechnic
college in San Francisco on August marks
the itt-st step taken in the state in rre man-
flat training.
Great tiiianres have been made upon the
campus of Yale coUere , New Haven , in the
past few days , the excavation for the faun-
daticu of tbe new buileing having been be-
The pupils of the Institaite at Gnanauate
Mexico , deserve honorable mention ( or gte-
lug the tamable prizes awarded for good
sclrniarhtp to the sufferers by the rece'it in-
tadatbon ,
: 'hc.z scent celebratIon of tue - eighth den
tenary of the L'hiversity of Bologna took
place recently , and was most fittingly oh.
served , as beittted the oldest untverstty in
the worj4.
Articles for incorporation for Las Cruces
college , New Mexico , have been filed wiLls
the secretary of the territory , and the found.
tug otthis much-needed educational instatu-
Lion its now assurwL
The faculty of the Ottawa Normal schodi
think that the tact that this year there were
no honor students , and not one qualified for
the governor-general's niedal , is due to rules
perinhttinIf young men of the school to call
upon young women of the school ; anti pass
.venthgs with them. Cotil recently the
rules to prevent. the commintlng of the
sexes were of the strictest kind. They were
not even allowed to recognize each other on
the streets. if it appears that the relaxed
I at's likely to result In ton muen calling
-I 0 tt1e study , the oh ! methods tyki
: - n.uu he employed.
- We still li-are left
few odd suit. ' . from
- oar large itock .f
Sunirner GooZi , tJu4
lye Wazit (0 CIL'1p086 of
I before f.'sefaJl serIsei'
- opeI.i , prices
$12711L , R-eneinbei
f/tent are strd.dfli aU
wont fJOOL5 ( , ilIIiein. .
_ _ _ _ _ both Szck.'s f Frocks.
'I .1 _ _ -SS. _
- -