Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 15, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered by Pnrrier In Any Pa ! t of tlie City at
Twuty Cent1 ! I'er Week.
ntTMNi : s OrncF , No. 4) .
NKIIIT I'liiTon. No. "I.
N. Y. Plumbing company'
The rotfulnr meetiiif. of U A. IM1C. . of L , ,
xvill bo held this evening nt 8 o'clock.
Dnlbcy'B military band will nrcoiniiany the
republicans on their trip to Glenwood this
'Squire Sclmr/ tied the mnlrhnonlnl knot
Monday evening for GcorgO Uopur tind Miss
Ada Plnhhnm.
.T. W. C'rossland has taken out n permit to
Improve his residence property , nt the comer
of Washington nvonuc mid Second street , to
the extent of $000.
An enjoyable children's party wns given
Inst evening at the beautiful homo of C.
Hnldanc. esqA largo number ofoung
folltH were present und p.isscd u vciy plena-
ant evening.
The paving of South Mndlson street will bo
completed to-morrow noon , and the force
will then bo Bent back to complete the lower
Mroadwnyjob. This will requite about two
weeks of pleasant weather.
John , infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Enul
Study , died at 5 : ! iO o'clock yesterday mornIng -
Ing , aged one year und four months. The
funeral will take place at I ) o'clock this after
noon from the family residence on Lincoln
Next Saturday evening there will be u
family gathering at the homo of "Uncle
Billy" Garner , in Garner township. Dalbey's
band will bo in attendance and furnish
music for the occasion. It is expected that
there will be about ninety present.
QMr. H. L. Shepherd yesterday sold to Mrs.
Shubert three lots in Street's addition. Mrs.
Shubert will at once bcpln the erection of
f two or three line dwellings. Mr. Shepherd
also sold to F. J. Knspnr , of Omaha , two lots
in Ueiison's second addition on Broidway.
Chief Lucas received n notillcation from
Wcston yesterday morning to the ottcet that
two loads of corn were stolen from there the
night before. The chief investigated and
found that they crossed the liver about an
hour before ho w.m notified. Chief Seavey
was Informed of the affair and will look into
the matter.
* UL
Git 13AT
Of Council Bluffs Lots at Auction.
, I will offer /or btilo and boll without
rqaervo to the highest bidder oiic-lmlf
of nil the lots in Couhrnu's addition to
Council Blulls.
One lot of every other pair through
out the whole addition will be s-oid with
the privilege to the purchaser of the re
maining lot at the sumo price. The
ground on which the addition is laid is
known as the old fair ground forty ,
north of the Union Pacific depot , and
fiouth of Broadway. The number of
lots are 100 , or four to the aero.
Ten per cent of the purchase money
cash in htind. The balance in nine
equal annual payments to bo evidenced
by notes bearing interest ut 6 per cent
per annum , secured by mortgage. The
proj.orty purchasers will got warrantee
deeds , title perfect.
I will albo sell on the same terms and
at the eamo Bale 100 lota in Central sub
division and Street's addi
tion on grounds joining on the
north. Some of 'thobe lots are situated
on Broadway.
The plaeo of sale will bo on the
grounds on Wednesday , the Itllh of
September , 1888 , and continue from day
to day till all is sold.
The lots and blocks will bo numbered
on stakes and maps furnished bidders
on day of sale. Other particulars on
day of bale. A. Cuciiu.vx.
Money loaned on furniture , pianos ,
diamonds , horses , buggies or anything
of value , at low rate of interest. No
publicity ; fair and honorable dealing.
A. A. Clark & Co. , ollleo cor. Broadway
aud Main , over American Express.
Personal Paragraphs.
Mrs. E. C. Hunt returned yesterday from a
Visit with her parents at Lincoln.
M. M. Marshall , general agent of the "Q , "
returned Monday evening from Burlington.
Mr. E. E. Harkuoss is conllned to his homo
pn Bluft street by hillnmmatlon of the
It. bowels.
Mrs. O. D. Kiplingcr and son Earl loft .yes
terday morning for u two weeks' visit with
relatives ut Crcston.
Oliver Cook , a prominent citizen of Prince
ton , 111. , Is In the city looking after valuable
investments In Bluffs property , heretofore
made through C. J , Colby.
John Churchill returned yesterday morn
ing from a six weeks' vacation at Spirit
Lake. His family will return In a few days.
John says he hud great luck iistiing , but re
fuses to give uny figures as to numbers or
Weight , as ho realizes that the fellow who
talks lust hus every advantage. IIo will bu
ready to relate some interesting stories
about next Christmas.
Judge J.V. . Cochran , of Minneapolisspent
yesterday in the city , He is on his return
from California , where ho has been recreat
ing. Judge Cocurnn was on the bench ut
Peoria , 111. when J. U. Tipton of this city
WOR studying law in Bob IngcrsoU'u ' ollico
years ago. The two mot hero by chance
yesterday , anil an Interesting o.\chango of
reminiscences resulted.
The young Indies of tlio Episcopal
church will ontortiiin a booiublo at the
residence of Mrs. Dr. Stiliman on Wil
low avo. , Friday evening , August 17th.
Ice-cream and cake served.
Patrons of the Pacific House have
none but words of pvaibo for tlio atten
tion given thorn.
Deepening tlio Ditch.
The Indian creolt sewer ditch is to bo very
materially Improved. A contract lint boon
let to Mr. Williams to deepen the ditch two
I , feet , nnd work will be ln to-day. Mr.
Wlllams haa n ditching muehino that will d
tlio work by running over tlio ground once
f- It will excavate n ditch thrco feet wide and
two feet deep. Six yolie of cattle f urnlsli. no
motive power. They are attached to a
twenty-foot evcner , three yoke upon each
Blue of the ditch. In this manner they can
exvavnto about n half n nillo n day. The
work will bo begun just above tlio Uroadwiiy
bridge nnd continuing for thrco miles , re
quiring u week to complete it.
The ditch thus formed will carry all of the
sewer water , and the Rides of the present
ditch will bo cut down with scrapers. Mr.
Williams was busy yesterday i-'ettiiip his
niachlnery ready for n btart. Tlio proposed
change will increase the capacity of the ditch
to about double what it now is.
A. A. Clark & Co. negotiate loans on
( arm and city property.
A list of over twenty vacant dwellings
for I'ont can bo obtained at oflk-o of E.
H. Sheafo & Co. , corner Broadway and
Main streets , up stairs.
Iloforo Hid Honor.
JuURe Aylesworth was confronted with a
very pugilistic- crowd in police court yester
day morning. Four Individuals with swollen
beads were charged with disturbing the
peace. The court started in nt a very lively
rate , but could not keep up the rapid pace ,
LouU Wind-was fined $10.10 , James Maker
? ' lO.iii ) . O. S. Ciitterlln's case WHS continued ,
f unit Charles Smith was discharged.
The casn of Hyron Hrown for striking
k Colonel AVhlttlcscy wa * heard. Brown
pleaded guilty to assault , but the court with-
hcU'icntenco until ho could Investigate the
Full line of bheot music at Council
Bluffs Music Co. , 221 IJroudway.
Try the Monarch Hour , tor sale only
at Fcarou'a.
ffl C08YEJT
The Republicans Favor Ohnrlos M.
Harl For Congress.
Severn ! Places Struck niul Persons
Shocked Klilitliit : Urothnrs No
OHO For the nitliy Weeds
IJlunitcs In the West.
Planning For Victory.
The republican county convention mot nt
the county court house yesterday afternoon.
At 2 o'clock the convention was called to
order by Colonel U. B. Dnilcy , chairman of
the county central oominlUco.
Walter. ) . Smith and M. J. Scars moved ,
In ordur , that J. J. Stcaduian nnd R M. Lind
say bo made temporary chairman and secre
tary respectively. Carried. In taking the
chair Mr. Stcaduian spoke briefly but elo
quently , predicting the succcssof ) the party in
the present campaign.
On motion the following committees were
appointed by the chair : Credentials L. S.
iVxtcl , B. F. Chiiton , W. A. Throp , John
indt , J. M. Truynor , Frank Shinn.
Permanent Organization 11. Molt , W. J.
Smith , H. A. Clatterbuck , C. II. Converse , IM
Resolutions U. F. Clayton , S. B. Truin ,
' . B. Treynor , K. C. Hubbard , James Mat-
GfWhilo the convention was awaiting the ic-
ports of these committees Suenccr Smith
, vas called for and gave a short and ringing
speech ,
The committee on permanent organization
reported making the temporary organization
ho permanent one. The report was adopted.
Jr. Burrows , of Ohio , addressed the eonvcn-
ion at length.
The committee on credentials reported re
presentatives from all districts except Wash
ngton , Lincoln , Wright and York townships.
Thcio being no protest * the report of the
committee was adopted ,
Walter I. Smith moved that the secretary
all the roll of delegates to secure their
choice for congressman. Following is llio
ballot : C. M. Harl , 45 ; Major Lynian , ill ;
Colonel Sapp , I'J ; McGinnh , 1. Total , III ) .
A motion to call a recount of the vote was
nrrled ! )1 ) to .12. A motion to select delegates
o the state , congressional and judiciary con-
, 'eiitions caused a debate as to which should
> rcccdo in the action of the convention ; the
iclcetionof delegates or a continuation of
jallots on congressman. A vote resulted in
continuing the ballot. Hcsult ofsecond
choice , Harl , " > 0 , Lynian i0 ! , Sapp 14. On mo-
ion of Colonel Llr.dt the endorsement of C.
M. Harl was made unanimous.
On motion a committee of live were ap
pointed ' to select delegates to the various
' ( inventions above noted except congres
sional , as an amendment made and
adopted gives Harl the duty of selci ting
ilclcgates to the congressional convention.
The committee aie as follo\\s : State--
Harvey Pace , J. Sims , L. B. Hob\ins , G. H.
Putnam , John Jinks. Judicial L. B. Cousins ,
II. A. Smith , W. 1. Smith. M. Beck , C. H.
Converse. Congressional T. P. Treynor ,
P. H. AVind , W. II. Sperry , M. 13. Brown ,
Ur. Hart.
Messrs. Converse and Scars wore ap
pointed to notify Mr. Harl of his endorse
ment. Pending the arrival of the nominee
the committee on resolutions reported , and
their report was adopted. Time and space
forbids an extended notice of this report.
The salient noints of the resolutions aio as
follows : Hegiet in the dcatli of General
Sheridan ; nil endorsement of the principles
expressed in the national republican
platfoim ; hearty support of the re
publican nominees for the oftlccs
of president and vice president , an earnest
expression of the wish that Messrs. Smith
and Campbell bo their own successors as
members of the state board of railway com
missioners , and instructions to delegates to
work for the nomination of John Y. Stone
for attorney general.
On motion of W. I. Smith the thrco com
mittees above appointed were instructed to
act as one committee in the selection of dele
gates to the various conventions. The , fol
lowing committees were reported : To the
state convention : J. J. Steadman , T. P.
Treynor , Frank Shinn , E. A. Consigney , F.
J. Stiliman , D. F. Perry , A. P. Wind , U. A.
Benson , E. E. Hart , J. T. Spangler , A. S.
Hazelton , Paul Beesloy. D. C. Bloomer ,
Jacob Sims , Charles M. Harl , L. S. Axtel , B.
F. Clayton.
Judicial Jacob Sims , Frank Shinn , John
Liobwieh , M. I. Sears , A. Lavcnburg , Wal
ter I. Smith , M. C. Beck , C. H. Converse ,
C. Boscn , J. C. Mitchell , John Green , A. W.
Johnson , J. W. Askwith , J. B. Matlock ,
James Connor
Congressional U. C. Hubbard , J. J. Stead-
man , Kd Mott , Dr. John Green , Walter 1.
Smith. Cory A. Heed , I. M. Treynor , Wil
liam Arnd , L. B. Cousins , T. P. Troynor ,
C. M. Witt , Frank Shinn , C. H. Converse ,
II. Coffeen , H. V. iatty , George Bolton , H.
A. Smith. The repot t was adopted.
On motion the delegates present at the
various conventions were instructed to poll
the full vote of tlio delegation.
The committee appointed to notify Mr.
Harlo of his selection appeared with that
gentleman , who was introduced nnd made
a short speech which was full of patriotism.
On motion the county central committee
was named as follows : First ward H. C.
Hubbard ; Second ward Ed Mott : Third
ward William Artid : Fourth ward I. M.
Trevnor ; outside city E. A. Bouham ,
Bolknap township ; C. H. Converse , Boomer ;
L. II. Axtel , Carson ; S. C. Campbell , Cen
ter ; J. L. Phillips , Crescent ; J. B. Matlock ,
Grove ; G. M. Putnam , Garner ; A. F.
Clatterbuck , Hardin ; D. F. Dryden , Hazel
Doll ; Oliver Barrett , James ; Henry
Brandos , Keg Creek ; E. Cambell , ICnox :
J. B. Blake , Lincoln ; A. E. Kiukuid ,
Lnyton ; Daniels , Lewis ; T. P. Trojnor ,
Macedonia , O. Knox ; Mlndcn , H. A. Ben
son ; Neola , C. U. Dillon : Norwalk , Brig
Draybill ; Pleasant , S. B. Frum ; Hockford ,
Oscur Kelsey ; Silver Creek , J. G , Moss ;
Valley. A. M. Hough ; Waveland , J. D. Par
ker ; Washington , J. K. Anuis ; York , Ben
On motion T. P. Troyuor was made chair
man and C. H Converse assistant chairman
of the county central committee.
With thrco rousing cheers for Harrison
nnd Moitcm the convention adjourned.
Artists prolcr the Hallett & Davis
piano , at C. B. Music Co. , 1221 Broadway.
If you have property for sale at a bar-
bt it with ua and wo will advert
tibo it free of chargo. A. A. Clark ft
Co. , corner Broad way and Main , over
American express.
Stop at the Pacific House. The most
centrally located hotel in the city.
A Shocking Storm.
About 10 o'clock yesterday morning , dur
ing the progress of the shower , many of the
citizens in the central and eastern portions of
the city were startled by an unusually vivid
flash of lightning , followed by a peal of thun
der that fairly shook the earth. It was In
stantly conjectured that the electric fluid
had struck somewhere In the vicinity und in
quiries were made to locate the exact spot.
The llrst place found to have been visited by
the destructive current was the residence of
C larlcs M. Hcrl , on Oa land avenue. The
bolt struck the building at tha south end of
the gable , nnd ran down the roof ,
kcatterlng bhinglcs In every direction , and
tearing and splintering the roof boards in a
most reckless manner. It circled around the
chimney , and then entered the house , jump
ing through the attic to the door and tearing
n hole through the ceiling of the room under
neath. Here all trace of it was lost , and its
path of egress from the building Is unknown.
Mrs. Harl was standing In a room on the
lower floor , directly under the spot whore the
celling was pierced by Jho bolt , and received
a very severe shock. She says that the cur
rent seemed to pass directly under her spine ,
ant ) sue has suico suffered heavy pains hi her
back. She Is In delicate health nnd It Is
feared that the fright Incident to the shock
may produce unpleasant results. The domestic - '
tic was ironing In the kitchen , and the tint-
Iron was Jerked out of her hand by the'frisky
By fnv the heaviest shock was felt by the
resident * In the vicinity of Pierce and Frautt
streets In the eastern part of the city. The
shaft skipped along on the telephone wire
leading to John Bcreshclm's residence. 241
Frank street , until It reached the large cottonwood -
tonwood trees near the corner of Pierce ,
through which llio wire was strung. It was
in these trees that the rampageous bolt
seemed to turn Itself loose , for
It played all kinds of praulss.
chasing up one tree and down another until
the whole street seemed to ben perfect blare ,
and the trees were torn , splintered and shat
tered so that they will have to be removed.
These trees lire lu front nf the neat little cot
tage of Mrs. Walters , who was at home at
the time , and was so badly prostrated she
may never recover completely from the
shock. She was thrown to the lloor and ie-
malncd unconscious for nearly two hours , but
was finally lestored to consciousness bv tors ,
( rccn and Lacoy. The principal witness of
the lightning's freaks was her sou William ,
who was standing on the porch at the time ,
about twenty-live feet from the trees that
formed the pla\ground.
Ho says that the lirst vivid flash was accom
panied by a qttpcr bu/ noise , nnd then u
huge bull of llru seemed to run down one of
the trees mid strike the earth with a roar ,
and immediately the Iruei and whole stroat
seemed to bo tilled with u bla/ing lire. Ho
experienced no unpleasant sensations from
the trying ordeal. The telephone wire was
molted and thu poles in llio vicinity badly
slmttcied. Mrs. M. II. Judil , who lives ill-
welly across the street , was thrown to the
leer , and ladies in Mr. Ijcrosheim's hotisr- ,
i block away , were b.mly shaken up.
J ho paper on the wall near the telephone
was burned and the instrument considerably
ilnnmgod. Several of N.irinan
"reen'B stable on Broadway , 110,11 by , were
[ urliully stunned. An lets wnguii belonging
to Mnlho'liind & Nicholas was standing on
Frank Street , about ono lunnlitd jurds
away , and both hoi son were thrown from
their feet but not severely injured. Inqui
ries at the telegraph nillces faded tn discover
my ( lamniri1 in that direction. At the tulo-
lilmne oliice the o'Tects ' U'ero ft It aad several
: lrops were thiown down , but no ccrious
: latnagi > done.
"lO he liphtning arresters on the outiiilo of
the building worked well and kept the
greater part ol tinetiM ciirrcnt o it ot the
ofllco. Several of the eoim-etions In the bit
were binned out , but cm bo replaced with
veiy little troui'le and at comparatively
Mimll rost. It is very remarkable that the
affected pu tics were not more seriously in
jured , even if not killed. It was a. very iiur-
low escape for of them , and they are
to bo congratulated on their good. hu-k. A
few dollars will rujuir all of ihu dainugi )
done. The Fr ink street trees have- been the
. auso of much complaint to the city council ,
and there will now bo no trouble In getting
them icmovcd.
Clover Loaf creamery butler - i centa
i pound at Fearon's.
Travelers ! Stou at the JJechtolo.
S. \Vndhwonlh & Co. loan money.
K. TI. Siicnfo IOMIIS money on chattel
security of every description. Private
tih'iUing rooms. All business strictly
conlldentnl. Olllco " > UO Bro.uUvny , cor-
icrMain street. up--itair.s.
The ; Miinaiva Hotel.
Yesterday morning Charles D. Hannon ,
proprietor of the Hotel Maimwn , made mi
assignment for the hciii'tlt of his creditors.
The assignee is David Chapman , captain and
owner of the lake steamer , M. F. Hohier.
The piopeity cons.sts of the furniture nnd
fixtures of the hotel. The move was w'.iollv
unexpected , and u burprisa to the majority of
the citi/ens. Jt H thought that the ii.-st
move will bu the reopening of the liostety
by George Ferguson. It cannot
yet bo told just \\hat stops
will bo taken , but arrangements
will piobably be made Immediately f jr the
proper accommodation ol vibitoi t > to the hike.
The following is the list of creditois and the
amount of their claims :
S. S. Keller , furniture dealer ? IM ) 00
J. J. Fe.iron , grocer 47. > 00
Council Bluffs Carpet company 'Jail
George Mcn&chemiorf , butcher 2tH 5J
Peregoy & Moore , cigars 2. > 00
P. C. Do Vol. hardware Tl ! ! ( )
W. A. Maurel 4 ! 00
Wheeler & Herald ! H ) ii" >
Nicholas & Mulhollund ( M 00
A. Louii ! 4000
Duquette & Co Ill r,0
S. P. McCunnell 100 10
Total 8Jir ; 18
A. A. Clark ft Co. . real oblate brok-
era , have a list of choice iiMdu property
on their books. Nothing hut bargains
Money loaned at L. B. Crafts & Co.'s
loan ollico , on furniture , piuno , hor&os ,
wntfons , personal iiroportv of all kinds ,
and all other arliolca of value without
removal. All business strictly conli-
dential. ,
J. G. Tipton 1ms bargaini ! in real estate.
E. II. Sheafe ic ( Jo. , make lon or
short time loans on real estate , in r > ums
to suit , at lowest rate of iuloront. Ollicu
Broadway and Main ntroot , up&tairs.
Now stock of now grass seed at
Illuflites In tlio West.
W. B. Summers , who was formerly with
J. W. Squires , and who is ono of the best
known young men of the Bluffs , has Just re
turned from TuLoma. W. T. , whore ho has
located in the real estate , loan and insurance
business. "Will , " as everyone calls him , is
enthusiastic over that pai t of the country.
Incidentally it has I'ocomo evident that he
has won warm friends there , as ho spoi is an
elegant ebony , gold-headed , cane , : i little memento -
mento presented to hioi by some of his
chums just as ho was leading on this trip.
I In intends lenmininghero a week , and then
proceeding cast , expecting to icturn in Sep
There are a number of Council Bluffs folks
at Tacoma. Among them is J. W. Kleeb ,
who is proprietor of a largo saw
mill , and who is r.ald to hu mak
ing money at a speedy gait.
S. II. Barbce , formerly in tlio real estate
business here , is busy shaving notes and
loaning money , nnd seems to be prospm-lug.
Dr. Miller , who was for a time associated
with the Into Dr. Uice , to whom ho is related ,
Is loeated thnro , and having a largo prautieo.
Ho is building an elegant residence , and is one
of the prominonts. His sister , Miss Minnie
Miller , who was quite a fuvorito in social cir
cles here , is with him.
W. W. Dearborn , who was for so long asso
ciated with Mr. N. P. Dodge , In this city , Is
located nt Seattle , twenty-eight miles from
Tacomn. His health is remarkably goo J. IIo
has opened a new bank , and seems to bo
thriving in all respects.
All kinds of produce cheapest at
For bargains in real estate see K. II.
Sheafo & Co. , Broadway and Main
street , upstairs.
Buy mantels , grates and hearth fur-
m&hings of the Now York plumbing Co.
Pacific iToubo is open to the traveling
public , notwithstanding to the contrary.
JMnlie War on Weeils.
Sunflowers are nil right in their plane , but
their place is not In the heart of the city. A
reform is sadly needed in Council BlufTs
Vacant lots are allowed to bo uncared for ,
and weeds have it their own way , growlnc
so rank and lull as to almost hide the sight of
all adjacent Improvements. The other day
the canning works folks hired a man to cut
down nil the weeds within tv.o blocks. Tbo
cleaning up niadu a markcj Improvement In
that vicinity , and an examulo worthy of
speedy ImrU'ioii. It cost but a trifle ,
nnd couiiuvl for much. Property owners
do not realize how hurtful impressions
nro formed ol their vdrjnt lots Just
from the unkcpt condition In which they are
allowed to remain month alter month . A
largo lot on Fourth street has been so covered
with weeds that whoa the other day the
owner had them cut off , li&roulil hardly recognize -
ognizo his own lot. Near the depots they are
allowed to grow up a largo quantity of sun
flowers and weeds , and strangers alighting
from n train natmnlly conclude this Is a vil
lage. There Is no excuse for resident prop
erty owners , und the vacant lots owned by
non-residents should bo cleared off by the
city , and the cost taxed up If ndccisftry.
There are numbers of vagrants daily fed at
the city expense , and these men might well
bo employed in the war on weeds.
Got prices on California poaches , by
the box , at Fcaron's.
Full Hue of sheet music nt Couucl
Blulls Mublc Co. , 1121 Broadway.
Two brothers , Henry and Emil Uosch , en
gaged hi a little pugilistic encounter on
Broadway yesterday afternoon. They are
both in their teens , and became involved In a
quarrel over the ownership of n ball , and it
was not long until each had fiatcrual blood
flowing. Several spectators were watching
tl.o mill with interest when Marshal Guau-
ella appeared and took the young "puns'1
into custody. They resented his interfer
ence , and thought it "too bad if u couple of
brothers couldn't have H family scrap , with
out a peeler sticking in Ills bill. " Tlio
Wilson was called out and they \voro landed
in the cooler , whuro they sat down tn n gnmu
of cards. The regular policeman on the
beat was huperintendin ; ; the engraving of a
tombstone ut tlio time , uiid could not gut
mound until later in thu day.
She Ca'.ihln't Understand It.
"What in the world has happened to
you siiu-o the lust time 1 saw ? '
asked one lady of another \vht-u thov
mot on the htrcut tlio other day ; "I can ( t
understand it. Then you were palo ,
hazard and low-spirited , and Iromom-
herod . \nu said that you hardly cared
whether you lived or tiled. To-day you
look oor so much younger , und it , ia
very evident from your beaming f.ico
that . \ ouilov niritHha\o | ) t'tUoii Ihtjlit. "
" .Yos , indeed , " wiw the reply ; "and sihall
1 loll , \ou what drove thoni away ? It
war , Dr. I'iorco'a Favorite Prohcription.
1vas 1 a martyr lo fuiii'tt'inal doran fo-
moni until rb'agnn Uiklnyr the 'Proscrip
tion. ' Now 1 am a- , well as 1 ever waa
in my life. No woman \vhosullersasl
did , ought to lot an hour pass ' /oforo
procuring this wonderful remedy. "
Not lo be ClOJOil.
A meeting of the creditors of the Hotel
Manawa was held last evening. It was de-
citk'd to Irtop Hie hotel running light along ,
and the full arrangements will bu completed
thh morning , 'J ho public will therefore bo
accommodated as usual.
The many ronuu-kahla cures Hood's
Sar-iiparillu accomplishes are bulitciont
proof that it doob possess peculiar curu-
ti\o poweix.
The iloir.l o" ' 1 r.'nlc.
There was a uoilly sicJ : niullunco at the
bo. rd of trr.Jo meeting last uvdirni ; .
The board decidjd to send u.committee to
the eosni'icommon' ? < " in'eiiUen at Denver ,
August 2 * . ai : 1 nauiod i. . BiittiiT. ' J'vans ,
D. W. Aiv'.cr and B. JV-vi'ly. Mnvor
itohrin-i.itiiiui id ll'Ut t' i-i ' vould also
sand repn'sunt ilives to the coiAcnlioii.
C. K. Hann.iii w.n cleusd e'nairmau of thu
finance committee In plnco of Mr. Wlcs/ re
signed ,
The committee reported In regard to the
Ked QaU cart manufactory ami was granted
furtlidr time to complete arrangements for
its location hero.
Tlio committee on manufactures was In-
stiucted to consldor the matter of securing n
more desirable location hero for the paper
mill nnd the advisability of organizing a
stock eomtmtiy with increased capital.
Adjourned for two weeks.
1'roiu Birth lo the Grave
Wo carry with us certain physical traits , as
wo do certain mentnl characteristics. Inso
much that psychologists have striven to
designate by generic titles certain tompora-
menu as the bilious , the nervous , the lym
phatic. The Individual with a sallow com
plexion Is set down as bilious , often rightly
so. If the saffron lu the hue of his skin Is
traceable to the bllo in his blood , its piesoneo
In the wrong place Instead Of the liver , will
also bo evinced by fur on the tongue , pain
beneath the right ribs and through the right
shoulilcrblado , sick headache , constipation ,
flatulence and indigestion. For the relief of
this very common , but not essentially peril
ous complaint , there is no more genial and
thorough remedy than Hosteller's Stomach
Bitters , which is also a beiiellelent tonic and
health piotnotor , and a widely esteemed
remedy for and preventive of fever nnd
ague , rheumatism , kidney and bladder
"Krltnnd n Yankee 1 no or.
London Letter : It is told that while
the Into Kmporor Krctloriol : was in Lou-
don for the queen's jubilee , Sir Morroll
Macki'ir/.io introduced a noted Ameri
can doctor to him. Alter a careful ex
amination of his throat.tho imperial pn-
tiont. in his usual cheerful manner , in
quired : "I suppose that an imperial
throat is very much like tlcat of other
mortals1' ' 'Woll , sir , " came the quick
reply , " \ve will try and make it so. at
any rale. ' ' The then crown piince
thoroughly appreciated the quick Yun-
Kco wit , and. striking his broad chest ,
Miid : "But , this in all riirht , is it notV'
The Yankee gravely looked the splendid
proportions of the illustrious patient up
aud do\vnand then deliberately drawled
out : "As for the rest , sir , you would
make a good American. " Frit/'smer-
limcnt was great , but the German doe-
tors present wore aghast at such levity.
N'evcr tSive Up.
Tf you sujTor asthma , bronchitis , or
uny ether dKeuto of the throat or lungs.
nothing surprise you moro than thu
rapid improvement that will follow the
use of SANTA AtHK. If you are
troubled with catarrh , and have tried
other mo.liciuu4ou , will be unable lo
express your mna/.omont at the marvel
ous and instantaneous curative powers
remedies nro not verot compounds , but
natural production of California. Sold
at fl.OO a package ; three for fcJ.oO and
guaiantccd by ( Joodman Drug Co.
Discovered Another
Caii u.o , August II. A large d.\nmuilo
bomb , containing enough of the explosive to
demolish an cntha train , was found on the
Chicago , Burlington .t Qnmcy railroad track
at Sixteenth and llalstead slroots this morn-
inir. The police susp'-ct Burlington sti ikers
or mpatlii L-rs. Tliev have no oluu , how
Po/.oni's Complex inn Powder pro-
duics a oft and beautiful skin ; it com
bines e\ery oleaicht of beauty and pui-
' ua
Call on M. itrmulwayvlicrc ywi will rcuclvo
Hit- '
WrouehUnd Cast § 1 alb ll FOR
} Xd JiHiitl BmB'Sy ' I l SLi KimpHuUu and
Not1100 to 1 00 , Tenth Avenue , Council BhiuSi-i. Toluphono 100.
1O To Loan.I'or > ult\To Itonl\Vuut * , IJuiU'tlin ,
etc. , will i.i in-crtfl in tli 3 co'.mu i at tlie l.nv
Kite ot T NCUil'S I'l'il IINLf r tlie llrst in
hibition and I \ o fonts IVr I.lno tnr cucn subM1-
( | ii nt ln ° rrtion l.t-nvo udvi-itiviments nr our
olllco , No. Ii ! I'oul ,5trtvt , ni-ar Iroail\\ny ! ,
< 'ouncI ! Itlnlls , lo\vi.
HOl.'SI'.S for lent liyJoniMou& ; Van I'atton ,
; Muln st.
" [ J Oll > . .VfiInipioved : ranch , liV ) ucie-i ; ir.O .
-1 } fiittli * . ' ) noises ; ol ht mlleu soutli of las- !
utt. l'io n Co. . Neb. A luiKaln. Addicbs , ( ! .
A. Illllifi't ; , at llivsett , or (1 ti. lec ! ollite , Coun
cil Illnlls.
FOH SAfill The licit small fnilt and \ etfela-
llo ) furiu lu I'otniwiittninlu coanty , two
miles Horn Council lllulls poito'llce ' , ut a ] ) rlco
that \\111 hjll it. on rnmnrkulily easy trriui.
Titlenorfoit and piopcrty in iriiod coiulltlrm.
1'os ic slou Klveu at any tliua. Uoi.liu.istm lor
bcllhiir. It. T. llryant .V Co. , a3 llrouihvay ,
Council Dluirs , hi.
Stocks of merchandise to ex-
rhninju for city pi opeity In Uimncll Hints ,
Omnlui. or Mostuin luiul or i huttclH of an } Ulr.d.
Wo m.iko exchaus < iiit ; a specialty. It. T.
\-'o. , l i llroiid-.v.iy.
" \\7ANTI.D BtocSi ol incicliundlso. Have
\i Omaha and Council lllulfs city jiropart/ ,
alto wi-8tetn land to uxuhiincH for gooil * . l ! . ll
on or aildruss .lohiKotiu ; Chriatt.iu , llucm 3'j ,
Chamber of C'ommurce , Omaha.
COU. fiTH AVia AM > 71'H ST.
Conducted by the Sisters of Charity ,
An t-xcnllput educational Institution , fnrnNh-
t-d with all mo lern improvements for bo.udiiiR
and day bchool. 'Iho acadoiuiu i.'ur onsi&t.s of
two bvsHlons , beglnnliiK < > u tn Iliot Monday In
Scptcmlier and 1'oliniary , roftpsttfnlly.
Terms-Hoard and tuition pur M-mlon , $7.'i.
For further partlfnlars nddiVss fliti'r feuparlor ,
St. 1'iaiicls Academv , Council lt\nlltf \ , la.
151-1 IOUGI VS ST. . ; OMAHA , Mill
EOOnroadway Council Illuirj , Iowa. Established
0. H. MoDANELD & CO. ,
Hides. Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
W anil 2 Main StrcetCouucU Uluff3lovr .
thvrro.iiliiK all opnoMtlon. 1111 the oemeteiiei
with newly inudu ra\e" , leuvl'ig the onto
happy home with iiotulns but memen
toes of lovul ones lost. Where
Is Mtoil it Is unlver allj found to lie
Tin1 \ aluo of a sln lo bottle for use in any of
the uboru named di-cu es Is leally iucalciilnlile.
Money ronlil not Iniluco tlio'e who IIIIVH thor-
oiiKhl > tried it to be without it. The market Is
tull of u-mediea tor a similar pmpose , and all
Imvonurlt in some caes , b it with them it is iv
stubborn fact that theho are in many places thii
of thucountiy. With this medicine they are
' 1 Ills medlrino has now been 1101 ! in I his country
II 113 no eijiinl on narth. Sold liy driiKSists every
where. HARLE , HASS & CO. .
Wholesale Agents , CounUl IIlulTs , Io a.
PRICE $15.
Is equal to
any High
The Killson Jllmcosrnpli , tlio be t iippnrutim for
mnnirnlilliiKi uutlioKriiplila nml typewriter VMIM.
JJOU copies cua liu tnkcn.
The Ezcohior Co. , Council Bluffs , la.
THE nmimm i
In accordance with numerous requests has de
cided to touch Tuxldurmy in nil its branches.
MoimtinK birds , | M ; witfi mummiiK and other
iutrlcacles. itUU. Would also like to receho
orders lor birds to 111) ) ordur book on trip bouth.
No. Wl Main St. , Council lilulls.
M. B. SNYDER , A. M. . M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Diseases of Women und Children ,
S07 llKU&war. Council UlulTs.
BaircTs for Fruits.
ltd Assorted Bnskcts Put Up to Order.
N. I. TIBBBTTS , nnd Save Monoy.
No. 3 ( A Hroaduay.
For yourLaghtCarriages
See Henry Van Brunt
S-o- Stock and Lowest Prices.
No. 12O Brondwny. Telephone No. 2O1.
LGo to
No. 2O Main Streot.
SWAHSOH MUSIC CO. , 329 Broadway
/ JestiiiiiH ( tii on Monthlu l\iimniti ) > ,
Ol'l ! tiXTUAUltDIXAltY LOW P1UCES for SItOXti
Js the ( mi" < it Hit Utah Ttmirrtttuitaf Cntnittltan. ) !
HosroiV UOOT A NOsroin ; / : . / ; . ; ; . ADAMS . .vro ,
IJ Kit u. ItiiMtttwaii , Council muff * , limit.
r to
SCOFIELD & GAVIN , No. 2OO Broadway.
BROTHERS , 533 B'way
All Fruits in Their Season. Tol. 2OO.
If i'on ll'nnt Snfu / await or Clic i > Loan , Call on
Jntcrnattoiutl llntlditiff , Lomittnil Invcxtmenl Union
Jl. f. 1\ID1 > . ( ' S ( > y , < > < > ( ! Broadway.
THE GROCER , 744 B'dway
wlTlie "lit I.AUE MAMAWA Take llio
M. F. K.OHRER . For the Beach.
CO. ,
rspeclally AdapteU lot
25 TO 300
POWER , Mills and Elevators ,
. . Durability CJuar-
steam plants. neRulntlon.
i-pcctm atlons nnd estimates furnished for complete
antccd. Can bhow letters from users wlii'io fuel Economy Is o m.U uith Corliss .Non-Loudcnslne.
itH.vM.aa noui u , corxi'iS' IIMII-'FS , IOVA.
Send for Catalogue , E. C. HARRIS , Manager.
Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineer. 1'lans , Estimate ! ,
H . " " Specifications. Supervision of I'ublic Work. Blown
Building , Council Uiufl'i , Iowa.
riMI TVOl IDI/C Attoiney at Law , Second Floor Brown Building , 115'
f I IN LL Y DU ni\L' " 1'carl St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
a \4i-rwi-rt i
' Justice ol the IVacc. Olllce over American Express , No. 410
i \ 5nUn _ _ - Broadway , Council Blulls , Iowa.
QTAMC P CIM ? Attorneys at Law , Practice in the State and I-edera-
O I UIN t Ot Ol IVI 5" Courts. Olllce Rooms 7 and 8 , Shugarl-Bcno Block ,
Council Blulls , Iowa.
UA7CTM Dentist. Corner Main Street and First Avenue , Counci
CP , n/\LL.IN" / Blulls , Iowa.
From 15 to 25 Per Cent.
Nos. 11 & 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
DR. C. B. J U DD ,
No. COS Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
"WANTED Good Salesmen on largo commission or salary ,
. .
i tffi'S * > „