Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 15, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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Ailvorfi 7'7neifirun(1fr'11iTi ( nfaiT IT ( cents l > er
line for HIP tlrst Insertion , 7 rents for each ub-
nonuent Insertion. nnd 1.M ) n line pnr month.
Ho advertisement tikcn for leti inn B"i emits
the tlrst insertion. Seen words will be counted
to the line : they must run consecutively nnd
must lie paid In ADVANCK. All advertise.
inents must be linnrted In before 12.J1 : i p'c lock n.
in , , nnd under no clrcumstnnces will they betaken
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties ndvertlslng In these columns and hav
ing thdr nnswors addressed In care of TIIK HKK
will plea e nsk for u check to cimble them to get
\h lr letterin none will bo delivered except on
presrntntlon 'of check. All answers to ndver-
tlHPiiicntH should be enclosed in envelopes ,
All advertisements lu these columns nre piil-
llshcd in both morning and evening editions of
Tilt : HFK. thf circulation of which aggregates
more Hum 1H.POO paper * dally , and gives the ad
vertisers the brncllt , not only of the city ctrcu-
Intlouof TllKllF.r , but also of Council Hlulls.
J.lncoln nnd other cities and towns throughout
Jhls ccctlon of tliu country. _ _
Advertising for these columns will bo taken ,
on the above conditions , at the following busi
ness hou o4. who are authorised ugonts for I in :
lit K special notlcia , nnd will quote the same
rntes as can be had nt the main olllce ,
TOIIN W. 1IKLII'harmacist , SM South Tenth
CIIASB& KDDY , btntioncrs nud Prlnlor.s , 113
r-outh Iflth fctnct.
Sit , PAHNSWOUTH. I'harmacist , 2115 Cum-
. lug street.
\\T J. IiroiIKS , Pharmacist , C.'I North Iflth
V > . Ptloet.
GKO W. PAHH. Pharmacist , 1S09 St. Mari's
AN Kngll1 ! ] ! lady desires a.situation as work-
Ing housekeeper or companion to a lady.
Cull at or address to 11JI N. llth st. 311 IM
\\7ANTKI ) Situation by apractlcnlnnd oxpe-
TT rlonced douhle entry bookkeeper. Moder
ate salniy. Can deposit JUKI or f'idu as sec urlty ,
nnd furnish \ery best of references , I will call
IQouwlll nddrebs. A1U. lieu olllce. ! HU 15t
\\rANTKI-Situitlons for 50 good girls ofaTI
TT nationalities. My olllco Is full fiom II n.m.
to Op. in. Call nud choose lor joursol\es. Mis.
llroga , ! ) I4'4 S. loth. ! > 17-U *
\\7ANTKD Situation as toachtnan ; best of
T tlty references. Address All ) , Hoe olllco.
.lli'-ll *
SITI'ATION nsbookKecpor or olllco worK , 17
yenis expeilence. No. 1 lefeieuios. Address
HSIlfi fuming st. 'ilU 14t
"lyANTHD An old gentleman , who Is a cabl-
TT net maker of o > er 30 j ears expeileucc , de-
fllres animation whole ho can do light work , 10-
pairing , etc. ; a situation dcslnd , wages no
nbiftt ; wants something to employ his tlmo
Address X ( , H. llee olllce. 222 II *
VAT4TKDKncrgetic m6n with small capital
* T in eveiy county In the I'nltod States to
handle the best oil burner In the world , for
( ooklug and heating sto\e ; 25 poi cent thrnpcr
t'mii ' coal. Call or address M1U Iluiliev street ,
Omalm , Neb. ! ) J2 Kip
'VS ANTKD-n eood helpois to put Iron onsctit-
VT ters , lied OakCatt factorj , Hed OaK , la.
\XJE wlih to employ a few salesmen on salniy
T T to sell our roods by nunple to the w hole-
Bale and retail trade of nil the leading cities
and towns. We nro tlio largest iiiniiutncturem
) f our Hue in thecountiy. t-end two icnts In
Btnmps for full particulars. No postals
. Centennial Manufacturing iom-
> any. Cincinnati , O. 3 l20p
OKXTS WANTKD-J75 a month niid ex"
penses pnld any active pen-on to bell our
goods. No capital n'iulrod. ( Salary paid
Jiiouthly , e\jenses inndx.incc. Full 11,11 titulars
tree , btaudaid Slheiwaio company , llostou ,
Mass. ; | i- | blip
" \\rANTKD Uentiemnn stonogiapher wlio
T can operate Hammond typewriter. Vnltn-
tine's bhorthand Institute. 3 1
"lA ANTKI ) Kxperleneed dry goods salesman.
T npply perionully to N. H. , Windsor hotel
olllce. Lincoln. Nub. wa 10 *
\\7ANTKi ) A first-class boiler maker , ono
TT th it can lay out work. A capable man
vnntcd nud none other need npply. Address
I'l emont Foundry nud Machine Co. . Ficmont ,
Keb , sgs IB
\\7ANTKD-Goodllvo men to wholesale the
TT best machine made , Inducements.
Call at loom 13 , No. 1A1J Doughm st. , between
1 and 2:10 : p m. acs-ib *
\\7ANTKD-A piano player Immediately nt
TT 1114 Capitol a\o. 340-14 *
VfANTED-A good coat-maker at onco.
.lames Lnison , Mlnden , Nob. S.-.8 14t
\\7ANTED-Ilublielman tailor , 1110 Paruarn.
V > 3JJ11
ONE boy to feed job press nnd to make him-
telf generally useful. Geo. Stiles , 1211 How-
nrd. npjit.ilu. 29711
" \\7ANTEU " 0 experienced coat mukors and
' i 25 girls to make overalls nnd shlits. Geo.
Btlles. l.'ll Howard st . upstajM. 90-18
WANTED 100 inllrond men for M'ashlugton
tin rltuiy nt AHiilghts Labor Agency , 1120
J iUlKUll 1HJ
\\7ANTED-50 track-lnyeis at Albright's La
bor Agency , IU'0 Farnnm st. 7M
\\TANTED-Jlen for the west. Albiight's
TT labor agency. li'.U Parnuin st. 010
B OVb-Am. Ulst. Tel. Co. , 1J04 Douglas.
( Ill
" \\rANl KD Lady stenographer to goto Sioux
T > City , la. Address A HI , llee. ; 172 15
"TV ANTED A good hccoud girl , atffil N.SOthi
> V 371) ) 14 *
\\rANTKD-A girl for general housework ,
P1'1 } ' "t llrst hnus w of Lee avenue
oiibouth aide of Fniuam st. No Swedes wanted ,
lu *
* fS7"ANTKI ) Woman to clean olllco every
T e\enlng after (1 ( o'clock. Jos. ( Jaineau
Cincker Co. _ ilsii Hi
\\7ANTn ) At once , good wet niiHo , npply
toMri. M. lleliman. 2Ja > St. Mary's a\e.
! 1 1
r _
" \\7ANTKD-WoiuRncook for Columbus , il'i ;
11 for ( Irsenwooil. $ .10 ; good glil for family
fit a ill i city. W ) . 1 for Valley , 1 for Illden ; lauiv
press for city , $20. fates all pd. Competent cook
Tor oltlcer'ii family. * JO ; 2 girls in ono place ;
V-aitress for Norfolk. Gliln wishing places oul
of city should register nt once Lota of placet
every day. Mrs , llrega. nil's S. loth. ; i48-ll. .
WANTKD Kxperiencod dressmakers. Applj
H.Grcom berg , room ail.Sheeley block , cor
10th nud Howard. SlUll *
\ \ rANTKD Servant girl for general house
Tl work , apply nt ail' ) Miami at. Oil 14
rANThD Girl for general housework. 180
TV LrANTKD Chambermaid und dlnlng-ioon
girl. Uorau house. U30 15
W ANTKD-Hr = t gill , 1 1 Da\enport st.
W 11 *
\\TANTED-U < lyagentsfor "A" skirt nm
bubtle combluid : alio "II" hose biinpoit
en. Our ( lalesbutg. 111. , agent cleared ifltw In 1
iln > .i. I.udlea' Supply Co.Ml \V. AVashlngtoi
t , Chicago. Utes-Ji
\\7ANTKD-The public to make good use o
The Hex' * message boxes throughout tht
rltv. . inn
' More houses . to rent . , pood-pnyln
tenants , ( | iilck ivnts Insured , .J- , „ Wat
flell. 408 N lUth. 2nd lloor.
17ANTKD More nouses to rent. lloswort !
' A. Joplln. llarker block. 5Uil
* \V ANTKD To buy or trade lor n good bulk
' ing that can bo moved. 1'Ioaia call oi
> r address Ueorge J. Stern-sdortT , room 0 , oppo
Due 1 * . O. t n
\\TANTKD 1 jou have any lands , lota , o
T T ho is 5 and lota to sell or exchange fo
other pioperty , call on mo or write. lean lln
i'Gu a customer. C. U. Spotswood , OOJ S. Ititi
\tnJhave clerks boot-keepers , waiter , a Nc
Til miller , I'lrls , toachmen , teamsters an
any kind of help on register. Can rui'nlsh thei
nt once , fall or address Vaudoburg & Dime ;
room 4 , Crelchtoii block , cor 15 and Dougla'
Clinnha. a 3-14 *
MALK or female help furnished In or out <
city , private families n specialty. H. I
\Vniu\ell. \ 408 N mth el. 2nd lloor. 4o7 aa'i
O OMi : table day board ;
' \TANTnD-ll table boarders nt the ( Jlot
' > hot l , Douglas bt b t W.h und 14th : be ;
Intlty. IM a 15
\ > ANTKD-lly small family , four oFtivTu ;
T > furnished looms lor light nousrloeiiini
. A 11. llee. illJ li
T\7"AM'KD-To rent , a house with modern Ir
T' provumentf. In peed ueluhbothobd , co1
Veuieiu to horse or cable cars. AdiU f s. ntatln
location acU reut , A i , lleo otllce.
TKN to 12 room house centrally located , with
nil modern improvement * . A 8 , HPP ofllcc.
317 IB
ANTIID-To rent , a nicely located single
house , containing about 11 ! to II looms.
Call or nddress room 40J 1'nxton bl'd. giving de
scription. 148 J
" J1OH KKNT Throe it-room houses cor. 12th
JL ? nnd Vlnton. Inquire of John L. Hill. UGO-Ht *
oTTTlKNT > rooin llaTwj , C03 S 13th. In-
( liilre nt the Fair. _ . 1W ( _
l OIl UKNT-yix-room cottage , 1515 1 turner
JJ gt , t-'u per month. _ 3jl
HOOM house with city water nnd barn for
8 two home * . Imiuiiu at room 4 , 1117 rarnain
| 387 lit
_ _
"fiUHl HP.NT 5-room coltnge. well nnd tUtern ,
-L1 & blocks from P. ( ) . , KJ per month. F. K.
Darling , ir,21 rarnam. _ 3.'iO 14
FOlt HKNT Modern single house of U looms ,
bathroom , hot nnd cold water , onstieet car
line nnd paved street , tendy for occupancy
Aug. in , t4' > per month. Apply nt once C. F.
Harrison , 4li.5tlmt. C14
T 7ioom house. No. 1037 f > o. 20th
JV st. J2. > per month. Call quick. K. F. Sen-
ver. Hoom 10 Itnrkcr block. ! II2
HOI'SKS. stores nnd Hats to rout , all pirts ot
city. II II. Wandell , 408 N Ibth , 2nd lloor.
4 U n2.- >
KKNT-Hotel llcnsoli , Minuted ou2th st
South Omaha , IIJ rooms ; doing good busi
ness ; furniture for sale cheap. Address W L.
Stephens. 15U S 5th fet , Omahn , or ot 110 S 11th
st , Omaha. 3.10 I'l
KKNT-3-room house on 20th st , bet
1 Douglas nnd Dodge , mice * 10 per month ,
llutchlnson it Wend , 1521 Dodge. 31"i 15
ITIOH HIINT-dood n-ioom house , } B per
JJ mouth , 2'iH 1'ntlllc st. SUl III1
HKNT A nice cottage of five looms. KK
Virginia ave. Apply on premises Ilil Ifl ?
I710H HKNT New bilck house of lliooini ,
J gns , batli nnd all coiuenlences , splendid
location. N. llltll. Iuqullc21IN. ( lllth Ni.J
T71OK Itr.NT-Good sl/e.l house , new. * IU , per
JD month , C. 1' . Harrison , 41HS. 16th t. sil
oil HKNT 8 room house and bain nw cor.
2Hhn\o nnd Webstar st ; Inquire at loom
XTi Paxton blk. P. J.Creodon. NJtl
TOOK HKNT When you wish to rent a house ,
JL ; storoor ollliocallon us , H. K. Cole , loom
0. Continental block. 437
fTlOH HRNT A 10 room house brick house
JL with nil modern Impiovomimts , ou'JOth t ,
near Leavenvvorth. Iwiulrc , No. BJ7 S 20th st.
KENT Four llvo room houses. S. E. cor.
ITOH ' and Dodge sts. , city water , } 17. Hlng-
wait 1)103 ) , Hiukar block. 2Jil
FOH HRNT House , 12 room * , all modern Im
provement" , olio blk from Cable , 2t > 0 Capitol
me , * IO per mo. Enqulro.A. Splglo , 121 N ICth.
It 0 l" > t
IpOH HENT Sept. 1 , elegant east front 10 loom
J1 house , on Pleasant st , , ttiO per month , 0 P ,
Harrison , 418 S , 15th st. 112
FOH HENT House of fi rooms , 3 closets , pan
try , good well ami cistern , on 1'lth st. car
line , pav oil hticct. Enqiiho nt 1102 S Mtli st. .
room 5 , oer drug ktore. 135.U ) jior month. H7U
SIX room house foi sent , city water. No. 1117
Paclllc btieet. Enqulio at IbOT Howard. 101
neil HRNT 10 room modern house J51.00 9
I 1 room ditto , 7 room ditto. * 25.00 Other
houses , vitores nnd otlices. O. E. Thompson.
bhceley blk , 15th and Howard sts. ai'l
FOH HENT Handsome new home , 10 rooms ,
all conveniences best neighborhood nud
within llvo minutes' walk of postolllce. Nathnn
Shelton , 1MB Parunm st. t'l ' 1
TTlOlf HRN'TV-TToomliouso , No. 151H s'oth St. :
Jt ; O-iooin cottage , No. (119 ( Win. st ; 5-ioom cot
tage , No. 2721 Charles st. Inquire 1100 Cap .ive.
FOIl HRNT or Snlo Now cottage , Hedfoid
1'lace , on easy p.ijmonts. Euqulie M. L ,
Hoeder , loom 1UI Pa\tonbloci : . 010
line l room bilck house with
all modern improvements , fln location on
street car lino. H. M. Genius , 1403 Douglas st.
PtMlNISHED rooms , i-lnglo or en suite , on
ground floor lu cottage , 414 N 14th st. 370 I'l *
FUHNISIIND rooms with all modern conven
iences. 1817 Dav enport st.
FOK KKNT A largo furnished front loom
with modern conveniences , for 0110 or two
gentlemen , references required. Apply to 2408
St. Mnry'B avo. ! 1M
"TOOK KKNT Furnished rooms , 1205 Pierce.
B 'OOM ( ' for gcntlomau near P. O. , Si ) N 17th.
71U OT *
FOR RENT Vour cholco of cool furnished
sleeping i oonis , js and } 10 n mouth , payable
weekly or monthly ; no children , 80'J Howard.
CTI 15 *
9HOO.MS-Llght housekeeping , K3 SlDth.
" 4.i Slfl * .
SOUTH frpnt loom on .samo lloor with bath ;
hot nud cold water. 171S Dodge. The base
ment of boaidlug house doing a first-class busi
ness , ' 4M7j
"IjlOR HKNT Now double cottage , 5 rooms
JL ; each , pump and sink , cemented cellar. In-
qulro No. Ill N. giith street. 251-14 *
f > OOM and board for Jo a w cok , ( .04 S. l.lth st ,
XV 474 ai
"II1OR HENT Nlcelv , nowIv fiunlshed looms
JL ? with first-class table board , 17-1 Davonport.
m 17 *
ITVJR HKNT One suite of rooms , back pnilor
JL ? nnd bed room hiiltnblo for four gentlemen ,
also front parlors , CU ( N 17th. 2JS-1SJ
FOR RENT 2 fuinlshcd rooms with or with
out board. 1011 Douglas St. ! Xt318 *
DKS1RAHLY furnished looms , single and
double. Gentlemen profeired. 1IHJS Capitol
avo. aiO
UIURNISHKD rooms torreut , 1701 Capitol ave.
F IOH HUNT Large fiont loom , 1812 Chicago ,
JOOM and board , 1812 Chicago st.
I 187 s 0 ?
> OOMSwith or w ithout board , 1703 Dodge.
HKNT Finnished loom , modern con
veniences. A. llospe. 1MJ Douglas. 171
OK HKNT bouth room. 11)11 ) rarnain.
| M 10 *
FOK KKNT nunlshed rooms. 1707 Cass st.
S MA 1,1 , fiont room , modern conveniences1
2107 Douglas bt. Oil
T WO front rooms , 1615 Dodge st. 075
TOOK HKNT A pleasant room with all modern
JL comonlences ; brick residence , cor. 20th
nnd St. Mary'H ucnue , or KM South 2Uth st. i
TOOK HKNT Fuinished rooms , with or with-
JO out board. 2(111 ( llarnoy. IM 15 *
3KLV fmnished rooms , $1 per week or M.B1
month , Ht. , O)4 ) and 500 8. istli st. yftilBJ
F IOR HKNT Furnished rooms iu Oreunlg blk
cor. 13th nnd Dodge sts. Inquire of Geo. II. .
Davis. Mlllard hotel billiard room. U20
OOM 8 Including Iward in the Young Wo
men's homo W10 Dodge st. Hofeiencea ro-
imlred. iHO
IJ1OH KKNT From room , largo ana nicely
JL ; furnished , located near the nigh school , lu
the highest and coolest section of the cltys
cable linn and horse cnr.s pass the door. Eu
quire nt 2225 Dodge near 21th a ; . 800-
fjHiUK gentlemen can be Mcommodatcd with
JL1 anlcosulte of rocius and first-class board al
8B.TJ 6t. ! r.rya are. . Ornddy block. mi
TOOK HKNT Nicely furnished irout room foi
Jgentlenu'n. . Modern conveniences. 1U17 Cass
LAHGK and small room suitable for gentle
man. with or without board , 1812 Dodt'o.
HKNT Tliree unfuinishcd rooms. 4a
N. 18th st.
FOK HENT Three unfurnished rooms. 103
8. Ibth st. , near Pierce. 322-14
TOOK KKNT Two rooms , unfurnished or tut
Jnlshod for light housekeeplug , Ji per month
610 N. 2.1th Bt. 32814 *
TOOK HKNT 3 unfurnished front looms , a
-l ? J7S22d at. UJJ 14t
IJiOH HBNT Two unfurnlbhed rooms , 810 pe
X1 month : 1UU Chicago btreet , 2 114 *
. (3) ( ) rooms. 1108(4 ( 8.7th st 110
JL Three (3) ( ) rooms. 1U20 N. 31st st. . . Ill' '
Four (4) ( rooms , 1701 Webster st 225
Threi < i ) rooma. 7031S Pacltlobt 18 o
Fourl ( ) rooms , 1702 Webster st 18 0
Four (4) ( ) rooms , 4I'l South luth nt 18 o
'Ilueai3)rooms ) , MJtlNorth2st ! st 110
Tnroo (31 ( rooms , 703VS Pacltiost H C
'ihreo (3) ( ) rooms , 1412 Pierce st PJ o
' 1 hive Mrooms ) , lOiiN. 20th bt 11 2
' 1 hree (3) ( ) roams , 707 Pacific , l-J ( i
Three O ) rooms. 701 ! { 1'acltlo st 11 C
'f\\o (1 ( > rooms , 1814 Ilownulst 13 t
Uhree(3)iooim. ( ) . 111. Herco st 12
lApply to Judge Homing Apency , Herali
a building , a. W , coinur ot Uth and llarner st.
TTP" HUNT 0 unfurnished rooms to parties
JL1 without children , for light housekeeping ;
only 0 blocks fiom 1' . O. nnd X doors from car
lines all newly painted. No. 1012 Webster st.
! > Q-
rPWO large tintumlshed rooms en sult ; all
JL conveniences , 2U07 Casssr. 2il IJ
ijlTTtST FoorTo rent unturnlslied for llKht
- housekeeping ; all conveniences , 1(115 ( Cup.
a\o. 8I5-10 *
TOOK KENT Double Btoro room , suitable for
-L clothing , Groceries dry goods , etc. , location
first chiss.Aldress X 111 lloo olllce. IM
KKNT Storeroom Tlio lejjantly fitted
Jhtorerooni , outhe t lornur I'aiuam nnd Six-
ttfliith streets , opposite Max Mejer i. llros. ,
( now occupied by i'liton llios * . cnndv store ) Is
now ollered for rent , Call on II , N. McGrew , at
Dally Nonporell olllce , llrst door youth of Six
teenth and Farnam , ari South Sixteenth , llest
location In Umaha for retail cigar store , milli
nery or drug store. _ 2" !
TOOK HRNTStoreroom , northwest cor. 15th
J and Vlnton. _ 2.1
TOOK HfiNT Store near Odd Fellows' hall , on
JL Saundcrs sf , ; llnd store prefened or suitable
for heavy poods ; will finish to suit tenant , Kx-
cellent location , lent reasonable Joseph lllls" ,
Sclni } ler. N'eb _ i ) lit *
rp WO stores , 22x50 , just completed , with Hats
JLof seicn rooms above , with water and gas ,
first-class finish , Cth and 1'nclllc sts , low lent.
Apply to Kllinger llros. , U12 a. 10th st. , Omaha.
FOK HKNT I'liie retail store and Igrgo base
ment on loth st , best. side of stieet , IIOJ pi > r
month. Call at onco. O. r , llairls > oii,4iss _ 15th.
STOHK for rent , llll Farnnm htieet. Imiulro
of Nathan Sheltou , at 150" > 1'arnaiu street
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ! C7
TOOK HKNT-Olllce suite W. month , 2 single
JL' otlices $15 each , all fronting liith st , llusli-
man block , N. 1 ! . Cor. Ifith mid Douglas. W. M.
Hushniau , lull Lcavenworth. 820
TOOK HKNT Storeroom , No. 214 S. 14th st. Ap.
JL1 ply at lilt ) Howard ht. _ 77
FOK HUNT Half of Ml S. llith st . opposite.
Chamber of Commerce. M. A Upton Ac Co.
JTO11K for rent. 510 N. 1fith. Inquire of
3 Henry Oithotr , 1513 California st. KM
" 1710H KENT * 25 per month 111 st Hoer , $15 per
JL mouth second lloor , 1511 Haniey st. 3" > 2
SALOON for lent by pajlng llcen o ; Illness
cause of lualug. . Address , A 12 , lice.
311 1W
FUH HRNT Half basement. K04 Parnam st.
181 10-f
JTjOOD bain cheap , 1921 Chicago st. WJS
WE glvn spe ( ml attention to lontlng and col
lecting rents , list with us. H. E. Cole , room
0 , Continental block. 487
"fllOH quick icntal and good tenants list your
J-1 houses with H. II , Wandoll. 403 N 10th st. 2nd
lloor. 437 a25
rpo Insure quick list your propeltv
JL with J. H. 1'arrotte. 100(1 ( Chicago. 241 a21
pi It. SMITH , C1U N. 10th st. 334o23
IF YOB want your houses rented place them
with Henawa & Co. , 16th , opposite postollice.
STHAYlil ) or Ptolen-A Iher colored Irish
spaniel ; \erylaigofor the kind ; u
i fnrd w ill bo paid lor las ilclU cry at fl.Hi S [ "Jth
nn- . K)8 ) lit
Ljsr ( Ono Iron giay pony mare , oho wW7o
hind foot , i't re nul for her leturu to
oiity-elghth nnd Davenpoi t bt. ' , " IS *
UP Hay norse , B j oars old , 2 white
JL hind teet , spot on nose , 1 miles west on Cum-
ing at. JohnL. Lane. 17-2i.31.A7-M
fllAKEN UP-Sorrel mnie pony , star in fore-
JLhend. Jut S. Head , 3401 Dec.iturst. IM ) 10 *
PKHSONAIi Wanted a young man w 1th good
habits who has } JXHor ( ) M.ixX ) who wants to
go into a good paying busluc'&s w 1th n good
linn ; address befoiu the first of September ,
X-WJ lloo olllco. None others need apply. 1SIO 10
PIIHSONAlj If you nave u personal item , or
any communication , drop It in ouo of i'he
lice's message boxes. 100
IF you want to buy , sell , rent or exchange
call on or addreis George J. SteiusdoilT ,
room 6 , opposite I' . O. 231
FOR BALI : New upright piano , first class
make , will bo sold at a bargain If taken at
once ; owner leaving city. Call at " 111 Douglas
Btreut. UK ! IBji
GAS fixtures for sale cheap. Have a largo as
sortment of the latest design- gas fixtures
which 1 will soil at coat. M. U. Tree , successor
to J. 0. Klllott. agent. 1'illVi yuruam st. ! J7S
FOH SALU rurnlturo nearly new ; house t
rooms ; terms reasonable , 170i Douglas. J ,
L. Chamberlain. 15.1
T71OR SAL1I rurnlture , carpets , etc. , of a
JL' room Hat , at great hacrlllco ; paity has tc
leave town. 1'tat centrally located , fan be
rented. 111 S. 15th bt. 1'lat No. li. 100 11
GOOD mortgage secuiltles for sale by K. F ,
Seaver , room 40 , Ilarker block. M4 10
Sl'KAlvlNO of housekeeping , I have for sale
the furniture of a nine-room house , nicely
situated and can give possession at onco. II. W ,
Huntress , 1417 , Farnam t. IU3
FOH HA Li : Alow cholco milk cons. C. V
Harrison. 41B 3.15th. iCM
TCTOH BALK Heavy young team horses , smal !
pajment down. 0. Jl. liatou , 810 N , 10th st.
EL1XJANT two-seated carriage , oest make
will sell cheap for cash. O. J. Steinsdorlf
Itoom 0 , opp. . .
5OiX ) tons of ice for Bale by Iloogo Packing Co.
Sioux City. &SM.23
FOH BALL llie lease of a ten room Hat aiu'
furnltuie , which is coaily now. Addles :
U. 1)7. care Hee. U75
FOH SALK Elegant carilage horse , no\
phaeton and hainess. Inquire loom 40
llarkcr block , 441
T71OH SALK Planing mill machinery. "Tall a ;
JC 14U-I Dueuport st , Omaha , 310
/"lAUPIJT weaver. Hog carpats made to or
Wder promptly and satisfaction guaranteed
MUs .MurJa Chrlstciisen , U27Jtli avo. , Omaha
TTOMW for Tiestltute Women and Children
JLXS71U Hurt st. 'J40
IF you naye anytnlng to trade cah on or ad
dress George J. Btornsdortl. Room 0 , oppo
site postofllce 1U7
rpHE banjo taught as on art by Geo.l' . flollcn
JL beck , BOD Ilai ney st. 1SJ
BKAUTirUIi fncea and foims guarantee !
i'ace bleach removed freckles , pimples am
wrinkles. Jlper bottle. Hook of receipts fo
the comulectlonSj cents. Send i cents for cli
cular. Madnmo Huppert , " 13 State Etrccl
A UCTION nnd Storage Wo are prepared ti
-Ci-rocelve conKlgmneuts of furniture and othe
goods for bale at auction at our largo stUesrooti
No , 1U1 raruam bt. Cash advances made. W
have nlsotho best of storage fr.ctlltles. Outsld
enles attended. Omaha Auction vV Storage Co.
U58 80
W OMAN'S Hxchange , 1617 Tarnam st. Luncl
dally , supper Saturday nights. 1)40 )
u repaired at 111 S 14th st-
VM 14
HAVING entered the llrm of H. McClotlnnd ,
Co. , wholesale and retail dealers in coal an
coke , 1W7 Douglas st. , I have turned over t
Hrnawa ft Co. , Frenzor block , my rental an
Insuiance business. F. L. Oicgory. 213
HE. . THOMPSON , Hoom 113 Sheely block.
\-T 05o
rplN and sheet iron work , rooting , spoutlni
JL guttering Jc repairing done well by ou\ age
DeLee , tinners , 1514 Uodge , opposite postofllce
USO 14 *
cash for necoud-lmnd furniture , stove
SPOT carpets. Anything from n bedstead t
a house and lot. Orn Ic Co. , 117 N. Kith at.
64U , B. U
AUCTION and Storage We nre prepared 1
receive consignments ot furniture ami otm
goods for sale or storage at our warehouse , H :
1'arimm Ht. Outside auction sales utteudei
Omnlm Auction & Storage Co. 1 7 Bfl
FOH HF.NT Storage very cheap at Hlock
Heyinan , clothiers , lllll Farnam st , T > \
Orphauii' old stand. 623a2a
STOHAOK Pafe. dry nnd clean at low rate
itiddell & Hlddell. 1112 Howard. 4.4a23
STOKAOF.-P. Hocco Uros. Is Co. , 1103 Howat
street nt the lowest rates. KKall
nittACKAQK , storage , lowest ratei. W. .
-L UuftUrann , 1311 L aveaworth. , 187
" \17ANTKD 'A young horse nnd phaeton , or
TV will buy either separately , Knnuire , 1318
Fnrnnin. * _ _ S4. 14 _ _
HA K a.fowth6usanT ( doHnrs to Invest" In
gix > d ll(9t class mortuage notes. W , J Martin -
tin , 10th nnd Chicago fits. UTt ) 10
$ r > ,000 on ImiiA to buy good paper , or will trade
a nlco properly ou Webster , between 17th
nnd 18th , nil clenr for good Incunibcsed bus
iness property , llutchlnson A : Mead , 1521 Dodge.
, U7A HI
WANTKU-Folding bed. Address XW. llee.
B 30.1 IJ
\\TANTKD Household furniture , etc. , Omn-
TT hn Auction Ahtornge Co. , 1121 Farnnm st.
WANTKD Good nousn and lot in desirable
partot the city ; will give first-class bar
gain to anyone if suited. Geo. 0. Storus'lorlT ,
Itoom 0 , Frcnzer bit. 818
\\fANTKD-To buy a second handed tire
TT pioof afe , nbout 17 inches deep. 15 wide
nnd about ! W or 3d high , inside measure , W. S ,
Cook , Bccretnry South Omnlm Loan nnd Hulld-
lug association. ! ! 5" > 11 *
WANTKD"Kast front lot In west part of
town. Address , xa , llee ollice. 71.1 21 *
SKVKKAL store buildings or houses that can
bemovod. Will pay good pi Ice If milted.
George J. StorusdorfT , room U , opposite post-
pIllceT Ul
SPOT cash for second-hand fuinltuie at A ,
W. Cownu'B , 4IM N. 10th t-t. 1W1 bO
II' you hnvo Impi oved business or residence
propeity that jou wish to hell , call and see
me. George J. bternsdorir , room 0 , opposlto
postolMce. 231
" \\71LLbuyfiinilturoofR nouse or flat con-
TT trally located. Co-op. L. &L. Co 'JOjN. 10th
VALENTINE'S Shorthand and Typewriting
Institute Is the largest nnd best equipped
shorthand school In the west. Graduates till oc
cupy good paying situations. Students inn en-
tei at any time. Send for circular. Js'ow Fa\-
ton building. Omaha. hliiS. 3
ATTENTION Airhed Mrs. Dr. Volande ,
most wonderful palmist In the world. This
lady reads join past , present nnd iutuie with
out question or mistake Now , after ) ou hao
been humbugged to M > m heart's ( ( intent by
many pretended mediums , mind readers , and
fortuno-tellois , conn ) and pee this gitted lady ,
w hen she will glto each one desh Ing a lead
ing of their life n test tree , to com inco vou of
her marvelous powers. A trial will couUnro
the most skeptical. She leads your past , pies-
eut and future ; will give jou truthful advice
on all business , money matter" , law suits , wills ,
changes , travels , all family aUalrs , etc ; ghes
Initials of friends or enc'inlcs ; tells of absent
Irlends and where they mo : tells what business
j on ui o mo t adapted to , also whatpaitot the
countrj Is thi ) luckiest for > ou to go to. Ladhs
are respectfully Invited to give Mrs.Dr.VoI.mdo
a call ; whether jou wish n reading of your life
or not , you shall bo politely received , ihls lady
will bo assisted by 1'iof. Volinde , clnlrv oyaiit ,
olllco rooms No. 1120 Capitol ave , cor. 14th ht ,
up one lllght. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed.
141) ) lii *
HT NANNlI V , Warren , clairvoyant. Med-
leal , business and tout medium. Diagnosis j
free. Female diseases a specialty. 119 N. iota
Bt..Itqouis23 Tel. 1)44. ) 109
" \TIDLANOGuaranteo and Trust Co. . i-
J-U-nnm Complete nbsti acts fui iilahod , A : titles
to real estate c'xamtncdperfected & . guaranteed.
BNSON & CAHMcilAEL furnish complete
and guaranteed abstracts or title to any
ruil estate In Omaha and Douglas county upon
bhort notice. The most complete set of abstract
boons In the city. Ng. 1509 Parnam at. 5 i
rpJIE Omaha Huancial Exchange , Itooin 11 ,
JL lUrker block , southwest corner of Pur-
nam and 15th ata.
MaVes a specialty of short-tlmo collateral and
real estate loans.
Money always on hand in sums of J100 and up
wards to any amount , to loan on approred se
curity. , w
Secured pot,89 bought , sold or exchanged.
Clear real e tuto and cash to exchange for
good llrst Or second mortgages.
Loans made upon laud contracts , stocks ,
bonds , tiust deeds , , llrst or second mortgage se
curity , wlthotlt publicity , delay or red tape.
Financial business of any kind transacted
promptly , quietly and fairly. Itoom IS , Ilarker
block. Cpibett. Manager. _ f3
MONKV To Loan By the undersigned , who
has the only property organized loan agency
lu Omaha. Loans of $10 to SlOJmado on furni
ture , pianos , organs.horscs , wagons.macnlnery ,
etc. , without removal. No delays. All business
strictly confidential. Loans so made that any
part cau be paid at tvnr time , each payment re
ducing the cost j > ro ratn. Advances made on
fine watches and diamonds. Persons should
carefully consider wlo they are dealing with , as
many new concerns aie dally coming Into exis
tence , Should you need money call and see mo.
W. H. Croft , Hoom 4. Wlthnell bulldlng,15th and
Uarney. B.X )
$2,000 of private money to loan , W. M. Harris ,
Hoom 20 , Fronzor block , opp. 1' . O. ; m 1UI-
MONEY' Good commercial paper and short
time mortgages bought. Heal estate loaus
negotiated. S. A. Sloman , 13th and Parnam.
MONEY to loan on Horses , turnlturo nnd other
personal property or collateial. Hates mod
erate : business confidential. Olllco S. W. cor
ner 15th and Douglas sts. Entrance on 15th ht.
Tlio 1'alrbank 1 nvestmont Co. ( M
MONEY" to loan in any amount , either for
building or otherwise , at lowest rates of in
terest and ou short notice , bholes & Hunt , suc
cessors to D. V. Sholes , room 1 , Barker block.
MONEY loaned nt C. F. Heed k Co.'s Loan
otllco , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons ,
personal property of nil kinds , and nil other
articles or value without removal , 3l S. l.ith.
All business strictly conlldentlal , C50
IF j ou are figuring on n loan go and talk with
A. K. Hlley , 1511) ) Parnam. 813
EASTEHN money cheap. City and country.
Olllco Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust Co ,
room 11 , Hoard of Trade Geo. W. 1 > . Coates 705
DON'T b ow money on furniture , liorses ,
wagons , etc. , until jou have seen C. 11.
Jacobs , room 410 , First National baulc bulldtnc ,
cor. lath and Farnam 055
ONEY'to loan : cash on Hand : no delay. J.
\ \ . Squire , UlU Farnatn Bt. , first National
bunk building. 141
CHATTEL LOANS made on any available se
curity. Heal eatato loans made on Omaha
city propeity. Secured notes bought. All bus
iness done promptly , quietly and falily at the
Chattel & llcul Estate Loan Agency , Hoom 7 ,
Hedrlck block , 1509 Falnasn Bt. , up stair
Archer & , Hobblns , 704
{ U1LDING loans , Llnaban te Mahouey.
> 651
Hit . , 1HEY $500,000 tel oan on city property
and Improved farm land. Freuzer block
MONEY' to loan. O. F. Davis Co. , real estate
and loan agents , 150U Parnam st. CJ2
$5HOfX to loan on Omaha city pertv at
per cent. O.V. . Day. BO cor Ex , Liu.
J1IHST mortgage loans promptly placed. A ,
K. Hlloy. 15IU Farnam. HI2
f OANS made on real estate nud mortgages
LI bought. Lou is S. Heed & Co. , 1521 Fnrnaiu.
i 047
f * I'EU CENT money to loan , Patterson & liar-
Uimrd 318 315th at tll.l
Gl'KHCBNTmoney tolonn ca8h on hand W ,
M. Hnrrls , room SO , Frenlzer block , opp. P. O ,
$600,000 to loan at tl per cunt. Linanan Ac Ma-
Louey , Itoom U > i I'axton block. U48
DON'T fall to bee A.1C. Hlley about your loan ,
at isioa'arnam. B13
G OO1) city nnd farm loans wanted by A. 1C
Ulley. Jilf Farnam. K12
RKAL c tat * loans , lowest rates. Odell llros
ii Co. . 18 tf. IBth et. 8M
MOTKVto loan ; large and small suras at low
rateij , for short time , on rial estate 01
chattel t > eiiirjfbecond ; notes bought ; nil tlnan
clal business Itrictly confidential. People's Fl
nantial Kxcbange , O. Houscnrenmanager ; roon
WK Darker block , 15tli and Farnam. 773
MONKV to loan on furniture , lioraes , wagons
etc. , or on aay approved security. J , W.Hob
bins , H. a Bheely blk. 15th and Howard. B4 L
OANH made to partle * desiring to build. D
V. Bholes , room 1. llarker block. 040
WE keep on hand money to loan on insldi
property in Omaha and South Omaha Ii
sums from MOO to IA.OUO , and as we do our owi
valuatlng , make nil papers , etc. , we can com
plete a loan any day you wish and pay you tin
money. Date * , Smith & Co. , Itoom 203 , llamgi
building , cot
/ 1ITV and farm loans muds nt lowest rates
V-/NO delay ; no commission charged. J , W
Hobblng , K. 200 , Bheely blk. , 15th and HowarJ
o /"MIATTKL nnd collateral loans , M. n. Davh
v lllj. mum. , Hoom37. 731
MONKV to loan ou Omaha und South Omahi
property. C. F. Hnrilson 41J s. 15th st. 31
, iMAHA Chattel loau Co. , has money to loni
d Won chattel and collateral security , Itoom ]
Omaha Nat'l Hang 615
MONRV to loan. Long time.Oeort'o J. Paul
ItiOJ Farnam t. U5J
T , OANH made on Improved nnd unimproved
JUclty property at loyvost rates of Interest ,
special rat t out uruo loans on inside property.
Odell Hros. A Co. UI3 3. Iflth st. K17
MONKV to loan on furniture wagons , etc. ,
without removal or on collateral security.
Ihtnlncss strictly confidential. A. K. Greenwood
& Co. , H 1 , Cunningham block , cor 13 & Jackson.
< T > 50U.OOU < i per cont. Money to loan on mpro-
4 > ved farms or city property. James A. \ \ cod-
man , at tno old fire Insurance oince of Murphy
TfOH SALK Good paying saloon. Address A
-1 : irilleaollke. J7.I 1C *
17011 * SALE Livery ctnble , stock and fixtures
i-complete , nil neaily new , rent reasonable ,
icntrnlly located , Aduiess A 14 , Ileo olllco.
471 s 137
MKAT market for sale , one of the best pny-
ing stnnds lu the city , old established trnde.
cheap rent , sales run fiom tl.MXI toJ , ( iOn
month. Imiulro or address Meat Market , IsilSt.
Mary's n\o. 371 18 *
" \VTANTKD A party who cnu keep cash book
TT nttend to billing out nndtshtpplliguiet-
chaudlse , that can furnish ? 1,6 0 to &MJUO nud
get } " 5 per month for his services ; w 111 gle thu
right party an Intel est In tlio buslnosor xecurity
for UMJ of money. Address A 17 , llceolllro ,
iio'J 15 *
\\7ANTKD-A reliable mnnwlth best refer-
TT encos to take one-third interest In good
paying business. Address A 1 ? , lice oilke.
aw in
\\7Khavosomo splendid openings in the way
T T of business ch.inces , Oiu.ilia Huslno s K\ .
S. W. , cor. 15th and Douglas. 308-10
\\rANTKD-A man to take whole Inteust In
i n barber shop. Small capital i oqulred.
Addr. A 19 , Ileo olllco. ili > 7-10
LOOK-Hero Is n snap , Hestamant worth
fJOUO for } i 0 ; Is clearing J250 per month.
Als.0 , asmall confectionery store atWWNHith
St. These 2 business chances are genuine bai-
gains , and must be sold nt once. Co-operntlvo
Land nnd Lot Co. 20' ) N 10th st. 310 10
TTlOlf HKNT or Sale-Good bulldlnc well lo-
JL1 cnted In njllvo town , population eight hun
dred : splendid opening for n live man with
small capital to oiien slock of light groceries.
AddiosailoxM , ( irafton. Nob. H57 21'
OH SALE Fitst-class restaurant lth splen"
did businesssatisfactory rea-ous for soiling.
Address J , 0 Morris , Logan , Iowa 351) ) 19 *
WANTED A competent printer nnd editor
to take churgo of the Lfuw oed Journal , or
the stockholdet swill soil the outfit for WH ) Ad
dress 0. r. Smith Linnood , Nob. 3tl ! 15 *
FOH SALE Cigar , tolmcco nnd confectionery
store , llcst location In Omaha. Address , A
1 > , Ueo otlice. tf5 ! 15 *
"T/1OH SALE A well-established wholesale and
JL1 retail tobacco nnd cigar business , enjoying
n uood Jobblngtrade in city .ind country ; biibi-
ness is located on ono of the business
Htreets in the city. ( load teasous for selling.
For paitlculnis nddioss X 55 , llee olllce. 172 15
F IOH ! SALE niacksmith shop , two fires ; tools
all complete. Address , X 52 , llee , 1'17 U *
FOH SALE Or trade , for good productive
property , one of the best Hotels in Omaha.
Address , X 5f , Ileo otllco. 171 s S
FOH SALE-At Kearney , Neb. , the furniture
nnd lease of Grand Central hotel , The second
end best house In the city , nnd the best located ,
being opposlto depots. Doing a paying busi
ness. Price $1,500. Inquire T , C. llralnard ,
Midway hotel , Kearney , Neb. 274
FOH SALK Agoodlumbei.coal , agricultural
Implement nnd llvo stock business. Address
Hedge liros , Yutnn. Neb. 791 s 1
TT1OH SALE-Klrst-class billiard hall nnd bar ,
JL ? long lease on property , best stand In city ;
good reasons for spiling. Addiess A 2 llee olllce.
275 17
DHUG store , established 20 yrs , thlsclty , 2,000
cash , rare bargain ; address X CJ llee. 215-89 *
FOR SALE Stock of hardware , in good coun
ty sent town , only two stocks in the town ;
best location lu brick corner store : good coun
try surrounding ; ciops and buslues" prospects
excollant. Good reasons given for selling. Ad
dress J. W. Dolan , Indlanola , Neb. ftl 23
TJIOH SALE Or exchange , hotel in Hny
JL1 Springs , aolm ; a Urst-class business. Also ,
meat raarkot with llxturus ; for stock of hard
ware. Address , H. McNulr , Crawford , Nod.
195 19 *
FOR SALE A llrst class bakery , ice cieaoi ,
fruit end confectionery business iu Fre
mont ; splendid location , good reasons for sell-
ing. Address Oco. llasler. Fremont , Nob. 883
A GOOD bakery , llro-brlck oven and fixtures ,
J-i.n ( good business part of the city , for sale
cheap. Only store trade ; must be sold : address
X41.1tee office. 091 14 *
FOR SALE Hotel nnd saloon fixtures ; 14-
room hotel for lease. All new. lluslness
center of South Omaha. M. A. Upton it Co ,
TI OH SALE The celebrated mineral spring
JL ; near Imogcne , IdWn. A fortune for some
ono. Address , A. S. Lake , Shciiandoah , la.
I [ 588
TI OR SALE A gotid grocery , establlsned four
JL' years , good location , doing a good business.
Good , reasons for selling. $ JUOO capital , and will
take nothing but cash. T 20 , Ileo Olllco. 000
FOR EXCHANOE-Houso nnd three lots in
Walnut 11 111 for house and lot nearer town
or good land , Addtcss A 20 , llee. 38117 $
Fpo"EXCHANGK-Stock of drugs worth J3. < XXX
JL Store building worth $ . ' ,0 * , in Iowa for Im
proved farm or city pioporty. Will bear close
investigation. C. F. llturiMjn , 418 S. isth st.
ITIOH EXCHANGE Merchandise for unlncum-
JL1 bored land , * iWXl ) gen'l m.'ds6. tV-MO hard
ware. J , E. D Hlseloy , Shenandotth , Iowa.
300 18 *
rpO EXCHANGE For real estate , other prop-
JL erty or cash. The right to manufacture and
boll an article which sells at sltcht lu every fam
ily. Only a few counties loft in Nebraska. Call
on or address. 1017 llowanl stifet , Omaha , Neb.
318 lit
T7IOH THADR-Flno lot. West End addition
JL1 Omaha , for Kansas City lots. Value , 5,000.
Address A 7 , llee. 30J 18 *
OM.OSJof good mortgage notes to exchange for
P clear lots , or lightly Incumbored pioporty.
Co-opeiutivu Land and Lot Co. , 205 N. 10th si.
NEW 2 seated carriage und new single top
buggy to trade for long time i oat estate
mortgage. W. li. Solby 15.J1 Furnam st. Oco
TO EXCliANOE-House and lot In Nora
Springs , la , worth $1,50.1. bank building in
name place worth W.500 , und 1HO acres of land In
Hancock county , Iowa , woith $2,400 , all clenr ,
for business property or good residence in
Omaha , w ill pay $ -,000 to * 5KM cash additional.
Call and get fufl particulars. C. F. Harrison. 418
815th st. 40U
" \X7ANTED-A good horse , buggy and harness
TT In exchange for South Omaha lota. George
J.Stciusdoilf. loomC. opp postofllco. 230
IGHTYSO ( ) acres of and adjoining Lake
Mauawa , Council , llluils , la. troot
will make 400 beautiful lota and is free trout
encuresrAiice. What nave you to offer ? George
J. Sternadorff loom o , opp P. O. 107
WANTED NINE hundred thousand or more
brick for lots nnd cash. N\.J. Paul. 100J
Farnam. 774
J. bTEHNSDORFF , Hoom 0 , opposite P.
O. , has jome choice farm land to trade
for city propeity. Will assume light Incum-
brances. 231
BRICh. Wanted 100,000 bricks in exchange
for good Inside Omaha property. H. A.
Sloman room 9 and 2J Jlollmiiu bulg. Ull
riMtADES made iu real estate and personal
JL property. See exchange book. ( Jo-on. L.
and L. Co. 205 N. 10th st. 105
" \X7HAT have you to offer for 1,330 acres of
T T timber landl n West Virginia , clear of In-
cumbrance , perfect title. George J. Sternsdortf ,
Hoom 0 , opposite P. O. gli
WHAT have you to trade for 80 acres ot lana
unlncumbored In .lunean county , Vflt , ,
,1 miles from county seat , U. J. bternsdorff.rooia
6 , opp PodtoIUco. 107
WILLgireyoua < ; oed tnme tor an eight ot
ten room nouse and lot. George J , Sterus-
r dorff , Hoom 0 , opposite 1' . O. 231
FOR SALE A beautiful IJ room residence Ir
block 5 , Kountre place , south front , has al
latest improvements , Including batn. gas , hoi
and cold water , furnace , electric burglar alaric
and annunciator , laundry , \egotable cellar am
furnace rooms in basement , malting ID rooms li
all , interior tinely Mulshed in oil ; pricn $0,500
J 1,000 cash , balance easv ; this Is an extra mn
snap , Addiess owner X 72 line olllce , 24410-
TT10R SALK-lly.Dexter I. . Thomas. at No
JC braska Savings Hank , 10th and 1 'nrnain
SO per cent off value.
10 full Iota at grade 0 blocks from postolllci
block. South Omalin , f500 each , terms to suit
who wants first choice ?
0 lots on 1'urnaiu street , east ot Dundee Place
north or south fronts , $1,600 cacn and less.
& nicest full lots in llodford Pluce.south fiont a
choice } 7U ) , terms cany.
10 nicest corner lots and adjoining in Llncoli
1'liico.very cheap nnd terms to buit.
5 ami 10 acre timber tracts tl miles froinOmahi
P.O. , IUXI p racre.
f acre tracts by Florence , can't be beat foi
small fruit , $00 per acre.
1 own the nbov o as well as lots In various nd
dltlons. Including 0 lots , on Woat > DroaUwuy
Council Illults. .
Sea me for a bargain. ,
Dexter L. 'lliomas , at Nebraska Savings Hank
' Board of Trade building. UW
tMMn i
i "SA JJ M
S' OUTIt ' 23rd , Just north of Vlnton , TO foot lots
for 11,000 , M cash. M. A. I'pton \ Co. 101
SAM ! Improved farm of W ) acres ; good
orcharil. fences , house , barn , outbuildings
nnd living water ; 11 ft con miles from Otunlin ,
Tlio best produce nnd llvo stock market In the
world. 115 per acre. 0. F. Hntrlson , 418 S. 1Mb ,
Omaha. U51
MOTOU line will soon mote , Then property
In north part of South Omaha win double
up ovt < rthese prices :
Lota , block24. dOxlM t POO
Lots 11 and W , block 20 , corner , ISOxlW . li W
Lot 0 , block f > , IWxlM ) . . . . . . 7V )
Iot 10 , block i , OOxlW 7W
Tlie p prices uro pxctMitlonnlj no projierty as
Rood oirered for nuy suclt money. M. A. Upton
Co. >
OH SAIjR-lly M.A. Upton & Co ,
10th st. , opposite chamber of commerce.
Husttieis 1'roperty
rnrnam street , bet cell 18th and 23d , MV ) ©
J7W per foot.
Cnpltoi n\6mu' , between 15th nnd Kith , KM
per foot.
Corner Ifith nnd Jones , CO ft. deep , * J05 per
Corner 13th nnd Jones , Crt ft. deep , JKW.ftJ per
louilis fctiect , between 10th nnd llth , fTW
per foot.
I toward struct , botncon llth und 13tli , JjOO per
Howard street , between 15th nnd 10th , J3J3 per
Twelve per cent Investment Three U story and
basement brick house * , 10 rooms each , all mod
ern Improvement ! ' , on iablo line , J-l.wji ) ; JViio
cash , balance 4 years ; will taku good , clear lot
lor part i .ish paj mout.
lleauttful south ttont lot In block 5 , Kountzo
1'lace ; elegant IS room house , furnace , laun
dry , bath , hot nnd oolilwnter , e-li'ctilo annun
ciator and IHirpliU alaim , lutetlor finely till-
Ished. ifn.lXK ) ; J-.tOJ cash , balance easy.
Pine Kountzo 1'laco tusideuke , south fiont on
Kmmet st. , bet ecu -"Oth and -1st , opposite th'i
resor\ , 10-room house tluely finished , all mod
ern comoiilences except fin mice , pipes In for
that , street tar ulthlu half a blocK , jHW ; J..uUO
lash or good notes , balance easy.
Ton-room house , new and complete , south
fiont , lu bloik ill , Kountzo 1'laco. Jii,700j JJAM
cash. This Is within 74 fcot of U'Oth ot.
Pine tcsldem-u In Windsor place , full east
front lot , elegant 10 room house , bath , hot and
cold water , furnace , llrst class barn. Aiholco
homo , * 7GOO. 1'ilco Includes now cnipets and
A nlio cast front lot in Windsor 1'lace , now
8-room house , well , cistern , cemented cellar.etc1
A line home , only JJ.7UQ ; $500 cash , J500 In ono
jear , balance In three jcars.
Here , see this : (10-foot ( front lot In Shlnn a
2nd aJd. , on I'lanklln st. east of iiotli , n-room
liotiRo , icllar , cistern , young trees , good sidewalks -
walks , etc. , etc. , M.Odd
Hvsldcnco Sites.
Pine building lot. No " , In block 1 , Dcntse ail-
dltlou , three blocks fiom cable line ; an extra
baigaln at f--"ij
Very Kosy Terms Lots U nnd 14 , block " , Kll-
by Place onB'Jth between Doduu mid Diueti-
port * 100 each. If patt > will build n hous > o to
cost not less tlmufl.Ouo , will sell lot with only
$100 cash payment , bnlinco 1 , 2 nnd a yc.irs.
Pine residence hlte. l ixlW , east fiont corner ,
between Loaenworth and Parnam , only t o
blocks fiom paved stteut. Note the hl/o nnd lo
cation of this pleco of ground and then the low
price , H.Min. .
Ileautlful east front lot In Aicade 1'laco on
'ifith street , just south of Leavenworth.for f l. nii.
This Is $ .VX ) below actual value , nnd will bo In
ttio market n short tlrno only at the prlco
Very Choice Uesldenco Site 00 feet cast front
on It7tn utruet , 150 foot wiuth of Furnam. 37th
fctreot Is bolug paved from Farnam to heaven-
w orth. No locution bettor than this for flno
estdence. Price , $9,0 * ) .
'i e blocks from paed streetono block south
, f Leavcnworth , tiJxlJJ , coruoi , lies beautiful ,
irartual slope from Iota to Jeavouworth btrcet.
1,150 ; $ IM cush. Is below bed rock for this. Note
he slzo of the lots nnd that it Is n double cor-
10 r.
Now here is a bargain : 20x140 on Parknve. ,
> otweon Mason and 1'acltlc tits. , W.101) ) , adjoining
0 teet sold for # 1J5 per foot.
Don't miss this : Lot 111 , Clniko's add. . Just
north of bt. Mary's nvo. , 04 feet front , woith
W,400. ! We will sell for n short time for Ji.GOO.
South Omaha Property.
Three good South Omaha lots at n price much
) elow their value. Lot 14 block 12 , Albright's
iiiiox , just northwest of depot.on main county
road , $100 ; lot 1 block' ) , llrown's park , corner
on Kid and H ( Hrowiibt. ) , $1,200 ; lot : i block 21.
"outl ! Omaha , Unest inside lot , 00x150 ,
lent , JKX ! ) .
Lot tl block IM , and lot 1 block 09 , H.OOO each ;
one-third cash , balance in four equal semi
annual payments. Viaduct on L st. will make
hese lots very lalunble. Lot 1'J block 71 ,
' t fiUO
hotel bargain New 14-room hotel : lot HOx
BO , Just south of N st , , prlc $8.000 , which in-
ludea hotel furniture , saloon fixtures , etc.
lOOxlV ) on 25th just north of Jl st. , opposite
.hn Hood hotel , witn good cottage , $10OW. This
w ill be w orth SJO.J a foot in a yo. r from to-d.iy.
Wo have on our list the best South Omaiia
Business nnd residence propeity in the market ;
wo can soil It at the low est price obtainable.
M. A. Upton& CO. , Tel. M , W
GJ.STBRNSUOHPF , roomfl opposite post-
olllco , will sell you n good 4-room house
on Iflth street , 2 blocks south of car Hue , by pay-
ng UOO cash , balance monthly payments to
suit. 'Ihls Is n splendid opportunity for any
one wanting n cheap home. 331
Foil SA1YK S40 acres choice land adjoining
the original town of Exeter , Nebrabka. 125
acres in timothy grass ; GO ncros cultivated land ;
10 uoi es good wild grass laud. This Is suitable
for Hue farm or addition to town. Exeter has
two lines ol U. H. , IJ. A M. nnd N. W. , has mill ,
elevators , schools , churches , canning factory ,
\c. Address J , W. Dolau , Indlanola , Neb.
V.UM ti >
\\TILL sell a lot near Low o ave. for 81,500 , and
T T loan $1,000 to Improve same , on fl > month
ly payments , Address , 0. C. Patterson. 481
FOR SALK ? lMWfora neat 5-room cottage ,
iiOll Gince bt.ulco homo foramechnulc WOIK-
ing in the north part of tow n. Kasy paj monts.
C. F. Hnnlson , 41H South 15thst. ail
SOUT.lIOMAIIA-I.ot3 7.8. 9.10 , block PO , 210
. loot on Hellevuo avenue. Including n corner ,
adjoining grounds of Spring Lake park , only
P5iOO , W.OOOcash ; a great bargain and can only
be had through us. M. A. Upton Ik Co. 223
T710H SALE The very best land in Chojenuo
JL ? county. Nob. , from fo.OO to 87.00 an acio.
1 tenth down , balance in ten annual equal pay-
inoi.ts. Leddle llros. , Julesburg , Colo.
534-a 23
IAS1 agent for some of the lines tresldence
lots in Hanscom 1'laco and can otfer them nt
figures it will pay you to investigate , lllcks ,
Hoom 40. Darker block. 441
ONLY a few lots loft in II. & M. paik addition
to South Omaha. What have you to oiler/
George .1. Sternsdorfl. Hoom C , opp.U > . 0. all
FOR SALK-Lot 5 , block 11. 1'lninvlow , f 1.100 ;
make cash od'er ; you will waste time talking
iade. C. F. Harrison , 418 S. 15th. Ill
( C600 buys n full lot and good 4-rooni cottage.
P easy terms nnd good locution. Sholes &
Hunt , successorsto 1) . V.Sholeu , room i , Ilaikcr
b'ock. Wi
filOR SALE-Chcap , splendid homestead 10-
JL1 llunulshmont , 10 acres tioos growing ; ad
dress X 4 > Hoe olllce. 1 > It
TOULL lot northeast corner Tarnnm and 42d
JC house that -ost J4.BOO , all for W.500 if taken
this week : go no further for n bargain. M.A
Upton A : Co. 164
H T rilAN'lCLIN formerly of f > 43 Pnston llldg.
.iTl.wlll carry on hi * trading nt 15111'nrnain tst.
Kedlck'slllock at I'nulsen nnd Arneman'A room
nnd will nl ays have a good list of property
to trade and exchange. 410
\J\OK \ SALK Iluautlful B-ronni house with all
JL' modern improvements , full lot , Kouutze
place. $7WW ; j cash. Will trade for good va
cant business pi operty on Io or Sauiuleis Ht ,
C , F. HanIson , 41B S 15th Ht. CM
FOH SAIiR Fulllot and large 2-stoiyhouso
ot 7 largo looms , good well , cellar , cistern In
the kitchen , good neighborhood , street tars ,
church. HChool and store close by. All new nnd
complete , fci.fl.Xl. Bmall cash payment , b.ilancn
monthly. Just the place lor a man of modelato
means and large family , Comu nnd wee me
about it. 0. P. Harrison , 418 S. 15th st , fU-J
N'INTl'-FIVK by one hundred and thirty-two
Houth and east front on 1 arnum and 40th
for tf < 0o , M cash.balance 1,2 and 3 yearn. How 'a
that ? M.A. Upton & Co , lOi
ON15 thousand people wanted at ray ollico , 80
that I can tell you how to gut a homo. 1 tan
put you in the way of having a nice , cozy little
place of your own. It don't take much money ,
Ottll anil HBO mo about it at once , C , F. llurrl-
son , 4188 l&thst. 777
liiOH 8ALU 1 nm prepared to build you a
JL' good house in a good location and take
monthly payments on the linusu and lot. Call
and see me about it. C , ! < ' , Harrison , 4 IS S isth.
7 U
_ _
TOH 8AlK-Ixt 5 b8 Lincoln place. . . $ 7M
J ? ixrt 14 b u Hertford place , south front. . . G.VJ
Lota 24 and 2S b 4 Hnwthorno . S.ooc
Lot fl b 10 HItchcock'd 1st . , . NIC
Ix > t 23 b 19 llanioom place . , . l.ta
Lot 12 b 'lt South Oinana , corner . l.iuc
Lot * b4 South Omaha . wx
5 nnd IU acres llnent garden laud InHprlng
Valley , per acre . , . KX
Marshall & , Lobcck , Hoom 1) ) , Chamber of Corn *
inercu. 1K1 ll >
DO you want a south front lot in Omaha Vle\v
jUHtweatof new school houseWe have
oniiaU7 < X ) . M. A. Upton & Co. 104
ONE hundred and thirty-two by ono hundred
and thirty-two on Jlrlstol street , between
24th and auth , tJ.MM. M. A. Upton & Co. 1C !
"IjlOH SALK Or exchange We have sonis
good Omaha real estate nnd
farms , which we will sell cheap or trade foi
stock of clothing , furnishing goods , ilrr goodn ,
boots and shoes , grocerl03 or hardware. Schlo *
- . lOthst- ' > u3
POU SAU'-Lol JO , block 7. South Oinnho ,
$ ; W ! lllrt cheaps worth _ . V.V. Harri
son. 418 S. 15th st. lit
FOH SALK A beautiful residence lot In Isnno
V Hclden's addition ; if you want n bargain ,
Imcttlgnte , Uoorgo J , StcnvjJorll , Hoom 0 ,
opp. J.O. _ oSl
Wth. Just south of CastKllar. the very
Clilnest kind of east fionts ! on grade ; natural
tines ; jo ) front foot. M. A. Upton iVCo. 104
riOUNCH , HLUrra-Nlce 1-room cottage.
Wgood barn , lot TiOvlUO , on llroadway , paved
street , street cars by the door ; can give posses
sion nt nn nuy time , but has good tenant nt 115
pur month. Only $ il M Twenty acres just
north of Ilroadwny , ono tuilo from the river ,
} l , ( iO pcracie ; submit oiler ; only Co feet from
motor line. M. A. Uploiuv Co. 7J7
AST i renT TirBliunVSil add , three-nuartors
ot a blk from the route of ruble ; lot 50x127 ,
R feet nbove grade ; if J.s if tnkenrmtck. < ! . F.
Harrison , 4IHH. 15th. 171
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y ' ,
The Host Route from Omaha nnd Couuoll
niuiTs to
ClUcngo , .VXD MHwnuhcc ,
St. Paul , Mliin iiiolis , Ctxliir Rapids ,
Hock Island , I'rcopoi t , IlocKforcl ,
Clinton , JMibuquc , Davenport )
El ln , Madison , JimmlUc ,
Uclolt , Wlnuiiii , La Crossc ,
And all ether ImpotUnt | < olnt > la t , NorthcMt and
.SoiUh mt.
For through tickets rail on the ticket neentot 1101
rnrnam Mruvt , tn llnrkor lllocU , or * t Union I'sclDo
I'ullinan ' Bloeneri and the nne t ninlng Cnra In tit
worlit nrc run ou the ninln line of th CUIrago.Mll
waukcu A Ht. 1'aul Uullwar , anil avoir Hltoutfonl )
paid to passengers by ruurteoui emplojcs ol U
ul lI'fTr.KH , ( lenernl Manaucr.
J , i . TUCICKll. A sl nnl Ounornl Mananor.
A. V. Jl. UAllriCM'Kll , ( Juncral l-utonter ted
Tillo : "aKAKFOHD , Assistant
and'nrkut Au-uit. . . . . .
J. T. CliAlllJ. DenorM but > orlnton < l t.
Certified Checks , Payable al Sight on
Pugct Sound National Bank Given as
Security tor Money Invested.
To thnailo < lmus of Imylnsproperty on tlmo , wo
oiror the follow iuiz. Wo will iillow from 3 month !
tnH > enrs time , nrconllnic to tlio Inml you soloct.
Wuclmrisc neither premium nor Interest on tlmo
natment' , and will irtvo you a wnrrnnty ucoil. Wo
| IH\O lota ut $ JO ami tV > tlmt uro wltliln a radius
of two und n hull miles of tbo poutofflcoivre
qulro only II ) per cont. as an c mipnt money and no
wlllKlvcccrlltluil chock for tlio lull amount of each
andc'ToryMibfeauc'iit payment. Ihorliockliclrnirn
by the I'uirct Sound Nutloniil hunk nndlamaaepay *
nulo nt flynl niul you can ( trim your money atnny
line though by tmilolnx you forfeit yourrlghtsto
mrclimo land. Alako your Incomn. no matter tow
imiill.purn somctlilnK. Trnnsconttnentnlrntlroads
iiolH-inlltiE for Suuttlo , nml munufacturlnglsflour-
MilnK. Ucnornl comniprco Is In u Btnto of ub tn-
lul proiircsslon. The dnlly pnpcra are nllcd vrlth
nccoiintsof now cnturprlsu . Ontiln rAr nndhorjp
curs circle tfenttln. Ajilrpjj COOK * iUOOIIE.
Who have ( hit I.AltliKbT 1'UOfKUTV LlbT In
A. Couccutratcd Liquid Extract of MALT
nutl HOPS.
Aids Digestion ,
Cures Dyspepsia ,
Strengthens the System ,
Restores Sound , Refreshing
Priceless to Nursing Mothers
by EiniiiGiit Physicians ,
For Sale by all Druggists and Rich
ardson Drug Co. , Wholesale Drug
IU main lines and bronchos Include CHXOACK ) ,
and ecoros of Intonnodiate cltloa. Choice ol
routed to and from the Pacific Coait All trans-
fera In Union UopoU. Paat train * of 7in * Day
Coaches , elegant Dining Cars , magnificent Pull *
man Palace Blcopera , and ( between Chicago. It
Joseph. AtchUoa and Kanaaa City ) Hacllnlaa
Chair Oars. Btata ITree. to holders of through
flrst-claau tlcketa.
Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska R'y
' Great Rock laland Route. "
Bztonda Wet and Southwoat from Kanaai City
tndBL Joseph to NELSON. HOHTON , . BELLE-
HUTUiUNSON , CALDWELL , and all polnta In
and boyond. Untlro paascngor equipment of th
celebrated Pullman manufacture. All caftty ap *
pllancos otid modern Improvomonts.
The Famous Albert Lea Route
Is the favorite between Chicago , Bock Island ,
Atchlaon , Kansas City and Minneapolis and St.
Paul. Ito Watertowu branch traverses the great
of Northern Iowa , Southwestern Minnesota , and
Enst Central Dakota to Watertown , Spirit Lake ,
Sioux Folia and many other towns and cities.
The Short Line via Deneoa and K nVi > Vo offer *
( upoilor racllltio * to travel to and from Indian-
opoUs , Cincinnati and other Southern pclnta.
ForTlckeU. Mapa , Fildori , ordctlnd Informa
tion , apply at any Coupon Ticket Olllco or addroM
deal Jilaoas r. Oenl Tkt. 0) ) tut. Agfa
I lie largcet , fastest and tlncat In the vrOrlil.
I'HKienKur accoramcxlHtlonfl unnxcfilled.
\e\v York to Ulu u w vlu tMUdontlrrrv
ANClloitIA Aug.lRtli I FIU1NE4SIA , Rrpt.Cth ,
IH.vosiv Aue.i'.tn KTMHFIMA gout , litli 4
CiitCAssiA Kept , lit I ANCHOHI4 bept. 22J" '
Tbo Colchruted iLurumtunl nnett I'aj-IHopt. Cth
KtoHuislilii I wager Hlunnior In I Our. iint 1
CITV OF HUM It | the World. | OCT. 3Ut.
btloon pauago to UlasgOTr , Derry. TJrorpoal , Ilelfatl 1
orjueenstovrnund ) upnurd * p r cla ! ow Hleam- , ,
on. Hilund npwartli Jurrlty nf llnme. Heconrt-cla J ,
( 'tl , Kuturn lU.kuU nt reduced ratoi mada arallabie '
for cltliur route , odorlng xiurrlonlsu the prlTlloua
of seeing tna North nnd South of IreUnd. the Hirer *
Mers T unrt plcturcique Clyd . Btearnue in AneborVf '
Line Urntu payable froa ot ch r o , > old at jowajt'f J
rates. For book of tours , tickers or further informn-4
lion apply to \
HENDERSON DH03 , , 72 La Salh St. , Chicago. \
Or to auy of our local > n
Farm Loans i
KeKponsiblo icpre5cnt tl\es wanted. Call or '
\trlteim. i
Ueatr.lco NfcbrsiU.