OMAHA DAILY BEE ? SATURDAY , AUGUST 18 ! 188 $ SPECIAL NOTICES. AdTerllMTnent * under this ncad JO cents pnr line tortlie fli t Insertion , 7 cunta for each nub- pequent Insertion , and l.M ) a. line per month. No advertisement taken for less t miiS > cents | he first Insertion , Feven words will bo counted to the line ; Ibi ? must run consccutlvnly and inust be paid In ADVANCE. Al advertise- tnonts mint be Imiided In beforn I2i0 : : o'clock p. Sn. . nn < l under no circumstances will they betaken taken or discontinued by telephone. Parties advertising In these columns andhav- Ing their answers addressed In ( are of'I tin Ilr.n Will pIciiKO a ilc for n check to eimlilo them to net their letters , u none will bo delivered except on jiresentatlon of check. All answers to adver tisements should bo enclosed In envelopes. All advertisement * In these columns are pub lished In both morning and evening cdltloui of Tiir. lir.K. tlm circulation of which aggregates jnoro than 18,000 papers dally , aud gives the ad- vertlsors tlio bcni-llt , not only of tbo city ctrcii- Intlon of THE HKK , but also of Council lllun > . Lincoln and other cities and towns throughout this section of the country. BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for them ) columns will bo taken , nn the above conditions , at the folloxvlng busi ness houNe.a , who are authorized ngonts forTiit ; JlKB special notices , mid will quote the same ratey as can bo had at the main olllce. _ HNw.ihrJ ) : , Pharmacist , South Tenth Street. C 1HASE St EDDV , Stationers and 1'rlntcrs , 113 South Ifitli Street. II. KAHNSWOHTH , Pharmacist , 2115 Cutu- s.II. . > Ing Street. J. IIUOIIKS , I'llarmaclst , KJI North 10th Street. GKO. W7VA11H. Pharmacist , 180U St. Mary's Avenue. SITUATIONS WANTED. It WANTED Ily a joiingman a situation In n pilvnto family , boaidlng house or hotel. Apply to llev. J , < ! . SohalDle , 817 N. Ihtb. 48S 1 J I WANT to take charge of a grain elevator ; have hatf 8 years' experience ; am married nnd steady , deferences given on application. Correspondence solicited. Address Uox 110 , Hampton , Nob. WJZK SITI'ATION wanted Thoroughly competent grain and lumber man ; six yeats oxpcri- buco In change business. A 'JJ , I lee olllce. 405 17 _ \\rANTED-A position asdellvory man for a T ? wholesale or retail house ; have my own Jiotscund wagon ; references exchanged. Ad /lnss Ayllee. . IW 21 * WANTED--N1AI.E HELP. w ANTED-A b.iker. Apply nt lunHarkst. BIU-I8J \ \ ? ANTED -L"0 track layorn , good wages , sure T > pay , Mrs , llroga. 314V S 15th. 615 111 ? \\fANTED 10 good farm hands on mime , * T ranch , tlSpcr month until Dec 1st , { la dur ing winter , Mrs llregn , 314'/z S 15th Ht. 611 IW * WANTKD Energetic men and w omen every where for u genteel money-making busi ness. ! O ) weekly prollt guaranteed easier than ra ) monthly otheiwise. Experience absolutely Jnncccssary. Permanent position and exclu- ntve torrltpry absured ? samples freo. Write for particulars. Address , with blamp. Merrill flfgCo , , HOT , Chicago. 4il7alli \\TANTED TH o tinner * immediately at Cook T T Ac Lnnterwnsser'H , Conncil Illtilln. la. 4KM8 i WANTED Two hundred men to take part in Pain's "Slego of Sebastopol. " Apply ut Mela'holt 010 South Tenth st. , at 7 o'clock to-night. J. F. Hayrnond. 481-18 \\TANTED-An experienced waiter to take TT charge of dining room and olllce , } 30 , mro paid ; second cook for Kearney , SWj boytotnko f.-are of team , eiS. Mrs. Uregu. 314 S. Ifith. 478 17 * AC1KNTB WANTED For the universal oil heater nud burner. The housekoeper's de light. Cook a meal or heats n room at n cost of cents pflr hour. Nothing Hko It ever Invented. AgentH nro maklug big money. Soils at s'.gnt. Ad J fens Universal Manufacturing Co. , 81 Market ( .troet , Chicago , 111. 41917 * JANTRD-Mllker , 4115 S.iuudors. 432 " \\"ANTED Agents to introduce two now in- TT vcntlons , favorable terms and big money Jo the right puitU'S. Addrcsi the Safety Can Co , KaiiHHfl City Mo. 4 0 lit "l\ * ANTED Several draftsmen , or young TT men familiar with arc itectnral drawing , PKhwlpors lu pen drawing for photo ongmvlug. Mlfly room If I , U. S. Nat. building. 403 V7K wish to eiujiloy a few salesmen on salary , T T to bell our roods by sample to the w hole- pule and retail trade of nil the leading cities aud towns. We are the largest manufacturers bf our line In the country. fend two cents in Btatups for full particular * ! . No per > tuls nimwercd. Centennial MimufacUulng com pany , Cincinnati , O. : ? J1 SOp AGENTS WANTKD-75 a month and ex- penncs paid any active person to sell onr goods. No capital required , t-alary paid monthly , expenses in advance. Full particulars freo. titaudard Silverware company , Hiwton , Mass. TO B14p * l\rANTKD 20 expeiienced coat makers and , T > s.1 girl * to make overalls and slilrts. Oeo. Bttles , liil Howardst. , upstairs. 290-18 100 railroad men for Washington < T > terrlt6ry nt Albrights Labor Agency , 1120 Fnnium. Itli WANTED-Mcn for the west , Albright's labor agency. 1 | 2U Fnrnam St. 010 OV-'B-Am. Ji t. Tel. Co. , 1304Dougl . t Oil WANTED FEMALE HELP. \srANTED Two good hat and bonnet TT makers. Call at llllss' , 1511 Douglas st. . 611 111 * WANTED Second girl who understands plain sewing. Mrs. F. M. Oray , uvil Doug las. 610-18 W ANTED A girl for general housoworK. M nst bo a good cook. Apply , 835 S. 0tn st. 471 IB JANTED-Competent cook and laundress r Mrs. F. W. Qruy. aoJl Douglas. 4CQ 17 1HL for genarul Housework , 1610 California st. 47U 17 * \TANTF.D-Good girl for lioitBcwork. 819 S > lUth st. 4J7 ANTED Good girl for general housework , no washing or ironing , 1510 llaruev. ' \A7ANTED Woman cook for Missouri Valloj rlj t-W ; girl to take restaurant washing home 2 hotel laundrejscs. 3 woman dlshwushurt ! , girl lor family 5 miles out ot city , 4 dlulngroom girl * for Norfolk , S15 , free fare ; I nice girl for ottlco 1 lunch countur girl out ot city , M girls for gen cralhousework. Mrs. Uu ga,311 } > S. 15th. * fX7ANTED Woman cook and becoud girl a TT 4Jl > forth 15th Bt. 450 lb T rANTED Lady paying bus tT > inoss in the city. $ , " > prollt on every salu Prof. Molpoor. IWl Farnam btrcot. 45. ! ! Uh \7S7ANTED ( Hrl for general housework ii V > f mall family , 2018 Seward st , ilrs. Wright. 431 1J * vv TANTED Cook Bt 912 Douglas. 41.1 Qlrl for general bousowork a . IQthbt. 440-17 * P WANTED Dining-room girl , second coo ! and dlsliwaaUer. imt N. 16th Bt. 39tl I \\fANTf D At once , good wet nurse , apply t to Mrs. M. Holimnn , ' W3 St. Mary's ivvo ; B \\rANTCD-Lady agents for "A" skirt 11S1 an TT bustle combined : also "H" hose bupporl frs. Our ( ialesburg. Jll. , ugi'ut cleared f IW in 1 llayn. Ludie ' Supply Co. , 2t,7 W , Woshlinrto : * l. Chicago. " * " ' BK MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. S7 ANTED The public to inakecootl use o T Uho llco'fl JUCJ43UO boiud throughout thi K _ \\rANTKD Moro houses to rent , cood-pavln Vt tenauK , quick reuU liuuitid. ii. H. WAI Cell. 408 N itlth.'ml iloor. 410 iCj WANTED-More nouses to rent. Uoswort ijQplIn. llarkur block. too \\rANTED-lfyouhave any lands , lots , e V T houses and low to tell or exchauge fc other property , call ou mo or write. lcxn ; tin you n customer. C. C. Spots wood. SOJJ4 8. icti EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. QANAD1AN eniployuient onice. Mrs. Hreg iltSi b Uth. Itutcreuco Ouiuhu Nutloual b.m 810 al7 * A Kmplovment office. Kooirl . Male and female help supnllei 'rlvato fainUlca a tpeclalty. ViJ l ; TVfAIJJor fenulo help furiilslied In or out < Witlly. jirlvatB f ailllei a specialty. U. 1 Wanddl. iUd N JClh kt. ud Uoor. 437 1 3 BOARDING. TTJ OME table day board ; 1512 Davenport , \\7ANTEn A few nice gentlemen boarder , TT fcpadtabUiiiudhojnecoiutorU. Tcxmt > re om.b.16. 'Apply at J4J7 OeorgU ve. to I li WANTED-TO RENT. \\TANTI1IJ" S or Iffroom house. All modern T T conveniences. Not over 10 blocks from I'.O. preferred , ( live rates of rent and full par- tlctllur * . Address A IW , Hee olllce. VM-VR OWNEHS 1st your house * and rooms. Wo have tenants waiting. Omaha Huslncfl * Ex. , sw cor. 15th and Douglas. 450 18 " \\7ANTED-5-room cottage , with small barn. T T convenient to noroo or cable cars. Address II , C. Wecduu , Merchants Nat , bank building , 898 17 * rpEN to 12 room house centrally located , with JU all modern improvements. A 8 , lleo olllce. 337 19 FOR RENT-HOUSES. Foil HENT 8-room house , sewer , gn , hot and cold water , bath room , new and com plete , 110 per month , ready Sept. L Apply at once. C. F , Harrison , 413 tf. 15th st. 4SI FOH SALE NewS-room house , all modern Improvements , near corner Woolworth and Virginia avcnucM , Hanscom Place , $1,500. C. F. Harrison. 418 S. 15th Bt. 4h3 TjXlH HENT New I room house , with all con- JL1 venlences. IS 15 S. 21st , between Center nnd DorcaH , 4'JOTOJ T71OH HENT New single house. 8 rooms east JL' front , nil modern improvement * on IWth Kt. " doors north of Hurdette. Convenient to aud cable cars. Inquire at iiniA lard ht , 501-18 FOH HENT 0 room tlat. bath-room and city water In Sander's block , Inquire SM Cumlng Ht. 6VJ-1U * TJ OUSE for rent. Inquire 1H23 Dodge. 617 18 * "CXJK HENT New double cottage. S rooms X each , pump and sink , cemented cellar. In qulro No. Ill N. 21th street. 2JI-lb * FOH HENT Ti nice rooms for limisekeeplng unfurnished ; nice yard , hard aud soft water , CH S. 17th , bet. Jackson and LeHveuwortlu ta 17 * 171011 HENT 3-room house , 23th and Howard. JL1 470 18 * A SIX room house for rent , liuiulro at nut ) S , lUth st. 47H 17t F HENT Now six-room house. Apply J 11" V tilth Ht. 451 ! TjlOll HUNT Elegant B-room cottage , I'arnam JL' and.Tjthst. , on car line , $15 : furulture , * 150. Omaha llusluess Ex. , sw cor. 15th ami Douglas. "J ! ! J HOOM cottage , Jllth and Decatur sts. . $3 JX.T Omonth. Inquire at 180S Webster. 402 22 " 171011 KENT Two houses , one on JJoth and Franklin , 9 rooms , all modern improve ments , WO per mo. ; one on Mason , hot. loth and llth , ID rooms , $23 per mo. ; this Is ----bio fora boarding house. Enquire , John ' .iln , Hit S llth st. 448 21 * " 171OII HENT New 8-room house near cable JL line ; modern conveniences : very cheap. Ncthoiton Hull , 123 First National bunk. 428 17J ijlOH HUNT Three iJ-room houses cor. I'-tn L and Vlnton. Iiuiulroof John L. Hill. 3CK- FOIl HENT-7 room Hut * 13 , t03 S 13th. rjulro at the I'alr , 10J TT1OK HENT Six-room cottage , 1513 Ilarnoy JL st5 per month. ! Hl ITloTt TfKNT 7 roo'm house. No. 1037 Fo7"20tlT JL' st. $2,1 per month. Call quick. E. K Sea vcr. Itoom 40 llarker block. 312 H Ol'SES. : stores and tlats to rent , nil parts o city. U II. Wnnilell , 403 N ICth. 2nd lloor. TJIOlt HUNT Hotel llensou , situated ou 25th st JL' South Omaha , 113 rooms ; doing good busi ness ; furultuie for sale cheap. Address W L. Stephens. 1512 S 5th st , Omaha , or ot lit ! 8 13th Et , Omaha. 'JM Ml ESS KENT ( Jood 5-rooui house , fl per month , 8511 Pacillo bt. 32 : . 10 * r OU HENT A nice cottage of live rooms , M Virginia avo. Apply on piomliios. 3,11 in ? IIIOII HENT Now brick house of 14 rooms. JL' gns , bath aud nil conveniences , splendid location , 220 N. luth. Inquire 210 N.lOttl. K52 TTtOH KENT Good sized house , UPW. $10'a p ° r J3 montU , C. K. Hiu-risou , 418 S. 15th St. 831 TT1O11 HENT 8 room house and barn nw cor. Jj 2Mh ave and Webster st ; inquire at room C05 Puxtou blk. P. J. Creadon. buO T7\OIl \ HENT When you wish to n-ut a houso. -1 } btore or ollico call on us , 11. E. Cole , room C. Continental block. 4ii7 TCTOH \ \ HENT A 10-rooin liouso brick house JL'with all modern Improvements , ou20th st , near Lcuvonworth. Inquire , No. 827 S 20th I bt. 7 S .lit HENT Four five room houses , S. K. cor. 28th and Dodge sts. , city water , $17. Hing- wait Hros. , Barker block. 230 FOH HENT Sept. 1. elegant cast front 10 room house , on Pleasant bt , , fro3 per month. 0. F. Unrrlbon. 418 S. 15th st. 112 FOH HENT House of 8 rooms , 3 closets , pan- try. good well and clstoritf on 13th st. car line , paved street. Enquire at 1102 SlStnst. , room 5 , over drug btore , KJo.OO per month. U7D S IIX room houao for sent , city water , No. 1117 Pacific street. Uuqulre at 1IWJ Howard. 101 T7OH ( HEM' 10 room modern house $55.00. 9 JU room rtltto , 35.00. 7 room ditto. Jt'5.00. Other houses , stores and offices. G. E. Thompson. Sheclcy blk. 15th and Howard sts. 311) "IpOH HENT Handsome now homo , 10 rooms , JU all conveniences , best neighborhood und within llvo minutes' w alk of posioulce. Nathan Shelton , IE05 Faruam st. 014 _ TjlOirHENT 7-room house. No. 1518 S 6tirst. ; J ? 0-rooiu cottage , No. 01U Win. St. ; 5-room cot tage , No. 2"iij ! Charles st. Inqulro 1408 Cap ave. 1015 OH HENT or Sale Now cottage. Hertford I'laco , ou easy payments. Enquire M. L , Itocdor , room 4U3 Paxton blocs. VIC TjlOH HENT A fine 10-room brick house with JL' all modern Improvoinants , llun location on street car line. H. M. Genius , 1403 Douglas st. FOR RENT ROOMS FURNISHED. niWO neatly furnished rooms with board ; ex- X colleiit location ; reference desired. 8. E. cor. 18th and Famam. 480 23J FOI HENT To small family. 3 rooms at 003 N. 13th st. COMB * F 0UNI8HED rooms , 1S10 Dodge. TTIOH HENT Your choice of cool furnished J-1 sloeplug room * . $8 and tlO a mouth , payable weekly or monthly ; uo children , bOQ Howard. NICELY furnished rooms , 1013 Douglas. 48817 * S 1TIOH HENT-Furnlshed room , 1720 Capitol JJ u venue. 441-17 * TTIOH HENTV-TEntlro llrst lloor of furnished -L1 house , 4 rooms , closet , pantry , WJ 3. ! 3d.o HENT Furnished frout room , 210(1 ( Far- unm st. 401 21 * O FUltNISHED rooms , slnglo or en suite , on Aground lloor In cottage , 411 N llth st. 370 10 * TTIOH HENT A large furnished frout room n JL1 with modern conveniences , for ono or two gentlemen , references required. Apply to 2103 St. Mary'H avo. ! i83 F ° II HENT-Furnlslied ropms. 1 )5 ) Plorce. EOOM for Koutleniau near 1' . 0. , 3:3 : N 17th. 70220 * SOUTH front room on same lloor wlthbathj hot and cold water. 1718 Dodgo. Ulie base ment of boarding house doing u. nrst-class bust , iiosg. 212-17J BOOM and board for M a week , C01 S. inth st , 474 2ll LU 1J10H HENT Nicely , newly furnished rooma 10 J- with tint-class table board , 171 ! ! Davenport , in OOi ) 17" T71011 HENT Ono suite of room * , back parloi J. and bed room tultablo for four gentlemen also front parlors , LUi N 17th. " 0-lfj "inou 11ENT 2 f urnUned rooms with or with JD out board , 1BU Douglas Bt. 303 18 * liSlK.UlLY furnlthed room ? , lnulo one n- double. Uuntlemeu preferred. avo. th rPWO front rooms. 1015 Dodsa Bt. 6TS1 * TTIOH HENT A ploixsant fppsi with nil modori or JL ; convenlonccb ; brick residence , cor. SOU id or ana St. Mary's avenue , or t J South -Mth st. idn. 640- n. 640con TTOH HKNT Furnbiicd room , inodurn con JU' vcnlenccB. A. llospe , , Iil3 Douglag. 171 T710H HENT-South room , 1013 Farnam. JL1 KM 10 * front room , modern conveniences I 2107 Dotlglaa St. 641 S' TJOOMS Including board In the Young Wo " J.V raou's home IvflO PoJgo et. Itefurmcoa re ( julred. V10 of H. TKHW and board , IBlSClUcago st. 167 SSJ TTtOiJ llENT-Kicely furaUhid Jront room to X1 gentlewen. MpUeru convejUsnces. M7 Casa 1S4 pAOIt U1SNT Front room , largs ana nlcelj JL1 f umlahcd. located uwir the high scQoai , li the hjRhe t wul coolest koctiutt of the city cublu lUie and Uorao car * P4 > a the door , liu ' > Dodf near il\h 14. bM > ITIOfl HENT Furnished rooms In ( Jretinlij bile Jcor. . 1.1th and Dodge nts. Inquire ot Ooo. It , Darin. Mlllard hotel billiard room. EX ) LAHOI2 nnd small room vnltabla tor gentle man , w 1th or without board. 1812DodL'e. d ! FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED. ' , ) ELEGANT unfurnished rooms. Mngleprcu -J suite , new building , peed location , southern exposure. Dr. Utterbourg , lOtn nnd Hartley st . W ) a ; ; _ MillHUE (3) ( ) rooms. 110S'4H. ' 7thst 1100 -LThree fl > rooms , KtnN.i.'Ist st 11 U ) Tour ( l rooms. 1701 Webster st IH W ) Three (3) ( ) rooms , 7tri'J ' 1'nclllr st 1U 50 Four (4) ( ) rooms , 17tt ! Webster st 18 U ) J'our(4t ( rooms , 4ii : South VJtn t 18 iw Three O ) rooms , uai Noithilst st 1100 Three (3) ( ) rooms , l4Cl'ierru ! st 10 oil Tnruu ( Urooms ) , IOT > N. aitli st II Si Tliree(3) ( ) rooms. 707 1'aclllost K 50 Knur (4) ( ) rooms , 1701 Webster at HI 3J Three ( M ) rooms , 707'1'uclllc st II 00 Two f ' ) rooms , IBM Howard nt K 50 Three ( .1)room ) , 1112 1'lerce st . , . 13 ai Apply to Judge Heating Agencv. Herald building , S. W. coiner of Ijth aud llarnov st. 11U FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES- 1/IOH HHNT-FIno retail store room with J. large basement , tuo per month. C. r. Harrison risen , 415 S. IDth Nt , 4S.J fTWO choice store rooms In the llerbulldlnir. JL between Howard and Jnckoon sts. Apply Haymer & Her More , S''l H icth st. 4" ) sl'i FOK HENT Corner store nnd 3 rooms , Saun- ders and Grace. Eniiitlro llobbins 3Mi Orace. 4M 17 ? Foil HKNT-StontncnrOdil Fellows'hall , on t * umdersBt : feed Htoro jiri-rerred orsultiiblo for heavy Koods ; will llnlsh to suit tenant. Kx- cellent location , rent reasonable. Joseph llllt Scbuyler , Neb. ; uil W FOU IlKNT Two store bulldliiBs , corner ) th and llutt streets , rable and Saunders street cars pass the door. J-'j and Ml ) per month. Six-room house N'o. 1517 N.til ( Kt. , 'M per mouth. 1'otter \ Cobb , 1U01 I'nrnatu st , 402 21 FOH IlKNT Double store room , suitable for clothing , groceries , dry goods , etc. , location llrst class. Addiess X ill lice olllce. 1IU1 _ rpWO tor s , Sxf/O. Just completed , with llsta JL of seven rooms above , with water and gas , llnlsh , Ctli and I'uclllu sts , low lent. Apply to Klllngur llios. , Ola S. 10th St. , Omaha. STOHi : for lent , llli J'arnnm street. Inqulro . _ of Nnthan Shclton , at 1505 > I'm nam street TT10II HUNT Olllce suite J3 month. S JL ! rtllces $15 each , all riontlmt Ifith St. , llusn- intin block , N . II. C'or. 10th and Douglas. W. M. llushman , 1311 I.eavenworth. SM Foil llP.NT-Storeroom , No..Ml S. Utli st. Ap- lly at 1110 llowarilst. ii77 TTIOHHIiNT Half of iJJ.l y. lUth St. . opposltu -L Chamber of Commerce. M. A. Upton & Co. ITOHi : for rent , filn N. Ifith. Inqulro of 7 Henry OMhotl , 1813 California st C.M FOR RUMT-rVlISCt-LAMEOUS. HENT Ham , 521 S. 23th bt. 420 17 * FOH HENT Itoom 22x00 , suitable for manu facturing , repairing or storage ; also , 2 small rooms on same lloor. Location right in criiter ot city. Kent cheap. For particulars cull on James Stockdale , 113 N. IGtil. 415-1' ' ) FOH HENT-i-r , per month llrbt Iloor , J15 per month second lloor. 151.1 HanieyKt. _ 352 rOOD barn cheap , Ittfl Chicago st. 5'W RENTAL ACEHC'ES. TVK give special attention to renting and colT - T > lectlug rents , list witli us. H. K. Cole , room Cjtoutluontal block. 4S7 I71OH quick rental und good tenants list your JU houses with II. II. Waudoll , 4Ud N intli st. 2nd lloor. 4.17023 flV ) ipstiro quick rental list your property J. with J. II. Parrotte , 1000Chicago. 241 a21 TJI H. SMITH , 010 XMthht ! STuiT" IF YOU want your nouses rented place them with lienawa i. Co. , 15th , opposite postotllco. LOST T OST Wallet , containing money , aud Diapers J-'ot no value to any one but the owner ; w allot made of nlligator , nnd contained papers show ing ownor'b name and pHco of business. , $10 lewnrd on return of wallet and content ! Intact to Consolidated Taiifc Line Co. , 13th and Far nam streets , Omaha. 4S1 18 * I OST Plans nnd specifications of block of Jnouses. IteturutoO. Goldsmith & liio. . 1113 I'nrnnm st. nnd be rewarded. 509 17 THAYRD About July 31. black cow , one horn broken elf ; J" > reward for return to E. Hanaen. lllcklo'a brick yard. S. 10th st. 412 17 * T ORT Ono Iron gray pony mare , one wlilto Jhind foot. S.i reward for her return to Twenty-eighth nnd Davenport St. ail IS' FOUND. FOUND Ono more chance to buy n 50x123 foot South Omaha lot for $10 ; warranty deed given ; free from encumbrance ; halo com mences Thursday morningAug. 10 , at 310 S. 15th. PERSONAL. I > KHSONAL address wanted of John llowloy Knight , brother of William , ( Jnorge , Henry , HlcharU and Annie , of London , England , Ail- dress Omaha lice. 503-17 T AM a man of rather dark complexion , 5 feet JLo inches in height , nnd would llko to correspond spend with some young ladv ; object inntrl- monv. Address P. O. Ilex S3 , Eureka , Col. , San Juan Co. 4US 17 * PEHSONAL Frank , meet me to-morrow morning at 1110 S. 15th street , and bi ing a ten dollar bill with you , as this is the last chauco I'll ever have to got one of those South Omaha lots , free from encumbrance , for teu dollars. Koxunna. 443 1U "OEHSONAL If you have a personal Item , or X any communication , drop It In ono of The lien's message boxes. 100 IF you want to buy , sell , rout or exchange call on or address ( jeorgo J. Sternsdorlf , room C , opposite P , O. 231 FOR SALE-fVHSOELLAUEOUS. A MILCH cow and family hor&o for sale by Dr. Von Camp 023 K. SOth st. 4Ftl llij T710HSALE At a bargain Furulturo , carpets JC curtains , stoves , etc. , complete for S room house , nearly now ; must bo hold nt once as owners is leaving the city ; nlso furnished house torrent. C. H. wulworth , s , w. cor. 1'ith ami Douglas st 485 1U T710H SALE An elegant solltalro diamond -C very Urllltunt , weighing 0 carats ; veiysuit able for a Udy'a pin or a ring ; will sail cheap. M. llotliBclillcl , llh ) Karimin at. 40117 * TTIOH SALE A new C scat Hockawny carriagi X1 at Lee & Nichols' lively burn , Twenty-eight ! uiul Leuviniivortli. Tolcphono 8W. 417 GAS fixtures for sale cheap. Have a largo as sortmaut of the doslgub in gnsttxturoi which I will sell at cost. M. 1' . I'roe , succcs.soi to J. U. Elliott , agent , 1511V ; Farnam st. 278 TTUJH SALE Furniture ne.irlv new ; house I JL' rooms ; terms reasonable. 170 $ Douglas. J , L. Chamberlain. 15. ) G OOD mortgage securities for sale by 1C. Seavcr. room 10. llarker block. ftuiB QPEAKlNOof bousekeoplng , X have for sal < k7tho furniture of a nine-room hoiue , nlcel ; situated nnd can give possession at once , H. W lluntres . 1417 Farnam st. utl' ATTEND tlio great ten Oolliir lot sale at 310 ! 15th tt , thin week , and buy lots free fron oucumbrauco for (10 , which readily trade a (100 aud (500 each. 443 ID "IjWK SALE A few choice milk cows. O. V J ? Harrison , 418 S. 15th. raws FOR BALK Heavy young team horses , sinnl payment dovvu. C. > I. Euton , Kid N , Uth Bt. 731 ELEGANT two-hcateil carriage , pest make will sell cheap for ca&h. O. J. SternsdorU Itoom 8 , opp. I * . O. Ml 5,000 tons of Ice for sale by lloogo Packing Co . ) . 8ALTs The Jeasp of a ten room list an -L1 furniture , which U nearly new , Addres U. 67. care Hee. 075 OH SALE Elegant carriage horse , no > phaeton nnd harness. Jnqulre room 41 llarker block. m IOU SALE-Platung mill machinery. Call * It08 Davenport at. Omaha , 310 fniaCELLANEOUS. MEDICAL Text Hooks. 3 > ) per cent dlscouni Bend for catalogue. Cut this out. P. W UorflfllJ. 271 Main St. , Cincinnati. 018-18 rPAPEWOBMB removed with head compiet J. or uo charge. E. Fuller. 11J 6. 2ltli t > Omaha. (04 S& TUB b nlo taught s wj Mt by Geo.F. Qellei bock , a > j Harney at , ISi / OMMENCINQ Minaay taiornlng. Aug. li VJthere wUlTwpn salrsit ? 10 H. 15th st. , it South Omaha lota nt the low price of (10 eacl warranty deed given aid free from encun brance. 443 l'j TTOilB tor PwUtutV W"6 r 4 CUUdr i 4-iJf713 ilwt U. M0 U IMHHELLAS rcpalfetl nt 111 8 Uth M. 098 22t \ tfCriON aud Storage W are prepared to xxrecclve consignments pt furniture niul other Roods fur sain nt auction At our largo salesroom No. llil Farnam it , Umh advance. * mnilc. Wo linvo also the I * t of toraio facilities. Outside sales attended. Omaha Auction V Storage Co. , ' 1I5S 86 TIN and sheet Iron work , roollne , spouting , guttering St repairing1 none well by bavaifo * DoLee , tinners , 1514 Dodg , opposite postotlice. 'i PK1 SI * OAHPI3T weaver. Haft t'arpets mnilo to or der promptly nnd B tt factlon guaranteed. Mlsa Maria Chrtstensen , l 7 anh avo. . Omaha. Web. S1V1U * IF you nave nnytnlng.rotrndo call on or ad dress ( Jeorgo J. Sternsdorlf. Uooiu U , oppo site postollice , 107 w OMAN'S Exchange , Ifil7 Farnara st , Lunch dally , supper Saturday nights. MO E. THOMPSON , Kooin 113 Sheely block. STORAGE A UCTION and Storage We are prepared to -f.Vrocelve cou.slgnuienls of furniture and other goods for sale or storage at our warehouse. 11-1 I'arnam ht. Outxlde unction sales attended. Omaha Auction A : Storage Co. U.V7 Bfl | 7KU ) HKKT Storage very cheap at Illock i JL' Herman , clothiers , 11U Farnara st. Two Orphans' old stand. _ ITOHAOH Safe , dry nnd clean at low rates. Ulddell .V Ulddrtl. UK Howard. 44o23 S1 1TOIIAGE-P. llocco Itros. i : Co. , 1103 Howard street at the lowest rates. KXJali ri'dtACKAQn , storage , lowest rates. W. M JL liushinan. lill : LmiTenwortU. 107 WANTED-TO BUY. \\7ANTKD-To buy the privilege of getting cliolce of tBoso $10 lots to be bold at .110 B. luth tt. this wt-ek. Addrt-s BpeitiluUirl mo s. isth st. Ji'i in SPOT cash for second-hand furniture , Moves and carpets. Anything ftom u bedstead tea a house and lot. Grit & Co. , 117 X. intli st. 8411. S. ! l "YVANTKD To " " > ' or tra < le for a good building - ing that can bo moved. Pleasn call on or address Oeorgu J , SterusdorIT , rooiull , oppo site1. O. ail If AN TED Household furniture , etc. , Omn- T ha Auction \ btoroge Co. , 1121 Fnrnntn ht. WANTWD ( ! oed noTiso and'lot iii doslrablo partot thuclty ; will give bar gain to anyone If suited. Uco. 0. Sterusdorir , lloom il , rrenzer blk. 18 _ WANTllD iTnst frout lot ill" west ii.irT of town. Address. X3 , Bee olllte. 7W 21 * SliVUIlAL store bulldlntrs or house * that am be moved. Will pay good price if suited. George J. SterusdorlT , room li , opposite post- oHico. 1-1 cash for fecond-hnud furniture nt A. SPOT ' , 400 N. 10th st. IHil bU IP you linro Improved business or leslclenco property that you wish to sell , call and see me. ( leorgo J. Sterusdorir , room U , opposite postol'tce. ) ' V7 ILL buy furniture of a liousa or Hat con- f trolly located. Co-op , L. if L. Co 2JJ N. 18th SHORTHAND AHD TYPEV/RITIMCS "VALENTINE'S Shorthiuid nnd Typewriting i Institute Is the largest nnd best uiutppea shorthand school lu the west. G i aduntos nil oc cupy good paying situations. Students can i li ter at any tlmo. Send for circular. Now Paxton - ton building. Omaha. . MOS. n LIFE READING. ATTENTION -Mrs.Dr.Yolnndo.most wonderful p.ilmlst j nd astrologlst In the woild. This lady reads your past , present nnrt future without < iuo ttonor.mistake. ; Now , utter you have been liuinbUKuod to j our heart s con tent by many pretended medlunib.iiilml readers , and fortune te.llor.s. conm and see tills gifted lady. A trial will convince the most skeptical. She roads your past. , present and lutuio ; will give jou truthful advice on nil busi ness , umiiev matters , lawsuits , will.s , changes , travels , all family nlfalTN , etc ; gives ini tials of friends or enemies ; tells of absent friends and wheie they are : tolls what business you nro most adapted to , ilso | what part of tlio country is the luckiest for'you to go. Ladles are respectfully invited to give Mrs.Dr.Yolnuile a call ; whether you wisha reading of your life or not , you shall bo politely roceivoil. Olllce rooms No. IXiQ Capltohroj , cor. llth St. , up one lllght. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. 4fill 31 * CLAIHVOYANT. r\R. NANNIE V. Warren , clalrvov-mv. Med JLjcal , business and medium. Diagnosis free. Female diseases a-specialty. 119 N. IGtU bt..Hooms S&3 Tel. Oil. 1GJ ABSTRACTS OF TITUE. 1\fDfjAND ! Guarantee nnd Trust Co. , 15M l < ar- J-'Anam Complete abstracts furnished , & titles to real estate examiucd.perfected Ic guaranteed. 05S IDENSCJNA : CAUMICHAEL furnish complete JJand guaranteed abstracts of title to any real estate In Ouiahii and Douglivs county upon short notice. The most complete sol of abstract boocs In the city. No. 150' ) 1 arnam st. 5SCJ MONEY TO LOAN riMll ! Oniuha Pinaucial Exchanso , Itoom 1" > , JL llarker block , southwest corner of Far- nain and 15th sts. Makes a specialty ot short-time collateral and real estate loans. Money always on hand In sums of $100 and up wards to any amount , to loan on approved se curity. Secured notes bought , .sold or exchanged. Clear real estate and cash to exchange for good first or second mortgages. Loans made upon land contracts , stocks , bonds , tmst deeds , first or second mortgage se curity , without publicity , delay or red tape. yinanclal business of any kind transacted promptly , quietly nnd fairly. Itoom 15 , llarker block , Corbett. Manager. 12J ) MONEY To Loan ly ) tno undersigned , who has the only property organized loan agency In Omaha. Loans or $10 to jlOJiniiilo on Furni ture , pianos , orgnus.horaes , wagons.macnluery. etc. , without removal. No delays. All business strictly conlldontlal. Loans so made that any part cuu bo paid at any time , rach payment re ducing tlio cost pro rata. Advances made on line watches nud diamonds. Persons should carefully consider who they ate dealing with , us many now concerns are dally coming into exis tence. Should you need money call and see me. W. It. Croft , Itoom 4 , Wlthaell buildlng.luth and Ilaruey. liSO T LOAN $ l,4iO on good real ostotn security at mi N. 13th tt. DOV1W $2UOO of prlvatu money to loan , \ \ . JI. Harris , Hoom 20 , 1'reuzer block , opp. V. O. ; cl ( W Tl/TONEY / Good commercial pappr ami hhort -itLtlme mortgages bought. Heal estate loans negotiated. B , A , Slomuu , 13th aud Furuam. ' M ONEV to loan onnorsc ? , tuinlturo ana other parsonal property or collateral. Itates mod erate ; business confidential. ( Mice S. W. cor ner 1Mb and Douglas sts. Entrance on 15th st. The Falrbank Investment Co. (31 ( MONEY to loan in any amount , cither for bulldlngor otherwise , ut lowest rate ) of In terest and ou short notice. Hholcs & Hunt , suc cessors to P. V. Sholes , room 1 , llarker bloc ! { . TirONEY lonnea at 0. F. Hoed .V Co.'s Loan XU-ollice , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other articles or value without removal , 3r. > S.KUi. ! All business strictly confidential , Kit ) IF you nro figuring on a loan go and talk with A. K. Hlley , 151 ! ) Farnliin. 813 THASTEHN money cheap. City and country. -HrfOftlco Philadelphia Mortgage mid Trust Co. . room 1.1. Hoard ot Trade' ( leo. W. P , CoAtes 7ia ON'T b otf uionoy on fnrnlture , nbrses , wagons , etc. , until you Jiavo seen O. Jl. Jacobs , room 410 , First National bank bulldlrur , cor. l.ltli and Furnain 055 ONEYtoloan ; cash , on hand ; no delay. J. W. Squire , 1219 Farnam st. , First National bank building. 141 CHATTEL LOANS made on any available so- curity. estate Mans made on Omaha city property. Secured notes bought. All bus iness doiio promptly , quietly nud lalrly at the Chattel & Iteal Estate'Loan Agency , lloom 7 , Hedilck block , 1509 Furuam , St. , up etalr Archer & Hobblns. 764 PEHCENTmoney to Joan cash on hand W , ' " . Harris , room 20 , Freulzor block , opp. P , O , d500XXJ ! ( ( o loan at 0 per cent. Llnanau & Ma- 'Phoney , lloom CO ) 1'axtou block. C43 DON'T fall to see A.K , Hlloy about your loan , at 1519 Farnara.x his GOOJ ) city and farm loans wanted by A. 1C , Hlley. 1519 Farnam. bi8 / \MAIIA Chattel ixian Co. , has money to loan V7on chattel and collateral security. Hooin 1 , Omaha Nat'l Hang C45 MONEY to loan. O , F. Davis Co , , real nstote and loan agents. 1503 Farnam st. C3a MONEY to loan on rurnltnre , horses , wagons , tc , , or on y approved tgcurity. j. ) V'.Hob < blng , H. iiUO tiheely blk. istli and Uoyvard. CtOLI LOANS made to partlo * deslrlna to build. D , V. Bholes. room 1 , Hariter block. CJ6 > , Jw . J T , OAN8 made on Improved and unimproved JUclty property at lowest rates of interest , n > oci.l ratal on [ arce loan < on Insldo property , Odell Uros. V Co. 313 8. Iflth * t. Kff B KAL estate loans , lowest rates. Udell Ilros. i Co. . 312 8.1Mb at. KM BMONKV MONKV to loan ; large nnd fin all sums at low . rates , fur short time , on real estate or chattel security : second note bought ; all flnnu- clal business strictly coulldentlal. People's Fi nancial Kxchang ? , < > . llou-scurrnmanaijor ; room W4 llarker block. ISMi and niruam. W7 B UILDINO loans. Llnalian > V Mahouey.Kil HH ; . , 1Iiv ( : tel r > an on city property and Improved turui laud. Frenzer block KM UjSOO.COOto loan on Omaha city property at Pper cent. (1. AS' . Day. a > corEx. bid , tai TJIIHSTmortgimn loans promptly placed. A , Jj 1C. lllley. IMU I'arnam. M'J roANS made on"rcal estate and mortgages bought. Ijow Is S , Heed & Co. , 1M1 Farnam. M7 _ _ _ \\TK kenpon hand money to loan on Insldo T f property In Omaha und Pouth Omaha In sums from & > 0i ) to t.'iUUO , and as we do our own valuntlng , make all papers , etc. , wo can com plete u loan any day you wish and pay you tlio money , nates , Smith * Co. , lloom aw. llamg * building. | 904 _ C ITT nnd farm loans made nt lowest rates. No delay ; no commission charged. J. \ \ ' . llobbins , It. aw , Bheely blk. , iJth ami Howard. * ] I HATrr.I.aud collateral loans , M.E.Davis , HIS , 13Uii _ > t..ltooiuS7. 751 M PON K V to loau oil Ornonaand South Omaha property. C. F. Harrison 41 * s. 15th st. all MONEY to loan on furniture wagons , etc. , without removal or on collateral security. Business strictly confidential. A. IS. Greenwood & Co. , li 1 , Cunningham block , cor 13 & Jackson , ( TOM fXV,0W ( < ) per cont. Money to loan on mpro- $ vcd farms or city property. James A. Wood man , ut the old lire insurance olBce of Murpny & Lorett , 220 S. 13th St. ( V > 4 BUSINESS CHANCES. BAltHElt shop and bath rooms In Pacific ho- tfl ; will be sold Bt a bargain after Sept. 1st , Charles Maser. Norfolk. Neb. 487 Stj TTlOlt SALE Abstract books of Omaha and JL1 Douglas county. This is an established , rapidly Increasing , busluoss , paying a laige interest on the investment. For nooks and go d will of the business. Omaha real es tate or hcciued paper with u loir cash payment will be taken. Oeoite W. AmeM , 1507 I'arnam. riMH ! stock of a chartered member owning the JL best oil lands In Wyoming lor sale or ex change. Thee lands wore secured years ago. befoio the public realized the enormous depos - Its of oil underlying them. Address A 'f ! , I lee olHce. MK ) lilt 17HItSAU-A well-established , paying bust- JL' ness ; must be sold at once ; $ l,0j < ) cash re quired. Anybody with pu h and eueigy can leurnsume. Iluslness will bear the closest in spection. Can Klvo good reasons for selling. 1 or further particulars address A , 1)1 ) Hoc. 600 FOH good job printing of- tlco , paying $314) per mouth , U 11 Hall. 113 N Iflth ht. 41H 13 FOIt S.LE At a bargain , complete outllt for newspaper aud jobollic. For particulars .ddress . A. W. Lndil , Albion , Nob. 4')1 ) 21 FOH SAMS Saloon on Farnam nt great bar. gain. Apply II. Maunwellcr , 114 S. Uth 4418J GOOD bakery , uro-brlck oven and llxtures. In good business part of the city , for .salo 'heap. Only Moio trade ; mubt be sold ; address t it oolllcu. 21 * TTIOH SALE Livery stable , stock nnd fixtures JL'complete , all nenily new , rent reasonable , 'entiully ' located. AddrobS A 14 , Dee olllce. 471 M 13 ; "TV THAT market for s.ilo , one of the best pay- J.1-lng stands in thocity , old established trade , hcap rent , sales run from * l.fXW to J-.OnO a nonth. I n < iulru or address Meat Market , 1811 St. Mary's avo. 371 IS * TjlOIt KENT or Sale-flood buildliu- well lo- JL'cated In njllvo town , population eight hun dred : splsudld opening for a live man with inall cajiltiU to oueu block of light groceries , ddrci-s Uox M , Urafton , Neb. ! & 7 21 * Foil SALE I'lrst-class restaurant with splen did builncs'.satlsfaclory reasons for selling. Address J. C. Morris , Logau , Iowa. Xi'J 1U * T71OK SALR Or trade , for good productive JL' property , one of the best aiotels in Omaha. Address. X 6f , Dee olfice. 171 s S FOIl SALK-At'Kearney. Neb. , the furniture aud lease of Grand Central hotel. The second end best house In the city , and the best located , being opposite depots. Doing a paying busi ness. Pilco tl.WO. Inquire T. 0. llralnavd , Midway hotel , Kearney , Neb. 274 TjlOll SALE A good lumber.coal , agricultural JL' Implcineht and live stock business. Address Hedge liros. , Yiitun. Neb. 7l'l s 1 TT1OII SALE-First-class billiard hall and bar , JL' long lease on property , best stand lu city ; 'ood reasons for selling. Address A 2 llcuolllco , 275 17 D [ HUO store , established 20 j rs. thlncltyKUOO ! cosh , rare burgoln ; address X KJ llee. 215-s'J * 71OH SALE Stock of hardware , in good conn- - ty seat town , only two stocks In the town ; boat location In brick corner stori : good coun try sui rounding ; crops and business prospects excellent , ( loud leasons given for helling. Art dress J. W. Dolan , ludiauola. Nob. 2J1 23 iOK SALE Or exchange , hotel lu Hay Springs , doing a llrst-ciass business. Also , meat market with llxturea ; for stock of hard ware. Address , H. McXalr , Crawford , Ned. . Iti ; 1'J * 71OH SALE A llrst class bakery , ice cream , - trull end confectionery basinon in Fre mont ; splendid location , good reasons for boll- lug. Address Geo. Haslor. Fremont , Nob. MS FOH SALE Hotel and saloon fixtures ; 14- room hotel for least ) . All now. center of South Omaha. M. A. Upton Ac Co , FOIl SALE A gocifl grocery , established four years , good location , doing a good business. Good rcabous for soiling. $ . ' ,0110 capital , undwiU take nothing but cabh. T20 , Hce Ofllco. ( MO FOR EXCHANGE , po EXCHANGE-An 80-ucro farm. 8 mllea JL from postolllcc , well Improved. Hutchison Weatl , 1524 Dodge. 400 1 ! ) a2,000 Intel est In n $5,000 htock , established Pgrocery store , good house nnd lot nnd some cash to exchange tor u general stock of mdso. Co-operative Land & Lot Co. , 205 N. 10th st. 4U4 19 W ANTED-A W.OOO stock ot drugs in ex change for good lualde propcity. Address. A 2S , llee onico. 457 17 * OHEXCHANGU-50xl2jfeetorSouthOmahn land for a JlO-blJl ; lots free from encum brance nud warranty doml given ; sale com- muiices Thursday , Aug. 10 , at 310 S. 15th Bt. 413 10 FPEAM young Inrgo horses , harness and car JLilage to trade for liouso und lot or vacant lots. If you have anything to trade writeil. ; II. Wheeler , real estate broker , Wilcox , web. $1,082 mortgage notes to exchange for good , clear or light Incumbered real estatl ) . Co operation Land aud Lot Co , , 2U5 N. 16th. 414-17 GOOD farm lands In Iowa or Nebraska , and cash to exchange for penernl mdse. Co-pper- atlyo Land & Lot Co. . 205 N. ICtli st. 4M FOH EXCHANOJ5 House nnd three lots In Walnut Hill for housnand lot ncnrer town or gooa land , Address A : , lleo. il l 17 * GJ. STUItNSDOUFF , ( loom 6. opposite P. ( ) . , Uus some choice farm land to trade for city pioperty. Will nsaumo light luctira- brances. 231 WANTED NINE hundred thousand or more brick for lots uud cask..J , Paul. 100U Farnaw. 774 \\7AXTJ:0-A : small stock ot clothing and > i furijlshlng goods or boots and thoos ta trade for laud or lots lu Lincoln. Address ilex , U ) , Lincoln , Neb. 439 TTtOH THADE-Flno lot. West End addition , JL1 Omaha , for Kansas City low. Value , J5.000 , Address A 7 , Hoe. 302 15 * BIUCK Wanted 100.000 bricks in exchange for good inside Omaua property. 8. A. Blomau room 22 and 2J Hellmuu blOg. Ml niHADES made in real estate and personal JL jiroperty. See exchange book. OO-OD. L. end L. Co. 305 M. 10th at. 1M \\7JIAT have you to offer for 1,230 acres ol T i timber laudl n Woit Virginia , clear of ln > cumbrnnce , perfect title. Q corge J. Sternsdorff , Itoom 0 , opposite P. 0. ml ANTED A good torso , buggy and harness In exchange for South Omaha lots. G torec J.Stejnsd9rff. loom C. opp postofflco. 230 10 HTYBOJ ( acres ot and adjoining Lake Manawa , Council. Itlutrs , la. Tlili trad will make 100 beautiful loU and Is free frou encumbrance. What uaye cu to offer ? George J. Bternadorg room u , opp p. Q. _ 1B7 WILL Eire you a rood traao tor an eight 01 ten room nouse Jid lot. CKorgo J. Hurnj florff , poem cTopposUo I * . O. S31 'I750B KXOHANOE ifoi-fcLandlkofoV Diilhcdm , JL1 iHsrod land , UtOO gen'l m'ds . teWOhurd 'w . ) , U. 1) . liuelcr , BUvnuudOftU , ya. FOR3ALE-REAL ESTATE. "OAHOALN8 uTTlaiiMJou ) 1'lacc. Now 1s the JLJlUno to secure ncboico rrsidrnco site. Lots 11 And 13 , block n , lX. ( xlfiO feet , south and cast front , corner Poppluton n\e. inul ; t ! < l st. Tb street bus been grAtled in front nt tbe o lots , nnd they are about two feet nbovo grade , The opposlto corners are nil built up and occu pied by elegant homes. Can otter tliU property nt llgured tliut mnknlt n bargain. llrautlful nouth front lot , corner Poppletou nvt > . and : tKUt. Price * 2RW ; f750 rnsb , bnlnnce 1,2 , land 4 yonrs. Elegant residence silo , 100x110 feet , south and cast front , corner Poppleton are. and l > elawaro sU ; mognlncoiit view ; CHU put block ot ilvo houses on this property or two elegant resi dences. Call ana get price and terms. Lots 13 and 14. block ! > , luOxlCU feet , corner Woolwonh avenue nnd Delaware streets , faces and overliK > kli > K the park ; ono of the tluest residence ultes in the city , I7.50J. Ix > t 2. block 7. elegant east front lot ou Dela ware street. Owner Is out of town aud must have moiiny. Cnll nud got price. Corner , HXK100 fwt on Poppleton avenue nnd 81 btreet , only JS.tOJ. 75 feet , east front , on Duane stroct , splendid neighborhood ; just tlio place for u block of three houses , i,00. The above lots uro first class residence sites , high and sightly , commanding a magnificent view of the city ami park. Waterworks and gas nro already laid In front ot these lots. A hcanttful park of CO acres , a splendid neighborhood , natural elevation giving perfect dnuungo aud pure. Htmosphertt , quick aud direct access by two lines of street cnrs , and cable line now building , all combine to make Hauscom Placfl n healthy nnd'u > slrable place for a homo. Gco. N. lllcks , room 40. llarker block. 4K1 17 _ FOH SALM Fluocnst front Hanscom Plnco lot , 54 feet front on grade , tSfKO , H cash , handy to South Omaha suburban trains. C. F. Harrison , 418 S. 15th st. 4KJ T71OH 8ALK A beautiful W-rooui residence In JL' block 5 , K'oiuit/.o plucn. south frout , has all latest Improvements , lucludlng bntn. gas. hot nnd cold water , furnace , electric burglar nlunn and uimuuclutor. laundry , vegetable cellar anil furnnco rooms In basement , making 1(1 ( rooms lu all. Interior llnoly llulshed in oil ; prlc 80,500 , Jl.lWU cash , baluuco eagvthia ; is au extra line suap. Address owner X 72 Iloo ollico. 214 111 * 1J1OH PALK-S2x l feet. corner Chicago JL1 and 13th Ms. with butcher shop thereon. Apply to Thos O Connor , 313 S 12th at. 460 22 * T710H SALK-ljOtn. blockli ) , Mj-ers llcliard * Jl Tlldon's aad J',150. ' Putman Cramer. II. .V M headquarters. 427 21 * .JOLT I'll 23rd , Just north ot Vlnton , W ) foot lots -7for 11,000 , M cash. M. A. Upton & Co. 1 4 OJ 1,500 1500 cash , biilnnce to suit , either by tlio 'Tmonth or year buys a good , new , two-stoiy house In Hillside add. No. 1 ; house has water , gas fixtures , electric bells , speaking tube , two pairs sliding doors , line wood mantel , bath room , cesspool connectioncUtern , large French w indow art glass transoms , laundry In base- jneut , large porch , oil llnlsh , and everything good ; lot COxlSO , all to be sodded nnd fenced. Sly own houso. and 1 can inakupilca to suit. Call on 1) . V. Sholcs , room 1 , llarker block. ii'XCU ' "VTOW is the time to buy South Omiilm proper Jty. . Iletu mo u few bargains. Lots B and ( i , blocl 11. South Omaha , 120x110 feet , corner II and llellnvue sts. , south and east fronts ; call anO get prict . Hustings lot on M st. near 27th. only half a lilock from depot , one ot the best retail busi ness sites in South Omaha ; can oiler for a few days nt J--.7.M ) , one-half cash , balauco to suit. Corner llMxlK ) feet , on 20th and Q sts. . South Omaha ; cheapest piece of prbperty In South Omaha , nt * . ' , : & ; will make them ulco south front lots. CO-foot frontage .in IJollovuo st. , block Bl , South Omaha ; if sola quickly , only Sl , " " > 0. Choice 5 and 10 acre tracts suitable forgarden , Ing purposes.small cash payment and longtime call and get price. Three lots corner I and Mth Bts.South Omaha , only jar > 0 > > , one block fiom Presbyterian church. Splendid corner bOxlSO foot , on A and Ilellovuo Bts. , the key to the gateway to South Omahaim- niedlately adjoining the uiagliillcent now park to be opened by the South Omaha Lund Uo , Price J4.0JU ; only one-fourth cash. It will pay you to look this up. Corner , lidxlMUeet on E nnd 88th strects.South Omaha ; jwlll make three nice south front lots COxiiS ) each. Price If sold at once only &i,2uu ; thcso three lots will sell qnglly for $1,000 each. Lot I , block B ! , South pmnha.OOxloO feet cor ner 11 and 2Hh strtots : can put five cottages on this lot , n splendid Investment fur $ lco. : Lot 1 , block fit , South Oinuhii , ( iOxlfiO feet near .1 and 27th streets , only $ law. ( ieo. N. Hicks , llarker block.bouthwest corner 15th and Furnum 4 2 17 S.VLE-Ily Dexter I. . ITionms , at Nebraska braska Savings llauk , 10th nnd Furnani ; 30 per cent oil value. 10 full lots at grade 0 blocks from postolllco block. South Omaha , } 500 each , terms to suit ; who wuntH llrst choice ? U lots on Farnam street , east of Dundee Place , north or south tronts , if 1,500 each and leas. 0 nicest full lots In Dedford Plate.Bouth fronts , choice 700 , terms easy. 10 nicest corner lots and adjoining in Lincoln Placevery cheap and terms to suit. B nuit 10 acre timber tracts 0 miles from Omaha P.O. , J1U ) per aero. 6 acre tracts by Florence , cau't bo beat for small fruit , Jilt ) per acre. 1 own the above as well as lots lu various ad ditions , including 0 lots on West Broadway , Council llluns. See motor a bargain. Dexter L. Thomas , at Nebraska Savings Bank , Board of Trade building. 120 IT10H SATiK Improved farm of Macros : good JL' orchard , fences , house , barn , outbuildings and living water ; llfteen miles from Omah.i. The best produce and llvo stock market lu the world. (545 ( per acre. 0. F. Ilarrlsou , 418 S. 1'ith , Omaha. 951 TTIOll SALE At a bargain , owner leaving the JL' clty.5 ! ) feet east front on Sherman nve , op posite holm's now live story block , 10B feet deep with 8 room house und barn , also furniture ana phuiL'Jtor sale. Also : x > feet front on 17th st near Clark , 8 , > feet deep with 8 room house , rent forM ) per year. Also30 feet front on 17th st , nexth north , with room house , rent for ? 172 per year. Propei ty paying over 10 per cent of price asked. Terms easy. Apply to J. O. Slatter , 1300 Sherman nvo. B13 jilt TV fOTOH line will soon mote. Then property -L'l-ln north part of South Omnlm wifl double up over those prices ; Lot 3 , block 24 , liOxljO 9 000 Lots 11 and IS , block 20. corner , 120x150. . . . 1,800 Lot 6. blo k 6 , 00x150 750 Lot 10 , block 7 , 0 169 750 Thesaprices are exceptional ; no property as noodollured for any sUcn money. M. A. Upton A * f r iy.i TTUH SALE 340 acres choice land adjoining JL ? the original town of Exeter , Nobrnbka. 124 ucras In timothy grass ; W acres cultivated land ; CO acres good wild grass lund. This Is suitable for tlno farm or addition to town , Kxeler has two lines ol H. H. , H , & M. and N. W. , has mill , olovatois , schools , churches , canning factory , & .C. Address J. W. Dolau , ludlanola , Neb. TTIOH SALE-Full lot in Hanscom Plnco with JL. 7-rooui cottage , $5,000. Call and see about It. C. F. Harrison. 418 3. 15th st. 4K3 WILL sell a lot near Lowe nvo , for 11,000 , and loan (1,000 to Improve same , on Jlj month ly payment * , Address , D , C. Patterson. 481 TT10H SALE tl.fOO for a neat 5-room cottage , -L 2011 ( Jraco st.nlto homo foramcchuulc worn- lug in the north part of town. Easy payments. C. F. Harrison. 41ft South 15th 8t. 211 TTIOH8ALE The very best laud in Ohoyenno -L1 county. Neb. , from M 00 to $7.00 an aero , 1 tenth dow n , balance In ten annual equal pay ments. Lcddlo Hro3. , Juloaburg , Colo. TAMagnnt for some of the lines trettidenco JL lots in Hanscom Place and can otter them at ilgurcs It will pay you to Investigate. Hicks , Hoom 10 , Uarker block. 411 GJ.STEltNSDOHFF , roomfi opposite post- ollico , will sell you n good 4-room house on Ifith street , 2 blocks south ot car line , by pay- lug JJW cash , balance monthly payments to cult. This is a splendid oppoituulty for any one w anting a cheap horns. 201 lbll HALE - Lot n ; block 11. Plalnvlew JI.100 . . ; * - make cash oiler ; you will waste tlmo talking radc. C , F. Harrison , 418 S , 15th. Ill UJS03 buys a full lot nnd good 4-room cottage , P easy terms o.n < l good location. Bboles AC Hunt , successors to D. V.Sholes , room l , Darker b'.ock. wj T71ULL lot northeast corner Fanjam and 42d JL ! house that oostt 1,600 , all forWXKMf takvn this week ; go uo further for a bargain. M. A Upton if Co. 1C4 KHANICLTN formerly of Ml Paxton Illdg. will carry pn hi trading at 1511 Faruam at. Hcdick's Block at Paulson aud Arucniau't ) room and will nlu-nya have a good list of property to irado and exchange. 460 DO you wnnt a south front lot In Omaha View Just west of new school housuy Wo liavo ono nt UvO. M. A. Upton & Co. 1UJ ODTH OMAHA-Lota 7,8 , 0,10 , block OB , 210 feet on llullovuo avenue , including a corner , adjoining grounds of EprlngMlio park , only (5,200 , KJ.OOO cosh ; a grcut bargain and can only bo had through ua. M. A. Upton & Co. 22S Oil SALE-Lot 10 , block 7 , South Omatm , iBO ; dlrtchcftpi worth H.dbO. O.F. Jiarrl- son , 418 S. Uth st. Ill rnoil BALE Beautiful 8-room liousa with all JL' modern Improvements , full lot , Kountza place , J7.UOO ; H cash. Will trndo for good va cant business property on lower fiaunders ut , 0. F. Ilorrl oo ; 41J B l h st. C'JQ _ TPOJIBALE-A btautlful residence lot In Isaac JC & Seldeu's addltlofT : If you want n barualn , Investigate. George J. Btorusaorff , Boom 6 , opp. P. O. ' 681 _ _ TjTOH 8ALt-Or exohkng * . W have om JU good Omaha r&l estatf and Nebraska ' . fMnai , WJjlph \ - - efclttnt I- Upck ot IilOH SALK I am prepnwl to build you ft good hoase lu n good location and tak * inout lily payments on t he house and lot. Call nnd see mo about it. C , 1' . Harrison , 418 S 15th , 7H1 ONLV n fovr lots left In It. V M. p.trk addition to South Omaha. What have vou to offnr ? George J , StuuisdorOr. lloom 6 , opp-H' . O. Kll "IJ10H SAI.F.-rulllot and largo 2-story house JL1 of 7 largo rooms , good well , cellar , cistern In the kltchi'n , uood nolKhlKirhood , street cam , ohurclu BclKMil and toro by. All ucw unit complete ; ! , ( tiO. ! Small rash payment , bolanco monthly. Just the place lor a man of moderate. means and largo family , Como nnd t > eo rae about It. 0. F. Harrison , 418 S. 15th st. 833 \T1NT r-l'IVK by one hundred and thirty-two -L > south and east trout on 1 iinmm aud 40tlt for M.500 , > , ' cash.linlniK-o 1 , 2 and 3 yeurs. How'H thatM.A. Upton Co. 1(11 ( _ _ ONE hundred ami thirty-two by ono hundred nnd thirty-two on llrlstol struct , betwccu 24th nnd SOtli , jaMW. M. A. Upton * Co. 104 SOUTH 20th , Just south of Castellnr , tlie rery lliiest klml of east ftout.s ; ougrado ; natural trees ; t'fi front foot. M. A. Upton A Co. lot j ULUFFS-Nlca 6-room cottage. /good bnru , lot 50x120 , on Brondwny , pavoii , reet cars by the door ; can give posses- clou at an any time , but has good tenant nt 115 per month. Only & 1.00J. Twenty acres Just north of Broadway , ono mile from the rlror , M.UUO ixrncre ; submit olTerj only Co feet from motor line. M. A. Upton * Co. 737 TpAST front In Shull's 2d add , three-quarters JU ot a blk trom the route of cable ; lot 60x127 , Gfcct alK > vegrada ; K.HOO It taken quick , C. F. Harrison. 4J8 8. 15th. 171 THE CHICAGO ANO 1 NORTHWESTERN - 1 WESTERN RAILWAY. Council Chicago , The only ronil to tnkofnr I e Mnlnrs , M r liHltoirn Ciulur ll'iplil" , CllnUni. Dlxon , CliUiuo , .MII nuUcc , nnd nil iiolntu Ki t Tr the people of NVtir.iskH.Uolo * riulnV.Mitiilnir. . UtHli , Mnliii. .Nuviiila , UrocmiVn l- liiKtun iinil CullfiinilM. It imrrs supuilur iiJvuntnKca uutH | ) lbi liy any oilier linn. Aimmu a few nfllie nunieriiiis polntnof inipprlorlly enjoyed by Hie ( intrnns nf tills remit between Omalm niul rhlcnijo , art ) U * throu trnlns n day of DAT ( HIACllKS , which nru tin ) llnfl Hint IIIIIIIKII url nnil InReiiultrciinrniiito. ItsPALArUhhHKPINH UAllt * . the cijuul of hlch cannot Un tuiuul elsowhero. At Council llliitri , the tnilns ortlii * I'lilnii ' I'nrlHo Halt- ay connect lu union < lex ] > t ulth the n of tlioCbl- n\uo \ NortliwcitL-rn lly. In Clilc uu thn trnlns of this lln mnko clii-o connection with Uuisu of all other ItaMorn linos. Tor lietmll , Oolumutn. Imllanapolls , Clnclnnntl , Nliisnra I'nlls , lluanln. I'lttshurK , Toronto , Montreal llo-ton. Now Vork , I'lillnillliihln , lliiltlniorcVn5h - Incton , ami all points In the ICast. Ask for ticket- ! via UlU "NORTH-WESTERN" If you wl h the lio't iiicoininocntloii. All ticket HKcnts ocll tickets via this lino. H. uiiminT , n. i * . WII.-ON' . ( iLMi'lMaimuer. ( lcn'11'nsj'r-\Kcnt. \V , riiic.iao , N llAltCOPIf. ( \VOMnriiAKCiit , 1) . li. KI.M11AI.I. . Ticket AKcnl. < i. r. Wlsr , Clly IMHscniRor Agont. J401 Faniaiii Street , Omnlia , Neb. -TI1R- OF TIIH Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' , Tlio Best Ilouto from Onmlia and Council to iTHE EAST-- TWO TllAIXS DAILY DETWKEN OMAUA ANJJ COUNCIL HLUFK9 CbJcngo , AND Mllvnuikce , St. Paul , Cedar Kapidlt Rock Island. Frocport , llockford , Clinton , Iiil > iiue ( [ , Elgin , Mntllson , JaiiosYllIe , lieloit , ' Wnonn , La Grosse , And all other Important polati But , Mortbeait aad Southouit. For throiiBU tickets call on tbo ticket wentat 1M1 Faruatu atroct , In llnrker lilock , or at Union Pnolflq fdman Sleepers and the nncst Dlnlna Cars la. world nro run on the niBln Una of tliti CUIcago. wnukco 4 Ht. 1'nul llallwny , and evtrr Bttoatl pnld to pBiienucrf by courteoui oniplOJM o ; ooiopany. Jt.Mint.KItacnoralMan c r. J. F. TUCK Kit , AMlntant Oenornl Mnnag * V. K. UAUl'lvN'nill , tiaueral - - - i , Attlstant Oootnl FaMebSM and Ticket Aeeot. * - ; . General BuDerintendeut. fNACQUAINTCD WITH THE OtOOBAPHrOF 1MB COUNTItV W BBTA1N MUCH INFOnMATIOM FROM * 8TUDV OF THU MAl { lfT 4 CHICfiGO , ROCK ISIMD&PACIFHJBT Its main lines and branches ; Include OHIOAflOk'1 PEORIA , MOLHIB , BOOK ISLAND. OAVaV * POET. DEQ MOUJE3 , COUNCIL BLTJITB , ZCCf * CATEfE. KANSAS CITY. BT. JOBETH. LEAV ENWORTH. ATOHIBON. CEDAR BAVnX WATZBLOQ , mNNEAPOLIB , ud 01. FAUU end ecorea of latenaediata cltloo. Choice of routoa to and from the Pacific Const All trtnx , fera In Union depot * . 7ut train * of Fin * & * J , | Coachca. elorant Dlnlrur Cars , tnacnlflotnt Vulb man Palace Bloepore , end ( between Cbloaeo , 0k Joecpb , AtcWson and SantM City ) E cllnlo Chair Cam , B ata Ste . to hoUe of Uwougb Erst-cjAss ticket * . i Chicago , Kansas & > Nebraska R'y > j "Great Rook Uland Bouto. " Xxtonda We t and Bouthweet from Sou M Otty .andBt. Joseph to NKU3ON , UOKTOK , , BELLR. VILLE , TOPEItA. HEIUNQTON , WICHITA , j HUTC1UN6ON , CALDWILI/ , and all polaU 14 5 KANSAS AND SOUTHERN NEBRASKA ' ' and beyond. Entire p aooger qulpment of tbo celebraUd Pullman maoufacture. All ioftty ap * pUanc a and modern Improvement * . | The Famous Albert Lea Route IB the favorite between Chlcaro , Sock AtchUon , Kaniaa City and Mlnnoapoll * and Bt. 'PAUL ' Ita Watertown branch traverses the grotl ! "WHEAT AND DAIRY BILT" of Northern low * , Southwestern IQnntsota , * n4 EttatCantral Dokot * to Watertown. Spirit La Bloux rails and many other towv * and clU * * , nrns > eli For Ticket , Mnpa. zviden , or desired Infer Uon , opplr at Kur Coupon Tickat OOlce or eXKxesI E. ST. JOHN , U.A.HOLBROQK ADVIOirRBK. HOW TO AST. Lo > tVlror ndMm'boodP. itortJ. Fth rn tot Dtcllc * > od runctlonil dlior. ' ' ' utFtomwbMedlclnei , S W Cor Farnam , , , and 15th Sts , 1'aIJ iu Capitol. . . 00,000 OEQ , E. HATlKKn , Preflldont. M. L. UllUtllOVKU. \ . Vlc Preslilent. V. li. JOHNSON , CaghJ r > It. Jl. WILI.IXMS. 8. B. it. JOHNSON , J. H. WM. BlEVKICB. OJ1AS. MUTZ. ALLK T. HKOTOH. I > . OUNNINOIIAU. li. A. HKNSON. OUSTAV Awuuuiow. 3 , L. MILK * . Accounts of Rankers , Merchants and Individ unis rtcelvca on th saoat t veraW tetuut.