Ml V THE ( BLYIIA DAILY BEff : , SATURDAY , AUGUST 18. 1888. The Apostles Take Three QamoD From Us "Just as Easy. " THE PENNANT IS FURTHER AWAY. DCS Molncq Crnivln Out of a Hole in the Game With the ainroons Sioux City Loses Two Yos- tcidny to Milwaukee. AYcNtorn Association Standing. Following is the official standing of the Western association teams up to and Incluu- Ing j cstcrday's ' games : Plaveu Won Lost Pr Ct St-Pnul . 77 CO 27 Jc Moincs . 74 < ( ! 23 .G1M Omaha . 70 45 HI .fi'j-J Kansas City . 74 88 8U . & 13 Milwaukee . 8J ! W 45 .451 Bloux City . ! J3 IB SO .428 Chicago . 71) ) 3 40 .417 Minneapolis . . . .75 SO 48 , 40 St. Paul U , Omnhn 1. ST. PAUL , August 17. [ Special Telegram to THE Urn. ] The story of Omaha's third defeat is told by a glance at the number of mcu loft on bases. In but thrco of the nine innings wcro the visitors retired in order. In most of the other innings n hit would have meant a run , but it was not forthcoming. Carroll scored in the first Inning on a uaso on balls , Morrlssey's single and a wild pitch. In the second Omaha went to pieces. Kcilly was giv on u life on Wilson's failure to stop bis third strike. Corbctt hit to Chukc , \vho throw to Crooks , who was plaj ing be tween Hist and second. Ciooks thicw to Coonoj , who was covcung second , but he dropj > cd the ball. Btoughton then lilt to center , but Anuis let the bail get by him , while Kcilly and Corbctt scored , and liroughton went to third , coming homo on Dur.vea's single. bU Paul earned n run in the fourth on two Mingles and two steals. In the clghthouemorowusaddedonlwo singles , a steal and a wild pitch. Omaha's run was made on Ciooks' Mingle , a passed ball and Coonoy's twobaso drive. The story thut AVilson had been released by Manager Soleo pioves to bo untrue , although it wus made on the authority of ono of the officers of the St. 1'uul elub. Thoseoio : SI. I'lUL. Totals JIJ 5 1 27 2J St. Puul 1 il 0 0 Omaha 0 00010000 1 Huns eat ncdSt. . Paul 1. Two-base hit Coonoy. Base on balls Carroll (2) ( ) , Bi ough- ton , Aituis , Crookb , Toboau , Wilson , Claike. Stiuck out Murphy , Cairoll , Picket , llirle , llollly (3) ( ) , Burns , Teboau , Miller , Clarke (2) ( ) . Passed balls Brougbton (2) ( ) . Wild pitches Clarke U. Left on bat > csSt. . Puul r > , Omaha 10. Fn st base on eriors St. Paul U , Omaha ! i. Tune 2.05. Umpire Quest. KntiBnn City 7 , Mlnneni > olis (1. Mix.ST.\ , August 17. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BEE ] Manager Goodlng , sev eral of his old players , and a number of these recently loleased fiom St. Paul and several other Western association clubs , liavo foi mod a co-operative association and Will play out the schedule of the Minneapolis club , piovidetl the league sanctions the scheme nt its meeting in Chicago on Satur day. Tlie arrangement is that uftor the ex penses are deducted the proceeds will bo ill- Dotwccn Mr. Goodlng and the players , tlio receipts will go as a guarantee to } ho vtsiliug club , and in case that docs faot reach the required S100 , the balance will bo deducted from the Minne apolis guarantee when that club plays away from homo. In case n plaier gets u chunco to better his condition by signing with some Other club , ho is to give twenty-four hours notice of his Intention. To-uaj 'a game netted thoplajcrsei.SS each , after Kansas City's Jinlf had boon deducted. The gome was w oil played , requii ing ton innings to settle it , notwithstanding the fact that u majority of thoMinneapolis team played outof thcirrcgu- ikr positions. The team was composed of Kreig , c. ; Anderson , p.Brynnnlb. ; ; fehafer , Cb. ; Biosnun.a a. ; Putton,3b. : Klopf.l.f. ; Me- pulloui , c. f. , and Jevne , r. f. They expect to put up ns good a game as the former Min neapolis club was capable of. The score : Minneapolis..0 000003210 0 80sCity..O 7 Batteries Anderson anil ' Kreig , rind Keynolds. Umpire Hawaii. DCS Monies ( I , Maroons 5. CHICAGO , August 17. [ Special Telegram Co TUB BEB. ] L"ven with the aid of the urn- jpiro it took ten innings for Dos Molnes to Svin from the Maioons to day. In tlio eighth Inning , with two men out , and with Hutchin- ton aud Sage on second nnd third , Qumn mint a bounding grounder Just a trlllo to the iflsut of second baso. Hcnlo made the play bi Ills life. Without stopping ho picked up the ball and snapped it to tiist. Hroiched the base ahead of tjuinn , and when Umplto Fcssondcn allied Quiun safe thcro was a fcowl of rage from the spoctatois Keoean was so discouraged that ho let the visltoi s buvo their lust canted runs in tlio eighth * ud ninth innlngx , nnd the game went whoie ilp many Muioou games have cone before. The score : JJesMomes.,0 0 ( Maroons . 5 C Base hits Dos Moincs 7 , Maroons 8 , prrors Dos Molnes 1 , Maroons 8. Pitchois ir-Hutelitnson and Keogau. Umpire Fes > scndcn. Milwaukee 5 , Sioux City 4 , MIUVAUKEK , WIs. , August 17. [ Special { Telegram to Tim Bun.J Milwaukee nni jSloux City wcio to liavo played two games lo-Uay , but after the llrst gaino Managei JJrynan of the Sioux City team took bis mcr > fl Uio field , assigning an his reason thai thuplra Cuslck was systematically robbing Km of games. The umpire gave the game Milwaukee by a score of 0 to 0. Scoiool tfk lilwuukoe . 2 000001 ! Sioux City . 0 002200 - Earned ruus Sioux City 2. rirst base ot palls Off Winklornan 3. Struck out Huwos McAlecr , Cnmloy , Phelan , Genius , Nichols Two ba&o bits Ha\ves (2) ( ) , AlcAlocr. Doubh alsh , MoAleer , Haw us. Passei ichols 2. Umpho Cusiok. Time Y cterdny'fl Winners in the Nntlonn licitKiio Contest * . THILADELPUIA , August 17. Kesult of to flny'sgame : Putladolplua..O 0110000 - i > Jttsburtf. . . , , . , , „ PitcheH-Saiidcrs nnd Stalcy. Bits Phlladcphia 12 , Pltteburg 4. I ftiladeU > ala -t , Pi tU burg 6. Uiuplru-Pow .WASJUNOION , August 17. Result of to lay's catnei JN'ashrugton..2 00033000 ' fcdlanapolii . o 0000104 * 1 Pitchers Whitney and Boyle. Base hlti AYaahingtou 8 , Indianapolis 0. ( Krrors- ushtnrtou . Indianapolis 5. Urupire- YCRX , Aonuik 17. To day's York and Detroit was callci on account-of rnln. after the homo club had scored two runs m 1U half of the second inning. Tha visitors failed to score in the I'rst. ' BOSTON , August 17. < The Boston-Chicago game was postponed on account of lain. AHHocintlon. CisciNNATi , August 17. The Cincinnati- Athletic game was called nt the end of tbo fourth inning on account of rain. KANSsCiiv , August 17. Hesult of to-day's game : Kansas City..0 00001033 7 Brooklyn 0 01)2000 ) 1 1 4 ST. Louis , August 17. Hesult of to day's game : St. Louis..O 3 Baltimore.O 4 LOUISVIILK , August 17. The Loulsvlllo- Clevclnud game w us culled at the end of the fourth inning. Score ; Louisvilto 3 , Cleve land 0. Fats 45 , Leans HU. PiATTS\iouTiiNeb.August 17. [ Special to Tin : Br.K. ] The fat stockholders of the base ball association wcro not satisfied with the defeat they suffered n few weeks since , and played n return game with the loans jcsterduy. Tbo score stood : Fats 45 , Leans 80 , in seven inning . The features wcio base running and kicking on Dotlt sides und heavy batting on the beavv side. In the fourth Catcher Campbell , of the Leans , brake his thumb , and was succeeded bv Wise. The battciioH were : Fats , Smith and Mercer : Leans , Dovoy and Campbell and Wise. Umpire , Chambers. Kxctcr 8 , Sewnrd 5. EXETFK , Neb , August 17. Special Tele- gaam to Tim Bi'is. ] The Sew aid aud Exeter nines crossed bats today en tlie foi liter's grounds. The latter won. At the seventh inning the gauio was called to allow l2\cter to take a tiain. Thoseoie : Lxetor 0 500120 8 Sewurd 1 000040 5 Bittenes Fowler und Shiidrock , Barnes , Brothers. _ TU11F I3Vl'XrS. Last Day of Lincoln's Succcssrul llnulnt ; Meeting. LISCOIA , Neb , August 17. [ Special Tele gram to TUB Bti. ] 'Iho races were lai gely attended to-day , but the last raeo only excited - cited interest. Tlio summaries aio us fol low a : Fice-fornll , two-icarolds Majollu won , iving Foi oat distanced. Time 2 57. 1'ie'o for all , thrco year-olds Idavan won n two straight heats , Chetwood second , Orphan Maid nud Hedvving distanced. Best line 2:4U : > . rreo-forull , stallions Talavcra won in , hrco sti.light heats , Lccoutit second. Best time 2.31Jj. Ycstciilny's Itncet nt SuiiTOcu , August 17. Haiing summaries , Thiee quntters of a uiilo Honisen won in 1UOJ4 , Tessa 1C second , Navigator thiid. One uiilo Ten a Cotta won In 1 47)4 , Mai.i second , 13ociauo thlid. One and three sixteenth mlles Macbeth ivon in D 07 , Joseph second , Ton Day third. 'llirco quarters of a mile .lames A won n llb : % , Mint Bloom second , Dynamite third. Tluee-quartcrs of a mile vVheoler T , won 11 1.18 , Jaubeit second , Petulancethlid. . Thu o quarters of u mlle Volatile won In . .ID'I , Miss MUUBU second , Krnest liaco third. _ Man mouth Park Ilaces. BitioiiTax UEAUI , August 17. Racing summaries : Thiec quarter ? of a uiilo Nina AV. won in kltHf , KuiHtono second , Can't Tell thlid. foeven oighthb of a mile Bilan Boru venn n 1 "J % , Lemon Blossom second , Lida L. third. One and oiio-sUteenth miles Trix won in r > l' ' { , Kin * Btcond , Cardinal McClosliey thud. Thiec qiiattciK of u mile Hill Rrlin won n 1 1714 , Drumstick second , 13ei tie W. ( colt ) third. Ono and ono quarter miles Wilfied won in 'J:12J4 : , Tioy second. Uarnum thiul. Ona mile Hajmond won in 1:16 : , Jim ! l.iro second , Subaltern third. lloclicstcr llnucs. UocnrsTuu , N. Y , August 17. The cir cuit laces closed heio to day. Sumin.uies : S.WclasH , trotting , $7,000 Eld.i H. won , Sprague Cioldnst second , Clean thltd , C > - uess fourth. Hest tltno 3fiyf. : " :3J : class , consolation stakes for horses : bat did not sliaro money in the Flower City stakes , purse * 4OCO Genovu S. w on , Trod b"olci | ; second , Mulatto third , Star Moimrth fourth. Uest tlmo 2:21 : } { . 2:17p. cing , under saddle , Sl.OOO Kinsman won , Doctor M. second , Uroicr C. third , others distanced. Best tlmo 'J:1'J. : General Snorting Notes. At 0.30 p. m. to-day the Hordiu and Crane base ball clubs w 111 try conclusions. President Morton has called a meeting for Chicago to deliberate again upon the admis sion of Davenport. Thcro me no two ways about It , Lovelt and Nnglo constitute ono ot the greatest batteries in the wnolo profession. Kennedy's debut with the Oniahas In St. Paul was not niaikcd by any especial bnl- hancy. Ho was all but knocked out of the box. box.Thrco Thrco straights lost to St Paul. Well , there is ono consolation , the Apostles haven't won n game from Omaha ou the local grounds. Spud Farrisb , manager of the C. E. Maynes , has sold his pitcher , Hiu ry Salis bury , to M'inagor Lallv , of the Ctauo Bios , club , the consideration being % 0. John Hollorau and J. N. But ko , of South Omaha , have accepted the challenge of P. J. Kirby and M. Kilgallon for a game of hand ball. The match will como off at Hat t ft ICilgaDon's court , Twoltth and Chicago streets , next Tuesday afternoon. Catcher George Wilson , uccoiding to n special telegram fiom Minneapolis , has been releiibcd. This is funny , as no later than two weeks ago Detroit asked fora price on him. Nothing is known as yet whether O'Conucll has been let out or not. The saloon bosses und the cocktail mixers will go out to the ball paik Monday aftoi- noon and show the world how the great na tion il game should bo played. A coat of mail and an ax has been ordered for the um pire ami a keg of beer will represent the base bags. Tito proceeds will bo donated to St. Joseph's hospital. Lovett from this on out should bo pitched about twice us often as he has been. Ho is the star tvvii lor of the team , receives the biggest salary , and ut this btagc should be called uixm for a Httlu extra work. Of course , his presence hoi o at this time is for a justifiable cause , but when with the team ho has u vciy soft thing of it. Not an I > ror The Humior Is Out. GLNEVA , Neb , August 15. To the Sport ing Editor of TIIR Ben : If a batted ball passes the short stop without his touching II in any vvav , and has n base runner between second and third , Is it scored ns an error foi the short stop aud is the runner ouU A SunscKiucu. Tbo LlmlsajCranston Mill. The cornlus mill betwceu Jimmy Lindsay holder of tbo state middleweight champion ship modal , and Billy Cranston , the con tic manly and clover South Omaha professor ol the manly art , is exciting a good deal of In tcrcst. Cnmston wants it understood thn ho circs nothing for the modal aud w ill nol retain it if he wins. Ills solo object is ti beat Llndsaywlioui ho feels confident he cat best for scientific points , or otherwise. Bu wo shall ECO what wo shall ECO. The 1'ropoacd Coliseum. Fifteen thousand dollars lias already bcei subscribed tow ard building the Omaha Sport ing Coliseum , which it Is estimated will cos $ JjOUO. The projeetois of the enterprise an hard at woik and are in hopes of having thi structure completed by October 15. A Uonblo Trmicdy. REEDSfluno , Wis. , August 17. Nowa reached hero to-day of a futal shooting nftruj in the town of Woodland. Jennie Woolver , a domestic einplojea ou the farm of W Slclzer , was shot and killed by Goorgi Moon. Af tor the shooting Moon rushed tt where Jennife lay , picked up the rovolyei aud blow his brains out. It is supposed ton ha killed the girl because she was soon ti be married to ( mother man. THE PEOPLE ARE WIDE AWARE And Are Giving the Corporation Crowd n Hard Fight. CONVENTIONS OVER THE STATE. The Vote OH the Submission Question Found Oend In Ills Field Old Settlers at .Somalia City Stnto New a. A VIolotiD Scr\nut's AIII.IXOTOV , Xob , August 17. [ Special Telegram to Tin ; Bu.j : Bofoio Justice Cook today Henry MablmKcn , a joung Get man , hud liis hearing on charges of as sault with Intent to kill. It ap ) cars from the evidence tliut Henry was during the summer a farm hand at the farm of Peter Logos , seven miles southeast of here. Tlio family consists of Peter , the head of the family , who is helpless fiom tlio offe'ots of paralysis , ills wife , six children from thrco to twelve years old , und Dora Logos , ancicc , who it seems Henry desired to marry. A few weeks ago Henry was discharged for souio reason and another hand hired , nnd ho has been iniilo angry nt the fiunilv ever since. On Wednesday last ho came to town and got loaded with budge nnd at dusk pro ceeded with staggering steps to th < } Loges domicile. He climbed to an up story window by the use of a ladder and called Dora , who occupied the room. She attempted to shut the window and keep him out , but ho forced his wuj in und followed the scream ing gill down stalls where ho mot Mm. Logos in the dark , and alter souio talk and blows ho proceeded to shoot right and left until his pistol was empty when Mrs. Logos disarmed him. He then got a club und proceeded to bicak all the windows of the lower slory. He tin catcned to procuio another lovolvcr and kill the whole family and bum the propcity. A few boms later lie retuined to the house and boirged forgiveness , but without avail. The probocutlon was conducted by W. H. Fai nswoi ill on behalf of the people , and the pi isoncr was defended by Attorney Bell , of Fremont. The justice bound him over to the dlstiictcouitnnd lomandcd him to jail until bonds aic famished. United Workmen nt Stella. STT.MA , Neb , August 17. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bi a ] The A. O. U. W. picnic d hcio today was a inugniliccnt suc cess in o\ cry particular. The mcmbeis of the oulor turned out fiom Humboldt , Yei- don , Falls City , Shubert uud other points , over two bundled strong. The piocesbiou was fully one halt mile in length. Speeches wcro delivered by Uov. .1. G. Tuto of Sbelton , Neb , nnd W. H. Waning of Lincoln , in the 'oienoon , and In the aftcinoon fully two thousand people listened to an eloquent ad dress bv Hon. Cluules Van W.Vek of Ne braska City. The old wurilor was met ut the depot and escorted to the giounds , where ho was met by Pi of. Thomas' glee jlub and the Vordon and Stella bands. The . eneial countb his fiicmla in this section of thoeountiy bv the thousands and the an nouncement that he is to speak alwujs diaws u laigo ciowd. Tlio Order of Woikmcn Is a stiong ono hero and still gaining. Nothing tianspiied to mar the happmeis of the day. Saline County Itcpulillc.ins. Wn iipii , Neb , August 17. [ Special Tele gram toTiinBF.c. ] At the republican county convention to day J. B. Pope was nominated for senator , and William Bolucek and James Dunn for icpiesontatives Geoigo Il.istmgb was nominated for county attoiney by ac clamation. The convention was the largest and mobt haunonious cvei held In the county. \11 the precincts weio represented. The thliteen delegates to the float convention were instiucted for F. I.Foss and those to the state convention for Senator Mantlet son. A resolution wits passed demanding an un qualified pledge ftom the candidates for tlio legislatmo to support the slate boaul of transportation. In the countv the vote on the question of submission stood 2J7 for and 8411 against. The county ticket Is generally icgardeu as a stiong one. Fell Thtoiifih the Bridge. JutMhNcb , August 17. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bic. ] The thicshing niachlno engine of Hisrgtns & BnuiiKtitler hroko tin ough a fifty-foot combination bridge span ning Hock creek , two miles south of this place , to day. nnginecr William Uiloy , of of NobiaskaCity. hairowly escaped being killed. Ho held to the throttle till ho i cached the giound , falling with the engine probably tw cntyflvo feet. Some parts of the engine fell upon him holding him to the ground till he was released. His leg was badly binned and his hip and arm hui t considerably. The bridge was ono of the heaviest on the stieam , but the eoiner btilngcr was rotten and gave way , letting the engine down almost In stantly. It will bo a difficult matter to got the ingmo out of the stream. Ho duo County KenuhllcaiiH , FiihitoNT , Neb , August 17. [ Special Tolcciam to'fiinBEE. ] The Dodge county republican convention was hold this after noon in this city. Tim delegates to the state convention aio supposed to bo favorable to Graham for treasuter , Leoso for attorney general and Benson for auditor , but no ex pression wus had fiom the convention on any of these candidates. They aio as follows : L. D. Uichnids , S. B CoKon , B. F. French , George Marshall , C. Cusaek , C. N. Hyatt , J. U. Canslin , B C. Bums , A. Frost , A. M. Spooncr , B. W. Uoi nolds , A. P. Shephard. So far as heard t tola submission has u ma jority in Dodge county , though a very light vote was polled at the primaries. Hold Iiiipiof on tlio Sly. GuiJdin.M , Neb , August 17. [ Special to Tun Bnu.J Nearly a week n ago N. H. ICct- terman , a painter , who lias been following bis trade heio since last spring , pioouiod u government license and began dispensing in toxicating liquors it' wholesale quantities , oc cupying a deboi ted blacksmith shop for his saleroom. Yesterday a warrant was issued for ills uriest , charging him with violating the state lumor law , and Shoiiff Hamilton took him to York last night wliero his trial is being held to-day. The sentiment of the community is strongly against the liquor tioftic. Old Settler * nt Nemnha City. Ni'.MUiACrrv , Neb. , August 17. [ Special to THE BEE. ] The old settlors' rSculo to day is a grand success. J. Sterling Morton was called cast and the people wcro disappointed , but Governor U. W. Furnas filled his place and delivered an excellent address , full ol interesting reminiscences of the days of 1650 , This Is the grandest meeting of the kind over held in Ncmaha county. Colonel T. J , Majors is chairman. ( An old settlers' club is now belug organized , Ihroo excursion trains on the B. A , M. brought in many pcoplo from a distance. _ A Break la the Engine . NOHFOLK , Nob. , August 17. [ Special Tele gram to TUB Ben. ] Owing to a small breakage ago ia the engine of the electric light work : to-night the company will not bo nblo to II lumlnata to-morrow night as anticipated , ant the great uanquet'of the business men whlcl had been arranged for that evening to celebrate brato the inauguration of the eloetilo light ! and the water works , has been necessarily postponed until some day nest week , as UK parts to rcplaco those broken must bo pro cured from the cast , where the engine wa : made. Purchased Uy the Catholics. Yens , Neb , Aufrust 17. [ Special to Tni BEE. ] The Catholics now control the olc Methodist college piopcrty in this city. Mr Sayro closed tbo trade with Bishop Bonaouii this morning. The purchase includes the college building and furniture , the dormitory ana furniture contained therein , and all o the campus except SIS foot on the north side which Mr. Sayre will soil for rcsldonci property. The Catholics will build a nev and elegant church on the campus , enlnrgi thn building nnd conduct a first class donoml- national college , TJipy take possession Sep tember I. Saittulern County Itcptihllcntm. WAIIOO , Nob. , August 17. [ Special Tele- Brain to Tun Hue ] Tills lifts been a red let ter day In SuundcrH county republicanism , The county conventl6n was held to-day and the following ticket nominated ; For state senator , T. J. Picked , of Ashland ; for repre sentatives , B. K. B * . Weber , of Vulpaialso , add G. W. ShepYirird ; for contingent repre sentative , W. W. Hall ; for county at torney , K. K. Good , of Wahoo ; for county commissioner , William J. Lehr. Twelve delegate 1p the state convention were sclectctt and Instructed for John Steen nnd twelve delegates to the congiesslonal convention Instructed for W. J. Coiinoll. Hi solutions were passed Inslructliitf the nominees on the legislative ticket to vote for Charles F. Manderson for state senator. W. J. Connell was present and made an excellent speech to the convention. To-night the republicans held nn Immense lutificntion uiocliuir. Two bundled toich- beat cis fioui Ashland , 100 from Valparaiso , 100 from Weston nnd a largo number from Mead nnd other places besides the Wahoo clubs weru in line nnd made n line display. Speeches were made by I. W. Lansing of Lincoln , Dave Mercer. W. J. Council und John M. Thurston of Omaha. Over live thousand people attended the ratification meeting. A Chureh Scandal. FALLS Crrr , Neb , August 17. [ Special Tolognim to THE Bm. ] A very Interesting case is now in progress at tlio Methodist church In this city. Two loving old church members have been Intimate , named Mrs. U. C. Gilbert and Mr. Tajlor. A good sized scandal started , but has been hushed up as much ns possible. It will ( irobubly. result In their expulsion fiom the church. An anxious crowd awaits the result of the trial , and if something is not not done by the church au thorities it will probably bo doro by out siders. The case will close to mot row. "Washington County VotcrniiH. CAiii.iNdfov , Neb. , August 17. [ Special Telegiam to Tun Bi is. ] The county re union of two itavs closed josterday evening twelve miles northeast of here. Tlioso who attended fioui here icpoit an unusually good time. Among the many novelties was u camp fire speech of Samuel Wright , a fanner of this county , who during the war was a private In the i cool arm v. He said ho w as w ith the southoin people then , "but I am with jou bajs now. " Crops In Holt County. O'Nui.r , , Nob. , August 17 [ Special Tolo- giiim to THIS Bnr.j The statement in a Bni : special this moining that theio is a fuiluroof ciops in northwestern Nobiasku is incorrect , so far as the country in the vicinity of O'Neill is concci nod. Ciops heio vveio never better. Most of the small gi uin has been cut and the jield is very luige. Theio is a good pi aspect of sixt\ bushels of coin per acio Hay is being put up in immense quanti ties. _ liiovvn County Kepubllcmti'i. AINSWOUTII , Nob. , August 17. [ Special Tolegiam to TiiJJ Bi c.l Tlio republican county convention , hold hero to-day nomi- latcd I. Winters , ai { Long Pine , for icprc- benUtivo ; W. B. Alallov , of Long Pine , for county attoiney , uudjinstiiictca the delegates for the senatorial cpnvention toMiiwoitC. H. Coinell , of Yalcutlne , Neb , for btato sen ator. ' * ThcPrlnmries at Arlington. AitLtMiTov , Nebj' August 17. [ Special Telegiam to THE HISK.J At tbo icpubliean [ iiimary to night ait , elution was pas cd fuv- oiing Thaycr and Lease for renommatlon ind also favoiing the nomination of Graham nud Benson. L. C. AVebber heads the dclc- catlonto tlio convention to moriow. Found Dead in His Field. PALMI.II , Neb. , August 17. ( Special to THE Bi K. ] At noon to-day Lyman Clatk , an old resident of Merrick county , wont to his work in a field. Two hours later his wife .allied him some water and found him lyiup on his face , dead. A physician was called imd found the cause of death to bo heart dis ease. No inquest was held. Will Blarry the Girl. .LS Cirv , Neb. , August 17. [ Special Telegram to TUB BnE. ] Last night the sheriff of Nodaway county , Missouii , ar rested a fellow workintr for the film of Shock & Wylle , ou the charge of seduction and took htm to Nodaway county. Ho will miiiry the gill and ictuin to tills city. SONS OF VUTKUAXS. Annual Election ol' Olllcers by the National Commnndcry. Wnni t\o , W. Va. . August 17. The Na tional Commandery of Sons of Yetcr.ins ad journed to-day after electing tlio following ofllreis : Commandor-ln-chief of the United States , General George B. Abbott , of Illi nois , re-elected by a majoi ity of one over Geneial Loland. J. Webb , of Kansas , and Gcncial Fnuec. of Ohio , Webb being the principal competitor ; lieutenant geneial , L1. H. Miltram , of St. Paul , Minn. ; major , General John Hlnckloy , of Boston , Mass ; council-m-chiof , G. Braitmrd Smith , of Con- nectieut ; W. B. Bundy , of Cincinnati , O ; Kudulph Leo Bcustein , of St. Joseph , Mo. : C. B. Cook , of Ai llngton , Dak. The next session will bo held ut Patterson , N. J. The Ladles Aid socletv of the Sons of Veterans re elected Mis. W. J. O'Brien , of Ohio , for national piesldont. Drink Malto , 25 contsabottlo. The American Ilur Assoelntion. Suurocu , August 17. At the meeting of the American bar association this moining the following officer * were elected : Presi dent , David Dudley Field , of New Yoik ; secretary , E. Otis Hinklov. of Marvland ; treasuier , Francis Knvvlo , of Pouusjlvunia. Among the gcnoial council elected was Ben jamin Hurrisou , of Indiana , Drink Malto at soda fountain. Washington Brevities. Au amendment was proposea by Senator Maudcrson to the deficiency bill to day to uppiopiiato $10,000 to continue uud complete the Hurvo s of the abandoned milltaiy re servations. A number of prominent democrats loft for Pittsburg to-night to attend n meeting of the general association of the Allegheny county democracy , to bo hold to-morrow evening. Hood's Sarsaparilla Combines , in a maunpr peculiar to itself , the best blood-purlfylns and strengthening reme dies ot the vccotablo Kingdom. You \\ill find this wonderful remedy effective where other medicines have failed. Try It now. It will purify your Uoccj , regulate the digestion , and give new Ufa an < J"\ Igor to the entire body. "Hood's Sarsaparilla did mo great good. I was tired out from overwork , and it toned mo np. " Mns. O. E. SIJIMOXS , Cohocs , N. Y. "Idiffered thrco yVirs from blood poison. I took Hood's Bsrtajiarllla and think I am cured. " Mns. M. 'S. DAVIS , Brockport , N. Y. Purifies the Hlood Hood's Sarsaparilla is characterized ! three pccullorltle * : 1st , the combination ot remedial agents ; 2d , the proportion- , the process cf securing the nctlvo medicinal qualities. The result Is a medicine of unusual strength , cUcctlrg cures hitherto unlvuown. Bend for book containing additional evidence. "Hood's Barsararllla tones up my system , purities my blood , sharpens uiv amietlie , and fceenis to m-tko me ov er. " J. v. THOJU-SON , Uegistcr ol Deeds , Lowell , Mass. "Hood's Sarsaparilla beats all others , and Is w ortli Its weight In cold. " I. BAimmGTOJf , ISO IJank Btreut , Now York City. Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold l > r all druggists. l ; six for $9. M.Vo only by C , I. IIOOD & CO. , Lowell , Mass. IOO Dosef On . Dollar. AID , VAN CAMP WAS ABSENT , His Confrere Mr. Lee Says Ho Was Silently Stolen Away. COUNCIL QUIETLY ADJOURNED , Ami n Select Cotcrlo of North Omalm Orators Gather Around Jim CrolKhton anil Hold ix Jolllllonttoii Meeting. The MrclliiK linst When the citv council vv.n cullcil to order ast night the following member * woio pres ent : Alexander , lleehol , Hoid , Hciiforil , Cuunsmnn , Cheney , Kitchen , , Kler- stcad , Lowry , Leo , Mnnvlllo uiul Sn.v der ID. Mr. Ford joined them later. Mr. Lw arose und announced that one of .ho counuilmcn ( Van Camp ) hod been stolen bodilj by the enemies of the city hall ordi- lance That action , ho declared Indignantly , lad defeated the city hull enterprise for this j ear , and ho moved an adjournment. The motion was earned , and the shout of "avo" drowned the piping protest of Mr. Foul. Councilman Van Camp was on the sidewalk with his colleagues before the meeting come to order , but \ \ hen the gavel fell ho h.ul dis- appeared. Following is an abstract of the proposed ordinance as amended , whith was to bo taken up last night. Section 1 uutlu > rl7C9 the erection of a city lull to bo located on lots 5 and 0 in block 110 , which is on Fnrnnin street between Seven teenth and Eighteenth. The cost is not to exceed $500,000. The plans and specifications are to be determined by the mn\or and coun cil , and the work is to bo prosecuted as s | > eedily us possible. A proviso requires the building to bo not less than six. stories in Height and 1- > feet siiu.ire. Another piovlso requires "loom and suitable accommodations for the public llbi.uj" in the building. It is also pioided that the citi hall of this ordi nance shall t.iko Hie place of the city hall named in ordinance VIDO. Section iautliotizcs the issue of $ .500,000 woi tli of bonds for the coiisti notion of tlio citi hall. They aio to run twenty yeais ut 5 per cent intcicst , and bo pajablo at the banking house of ICount/o Uios in New York. It is if these bonds ai o voted no more bands shall be issued under oidinuuco ' .HO. Section 3 in ovules the proposition for issuing bonds shall be submitted to a vote at a special election on September 17 , ofhich election the major shall gi\o twenty dajs' notice. If the proposition leteivo U\o thirds of the \ otocast it shall bo c.u ricd Then follow details as to the election and the kind of ballots. Among the spectators of the meeting wci o J.unes Cielgliton , Joseph Uedmiui , Thomas Hall and a few s\mpathuois , who sent up .1 howl of satisfaction wncn the council ad- jouincd. Aftoi watd they gathered in a llttlo knot on the sid\\alk to air their grievances and con- giatulato themselves. Their excited talk drownciowd of twenty or thiitj bo s and other idleis. Crcighton's feelings boiled over and ho shouted"Let'H haven mcetiug ! " Ho accepted his own suggestion uud asked Thomas Hall to mount the btepj of the alleged citj ball and picaldo. Citighton then moved a vote of thaulcs to Councilman Van Cam ] ) , and the accommo dating crowd acquiesced. Thomas bwift moved a vote of ccnsuieon the man who lied to his constituents two mouths ago Jotl Ucdfoid. " Ciclghtou followed with an incoherent th ado , the substance of which was that Coun cilman IScdford had said at a meeting in North Omaha that ho would favor a piopo- sition tint would give Jc'iTetsju Sijuuio u charm to sccute the now city hall. Councilman Ford wanted to sav "ono word. " He told the crowd of his virtues as u public olllcial and denounced the special meeting as > "Uaik Untein" alTaii. Ho eliaigcd Councilman Lce with being a mouth } piece for Mr. Council , and uiged the ccnsui- ing of Mr. Bedford. Pat O. Hawcs asked for fair play lor Ued- ford. There uio 10.000 voters in Omaha , and it is notaight or , ho argued , for u few pel sous to ccnbuio a man without giving him a chance to be hoard. Ho was intei rupted with shouts of " do i ou know about it ? " Shut him off ! " and "Question ! question 1" from Jo eph Hcdtnan , Creighton , Swift and n uuinbor of jouug hoodlums. Redman wanted Hawca to understand that "wo rcpiescnt the property in North Omaha and wo uou't want to hear fiom jou. " The answer was parsed , and Crcigliton got in if vote of thauKjtocounciltneu and "oveii- body else who woio not traitors. " Cieighton it was pietty uiucli nil Cioigh- tou wanted the crowd to put themsehes on iccord as ID favor of a iOO.OOO or 5100,000 citv hall , the location to ba decided by a vote and the defeated party to take its modi- Vine quietly. The good naturcd crowd hu mored the old man with a whoop. "Uoforo adjourning "it was Creighton again "let us pledge ourselves w ith ono an other to oppose the issue of bonds to the bit- tur'oiid unless wo have a charm to place the city hall in JelTei son squat o. " Messrs. llulwjn , Ford and Swift "pledged" thetuselv es , and the kids bent up a dciisivo howl in unison. Fold moved an adjournment with a propo sition to go and take a drink with Vau Camp. THE FliAMlHSAU'S OUTING. All Arrangement * ) Made l < or the Pic nic To-Moriovr. The Flambeau club has perfected the ar- laugemcnts for their excursion and picnic to Lake Mauawa on Sunday. The club has chattered the boat M. F. llobicr to bo at the disposal of its patrons during the day. Two excuisiou trains will run from Omaha , ono at 9:30 : a. m , and ono at 2.'JO p. in. The trains wilt leturu at 3tO : : and 0 30 p. ui. The lake ib doe | > cr by two foot than ut any other period of the season. Theio will bo good music , piominont orators , uUilctiu sports and a grand pyrotechnic display on the boat in the evening. Tickets are now on Bale at Max Mulct's , Sixteenth audFarnam ; Conti- ULUtnl Clothing Company. Fifteenth and Douglas : Union 1'acilio ticket ottlco , Thir teenth and Fainiim ; and Heiuy liolln , county couit houws. Hound trip tickets to the lake , including bout and leturu , $1.00 ; children half faro. It will bo a grand day for enjoyment. 1112 SliTTJjED TUB QUAllllEh. Itcv. Dr. Dowllnsof Cleveland ItcslKiis IIin I'nstoiiUc. Ci.RVKiANi ) , O. , August 17. Itov. Dr. George Thomas Dow ling , for eleven jcars pastor of the UucM Avcuuo Baptist church , 0110 of the largest and ilehcst in the city , created considerable excitement some tlmo ago by publicly inviting all Christians to par take of the communion in his church. The Baptist papers all ever the country took up the question and discussed it at length. All wcro agreed that Dr. Dowllnjr was no longer a Baptist. To night at prayer meeting of hiscongiegotion Dr. Dowllng unexpectedly lead a long letter and piesented his resigna tion as pastor , to toke effect in October. The Obstinate Sioux. DCADVVOOD , Dulc. , August 17. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEE. ] Viom those Indians and others who arrived hero from the Pine Kidgo and Cheyenne agencies it was ascer tained that the Indians there are opposed to the opening of the Sioux reservation by the present ti eaty. and they will not sign this treaty at all unless it bo u few of the police men who are in the employ of Undo Sam , who do BO from policy's sake. Tuo I ndluna have hold several meetings and they have at all times been almost unanimous in their votes against the signing of any papers in regard to the treaty , and those who have op posed the wishes of the Indians uavoboon as. saultcd. Proceeding Against Law Breakers. Puii.XDEi.rjui , August 17. The complaint against the firm of Jones , Lees & Sons , that they employed contract labor at their mills , took definite shape this afternoon by the Is suance of two wrlU against the surviving poUncr * of the firm to recover $1,000 penalty provided by lu-v in such case * . suu is A ruocunnss J A Wnrrnnt Insnctl Kor the Arrest ut Ditlinch , the Clairvoyant. Mary Dubncli , n clairvoyant , who resides at Gl'J South Fourteenth street , is behind the ban. She was arrested jestcrday on a warrant charging her with being a procuress. At an early hour yesterday morning she was arrested on the charge of being dlsoideily , which , on further development of the case , was changed as nbove. Detective Ortnsby and OfuVcr Shields were standing on the corner of Tout toenth and Lcavenworth sheets when they were stiu tied by the shrill blast of a police whistle and screams. Hushing In the direction of the disturbance they lound Mine. Dub toll abusing her next door neighbor , W. F. Ho t. And thcieby hangs u tiili : . Bessie Halo , n prettv Bohemian girl was induced to go into Mrs. Dubich's kitchen as a servant git 1. She thought that Dubuch was a lady and that the homo was all right. Bos. hio'ssisior , who is nottl.o sauio kind of .1 girl Besslo Is , had worked there befoio and told her that it was a nice place. It was u sad mtatttkc. Bessie Halo has a voting friend named Ida Ln Gross Smith. Dubuch induced Bessie to get Ida to come thcro too. Ida was to do sow- Ing. She wont , nnd then the brazen madam began to got in her nefarious work. She told the girls that all they had to do was to stay with her that they would hnvo moro fun than they had o\er known in their lives , and inako moro money to boot , bho told them they must iccelvo calleis ; that theio were lots of nice gentlemen cuino to her house. The llrst evening's soiree was sunieicnt. Too lute , almost , the girls dlscoveied to w hut USD they were to bo put. They re belled , pleaded , wept aud implored , but all tone no avail ; tlieUinty-heuttud muiium refused to allow thorn to leave her don. felio had failed to compass their full , but she hud them in lior web und was determined on accomplish ing her end. Last night the two gills made their osenpo and 1.111 into Mr. Hoj I'M liouso. They asked if they could remain theio all night , in the moinlng they would send for friends. They were caied for. About l' o'clock Mr. HOJ t was aroused bv n knocking at his door Ho poked his head out the window and saw four men congto- gated about tlio door. He asked them what they wanted. 'Jhov sain thov wanted to come in. Ho asked what fori Thov told him he knew. HoU then suspected what they meant , und told thorn they had mistaken the house. The\ said they had not , that Mrs. Dubach told them that tliM could go in theio and have a circus , that lie hud boinenew gills there. Mi Hojt stated to n icportcr yostoidin nftcinoon that the girls came to his vvlfn and asued for piotection. That Diilneh had foiicd them to cniciUin men , nnd that when thc-i had piotested had thieatoned them witli diioenpeanco. . TheHoits took them in and icntcd them a loom , allowing ono of tlio gills to do housewoik and the other sew ing The case came up for trial yesterday after noon , but Mine. Dubach not being able to get her witnesses together , it was continued until this af lei noon. The git is are not as Innocent as then uppeauuco would indicate. They aio known tomato men , and one of thorn , \\liilo iopl\ing to u leporter , was a tnllo piofano. The ease will bo given a thoiough ailing before Judge Beikn , but fiom facts gathered it looks us if Mine. Dubach is in u scilous sci ape. Ordered to Il.ij tian Waters. WASMNOTOV , August 17 , Sectetary Whit ney has ordeicd Admiral Luce , commanding the south Atlantic squadron , to piocced the Galena for Port au Prince , as tlio presence - enco of an Amcilcuu man of-war is needed in there on account of the stuto of minimi law which exists. Hequests for a man of-wur ramo from Consul General Thompson a ( Port nu Prince and Admiral I.xteo In ordered to report to him and aid as far as iKmslblo in protecting Amoilcan Interests In Haitian waters and bringing about a solution of the trouble. A PAitADisi ; rou xnauocs. Thirteen of Them Killed ( \t Freetown , lionlHluna. Nr.w OutVANi , August 17. A dispatch from New Ibcrln nays : A certain class of idle nud Immoral characters being ordered away , many took tcftigo at Freetown , u s \lllugo composed cntliulv of negro families. Hero live to hundred mounted men con gregated and armed themselves. Then the i icsldonts and piopcrty owners of this section ' collected und llndtng a largo body of armrd negroes ns repotted demanded the sunendor of their aims A number accepted those terms. Thursday morning llftcen aimed negroes took possession of a coloicd minister's house , lefuslugto surrender. The whites hearing of this sent n messigo with the command Unit they lay down their weapons within twenty minutes. Tlio negroes agalu i of used. At the explia- tion of tlio time u volley was tired at them , whit , it noon became a general fusiludc , lust ing ncaily an hour Finally F. P Smith , n \\hlto man , was shot dead. The negroes bo- rumo panic stricken and lied. Whan the light was os or the bodies of eight negroes weru found In tlio house nnd live others woio found outsldo. It is i umorcd thut th roe or four moro were killed. A KIMING The Tcnipcrntura Pnlln to JU ) nt Vincent , Minn. ST. PA it i. , August 17. Observer Ljons re- poits the occurrence of a "killing frost" nt St. Vincent , Minn. , whore tlio temperature felltoiJO0 before sunrlso this morning. The frost extended southward to Moorehead nud westwaid to Bismarck , but It was light at these points. Though tending to retard the maiming of ciops , it was not fatul. At Win nipeg icports lm\o been received fiom all over the wheat belt All agree in saying that tlio immense wheat crop is uninjuicd by last night's cold snap. A Diiiu-o ol' Death. OTTVW111. . , Aug. 17. The details of a tcmble tiagodi at Pialiio Center icachcd this place to daj A dance was given by a number of Norwegians. Wlilsky llowcd fteelj and all wcio moio or less intoxicated. About midnight two > oung men got into a light o\or a pittner fora dance nnd ono of thorn was stabbed , The men piesenttook sides and ic\ohois and knives weru used ficeU Eight aio icpoitod either shot or stabbed , four of whom may die. The A\oMcrn Freight Ajrcnts. CHIC u.o , August 17 , The freight agents of the western roads , who liavo been in ses- blon for over a week , completed their woik to day and adjourned. They lm\o disposed of a vast amount of detail in adjusting the Illinois schedule on a higher scale and mak ing the tales luuuioni/o with thosp on inter state tiafllc to the satisfaction of allthoioiuUi mtcicbtcd. The new lates will go into cf feet September 0. . * W' Met the lturliiiKtou'8 Cut. MIUN VDKFB , August 17 The general pas senger agent of the Wisconsin Central rail road to Jaj issued a circular authorising a i eduction of lltst and second class immigrant uitcs between Chicago and St Paul and Mln- neaiMjlls to i 10 and $0t.'i , respectively , In ictnliation for the cut made bi the Chicago , Burlington Quincy load. MILWAUKEE COUNTY , WIS. Thin UcauUfullj Located Properly ou ( ho Menoinoiiro 1'her , adjoining tlio 1'aiions Clly of Milwaukee , and containing llic CclcbnitoilOrinila Ki riiirs { , platted UK per cut shown in ( his aduTlisenieiit , will he sold In lots ( o suit piirclmecrg , IN THE- CITY OFIN IN THI ; ACADEMY OF MUSIC , -IIKCIINNIMI Au. 21. . AT 7tlO B' . HI. It Is Impoiatlve for anyone seeking health ana litreitlou to Imvo quietude , puru air nud Inspiring snrroimdttiK * . Tills the OrliuU Park cun Ro | In Iur cr ubuml- ancu limn uny othci property of U tlze. Tlio ANALYSIS of the wntur.i of these lur famed hprln s : Chloride of hoillum Hulphato of Hoilu awia lll-uirbonutoo : Kodu 1.MW1 Ill rurlioiuto of lime Ill curbonato of magiKitla W.CCJ3 Hi cuibunalo of protunltu of iron .1763 Hlllcla . .7897 Organic matter lotal tolUU In U. S. sals W..BSI shotting no 01 gnnlc or anlmitllo matter of any kind , but moiu Hnlldx tluin uuy other ol the celebrated health KlvliiK bpilinsof thin vicinity , or for that matttr the cutlro Lnlteil fatatca. cltlus und the malaria ilildon low lands of the We vvant the people of Uie crowded eastern South to punlmge Minima homos in this bmitlful ipot. vUitio HIM " ' " 'S' ' . ' HSil hoiiie. . nousts. iiurondodboaraing to lt neither at the mercy of exorbitant hotel itttts or bu cumpelleJ o All other information regarding this iiropcilj r conilltious of Iho sulo can be U by natlrcssinu the OUINUA Sl'lllNOS COMPANY , 1 5 Mason Stieet , or AUCTIONEERS , 312-314 Grand Avenue , MILWAUKEE , WIS. 'VlM . i ii