J/ . THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. > : * < i EIGHTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA. FRIDAY MORNING , AUGUST 17. 1888. NUMBER 04. AN OCEAN STEAMSHIP SUNK , Details of a Torrlblo Catastrophe ) off Sable Island. OVER ONE HUNDRED LIVES LOST. Tlio OclHcr nnd Thliif-valla Collide In a DniiHC FOK and tlio For mer l Bent to tlio Ilottom. A Fearful IJOSB of Ijlfc. NEW YORK , August 10. The steamer Wei- land , of Hamburg , of the American steamship - ship line , has Just brought news of n col lision off Sable islnnd between the Gciser mid Thlngvnlln , of thoThlngvnlln line , which occurred at 4 o'clock on the morning of August II. The Geisor snnit in live minutes nfter tlio collision. Ono hundred nnd five persons were drowned. The Tnlngvulla wns HO disabled Dial she had to put into Halifax after transferring all her passengers to the \Vellaml. The Gciser had eighty-six passengers aboard , seventy-two of whom were drowned or killed in tlio collision , and fourteen weio taken lirst on tlio Thingvalla and then on the Weiland. The Geisor'screw numbered fifty ; Bovcntoen were saved and thirty-three drowned. Captain Mollcr of the Gciser was among those saved. The passengers of tlio Tliliigvnlla transferred to the Weiland num bered 4i5. ! The Gcisor left this port on August 11 bound for Stettin. Tiio Thingvullu was on her way to. this city , and was advertised to leave here on August > . A heavy sea and a dense fog were experi enced through the night and early morning of August 1 i. The stories dilfer as to where the liability lies , if not wholly due to the fog nnd heavy sea. The Thingvalla struck the Goiser on tlio starboard side amidships about 4 o'clock In the morning. The boats then parted and within llvo minutes the Gelser sank. Thocrowof Iho Thingvalla did all llioy could loBiivolho ( icisor'.s crew and pnssoii- gers , but owing to the heavy sou only thirty- one were saved. No other vessel wus near at the time. The Weiland , on her way to Ihis port , was 100 miles away. At 11K : ! ) o'clock on the morning of Iho 1 tththe Weiland was sighted. Signs of distress were made by tlio Thmgvnlla nnd the Iransfer of passengers began. The sea was ihon very heavy , but > no mishaps occurred In the transfer of pas sengers. Tlio following is a list of the pas- Mongers who were saved from the steamship Geiscr. Cabin Mrs. Hilda LI ml , from New York to Cnlsham , Sweden. Stcerago Joliann Larson , from Now York to Ulsor , Norway ; Alfred Anderson , from New York to Grimstad , Norway ; Ch'istoffor Eliusscr , from Chicago to IJor- KOII , Norway ; Peter Johnson , from St. Paul , Minn. , to Gosborg , Sweden ; Johanna G. Thohunscn , from Iron Mountain , Mich. , to Stockholm ; Paul Paulson , from Ironwood , Mich , to Copenhagen ; Anders Wilse , from Minneapolis , Minn. , to Christiana ; John Tenwald. from Hudson , Wis. , to Thondhjom , Norway ; Fred Hanson , from Perth Amboy , N. J. , to Copenhagen ; Fens Anderson , from Philadelphia , Pn. , to Christiana ; Anders G. Peterson , from St. Paul , Minn. , to Gosborg , Sweden ; Luuntz Komordchl , from Lansing , Mich. , lo Copen hagen ; Johann Alquist , from Iron Mountain , Mich , , to Orlando , Finland. Captain A. Albers , of the Weiland , tells the following story : "At 10 o'clock on the morning of August 14 wo passed some wreckage Moating in tlio Fca and suspected that nn accident had hap pened somewhere near us. A little later wo sailed through n sea of oil nnd sighted a broken bout of the Goiser. About 11 : UO wo Highlcd n Blcamer to tlio northward , about eight miles off , nnd seeing she hud n Hag of distress up wo ran down to her. It proved to bo the Thingvalla , nud Captain Lamb of that vessel came to us in a small boat nnd begged us to take off his passengers and those ho had saved from the Gelser , Ho said that his own vessel was so badly injured that ho expected her to sink nt any moment. HIa forward com partment had been completely carried away from half way to the deck to below the water lino. Wo sent out three of our boats nnd the Tliliigvnlla lowered two of hers nnd in llvo hours wo had transferred the saved passengers nnd crow of the Geiscr , and also the 455 passengers of the Thiugvalln. Tlio sen was very rough nt the time , and the , work of transferring the passengers was very difficult. An immense hole in the Ihingvalln's bow was then patched up as 1 It' ' well as possible and she started for Halifax. The collision , so far as known , was caused by fog. " The chief olllcor of each vessel wan on deck at the tlmo of the collision. Third Of- licer Peterson told much the sumo story of the occurrence. Ho said that the fog was very dense Through the night rain had fallen nt intervals. "Tlio first wo know ol the Gelsor's approach , " ho said , "wns when she appeared on the starboard side right upon us. The Geiscr was struck opposite the engineers' room , atnhlship. Tlio Golsot bohig heavily loaded , was very low iu the water , so that the Thingvalla carried away her own compartment. The upper part of her bow ran over the deck of the Geiscr. The Geiser's deck houses were carried away and the staterooms were smashed in and tlio occupants killed. " Peter son hoard the boll ring iu the Geiser'a engine room , but could not tell what tlio order was Ho was on deck at the time. Ho then heart ] the boll ring agnlu , this time to back , nnd the steamer had Just commenced to reverse wher the Thingvalla struck. The Geiser's whistle was blowing at the time. Second Of llcer Fiifensen jumped for the Thin gvalla when they struck und wa ; hauled on the Tliiugvalla's deck bj Bomo of the hitter's crow. Ono of UK GoIser'B passengers wns picked up with i broken leg. As soon ns the Weilnnd arrived in tin lower bny Captain Moller , of the Geisor , lof the steamer in a revenue cutter. Ho wen directly to the oflico of the agents of tin company , where ho was closeted n few mo incuts with them. Ho only left word tha the accident wns duo to the weather and let without stating Ids destination. Twenty-four of the passengers nnd crow 01 the Guiser , under ctinrge of Second Olllcei Jorgcnson , nronow nt the hotel Denmark , They are brawny fellows , curiously uttlrnd and but few have either coats or blockings Second Ofllcer Jorgensen gave n graphii jlcscrlptlon of Iho collision. Ho said : "I was Dslcct ) in my bunk when I heard i shock , nnd immediately went on deck. Tak ing In the situation at n glance , I ordered til hnnds on deck. Then I swung myself oil 01 the bow of the Thingvalla and scram bled to her deck. Tlio doomed cruf sank gracefully , stern first , with hoj bow in ttio air. Nearly everybody wa sound asleep , and when she Ix-can to fill could hear groans nnd honrt-rendlng scream coming from below. Those who reached th dock mndo frantic efforts to cut down th' ' boats , but they wcro too excited to bo sue ccssful. They finally grabbed up dlffercn pieces of wood nnd jumped over the side o the vessel. Annas Wllso. n civil engineer of Mlnnc npolis , ono of the passengers on Iho Goisci said : "About 4 o'clock Tuesday morning I wa awakened by a slight Bltock , and , thluklni that wo had struck u wreck , I wen on deck just as some ono shoutc 'Sho is Binklng. ' I found thr wo had been strucic on the starboard sld nbout umldship. There were nt that tlm four or llvo. men working at the boats. I ha n cork jacket and foil comparatively safe , t > I called to Iho pcoplo down stairs , and the walehod the boat sink. As aho went down stuck to her nnd was carried down sever hundred feet , I believe. Soon I felt myse ! shooting up through the water , Impelled b tho. cork jacket. 1 > vas on top of the watc tor perhaps half nn hour. I climbed on th keel of u small boat floating upside dowr and was finally picked up. " Jolm Tenwlld , a saloon keener of Hudson Wis. , Bald : " 1 was asleep when I heard the crash , nn . turned to the acck' , where I fpuud quite number of men ntlomptlng to loosen the bonts. I snw no chance of saving myself there , so I rushed out , picked up n plank and Jumped overboard. Tlio scene was henrt- rendering. There must hnvo been thlrly-llvo heads above water , but ono by ono tticy dis appeared. " Tlio following Is the best list of the lost which could bo obtained to-night. It is mndo by striking olT the names of those saved from the list of passengers ns stilted in the books of Passenger Agent Jenson. It will be seen that the total number of names in the list is seventy-eight , six moro than it should contain , ns there were only eighty-six passengers aboard and four teen were snvcd : Cabin passengers L. Clausen , Captain Gcorgo N. Hammer , Bortho Irenfols , Mrs. Hilda Lind and children , J. C. Mclberg , Al bert Olson , Mrs. Seehus ef Chicago , wife of the editor of the Skaiidlnavln ; Hilda Kcllog. Steerage passengers Amanda M. Ander son , Andrus Anderson , John Anderson , Louisa Anderson , Maginus Ander son , Mrs. Kli/abeth Berg nnd child , Hilda Borgstrom , J. Bceklund C. Hranth , C. Carlson , Caroline Christiansen and two children , Ole Cliristopherson , Julia Frcdoncksou anil two children of Clinton , la , ; Soren Gubriolson , Kiltie Gullicksen , J. Gustavson and child , Jane Hanson. Peler Hanson , Mrs. Karen Hanson , Mnds Hanson , Andrew Ingebutson , wife nnd child ; J. K. Jclmn , Carl Johnriscti , Mrs. Johnson and child , A. G. Johnson , Mrs. J. H. Johnson and child , J. G. Johnson , Maria Josoplisen , Ginu N. Jcddnss , Christian Knudsten , Christina Ktuidsten , Mrs. Bocha Knstral and child , H. H. Lie , A. J. P. Lind , William J. Jund- strom , Astrid Lund , Mrs. Ida Mangnno and child , Peter Miller , P. H. MorstaofSl. Paul ; Ellen Nelson , Micollni Nlmb , O. Orlandor , H. Olsen , Mrs. A. M. Peterson , K. Peterson , wife und child , H. Knmlbin , A. Soderholm , F. Sorensen , T. E. Slromborg , Mrs. H. M. Sevonson and friend , A. Thompson , C. E. Tuneberg and wife , Mrs. Anna \Viokcr and child. Officers and assislanls Ton in all. Tolal crow losl Thirty-live. These are the latest and host estimates of the lost. The ( Jciser was nn iron screw ship of 1,818 tons burden. She was 'iM feet long , D'.l ' foot beam , and 3 feet depth of hold. She was built ut Copenhagen in 18M. She wns filled with compound Inverted engines , with four cylinders of 'M inches and 12 inches diameter and 4'J inches stroke. CnifAdo , August 10. Immediately on the receipt of tlio Associated press dispatch an nouncing the sinking of the Goiser , u re porter called at the office of the Thingvalln company here. In point of importance this olllco is only second lo the Now York office. Branch offices urn established throughout the northwest , which nro tributary to the Chicago cage office. These minor o dices roach n largo Scandinavian population , and the result is that the Thingvalla line is really the ono which receives the patronage of that nation in this city. The news of the disaster had bean roe -Ived and the agent In charge slated that , several hundred passengjjrs hud left on the ill-fat-d ship from Now York. The Chicago olileo had sold ubout fifty tickets from all parts of the northwest. They were u class who were making a trip back to their old homes to visit friends nnd renew old associations. Later in Iho evening , when Iho sad news had become disseminated , tlio olllco of the company was besieged by anxious friends of some of these who had sailed on Iho Geiscr , but us the telegram received from the New York oflico was very meagre ns to details , no consolation was given thum. The list of those who took passage from the Chicago oflico was about us follows : Andrew Inpebrcgtzn , Mury Ingebrcizn nnd their daughter , Ida Mary ; A. G. Jensen , L. P. Peterson and wife Hedwig and two ehil- < lrcn ; Solfort Peterson , John Broorsscn , Mrs. Jensen , Julius Frcderiekson nnd wife Julia , and daughter Annie ; T. E. John , Charles Carlson , Kittel Gul- llekscn , Pelcr H. Morslad , Peter Hanson , John H. Elilqulst , Mrs. John S. Jnnson nnd child , T. J. Johanscn , Christ EliCbon , Mag nus Andersen , Mrs. Johnson nnd infant , O. ii. Llo , C. C. Braator , Eli/aboth aud Hogna Berg , Captain George M. Hammer , Jolts Tenyold , Ole Chnstoffsen , Caroline , Carl nnd Fritz Clirlstcnsen , Annie and Oscar Wicker , Jens Hanson , Hilda Soldberg , Louise Andersen , Laurilz Hummcndahl , Annie Thompson , Mads Henscn , Gust Adler , Paul Paulson , Auuio and Klrstcn Sorensen aud Mibs E. M. Potcrsen. A TERRUHjE BOlijEK EXPLOSION. A Saw aiill Scattered Over Several Acres of Grouiui. LAS VEOAS , N. M. , August 10. fSpeclal Telegram to THE BEE. ! Yesterday evening the boiler at Clement's saw mill exploded , scattering the building over several acres and tearing a hole in the ground several feet deep , and causing a report which wns hoard fifteen miles. The body of Ferdinand Clements , nephew of the proprietor , was gathered up In pieces , n mangled mass of un recognizable flesh nnd bones. Ho was thrown n distance of several hundred yards , and , re bounding from Iho ground , his body lilerally fell Into pieces and parts of it were found many yards from where his remains first fell. The engineer , whoso negligence in letting the waler got too low in tlio boiler caused the terrible uccidenl , Jose Mestos by name , wns killed outright , but his body was not found in such u mangled condition. A boy who wns standing near at the time ol the explosion escaped with slight bruises , the lire box passing over his head. Two other Mexicans , whoso names wcro not learned. . were badly hurt. and Freight Collide. CHICAGO , August 10 At 7M5 o'clock this morning lelograms were received hero stat ing that n serious accident had occurred on the Illinois Central road near Soulh Lawn , fiflcon miles from lliis city , nnd asking that n relief train and physicians bo ut once sent. A special train was Immediately dispatched to tlio scono. It appears that at nbout t > o'clock this morning Iho passenger train duo hero at 0:15 : n. in. ran into a Grant Trunk freight nt the crossing wrecking the foremost cars of tlio pnssengoi train nnd several freight cars. As far as ndviscd no loss of lifo occurred , but tw < postal clerks and three passengers wen badly Injured. The engine , lender , baggagi car and ono conch were piled in confuslot and thrown from the track. When tin debris was cleared away , seven persons wen found injured moro or loss. It is though none uro fatally hurt. There wcro ever two hundred passenger : on the Illinois Central train nnd Ihcir cscnpi was n miraclo. For rods around the BCCIII of the wreck demolished freight ana passengers gors cars are piled up on every side. / dozen wrecking crews are at work rcmovin ; the debris. The \'ellow Fever. JACKSONVILLE , Fin. , August 10 No no cnsos of fever and no deaths have beci 3 reported for over forty hours. ) CHICAGO , August 10. The health officer : hero have arranged to Inspect all the Incom ing trains from tlio bouth having conncctioi with the yellow fever districts , nnd wil fumigate all baggage from such points. Now Nebraska Postmaster * . WAsniNdTON , August 10. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : But : . ] The following Nobraskt t postmasters wcro appointed to-day : Johi 1t Annan , Harbor , Antelope county , vlco Will t lam B. McQueen , resigned ; Sarah M. N 3a Scott , Lowollan , Keith county , vlco Virgin ! 3J B. Lowelleu , resigned. J _ Presliloiit Salomon In Cuba. : ) I WASHINGTON , August 10. The state dc il partmont hns received a telegram from Coc f sul Kc'.tnor announcing the arrival nt Sar y tiago do CuUa of President Salomon a r Hayli on board an F.ngllsh war ship. o WoNt Virginia .Democrats. IlAKTINQTON , W. Vo. , August 10. Th democratic state convention was called t order ut 10:30 : o'clock this moraine and Sun utor-Fulkner made temporary chairman. REPUBLICANS IN LANCASTER , A BousinR Oouvontlon Hold In Which Honest Mon Win. OTHER POLITICAL GATHERINGS. Tlio Hnllroud Crowd lloutcd Where- ever It AppcnrH HiibiulsHlou Ucu- crally Knvorcd A Unite nt Ulalr Over the Htnte. Honest Men Win. LIXCOI.X , Neb , , August 10. JSpeclal Tele gram to TUB HF.U. ] The Lanciistcrvounty convention was called to order tit i:15 ! : o'clock this afternoon. A. M. Trim hie , of Garflcld , was elected temporary chairman and T. Till man temporary secretary. The factions were as meek as Moses during this little pre liminary sldcplay , but tlio brewing storm was gathering force whllo the committee on cre dentials were preparing their reiiort. The oflleial vote on the submission question was announced. It stood 1HM for to l.-JS'J against. This settled the conllictlng reports that have been constantly circulating since the primary election submlsslonists lost the battle in Lancaster county. A motion for permanent organization was made. For permanent chairman Captain Hillingsly was nominated. Hon. G. M. Lambertson and E. P. Homes presented the naino of Judge O. P. Mason. This was esteemed a test of the strength of the factions , and the result of the votoo was surprisingly close. Lambortson re ceived lia and Mason 100 votes. On taking the chair , Mr. Lambertson made n ringing .speech , pronuncmg a splendid eu logy upon the national ticket and the attor ney general of the state. Ho advised cool ness and deliberation In placing tlio county and state trusts and the nomination of men who possessed integrity of purpose in the consideration of the great questions of the lour. The speaker insisted that the time nid como for railway regulation , and wise legislation on the labor question. Ho thanked tlio convention for the honor con ferred in electing him chairman of the convention. A committee of nine was then appointed on resolutions , following which u motion was made that nil resolutions bo reform ! to the committee without debate. It carried , and ( J. A. Atkinson arose and in troduced a resolution characterizing Charles F. Manderson as the successor of General Logan , and asked that the Lancaster county legislators bo instructed to vote for and use all honorable means to secure his ro-electlon to tlio United States senate. Judge Mason recited the preamble of the declaration of Independence , and asked that a resolution bo passed declaring for submission. These resolutions como up at the close of the nominations , having been referred to the convention by the minority re port of the committee. The Mandorson resolution , nfter a sharp and acrimonious Uis- eusslon , but amidst the wildest enthusiasm passed by almost a unanimous voto. The resolution declaring for submission , was laid on the table by a vote of almost two to one. An effort was made in the committee room to prevent the endorsement of Attorney Gen eral Lceso , but it failed. Tlio minority re porters wcro oven ashamed to make their names public. Now came the wrnnglo and clash. The railroad strikers were bent on beating McHrido for the house. All sorts of motions were made to handicap his success but with out avail. They were beaten at every turn. Henry u Doano Hathaway ventilated his knowledge of parliamentary law by rising to n point of order after the question had been settled by a vote. The danco. with the gang , was up and J. C. McBride , J. L. Caldwell , C. O. Hull , Charles Scverlino and J. W. Dickinson were nominated on the llrst ballot by good round majorities. II. D. Stcarcns was renbminated for county attorney by acclama tion. Al V. Hrown was renominatcd for county commissioner. The state delegation was as follows : J. H. McClay , S. D. Dick- cnsoti , C. W. Pierce , C. T. Hoggs , A. Holler , J. J. Trooipcn , Web Easton , J. M. Howen W. C. Austin , C. W. Mosher , A. E. Kcnnani J. D. Woods , Elmer Stevenson , W. H. Wood ward. Samuel Kimball , W. H. Dorgon , Wil liam Scoly , C. E. Magonn , S. J. Alexander , Alva Smith , M. H. Westcott.H. S. Heed. Ed ward Gardner , A. U. Talbotniid J. H. White. On motion Hon. E. E. Urown was permitted to select his own delegates to the congres sional convention. They are as follows : A.W- Ficld , G. M. Lambertson , L. W. Uilingsloy M. U. Cheney , S. W. Pamler. K. D. Woodby , I. K. Hurling , H. S. Cooley , E. P. Holmes , J. L. Doty , U. U. Lciler , C. E. Ware , S. U. Graves , J. C. Johnson , J. H. Cramer , James Crabtreo , D. H. Harris , W. A. Hackney , T. M. Cook , J. J. Kellcy , C. M. Branson , J. II. McMurrty. Charles J. Dabach , John Wat son , Fritz Wcsterman. Hinging resolutions were adopted endorsing the national republi can party and the largest county convention ever held in old Lancaster adjourned slno die at 10 o'tlock to-uight , happy in the fact that railroad strikers and corporation hench men had been relegated to the rear. Otoo County Politics. NnmusKA CITV , Neb. , August 10. [ Special to TUB Hne. ] The republican prima ries in Otoo county will bo held next Saturday and promise to bo well attended. Paul Schminko will endeavor to secure n delegation fuvorablo to himself for state treasurer. Paul has much conlidonco in him self and his friouds political leaders think Him eminently lltted for making the race , while his candidacy has received coiisldcrn- blo cncouraginent throughout the state. As the primaries and convention draw near John Watson's friends see the hope lessness of his aspirations for congress , and the candidacy of Mr. W. J. Council , of Omaha , is regarded very favorably. The outcome of the election in Otoo county is hard to surmise. The forces horctofoio have been about ovcnly divided between the two parties , with a republican majority in a close contest. Two years ago Paul Schminko led his ticket and carried the county by 1,300 majority at a time when Schminko was In the heighth of his political glory and when Van Wyck was the great issue before the people of Otoo county , Watson owed his majority of several hundred to the same cause. At that time the republicans wcro strongly organized and united , and could rely on the full Gorman support. "This year , " said a leading republican , "it is dif ferent.Vo need better work than wo arc likely to have , through too much conll- dcnco In our strength. The Germans are not so enthusiastic for Schminko as they wcro. This for various courses , principal ) ' among them the tendency of party doctrine towards prohibition , and secondly they begin to strongly object to the boast credited so often to Schminko to the effect that ho carried the 'German vote In his vest pocket.1 Then again the republicans in general In the west ern part of the county nro rather against Paul for , as i It is alleged , knillng their candi date for county recorder last fall and favor ing the democratic candidate who was a Ger man. So it is safe to say Schminko's ma jority will not bo 1UOO this year. " There has been put In circulation n rumor , by a political enemy of General Van Wyck , to the effect that the railroads and ttioir hire lings would uiako n determined effort and defeat him as u candidate for state senator in Ins own county , and thus settle his can didacy for election to tlio United States senator ; that to this * end money was freely spent In the county , and for this were the democratic Gorman clubs organized In every precinct. The rumor is pronounced by loaders of both parties us preposterous , and the scheme ridiculous oven if true , for personally Gen eral Van Wyck Is very close to the hearts of the voters of Otoo county. Attorney General Lceso Is regarded very favorably in Otoo county and ho will receive Its strength toward his rcnomiimtion. For unco Otoo has no candidate for that oflico , which seems sutllclent evidence that the people are t > ulUtlud with Lee.so. The slate , so far as made may be iummcd up as follows : Van Wyck for the senate ; Paul Hclimlnke , with , very probn- uly , a man from the western part of the ouuty , for the house ; Van Wyck a candidate for tlio United States senatePaul ; Schmnlkc , i candidate for state treasurer , nud John Watson wor the float senatorshlp from Otoo ind Cfias counties , and willing to accept the nomination for congress if forced Apon him. Pierce County Affair * . Pinucn , Neb. , August 10. [ Special to Tnr. Uii : : . ] The republicans of Pierce nro not lead or sleeping. Immediately following the nomination of Harrison and Morton the re- imblieans secured tired cedar Hag staff sixty- Hvo feet in length , which was duly raised , nud floated a Harrison and Morton streamer twenty-Hvo feet In length , much to the cha grin of our democratic friends. Tlio ele ments , however , were In league with the unciny anil about twenty-live feet of the polo und Hag took a header. Our democratic friends made so much sport of our staff and Its untimely end that it sot the indefatigable Chnppell on the war-path. This resulted in raising a new ' republican Hag staff ten feet tailor than the ilrst. As the staff was being raised an OMUIA Urn of last Saturday , contain ing an account of Jim Hlaine's ' reception in New York , was caught up by the wind and sent skyward. The republicans are with you In your light for Leeso who will receive the delegation from this county. Andy Graham is our choice for state treasurer. Dr. Aldcn is being talked of for the legislature anil J. P. Uuckner for the state somite. The crop prospects nro good. The wheat crop In this section is superior to last year ; the corn crop is n little late , but if frost holds off three weeks longer wo will have an im mense crop. Buck wheat never looked bolter or was in liner condition. County llcpublicnns. K , Neb. , August 10. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : HII : : . ] To-dny's republican county convention was a viclory for the temperance pooplo. Every man nominated will vote for the submission of the prohlbi tory amendment , and the convention passed n resolution favoring submission and endorsing ing the notion of the state board of transpor tation. The nominations were : I. W. Funck , Beatrice , for senator : John W. Williams , of Filloy , W. C. Hill , of Hluo Springs , and Frank Whyman , of Adams , for reprcsenta- lives. W. H. McNicklo , of Cortland , was al lowed to select delegates to the convention for iloat representatives from Gage and Sa line. Hugh J. Dobbs was nom- inalctt for county attorney. A reso lution was unanimously passed en dorsing tlio candidacy of Captain J. E. Hill for state treasurer and allowing him to select nineteen delegates to tlio state convention. A resolution was passed , but not unanimously , giving L. W. Colby the congressional delegation , thirty'-ono dele gates voting against it. W. J. Council was presented and invited to address the conven tion. Ho said but little respecting liis can didacy for congress but pledged his support to the republican nominee. Ho gave u good talk on political issues. M. H. Davis , editor of tlio Republican , who so ably presented tlio name of I. W. Funck , was elected chair man of the county central committee. Fined For Cruelty to Animal * . BLAIII , Neb. , August 10 , [ Special to Tun Br.E ] A man by the name of Grcblo drove into town to-day with eight large sized calves in his wagon-box. Ho was on his way to Calhoun - houn , where ho intended to kill und ship them to Omaha. Two of them wcro nearly dead. Several citi/cns tried k prevail on him to un load part for fear they , would all smother. Ho would not , but when ho found they intended to arrest him ho agreed to unload throe. IIo un loaded two und started his team on a run for Calhoun with the balance nearly dead. Tlio deputy sheriff stnrted horseback after him nnd brought him buck to town. Ho paid a line of $5 and costs , amounting to f 11 , and took part of the calves , loft the balance and went on his way to Calhoun to kill and ship to Omnnn , The Trial of Fnriucr Murrlsfi. KEAKNEV , Neb. , August 10. [ Special Tele gram to TUB HEK.I An adjourned term of the district court convened Monday morning , taking up the Murrish murder trial. The day was spent In cmpannollug a Jury. The Thetaking of testimony began Tues day morning and lasted until yeslcrday evening. The spsech-mnking closed this evening nt 4 o'clock nnd the Jury , after listening lo n lengthy charge by Judge Hntncr , retired nnd are still out. George Evans nnd A. H. Conner appeared for the state nnd made nn able prosecution. Greene & Hosteller and F. L. Huston , of Kearney , assisted by Charles Kiloy , of Sidney , were attorneys for tbo defense. It is tlio general opinion that Murrish will bo found guilty of manslaughter. The crime for which ho Is arraigned is for shooting his wife last spring , whom ho caught in the act of adultery with his hired man. Reclaimed by Her Father. , Neb. , August 10. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. | Miss Minti Hunt , who was a performer In Black Bros. " dime circus , was mot accidentally by her father yesterday .In the postofllco. She had left her homo In Axtell about two months ago for parts un known , since which time her falhcr has never lired searching lor her. Afler considerable parleying she decided lo go home , and Ihey left togeihcr about 4 o'clock in the evening , leaving the circus people in doubt as to her whereabouts. Shu Is C young lady about nine teen years of age , und has the bearing of re finement. A Candidate Itesl ns. PAWJJIB : CITV , Nob. , August 10. [ Special to THE Ben.J Politics has taken a now lurn in this county. H. C. Worthnm , spoken of as n camlidnlo for representative , sent word to Julius Rhodes , n rival for that oftlco , nnd nn oppanent in the same party , that ho ( Wortiitim ) would hot oppose Rhodes. So that Uhodes , of this city , and C. M. Corlett , of Biircharu , an attorney , will light for the place. ' IlepubllcaiiH nt Tokninnh. TEKAMAU , Nob. , August 10. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BEE. ] Tiio republican conven tion passed off without excitement. H. A. Harding was nominated for representative , H. Jcgor for county commissioner , E. W. Peterson for county' ' altornoy nnd F. E. Ward for clerk of the district court to 1111 a va cancy. _ Kearney A'otes Moro KiunsEV , Neb. , August 10. [ Special Tel egram to THE HUE. ] A special election for bonding the city for 155,000 for the Nebraska Southern railway was carried to-day by al most n unanimous vato. Twenty-llvo thous and dollars In bonds were voted for n now city hall. The people uro Jubilant over tno result. Il.-ilu Will Spoil the He-union. DAKOTA CITT , Nub. , August 10. [ Sposial to TUB HEE.J Iho pioneers' reunion at Hilcmnn's cgrovo next Saturday , which has up to this time promised to ho the largest and most interesting gathering over held in Dakota county , will prove ti failure in consequence quence of the almost incessant rains. Will Vote on Court Housn Bonds. FJIEMOXT , Neb. , Xugust 10. [ Special Tel egram to TUB But. ] The Dodge county su per visors decided io-day by a unanimous vote to submit the question of voting $50,000 bonds for a new court house nt the election this fall. j A Crazy South Oiniihan. DAKOTA CITV , Nob. , August 10. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] A cr.izy man about thirty-flvo years ofa , giving the name of Hugh Bergen , claiming to hail from Ar mour's packing hou.so.ln South' Omaha , wus arrested and placed In Jail here yesterday. REACHED AN AGREEMENT , The Republicans Now Practically United on Tariff Revision. RESULTED FRpM THE CAUCUS. Senator niandcrHon Dcolarcn Overhead ICIectrio Wires The De funct Oklahoma nill Hnwlny's Heavy Ordinance Measure. Itcimtillcnns United on t lie Tariff. WAsiiiNaTONHuiiEAU THE OMUIA BKE , 1 513 FoUHTEBNTltSTIlKRT , V WASHINGTON. 1) . C. , August 10. 1 Despite the statement to the effect that little was done witli the tariff last night at the meeting of republican senators at Sena tor Chandler's house , It is learned to-day that the question was most thoroughly dis cussed nnd so far as any differences between the republicans are concerned was prac tically setlled. Thqpo were no longer any doubls among Hie republican scunlors lo-day as lo Iho faol that the senate committee on Hnancc .vould report u tariff bill and that the senate would pass it If it had to stny hero unlll December 1. Indeed most of the scnn- lors believe Hint Iho present congress will sit a year if it passes a tariff bill. Senator Spooner said yesterday that ho should op pose the report of any tariff bill until ono was formulated tint every republican semi- tor could support , nnd so certain was lie that such a bill could bo formulated that ho emphatically expressed the opinion that con gress would not adjourn at all this year , but would take n short recess nt election and re turn to business nt tlio old stand , to con tinue straight along until March 4 , next. Senator Spooner must have become satisfied last nii'ht that his prediction was true , for the caucus decided that no adjournment would take place until n tarllt bill wns Vassed. The tariff , it was learned nt the caucus , is formulated , and that the commit tee on finance will be ready to report it about tlio middle of next week. The com mittee has three more hearings which it desires - sires to give manufacturers before reporting the bill , nnd these will delay it. The com mittee found thrco obslacles in uniting upon u bill. Thcso three items wore , free wool , free sugar nnd free lumber. The la t caused the greatest dtftioulty. Snbln , Plumb anil Mandorson were strongly in favor of frto lumber , nnd insisted at the meeting last night that tnero should be no compromise upon that question. Sabln made a strong appeal for the tolal abolition of Iho duly , and was followed by Plumb und Mun- dorson , who strongly urged that the Interests of the treeless section should bo considered. Spooner and other senators from lumber states opposea this action , and after a full and free conference it was decided that n compromise in justice to nil parties should bo accepted and that the bill should contain n reduction on lumber of 50 per cent or $1 per 1,000. Tno duty on sugar next look tlio nl- lonlion of Iho caucus , Senator Plumb de claring that ills stale could not accept the f > 0 per cent reduction on sugar made in the comuiillco's bill. The caucus llnally agreed that the reduction should not bo over X % percent , but this did not plcaso Plumb. It is said that ho will give Iho bill his support , however. Tlio wool clause was uot settled , but it is staled lhat there will bo little dif ference of opinion among the senators when the bill is reported. TUOureductlon on lum ber is said to bo quite a victory for Senators Sabln , Plumb and Mauderson , who made n strong fight to have the entire duty taken off. JHNDEimUf ON OVERHEAD EI.iCrillO : WIUES. In the senate to-day during the considera tion of a communication from the district commissioners , in relation lo permits recently issued for the erection of overhead wires to be used in the street railways hero Senator Mauderson tool ; occasion to innko some ob servations which uro of interest to the people of Omaha and other places where street rail roads nro run or to be run by electricity. He said that the electric railroad experiments whle ho had witnessed had taught him that overhead wires were dangerous and that thsro should bo no obstacle placed in the way of pedestrians nnd animals in Die streets. He had had occasion lo look into the subject of elcctrio railways und wns convinced lhat the stringing of wires for mo tive power was objectionable not only because of the unsightliness of the poles anil wires , but because everyone who came In contact with them was In eminent danger. Ho favored n system of underground wiics. This might not bo as cfllcient but it was not dangerous. Ho preferred above nil other electric systems for motive power , the slor- ugo bnllery.Unless wires exposed lo con- lact by pers/ns nnd nuiimils are ihoroughly insulated tbfo danger wns very great. Sena tor Mandorson was endorsed iu this view by a number of senators und the prospects are thaj. . Ihe overhead syslcm of wires will bo prouibiled in Washinglon. COUIlTOt' ISDIVN JIEl'llEDATION CLU.M3. At tlio republican senatorial caucus last night Senator Paddock succeded in securing recognition of the bill to establish n court of Indian depredation claims. He was prom ised that there should bo an early report from the committee on Indian affairs and that the committee on order of business would place it upon the calendar , for con sideration before the tariff bill is taken up for debate. debate.THE THE OKLAHOMA DILI , DEID. Another determined effort was made in the house to-day , by Springer of Illinois , to secure consideration of the Oklahoma bill. Representative Lyinnn nnd othern objected strenuously and the measure went over. There Is very litllo , if any , probability lliat the Oklahoma bill will bo passed during the session of congress as a nuniDcr of members are committed against it. Inasmuch as there will not bo n quorum present when the bill can bo taken up , a single objection will lay it over. IIEAVV 01ID1NANCE. After all there will bo some heavy ordi nances procured by tlio act of this congress. Tlio house to-day passud the fortifications bill , but It is understood that Senator Haw- ' amendment to the bill which ley's army , ap propriates nearly fil.OIO.OOJ for heavy guns and the establishment of gun factories to bo owned by the government will bo adopted by botn houses. MISCELLANEOUS. It is belfovcd generally that this session of congress will last until the next ono con venes In December , and that there will bo but u fortnight's intermission Just before election. This evening's Critic has n lot of humorous paragraphs ubout the members of tlio house during the hot weather , and among tliom Ihis , relating to ttio Council Bluffs representative - sentativo : "Mr. Lymun is ono of the first members on the floor in the morning. His time is taken up in answering letters. After ho gets through ho strolls round the house nnd enjoys u chat with some fellow member on national affairs. His favorite position is to rest his arms on the railing outsldo the seats and his chin on the brass rod. In tula ultilude ho looks llko a wingless cherub. " Mr. nnd Mrs. C , S. Lake , of Da Moincs , who have been vibiting Mrs. General Dye , have loft for New York. They will visit Boston , Niagara , Quebec and olhcr points north , returning homo when cold weathet sets In again. " Ono of the most distinguished visitors ol the week has been Judge James Grant , ol Iowa. The long list of his successful cases before the supreme court of the United States Huulciently attest his standing at the bar Judge Grant Is n North Carolinian by birth. . Ho moved to Chicago and became a pioncci of the northwest. Ho Is now a millionaire , UK n result both of his oxtcnsivo legal practice und of his Judicions investments. PKIIIIY S. HUATU. Defeated by a Party Vqte. WASHINGTON , August 10. Morgan's mo. tlon to | x > stpone the fisheries treaty till December comber was.dofeated by a strict party vote- yeas , 21 j nays , .27. NKI1UASKA NEWS. DawcH County KcpubllcanM. CiuntioN , Neb. , August 10. [ Special Tele- pram to THE BEK.J Tlio county convention of Dawcs county was held at this plaeo lo-day. 0lio following candidates wer nomi nated : For county attorney , ) I. Billiard , of Whitney ; for county commissioner , J. H. Burger , of Crawford. The convention en dorsed the Hon. Alfred Barlow , of Chadron , as candidate for senator from Dawcs county and allowed him to name delegates lo Ino senatorial convention nl Kushvllle , Septem ber 5 , nnd ulso the congressional convention at CUUron , September 0. Following nro the deletes : J. B. Curlv , E. E. Kagan , T. F. Powers , H. D. Winshlp , B. H. McGrow.V. . H. Koynolds , nnd F. S. Uodenbcrgcr. The delegntes to tlio state convention nro : E. E. Egiiii , G. A. Vimlnwigun . F. Hnywnrd , S. B. Cunningham , F. Al. Dorrlnglon , of Chvdron ; A. J. Carpenter , of Whitney , and Leroy Hall , of Crawford. The Canipmi'ctlnc at GrcHliam. GUE HVM , Neb. , Augusl 1(1. ( [ Special Telegram - gram lo THE BEE. ] The campmeelliig nt this plaeo began last evenliiir. Kev. J. T. Minehart , pastor of the Grace M. E. church of Lincoln , preached tlio opening sermon. A splendid corps of Christian workers are hero and moro nro to cjino. Those now hero uro : Kov. E. W. Baughman , pastor of the Gresham M. E , church ; Ilcv. J.T. Mincharl , Lincoln ; Kov. L. F. Smith nnd wife , Linwood - wood ; Kov. Abcrn , the blind ovnngelist , and his wife , from Superior , and Miss Fleming and Mrs. M. E. Kobeits , of Lincoln. Miss Fleming will conduct a class in the study of the lifo of Christ and Mrs. Kobcrts is con- dueling children' * meetings. The outlook is for a series of very pleasant and profitable meetings , which tire lo last to tlio 2slh. Dr. Paine , of Lincoln , will bo hero next week. Elder Beans will arrive from the mounlnitis of Colorado before tlio meetings close. The Farmers' Plonlc. Winoo , Neb. , Augusl 10. [ Special lo THE ; JuE. ] Yesterday the Wahoo band went to > dnr Bluffs to furnish music for the elevator - vator picnic given by Iho Farmers' Co-opcrat- vo association. The association was formed several days ago witti a capital stock of $100- 000 , for the purpose of buying grain and llvo stock and dealing in lumber. Ex-Senator Van Wyck , ex-Governor ' Butler nnd Dr. Abbott , of Fremont , were present and made speeches. Both Gov ernor Bullcr nnd General Van Wyck made strong anti-monopoly talks und favored a ludicoilb revision of the tariff. Tlio fanners pledged themselves lo send representatives : o Lincoln who would favor tlio election of 3eneral Van Wyck to tlio United States sen ate. _ Crops In Northeastern Nebraska. O'NEILL , Neb. , August 10. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BEE. ] Reports from thirty- iiino points in northeastern Nebraska to-day show that small grain is a bad failure. Wheat and oats have been almost ruined by rust , hull nnd wind storms. Only n small portion of the fields will bo cut , and the rains of tlio past few days have caused grain to sprout badly. Corn has a fair prospccl , allhough considerably blown down by wind , and very lale. _ Destroyed by Ijl litnlne , WAHOO , Nob. , August 10. [ Special to Tun BEE. ] Tuesday night a terrific storm passed over this part of the counlry , which did con siderable damage. Mr. Otto , living in Klch- land precinct , hud his barn struck and burned up by lightning. Ho had eight horses In the barn , but succeeded in getting out four of them. The other four pcrl.slicd. Mr. A. Le'cse , living just out of town , had a cow killed by lightning , and a goou deal of other damage was done. An Elevator Struck Hy FAIIIFIELD , Neb. , August 10. [ Special to THE BKK.I Gregg Bros' , elevator was struck by lightning and burned lo the ground tit nn early hour this morning. The elevator was almost entirely omply. One empty box car belonging lo tlio Kansas City & Omaha rail road jvas also consumed. There was no in surance on the elevator , Republicans at Ord. Onn , Nob. , August 10. [ Special Telegram to Tim BEE. ] The republican county con vention mot to-day and made the following nominations : Keprcsentalivo , H. Wcslover ; county attorney , I. J. Clements ; coroner , F. D. Holderman ; county commissioner. Brown Johnson. Delegates to the state and senatorial conventions were also made. ItopnbllcaiiH at Oakland. OAKUND , Neb , , August 10. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BEE. ] Tlio republican conven lion this afternoon nominated W. A. Harding and Mont Everett for rcprcsentalives , E. W. Peterson for county attorney , and Mr. .Tegcr for commissioner. Harding nnd Everett are botli slrong men and favor Iho submission of u prohibitory amendment. A Victory For SubmlHsion. FUEMONT , Neb. , August ! ( ! . [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ] The Fremont republican primaries were held to-niglit nnd lightly at- lended. The vole on Iho submission ques tion stood 41 for aud IS ngainst. EVIliS OF 1SIMIUUA.TION. IntcrcBttni : Testimony Fnrnlahcd by Kainucl Uomprira. NEW YOHK , August 10. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BEE. ] Tim most interesting testi mony given to-day before Iho congressional investigation was that of Samuel Gompers , president of the American federation of la- Dor. lie described the features of his or ganization and these of the central labor union nnd Iho Knights of Labor. Gompers played a prominent part ns counsel for the lockcd-out brewery workmen in tholr recent appearance before the state board of arbi tration. The American federation of labor has in its ranks nbout 590,000 men , some of whom belong to the Knights of Labor. Gomncrs is n cignnniiUcr by trade. Chairman Ford asked him his opinion of the present excess ive immigration. His opinion summarizes ns follows : Ho considers unhealthy nnd forced immigration n curse to the work men. Voluntary immigration ho could not find nny fault with. Ho cited nn Instance when , in 1&S3 , tlio cigurmukcrs working in the cigar factory of A. Sherman At Co. of Milwaukee , went on a strike. That firm ail- vorliscd in Austrian newspapers for hands. The advertisements were highly colored , nnd staled'how happy people could live near Milwaukee - waukeo and have good wages. Tiio witness said that many people came from Bohemia upon reading these advertisements. Gompers said four years ago , when the times were hard in Poland , and the Jews were being persecuted , Hebrew charity organizations wcro formed hero und assisted thousands of Polish Jews to this country. They wcro given employment In cloak nnd cigar factorial , with the result that Americans were crowded to the wall. The present condition of American cigar- makers was deplorable on account of forced immigration. In this city 40 per cent of the cigarmakers were aliens who scarcely ever learned to speak EngKsh , The witness hud been recently in the coal mines of Pennsylvania and witnessed the deplorable poverty among tlio miners. Hun garians came hero because the coal batons advertise for them In Europe. Mary Fabric ! said that she worked on but tonholes und only earned 40 cents a day by using u nccdlo from 5 o'clock In the morning until 10 o'clock at night. She shares with three families four rooms , for which f 15 per month Is paid , fifteen persons living in the apartments. Cnttierine Fabric ! said that she worked nt the same trade the greater part of Iho day and at night for about 50 cents , with which she hail to support herself und two children. She buys cheap meat and bread and uses no butter , living foe ubout "J cents a day , 'fftiii'Ul THE VETERAN BRASS PICKERS A Merry Party of Old Timers TnUo a Day's Outliiff. WHO THEY ARE , WHAT THEY DID. Itciinloti of Men \Vlio Dcnorvcilly llaiiUcil us tin ; UruvcNt of tlio llravo DtifltiK tlio Civil War. The Old Thni ! Operators. Ciuauio , August 10. It was n rollicking , ireat hearted crowd which thronged th3 .Iccks of Captain Dave Coehrano's steamer , the John A. Dlx , this afternoon. The rcproi sentatlves of two grcal eras In the history Q < the United States had been tendered nn ox d L'lirsion on Luke Michigan by the local ns- Roolalton , nnd it was not nt all Inappropriate ) that at leasl ono of Iho organisations present } should tuku ils outingon u bo it named after ) ono who IKK I snld tliul Instant death nlono could nlono for nny disrespect to the Ameri can Hag. Tlio crowd on this occasion wnd composed of Iho representatives of the "old time telegaaph operators" and the "United Stales military telegraph corps" of the civil war , who for iwo days have met tocethor ii Joint session fur the furtherance of good fellowship. Tlio llrst of thcso organ izatlona represents the entire telcirraph service of tlio United States during tlio lirst twenty-fivcl years of its existence. It Includes In ittf membership Iho boys who handled Iho first rude instruments at the time of their Inven tion by Morso. When Iho armies of Iho union swept across Iho vast theater of war souiu iu the far west along the Mississippi , soiiui marching on Atlanta , nnd others fighting on bloody fields in Virginia il was nccessurylo ; keep in constant communication with the ] headquarters in Washington. Tins only could only bo done by moans of the telegraph. Each army had Its corps of operators with it , and their duties were particularly arduous. None of the relaxations altoiuhiiit upon the Incidents oC camp lifo wcro theirs. They worked early and late , receiving and Bending dispatches , translaling ciphers , and keeping in constant communication with detached corps , nnd with headquarters. Some of the operators were exposed to pe culiar dangers. Often during the retreat of an army ho and ills follows would bo left lt the rear , exposed to the enemy until the lasll moment , in order to take advantage of nny hope which might bo sent in Hie way of In telligence that reinforcements were at hand. After the operator had climbed the telegraph ! poles , and connecting his Instruments with a wire , ho would hold communicar lion whllo exposed to the galling lire of the rebel BliarpshpoterBj. ho slept Iu swninps nnd laid his life down oil the battlefield as bravely as the bravest ? soldier. But the peculiar responsibility of the spr-1 vlco lay with the cipher operators. There ) wcro about live of these in Washington , nnA each general had ono with him. The cipher ! operator received nnd interpreted dispatches of the mosl momonlous nuturo. Often hp had the passwoiul long in ndvanco of tUj > tlmo when it was to bo used. Mr. E. Koso- waler , editor of THE OM VIIA Br.i : , had tncj password of the corps with which ho waS connected for weeks in ndvanco , when nofi oven the general of Iho army knew it. During the grent civil struggle over flN teen thousand miles of wire were in operas tlon , nnd over thirteen million messages worq estimated to have been sent. About twelve ? hundred operators were employed nnd nearly three hundred wore killed , wounded or capV lured on Iho Hold of balllo. Through Ihe efforts of General Rosccrnfla - n bill was introduced In Iho house which rod * ogni/.cd Ihe value of Iho services during thol war and made provision for pensions. Thlj was referred and re-referred to commiCi tecs in the house and finally waa passed with the exception of the penj sion clause. Moro delay resulted nifq finally it got to the senate , where now , wltji the exception of any pension provision , it i ? awaiting passage by that body. $ Among the present in Chicago now are tt)4 ) 1 following : < i U. 11. Woolsoy , R. A. Taylor , E. L. Nor cross , U. W. Dugtin , George M. Du an , Ed * ward Kosownter , J. II. White. U. McKcnzloi , - , W. W. Smith , J. Cruise , W. II. WoooA 1 ruff , Charles Newton , W. J. Dcalyj 3 manager of the Now York branch ! * of the Western Union servicoi * ! John Grant , M. T. B. Fuller , Joseph Knlttlol } II. G. Stephenson , Lant S. Jones , W. L. Ivesj Thomns Finnegan , E. M. Toinlinson , K. J * Hutchlnsoji , James D. Kind , C. C. Ilino , tty K. Smith and other gentlemen from nil parti of the union who held positions of rcsponsU bility nnd trust in the various localities la which they reside. . Tills morning llie "Oldtimcrs" hold a brlc ( Rcssion , choosing the following officers i President , Colonel Carlos 13. Taylor , Frank4 fort , Ky. ; vice president , Day 13. SmilL Kansas City ; secretary nnd trcasurcrj Arllinn J. Dcnly , New York. Tiio next nnnunl meeting will ho held Jtt Louisville , Ky , during the third week iti September , IbS'J. After the return from thp excursion both organisations snt down tea banquet at Kinsley's. Ollicial Crookedness. DEAIMVOOD , Dak. , August 10. [ Specla Telegram to THE BEE. ] Wallio J. Hill , wk > was arrested some days since in Iowa j charged with tlto upproprialion of govern * J inout money lo himself whllo in Iho govern- } 1 inenl employ at Spoarllsh , was brought into A tlio United States court to-day , and on S hearing was discharged , as ihero was nod sufllcionl evidence to hold him. Postmaster J. C. W. White , of Carbonate , Dak. , who wns short fl50 iu his accounts } ! plead guilty to Hie charge and will bo son * toiuibu on Saturday in the United States ! , court.'J ' | ' Mistaken For a Ilurulnr. ; DEVOWOOD , Dak. , August 13. [ Spegjal j Telegram to THE BEE. ] Last night nt Minity sola , twenty-two miles north of hero , Franil Thulen shot and killed Jolm E. Clark , d blacksmith , taking him for a thief. It scciua that some parties wlio were coming homo lafot saw n light In Thulen's blnckHmith shop , nn $ Ihlnking there was something wrong jn formed him of it. Ho arose from his bcff. and. armed with a shot gun , proceeded t ( ) the building. Clark ran on hearing Iho api preach of Thulen , and thu latter shot hirhl Ho lived about an hour nfter being shot. I'oliticmiMi Murdered. LOUISVILLE , August 10 , Early this mprrif Ing , whllo Officers Jones and Koscnfccrg vlofCt attempting to make an arrest at a house OM Lnfuyetto street , which has become notori ous for the crimes rommlttcd there , bolU were stabbed to death by Charles ledger formerly a private policeman uod wutchinatu Another noiilmiKur Itlnt. PAKIS , August 10. General Uoulanger jjfy rived at Doullcns from Amiens last ovenlii'gj A not occurred batwoun his supuorters and his opponents , and the troops wcro called trf suppress them. GcncraHJoulangcr arrived at Abbevlllo tO- day. Ho went' to the cemetery of the plac.d for the purpose of putting a wreath upon tlitf tornb of Admiral Courbot. Upon leaving tHu cemetery General Houlangor addressed a crowd which had gathered. A row followed. and u largo number of arrests were made. ' Two Million Dollar Fire. LONDON , August 10. Advices from Cayj cnnc , French Guiana , states that the busU nebs portion of that city was destroyed by Are. Loss , $2,000,000. , Hnnlon's Sou Duriiptl to Danthi TouoNio , Out , August 15 , Edward Han * Ion , jr , , a young sgn of llanlon , the oarsmaof while playing with mutches last night , sett tire to his clothing and Was burned to ( icatbjj ' * . , "