Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 19, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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It Is Faster Than TIj t of Nc-
Tlio Ilradstrcci agency having Just closed
Its revision of Nebraska rcixirts for the
fall book , 1ms compiled the following figures ,
which are furnished to Its executive oftlcc In
Now York City.
Number of Jobbing doing busi
ness | n Omaha August 1,1SJ * . . ' . -T
Number of Jobbing houses that com
menced bushess during the year end
ing August 1 , 1SS3 43
Total 275
Number of Jobbing houses that retired
during same time 11
Total number of wholesale houses now
doing business in Omaha "M
( This list of Jobbing houses Includes all
concerns who arc manufacturing and Job
bing their own goods , and also such linns us
are doing a retail and Jobbini ; bcslnoss com
bined. ]
Total number of nil firms and Indi
viduals doing business In Omaha
Aug. 1.18H7 ; 1,003
Number added during year ending
Aug. 1 , l bS 72S
Number that retired from business
durlngsamo time 211
Leaving n net gain during the past
your of. . . . 517
Or an Increase of 21 per cent
Total number of firms and Individuals
now doing business in Omaha 2,410
The above statement does not Include
South Omaha , that has seen its principal
growth during the past t\vo years , and has
now 107 firms and individuals doing business ,
and the following lines are represented :
Hunks ( one national , one state and one
savings bank ) ! 1
Packing houics 5
Live stock commission ! ! " >
Hides , etc 2
Hendcring , etc 2
Ilrcwers 1
Hctail stores , saloons , hotels , etc 14' ' )
The growth of this place during the past
year far outranks any other point in the state.
iurr. : < 'UNO MWIIVSKV.
While It Is pleasing to note the rapid in
crease in Omaha during tlio past year , it is
also gratifying to know that the city is not
growing faster than the state and territory
As will bo seen by comparing the following
statement with that of Omaha , the city has
increased the past year about (5 ( per cent
faster than the state , but that should be
when ono considers tno largo territory west
of Nebraska that is tributary to this market :
Total number of all firms and Indlvi-
I duals doing business in Nebraska An-
E ' guatl , 1SS7 15,1.21
If Number added during past year 5,117
Bin Number that retired from business dur
ing mime time 'JSOS
Showing a net gain of 2,81ft )
Or nn iiicreaso of 15 pur cent.
Total number of tlrms and individuals
now doing business in Nebraska 17,03'J
MItS. .1. IH5N8ON.
Great Moving Sale ol' the Season.
Wo huvft too many goods to move and
wo must move the last of this week. So
if you want goods at still greater re
ductions , come and see the bargains wo
will offer , as some lines of goods that
wo are not going to keep up must bo
closed out , and wo will make prices
that will soll'thom.
Special lots of hosiery , knit under
wear , corsets , mitts , towels , shawls and
s other goods will have prices that will
? make them go. MHH. J. BiCNbOX.
Strangers visit IIospo's art storo.
Almah 13. Keith leaves Monday for
the east to select now millinery stock.
NOTICE All friends favoring the
Univorsalist belief in the fatherhood of
' God and ultimate salvation of the human
1 * race will please send their names and
I ft uddrbss to Kev. Q. II. Shiiin , Deering ,
' Mo. The names of gentlemen and la
dies tire wanted no difference if you
attend some other church send your ad
N. n. Falconer's Kmploycs Present
Their Coinrndo With a Watch.
At half past 0 o'clock lust night , when the
store closed , the clerks In N. B. Falconer's
store presented Mr. J. D. Cowio , managing
and general buyer , who is leaving to go in
business for himself at Grand Island , a
handsome cold watch. Mr. Falconer made
the presentation in the following speech :
| Jv Ladles and Gentlemen : A pleasant duty
devolved on me to-night , and that is to make
presentation to one of our number , who has
been associated with us so many years , and
who is now about to commence an cntsrprisa
of his own. It is needless to say that 1 allude -
ludo to Mr. John D. Cowie. This valuable
present , the finest gold watch and chain that
could bo found In Omaha , I am sure must be
much enhanced In value In your eyes , Mr.
Cowle , from the fact that It conies from your
friends hero with whom you have so long
1 ' < associated. It Is given ns an evidence of
their good will , and accompanied with all car-
nest wish for your success in your now en-
toprlso In Grand Island , in which you are
about to embark.
As to your success I have not a shadow of
doubt if you carry out. the principles of
the establishment in which you have
% been so long : that our customers are
| . our friends and that our duty to them is n ot
* how much profit wo can got out of thorn , but
how cheaply wo can sell them , and never to
foist old or undesirable goods on them , but
rather to make the loss ourselves by selling
§ uch goods only ut what they are worth. If
you follow out thcso principles , as I am sure
you will , you are certain of success , and the
best of all success , because obtained in the
right way. And now , sir. in handing you
this watch , I have only to add that It carries
with it our esteem and respoet and the best
of good wishes for your future happiness and
Mr. Cowio's ready wit rarely falls him ,
4 but in this Instance ho was so overcome with
" emotion that ho could do no more than utter
Ills heartfelt thanks , at the conclusion of
which tears glistened In the eyes of many
old associates.
Mr. Cowio has been with Mr. Falconer
nearly eight years , and during that time ho
has endeared himself to all with whom ho
bus become associated. Like his late em
ployer ho is a firm believer in printers' Ink
Judiciously used , and ho will prove a good
patron of the Grand Island papers. The
people of that city will find Mr. Cowio and
his family u valuable acquisition to both so
cial and business circles. THE IIuu wishes
Mr. Cowio the most brilliant success.
SOU , Pictures
In beautiful frames will bo sold at hall
price.Vo have on hand on our walls
in u separate art room u largo collection
of engravings , oleographs , paintings
and arthotyes , specially framed foi
customers who have failed to get them
and wo will bell them for the price o
the glass and frames thoron. Come
early and got first choice. A. HOSI-J : ,
ICia Douglas St
The liuslncsti Transacted Yesterday
Florence People Protest.
At the meeting of the county commls
sloncrs yesterday Mr. J. J. Points submlttc <
a report showing the list of city prisoners
confined In the county Jail from January 1 tb
July 1 , 1SSS , and the amounts paid to the
sheriff monthly by the county for the bo an
of such prisoners.
Following Is n summary : January , (101.05
February , $69 ; March.lS8.l5 ; April , * 251.li5
May , (351.85 ; Juno , JG0.70 ; total , $1,183.50
The county will present the city with ai
Itemized bill.
Mr , Points , who examined the report ol
the register of deeds for the second quarter
of the year , found expenditures for clorlca
help not authorised by the commissioners
A. II. Gilbert and L. T. Hrown wore pah
100 per month each during April , May am
Juno. For extra work In comparing Ui0.lJ <
was paid out. On the recommendation of the
tlnunco committee these expenditures wcrt
The county clerk's reX > rt for the tieconi
quarter wti found correct , except us to two
rstray notices of 25 cants each. *
v County Clerk Itocho Informed the boun
hat the Chicago , St. Paul A Minneapolis
nllway had returned to the stnte board only
1.01 miles of track In Douglas county for
833 , while it Is .apparent from the limp of
lie county that by Including the two lines of
rack of said company the length must bo
inch greater. The tlnunco committee were
Irectcd to investigate.
Hyan & Walsh , contractors on the county
loipltal. rej > orted that they were greatly
ronblcd In protecting the walls during
terms. They had dug trenches , but dirt
vashed Into them. They naked the board to
rdcr them to grade the ground so as to carry
ft the water. Keferrcd.
Deputy Sheriffs George H. Striker and D.
J. Ilouck asked to have their salaries of
* ! X ) botrln .January I , 1SSS instead of April 1 ,
* M. The petition was ( minted , the extra
otnpcnsatlon to como out of the fees of the
herlff's oftlce.
A resolution was passed that the county p.iy
he city's bill of grading Thirty-sixth street
rom Lc'avcnworth to Park , also Poppleton
venue from Thirty-sixth street to the Belt
ine railway.
The claim of D.ivld Kccd for 117. damages
or trees removed to make way for u road ,
van rejected.
A. F. Allen was appointed Justice of the
) caco for Chicago precinct.
An appropriation bill of $1KJ3 ( from the
general fund was passed.
Commissioner Anderson's resolution for a
illl to bo presented to the sheriff was Intro-
luced by the finance committee and passed.
This Is the claim on the sheriff for a division
of his receipts from the keeping of United
States , Sarpy county and transient pris-
An appropriation of2,030.4 7 from the road
'und passed.
A protest was received from citizens of
' "lorenco against the appointment of Henry
{ . Freoland us Justice of the peace. The
canons are : "Because said Froeluml
las proven himself wholly unfit and
ucapablo for such office or any
other office by his actions during his term as
narslml of the city of Florence , because ,
iftor a thorough Investigation by the proper
mthorities ho was proven eullty of serious
: hnrjros mid discharged from his said olllce ,
jccause wo believe that his record and stand-
ng in said city is not such ns a magistrate
should have and bo nhlo to preserve the dig-
nty and cllicftcyof hlsofll-o ; that his eitl-
A'nslilp In our city does not entitle him to
such an np | > oiiitment , as he is not a tax-
> avor. "
The protest is hoiuled by Uowls Plant , W.
' . Thomas , Peter Larson , S. A. Goodell and
Samuel I ) . Peters. It was referred to the
udioiury committee.
Solid VcRtlbulcd Trains
low run ov r the Michigan Central ,
'tho Niagara Fulls Route , " and the
N'uw York Central and Boston & Albany
railroads from Chicago to Now York
ind Uoslon. Those trains are not only
equipped with the finest Wagner palace
sleeping cars , but are made thoroughly
complete by having veslibuled dining ,
smoking , lirst-elusb and baggage cars ,
ind although constitutiting the
Famous "limited" of the Michigan Cen
tral , carry all c'asscs of passengers
without extra charge. Attached to
this train is a through sleeper , Chicago
to Toronto ( via Canadian Pacilicwhere )
connection is made with parlor car for
Montreal. Accommodations secured at
Lho Michigan Central ticket olllces , No.
7 Clark street , corner Randolph , and
depot , foot of Lake street , Chicago.
Champion Steam Carpet CleanSngCo. ,
Fred Sohuoll.m'gr. l-KVillworth.Tel.8G4
If you want u good carriage or buggy
cheap , goto
SiMi'SOX's , 1109 and Mil Dodge st.
Strangers visit IIospo's art store.
C. M.m . A.
The Ornnnlzntloirn l-'irnt Social Under
Auspicious Cii-cuniHtaiiccH.
On last Thursday night branch No. 1 ,
Catholic Mutual Benevolent association ,
made its initial appearance in public. Undcc
its auspices was held ono of the most enjoy
able und unique sociables known in the city.
The party consisted of about ninety ladles
and ecntlcmcn. They belonged to the leadIng -
Ing ranks in catholic professional , mercantile
and social life. Tlio scene was the beautiful
and secluded lawn surrounding the residence.
of Bishop O'Connor , in Park place. The
grounds , embowered as they were in green ,
lighted by a hundred brilliant lumps mid a
still more brilliuni moon , presented an op-
pcarauco of romantic interest and beauty. At
the head of thetable presided Major B. Furay.
The occasion , the surroundings , the guests ,
the viands and llower-laden table Inspired
him to more than usual exuberance. His in
troductory was a gem and conduced to the
convivialitj which characterised the cvoning.
Dr. Kmsler , who introduced the association
to Omaha , spoke of its objects , its achieve
ments In the past and the duty it proposed to
itself m the future , of improving Iho moral ,
mental and sosial condition of its members
and assisting the families in case of the
death of brothers of the association.V. . A.
L. Gibbon boarcd into the realm of poetry
in complying with the request of the toastmaster -
master to tell the guests what they had as
sembled for. Bishop O'Connor responded
to the sentiment "Our Own Nebraska , " de
tailing an experience second in interest to
that of but few people who have lived In this
state for many years. Hey. P. F. McCarthy
was carried away by the subject of the
"Clergy , " as were his hearers by tlio mas
terly manner in whicti ho handled it. Mr. T.
J. Muhoncy felicitously apostrophized "The
Ladles , " after which the social was ad
journed. An outline of the objects of the
Catholic Mutual Benevolent association will
appear in TUB Bui : to-morrow.
Special Notice.
For Sale An extra well constructed ,
perfectly arranged frame residence , 1 ( ]
rooms , located in choicest part Kount/.o
place ; all modern improvements , per
fect plumbing , gas , laundry , heating ,
olectriu bells , speaking tubes , mantels ,
etc. Terms moderate , payments easy.
Inquire A. II. Xennor , 000 Paxton block ,
For Sale Cheap.
A fine , almost new Emerson piano and
two or three Kimball organs. Call and
examine. GAMKUON & SMITH ,
1610 JJodgo.
The directors of the K. of L. Land
and Building association will meet on
Monday evening , August " 0 , corner ol
Twelfth and Farnam , at 7U : ! ) p. m.
Business of importance to bo acted upon.
A full attendance is desired.
By order of Tun I'IIESIDKNT.
Now fall shapes in hats and bonnets
and French novelties in fancy feathers
mid ribbons. New tourist hats. Ro-
mombur wo always give you the first
and boot. Ai.MA E. KKITII ,
Millinerand ITnirDresser , 109 Fifteenth
Btrcot , opposite the postolllce.
Marriatio Licenses.
Tlio following marriage licenses were Is
sued yesterday by Judge Shields :
Name and residence. Ago
Henry L. Beard , Omaha 2-
Koso M. Parsons , Omaha 1 !
Nicholas Jacobson , Omaha , , ! ! (
Ida Skobcrg , Omaha 2
Irving L. Kecd , Omaha U-
Mary U. Holmes , Omaha 31
Fritz Venz , Omaha 2 !
Katlo Foster , Omnlm 2 :
Charles Johnson , Omaha K
Agnes Noilson , Omaha 1 !
Albert Jeffors , Council Bluffs 23
Ellen Allen , Council Bluffs 1'J '
George Cross , Council Bluffs 4i
Hannah Nelson. Council Bluffs 2i
Detlof Grohn , Fremont , Neb iiJ
Mary Nortman , Fremont , Neb 25
William M. Curlow. Omaha 23
Anna Pureoll , Saratoga , Neb 18
Kills Beedlo , Florence 21
Barbara Good , Florence. 1 !
William. F. Williams. Bristol , Tonn
Catherine Stevens , Cedar Hapids , la 23
Otli anil Fiirnnm.
Patrons should see Prof. J. F. Rod well
The man fish of England going througl
his evolutions in the water.
Sunday afternoon,2:30 : p. m.
Something New On Hnlc.
To-tnoiTow wo shall begin our wile of
ed mm white Ilaiinuls from UK to CO pot
ent less than winter prices.
An all-wool twilled or plain rod lian-
ncl ut : Joc a yard ; it would bo a bargain
itJOc. .
An nil-wool twilled llanncl for 20c ,
ully worth 45c.
Best grade red flannel ftt ; ! " 4c , fully
vorth ( iOc.
Wo also offer a bargain In white flan
nels tit lUc , ii3c and ; i5c , worth ! W per
cent more.
Wo have Uist received 100 pieces of
velveteens In black and colors.
These will make elegant dresses.
They are worth about OOc.
Wo shall offer them Monday at UOc.
$1.00 silk4plushcs going'atoilc.
Children's winter underwear at from
9e to iWo , would be cheap for twice the
Wo bought sonic bargains in ladies'
and gentlemen's heavy winter under-
vear.Wo will try and force these goods
Monday and Tuc > day at We on the -fl.
Don't forgot our plusli cloak Milo.
Remember you can buy a plush coat
it two-third Us value and by paying
lown a few dollars can have it laii
iwiiy an long as desired.
Wo shall offer Monday just to intro-
luco our now fall millinery 1,000 black
ind seal hVown new fall hats worth from
" < ie to SI.
Choice for Monday at ! lc.
Wo hnvo a lot of extra i-hoico fall
shapes worth up to Sl.flO at L'Uc.
Wo will also oIl'erMonday and Tuo- > -
Iny l > ( } pieces of M tricot dr'ohs goods in
J ! ! different shades at-4ic ) per yard.
Tho-so goods are strictly all'wool.
Will positively ? o\l \ only one pattern
to a customer.
Still helling a lot of itfe colored dre'-s
jomls , double width , at Kile.
Silk thread lc ! a spool.
Buttonhole twist , Ic.
Basting thread , Sc.
Pins If a napor.
$1 corset for lite.
All our now fall and winter good at 1
olT the market price- ) .
Don't forgot our great pluMi cloak
AKo 100 elegantly trimmed fall jack
ets at $1.71) ) , worth $8.
An immense big bargain in childrons
Tlio above 7oc and $1 now fall hatdtid-
vortibcd nt DC. Wo have in walking
Imts , turban shapes , etc.
Il is Strange
That people will pay twice as much for
man's , boys' ana children's clothing as
they can buy thorn at the great o ( ) per
rent discount sale at the Polack-Ooth-
ing company , IttKt Farnam st.
If you have railway or other securi
ties ciillor addrois John Culloy , 2"- : ! Far
nam , representing London capitalists.
Real estate loans negotiated , pur-
cha-o money mortgages and commer
cial paper bought. K. C. P.\TTiusJf. (
. lb S. 15th.
All Hebrew ladies of this city are
kindly requested to attend a meeting to
bo hold at the vcitry rooms of the tom-
plc , on Hiindny afternoon at 'i o'clock ,
to as-sist in making all necessary ar
rangements for a fair , to bo held from
Oct. 16-120 , for the benefit of the Hebrew
Benevolent society. A full attendance
is earnestly requested.
Dr. Hamilton Warren , magnetic phy
sician and surgeon , room o , Crounso
block , cor. 10th and Capitol avenue.
Chronic and nervous diseases a spec
ialty. Telephone D44.
Go to Pries' lake for picnics. Fine
concert every Sunday.
A JlabenH Corpus Kcf'iihcd \ Temporary
ary In.fmiction Granted.
Yesterday Judge GrolT denied the petition
for a habeas corpus for Charles A. O'Neill ,
alias C. C. Wilson , and his bond was fixed at
fl,50u. O'Neill is the man who was brought
from KausiiH City charged with bigamy.
John Barry asks for an injunction to re
strain the Nebraska Telephone company
from planting n big polo m the area in front
of the main entrance to his hotel at N and
Eleventh streets in South Omaha. A tem
porary Injunction was granted und the
Iniiil he.irhiK set for August " 5.
John J. Hess wants the district court to re
move a cloud \iK | > n the title of lots 0 and 10.
block 5 , iu Meyers , Kiclmrds & Tlldcn's ad
dition , which lots he claims to own. He al
leges that Henry L. Cavanugh has recorded
a deed to the property from Nick Ohm , who
claims u deed from one J. II , Crommctt.
This title to the property is based on a pretended
tended conveyance from the plaintiff to ono
Frederick P. Fosdlko dated October .I , 1SS7.
Koss alleges that the deed to Fosdiko is a
false , fr.iudiilent and counterfeited docu
ment , which ho never made or authorised.
L. V. Cruni holds u mortgage on the prop
erty , given by Cavanugh , and is made a de
fendant to the suit.
Fanny I. Trumbull sues for a divorce from
Frank 15. Trumbull , alleging cruelty , adul
tcry and desertion. There are four children ,
whoso custody the mother asks.
Strangers' visit Hospo's art store.
The merchant tailor , has removed from
11207 Farnam street to 4l20 South Fif
teenth street , whore ho has opened a
line line of clothing , gouts' furnishing
goods etc. His stock is complete ant
his prices lower than any similar hoiibc
in Omaha. Give him a , call.
Drs. Dinsmoro & Humphrey , rooms
4112 to 419 Paxton block.
Strangers vidlt Ilospe'ti art store.
An Oinnlia llclrens.
A. S. Hltchlc , a member of the tlrm o :
Kaemptfer & Uitchlo , has gone to Now York
to argue a euso m which there is a vast
amount of money Involved. Mrs. Kll/abotl
Martin , who is eighty-seven years of ngc , is
the oldest heir and nearest of kin and is a
resident of Omaha. The estate in lltlgatioi
is in the heart of the business portion of Neu
York city and Is known ns the "Jersey es
tate , " and embraces several blocks of line
business property. The case has been In the
courts for fourteen years , and ono of the
claimants , P. P. Most , ot Springfield , O. , has
spentfV,000 in contesting it. The court is
to render Us final decision next October am
in case Mr. Kitchio wins , his llrm will como
in for one-quarter of the proceeds. There
are 157 heirs involved in this case and the
light Is strong.
Auction , Auction !
Tuesday , August 21 , at 10 a.m. , a' '
No. 1720 Nicholas , all the furniture o
a largo Hat , flno bedroom and parloi
suits , chairs , tables , stands , JOO yards o
fine carpet. Thcso goods are all first
class. Only boon in use a short , time
Ono fine ranpo with a water rack must
bo sold. A. W. COWAX ,
QStrangers visit IIospo's art storo.
Omaha Stock Market.
At the meeting of the Western Associated
press , hold at Detroit on last Wednesday , a
request was made by the representatives o
the Cincinnati papers and also the reprcsen
tatlves of the leading dallies cast of Chicago
that the llvo stock market wired every day
from Omaha shall bo us full as that from
Kansas City. THE BEE , acting as agent o
the Associated press , has been , directed by
its general 'manager to carry out Its order
Heretofore the report .sent from Omaha has brief.
miiicnsc Itediictlon * for Mon
All our lnco mitts usually fold for IDe ,
25c mid ! ! oc to bil closed out on Monday
at ll2Je per pair.
1 lot of Mis oc' hose. , 8 , S } and ! ) inch ,
tsually sold at Hoc , our price on Mon-
lay only 112Je.
100 do < ! , children's India gauze shirts
0 to 34 Inch , any si/oon Monday for 15c
Special lot of children's union suits ,
shirts and punts combined on Monday
only Hoc , reduced from $1.00.
100 do/ , genuine Foster kid glovcw in
) lack and all the now full shades , i-old
ill over at $1.50 per pair , our price $1.00
or Monday.
Special lot of ladies' Kiel gloves ,
M'okon sizes in ( i , t ! } onlv , these goods
mvo been sold for $1.00 , $1.60 and } 12.00
> cr pair , our price on Monday only f > 0o ,
o clo" < o thorn out at once.
100 doladies' cashmere hose , worth
fiOc per pair , our price on Monday ! ! 5c
per pair or \ \ for $1.00. 100 doladies'
; orsota only 'tile each , reduced from OOc.
" ) ( ) doladies' corsets only 60o oul'h , ro-
luced from $1.00. Ladies' line lawn
iprons , deep lace on bottom , only loc ,
worth 12-V. Infants all wool hone only
IOc per pair , reduced from 'J'ic. Infants
line cashmere hose , 4 } , 6 , 5) ) incli , only
Joe , reduced from oOc. 100 dogents'
.inhuindrlod shirts only Hoc each , worth
50c. ( .Scuts' lurge-si/.o turkey red hand
kerchiefs only i > e , others wsk Il21c each.
100 doladies' lisle gloves only 112jc ,
reduced from I2oo. Ladies black lisle
thread hose only I2oe per pair , reduced
'rom ( IOc. 1 case of ladies' cotton hose ,
regular made , in black modes and tans ,
to bo sold on Monday at loc per pair :
: hey are very cheap at I2oo per pair.
Our f-alu of wall paper still continues.
Kith St. , near Douglas.
The Artcr'ic- the Nation.
The arteries are the highways of the
body through which the blood courses ,
bearing nutriment that simtains lifoaml
maintains the power of action in its
various members. The railway system
of America has grown to such' proportions
tions that iln various lines bear to the
body politic the same relation as the
arteries to the body physical. Along
thorn is a constant How of meat and
grain and fruit , the endless forms of
food that sustain life of the mombirs of
the nation , and the varied and valuable
products that contribute to their com
fort. Tlio importance of those arteries
can bo realized from the fact that over
the Pennsylvania , lines alone the
freight carried in a single year
exceeds the entire tonnage' of
the merchant marine of Great
Britain. Thcso lines are direct from
the commercial centres of the west to
thp industrial cenlrcsof the east , and in
addition to their unsurpassed facilities
for the movement of freight , present a
system of through passenger train ser
vice absolutely without equal in the
United StateH. Five trains leave Chicago
cage daily for Pittsburg , Baltimore ,
Washington. Philadelphia and Now
York The Penn ylvania special at 10
a. m. , a now train that has sprung into
great popularity. The fast line at Klo : p.
m. , ono of the oldest and most popular
trains on the Pennsylvania system. The
Pennsylvania limited at 6 p. m. , which
Is conceded on every hand to bo the
lincst train in service. The eastern express -
press at H0 : | ) . m. , a fusi train arriving
at eastern cities early the second morn
ing , and the Atlantic express , an ox-
ccedingly comfortable train , leaves Chicago
cage 11 : . ' { ( ) p. in.
The board of pubnu works'has granted a
permit to the Omuha Horse Hallway com
pany to lay double tracks on Ninth street
from Farnam to Douglas , and on Douglas
from Ninth to Tenth streets , forming
a loop. Both cable mid horse cars are to be
Martin Barrett , a mock unction shark , and
the accomplice of Harding and Golden , who
ran the auction shop on South Tenth street ,
was run in this afternoon. Ho will bo given
n hearing this afternoon.
Chief Seavoy has received a telegram from
Kansas City informing him of the departure
from homo of a small boy by the name of
Walter Mayers. Walter has run away from
his parents and the police will try to head
him olT.
Mrs. J. G. Emmonston received n watch
by express yesterday from Clara Toleson. It
was not a gift however. Clara was Mrs.
Emmonston's hired girl , and absent-mindedly
abstracted the watch and other collateral
und disappeared. The watch came from
Huntsvllle , Mo.
George Osbornc , who was jailed yesterday
as a "vug" and lined ? . " > ( ) and ten day's by
Judge Berka , is needed at DCS Moines. The
sheriff from that part of the world arrived
yesterday and will take him back. Ills of-
fensolsayear old. Ho was engaged In a
cutting scrape at DCS Molnos and lied , but
will now travel back and receive his punish
ment therefor.
A brother of Charles Falk , the man killed
on the Union Pacilic truck Friday night , is
expected to arrive from Hamilton county ,
Iowa , this morning.
George Haffstadt was set on by two fellow
stonecutters Friday night on Thirty-sixth
sticct. His head and elbow wore cut and his
back bruised.
In the account of an assault upon a little
girl in Omaha View , in yesterday's line , a
headline through mistake was put upon the
item rellectmg upon a builder. No reference
was made , in the item to the builder of the
school house und none intended.
AVonileiTtil Opera t Ions of u Great
An examination of the annual reports
of the superintendent of insurance of
the state of Now York to the legislature
reveals some remarkable facts. For in-
fatanco. during the past ton years the
Mutual Life Insurance Company of Now
Hcc'd from Paid to
Year. Policy holders. Policy holders.
ls7S ! . f llUttt,71'J.83 ! S14-U)0,032.13 )
187'J . 12IB7,8Sl.W 14Cir > , .V > R.4S
1S81 . 1l'.iiCJ.03 ! ) 13,010,1121:2 :
ISvJ . lS4nif ! ! > 9J.b ( ) 12,84S,83.VJ4
i,4.7ii'J3.44 : ) instr ' . ) , ( !
lvS4 ! . '
lSr . 14,7tlSHll.tH (
ISMS . 15,1)31.721) ) ) ft ) lil'- ! yl.74 ( ) : )
1SS7 . 17,110,001.02 14,123,433.00
Total . $137,901,119.27 $130,007,229.37
The Mutual Life paid out all the
money received but $1,313,889.00 , which
is hold in trust for policy holders.
The Equitable Life during the same
period received $100,016.760 , and paid
policy holders $03,124,642.17. The Mu
tual Life is the largest company in the
world and there is a reason for its
growth. _
Mine. Dnliaoli'ti Case.
The case of Mmo. Dubach , who was nr-
reated on the charge of jbelng n procuress ,
came before the police judge yesterday after
noon , but was continued until Monday after
noon on action of County Attorney Slmoral.
It was learned that there was an attempt to
spirit the trirls away on an afternoon train by
parties in tbo employ of Mmo. Dubach. Du
bach , some time ago , ran u "cigar storo" on
Eleventh street , mid her character is gener
ally bad. About two months ago a printer.
whoso name Is unknown , innocently rented
a room la Dubach's house , but after bolng
there some eight days ho became disgusted
with Clio character of the place and left la
disgust. The police are now looking for him
as a material witness In the case. The girls
and their benefactor , Hoyt , wore put under
bonds of $159 each to appear as witnesses , in
default of which they were taken to the
county Jail.
At 5:15 Saturday afternoon at residence of
C , E. Young , --X .N. Freeman , M. D. , of
Brooklyn , N. Y. , brother-in-law of W. T.
Seaman.- . ' . '
Of Fine Clothing.
3 *
Still Confiooes at S , E. Cor , Douglas & 15th Sts
A more sweeping cut than ever has Tbeeii made on the
Bankrupt Stock of S. L. Andrews & Co. . to take effect at
once. No better opportunity will ever be offered to supply
yourselves at figures far below cost of production.
Remember that this sale cannot last long and come inmie
1 P
Instruments Placed on Kecorcl Diir-
liiij YcHterclny.
J A Smith mid wife to 1' Cockrell , lot 10.
blki'J , South Omatin. w il J..IOO
f F Harrison to K M llattls , lots in and 111 ,
'blkT. Ilckcrnmnn place , w d SCO
N HhcUon and wife to .1 MnrdorK , lots U
uuil 10 , bit 1 , Windsor terrace , w < 1 COO
P Mattlngly to C Home. WxOl ft lot X , blk
J ll'lladtlold ami wifo'toYlii'silllen lo'th ,
Pnliy Heights , ci r d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
F M Hammond and husband to II H
Miller , lot : ! , Seltiy hclKhts. wd 1
II llorthold to A Wilson , s V lot fi , blk W ) ,
Omaha , wd < ' ,000
G T Drew et al to 1) F Spoon , e H lot 43 ,
Gise'sadd.wd f',000
ii V I'rnvn and wife to I , llrndford , n 'M ft
lot 12 , "Elizabeth place , w il . . . 1
KOOoldto IIV Wennock , lots 12 and 13 ,
blk 12. , Dundee place , w d -,3.0
AV ( j Shrlver and wife to W 1' Seadow , lot
22. blk H , Slirlver place , w d " > 00
Kauar Itabrlsklo to ( ! I' Hemlf , lot 12 , blk
! i. Colleso place , w d D.BOO
II 0 Van filt'hon and wlfu to II II Van ( ! le-
sen , lots , blk 7. Kclterimum place , w d. . 601)
Wm G Albright and wlfo to T U > V F.lef-
ferles , lots 11 and 12 , blk 2 , Jellrio'h s o
plnt.wd .J.WO
S M Gilbert and wife to S I ) T.vans pt lot
0 , blk 11 , Waterloo , wd 1,000
Flfteeu transfers , aggregating . ' 1,477
llulldiui ; I'crmltH.
The following building permits wcro issued -
sued yesterday :
Eva M. I'riiKh. dwelling. 1'owlen and
Thirty-fourth . . . . . . . . . . .t 1,000
A. J. Hannon , Improvements , 2JH ) Oxld-
WCU . . 15'J
Louis 11111. tranio dwelling , lluuson and
Twelfth 200
William Van Huron. Improvements ,
Thirty-third and Jackson Ui
J. II. I hi vis , depot , Simuldlng and
Thirty-third l.W >
Max Meyer , frume dwelling. California
and St. Lawrence . 2.100
Frank Mead , frame dwelling. Lattirop
and Hurt ; MW
F. M. Ellis , frame dwelling , Farnam and
Smith " ' 10 °
II. Falk , frame btore and tints , : Twenty-
ninth and Diipont ' . "
C. K. Warner , fiiuno dwelling , Second
avenue and Florence wo
Ten permits , aggregating S10.IT5
Ilumnionil type writer , SOP S. 15th st.
Wonmn AVIio Pleil nt Hie ARC of 1OJ. !
Oblcngo Herald : A woman 108 years
old died In the Polish t > oUluinent enNoble
Noble strnot , Chicago , and was buried
at St. Stnnisluus. The woman , whoso
name was Mra Koo/orowbki , hud lived
for sixteen yours in the city with hoi-
son Joseph , at 500 Noble street. At the
time of her death all hoi- facilities were
acuto. She never Uoed spectacles. She
was very industrious and within a week
of her death insisted on helping to < Jo
the housework. She was born on a
farm near Kolonoskn , in Poland , and
lived in that vicinity until she emi
grated to this country. She married
Jacob Koexorowski , a blacksmith , who
died twenty-six years ago at the ago of
seventy-eight. She was the mother of
six children , throe of whom are now
living. Five of the children wore girls.
Hot- daughter Mary , now lives in tlio
town of Kadup , Poland , and is seventy-
eight years old. She has a daughter
flfty-nino years old , a grandson thirty-
llvo , a great-grandson thirteen years
old. Another of the three living chil
dren of the lady is a daughter fifty-eight
years old on a farm near Laporto , Inu.
This daughter lias three children and
grand-children. The last is Joseph
Koczorowski. Ho is llftyslx years old
and a blacksmith by trade , though ho
has been working for several years In
the freight house of the Chicago &
Northwestern road. Ho lias n son ,
Joseph , who lives at 607 Noble street ,
and is picture frame maker. Joseph ,
jr. , has six children , the oldest nine
years of ago. The life of the old lady
She told her
was an uneventful one.
children few stories about her child
hood and early womanhood. She know
little about Polish history , except as it
directly concerned her husband's black
smith shop.
Th ; ; Four Muiles of Capital Punish
ment Under Ihe Code of MOOCH.
"The general impression that hang
ing is a barbarous method of shuflling
criminals off the earth , " buid a local at
torney to a St. Louis Republican corre
spondent , -Mins caused the New York
legislature to create an enactment bub-
btituting electricity for the rope , but a
glaiifo at punishments invented and
practiced at the beginninffof the Chris
tian era shows that hanging is "not bo
bad after nil. " The rabbis were the
llrst among ancient legists to render
the infliction of the death penalty as
painless as possible. The manner in
which the sentence of the law in capi
tal ciiues was carried into effect was
regulated by a series of enactments.
Every detail was proclaimed. The place
of execution was always beyond the
limits of the town , generally at some
distance from the hull where judgment
had been pronounced. There wcro two
reasons , for this. First , that a certain
interval of time should elanso between
the sentence and execution , so as to
permit the court to examine itnv evi
dence that might yet bo forthcoming ;
and , secondly , that the eanhcdrim
should not witness the execution. As
soon as tlio punishment of death was
decreed the criminal was conducted
from the court , two elders , the wit
nesses , and the officers of the tribunal
accompanying him. In advance of the
cortege walked an attendant , proclaim
ing aloud : "So and so is to bo executed
for such and such an offense ; so and so
are the witnesses ; the crime was com
mitted at such a place , on such a day ,
and at biich an hour ; if any person can
urge anything against the iniliiHion of
the punishment lot him go the sanhe
drim , now sitting , and state his argu
ments. ' Then the party proceeded
through the town.
"Arriving within six yards of the
place of execution the wigcs who wore
with the culprit pressed him to confess
the crime. They told him that whoso
ever makes confession is privileged to
share in the elam haba future exist
ence since death was nn expiation of
all iniquities. If ho refused to acknowl
edge his guilt lie was asked to say :
'May my death prove an atonement for
all my transg-ossions. ' Ho was then
conducted to within four yards of the
place where sentence was to bo carried
into effect. The death draught was
hero administered. This beverage was
comi > osod of myrrh and frankincense
( lebnnu ) in a cup of vinegar or light
wlno. It produced in the convict a
kind of stupefaction , a semi-conscious
condition ol mind and body , rendering
him indifferent to his fate and scarcely
sensible to pain. The drink was in
Jerusalem provided by women , who
considered this one of the greatest mot-
zvoth meritorious deeds. In provin
cial towns the local communal authori
ties were required to furnish the crim
inal with the draught. As soon as .tho
culprit had drank ot the stupefying
draught the execution took place.
"In accordance with tlio Moaaio code
four kinds of death were inllicted , each
appropriate to a distinct series of crimes
starving , strangling , burning , and
decapitation. Nothing can bo more ab
surd than the notions generally current
respecting the manner In which these
punishments were carried out among
the Jews. The stoning of the bible and
of the Talmud , was not , as vulgularly
supposed , a pell-mell casting of stones
at a criminal ; the burning had nothing
whatever in common with the process
of consuming by lire a living person as
practiced by the churchmen of middle
ages. Nor did the strangling bear any
resemblance to the English method of
puttinff prisoners to death. The ston-
- ifr , n
ng to death of the Talmud was par-
formed as follows : The criminal was
conducted to an elevated space , divested
of his attire , if a man , and then hurled
to the ground bolow. The height of
the eminence from which ho was
thrown was always moro than llfteon
feet the higher , within certain limits ,
the bettor. It was not , however , to bo
So high as to smash or greatly disllguro
the body , This was a tender pointwith
the Jews. Man was created in God's
imsige , and it was not permitted to desecrate -
crate the temple shaped by heaven's
own hand. The llrst of the witnesses
who had testified against the con
demned man acted as oxocntiohor , in
accordance with Dout. xviii. 7. If the
convict fell face downward ho was
turned on his back. If ho was not quite
dead a stone , so heavy as to require two
persons to carry it , was taken to the
top of the eminence whence ho had boon
thrown ; the second of the witness then
hurled the stone so as to fall upon the
culprit bolow. The process , however ,
was seldom necessary , the semi-stupe
fied condition of the convict and the
height from which ho was cast ensuring
instant death. The bodies of those con
demned for blasphemy or idolatry were
subsequently hung upon a fallows until
dusk ; in other cases immediately after
execution the corpse was interred.
Outside of every town were two ceme
teries for criminals ono for those sen
tenced to bo stoned or burned , and ono
for those decupitod or hanged. As soon
its the llesh had disappeared the skele
ton could bo removed to the family
burying-placo. A few days after an
execution the friends and relatives of
the dead man ho was no longer re
garded as an offender called upon all
the judges who hud tried him. Tills
was a tacit acknowledgment that the
punishment had been justly awarded ,
and that those charged with the admin
istration of the law were regarded with
no revengeful toolings by the family
and connecllonsof the unfortunate man.
"A criminal sentenced to death by
burning was executed In the following
manner : A shallow pit , some two foot
deep , was dug in the ground. In this
the culprit was placed , standing up
right. Around nis legs earth was
shoveled and battered ( Irmly down until
ho was filled up totho knees in the soil.
A strong cord was now brought mid a
very soft cord wrapped around it. This
was passed once around the olToiulor.'t )
neck. Then two men came forward ,
each grasped ono end of the rope and
pulled hard. Sullocutlon was immedi
ate. As the condemned man felt the
strain of the cord and insensibility
supervened the lower jaw dropped. In
the mouth thus opened a lighted wick
was thrown. This constituted burning.
"Decapitation was performed by the
Jews after the fashion of the surround
ing nations. It was considered the most
humiliating , the most ignominious and
degrading death that any man could
suiter , It was the penalty in cases ol
assassination and deliberate murder.
It was incurred by those who wilfully
and wantonly slow a fellow-man with a
stone or with an implement of stone or
iron. It was likewise tlio punishment
meted out to all persons guilty of pa
ganism and living in a town.
"Strangulation'was a form of .death
by suffocation. It was effected as in
burning. The culprit stood up to his
knees in loobO earth. A soft cloth , con.
tabling a cord , was wound around the
neck. The ends being tightly pulled In
opposite directions , life was soon ex
Drink Multo His pleasant.
Dlcbold SaloH.
Cull and see the largo stock of safes
and vault doors curried by Meaghor &
WhUtnoru at 410 B. 15th fatroot Omuha ,