Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 17, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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    HTC"tm-WflrTT VI"S P1\3P " " 1HW * l * Yir *
THE OMAHA DAH/Y : Fill DAY AUGUST 17. 1888 ;
Omaha's Recent Purchase Moots a
Paralyzing Reception.
Anrt Consequently AVe Go Pawn n
Notch in the Stnmllnt ; Table While
ICB Mollies Takes an Upward
Stop General Sport.
Western Association Standing.
Following Is the ofllclat standing of thp
Western association teams up to nud Includ
ing yesterday's games :
Plnved Won Lost Pr Ct
St.Itaul TO 4U
Dos Molnes 7.T 45 28 .GIB
Omaha " > 15 DO .000
Kansas City 73 7 80 .606
Milwaukee 81 80 15 .444
Sioux City IJ3 15o 18 .451
Chicago , . . .78 ; o 45 .423
Minneapolis 74 20 43 .U51
St. Paul O , Omaha 5.
ST. PAUIM August 1C. [ Special Telegram
'to Tun Bp.n.J Ted Kennedy made his
"bow as an Omalia twlrlnr today and met
' With a warm reception at the hands of the
8t. Paul elub , being hit for a total of twenty-
five bases. Omaha lost two runs In the first
inning by Tobcau going to bat In pluco of
Cooncy. Annis was on third and O'Connoll
on second with two out when Toboau hit
to Carroll. Carroll muffed the ball , Annls
and O'Connoll crossing the plate. It was
then discovered that Cooncy's nitmo was on
the score card ahead of Tobeau , utid the side
was therefore out nud the runs did not count.
Omaha scored twice in the third on Cooney's
ftaso on balls and Miller's hit over the fence.
Wilier , however , stopped at third lit order to
i / keep the catcher up behind the but but was
10ft thcro. In the ninth O'Conncll sent the
T ) I1 over the fence and made the circuit. Al
though the Omaha's made numerous errors
they had but little effect on thn score , seven
of St. Paul's runs bolus earned. Annls' ccn-
terllold work was the feature of the game.
TliUHCoro :
All. U. 11 Ml. I'O. A. I : .
JHurphy , m. . . . ; . . .
Curroll.lf 3 a 1 1 1 0 0
Morriscy , Ib
Pickett , ss 5 1 1 0 10 0 1
Enrlc , rf
Hellly,3b 4 S 2 2 1 0 1
Corbott , ab 5 0 2 1 1 ! 0
Brougton , e
Tuckormun , j 4 0 1 0 1 11 0
Totals. 40 0 13 0 20 * 15 2
All. It. 11. 811. I'O. A. r. .
Burns , If 0 0 1 2 0
Annis , m 1 4 2
Crooics , 2b. . . 0 0 2
O'Coiincll , Ib. 0
Cooncy , SB. . . . 2 2
Tobcau , Jib. . . . 0 2
Miller , rf 0 0
Kuglo , c 2
Kennedy , p . . . 1 0 0 00
Totals ! ) ( ! 5 7 4 27 13 5
"Tebeau out for batting out of order.
'St. Paul . 0 ! )
Omaha . 0 5
Ituns earned Onmhu 5 , St. Paul 1. Two
"bimo hits Carroll , Morrissoy. Murphy ,
Earlo (2) ( ) , Tiielcerimm , 'Nnglo. Three bnso
lilts Miller. Homo runs Cnn-oll , Piekctt ,
O'Conncll , Tobenu. Double pluys Ann is ,
Canoll (2) ( ) , ISarlf , Uoilly , Ttickorman ,
Cooney , Tebeuu. lilt by pitcher Miller ,
Nugle. Struck out Burns , Crooks ( H ) ,
AnniH , Tcbuau. Koiinwly , Morrissey , Keilly ,
Tuekerrann (2) ( ) . Passed bulls llroughton.
JVild pitches Kennedy. Loft on bases
Omaha 7 , St. Paul 10. First buso on errors
r-Omuhn 2 , St. Paul 1. Time 2:00. : Um
pire Quest. _
Sioux City 5 , Milwaukee 4.
MILWAUKUU , Wis. , August Hi. [ Special
Telegram to Tun BEE.J The Mllwuukees
lost the gome to-day to Sioux City through.
llic rank work of its battery , Grlftlth aud
Mills. Grlftlth made four wild pitches and
sent Jive men to base on balls , while Mills
is credited with six passed balls. Wells was
tit harder than Criftlth , but he controlled the
ifcttU. The score :
Milwaukee . 0 4
Sioux City . 0 5
Earned runs Milwaukee 2. First base on
* alls By Grifllth 5 , by Wells 2. Struck out
J owoll (2) ( ) . Pliclan , Voach , Force. Griins ,
Wells , McAlccr , Lowe , Maskrcy , Griffith.
Two-base hits Wells. Double plays Phelan
to Powell. Passed balls Mills C , Nicholas 1.
Wild pitches Grifllth 4. Umpire Cnslck.
DCS Molncs U , Maroons 4.
CHICAGO , August 10. [ Special Telegram
to THE BEE. ] To-day's Maroon-Dcs Moincs
< ame was ragged enough to "have been
lhayed between leaeuo clubs , "Five hundred
Spectators cheered the brilliant plays and
jgrowlcd at poor ones. Hanrahan was as ec-
Oentric as Fred Pfeffor. Dwyer was qulto
Vp to his usual standard , but Cushmnn
Idtchcd a strong game in spite of his wretched
fupport. The score :
Maroons. . , . 0 - 4
Dos Homes. . .0 2 0 1 0 0 0 2 1 G
P Base hits Maroons 5 , Dos Molnes 8. Er-
frors Mar6ons 8 , DCS Moincs 7. Pitchers
Dwyer and Cushman. Umpire Fesscnden.
F Goocling Short of Funds.
It MINNEAPOLIS , August 10. [ Special Tele-
rramtoTnu BCE. | There was no game at
Minneapolis to-day because Manager Goocl-
Itig was unable to put up the guarantee. Ho
ays ho Will have furies to-raorrow and a
game will be played. Manager Dailies to-
5 y released right fielder Patten and catcher
Kommlcr to reduce expenses , tlin attendance
bf late having been decidedly slim , necessi
tating a reduction of expenses. Manager
Boloo to-night released catcher George Wil
son , a till will alternate Cooucy behind the
pat with Nagle , Millergolngto short. There
uro npw * 'vclvo unemployed profcsslonal'ball
flayers la the city.
OTH Kit GAM 139.
Tcsteriluy's Winners in the National
Pnii.ADGi.FniA , August 1G Kcsult of to
day's game :
Philadelphia. . . 1
Pittslnirg. . 0 G
T Pitchers Buftlnttin and Galvin. Base
Bits Philadcphia 10 , Pittsburgh. Errors
Philadelphia 4 , Pittsburg 3 , Umpire Pow-
r * .
WASHINGTON , August 10. Hesult of to
ri ay's gauio :
"Washington . 0 00013000 3
Indianapolis . 0 00000000 0
Pitchers O'Day end Burdlck. Base hits
y-washlhgton 9 , Indianapolis 3. Errors
Wahlngton 2 , Indianapolis . Umpire
NKW YOBK , AURustlG. Kesult of to-day's
New York . 3 30001030 8
Detroit . 0 0
. Pitchers Keofe and Gctzcin. Bnso hits
Kow York 12 , Detroit 2. Errors Now York
0 , Detroit 0. Umpire Lynch.
BOSTON , August 10. Hesult of to-day's
Boston. . . * . 3 00030003 8
Chicago . 0 3
Pitchers Clork&on and Krock. Base lilts
" n { Boston 14 , Chicago 0. Errors Boston 1 ,
I" ' Chicago 1. umpire Kelley.
' llomung , of the Bostons , was struck In the
lead by a pitched pall in the Ilrst Inning and
vas unconscious for au hour. Doctors
tatcd that he has a serious concussion of
the brain , but how serious cannot yet bo
L learned.
T '
Ulysses H , Seward 7.
tft.Tts * s , Neb. , August 16. [ Spoolal Telo-
m to TUB BEB.I The Seward and Ulyssct
> ballUts mot on the diamond here to-day
I the home dub won in an oicitlu ; and
Ughtgama This U the third game
hai won from Ssward thin season.
Hud brothers did the battery worlt tor
Ulysses. The score !
Suwnrd . k.l I ' 0 2 8 0 0 D 0-7
Ulysses . I 0 1 0 0 0 8 1 3
1O , Jnnlatn O.
I1AHTIN09 , Neb. , August 1G. ] Spoeal ! Tel
egram to THE BEE. ] The second game bo
twccn .luniata and Hastings was played hero
to-day before n largo crowd. It was a fine
game , closely contested throughout , and was
won by Hastings In the tenth inning by a
score of 10 to 0.
Fremont 11 , Lincoln- .
FIIKMOXT , Nob. , August 10. | Special Tel
egram to Tun BEB.J The" Lincoln ball team
played the Fremont Grays thh afternoon at
this place. The visitors wcro defeated by n
score of 11 to " .
Doctors If ) , Hankers 11.
WAIIOO , Nob. , August 10. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Bir. . ] "Yesterday the bankers
and doctors of Wulioo played a game of base
ball. The doctors won by a score of 13 to 11.
The game was witnessed by a largo number
of people who doclured it morn fun than n
clreus. The -lawyers liavo challenged the
doctors aud another great game will bo
Dlayed soon. _
Several Spirited Kvents nt the Fnlr
GroiuulH Yesterday.
The racing matlnoo at thu fair grounds
yesterday , under the management of Messrs.
Duffy , Leach and.McCoy , proved a very en-
oyablo occasion , and attracted n crowd of
ovornl hundred people.
The Judges und timers wore the veteran
.Iiijor . Chambers , W. E. Patterson and C. H.
Jrlugn , Mr. Patterson oflloiutlng as starter.
The first event on the card was a named
uco , for a purse of $100 , with the following
ntrlcs : Sorrel Dan , Westport , Valentine ,
Sprague und Pete Gardner.
The Ilrst heat was Quito oxclting , the finish
loing close between Westport and Spniguc ,
Vcstport pulling under thu wire u winner
> y n half length , in 2:51 : , Sprtiguc second and
jorrol Dan third.
The sooond boat was taken by Sorrel Dan ,
n 2iil : , Pete Gardner second , Sprtiguo third ,
iVcstnort last.
The third heat a very prettily eon-
estod race , especially between Sorrel Dan
xnd Pete Gardner , who made the entire milo
lese and nose , 'Dan ' managing to stlok his
IIHO under the string Ilrst. Sprague
bird , Westport a half length In the rear ,
rime , 2:47. :
The fourth boat , nltor nn exciting chase ,
vns taken by Sorrel Dan , boating Pete Card-
ler out by n half lencth , Westport third and
jpraguo last. Time 8:41. :
The next event was the gentlemen's road-
tors for a purse of J.10. with ton entries as
allows : Muggins , John S , Big Sum , Flora ,
Vild Irishman. Doollttlo , Brown Billy , Lucy
" 'ntcucn ' , Sorrel Frank und Hubo.
The ilrst huat was won by Muggins In 3:03 : ,
! ig Sam second , Wild Irishman third.
Muggins took the third heat In 3:12 : , Sorrel
Trunk second , Flora third. Wild Irishman ,
vus sent to the barn for running.
The third heat was a walkaway for Mug-
tins , who passed under the wirn in 2:10 : , uis-
, ancing till competitors excepting Sorrel
The Until event was a free-for-all for S100
vlth John , BoUioy Baker and Manjuis. The
lorsos got well off together , und after nn ex-
jitinir struggle the heat resulted In a dead
icat between John nnd Marquis. Time ,
2 sltt.
The second heat , us remarkable ns It may
loom , was also a dead heat between these
wo horses. Timo2:33 : .
The third heat , fully as spirited as the two
Irst , was won by John in 2:314. :
It was now too late to llnish the race , nnd
> y mutual consent It was postponed until
Saturday afternoon next.
There will bo sov'oral other races on this
iccasion , ono n m itch pace between Wil-
iams' black nnd Flunnory's bay roadsters ,
'or $500 a side. Thcro will also bo a match
rot between the horses Tjolonging to Ed
D'Connor , Dennis Cunningham nnd Pat
Desmond :
Tin ; IlesitltH at Lincoln.
LIXCOI.-X , Neb. , August 10. [ Special Tele-
ram toTin : Bii : . ] The races wcro well at
tended to-duy. The following is the sum-
nary :
Stake , Nebraska bred s'carllngs Sabln's
3ouncollor won , Knto Caffroy suoond , Kittio
Vorn third , Durloy Forest and Patroness dis-
auccd. Best time l:3o. :
Four year olds Ben B. MoMahan won ,
Ortura S second. Best time 3:033 : .
Pacers , stallions and mares Ed Kosewatcr
won. Jay Bird second , Gipsio distanced.
Best time 2:33if. :
Five-year-olds Rose Coughlln won , Cop-
.icrmont second. Best time 2:3" : " '
Monmouth Park Ilncca.
BiuKCii , August 1C. Monmouth
park results :
Three-fourths of a mile Strifloaway won
n 1:14 , Brlttanica second , Tolie.Doo third.
Three-fourths of a inile Sorronto won in
1:15 , Madstono second , Fides third.
Seven-eighths of u mile Oco'an won in 1:2S : ,
eorgo Oyster second , Aurclia third.
Ono and one eighth miles Banyan won In
3:50Vf : , Kaloolah second , liupert third.
Delaware , handicap one and one-fourth
miles Bolvidcro won in 2:09 : , Eurus second ,
onncmaro third.
Ono milo Lucy H won In 1:43 : , Malaria
second , MoLaughlin third.
Yesterday's 1 laces at Saratoga.
SAUATOOA , August 10. Racing summaries :
Three-fourths of a mile Estrolla won In
: ! ! > . } ; Toronto second , Von Tramp third.
Ono and -ono-oighth miles Lolox won In
:59 : ; Little Minnie second , Bonnie third.
Ono and live-eighth miles Los Angles
won lu 2:57 : ; Pecwecp second , Young Sweep
One mile Grcsctto won in 1:4 : ; Bessie
Juno second , Hoyal Arch third.
Three-fourths of a mile Trade Mark won
in 1:10 : ; Kcdar Khan second , Lecluiro third.
The Omaha Team and the Recent
CliniiKOH Made in it.
Thcro Is a general fooling among the
patrons of the guino that the Ouiahas have
been dcoidodly strengthened by the recent
changes made , and Manager Seine is evi
dently determined upon winning thn pennant
at no matter what cost. Tim latest Informa
tion is that O'Connoll , Moffct , ShaoiTer and
Flynn liavo boon released , and report says
that big Wilson , the catcher , has also
buon lot out , but this is improbable. Patsey
Tcboau , of the Minneapolis toaui , has been
signed and will play regularly from his out.
Ho is , undoubtedly the llnest third baseman
in the association , and will add a tower of
btrcngth to the local loam. Ho is a sure hitter -
tor , tabt base runner , and u stondyreliable
Holder. Joe Miller will bo moved
uj ) . to short , while Coonoy wll !
alternate between right Hold and behind the
bat. McGarr , who is at present Hat upon
his back in Minneapolis with malaria , will
tuko O'Connoll's place at Ilrst , and it wil
consequently bo soon thnttho weakest points
In the team have been materially strength
ened , and it will bo a wonder If they don't
forgot right to the front.
All talk tibont the present Omaha team
having signed for next j-ear is the veriest
bosh. The rules governing all association
under the .national agreement especially for
bid the signing of players until nftor thu3Utl
day of October. That eleven of the present
team will bo reserved , there ls httlo doubt.
Ucsorving players and signing them , iiow
ever , are different thinga.
Thu Oinnhn Coliseum.
The Omaha Coliseum Building association
has boon incorporated , as will bo seen b ;
consulting our advertising columns in this
issue. The iucorporators are such well known
capitalists and business moil as Sam E
Hogors , Julius Meyer , John S. Prince. E. S
Flagg and W. L' . Murdls. The object Is for
the construction of a mammoth coliseum o
exposition building after the fashion of the
Madison square structure at .Now York , and
tills will bo done immediately , the company
expecting to have the building completed ti
the middle of. October.
It will bo built for the purpose of convcn
Uona , musical festivals , political meetings
bicycle races and sporting entertainments o
all kinds and descriptions , just suoli an In
stitutlon as the city of Omaha nouds.
At a meeting of the stockholders last even
ing a board of directors consisting of Sauiue
E. Rogers , Julias Meyer , J. S. Prince , E. S
FlagK and W. L. Maniis. Wcro elected. Of
leers for tho. cnsulng.ycar were also 61ectod
s follows : Samuel E. Rogur.s , president ;
ulliis Meyer , treasurer ; J. 'S. Prince , secro-
iiry and general mutineer , and B , S. Flngg ,
Ice president. A bond of $10.000 Is required
f the treasurer and f5OJO of tho'sccrctary.
T lie City
The City league directory held a meeting
iVednesday evening nt .1. J. Hardln's sporting
; oods hoadfpiarters , and nftor considerable
liscusslon , determined to play the season
jut. From this on until the close of tno
irofesslomil season , all city league games
vlll bo played on the grounds of the Council
JlulTs and South Omaha teams. After the
close of the professional season the local as
sociation grounds will bo used.
The American Magnates. .
It Is now positively known that Von dor
Mie , Stern mul Phclps wore In the city last
Tuesday evening and took dinner nt the Mil-
aid , but what they did here , or what they
came for still remains u mystery. Another
ilncr has boon ascertained , and that Is that
.ho Illustrious trio , 'went over to the Bluffs
hat same evening on the 0:15 : dummy.
rtmind l < 'or n
They are In town.
Pat MoCartln , the Milwaukee middle
weight and Tom McDonald , the lightweight
of Now York. They arrived last night and
will leave this evening for Kansas City ,
where a light will bo on within a few days.
Don't give it away.
They arc working the racketo on the quiet.
McCartln was ICIllcn's second in his fight
with Cardiff. McD. is McC's trainer.
They AVI1I Fight.
Articles of agreement for a six-round con-
.cst , the revised Pollco-Gazetto rules to gov
ern , for the Hichard K. Fox middleweight
ilmmpionship medal , wcro signed by James
-lindsaynnd W. G. Cranston yesterday after-
loon at Patsy Fallen's sample rooms. The
nill will come off on the evening of Scpteni-
) er 3 ut South Omiiha , and promises to be a
ivoly aud interesting affair.
Klllnn A Me iKllruln. .
Pat Killcn has forwarded to the Now York
Hipper $1,030 as an earnest of his intentions
to cll'cct n meeting with Juke ICilraln , the so-
called champion of America , nnd If thcro Is
nny sand in Jake ho will be compelled to
glvo Pat's defi Immediate attention.
A Ilnnd Itnll Ctntllcnco.
P. J. Kirby nnd M. Kilgallin , local nth-
lotcs , hereby challenge John Holloran and.T.
N. Hurlcc , of South Omaha , to a gutno of
mud ball , 21 points , to be played ut Hart &
Cilgallin's , hand ball court , Twelfth and Chicago
cage streets , nny afternoon during the coin-
ng week.
Footraclni ; nt d'eighton.
CKCIOIITON' , Nob. , August 10. [ Special
Telegram to THE Hnn. ] Charles II. Filler , n
irofesslotml runner , beat the local sprinter.
Onrl Ellsworth , three lect in seventy-llvo
, -nrds hero to-day. About $100 changed
United States Soanicn Do
Valiant Battle With Toughs.
NE\V YORK , August 10. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Br.n ] Five hundred young soa-
ncn of the United States training ship , Min-
icsota , went on the annual excursion up the
Hudson yesterday. A nuuiberof toughs also
nanaged to got aboard. As they had been
drinking they commenced guying the young
sailors. In live minutes tliero-wcre us many
lights. The police were powerless. Clflbs ,
dishes and heavy irons Hew right nnd left.
Master-at- Arms Graham was knocked down.
Finally the superior training of the Minno-
iotuns began to tell on the enemy. "Do gang
s t'cttln' slugged , " went tin like n slogan
from the boats. And fee the battle raged.
I'ho caterer gathered up his dishes and ( led
; o a place of safety , the orchestra shut up
ihoir instruments , und respectable women
among thu exourslonlnts barricaded them-
bolvos upon the upper deck. Over n score
of young MinncsotuuB had to go to thn care
of the surgeon , whllo fully as many toughs
woroas badly iujured. Msny of the latter
escaped. There wcro seven arrests.
Partners Fall Out.
L.Bloch wants a constable.
"Unless he has found ono slnco 10 o'clock
last night. He had a warrant for the arrest
of his partner , M. Meyer , and wanted the
document properly read to that gentleman.
Meyer & Bloch had a ton-foot Rtoro next
door to Metz hall , from which tlfey retailed
clothing , furnishing goods , and such like ,
The store was closed yesterday.
On inquiry Bloch learned that Meyer had
given his mothor-ln-law4i bill of > sale of the
stock. Bloch says the transaction wasinado
without his knowledge or consent.
Ho has blood in his eyes.
Dcadwood Republicans Organize.
DEUMVOOD , Dak. , August 10. [ Special
Telegram to THE BEE.J A Harrison nnd
Morton elub was organized hero last night.
Judge W. E. Church was elootod chairman
and F. W. Hamilton secretary. A delega
tion will bo sent to the territorial league
which meets in Wntortown August 21.
Thirty-eight members were placed on the
rolls and the probabilities are strong that
the number will bo Increased tent least 300
within the next ton days.
Woman Suffrage t/a\v Invalid.
TACOMA , W. T. , August 10. [ Special Tel
egram to Tnc BEE. | In the case of Bloomer
vs Todd etui. , appealed from the decision of
Judge Nash , rendered at Spokane Falls , in
which the right of woman suffrage In the
Territory of Washington was directly called
In question , the supreme court at Olympia
has decided that the law passed at the last ses
sion of the legislature is invalid. The deci
sion is based on a review of all the authori
ties and acts of congress , but the opinion will
not bo made public , owing to the illness of
Chief Justice Jones , who should have deliv
ered it.
The American Scientists.
CI.RVCI.ANP , August 10. The second day's
meeting of the American association for the
advancement ot science opened with un
abated interest. At 10 o'clock the election
of a vice president was announced. After
the general session the association mot in
sections. About llfty papers wore read and
discussed in the various sections during the
Thu American Bar Association.
SAHATOOA , August 10. At thp opening of
the session of the American Bur association
this morning the annual address was made
by Hon. Gcorgo Iloadlcy of Now Yord. Dis
cussion was had on the report of the commlt-
tco on commerce made lost year on the sub
ject on additional laws on commcrcialpapcr
Hiid on other subjects. The reports of the
standing committees wcro then made.
Onn Point For 1'nrnoll.
"MYSTIC , Conn. , August 10. Mrs. Delia
Stewart Parncll , addressing the national
convention of the Universal Paaco union ,
now In session here , stated that she had
known the sriircts of the homo rule party
from tlio Blurt , nnd the London Times'
charges that Mr. Parncll and his colleagues
have conurvod at assassination or violence
are , to her personal knowledge , outrageously
falsa. Members nro present from Europe ,
Asia nnd Africa.
A.Mj\ll Itouuur Sentenced.
DcATuvoon , Dak. , August 1C. [ Special
Telegram to THE BBI : . ] William II. Webber -
bor , who was arrested last April charged
with opening and stealing flio contents of a
registered package at Spt > nrish.ploud guilty
to-day in the district court nnd was sen
tcnccd to two years in the penitentiary at
Sioux .Fulls.
Preparing Sunday
CnAVTAUtjUA , N. Y. , August 10. Tno mem-
bcn , of the international Sunday-school com
mfttee are In session hero to-duy and will bo
to-moiTO'.v , Benjamin Carr , of London , is
present , representing the London Sunday-
school union.
_ _
Ilns In Joins the Porte.
ST. PuTKusiiu'im , August 10. Russia Joins
iu the protest of the norte ngalnst Italian
claims to Musiowah in the .Hod soo. .
j t-
Annual End&rnpmdnt of the Third
Roghnoiit of the Stuto Milltln.
Thirty-Fifth/Annual Session of the
Order pfOGuml Templars The
llrownjj IPolHonlnK
Himkeyo Notes.
lf Sons of Mnrs.
GiuxNuu , , In. , August 10. [ Special Tolo-
; ram to THE BEU. ] The Third regiuientnow
n camp bore , had a dross parade und review
iy the governor and stalt today. Four com-
lanics were detailed to meet the distinguished
mrty at the train nnd escort thorn to the
camp. The jest of regiment , drawn Inline ,
; ave the regulation reception , and a battery
of seventeen guns govo the regular govcr
tor's salute. Major Babcock of the FJfth
United Strtes cavalry at Loavouworth ,
was present , having been detailed by the
var department to inspect this rogimont.
jovurnor Larrubco was accompanied by Ail-
utnnt General Alexander. General II. H.
Wright of the Fifth brigade , Captain W. C.
Wymiin of Ottumwa , the governor's military
secretary. Colonel G. W. Weeks of Marshall-
own , and Coloiiol C. W. Boutin of the Sixth
regiment. The parade and review passed off
very creditably nnd was witnessed by a great
: hrong of admiring citizens.
ncpuhlicnii Ually nt Keokuk.
KEOKUK , la. , August 10. [ Special Telo-
grum to Tin : HUE. ] The republican rally for
lie ilrst congressional district was held hero
o-duy with n procession and speaking In the
afternoon nnd evening. Kcpubllcnn clubs
vcro present from various sections of the
district , nnd the rally proved nn enthusiastic
success. The republican clubs , with u multi-
.udo of brass and martial bauds , formed on
Main street In the afternoon , nnd
with the eminent speakers in attendance
marched out Main street to a beautiful pane ,
where thousands nsbcmblcd and listened
with close attention to the speeches. A no-
.iccablo feature of the procession was n num-
icr of excursion cars loaded with veterans of
18-10 who voted for General Harrison , and
Who are now for Harrison nnd Morton.
i'ho log cabin , with raccoons ploy-
ng on the roof , nnd gourds for
he hard rider , called for a share of the nt-
cntion of the crowd upon the streets. At
, he park A. J. McCrury called the meeting
o order and introduced ns the ilrst speaker
lion. John M. Thurston of Nebraska. Mr.
i'hurston followed by Iowa's gifted
orator , Colonel W. P. Hepburn. Both of
lieso men made strong speeches nnd were
uudly applauded.
Republican Unlly nt Glctnvood.
GLUSWOOD , la. , August 115. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BBI : , ] August 15 will long bo
euiembcrcd us the gala day of Mills county
republicanism. There wcro fully ton thou
sand people in thls'eity and fully two thou
sand people tookp.irl , in the immense torch
ight procession ( n'ltho evening. The en-
husiasm for Horn John Y. Stone for nttor-
icy general was immense. Clubs and bands
vcro present frqin Plattsmouth , Council
jltlffs , Tabor , Emerson , Malvern. Hustings ,
5ioux City , nnd other towns , with banners ,
ransparencies , log .cabins , nnd canoes and
coons. It was a day'und night of good old-
fashioned rcpubllcafi rejoicing , such as was
lover before seeif In the Ninth district. The
speakers of the du'y'hnd ' evening were Hon.
lohn Y. Stone , Collincl J. J. Stendmun , of
, ho Nonpareil , nncjiJbhn A. Davis , the bril
hint young nrcsulcut of the Plattsmouth
elub. An oxeollohl bounty ticket was nomi-
uitcd and resolutions complimentary to GpvJ
ernor Lnrrabeo auYlfavormg ; the nomination
of Smith und Cainribcll for commissioners
and John Y. Stontffiir attorney general wore
idoptod with grout'otithusiiism. ' Mills county
cpublicaus arc in'-filic condition for the up-
iroaching contest.
Convention of Good Templars.
DBS Morons , la. , August 10. [ Special
Telegram to Tnc BEK. ] The grand lodge of
jood Templars for Iowa is now holding its
thirty-fifth annual session at Hampton , with
200 delegates present. The annual reports of
officers show a membership of 10,400 in the
state. The grand chief templar , E. R.
Hutchins , last night delivered the nnnnul ad
dress , and the election of officers to-day re
sulted ns follows : Grand chief templar , E.
11. Hutchins , DesMoines ; grand vice templar ,
Annie Schultz , Missouri Valley ; grand coun
seller , G. W. E. Hill , Plymouth ; grand super
intendent of juvenile work , Mrs. M. E. Drake ,
Mount Pleasant ; grand secretary , Perry
Perkins , DCS Molnes ; grand treasurer , W.
H. Fleming , DCS Moiues. The representa
tives to the right worthy grand ledge arc E.
II. Hutchins , Perry Perkins , H. A. Hoyt and
G. W. E. Hill. Dubuque was selected as the
place of the next meeting.
Going to Europe For a Witness.
DtmuQUE , la. , August 1C. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim Bnc. | J. P , Farley , of this
city , loft to-day for Europe , accompanied by
two lawyers , to take testimony from a wit
ness now in Switzerland to be used in his
celebrated case against Hill and the Mani
toba Railroad company , for the recovery of his
share of $15,000,000 mudo by the defendant in
negotiating the bonds nnd building the road.
The case is pending in the United States
circuit court , aud Judge Brewer decided that
the testimony of this witness was important ,
nnd so the Journey to Switzerland is made.
Farley's share. If successful , will bo several
1'ho Brown Poisoning Oase. .
MASON CITY , la. , August 1C. [ Special Tel
egram to Tun Hnn. ] The state has concluded
its evidence in the Brown caso. During the
afternoon the court room was filled with
spectators , most of whom wcro ladles. After
an hour's conference the defense decided
not to introduce any testimony , but after ar
guments will submit the case on the state's
evidence. It is generally believed that the
accused , Mrs. Brown , will ho bound over.
Hloux City Alarmed.
Sioux CITV , la. , August 10. [ Special Tel
egram to Tun Bci : . ] Advices received to-
duy from Congressman Strublo indicate that
the president will veto the bill for a public
building at Sioux City. Last year Cleveland
vetoed the bill npprppriating ? 100,000. The
present bill appropriates $1511,000 und a dem
ocratic delegation will bo to Washington to
prevent a veto. ,
The Deadly Gasoline.
MASON CiTV , la. , August 10. [ Special Tel
egram to THE Bui--William Whlpplo was
found to-night by the side of n large gasoline -
line tank in an unconscious condition. Ho
had boon drawing elAnd ! : was in some mys
terious manner ov > /c6mo by the gas. Ills
recovery is considered yery doubtful.
Two Her > 'i\.coldents.
The colored coaUiioan of Mr. William
Wallace , cashier q { 4ll ° Omaha National
bank , mot with nn accident yesterday after
noon. Ho was rldlugU horse down Harney
street. Near TwentJ--sorond street the
ground caved In unqer the horse's foot ,
throwing both the naej , nnd the steed. The
animal fell on the man , bruising linn se
verely , but broite no bonos. The falling of
the * treot was probably duo to a sewer wash
out boncath it.
Two boys wore out driving in a dog cart
on Hurney.street yesterday afternoon when
tha horse ran away. The riders were thrown
out. Ono of the boys named Stephens , had
his head cut , nnd both were Ijruisod. The
injuries are not serious.
la Aim Dlirna Stanley ?
Loxnos , August 10. A dispatch from
Suukim says that the reports concerning the
presence of n white man in the Bahr-El-
Gazelle district are continued. Ho is known
as Abu Dlgna , nnd has a force of enormous
strength , Including n lurpo number of half
naked men. This is n strongiiolnt in favor
of the idea that the white -man is Stanley.
The khlia of Khartoum has sent a force of
5,209 men against-him. >
The Burlington takes the lead.
It was in advance of all lines in developing Nebraska ,
tIt was in advance of all lines in establishing dining-car
service between Missouri river points and Chicago.
It was in advance of all lines in giving the people of
Omaha and the West a fast mail service.
It was in advance of all lines in running its trains from
the East into Omaha proper.
It was in advance of all lines in reducing the time of
passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago.
It was in advance , and is the only line by which you can
feave Omaha in the morning and arrive in Denver the
evening of the same day.
It has been progressive in the past.
It will lead in the future.
Travel and ship via the Burlington.
Ticket Office , 1223 Farnam Street. Telephone 250.
Depot on Tenth Street.
Morgan's Motion to Postpone the
JTiBherios Tronty Defeated.
The Fortification Appropriation 15111
Passed By the HOIIHC Legisla
tion Suspended Kor Lack
of a Quorum.
WASHINGTON , August 10. Soon after as
sembling the senate , under order of yester
day , went into open executive session on the
fisheries treaty , and voted on Pilr. Morgan's
resolution to postpone until December next.
The resolution was disagreed to. As soon ns
the vote was taken legislative business was
Mr. neagan then took the floor and spoke
on the president's annual message.
Mr. Allison , desiring action on the confer
ence report on the army appropriation bill ,
represented the necessity for disposing of
appropriation bills in preference to other
matters for which there was no immediate
pressure. Ho said that six weeks of the
current fiscal year had already passed by
without any regular appropriations for the
army. He would not , however , insist upon
going on with the conference report now ex
cept with the assent of the senator from
Mr. Reagan said that ho would not delay
action on the conference report more than au
hour. Ho proposed to discuss briefly some
questions connected with tariff legislation.
In the course of his remarks ho described the
people of the United States < us being mer
cilessly plundered for the benefit of capital
ists. As to the hypocritical claim that pro
tection was beneficial to the laboring classes ,
ho asked how it was that after twenty-five
years of a high protective tariff factory
workers found there was leas certainty of
getting employment and that there was
more poverty in the land than ever before.
Ho quoted from Mr. Blaino's Augusta speech
of yesterday nn extract in relation to trusts ,
and said that Blaine liad taken upon him
self to ridicule Cleveland's message on
that subject , and now passed as an apologist
and defender of trusts. These remarks of
Blaine would add n new feather to the plume
of that gallant knight , and endear him anew
to the hearts of the money lords.
The conference report on the army appro
priation bill was then taken up , and Mr. Gor
man stated the grounds on which ho had declined -
clinod to sign the report , and on which lie
would vote against it. Ho admitted that it
was a great improvement on the bill. But
the main feature was that the entire appro
priation for the construction of ordnance was
placed in the hands of army onicers , and that
no op7 > ortunlty for competition was oflerod
to Investors or contractors.
Mr. Allison said that it had never entered
his mind that this was to be the exclusive
work af army olllcorrt. The first delivery of
steel was to bo made eighteen mouths from
this time , und ho supposed that there would
bo still two or three sessions of congress in
which to settle the question as to whether
the construction of nuns should bo given to
private establishments or should bo done at
VVatcrvlict arsenal.
Mr. Plumb agreed that the conference re
ports should ho adopted , but thought that
there ought to bo something In it that would
afford more stimulus and opportunity to the
inventing public than was proposed.
Finally the discussion closed and the con
ference report on the army appropriation bill
was concurred In.
The house fortification bill was presented
nnd referred to the committee on appropria
tions. The senate then wont into open exec
utive session on the flatteries treaty , and the
presiding officer directed that the treaty bo
read uy sections. The first article having
been road , Mr. Gibson moved that the pend
ing treaty bo committed to the committee on
foreign relations with instructions to report
such amendments ns would remove the am
biguities and remedy the defects in it , or
else to report a plan of arbitration for the
determination and scttlcmeut of all clinical-
ties in connection with the lUhories.
Mr. Pr.vo asked unanimous consent to nn
order that all debate on the treaty shall close
on Monday next , and that the votes on the
treaty and on such amendments as might bo
proved to it should commence at 1U o'clock
Tuesday next.
The senate then adjourned.
WASHINGTON , August 10 , In the house the
fortification appropriation bill passed this
morning without division.
Mr. Morroll of Kansas called up the reso
lution , previously reported from the committee -
too on invalid pensions , assigning May 2 and
3 for consideration of the general pension
legislation , with a proposed amendment
changing the dates to August 29 and 30.
The morning hour having expired the reso
lution went over.
The committee on printing reported back
adversely the resolution directing the com-
mltteo to Investigate the assertion that the
public printer buys felt for printing purposes
in Kngland. Accompanying the resolution
was a letter from * the public printer denying
the truth of the assertion. The resolution
was laid on the table.
Mr. Springer of "Illinois attemutcd to sccuro
consideration of the Oklahoma bill , but a
point of no quorum was r.iiscd and ho was
forced to abandon the attempt.
Mr. Bums of Missouri brought forward
the deficiency appropriation bill nnd moved
that the house go into committee of the
whole for its consideration , but a point of no
quorum was raised nud a call of the roll
failed to procure the requisite number ttie
vote standing , yeas 143 , nays ! ) . Another call
of the house was ordered. It showed ten
less than a quorum.
Mr. Weaver of Iowa thereupon made a
motion revoking all loaves of ulmonco except
those granted on account of sickness , the re
vocation to take effect at the expiration of a
few days. Much opposition was manifested
to this action.
Mr. Weaver controverted the position that
there was no important business pending in
the house. The bill which he was advocat
ing ( the Okl.ihoma bill ) was one of the most
important that had been presented to the
Mr. Dougherty of Florida suggested sar
castically that Mr. Weaver except from the
provision of his motion tlioso gentlemen who
are at homo "repairing fences" and seeking
u rcnoininatlon.
Mr. Springer advocated the motion , and ns-
sorted that the members should bo in the
louse , and declared that from his own per
sonal experience the wny iu which to secure
a rcnomlnation was for the member to ra-
maln in Washington attending to public um > i-
u ess.
ess.Mr. . Williams of Ohio took occasion in a
short speech to criticise the democratic side
'or refusing to consider the general pension
Mr. Weaver's motion was tabled.
Mr. Burns of Missouri , in moving to ad-
ourn , expressed regret that at this late day
) f the session consideration had been refused
, o the general appropriation bill , in which
10,000 veteran union soldiers wcro interested.
Air. Lyman of Iowa said that the point of
no quorum hail been raised on the democratic
side against the resolution fixing a times for
he consideration of ccncral pension bills.
The house then adjourned.
. .i. . . , i
The Weather Indications.
For Nebraska aud Iowa : Generally fair
and cooler , winds generally northerly.
For Dakota : Generally fair , nearly sta-
ionary tcmparaturo , except cooler in south
ern portions , winds becoming variable.
The UlyHwcs Primaries.
ULYSSES , Nob. , August 10. [ Special Tele-
tram to THE Bci : . ] The primary republican
convention here instructed delegates unani-
uously for Loose , Harper and submission.
Hon. J. G , ItntterHon Talks About tno
Chances For I'nrty SIICCCH I.
CIIICACIO , August 1C. | Special Telegram
to THE Bui : . ] lion. J. G. Battorson , of
Connecticut , president of the Travelers' In
surance company , and ono of the most prom
inent republicans in the state , was at the
Fifth Avenue hotel to-day. IIo was asked :
"How is Connecticut going tills fall ! "
"Tho stulo will glvo a majority for the re
publicans. Thcro can bo no question ns to
how the majority of the people feel on the
tariff fjucbtion , und they intend to vote for
protection. The people iu Ciuiucotieut uro
Intelligent and understand what low and
high tariff mean. Thcro uro some democrats
who bcliuvo in wotee'liou. "
"Do you hoar of many democrats who nro
going to vott ) the republican ticket ! "
"No , not so many. You tco a democrat
rarely over changes. It would take six
mouth's hard burning iu shuol to purify a
democrat. But we have the mujonty-of republicans -
publicans in the Nutmeg state and they are
united. "
and town Pensions.
WASHINGTON , August 10. | Special Tele
gram to Tnn BcK.l Pcnsious granted No-
brnskans : Original invalid John Wilholm ,
Nebraska City ; George Kylor , Friend ;
Thomas D. Case , Bromlleld. Increase
Lewis A. Colburn , Ogallala ; E. C. Neighbor ,
Bcnkleman ; Anthony Martin , Wuunotn ;
James Blazer , Mentor villo ; William H. Ban-
well , Orle'ins.
Pensions for lowans : Original invalid
James M. Hiatt , Oskuloosa : Jacob Nation ,
Kellogg ; George Crubill , Slam ; George D.
Karr , Plousantvillo ; David H. Moore , Bir
mingham ; Barnes O. Sutherland , Badger ;
NeilMcInnis , Davenport ; Isaao U. Carter.
Hancoc-k ; George S. Bowuan , Leon ; Arnold
Stine , Birmingham ; Jacob B. Olney , Tripoli.
Increase George H. Chore , St. Charles ;
Luke Schcctor , Humeston ; Calvin B. Co ivels ,
Fort Madison ; George O. Kent , Tipton ;
John W. Smith , Allcrton ; Dcsalvo B. Har
mon , Peterson.
Sun Stroke in Si.
ST. Jo.surnvMo. , August Ifi. [ Special Tclc
gram to Tin : BII : : . ] Thomas Uowloy , a la
borer employed by the gas company , was
prostrated liy the heat at 4 o'clock tuls after
noon nnd dieil at 1IO ! o'clock. The day was
not. excessively worm , but Kowley , who had
arrived from Ireland only six weeks ago , had
not become acclimated.
i Wnrrltn the Nprunil You arc Painfully aware that yon
n wVOru W UlCtttrVUUb
iiavc ncrvcs ? Then you arc sick.
A healthy boy has as many as you , but he doesn't know it That is
the difference between "sick" and "well. "
Why don't you cure yourself ? It is easy. Don't wait Painc's
Celery Compound will do it. Pay your druggist a dollar , and c-njoy
life once more. Thousands have. Why not you ?
WELLS , RICHARDSOH & CO. , Proprietors. Burlington , VL