Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1888, Image 1

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The Torrlblo Result of the Collision
of Ocean Vessels.
The Thlngvalla RnncheN the Harhor
nt Halifax Thin Slornlnj : Cap
tain Ijnmli Tells lll
Story ol' the Wreck.
Nr.w YOHK , August 17. A corrected list of
the lost in the steamship collision is 105 as
given by Captain Mullcr , of the steamer
Gelser. The Gelscr carried ninety-three
passengers and a crew of forty-three. Of the
passengers fourteen wore saved , and of the
crew seventeen. The agents ot the line
at Worcester , Mass. , St. Paul , Chicago and
Philadelphia have been notified to send on
tholr lists of tickets sold on the Geiser.
At 10 o'clock this morning the agent for
the line received n dispatch from Captain
Lamb that the Thingvallalmd arrived safely
at Halifax. Captain Muller , of the Goiscr ,
went before the Danish consul this morning
and swore to his statement of facts
connected with the collison. The con
sul stated that the circumstances
jttendlng the collision will bo
Investigated hero on thu arrival of Captain
Lamb , Instead of at Copenhagen , as the
principal witnesses can bo more easily
reached in Now York.
Captain Muller states that at the time of
the collision ho was about thirty-five miles
ponth of Sable Island and about 185 miles off
The passengers of the Tlilngvalla were
registered in Castle Garden to-day , and only
await the arrival of their baggago. A num
ber of women seem not to have fully recov
ered from the shock.
The survivors of the crow and such of the
passengers as wish will leave to-morrow by
the Slavonia , of the Humboldt lino. The es
timated loss on the vessel Is 150,000 and the
loss on the cargo about $120,000. , The com
pany , It Is said , will , as far as is in their
power , indemnify the survivors.
CiiiOAno , August 17 The agents of the
Thingvnlln line in Chicago received several
telegrams from Now York this morning and
have finally made out n complete list of the
Chicaeo people who were on thu ill-fated
Geiser. The list comprises the following :
Mrs. A. M. Peterson , ICcrsten and Lena
Lorcnsen , Captain Georpo Hainlcr , High
land Park ; Mrs. Ellen Nelson , Gusta Alder ,
C. C. Ilraaten , II. I. Lie , O. M. Olandor ,
Mrs. Seehus , Paul Paulson , Lars Uommer-
dale , John Tenwold. Chris Eliassen , J. G.
Johanscn , John Ahlhorst.
A Graphic DoHcrlition Hy the Thlni-
valla'H Captain.
IIu.ii'AX , August 17. The Danish steamer
Thincvnlla was signalled oft the harbor nt 0
o'clock this morning in charge of a pilot.
S''o ' crawled along at the rate of two miles
an hour , and three hours elapsed before she
arrived at the wharf of Pickford & Black ,
her agents.
The Thlngvnlla presents n strange spectacle -
taclo with nearly the whole of her bow
torn away , leaving an immense hole- ex
posed to view. The powerful Iron
plates were broken through and snapped
off as If they were of card board. Crowds
flocked to the wharf to sco the steamer , and
wonder Is oxpre.sscd that she ever reached
port. After repairing she is to reload her
cargo and proceed for Now York.
Captain Lamb of the Tlilngvalla has Im
posed a silence upon his seamen ns to the
disaster , but tins himself prepared a state
ment of the details of the collision as ho
know and saw thorn. This Is the captalu'n
story :
"It was about 4 o'clock on the morning of
Tuesday , August 14 , when my second of
ficer came down and I asked him how the
weather was. Ho said it was raining , but
not foggy. A few minutes later I heard a
telegraphic signal for the engines to reverse.
Leaping from my berth I ran for the
deck. As I was hurrying up the collision
occurred. It was a terrific shock , the steam
ers coming together with n frightful crash.
Hushing forward I found the Thlngvulla
locked with another steamer which I did not
then know. As I appsarcd I saw a man ,
whom I afterwards found to bo the
Geiser's second officer , Jump on
to my deck. My steamer had
cut right through his room , where ho was
Bound asleep , and ho leaped out of bis bunk
to the Thlngvalla's deck. I went to quiet my
excited passengers , who were crowded on
the deck , and were shouting and crying with
"Tho officers wore already engaged in cut
ting away mid launching the life bouts. Ono
of the Thingvullu's boats had just been low
ered when the other steamer went down ,
stem first. This scene was a frightful one.
Some of her passengers were rush
ing madly about her deck , while oth
ers were crowded in several bouts
in the water. I believe that many passen
gers must have been killed in their bunks by
the force of the collision. As the steamer
plunged beneath the water , carrying down
! those on board , she capsized the boat that
liad got awav. The air was rent with ago
nizing shrieks and prayers. Most
of the people probably went down
with the steamer Geiser. They were
followed soon after by the ill-fated souls In
the boats , who must have been sucked under
ns the boat sank. The cries of the dying
Btill ring In niy cars. Three of our boats
were already launched and trying to HUVO as
many as they could from the doomed Gcisor ,
but it was slow work , as comparatively few
managed to keep afloat after the steamer's
"Tho two vessels were not more than ono
hundred feet apart when the Gcisor wont
down. The screams of the drowning lasted
probably two minutes , and suddenly all bo-
ctimo quiet. Our three boats returned loaded
with the saved who had been picked up in
the water or oft the bottoms of their cap
sized boats. 1 sent them back to continue
the search for the survivors , but they re
turned with only the corpse of a woman.
"Tho day was Just beginnliigto break when
the collision occurred. It was raining , but ,
ns the second officer had told mo just before ,
it was not foggy. The assistant engineer
was saved with u broken ami , while his two
companions were lost. In my opinion nearly
all the people on the Gclscr's deck and In
! tha boats sank with the steamer.
Everything thut wo could possibly dote
to save them was doiio. After
the Geiser disappeared we began jettisoning
the cargo to keen the Tlilngvalla afloat. Between -
twoon U and 10 o'clock we stopped throwing
thp cargo over aud got to work repairing up
compartments. Wo were leaking badly. At
11 o'clock the steamer Wloland nova in sight
and wo transferred | all the rescued passen
gers , as well as our own 450 passengers ,
to her. The Wleland proceeded about
0 o'clock In the afternoon , leaving us steer
ing for Now York. Wo decided to head for
"The Gcisor Jmd been seen by our first
officer several minutes before the collision ,
She was nearly straight ahead of us ,
but n llttlo on our port bow. She
Btarboarded to got out of the way
and wo portod. She should have ported
likewise. Our whlstlo was not blowing at
the time , as there was no need for it. "
From Captain Lamb's statement of the
dlsastvir , it would appear that the fault
lay with those on board the
Geiser , who put her to stin board instead ol
to port. The Geiser's oulcer who was on
watch at the time of the colllsloi
wan auiopg those who perished. .
Captain Lamb himself docs not
express an opinion on the cause of the disas
ter. He s\v - that he will leave that to b <
found by official Investigation. First Office )
Peterson hu letn asked to rnaktt a state
ment , but ho says that ho does not wish to
do so.
A Passenger Deorlhes It.
NEW YOHK , August 17. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK BIE : ] The following graphic
account was given by a young druggist
named Jnnsen Castborg , who was a passen
ger on board the Thingvalla , cnrouto to Gal-
vcston , Tex. , with his sister :
"It was Just about daylight and all , with
the exception of myself and a few friends ,
were asleep , when all of a sudden wo heard a
scuffling of feet on deck and then n crunch
ing noise. Then for n moment all was still.
In a second all the passengers were out of
their berths and all rushed for the compan-
lonway screaming , and the din was deafen
ing , particularly from the lower deck , where
the people with families weio looted. After
considerable difficulty I got on deck and
rushed to see what the damage was , and
Just here I wish to state most emphatically
that no whistles were blown on the Thing-
valla before the collision.
"I went to the front of the vessel and saw
a gap of about twelve feet. On the left side
the plates were rolled up and on top of them
lay part of the corpse of a man , njul the wliolo
stem was covered with blood and fragments of
flesh , which were soon washed off by the
waves. The captain then ordered everyone
on deck and after an examination the pas
sengers were told that there was no danger
and they bccatno quiet. The women on the
occasion behaved splendidly. On the right
side the plates were broken 6ft completely ,
and I saw the bow of our ship go clean into
the stateroom , and nn officer of the Geiser
climbed up by the chain attached to the
anchor. During tills time there was a tor-
rlblo rain storm , which was moro the cause
of the extreme darkness than any fog.
"Tho Geiser began to sink gradually and
In eight or ten minutes passed down out of
sight. There was an effort made on our ship
to lower the boats , but it was so very dark
that wo could not see whether It was human
beings or not thut wore floating around the
ship. But a man's voice screamed out in the
midst of the excitement that ho was bitten by
a shark. The screaming was something
awful. It was fully twenty minutes before
the boats were lowered. Wo nil stood on the
deck looking at the people being saved , but
were powerless to do anything ourselves. I
saw three boats of the Geiser. Ono was
turned upside down , another smashed In the
storm , while the third hud two
men who were holding up a woman
between them who seemed to bo dead.
Several h'ad llfo preservers on , but
wore swallowed up In the whirlpool
made when the Geiser went down. Some
came again to the surface and were picked
up. A number of us got life preservers and
stood ready to cast them out , but I must sny
that I wondered that so few wore seen after
the ship's sinking. A great number must
have been drowned iu their berths.
"In. about an hour and u half the boats re
turned and the saved were hoisted on board
by ropes and partly by theo aid of a rope
ladder which had been lowered over the side.
Wlieu they were got on deck they were made
to sit down and they were given a glass of
brandy npleco. They seemed for the most
part fo bo in good spirits. The emigrants
were well treated by the people on the
Tlilngvalla. The passengers and crow then
went to work to shitt the cargo from the
stem to the stern , us well as the .chain
anchor , etc. , on the Thingvalla. This had u
good effect on the passengers , and they got
cheerful and buoyant , us all wo had to fear
was a storm. The shuttered bulkhead had
been backed with ulanks and hogsheads , and
could stand llttlo shock. Wo were making
about two knots an hour when , about noon ,
wo saw the Wloland. After some talk be
tween the captains wo were taken on board
the Wicland , being only allowed to take a
small valise each. It was my first experience
of a voyage across the Atlantic , and I think
it will last mo my lifetime. "
The Chicago l'asnenier
CHICAGO , August 17. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : BEE. ] At the offices of the Chicago
agency of the Thingvalla line this morning
it was found that moro people bought tickets
hero than was at first supposed. The oflleo
was crowded with anxious inquirers after
relatives and friends. The following entries
on the company's books show the names and
destination of those who purchased tickets in
this city. This is all the books show :
Ellen Nllson , Malmi ; Albert Olson , Slav-
anger ; Astrid Lurd , CoDQiihagcti ; A M.
Pcderscn , Copenhagen ; ICcrston and Sorcn-
scn , Christiana ; Paul Paulson , Copenhagen ;
Anna Thompson , Copenhagen ; Lauritz
Hummcrdul , Copenhagen ; Louise An
derson , Stockholm ; Hilda Solborg , Chris
tlaim ; Jens Hanson , Malmi ; Anna
Wicker and child , Christiana ; Car
Chudenscn and family , Gothenburg ;
Ole Christofforsen , Christiana ; John Tcr-
vuld , Trondhelm ; Captain George Hammer ,
Copenhagen ; Elizabeth Berg and daughter ,
Troudhelm ; C. Bruaton , Troudholm ; O. II.
II , Leo , Trondhcim ; Mrs. Johnson and In
fant , Gothenburg : Magnus Anderson , Goth
enburg ; Christoff Eliosen , Bcrgea ; I. G.
Johanson , Stockholm ; John Stephenson anc
Infants , Gothenburg ; John Alqulst , Stockholm
helm ; Charles Carlson , Mill mi ; I. E. Jclma
Staavangor ; Peter H. Morstda , Christiana
ICittel Giillikscn , Christiana ; Peter Miller
Copenhagen ; Andrew Ingenbriphten nni
family , Trondhcim ; Julia Frodrlckseu ani
family , Copenhagen.
All thcso went down with the exception o :
six. They are Paul Paulson , Larnitz Hum
mordal , John Towold , George Hammer ,
Christoff Eliaseu und John Alqulst.
Found a MiiHfoilon Tusk.
BISMUICIC , Dak. , August 17. In digging a
well on the farm near here , J. J. Lamb founi
nt n depth of thirty-six feet fragments of the
petrified tusk of n mastodon , which , being
put together , measured thirteen feet am
seven luches.
Killed Ity Il l tnlnir.
GiiKEN-riEi.n , Mass. , August 17. Deacon
Lovcring , aged ninety , and his sister und
housekeeper , Mrs. Ilichardson. living in Gill ,
were Instantly killed by lightning lust night
and the farm house , barns and outbuildings
burned ,
Terrible Storms In Canada.
VAM.BYFIKLU , Quebec , August 17. A ter
rific rain and wind storm visited this section
last night. Houses , cattle and horses were
carried off. So far five men are known to
have been killed.
Reached an Understanding.
WASHINOTOX , August 17. An understand
ing has been reached between Senators Frye
and Morgan , having charge of the fisheries
treaty for tholr respective sides , that a vote
upon ratification shall bo taken Tuesday
Valley County Nominations.
OHD , Neb , , August 7. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BEE. ] The republican county con
vention met hero yesterday and nominated
H. Westovor for representative and E. J.
Clements for county attorney.
Auotlinr Cruiser Ordered Out.
NEW YOHK , August 17. Orders were ro-
celvcd at the Brooklyn navy yard yesterday
to fit up the cruiser Boston for sou without
delay. She will join the European squad'
Indiana Killed by
KANSAS Citr , August 17. Chief Mcscoot
ot the ICIckupoos and his quaw aud live chil
dren were killed by lightning in his cabin on
the reservation uu-r Nctawku , Kau. , yester
Bit ; Sawmill Uui-ned.
GIUND Fonics , August 17. The Walker
sawmill was destroyed by fire last evening ,
together with a largo quantity of lumber.
Total loss , $75,000 ; partially Insured.
Tha Woatlifr Indication * .
For Nebraska , Iowa and Dakota Fair , , vurlabl * wtuds , generally south
easterly. .
Ho Oauaoa a Commotion In the Dem-
ocratlo Camp.
Cleveland Fears That lie Is Being
Knifed Iu the House of Ilia
Friends Hill Also
Set Aside.
The Democrats Disturbed.
NEW YOHK , August 17.- [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BEK.J A bombshell was thrown
Into the democratic came this afternoon
when it became iidiscd about that Calvin S.
Hrlce , of Ohio , chairman of the national
democratic executive committee , would bo
deposed from his position by order of Presi
dent Cleveland , who Is dissatisfied with his
line of policy. It is said that President
Cleveland objects to him because ol his
apathy in the work , his fondness for inter
views , and his general inefficiency. This , It
is alleged , has disgusted the president. It is
authoritatively stated that Senator Arthur
P. Gorman , of Maryland , a bitter fee of the
mugwumps , has been selected to lead the
democratic hosts iu the coming struggle.
The most significant part of the new ar
rangement Is that Eugene L. Illggins , of
Maryland , is to bo the now chief clerk of the
committee. "
Another story that has startled the demo
crats hero Is that President Cleveland has
decided to sot Governor Hill aside. The
president intends to carry Now York state
without the assistance of the gov
ernor. On this account the Hill men
are knifing him at every opportunity.
CKICVOO , August 17. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BIK. : ] "They nre doing all they can
to beat Cleveland , " said a leading tariff re
former to a reporter this morning , referring
to the attitude of the democratic national
committee. "It is n protectionist committee
clear through to the backbone , and it has
more interest in maintaining monopoly than
In electing Cleveland. I cannot conceive
whatever led Cleveland to accept the leader
ship of men whom ho knew to bo diametri
cally opposed to the policy by which ho must
stand or fall.
"In my opinion. " ho continued , "Harnum ,
Tracy , Gorman , Handall and the rest are fix
ing up u Job similar to that of IbSO , and the
appearance this morning of George O. Jones'
call for a national greenback convention is a
proof of the underplottlng that is going on.
If Urico and his advisers do not beat Mr.
Cleveland it will bo because they don't know
how. His salvation lies with the people. If
they got hold ot the idea that ho is to bo sold
out in the house of his friends they
will take the bit between their teeth and re
fuse to bo guided by the hand of monopoly
toward their own destruction. "
Secretary Dan Shcpard , of the republican
state committee , in speaking of Chairman
Unco , said that ho thought the trouble was
that Mr. Hrico was trying to run the cam
paign Just as ho ran his private business.
"And you can't run n campaign that way , "
said the veteran politician. "Now , I imagine
that Mr. Urico , if he had a deal on hand ,
said yes or no short off no leaving loose
ends , no trusting to luck and circumstances.
Hut politics can't bo run like railroads. You
can't calculate just what may be done. Your
nicest plans may miscarry. My impression
of Chairman Urico Is that ho has done what
ho thought was best , according to his lights
and training , and I put no faith in his alleged
or suspected antagonism to Mr. Cleveland. "
General Harrison's Visitors.
INWA.XAPOLIS , August 17. Delegations
from three states , Ohio , Indiana and Illinois ,
aggregating between nine and ten thousand
people , paid their respects to the republican
presidential nominee to-day. The first dele
gation arrived at noon from Paxton , 111. ,
and from that hour until o'clock excursion
trains continued to pour their thou
sands into the city until Meridau ,
Washington and Pennsylvania streets bc-
came almost impassable. The number of
brass bands and drum corps marching about
the city was not less than twenty. The most
pretentious demonstrations were made by
the largo delegations from Johnson county ,
Indiana , and Jacksonville. 111. , and the most
attractive feature was a glco club of twenty
handsome young ladles , who led ttio Jackson
ville column. They were uniformed in navy
blue dresses with encircling broad gold bands
and curried black walking sticks.
It was 4:80 : o'clock when the last delegation
reached University park , and the crowd of
10,000 people stood densely packed about the
speaker's stand. Judge William Lawrence
spoke in behalf of the Ohio delegation.
Among the other speakers were Judge O.
It. Starr , of Keokuk ; Hon. Frank Cook , of
Paxton , and Prof. W. D. Saunders , of Jack
sonville. To these addresses General Harrison
risen responded as follows :
"I return most cordially the greetings of
these friends from Ohio , Indiana and Illinois
a trio of great states lying in this valley ,
endowed by nature with a productive capac
ity that rivals the famed valley of the Nile ,
and populated by people unsurpassed in in
telligence , manly independence and courage.
The association of these states brings to
mind the fact that in the brigade with which
I served , Indiana , Ohio and Illinois wore rep
resented three regiments from Illinois ,
ono from Ohio and ono from Indiana. I have
seen the men of thcso states stand together
in evening parade. I have also seen them
charge together in battle and dlo together
for the flag they loved , and when the battle
was over 1 have seen the dead gathered from
the field they had enriched with their blood
and laid sjdo by Hldo In a common grave. "
General Harrison then referred to the Jus
tice of the republican party in dealing with
all questions. Ho said that the party had
been tolerant In everything but disloyalty to
the union.
To-morrow largo delegations are expected
from Cleveland and D.iyton , O. , and Peoria ,
111. The Traveling Men's club of Pcorla ar
rived to-night as un advance guard.
A Illulnc-Carllslo Tariff Debate.
WASHINGTON , August 17. The Star this
evening has the following :
"A proposition Is under consideration by
the democratic campaign managers to ar
range for a Joint discussion of the tariff
question by Speaker Carlisle and Mr. Blulno ,
It is proposed to challenge Mr. Blaine tc
meet Carlisle and dispute the question in al
ternate speeches iu twelve principal cities ol
the union , six to bo named by Hluino and six
by Carlisle. The opinions of a number ol
democratic congressmen as to the advisabil
ity of such a course have been asked , unO
there is a very general concurrence of ap
proval. " _
Seoklnc n Retired Place.
CLF.VCIAXD , August 17. A special from
Fosioria , O. , says : General Harrison and
wife will arrive at Toledo on Monday next
and will bo met there by Governor Foster
mid daughter. The party will go from To
ledo to Middle Bass island , Lake Erie. Al
Middle I3ass General Harrison and wife wil
occupy the Cheesboro cottage. The Islam
is controlled by the Toledo club , and will not
bo crowded by curiosity seekers to the an
noyance of the distinguished guests.
Cnlllii on the Old Roman.
COLUMPUS , O. , August 17. Kepresentn
lives of the Illinois democratic state commit
tee and Cook county democracy called on
Judge Thurman to-day to invlto him to nil
dress a mass meeting at Chicago , August 5
Thurman accepted the Invitation and will bo
met ut Port Huron , whore he speaks August
23 , by a reception committee from Chicago.
4 , Council Bluff * 3.
DBSUSQN , la. , August 17. [ Special Telegram
gram to TUB BEK.J Tba Denlson club do
feutedUc Council Uluffu base ball team , ot
the Qjiuha olty league bj t score of1 to
Tha game wu vary ao
A Burlington Passenger Train Cuts n
Freight pin Two.
Ciuc\oo , August \Tf | Special Telegram
o Tun HEC. ] The air brakes wouldn't '
vork , and , helpless to avert a disaster , the
engineer stood at his po t and dashed through
n freight train running 'straight ' across his
mth. The freight was cut iu two , five or six
of the cars where smashed into smithereens ,
and the passenger engine wrecked. The pas
sengers were shaken up considerably , but
lot n drop of blood was offered up.
The accident occurred on the Burlington
road last night. At that hour the St. Paul
> assongcrof three bafrungo cars and five
: o.iches coming cast whistled for the Pau
ilandlc crossing at Western avenue. The
train was then a half mlle away. The lights
were at the crossing signifying that a train
was passing. The engineer put on the air
irnkos , but to his horror they refused to
work. Ho then whistled for hand brakes ,
jut by this time the train was at the cross-
ng going at the rate of fifteen miles an hour.
With a crash the engine struck the middle of
the passing tralu. The car struck was thrown
> vcr and pushed along the track , dragging
hrco others with it. They were also demor
alised. The engineer and his fireman crouched
down in their cab , fully expecting
to bo crushed any moment , There was a
great crash , and the smokestack was almost
orn off. The side of the engine was scraped
ind the holler Indented , and the engine
tself ran off the track , but in ten or twenty
'eet beyond the crossing she stopped and the
occupants of the cab immediately Jumped to
the ground.
At one time it was thought that many
icoplo had been Injured and killed and the
) olice with a patrol wagon wore soon on
land. Their services were not needed , how
ever , and they returned to the station. The
train struck was a fast transfer freight. The
engineer on the passenger says somebody hud
opened the valve just at the back of the
iiigino , allowing the air to escape , and the
jrakcs were useless. It was impossible to
stop the train in time with the hand brakes.
The officials of the company stated this
morning that an Invei. igatlon would bo had
and the truth of the engineer's story do-
.ermincd. On several occasions since the
strike of the engineers the air breaks of
lassenger trains had been tampered with in
the same way , and on ono occasion a man
was caught in the net of opening the air
valve. Tills is the first accident , however ,
that has been caused in that way.
Yesterday's Investigation ny the Con
gressional Committee.
Nnw Yoiuc , August 17. The investigation
of immigrant abuses was resumed to-day by
the congressional committee at the West
minster hotel. Superintendent Jackson of
Castle Garden , secretary of the immigration
commission , testified. He said that in busy
times about four thousand immigrants land
daily. The largest number landed in anyone
ono day was 9,000. Ho explained the work
Ings of Castle Garden In detail. Last year
yOO immigrants were returned to Europe.
Walter Mclntosh , secretary of the United
States Watchmakers' association , testified to
several cases of importation to this country
from Switzerland , under contract to work in
the watch case factory of the Waltham
Watch company. The passage money was
advanced to these men , which they agreed to
pay back in installments. Englishmen were
brought over to work in the same factory
Under like conditions. The witness fortified
his testimony by exhibiting documents showIng -
Ing the contracts entered into. The witness
said that the Importation of foreign engrav
ers and watch case .makers . bad tended to
drive American mechanics Into other avoca
Captain Francis W. Bell , n pilot of seven
teen years' experience , testified that ho had
knowledge of the pnictices of Charles Lock-
wood and William McKay in securing nat
uralization papers for natives of Nova Scotia ,
and then placing them in command of Amer
ican \-cssels within two weeks. They re
ceived f 10 a head for the service. Loclnvood
told the witness that ho was enabled to make
citizens in the time mentioned because of his
friendly relations with the sou of Judge
Mooro. of Brooklyn.
McKay was called and examined at con
siderable length. His testimony was full of
contradictory statements. Ho first denied
the charges made against him , but finally ad
mitted that he had given false evidence in
several cases for the purpose of securing
naturalisation papers , and iu one case re
ceiving JUoO for his services.
Result or the Researches of the Amer
ican Scientists.
CLEVELAND , August 17. There was a good
attendance to-day at the meeting of the
American association for the advancement
of science. Several Interesting papars were
read in section D , which is devoted to
mechanical science and engineering. W. J.
Keep , of Detroit , read ono on the influence of
nlumnlum upon cast iron. He proved that
aluminum caused white iron to turn gray ,
entirely prevented blow holes , Increased its
strength , took away all tendency to chill ,
lessened the thickness of the scale , softened
the iron and increased its elasticity. Owing
the rapidly falling price of aluminum the re
sults of this research will bo of great value
to iron founders.
Ho Proves Himself the Strongest Man
After Sf.v Hloody Rounds.
NEW YOKK , August 17. [ Special Telegram
to THE Hcu. ] John Sampson , of the Pas
time Athletic club , who in February beat
Paddy Cahlll , the present middle-weight
amateur champion , met Jack Aldus , another
well-known amateur , in a private- house near
Islip , L. I. , last evening , and there the men ,
who were on bad terms , faced each other for
a fight to a finish with bare knuckles. It
was a bloody affair , and after the sixth
the spectators agreed that they had seen
enough and would not let Aldus continue.
The victory was given to Sampson. The
men refused to become friends after the
Muley and Ilia Kncort Massacred.
TANQIEII , August 17. The emperor , ro-
centy , at the request of the rebels , sent
Prlnco Muloy to receive their submission.
Frlnco Muloy had an escort of 200 cavalry
men , and ho and all his men were massacred
by the insurgents. This treachery was duo
to a desire for revenge upon the emperor for
killing the delegates sent by the insurgents
to treat for peace , and for whom the om-
pcror had promised a safe conduct.
Graphophoucs For the West.
NEW Yonic , August 17. A company ol
western men , with Hamilton S. Wyks , of
Kansas City , at their head , has secured n
contract with the syndicate controlling the
Edison-Bell grapbophopo for all rights within
the territory west of the Mississippi river
and cast of the Hocky mountains. Companies
are to bo established and instruments intro
duced In the loading cities of that district by
the 1st of October.
Brotherhood's Quarter-Centennial.
DETROIT , August 17. The Brotherhood ol
Locomotive Engineers is here to-day to celo-
bratothequartor-contennlalof its organiza
tion. It is estimated that upwards of 9,000
members are In the city. Delegates from
nearly all the states iu the union huvo come.
Most of the high officers are present , Includ
ing Chief Engineer Arthur.
The Sunday School Workers.
CriAUTAuqui , N. Y. , August 17. An in
tcrestlng platform meeting of the Interna
tional exeoutlvo Sunday school committee
was hold this morning and speeches were
made by Benjamin Clark , of London , H. F.
Jacobs , of Chicago , president of the committee
toe , William Reynolds'/of Peoria , III. . , anc
otheri. ' .
The Intor-Stato Commission nntl
Lincoln's Complaints.
The Democrats Placed Squarely on
Record The Kansas Sugar 12.x-
licrimcnts Military Reser
vation Surveys.
Lincoln's Suit Denied.
f WASHIXOTON. D. C. , August 17.
The cases of the Lincoln board of trade
against the B. & M. Uallroad company In
Nebraska and airalnst thu Missouri Pacific
railroad company have been decided by the
Inter-state commerce commission , which
falls to find any sufficient reason for a changes
In the rates complained of In either caso.
The rates charged from Chicago to Lincoln
which were brought In question In the first
complaint were soon nft < jr materially reduced
and nt the same time the disparity between
them and the rates from Chicago to Omaha
was so modified that the difference conforms
from the city to the relative distances. The
considerations controlling the proper ad
justment of rates to Interior Ne
braska points are stated. The rules
from St. Louis to Lincoln , which were chal
lenged In the second case , were also changed
before the hearing both I" amount aud rela
tively in favor of Lincoln and the present
difference is sustained In view of the more
favorable situation In Omaha mid other Mis
souri river points , the St. Louis rates being
governed by the Chicago rates.
In the senate to-day Mr. Manderson offered
nn amendment to the general deficiency ap
propriation bill appropriating $30,030 to con-
tlnuo and complete surveys of abandoned
military reservations. With the amendment
ho submitted a letter from Secretary Vilns
for the Information of the committee on ap
propriations , stating that no stops have boon
taken for the sale of Fort Mel'horson mili
tary reservation In Nebraska , und the
directions given to the commissioner of the
general land office by letter of January
a" , 1SS7 , to cause the reservation , with others
of similar character , to bo surveyed and
platted with u view to their disposal under
the provisions of the net of July 5 , 1884.
The reasons that no action has been taken
nre that the Forty-eighth congress failed to
make appropriations tar the continuance of
the office of United States surveyor general
for Nebraska and Iowa , or to formally close
or abolish the office and the general land
commissioner is not yet empowered to act as
cx-oflleio surveyor general for that district ,
and the total liability of the surveys of the
abandoned reservation , authorized by de
partmental contract , amount to within a
small fraction ot the total appropriation of
820,000 made by the net of March U , 1SS5 , for
that purpose.
The republican members are very well
pleased to-night over the record they have
made during the past week on their proposi
tion which has created a deadlock in the
houso. They have stood solidly together in
support of the motion made by Mr. Mornll
of Kansas to set aside two days for pension
legislation , and the policy of the democrats
has been to vote almost solidly against the
proposition , or to refrain from voting alto
gether , thus leaving the house without a
quorum. Every reuublican has voted steadily
In favor of pension legislation and only n very
few northern democrats have voted with.
The great body of democrats have re
frained from voting and have shirked ,
thus placing the democratic majority In
direct opposition to pension legislation. The
result has been a deadlock , which has pre
vented nil kinds of work , including confer
ence reports , appropriation bills and other
privileged matter , which the needs of the
country demand shall receive immediate con
sideration. The republicans intend to stand
out some time longer and to force the demo
crats. If possible , to show their bunds more
plainly than they have. There is no proba
bility that a special order for pension bills
will bo made , as the democrats will sacrifice
any interest to prevent the passage of a pen
sion bill. This is the first time the republi
cans have had an opportunity to force a
direct issue and to make the democrats us n
party vote their sentiments. They have suc-
cctded admirably , though it has been ut
great cost.
KANSAS auflAit nxrr.niMCNTa A FAILUHE.
The agricultural department has Just sent
out n report of the experiments made with
sorghum in Kansas. From the general tenor
of the report the sorghum experiment may bo
regarded as n failure and no recommendation
is made for their continuance. This will
strengthen the position of the republican
senators who propose a reduction of 50 per
cent on the sugar duty.
As Indicated in these dispatches several
days ago the administration Is arranging to
surprise the republicans by securing some of
the northwestern states and Michigan. Frank
Hurd was here this week , and ho took n very
discouraging view of the outlook. Ho says
that ho Is going into Minnesota and Iowa to
speak for the Mills bill , and the administra
tion would likely carry these states. He be
lieved that the reductions the republicans in
the senate would muko on the lumber duty
would insure Michigan to tha democratic
ticket. Mr. Hurd frankly stated that there
was no probability of Cleveland and Thur
man carrying Now York , Connecticut or
New Jersey , and thut the plan was to cap
ture some of the northwestern states which
huvo heretofore gone republican , and to do it
on the strength of the Mills tariff bill.
Judge Puyson of Illinois , who is the lead
ing republican member of the house com in It-
tee on public lands , said this evening thut
there wns no prospect of the passage at this
sessionand very little If any at the next scs-
bion , of the general land bill , The measure
proposes u complete system of land laws to
take the place of those upon the statute
books. The judge added that there would bo
no legislation by this congress to forfeit the
land grub of railroads and there Is such a
division of opinion on the subject In both
house and senate , ho said that there was llt
tlo hope of securing final action.
Hepresentatlvo Perkins of Kansas has Just
returned from North Carolina , where ho
delivered a tariff speech before the
Farmers' alliance nt its state fair.
Mr. Perkins says the republicans
there believe they will elect their state
ticket this fail , and that if the republican na
tional comuilttoo would send some Intelligent
men Into the black belt of North Carolina to
sco that the Ignorant colored voters cast
their ballots In tha right ooxes the republican
electors would bo chosen. The luws of South
Carolina have been adopted by North Caro-
linn governing elections , and these provide
u separate ballot box for each office voted
for , and there are so many boxes presented
that the uneducated colored voter very sel
dom places his ballot In the right box.
There have been exactly 11,000,000 copies of
speeches delivered In this session of the
house at ono distribution through tha docu
ment room. The envelopes to cover these
speeches cost the government 21,000. The
highest number of speeches ever circulated
by members of the house at any previous ses
sion was in 18TO , when 7,000,000 copies wtre
sent out. Mr. O'DonnclI , of Michigan , who is
a member of the house committee on ac
counts , has just completed the auditing of the
expanse- for this work , and these figures nro
furnished by him. The government pays for
the envelopes and folding of all speeches , but
the members pay for tb printing. Thcso
figures do not include the copies of speeches
delivered in and sent out through the senate.
No credence is given hero to the report
thut the democrats are trying to nrrango a
joint tariff debate between Speaker Carlisle
and Mr , ulamo. The republicans say they
would bo very glad to have It take place , but
.tint there are ninny rca'ons why It is not
'easiblo , the principal ono being that Speaker
Carlisle will bo occupied hero until the cam-
lalgn Is almost If not qulto over ,
A call of the house to-day sticcedcd In
Irummlng up 10'J members Just one less
ban a quorum.
Senator Manderson to-day presented a pc-
Itlon signed by a number of citizens of Wash-
ngton county. Nebraska , In favor of the bill
o amend the Inter-stato commerce law so as
.0 prohibit shippers owning their own
cars. This would do away with tank cars ,
cfrlgcrator cars , etc. , which are now owned
jy shippers.
First Lieutenant Kdwln E. Hnrdln , of the
Seventh Infantry , and Second Lieutenant
Alfred H. Jackson , of the Ninth cavalry
; judgu advocate ) , have been appointed on a
Kcncral court martial to meet at West Point ,
N. Y. , on next Monday.
Dr. H. H. Smith , of Omaha , who has been
n Washington for some time , left for his
Hiiiio to-night.
The Nebraska court bill has become n law.
The president attached his signature- it
, 'cstordny evening.
The senate to-day passed a bill definitely
nuking it a crime to send obscene matter
through the mails In sealed envelopes or In
any other form and all matter or words or
> ropositlons or Insinuations are Included.
Pniiur S. HUATII.
Letting Contracts for the Sioux City
Corn Palace.
Sioux CITV , la. , August 17. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK Unc.J The first contract for
corn for the decoration of the Sioux City
corn palace was lot to-day. The contract Is
for eighty acres , which will amount to about
'our thousand bushels. More than thirty
thousand bushels will bo required. There
ins been apprehension that corn would bo
.00 late for the palace , but early fields will
jo In time. _
Another Rock Island Wreck.
HOMKSTCAD , In. , August 17. [ Special to
Tin : lieu. ] The second wreck on the Hock
Island within the last twenty-four hours oc
curred here last night. Four cars of freight
train No. 19 left the track on account of a
urokcn axle , turning crosswise of the track.
It took eight hours to lift the debris to admit
the passage of the limited and mail train No.
J. No ono was injured. Superstitious train
men nro on the lookout for the Inevitable
third. Heavy rains have necessitated put
ting out nn extra watch on the culverts and
bridges to avoid accidents from washouts.
A Crop Report.
MABON CITV , la. , August 17. [ Special
Telegram to Tun I3ii : : . ] G. A. Stearns , gen
eral agent of the McCormick'company , has
| ust returned from an extensive travel over
north and west Iowa , and furnishes the fol
lowing crop report : Wheat is a failure.
Oats are yielding twenty-four bushels to the
iicrp , weighing but twenty pounds to the
Imshel. Flax and barley are good ; corn Is
excellent. The farmers are feeding but few
uogs on account of the cholera scourge.
A Sioux City Fire.
Sioux CITV , In. , August 17. [ Special Tel
egram to Tim Br.i : . ] The planing mill of
Cader , Itupert & Co. and its contents was
destroyed by llro this morning. Loss , $ S,000 ;
insurance , ? 4OJO.
Iurned to Death.
CIIAIILESTON , W. Vn. , August 17. The
boarding house of Summers & Lynch burned
this morning nt West Charleston. Simon
Wallace , ngcd'thlrty-ono/i nd bis motheri
aged fifty-live , were burned to death.
Governor Hill Attain Knocked Out by
the Administration.
SARATOGA , N. Y. , August 17. [ Special
Telegram to THE HUE. ] Again David 13.
Hill has been made to foci the power of the
federal machinery and Cleveland's antipathy.
Yesterday Cleveland and his horde of olllco
holders drove another nail deep into thu po
litical coflln of Governor Hill. For weeks
the wire from the executive chamber at Al
bany has been working and the governor has
been getting his henchmen in line for a clash
with the Cleveland forces and awaiting
anxiously the call of the state committee.
When the chairman summoned the meeting ,
the governor prepared to test his strencth.
It was apparent at the outset that the Hill
programme would fall through. The gov
ernor wanted the convention hold at Sara
toga on September 14 , but the committee
decided by a vote of 19 to 15 to hold the con
vention on September 13 ut Buffalo. This
was a clean knock-down for the administra
Nebraska and I own Pc.nsloiiR.
WASHINGTON , August 17 , | Special Tele
gram to Tins BuR.l Pensions granted Nebraskans -
braskans : Original invalid A. Ward , MIra
Creek ; Earl U. Sluwson , Dcnton. Uestora-
tion and increase George W. Kdkin ( de
ceased ) , Homer. Increase Ira Hobinson ,
Fail-field ; William J. Henderson , Litchlleld.
Pensions for lowans : Original Invalid
William C. Chcsnoy , Coin : William Lingrcl ,
Fayotto ; William II. Anploton. Klkport ;
John McPherson , Hit-bland ; Patrick Herlcy ,
Kmmettsburg ; John Foster , Floris ; John
AV. Koderick , Wintersot ; Klijah Nation , Os-
kuloosa ; Leicester D. Lyon , Fort Madison ;
David Underbill , Asliton ; John F. Vuhlcn-
berk , Pleasant Grove ; John Sholy , East DCS
Moiiies ; William Conclive , Sioux City ; John
M. Mitchell , Hubbard. Increase Edgar
Bagley , Clinton ; Jobeph V. Delaplane , Tip-
Ro Was Too Sensational.
nocm-.STEii , Pa. , August 17. [ Special Tel
egram to THE Uii : : . ] George B. Hold , u re
porter of the Plttsburg Times , was last night
excommunicated from the Kochc.itcr UapUst
church. Held was connected with n local
paper during the church trial of Mrs. L. A.
Ilibbard , the complainant In a $100,000
breach of promise suit against Henry C. Fry.
sr , , and wrote up the affair in a sensational
way. His sins , ns named by the church
council , are many , but tha uuchristlanlika
manner in which ho handled the church
council for its treatment of Mrs. Ilibbard is
what brought about the expulsion ,
Retired From the Turf.
NEW Vonit , August 17. [ Special Telegram
to TUB HUB. ] The ventures of women on
the turf do not pay. Mrs. George L. Lorillard -
illard has become convlncod of this after two
years fruitless seeking after rich prizes hung
up by the various racing associations. The
end has conio. All horses that are in train
ing that are owned by Mrs. Lori Hard will bo
sold on Saturday next nt Monmouth Park.
The lady has learned , after n loss of some
money , that ingenuity and smartness of a pe
culiar order count for something in thcso days
upon the turf. Mr. Astor learned it last
year and retired. Congressman Scott was
taught a bitter lesson after a lobs of $50,000
or more.
Yellow Jack on Hoard.
WASHINGTON , August 17. Surgeon Gen
eral Hamilton has received a telegram from
tha assistant surgeon at Fortress Monroe ,
Va. , saying that ho had quarantined the
British ship Athens , seven days from Pen-
nacola to Newport News. Ho says a case of
yellow fever , with collapse , was found on
board , thn patient being too ill for transpor
tation. The vessel is being fumigated.
Hamilton telegraphed to hold her in quaran
tine for further observation.
The Fire
August 17 , The National
Association of Fire Engineers , in ueittlon
here , agreed to moot at Kansas City Septem
ber 2. The following officers were elected :
President , F. L. Stetson , Minneapolis : src-
rotary , Henry A. Hills. Cincinnati ; treas
urer , A. C. Hendrlck , New Haven , Conn.
. V.
The Bill Rolntiuer to Postal Orimos
Pnssocl By the Sonato.
riio HOUHO Again Compelled to All *
joiii'ii Alter Several Rnll-CnlU
For Want of a
WASIIIXOTO.V , August 17. In the sonnto to-
liiy ii bill amendatory of the net of Juno 18 ,
S8 ( > , relating to postal crimes was tukcn up ,
niul lifter being amended so as to roiluco the
leuultles , was passed.
It ro.vds that all matter otherwise mullublo
by law , upon the onvulopo or outsulo coverer
orvrap | > ci' of which , or any postal card
ipon which any delineations , epithets , terms
or language of an Imlccont , lowil , lascivious ,
obscene , libellous , scurrilous , defamatory of
hreuU'iiing character , or calculated by the
.crms or niaiiiior or style of display and ob
viously intended to rellcet Injuriously
llion the character of another , may
jo written or printed , or otherwise
mprcssed or upp.ireut ; every obsccno
lewd or lascivious book , pamphlet , picture ,
luper , letter , writing , printing or other pub
lication of nnlndccont diameter , tire hereby
leclarcd to bo non-malliiblo matter , and shall
lot bo conveyed iu the malls nor delivered
from any poHtofllec.
Mr. Chandler travo notice that on Wednes
day next Mo would ask the sonnto to take up
: ho resolution in regard to the Investigation
of the Louisiana election riots ,
The senate then took up the fishery treaty ,
the pending question being on the motion
submitted yesterday by Mr. Gibson.
Mr. Frye asked unanimous consent for an
order of the senate that at 1 o'clock each day
the debate on the treaty shall proceed , and
shall close on Monday next at li o'clock , the
rrionds of the treaty having the last two
Hours , and that on Tuesday next at li ! o'clock
the Dual votes shall bo taken on all amend
ments , motions and resolutions of ratification.
It was so ordered.
Mr. Morgan then proceeded to address the.
senate in favor of the ratification of the
treaty. After ho had spoken for two hours.
Mr. Morgan suggested that the order agreed
oa to-day should bo so far modified that the
discussion of the treaty shall begin on Mon
day at the conclusion of the reading of the
Mr. Call desired to reserve time on Monday
Tor action on the Joint resolution in relation
to the yellow fovor. Ho was Informed , how
ever , that thi-ro would bo a discussion on the
loint resolution , and that It would consume
considerable time.
The senate then adjourned till Monday.
llOUHO. ,
WASiiiJtr.TON" , August 17. In the house to
day the senate amendments to the sundry
civil appropriation bill were non-concurred In ,
and a conference ordered. The house than
resumed consideration of the resolution as
signing certain days for general pension leg
islation , the pending question being on a de
mand for the previous question. A call of
the house showed that there was no quorum
present. Further proceedings unuor call
were dispensed with ,
Mr. Paysou of Illinois asked unanimous
consent that the hour should bo extended
until the resolution was dispensed with , bun
n demand for the regular order operated aa
an objection. " '
Mr. IJurncs of Missouri moved that the
house go into committee of the wliolo on thd
deficiency bill , and on division no quorum ?
voted. After a number of roll calls the house
Alexander Woods Expiates tlio Orlino
of Wife- Murder on the Gnllowe.
SALT LAKE , Utah , August 17. [ Special
Telegram to Tun BIE. ] At Blaokfoot ,
Idaho , to-day , Alex Woods , a colored barber
of Pocatollu , was hung for the murder of his
wlfo. The drop took place at U o'clock. His , ,
pulse beat six minutes. Ha was cut down
twelve minutes later and his neck was found ,
broken. Ho Jerked his feet up and down for
some time. His wife was murdered somd
two years ago , Jealousy being the cause. Thp
execution was sot for some time ago , but he
managed to escape , and disguised us an In
dian eluded capture for a timo. His crime ,
which was an especially bloody ono , so
aroused the community that the governor of
Idaho , to Bavo the delay which would bo oc- !
casioncd by Woods being hold over till an
other term of court for rcsontencing , pro
claimed a respite till August 17 , oven before )
ho was recaptured , feeling sure that ho would ;
bo caught before that time. It turned out
that the governor was right. The same gal
lows used in the hanging of Frank Wjjl-
iams , a Cariboo , Idaho , murderer , July 31 ,
Woods met death unflinchingly. Ho made 4
short speech saying he had no hard feelingii
against any ono.
Their Sentences ol * DlHinisHal Coin-
muted By the Pi'CHUloiit.
WASHINGTON- , August 17. In the case o |
the naval cadets recently tried by a court *
martial at Annapolis for hazing , and sen
tenced to dismissal , the president has commuted -
muted the sentences to confinement of thirtJ
days and deprivation of half the annual
leave. The president says : "Tho offense ol
which the accused are convicted IB an unJ
manly and cowardly Joke , which for all rea
sons deserves the severest conuoninatlon. It )
has been exceedingly difficult for mo to oon4
aider the applications for dotncney which
have been addressed to mo by fridnds of tbri
parties under conviction , but lam led to hopq'
that If leniency is shown In thcso CUSPS , the
punishment which the offenders will still
fer , though less than dismissal , will sufllco
for their correction , and as a warning to foU
low cadets. I desire it to bo distinctly under *
stood that the clemency granted in thcia
cases is not to bo considered as u precedent *
for future executive Interference , and that )
the severest sentence recommended upoa
future corrections will be executed. "
Mr. ClarlCKou HprnliiH Ills Ankle.
NEW Yoiuc , August 17. J. S. Olarkson of
Iowa , vice chairman of the national republl *
can executive committee , met with a painful
accident on Tuesday night. Ho and Colonel
Dudley of Indiana occupy connecting room *
at the Everett houso. Thov cot homo JUta
and tired and Mr. Clurkson , after he had un
dressed , stopped upon a chair in order to qx
tingulsh tha gas. The chair tipped and ha
was thrown heavily to the floor. Ho was %
peed deal bruised and ono of his ankles wu
badly sprained ,
An Embezzling Postmaster 8cntenooI
DEADWOOD , Dak. , August 17. [ Special
Telegram to TUB HBK. ] John W. O. Whlt ,
late postmaster at Carbonate , Dak. , who yes
tordny plead guilty In the Uuitod Stataa
court to the ohargo of embezzlement of post-
oftlco funds , was to-day fined t'JT'J and son
tunccd to it vo years' hard labor m the terrU
toriul penitentiary at Sioux Falls.
A Hcrnilt'tt Itlu Ucqueit.
PLAIXJIKLO , N. J. , August IT. I3y the will
of Frlzco Leo , a rich old hormlt , who died !
near hero last Sunday , the Scotch Baptist
church obtains $ ; ' ,00 , < KW. Only $72,000 was
divided among a score of relatives. Thera
will be a light at law over the matter.
Dry Goods Failure In Cauujta ,
MONTHS * ! . , August 17 , The praj > fieori ot
the dry goods ustabllshmant known as "La Canadian , " madq un assignment
yesterday with 860,000 lUblUtlei. The syn
dicate waioponed in Ut > 2 with a total caplUL