Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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    vy pW * w vFT JT * * | *
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Jack Frost Takes a Hand In the
Wheat Pit
Corn Follows the head of AVIicut
Oats Active 1'rovlsloiis Much
Improved Cattle and Hogs
In Good Demand.
CIIICAOO , August 17. [ Special Telegram to
TUB HKE.I Tlio wheat market opened up
} ( @ % c higher this morning on reports of
floats In the northwest. Judging from the
signal service map and from private advices
from a great inuny polnts"tho district visited
by frosts embraces the northern half of
Dakota , the northwestern quarter of Minnesota
seta and practically all of Manitoba. The
temperature throughout that district ranged
from 'M to BO degrees , and one-quarter Inch
of Ice Is reported from points. Frost
is reported as far south as Aberdeen , thus
Bhowlng that the southern line is somewhat
ragged and irregular. The extent of the
damage can as yet only bo guessed at , but
the plant in the northern territory was cer
tainly not In condition to stand a freeze with
out injury. This frost news was the most
sensational feature of the day , and unques
tionably stimulated speculative Inquiry to u
considerable extent. Commission mer
chants reported increased business from
every quarter and a general dcslro on
the part of the bears to cover was mani
fested. The buying was not nil to
satisfy this demand , however , for if it had
been the market would nave biokcn all to
pieces. On the part of the vast majority of
"longs" there was an overpowering disposi
tion to icali/u profits. Local hulls unloaded
largely , and most of the New York houses
that have been conspicuous buyers from 81c
up sold steadily thiough the session. Local
scalpers got long early in the day , and sev
eral times during the day when the price's
for September got below 84a It looked as
though they were preparing to run , but the
outside support was so strong that recovery
followed Immediately every time. Fluctu
utions during two-thirds of the session were
within 8134J c for September , and b J.f@
87X ° for December. The market was ex
ceedingly nervous and treacherous , and
brokers were evidently loaded with orders
to fit almost every condition. Within the
narrow range prices bobbed about Inces
santly. The reaction for which the leaders
were playing didn't eventuate , and a great
many concluded to advance their buying
limit when they saw the market acting stub
bornly. The top was reached soon after
the opening , when September touched 84c ,
and December 87c. Hutchinson was a
largo buyer early on the reaction , taking
possibly 1,000,000 bushels from 8IJ c to 84J c.
ills brokers happened to bo In the pit Just in
time to catch wheat that Cuduhy's brokers
were offering. The market developed amaz
ing and unexpected powers of absorption.
The closing ranee was practically at the bottom
tom for the dayl bub the bottom is a full K °
nbovo yesterday's last prices , and J/o above
yesterday's average. The bulk of trudo to
day was done fully lo above yesterday's nv-
cr.igo. September closed at 84'tfo and December -
comber at St.'i'c. The dealings in a specula
tive way were on u largo scale , the market
being broader than for some days past.
The corn market was strong and higher to
day and ut times there was a display of con
siderable nervousness , accompanied by
speculative activity. The speculative
strength seemed to be largely
the outgrowth of a four lest the
boundaries of the frost area bo extended
into the northern corn belt , in which event
great damage must necessarily result. There
has been no damage yet , but fear Is as potent
a factor sometimes as reality. It will not dote
to say that the feeling in corn is genuinely
bullish , for such is not the case , but the
variable veterans in trade arc trimming tnelr
sales to bo in readiness to meet any emer
gency. They do not anticipate a real frost-
scare , but should one occur they do not pro
pose to bo caught sleeping. lUtchluson
llgured on both sides of the market and ha
scemnd quite as much at sea as any of the
little fellows. Prices receded X ° from the
extreme outside and closed $4d % o higher
than yesterday or the opening range , which
was tbo bottom for the day. September
ranged at 44/45 } o and closed nt 44J c.
October ranged at 4t45 ; cI closing at
Oats were fairly active and faJ c higher.
Receipts were smaller than anticipated , and
fair buying orders wore noted for future
delivery. The market sympathized with
other cereals , and only at advanced figures
did sellers appear. The Inspection sheet ex
hibited something of an improvement in
quality , with 41 cars of No. 2 outof a total ol
IBS. Tills month ut one time sold up } o ,
ruling easier later , with September in fair
request at J/O c advance , while there was
an improved inquiry for year and May , with
the latter selling up } { c. No. 2 oats in store
were In moderate request at 25 c , or } { o adVance -
Vance , with sales largely by sample.
The provision trade witnessed a remark-
nblo recovery of confidence. Trading opened
at an advance in prices and with an improved
showing of activity , and at the morning
call sales were made of 2,7. " > 0 bar
rels of pork , ll,25o tierces of lard
and TOO.OOO barrels of short ribs. Public
business was comparatively active from the
start. The shorts covered freely. Hutchinson -
son and other heavy holders were liberal
buyers , and among traders generally the
long side was regarded with great favor ,
Outsldo purchases were also larger than on
any day for over a week. Trading , In r
word , was moro than sufficient to bo interest
ing , and while extreme outside prices touehci
were not maintained , the market sustained i
material appreciation. Private and publii
advices from the south reported the subs !
ilenco of the excitement over yellow fever
and nil indications favored increased buying
on consumptive account. In fact the orden
received to-day showed a marked improve
ment , and of meats quite a largo amount \va ;
taken for HouthciiiOistrlbution. In pork tin
day's fluctuations corcicil n range of 15@23e
and in laid and short ribs lOo. The insldi
prices prevailed nt the opening , and tin
highest quoted weVo paid before the nooi
hour , llabcil on yesterday's closings tin
advance actually established amounted ti
22K < a25a ou pork , 7 > @lOo on lard , and 12K' '
on short ribs.
Cmcuao , August 17. [ Special Telegram t <
THE UKE.I CATTLE Uusinoss was nctiv
and prices steady on prlmo cattle , with
slight upturn on lower grades of native !
Texans and rangers. Although the run show
n largo Increase over last week , the sum
was much lighter than looked for this morn
ing. Kansas City showed up rather stroni
in receipts , but nt St. Louis and Omaha th
supply was light. Texans were quoted i
good lOo higher , and common grades of nn
tivcs followed , to u certain extent , the ad
vance on Texans. There were only abou
twonty-tlvo loads of northern range cattl
among the arrivals , and they sold nt satlsfac
tory prices , quality considered. There wa
a fair demand for butchers' and can
nine stock. The stacker and fccde
trade , although not at all active
showed slight signs of Improvement. Yen
calves arrived in largo number * , with price
2630o lower than last week. The receipt
included 2,100 Texaus and western cattle
Choice to extra beeves , $0.20 ( < i0.50 ; mcdiui :
to peed steers , 1850 to 1MH ) Ibs , f5.G3MO.OG
1200 to 1350 lb.s , .80@5.50j 000 to 1200 Ibs
| l.UOg4.l ( ! & ; stockcrs and feeders , ? 2.00i
cows , bulls and mixed , n.80@3.10 : bulk.fJ.O
(32.50. ( Texas cattle stronger ; steers 0501
10.10 Ibs. taoOQ3.tO : 750 tobOO Ibs. tt.50i3.1fl (
600 to 700 Ibs , * } .25 < 2.00 ; cows , Sl.MXii3.aO
natives and half breeds , flI.71Q4.75.
Hoes The light run called out an activ
demand from simulators and under the !
coiuivtltion | values were advanced 6@10 <
All were sold at an early hour , the gonorr
market closing steady at im advance , Ue
assorted heavy , including .butcher wclghti
old at W.85@tf.43 : packing sorts , $5.05@ < J.3C
largely between , fO.15 and | < J.85 ; light Sort
made even and smooth ; nil barrows sold nt
tfl. lOot'J. ' W. Averages of 1GO. partly grassy ,
sold nt JO , 1500.23 , mid light light grassers
may bo quoted nt $5 25 ( < | 5.W ) . Shippers
should bear In mind that grassy stock is al
ways 25C'2IOc lower than corn fed of the same
weights and averages.
NEW YOKK , August 17. [ Special Telegram
to Tun Hnn.j STOCKS There was n fairly
steady opening to the stock market this
morning at prices close to the leaving off
place last night , but the feeling became quite
weak after the first tow minutes , under re
newed attacks by the recently formed bear
clique. St. Paul was the first to give way ,
but the whole list soon followed. The vol
ume of business was a little larger than yes
terday morning , though not n great deal.
Heavy selling by Chicago houses broke Lnko
Shore , and that stock soon led the list with a
material decline. Northwestern was again
on the down grade with St. Paul , and during
the first half hour dropped nearly 1 point ,
the rest ef the active , stocks following ,
though not to that extent. There was , after
the early depreciation , slight rally and a
little steadier feeling , but toward noon It became -
came unsettled once moro and was rather
feverish. Temporary reactions for the bet
ter , though they were small , recurred at
short Intervals , but ns n rule the recovery
was not maintained and further losses were
recorded in Gould stocks and Grangers as the
day wore away. Coalers , however , were
comparatively steady , and bear attacks on
them were without much effect. The rail
road situation did not show any Improve
ment. In trunk lines the Vnnderbllts , In
stead of advancing , reduced the cattle rate
and also the dressed beef rate to New York ,
with some prospect of a reduction in grain
rates. The break that occurred in the morn
ing was taken advantage of by the boars to
cover short lines and about 10,000 shares of
St. Paul and other stocks were bought in.
In the afternoon a crop scare was worked by
the bears , and the market went off rather
sharply with Grangers and Lake Shore well
in the lead. The llnnl eloso was weak at
about the lowest prices of the day , St. Paul
showing u loss of l > .f , Northwestern 1 % ,
Omahu 1 } ( , Lake Shore 1J4 , Missouri Pacific
1 % and the general list J4' ( Jf , as compared
with cho opening. The total sales were
MONEY o.v CALL Easy at lK ( 2kf percent ;
last loun at 2 per cent ; closed offered at
2 per cent.
STI-HLINO EXCIUNOE Dull but steady at
at $4.84 > < J for sixty day bills , ? 4.87 for de
CIIIOAOO , August 17. Wheat Steady ;
casli,8-lc ; September , 84J c ; October , fe-'l c.
Corn Lower ; cash , 45c ; September , 44J e ;
October , 44o.
Oats Steady ; cash. 25 > c ; September ,
246c ; October , SJ ) c.
Ky 0 430.
Harley Nominal.
Prime TimotIiy-3.aiKg3.10. (
" 'Flax-$1.18.
Whisky * 1.20.
Pork Steady ; cash aud September , $13.35 ;
October , fllUO.
Lard Firmer ; cash and September , $ S.S5 ;
Oetobor , IS.80.
Flour Slow , little Improvement and prices
are firm ; winter wheat in sacks , S'J.'Kny.S.V ,
iu barrels , 1.00@4.40. Spring wheat in bar
rels , | 3.r > 0 4.8.'i ; In sucks , $1.75@4.85 ; rye in
sacks , $2. ! ) @ : i.OO ; in barrels , ! f .55@8.'JO.
Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , * 7.40@7.50 ;
short clear , $3.7U@9.00 ; short ribs , ? 8.10@
Butter Firm ; creamery ,
dairy , W@17c.
Cheese Eusy ; full cream cboddars and
flats , 7f ( cS e ; young Americas ,
Eggs Steady at
Hides Heavy green salted , fiIJOo ( ; liftht
preen B.ilted , C ( < fl } o ; salted bull , 60 ; greeu
raited calf , OX@7e ; dry flint , 7 @ 8o ; dry
calf , 7 ( ( > Sc ; deacons , 20@25c each ; dry
salted , ? c.
Tallow Unchanged : No. 1. solid packed
3Xo ; No. 2 , c , and cake , a > @ 3J/o perlu.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls . 15,000 11,000
Wheat bu . 07,000 02,000
Corn , bu . 139,000 207,000
Oats , bu . r } ,000 193,000
Ilyc , bu . . . . .
Hurley , bu" . . . . . .
Now Vork , August 17. Wheat Heceints ,
148,000 ; exports , none : spot , market lo higher ;
options opened jJrflgJio higher , ad
vanced } { & % c . moro , then declined
closing weak ; No. iJ red sold nt lM % ( yr > c , In
elevator , WHf@9r3 o afloat , 07 % f. o. ti. ,
in store i No. a red , SOC'l Kc ; No. 4 red ,
83)jfc ) ; utigritded rcu' , SSfit'WJ o ; September
closing tit ! ) l8'c.
Corn Uccoipts. 184,300 ; exports , 34,000 ;
spot stronger , closing easier ; options opened
3 (2 ( W liiKher on reports of heavy frosts in
theo northwest , and liirht offerings , then
declined X@l Vci closing heavy ; spot No. 3 ,
5'l ( < r)51J ) o delivered ; Bcptumbor closing ut
63 ; < c.
Oats Kccolpts , CS.tXH ) ; exports , none ; spot
steady but slow ; mixed western , 35 ( < 40a ;
white western , 42 ( < ? 'ilc. )
CotTco Options opened steady , near months
advanced d iwints ; remainder of months un
changed to 5 points decline , closing steady ;
sales asUftU bags ; August , tlO.UO@10..iTi ;
Septetnbor , * 10.40@10.50 ; October , $9.S5i5
Petroleum Steady ; United closed at
Eggs Quiet nnd easier ; westcrii,15(31Q'c. ( '
Pork ] < 'irinor ' ; old messiiuoted at ? 14.50 :
now mess , $ l5.3rK15-5 .
Lard Higher ; western steam spot , I9.2S
liutter Choice firm at a fair request ;
other crudes liberal ; supply weak ; western ,
Cheese Firm ; moro active ; western , ( > } }
MinnonpollH , _ August 17. Wheat Uo
i ceipts , 77 cars ; shipments , 43 cars. Closed ;
No. Uhard. August , 87c ; September , 87Kc :
on track , SSQsbX ; No. 1 northern , August ,
85c ; September , t > ri } c ; on track , ( % @ ! :
No. 2 northern. August , S3 ; September , b' ts :
on track , S3 > J@ ! > 4o.
Milwaukee , August 17. Wheat Higher
cash , bS o ; Boitcmbcr | , b2 ; October , t > 3 > 4C
Corn Firm ; No. 3 , 44JYC.
Oats-Quiet ; No.S white , 37c.
Hvo Quiet ; No. 1 ,
3 Hurley Cash , nominal ; September ,
3 Provisions Firmer ; pork , cash and Au
gust , ? 13.C > 5.
St. Louis. August 17. Wheat Higher ;
cash , SOo ; September ,
Corn Higher ; cash , 41J o ; September
Outs Strong ; cash , 25Q25)4'cj September
Pork Higher nt $14.25.
Lard Higher at $8.80.
Whisky * 1,14.
Uuttor Good local demand for best grades
creamery , lOJJlSo ; dairy , 14 ( < ? 15c.
Cincinnati , August 17. Wheat Stroiif
and higher ; No. 3 red , 88S4o.
Corn No. 2 mixed , 47o.
Uarloy Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 40KQ47.
Oats Stronger ; No.3 mixed , 27.
Kyo Quiet ; No. 2 , 50o.
Pork-Quiet at $14.50.
. Lard Firm at $ S.MK-
Whisky Active nnd lirra at $1.14.
Kansas City , August 17. Wheat -
Higher ; No. 2 red , rash sales , 74o ; Septem
bcr. 74e bid ; No. U red , cash , C3c ; No. 3 soft
cash , 75Ko bid. .
Corn Nothing doing ; No. 3 , cash sales
SOWc , September , no bids nor offering : No , ' .
white , cash , 4to asked.
Oats No. 3 , cash sales , 21c.
Clilcngo , August 17. The Drovers' Jour
> , I nal reiwrto as follows :
CatUor-Ucceipts , 7,000 ; market steady am
, stronger ; bocve , t < J.20 < 20.&Oi steers ,
0.00 ; stockcrs nnd feeders. ti.OOft.l.M ; cow ,
bulls and mixed , fl.80@3.10 ; Texas cuttle ,
1.80 3.50 ; western ranger * , M.7CiM.75. (
Hogs Kccolpts , PXX ( ) ; market stronger ;
mixed. W.70(130 ( : heavy , * 3.8C0.60 ; light ,
* : .7lC'H1.40 ) ; skills , H.10@obO.
Sheep Heceipts , S.OOO ; market easier ;
natives , t2.75j74.2fi ( ; westerns , shorn , 5a.40(5
3.85 : Texans , shorn , $2.75@3.75 ; lambs , $1.25
(25. ( 1 5.
National Stock Yards. Enst St.
Ijoiils. August 17. Cattle Heceipts , POO ;
shipments , 2,000 ; market stronger ; choice
heavy native steers , y > 00@5.50 : fair to good ,
native steers , $4.40i5.10 ( ; butchers' steers ,
fair to good , ) .45 ( 4.fiO : stockers and feed
ers , medium to good , & ! .nofti.40 ( : ; rangers ,
corn-fed , f..40Ti4.GO ) ( ; grass-fed , f2.20jtH.r ( > 0.
Hogs Heceipts , 1,200 : Bhipments , 200 ;
market strong ; choice heavy nnd butch
ers' selections , W.25@0. 5 ; packing , medium
to prime , fi.irKK025 ( ; light grades , ordinary
to good , Ki.00@0.15.
Kanoan City , August 17. Cattle Re
ceipts , 3,00i ) ; shipments , none ; market moro
active ; natives and" grass range steers strong
and lOo higher ; good cows 5 and IOc higher ,
common slow ; good to choice corn-fed , 5.00
CJ5.50 : common to medium , $3.25@4.7r > ; stack
ers and feeding sti-ers steady , $1.X ! ) 3.05 ;
grass ranio steers , $1.80@3.25 ; cows , $1.25 ®
2.SO.Hogs Hccelpts , 3,000 ; shipments , none :
market strong nndX / ilOc higher ; good
to choice , W.00@i.10 ( ; common to medium ,
t5.20@5.M ; skljis und pigs , fl.00@5.10.
Friday , August 17 , 18S8.
There were moro corn-fed cattle hero than
there have been for some du s back , but they
were not of a very good quality. One small
bunch was good enough to bring ? 5 35 , while
qulto u string went at $4. 40. The market
could bo called steady for irood c.ittlu but
very slow and dull on other kinds. There
was considerable inquiry for feeders , but
there wete not many hero excepting what
hud been held over from yesterday.
Prlmo heavy hogs sold about 5c higher
than yesterday and light hogs were strong.
Mixed hogs , however , weto only steady.
There was a little moro life to the trade , but
there were not enough hogs hero to make
very much of a market.
The market was liberally supplied and a
few changed hands.
Cattle . 700
Hogs . 2,500
Sheep . 609
No. Av. Pr.
127stockers 72 $3.50
270 sheep 81 2.00
Puckers Purchases.
Showing the number of hogs bought by
the leading buyers on the market to-day :
G. II. Hammond & Co 812
Omaha Packing Co 470
Armour-Cudahy Packing Co 000
J. P. Squires & Co 005
E. L. Lambert 248
Glbbs& White 131
The following are the highest und lowest
prices paid for mixed and heavy loads of hogs
on this market during the past few luyn , and
for the corresponding period in IS'rfund 188(5 ( :
Ijlvo Stock Notes.
Mr. Mosher , of Atlantic , la. , came in with
A. C. Smith , Fullcrton , was a visitor nt the
1.11. MoFnrland has returned nUcr a two
weeks' absence.
U. Davis , Do Witt , sola a loail of hogs at
S45.10 , the top price.
J. A. Cnino was hero from Hlslngs , Neb. ,
with a load of hops.
\V. A. Wny , Columbus , Neb. , was in lookIng -
Ing over the market.
G.V. . Spencer , Washington , Kan , , was
hero with a load of hogs.
Among the shippers In with hogs was
George Thrush , Hogors.
H. I ) . Gannnol , Herman , was In and mar
keted live loads of cuttle.
A. W. Wlkoff , Oscoola , Neb , , was on the
market with a cur of sheep.
K. M. Galbrnlth , from C.isper , Wyo. , camu
In with ten loads of cattln.
The average weight of hogs for the second
week of August wns 228 Ibs.
J. H. Allison , Silver City , came In with two
cars of cattle und one. car of hogs.
C. C. Clifton Is back after a trip through
the northern portion of the state.
George Llehtonborgor. Uradshuw , was in
and marketed u good load of hops.
James Gootlfollow , of Malvern , bought flftj
feeders , averaging 1100 Ibs. , atfJ.50.
Jones & Pollard marketed two loads oi
hogs from Aurora at fO.05 and $ * U)7 ) } < >
Gcorgo F. Hurch , McCool Junction , was in
with a load of hogs and a load of cattle.
W. F. Urown has returned from nn extensive -
tensive trip through Utah and Wyoming.
Malvern was represented on the market bj
James Good fellow , who came In with a lout
of hogs.
M. W. Hurlbutt , Tabor , la. , was at the
yards anil bought twonty-ono bead of cattle
for feeding.
William Underwood sold to Malcoinb Mo-
KJnrio , of Silver City , la. , fifty-six feeders.
Vttl-lb average , at U65.
Draper Smith , whoiw Just taken a little
turn through the state , Reports the stand of
corn tta exceeding imj tiling ho ever saw be
Money cnsy nt S per cent ; cxchnnjro $1.00
per 1,000.
The dried fruit market Is easy and lower
prices nro looked for. The "now crop" of
Louisiana rice Is said to arrive green mid
the milled product Is soft. The bad weather
threatens to curtail and injure the crop se
( icneral trade is very good aud collections
nro Improving.
In produce , eggs nro higher , and butter
firm at quotations. Au advance Is looked for
on nil grades of butter.
Produce , Kr lts , I2to.
Friday , August 17 , 1SR8.
UUTTEK Fancy creamery roll , 20 ®
21c ; solid packed , 15@10c ; chniije crUiflry
butter , ISCgWc : cCHiSon grades. UKftlUc.
Eoos Strictly fresh , UXVJlTccandled.
UIIEKN Coitx fiO@75c per 100.
OIIANOKS Messlnns , fT > ( XVStl.00 per box ;
Hodl , t.00@25 ( ) ( ) ! per box ; * 3.60@4.00 per half
box ,
CALiroitsi i D VMSONs $1.23 per box ; south
ern Damsons , ! IOc per box.
CAI.IKOUNIA Omrr.s Jl.'JSfrJl.iV ) per case.
SouTHLitS GHAI-KS 75c@$1.00 per 10-lb
I'F.tcitK California , fl.00rftl.50 per box ;
Missouri , ? l.Xc@l.a.'iper ( ) K 1m.
UtXAXts Common , 51.GO@2,23 jer ) bunch ;
choice , $2.5U ( : U > 0. S
IJIMOXS : ? l.75g(1.00 ( ( per case.
SQUASH 2c pur lu.
CANTHi.ori.s 7flcfl.W ) per dozen.
SoUTiinux PLUMS Jl.'JoC'Sl.W ) per bu.
HuciiEMiiHiRs ! : ? l.2o pur drawer.
I'oTATonu New , lioini ! growth , 50@75c per
I'OUI.THY Nodre'sod fowl in the market ;
llvo chickens , $1. . " > 0 ( < 53.75 per doz. ; spring
chickens , $2.23 < 3'I.OO.
STISINO UKANM 7Bc i > er bu.
TOM vniKs S1.50fta.K ( ( ) per bu.
WATUKMIII.OSS $12.Kj)17.tH ( ) ( ) ) per 100.
I'KAiis California , $ J.OO(13.50 ( per bu box ;
Southern , 75 per } bu.
CGMUI SIKcNOe uer tlorcn.
C\iuuans $ J."iOpur 1H ( ) .
Ki I'IAXT ? l.OOC1.25 per dozen.
OXIONI 1KL' "cr Ib.
Ai'i-l.iis $2.Ki.)0 ) ; ( ) per bbl.
CitAiiAi' * 1.00 per box.
Ciitr.H Michigan. 5t.SO@iJ.50 Per bbl 32
? als ; California pear cider , $15.00 per bbl.
Pop COKX Uict > , 3i ( $ Ic ; common , 2 < J3c.
Cxuuora TBcpor bushel.
HHANS Choice eastern handpickrd navies.
$ pur bushel ; western hani ) picked
navies , $2.r > 0@2.tKl ; meuiums , $2.UO@2.15.
Lima beans 5c per pound.
HAV f. o. b. cars , No. 1 upland , JO.OO ; No.
2 upland , ? . " . .00.
HIIAX ? 1 ( ) 00.
Citori'EO FKBU $17.00 per ton.
Dry Goods.
COTTOX Pi.ANxr.i.8 10 per cent dls. ; LL ,
< rcCCjmOJfomiSS ; , _ 7p ; Nameless , _ 5c ;
Bristol , _
AIU Ulb White , 10c ; colored ,
UATTS Standard , 8e ; Gem , lOe ; Beauty ,
12Kc ; Boone , 14c ; B , cased , fO.50.
sargo , % c ; Itockport , OJ/c ; Conestoga ,
TICKS York , 80 in. , 12Xc ; York , 82 in. .
13' c ; Swift Uivor , 8c ; Thorndiko OO , 8 > c ;
Thorndiko BF , S\c \ ; Thorndiko 120 , 9 > c ;
Thorndiko XX , 15c ; Cordls No. 5. Oj c ;
Cordls No. 4 , lie.
9A. . .
' ' '
Beaver Cret'-k AA , 12c ; Beaver Cteek BB'
lie ; Beaver Creek CC , lOc.
KENTUCKY JIAXS. Memorial , 15c ; Dakota ,
18o ; Durham , 27 > c ; Hercules , 18c ; Learning ,
ington , 22 > e ; Cuttswold , 27Jio.
Citvsit. .Sttjvcns' B , Oc ; Stevens' B ,
bleached , 7c ; Stevens' A , 7 c ; Stevens A ,
, UlUilUUUU. ! UjU , OIUVU1IB. Olkl. JwTgu
MISCELLANEOUS. Table oil clotn , $3.50 ;
plain Holland , OJ c ; Dado Holland , 12J < c.
FLANNELS. Plaid Kaftsnien,20cGosnen ; ,
32J < fo ; Clear Lake , 82 } < o ; Iron Mountain ,
FI.ANXEI.S White G H , No. 2 , / , 21c G
H , No. 1 , Jf , 27Kc : B H , No. 2 , } { , 22Kc ; B
H. No. 1 , J-f , 30c ; Quecheo , No. 1 , Jtf , 42c.
GINOHAM Plunicett checks , 7Ko ; Whltten-
ton , 7Kc ; York , 7Kc ; Normandl ari > ss ,
alcutta dress , 8 } c ; Whlttcnton dress ,
8'fc ; Renfrew dress ,
CAMIIUICS Slater , B/o ! ; Woods ,
Standard , 5) o ; Peacock , 5 fc.
BrAXKETs White , fl.00@7.50 ; colored ,
No. ( X ) , 9Ko ; Best Yet , 4-4. ( JJYc ; butter cloth
OO , 4J c ; Cnbot , 7 0 ; Farwell half bleached
8 } c ; Fruit of Loom , S/c ) : Greene
G , Oo ; Hoi > o , 7 % : King Philip cam
bric , lie ; Lonsdalo cambric , lljfo ;
Lonsdale. 9c ; Now York mills , 10rfc ;
I'eppurell , 42-in , lie ; Pepperell , 40-in , 12c ;
Pcppercll , 0-4 , KJc ; Pepporell , 84 , 2lc ; Pep-
peroll , 9-4 , 2Ilc ; Popperell. 10-4 , 25o ; Canton
4-4 , 8Jic ; Triumph , Oc ; Wamsuttu , lie ; Val
ley , Cc.
Brown sheeting Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7J < iO ; A
Bantle H , 4-4 , 7 > c ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , five ; AN
lantic P , 4-4 , tic ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Aurora
C 4-4 4 Crown XXX 4-4 li Hoosier
, - , c ; , - , c ;
LL , 44 , tks ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7 } c ; Lawrence -
renco LL , 44 , Cc ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 5 } < fo ;
Pepperell K , 44 , < c ; Popperell O , 44 , % ;
Pcppercll. 84 , ISJ c ; Pepperell , 94 , 21c ; Pop-
peroll , 104 , ! SJc ; UtlcaC , 4-4 , % ; Wachusett ,
44 , 7j c ; 'Aurora ! { , 44 , 7c , Aurora B , 44 ,
} c.
c.PHIXTS Pink and Robes Richmond , 0) c ;
Allen , Cc ; Rlvcruoint. 5c ; Steel ijiver , Cc ;
Kichmond , O o ; Pacific , Cj c.
PIIINTS Dress Charter Oak , 5i.Cc ;
Rauiapo , 4Kc ; Lodi , 5'fo ' ; Allen , ( > c ; Richmond -
mend , ( ic ; Windsor , O c ; Eddystono , CKc ;
Pacific , OXc.
PUINTS Ixnioo Br.ui : Arnold , O'c ; Ainer-
Ican , tlic } ; Gloucester , 0)4c ) : Arnold C long
cloth , 9 ; Arnold B long cloth , Nllrf ; Arnold
Gold Seal , 10 : Sticfcl A , 12 ; Windsor Gold
Ticket , wyt.
FIANXKI.S Red , C , 24 In , 15 } ; E , 24 In ,
SI ? ; G ' ' " 1So ; H A PI % > -5o ; J p- #
IfT c ; G , Jf , 85c.
DUCK West Point ? ) In , 8 oz , HU o ;
West Point 29 in. 10 oz , 13c ; West Point
29 in , 12 oz , 15c ; West Point 40 in , 11 oz , Ifie.
SiniiTixn Checks , Caledonia X , 9)ijc ; Cal
edonia XX , 10) c ; Economy , 9o ; Otis , Oc.
Grocers Ijlst-
Revised prices uro as follows :
B OGIXO Stark A , seamless , 2le ; Amos-
keag , seamless. l ( ! } o ; Lewiston A , seamless ,
19c ; American , seamless , W > jC ; burlaps , 1
to 5 buS4@'Jfo } ; guuules , single , 13c ; gun
nies , double , 20e ; wool sacks , 35c. Twines-
Flax , : c ; extra sail , 20@21c sail B , 19 20c ;
cotton. 21c ; Jute , lOc.
COFFEES Mocha , 25@20c ; Rio , good , If.rf5
17o ; Mamlahling , 2rt@28c ; roasting Rio , 14C $
ICe ; O. G. Java , 24fS2 o ; Java , interior , 2Jj ( < !
25o : Rio. fancy , lCWllio ( ; Santos and Mara-
calbo , 17iyo ; Arbucklcs , 18Kc.
See in Granulated. ( ; conf. A ,
Wc white extra C , 7M@J4o ; extra C , 7
$7'a'c ; yellow C , % @ 0 c ; jwwdeied , 8K@
bc ; cubes , 8 } < ( a8c.
HONEY 14@llki for one pound frames ;
strained honey. ( K < ? 8e per pound.
BEESWAX Cuolco yellow , 20@22) o ; dark
colored , 18@14o.
CHEESE Young America , full cream ,
full cream Cheddars , 9@9Kc ; full
cream Hats , 0@0 } ; good to cholco skimmed
Cheddars , ( Xftlljf ; skimmed Hats , 5(35 ( c.
PICKLES Medium , in bbls. $5.50 ; do In half
bbls , $3.00 ; small , in bbls , $000 ; do In half
bbls , W.25 ; gherkins , in bbls , $8.25 ; do in half
bbls , $4.00.
TOIIACCO Plug , 2C@6r c ; smoking , 10@90c.
JELLIES 11.25 por80-lb pail.
SALT $1.80@1.85 per bbl.
Hope 7-10. 0 (30 ( 0.
SIMCES Nutmeg , per Ib , f 5(3.0Jo ( , pepper ,
per Ib , 17ilOo ; cloves , per Ib , 18@21o ; , allspice -
spice , 7(3So ( ; cinnamon bark. 8Sc ; cassia , Co ;
cassia buds , 12 > o ; cloves , 20c ; muco , 70c.
N AILS Iron nulls , per keg , $2.05@2.10 ; steel
nails , per keg , $2.20@3.25 ; wlro nails , t > er
ketr. $ i.00@2.70.
TEAS Young Hyson , common to fair , 18 ®
25c ; Young Hyson , good to fancy , 80@55o ;
Gunpowder , common to good , 22fe25e ; Gun-
iwwder , cholco to faney.40 < 305o ; Jup.ui. com
mon to medium , 15 ( 2o Japan , choice to
fancy , 30@-l5o : Oolong , common to good , 25 ®
85c ; Oolong , choice to fanov , 50 < ai70o ; Imper
ial , common to medium , 25@35o ; Imperial ,
good to fancy , 40 < g50c.
NUTS Almonds , I5@17o ; tlluerts , 0@10o ;
Brazil , Co ; walnuts , 8kf@l2o ; pecans , " '
peanuts. .
CitACKEits 5QlOc per Ib ; assorted cakes , 7
@ 20c per Ib. as per list.
MAPLK SUOAU isncks , 10@10 } < o per Ib ;
penny cakes , U@lU/o per Ib : pure maple
syrup , 11.00 per gal.itw
i-tw , | X40 ; parlor ,
minted handles , $2.25 ; No. 1 , $1.80 ; No. 2 ,
1.70 ; heavy staolo brooms , $4.00.
STAIICII Mirror gloss , 6Jfc ( Graves' corn ,
< ? ; Oswcgo gloss , 7c ; OswcKOcorn. 7c.
I'nwiiBit AND SHOT Shot , 11.20 ; bueushot ,
1.45 ; powder , keirs , $5.00 ; half kegs ,
2.75 ; one- fourths , $1.50 ; blasting , kegs , $2.15 ;
uses , 100 ft , 55 70(5.
UnriXEn LAU Tierce. Sl c ; 40-lb souaro
cans , 8Uo50-lb ; round , 8 > < o ; 20-lb round ,
KO ; 10-lb palls , Oc ; 5-lb palls , OJic ; 3-lb palls ,
O.'iC.P.novisioxs Hatnsl8 is ; c ; breakfast ba
con , 10J(311tfc { ( ; bacon sides , 9)f ( < ilOo ; dry
alt , U > { oj shoulders , S > , Q ic ; Uricd beef ,
WooiiKXWAUK. Two-hoop palls , per doz. ,
$1.80 ; three-hoop palls , $1.05 ; No. 1 tub ,
$7.00 : No. 2 tub , SO.OO ; No. 3 tubs , $5.00 ;
washboards , $1.35V.75 ( ) ; assorted bowls ,
$2.75 ; No. 1 churns , $ $ .00 ; No. 2 churns ,
$7.00 ; No. 3 churns , ; butter tubs ,
$1.70 ; spruce , in r.cUs , 70c per nest.
CA""V Mixed , 8jl3c ; stick , oSJfCSB c ;
rock candy. 10 } < ( < J13c ; fancy cnnay , 7 ( < l2 > c.
FISH California salmon , per bbl. $10.00 ®
18.00 ; halibut , per Ib , 13c ; family white fish ,
iwr ibbl. . $3.0i ( ; white flsli. No. 1. nor X' bl ,
$5.75 ; trout , per } < -bbl , $5.00 ; scaled herring ,
l > er box , 2So ; new Holland hcrniiL' , per keg ,
OOc ; Gcorgo's liny split herring , per bbl , new ,
$7.75 ; split Labrador herring , per bbl , new ,
$7.00 ; extra George's cod , per Ib. now , 7 c ;
Western Hank cod , per Ib , now , 7'/o ; bone
less rod. 0a7Jfc ! : largo latnily mackerel , per
% -bbl , # 13.50 : mackerel , No. 1 bay , } j-bbl ,
$18.00 : smoked bloaters , per box , $1.40.
Diitr.D FRUITS Figs , in boxes , per Ib , 13JJ
tic ; figs , In mats , per Ib , CX@Jo ( ; dates , In
) o\cs , 54@7c ; London Malaga layer
raisins , per box , ) .50 ( < t8.75 ; Malaga
loose raisins..30ff2.50f ! ( now Valen
cia raisins , per Ib , 7 ( < ( bc ; Cali
fornia loose muscatels , per box. $1.00.
California London layer raisins , per box ,
$2.i5C : < I2.50 ; pitted cherries , per Ib , I8 ( < ? 20c ;
California pitted plums , per Ib , 1213c :
dried blackberries , per Ib , } ; dried
raspberries , per Ib. 2l25c ( ; dried
apples , 7rf'.io ; evaporated apples , SJ
( ( J8)fe ; California sun dried peaches , lOtjg
lie ; Culllornu unuared evaporated
peaches , 1410o ; evaporated California
niirlcots , lliJ18c ; Kmituo currnntH , 7c ;
Turkish prunes. 8J < fTlifc ; citron. 1930o ;
orange peel , H ( < jl2) ) e ; lemon peel , "
City harness per Ib , 28@20c ; country har
ness per Ib , 24C < ? 25c ; city line pur Ib , 82g33c ( ;
tip heavy per Ib. 45S50o ( ; kip medium per Ib ,
iSQgGOu ; vual per Hi , lMfi70c ; Chlc.igo slaugh-
.ercd solo jicr Ib , 2" > 2Sc ; city calf 23 to 80
bs. S5 ( ! Kc ; city upper per foot , lS/f20e ( / ; cot-
ar , 14riltic ; Buffalo slaughtered solo per Ib ,
Jaa30o ( ; Oak leather slaughtered sole per Hi ,
2a'n-iio - ( ) ; harness , per Ib , 2S ( : ! 2c ; upper per
foot , 21@22c ; kip heavy per Ib , C8 ( < ? 70c ; kip
medium pur Ib , 7o@80 ; city calf per Ib ,
OOcfgSl.OO ; lining per dozen , $ l.00 ! ( < ? S 50 ;
French calf 25 to 80 Ibs , $ I.10 ( < ? 1.75 ; French
calf 80 to 50 Ibs , $1.10 ( 1.75 ; French calf 50
to 75 Ibs , 00cf 1.25.
Rubuer boots and shoes Boston , dls 40
[ icr cent ; Bay State , dis 40 , 10 per cent ;
Para , ( Us 40jJ5 ( pur cent ; Goodyear , dls 40@5
[ ) er cunt. _
MctulH niut Tinners' Stock.
Tin plate. I C , 10x14 , best. $0.75 ; tin plate ,
roofing , I C , 14x20 , $5.15 ; sheet zinc , fU50@
0.75 : pig lead , $4,30 : bar lead. $4.55 ; largo pig
block tin , 28c ; small pig block tin , 27c ; bar
tin , 2c ; solder , 15@20c ; copper bottoms , 31c ;
sheathing copper , tinned , 2Uc ; planishing
copper , tinned , 8'jc ; load pipe , 5c ; sheet
iron , N S. 18 to 24 , $3.20 ; Russia iron , 13c ;
Am Russia planished , A , lO'i'e ; Am Russia
planished , B , 9 , ' c ; painted barb wire , $3.15 ;
galvanized barb wire. $3.75.
JU.NK Machine castings , ? 1200@13.00 ;
stove plates , $7.00iS ! 00 ; wrought iionS.OO@
10.00 ; bones , dry , W.OO ; steel , W.OO per ton ;
copper. fS.OO ( 9.00 ; brass , $4.00@S.OO ; zinc ,
$2.00(53.00 ( ; solid lead , 00@3.00 ; tea lead ,
&JOO2..riO ( ; rubber , $2.50@3.00 ; mixed rags ,
f 1.10@1.15 per cwt.
DrujjH and ClicnilcalN.
MI CCLI.AXEOU.S Sulph. acid , lc ; citric
[ iciu , OOc ; tartaric , 50c : bal. copavia , COc ;
borax , lOo : chloroform , 50c ; glycerine , 23c ;
gum Arabic , select , $1.00 ; gum camphor , 30c ;
F > um opium , $2.75 ; sulph. morphia , $2 50 ;
bromide potassium , 42c.
OILS Carbon , 150Q joe ; headlight , 175o
12c ; gasoline , 74 = 12 c ; Wfcst Virginia
summer , lie ; zero , 17c ; No. 1 golden ma
chine , 18c ; extra W. S. lard , 0c ! ; No. 1 iard ,
42c ; turpentine , 42c ; linseed raw , 50c ; boiled ,
53c. _
Coal nud Ijlme.
LIME 85@90c ; Portland cement , f3G3 ; do
mestic cemout , $1.35 ; plaster , $2.00 < a > 2.15 ;
hair , S3@Joc.
COAL Anthracite , range , nnd nut , $10.00 ;
largo egg , $9.75 ; Rock Spring , $7.00 , Su
perior , fO.OO ; Iowa , $4.50@5.50 ; steam coal.
$1.50 to $2.00. _ _
Chicanery at Work.
Interested and unscrupulous dealers ,
actuated by cupidity , occasionally rep
resent other dentriflces : is equal or akin
to SOZODONT. Reject these substi
tutes always , and insist upon having1
that genuine reproducer of dental beau
ty for your money , for it alone is
inonov's worth.
Are the Best ,
Durability , Evenness of
Point , and Workmanship.
Samples for trill of 12 different ptjles by inall.on
recell t of 1O c , llln In Btami > H. Aak for card ho. D.
WISOH , BUKEM4N & CO , , iWffi *
"Tho Otcrlniiil'Iloiilc. "
Has so iirrunRcd. its Family Sleeping
Car borvico , that berths can now bo re
served upon application by any ticket
agent to M. J. Groovyljus&otifer Agent ,
Council Blull's , Iowa. The reservations
when made arc turned over to the train
conductors taking out such cars , so that
passengers can now secure berths or
dered , the biimo as a Pullman berth is
reserved and secured.
Gen. 1' . & T. Apent. Ass't O. V. A : T. A.
OMAHA , Milt.
W F ft If HJB F U lurfcrlnc from th f f .
WCnnflyibMrccu ofjnutiitui r.
| U nt bII tort , carlr ( lerny , loft
ftiAUliond . etc. I will MMiHu riUualtlo tn atUe ( s alfd )
containing full loltlcuiaru fur liuuie cure , ( no ot
hanr * * . ArtdrfM.
PROF. F. O. FOWLER. Moodu * . Conn. , .
i-3 Tlle. " norlh ° ' caRO.
FACUI/TY-A Full Corps of Experienced In
yHKI iri.lI r-KlTe Conrnfd of Btndy.
KAVl * ' ' TIKH-Uruurpained for Inntriirtlnn.
llealth. lloino romfort . anrt Clirlrtlan InHuenrci
; JII. . 1 * . UAVIIIHWN. Hu | > l. lllihluud
1'urk , ill. Send for CutalOKue.
m\ and enereetlc lady canrnnen resldlnic In ibli
w or other lownl. No capital neceoarf. Goods
ell the Tear round , llererenre rfqulrcd. Aitdreis
WKHTBIIN AOKNTS1 bUI > l > LY CO , Za HI th Ave. ,
Cblcago , 111.
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Liye Stock Commission ,
lloom IS , Hichince Ilullilliitt , llnlou Block Yards ,
Commision Dealers in Liyc Sod
Boom 22 , Opposite Krchange Uulldtnic , Union Stock
Yards , bouth Omalm.ffelj.
Of Omaha , Limitei
iclui T
AKflculturai Implomonts.
Dealer in Agricultnral ImpleEients , Wagons ,
Carriage * and Ductile' . Jon Pttt > etb twi'uultliaud
lutb , Omaha , Nebrtiska.
AgricnltnrallniplEments.WaEOus.Carriages . .
IlUKRlei , Kte. Wholonle. Omatia , Nebraikn.
Wholesale Dealer * In
AETicnltoral Implements , Wagons & Buggies
Ml. on. to , nnd ( CT Jencs Street , Omaha.
P. P. MAST & CpTi
Manufacturers of BncKeye Drills , Seeslors ,
Cultlvotors. Har nakci. Cider Mill" and l.ulmn 1'ul-
TcrlliTB. Cor. llth aud Nicholas btrceti.
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies
Conifrltth and Mcholan ytrnct * .
Akrou , Ohio.
Hanesling Machinery and Binder Twine ,
W. K. Mead , Mannyer. HH u.'i > T > nworth St.Omaha.
MnnutHctiircrsnniUobbcrs In
Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc ,
Cor. filhnnJ I'noinc streets. Oni lmNob.
Artlstb" Materials.
A HOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1613 r > oUKla < Strwt , Omnha. Nebraska.
Bookaollors and Stationers.
H. M. & S. W. JONES ,
Successor * to A. T. Kenyan \Co. , Wholesale &Uctall
Booksellers and Stationers ,
I'tno Wcdcllne Stationery , ConmicrclRl f-tntlnncr-
\jti DouKlasStivet , Omulm , .Ni'b.
Boots and Shoos.
( Succcnsors to lleod , Jones .V Co )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes
Aitentufor Iloston llubbcr fhoo Co. 1MB , 1104 & 1KW
llKrnej St. , Ouinlia. ubruakH.
W. V. MORSE & CO. .
Johhers of Boots and Shoes ,
1101,1103-llOi UouBtns StOni lia ManufactoryBum
mer St. . lit sum.
Coffees , Splcos , Etc.
OmHha CotTee and tplce Mills.
Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
FlaTorlnR Kxtractt. I.aundrr Hlue. Inks. Ktc. lilt-
lllllllnrinr Btreet. Onmha. Nebraska.
Crocke ry jQiidCI
Agent for Iho Manufacturers and Importers of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
Ktc. Ufil c , 317 8.13tu St. , Ouinua , Ncbratka.
luiuortera and Jobbers of
Crcc'icry , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware
Kti' . 1MI Kurnuni St. , Nonr I'm tun llulldlng.
Commission and Storage-
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
fpcclaltlo " Her. K - n-ri-o Poultry , Camo.
1Jl2Howanl Street. Omaha.
( Successors to Mci-hnnc & Schroeder. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Oiuaka. Nebrauka.
Flour , Feed , Grain and General Commision
Merchant. Correspondence solicited. 1011 North 1Mb
street , Oninhu , Neb.
CoaJCoke !
" "
JoDte of Hard and Soft Coal ,
300 South I3th Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Manufacturers of Lime ,
And shippers of Coal , Coak , Cement , 1'lnntcr , I.lm
Drain Tile , and Sewer I'lpo. ORlco , 218 , S. Uth
Bt. , Oniaba , Neb. Telephone. 811.
Shippers of Coal-and tMe ,
211 South 13th St. , Omaha. Neb.
Dry Cooda ana Notloris.
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions ,
1102 and 1104 Douglas. Cor. llth St. , Omaha , Neb.
Importers and Johhers in Dry GoodsMons ,
Gents' FurnlsblnK Condi. Corner llth and llajney
bin. . Oiuatiu. NubraikH.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Furnum Street , Omalm. Nebraska.
Oniulm , Nebriuka.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
705,707.700 nnd 711 8.10th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
1 th and Leavenwortb Streets , Omaha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
Metals , Sheet lion , etc. Aconts for Howe Scales
Miami 1'owder und l.ymiui lliirbed Mire ,
Omtilui , Nubraskn ,
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop
Mechanics' Tools and DufTalo Scales. 1(05 lou lu
_ Street. Omaha , Nebraaka. _
Wholesale Hardware ,
10th and Ilarner Sts , Oniaba. Neb. Western Agent
for Austin Powder Co. . Je demon Hteol Mails ,
Fairbanks Standard Hcalei.
Wholesale Manufacturers of
Saddlery & Johiiers of Saddlery Hardware
And Leather. 1103,110T > and 1107 IlnracjSt. . , 0-nalia ,
Heavy Hardware.
Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springs , Waiion Stork. Hardware. Lumber , Ktc. 120S
und 11 llarner BtreetOmaha.
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods
1107 Ilaruer Btiett , Omaha. Neb.
All Kinds of Building Material at Whulesal
lbU Street and Union Pacific Track , Omaha.
Dealer in Liimher , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doors , Ktc. Yards-Corner 7th and Douslas ; Corn *
Mb and Douglas.
C. N. D1ETZ ,
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
Uth and California Streets , Omaha. Nebraska ,
w. UHAV ,
Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
_ Corner filh and Ionel t Et . Omaha.
To Dealers Only ,
Office , 14G3 Karnam Street , Omaha.
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
While Mine.
CHAS. n. LEE ,
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Yood Carpet and Parquet Flooring. Pih mid Hmiirl
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
3V "Id miiHIS Smith Ulh Slr
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jcann Punts , Shlru , Ktc. 1 UN nil,111114 Duutjla * Street ,
Omaha. * iub.
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing : Goods
nntl BcutlilOtlit l.Oinalin.
Wholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Axle ( iri'iin' , Ktc. , Omab . _ A. II. lllfhop , Manager
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods ,
110& llnrnor OmnTin
Office Fixtures.
MitnulHctiiru.-a of
BanK , Office and Saloon Fixtures ,
Mantles , Blilt'bonnK Hook Cnsr * , limn Klxturpn.Wkll
Ca iK , 1'artltlnii * HHlllMKK.Cimnli'r * , HOITnnd Wind
Coolers , Mirror * etc. Fuclory niu1 citliro , 17JJ und 1KI
boutli Uth St. , Uiuiiha , Telephone 11.14.
WllOlC"lllO IH'HKTK 111
Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc ,
1118 Furnani Street. Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry nlc ttock of Prinllna , Wrapping and Writing
1'n ar. Special attention given to car load order * .
_ Paper Boxos. _
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
NOD. Ill * and 131'J Douglas St. , Oninua , Neb.
_ _ Printers' " Materials.
Auxiliary Publishers ,
Dealers la Type. 1'roopn and Printers' Supplies. Uli
Soutu 12th Sircct. Umalin.
Rubber Goods.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods
911 Clothing and Leather llcltlnK. 1UW Karnam 8tro t-
Sash , Doors , Etc.
Wholeialo Manufacturer * of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings.
Branch office , 12tli and Izard btrcets , Omaha , Nab.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Vullln .8talrWorlc and Interior Hart Woo.l . Kin.
ill. N. K. Corner hth and Ixjaveuw'orth Streets'
Oiaaha , tyoo.
A. L. STRANG CO. . "
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
! ? .a" B"PP"os. Headquarter * f or N
Steam and Water Supplies.
St. . Oman. .
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery.
Sheet Iron Work Pteam Pump" , Paw MIHs. 131J-121S
Lcaronwortu Mreel , Omaha.
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
811 and V'13 ' Jones btreet. Oiuitha.
Storage , Forwarding & Commission
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
anoli lionse of the llcminr JliiKCT Co. Ilii KlOHAI
wliulu ; uio nnd retull , lma IJlOand 131'J liard hlreot ,
Omalia. Tuluplionu No. 7SO.
Smoke Stacks. Bollora , Etc.
" ' " " -
Mannfactnring Dealer in Smok'e Stacks ,
Brltchlnsn , Tnnki unit ( Jcnernl Holler UupulrlnK. Uli
' Htreut. ( ) m lm. Nub
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1M1 North KlgtbtconlU Street , Orautin , Feb.
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
John Kpuniitor , Proprietor. VJU DodKCi and lUJuntl 1CH
Vortli loth HlrPi't. OmiiTm.
Iron Works.
Carter titan , 1'rop'i. Manufacturer ! of nil klndi
Steam Boilers , Tanto and Sheet Iron Work
Works Bouth WtU and II. A. M.
Irougtit and Cast Iron Building Wort
EoKlnci , llrats Work , aoneral Foundry , Machine aid
UlttCkiiuHU Work. OHlce and Work ) , U. 1' . Hj.
and Uth Street , Oin h .
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Desk Until , Window Ounrcli , KlowiT Htands. Wlra
bUni , Ktc. 121 North Itill Utruvl.Umaha.
Man'frsofFire&BnrglarProofSafes '
( Taulti.Jall Work , Iron and Wlrn Fcoclnir.Hlitni , Kto.
U.Andieou , 1'rop'r Cor. llth and Jackson tilt.
Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards
and Screens , for bank * , onirei.itoret. residence ! , eta.
Improved Awnlniii , lockiiulth Jlnchluery iiud
UluckimUh Work * . < UI BoutU Hth HU
Fire and Burglar Proof SafesTime , Locki
' ' "