L , THE XMAHA DAILY BEE : SCJNgSY AUGUST 19 , 1888.-TWELYE PAGE& 7 . The GREAT SALE ! 20 Will continue one week longer. On account of many of our help being1 off for their holidays , we were quite unable last week to wait on all our customers , and have decided to continue one week more , to give all the same opportunity to get these goods at wholesale prices. Take ad vantage of this opportunity. It is many years since we did anything like this before , and likely to be many years before we do it again. N. B. FALCONER. IDE RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT , gts Virtues as Vlowod by a Na tive. PERRY S. HEATH'S COMING BOOK. Misrepresentations of JmirnnllRtx and Travelers Tim Kiniiiiclpntloii of MIC Slaves Popular Miscon ceptions ol' the Tsnr. Empire ol' the Ttmr. SK. Perry S. Houth , TUB BCK'S Washington correspondent , who inude u tour of Itussia , last Hummer , has in the proas of the Lorborn company , Halti- moro , ( i hook utulor tlio title "A Iloosior in Russia , " which deals wifh the Rus sian empire , its people , nihilism , Si- boriu and the exile system , and other features of the empire of the only white tsivr , which will undouhtcdly attract considerable attention. Ono of the chapters is a defense of nihilism by Scrgius M. Stepniak , the worltl-re- nownud nihilist. This is followed by a chapter upholding Russia's present form of government , her rofubnl to edu cate her subjects , the remarkable spy and p'issport systems , and the system of oxtlo to Siberia. The chapter was fur nished by Count Charles do Arnaud , a n native Russian , who participated in the Crimean war , and was witli General Grant at Shiloh. Owing to the intimate relation- Count do Arnaud with the Russian legation in Washington , and the remarkably logical grounds taken in do fun so of the Russian system , it is boliovcd thut the chapter was inspired by if not written at the Russian lega tion. It is , probably , the strongest defense - fonso ever made of the Russian form of govoi-iunont , und is in part as follows , : "Much of the information obtained by journalists , travelerb and casual students - dents while in Russia is wholly mislead ing. Failing to understand the lan- gungo , habits and peculiarities of the natives , they obtain their facts from sojourners - journors who have no sympathy with or interest in the country ; from foreign ers who have taken up their residence there and are as unnpprociativo and projiulicod as themselves , from the few natives known to the world as nihilists , who got their inspiration from Bakou- nlnKrapotkino and other disciples , and from still other sources which are tnoro Insidious in their methods and success ful in their aims to array the Knglish- Bpcaking people of the world against Russia by constantly crying oppression and dohpotsm. I refer to Kngland , English diplomacy and the English prosi. They are evidently moved b > Jealousy of the growing power and approaching preaching simromaoy of Russia In the political a Iliurs of the old world. "Tho United States has been my homo For over thirty years ; I am an ardonj ndmirer of Us constitution and lawsant I did my share towards keeping the ttute * united by service in the war o : the rebellion. Yet with all my love of the liberty Inculcated Into mo by this experience I fail to see any necc&sitj for n i-hango in the Russian form of gov ernment. It is thoroughly adapted to the wants of the people. Under it the ; have attained a high degree of civil ization , power and prosperity. Botl the government and the people hold the United States in high esteem , so that I Is not unreasonable to ask that Ameri Cans do not hastily judge them by the vaporingsof their enemies , who.thougl nctuntod by different motives , all aim tc In juru Russia in the estimation of travelers ors by appeals to sentiment merely , ii Which the tsar is pictured as n savage cspot , who delights in torturing his ubjects , and has np care or concern for , heir welfare. I have known the pres- mt tsar , Alexander III. almost since iis infancy , and can assure you that ho s one of the most accomplished , liberal xntl enlightened monarchs tiiat over bat upon a throne ; a monarch who con stantly studies the welfare of his peo- > lo ; a monarch who is mild mannered , jcntlo and kind , and who continually itrivos to ascertain the needs of his biib- eeU , and oven now stands ready to idopt whatever system of government would be most conducive to the welfare of Russia. For those qualities he is ilmost worshiped by the people , all re ports to the contrary notwithstanding. "Russia is much larger in area than the United States , and has a population of nearly ono hundred millions , made up of a great many ditleront races and tribes , speaking as many languages , differing in habits , religion and modes of life , and in many cases having boon enemies long ago. Anyone acquainted with the history of its rapid rise and progress will readily acknowledge that Lho Romanoff dynasty has built substan tially and bolidly with diborganizod and discordant material , carrying the people ple forward from the primitive to their condition to-day. And all this has boon accomplished under the present form of government. Yet the nihilistic cry , which seems to bo most ollectivo now and upon which they endeavor to jus tify their dastardly attempts upon the life of the emperor , is his refusal to es tablish a constitutional government. Americans may look upon such a de mand as most reasonable' but if they understand the situation and look at it from the standpoint of a patriotic Rus sian they will readily see their mistake. "There is no demand among the great ma&3 of the Russian people for such a change. Suppose a constitu tional government had boon established before the liberation of the serfs. Could the much-lamented Alexander II. , with a stroke of his pen , have boon able to free 2(1,000,000 of them ? When wo recall - call how much blood and treasure wore expended to secure the freedom of only 4,000,000 of people in the United States , wo can form some idea of what the undertaking would have been in Russia. Then , instead of only a south , like wo had , slavery extended over the whole empire , and the parlia ment would have neon fully controlled by the slave-owners. The aristocracy and landed proprietors would have boon ma&tcrs of the situation without fear of interference , and they would have taken care not to allow their slaves to bo freed. This great act of the so-callod despotic government of Russia ought to outweigh nearly all the charges , true and untrue , niado by its enemies. "But there are several otherunassall- blo objections to a Russian parliament. "Such a body , which must include representatives of all the classes , creeds and nationalities , would bo a Babel of confusion and a Bedlam of conflict ing Interests : Imagine a parliament ary body composed of Poles , Germans , Cossacks , Tartars , Mohammedans , Greek Catholics , Roman Catholics , Turkomans , Jcw.s , Copts , and scores of other "wholly dissimilar races and na tionalities , bitterly opposed , antago nistic to each other. Could such a body legislate for a great empire like Rubsla ? Would the same legislation answer for the Tartar and Polo , , for the Mohammedan and the Roman Catholic':1 : I believe not : and I am confident that constitutional government Is not wan toil in Russia except by a few idle dreamers and enthusiasts. "It will require very many years to educate the Russians up to the proper appreciation of constitutional govern ment , oven at the rapid rate of progress made under the Romanoff dynasty. And unt'l this education is accomplished centralization of newer is in the hands of the tsar and his counselors ; and the judicious exorcise of the same is the only governmental system capable ol saving Russia from dismemberment and disruption. The division of the empire into provinces ruled directly by a gov ernor appointed by the tsar and a coun cil selected from among the people thereof amounts to practical local self- government ; and the erection of each of the many distinct nationalities Into separate provinces removes all danger of a clashing of Interests such as would be sure to result from any imperial par liamentary system. Another and bv no means a lessor advantage to bo derived from this system is the gradual and healthy assimilation which is going steadily forward , and which will surely result in breaking the tribal and racial barriers now operating to the disadvan tage of the country. "Tho criminal law of Russia , of which wo hear so much unfavorable and un just criticism , is nothing more than the cede of Napoleon , with a few minor changes. The charge that the admin istration of the criminal law Is harsh and tyrannical is a libel on the judi ciary of the empire , which has been the first of the great nations to abolish the death penalty. There Is no capital pun ishment in Russia , except in aggravated cases of high treason , such as attempts on the Hfo of the c/.ar. But the im partiality with which the law is enforced - forced is proverbial. Prince and peas ant are equally punished for equal of fenses ; and the rigor with which the former are handled for transgressions against th/j law is a matter of history. "Wo are told in glowing language that free speech and a free press are myths in Russia ; but wo are seldom told the true reason why. Wo are not told that among an o.\cltablo and warlike people , such as are many of the Russians who retain much of their old turbulent spirit , the free press and free speech of demagogues and anarchists would pro duce chaos and bloody revolution , in which there would bo no safety for life or property. Even in free America there is a limit to free speech and free press , as was shown in the conviction and ex ecution of the anarchists in Chicago , and the imprisonment ol Hcrr Most in the city of New York. The aim of the Rus-iian olompntis to curb this clement ; and it , goes without saying that it is jus- tilicd in taking n hundredfold more vigorous measures than are taken in America , Generally the seed of dem agogy falls by thowaysldo or is dropped upon rooks in this republic , whore it withers and dies ; but in Russia it 11 nils far more congenial climate and fruitful soil. soil."I "I insist that the Russian system of banibhmont to Siberia ib far more humane - mane than the English method of dis posing of political prisoners. How many Irishmen have languished and died , or were broken in health and spirit in English prison dungeons ? and yet wo hoard no outcry against Eng land. The situation in Russia to-dav is certainly preferable to that created by English coercion in Ireland. "Tho passport system , which is said to bo so obnoxious to American and European merchants and tourists , is really an absolute necessity as an agency for the suppression of crime. The po lice and detective systems have not at tained anything like the perfection enjoyed - joyod in America and elsewhere , while the demand for thorn is much greater. The wonderful skill by winch the names and careers of criminals are all recorded and their movements watched is almost unknown in Russia. Every town and hamlet is not connected with its neighbors and with the great cities by electric currents , as Is the case hero. By the systematic use of all those ad vantages America and other equally favored nations are enabled to maintain law and order and the security of lifo and property without resort to the repressive - pressivo measures needed In Russia. The best substitute for those ad vantages is the passport system , and it is not only a necessity , but is demanded by the educated and law-abiding people of the empire as a means of sclf-prcsor- vatlon. Under its operation a thief or law-brakor of any description , or band of thorn , cannot commit crime with im punity in ono locality and then emi ' grate'to another. Before getting the necessary passport the antecedents of every applicant are ascertained , and the good are distinguished from the bad and treated accordingly. Very natur ally the law-breakers and agitators re gard this as n hardship , but their fel low citizens demand it as a safeguard against the machinations of both. The fee charged for the passport is made necessary by the system , which is. ex pensive. It is justly regarded as ono of the sources of revenue. "Truo , there is no compulsory educa tion in Russia , and no adequate provi sion is made for the education of the masses ; but the facilities afforded are fully as good as could bo ex pected under the circumstances. Rus sia is a now nation , comparatively speaking. She is not up to the ago in educational matters , but is constantly btriving to that end ; and oven now ev ery young man , bo ho rich or poor , can boVdueatcd at the public oxponbo by making application to the local repre sentative ot the government , according to custom. Free education is but a now departure. It originated in the west , ana is moving , , eastward. Wo know thut for many years after the American war of the ro'bolljqn the educational sys tem of the southern states was de plorably defective and inadequate ; and oven at this day some of the states make but feeble attempts to provide free education. Of course the liberation of the .slaves was the reason. Therefore , bpforto critizising the Rus sian educational jjystein , it is but fair to recall the fabt that she is dealing with 20,000,000 of recently liberated serfs. "The uttorludicrousncssof Stepniak'a attempt to pose tvs the spokesman of the Russian people Cecils just a passing comment. Biikoiiniu and Krapotldno , the originators of , anarchism and nihil ismwhoso disciple ho is , wore banished from the Swiss Republic , and Krapot- kino was imprisoned in Franco for advo cating the form of government they desire - sire in Russia. Then the theories and doctrines which Stopniak would promul gate have boon condemned by the tri bunals of both the republics hvbt named , as dangerous to society and the security of life and property. " * What KccomcH or Locomotives. Globe Democrat : Few people have any idea of what becomes of thd railroad locomotive after it has passco its years of usefulness. Where are they buried is often asked , and none but the railroad man can answer. The great locomotive works of the country nro busy day and night trying to bupply the demands made upon them , and yet they are not equal to the task , so rapidly are railroads being - ing conbtructod in every state in the union. The time consumed in building ono of these iron monsters has boon re duced to a minimum , and some of the works are ublo to turn out an engine complete in every particular every twenty-four hour * . They must pass away rapidly , and what becomes of them you nsk. A reporter of the Chicago cage Times made a tour through the scrap-iron yard of the Illinois Central railroad , and all about , bleaching and falling away from the influences of the winds and storms of winter , wore the bones and carcasses of those mighty ' dead. This was the burying-groun'd for the great locomotives of the country , the huge engines that have served out their term of lifo. They have a history , though , these dead and rusty masses of old iron. Take this old carcass of engine 192. There is nothing loft now but the boilorand that is falling apart with the action of rust the mere skeleton of what was once a mighty force. The wood work of the engineer's cab has long ago been torn out , the huge driving-wheel and the tods and bars , the brass and stocl trim- ings , the boll and smoke-stack , the truck-whools , and the all that wont tc make the. complete engine have been taken away , oven to the sheathing of the boiler itself , and thus dismantled the remnant of old " 102" is loft to its fato. It used to bo ono of the best in u e , and the griz/.lod engineers of the road cast fond glances over at the yard where it lies as they rush past on a newer and liner locomotive , recalling how that battered ruin was years ago the champion of the track and envied of all. Hero is engine 179 , with a portion of the cab still clinging to the boiler , but that is all that remains to show its for mer use. It is a recent ai rival in the graveyard of the engines , yet the spar rows find snug quarters in the nooks and crannies of the pipes , and have built their nests in the place where only a short time ago the roaring fur nace-lire and hissing steam gave lifo and speed to the huge mass of metal. A half-do/on other ruins. , in the process of greater or less decay , lie about the place , and the ground is strewn with the ouds and ends of many more. It is the Golgotha of the track , a sepulcher whore time spreads the pall of oblivion over man's handiworlc and makes it naught. An average of ono engine a month finds its way to the scrap yard , but this by no means implies thut all that go there are entirely useless. The rail road may have done with them , but if the boiler can bo made serviceable with a little patching , It is speedily bought up by a contractor , or oven a junk dealer who sees a chance for profit , and the engine that has perhaps done duty for twenty years is made useful for a do/on more after the railroad has dis carded it. The lifo of a locomotive depends very much on the workmanship put into its construction and the class of work it performs. A first-class passenger en gineer should bo good for twenty-five years , but few now turned out of the shops reach that ago , because the neces sity for speed in manufacture and the demand for engines do not allow the time and care to bo spent that formerly wont to make up the locomotive. As a matter of fact , the locomotives made twenty years ago are still in service on many a railroad , whore the engine pur chased a do/.on years ago is laid up or put into scrap. This is duo solely to the superior workmanship and the material used. Much depends , also , on the class of work required of an engine. The pas senger locomotive , which makes a run of 200 miles per day , at an average speed of twenty-live or thirty miles an hour , does not sustain nearly so much wear and tear to its boiler and ma chinery as the engine that pulls a loaded freight train at the comparatively slow rate of fifteen miles an hour. The strain is ten times as much on every part of the freight engine as it is on the passen ger engine. And this is what tells on the lifo of the machine. The Illinois Central has an engine in service built for it in 18-58 , and some of the old car casses in the graveyard can look back over only half the number of years. They were larger and finer to see and had lots of modern improvements , but the boiler was the vital point and gave out before the little 68or felt the pangs of ago. The company sold an ontrino the other day that had a bettor record oven than this. Engine No. 2.1 was built in 1857 , and was used continuously up to n few ' weeks ago , when it wont'to the grave yard not to bo buried , however. The company really had a sort of senti mental affection for the faithful old worker , and meant to keep it housed as a relic of early days and have a little placard announcing some of the inter esting events in its career , but a specu lative junkman happened along and saw how ho could turn an honest penny with No. " . ' } , Ho made an offer for it , which was accepted , and so ono day the bravo angina pulled out from the yard where she had sojourned for thirty-one years and went away down the familiar road for the last time , and the old engineers and the helpers and the workmen all raised their lints and cheered her as she went along. What the iunknmn did with her is not known , but it is more than likely No. 2i ; is again hard at work at some coal or iron mine pulling away with croaking and weary joints at a heavy load. The engine is on the books of the English railroad commission as n remarkable instance of longevity in locomotives. Some years ago information was asked from Amer ican railroads as to the lifo of the American engine , the purpose being for comparison with English-made en gines , and It is on record that little 23 boat 'cm all. In the early days of the road it was customary to'name the locomotives in stead of numbering thorn , and such names as "John Rogers" and "Betsy" wore the cognomens of famous engines. Recollections of "Botsy" are still the basis for many a yarn among the old engineers. "Betsy" hauled the coach in which Abraham Lincoln first paid a visit to Chicago after hifi nomination as president , and both "John Rogers" and "Botsy" afterward did service for the government of Lincoln by bringing up from the south many a rebel to Camp Douglas. Neither of the engines is dead yet. The wheels and rods and pistons may be gone , but the boilers are still at work pumping up water at some of the way stations on the road. Her DcCuusclcHH Ilps. San Francifco Argonaut : When the last knot was tied and she was bound to the chair by the gentle instance of some half do/on silk cravats , she said : "I hope that you have not so far misunder stood the indulgence I have shown you as to suppose that I will actually permit you to kiss mo. With an eloquence of which I had not , I confess , thought you capable , you have depicted the happi ness which I should confer upon you if I allowed you to tie mo to this chair , bo to disable mo that I could not prevent your wresting from my defenseless lips that kiss which I am not , alasl at lib erty to give you. Penetrated by the ardor of your prayers and impressed by the subtlety of your reasoning , I con sented to submit to this duress ; but you must not forgot that it was upon the ex pressed condition that you should con tent yourself with seeing mo in this kissiblo position , and should not attempt to exorcise the power which I have rashly given you. With your corporeal eye you may contemplate my helplessness - ness , but you may kiss mo with the lipd of your imagination only. " "But " said ho. "But I am very severe ? Possibly. And yet I have already tnado an enormous con cession. I know how much you love mo , and I appreciate the fervid emotions which glow in your eyes at this moment. You have never before been enabled to look your heart into mine. I am deprived of my fan , my handkerchief of all the mtrenchments behind which a woman retreats when she can no longer sustain , unprotected , the bombardment of her dearest foo. Is not this enough ? Your fancy is surely not loss active than mine and I confess to you that I can almost fool your kiss my lips quiver , my heart is boating in plunges rather than in pulsations. Am I to understand that you experience none of these delicious pains ? " "Oh ! More but " said ho. ' 'But you can not prevail upon mo to enlarge the lati tude I have already given you. I see that my kindness was perhaps mistaken , and that you are not a little tantalized. I sincerely commiserate your feelings. But it has always boon my pleasure to afford an exemplary exception to the frailty of my contemporaries. If you know what a compensation one finds in the consciousness of _ rectitude if you knew how sweet it is to me when I re turn from my clandestine , but innocent , visits to the studios of my vassals to realize that my lips are still my hus band's , and his only ! " Her voice was full of tears , tears of resignation. Her face shone with the glorified sadness and proud abnegation which ono often BOOS on the brow of a young girl just before it is concealed by the veil of re ligious vocation. Ana yet so full is the gamut of a woman's countenance her lips still bora the traces of the im agined kiss. For a moment ho rested his nervous artist's hand upon an easel at his side , struggling , perhaps , with the remnant of that passion which those saintly words had almost quelled. Then , taking his palette-knife , as if ho dared not trust himself long enough to untlo the knots , ho moved toward her oliair. The knife still in his grasp , ho placed his hand at her back , and , with the for- , uor of a fasting love , kissed her full on the soft moist "Ah " said she , lips. , , as with reluctant tenderness ho loosed the bonds to which ho owed so great a hap piness , "how much my husband de serves my gratitude , in that ho ha1 * chosen a friend so worthy of my oa- teem and of hist Nothing is more de lightful than to count among ono'a acquaintances a man at once so subtloi and forcible as you a man who knows how to spare a woman of propriety that remorse which is the worst of agoniee. Thanks to your ingenious brutality , ' ! have no share in the fault into which' you have by a passion perhaps invinci ble been led. I can now return to my husband and present my lips to him for a kiss with a conscience void of ro * proach. " CIlUUCIl NOTICES. rnutsTtAV. Flr t : Capitol nrunuo nnd Twentieth street. Her. A. Miirtln , pjstor. Services nt 10.(1 a. ni mid .13 p. m. LATTEIl DAT HAIVTV CIIAPKL. Northwest corner Twontv-nrst nnd War * . Horvlcei mornlojc and uenlag. . SubbatU icboul at 12.30 p. m. U.V1TA1IIAV. Unity , Seventeenth nnd OEM-HOT. . K Conelnnd. Horylcee luumlntf uud ereulog. Suudajr school at EI'tlCOPAT , . St. t'aul MlMlon.Tnlrtr-sccond and Cm ROT. J. M. Hate * . Services 10 JU a. ru. and t p. uu. Sund&r school iS p.m. Mission ncrrlCflsThuriilar at 7(0 p. rn. ht the rest * dcncoof Mr.JohnCiiunotor. Uor , John Williams. St. Philip's Free ( colored ) 81. ! North NInetcenth-r RCT. John Williams. Sunday school at J p.m. Uteri- song at 4 p. ra. St. Ilarnahiu Free. Nlnotnenth and California Her. John Wllllums Plain colqbrutlon nt 7'J. ) a. m , ; choral cdobruUon nt II'OO n. m ; Hnntlny school ut U.u a. m.i Choral orenlog song at 7dO : p , m. SI Idlin'i Episcopal Church , corner TwcntylxtU mill Irnnklln Uri-otn. UOY. WIlllHiii Osjioral I'etunon , rcttnr. Holy Communion ( oxrflnt on first HunditT In month ) lit * n. in. ; Sumlny School ut 'I 45 n. m. : Mutlns , l.ltatty , Antu < L'oiiiniuulon Scrxlcu ( on first Huniluy In month -l.ltimy , llolr Communion ) anil bormonntll n. m. : l.vomonir nnil herinon ut 8 p. m. Kvcry 1'rl * ilny I.ltnn ) , AilUres , Ae.ut7'4J p.m. Trinity ( "atheilrnl , KiKhtcenth and Capitol ftvonuo. Very Hurerunit Doim ( iunlnur. Holy ( ouiiminton. 7. a ) a m ; Humlny pdinol nnd St. An < lro\v'a Ilrothor- hood bible tint" , 'J Bin , in.t niorntiiK prayerlitany niul 5crmon , II a. in ; Kvimlntf prnjervrltli imhort iw lire-tint 8p m. btninuorit < onllnlly welcomed. „ All bnlntnChiirih.TwcntT-ilxtli und Honnnl HOT. Loult Xohnor. bnrvlcot Holy communion 7:30 n.m | mornliiK pmyor , 11 n m , ; OTn - enc , 7 p in. Sunday ochoolU ion.m. On the first bununynf the month holy communion ut 11 n. in. Instead of morulDK pruycr. btranucrt aliTiiys welcome. IIAPTIST. Jmmanucl UaptUt church , foriuorly North Oman * mission.2400 Snund-n street Services Snndar mornIng - Ing at 1U.AI , and evantng at 7.45. Suiulny school at 1) ( M in. Klrst , KUtocnth and DiTenport ROT. A. W. I-amar. Bnrvlccs morning and CTenlne. Sunday school at U m. South On-nha Daptlstn mod at the M. U. church building for Sunday school at 3 p. m.aod pieacnlai at 4 p. ui. UaT.F.W. tester. CalTary , Baqndcn near Cumins ? nor. A. W.Clark. Bemco * morolnn and uTenlnv. bandar school at U , Both-IWcn , Park nTonuo and I. .iTonwortli HOT. II. 1. . Home , fcrrlcri morning and ovenlnif. Hab > hath school at 13m. V. P.S.C. K.7J5 p. m. Klrst Zlon Dnptlit church , Nineteenth and Burt strceti Hcgulur serrlrcs Hunday morning at 11 and cvenlne at 8 o'clock. T. IT. fcwlait , pastor. North Omaha. 2403 Sunndors-IleT. P. W. Foster. Services tuonilnji and urealne. Sunday school 13m. IParkvalo Chnpol. Twemr ninth and Martha-Mr. T. II. Taylor , uperlntendont. Sunday chool at 3 o'clock. Plymouth Congregational church , Konntxt Placet on blue car line. Her. Al'ord U fcnnlman pastor. BorvlcasatlO JQn.m. arulB p. C. . Sunday ncuool a * noon. Y. 1' . S. C. K. nt 7 p. m. All cordially Invited. St. Mary'i Avenue. St. Mary's anil Twentr-nlxUi avenues llov. Wlllard Hcott. Horvlcel morutng ana evciilDC. faundur icbool ftt uoon , Klrst , Nineteenth and Davenport HOT. A. F. Bh r * rill , 1) D. Services morning nnd evenlne. BnnatT chool at noon. I'ark Place , California and Thirteenth Itcr. M. I. Half Service ! morning and evculng. Hundav sotiool at noon. Hwediih Evangelical MIsMon. Davenport anil Twcntj-thlrd-Itov. J. A. Hultman. Service * morn- Viii and evonlni. Sunday school .1 li p. in. Cherry Hill , Central park addition Her. J. A. mill ) * van. Services mornlnij and evening , Burnlar tcliool t noon. IlllMUlc. Omaha Vlew-llor II O. Crane. Servlcad ' morning and uvenlnc. Suudujr school at noon. Ilrthlcticiu Clnipol. SUtcPntn nml HlrVorj Itov. U. J.W.Thing , unduir Khool utt o'rlui k. Kroe Kvnnuellral Gorman , Tweirtli nnd Dorcai U v K. II \ \ llrui cliert s-orvlei-miiornlnif anil even- Inc. bunduy schoolal 1 JU. Young puopltt' * nieoUntf nt T p.m. GREAT SO PER CENT DISCOUNT SALE Come around and don't delay , and get the cheapest goods ever offered in this city. At this sale you can buy clothing and furnishing goods cheaper ttiajn at any bankrupt sale.as we intend to close out our entire stock at 50c on the dollar. Just think ! of it. everything cut in 2. We invite every one to come , and get the benefit of this Great Sale : ! ? Men's Suits , $30 now $15.00 Men's Chinchilla Overcoats , $30.00 , now $15.00 Men's Cassimere Pants , $9.00 now $4.50 Children's Suits , $8.00 now $4.00 Men's Suits , 25 " 12.50 Men's Chinchilla Overcoats , - - 25.00 , " 12.50 8.00 " 4.00 7.00 " 3,50 Men's Suits , 20 " 10.00 Men's Satin Lined Overcoats , 30.00 , " 15.00 7.00 " 3.50 6.00 " 3.00 Men's Suits , ro " 7,50 Men's " " - 25.00 , " 12.50 6.00 ' 3.00 5.00 " 2,50 Men's Suits , 10 " 5,00 Men's Chinchilla Overcoats , 12.00 , " 6.00 5.00 " 2.50 4,00 " 2.00 Men's Suits , ? , . " 4.00 Men's Kersey Overcoats , - 8.5o , " 4.25 3.00 " 1.50 2.OO " I.OO Everything is selling off fast at this great sale ; at POLACK CLOTHING COMPANY , 131O ABMST LI I STREET.A. One Price Only. A. POLACK , Manager , r Mi i