Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 17, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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    t Tl
The revenue collections yes-
tardiiy amounted to $12,117.05.
A tnnrriapo license wns granted yes
terday to Otto Boil and Mrs. Johann
Fleck , both of Omaha.
The First Wavd Republican club will
meet Friday evening at National hall ,
Williams and Thirteenth streets.
.7. Sullivan was seriously Injured by n
cave-in on Tenth ftrcet where the
cable company is crossing the track ? .
Two other workmen wore- buried with
him , but they were rescued uninjured.
The Seventh Ward Danish Demo
cratic club mot at Met/ hall last night
and was addressed by Messrs. J. J.
Points , Frank Greene , W. S. Shoe
maker and G. Christophcn with ortho
dox democratic campaign talk.
In the police court yesterday after
noon Jim Leo , a young tough , was lined
$50 and costs , and given sixty days in
the county jail for rumination. His
ollonco was an assault on Wyman IJea-
vor , who resides at Thirty-second and
Half Howard streets , the incidents of
which have already been published.
Nellie Frazier , a tan colored prosti
tute who lives at 1011) ) Capitol avenue ,
was before Judge Herka yesterday afternoon -
noon charged with the larceny of S.'t.OO
from the person of N. J. Sheridan , a
boldier. The woman was bound over to
the district court in the sum of $000 , and
the soldier gave bonds for $200 for his
appearance as witness.
I'prsonnl 1'arnnrapliH.
John Hratt , of North Platte , is at the Mil-
M Shencmnn , of DCS Moincs , is In the
city.F. .
F. M. Fish , of Ucssemcr , W. T. , is at the
A. W. Dickinson , of the Missouri Pacific ,
Is In the city.
Mr. and Mrs. J.V. . Has sett , of Unadilla ,
arc at the Windsor.
J. H. Weston and J. D. Kiipatrlok , of Heat-
rico , are at the Paxton.
D. L. Bruce , of Lincoln , and E. F. Lnlk , of
Loup City , were In Omaha yesterday.
W. H. Dugan , of IMatto Center , and J. C.
Hutch , of Wymoio , are Millard guests.
OH. C. Haverly. of Hastings , and W. R.
Kelly , of Lincoln , were In the city yester
J. S. Tebbotts , general passenger and
ticket ngent of the Union 1'acillc , loft last
night for Chicago.
R. 13. Maury , Jr. , general tpavelmg pas
senger agent of the Louisville , New Orleans
& Texas railway , Mississippi Valley route ,
is in the city. ,
He May Ilecover.
C. II. Cartcnsen , who was crushed in such
a peculiar manner by a chain breaking loose
from a steam shovel at Portal , is
reHrted ] somewhat better and hopes
nro entertained of his recovery.
Fell Two Flights.
While Mrs. James Orton was sitting
asleep in her chair Wednesday evening on the
yoranda of the third story at 111 15 Howard ,
ho wa- suddenly ntvakonod , and fell down
two Ilights of stalls. She was badly bruised
and stunned , but sustained no fatal injuries.
AVom.-in Against Wonrui.
A lady's purse containing $30 in cash and
some valuable papers was stolen from the toi
let room of the Union Pnclllo depot Wednes
day evening. The purse had been carelessly
laid down for a few minutes and must have
been taken by n woman , because women only
have access to the place.
Looking for u Ltnhy.
There arrived in Omaha yesterday a gen
tleman from Chicago in search of n llttlo
girl for adoption , between the ages of six
and ton. Ho nays she must bo of American
parentage , a perfect beauty and full of gen
tleness and life. An orphan is preferred.
To such an ono ho will pivo an elegant homo.
Notice to Travel Ing Men.
A meeting of all traveling men Is cnlled
for S o'clock Saturday evening nt the Arcade
parlors to perfect arrangements for ' 'Drum
mers' Day" during the fair. This will prob
ably bo the last meeting and all committees
are specially requested to bo ready with their
An Ohio Dinner.
Emulatinc the example of the sons of
other states the children of Ohio , resident in
Nebraska , propose to hold a grand Ohio din
ner early this fall , in which the loading citi
zens will take part. It is proposed to make
It a grand affair. The ladles uro already
moving in the matter and it is understood
that a meeting will soon be hold to formally
secure the co operation of all interested.
Killed on the Track.
Charles Folk , supposed to have been a
laboring man , was killed last night by the
outgoin Denver train. Jle was picked up by
n switchman mid takqn to the switch house
tetwcon Tenth and Eleventh streets , where
ho died. ! Ills head , and arms were crushed by
being thrown against a switch \vith such
force as to break the lamp and put out the
switch light. lie could not talk coherently on
account of blood In his throat , but it was
gathered that ho lived cither on Park Wild or
Park nvonuo. An Inquest will be held at 0
o'clock to-day at the coroner's ofllcc.
Mr. Klmball's Sickness.
The ailment of Thomas L. Kimhall , gon-
ornl manager of the Union Pacific railway ,
took a sudden turn for the
worse Wednesday evening , and additlonnl
medical skill was called in , Dr.
It. R. Livingstone , medical director ol
the U. & M. was sent for in a special ear , to
hold a consultation with the other physicians.
Mr. KImball's friends have bee omo greatly
alarmed. Ho passed a good night , however ,
sleeping eieht hours , and nwoko greatly re
freshed yesterday. Ho is now thought tc
be out of danger.
J. J. Cmnlnjs' Ilctnrii.
J. J. Cumings , the , Omaha man whc
figured in thoAmos family unpleasantness ir
Chicago , arrived homo on Wednesday nni
was seen by a reporter yesterday Mr. Cum
ings was much nverso to giving his side ol
the story , and said Hint ho had been advisee
by his counsel to say nothing. Ho says thai
ho will remain In Omaha and attend strictly
to his business.
Cumiugs claims that Ames Is actuated li
his suit , merely for the dcsiro for blackmail
Ho denies that there was nny cause fo
Ames1 action , and that the trouble wus bo
twecn Ames and his wife. Through n rca
estate deal with Mrs , Ames in Chicago am
the consequent splto of Ames ho was im
plicated , nud has como In for a great deal o
unenviable newspaper notoriety.
The Postal Itnbbcrics.
Chief Clerk Grlfiln , of the mail sorvjce
lias received no report from nny uf the postn
clerks under him in regard to the robbery o
the inuil pouch at Valentino two nights ago
The clerk on tho'cars did not know anything
about It until the next day. Ho did not so
. nnyono on the platform when ho throw of
the mall. No return has been made to tin
postnnlco department as yet to enable then
to mnko anything like an accurate csthuuti
of the loss occasioned by the deed.
Mr. Griftln , in speaking of the Chlcnp
letterbox robbery thinks the thieves sitnpl' '
worked some carrier or postal clerk in som
way for a key , or perhaps made n key thu
Jlttcd the Yale lock by bhnply seeing u lette
carrier's koy. "It would be an easy mutter ,
ho said , "for any smart thief to got a key n
the Ipcks are very simple and of course tlv
bovs do not try to keep their keys out o
Bight , "
An Important Kleincnt
Of the buccoss of Hood's Sarsaparllla i
the fact that every purchaser receive
n fair oqulvtilont for his money. Th
familiar head-lino " 100 Doses Oho Do !
lar , " stolen by imitators , i3origin : ]
with nnd true only of Hood's Sarsaput
- Ilia. This can easily bo proven byanj
ono who desires to test the mutter , ro
real economy , buy only Hoou
BarsapiiriUa. Sold by all drugglaU.
South Omnhans Join Hands to Improve -
provo the Maglo Olty.
A lioi\K nml Wnmi Discussion Winch
AV'III JIavo Good KlTcct Upon
the City OIHclnls ol'
South Oninlin.
A Ijlvcly GntlicrltiR.
It was very wiirtu In South O in all a Wcdncs-
n.y evening.
Hut It was not hnU so warm among tlio
cooling breezes that floated across the sewer ,
and through the fifty-throo saloons , as It wus
up In Hunt's opera house , where qultn a num
ber of citizens miit in mass meeting. The
meeting was n representative one. First of
all there were llvo reporters present. Then
the mayor and city council were on hand
nnd with them the city engineer , his staff ,
the city attorney , the ux-clty attorney , the
ox-clly engineer , and several ex-councilnien.
Hesidos these there was quito u largo num
ber of citizens anil taxpayers. There
was : i illflcronco of opinion as to whether
It should bo called a citizens' inectinu' or an
indignation meeting , but at 3:42 : p. m. tiio
indignation part had the best of it , and be-
catno apparent in the continuous stamping
and calls for "chair. " The chair was till
right , and repeated calls for Dr. Glasgow
induced that gentleman to occupy it. The
names of J. F. Kitchhart nnd J. O. Carroll
were suggested for secretary , but as the
former gentleman declined , and the latter
was not present at the time , City Attorney
IJoud was substituted and took the desk.
Dr. Glasgow then opened the proceedings
by stating that It was- not an Indignation
meeting , mil merely a rail for the citizens to
meet and discuss matters pcrtainingto the best
interests of the city ; to inquire if the money
now being expended , was spent properly. If
the taxpayers were paying more than they
were getting value lecelved for , it was time
for them to know it. Did they want as largo
nn engineering staff as was nt present cm-
ployed iVoro i the cuts and ( Ills called for in
the proposed change of grade for the benelit
of the citizens , or a few for those on Mis
souri avenue for instance ? Was it right to
have so many men employed on the streets
and to spend from $25 to $ " > ( ) per day use
lessly. Ho then called on J. F. Kltehhart ,
and that gentleman said his opinion was al
ready well known. Ho did not want to make
a speech , but ho thought there was an en
tirely useless expenditure. He had no apol
ogy to make for what had appeared in the
press over his signature , but ho meant every
thing he had said.
The next speaker was M. P. Kinney , nn cx-
nciubcr of ttio present engineer's .staff. He
aid ho was a taxpayer and a citi/en , and
hat after being in the employ of the city for
hreo months , ho hail been released from
luty that night , for reasons that would \\oto- \ \
after appear. Ho stated the various cngi-
leering work ho had been engaged in and
itTercd to produce testimonials as to ability
. 'roni ' several Omalia engineers. In his judg-
nent , the South Omaha engineer's dcpart-
nent should bo run nt an expense of not
nero than $500 per month. Ho thought there
vas a great deal of unnecessary expense and
10 could bring figures to show it. Ho bo-
ieved ho had been relieved for talking to the
ex-city engineer. Ho charges the assistant
engineer with surveying lots for private par
ties and using the city corps for the purpose.
"When did you come to tno conclusion
hat the city was spending too much money i"
asked Councilman Hayless. "Was it only to-
light ? Why did you not speak about it be
fore I"
"J guess I was in with the rest of you be-
ore , " and there was loud upplauso. "Hut I
an prove what I said about the private sur-
vcving , " ho added.
"It's a lie , " said the assistant ; engineer ,
'and the time book and claiui-lllo will show
t. livery day spent in private work for cit-
7ens has been deducted from the time book ,
and the records will show It. "
Several of those present then spoke , but
space is too short , and eternity too long to
report it all. Ono of them said it looked
iko spite work , and that "it was wrong , dead
> vrong. "
Assistant City Engineer Lawrcnccwas
then called for , and stated that while the
expenses were heavy Just now , they were
icavy because there was a great amount of
work to do. Ho was nearly through with
ho heaviest part of it , and was reducing the
'orco as rapidly as ho could. The gentleman
wtio had made the charges was the second
ono discharged , and had been discharged
that night , a few hours before the meeting
was called.
As to doing private work , bo had done it to
get ready money , because his city warrants
were subject to a discount of from 10 to 15
) er cent , but ho had never charged the city
with HII hour's ' time while so employed.
Then , for ten or fifteen minutes , there was
an exchange of compliments. The monotony
was broken by S. W. Dennis , who. like many
others , had become bewildered in trying to
follow and fathom the numerous technical
engineering terms.
"Wo don't want to hoar any of this quar-
cl , " ho said. "Wo want to know if the
money wo'ro spending is doing us nny good ,
and If wo are getting value for iti"
Mr. Kinney reiterated his charges , and
then Councilman McMillan took the lloor.
"I think tills has all originated m spite , "
; io nld. "Wo hired Mr. Lawrence to look
after this business , and any time ho lost was
by our Instructions. For the last two weeks
we have been trying to make some arrange
ment for sewerage , nnd wo needed him with
us , and wo needed him nearly every day. It
nil comes from an Omaha engineer who
iried to get the contract to build u viaduct at
a cost of $1,000 to ? 4,000 more than nny ono
else. I've this to say , wo engaged this man
Lawrence , and wo didn't hire him to get
Hold notes , but to keep n lookout us
to how things were going on. I think
this other man wants the place himself. If
the citizens wish to investigate , they have a
perfect right to do it , but they want to get an
unbiased eiiglucci-to decide. "
F. S. D. Uroughtcn , another member of
the engineer's stall then took the lloor , and
said ho had sixteen years' experience. Ho
supported the charges madoby Mr. Kinney ,
nnd admitted ho was berry he had become In
volved in the dispute.
L. C. Gibson , n taxpayer thought It looked
Hue a personal fight , and that if there was
anything in the charges , statlbtlcs would
show it.
Councilman McMillan compared the cost
of engineering Omaliu for eighteen months
of its existence twenty years ago ( $ -0OdU )
with that of South Omaha , which , so fat-
averaged less than ? JOO per month.
Councilman Bayless thought they were
drifting off the subject. Thuy had
met to investigate the charges profeirod
against the council of spending money ox-
tntrugnuily. If oiic-liaU of the storms ho
heard"on the btreet were true , ho did not
wonder at tlio people kicking. Hut they were
not true. Ho would call on City Attorney
Doud to read a report that hud been prepared -
pared , showing where the expenditures had
been mado.
City Attorney Doud then rend the follow
ing report , to which ho had attached an ufll-
davit saying it was correct :
Keport of claims audited : mdallowed by
thu council of South Omaha from April 7 to
August 15,1SS3 :
Total amount allowed on all claims
from April ? to August 15 $13,013 41
Of which amount the old council
contracted for and the bills of
which huvo been -allowed by the
new council 0,030 01
Total indebtedness Incurred by
the present council S 7,003 3 !
Amount of present city debt ( cstl-
mnto ) 33,000 0 (
Amount Incurred by present coun
cil 7,1-033 !
$47,031 0 :
Then li got lively once mire , nnd Messrs
KInitey , Lawrence , Smith and Haylcss ul
took part iu u debalo on ttio original en
glnecring question. Some time was taken in
and Dr. Glasgow said they hud not touchct
the real question yet. Ho wanted to knov
why the grades on N street had bcci
changed ) Why had they n flguro-hcud on
glnccr that did not glvo his time to the city
but leave the work to the assistants tun
deputies ? Did It pay to have the counci
Bay it was all rlgnt when engineers said I
was all wrong I Is It ileccssary to mnko m
th street ) I
eight-foot cut ou Twenty-foul
thu present system of.strcet Inspecting wltl
Its heavy staff of employes Judicious for the
city I He was nf mid that in Its ambition to
become n city , South Omaha would bite off
moro than It could chew.
City Engineer Towl made n reply , and
then there was moro trouble , In which City
Attorney Doud , ox-City Attorney Orico , ex-
City Treasurer Hunt , ex-City Engineer
Meyers , Assistant Engineer Lawrence ,
Couticllrncn Smith and McMillan made
some very contradictory statements nbout
old and now grades , plans , profiles , ordi
nances nnd other things pertaining to the
former acts of the city council.
When It was over , M. 1 . ICInnoj" moved ,
and It was seconded by Charles Singer , that
Andrew Hosowater , ex-city engineer of
Omahabe Invited to como down and investi
gate the situation.
This led to another stormy debate , nnd nt
least ono of the speakers fell Into the error
of thinking that Engineer Hosewatcr
was the proprietor of Tnu JJr.n. Ho was
corrected , nnd then Mayor Sloane took the
iloor. Ho thought South Omaha could get
along without nny outside help.
It had n city council that didn't
ask odds of nny of them. For his part
ho would light this thing to the last , and ho
thought the clti/ens would stand by him.
When ho appointed Mr. Towl as engineer ho
did It because ho was u good man , nnd ho
hud given a bond for the iicrformanco of his
There was snmo further discussion ,
and S. W. Dennis said 'the ' only
trouble In South Omaha was they
were nil Jealous of each other. If
they would drop-thoir jealousy , and help the
council out , ! > OJ teams would bo at work on
the streets in n week. That would put a stop
to the cry so often heard Just now of "hard
times. " Then there wus another debate.und
n motion by Attorney Lane , asking that a
committee of throe citizens , two councilmcn ,
and the engineer , be appointed to take evi
dence , was voted down unanimously. Other
spoehes were made , and the following reso
lutions put and carried , with nn amendment ,
that they should Include the engineer's de
partment :
Hesolvcd. Hy the citizens and taxpayers of
South Omaha in mass meeting assembled ,
That wo heartily approve of and indorse
the praiseworthy efforts of our mayor and
city council In their earnest and honest en
deavors towards bringing about as speedily
as possible tinder the law , the much needed
public improvements that wo all so sincerely
aesirc. notably , the building of viaducts , the
establishing of water , sewerage , the grading
out of our business streets , the locating of
an electric plant , and the creation of a good
and enicient flro department.
Kesolved. That it is the paramount duty of
nil loyal , citl/eus , property holders and tax
payers to encourage and strengthen by all
means in our power the city ufllciuls in their
energetic and enterprising efforts towards
building up our young magic city nnd her
A motion to adjourn was then put and car
Without health life has no sunshine.
Who could ho happy with dyspepsia ,
piles , low spirits , hendaehc , ague or dis
eases of the stomach , liver or kidneys ?
Dr. .Tones' Red Clover Tonic quickly
cures the nhovo diseases. Price 60
cents. Goodman's drug storo.
How They Will AlTect the Mechanic *
ol' Ointilin.
Wednesday afternoon fifteen men
In the foundry of the Union
Pacific shops were discharged for
want of work. They were told to return
on Monday , when , if there is anything to bo
done , they will be set to work. If there
should bo nothing to bo done , the
men will bo discharged imletlnitely.
This action on the part of the management
has caused a great deal of dissatisfaction , be
cause it lias been necessitated by n return to
the system which characterized the Calluway
administration , namely that of "contracting
out" work in private foundries and factories
instead of having it done in tlio shops in this
city. Some of the patterns of the roads for
merly used in this loundry have boon shipped
to Kansas City , whore it is moro than likely
that Amos' interest will conipol them to re
lioth Ames and Adams are expected hero
soon and some of the shop men rfuggest that
the Union club should speak to them on this
"The best on tcnrlh"can truly bo said
of Grifrgb' Glycerine Salvo a speedy
cure for cuts , brui&os , scalds , burns ,
Bprcs , piles , totor nnd all akin orup
tions. Try the wonder healer. 2o cents.
Guaranteed. Goodman's drug ; storo.
Deep Water Slen.
Mayor Broatch has appointedtho following
delegates to the deep water convention to beheld
held in Denver August 23 : Champion S.
Chase , C. Hartman , D. II. Wheeler , Uenja-
mln Gallagher , I. D. Thornton , Frank Col-
petzer , Alfred Soretison , Huch G. Clark ,
Churles N. Dcltz , John Clarke. John Evans ,
William Fleming , E. M , Sternberg , W. A. L.
Gibbon. N. Mcrriam. P. E. Her , G. W. Lin-
ingor , Otto Lobeck , II. 13. Meduy , George C.
Ames , John S. Hrady , N. Shclton , Thomas
Swobo , J. F. Wllholmy , E. M. Andrceson ,
An Absolute Oitro.
is only put un In largo two ounce tin boxes ,
and is an absolute euro for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , and all skin erup
tions. Will positively care a'l ' kinds of piles.
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. , at 25
cents per box by mail 30 cents.
Aid Tor a Homo. ;
M. Walt , representing the Educational
Orphans' homo of Lincoln , Is in the city so
liciting subscriptions to enable the erection
of an addition to the institution which is de
manded and which will cost about
$ t,000. ) The homo has been In
existence one year and n half.
It shelters twenty-six children , twelve of
whom are from Omaha. If the proposed ad
dition could be made it would give accommo
dation to fifty children. Mr. Walt is solic
iting subscriptions and is endorsed by nil the
clergymen of Lincoln , bacausc the homo is
You can find cool , well furnished
rooms at the Ulobo hotel , best located
house in Omaha.
The Din-nuts' Chief.
Charles Fisher , the veteran Fireman ol
the Durant hose company , left yesterday
for St. Louis , with his wife , where the latter
will undergo treatment at the hands of ex
perienced physicians.
Ho will then go cast and secure a now uni
form for the members of his company , ono o
the features of which will bo a blue cap ,
such as is now worn by paid firemen in all
the largo cities. Ho will also secure blouses
and belts of the latest stylo. Next year ho
will endeavor to secure ttio regulation fire
helmet and then ho thinks ho will bo .ready
to resign his ofllco.
Shoshone Falls , Idaha , the peer ol
Niagara. Falls , can be reached only bj
the Union Puciilc.
A lliiiuiivny Accident.
A horse attached to ono of W. II. Spolmaii's
delivery wagons , in which was
Fred Newton , the driver , and E. O. Mankin ,
took fright yesterday at a cable car neai
the corner of Nineteenth and Dodge strooU
and ran down Dodge at r
furious rate. The frightened anirau
swerved Into Thirteenth street , u
Ilavdlu's gun store corner , and swlngine int <
a telephone polo , both occupants of thi
wagon were thrown violently into the street
Mankin sustained n broken leg and sorlou !
Internal injuries , while Newton escaped wltl
a few painful bruises.
Take the Union Pacific to and fron
San Francisco and Portland.
Major Robert II. Hall , acting Inspector
general , ha ) noon ordered to make a specla !
inspection of the troops In the camp of in
structlon hi Strawberry Valley , Utah.
A solid vestibule trijin daily , wltl
( lining car attached , vlatho nurlinRtoi
route , leaves from their own depot
Omaha , at 8:45 : p. in. , arriving at Chi
cagoSn. in.Tickets sold ana slcopinf
car berths reserved nt the city ollico
l : > i3 ! Farnam streot. Telephone 250.
The Union Pacific la the short Itui
from Kansas City to Denver ,
Watches and Dimonds Found in Tea
and Goffee-A Novel Way of In
troducing Codds.
The names of all persons finding diamonds
mends , watches , etc. , are added to this
list dally. The Overland Tea company
of San Franolscohavo roflttcd the store ,
120 S. llth St. , near Farnam , Omaha ,
and in order to introduce their goods ,
this company put for 00 days , souvenirs
in every can of tea and coltco sold such
as fcolid'gold , silver and nickel watches ,
albo genuine diamonds , in solid gold
setting ; also money , and many other
articles of less value. Every can contains - [
tains a souvenir. The colTeo. can nntl
contents weigh about three pounds ; the
tea. can and contents about one and a
half pounds. This expensive and novel
way of advertising will bo dibconlinucd
after ( iO days , and these really choice
goods will bo bold strictly on their mer
its but without the fcouvenir. Of course
every purchaser must not expect to got
n diamond or watch. This company
claim that they have just as good a
right to give away watches , diamonds
or other jewelry mid money astheirrom-
petitors have to give away glassware ,
cliroinos , etc. Get up u club. These
who got up a club order most always get
a handsome present. Orders by mail
promptly forwarded to nil parts'of the
United Stales on receipt of cash or post-
olllco order. Terms : Single can $1 ; six
for 85 ; thirteen for $10 , and twenty-sev
en forfciO. Address Overland Tea Co. ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
Mrs. Stein , 4Ud and Farnam , silver
fruit stand ; Miss Ciibiick. Fort Omaha ,
diamond ring ; Mrs. Dyer , mail order ,
Ked Cloud , Nob. , silver sugar bowl ;
Charles P. Marsh. Capitol avo. , $ " ) ( ) in
gold coin ; Otto Stubon , milk dealer ,
S. 18th street , diamond ring ; Edward
Trembly , Kith street , gouts' hunting
case gold watch ; Mrs. Raiibchor , 82 ! ) S.
SilM street , diamond ring ; Mrs. H. J.
Chancy , mail order , Fnyotto , la. ,
diamond ringW. ; L. Walters , mail order ,
Lincoln , Neb. , silver sugar bowl ; Annie
llymnn , Davenport bt. , clubior diamond
ring ; J. N. Myers , mail order , Oak-
dale , Nob. , diamond ring ; Roily Craw
ford , So. li'Jth , silver fruit stand ; Mrs.
Frank Pcornmn , Council BlulTs , silver
pickle stand and diamond ring ; Edward
A very , Sith ! ) , can money ; S. C. Sohreyl.v ,
St. Mary's live. , diamond ring ; I.
KtiuiTman , 10th st. , Hunting case gold
watch in tea : Mrs. Fan-oil , Vinton bt. ,
silver castor ; \V. W. Lens , Burt St. ,
diamond ring ; Mrs. Nettio Kerns ,
South Omaha , silver pickle stand ; Mrs.
Noonan , Vinton , hilvcr pickle stand ;
Sadie RedclilT , 9th , ladies chiiteluin
watch in tea ; Mrs. J. D. Jones , South
Omaha , a silver sugar bowl ; .1.
M. Jackman , Louisville , Neb. , diamond
mend ring ; J. W. Conger , So.
JlOth , silver castor ; P. O. Malloy ,
Cuss st. , diamond collar button ; Mrs. E.
C. Ackorman , S. 15th , silver castor ; W.
L. Butler , Boone , la. , diamond ring ;
Millie Bean , Park avo. . $10 in gold coin
in tea ; M. A. Gottry , Calhoun , diamond
ring ; John Tiowauio , mail order , DCS
Moines , Iowa , mail club order , gent's
hunting case gold watch and solitaire
diamond stud ; Sadie Luce , N. Omaha ,
can money ; II. B , Dalgloish. lIHh and
Davenport , diamond ring ; Rosio An-
dresson , Farnam st. , silver sugar bowl ;
Mrs. H. G. i/anoy , Lake st. , diamond
Mrs. B.T.BngloyN. 17th , silver sugar
bowl ; Daniel Bnrmon , Harnoy st. , can
money ; Julia Priehard , St. Mary's nve. ,
gents' hunting case gold _ watch in tea ;
Louibo Calverton , mail order , Council
Bluffs , $ UO in gold coin in tea ; Mrs. G.
Johnson , 19th and Ilarnoy , silver sugar
bowl ; llarold Gardner , California st. ,
silver pickle stand ; Miss Evadu Hul-
bert , Corning , Iowa , diamond ring ; Mr.
II. Scaver , Upward st. , silver sugar
bowl ; Mark Little , Leslie , Col. , diamond
mend ring ; Sadie Warren , Howard st. ,
cluster diamond ring in tea ; Mrs. II. L.
Ulmcr , S. 25th , silver butter dish ; A.
Sudenburg , 17th nnd Webster , diamond
ring ; Mrs. M. Duffy , 20th and Vinton ,
silver live bottle castor ; Mr. H. T.Clark ,
Noligh , Nob. , mail order , diamond
ring ; Judith Perry , Loavonworth street ,
ladies chatelaine watch in tea ; Miss
Mary O'Sullivan , postmistress West
Point , Nob. , mail order , diamond ring ;
Benjamin Russell , traveling salesman ,
St. Louis , Mo. , cluster diamond scarf
pin ; Mrs. Joseph Madison , Tabor , la. ,
mail order , silver cake btand ; Harry
Dcwcy , Noi'follc iob. , inaic\lor ! , peat's
hunllng-cabO gold watch , in lea ; Mrs.
Norris , Capitol avenue , diamond ring ;
Louiba May , Farnam street , can money ;
Andrew Ilulbort , Douglas street , solid
gold ring , diamond , ruby and sapphire
betting ; Jennie Clark. Thirtieth street ,
can money ; Alex Arondorf , Sixteenth
street , silver pickle stand ; W. H. Bush ,
Twenty-second and Binnoy , silver cup ;
O. R. Lousennn , Thirty-second and
Miami street , silver eakp stand.
G. C. Obort , Gibbon , diamond ring ; G.
G. Gregory , 19th street , bllvor pickle
stand ; Carrie Brosius , N. 17th btrcot ,
silver sugar bowl ; Mrs. J. C. Brooks ,
mail order , Vine btreot , Council Bluffs ,
diamond ring ; Samuel Thompson$20in
gold coin in tea ; N. Walker , mail or
der , Hastings , Nob. , silver sugar bowl ;
T. E. Lange , S. 18thsilver , castor ; Mrs.
S. E. Brooks , Cuming street , silver cake
basket ; Carrie Sottigor , California
street , elegant gold lace pin , diamond ,
ruby and bauphiro setting ; Miss Dora
Green , South Omahasilver cabtor ; Mrs.
Ilarmtir , Miama htrcot , silver butter
dish ; A. R. Kohr , N. 15th , diamond
ring ; Mrs. Nora DooloyOmahaHeights ,
silver castor ; Mr. Al Jones , at Paxton
houbo , diamond ring ; Mr. William Con
nor , Webster street , bilvor butter dish ;
C. M. Bishop , Superior , Nob. , mail or
der , silver sugar bowl ; Mattie Mantzor ,
mail order , Herman , Neb. , diamond
collar button ; O. Forgiibon , mail
order , Hot Springs , Dale. , diamond
ring ; O. 0. Hough , St. Mary's ave
nue , silver sugar bowl ; Nathan Stevens ,
N. Sad , silver fruit stand ; C. W. Gar-
nogh , 20th , diamond ring and stud ;
Dennis Gorman , Lcavonworth fit. ,
gents' gold Hunting case watch in tea ;
Charles A. Jackson , N. 18th St. , silver
butter dish ; Nellie Soxancr , Davenport
St. , silver pickle stand ; Mr. R. Stevon-
bon , Nicholas st. , sliver sugar bowl ;
Charles Goodall , Loavenworth st. ,
stem winding and stem BO t ting watch ;
May Hastings , Capitol avo. , cluster
diamond ring in tea ; W. W. Stokes ,
Cuming bt. , diamond ring ; Abe Har
vey , traveling salesman , Chicago , soli
taire diamond stud in tea ; Mrs. Leo
Gibson , N. 10th , silver sugar bowl ;
Mrs. M. D. Cook , S. 15th , silver cup ;
Louise Gnntz , South Omaha , gold Hunt
ing case watch ; II. O. Stevenson , Har-
ney st. . diamond ring.
Sirs. E. M. Holton , dressmaker , ex
position building , bilvor butter dibh ;
Mrs. Atherton , South Omaha , silver
plcldo stand ; Harry Parkea , S. 2Uth ,
$10 in gold coin ; Mrs. Gnybart , silver
castor ; Mrs. Kate Brown , mail order ,
North Platto. Nob. , dlamord ring ; Mrs.
A. A. Kendig , N. 10th , slh'or sugar
bowl and pickle btand ; Burt Loiigly ,
Douglas street , can money ; F. W. Bail ,
with Wolls-Furgo oxpr ; a-j , eilvor butter
dish ; Miss Carrie Knoekc , S. 12lh , sil
ver cubtor ; Mrs. May Street , 11th and
Pierce , bllvcr buttci-'dish ; Henry Zorn-
dorf , California btreot , u < tnl'-J hunting
case gold watch iu tea.
Monday morning we shall commence a Special Sale of
2,000 Dozen Extra Fine Linen Collars
Turn down , all sizes from 14 to 17. These -have been consigned to us by
one of the best collar factorys in Troy , to be closed out at once. They are
2,100 LINEN
of this season's make and a good shape. We offer them at
They are of identical quality and style as are usually retailed at 20c and
25c apiece. Samples ere displayed in our corner window , and .they can
be examined now , but sale begins Monday morning.
Will sell these by the dozen , and only one dozen to a customer.
It is the biggest thing ever shown in that line.
Cor. I4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha ,
ll'c still have IcJt a'
few odd suits from ,
our lar/o stocH ofl
.Summer Good * , that
wo want to dispose of ,
before the fall season ,
opens , prlcci $10\ \
$12 , $1 . .Remember
these are strlcll/'aU\ ! \
wool floods , wiidc In
both SucliH B Frocks *
Certified Checks , Payable al Sight on the
Puget Sound National Bank Given as
Security for Money Invested.
To those ilcslrous of buylne property on time , wo
oner tlio followiu : Wo will ullowfrom 3 monthi
toiyuiirs time. iiceorillnK to tlio land you aolect.
Woclmree neither iireiulum nor Interest on IImo
, nnd will KIVO you n warranty deed. \ \ eave
KuymcDU nt J9J nnd fi > that uro within u radius
ol tno nnd hull mlk'S of tuo poatonicefno
qulrq only 10 tier cent , ns an earnest money nnd wo
will elvocerlliled chock for tlio full amount of each
and uvory gubiuqupnt payment. Tlierlicck Indrawn
by the I'ueet Hound National bank nnd la made pay.
able at Highland you can draw your money ninny
time tuoucli by ec > doing you forfeit your right * to
pure Imso land. Make your Income , no mutter how
email , earn pnmcthlnR. Transcontinental railroads
tua heading for bcuttlo , nnd manufacturlnglsHour-
UhliifT. General cnnimrrco la In n etnte of Mibstun-
tml l > ro > ! re < lmi. The dally impels nre tilled iIth
accounts of new enterprises. Cabin car nnd Imrvi
ran-circle tU-attlo. Artilre s COOK A 1IOOICE ,
Who linvo the I.AlKJKftT 1'UUl'UUTV LltiT la
Tlio luriteat , tattust und tinest In tlio world
1'ufsenner accommod jtloim uuaxcollcd.
.New Vurkto CJIiifcow vln I.andondprtf
DEVOVIA Attz. i tn I KTiuoriA H > nt. ISth
OlItcAS'-IA "cnt. 1st ANriHiIllA Sept l
Fun.SKsSiA. | 8upt. btul livo.MA Sept. 28th
Tim CoK'tirntcd I I.arfc t and flncit I'av Seit. fith
HtCBmshli. | ncngr-r Pteamor lu O-r. 'ird
Cl'l'V Of 11U3H. the World. OCT. 31st
Paloon pas auo to flln EOw , Dcrry , Liverpool , llelfast
or Oiieeitstownfound upwurdt l > er Oluniiow Muiim-
ers ? Ml and upward * for city of Home , fucond-class
M ) . lletiirn tickets nt reduced rates mndo nvnllablo
for cither route , otlcrlntt excurclonlsta the privilege
of fcclnc the. North and riouth of Ireland , the Hirers
Jlerser nnd picturesque Cljdo. bleerunoli ) . Anchor
Line drafts payulilii free of clrKO , nold lit lowest
rates. For book of tours , tickers or lurthor Informa
tion apply to
HENDERSON BROS. , 72 La SaUo St. , Chicago.
Or to any of our local agent *
"Tho Ou-rlaml Iloutc. "
Tins FO niTunBctl its Family Sleeping
Car Borvico , Unit berths can now bo ro-
sorvca uiiou application by any ticket
iiRQnt to M.J. tireovy .Passenger Agon t ,
Council rUutTs , Iowa. The reservations
when made are turned over to the train
conductors taking out such cars , so that
passengers can no\v seouro berths or
dered , tlio same as a Pullman berth is
iiicctstully u ed monthly by over 1Q.OUO
I dles. Are Safe , Ejffectualaiul Pleasant
si iit-rbox hymatl.ortttdniKKlkta. Settled
. /lii-ffci/taraSpoMnsoEtaMipa. Address
Tae CHESA CULUICAL Co. , DimioiT , Mica.
For sale and by mall b\i \ Goodman
JJruo Co. , Ointtlta , Xeb.
hu TRITLEO away Ills VltJOU of IU > Y ,
HINI > and 1ANHOOI > . causing eilmiiBlliis
drains upon the FOUNTAINN of LITE ,
IIKAI > AdnK ! [ , RAOKACHE , nrendfut
Dreams. WEAKHEKN of Memory , IIAN1I-
the FACE , and Ml the KFFElvrn leadlneto
EAKI.Y ntUAYanrt perhaps CONSVMP-
YPON or INSANITY , should consult at once
the CELEHBATED Dr. Clarke , Eitnbllihod
1WI. Dr. Clirko hu made NEIIVO11N II E.
BII.ITY. < ! M ONin and all Dlceaaes of
the UEIVITO rUINAUY Cream a Life
Atudy. U make * NO difference WHAT you
oare taken or W1IO has failed to cure you.
S3r FEMALES suCTertng from diseases pecui
liar to their sax can consult with the assurance
of speedy relief and cure. Send S cents postage
for works on your diseases.
49-Clend 4 cnta postage for Celebrnted
Ti'orliH on Chronic , Ncrvou * aud l > oll.
oato Diseases. Consultation , personal'y or by
letter. flr . Consult the old Doctor.
Vbonutndu cnreU. OHlc < m and pnrlor *
prlvnto. * J-Those contemplating Marriage
uend for Dr. Clnrko'n celebrated guide
Kale and Feiunle , each 15o. , both 25c.
tstainps ) . Before conflillni ; your case , consult
Dr. C'LAKKC. A friendly letter or call may
lave future RUflerlnr and shame , and add golden
years to life. WB&ok ' Life's ( Secret ) Er
ror * , " 60c. ( stamps ) . Medicine and writings
tent everywhere , secure from oxpoanre.
Houri , 8 to 8 ; Sundays , 9 to 12. Address ,
F. D. OLiABKE , M. D.
100 Sou oi&rk as. . < SHIOAGO , ILL.
Your Left Liver
A. Proprietary .Medlcimi that needs bututrhU
to provo Ita worth.
Dr. . Callender's ' Left Liver tiltersi
Tlio only Distilled Hitters In the United
States. The only Hitters lecognlzed by the
United BtHtei Internal rrvcnuo laws us n Pro
prietary Medlrlne. Lawfully Patented. No. of
Patent 14H.573. Contains no fusil
essential oils , no foreign substance nr tinning-
Ine drillA ! perfectly pure msrtlrlno. com
pounded from Pure Itoot llurlii aud Old Peach ;
pleasant to tlm taste , quiet find derisive In Its
effect. Cures Dyspepsia or Yellow .laundlce In
nve days. lU'Culatcs tlio Ilowels. Invleorntes
Inactive Liver , Curus llseas d Llvur , HPVIVPS
the Kidneys , Improves the Appetite Quickly ,
Hcgulntes the wnolo system. Now Life to tUa
whole syhtem.
i.eltl.UurHitters nro sold In Omali.i , Neb. , \ > r the
lollowlnif dniK.Msth : Ulchnnl uti liruu C ; ( , ( l"1clKl
Wliole nle , lor tltudruL'lnturuitot Nobraaku. Uctall-
erH us lolluwn :
J.11 till IIU. , " " Mil. . . . * , / . . . . * - t-- * " " . . , . . " *
wholciulo daulcrs In Cl u aud LuftUvtirUltlers.
rriiE ECiEKcn OF LIFK , the
sreat Medical Work of the
ago on Manhood , Nervous nd <
Physical Dtbllltr , Premature '
Decline , Errors of Youth , no i
thereon , SCO pagca Bro , 153
prescription ! for all diseases. .
Cloth , full gilt , only | t.OO , bj1
mall , scaled. Illustratee sample free to all younij
nnd mUdlo ajted men. Send now. The Gold nnd
Jewelled Medal awarded to the author by the Nn-
tloual Medical Association. Adires ! P. 0. box
1MB , Helton , llasn. , or Dr. W. II. PAIUCQl , grad
unteof Harvard Medical College , 55 years'practlco
In Boiton , who may bo consulted conDdcntlally
fcj > octftUy , Diseases of Man. omco No. 4 L'uinnch st.
Tanslll's ' Punch Cigars
Tvero sihliipod durlnt ! thn past
tiioears , without n. Urnni-
incrfnouromplov Nootlior
house In the world can trutU-
lully muko Bnoli a iliomni ; .
Olio acent ( dealer oulyj
wuiitod Iu ouch town.
,1 and enerKetlo ladr cmaAiien rcHdinit In thin
* * or other towni. Noc rll l neceewrr. ( leeds
ell th retr round , llefererfca require Addrtis
Itunnlngbetween Council Illiirts nnd Albright.
In addition to tlio stations mentioned , trnlu *
stop nt Twentieth anil Twenty-fourth streets ,
and nt the Summit In Omaha.
Leave. Arrlvh.
A'No.14 4OOp.m.D : No. 2 . . . .8:20 : a. in.
I ) No. ' 0:41 : p. m. A No. 13. .11:30 n. in.
U No. 0 fiillu.iu. U No.Ti 6:45 : p. In.
A No. 4 9:10 : a.m.1 A No..1 B:60 : p. in.
O DCS Molnes Accommodation.
O Dos Molnei Accommodation.
A No.n ! ilOn. : in. A 8:1" : ( i.m.
A'No.B 4:00 : ji. m. A No. 7 . . . .11:30 : a.m.
A No. 4 0:41 : l > . in. A No , 6 0WJp in.
A No.2 0:21 : a. m i.v 0:3-1 : n.m ,
A No. 4 Ulo : p. m. A No. I . . . .0:30 : p.m.
ClllC.VaO. > IlLWAUKKi&BT. : PAUL.
No , 2 0:40 : u. .n.No. 1 7Xa.m. : ( )
No.l 7:3 : p. m.Ko.i | : 0:60p.m. :
A No.10 7:0.1n.m.lA : No.U 8V5tt.ln. :
A No. 12 7uOp. m.A | No. 11 . . . , VWp.m : ,
A Ho.S . . . . 3:40 : p. m.'A No.7.11:15 : a.m.
C No. 14 0:50 : n. m A No , 6 . . U:4) : u.m.
CA No. 1 0:11 : a , m. D No. 15 0:11 :
CA No. H 4i : < o p , m. A No.7 0:0) : ) p.m.
A No.U tlsW p in. A -.7:00 p.m.
A dally : II dally except Sat , : 0dally except }
Suni D except Mon. : ; fast mall : 'Limited.
pbtalnod „
ATENTS Trade Mark , '
l. l l , I'rini and , -.riroMctlen , It-
cured Good walk , good reference * , moder.
'K" . ScnJforpamphUl. R , 0 , DuBoll
910 F St. , Withlngton , D , C ,
-r * ' 4
* WPAIfin&PM'utrrrlnirrrDmtlKct.
USQ | VUIRffi / I * HI i > cu ufjontl.rul tr.
HER ' Bf a 11 roi , tJtily dmiy. lu t
toinlSxl .etc. I lt"u3Vv ( luiblr trvulln ( M-.lcd )
conuliduz full | uiitlcuUr < ( r buiuo cur , fit * ut
'PROF. Fc'FOWkER. ! MooUu , Conn , ;