Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1888, Page 6, Image 8

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Delivered by Carrier in Any Part of the City nt
Twenty Cents Per Wools.
IiBSiNrRHOrncK , No. 41.
NKIIIT KniToii. No.-l.
N. Y. Plumbing company.
A BOH of Dr. W. A. Ellis lies dangerously
111 with malnrlul fever ut Silver City.
Countv Attorney I'lumcr 1ms appointed
Cotistublu Wesley special tnx collector.
Charles Block nnd Miss Louisa Dechtter
wcro mnrricd Thursduy evening ut the resi
dence of the lady's parents.
The ladles of All Saints' guild entertained
nn enjoyable nodal last evening nt the resi
dence of Mrs. Dr. Stillman on Willow uvo-
There will bo n meeting of Unity guild at
the residence of Mrs. A. H. Harris , No. 14
South First street , at 8 o'clock this after
noon. A good attendance Is desired.
The canning factory Is now running in full
blast. There are fully 100 men , women and
children employed , and the works nro turn
ing out an Immense quantity of canned
The new city bridge across Indian creek
on Tenth avenue is nearly completed. The
opening of this thoroughfare with the finish
ing of tlio bridge , will open u much needed
State Secretary Nash , of Nebraska , will
probably be present next Sunday evening to
address the Young Men's Christian associa
tion. The union burviuo will bo In charge of
the V. M. C. A. A good programme Is prom
Thursday morning as Mr. N. Gallup , of
Garner township , was dehorning a vicious
heifer , the minimi ran ono of itiihorna en
tirely through his loft hand. The wound is
n painful oi.c , but Mr. Gallup attends to busi
ness an usual.
The Council Bluffs croquet club met with
a crushing defeat at Shelby Thursday , losing
two games out of thrco. They speak very
hiphly of the flattering reception tendered
them by the citizens of Shelby , and hope
soon to have an opportunity to repay it.
Yesterday morulng's session of police court
was decidedly tame , only two shaky boo/ers
appearing for the Judge's consideration.
They were each held up for $3.10 , and then
turned loose to run the gauntlet of the nu
merous holcH-in-the-wall In this prohibition ( I )
A slight blaze at Brownold'a restaurant ,
SOS Bioadwny , called out tno lire department
about 7:15 : o'clock last evening. The flro
was caused by carelessness in filling the
tank of a gasoline stove , and was ex
tinguished by the use of a couple of buckets
of water , before the arrival of the depart
Officer Fowler , with his usunl courage nnd
presence of mind on such occasions , caught
a runuwav horse on Mynsterstreet Thursday
evening. The frightened animal was at
tached to a buggy in which were seated Cap
tain O. M. Urown of the local "Q" ticket
ofllce , and daughter. The horse was fast re
ducing the vehicle to kindling wood when
the"elHclent "cop" gathered him in.
Uoy , the thirteen-year-old son of P. M.
Campbell , was thrown from n horse while
riding In the vicinity of the transfer Thurs
day afternoon and severely bruised. Ho was
out on a short pleasure excursion , when the
animal became frightened at a passing train.
The rider was dragged quite u distance be
fore ho could free himself. A passing team
took him to his homo , corner of Fourth uve-
nuo and Eighteenth street.
The Manawa Gun club has finished its
series of live weekly shoots and has now be
gun to shoot for the season's prizes. The
fr scores of the members In the other shoots are
jr all kept , and tlio marksmen are divided into
> < classes according to their percentage. The
third class held Its prize shoot nt the lalto
Thursday afternoon. The match was twenty-
flvo Pcoria blackbirds to each man , eighteen
yards rise. The result was : W. H. Grr.ndy
18 , Charles Matthnl 16 , Ira Odoll 11. Ed Gil
bert 0. The prize , which has not yet been
named , is awarded to Mr. Grandy. Ono of
the other two classes will hold its shoot next
Thursday afternoon.
The creditors of Harmon Bros. , of the
Hotel Manawa , have held several meetings
since the failure of this firm and have at
length decided to take the hotel as it is , with
its furniture , and try to make from it the
amount of the debts , which , If done , will re
sult in the release of the debtor , otherwise
they propose to hold him for the deficiency.
S. S. Keller was soloctcd as trustee and
Messrs. I. M. Troynor , J. J. Fearon nnd
Gcorgo Mcschcndorf , committee of manage
ment These gentlemen visited the lake
yesterday afternoon to see what arrange
ments can bo made for opening the hotel at
f once and running the remainder of the sea-
A lady with thrco children , en route from
Chicago to Denver , arrived at the transfer
Thursday evening. She had purchased a
scalper's ticket at the former city and it was
not transferable. The conductor requester
her signature , which did not correspond with
that on the ticket , and ho took it up. She
had to pawn her diamond ring with the con
ductor to get to this city where , nftcr some
delay nnd telegraphing to friends , she re
ceived a remittance sufllcient to take her to
Denver. This Is but ono of many instances
that como to tlio knowledge of railroad men
on the through lines between this city am
Chicago , nnd the traveling public is ndvisei
to look out for scalper's tickets.
E. H. Sheafo loans money on chuttel
soourlty of every description. Private )
consulting rooms. All business strictly
confldontul. OlHco COO Broadway , cor
ner Main street , up-stairs.
A. A. Clark & Co. negotiate loans on
farm and city property.
A. A. Clark & Co. , real estate brok
ers , have tilibtof choice inside property
on their books. Nothing but bargains
'Willinm Jtoilcera , of Shenandouh , was In
tlio city yesterday.
Colonel Duiley wont to Oakland yesterday
to prosecute a burglary case.
Mrs. A. Van Order mid daughter Flora
are visiting relatives at Mollno , 111.
Miss Minerva D. Shearer Is vlsltintr with ,
her aunt , Mrs. Adolla Woodson , at Atlantic.
Mrs. O'Neill , Mrs , Kncppcr and Miss
Hnttio Kucppor have returned { from their
California trip.
John Diet-Its hat apaln taken up his rcsl-
L defioo on this side of the river , his business
Sp interests being largely hero.
\ J. W. liuclmrach leaves to-day for Chicago
to buy his block of fall and winter goods. Ha
will ho gone about two weeks.
Charles M. Hurl went to Macedonia ! last
evening to deliver a political address on the
occasion of the organization of a republican
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Casiur left for New
York last evening on a plcasuru trip , and
also to attend the national convention of
Mrs. Fred Qelso , daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
A. Schott , arrived from Chattanooga , Tenn. ,
yesterday to spend a few months at her old
homo among relatives and friends.
Hon. C. J. Wyland , of Harlati , drove into
the city yesterday with a line trotting bred
colt , which ho has placed in charge of Dr.
Wade Carey ut the Union park for training.
H. C. Woods , formerly foreman of the
Wabash round houno in this city , but now
general foreman of the Missouri 1'ncitlc
hops at Scdalla , Mo. , is hero for a short
A. Traynor , general passenger and ticket
gent at the transfer , has gone to Michigan
to meet his wife on her return from New
York City. They will return to the Bluffs
text Thursday.
B. H. Sheafo & Co. , make long or
eliort time loans on roul ostuto , in sums
to suit , at lowest rate of interest. OOlco
Broadway and Main street , upstairs.
Buy mantels , grates and hearth fui-
mshingB of the Now York plumbing Co.
Pacific House is open to the traveling
publlo , notwithstanding to tho.contrary.
Full line of sheet muslo at CounC !
' BlulTs Muslo Co. , 224 Broadway.
The Woods Are Full of Claimants
For Falrinouut.
A DlHnppointcd Muldon Asks
Dniiingcs The Saloon War Con
tinues 1'ollllus Vrrfius Itc-
Minor Items.
Everybody Want * thn Pnt'k.
Interest in the Fnlrmount purk case Is re
viving , as it Is being curried to the higher
courts. Yestcrduy several papers were Hied
with the clerk of the district court , bearing
on the case. John K. Arnold , Susan A.
McCauftlund , Virginia 1C. Murtln , Mary C.
Wilson , Elizabeth U. Manual , Solla F. Tld-
hull mid Florence Arnold , by their iittornuys ,
Stone & Stins , claim that they arc the abso
lute owners , In fee simple , of twenty-two
lots In Williams' second addition , commonly
known as Full-mount park , and that the City
of Council Bluffs , through the park commis
sioners of said city , is unlawfully keeping
them out of possession of said lots.
They therefore pray that they bo given 1m-
mediate possession of these lots. Charles F.
Williams , James A. Wlllluuis and Samuel M.
Williams claim three lots , iffid Lillian E. Har-
ney , Kate L. Flood and Walter M. Williams
claim eight lots In this addition , and ask for
Immediate possession. All of these cases
will bo tried at the next term of the district
jourt , that convenes August 23.
TravclcrsI Stop at the Bechtole.
Roller , the tailor , 310 Broadway , has
ccoivcd a full line of line fall goods.
Money loaned at L. 13. Crafts k Co. ' 9
ioan oflico , on furniture , piiuicw , horses ,
ivagons , personal property of all kinds ,
, nd all other articles of value without
'emovtil. ' All business strictly conli-
_ _
Not the Way to Welch.
The welghmastcr's ordinance recently
tasscd by the city council is very obnox-
ous to many of the business houses. They
re not at all bashful in saying so , and are
aking steps to prevent its enforcement. The
: oal and lumber men are especially bitter
gainst it. An injunction has been obtained
jy Joseph Turner , E. E. Mnync , Sackctt &
Preston , V. Jennings , W. W. Wallace ,
Samuel Fields , Union Lumber company ,
ouncil Bluffs Lumber company , W. Welch
ml C C. Honn , restraining W. S. Amy , su-
icrintcndcnt of markets , Irom enforcing the
rd in an co. The grounds on which the in
unction was asked wcro that it is illegal
jccnuso it is Indcllnito and ambiguous ,
leithcr directing nor prohibiting anything ;
, hat the subject of the ordinance is not
ilearly represented in the title , and that this
irdinanco is not intended us an amendment
to other ordinances and parts of ordinances ,
.nd the said ordinances so attempted to bo
mended or revised are not mentioned in the
ew ordinance.
Patrons of the Pacific House have
none but words of praise for the atton-
ion given them.
S. B. Wadswoatli & Co. loan money.
Disappointment Comes Illcli.
Masgio Croning 1ms Instituted a suit in the
Istrict court against Hans Schroedcr , charg-
ng him with seduction and refusal to marry
icr , and asks J9,000 damages. She alleges
hat Huns , in October , 18SO , by flattery and
iromises of marriage , accomplished her ruin.
She wants $4,000 for her virtue , and $5,000
or the disappointment in being loft single.
Full line of shoot music at Council
Bluffs Music Co. , 224 Broadway.
If you have property for sale at a bar-
fain list it with us and wo will adver-
iso it free of charge. A. A. Clark &
! o. , corner Broadway and Main , over
American express.
More Beer Kegs " Stolen. "
The constables representing the Law and
Order league searched Thomas Skinner's
ilaco yesterday afternoon and confiscated a
ceg of beer , which , it Is claimed , was kept
'or ' sale. Skluner's place is situated in the
eastern part of the city , near the homo of A.
Overton , and has been under suspicion for
some timo. The finding of this evidence adds
another to the list of cases which the courts
will have to act upon.
Applications were made in the district court
- esterday for Injunctions against S. D. Llndt ,
Tack Green , Peter Becic ot al. , Thomas
3rougham , William F.irrell , Theodore Groffs ,
3mll Wagner , John Lauson etal. , and W. II.
White. Tlio prohibs are neither dead nor
slccDing during this hot weather , but are
continually gathering evidence nnd serving
search warrants for the grand round-up in
Artists prclor the Hallott & Davis
piano , at C. B. Music Co. , 22-1 Broadway.
Stop nt the Pacific House. The most
centrally located hotel in the city.
Politic * Versus Keltiilim.
For years past it has been the habit of cer
tain persons who were interested in the matter -
tor of moral reform , among whom nro Mr.
A. Overton and Hev. Henry Do Long , to
hold open nlr meetings upon the street
corners. These were mainly hold Sunday
afternoons when many persons wcro abroad
who seldom or never find their way to the
churches. These meetings wore orderly nnd
whether any good was accomplished or not
surely no evil resulted. Some time ago these
gentlemen wore notilied by the "powers that
bo" that these Sunday afternoon exercises
had to bo dispensed with. No ndequato
reason was assigned for tlio order , but it has
been strictly complied with.
Ono evening , not long ago. a certain col
ored orator of tlio democratic faith visited
Council Bluffs. It was on a week day even
ing , when hundreds of people were abroad
pursuing their ordinary business. A box
was placed upon the sidewalk on Pearl street
to servo as u , stand for the speaker , nnd hero
ho held forth for a couple of hours. A largo
crowd collected ; the sidewalk nnd street
were blockaded , and there was no effort to
enforce the "clear the sidewalk" rule.
These two facts have occasioned some
questioning. "Why , " ask these persons , "is
such unlimited license given the political
orator nnd the religious orator allowed no
place to bo heard I" Who will answer )
There will ho a lawn party Sunday afternoon -
tornoon and evening at thotirovohotol.
Good music and dancing1. Everything
conducted properly and orderly. So
bay the proprietors.
J. G. Tiptou has bargains in real estate.
Ought to 1)0 "Trained" nt Homo.
Railroad employes In the various yards of
tha city profcvo to feel greatly relieved nt
the thought that school will begin again In a
couple of weeks. The reason assigned for
this Is that there Is an astonishing number
of youngsters who haunt the yards , day
after day , and jump on moving trains to ride
back and forth , and miraculous escapes from
horrible deaths uro of dally occurrence. The
boys seem to think It a vary smart thing to
do , and do cot seem to understand that their
lives are In constant danger. A liberal use
of the paternal rod Is what Is needed , and the
Attention of Indifferent parents Is culled to
this fact.
A list of fifty vacant dwellings
for rent can ho obtained at oflico of 13.
II. ShenJe & Co. , corner Broadway and I
Main streets , up stairs.
For bargains in real estate see 13. H.
Sheafo & Co. , Broadway and Mniu
street , upstairs.
They Knew How to Piny Ilnll.
The Bluffs dub Was scalped at Dcnlson
Thursday by a score of 4 to 3. Hatterlos
Council Bluff * , Stephcnsoa and. Strode ;
Denlson. Carroll and Grlfllths. Bnio hits-
Council Bluffs 3 , DenUon S. Errors Coun
cil Hluffs a , Uenison 2. Struck out Council
muffs 16 , DenUon 18. Umpire-M. 11. Urown.
The following it , the score by Innings.
Council IJlulTs. . . ! OOOU 1 II 0 0 3
Deulson 0 4
Money loaned on furniture , pianos ,
diamonds , horses , buggies or anything
of value , at low rate of interest. No
publicity ; fair and honorable dealing.
A. A. Chirk & Co. , olliuo cor. Broadway
and Main , over American Express.
MtiNt Keep Tliulr Iottors.
Mayor Hohrer requests those who have re
ceived nt his hands appointments as dele
gates to the "deep water" convention nt Den
ver , to hold their letters until they are called
for ut Denver. They are credentials which
will entitle holders to place and voice In the
deliberations of that body , therefore do not
destroy them.
Or Council Hlufl'rt liotn nt Auction.
I will offer for sale and sell without
rchcrvo to the highest bidder one-half
of all the lots In Coohran's addition to
Council BlutTs.
Ono lot of every other pair through
out the whole addition will bo sold with
the privilege to the purchaser of the re
maining lot at the same price. The
ground on which the addition is laid is
known as the old fair ground forty ,
north of the Union Pae-Uic depot , and
south of Broadway. The number of
lots are 100 , or four to the acre.
Ton per cent of the purchnso money
cash in hand. The balance in nine
equal annual payment ! ) to bo evidenced
by notes bearing interest at 6 per cent
per annum , secured by mortgage. The
proj.ort.y purchasers will got warrantee
deeds , title perfect.
1 will also bell on the same terms imd
at the same sale 100 lots in Central sub
division and Street's addi
tion on grounds joining on the
north. Some of these lots are situated
on Broadway.
The place of bale will bo pn the
grounds on Wednesday , the 12th of
September , 1888 , and continue from day
to day till all is bold.
The lots and blocks will be numbered
on stakes and maps furnished bidders
on clay of tale. Other particulars on
day of sale. A. CociiKAN.
Now York Mercury : "This is the San
Marcus river , senor , and there are the
canons whore the cave men lived , "
baid the Mexican Indian guide , point
ing to a narrow cleft in the mountain at
a little distance.
"Well , wo will investigate the old
ruins , Jose , " replied Ernest Soyton , as
he throw himself wearily down by the
little eamp fire.
"Manana , scnorV"
"Yes , to-morrow. Why not ? " notic
ing the shuddering tones in which the
question had been voiced.
"It is the homo of bats , of great hairy
spiders , of worms with stings , of creep
ing things with a hundred feet , of
btiaUes whoso bite is death. "
"Vampire bats , tarantulas , scorpions ,
centipedes and rattlesnakes' ! ' A goodly
array of horrors. Is that all , Jose. "
"Spirits are there , sonor. The shad
ows of the dead of a thousand years are
Hitting around , " and the guido crossed
himsclt vigorously.
"Ghostsl Have you over seen any of
them ? "
"No , senor , and the holy saints keep
mo from doing so. "
"Havo you never been in the old cave
houses , Jose ? "
"Never , never , senorl" was answered
with intense excitement.
"Then how do you know they are In
habited as you say ? "
"Those who dared to go have told mo ,
sonor. "
"Many who went never came back , "
said the guido , warnlngly.
"Likely , " was the careless response ,
"but are there not human dwellers in
the deserted houses ? "
Jose started as if one of the serpents
ho so much feared was near. The idea
that men or women would trust them
selves in such a locality was more than
horrible to his superstitious mind.
"No , no , senor , not one , " and the
subject being distasteful , ho hastened
away to attend to his camp duties.
Nothing worse than the barking of
coyotes disturbed the slumber of Soyton ,
and early in the morning ho startoa
upon his explorations. In vain , how
ever , he attempted to induce Jose to
accompany him. Ho was forced to go
alone , leaving the half Mexican mourn
ing for him as one ho would never see
again , cursing him for his foolishness ,
and praying in the same breath for his
Far more than birds , beasts , creeping
things or ghosts Poyton feared ho
might chance upon some of the robbers
who infested the mountains. But ,
though penetrating deeply in the once
homes of the unknown ( lead , ho saw
nothing to seriously alarm him. Bats ,
however , How out from dark and noi
some chambers in countless numbers ;
spiders hurried away , and now and
then ho heard the warning rattle of a
"If ghosts seek such companionship , "
ho laughed grimly , "I have a poor
opinion of their taito. Hark ! "
Ho.had paused in front of a low open
ing , dark as midnight and reaching ho
know not where. The sound ho had
hoard was a strange , weird and wailing
one. Kneeling , ho endeavored but
vainly to pierce the gloom. Ho could
distinguish the rustling wings , the
scraping of horny , scaled serpents over
the rocky floor , the gurgling of water
beneath his feet , but none of these ac
counted for the unusual sound.
Ho listened , trembling with painful
excitement. There was no way to solve
the mystery except by penetrating its
depths , and death stood ready to meet
him in many forms. Again and again
ho tried to find some clue lo the un
earthly noise , but the more ho thought
the more ho was puzzled. A hundred
suggestions came to ills mind , but none
was satisfactory , and looking well to
his weapons he crept into the dark passage -
sago upon as uncertain and dangerous a
quest as over a man ventured upon.
It was a situation whore eyes were
useless , strength of little avail and the
highest courage might well have fal
tered. His ears wore deafened by the
whirling of winga , his flesh crept as
great , hairy spiders crawled over his
unprotectedfloshti3"worm8 with stings ,
with a hundred feet , " touched him , and
his heart almost ceased boating when
the mesmeric eyes of a serpent flashed
in his path and the angry hiss nna mag-
nlfledinto a rattling thunder.
Fortunat ly the distance was not very
great was but the connection between
chambers and when hope of life was
about dying out light came , and a few
minutes later ho was able to stand erect
and had left the terrors.bohind ,
Then the sound he could not decide
what it was came moro distinctly to hia
ears , and after regaining his breath no
hurried forward , and at last ho located
the cause of his anxiety , dashed for
ward , unknowing what dangers ho
might meet , how soon bo called upon to
defend his life , and was suddenly
brought face to face with a sight , that
I thrilled him with horror !
He hail emerged upon a narrow , broken -
ken platform jutting put from the
most story of ono of the highest of the
cave dwellers' homos. Looking down
ho could see the river foaming through
the bottom of the rocky canyon. It was
hundreds of feet below , and clinging
midway was a girl , while beneath , fran
tic with terror and anxiety , blood an old
man , with bin hands raised to heaven in
prayerful supplication.
"Father , I'm faillngl" was shrieked
in agony from the \\hlto lips of the girl.
"God in heaven , save my beloved , my
all , " was the answered Imploratlon.
Save her ? Soy tun understood the
situation at a glance. She had ven
tured too far , the footing had crumbled
beneath her , she had In falling clutched
a narrow sill , and It was simply a ques
tion of how long her strength would
sustain her weight , how long before
the slender lingers would loosen their
clasp and she bo crushed upon thu
sharp , ragged , cruel rocks at the bet
"Oh , Heaven , for Jose and hli rental"
groaned Soyton , distracted at his help
Ho had discovered an opening much
nearer than wljoro ho stood , d.ishcd
down , looked out. was still twenty feet
distant , without the means of rescue ,
know all ho could do was useless.
Still ho called out cheerily and encour
agingly :
"Hold on and keep up your courage.
I will save you. "
Ho would have tlono so could ho have
twisted his heart strings into a rope.
That was impossible. Ho reali/.od that
ho was uttering a lie , but the sweet ,
white , pleading fuco would have caused
him a thousandfold moro to risk the fu
ture of his soul.
"My strength is fast giving out. I
oh , Heavenly Father , I am falling !
Tlio stone is crumbling beneath my
lingers. Save mo , save mol" came in
hoarao and trembling whispers to his
ears.Ho saw that her words were too true ,
saw fragment after fragment separate
and fall , and his heart momentarily
stood still and the blood In his veins
curdled icily.
"Hold enl Hold on ! " ho shouted.
"There must be some way to save yon. "
The echoes repeated the words iniit-
terincly , seemed to whispar them with
"ipllow , mocking laughter , the disturbed
irds flapped their wings and screamed
la'.agoly around the heml of the hopo-
e s girl , from far below c.ime tlio
.vii/'d voice of the father as hoe
o d upward wit i strained eyes , tore
lis h . rin despair and impotently called
or tniucur.
"Too la' P'cane stealing as the breath
f the dying , wind. "Too Into. I can
lolil out no longer. God over blcs ? you
! oi' what you would have done. Fare
well , father. We will meet in heaven. "
Mad with excitement Seyton was
limbing out of the window , determined
xj perish with her , when a strong hand
, viis laid upon his arm and in a tense ,
stained voice was breathed : "Sonor , for
bear. "
'Jose ! God bo thanked ! Save her ,
save her ! " * , ,
The guido leaned out of the window
is far as possible , skillfully coiled und
Iroppod his reataovor the head and be-
ow the arms of the girl , strained it and
jailed upon Seyton to assist in hauling
her up.
It was a desperate undertaking.
When foot and hands relaxed their
d it seemed as though half of the
Mountain side had given away , so great
; ho dust and rattling. And then came
i terrible fear to the watchers. Would
ho slender braided cord of rawhide
nold the weight ? Soyton saw it
stretching , trembled with excitement
; ind turned questioning eyes to Jose.
He understood and answered :
"It has hold'buffalo and wild liorso ,
senor , has thrown and held many a
bull. Why not now ? "
"All right , but carefully , carefully.
See how she whirls around , how she
bounds against the rocky wall. "
Inch by inch the girl was drawn up.
It was the work of but a few moments ,
yet as hours to the watchers , and when
at last the strong arms of Seyton enfolded -
folded the form and lifted it within the
walls ho felt as if all the hero blood in
his veins wore leaping with joy.
"A mighty shout of thanksgiving came
'rom ' below. Soyton glanced swiftly
downward , saw the fatnor wave his
hands wildly and then fall. The reac
tion had been too much. Trial bad not
killed , but joy might , and Jose was dis
patched to look after him.
Released from the reata the girl lay
motionless and to all seeming dead.
There was no tinge of blood upon
cheeks , lips or throat. White and in-
scnslblo nho lay while Soyton hastened
to pour a few drops from his Husk into
hpr mouth. It almost strangledbut re
vived hor. Something of color re
turned , the black hair looked less like
the wing of a raven resting upon now
fallen snow , and the fluttering pulse
gave assurance of life. Then the sweet
brown eyes opened , the bosom rose and
foil fitfully , oft length came sobs and
gasps , the forces of youthful , healthy
vigor asserted themselves and she asked
in faint , trembling accents :
"My father ? "
"Ho is being cared for will soon bo
hero. "
"Heaven bo thankrd ! "
"And you ? " questioned Soyton with
Ids heart in his oyos. "Aro you not
sulToring after the terrible trial througl
which you have passed ? "
"Terrible ! Never shall I forget the
sensation , never the black gulf yawning
beneath , tno terrible death waiting for
mo. And to you , kind stranger , I owe
my life , " and the little hand fluttered to
his and lay passively for a time in the
warm clasping.
"God only knows how I suffered how
desperate I became when I saw how
hopeless I was to save. To my guide
you are indebted for safety , but how ho
came is a mystery , as ho refused to ac
company mo. "
"Agues ! "
Supported by Jose , the old father had
climbed the stops , stood upon the
threshold and instantly his daughter
was clasped to his heart , and Soyton became -
came almost jealous of the kisses ho re
Later ho learned that they had como ,
like himself , upon a visit of exploration ;
that Jose , tirou of being alone , had fol
lowed him , seen the desperate situation
of the girl , and , rising superior to his
superstitious fears , had como in time to
do the best possible service.
Recovering from , excitement and
nerves qulotod , the little party decided
to remain fora few days and enjoy the
wonders around them the structures
erected by the unknown race whose
name is lost in the dust of long-buried
The days stretched out into weeks.
There was bo much to be seon.thoy ;
wore made so comfortable by Jose ; their
food so abundant from the rifle of Soy
ton ; and the beauty of Agnoa Leonard
warmed every heart llko red wine. The
old mnn , attended by Jose , made exten
sive explorations , leaving the girl und
Seyton to weave bright dreams for the
future and build airy castles whoso every
stone was fashioned , laid and cemented
by lovo.
Thus the hours elippsd away , golden
as the skies , and when the time of de
parture became imperative each thought
of it with regret. On the morrow they
would leave , and , the girl having ex
pressed a desire to yet once again visit
the nearly fatal spotSoyton whispered :
"No better time than now. The moon
is shining brightly , the wind sleeping ,
the river murmuring in dreams , Come ;
CO. ,
Especially Adapted for
25 TO 300
POWER , Mills and Elevators.
Specifications and estimates furnished for complete Rtciun plant * . IteKiilntlon , Durnblllty Guar
anteed. Can show letters from useru hero fuel Kconomy IB cqunl with Corliss Non-CoudeiiBltie.
Send for Catalogue. E. C. HARRIS , Manager.
To close out the remaining lots in Squire's addition to Council Bluffs , I
will bell the finest located lots in the city for $50 cash payment , and long
time on balance , to portions who desire to secure homos , and I will malco lib
eral loans to those who desire aid in building houses. Call at once and see
mo at Mttbonic Temple , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
C. J. COLBY , Sole Agent.
PH From 15 to 25 Per Cent.
Nos. II & 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
DR. C. B. J U DD ,
No. 6O6 Broadway , Council Bluffe , Iowa.
WANTED Good Salesmen on large commission or salary.
your father is listening to the weird
supoi'stitions of Jose , and wo can jjo
without disturbing thorn. "
With heart fluttering as the winps of
a cave swallow , with checks red as
morninp sunshine , Agnes accompanied
him. They stood upon the very spot
from which she had fallen , stood for a
moment looking at the glory of earth
and star-jowoled sky , wrapped in the
happiness of their own hearts. Then
the footing treacherously gave way
again ; thov fell , she clasped to his
heart , their lips pressed together in
the first loving kiss fell down toNe
No , not to death. The wall tumbled
inward , and from the debris crawled
out the happiest couple the canons of
the San Marcus ever hold ; that were
over sung to by river , over lighted by
stars , and believed they had found
heaven upon earth.
SPECIAL advcrtlsemenU.Hiich as LostFound ,
. - ToLoanForS leTo Heut.Wants , Hoarding ,
etc. , will ba inserted In this column at the low
rate of Tim OKNT8 PKH I.INU for the nrst In-
Hertlon and Kve Cents Per Line for eacn nubse-
nuent Insertion. Leave advcrtlsoments at our
olllce , No. ia Pearl Street , near Jlroatlway ,
Council Muffs , Jowa.
TirANTin ) : Good barber at 130 8. Main at. ,
Council Illuirs.
HOUSES for rent by Johnston & Van Patten ,
. U ) Main Ht.
FOK BALK The best small fruit and vegeta
ble farm In Pottawattamle county , two
miles from Council lllulfs postolllce , at u price
that will sell U. on remarkably easy term * .
Title perfect and property In pee condition ,
Possession given at any time. load reason for
selling. U. T. Ilrynut & Co. , 623 Uroadway ,
Council lllulfH , la.
. - of merchandise to exchange -
WANTF.D-Stocks property In Council 11 uffs ,
Omaha , or western land or chattels of any kind.
We make exchanging a specialty. It. T. llryant
& Co. , 828 Uroadway.
TUT ANTED Stocks ot merchandise. liav
W Omaha and Council Uluffs city Pjopertr.
also western land to exchange for goods. Call
OB or address Johnson Jc Christian , Boom ai ,
Chamber of Commerce , Omaha.
tOODroadway Council UlutCa , Iowa. Established
D. H. McDANELD & CO. ,
Hides. Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
(20 and e Main SueetUouncU IJlutts.Iow * .
PRICE $15 ,
Is equal to
any High
The Kdlton Mlmcogrnph. the best apparatus for
manifolding , aitthogrnphlo and typewriter work ,
ifOO coplci can bo taken.
The Ezeehior Co. , Council Bluffs , la.
In accordance with numerous requests has de
cided to teach Tuxldermy In all It ? brunches.
Mounting birds , JM ; wltfumammals and other
Intricacies , I1UO. Would also Ilka to receive
orders lor large or small cases. Order now to
get fall specimens. No. Old Main St. , Council
Conducted by the Sisters of Charity ,
An excellent educational institution , furnish
ed with all modern improvements for boarding
and day school. The academic year consists of
tno sessions , beginning on the first Monday In
September Hnd F liruary , respectfully.
Termi-Hoard and tuition per session , 175.
For further particulars addre s Sister Superior ,
Bt. Francis Academy , Council lllufff , la.
M. B. SNYDER , A. M. . M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
DUoaBosol Women and Children ,
907 Uroaiway , Council Uluff * .
Health is Wealth !
DR. NxnvB AND ntum Tn > A
UKNT , a guaranteed ipeclne for Hysteria , Dlztb
nesi , CauTUlalons , Ftti , Ntrroui Neuralgia
Hendacne , Ntrroui Prostration , caused bjrlh *
IBS of alcehol or tobacco. Vf akorulntid. Mental
Depression. Boftenlng of the Drain , resulting In
nimnttv , and Itailtni ; to mltsrT , decay and
death. Premature OM Age , llarreuness , Losi ]
Cower In either ner. Involuntary I.ouet aid
3pcrmatorhoa rausecl by nrr-exertlon ot ih
) r lniflf-abm , or over-Indulgence. Knohbdt
contains one month's treatment. 11.00 n box , or
fix boxes for K 00 , i nt by mall prepaid on r *
celpt of prtc .
To cur * any oa e. With tach order received *
ns for all boxes. Accompanied with 16.00 , w
will send the purchaser our written ffuarante *
to refund the money K the treatment does net
effect a cure. Uuarantf ei InMiecl only by 0. T.
GOODMAN. Dniffalst , Hole Ai'ent , lllO Faruaia
street. Omaha. N-ih
GORE & HEFFRON , Proprietors.
"Tlili hniiso Is the most tl'oroiifiulv Urn-
liroof of any In the city , unless tlio Auditori
um Inillilliik- > c tlio tjlnglo exception. " Uottl
Electric Light & Steam Heat in Every Room.
266 to 274 S. Clark St. ,
ll&a A 1'ad ulllrrfnt from all
other. . Isrnp utmpe. with Htu *
aillunlnir lull In renter , adapt !
ItM'rtoallPuBtllonaorUmbody.TTlill *
ihebnllln tlio cup .presses book
_ thoTntqatlnoaJuat OB o per
son does with the flrj8Or. . fl uTOleht I'rfi'ur *
tbu AernUTi Kt IJ n rcuirly d jr and night * and a radical
euro certain. HUca'r. rtiirahlnanilehiap. Hinlbjr mau
Circular , free. ) ! uM.mox TUlDb CO.lkl i.UI. .
Send for Mnnufs Catalog
172 Mndiaon-Bt.Chicago *
* " " * ' *
lln ' - e , mild , toolhl.f CIIITUM ol
lrie-j jLr IlTiUrMUr throuil all .ak p > rtinitor4
loth m-
Onat.itImproomial.oxr all cthtr btlll. Wotitc.itipcr *
taantntlrcurttllnlh'oemoath * . firaltd pampht.Mr ftaMift
The ndinElcctfioCo. l69Litillc..ChIeifli
Room 03 Trader * ' Kulldliic ,
RererencGS Mctrniiolltnn Niitlmnil Hunk.
K. ( J.Iun A. Co. The bmanrcetCa
Advertising lin.s alwnjs pi-ovon
successful , llofyro placing nn
Newspaper Advertising : consuft
AlVIRTI8l\G 10I1TB , j
41 It W CHICAGO.1/
Nos. 3O3-4O4-I7O- .
IT. J.
Surgeon and Physician ,
Office N. W Corner i4th nn-1 liouglaa St. Offlea
telepUone , < Kj ; Uoalduuce telephone , 608.
( OneMile West from Notre Unnia Unlvcrnltr. )
The CCth Acnilemle term will open Monclnjr , Kept. Mi
The Acndomlo Course I * tboroiiKlj In th 1'repara *
tory , tcnlor , HiidL'IninlcnKJratlos. Muilcilpimrlmeat ,
on the pliui ot the butt Conscrvnturtc'H of Knrape , 1 >
unilcrilmrKeof Rtoiuplctt ) corps of tcacliera. Studio
die moUoleil on the uri'Ht Art School of Kurope.
DrniTliiK Hmt piilntlnif from life and the gntlnuq
1'honoiiraphr niirt Type-Wrltlim tmiKht. HulWIrtg *
equipped with Kirn Kscnpc. A nepiirulu dupurtmcnb
for children under H. Apply furrntnlogne to MOTIIKI {
runny couicii : : KOII RADIUS
rKHIl\'HAM < 8IJMINAlt\ ' .
( xuiiKmjiNTAij8uiiaiuv : : : , ami
, Lake JVre.t , 111.
- TIII : -
oireimmeiiunlloil tulvanfiKCS to Impurt toyouf
hoiih Biiilatds n timrtiuuli education for either
commercial course , or a full course , cumprlHlntf
ClusMcB , Law. Science , Mathemutlcs und .Music.
( St. Krtward'H Hull ) for l > oys under thirteen
yearn of nco , Is neparuto and under tlio matei nal
care of the Bisters of the Holy Cross. Hcfarti
concluding whern to dnnil your hoiiB . fcentl for a
catuloKiio coiitalnlne Illimtrutlons of the build-
liiKd of Notre Jamo and full particular * ai to
terms and course of study. The BStJj session
opens Tuesday. KepU'mlicr 4th. IbW , Addiess
lteT. . H. Walsli , 0. 8. 0. , I'res. Ulilveultr ,
Notre Dame. 1ml.
' ' '
Civil Engineering. Clu'sslls. niiHlness.
llr. HKV. F. U. 1UNTINTON. ! Prchldent.
LT. Coi , . W. VKHHUCK , Superintendent.
Morgan Park Military Academy
The llest Hoys' Hoarding School In the Wert.
Slxtoenth year begins Hept. Wh. Send for cati-
logue to GAIT. KU. N. KIHK. TALCOTP , Bupt. ,
Mono tt > * PAIIK , COOK Co. , IMJ.
UNION COLLEGE OF LAW:1 ! : , : term Sept. b 1 y .
w For circular * address H. HOOTII -Chicago , 111-
Bettie Stuart Institute
Will commence Hi SUt jre r.-iep . .
YtnUnei un urpn iil. Home toiuforti ; careful
trYmlii" Apply to Mti.M. _ McKtX mmitf. t'fluclpal.
45th year. For catalogues send to 11BV. A. O ,
CHAMBUU8 , A. M. , Principal.
peeksKlll-on'lludion , N. Y. Send forcata *
locu * . JNO.M/nLUiiN.M.D. M.A. , 1'rlnclpftV