- * - * * - * -r7-T -w * rut * 6 THE .OMAHA DAILY BEETHUKSPAY. : ) ; AUGUST 1C , 1888. THE. DAILY33EE. . COUNCIL BLUFFS. OPPICI3 , NO , 1 ! STIIKI5T Delivered by Carrier In Ahr 1'nrt of the City nt Twenty Cents 1'er Week. . H. W. TIt/JUN MANAUfcll JltfUNFS' Omcr. No. 41. NHIIIT Knwm , No. ! ) . Ml NO 1 1 MHNVION. N. Y. Plumbing company. A. .T. Mnndol IH breaking ground fern n now residence on Graham uvunuo. The Gcortro Marshall property at tbo corner of Ninth street and Fourth nvo- nuo has boon tnirchu&od by J. M. Pal mer for $ -3,000. Yesterday's incoming trains on the Union Pacific , Chicago , Burlington k Quincy and Chicago. Hock Inland < fc Pa cific wore respectively three , live and eovcn hours late. Bricklaying on the foundation of the Morriain block was commenced yester day morning , mid the work will bo pushed rapidly from this time forward. It will require about two weeks to com plete the foundation. The marshal's attention was yesterday called to an open well in the vicinity of the vinegar factory that was in a dan gerous condition. The hole is about bovcn feet in diameter , and a stranger narrowly mifesed driving into it the other evening. It was covered up by Deputy Marshal White. F. J. Brce/.co , taxadormist , has just completed a fine case of birds for Dr. II. S. West. The case contains 100 specimens , which tire mostly the vic tims of the doctor's deadly shotgun. The collection is valued ati75and ! will bo placed on exhibition to-day in the window of the Council Bluils Carpet company. ' Mrs. Felix II. Crocker has filed a pe tition for divorce in the district court. The petition recites that the plaintiff and defendant wore married in Council Bluffs in 18(17 ( , and rehided there until March 1 > 3 , 1888 , when the plaintiff loft the defendant on account of his having become an habitual drunkard. She prays for alimony , divorce. nnd the cus tody of thnir live children. Ed It. Fit/gibbon , a Council Bluffs boy , has taken the place vacated tome time ago by Harry Jackson as newsboy on the dummy and at the transfer. Ed will make a good one. Ho has served his term on the streets and is u rustling rustler. Harry will continue in his present position in the passenger de partment of the Union Pacific. At an adjourned mooting of the school board Tuesday evening the bids for the grading of the Hill school grounds wore opened , but no contract was let. The matter will come up for further dibcus- Bion at the regular meeting next Mon day evening , at which time the janitors of the several school buildings for the ensuing year will bo appointed , and other important business transacted. Alderman Lacy is now confined to his bed by the strict orders of his physician. Ho had another severe hemorrhage Tuesday. Ho is in the best of spirits and "feels like a fighting cock. " but is obliged to remain quietly in bed in pre- Yont him from yielding to hie impulse to got out and rutle. . If ho can bo kept perfectly quiet for a couple of weeks ho will then bo able to resume his accustomed duties without any se rious inconvenience. A jolly party assembled at Keller's furniture store and proceeded to the residence of Thomas Gavin , on Park avenue , where the estimable wife of that well known citizen was duly sur prised in the most approved inrnnor , on the occasion of her birthday. The evening was passed in a highly enjoy able manner , with conversation , social amusements and refreshments. The entertainment - tortainmont was of the most royal kind , and the numerous guests thoroughly enjoyed - joyed the occasion. The creditors of Charles | D. Harmon hold a meeting yesterday to BOO what action should bo taken in regard to set tling up the matter. It was fully de cided that the hotel at Lake Manawn should bo kept running , and another mooting was ordered for this morning , when the appointment of Harmon's suc cessor will bo made. Several parties tire desirous of running the hotel until the expiration of the lease , and there will bo no difficulty in arranging for its continuance. GREAT SAliB Of Council Bluff * liots nt Auction. I will offer for sale and sell without reserve to the highest bidder one-hall of all the lots in Cochrun's addition tc Council Bluffs. One lot of every other pair through out the whole addition will be sold with the privilege to the purchaser of the re maining lot at the same price. The ground on which the addition is laid it known as the old fair ground forty , north of the Union Pacific depot , and south of Broadway. The number ol lots arc 160 , or four to the aero. TIIIMS. Ton percent of the purchase monoj cash in hand. The balance in nine equal annual payments to bo evidenced by notes bearing interest at 6 per cent per annum , secured by mortgage. The property nurchnsors will got warrantee deeds , title perfect. I will also sell on the same terms and at the same sale 100 lots in Central sub division and Street's addi tion on grounds joining on the north. Some of these lots are situatei on Broadway. DAY Or ALi : SKrTHMllKK 1SJ. The pjaco of sale will bo on tin grounds on Wednesday , ' the l'2th o September , 1883 , and continue from da' to day till all is sold. The lots and blocks will bo numborei on stakes and maps furnished bidder on day of sale. Other particulars 01 day of sale. A , COCHKAN. For bargains in real estate sco E. H Shcafe ft Co. , Broadway and Mali street , upstairs. Artists prolor the Hallott & Davi piano , at C. B. Music Co. , 2 4Broadway Personal Paragraph * ) . Hon. James Mickolwait , of Hastings wns in the city yesterday. Mrs. Dr. Phelps and children have re turned from nn extended visit to friend in Vinton and Cedar Rapids. Charles Francis Adams , president c the Union Pacific , and Director Amc nro expected to arrive in this city Sal unlay. Drs. Fred and Moll Bellinger have received coivod the sad news of the death of the ! father , I. H. Bellinger , who lived n Laurons , this state. Ho wns sovontj two years of age. > . If you liavo property for sale at a bai gain list it with us and we will advoi tiso it free of charge. A. A. Clark , Co. , corner Broadway and Main , ovc American express. S. B. Wadswoath & Co. loan money. For Sale Cheap Lots near the bridy to parties who will build at once. At dross or call on J. It. Rico , No. 100 Mai street , Council Bluffs. Try the Monarch flour , ( or salo'oul At Fearou'g. TO BE JOINED BY LIGHTNING , donsolldatlpn of tlio Electric Motor and Horse Gar Linos. CHAMPION CROQUET PLAYERS. iV 1'lcntllnli Plot Afcnlnst Two DcnUon GlrlH HoMnrc' oVcll Water I'ltiKOTH HmnHluMl The 1'olluo An Klf-ctrlc AVotl lliif. | It 1ms for some ) time been boliovcd tunny Unit when the Brondwny -idtfc Hhould bo completed tlio oluctrio motor line , which Is to run across it , would bo consolidated with the present trect car line , which is owned by the Union Pacific. It is now reported hat the consolidation is already lonsummatod. It is staled that the lectric motor company 1ms bought the treet car line , and that the horse cars vill bo done away with , ano the electric motors will run over the line from the lothodist church to the west end of the Broadway bridge. It IB also reported that rates will bo made as low ns ten cents for single 'are between the two cities , and that , ho commutation tickets will bo in some ! orm9 as low as 6 cents a trip. It is dlfllcult to got at the exact con dition of affairs , as those- who tire di- . 'cctly ' concerned are naturally closo- moutncd and prefer to lot the public ivnit for the information , for which all o looking so eagerly. It is also reported that the electric motor service in Omaha will be ox- .ended through Omaha , so that the .vedding . of the two cities will bo a close jno The electric motor company evi dently wopHOB having the fares so lewis is to encourage constant daily travel by largo number of persons. Money loaned on furniture , pianos , ilinmonds , horses , buggies or anything of value , ut low rate of interest. _ No publicity ; fair and honorable dealing. iV. A. Clark & Co. , olllce cor. Broadway nud Main , over American Express. The young ladies of the Epifecopal hurch will entertain a sociable at tbo residence of Mrs. Dr. Stillman on Wil- owave. , Friday evening , August 17th. "co-cream and cake served. Full line of sheet mubic at Council BluiTs Music Co. , 224 Broadway. A Fiendish Attempt. A desperate attempt to commit a criminal assault occurred in Donison londay night between 9 and 10 o'clock. The Gregory residence is situated in a quiet neighborhood near west Donison , near the public school building. It is a cosy , retired place partly burroundcd l > y trees , and is occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Gregory and their beautiful and ntoresting daughters , the Misses Shopc. Aggie , the elder , is seventeen , and her sister Kate lifteou years of ago. Tlio young ladies occupied a room in he seconel btory , fronting the south , a window opening out to a porch roof. Shortly after retiring Miss Aggie thought she sawadark object Hit across tbo window , but on investigation saw nothing and her fears wore not oxciteel. A little later she saw the outlines of a man between icr and the window , and the figure .prang . to her side. As she attempted to shriek the villian forced a handker chief , saturated with chloroform , into her throat. She struggled violently and succeeded in awakening her sister , who gave the alarm. As Katie cried "Murder , murdorl" the scoundrel turned upon her nnd told her if she did not cease her outcries ho "would kill her too , " inferring that Miss Aggie was dead , the chloroform having taken effect. Mrs. Gregory responded at once .o the outcry and the villian beat a hasty retreat through the window , without having accomplished his inten tion of outraging one or both of the "tidies. Miss Aggie was with difficulty esuscitated from the effects of the ihloroform , and her escape from death was almost miraculous. The circumstances point to a de liberate attempt to make a criminal assault upon these young "adies , rather than an effort to secure plunder. Happily the rutllan was com pletely foiled in his purposes , although ho nearly added murder to the stains upon his miserable soul. Ho effected : in entrance to the house by climbing the lattice work on the porch and re moving the screen from the window. In escaping ho dropped an ounce chloro form bottle near the porch. It was nearly empty , had a glass s.toppor , nnd si druggist's label had been carefully bcrapod off. Enough remained { o indi cate that it was an Iowa label. Anothoi clue is the handkerchief which was left in Miss Snopo's throat. Other circum stances indicate that the ruffian reside. ' in Donison , tind all good citizens will earnestly unite in honing that the coils of juhtico may tighten around the brutal fiend. Patrons of the Pacific House have none but words of praise for the atten tion given them. A. A. Clark & Co. negotiate loans on farm and city property. Got prices on California peaches , bj the box , at Fctiron's. Can't Kind n Court. The cases of Rev. Ilonry DoLong tint ! W. C. Uttorback , the law and ordoi constables who were arrested a wool * ago for the larceny of beer kegs atu bottles from saloons that they raided wore called bo fore Justice Biggs at ! o'clock yesterday afternoon. No ovi deuce was taken in the cases , and thoj wore taken to 'Squire Schur ' court 01 a change of vonuo. 'Squiro Biggs wa charged with being prejudiced in tin matter , and the same charge is made against 'Squire Sohuivs. It will bo inv possible to take the cases to 'Squin Burnett's court , as that gentleman ii subpcctucd as n witness. Ho has booi trying the seizure cases of the league and it is claimed that ho was bull poonaid in the present case merely t < prevent the defense from carrying i to his court. Full line of shoot music at Counc BluiTs Music Co. , 224 Broadway. Clover Leaf creamery butter 25 cent a pound at Fcaron's. Travelers ! Stop at the Bechtole. - Stop at the Pacific House. The mos centrally located hotel in the city. Innocents Abroad. The city exchequer was not groatl increased by yesterday's contribution of police court victims. Herman an Emll Kosch wore charged with dlsturt ing the pence , but wore discharged o payment of costs. Bert Poland nnd George Donaldsot two boys living in the southern part < his qity.'woro arrested for jumping on moving train * in the vicinity of tno cati- lihg 'factory. Both 'were released. Charles Whcoler and Ell Bragc were Ave runaway boys from'ftcd Oak , who started out to fcce the world , but their travels were interrupted \yhon they reached this city. A kind-hearted vatohman allowed them to pass the night n a passenger coach in the yards , and tti J them arrested the following morn- ng. They will be held to await in structions from Red Oak. A list of ovortwonty vacant dwellings 'or ' rent can bo obtained at ollltio of E. II. Shenfc & Co. , corner Broadway and Main streets , up Blairs. J. G. Tipton has the largest real estate ist in the city , and handles nothing but mrgains. E. II. Slioafo loans money on chattel ecurlty of every description. Private loiiBulling rooms. All business strictly lonlldental. Office 500 Broadway , cor- icr Main street , up-stairs. A. A. Chirk tc Co. , real estate brok- rs , have a list of choice inside property 11 their books. Nothing but bargains offered. Crouucrlni ; With Croquet. It is announced that the so-called ) hamplon cioquet team , consisting of lessrs. A. 1) . Foster , II. II. Field , Rcnhou Bryant , andlraScoItold , intend going to Shelby to-day to play a match fame with a team at that place. The Jouncil Bluffs champion * ) need not go away from homo to got chances to test heir worthiness of holding the champ- onship. There is another croquet earn , and possibly more than one , who vill gladly cross mallets with them. L'he one referred to i composed of 'Jims Hunter , G. L. WyckolT , Will { ( lymond. and Dr. D.V. . McDormid. \ . match at homo would be an interest- ng event. Fix the date. Money loaned at L. B. Crafts & Co..s oan ollice , on furniture , pianos , horses , vajrons , personal property of all kinds , nnd all other articles of value without emoval. All business strictly conII- lontial. _ J. G. Tipton has bargains in real cstato. E. II. Sheafe & Co. , make long or short time loans on real estate , in sums o suit , at lowest rate ot interest. Oflico Jroadway and Main street , upstairs. The Hackneyed Talo. Three soiled doves from the "Row" festerday started out to work a dirt muler , by the name of Bob Staclc , for lis little pile. They secured a hack and began a howling trip. Stack stayed > y them for a while , but finally jumped ho game. The hackman dcmundcu his fare , but the trio had no money , and ivoro driven to the station , where the Irivcr asked for their arrest. Deputy Marshal White poured oil upon the .rouble wator.s , and advised the hack- nan to lot them go and look to gentle [ Jobby for the Day. The advice was : aken and Jehu departed to look up the owner of tbo dirt wagon and mules. Now stock of now grass seed at t'earon's. All kinds of produce cheapest at l-'earon's. Beware ol' the There is an old well on the vacant lot next to the Brown building. It is being used by many , who probably do not re alize the danger there may be in so doing. Few wells in the heart of the city are lit to use. With the peculiar soil hero and the fact that old wells ate low used as cess pools , it is extremely lazardous to use well water. Too much care cannot bo tdkon. All's not well ihat ends in a well , not in Council Bluffs. Buy mantels , grates and hearth fur nishings of the Now York plumbing Co. Pacific House is open to the traveling public , notwithstanding to the contrary. Two M. K. Shottle , while at work in J. F. tody's shop , yesterday , got his right band caught in a planing machine. The middle and the third linger wore both taken off at the second joint. A delegation of republicans , num bering about 120 persons , wont out to Glonwood last evening to take part in a ratification meeting. A very creditable procession marched down to thq "Q" depot nt 0 o'clock to take the train. The line was headed by Dalby's mili tary band of flftcon pieces , followed by goodly delegations from the Tippeca- nee , Young Men's Republican , and Col ored Republican clubs. Decorations of the red , white and blue abounded , and the greatest enthusiasm was manifest. An Absolute Cure. The ORIGINAL ABIETINE OINTMENT is only put up In lar o two ounce tin boxes , nnd is an absolute cure for old sores , burns , wounds , chapped hands , and ull skin erup tions. Will positively euro nil kinds of piles. Ask for the ORIGINAL ABIBTINE OINT MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. , at 23 cents per box by mull UO cents. To-night will bo hold the regular monthly meeting of Harmony chapter No. 15 , O. E. S. A good attendance is desired. Bv order W. M. I'resliyterianYIilskcrH. . Now York Tribune : A paper in this city the other day spoke of a certain distinguished clergyman as having Presbyterian whiskers. I am unable to describe such whiskers exactly , but 1 am under the impression that they arc side whishors sot pretty well back on the face , and having no connection with the mustache. Indeed I don't know but tlio mustache should bo shaved to bring out the beauties of the idea of Presby terian whiskers. The Methodist typo of hirsute adornment is somewhat dif ferent , consisting of a full beard , well trimmed , and with no mustache. It used to be so that you could nearly always toll a Methodist parson by look ing at his beard ; but alasl those good old days tire gone , and you can now see Methodist clergymen with fashionably trimmed beards and mustaches , so that it is. difficult to toll them from Wall street brokers. In the Protestant Episcopal chuioh those are different types of face adornment. The Auglo-Catuolic priest is shaven and shorn , just like his Roman Catholic brother. By the way , one reason for this regulation , I believe , is that it en ables the officiating clergyman to par take of the holy communion more de cently and reverently. The broad churchman doesn't cultivate any typo of whiskers , but follows whatever fashIon - Ion best suits his physiognomy. The low churchman used to cultivate the Pres byterian style of whiskers , the object being to make the whiskers as silky and ethereal looking as possible , while at the same time n special effort was made to have the face soft and of a bloodless white. As the old-fashioned evangolican clergymen wore men ol singularly pure lives and given to nc excesses of any kind they gonoralli look that way. The effect of af ! this was enhanced by the higl silk hat , clerical dress and white choker wllich 'IMy habitually wore. There aro.'queer inconsistencies In hu man nature. ThofC men spent their lives in.denouncing the formalism of Rome , and ill this. , as in other things , they adopted a mcwt rigid formalipliV. i tit perhaps cheh man consoled hims-olf with the rcllcftioti that ho waahlsown pope. The High Cliurchman doesn'l run so much Uccullar > \ stvles in whisk ers as to Anglicanism in dress and pro nunciation , and the cultivation of n dig nified port , suggcsslvo of the English bishop. Sometimes they look very pompous and forbidding ; but at heart they nre good fellows and do a use ful uork for thuir church. A little familiarity with thorn will rub off their ecclesiastical veneer , nnd discover to bo practical Americans with a gcn- ino love of the democratic social system out of which they have been produced- Chicanery nt Work. Interested and unscrupulous dealers , actuated by cupidity , occasionally rep resent other dentrlllccs as equal or akin to SOZODONT. Reject these substi tutes always , and insist upon having that genuine reproducer of dental beau ty for your money , for it alone is money's worth. IJnrry Jerome's Kuucral. Nr.w YOIIK , August 15. The funernl of Lawrence AV. Jerome took plnco nt the fam ily residence this forenoon. The widow wns not present , being seriously 111 nt Sharon. Interment will bo at Greenwood this after noon. * Drink Malto , 2o ccntsa bottle. A IIottso'MnUc of liny. Phlinflclpliltt'jMmes ! A strange sight is nffordcd at Fairvio\ ? , Bergen county. On the Bull's Ferry rofld , ndjoinlhg Henry Tusscn's residence , ! ! thrifty man Jms rQL'tcd ' a throe nr four acre patch of ground amTplanic < ni with small vcgo- tables. His garden thrivcsllnofy , and Is admired by passers-by. The man had no house , nnd could not afford to renter or build ono. So ho constructed a dwelling out of hay nnd rough planks. Close to the road , looking llko a hay mow , is this strange habitation. The hay has boon skillfully fastened to the board framework , and the hut , shaped like n tent , makes a dry and comfortable house for a man of the gardener's tastes nnd necessities. In another column of this issue will bo found nn entirely now and novel speci men of attractive advertising. It is ono of the neatest over placed in our paper and wo think our readers will beoll repaid for examining the fcui'rosii ) dlsplav letters in the advertisement of Prickly Ash Bitters. American farmers are growing in creased quantities of oats. Last year Vho acreage of oats In the United States was 25,700,000 , this year it is 27,000,000 , an increase of about G per cent. Po//oni's Complexion Powder pro duces a soft and beautiful skin ; it com bines every element of beauty and pur- An "inch of ratn" means a gallon of water spread over a surface of nearly two square feet , or a fall of about two hundred tons on an aero of ground. UELLER MUSIC CO. , an Street 1 , O SAIKA , MK. COUNCIL , 1SLUFF.S DA A triumvirate of instruments which cannot be excelled in tone , beauty of finish nnd general workmanship. Century Organs Excel all others in style of case , beauty of finish and volume of tone. Sold for CASH or on MONTHLY PAYMENTS. All kinds of Musical Instruments , Russian Gut Strings , Sheet Music and Music Books. Dealers supplied at Chicago prices. Send for Catalogue. Our Department or TOYS and FANCY GOODS , we are closing out at leg * than coxl. Dealer * please make a note of this , and get our peed * cheap. -IF YOU HAVfi ANY- SECOND-HAND STOVES OR FURNITURE Call on m. 1 > KOILICI1 , A38 Broud\vay , where yon will receive the Highest Cash Price. THEOBDEN IDflBI WORK COMPANY Wrought and Cast 11IUII If 11111 % FOR \BuiMin \ js , Automatic IIAI L | T O Highest Economy , Ilepalrn. New cO 2cl Ifaml LllulllLO Simplicity and Durability. Nos. 1100 to 1200 , Tenth Avenue , Council BlufTsIa. Telephone 1GO. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. SPECIAL advcrtHements.such as LostFound , ToJjoan.ror Salp.To Itent.Wuntb , Hoarding , etc. , w 111 bo Inserted In this column ut the low rate of TUN CENTS I'Eit LINK for the Urst In sertion and Fvo Cents Per Line for eacu subse quent Insertion. Leave advertisements at our ofllce. No. 12 Feail Street , near llroadway , Council Hlulls , Iowa. WANTS. TTOUSl'.S for rent by Johnston A. Vim Patten , . ; i ! Miiin st. [ 7Hll SALK The best small fruit and vefieta- -JJ bio farm In I'ottawattamle county , two miles from Council lllutts poitonice , at a pilco that will Bell It. on remarkably easy terms. Title perfect and pioperty In peed condition. Possession given at any time. Good reason for selllnR. It. T. llryant A ; Co. , ( K3 Jlroadway , Council ItlufTs , la. - of merchandise to exchange - WANTnn-Stoeks change for city property In Council lllulls , Omaha , or western land or chattels of any kind. Wo muko exchaiiKliiK a specialty. It. T. liryant &Co. , ff.8 llroadway. TT17ANTKD StocKs ol merchandise. Have TT Omaha and Council lllulfs city property , alto western land to exchange for goods. Call on or address .lohtwouA. Christian , Itocm Jo , Chamber of Commeico , Omaha. COll. 5TH AVIi AND 7T11 ST. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. Conducted by the Sisters of Charity , An excellent educational Institution , furnished - od with nil modern improvements for boarding nnd day school. The academic year consists of two sessions , beginning on the tlrat Monday In September and Tobruory , respectfully. Termii-lloard nntl tuition per session , 873. For further partlculuis address Slste r Superior , St. 1'raucls Academy , Council IllulTs , la. FINE , CHOICE IMPORTED MILLINERY 1514 DOUGLAS ST. . OMAHA. , NEU OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. BOOBroadway Council Bluffs , Iowa , Established 1857 D , H. McOANElD & CO , , Hides. Tallow , Pelts , Wool and Furs. Highest Market Prices. Prompt Returns. KO and 823 Main 8tteetCouncil Dluffs.Iowa. KYNETT'S MIXTURE AT THIS SEASON OP THE YEAH WHEN DIARRHEA , DYSENTERY , FLUX , CHOLERA INFANTUM AND CHOLERA MORBUS , Overcoming nil opposition , fill the cemeteries with newly made ( raves , leaving the once happy home with nothing but memen toes of lovtd ones lost. Wliero KYNETT'S MIXTURE Is iibed It Is universally found to bo EQUAL TO ANY EMERGENCY , The value of a single bottle for use In any of the above named diseases Is really Incalculable. Jlonev could not tmluco these who have thor oughly tiled It to bo without It. The market Is tullof lemedles for a similar purnose , and all havci merit In seine cases , but with them it Is u stubborn fact that these are In many places the MOST FATAL DISEASES of the country. With this medicine they are THE LEAST FATAL. This medicine has now been used In this countiy FOR FORTY YEARS , > Tl-n\Y Has no eijual on earth. Sold by druggists eery - where. HARLE. HASS & . CO. , Wholesale Agents , Council UlulTs , Iowa. THE MORRIS TYPE WRITER. PRICE $15. Is equal to any High Priced Machine. Tlio Kdlnon Mimeograph , tlie Lest apparatus for nmnlfolillnif. nutlioxruphlo anil typewriter \rotf. 3.UOU copies can bo taken. The Ercelsicr Co. , Council Bluffs , la. DERMY U' r 'nv ts ' F. J. BREZEE , THE TAXIDERMIST , In accordance with numerous requests has de cided to te.ich Taxidermy in all Its branches. Mounting birds , W with mammals und other Intricacies. 1 < 0. Would also like to reecho orders lor birds to till order book on trip south. No. 010 Main St. . Council Illulfs. SNYDER & SNYDER M. B. SNYDER , A. M. . M. D. Physician and Surgeon MRS. M. B. SNYDER , SPECIALIST : Dlficnscsof Women and Children , 907 liroadway , Council lilulls. YouMUSTKEEPClH ) SO GO TO Baird's for Fruits Assorted Baskets Put Up to Order. For GRQCERIES & FRESH FRUITS Go To N. I. TIBBETTS , nnel Stxvo Monoy. No. 34A Hrondnujr. For your I ightCarriages BUGGIES , OARTS and OTHER VEHICLES , See Henry Van Brunt Largest Stock and Lowest Prices. CITY MEAT MARKET ! No. 12O Brondwny. Telephone No. 2O1. 70 * PROMPT DELIVERY , For CHEAP RATES TO ALL POINTS Go to No. 20 Main Street. SWANSON MUSIC CO. , 329 Broadway Full Line of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. lictt I'iannr ami O/ytiM * nn Monthu ! Payment * , ALLEN'S RESTAURANT nnsT-cLAss ix Kiir H / > ! / ; < "r. No , 406 BROADWAY. OUJi JUXTUAOUDIXAIIY LOW PJUCtiS for SUOXti If the Ctwte ( > / the tHuh Ttmirtaluicof CumiictUtnn. ZJOSTOA" J100T .V SHOW STOlii : . i : . 11. AJ1A31S & CO , till JI7 JillKtllUtllCOUIICll JJIll J , 7(111(1. ( ( Successor to SCOFIELD & GAVIN , No. 2OO Brondwny. Buy Your GROCERIES of DURiLXN BROTHERS , 533 B'way All Fruits In Tholr Sonson. Tol. 29O. / / OH Want Safe HcpoAlt of Cheap Loan , Call on International Ititildlnu , LoaiKttul Investment Vnlun 11. \ ' . K1DD .V NOX , dOC Broadway. BuyA WHITE SEWING MACHINE.Manmer. . 10 W. H. KNEPHER , THE GROCER , 744 B'dway Willie ut : HIAMAWA Take the M. F. ROHH/ER For the Beach. A FINE DOU11LE D1SCKKD STEAMER. 1NCORPOUATED 1H7 ESTABLISHED 1842. CO. , MASSULON , OHIO , MANUFACTURERS. Especially Adapted fop SIZES FROM ELECTRIC 25 TO 300 HORSE LIGHTING/ HORSEPOWER POWER , Mills and Elevators,1 MHMMM BMO * mMMcM > mm tf AUTOMATIC - : - CUT-OPP ENGINES. . . Durability Oiiar. stenm plants. Hesitation. Spcclflcatlons and estimates furnished for complete nnteod. Can show letters from users where fuel Economy is equal with Corliss Non-Condensing. iiou&i : , couxcii. BI.UITS , ictv.v. Send for Catalogue , E. C. HARRIS , Manager. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. Hydraulic and Sanitary engineer. Plans , Eftimitcs , H . " Specifications. Supervision of Public Work. Brown Building , Council I31titV , Iowa. I IMI I nilDl/IT Attorney at Law , Second Floor Crown Building , 11 $ rllNLLY bUnixL" Pearl St. , Council Blulls , Iowa. Justice ol the Peace. Olllce over American E.\presb , No. 419 N i " Broadway , Council Uluil'b , Iowa. ( , OTfMVIC P QIMO Attorneys at Law , Practice in the State and Federa O I U1N L Ot Ol IVI O" Courts. Onlce-Kooms 7 and 8 , Shugarl-Beno Block1 , Council BlulVb , Iowa. \ M17riDentist. | . Corner Main Street and First Avenue , Councf Cf\ , | 1A .LIN" Bluffs , Iowa. _ j REDUCTION From 15 to 25 Per Cent. OHI NOW IS THE TIME TO PURCHASE - -a I PETER C. MILLER , a Nos. II & 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. DR. C. B. J U DD , ' MANUFACTURER OF ELECTRIC BELTS AND ELECTRIC TRUSSES , No. 6OO Di-oadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. WANTED Good Salesmen on large commission or salary. WAKTED-LOUAfc AXD TUAVELJXG AOUSTS OX COMUIIISfelOV. CASCADE LAUNDRY COMPANY MAKE CALLS AND DELIVERIES PROMPTLY. NO. 330 BROADWAY. TELEPHONE NO. 260 Wl