Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 17, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 THE OMAHA DAILY .BEE- : MOD AT , AUGUST 17 , 1888.
owiun , NO , its PIAUI < HTIIISUT
Delivered by Carrier In Any 1'art of tbe City nt
Twenty Cunts 1'er Week.
II. W. TlI/iON. . ; MANAQKlt.
IltfSINEflS OFFICE , NO. 41.
NKIIIT KniTon. No. ! .
N. Y. Plumbing company.
Holler , the tailor , 310 Broadway , has
received u full line of line full goods.
Tlio county commissioners will moot
for the full session on the first Mondny
In September.
b Bricklaying wns begun yesterday on
5 tlio now power house of the electric
< motor on Lower Broadway.
L There will bo a meeting of the Coun-
f ell Bluffs rillo club this evening at Mayor
Rohrcr's olllco at 8 o'clock sharp.
The ladles of All Saints guild will entertain -
tortain a social this evening at the resi
dence of Mrs. Dr. Stlllman , on Willow
The regular meeting of the republi
can club will bo held at headquarters
this evening at 8 o'clock. A largo at
tendance is desired.
The ladies of the Unity guild will
meet with Mrs. A. II. Harris , 11 South
First street , on Saturday at ! 5 p. m. A
full attendance is desired.
Arrangements arc in progress for the
Young Men's Christian Association to
take charge of the union borvices next
Sunday evening. An interesting meet
ing is promised.
The Now York Plumbing company
has just placed live handbomo mantels
in George Wheeler's now residence on
Kust Pierce street. They are models of
beauty and cost ? 100.
Marriage licenses were issued yester
day to Newton M. Sterling , ofMahaska.
and Fannie E. Iteamer , of this city , and
Martin'1C. Linn and Kato A. FiU-
patrick , both of this county.
The Plattbinouth nine will cross bats
with the homo team at Manawa Athletic
park next Sunday. The Blulfs boys
wont hunting for victory on the Dennison -
son diamond yesterday afternoon.
County Attorney Dailoy and Commis
sioners VVuito and Underwood visited
Crescent yesterday to look into a bridge
matter. A railroad and county bridge
are located at about ttio same point and
occasion some controversy.
The homo olllco of the Anglo-Amer
ican Mortgage it Trust company , suc
cessor to Burnham , Tulloys & Co. , has
b'cen located in Omaha , but the ofllco in
this city will bo continued under the
management of C. K. Hesse.
The funeral of Jacob Young , who died
Wednesday at his homo in Oak town
ship , will take place at 10 o'clock this
morning from the frame church in the
Plumor settlement. The deceased was
f forty-one years of age , and leaves a wife
i and seven children.
The money order ofllcc at the now
government building will boon be ready
for daily use. Its furnishings and fit
tings are elegant , and far surpass those
of any bank in the city. The room is
not largo , nor the desks and counters
extensive , but they are as rich as could
bo desired.
A woman with white horse hair was
placed in rather an embarrassing sit
uation yesterday morning at the corner
of Bryant street and Broadway. She
desired to cross the street , but was com
pelled to wait forbix light complcxioned
equines to pass. She blushed furiously
as she saw the line of white horses and
the passers-by wore unable to repress
their smiles.
The Baptist picnic yesterday was a
grand success. There wore nearly three
hundred' people present at the grove ,
one and n nan miles from the city. The
day was mobt enjoyably spent , and there
was not a single feature to mar the pleas
ure ot the occasion. The location wasono
of the most beautiful to bo found in the
vicinity. These present have nothing
but praise for the committee in charge ,
who worked hard to insure a highly enjoyable -
joyablo occasion.
Smith Saunders is arranging for the
erection of three brick store buildings
on his lots on Broadway between
Seventh and Eighth streets. The store
rooms will bo seventy foot deep , and
well lighted. The location is good and
the investment will prove a paying one.
Ho proposes to erect a four story busi
ness block next spring on the corner
lot , Broadway and Eighth street. The
demand for now buildings continues ,
and first class store-rooms are by no
moans plenty. The demand for resi
dences is greatly in excess of the sup-
The "BhifT City" nine are matched
to play the Union Pacific Browns next
Sunday for $10 a side nt the old fail-
grounds. The former club is playing
line ball this season and resents the
article that appeared in sovevnl of the
city papers to the olTect that they failed
to put up money for a game with Iho
"Rods. " They claim that the "Rods"
were unwilling to play until they had
time to import players from Omaha ,
and were not on hand at the dnsignated
timo. Tno "Blutl Citys" are ready to
play them at any time for from $26 to
S5U a side.
Money loaned at L. B. Crafts & Co.'s
loan olllce , on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , porbonal property of all kinds ,
and all other articles of value without
removal. All business strictly confi
Of Council IIlull's Lots nt Auction ,
I will olTor for sale and sell without
rcservo to the highest bidder one-half
of all the lots in Coohrun's addition to
Council Bluffs.
Ono lot of every other pair through
out the whole addition will bo fcoul with
the privilege to the purchaser of the re
maining lot at the same price. Tlio
ground on which the addition is laid is
known as the old fair ground forty ,
north of the Union Pacific depot , and
south of Broadway. The number of
lots are 1GO , or four to the aero.
Ton per cent of the purchase money
cosh in hand. The balance in nine
equal annual payments to be evidenced
by notes bearing interest at 5 per cent
per annum , secured by mortgage. The
property purchasers will got warrantee
deeds , title perfect.
I will also soil on the game terms and
nt the same sale 100 lots in Central sub
division and Street's addi
tion on grounds joining on the
north. Some of these lots are situated
on Broadway.
The place of sale will bo on the
grounds on Wednesday , the 12th of
September , 1888 , and continue from day
to day till all is sold.
The lots and blocks will bo numbered
on btakos and maps furnished blddnrs
on day of salo. Other particulars on
da-y of sale. A , COCHUAN.
For Sale Cheap Lots near the bridge
to parties who will build at once. Ad
dress or call on J. R. Ricet No. 100 Malt
ttreot , Council Blurts.
All kinds ol produce cheapest a
Another Successful Raid Made on
tbo Saloons.
The Now Ilcrcnn Hnptlst Church
IMniuiliiR to Liny Out tlio Clinututi-
( inn Grounds Delegates to Den
ver IMuflTit Urcvltlcs.
Tlio AVnr on Liquor.
A wagon with four kegs of beer and a
jug of something , standing in front of
Justice Schuiv.'s olllco yesterday after
noon , indicated that the case which
drew the crowd was of a liquor nature.
The kegs and the jug were zealously
uurdcd by a man on the wagon scat ,
vhohad to take good naturedly the jibes
andjcors of those who have no liking for
ho seizure prosecution. Henry DoLong
ivus prancing up and down stairs , and
awyers and witnesses were only out-
lumbered by the gung of lookers-on.
The first case called wus the ono In
which Do Long Is charged with larceny ,
n having illegally seized some kegs of
acor. As objections hud been ruised
against any justice in the city trying the
case , except Justice Burnett , and us ho
had boon subpoenaed us a witness , the
question was raised us where the case
could bo sent , or whether it should bo
sent anywhere. The question wus such
a knotty ono thnt Justice Schurz con
cluded to think over it until Monday.
Tlio next case was that concerning
a seizure of the four kegs of Deer and
the jug outside , waiting to bo brought
into court for evidence. The proceed
ings were for destruction of these li
quors. It was claimed that they were
found ut No. 01S ) South Main street , and
that they were there being kept for
sulo by Frank Lower , Gus Bergman
"or others. " The first round was fought
ever alloired defects in the information ,
the ' ' others " which
notably 'or , wus
considered too indefinite to warrant the
Issuing of a search warrant.
A great deal of talk over law points ,
sharp ones , wus indulged in by Attor
neys Hulduno and Sims. Authorities
were piled up on the justice's desk until
lie wns almost hidden , but peeping ever
the toj ) of them ho declared that they
could go home and wait until next Tues
day , when ho would decide whether the
information should bo dismissed or not.
The driver was notified and the beer
kegs in controversy rolled away from in
front of the temple of justice.
Prank Kain's place on Twentieth
street , near Sixih uvonuo , wns raided
Wednesday night while the prayer
meetings were in progress at the
hurchcs. This was the third pull of
this place , and only a keg of beer and u
bottle of whiskey formed thostrinpings.
A. Overtoil bus signed the papers for
ten now liquor injunctions. The cases
will como up at the next term of the dis
trict court.
Full line of sheet music at Counci
Bluffs Music Co. , 224 Broadway.
Clover Leaf creamery butter 25 cents
a pound at Feuron's.
Travelers ! Stop ut the Bechtole.
Stop at the Pacific Houso. The most
centrally located hotel in the city.
Planning I < 'or Chautauqua.
F. R. Hill , an engineer from Sioux
ity , was in the city yesterday , looking
ever the proposed Chautauqua grounds.
Ho has considerable experience in land
scape gardening and parking , nnd his
opinions in this respect arc looked upon
as being somewhat authoritative. Ho
expressed himself as charmed with the
ocation , nnd enthusiastically declared
, hut ho knew of no more beautiful spot
'or such a purpose anywhere in the Mis
souri valley. Ho is very familiar with
all the topography of this section of
country , having personally inspected
most of it , and having run railway lines
: n all directions through it. With the
buncos ho has had for careful examina
tion of this part of the westhis expres
sion of admiration for the proposed
grounds can well bo relied upon as based
m careful comparisons. Little such ev
idence is needed in this community as
to the desirability of these grounds for
u Chautauqua , for many hero uro famil
iar with their beauties and advantages.
Mr. Hill says it will not need us lurgo
an expenditure to improve and further
beautify the grounds as most places
selected for park purposes. Nature bus
done much , nnd with a few thousand
dollars u your the place can bo made
ono of rare attractiveness. Ho has
been looking over the grounds with a
view of making more definite estimates
of the probuble cost of drawing maps
nnd taking surveys , preliminary to the
making of desired improvements.
The Chnutuuquu folks feel the neces
sity of immediately making a start in
order to hold the first iisbombly next
season. There is much preliminary
work to bo done , and tome of this
should already bo under way. Corre
spondence is now boingcurried on which
will result in the presentation of some
definite propositions to the next annual
meeting' of stockholders , to bo hold
early next month. In the meantime
the subscriptions should bo increased ,
so that the enterprise may not be
crippled by the luck of the necessary
bucking. It is ono of the grcutost of the
numerous enterprises boin started
hero , and the citizens should rally to
its support with enthusiasm. It can bo
made to draw 100,000 people to this city
and vicinity next summer if the citizens
say so , voting yes with their pockol-
books nnd their time.
Full line of sheet music at Council
BlufTs Music Co. , 221 Broadway.
Patrons of the Pacific House have
none but words of praise for the atten
tion given them.
A. A. Clark & Co. negotiate loans on
farm and city property.
The Berean Baptist church of Coun
cil Bluffs was duly recognized last
Tuesday by a. council which mot at All
Saint's Chapel , Third avenue and
Eighteenth street. The recognition
sermon was preached by Rev. J. W.
Harris , of the First Baptist church ,
Omaha ; the charge to the church was
given by A. S. Churchill , csq. , Omaha ;
the charge to the pastor by Rev. E. N.
Harris , of Dakota ; address to the con
gregation by Rev. W. F. Gray , Wood
bine , la. Welcome words in behalf of
the churches of the city were pro
nounced by Rev. Stephen Phelps , D.
D. , of the Presbyterian church ; and the
prayer of recognition was offered by the
chairman of the council , Rev. J. B.
Murch , Missouri Valley.
The exercises wore cordial and in
spiring. The Berean church feels new
life and ambition as tbo result of ths
action of the council. Moreover , the
citizens in the vicinity ol tbe chapel
were eminently thoughtful in providing
for the delegates during the day. The
church invokes the Lord's blessing On
them all for their kindness.
A list of ever twenty vacant dwellings
for rent can bo obtained at ofllco of E.
II. Sheufo & Co. , corner Broadway and
Main streets , up stairs.
J. G. Tipton has the largest real estate
list in the city , and handles nothing but
Tlio 1 1 ami of the
Yesterday was a heavy day in police
circles , nnd Judge Aylesworth sat in
judgmcnton the wrecked framcsof hila
rious beer guzzlers and forlorn looking
vugs. When the gates of the sewer
were opened fourteen of the unwashed
throng were gently wafted up to the
bar on a malarial zephyr that pre
sented n great contrast to the breezes of
"heaven's balmiest , " that are some
times mot with where pollco stations
are unknown. The classification of the
motley group was gone through with in
short order , and then the regular exer
cises of examination day were com
The boozer's chits was composed of
four members , with Frank Trimble at
the head. Their examination was very
brief , as they bnd all been subjected to
searching examinations on previous oc
casions , and they were each called on
for $ " . ( ! ( ) as the balance of their tuition ,
when they were all granted diplomas
with the 'degree of B. B. B. ( Bloated
Bachelor of Budge ) . They ranked as
follows : Frank Trimble , Ilattio Nich
ols , William WycolT and F. O. Stongor.
Tlio infant class was next called
and there were two pupils present.
Billy Ball and William Sandy were
their names , and they wore proven to
bo proficient in the art of jumping entrains
trains while in motion. They were re
leased for a little more exercise on the
J. W. Jones was then culled up and
repeated the story of his experience in
examining Officer .Thomas' ' revolver
while a guest of the St. Joe houso. The
examining committee decided that ho
was not sufficiently versed in tlio
science of burglary to bo awarded a
certificate , nnd ho was discharged for
neglecting to improve his opportunities.
Charles Schroder , a bashful farmer
from the vicinity of Defiance , was un
willing to talk before so many people on
the subject on which ho was to bo ex
amined the larceny of a horse and
his case was continued. The charity
clubs of homeless wanderers was then
called out. Their lessons were ro-
citcd with great indifference , and they
were sent buclc for ton dujp of additional
study. Their names were Michael
Woldar , B. D. Cooley , J. II. Hughes ,
James Brown , J. B. Johnson and Hugh
E. II. Shcafo loans money on chattel
security of every description. Private
consulting rooms. All business strictly
conlidontal. Office 500 Broadway , cor
ner Main btrcot , up-stairs.
A. A. Clark & ; Co. , real estate brok
ers , have a list of choice inside proporti
on their books. Nothing but bargains
The IJItifTn Will Bo There.
Mayor Rohrer is engaged in Delecting
a committee of ton to represent this city
at the coming "deep water" convention
at Denver. It is easy enough to make
the appointments , but not boeasy to find
citizens who will go. The board of
trade has selected three of its members ,
and these , in connection with the ten
appointed by the mayor will make a
first-class showing for Council Bluffs.
According to tbo circular issued by the
mayor of Denver , every city is entitled
to u delegate for 3,000 inhabitants , and
another delegate for each additional
1,000 inhabitants. According to
this , Council Bluffs is entitled lo ever
thirty delegates , but it will bo impossi
ble to secure that number. The matter
is one that intimately concerns this city ,
and it is very ebsontial that it should bo
well represented. Other cities of tbe
state are to send largo delegations ,
among the number being Sioux City ,
Davenport , Burlington and Ottumwa ,
and it will not do for Council Bluffs to
make an inferior showing. Tlio trip
will bo one of pleasure for those who go ,
and it is expected that the convention
will result in great profit to the inland
cities of the country.
E. II. Sbeafo & Co. , make long or
short time loans on real estate , in sums
to suit , at lowebt rate of interest. Office
Broadway and Main street , upstairs.
New stock of new grass seed at
Buy mantels , grates and hearth fur
nishings of the Now York plumbing Co.
Pacific flouso is open to the traveling
public , notwithstanding to the contrary.
George H. Nash of Oakland was in the
city yesterday.
Lucius Wells left for Duvonport lust
evening ever the Rock Island.
B. S. Jossolyn is recovering from his
illness of congestion of the bowels.
Mrs. C. 12. Stone will louvo in a few
days to visit a daughter at Portland ,
E. E. Hurkness was yesterday able to
bo out , though ho bus not fully recov
ered his strength.
Hon. W. H. M. Pusoy goes to Stuart
to-duy , whore ho will deliver a political
speech this evening.
Miss Adio Trcdrick , daughter of Dr.
Trodrick of Wintorsot , la. , is visiting
at Mrs. E. A. Haber's on Blurt street.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. J. Brown nnd
daughter , Miss Nora , huvo returned
from an extended visit to the eastern
Fred Doitohlor , chairman of the Mills
county board of supervisors , and Henry
Kay , both of Minoola , were in the BlutTs
Hurry Birkinbino , munngor of the
water works company , has been confined
to his bed by illness since his return
from Chicago.
Hon. George F. Wright , John L.
Baldwin , osq. , and Captain H. L. Henry
have returned from their trip to the
Pacific coast. They stopped at Salt
Lake City and Denver on their way
I. N. Flickinger , the attorney , who ,
with his family , is spending n time nt
Spirit Lake , has not boon very favor
ably impressed with his surroundings at
Miller's point. Ho says in a personal
letter that as ho writes dampness and
shadow surround him , and eight 'green
frogs , silting on a soap box near his cot
tage , divldo half their time between
catching flies and watching him. If
the weather does not change for the bet
tor teen he will return to the charms of
Manawa. It has been cold and rainy
every day , with ono exception , since ho
went there.
If vou have property for sale at a bar-
pnin'Hst It wi th us and wo will adver
tise it free of charge. A. A. Clark fc
Co. , corner Broadway and Main , over
American cxpr"- "
S , B. Wadswoath & Co. loan mon. ay'
It ninnmctl In Uentity. .
A night blooming cereus bad Its annual
opening nt the residence of II. II. Field
last night. The 'fUiwcr begun opening
curly in the evening ) but did not reucb
its full beauty until nearly midnight.
It wus indeed u beautiful sight , and was
greatly appreciated nnd udimred by
many friends. The homo wns hospita
bly thrown open tb nil the friends who
desired to avail themselves of the op
portunity of beholding the beautiful
Money loaned on furniture , pianos ,
diamonds , horses , Buggies or anything
of value , at low rate of interest. No
publicity ; fair mid honorable dealing.
A. A. Clark & Co. , olllco cor. Broadway
and Main , over American Express.
For burgains in real estuto POO E. II.
Shoafo & Co. , Broadway and Main
street , upstairs.
J. G. Tipton has bargains in real estate.
„ , ,
Those Wonderful HullrondH.
When the railroad wus first opened
between Moscow nnd St. Petersburg ,
says the Boston Globe , It wus nn object
of great terror to the superstitious
peasantry of ngrthorn Russia , who
thought there must certainly bo some
witchcraft or magic in tin invention
which could make a train of heavy cars
run along without horbos at the rate of
twenty miles an hour , when the speed
of the wagons to which they were ac-
cubtomcd was only three miles an hour ,
or four at the very outside.
Some of them would not oven go
within sight of a train , and made tlio
sign of the cross whenever they hoard
ono rattle past. Others peeped timidly
over the palisade of the railway station
to catch a glimpse of the fearful snioke-
breathing creature , which they be
lieved to be a living monster , and when
the steam whistle sounded they cried
out : "Hear him scrcnmingl lie's hun
gry nnd wants to eat somebody 1" and
took to their heels at once.
But little by little this terror began
to wear uwny. The village priests _ were
seen to go to and fro by train , and the
simple country folk thought what they
did could not bo wrong. By degrees
the peasants thoin olve- > begun to try
the "smoke wagons , " too , and one day
an old man named Ivan I'etrovitch
Maslof , who hud never been out of his
own village till then , made up his mind
to go and have a look at "Mother Mos
cow. " which ull Rubsiun peasants rever
ence as the finest city in the world , and
the real capital of Russia.
Now , it happened thutfttho down ex
press nnd tlio up express met ouch
other at the station of Bologir ( midway
between Moscow and St. Petersburg ) ,
where the passengers of both trains
bloppcd for half an hour to have sup
per. Among the crowd of people
who got out of the other train
Ivan suddenly recognized an old
friend. The two wont into
the refreshment room together , nnd
bad a chat over their steaming tumb
lers of ten and lemon juice , and then
Ivan , without thinking of what ho was
doing , got into bis friend's train in-
bteud of his own , uifd wus soon travel
ing back to tbo spot whence bo had
Their talk wonton merrily for a
Call on M. imOHLSCH , 5IS ! Broadway , whore you will receive
tliu Blighcht CaNli Price.
"Wrought and fast aw nl FOR
\Huililinrjs \ , Automatic C M H I 111 C 0 Highest Economy ,
Repairs. Xcw&Zdlland LllUlliLv Simplicity and Durability.
Nos. 1100 to 1200 , Tenth Avenue , Council Bluffsja. Telephone 100.
SPECIAL advertlSi'inents.siiehasLo'.t.round ,
_ ToIjonnForSaloTo KentWants , Hoarding ,
etc.1111x3 inserted ill this column at the low
rate of TUN UKNTS Pl'.it I.1NL , for the llrst In-
portion nnd Fvo Cents Per Line for eacn stiliso-
qucnt Insertion. Leave advertisements at our
ollice. No. 12 Pearl Street , near llroadway ,
Council lllulls , Iowa.
TyANTKU-Good barber at 1JO S. Jlaln St. ,
Council lllutls.
Houses for rent by Johnston & Van 1'atten ,
: ci Main ht.
SAMS The best small fruit nnd
bio farm In I'ottauattamlu county , two
miles fiom Council lllulls postolllce , at a piKe
Unit will hell It , on lemurkably easy terms.
Tltlo perfect nnd pioperty In rood condition.
Possession ijlven at any tttnu. Good reason for
selling. H. T. llryant i ; Co. , 0-3 llroadway ,
Council llluirs , la.
) -Stocks of merchandise to exchange
change for city propel ty In Council llluirs ,
Omaha , or western land or chattels of any kind.
\Vo make e.NclwngliiK n specialty. It. T. llryant
&l'o. , Ufi ) Jliodduuy.
VtrANTKD Ktocts ol merchandise. Have
TT Omaha and Council IllulN city property ,
alto western land to oxchantro for goods , ( ' .ill
on or .lolm-on < .V Christian , llociu 35 ,
Chamber of commerce , Omaha.
Conducted by the Sisters of Charity ,
An excellent educational Institution , fmnMi-
eil with all modern Improvements for bonnllng
ami clay hthool. 1 ho aeadumlc ) ear consists of
two sessions , beginning on the llrst Monthly In
September nnd February , respectfully.
Terms-Hoard and tuition per besslon , $75.
Tor fuither pnrtlcul.xrs address Sister Superior ,
St. Francis Academy , Council Illulle , la.
1514 DOUGh/lS / St. , OMA.I1& , NEHI
WOllroadway Council Illuffs , Iowa. Established
D. H. McDANELD & CO. ,
Hides. Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
while , for Ivnn's frlond never thought
of nskihg the old mun which way ho
wus golnp. But presently Ivim bognrt
to grow silent ana pravo , ns If ponder
ing something which puzzled him very
much ; nndnt length , after sitting for
nearly five minutes without uttering ti
word , ho suddenly droke out :
"Ah , Pavon Yuriovitch , " ( Paul , son
of Gorge ) , "what n wonderful thing
these railroads are , to bo sure ! Hero
am I going to Moscow , and here are
you going to St. Petersburg , and yet
we're both traveling in the same carl"
From Ulrth to the Grave
Wo curry with us certain physical tnilts , ns
wo do certain mental clmructcrlstlcs. Inso
much tlmt psychologists hnvo striven to
designate by generic titles certain tempera
ments tis tlio bilious , the nervous , the lym
phatic. Ttio Individual with n sallow com
plexion Is set down us bilious , often rightly
so. If the suffron In the hue of his skin Is
traceable to the bllo In his blood , Its prcscnro
in the wronp place Instead of the liver , will
also bo evinced by fur on the tongue , pain
beneath the ri 'lil ribs anil through the right
shouhlcrblailc , sick headache , constipation ,
flatulence nnd Indigestion. For the relief of
this very common , but not essentially peril
ous complnint , tlicro Is no more genial and
thorough remedy than Hosteller's Stomach
Hitters , which is also n bcnellcicnt tonic nnd
health promoter , nnd n widely esteemed
remedy for and pi event ! vo of fever and
ague , rheumatism , kidney nnd bladder
Artists proler the Ilnllolt & Davis
piano , at C. B. Music Co. , Ii24 Broadway.
The Ie\v's IIlit' ] ) .
Musical Herald ; The manufacture of
this musical toy was until recently ono
of the most nourishing industries in the
town of Valscsia , Germany. At pros-cut
their manufacture is chiefly curried on
in Nuremberg.
_ It is interesting to note that thh odd
little instrument if such it may bo
culled was in use as curly as the six
teenth century. This is proved by a
document still in existence duted 16'JJ
which states that u certain Anoreu
Guuloia of Otroscsiti purchased from
Giovanni Arienta , u wood tit a phico
culled Ovugo di Curgo for "donzcnus
se.xuginta do robobbis. " It may bo ox-
jiluincd hero that the toy is still known
in Germany by its nnciunt name
"ribebbo. " When nnd for what reason
it was designated a 'Mow's harp" is a
qucbtjon that bullies research.
During the last century a vast num
ber were munufueturcd ut the village
of Boccorio , averaging near five thou
sand daily.
i mplo as it is in construction no loss
than twenty tools uro employed in its
manufacture , involving twonty-Iivo operations -
orations lit the forgo and vice.
It consists of tno HCturato parts , the
bow and the tongue. The former is sub
divided into legs and circle , whilst the
latter consists of the tongue pronor nnd
the hook , by means of which the pulsa
tions uro produced with the agency of
the finger.
Unlike some other toys its resources
are not susceptible of development , but
there arc many of the rising genera
tions in Europe if not in America who
btili have u predilection for the ribobbo
or the Jew's harp.
Bear in mind that the Union Pacific
takes third-chibs passengers through on
express twins.
0\erco.nlnfcall opposition. Ull the cemetciles
\\lth newly made graven , lea vliiR the once
happy home with nothing but memen
toes of lined ones lost. Where
Is used It Is universally found to be
Tlio value of a sltiRlo bottle for use in anv ot
the above named diseases Is really Incalculable.
Moni'V could not Induce those who ham thor-
cinuhl } tried It to be without It. The market Is
mil ( it icnu'dlus lor a similar puioose , and all
havomcrlt lu some cases , but with them it IH u
btubborn fact that these are In many places the
of the countiy.Vlth this medicine they mo
This medicine has now been used In this country
Has no equal on earth. Sold byilrugglstficvery-
uheie. HARLE , HASS & CO. ,
Wholesale AguutH , Council llluirs , Iowa.
PIUCS $15.
Is equal to
any High
The Kcllion Mlmpojrrnph , tlio best apparatus for
nmnlfolittnK , uuthoKr.iplilo and typewriter work.
3UUU cogos | can bo tnkcn.
The Escelsior Co. , Council Bluffs , la.
In accordance with numerous requests has de
cided to teach Taxidermy In all Its branches.
Mounting birds , JM : with mammals nnd other
Intricacies , ( HO. Would also like to receive
orders lor birds to nil order book on trip south.
No. 610 Main St. , Council ItluffB.
M. B. SNYDEE , A. M. . M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Diseases of Women uncl Children ,
' r ! Council llluffd. .
i > d o
. CO. ,
Especially Adapted tot
25 TO 300
POWER , Mills and Elevators , '
Specifications ami estimates furnished for complete steam plant" ) . ItCRUlatlon , Durability Guajy
uutetd. Can Show loiters from users where fuel economy Is equal w 1th Corliss Non-Condensing ,
Send for Catalogue , E. C. HARRIS , Manager.
To close out the ramtilning lots in Squiro's addition to Counuil Bluffs , J
will bell the llnobt located lots in the city for $50 cnbli payment , and long
time on balance , to porsoiib who desire to secure homos , and I will muko 1107
enil loans to those who debiro aid in liuildiii ) , ' hoitbcs. Call at once ana eeo
mo at'Masonic Temple , Council BlulTb , Iowa
C. J. COLBY , Sole Agent.
From 15 to 25 Per Cent.
Nos. II & 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
DR. C. B. J U D D ,
No. GOO Broadway , Council Bluffs/Iowa.
WANTED Good Salesmen on large commission or salary.
.aa&a tti
tV 1 Ma"tUt i u !