Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 15, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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It Promises to Bo the Best Ever Hold
iu Nebraska ,
MyMcrlouq Disappearance of fix-
Deputy Slicrlir Fowlcr'n Alibi-
Labor Union Resolutions He-
LISCOI.X. August 14. I
The nnnual trotting tncctltiff of tlio Ne
braska association of trotting hors'o breeders
bids fair to bo very largely attended. Good
weather , and Its success Is already assured.
Arrivals commenced yesterday and prom
inent horsemen from all parts of the Btato
are here , to participate In and enjoy thoraces
races , which promise to bo the best ever wit
nessed in the stato. It Is confidently ex
ported that the Is'ebrasUa-brcd three-year-
olds will beat 2:37. : This statement is based
upon the judgment of Treasurer Johnson ,
one of the keenest Judges of horao ability In
the west.
At noon to day over ono hundred horses
had been entered for the season , compnsini ?
the very beat breed of the state , and nil of
the prominent Nebraska breeders are here.
N. 1. 1) . Solomon's two-year-old pacer , of
Omaha , that does half a mile In 1:10 : , wilt
test the speed of S. H. Hank's Gypsy and
George P. Tucker's Joy Hlrd on Thursday
oftcruoon. This will bo the most Interesting
pacing race of the season. Hut the trotting
tests promise the special features of the
course , and are provoking the greatest inter-
cat. The breeders of Nebraska arc ccitalnly
doing their level best to push fast horses to
the front and to develop that degree
of speed that will bring proper recog
nition and place Nebraska developments
on the turf where they belong. Of the nom
inations which closed on the 17th day of last
March the following entries are noted :
Stake for Nebraska bred two-year-olds
N. I. D. Soloman , Onmha , Chestnut Wilks ;
William Daily. Peru , Hell Thorn ; E G. Solo-
hian. Omaha , Wlnslow Wlllw : K. P. Fuller ,
JJavid City , Juliet : E. D. Gould , lAillerton ,
Uoldcn Maid ; H. Y. Uirkby , Nebraska City ,
Bhadow ; George C. Smith , Nelson , Uick
Caffrcy stake for three-year-olds HV. .
ptsson , Mindcn , Enough ; W. H. Haratow ,
Crete , Edward Pylo ; E. Pyle , Humtoldt ,
Louis P ; 1. MoEvoy , Elkhorn , Susetto ; J. F.
Cording , Ulysses. Orphan Maid ; L. H Muno ,
Omaha , Wild Air ; Gcorgo H. H.iily , Fair-
bury , Chalice ; D. H. Duvis , Hluo Springs ,
Binnlo IJoon.
Stake for foals of 1SS7 E. M. Moshcr ,
York , Miriam ; P. MeEvoy , Elkhorn. Carrie
JMurpio ; II. W. Oilman , Omaha. Darloy For
est ; N. I. D. Solomon , Omaha , Blizrard
AVilks ; Morris J. Jones. David City , Patron
ess : C. E. May no , Phuto Valley Hunch ,
Valley Light Foot ; C.V. . Bench , Auburn ,
Kitto Vera ; E. Pyle , Humboldt , Kate
Stake for four-year-olds S. II. Brack ,
Syracuse , Gipslo ; C. II. Crelghton , Omaha ,
LuluC. ; D. T. Hill , Syracuse , Pet Logan ;
. P. Tucker , Lincoln. Jay Bird ; E. L.
Hoed , Weeping Water , Chronometer.
Stake for 11 ve . \ ear-olds J. H. McShane ,
Omaha , J. S. C. ; A. J. Hrigg , Supsr-
ior , Lconidas ; A. J. Popploton , Omaha ,
Ncttlo Zulu : J. N. Baxter , Aratuhoo ,
Saturn : A. Lovctt , Guido Hock , Copper-
inont ; Moyes Uros. , Lincoln. Black Crook.
Free-for-all J.imes G ,
- - , two-year-olds
Ladd , Beatrice , Majolla ; E. ( ! . Solomon ,
Omaha , Wlnslow Whites ; H. W. Oilman ,
Omaha , King Forest ; J. P. Wagner ,
IBoatrice , Terror : E. Pylo , Humboldt ,
Ilurly Burly ; C. E. Maync , Platte Vulley
Ranch , May Hose.
Freo-for-all , threo-yeai'-olds J. F. Cord
ing , Ulysses , Orphan Maid ; James F. Ely ,
yVuburn , Martlnc ; J. D. Mcms , HastinpH.
Coin March ; E. W. Mosher , York , Hed
JVIng ; Georco il. Bailey , Fairbury , Harri-
gan ; A. J. Hale , Beatrice , Idavlan.
Ilirnm DuanoHathaway wants to go to the
Btato convention. Ho Is actually hurting for
the honor. Ho promises to bo satisfied if it
Is conceded to him. Ho will organize an nnti-
McHridn club If it is not , so it is said. But
the demand and throat are too cheeky to bt )
considered for a slnglo inlnuto by MoBrido
kind his following , and they give it out cold
thr.t Hathaway will have to stay nt home.
U'liere is no earthly help for it. The issues
jvero drawn at the primaries , and
three-fourths of the city and county
Bald that the gang must go , and the
Insolent thrcat'that the will of thopcoplo will
lie subverted If concessions are not made to
porno of the railroad and corporation pets
pomes with very poor grace , and especially
ivhon not backed by a corporal's guard fol
lowing. Minorities have somp rights that
Majorities am bound to respect , but not
jvhen principle Is involved that has
been decided upon by an express vote of the
people. The great victory won in Lancaster
county is not for sale.
The rcappralsemcut of the school lands In
fhclps county has boon received by the
board of educational lands and funds. Land
jbpprnised at $2.50 about twelve years ago
VUH raised to $ S per acre , while an occasional
piece of school land la raised to f 13. Phelps
L'ounty is the llrst to report of the list sent
nut about six weeks ago. It is evident that
the school lands of the Btato now have value ,
tuid will greatly Increase the temporary
school fund. Many of the counties expected
to report arc under township organiza
tion , and its such counties cannot
report to the board of township trustees , but
pnco in six mouths , the complete report will
Necessarily como in slow. Isotlcoottho re-
npprulsment of bchool lands in the counties
tinder township organization will conic
hrouph the township Ixmrd. The board of
educational lands and fundo mot to-day : tt 1
ti'ulouk and accepted the report of the reap-
jiralsment of the Phclps county school
Ex-Deputy Sheriff Fowler waived exami
nation at 1 o'clock to-day on the charge ol
participating In the riot Saturday evening
und shooting with Intent to kill. He gavi :
Jjomls in tno sum of $1,000 and was bourn
pvo" to the district court. Mr. Fowler'H ac
tlon in this regard was the source of sonu
faupriso , for it was understood that ho woult
stand preliminary examination. Matters arc
not altogether clear. The alibi ho promised
to prove Is still In the distance.
The young men who were wounded Satur
flay evening passed a very restless night
but Mr. Iloffor seoma rather cheerful thl :
morning , while Mr. Spollman sutt'ors con
etant pain. His nnklo Is considerably In
flamed and great care will luivo to bo takei
or ho will los > o his leg. Ho bears up bravely
bowovor , till things considered , and it is tc
bo hoped that ho will soon become conva
leseent , and will suiter no permanent in
The following resolutions were unaul
inously i assed by the Lincoln Central Trade :
and Labor union of Nebraska at their meet
ing hist ovenln ? and ordered published in thi
people's papers The Dally Call and Tin
OMAHA Bui : .
Uosolved , That the delegates from the va
rlous unions and labor organizations of thi
city assembled , heartily indorse the flrmnes :
of the Omaha citizens in their late oxcurbioi
to this city In refusing to bo returned eve
the scab "Q. " And bo it further
llcsolved , That this union do not ccaso ii
Its tireless efforts to protect the dignity o
this city and its people against the ncfanoui
plottings and scheming of corporate In
trlguers with their hired thugs and Vwlllci
And it is further
Uosolved , That we extend our hcart-fc ]
Sympathy , unit moral and financial aid to th
Capital hotel and sco that Justice bo mote
out to the innocent and guilty nllku.
J. H. Ida M KU ,
The board of public lands and building
piot to-day nt 2 o'clock for the purpose of a <
cejitlng the building of the institution for th
feebleminded nt Beatrice , und to settle wit
the contractors , Messrs. Lane fs Krone
Commissioner Scott and Secretary La\vc
liad previously Inspected the building an
pave n favorable report , and it was form nil
accepted and turned over to the stato. Til
new institute building will bo occupied In
few days. It Is needed. Enough applic.
lions are In now to more than fill the built
John Kills , president of the Pooplo' * bun )
Beatrice , was lu th city to-day.
Mrs. Ida Illchards , daughter of O. H.
Placcy , was buried ta-ilny at 'J o'clock ' from
the family residence , 1-UM Elk stroU , Pastor
Baker , of the First Freewill Baptist church ,
ofllclatlng ,
Adam Koth died latt evening nt the resi
dence of hia father , in southeast Lincoln ,
from n rupture caused by heavy lifting. Ho
was sick but n few short hours , but suffered
Intense iipony until death relieved him. Ho
was laid in the grave this evening at 5 o'clock.
The republican delegates of the Fourth
ward mot in caucus last evening and
decided to stand b.v Hull for the
house ns Ions ni then1 was any chance
for his nomination. The rumor that .1.
L , Caldwell would control some of this dele
gation does not Bei > m to bo well founded.
Mr. Hull has his home ward tolld.
Mr. Colby , of Gne , and Mr. Dow , of
John on , tarried the night In Lincoln , but
left this morning for other political trysting
placei. These Uvo gentlemen llnd the breeze1
rather cool In Lancaster for their political
c.\nvnss. H it not what the B. & M. crowd
promised them it should be.
Bhhop Bonaeum called n. meeting nf the
building committee at St. Terrcsa church a
d.iv or two since to consider the propriety of
BUing Hon. Patrick Kami for the $ . " 00 ho
subscribed to the building fund. Mr. Esau
informs Tin : ] Jin : man that he failed to got it
quorum. But no tiuco lius been signed und
thu war is still on.
Kreo to All.
The beautiful pii'luro , "Will They
Con.sontV" h u Ini'fjo magnificent PII-
praviup , printed upon . slicot 10 inches
wide by1 inches lonp. It is mi o.xiict
copy of mi original painting by Kwiill ,
wliicli was sold for S-5,000.
This elegant picture represents a young
lady stamiing in a beautiful room , surround
ed by all that h luxurious , near n hulf-
opcn door , while the young man , her
seen in an adjoining room asking the consent
of her parents for theirdaughterin m u nugo.
The line interior decorations , together , with
the graceful position of the beautiful girl H
In keeping with the sentiment of the picture.
It must bo seen to bo appreciated.
This valuable picture is fitting to adorn the
wall of any indies' parlor , and in onler to
offer an extraordinary inducement to intro
duce our Wax Starch , this costly picture will
be given away , free to every poison purchas
ing a-mnall box of WaStarch. .
This starch is something entirely new , and
la without a doubt the greatest st.iroh inven
tion of the nineteenth century , ( at least every
body sayi ho that have used it ) . ILsupcrcudcs
everything heretofore used or known to
science in the laundry art Unlike any other
starch , as It is coated with pure white
wax and chemically prepared upon scientific
principles by an expert In the laundry pro
fession who has had years of practical experience -
ienco In fancy laundrylng. It is the first and
only starch In the world that iiuikcs Ironing
easy and restores old summer dresses to their
natural whiteness , and imparts to linen a
beautiful and lasting llnish.
Please remember that the present you re-
rclvo with each box of Wax Starch , has
never boon sold nt retail for less than one
dollar. This great offer is only good for six
weeks , after which tlio present will bo omit-
toil and the starch sold at the usual price.
Try it and bo convinced of thowhola truth.
Ark your grocer for Wax Starch and ob
tain this beautiful and costlv picture fiee.
Keokuk , Iowa.
You can find cool , well furnished
rooms nt the Globe hotel , best located
houbo in Omaha.
Ono of tlio Stnvk Girls heaves Oinalin
to Marry Plunder Daly.
It is reported that two of the Sturic girls ,
whose adventurous careers were partially un
folded in TUT BEE a short tnno since , have
left the city. Minnie Stark , or Mary Stack ,
as her real name is , has left for unknown
parts. Franlclo Stark , or Maggie Stack , as
she is known nt homo , has captured the heart
of Con Daly , the pool-room patron who claims
to have won ? > 7,000 from the Diamond
on races a short time since , and
was married to him yesterday. The nuptials
are to take place at Sioux City , to avoid the
notoriety ot such n union should it take place
in Omaha.
The newly wedded pair will go to St. Paul
on their woJdlng trip , and in tno course of
two or three weeks will visit Omaha , the
scene of so many conquests , after which Mr.
Daly will resume his profession of plunging
on the races and "busting" the pool rooms.
Undue exposuresto cold winds , rain ,
bright light or mnlavin may briny on
inllnmnmtion and Boreneass ot the eyes.
Dr. J. II. McLean's Strengthening Eye
Salvo will subdue the inilaminationcool
and soothe the nerves , and fatrongtheii
weak and failing eyesight. 25 cents a
An Incident Which Enlivened Fnr-
iiain Street Monday Nl ht.
BJMonday ovonlngbetweon 7 and S o'cloekpo-
destrians on Farnam , between Thirteenth
and Fourteenth streets , were treated to a
scene , which for ono party at least proved
rather exciting. A well-dressed young man ,
of twenty-five years of ago , was driving a
stylish rig close to the curb and evidently
clossly following n handsomely drosaed
woman. Near the Union Pacitlc ticket ofilco
ho jumped from his buggy and grasping the
woman by the arm , exclaimed , "Darling , you
nro looking charming this evening , wont you
take a drive ( " The woman stepped back
and struck the man a heavy blow on
temple with a loaded cane. Ho was felled to
his knees but immediately rose and was
treated to u dozen blows on the head and
face In rapid succession. With a howl ho
turned and fled down Thirteenth street ,
leaving ohis horse unhitched. The woman
composedly crossed the street and dlsap >
peared uround the corner.
Tarrant's Effervescent Seltzer Aper-
ont , the boat family medicine for men ,
women and children.
Lotnnd hotel , Chicago , for comfort.
Dentil's Second VUlt.
Less than two weoirs ago , Dr. George L.
Miller was called upon to mourn the loss of
his fathornnd , while on his way east , to Syra
cuse , N. Y. , ho learned to his iulinlto borrow
and regret of the death of his sister , Mrs.
Georgia M. Uichardhon , nt Athol , Mass.
Mrs. Ulchardson is tlio youngest member
of the family , and was a remarkably bright
and intelligent woman , and hur death is sincerely -
corely regretted by her many acquaintances
in this city.
Dr. Miller will receive the remains nt Sy
racuse , N , Y. , und will attend them to their
last resting place at Cardiff , in the same
Its superior excellence provea in inllllous ol
homuH for mow thrm a quarter or n century , 11
iMixcd uy tlia United fitites ( loreriinicnt. Ku
dorsei ) by the licixrfH of the Krout univi > i > ltlc < s a1
the nud most heiltlit'ul. Dr
Price's Cream linking l'owderdo iiol contnlr
ammonia , limn or nliiin. yolil onlv in cans.
It. lltIUK JIAK1NG J'O\V1)KU ) CO.
New York. Culcagu. St. LouL
Impurities In the blood produce dlioucA.
Boilll/ end menial health drpond upon a
lieallhr conaillon of the blooj. Th Llaod ,
purtlcMiUtl/ tlio pprJug aud durlnit lUe liol
lummer niontlii , clogged with lm >
pnrltl , wh1cl > iKjUoti It nuil gcnfrate Ols-
cane. A Imrmlim blcxxl purifier , wllbuiit n
parlkloof inlnernl pol'on In It , such ni tiRr >
curj cr potath , Ii UN rs < arjr tu rcmoc Hies *
Impurltlrc nml toroth3l.r&ltliy tone of
rnlii'l and boily. Tli * bc t purlfltr and toula
known to HID world It R rltt'i8poclCcS.S.S. ) .
In record to IU onUi-rful purlfjInK and
tonic po er > Te gl\e a ftxr tollmojlnli r.
follow * i
Jlr. Wni. A. Slsliol J , with OPO. P. Uorell ACe
Co ,1) Spruce Slictt , t < ewYor , writes March
3lh , I'm t " I feel It my duly , for tlio benefit
of others nhanmy be anllum ! as Ivn , to
wrlto 5oil thli letter , which youcim UIOBJ
tar te llinony Innny ay yoHchoo. 1 , I vlll
mwcr nnylnUlry | from olhcnln relation
to His farls lirrfwltli ntatod. In February
Ian I siiflcu-d Rtent pain nml Incumenlenct
from bolls , nil over riy nock 11 could not Ittrn
my lioiul r.'ltbuut r.cuto pslnnnd my blood
t > M In poor condition. After trjli.i nil th *
utual remedies In nuclicasta , und fmdhiKiio
relief , by tlio pcnuaslon of Mr. J. W. Frars ,
Manager of your Now York OfflC' ' , I tt od on
Iwtllo B. B. U , nud I Improved nplJly nml
Terjr roon I o entirely lellovcd of my
" Job'i Comforters. " Now not u tlcn of my
affliction can b ncen. I feel f tronc and cheer
ful. S. H. S. Ha fine tonic ni proved In uiy
case. la'.eepnoundl ) r.nilmyapi llt9lsROLHl.
Dr. J. N. CUcmy , a wcllkiioun pliyslolan
write' from Ellnvllle , Ucornla : " I u ( > S. H. S.
In couvalnscent fever cases w I'.li Iho beat re-
dills. Until , In m > Judgment , prevent turn *
merdncntery , If ono n 111 taken few bottlei
In the spring , thus preparing Iho Ixmiltifor
tlio fttraim ot eummcr. "
Jiit. Sv-ott l.lf.ton , liG Zane street ( Wand ) ,
Wheeling , West Virginia , writes : "HaUD |
tiSL-il 3 ( I. S. for the lilootl , 1 can pafcly ? nj
tlmlltbenHnnjthlnK Il.meliied to clrnnsi
the , > lojtl and niako a new bctnfc , out of a per
on. "
Ilr. JI. S. namlln , Winston , N. C. , vtrltest
" 1 use It every sprln ? . It alwnjs bullils > n
up , fihliu' uio appetlto mid tlUekllon , nnj
nnUIInt ; mo to stand Iho linx , trjlng , cner-
Tntln hot fiiinimer tla s. On tislnii It I AOOU
liccoino strung of bo Jy mid easy of inlud. "
Treatise on Ulood and S ln Diseases mailed
TIIK Sn irt Brtciric Co. , Drawer3 , Atlanta.Qa *
4l ) Ovuu A MILLION DIM iunrTiu
Louisiana State Lottery Company ,
Incorporated bv the ! < > Kl3latmo in IbW , for Ed
ucational unil I'li.ult.ible iniiiHMcs , mul Us fuiu-
( hlit ) mud" a pint of the pn-spnt Stiito Constitu
tion , In IS ? ' , by an overwhelming popular vote.
talc place Seml-Anmmlly , iJnno and IH'Comlien
nn.l . its ( , UANI > SINOf.i : NUMHKIl DHAW-
1XC1S take place on each ot the other ten mouths
In the year , and are all ilinwn in public , at the
Academv of Jluslc , New Orleans , La.
"Wo do hereby certify that we supervise the
airaugemi'iits tor all the Monthly mid Semt-Au-
mini Uruw Ings of The Louisiana btato Lotteiy
Comunuy , aud in person miuuifjo ami coiitiol
the Drawings theinsuh es , nml that the sinie
are condui'ted 1th honesty , tairness , ami tu
peed futtli toward all parties , and we authorize
tlio company to use this rertltlcnte , with Inc-
similes of our signatures attached , In Its udvui-
tbeinent.s. "
Wo the nnderslRnea Hanks nml Hankers will
pay all 1'rlzes tlia'vn In The Louisiana State
Lotteries which may bo piciented at ourcouu-
11 M. WALMSLBY. Trcs. Louisiana Nut. Ilk.
I'lintUK LYNAUX , I'res. SUte Nat'l Hk.
A. HALDWIN , I'res Now Orleans Nat'l Ilk.
CAUL KOHN. I'res Union National Hank.
In thn Academy of > Iusie , Now Or-
loaiis , Tiicfclny , Sept. 11 , 1H8H.
CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000.
100,000 Tickets at Tffeaty Dollar : oah ,
Halves $10 ; Quarters $5 ; Tenths $2 ; Twen
tieths $1.
T.isr OF PUI7ES.
1 I'KT'/R OV iiOJ.OOO is $300,030
i iMti/.n 01im.ooa la
1 I'HIXU Ol 60,030 Is
- OF : > .oi ) ) is
y 1'itix.nsor u.U'JO ' are
r > I'lii/Ksor 6.WW are S5.lrH
25 I'lir/KSOK LOW are S > .03i )
BCD lire TiO.tWJ
1'iii/r.sor ; iOJ are 0CUO
U'OU aie lOli.OuO
Al'l'IinXIMATlON rllI/-ES.
100 Piizcs of S5H are fiO.ffl )
11H ilo ! 1 nro i,0ll )
1UO do SA ) are 20,01)0 )
093 do 100 aie Pl/tO
039 do 110 me W.VJW )
3,111 Prizes , amounting to 51,051,800
NoTK.--Tlckot < drawing Capital 1'rl/es nro not en-
tltloil to terminal l'ri/o .
( irw'Kui < Cl.uii KATts , or ny further Infnr.untlon
duMrert , write leslbly tiithniui'lLMal.'nu.l.c'loiirly ' tit- :
Ini ! yourresMenco , wllh Mite : , ( 'nnnty , Mrnot mil
dumber.Moro rni'lil return ni'ill ' ilelivery will he m-
siircil by lour enclosing Hn onvclopo bouln/ > " r
full utlureaM.
aunit rosl'AIj NOTUS , Kxpross .Money O'leri. or
Now York IJxclmiiKo In orUln.iry letter , I'urrency liy
us ( at our ( oxpcnse ) ntliln' H '
* '
or JI. A. DAUl'lIIN , . . ,
Wnslilngton , 1) . C.
Address Registered Letters to
Nuw OrkniiK , Lu.
> That Iho prcicnooof ( Jen-
X er ls llvaurvKiuduml KJr-
ly , who are In i hnrgo of thu ilnminiM , | 9 n u'u-iranlc : )
ol absolutit lulriicii anil Inlrtvrlty , thui Iho CUIUK-UI
am all equal , unl tint no ono can possible ilUlnj
what nuiubor w ill draw nprle.
"ItUMUMIlKH , also , that tlm parment of IM/cs Ii
rW Orknns , Hurt the TlckPti are slt'iio 1 by tlio Tresl-
ilcnt of an InntHutlon , wlioio cliuiteroj right * are
rprciKHlteil In Iho liltho't CourUi iheruKiro , bowiiro
uf miy luiltatlunj or unonymous achrwud. "
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
The only roml to ta'to for"I > ea Molnr * , Sliirshnltturn
Ceilur It iplili , ( Minion , Dlion , Chicago , Milwaukee ,
mid nil pulnt * Knit. Tc tlio puuplu ot Nobritskit.CnhH
ratio. V'jn > inlnu , Huh , Idnhq , Nuvtrtn , UruKonush -
Ingloniind C'alltornlu , It ( irfcrs superior tdvuntiigca
uol po * lbln tir any other line.
Anionic n finr nfihc numerous points of superiority
cujciycd by thu imlroni of thl * ronJ between Oiimhit
nuU t'lilwiso , uro Us thrre tralni n il y of DAV
CUACIIIS , which " ru the ( input thut huiunn art Mid
liiKenultr cnn rrcuto. lt l'AIACi : l.iKl'INli OAlts ,
thoeminl nf which cnnnot bit tuunclclnewhero. At
Council Illuffj , the tniln * of the Union 1'uciHo lliill-
wur cunnuct In union depot wltli these of tlio Chi-
enio. < c North western Ily. In Clilcmiu the trains of
thin line mnku close connection with tUoc of all
othnr Kastern lines.
1 or Detroit , Columbii' , Indlanapolli. Cincinnati ,
Nlamral-alU , flurtalu , I'lltsUurt ! , Toronto , Montrcut
llosion , Now \orlc , 1'hlluilllphlu , IlaltlniuroVnsli -
Infton , r.nd all points In the Eatt. Ask lor tickets vl > >
If jou irlih tbo l * t ftccommocutlon. All ticket
" " VIS ' " " " " '
Ocii'l Miiunser. Hen'l I'nii'r Acent.
rnictno , iu # .
W. N. I1AHCOCIC , ( Ipu'l AVfNtani Agent ,
1) . E. KIM 11 A 1. 1. , ticket Aceut ,
o. v , WEST , city i' uOTi nr Agent.
KOI Tarnam Street , Omaha , Neb.
BTru > ir iatln d. -
' tM\r \ ono la the worldK
contlnuou Sttctrie if i
nt. Sd.nMBe. Towerful. Darablts
KOoufarUhla od KOtcilT * . Arold fraud * .
Orar9OUOcur ti. 8 od Htamp for | t lni Ulet.
N. W. Cor. 13th and Dodge Sts. , Omaha , Neb.
CAUTION Dciliiiilni : persons , Inhltiu iulvai\tn c of our rrputiv
ttonnrn coii'itimtly stnrilni ; IIOUIIH .Medical ICitahllslimoutH to UecelTO
Hli-iinuorN vlltliu ! the city. Tlic > > o protonitcrs usually ttlHiippuar In n
i'uwvcokH. . lie ware o I thorn or their runner * or uunntt ) , Tlio Omaha
Mcdlcnl mid Snrylcnl Institute IH lliuonly ostnlil.sliml Mcitloal Institute
In Oinnhii , Dr. AtoMunniny , Proprietor. When you mnku up your mind
to vixit u * tnnlcu n inctnornnduin ol'our exact mlilrcm , a nil thus save
trouble , delay or mistakes.
Chronic and Surgical Diseases , and Diseases of the Eye and Ear
DR. tL lfe HsHENAHY , Physician and Surgeon in
by n Number < > 1 * Competent , Skillful and Experienced IMiyslciiins anil Snrgeom ,
Particular Attention j > ahl to Deformities , Diseases of Women , Dleasns of tiio Urinary anil Soxnnl Organs , Prhato
Diseases of the Xenons System , Lnnj and Throat iIsw ) "i , Surgical Onerationi , KpHi'i y or 1'lts , Piles ,
( 'ancrr , Tumors 1'ttv
Mote money invested ; more killfu'physicians ' and surgeons employed ; more patients treated ; more cures cfl'cclcd ; more mod
ern improved instruments , apparatus and appliances than can lie found in all oilier infiimarics , institutes or dispensaries in the
west conibincd. Largest and most complete Medical Institute or Hospital in the west , Fifty newly furnished , well warmed and ven *
tilated rooms for patients , thice skilled physicians always in the building. AH kinds of diseiiscs treated in the most bcicntiflc manner. m&
We Manufacture Surgical Braces for Deformities , Trusses ,
Supporters , Electrical Catteries , nml can supply physicians and patients any appliance , remedy or instrument known Call iuul consult us , or write for circulars upon
all subjects , with list of questions for patients to answer. Thousands treated successfully by oorrosnondence.Vo have superior advantages , and facilities for treating
diseases , performing surgical operations and nursing ; patients , which , combined with oar acknowledged ability , experience , responsibility and reputation , should
make the Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute the first choice.
The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute is conducted upon strict business and scientific principles , and patients rociove hero every advantage that art , skill ,
science and human ingenuity can bring to bear on their cases. Their comfort and convenience will always bo taken into consideration.
Should you conclude to visit us for treatment or correspond with us , you will find thc&e statements of our position , location and facilities are not overdrawn in
any particular , but are plain unvarnished facts.
Only Reliable Medical Institute Making a Specialty of PRIVATE DISEASES-
All blood diseases succosifully treated. Syphilitic poison removed from the system without mercury. Now restorative treatment for loss of Vital Power. PorFon.3
unable to visit us , may bo treated at homo by correspondence. All correspondence confidential. Medicines or instruments sent by mail or express , f-ocuroly packed ,
on marks to indicate contents or sender. One pei'sonul interview preferred. Call and consult us or send history or your casu , and wo will send in plain wrapper , our
Upon Private , Special or Nervous Diseases , Impotency. Syphilis , Gleet and Varicocele , with question li t.
My l&en < ton for WrHiii ; ; a 9Soi > k UJMHI Private , ftpcclal aud A'crv
_ I have for many years made a speci.ilty of diseases of the urinary and sexual organs , have become a recognized authority upon the subject , consequently 1 receive
immense number of letters from | > hysican ! < 3 and afflicted persons , askinir my opinion and advice upon individual cases. Kor the benefit olbiirh persons , I have writ
ten a book giving general description of the most common diseases and conditions , my treatment , success , advice , etc. After reading it , persons will have a clearer
idea of their condition and can write me more intelligently and to the point. It will therefore bo scon that our object in writing these page H not to furnish reading
matter to a cla s of persons who read out , of mere idle curiosity , but for the benellt of the many who are buffering to a greater or less degree from diseases , or the olToct9
of diseases or abuses , of the sexual or urinary organs. Not a day passes but we receive many calls or letters from poisons suffering from this olass of diseases , or their
sequal. Many of them are iy norant of the caue of the difficulty that has wrecked thei r constitutionsthrown a cloud over their bright prospects n and in shortening their day * .
Surgical operations for the cure of Hare Lip , Club Feet , Tumors , Cancers , Fistula , Cataract , Strabismus ( Cross eyes ) Varicocele , Invcitcd Nails , Wens and Deformities of th
Human Hodiet > performed in the most scientific manner.
We treat Chronic Disease of the Lungs , Heart , Head , Ulood , Skin , Scalp , Stomach , Liver , Kidnejs , Bladder. Nervcf , Bones , etc. , as Paralysis , Epilepsy , ( Fits ) , Scrofula ,
Brights Disease , Tape Worm , Ulcers or Fever Sores , Dyspepsia or Gastritis , Baldness , Eczema , etc.
Carefully , skillfully and sientifically by the latest and most approved Iiethod * . WRITE FOR BOOK ON DISEASES OF WOMEN , FREE. Dr McMenamv has for jears
devoted a large portion of his ttme to the study and treatment of this cla s of diseases , and has spared neither time nor money to perfect himself , and is fully supplied with every in-
strument , appliance and remedy of value in this department of Medicine and Surgery ,
We claim superiority over any oculist or aurist in the west , and the thousands whom we have cuicd , after othcis have failed , tubstantiatc our claims. To those afllicted with
Eye and Ear Diseases , we simply say call and consult us , get a sceintific opinion , then vuit whom you like , and if you are an intelligent person you will retuin to us for treatment
and cure ,
Our book , describing the Eye and Ear and their diseases , in plain lanijuagc with numerous illustrations , are written for the benefit of patients and physicians who write us in re
ptard to cases ; by readings them carefully phpsician and patient will have'u clear understanding and can disci ibe cases to us moie intelligently. WRITE FOR BOOK ON DIS
Address all letters to
Or , X a . J. W. BScMBNAMT , N. W. Corner 13th and Dodge Streets , Omaha ,
Will sell fine Tailor-Made Clothing1 at half price. All our
Summer Clothing to be sold at 50c on the-dollar to. Our buy
ers are in the market buying their fall and winter stock and
the manager has made this sale special for bargain hunters ;
$8.35 buys a tailor-made suit wnicli was made to order-for $17
$10.95 " 4-button cutaway frook suit " $22
$12.25 u $26
$14.70 t ( U $30
$18.65 It (4 $35
$22.75 t ( $45
$6.35 buys a straight cut sack suit which was made to order for $16.50
$9.10 buys a straight cut sack suit tt $2O.OO
$12.45 buys a straight cut sack suit tt tt $25.00
$15.50 buys sack suit tt
. a cutaway $3O.OO
$18.60 buys a cutaway sack suit tt ti $38.00
$23.15 buys a cutaway sack suit tt ( I $45.00
C , * Pants from $2,75 to $6,35 ,
ii' i Former Pries from $5,50 to $12
> >
1119 Farnam Street , Omaha. 1119
All alterations to improve a fit made free of charge. Mail orders re
ceive prompt attention.
Tansill's ' Punch Cigars
were shipped during the past
two yoai s , without a drum
mer In our employ No other
house lu the world can truth *
fully make such a shoeing.
Ono a ont ( dealer only )
wanted In each town.
, R.W.TANSILLiCO.,55 State St-Chlcaflo.
Incomonrablv the Bast.
Surgeon and Physician ,
Office N. W Corner Htli and Douglas St. Oflle *
telephone , 163 ; lioaldeute telepUou , Wi ,
Civil ISngliiuarlua. ( Jliisalcs. lluslncbs.
IlT. JCKV. K. 1) . lIDNTINCiTON. I'jeildent.
LT. Cofi.V. . VliHIIECK , Bnperlntondent.
STEADY EMPLOYMENT . , . , , , . „ , .
and enenretlo Uilr auira uri rctlatiu In Iblt
or other tcmni. Kocaplul oeoexarf , Uoodi
all th year round. Hefiir0nrnr qalred. AdiUeti
WESrKllN AUKNT81 HUl'l'l.Y CO , JJ With ATO. ,
Cutcago , 111.
Nos. 3O3-4O4-I7O-0O4.