OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , AUGUST 17 , 1885. T A SMALL RAILROAD STEAL , Charges of Extortion Proforrocl Against the Elkhorn. A CLEAR CLASH OF OPINIONS. Jerry IInrrlnnii' I'cnco or Mind Greatly Disturbed liy n Woinnn Two New I J''or Lincoln. LINCOLN Bur.EAU or THE OMAIU Bnn , ) P STHKET , LINCOLN , Aupust 10. I Robert Lucas , comilninant , vs the Fremont , Ulkhorn & Miasourl Valley rnihvny company , respondent , comes before - fore the state board of transportation for coimidunitlon ul the uoxl meeting of iho stale board. Mr. Lucas states for cause of com plaint that the above named respondent is ti corporation organixed under and by virtue of the lawa of Nebraska , and owns and operates a railroad , which passes through the towns of Valentino and Norfolk , and that it owns und operates a branch line of railroad con necting the cities of Norfolk and Pierce. And further , that complainant ImQ six car loads of cattle tit Valentino which ho desired to ship to the city of Pierce , but that the respondent demanded for the trans portation of ttio catllo the hum of $40.60 per car ; that the charge is unreasona ble , unjuKt nnd excessive , complainant alleging that the sum of $20 would have boon a reasonable charge for such ser vice ; ftlt > o , that complainant then shipped the cattle and was charged for Buch transportation the sum of $31.45 per car , or $188.70 for the aix cars ; that the charge of &U.45 per ear from Val entino to Noligh , a distance of 151 miles , is an unjust , unreasonable and excessive charge , and that 8UO per car would have been a reasonable charge. Complainant asks an investigation and Buch decision as justice and equity may require and restitution of all excess in charges. OPINIONS AT VAIIIANCK. A petition signed by a , largo number of the businebH men of Schuyler pray the state board of transportation as fol lows : "Having understood that the state board of transportation han ordered a reduction of freight rates throughout the state , notwithstanding the railroads mudo n concession in November last from Ltarills then in force of 331 per cent , wo respectfully protest agaiuattho enforcement of the order and petition the board to recall the same. From the test information at our command we be lieve the general public are all satis- fled with the November tariff , and wo believe there is not a single com plaint to the contrary before your hon orable body. "Wo believe the tendency of a rigid obedience to your order will bo to check nil railroad construction ino'ir state und thus paralyze all new railway projects. Capitalist are already alarmed , and Nebraska is black listed iu Wall street nh a state to bo avoided when invest- in out H are to bo entertained. If this condition of affairs is permitted to re main , the onward progress and devel opment of the commonwealth will bo retarded for years. "VVo believe that rates in existence prior to the isiuo of your late order are reasonable , just and fair , and therefore respectfully solicit that the prayer ot our petition bo granted. " \p \ But in the face of the foregoing petition comes one each from Howard and Hitch- cook counties , signed by 835 farmers , laborers and business men , endorsing the action of the state board , and de claring that if the order is rescinded reducing freight tarifl's they can see no escape from financial ruin. There is a clear clash of opinion , and the endorse ment of the action of the state board it ton for to one against. JJICnitY II AHHIGAN AND MAHYIIKENNAN. Jerry * Harrigan is again in trouble. Its origin dates back into the uncertain past. Names once fair were smirched , und the disgrace still clings and circles around the old family tree. Mary Bron- nan refuses to forgot her wronga. She forces herself upon Harrigan , nptwith- ' standing a temporary injunction was granted him nearly a year ago forbid' ing lior to visifhis homo or promises. During the month of April Mary forgol that Judge Field told her thai ehe must not bother Jerry anj more , and that she must kcoj awny from his homo or she woult have to go to jail. But Mary forgot the sacred promises she iniulo the judge when arrested in April , and on Tucsdnj eho entered the sacred precincts o : Jerry's homo and declared it her intciv tiou there to remain. Her wrongs and disgrace from the house of Harrigan linrt burned deeper wounds into hoi Boul , and she said that she could no Btay away tram the place that ought tt Bholtor and protect her in her shame and that it was cruel and wronf and unjnht for the court to U tlocroo. Neither threats nor coaxing on Jerry's part could induce her t < leave his place , and as his peace of mini was greatly disturbed by her prcsonci lie came to town this morning and swori out a warrant for her arrest for violutiiij the conditions of the injunction. Tin warrant was issued by Judge Stownr owing to the absence of the judges o the district court , and an ottlcor wn dispatched to the country to compo Mary's attendance at court to answer ti the charge. The poor woman will havi to go to jail or make very posltivi promises that she will no longer bothei Jerry at his homo during the life of tin injunction. At the incipiency of UK case the picture was man's porlidy am woman's frailty. Now it is a brokoi heart , swaying and bonding under tin lasli of pumic condemnation and a mat surrounded by wealth and still possess ing the confidence and esteem of hi follows. 0 NKVT ENTKlirmSKS FOK LINCOLN. The Vitrified Paving and Prossoi Tiriolc company , with a capital stock c 8100V000 , which will engage in the busi ness of manufacturing brick , tile am Bewor pipe , filed articles with the re corfler of deeds yesterday afternoon The incorporatorb are W. II. B. Stout J. H. BuckstulT , A. W. Eandlaly , 11. C Ponlleld and AV. W. W. Jones. 1 The Lincoln Paper Mnnufacturin company and the Lincoln Saddler company albo filed articles of incorporr tion. 1'Iaeh ot these companies nuthoi izo a capital stOwk of 850,000. The pr per mill is admirably located on Sout Tenth street , nnd will occup nine acres of land. The rmii building will bo 100x100 fee' ' Thu articles of this company wor signed by John H. Lally , . J , A. Bud stuiT , J. Ji. Utt , A. A.liuokstaff and TV \ \V. W. Jones. The saddlery compan < will wholesale saddlery hardware , co Inrs and buddies , and the business wil bo operated by J. A. and A. H. Buol f stnlf , O. W. Long , O. Armstrong an W. \ \ ' . W. Jones. rilETAlUNO LAHOU STATISTICS. Mr. Jenkins , commissioner of the hi reuu of labor statistics , is preparing h report to submit at the next mooting < tlio Nebraska legislature. Ho is goin to tUo bottom of the labor problem an 'Btlior questions lie touches , and b work , which will comprise n book of about three hundred pages , will prove of great benefit in shaping legislation touching the questions that come under his reach. He is especially interesting himself in immediate labor questions , nnd is bringing to his aid bureau re ports from Belgium , Switzerland and Knglnnd. His report will bo exhaus tive and more comprehensive than such reports usually arc. ASSAUI/IT.I ) HIS LANDLADY. A drunken brute by the name of Frank Barnes , assaulted his landlady , Mrs. Lou Prattor , last night about mid night , on the corner of O and Ninth , kicking her down stairs and into the street and serving her llttlo daughter in the same manner. The wretch was captured after a sharp run and was lodged in the city jail , where ho now lies awaiting trial. It was a cowardly act and a dose of law should bo admin istered to him without stint. AUTICLKH OK INCOIU'OHATION. Daniel , James E. and lavid ) A. Baum of Onmhu filed articles with the secre tary of state to-day incorporating the Baum Iron company. The company authorizes 8100,000 capital , divided into shares of $100 each , and the indebted ness at no time to exceed $33,000. The usual olllccrs will control the business oporationsof the company , and the prin cipal place of business will bo at Omaha. The exlbtenco of the company dates from the day of its organi/ation , and it continues fora period of twenty years. CITY NKH'S AND NOTKS. The Elks' sochil last evening was a pronounced success. It was instituted und hold in the social interests of the wives and "bust girls" of the members of the society. The music was the prin cipal part of the programme , and it was really fine. The ladies and gentlemen in attendance enjoyed ono of the most pleasant evenings of the season in Lin coln. coln.Tho The Nebraska Southern railway com pany filed a series of by-laws with the secretary of state this morning. Tlio articles of the company were filed some time ago , but the by-laws fix the place of business of the company at Superior , Nuckolls county. They simply cite common business rules by which to bo governed. The following cause was filed in the supreme court this morning : Josiah W. Rogers vs George W. Sample and Lucian Wookwortli ; error from Doug las county. Sam Clark , son of Robert Ovorton , was poisoned yesterday by taking an overdose of lyo. The boy was two years of ago. It is not known how ho obtained the dose. His body was laid to rest in Wyuka cemetery to-day. Undertaker Heaton reports the death of four children during the past twenty- four hours , all of whom are to bo buried to-day. TTho fatality among infant chil dren of Lincoln has boon very great during the past few days. But no in- foctuous diseases are reported. How to Reduce Your Expensed. You can do it easily , and you will not have to deprive yourself of a single com fort ; on the contrary , you will enjoy life more than ever. How can you accom plish this result ? Easily ; outdownyour doctor's bills. When you lose your ap petite , and become bilious and consti pated , and therefore low-spirited , don't rush off to the family physician for a prescription , or , on the other hand , wait until you are sick abed before doing anything at all ; but just go to the druggists and for twenty-five cents got a supply of Dr. Pierco's Pleasant Purga tive Pellets. Take them as directed , and our word for it , your unpleasant symptoms will disappear as if by magic , you will have no big doctor's bill to pay , and everybody interested ( except the doctor ) , will feel happy. A Heart That [ lopped Homo. Several politicians in the Stewart building were discussing the strange things that has happened in the lives , when Mr. John P. Boyle gave a circum stantial account of a curious event that occurred twenty years ago , before the Now York Central railrord began run ning its cars into the unfinished Grand Central depot. "In 18GU , " Mr. Boyle said , "thoro was a sewer being constructed in Elev enth avenue from Forty-seventh to Fif tieth streets. The tracks of tlio Hudson River railroad ran through Eleventh avenue , as everyone hero knows. In building the sewer it became necessary to shift the tracks , ana the earth taken from the so'.vor was piled OH either side of the excavation. "Ono day , just after noon , an old man whoso name 1 have forgotten attempted to cross the track at Forty-ninth street. ' The pile of dirt'provontod his seeing an approaching train. Ho got directly in front of the engine , and was cut to pieces before know what hit him. Wo wore all standing there and saw the whole thing. Before wo had time to take two stops wo saw something about 'the size of a frog jumping over the stones and dirt heaps. We followed and saw it stopped in the avenue between Forty-seventh and Forty-eight streets before the dead man's house. On ex amining the supposed frog wo were horrified to see that it was a human heart tlio old man's heart that had just been torn from his mutilated body by the passing train. " who worked in ' "Any person Higgins' carpet'factory at that time will testify to tlio truth of this remarkable occur- once. They all know about it , and i ) was the talk of the streets for weeks. The butchers and slaughter-house work men of the neighborhood discubbcd the strange incident , and were never able to toll how the heart know whore to gc without eyes. " California Cat-It-Curc. The only guarantee curotor catarrh , cold in the head , hay fever , rose cold , catarrhal deafness nnd sore eyes. Re store the sense of taste and unploasanl breath , resulting from catarrh. Easji and pleasant to use. I'ollow ' directions and a cure is warranted by nil drug' glbts. Send for circular to ABIETINI ; MEDICAL COMPANY , Orovillo , Cal Six months' treatment for $1 ; bent by mail , $1.10 , For sale by Goodman Drug Co. A Ijlnlo Precaution. On the subject of the oppressive hca "in August the Philadelphia Times printi this Interesting suggestion to laborinf men and all exposed to the heat : "Thos < who must bo exposed to the sun in thoii daily labor should bo specially carofu to guard against sunstroke or the man ; other ailments which may come fron sultry weather. The head should alwayi bo protected by a dump linen clou under the hat , and a fresh cabbagi loaf is oven bettor than a dani ] cloth. Whenever the head o the stomach gives signs of weak ness from heat , it is ahyays wise to stoi exposure at once , as such admonition ! should bo promptly respected. Horse , should bo protected by a little clotl shade over the cars , which will givi a current of air over the top of the head where it is most needed. Ono o : the methods of ton innocently omployoi to aggravate the otToct of the suftrj weather is the immoderate use of watei or ioo cold beer. In a season of execs sivo heat the stomach should not be op pressed by the lavish use o cold drinks. The less drinkinj there is in hot seasons the los danger there will bo to people ux B Ipobea I to boat. The best possible way t refresh the system , without overtaxing it in any way IB to break ice ititu lumps just largo enough to'bo swallowed con veniently without allowing them to molt in the mouth. Ice thus taken in the stomach docs not oppress it , and if used in moderation will allay thirst and maintain a good condition of the stem ach. Ice in small lumps for swallowing is often given by physicians iu cases of diseases of the stomach and bowels. " Indiscretions in eating or drinking often cause serious troubles which may bo pro vented or removed by TAUHANT'S SULTZliK Al'KUlKNT. Tlic Dlnoonccrtoil Kxliorter. Nashville American : A negro preacher charged with stealing a ham iu Decatur county , Alabama , gave tlio following amusing testimony when put upon the stand : " .ledge , I was jes passin' by an' seed do ham. Do dobi ) say , 'Jim dur's a nice ham , take um.1 Do Lawd say , 'Jim , ' don't take . ' I you's a preacher , you um. mind do Lawd an' pass on. When I gits down do street do debil say , 'Jim , dat's a mighty fine ham ; ain't no ono watch- in1 ; bettor go back an' got um. ' Bless do Lawdl I forgits what ho say ; I goes back mind what I sayl hit wus do dobil's work snatched do ham , tuck um under my coat an' goes an' hide um behind Mr. Forham's stable. Den I cums back an' walk up do street to see if doy miss um. Jes as I gits clos' ler Mr. Cownrt's barroom do porllco fling ho him' in my collar an' say , ' .Tim , whar do hani'i" Dat tuck mo BO onsuddent , boss , dat I tolls whar do bam an' ho gits um. " _ _ Pozzonl's Complexion Powder pro duces a soft and beautiful skin ; it com bines every clement of beauty and pur ity. Helena , the capital of Montana , is best reached via the Union Pacific's Oregon Short Lino. Bill Rnon Between Ocean Stonmcrs. NswYoiiK , August 10. [ Special Telegram to THE lir.K. ] There will bo a prcat race for Europe between four ocean steamers bo- chining Saturday afternoon. La Hoursogno , of the French line , sailing at 2 o'clock , will lend the fleet , followed by the CuuarJor Uinbrin nt 2tO : : , the now Iinunn liner City of Now York ut ! 1 o'clock , the North German Lloyd's Ems nt 4. The Unibria has been surpassed only by the Etrurin , which is now no fastest steamer on the ocean. CREAM It3 superior excellence proven In millions ot homes for more thim a ( iiiiirtor ot a century. It Is used by tie ! United States Government. Ku dorsoa bythnliuatls ot the creat 1'nlvorsltlos us the strongest purest mill most healthful. I > r. 1'rlce's Croain IlakliiB Powder rtoen not contain mmnonln , lime or tilum. Sold only In cans. P1UUU BAKINOrOWDL'KCO. Now Yort , Chicago , St.Louls MAX MEYER & BRO , WHOLESALE Jewelers aod General Agents for STEINWAY , KNABE , CHICKERING and other llrst-class Pianos. Look nt FOLLOWING BARGAINS FOU TEN DAYS. Doit'ii MontMu Payment. 1 Stelnway Square , cost J6iO ! , forilTii J25.00 1 Knube Square , cost J KWfor HGO 25.00 IDflcker llros. Square , cost MSOforfcMJ 30.00 1 Kmincrson Square , cost 1 JHX ) . forf'JO 10.00 1 Newton XCo. . Square , cost \ 1100 , forJUO 15X I Marshall & Wenrlel Upright llano , cost new'iuJforliiO 1 Hallet A ; Davis UurlRht us good as new , cost $ , VX ) , for > J i 25.00 III allot & Davis Square , cost ne\vV)0 , forJJKl 20.00 1 BhonlnKi-r fi Octavo Orcan , cost new 75 , for only * J5. . 10.03 1 SlioulnRor Organ. useU one year , cost nowjrri.for JJ5. . 10.00 IMiv.-.on llamlln Organ ilouble bank , cost nuw * iiO , for o 10.00 0.00 Brliis this ad. with yon to avoid mistakes. MAX MEYER & BRO. , Corner Sixteenth and Fnrnnin Sts. Dig n hns given unlvct sal satisfaction In tlio euro of Clonorrlicra and Ulert. I prcicrlbo It ana feel safe In recommending Urdonljljlbl uuChinlctlCa. ing It to all sufferers. . Olnoinn A.J. STOSIUt , M.D. , Docalur , III. Bold by Druggists. NORTHWESTERN MILITARY ACADEMY. I.OOA'riON-23 miles north of Chlcajro. FACUl.TY-A Full Corp of Experienced In- Htriic-torn. JiUK KlCITUJM-rive Courts of Studr. AUII.ITIKM tJrmirpaiscrt for Instruction. Health. Hume Comforu , iinrt Chrlttlun Influences. Mu.1. II. 1 . I > AVIIK ) ! V , NM.l. rnrk. III. Send for CntalOKue. GUKVLOCK INSTITUTE. South \Yllllaiustown , Itorkalilrq county , Mass. A private school for lioyi. 1'rrpare for college , Rdimtltlc Hdiool or business. I'orty-sov- enth year bc ins Thursday , September 13th , For catalogue aiUlt s UKU. 1' . MILLS. lrlucipal. Morgan Park Military Academy The Host Hoys' Boarding School In the West. Sixteenth year begins Bopt. 19th. Send for cata logue to C.UT. UU. N. KIRK TALCO'lT , Bupt. , MOIICIAN 1'AIIK. COOK CO. , ll.L. _ UNION COLLEGE OFUW.SSSSSf.'S ' Tor circulars address II. lloorii , Chicago , 111. Bettie Stuart Institute U' Will commence IU 211 year jujituuibcr IZtb. Uvti. Ad. Tuutuvoi unsurpmwil. llnme cnmfortit raruful training. Apply toMri.M.McKEElluMEd.rrtnclnm. M o > . > < > uuior > u. . . , . . . " itk. 111. , or-77 Madison bireet , Chicago , 111. FREEHOLD INSTITUTE FREEHOLD , NEW JERSEY. ISth year. For catalogues send to KEY. A. Q. CHAMIIEU9 , A. M. , Principal. I i N. W. Cor. 13th and Dodge Sts. , Omaha , Neb. CAUTION Ieslj > nlnc porfloriH , tnUliiu ndvantrgo of our rrputa- tlonnro constnntljr Rtnnlni ; tioyns Mndlcnl KstnbllHliinonts to ( Icoclvo BtrancrrH vlsltlnj ; tlio city. 'J'lioHO pretenders nsiinlly nlnnitpeur In few week * . Ilrwnrool tlioni or ihelr runners or nyouts. The Oinnlin Mcitlcnl nnt Snrglunl liintltutnlHthaoiily ontut > l liotl Aledlunl Inmltulo In Otnnliii.Dr. McMcnniny , Proprietor.Vhcii y ti innko up your inlnil to vlnli us ninkii a incinornndum or our cxnot ntltlrcas , and tints nnvo trouble , delay or mistaken. FOR THE TREATMENT OF ALL Chronic and Surgical Diseases , and Diseases of the Eye .and Ear DR. J. Wc HcMENAMY , Physician and Surgeon in Charge. TWENTY YEARS' HOSPITAL AND PRIVATE PRACTICE. A < * lstccl by n Number of Comuclcntj Skillful nnd Experienced Physicians niitl Surgeons. Particular Attention pntil to Deformities , Diseases of Women , Diseases of tlio Urinary and Sexual Organs , Private Diseases , Diseases of tlio Ncrious System , LIIH.T and Throat Diseases , Surgical Operations , Epilepsy ur Fits , Piles , Cancers , Tumor. ' , Etc. More money invested ; more skillful physicians and surgeons employed ; more patients treated ; more cures effected ; more mod ern improved instruments , apparatus and appliances than can be found in all other infirmaries , institutes or dispensaries in the \yest combined. Largest and most complete Medical Institute or Hospital in the west. Fifty newly furnished , well warmed and ven tilated rooms for patients , three skilled physicians always in the building. All kinds of diseases : treated in the most scientific manner. We Manufacture Surgical Braces for Deformities , Trusses , Supporters , Electrical Batteries , und can supply physicians nnd patients any appliance , remedy or instrument known. Call and consult us , or write for circulars upon Jill subjects , with list of questions for patients to answer. Thousands treated successfully by correspondence. Wo have superior advantages and facilities for treating diseases , performing surgical operations and nursing patients , which , combined with oar acknowledged ability , experience , responsibility and reputation , should make the Omahu Medical und Surgical Institute the first choice. The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute is conducted upon strict business and scientific principles , and patients roclovo hero every advantage that art , skill , science and human ingenuity can bring to bear on their cases. Their comfort and convenience will always bo taken into consideration. Should you conclude to visit us for treatment or correspond with us , you will find these statements of our position , location and facilities are not overdrawn in any particular , but are plain unvarnished facts. Only Reliable Medical Institute Making a. Specialty of PRIVATE DISEASES. AH blood diseases successfully treated. Syphilitic poison removed from the system without mercury. Now restorative treatment for loss of Vital Powor. Persons unable to visit us , may bo treated at homo by correspondence. All correspondonc'o confidential. Medicines or instruments sent by mail or express , securely packed , ou marks to indicate contents or Bonder. One personal interview preferred. Call and consult us or send history or your case , and wo will send in plain wrapper , our BOOK TO MEN FREE. Upon Private , Special or Nervous Diseases , Impotcney , Syphilis , Gleet and Varicocolo , with question list. My ItciiMHi fop IVrillng u Hook Upon I'rivute , Special and IVcrvoun DUcascn. I have for many years made a specialty of diseases of the urinary and sexual organs , have become a recognized authority upon the subject , consequently 1 recolvo nn immense number of letters from physicians and afllictod persons , uskinir my opinion and advice upon individual cases. For the benefit of such persons , I havovrrit- ten a book giving a general description of the most common diseases and conditions , my treatment , success , advice , etc. After reading it , persons will have a clearer idea of their condition and can write mo more intelligently and to the point. It will therefore bo soon that our object in writing these pages is not to furnish rending matter to n class of persons who read out of more idle curiosity , but for the benotlt of the many who are suffering to n greater or less degree from diseases , or the effects of diseases or abuses , of the sexual or urinary organs. Not a day passes but we receive many calls or letters from persons suffering from this class of diseases , or their. eequal. Many of them are ignorant of the cause of the difficulty that has wrecked their constitutionBthrown u cloud over their bright prospects and in shot-toning their days. SURGERY. Surgical operations for the cure of Hare Lip , Club Feet , Tumors , Cancers , Fistula , Cataract , Strabismus ( Cross eyes ) Varicocele , Inverted Nails , Wens and Deformities of t Human Bodies performed in the most scientific manner. We treat Chronic' Disease of the Lungs , Heart , Head , Blood , Skin , Scalp , Stomach , Liver , Kidneys , Bladder. Nerves , Bones , etc. , as Parelysis , Epilepsy , ( Fits ) , Scrofula , Brights Disease. Tapfe Worm , Ulcers or Fever Sores , Dyspepsia or Gastritis , Baldness. Eczema , etc. . Carefully , skillfully and sientifically by the Intestand most approved methods. WRITE FOR BOOK. ON DISEASES OF WOMEN , FREE. Dr McMenamy has for years devoted a large portion of his time to the study and treatment of this class of diseases , and has spared neither time nor money to perfect himself , and is fully supplied with every In- Btrumcnt , appliance and remedy of value in this department of Medicine and Surgery. We claim superiority over any oculist or aurist in the west , and the thousands whom we have cured , after others have failed , substantiate our claims. To those afflicted with Eye and Ear Diseases , we simply say call and consult us , get a sceintific opinion , then visit whom you like , and if you are an intelligent person you will return to us for treatment and cure , f Our book , describing the Eye and Ear and their diseases , in plain language with numerous illustrations , are written for the benefit of patients and physicians who write us in re pan ! to cases ; by readings them carefully phpsician and patient will have a clear understandinjiand can discribe cases to us more intelligently. WRITE FOR BOOK ON DIS EASES OFT1IE EtVE AND EAR FREE. Address all letters to O Cj tK-A. IMIIEIDIO.A.r. , LITID STJPIC3-IO .XJ INSTITUTE , Or , DR. J. W. McMENAMY , N. W. Corner 13th and Dodge Streets , Omaha , Neb. ( NACQVA1NTED WITH THE GEOGRAPHY OF THE COUNTRY WIU OBTAIN MUCH INFORMATION FROM A STUDY OF THIS MAP OF THI CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y IU main lines and branches Include CHICAGO. PEOEIA. MOLETE. BOCK ISLAND. DAVEN PORT. DES MOINE3. COUNCIL BLOTTS , KTU3- OATINE , KANSAS CITY. 8T. JOSEPH. LEAV- ENWORIH , ATCH3SON. OEDAB BAPIDD. WATERLOO , MTNinjAPOLIS. twd BT. FATTI * nnd scores of intennediato cities. Choice of routes to and from the Pacific Coast. All trans fers In Union depots , fast trains of Fine D&y Coaches , elegant Dining Cars , magnificent Pull man Palace Sleepers , and ( between Chicago , St. Joseph , Atcblson and Kansas City ) Reclining Chair Cars , Beat * Free , to holders of through first-class tlclieU. Chicago , Kansas it , Nebraska R'y "Great Rook leland Route. " Extends West and Southwest from Kansas City and Ct Joseph to NEI.SON , HOKTON. . BELLEVILLE - VILLE , TOPEKA , irERINOTON , 'WICHITA , ITCnciIIKSON , OAUJWEIX. and all points In KANSAS AND SOUTHERN NEBRASKA end beyond. Entire passenger equipment of the celebrated Pullman manufacture. All safety ap pliances and modern Improvements. The Famous Albert Lea Route Is the favorite between Chicago , Bock Island , Atchleon , Kansas City and Minneapolis and St. raui. Its Water-town branch traverses the great "WHEAT AND DAIRY BELT" of Northern Iowa , Southwestern Minnesota , and East Central Dakota to Water-town , Spirit Laho , Bloux Folia and many other towns nnd cities. The Short Una via Eloneca and Konkakeo offers ( uperior facilities to travel to and from Indian- apoUs. Cincinnati and nthor Southern points. For Tickets , Maps , Fclders , ordaairod Informa tion , apply at any Coupon Ticket Offlco or luldrcea E. ST. JOHN , I' . A. HOLBROOK , l Manager. Oen'l Tkt , fit Pass. Agt. OXIIOAQQ. TOB OF TUB Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' , _ Tlio liest Route from 'Omaha and Council Ulufl's to iTHE EAST TWO TllAINd DAILY IIBTWKKN OMAHA AND COUNCIL IILUKKS Chicago , A > T > MHuaukcc , SU Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapids , Rock Island , Fiveport , Rockford , Cllutou , Itabu ue , Davenport , Elgin , Madison. Jancsvlllc , Wlnoui La CTOBHC lielolt , ' , , And all other Important'points Bait , Northeiut and Southeast. For through tlcknU call nn the ticket agent t 1501 Farnam ttruet , in Uarker llluck , or at Union l-uclflo Hullmnn Sleeper * and the flneit Dining Can In Hit worm are ran on the malu line or the Clilt-BKO , Mil wtukco A tU. Paul llMlwujr , and OTerr attention it palJ to pusengan by courteous employe ! of u company. It ill.LTCB , General Manager. J.K. 'iUOKElt , Aitltiaut uerierol Munajor. A. V. U. UAUl'K.M'KR. Giueml Iu un8 r and OKO.lilKAFFORD ! , Asilstant Gt and Ticket AEVDI. J.T. CJ JUtK. UooriU Saperlntendtat. Ouarnntttatho coir one in tbn world uenerallng ecDtinuoui Klatria a MaontHa j . CoUntMc. Few rtui , Durable , Oomfartjfel * and KOwiilTc. ATOli Iraudd , . . . Ot. HORME. lUVENTOa. 161 KBAtH AVE. . CH1CMIO. PEERLESS DYES Ag > FabTHufuJ BEST. * * * JJ ! . Js. - j Si , SEBASTOPOL AMPHITHEATER North IGth Street , Between Binnoy and Wirt Sts. , Omahn. Commencing THURSDAY EVE'NG. , AUG. 3O Siege of Sebastopol THE GRANDEST OF MILITARY SPECTACULAR CONCEPTIONS Invented and produced by Pain & Sons , of London and New York. Thearle & Cooper Managers , Realistic bombardment of forts , by boats , on an immense Artifi cial Lake. Tenific Assault of Fortress by Allies. 350 PERFORMERS 350 Correctly costumed and excellently drilled as Russian Soldiers , Cossacks , French and English troops and marines , Turks , Sardinians , etc. MARVELOUS PERFORMANCES By specially engaged artists , Russian athletes , Swordsmen , etc. The whole to conclude with $1,000 FIREWORKS DISPLAY. Consisting of the latest novelties.Manhattan Beach Aerial and Aquatic-Pyrotichnics Music by Sabastopol Military Band. Admission.5Oc ; - - Reserved Seats , 75c 1888 THE GREAT 1888 OMAHA FAIR AND EXPOSITION Held September 3 to 8 , Inclusive. Most Complete and Best Arranged Fair Grounds iu the West The best accommodations for stoolc , which can bo unloaded from cars at the grounds. Superior accommodations for agricultural exhibits. The boHt nnd fastest track in the country. Competition open to the world. No entry foe except - copt in racing purses. Special Attraction Each Day. GRAND AND MAGNIFICENT Pyrotobhnical Display every evening ol the SIEGE OF SEBASTOPOL. For premium lists , circulars and informa tion , address J. H. McSHANE , Secretary , Omaha , Nebraska. SACRED HEART ACADEMIES , Under the Direction of the Religious of the Sacred Heart. BOARDING SCHOOL SELECT Day SCHOOL PARK PRACE , OMAHA. ST. MARY'S AVE. , OMAHA. Opens Wednesday , September 6th. 1888 1 -i ! Opens Monday , Sept. 3d. TEIlMS-noatd. Washlnp , Tuition In EnsllaU und Jrcuch , limtrunieutal MutJo nnd uao of Hooks , per bt'tslou ot live months , Jl&o.uo , TEHMS According to Qradea of Studies. Fainting , Drawing , Shorthand , Qcrrnan , Italian , Vocal Music , Harp , Violin , etc. , are extra diargeii. Difference of religion IB no obstacle to the mlml.sslon of young ladles. For further luforina- tlonupph-to JIADAJ1E M. J.DUNN IS , SuperioreHs of liourdlug Acodamy , 1'ort 1'laue. Omaha , Nebrabka. MADAMKL. DU MONT , Superioress of Day Academy , St. Mary's Ave. , Omaha Neu. DYSPEPTICS REJOICE In the Mild and Certain Action of TABBANT'S SELTSSB APERIENT. JUfllCIOUS AND PEIISISTEHf Advurtl&lng lias ulwoys pi-ovoa Bucoesbful. Before placing any Newspaper Advertising consult LORD 4k THOMAS. AUYIUTUlKa 1CMT8 , CHICACO. AND CONSTIPATION 'Effectually Cured by TABBANT'6 SELTZSE APERIENT. FOUNTAIN CUT AND ( noomofirably the Bust. U. S. DEPCSITOEY , OMAHA , WEB. Paid Up Capital $400,000 Surplus 60,000 II. W. YATER , President. LEWIS 3. UKEII , Vlcel'ioslrlont. A. IS. TOUZALIN , 2nd Vice President , W. H. S. HuaiiKs , CashUr DiniiCTOlis : W. V. MORSE , JOHN S. COM.INS , II. Vf. VATKS , I.cms 8. UEKD ; A. E. TOUZAI.IN. Danklng Olllce THE IRON BANK. Corner 12th and Faruam Sts. A General Banking Business Transacted. Health is Wealth ! Dn. Tt. 0. WEST'S HEIITO AKD BHATN THEA * > MINT , a guaranteed speciQo for Hysteria , IMzzft ness. Convulsions , Fits , Nervous Neuraltfio , Headache , Nervous Prostration , caused by tha UBO of alcohol or tobacco , Wakefuluoss , Mental Depression , Softening of the Drain , resulting In Insanity , and leading to mlierv , decay and death , premature Old Age , Barrenness , Loss of 1'ower in either ser. Involuntary Losses and Gpermatorlicca c&usod by nver-exeitlon ot the brain , self-auuio or over-lndulfrence. TJaoh box contains one month's treatment , f 1.00 a box , or Elx boxes for (5.00 , Bunt by mall prepaid on re ceipt of price. WK GOARAWTEK SIX BOX KB To cure any case. With each order recelvad by us for. 6li boxen , accompanied with 15.00 , wo will send the purchaser our written cuarantea to refund the money If the treatment does not effect a euro. Uuaranteei Issued only by O. V. GOODMAN.TJniirBlst , Solo Asent , 1110 Farnam BtrrPt. Oman * . Neb SteekPiano Itemnrkable for powerful sympa thetic tonu , pliable action and ub- aolutf durability. It ) years' record , the best cuarauteo of the excellence - lence of tticso Instruments. A Concentrated Liquid Extract of MALT and HOPS. Aids Digestion , Cures Dyspepsia , Strengthens the System , Restores Sound , Refreshing Sleep. Priceless to Nursing Mothers Eminent Physicians. For Snlo by all Druggists and Rich ardson Drug Co. , Wholesale Drug gists. Farm Loans LOWEST RATES1 AND BEST TERMSI Itesponslblo representatives wanted. Cull or write us. BUIW1IAM , TIUSVETT & .MATTIS , , . Ueatrlc *