TWELVE PAGES. THE OMAHA > SUNDAY BEE.77ic ncc'f ll'iint M LnrucClrcnl ! Ct fo > ( umii.i most < itlnnmi1 < e9 EIGHTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA SUNDAY MOEXING , AUGUST 10 , 1SS8.-TWELVE PAGES. NUMBER CO. - , CHAFFING BOULA8GER 'Lo Brav General" Now Poses ns a Martyr. BUT PARIS IS LAUGHING AT HIM. The Navvies Are Forced to Abandon the Strike. * . _ _ STARVED INTO SUBMISSION. Mmo. Adam Gives Bismarck a Piece of Her Mind. FIGHTING OVER THEIR BEAU. One of Two Ijovo Smitten Mortally Woundi-d In a Duel NB'I Other Interesting GosMlji ' * Prom t ho French Capital. Martyrdom. IS.SS , 1i j < Jaii\H \ ( JnnliH ilentirtt. ] 1'Aiits , August 18. [ New York Herald Cubic Special to Tin : Bin : . ] After n few days of glorious sunshine a storm burst over us. The rain poured down in torrents. It thundered and lightened. Thu whole celes tial chess board was upset in a moment and wo went back to the old , dull , cheerless monotony. On Assumption day thu weather was particularly wretched and many a pleas- nut trip to Enghlcn , St. Cloud and Montmo- rciicy had , at the last moment , to bo aban doned. What the country lost , however , Purls gullied anil the cafe keepers hud more work to do tiiiin the waiters could attend to. Piquet and billiards wore substituted for the expected' picnics and boating excursions. Assumption dny has loiig since lost Its Napoleonic sense , but is still one of the great secular and religious fetes of the year in Franco. After thronging the churches the Parisians filled every corner of the few theaters which re main open , while the circus and hippodrome were bright with the bcatnliic faces of count less Marios who shared the honors of the day with the virgin. The Bonapartists and Boulanglsts jelcbrnted Assumption by ban quets in Paris and various parts of the country. Baron Haussmnun took the opportunity of issuing from his retirement to make a speech tit Sallo Wagrain , in which ho proclaimed the beauties of coups d'etat , especially the one with which his own name is so closely associated. Mean while Boulangcr was posturing and perorat ing at Amlons to the reactionaries , of whom the Temps says ho is a docile instrument. Ho still writes "Vive la Hepubllquo" beneath his electoral addresses , but , to quote the Temps once more , the only republic ho un derstimds is ono in which ho himself would bo dictator. Paris has been charting -'lo bvnv general" mercilessly this week for posing as the target of imaginary assassins. Nobody can bo persuaded that the shots were aimed at the general. Most of the reporters praicnt think the alleged assassin flrcd to save himself from assassination , and some in oliuuto that the Houlangists got up the whole nffalr in the hope of reviving their leader's popularity. The general , however , affects to till2 his escape as serious , and Is making the mojt of the situation. In an interview after the t-agedy ho struck n martyr attitude. " "They llrcd on mo , " said ho. "I am sorry for the three good people who wcro hit. Had tho-e been no victims I should not have cared. I have boon under lire so often that J don't think that I'll dlo that way. I regret it for there's nothing moro' glorious than to fall facing the enemy. " Au attempt was made to Invent another assassination at the Arnicas banquet , and u fli'sponito character with another loaded re volver In Ids pocket was stopped at the door and disarmed. Hut the best Joke grows stale Wlti | repetition. Assassin No. 2 didn't oven ralso si smile. Tiio'navvies' ' strike is at last over. The men have gone back to work disheartened. At n mooting In Paris the other day an in cident occurred which summed up the social I question In u nutshell. After an Incendiary speech n navvy present was hoard to ox- clulm : "if the strike fund does not pay us 5 francs n dtly I'll go back to work. " IIo was instantlycompcllcd to explain his rcnitirk from the platform. "I'm the father of nlnmlly , " said he. "I've four children. I haven't n sou In the world. Are wo to do no work for nyear to cornel" The citlwn was expelled with contumely , but from pity for his hard condition thu meeting did not Jump on him. .luliotto Lumber , alias Mmo. Adam , has liurlcJ di'Uanco at Bismarck , whose organ , the Nm-d pcutbcho AllgeWina Xritunjj , wai rildo enough to deny the authenticity of u stoat report to the cmporor published in the Nouvelle Uevuo a fortnight ago. She pledged her word and honor that the document was genuine. She vows she has a photograph of the original in the chancellor's hand. "I Iwvu piuofs of M. do Bismarck's lies , " wjllts MI..C. Adiun"and if vanquished other firms and pens would rise to threaten the most uudachms liar In two worlds. In the report I published , the authenticity of wh'.ch ' M. do Bismarck falsely disputes , the chancel lor Hud to his emperor , for the Bulgarian documents wcro real when he Induced ICulscr William I. to swear to the czar the documents wcro false M. do BUmurck lied In getting Krnpcror Frederick III. to aftlrui to the riir that the Bulgarian documents wcro forged .rlthout any proof or * nn of such a thing. The preul chancellor Germany lied , but M. do Bis marck must not fancy lie's dona with mo yet ! My attitude dercmlst on that of the Germai ; press. It I am utf.ehed , I shall hit back. " The latest Julian reverse In Africa has ot cauf < > d grout sorrow here , and C'rlspt must feelra'.l'ci unhappy If he re J * tout of tin Ironic articles which nro being penned on the I Boulevards for his benefit. "M. Crlspl can't even wash his hands of Massowuh , Pontius Pilnto like , " remarks La Llhcrte , "for ho Is n notorious advocate of the colonial policy. Heforo they go to Tripoli the Ital ians will liovo to think of Massowah , where they scorn loss llko conquerors than casta ways. " Many tourists will bn Interested in hearing that , though Mine. Palouzo has Just been de clared bankrupt , she is not going to sell the tnacnitlccnt Chateau dc Chcnoncea. It is an open secret that the Huron Kelunch and the Duode In Hoehefoucald d'Oudeuuvlllo of fered a couple of millions for it , which she refused. Appropos of the chateau the Due du la Kochofoucald , who has Just completed the restoration of his own historic seat , the Chateau do Bonnevlllo , in the Department Sartho at n cost of over half a million dollars , is about to cclcbrata the event , In good old style. Oxen will bo roasted whole. There will bo greased poles and races , and all the tiddlers within ten miles around will bo engaged to set the duke's ten ants to footing it on the greensward , and , as the windup , there will bo n sensational balloon ascent. The government is about to issue a decree ordering all towns in Franco to adopt Paris time , which will henceforth be known as " 1'heure nationale. " A mad man rushed into a Paris police sta tion Tuesday exclaiming : "Save mo from the executioner. The scaffold's ready in the Place Maubert and 1,000 people are waiting to see me executed. " Ho was taken to nn asylum. An extraordinary story from Cannes made a stir this week. Two young ladies of good family , who were said to have fallen in love with the sumo gentlemen , quarreled and de cided to settle the dispute by a duel. The meeting came offpistol shots we i e exchanged , and ono of the fair combatants was mortally wounded. A man named Gciscinbergcr , passing him self oil as a notary's clerk , has Just been ar rested for obtaining money under fulso pre tenses. His address , written on a piece of paper , was snatched from him as ho was about to sw'alloiv it. On calling at the priso ner's home , M. Goron , chief of the detective force , was amazed to learn that Geiscm- berger was known in that quarter as doctor and had long been practicing with consider able success. He had not a diploma , which , perhaps , accounts for his having never lost a patient. Doctors , as a rule , are greater at naming diseases than curing them , but u German doctor believes ho has dist'overcd a remedy for aneurism. In a paper read this week before the academy of medicine , ho counsels tiio treatment of the disease , which ho assimulatcd to tubercu losis , with iodide of pottassium , taken in moderate doses for u long period and care fully administered to prevent gastric intolerance erance or idiosm. He declares that this treatment not only arrests the disease , but if continued long enough absolutely cures it. M. Sonsoogno has dclluitely determined to give us a season of Italian opera in Paris next year. IIo has rented the Gaicto from April 15 to Juno 15 , and is now in a treaty with Maurice Grau with regard to the engagement of Pattl. The cntlro com pany of the Costar.zi theater , Uomo , will bo brought to Paris and M. Sonseogno will shortly apply to the minister of line arts for permission to perform several of the most favorite works in the repertory of opera and opera comiquo , in Italian , among them "Tho Hugenots , " -'Miroila" and "Lakme , " in all of which it is hoped Mme. Pattl may sing. But whether the diva and nor present im- pressarlo can bo induced to consent to the arrangement Is doubtful. "Lucrctla Borgia" Is to bo revived at Porto St. Martin with Mile. Tcssandler in the title part. At Auibigu wo are promised n now drama by Jules Mary , adapted from that writer's novel , "Kogcr la ildnte. " There are two novelties in store at the Folios Dramatlqucs. Audran's operetta "La Petite Fronde , " and u musical farce by Ferrier and Vnrnoy entitled ' 'Hiequct a la Kouppo. " The title of the Palais Uoyal ttevuo will bo "Lcs Joyeusetes do Lanve. " Sarah Bernharut was driving u tilbury at Cuntcrct's the other day and tier sister , Jeanne Bernhardt , was riding In a four-in- hand behind her , when , in trying to turn a corner , the four-in-hand almost foil over a cliff. Seeing her sister in danger , Sarah pluckily Jumped off the tilbury , caught hold of the heads of the leaders and forced them back fioin the precipice. Thanks to her pluck several lives weiw saved. Another veteran actor has gone over to the majority. Landrul , who was for forty-two years u leading comedian at the Gymnase , fell down In a fit as ho was leaving the Parma Casino Thursday night and died next morning. During his connection with thu Gymnase ho had created 101 parts. Much stir having been caused by Mgr Lnvlgerlo's denunciation of slavery on the Congo , I called on Do Brozza , who Is at pres ent In Pans , to learn wlutt ho thought of the xcrious charges made by the cardinal. "Tho statement , " remarked M. B razza "tnat slavery nourishes on the Congo in a most deplorable form Is unfortunately too true ; but when the Cardinal LavlKcrio at tempts to throw the blame on the Belgian government or any other power which has" established a proloetorate in 'Africa , he Is allowing his zeal to run away with his Judg ment. Tins presence of a handful of clvilUcd people in u region twenty times as lurge us France , U hardly calculated to do away In a faw years with all the unibarous abuses which have prevailed therd for centuries. During sixteen years pissed among these tribes no. subjei't more deeply occupied uiy inin-1 than tlavory. 1 had -own most inter- mid iuiUrr.c'.iYo expcrici cc . Once I bought , ubout forty bavei ! , whom I kept for n few months under the care oi Intelligent overseers , \\ItL the hope of preparing their mluds for the cxpeilmcul which I iirjpospil making. Then 1 save them | their liberty and tmlgucd them a tract of j grouvdvlh.liul ! * u-Va wetpcns where they might live happily and In safety with their wives and "children. Instead of so doing they took the first opportunity to run away to the very places where they had previously been slaves and where they straightway wcro made slaves again. So I had wasted my money and time without furthering the interests of these benighted beings. Con vinced by the failure of these experiments that philanthrophy can accomplish little without the aid of education , I made n moro successful attempt under different conditions. I bought about three thousand men at the rate of 10 centimes each and conducted them to the coast where I left them to work n couple of years. Then I brought them back inland. Their return to their old home , in spired ns they wcro with new ideas gained by their sojourn among olvillzing influences , had such a beneficial effect upon the rest of the trlbu that slavery has since entirely died out ninong them. They had seen that a ball of rubber at the coast would sell for moro than they received for a slave in the interior , but n ball of rubber cost practically nothing in their native woods. Therefore it was vastly better , instead of selling their able-bodied men for a few sous , to load them with rubber balls or other products , march them to the coast and ttierc sell their burdens for a hundred times what the bearers them selves would have brought if sold at home. As u result of this reasoning slavery was completely abandoned among this tribe , which since devoted nil its energies to trading. What the negroes of Africa need moro than uuything else , more than preach ing , or prayers , or bibles , Is an encourage ment to engage in trade. That is the great civilizing influcnr'e. " aTlio Cluny revue will this year bo entitled , "La Tour Prendcs Garde. " A second "Ulcquet a la Kouppo , " sans music , by Theo dore do Hanvillo , will bo produced at the Thcatro Llbro tins season , besides the Jon- court Bros' "Patrio en Danger , " a King Lear by a trio of young writers , M. Jean Lorrain's "Yantis , " Euiilo Bergerat's "Lo Cupltaine Francaise , " and half a dozen other dramatic curiosities , including , maybe , a now piece by Xola. The report that Mr. Edward King is in New York Is not believed here. Ho is known to have been in London about five weeks ago , but since then all trace of him has been lost. His two twin sisters , the Misses Fisher , lovely girls about eighteen , have , in thu meantime , been left entirely destitute. Fortunately kind trieuds have not been wanting. Every ofiort has been made to discover some trace of Mr. King. The morgue has been searched and the police registers examined , but all in vain. Mr. Kim- having failed in bis chemical paper business some six months ago has attempted to save him self from ruin by borrowing money on every side. It is thought that despair may have driven him to flight. Seine think ho has committed suicide. Curiously enough this is the second time ho has disappeared. On the former occasion ho was found in the Latin quarter where ho had sought refuge. This was in the early spring. After that ho seemed to take courage , rented an apartment , cared for his sisters , and devoted himself to his Journalistic work. Then with out n word ho disappeared a second time to the surprise and regret of his friends. If the latest eccentricity of the young- Ger man empercr were intended to ex cite the French they nro a sig nnl failure. The exact text of the most sensational passage of the Frankfurt on-Oderspeech has reacnrd Paris. : "Dauber herrsch nur clno stimmo das man liobor 18 arnicekorps und 12,000,00'J ' einwohner nuf cine strccko liege hisscu wurdo ols aueli nur clnen stein von dcm cirungencn wcgnehuicn lassou. " Exasperating as this very uncalled for declamation must bo to French pride , i has been received with singular coolness. A few papers ironically point out that one part of the kalzcr's speech is disrespectful to th memory of his father , the peaceful Emperor Frederick. But the comments go little further. Meanwhile the kaiser seems to bo wearing his young soul out in aimless martinet , in spections of his army. The other day after reviewing some of his troops ho remarked "My lads if you did no better than tbis in real war you would all now bo sausage meat. " A few days after ho surprised the Potsdam hussars and chasseurs by having an alarm sounded at 4 in the morning. All sol diers who showed the slightest remlssnes were sevlerey repromanded. Several ofllccrt were placed under arrest. Among the latest American arrivals ar Dr. and Mrs. Noftel , of Now York ; D. Cutlin of St. Louis ; the Bishop of Maryland ; W. C Daly , the actor ; Mrs. Belle Arnold , of Min neapolis , and Judge Van Brunt. Mr. and Mrs. Klchard 1C. Fox have loft for Geneva. IT WAS imUMMKUS' DAY. Twelve Hundred of Them Pay Ttielr Respects to General HnrrlHon. IxniANAroMS , August 18. ' .Tha commer cial travelers of Illinois and Indiana paid their respects to General Harrison to-day. At 4 o'clock the delegations , consisting of ubout twelve hundred men , marched to Gca- cral Harrison's residence. The spokesmen for the visitors were Congressman J. H , Kowcll , of Uloomington , and Julius C , Starr , of Peoria. General Harrison in his rcsponso referred to the attributes of a successful commercial traveler , and then touched upon the tariff issue. Ho said : "Do not allow nnvona to persuade you that this great contest as to our tariff policy is ono between schedules. It is a question between widc-apart principles , the Intelligent rccogul tlon in the i framing of our tariff laws of duty to protect our American industries and main tain the American scale \\ngesbyudcquato discriminating duties on the ono hand , and on tlu | other a denial of the constitutional right to make our custom duties protective on the assertion of n doctrine that free com petition with foreign products is the ideal condition to which ull our legislation should tend. " Dcnth of K Bf. TullUJ. Sr. JOSEPD , Mo. , August IS. * [ Special Tele gram to Tni : BEU. ] F. M. Tufts died at his homo In this city to-night at 7 o'clock of par- nlysls. Mr. Tufts was city auditor of St. Joseph for four.vcurs. his term of offlco expiring - piring last April. He was owner of the Gazette from IS73 to 18T8 and moved to St. Joseph from Platte county where he was col- | l Iccto : for u number of year * . DOES IT MEM WAR ? Relations Between tbo Powers Again Somowhnt Strnlnod. DARK CLOUDS ARE LOOMING UP. _ Emperor William Drops a Very Sig nificant Remark. IT BODES NO GOOD TO THE CZAR. The Lattcr's Pretentious Said to Have Aroused the Kaiser's Ire. FUTILITY OF IMPERIAL JAUNTS. The Tension of the Situation Tlircnt- cnlim Kuropo Moro Tlmn I vcr Sweeping Changes In the Army. The Kuropenii Situation. HKHI.I.V , August IS. fNow York Herald Cable Special to Tun BdE.l The emperor launched today at the headquarters of the First infantry. In n speecn In response to n toast to his health ho said that Germany would keep what she had gained , and expressed n conviction that the army was able to meet nil comers. The language of the emperor , al though no immediate mcnaco , is not to bo at tributed to liis habit of expressing himself bluntly. Ills speech ut I 'mnkfort ' was pre meditated , if not verbal y prepared. The emperor's ire has been e : cited by the Kus- sian government permitting or inciting the press to raise the Sehleswig-Holstcin question with the additional contention that tlio czar , as a representative of the house of Holsteln Gottorp , claims special rights to support the claim of Denmark. Tlio press concur in regretting the futility of the Peterhof and Copenhagen visits. It says that within four weeks after the interviews between the czar und Emperor AVilliam the tension of the situation threatens Euroixs more than ever. Sweeping changes in the command of the army are impending. Nine moro gen erals , nine nontenant generals and a number of major geiicrah * will retire. General Von Schellelidorf's successor as minister of war will bo General Von Caprivi. General Von Schellendorf gets command of the First unity corps. Feverish activity pervades every /department of the army , otwlthslandtng wide operation and brusque character , oi-theso changes , the war office is confident teat the army will bo kept every moment wo Mu'tiaiuL * + * * " Signor Crispic , thc Italijui prime minister , is timed to arrive at "Carlsbad on the 20th inst. Ho will remain in Germany five days and re turn to Homo on the uOtb , In order to accom pany King Humbert on his trip. The programme for Emperor William's reception in Vienna at tlio end of September is as follows : Ho will remain in the capital for u week's round \rovlews and banquets ; ho will bo accompanied by the empress if her health permits ; ho V > ill indulge in hunting excursion In Styria and on his re turn will proceed from Vienna to Italy via Innspruck , the empress returning meanwhile to Berlin. ? In Berlin official circles ; it is rumored that Prince Bismarck proposes to mark the per fect entente by 'accompanying Emperor William to Vienna and HJino. Prince Bismarck had W th him during the week at Friederichsrullo Herr Von Hcrr- furth , the new minister of the interior and national leader ; Herr Von Hqnnigscn , whoso visit is associated with tku near elections for members of the Inndtagy Only once before has Herr Von Bcnnigscn obtained the rare honor of being a guest oi Prince Bismarck and that was at j'Vnrgin in 1878 , when negotiations were ji'ocecdingfor a rep rcscntation of the nationals In the ministry , The growing conlldenccvf the nationals in the result of the elections tends to the ex pectance that Herr voiij [ Bonnlgsen will ob- tain office. The North Carman azette , which has hitherto supported the n\ \ .lonnls , is taking an independent attitude , an having changed Its tone advocates a eontiu auce of the cartel but warns the conj iOrvatives agains agitating in conjui .tlon with thi clericals on the qucj tlon of increased grants to the schools v jth increased priv ilcgcs to the clergy for ci jitrolllng them. The /CeittinjrattiSbutes the change ti the influence of the eiopcror , whoso sym pathies with > io couservVtles remain strong , As long as the nmintj nunco of the carte ! remained uncertain thfe overtures of th national liberals to the ptogresslvists for con certed action with Richter and the othe leaders of the progressivlsts were declined Kichter declared that the party would not b mixed up In electoral intrigues , but woul net upon the basis of its well known priu ciples , believing it would thereby best preserve servo both Its interests dud its honor. Th irreconcilable attitude of the progrcsslvist at the same time checked the approaches o the loaders of the center , who , while coquet ting with the ultra-conservatives , wore throwing out feelers toward the progrcssiv Ists. The sum of ( the position Is that the elections will proceed upon tlio same basis as the hW election. The national liberals will bo illghly strengthened but practically the balance of the parties will remain unchanged. Herr Llebknccht's return to the relcbstag from the Sixth dis trict , or Berlin , is fully assured. The efforts ot the government to ' obtain a candidate supported by thp coaliUoji vote of the na tional liberals and progrcsaivists uro Increas ing , but their chance of success Is slight. The socialists are hopeful of an increase of 3,000 votes. The anttseailtlcs promote the candidature of a man with Christian bocial- Istio views. The election will bo watched with Intense interest everywhere , as the test of the growth or decline of the so I ciallst. Tbo centre. i of Ueruiau Catholics will meet nt Frlbourp , In Creisgaii , In September. The two leading questions to bo discussed nro religious orders and the regime of schools. The recent visit of the duke of Nassau to the king of the Netherlands resulted In an agreement of betrothal between Princess Wllhelmlne and the hereditary prince of Nassau. The marriage , which will take place when the princess reaches a mature age , Is designed to keep Holland and Luxem burg united with the Nassau heirs of Luxem burg. Dr. Sehwclnfurth appealed to the East African association to assist In sending nn expedition for the relief of Kinin Boy. IIo promises certain success for the expedition and says it will open to Germany command of the trade of the Soudan. Dr. Schwcln- f urth wants T > 00,000 marks , and that amount will probably bo obtained by public subscription. The emperor favors and will protect such nn expedition. Ho to-day sent to the committee on the organization of the expedition an expression of the warmest sympathy with the enterprise. Hoffmann , the poet , and editor of the Gur- tcnlaube , is dead. The Austrian antl-semitic , HcrrSenoncrcr , after serving his term In prison , will settle in Dresden. He will take out naturalization ; mpcrs in Germany ana preach his anti- Semitic doctrines. IS IT A MUHDKIl ? An Affair Thnt IH Puzzllnc the .Min neapolis I'ollcr. , Minn. , August 18 , fSpeeial Telegram to THIS Br.ts.j A singular and mysterious affair , and ono behind which the authorities think there is n crime , came to he knowledge of the police to-day. A few days ago Miss Gates , daughter of Seulluni jatcs , u wealthy farmer living at 'JI''O Crys- al Lake avenue , observed the movements of two men which aroused her susplclnn , and liter caused the other members of the house- : iold to suspect that everything was not right. rXbout Ji o'clock in the afternoon Miss Gates , while standing on the piaz/u , noticed n man driving a bay horse attached to n buggy turn from the highway onto a side road that leads nto the woodland on Mr. Gates' property. This road is used but seldom. The young lady paid no special attention to the man until she saw him turn n second time and drive into a still moro secluded road , or more properly a pathway , on her father's ' farm. Ho was soon lost to sight. Later in the afternoon Miss Gates saw this same man , with the same horse and buggy , again turn into the sida road ho hud another man with him. A trunk of uverago size was fastened back of the seat. About fifteen minutes later the inmates of the Gates house hold noticed smoke coming through the open windows of the house. The smoke was ac companied by u very unpleasant stench. Looking towards the woodland across tlio highway a volume of smoke of considerable density was seen to rise. Tho-muell was so unpleasant that the windows of the house were lowered. Late that afternoon Miss Gates made n discovery which explained the smoke. She became satisfied that.a human body honiOen'cKhintcar' A-iWftIon of 'the trunk was not totally destroyed and there were several pieces of badly burned bones. There was also a lady's collar button and a piece of red cloth , evidently u portion of u dress. The young lady informed her brother and sister of the facts and the three visited the place. The young people did not dare to remove any of the bones , and were convinced that there was something wrong. When the spot was visited later the ashes had been dis turbed and tbo portions of. dress and piece of trunk removed. The police inspectors will moko an effort to unravel the mystery. THE INPIANA'WHITE CAPS. Startling Developments Concerning Their llloody Work. Ind. , August 18. Startling revelations are being made concerning the operations of the White Cap organization. A detective , whoso name is withheld , Joined the White Caps in Harrison county for the pur pose of securing evidence for the suppression of the organization. Ho savs that the oath demanded of every candidate is blood curdling in its provisions , the penalty for a violation being instant death. The candidate must swear that ho has been accessory to some crime , which is held over him to pre vent treachery. These stages having been passed , the purposes of the order are un folded. Thoio consist of the enumeration of a list of mock moralities and the punishment of citizens for alleged offenses without appeal to law. The order numbers about two hundred members , among whom are many prominent citizens. The state authorities are at work and startling disclosures are looked for. The General Passenger Agcntl. CHICAGO , August 18. The committee of general passenger agents appointed by the western lines to prepare a revised form of passenger agreement and rules concluded its labor to-day , and their report will bo for warded to the managers of the western roads interested on Monday. The committee Iw. been ut work over two weeks , and it Is claimed that the report is ono of tlio strong est agreements over formed for the preserva tion of tariff revenue. A meeting for its consideration has been called for August US. A meeting of lines between Chicago and St. Paul to consider the westbound situation lias been called for Monday next. They AVID Undoubtedly Itncc. NEIV YUIIK , August IS. The new Inman line steamship , City of New York , sailed to day on her first passage eastward , and th swift Cunarder , Umbrin , with n record o the next fastest , also sailed to-day , aboil half an hour before the big Ininan steamer. While the officials on each vessel have dis claimed any purpose of racing across the Atlantic , it is generally believed that ttio 1 hindermost boat at the finish will carry a much disappointed captain and crew. Killed for Thirty CcntH. CHICAGO , August 18. An attempt to col lect a debt of thirty cents resulted In the death of Bernard Heilly tonight. William Burns , u worthless character , claimed that Hoilly owd him the amount mentioned. Ho appeared with a constable and enforced his demand , when Kollly advanced on him with a revolver. Hcillj's brother-in-law attempted to wrench the weapon from the excited man's grasp , when it was discharged , the bullcv passing through Hcllly's brain , kill ing him instantly. An Escaped Convict Arrested. HANNIIIAL , Mo. , August IS. J. T. Fore man was arrested last night for stealing a horse in 103. Ho was found guilty at the time arid sentenced to the penitentiary for six years , but escaped/rom thu guards and 1 his whereabouts \yero not known until yes terday. Ho was taken to the penitentiary. A Brewery Seized. MILWAUKEE , August 1J. Joseph Wolf's beer brewery was seized to-day by levcnue officers and ho and his wife arrested , charged 1 with having systematically robbed the gov ernment for years by means of fulso returns. The Weather Indications. For Nebraska and Dakota ; Local rains , warmer , variable winds , becoming south erly.For For Iowa : Local rains , genei ally warmer , variable winds , becoming generally eoutU- ' easterly' . GOSSIP FROM BERLIN. Record of Events Transpiring In the Gorman Capital. A WEEK OF UNUSUAL INTEREST. Wilhclm Strikes a Responsive Chord In Every Subject's Breast. A SENTIMENT INDORSED RY ALL. Effect of Von Moltko's Resignation on the Imperial Army. THE OLD HERO STILL IN HARNESS. To Him Will be ANsiKiicd the Task of Instructing the Younger Olll- ccrH Anitisliifj Court DC- Delighted With Their Monarch. irnpi/Hulit / l&ss I > n James OunloiiJnincfM BUIILIN , August IS. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to TUB Bnu.l The kaiser seems , at Frankfort , again to have voiced the feeling of nearly every Prussian , and to have expressed the feeling so decidedly that there is universal delight at having so able n spokesman. The talk about returning Al sace-Lorraine has always been exasperating to the Germans. The recent gossip about re turning portions of Schleswig-Holstoin lias , to Prussian cars , been oven worse ; in fact , almost high treason. It Is ridiculous in itself , but dangerous be cause exciting dangerous hopes In the neighbors , and giving cause perhaps for some future breach of peace. Now the em phatic imperial declaration that a single clod of Alsace soil is worth the lives of eighteen army corps , if this price must bo paid for re taining it , falls on delighted ears , and the sentiment is drunk quietly In wlno over all Germany , but especially by all Prussians. The long , anxious wait for the great strug gle which most Prussians deem inevitable before a long line of Prussian emperors can bo Insured , seems to have tuned the whole Prussian people to a pitch which makes them vibrato in unison with the kaiser's words. Certainly , if the feeling lasts which has been raised by this Frankfort speech , the Prussians would go into a struggle for any German province almost as If it wcro a holy crusade instead of a war to retain what Prussia won by war. Moltko's resignation is of course under a { "iiVoiy'tiiscin So'aYlLrwhK3hfna'ono fares'to * write a word against the old hero. In gen eral the feeling is ono of pleasure that ho still retains the power to rectify army errors "or abuses , and of great pride that in Moltko the Germans nave a servant willing to train up successors , and even , while able toork , great enough to sur render high honors , In order that these suc cessors may receive final and practical trainIng - Ing under his own eyes. Perhaps the most noteworthy remark is that made a year ago in this connection by this famous personage , "Suppose , " said he , "thero Is a war. A winter campaign would kill off at least a dozen officers of the highest rank in the Gorman army. Among these would bo two kaisers , Wilholm I. and Friederich III. , so that In the face of an en cmy the new officers must accustom them selves to all of the most important business of commanding. Tlio throne must bo twice transferred , and yet they say wo are eager for a war. " Since then , as the kaiser's speech shows , arrangements have been completed for the relief of every officer unfit for active work. The field marshal only sets the example of training successors , which is being followed In nn humbler way by scores of his subordinates. With the now off ! ccrs and new tactics go many small but important changes ii equipment. Ono city , for instance , supplies 30,0000 of a now nattcrn military cloak , which is BO constructed that two cloaks , but toned together , form absolutely n weather proof tent. The trials of those tents have al ready proved their value. Trials are also being made of now scdclle. Detachments o cavalry , with saddles of various types , uro being now galloped in war rig nil over the empire , each detachment having saddles o eacli typo , and each commanding officer being required to report on tlio qualifications of cacli saddle. The courts this wock have given an un usual number of interesting decision. ? . Fo instance , n woman appealed against a 2 marli line for throwing an orange skin on the pave mcnt , her i.U.a being that she did It thought- ' lessly , not Intentionally. The Judge raise the fine to o marks , because , as ho explained all orange peel accidents are caused thought lessly , and that the fine is a warning as mud : us a punishment. A doctor with a Philadelphia diplom was lined 30 marks for hav Ing signed a prescription fur poisonou medicines. It has been decided that an en gngcmcnt of marriage implies no legal rich to force either of the engaged couple to marr ; each other. In love attairs , too , there ha been in Wleibadon another judgment ex traordinary , not In Itself , but rather for th circumstances of the suit , made , St aeems , by n girl in her mistress" rmiue. She ac cepted by letter advances and final ! the proposal of a rich young fe low , but always with the that awing to the cruelty of lier parents h must never address her In public. Finall | canio letters tolling of how , 'or his snko , he parents were starving as well as ill-troatln her. Somehow there was u KjggcHIoti o money. The lovelorn youth depleted hi j bank account to enable the maU to auji her mistress with dainties. All wen well. The maid was accumulating fortune , but by mistake a letter was wrongly sent to the supposed Ill-treated heroine. Tbo girl was hiKh-tplrltod nod thought herself grossly Insulted. She In sisted that her parents should have the writer arrested , and then the whole stovy came out , mid the maid , who throughout had forged her mistress' name to the passionate love letters , gets only three months' Imprisonment. KII/UA1.V8 on.lKCT IN He Says It IH to Kxtract ( tin Boastful Spirit From John I/ . ( CnpirfiMW : / by Jumti litntlimfrmict ( . [ LtvEiii'ooi , , August 18. [ New York Her ald Cable Special to Tin : Ucn.J Among the ) passengers by the Elmlra today was Kllruln , booked for his homo In America. Ho de parts with Klchnrd 1C. Fox's credentials lit his pocket and with his knowledge. At tha Herald ofllco In Paris $5,000 are ready for Sullivan whenever Sullivan's ? 5,000 are ready for Kllrain , or for anyone else if Sulli van declines. In his baggngo are presents received last Wednesday evening nt his testimonial benefit In Washington , hall , Battorsea , where ho was sum moned uy several ex-champions , from Mr. Fox ho received n cane unj gold chain ; 'rotn ' Pony Moore n gold locket , from George A'aro a hoof in the shape of a silver cuff box , and also the Police Gazette diamond belt. Kiirain in an interview with the Herald 'Orrespondent ' said : "Sullivan had better not challenge mo. I would not have taken urthcr notice of him , ns I have been firmly jonvinced that ho did not mean to light , 3vcn now I don't think that Sullivan will light. His challenges have been nil humbug , ji "or what Is n challenge without n deposit of money ) Sullivan often got bombastic , but he never had the courage of his opin ions so as to stnko any money. When I get back to my own country I shall go in strict training under Howell and Mitchell. I have now been in England learly u year , while my Intention was only to stay two months. I liked the country and iavo made many friends , but I shall bo glad when I am beak HO that I can try and extract the boastful spirit out of Sullivan before thu very eyes of his own people " To a Herald correspondent Jem Smith said ' 'I don't believe : that Sullivan meant business by his challenge , and only made ono because ho found his prestige in America ! iad almost departed. Instead of being a great fighter John L. is only a big talker. Ho overestimated his abilities and ho would speedily find his mistake when ho met KH rain as I met him. " Charley Wilson added : "I qulto bcllova that there nro a number of Americans so wearied of hearing Sullivan's claptrap that they would not bo sorry if ha was defeated in any impending fight. H is my opinion that Kilraln , when again properly trained , will speedily tttoslohp Li.'who l . .Jverywellin. nn exhU * bltlon of sparring , but when It comes to [ cov ering a worthy opponent's deposits in order to secure n fight ho would rather talk than net. Who ever heard of a magpie having a light with any other bird } A magpie , how ever , chatters , and every sport knows that the gamiest cock is the bird that only crows after he has put his spur deeply into another cock. IMMIGRATION ABUSES. Yesterday's Investigation By the Con * grcrfHlonal Committee. NEW YOIIK , August 18. Mary J. Klmball testified before the congressional committee to-day. She said that while working in the Hewitt flax nulls nt Belfast , Ireland , she was furnished with a ticket to this country by Mr. Setton , of Harbour's mills , on a promise to repay him after her arrival in America. On arrival she was conducted to Paterson and given employment in Harbour's mills. Mary Murphy , a twister In Barbours mills , rfaid that she came to this country eighteen months ago , and that since coming she had brought cloven relatives hero on tickets given her by Mr. Sctton , for which slio Is still paying. Seven of these people are now employed in Harbour's mills. John Murphy , a flax spinner in Barbour'a mills , had received four tickets from Setton , upon which four friends have couio to this country. Sarah H. McGoggen works in Harbour's mills. July lust she received eight tickets from Superintendent' Sctton on the "install ment plan. " With these ho brought the members of this family to this country. Six of them are working in the mills. Thomas Mitchell , watchman at the mills , brought his wife and eight children from Ireland in the same manner. Five of his children are working in tha mills. SUING 11111 STKP-MOTHEIt. A Sensational Suit Filed In the Courts lit Ht. Joseph. ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , August 18. [ Special Tel egram to THE BEU. ] A sensational null was filed in the circuit court to-day In which' Kutio Lonhardt , daughter of John Lcnhardt , a wealthy German , who died last Juno , asks to have the court take charge of her step mother's estate on the ground that It was obtained from the deceased by a systematic , defrauding for moro than three years. It is claimed that Theresa Lenhardt , the widow of the deceased , induced her husband , who was at thu time of unsound mind , to make over to her six months before his death , property valued nt 5,000 by telling him ho was about to become Involved In litigation In which Judgments would bo rendered against him , and that his property would bo taken to satisfy it unless lie convoyed it beyond tha reach of executive process. Another allega tion Is to the that effect by conniving with a leal estate agent $18,000 worth of real estate In the city was fraudulently convoyed to the .who. It Is averred that at the time of tha death of the deceased there was g 1,000 on his person , which the wife seized and secreted , and that by her continual fraudulent trans actions $75,000 In money and real estate was obtained. Mills Speaks on the Tariff. Cnni.E8Tox , W. Va. , August 18. Senator Blackburn , of Kentucky , Hon. U. Q. Mills , of Texas , und Phil Thomson , secretary of the national democratic committee , arrived this morning. A largo crowd gnthcrud to near the speeches of the distinguished visit ors ut a democratic mass meeting hero to- nlirlit. UcprcHcntativo Mills was the princi pal speaker. He delivered a lengthy npeoch on the tariff question , expressing his well known views on that subject. * KancliiTH Ijyneliod by Outlaws. HftMinonic , Ariz. , August 18.--Wllllara Nailer and Louis Nugler , i anchors und stockmen , have been lynched by outlaws In ] 'luaant Valley , and W. Mcltalgoy , an em ploye on the ranch of the Ancu Lund and Cattle company , has arrived here , having been driven from the ranch by the outlaws. This is a continuation of the fight botwueu the sheep and cattle men on the To nto basin. The Gartcnlnnbo's l-'dltnr Dend. BEIII.IV , August IS , Hoffmann , the pott and editor of tiic Gartcnlaubo , is dead.