Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 17, 1888, Image 7

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Advertisements under this nead 10 rents prr
line tat the tlrnt Itwrtlon. 7 conu for onch mib-
f < c < mi'iit ' Insertion , nnd Jl.W ) B lluo wr innnth.
No advertisement taken for Iris tluth 23 crnti
She llrot insertion . even words win DO counted
lo tliu line ! they must rim consecutively nnd
tniiBt bo paid in ADVANCE. All advertise-
tncnlH inliRt bo handed In bcforo 1.Ki ! : o'clock 11.
In. , nnd nnilcr no circumstances will they be
tukfii or discontinued by telephone.
1'nrtles ndvertlslntr In thcso coliimni ami liar-
Ing tlu'lrnnswori nddresscd In cnro of Tnr HKK
\vlll plen o nik Tor check to enable them togct
their letters , as none will bo delivered except on
jircM'titntton ofrhpck. All answer * lo adver-
tlflcmriiU Rhould be enclosed in envelopes.
All ndvcrtlNemonts In tlieso columns nro pub
lished la both morning and evening editions of
I'm : III-.E. the circulation of which nggregntes
jmorcthnn WOO papers dally , nnd gives tbe ad
vertisers the benefit , not only of tlio city circu
lation of TUB IUK,1mt : also of Council Illurrs.
Lincoln nnd other cities nnd towns throughout
thin wctlon of the country.
Advertising for these columns will bo taken ,
onthoubovo conditions , tit the follow Ing busi
ness house" . who nro authorized agents forTiiK
Jlf.r special notices , and will ciinto | the same
rates nt can be had at the main olllce.
_ _
w. HULL , Pharmacist , 820 South Tenth
C HASE & KDDY , Stationers and 1'rlnters , 113
South ICth Street.
H.FAHNSWOHTH. 1'harmaclst , 211) Cum-
i lug Street.
J .1. HUGHES , pharmacist , C24 North 30th
| _ _ Htreet.
G EO. W. I'AHH , Pharmacist , 16W ) St. Mary's
SITCATION wanted Thoroughly competent
grain and lumber man ; six yeats experi
ence In change business. A 2U , Dec oilice.
4C5 17 *
\\rANT13IJ-A situation for an experienced
f T olllco clerk. Wanted , place for steno
grapher , Itoom ; U , Chamber ut Commurro.
452 10'
W 'ANTED Position In dry goods or general
merchandise store , either In or nut of clt.v.
Jtefcrences furnished. Address Lock llox 2j ,
Arlington , Neb. 41l-lij ! *
'VITANTED A position ns delivery man for n
TV wholesale or retail house ; liavo my own
liorsoand wagon ; reforeutus exchangLMl. Ad-
ilrcss A 22. llee. 4011 21 *
X\7ANTED Two tlnner.s Immediately at Cook
I A Lauterw asser'f , Council Illuirs. la.
\\7ANTED Tno hundred men lo take part In
f 1'aln'H "Slegn of SoliaHtopol , " Apply at
Mntz'liall. MO South Tenth Ht. , at 7 o'clock
bharp to night. J.P. Itaymond. 481-18
EO JlooVkoeper , young man tlior-
otighly competent , keep set of books. Must
have A 1 leferences. State salary expected.
Address , A 30 , lleo oilice. -IIB 1
\\7'ANTED-20 men for btone quary. J1.78
T T board and room ; 3 farm iiands , { 25 month ,
1 cook 10 mouth. Omaha Km p. Jlureau , HI ) N
10th. 471 1U
" \\7vYNTED An exjierlenced waiter to take
> charge of dining room and nlllciJiiO , tare
Jittld ; Hpcond cook for Kearney , ? . ' ! 0 ; boy to take
Care of team , $12. Mrs. llregn. Ull'.J S. 15th.
478 17'
WANTED-1'or the unlveronl oil
AGENTS nnd burner. Thehonsekcepor's do-
light. Cook n nifiil or hents n room nt a cost of
cents per hour. Nothing like It e\er Invented.
Annuls are making big money. Sells at Nlgnt.
Addti-sH Universal Manufacturing Co. . bl
.Market . btrect , Chli-qgo. 111. 44 17 *
BUfsHELMAN tailor nt lll'J Faniam st.
411 10
YyANTKO-Mllker , 4115 Saundors.
"V\"ANTiD ; Agents to Introduio two now In-
t ventlons , fuvoinblo terms1 ami big money
lo ( he right partli s. Address the Satety Can
Co. , Kansas City Mo. 420 17t
ON E first-class broom maker w anted Immed-
lately nt Queen City Itroom fntton- , Sioux
i'alLs , Dale. 4i'J 1G *
Vi1 7 ANTED nox-makers. Apply , Jos. Gar-
neau Crack or Co. 41718 *
\\7ANTED Several draftsmen , or young
T men familiar with arc ituctural drawing ,
tin helpers in pen draw ing for photo engraving ,
Apply room 21 , U. H. Nat , bank building. 403
TT\7 ANTKD Energetic men with small capital
T > In every county in the United States tr
handle the best oil burner In the world , for
cooking nnd heating stove ; 2fi per cunt chenpoi
than coal. Call or address 1310 Ilaruey street ,
ttinahn. Nob. IKUlBp
"VM7K wish to employ a few salesmen on salarj
T T to nell our roods by sample to the whole
sale nud retail trade ot all the leading cities
bud towns. Wo are the largest manufacture ! *
of our lluo in the country. Send two cents In
StnrariH for full particulars. No i > oHtnl <
nnKwen-d. Centennial Manufacturing com
pany. Cincinnati , O. 3U4 20p
A GENTS WANTKD-tTB n month and ex
JtX iH'iine * paid nny active person to sell om
Roods. No capital required. Salary pnlil
pjoutlily , expenses In ndvanee. Fnllnartlenlan
free. Standard Silverware company , llostou
Haas. iiii5 SUp
' \\rANTKD-Gentleman stenographer whc
cun operate Hammond typewriter. Vulen
tlne'H Shorthand Institute. 8l4 !
WANTED Expericneed dry goods dalesman
apply personally to N. B. , Windsor hole
Olllce. Lincoln. Neb. M Hi *
\\7ANTED A first-class boiler mnkor. ont
TV Hint can lay nut work. A capable man
wanted nnd none other need apply. Addres'
JFreuiont Foundry and Machine Co. . Fremont
Meb , US8 111
ANTED Good live men to wholesale tin
best machine made. Great Inducements
Call at room 13 , No. 1613 Douglas St. , bet weei
1 and 3:30 p. in. 3fib *
WANTED 20 experienced coat makers nni
25 irlrlH to make overalls and shirts. Gee
Stiles. 1211 Howard st. , upstairs.
ANTED lOOlallroitd mentor Washlngtoi
territory t Albrights Labor Agency , 1121
Fariiain. Iti3
\ fTANTKDJlen for the west , Albrighfi
f labor agency. li'-'UFurnam st. 010
> OYS-Am. Dlst. Tel. Co. , 1304 Douglas.
W ANTED A girl for general housowoiK
Must bo a good cook. Apply , bio S. 2utn bt
471 IS
WANTED Competent cook nnd lamulress
Mrs. F. W. Gray , WI24 Douglas. 4C ( ! 17
G1HL tor general housework , 101C C-illfornl
at. 470 17 *
\X7ANTKD Good girl for housework , iU
T > JUth 8t. 4G7
T\rANTED Goo < l girl for genornllhouseworl
no washing or ironing , 1510 Harnev.
. 472 17 *
\\7ANTEU-2uKlns general work. 8 dining
, room girls. 11 illaliwasherH , cooks for prl
yato families. cooVs ror boarding houses mi
liorulK , lots ot iiluc-es ut th iteltnblo Emp. ollli-i
Omaha Emp. llureau , 11 ! ) N lUth st. 475 10
"V ANTED-Glrl for light house work. rOU J
t > 15th bt. 450 Kit
yANTED-Second gtri for B.nural wort
* * ri7 ANTED " .Vlbman cook for .Missouri Valle
l > jo ; ; ; girl to take restaurant washing honu
S hotel laundresses , 2 woman dishwashers , gli
P for family r > inlloa out of city , 4dInlnn > omKlrl
lor Norfolk , 415 , tree fare ; I nice girl for offlci
l.luncli counter girl out of city , 20 clrls for KOI
oral housework. Mrs. Ilrega.illi ; ! 8. ir.tb.
N 477 17"
NI } T17 ANTED Woman cook and second clrl c
> T 423 North l&th st. 4MI 1S
I * \\7ANTit : > 1st cook , Oerman , S15 week ;
TJ dining-room girls ; but'gy Mnshcr. : J
ICthsT 458 Kit
\\7ANTC1 > Lady canvassersbest paying bu
HiegH In the city. Vt prollt nu avery bal
* Prof. > lolpoer. Ilia rarnam btrret. 4D3 jut
\\7AKTBn-Olrt for ei-nernl hous-owork 1
* T small tanilly , 2U18Seward srt , Mrs. Wrluht
't = - 421 17 *
iX7"ANTEU-Cook at 912 Douglas.
WANTED A German or American nlrl fi
general bonne. 71i > S. Itith. 42u lot
_ _
\\7ANTED-Glrlatl417 IlowardTu
.i * _ 421 1CJ
"l\7ANTr.n Girl tor general housework i
_ tl 1J20S. lUthbt. _ 440-17 *
fVANTED-Dinlnc-room jrlrl , second cot
> and dishwasher. lUUt N. ICth st. Ka
\ 7ANTKU Woman to clean olllce ever
evening rter 0 o'clock. Jos. Uarnei
_ 8tli ) IB *
\\7AJJTFIV-At one * . Rood wet nurse , appl'
* * T to Airs. 31. llelmian , S3U > St. Mary's ttve.
, , _ , _ as4 _
\\fANTED-L .dynCcutat6r "A" skirt at
tm&tle combinwl : alio "B" hose Kupoot
* - . irR. J1U crnt cleared ( IDS lu.
" ; ; . Ladies' Supply 43o , 887 W. AVashlnRtc
bl , Calcio. (
" \\7 ANTED The publicto make Rood use ot
T T The Jlee'g message boxes throughout tha
city. ino
\\fANTED More houseto rent , pood-paving
T > tenants , quick rents Insured. II. H. Wan-
dell. 4U8 N lUtli. 2nd lloor. 410 nSj
Jloro nouses to rent , lloiworth
* Joplln. liarker .
TI7ANTED If you have nny Innds , lota , or
" houses nnd lots to sell or exchange for
other projcrty , call or write. 1 can llnd
you a customer C. 0. Spotswood , 305' } S. IGtu.
\\7U have clerks , book-keepers , waiter , a No.
1 miller , i'lrls , conr.hmcn , temnsters aud
nny kind of help on register. Can furnish them
at once. Call or address Vandeburg A lllruey ,
room 4 , Crelghton bluck , cor 15 aud Douglas ,
Omaha. tt-3-lfl *
\rEIIHASKA Employment olllce. No. 317 N.
JKUli t. Male und female help supplied.
Private families a specialty. 123 2tt
MALI : or female help furnished In or out ot
city , private families a specialty. H. II.
Wandell , 408 N ICth ht , 2nd lloor. 4117 a25
H OME table day board ; 1512Davenport ,
OWNEHS 1st your houses and rooms. Wo
havotcnant.s waiting. Omaha Iluslness Ex. ,
sw cor. 15th and Douglas. 4M 18
WANTED B-room cottage , 1th small barn ,
convenient to norse or cable ears. Address
II. C. Weedcn , Merchants Nat. bank building.
3'J8 17 *
TPEN to 12 room house centrally located , with
X all modern Improvements. A 8 , llee oilice.
IW7 1S
FOIl HUNT New double cottage , fi rt > ems
each , pump nnd sink , cemented cellar. Inquire -
quire No. IllIN. 21th street. STil-lii *
FOR KENT " > nice rooms for housekeeping
unfurnlshod ; nice yard , hard and soft -water ,
CHI S. 17th , bet. Jackson and Leavenworth.
4 a 17 *
I71O11 KENT 3-room house , 23th and Howard.
J 470 IB *
A SIX room honso for rent , Inquire nt HOT S.
llith st. 47U it
Full HUNT New blx-room house. Apply
412 N 10th st. 451 2- . ' *
FOU ItENT Elegant fi-rooui cottnge , 1'aniam
iinil Il'ith St. , on car line , $15 ; furniture , $150.
Omaha Dullness Ev.sw cor , 15th and Douglas.
45 18
> KOOM cottage , 34th and Decatur sts. . ? 8 per
Omonth. Inqnlni nt 1KM Webster. 402 22 *
"IIIOll KENT Two houses , one on 2f > th and
X ; Franklin , U rooms , all modern Improve
ments , $ ; y ) per mo. ; one on Mason , bet. 10th and
11th , lo rooms , SIM pur mo. ; this Is suitable for n
boarding house. Imuulro , John llamllu , nil S
llth st. 44821 *
"IT OH HUNT New 8-raom house near cable
JL1 line ; modem ronvenlences ; very cheap.
Netherton Hall,423 1'lrst Natloiial bank. 428 lj
ItOOM house , 1 ulock of street car. 1.M8 N.
Vitll. lliqulio 824S. 18th. 42T.1U *
" OU HUNT Three ( > -room houses cor. 12th
aud Vlutun. Inquire of John T H11U 30ti-ll *
F'OIl'ltENT 7-room flat $45 , 60S S 13th. In-
quire at the 1'alr. 102
F 'OH ' KENT Six-room cottage , 1515 Harney
St. , $25 per mouth. 331
FOH HENT Modern dingle house of 0 rooms ,
bath room , hot nnd cold water , on street car
Ino and paved street , ready for occupancy
Aug. IB , fl.'i per month. Apply at once C. i.
larrlKon. 41s S. 15th 3t. U14
"fJlOiritENT 7 room house. No. 1UJ7 BO. 20th
JL ? st. S2T per month. Call quick. E. 1' . Sea-
ver. Hoom 40 liarker block. 312
HOUSES , stores and flats to rent , all parts of
city. H H. Wandoll , 40S. N ICth , 2nd lloor.
4IW 025
TT1OH TtENT Hotel Ilenson , Httnnteil on 2,1th bt
JL South Omaha , 3J rooms ; doing good busi
ness ; furniture1 for sale cheap. Address W L.
Stephens , 1512 S Bth bt , Omaha , or ot lln S 13th
st , Omaha. fflti 1'j '
I7UW KENT Good 5-room house , J1S per
Jt ; mouth , 2511 Pacific st. 32510 *
roll HENT A nice cottage of live rooms. K15
Virginia nvo. Apply on promises. 3J4 1W
EOH KENT New brick house of 14 rooms ,
gas , buth and alt conveniences , splendid
location , 220 N. lllth. Inquire 2lliN. 10th. h52
FOH HENT Good sized house , new. $10J < per
month , C. F. Harrison , 41ii S. 15th st. 631
"IT1OH REST 8 room housfi and barn nw cor.
JL' wth ave and Webster st ; inquire at room
C03 Paxton blk. P. J. Creedon. 800
T1OH HENT When you wish to rent n house ,
- store or ollico call on us , H. U. Cole , room
0. Continental block. 487
"T71O11 KENT A 10-room house brick house
JU with all modern Improvements. on20tu st ,
near Leaven * orth. Inquire , No. 827 S 20th st.
" | 7Kll KENT Fonr flvo room houses. S , E. cor.
JL ! 28th nnd Dodge sts. , city water , * 17. King-
wait llMS.-Uarfcer block. 230
T7OKHENT * Pept. 1. elegant east front 10 room
JL ; house , on Pleasant st , , 8 iO per mouth. C. F.
Harrison , 418 S , Juth bt , 112
OK KENT--louso of 8 room J. 3 clouts , pan-
. try.uood well nnd cittern , oa lh
line , paved street. Enquire at IIQ2 Sissnst. ,
room 6 , over drug &toie , 535.00 per ntrvoth. U7U
SIX room house for bent , city -watff , Xo.1117
Pacific street. Enquire nt 1U09 IIoonrtL 101
T71OK KENT 10 room modern home tliOO. 0
JD room ditto , $ .15.00. 7 room ditto. KXBO. Other
houses , stores nud otlicos. O. K. Thompson.
Sheeiey blk , 16th and Howard sts , 349
TT1011 KENT Handsome new homo , 10 rooms.
JL' all conveniences , be&t neighborhood nnd
within five minutes' walk of postofllco. Nathan
Bh oltoii , 1605 Fnrnam st. Bl 4 _
T71OII iiiNT 7-room house. No. 1518 S 6th st. ;
JL ? tl-room cottage. No. 0 ] Win. St. : 5-room cot
tage , No. 2723 Charles st. Inquire 140U Cap ave.
T71OK KENT or Sale New cottage , Hcdtoid
JL ; Place , on easy payments. Enquire il. L ,
Boeder , room 403 Paxton blocc. CIO
TjlOK KEN1A line 10-room brick house with
JL ? all modern Improvements , flno location on
Etrcet cur lino. K. M. Genius , 1108 Douglas bt ,
IblB Dodgo.
T7IOH ItHNT rotir choice ot cool furnished
JL. ' sleeping looms. J9 and flO a month , payable
Weekly or monthly ; no children , 80U Howard.
27.1 SO *
XT1CELV furnlthed rooms , 1613 Doliglas.
J- > 43017
TTlOIl KENT IXimlshod room , 1720 Capitol
JL ; avenue. 441-17 *
LAKGE front room for man and wife or 1
gentlemen. 1212 Davenport. 401 10 *
" 1710K KENT Entire first lloor of tfnnnshei ;
JL.1 hout > o , 4 rooms , closet , pantry , U)9 ) S. 2d. : )
40d 2U
TTIOK RENT Furnished front room , 2100 Far
JL ? Tiain st. 404 SI *
< ) ITTKNISHED rooms , slngla or en biilto , ot
Aground ffoor In cottage , 41 ( N 14th st. 870 11) ) ;
TTlUKNISHNl ) rooms with all modern conven
JL1 leiicca. 1817 Davenport st. IttSlG *
FOH HENT A large furnished front roon
with modern conveniences , for one or tw <
Konthmien , references required. Apply to 21UI
Bt. Mary' ave. IW3
H HKNT-Furnished rooms , 1205 Pierce.
1 > OOM for Rcntlemnn near V. O. , 3 N 17th
703 8U *
SOUTH front room on same lloor with bath
. . hot nnd cold water. 171M Dod o. The base
mrnt ot boarding house duing a tlrst-clas busl
ness. Z42-17
T > OOM nnd board for K a wcok , 004 S. 13th st
XX 47420
HENT Nicely , newly furnished room
-L' with llrst-class table board , 1721 Davenport
891) ) 17 *
_ _
TCVJIl HK.VP-One suite ot rooms , back parlo
Jand bed room Kultnble lor tonr gentlemeu
nlso front pat lorn , uua N 17th. _
"ITKJU lltiNT 8 furnished rooms with or wirt
L out board , 1011 Douglas St. UO18 ! *
Dr.SlllAllI.Y furabhed roonw , klnglo am
double. Gentlemen preferred. 1VOA Capita
np WO front rooms , 1C15 Dodge st. 675
T7IO U HKNT A pleasant room with all moden
JL1 conveniences ; to-let rvsldenca , cor. 20tl
und Bt , llary'b avefiue , or C2U South Wth st. _
, 5 ± .
ClOn 11ENT Front room. Jarg * and jilr l' '
- 1runU > i3ieU. located n ar o nigh acAool , ii
tJi iilKlinst tuiil .coolest Beotiun ol the
/ nlilu line nud liorsa can pas * th door. Ka '
NICELY furnished rooms. 1 per week or KJ.M
month , HP. 601 and 60 1 S. mth st. t 'alOJ
FOH 11ENT Furnished rooms In Greunlg blk
cor. l.lth nnd Dodge sts. Inquire of Geo. H. ,
Da vls.M lllard hotel billiard room. CM
FUHN1SHEI ) rooms for rent , 1701 Cnpltol ave.
lici us
T7HJH HENT-Large front room , 1812 Chicago.
K 1(10 ( Ifi *
OOM nnd board , 1812 Chicago Bt.
187 8 P ?
F OH HENT FurnUhcd room , modern con
veniences. A. llospe , lil.'l Uouglns. 174
FOH HENT-bouth room , 1P13 Fnrnam.
| Ittl 10 *
SMALL front room , modern conveniences'
2107 Douglas Bt. 611
KOOMS Including board in the Yonng Wo-
r men's homo 1'JlO ' Dodge st. Hefercnces re
quired. 140
TTiolt HENT Nicely furnished iront room for
JL ; gentlemen. Modern conveniences. lV17Cnt-s.
LAKGE and small room suitable for gentle
man. With or without board , 1812 Dodiro.
_ > ELEOANT unfurnished rooms single or en
-J suite , new buildlne , good location , southern
exposure. Dr. Ottcrbourg , lOtn nnd llnrney
sts. 4 ! < 0 22t
KE (3) ( ) rooms. 1108' ' ' , S.7lhst . 1100
JL Three ( II ) rooms , 1ION. ) 21st st . 11 m
1'our (4) ( ) rooms , 1701 Webster at . 2250
Three ( II ) rooms. 70.15 ! 1'nclllrst . 18 00
Kour (4) ( ) rooms , 17U2WebMer st . 18 PO
Kour (4) ( ) rooms. 4ii : South TJthHt . 1H 00
Three (3) ( ) rooms , 1120 NorthSlst st . 11 00
Three < : rooms , 70.KS 1'acillr at . 11 (
' 1 hree (31 ( rooms , 14IJ Pierc.e st . 10(10 (
Three ( II ) rooms , 1WS ( N. aith st . 11 2.1
Three ( ! I ) rooms , 707 1'aclllc st . 12 M
Three ffl ) rooms. 707" I'aclllc st . II 00
Two (2) ( ) rooms , 1814 Howard st . 12 fO
Three 01)room ) . 1412 I'ierce st . 12 M
Apply to JudgeKentlm : Apencv. Hcralil
building , S. W. corner of 15th and Harney st.
| _
rpWO choice store rooms lu the Her bulldlm ? ,
JL between Howard and.lackson sts. Apply
llaymer Jc Her btoie , C24 8 llitli st. 47H s5 !
FOH HENT Corner store and U rooms , Snun-
ders and Grace. 1'nn.itlro 1 * . Hobblns 2J02
Grace. 4ril 17T
OH HI'NT-Storp. near Odd 1'ellow * ' hall , on
Saundersst. ; feed store prcteried or suitable
for heavy goods ; will finish t" suit tenant. Ex
cellent location , rent reasonable. Joseph Illlss ,
Schuyler , Neb. IljO 20 *
TIlOll HENT Two store buildings , corner 20th
J- and Hurt streets , cable and Suunders stieet
cars pass the door. $ .Ti and 110 per month.
Six-room house No. 1517 N. 21th St. , 20 per
mouth. 1'otter A : Cobb , 1001 i'urnum st ,
FOIl HENT Double store room , suitable for
clothing , groceries , dry goods , etc. , location
llrst class. Address X bl Hee ofllce. 1 3
131011 HENTStoreroom , northwest cor. IBth
J- ' and Vinton. _ 1.2.1
rilWO stores , 22x50 , Just completed , with Hats
JL of seven rooms above , with water nnd gas ,
llrst.-clasrf finish , Cth und 1'acllle sts. , low lent.
Apply to Ellluger Ilros. , 013 S. 10th St. , Omaha.
_ _ iftl
T710H HENT riiio retail Rtoro and Igrpe liaie-
JL' mcnt ou itth st , best side of stieet. J100 per
mouth. Call at once. C. F. liarrlson,41KS I5th.
STOHE for rent , llli I'arnam htrcot. Inriulro
of Nathan Shelton , at 1M5 raruam street
_ _ _ _ _ _ J7
OH HENT OHlce sulto t25 month , 2 single
olllces ? 15 each , all fiontlng IBth St. , llusn-
man block , N. E. Cor. Kith and Douglas. W. M.
lliishman. 1311 Lcavemvorth. _ MI
FOK HENT-Ptoreroom , No. 214 S. 14th st. Ap-
ply at 1110 Howard st. IIT7
FO'll HENT Halt of WJ S. Kith St. . opposite
Chamber of Commerce. M. A. Union \ Co.
STOHE for lent. fil'J N. loth. Inquire ot
Henry O thotf , ir,13 California st. ( VJ4
T710H HENT Barn , 521 S. 2ith st.
J 42 < i 17 *
FOHJIENT Hoom 22xfiO , suitable formami-
lacturing , repairing or storage ; also , 2 small
rooms ou same lloor. Location right in center
of city , lient cheap. For particulars call on
James Stockdalc , 113 N. 10th. 415-11) )
TT'OH ' IlENT-J-S per month first ilooi , SIS t > or
J-1 month second lloor , 1513 Harnoy Ht. 352
FOH HENT Half basement , 1201 Farnam st.
1B4 Ibt
/7J OOD barn cheap , 1921 Chicago st. 003
\\TE' Rive special attention to renting and colT -
T T lectlng rents , list with us. II. E. Cole , room
C. Continental block. 4b7
Clou quick rental and good tenants list your
-C houses wltn H. II. Wuudell , 40S N 10th st. 2nd
lloor. 437 o25
rpo Insure quick rental list your property
JL with J. II. rarrottelGOO Chicago. ' ,244 a21
im 11. SMITH , OlON.lGtllSt. t la23
IFYOD want your Houses rruted place them
with llenawa Ac Co. , 16th , opposite postoftice.
STHAYED About .luly .11 , black cow , one
horn broken off ; 85 reward for return to E.
Hanson , llickle's brick yard , S. 10th Bt. 412 17 *
LOST One iron gray pony mare , one white
hind foot. fc > reward for her return to
Twenty-eighth and Davenport St. 2UJ18'
TjlOUND One more chance to buy a 50x125 foot
J- youth Omaha lot tor HO ; warranty deed
given ; free from encumbrance ; wale com
mences Thursday inornlng.Aug 16 , nt 310 S. 15th.
TAKKN Dr Sorrel mare pony , Ptnr in fore
head , JnlS. Head , 0401 Decatur st. 18010 *
PEHSONAL Prank , meet mo to-morrow
morning at 1110 S. 15th street , and bring n
Ion dollar blllwlthyou , usthi < < Istholast chance
I'll over have to get one of those South Omahn
lots , free from encumbrance , for ten dollars ,
Itoxanna. 443 19
"OEHSONAL Wanted n young man with good
J. habits who has $3.W ( ) or if5ticX ) who wants to
go into a good paying business \ \ ith a good
llnu ; address before thellrst of September ,
X-(12 Hee olllce. None others need npplj' . 1W ) 1C
TpEHSONAL If you Haven personal item , ot
X nny communication , drop It In ono of The
lice's menage boxes. 10J
IP you want to buy , gell , rent or exchange
call on or address George J. Stcmsdortf ,
room , opposite 1' . O. 2ai
T71OH SALE An elegant solitaire diamond ,
JL1 very brilliant , weighing ti carats ; very suit
iiblo for a l.idy's pin or a ring ; will sell cheap.
M. Hothsclilld , llli ) ramam at. 404 17
" | jOH SALE A new C seat Hockaway earring *
JL' at Leo & Nichols' livery barn , Tw onty-elghU
and Leavenworth. Telephone 840. 417
/7JAS fixtures for sale cheap. Have n largo as
VJ sortment of the latest designs in gas fixture ;
which I will nell at cost. M. Is. Free , successol
to J. 0. Elliott , agent , 15I1K Farnam st. 278
" 1T10H SALE Furniture noarlv new ; house I
JU rooms ; terms reasouablu. liOa Douglas. J ,
Ifc Chamberlain. 153
GOOD mortgage securities for sale by E. F
Seaver , room 40 , liarker block. Uflt 10
S PEA UING of housekeeping , I have for Bali
the furniture ot a nine-room house , nlcelj
situated aud can give posstnMlou at ouce. 11. W
Huntress , 1417 Farnam st. ICLI
A TTENO the great ten dollar lot sale nt 1110 f
iXisth fct , this week , and buy lots free fron
encumbrance for 10 , which readily trade a
(100 and $500 each. 413 10
T7UM SALTJ-A few choice milk cows. O. F
J Harrison , 418 S. ittli. vSbl
" | jXH ) BALE Heavy young team horses , smal
J-1 pajincnt Uown. C. M. Eaton , 810 N. IGth Bt.
ELEGANT twoeatid rnrrlage , oest rnake
will sell cheap tor cash. G. J. Sternsdortl
Itoom 0. opp. i . Q. MI tons of Ice for sale by Booce Packinc Co.
Sioux City. 62liaiM
TfUH BALI1. The- lease of n ton room Hat nm
-.furnituro , which is nearly new. Addrca
U. C7. care Bee. C75
1T10II BALE Elegant carriage horse. iie\
J. phaeton ana harness. Inquire room 41
Barker block. . iU
T3VIH BALK-Plamng mill jnacineryT Call a
X 1408 Davenport at , Omalia. 310
mflE banjo taught s an art by Geo.F. Gellen
JL beck , buu Iiaruey ot. pg
Destitute Women ana Children
ropnlrnlat 111 S 14th st.
A UCTION nnd Storaco-ve are prepared to
jCJLrecctvo conslframentsiut furniture nnd other
Rood for sale nt unction nt our largo salesroom
No. 1121 1'nrnam st. CaKn advances made. We
have nlso the best of stqr ifo frcllltles. Outside
snlea attended. Omaha Auctiou & Storage Co. ,
In ifts 8n
OMMnxriNU SlondAy"monilng , Aug. 1ft.
there will bo on saM'iU ' 1110 S. 15th St. , 100
South Omaha lots at tb Jew price of 1 10 each ,
warranty deed given and free from encuni-
brancc. Jj 41.1 10
_ _
TUN and sheet iron * iVprk roollntr , snouting ,
guttprlng .v rcpairlng'dono well by Huvago iV
DcLco , tinners , Iul4 Dodge , opposite postonico ,
GAHl'ET weaver. Hau carpets made to or-
iler promptly nnd salNfnctlon guaranteed ,
Miss Jfurla Chrlstensen , 1)27 ) 2th ftve. . Omaha.
Neb. 34MB *
you nars nnvtnlngto trade call on or address -
dress OcorgoJ. Sterusdorlf , Hoom U , oppo
site postonice. 107
w OMAN'S Exchange. 1617 Fnrnani st. Lunnb.
dally , supper Saturday nights. 1)10 )
G. K.THOMPSON , HooinlU ! Slieely Work.
. ' . ' 55
A TJCTION nnd Storage We nro prepared to
-cvrocelvo consignments of furniture and other
poods for Bale or storage nt our warehouse , 1121
Faniam st. Outside unction Bales attended.
Omaha Auction & Storage Co. U57 SO
CWK RKNT Storage very cheap at Ulock &
Jlloyman , clothiers , 111J l-'uruum st. Two
OrplmuV old stand. teona )
S TOHAOE Safe , dry nnd clean at low rates.
Klildell .V HlddelU 1112 Howard. 4''la23
S' TO11AUK P. llocco Itroi. * Co. , 1103 Howard
' Ktreet at the lowott rates. Mini I
storage , lowest rates. W. M
JL lluslmiiin , 1311 lienvenworth. 1U7
V\7 ANTED To buy the privilege of getting
T > first choice of those $10 lots to Tjc Hold at
ftlOS.Iothst. this week. Address Speculator
310 S. 15th at. 4K1 19
SPOT cnsh for second-hand furniture , stoves
and carpets. Anything from a bedstead tea
a house and lot. Ui'll A : Co. , 117 N. 10th st.
' 8 in. 8.3
\\7 ANTED To buy or trade lor a good build-
TT Ing that can be moved. Please call on
or address George J. Sterusdorff , roomO , oppo-
11 AVE a few thousand dollars to Invest in
I peed llrst class mortgage notes. W. J. Mar
tin , Ifith and Chicago sts. 370 10
$5,000 on hand to buy good paper , or will trade
a nlco property cm Webster , between 17th
and 18th , all clear for peed inciimbered bus
iness property. Hutchlnson & Mead , 1524 Dodge.
J175 1(1 (
w 7"ANTED Household furniture , etc. , Oma
ha Auction \ btorago Co , , llx'l Fnrnam st ,
am K
Good nouso nnd lot in desirable
part of the city ; will give tlrit-class bar-
pain to anyone if suited. Geo. S. Sterns'lorff ,
Hoom 8 , Fronzer bin. 818
ANTED East front lot in west part of
town. Address. ? C II , lleo olllce. 71'i 21 *
SKVEHAL store buildings or houses that am
be moved. Will pay good price if suited.
George J. Stornsdorll , room 0 , opposite post-
omce. VSI
cash for second-hand furniture at A.
W. Cowan's , 100 N. 10th , Bt. lull Sll
IF you have improved' business or reslrtonco
property that yon wish to sell , call and sea
me. tfoorgo J , Btorusdortt , room 0 , opposite
postol'lce. 23'
" 1X7 ILL buy furniture o { a house or tlat cenT -
T > trally located. Co-op. L. & L. Co V05 N. ICth
" 188
\rATT.OTiNlfs"sTiorthSud imd Typov.-rltlng
> Institute Is the largest nud best equipped
shorthand school in the \Yflst. Gradnates all oc
cupy good paying Kituations. Students can en
ter at any time. Send fofolrculur. Now Paxton -
ton building. Omaha. 81GS. 3
ATTENTION Arrivedi-Mr.s.Dr.Yolaudemost >
XNonderful p.ilmlst ! ) nd nstrologlst In the
world. This lady readsQ-our past , present and
future without question or mistake. Now , after
you have been humbugged to jour heart's con
tent by many pretended mtdlums.mlnd readers ,
nud fortune-tellcM. come and see this gifted
lady. A trial will convince the most skeptical.
She rends your past , present and tuture ;
will give you truthful advice on all busi
ness , money matters , law suits , wills , changes ,
travels , nil family nftalrH , etc ; gives ini
tials of trlends or enemies ; tells of absent
friends and where they are : tells what buslnoss
you are most adapted to , also what part of the
country Is the luckiest for you to go. Ladles
are respectfully Invited to give Mrb.Dr.Yolando
n call ; whether yon wish a reading of your Hfo
or not , you shall be politely received. Olllco
rooms No. 182J Capitol nve , cor. 14th st. , up one
flight. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. 403 21 *
R. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant. Med-
leal , business and test medium. Diagnosis
tree. Female diseases a specialty. 119 N. 18th
t. . Rooms 2 & 3 Tel. 44. Ib'J
TlNkANn Guarantee nnd Trust Co. , 15051'nr-
J-U-nam Complete abstracts furnished , & titles
to real estate exuinlaudperfected A ; guaranteed.
DENSON&CARMICHAEL furnish complete
JL > und guaranteed abstracts ot title ito any
real estate In Omaha and Douglas county upon
short notice. The most complete set of aostract
booKs In the city. No. 150U Farnam st. 682
riTHB Omaha Financial Exchange , Koom 15 ,
JL Barker block , southwest corner of Far-
cam and 15th sts.
Makes n specialty ot short-time collateral and
real estate loans.
Money always on hand 1m sums ot $100 and-up
wards to any amount , to loan on approved se
Secured notes bought , sola or exchanged.
Clear real estate and cash to exchange for
good first or second mortgages.
Loans made upon laud contracts , stocks ,
bonds , trust deeds , first or second mortgage se
curity , without publicity , delay or red tap * .
Financial business of kind transacted
* * Mn iu any
promptly , quietlvnnd fairly. Koom 15 , liavker
block , Corbett , Manager. KJ
MONEY To Loan lly the undersigned , who
has the only property organized loan ngency
in Omaha. Loans of $10 to fellUmnUe on lurni-
ture , plar.os , organs.horses , wagonsmachinery ,
etc. , without removal. No delays. All business
strictly conlldontlal. Loans so made that any
part can bo paid at unv time , each payment re
ducing the cost pie rata. Advances made on
line watchns and diamonds. Persons should
carefully consider who they are dealing with , as
many new concerns are dally coming Into exls-
teme. Should you need money cell and see mo.
\V. K. Croft , Itoom 4 , Wlthaell bulldlng,15th and
llnrney. 0
( C2.000 of private money to loan , W. M. Harris ,
J > Koom 20 , Frenzer block , onp. P. O. 331 lot
TVTONEY Goo < l commercial paper nnd short
AfAtlme mortgages bought , lleal eslnte loans
negotiated. S. A , Slomun , 13th and Faniam ,
itr < 3
TV/TONEY / to loan onnorses , furniture and other
-L'J-persoiml property or collateral. Kntos mod-
crate ; business confidential. Ofllce S. W. cor
ner 15th nnd DonglnsstHj ' Entrance on 15th st.
The Falrbank Investment Co. ( J34
MONEY to loan in aiiy amount , either for
building or otherwlAe , ' nt lowest rates of in
terest and on short noUceu , Wholes & Hunt , suc
cessors to D. V. Sholcs , ioom ] , liarker block.
TV1TONF.Y loaned nt 0. J ? . Hoed & Co.'s Lolin
J--Lolllce , on furniture , pianos , horses , wngons ,
personal property of all kinds , and nil other
m tides of value without removal , SlftS. lath
All business strictly conftdentlal. C"iO
IF you are figuring on p.'toon go and talk with
A. K. Rlley , 151U Fari > o. 812
EASTERN money cheap. City and country.
OlHce Philadelphia Mortgage nnd Trust Co. .
room 13. Hoard ot ITadenifeo. W. P. Coates 7Ci
DON'T b ow money on furniture , horses ,
wagons , etc. , until flw have seen C. H
Jacobs , room 410 , First Nktlonal tonic buildlne ,
cor. 13th and Faruani , U 055
ONEY to loan ; cash ,011 band : no uelay. J
M" . Squire , 121'J Farnam st. , First Natloua
bank buildlne. 141
CHATTEL LOANS made on any available se
curity. Real estate loans made on Omaho
city proj > erty. Secured iiotrs bought. All bus
Inessdone promptly , quietly and fairly nt the
Chattel & Real Estate Loan Agency , Room 7
Redrlck block , 1500 Farnam bt. , up gtnlr
Archer i Robbing. 7114
' ERCENTinoney to loan-cash on hand W
. Harria , room 0 , Frcnlzer block , opp. p. 0
500,000 to loan at e per cent. Utuvnau & Ma
honey. Room 00 Paxton block. 018
JON'T fall to see A.K. liUey abont your loan ,
OOD city and farm loans wanted by A. K ,
Rlley. U19 Farnain. b
OMAHA Chattel ix n Co. , has money to loai
on chattel and collateral aecnrlty. Room 1
Omaha Nat'l RAnc ' C45
ONEY to'loan. Lone time. George J. Paul ,
lttN Farnam bt , ; ti3
T , OANS made on Improved nnd unimproved
AJclty property at lowest rates of Interest ,
special rat-en enl urge lo.itu on lusldo property ,
Udell Ilros. & Co. 3B S. IBth Bt. Kf !
" 1JEAL estate loans , lowctt rates. Odell firos.8
J.\.VCo. . ! H2f. 16th st. PM _
TI1OTEY to loan : largo nnd small suras at low
A'mtos , for tmort time , on real estate or
chattel cecitrlty : second notes bought ; nil finan
cial business strictly confidential. People's Fi
nancial Exchange , O. llouscarmi manager ; room
MHJ Darker block. 15th and Farnam. 772
BUILDING loans. Ltnnhan > V Mahoney.CM !
Hll . , 1KEY i5uxn ) ( tel onn , on clt.v property
nnd ImproTi ed farm land. Fronzor mock
. KM
MONEY to loan. 0. F. DavU Co , real flstata
nntl loan agents , 1601 Fnmnm St. EC
\l ONEY to loan on rurntture , horses , wagon * ,
Uetc. . , or on any unproved security. J. W. Hob-
bias. It. am gheely blk. 15th and Howard. 04BU
LOANS innde to parties desiring to build. D.
V. Sholes , room 1 , Barker block. 040
l600ODOto loan on Omnlm city property at
Pj > or cent. O. W. Day. so cor IX blu. C33
[ jtlHST mortgage loans promptly placed. A.
J : K. llllcy , lul Faniam. 812
OANa made on real estate nnrt mongages
I bought. Luwls 8. lleed & Co 1K1 Fntnam.
CI'EIl CENT money to loan , Patterson & flar-
mini 318 315th st 43
WE kef p on hand money to loan on inside
property in Omaha aud South Omaha in
sums from"KOO to 15,0(0 ( , and as wo do our own
valunting , make all papers , etc. , wo can com
plete a loan any day you wish nnd pav you the
money. Hates , Smith Ac Co. , Hoom 203 , Hamgo
building. 004
nnd farm loans made nt lowest rates.
No delny ; no commission charged. 3. W.
Itobblus , 14. 2il ( , Shooly blk. , 15th nnd Howard.
CHATTEL nnd collateral loans , M.E.Davis ,
111 S , 13th RtHopm27. 751
M ONE V to loan on Omntm nnd South Omaha
property. U. P. Harrison 413s. 15th st. 341
MONEY to loan on furniture wagons , etc. ,
without removal or on collateral f-ecurlty.
Iluslness strictly confidential. A. E. Greenwood
& Co. , U 1 , Cunningham block , cor 13 & Jackson.
, ) B per com. Money to loan on mpro-
$ veil farms or city property. James A. Wood
man , at tno old ( Ire Insurance otllco of Murphy
& Lovctt , 220 S. loth st. 054
OH SALE-Or trade , a good Job printing of-
Ilcc , paying WOO per mouth. II H Hall. 113 N
10th st. 410 1 ! )
FOH SALE At n bargain , complete outfit for
newspaper and job olllc. For particulars
nddtoss A. W. Ladd , Albion , Nob. 431 21
FOH PALE Cheap The best paying meat
market In the city , big trade , cheap rent ,
and a bargain to the right party ; peed reason
lor selling , must be sold Immediately , will bear
investigation. Address A Sil , lleo olllco. 418 IB *
ITKMl SALE Saloon on Piirnam at great bar-
JL1 gain. Apply H. Mnnnweiler , 414 S. 14th
A GOOD bakery , fire-brick oven nnd llxturcs ,
In good business- part of the city , for Halo
cheap. Only store trade ; must bo told ; address
X 41 UPC olllce. VJl 21 *
FOIl SALE Good paying saloon. Address A
in lleo olllco. ; I73 li ( *
17011 SALE Livery stable , block nnd llxtures
- -complete , nil nearly new , rent reasonable ,
centrally located. AddiCbs A 14 , Heo oilice.
474 s IK
MEAT market for sale , one of the best pay-
Ing stands In the city , old established trade ,
cheap rent , sales run ftom jl.MM to * 2W ( ) ) n
month. Inquire ornddrossMeat Market , 1811 St ,
Mary's ave. 371 IB *
WANTED A reliable man with best refer
ences to take one-third Interest in peed
paying business. Address A 18 , lleo oilice.
WE have some splendid openings In the way
of business chance ? . Omaha Huslness Ex.
S. W. .cor. 15th nud Douglas. 308-10
\\r ANTED A man to take whole interest in
n barber shop. Small capital required.
Addr. A Id , llee otlico. 307-10 *
LOOK Hero Is a snap , Itestatiraut worth
ii,000 for fCOO ; is .clearing $250 per month.
Also , a small confectionery store at 508 N 10th
Bt. The o 2 business chances nro genuine bar
gains , and must be cold nt once. Co-operative
Land nnd Lot Co. . 205 N Kith st. 310 10
OH KENT or Sale-Good building well located -
cated in nilvo ; town , population eight hun
dred : splendid opening for a live man with
small capital to open stock of light groceries.
Address Box M. Graf ton , Nob. 33721 *
" SALE Flrat-class restaurant with splcn-
"R1OH U4 ' * ! 3v-tlM.70 & V > 71 41 - . -
J- did buslnesssntlsfactory reasons for selling
Address J. 0. Morris , Logan , lowo. V > 9 ll )
FOH SALE Or trade , for good productive
property , one ot the best notels m Omaha.
Address. X 58. Hoe ofllce. 171 83
TCTOK SALE At Kearney , Neb. , the furniture
JJ and lease ot Grand Central hotel. The second
end best house In the city , and the best located ,
being opposite depots. Doing paying busi
ness. 1'rice $1,500. Inquire T. C. Bralnard ,
Midway hotel , Kearney , Nob. 274
FOH SALE Agoodlumbci.conl , agricultural
itnplemeht and live stock business. Address
Hedge Ilros. , Yutan. Neb. 701 8 1
FOH SALE-Flrst-class billiard hall nnd bar ,
long lease on property , best stand lu city ;
good reasons for selling. Address A lice olllce.
DUDG store , established 20 yrs , this clty2JOO
cash , rare bargain ; address X 63 lleo. 215-s'J *
FOH S A LE Stock of hardware , In good coun
ty seat town , only two stocks in the town ;
best location In brick corner store ; good coun
try surrounding ; crops and business prospects
excellent. Good reasons given for selling. Ad
dress J. W. Dolan. Indlanola , NcTj. 2J1 23
" 17011 ( SALE Or exchange , hotel In Hay
JL ; Springs , doliu ; a llrst-class business. Also ,
meat market with fixtures ; for stock ot hard
ware. Address , 11 , McNnlr , Crawford , Ned.
19519 *
* 17iUH SALE A first class bakery , ice cream ,
1- fruit end confectionery business In Fre
mont ; splendid location , good reasons for sell
ing. Address Geo. Easier. Fremont , Neb. 883
OH SALE Hotel and saloon llxtures ; 11-
room hotel for lease. All new. Huslness
center of South Omaha. M. A. Upton & Co ,
FOH SALE A go ; > rt grocery , cstabllsned four
years , good location , doing a good business.
Good reasons for selling. JJ , ( M capital , and will
take nothing but cash. T 20. llee Olllco. CfiO
-A 82,000 stock of drugs In cx >
Tt change for good Inside property. Address ,
A 28 , lleo Olllco. 457 17 *
T7IOREXCHANnE-50xl25 feet of South Omahn
J-- land lor a tlO-blll ; lots free from encum
brance nnd warranty deed given ; sale com
mences Thursday , Aug. 10 , at 310 S. 15th st.
rpEAM young largo horses , harness and cat
JL. riage to trade for house and lot or vacasil
lots. If you have anything to trade write * ! ! . II ,
Wheeler , real estate broker , Wilcox , Neb.
422 21 *
$1,082 mortgage notes to exchange for good
clear or light incnmbered real estate. Co
operation J nnd and Lot Co. , 205 N. 10th. 414-1 ;
1TK1R EXCHANGE-Housonnd three lots Ir
JL ' , Walnut II 111 for housnsnd lot nearer
or gooa land. Address A SO , Reo. 381 17 *
rpo EXCHANGE-Stockofdrugsworth f3,000
JL. store building worth WOoO , Iowa for im
proved farm or city property. Will bear close
investigation. C. F. Harrison , 418 S. 15th st.
J. bTKRNSDOKFF , Room 0 , opposite P
t O. , has some choice farm land to trmli
for city property. Will assume light Incuin
brancos. ai
WANTED-NINE hundred thousand or mon
brick for lots and cash. W. J. Paul. 100 !
Farnam. 774
\\7ANTED-A small stock of clothing nm
T > furnishing goods or boots and shoos t <
trade for land or lot * lu Lincoln. Address HOJ
to. Lincoln. Nob. 439
T710R TKADE-Flno lot. West End addition
JL ! Omaha , for Kansas City lots. Value , S5.00C
Address A 7 , Hee. 303 18 *
rpo EXCHANGE House anil lot In Non
JL Springs , In. , worth t\JU3\ \ bank building ii
same place worth . ' .500 , und KiO aa es of land it
Hancock county , lown , worth tl.Va , all cleat
for business property or coed resldenco ii
Omaha , will pay { -uo ( to fo.OUO cash additional
Call and got full particulars. C. F. Harrison. 41
SJttlist. 60
BKICh. WanteJ-100,000 bricks m cxchangi
for good inside Omaha property. H. A
Bloman room22 and23 Hellman bldg. Ull
rPKADES made in real estate and persona
JL. j > rep rty. be eschaacs boofc OO-OD. L
and t. Co. aa N. 16th st , lui
\\THAT ha\- you to offer for 1'JSO acres o
T timber landl n West Virginia , clear of in
cnmbrance. perfect title. George J. Sternsdortl
Itoom 6. opposite P. O. 231
\S7I1 AT hare you to trade for 8U acres or ian <
> unlncumbered In Junean county , Wis ,
Rmllej from county seat. G. J. Sternsdorff.roou
6 opp PostolHce. 167
TTIOK FJCCHANGE-Merchandlsefor uulncum
JL1 bcrt-d land , .t < 00 gen'l M'dse.12'JO" " ) hard
Ware. J. E. U. Klseley , Bheoandouh , Iowa. '
' ' . 800 19 *
WANTED A good Korse , buggy and harness
Jnnxchange for South Omnlm lots. Ueorga
J.EtoinsdortT , room 8. opp ponofflce. S3U
IGHTYfO ( ) ncros of nnd adjoining Lnko
Mhnawn. Council. Illuffs , la. Thli tract
Will make 40J beautiful lots and 1. * free from
encumbrance. What nave J ou to offer * George
J.SleriiHiliirll rooiuU , oj > p p. o. 1S7 _
WILL give you n coed trnuo tor an right or
ten room nouso and lot. George J. Sterns-
dorff. Room n , opposite T' . O. _ 231
171011 SALE-22xxr ( feet ] corner Chicago
JO nnd 13th sts , wlthliutcher shop thereon.
Apply to Thos O Connor , 318 8 12th st. 4U ) ! St
A. UPTON tc CO. , .m South Sixteenth
street , opposite Chamber of Commerce ,
Will sell for a short time the follow lug ;
llu.slncs.s Property
1 nrnam street , between 18th and 23d , $050 ®
1700 per foot ,
Capitol nvtuue , between 15th nnd loth , KWO
per root.
Comer ICth and Jones , CO ft. deep , 1205 per
Corner 15th and Jones , ( W ft , deep , I108.W ( per
toot ,
Douglas street , betvvoon 10th ami llth , J700
per foot ,
Howard street , between 14th and 15th , I50J per
Howard street , between 15th and 10th , $530 per
, . , ,
Wo have n number of neat cottages for sale.
Do you want a beantlrul and complete homo
on Park avenue , north of Leavenworthlf
Or perhaps you would like one on Park arc ,
south of Iioavenworth , We have thnn both
Maybe you are looking for an elegant home
ou California St. , near Cielghton College.
Or there might bo Mich a thing as your pro-
ferlng to gain ShuH's2iul add. , where there
uro so many pretty homes being built.
Orlts Just possible you may wish logo on
Georgia ave , , that beautiful residence thor
Or you may want to avoid the hills and make
your residence among the fashionables nt
Kountru Place , where there is nothing but ele
gant and costly houses.
No matter where your preference Is , we have
tliein I We have them I We have the houses and
lots. We have them 111 nil kinds , style and price ,
from SUM to $15,000. Hut here let us gently
whisper something In your ear. Alt yo that are
wanting homes don't you wait any longer ,
thinking that you will buy cheaper than you
can to-day. Realty In Ouialia 1. o. s > uch as wo
sell is nt bedrock now. This city is growing
rapidly , nnd there will be an advance before
there is a decline. Don't let this fact escape
your memory. You will raako money by heed
ing this advice.
See These Hargalns Double Corners.
Lots 5 n ml ( i , block 4 , South Omaha. $2,100.
Lots 5 nud 0 , block 13 , South Omaha , $ .1,000.
Lots 7 and 8 , block 13 , South Omaha , J2,5dO.
Lots 7 and 8 , block 1 1 , South Omaha , J2.100.
Lots 1 nud 2 , bloek 20 , South Omaha , Sl.UOO.
loU 11 and 12 , block 20 , South Omaha , SI. X ) .
Lots 1 and 2 , bloc.k 2 , South Omaha , } 2,20i ) .
Lots 11 aud 12. block 21. South Omana , S2.200 ,
Lots 11 and 12 , block 23 , South Omaha. $2.51)0. )
Lots 5 and B , block 21 , South Omaha , J2.500 ,
Lots 7 and 8 , block 21. South Omaha. J-,600.
Lots 11 and 12. block 21 , South Omaha. $2r,00.
Lots 5 ana n , block 31. South Omaha , J2.2IH ) .
Lots C and 0 , block 34 , South Omaha , $2,200.
When you buy ono of those double corners you
get thieo 50-foot lots. This makes 50 foot lots
nt from 8IWO to JxSOO. All this Is choice residence
property , and will double in value when the
utroet cars commence running.
Wo are now listing property for exclusive sale
only. After careful consideration wo are coiill-
dent that this is the bettor way for our patrons
and out selves.
When wo have the exclusive sale of n prop
erty for a given period wo know Just vhat wo
can do with it. Wo cun aUord to advertise nd
v ill sell it.
Kemember wo handle notlUm ; but first-class
properties , nnd only worth the money.
M. A. Upton Ac Co. , Real Estate llrokors.
Telephone 854. 403 10
17011 SALE-Lot 6 , block 1(1 ( , Myors , Richard &
X1 Tllden's ndd JU50. 1'utuiun Cramer. 11. & M
leadquarters. 427 21 *
OUl'H 23rd , just north of Vinton , r > 0 foot lots
S for Sl.OOO , H cash. M. A. Upton XCo. . 101
C4,500 | $500 cash , balance to suit , either by the
Pmonth or year buys a good , new , two-story
house In Hillside add. No. 1 : house has water ,
gas fixtures , electric bolls , sponklng tube , two
pairs sliding doors , line wood mantel , buth-
loom , cesspool conuectlon.clstern , largo French
window art glass tianf > ems , laundry In base
ment , largo porch , oil finish , and everything
.rood ; lot 50x150 , all to bo bedded and fenced.
My own house , and 1 can mate price to suit.
Call on D. V. Bholos , room 1 , Barker block.
SALE A beautiful 13-room residence In
block 5 , Kountzo place , south front , has all
latest Improvements , Including batn , gas , hot
nnd cold water , furnace , electric burglar alarm
nnd annunciator , laundry , vegetable cellar nnd
furnace rooms In basement , making 10 rooms In
all. Interior finely llulshod In oil ; prlcn $0,500 ,
il.OX ) cash , balance easy ; this Is fin extra line
snap. Address owner X 72 lleo onice. 24110 * i
TT10K SALE lly Dexter I. . Thomas , at No
JC bruska Savings Hank , ICth and Farnam ;
30 per ceat oil value.
li full lots at grade B blocks from postolflce
block. South Omalia , { 500 each , terms to eult ;
who wants first choice ?
U lots on Farnam street , east of Dundee Place ,
north or south fronts , ff 1,6(10 ( eacn and less.
D nicest full lots in lledford Pluce.south fronts ,
choice 1700 , terms easy.
10 nicest corner lots and adjoining In Lincoln
Placevery cheap andterms to suit.
C ana 10 acre timber tracts 0 miles from Omaha
P.O. , $100 per aero.
5 ncro tracts by Florence , can't be boat for
small fruit , $ BO per aero.
1 own the above as well as lots In various ad
ditions. Including 0 lots on West llroadway ,
Council Illuirs.
See mo for a bargain.
Dexter L. Thomas , at Nebraska Savings Hunk ,
Hoard of Trade building. 020
"iTIOK SALE Improved farm of fO acres : coed
JL ; orchard , fences , house , barn , ontbulldings
and living water ; fifteen miles from Omaha ,
The best produce and live stock market In the
world. $45 per acre. 0. F. Harrison , 418 B. 15th ,
Omaha. 051
MOTOR line will soon mote , Then property
In north part ot South Omaha win double
up over these prices :
Lot3. blocK24. tiOxlSO S 000
Lots 11 aud 12 , block 20 , corner , 120x150. . . . l.Kxi
LotO. blockB. 60x150 750
Lot 10. Work 7 , 00x150 760
These prices are exceptional ; no property as
good offered for any such money. M. A. Upton
Co. 22o
FOR SALE 240 acres choice land adjoining
the original town of Exeter , Nebraska. 125
ncros In timothy grass ; liO acres cultivated land ;
( W acres good wild grass land. This Is suitable
fov line tarm or addition to town. Exeter has
two lines ol K. It , H. & M. and N. W. . has mill ,
olovators. schools , churches , canning factory ,
&c. Address J. W. Dolan , Indlnnola , Ne .
TVTILL sell n lot near Lowe nve. for JI.500 , and
> T loan $1,000 to Improve same , on f L" > month
ly payments , Address , D. C. Patterson. 4S1
T71OK SALE $1SOO for a 5-room cottage ,
JL ; 2011 Grace st.nlce homo fora mechanic wontIng -
Ing In the north part of town. Easy payments ,
C. F. Harrison , 418 South 15th st. 211
ONE thousand people wanted at my oflleo , so
that 1 can tell you how to get a homo , I can
put you In the way of having a nice , cozy little
place of your own. Jtdon'ttako much money.
Call and see me about It at once. C. F. Harrl-
bon , 418 S 15th bt. 777
FOR SALE The very best land In Cheyenne
county , Neb. , from $5.00 to 17.00 an acre ,
1 tenth down , balance in ten annual equal pay'
menta. Lcddle Ilros. , Julosburc , Colo.
I AM agent for some of the lines tresldonci
lots In Hanscom Plnco and can offer them al
figures It will pay you to Investigate. Hicks
Koom 40 , Darker block. 441
GJ.STEKNSUOKFP. room 6 opposite post
ofllce , will fell you a good 4-room house
on ICth street , 2 blocks south of car line , by pay.
Imr IWK ) casn. balance monthly payments tc
suit. Tills is a splendid opportunity for any.
one wanting a cheap home. 231
TjTOn BALE Lot5 , block 11. Plalnvlow. 81,100
JL make cash oirer ; you will waste tlrao talkliu
rarte. C. F. Harrison , 418 8.15th. 111
( IJ800 buys a full lot and good 4-rooi cottage
P easy terms and good location. Shales i
Hunt , successors to D.V.Sliolea , room i , naiHG ]
block. ecu
T711TLL lot northeast corner Farnam and 42c
JC house that cost M,5iO ( , all for S,500 it takei
this week ; go no further for n bargain. M. A
Upton if Co. let
M FRANKLIN formerly of llt Paxton nidg
will carry on his trading at 1511 rarnnmst
Kedlck's Ulock at Paulson and Arneman's roon
and will always hava a good list of properti
to ti ade and exchange. 4VO
O you want n south front lot In Omaha Vlov
Just west of new school houaeT We havi
onn nt t750. M. A. Upton & Co. 1U4
OUTHOMAHA-Lots7.8 , 0,10 , block 90 , 211
feet on Jlellevue avenue , including a cornet
adjoining grouruls ot Spring Luke park , onl1
J5,2)0 ( ) , $2,000 cnsh ; a great bargain and can oul ' !
be hart through ua. M. A. Upton & Co. 82S
T71OK BALE Lot 10. block T , South Omaha
X117r0 ; dirt cheap ; wortli 11,000. C.P. llarrl
son. 418 8.15th st. la
IJKW 8ALB lleautlful 8-room lions * with nl
JL ; modern improvements , full lot , Kountzi
place , 17,000 ; H cosh. Will trade for good va
cant buxlnejs property on lower Baunders at
0. F. HBrrlson. 418 B 16th Bt. 9fl
TTKJU SALE Or exchange. We bare semi
JL.1 good Omaha real estate and Nebrmki
farms , which we will sell cheap or trace fo
lock ot clothing , furnishing goods , dry goods
boots and shoes , groceries or Hardware , Bchlei
moil SALf-llv M. A. Upton * Co ,
JU1 309 Potlth 10th St ,
Ten fine residences In ICountzo ptnro. from
n,5tM to 110.1X1) ) each , llvarlnmllld that Kotllitza
ilaco and Dundee plnrn are the only two vxclu *
ivp roAlilenco places In Omaha.
\ cry line residence In Wludior place. Elegant
0-room house , and cold water.ftirnace ,
Irsl-clais barn , full cast front lot , A choice )
lomo 47,500. 1'rlco includes new carpets niul
Full lot , n c corner of Parnam nnd 42d , bnuso
lint cost * IMW , all for * ( .Wto , If taken this week.
Go no further for n bargain.
Ono of the nicest homos In Hlmehaugh pine * ,
.nst front corner , twop.ived streets within n
ilock. This place onn be bought now for Icsa
han It is worth. Investigate tuts.
Wo have n ( ill-foot front lot In Shlnn's
lid add. , on Franklin st. east of IKItti , 5-roont
iou e , collar , cls | rn , young trcivs. good sidtt-
v nlks , etc. , etc. , M.tuw. Worth moro money ,
, Residence Sites.
( VixlK : south nnd east front on Farnam and
Oth ( fprlnnisUcots , for 18,500 , > , ' cash , balauco
, Z and 3 years.
132 * ! , on llrlMot street bctweon24thand Seth ,
2,6(1(1. (
South 20th street is now being graded to
'prlng ' LnkePnrk. Wo have some of the very
nest east front lots on the street , Ju t south ot
astellar , on grade , natural trees , ! KO ft deep ,
or tltm a piece ,
line building lot. No. 4 , In block 1. Denise art-
lit Ion , tli rco blocks from cable lluo ; an extra
> argaln at $2.25U.
Very Kasy 'IVrms Lots 13 nnfl 14 , block 2 , Kll-
byTlace on 8Pth between Dodge anil Davtm-
Kirt l,7tw each. 11 party will build a house to
ostnot less than fi.buu , will sell lot with only
100 cash payment , balance 1 , 2 nnd 3 years.
Fine residence nlt . ] 2txlJ ) > 0. east front corner ,
Kitwecti Leavonworth and Farnam , only two
ilocks from paved Mreet. Note the slio nnd lo-
atlon ot this piece ot ground and then the low
price , 4,6 | .
llenutlful cast front lot In Arcade Place on
5th street , just south of Loavenworth.for f I.HIW.
'Ills Is Mil below actual valun. nnd will belli
he market n short time only nt the prlco
noted ,
Very Choice Residence Slto ftl feet east front
n 37th street , 150 IVutisouth ot Farnam. 87Ui
treot is being paved from Farnam to Leaven-
voith. No location better than this for line
osldenci' . Price , & > , tWU ,
Five blocks from paved strpot.ono block south
fLeaveuworth , H.'ixlIM , corner , lies beautiful.
Irndual slope from lots to Leavonworth street.
1,150 ; JIM cash. Is below bed rock for this. Note-
he size of the lots and that It is a double cor-
Nowhere is n bargain : 2(1x140 ( on Parkuvo. ,
> otweon Mason and Pacific sts. , JJ.100 , adjoining
0 leet Hold for If 125 per foot.
Don't miss this : lot U1 , Cluiko's add. , Just
north of St. Mary's avo. , < il feet front , worth
(1,100. ( Wo will soil for a short time for J'i,503.
South Omaha Property.
Motor line will soon mote then property In
north part ot Soutu Omnlm will double up over
hesn prices :
Lots 7. , V , 10 block M. 210 fcot on llollovno
avo. by 150 feet deep to a 20-foot alley , adjoining
grounds of Spring Lnkit paik ; * . > ,20 > i ; tttjKM + -J
cush ; a great bargain , nnd can only be had 4
through us. ;
Lot 12 block 11 , 00x150 , corner , tl.201. i
Ix > ts 11 and 12 block 20 , double corner 120x150 , - *
Lots 2 and 3 block P , choice cast fronts , 00x150
each , $ ! Wl each.
Lot ( I block 6 , ( MxlKO , * 7r.O.
Lot 10 block 7 , CiOxlMI , * 750.
These prices nro exceptional ; no other prop
erty ns good oilei oil for any such money.
Wo have some choice business property in
South Omaha that will make the buver money
in the future as it has In the past. We quote u
few bargains :
Lot fl block Ol , $ , , OOI ) , H cash.
Lot 1 block ( ! ! > , $ , ' 1.01X1 , 15 cash.
Lots 1 and 2 block OX , $5,0 > W. ' J cash.
These arc nil corners which the viaduct on L
street will make \ ery valuable
Lot 7. block 8 * . COxloO , corner ou M and 24th
Streets , 85.000.
Lot 8 , block 88 , Improvements renting for HO n
month $1,500. This property will make some
man n llttlo fortune In the next eighteen
100x160 ouSnth Just north of "M" street , op-
poslte the Hoed hotel , wltn good cottage , 410-
( XXJ. This will be worth tMQ u foot in n oyear
from to-day.
Wo havo' on cous list the best South Omaha
business and residence property In the murkoti
we can sell it at the lowest price obtainable.
Dundee Plneo
The wealthy men of Omaha have not yet
erected their permanent homes : w hen they do
the location selected will bo In "Dundee 1'loco. "
We can sell sites In Dundee at the same pilco
and tennb that the owners will ell > r. M. A. Up
ton & Co. , telephone Mil. 403-10.
FOH SALE-Lot In Smith Park , 50x11(1. ( facing
eastonlHthst. Price , * ' > ,203 ; M cash ; Ifyou
don't wish to build on the Jot do not apply. O.
F. Harrison , 418 S IBth. 777
171011 SALE I am prepared to build you a
JL1 good house In u good location and take
monthly payments tmthti house nnd lot. Call
and see me about It. C. F. Harrison , 118 S 15th.
ONLY a few lots left In II. .VM. . park addition
to South Omaha. What have you to offer ?
George J. Sternsdorff. Hoom 6 , opp..P. O. 231
FOH SALE Fulllotaud largo 2-story house
of 7 large rooms , good well , cellar , cistern in
the kitchen , good neighborhood , street cars ,
church , school and store close by. All now and
complete , $2C.UO. Small rash payment , balance
monthly. Just the place lor a man of moderate
means and largo family. Como and Bee mo
about it. 0. F. Harrison , 418 S. 15th st. 833
. _ $
"VTINT VTVE by ono hundred and thirty-two < j
J-1 south and east front on r armun and 40th , 5
for $9,60(1 ( , M cash.balnnco 1,2 aud 3 years. How's y
that ? M. A. Upton & Co. Ifrt
ONE hundred and thirty-two by ono hundred
nnd thirty-two on Hristol street , betweoil
24th nnd 30th , $2,500. M. A. Upton As Co. 1M
FOH SALE A beautiful resldenco lot in Isnao
V Selden's addition ; if you want a bargain
Investigate. George J. Stornsdorff , lioom 6 ,
opp. 1' . O. 681
SOUTH 20th , Just south of Castellar. thorery
llnestklm * . of cast fronts ; on grade { natural
trees ; jO front foot. M , A. Upton & Co. 181
/-10UNC1L ULUFFS-Nlce 6-room cottage ,
v good barn , lot 50x120 , on llroadway , paved
struct , street cars by the door ; can giro posses
sion at an any time , but ha good tenant at 119
pur month. Only tiUOO. Twenty acres just
north of Uroadway. one mile from the river ,
11,000 per acre ; submit offer ; only 60 t et from
motor line. M. A. Upton te Co. T f7
front In Shull's 2d add , three-quarters
ot blk from the route of cable ; lot 60x127 ,
G foot above grade ; $2,800 If taken quick. C. F.
Harrison. 418 S. 15th. in
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
The nnlr rnail to t ke for De > Molnes , Marthaltown
Cc.lar . Uiiplcls , Clinton , Dlioii , Clilcauo , Milwaukee. *
anil all points Kn t. Tc the people of Nebra kaColo-
rnrto , Wjromlnp. Utah , Idaho. Novadn. Oreiron. Wash
ington iind California. H offers luptirlor advantage *
not possible by any other lino.
Amonit a fen or ( he numeront points ot dporlorltr
cnjojprt dy Hie patrnnt ot tlili mud betwaen Oman * '
nnil Chlrn o , nro It ] ( hreo trains a dnr or DAY
COACHKS. irhlch are tbo tinont that hiimnn art anil
Ingenuity can crent . Its I'AI.ACH bLERl'INd OAUHi
the equal or which cannot be lomxl eluewhere. At1
Council llluirs , the train * of the Union I'aciHo Hall ,
way connect In unlim depot with tboso of the Uhl <
f KO .t Northwestern Ity. In ClilcaKO tbe tmlnn of
( hi line make close connuUlou with tl o ol alt
other Kastorn lines.
Tor Detroit , Coinmbni , Infllanapolli , Cincinnati ,
Nlnearu Falls , flutlaln. I'lltsliuru , 'aferonto , Monlruat
llo'ton , New Vork , rblladllpbla , Ualtliiiore , Wash
ington , and ullpuir.u In tlieKait. AskfortlckeUvlA
If you wlfh the bust accomtnocatloa. All ticket )
icentt urn ttrketi Tt tlili llns.
it iiuciirin- . E. p. wir oN ,
Ueu'l Mnnagtr. Gen'l I'asn'r Ajcont.
* N BAHCOCK , Opn'losiernARcnt ,
D. K.K1MI1A1.K Ticket Asedt ,
U. K. VVUd'l' , City l'B 5on er Aceut.
H01.Farnaui8ticotOmaba , Neb.
Nos. 3O3-4O4-I7O-6O4. t
NoPayTillCuredSSL j ?
hood , etc. , lack of rigor , development , eio. We Imra
tbo lallh In oar remedy tooHketbtsoOlur. 1'uymunt
need not be n.vle till permanent curali erfbclud. Ait *
dress Western Uumody Co , , Uoi UU , Umaba , Neb ;
IT. J. ,
Surgeon and Physician.
Office N. W Corner Mth and ijouglasSt. Omc
telephone. 483 ; Itoaldunco telephone. Sag.