" - - - - - " ? ? : - . -7. r - . „ . , A , . , . , . . . , . . , . . n THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 15. 1888. THE SPECOIAUVE MEETS. Llcht Trading In Whotvt With Nar row Fluctuations. CORN EXPERIENCES A BOOM. Ontfi Quint Hut Stcnily PrnvlfllotiH Blow With 1mvA IjcndliiK The Itun oT Tc.xnns Con- tlnties HOKH Dull. CHICAGO rnomJCE JIAUKKT. CHICAGO , August 14. [ Special Telegram to Tnc HEK.I The wheat mnrkct opened l ( @ Jdc oT ( , with September quoted at 81 c nnd December ut 84 c. The tone of cablrs was easier on better \vciithcr \ nnd the weak clos ing of Amcrlcun ninfltets yesterday , the lut- tor having moro Influence , probably , than nnythltiK else. September sold ort to 81Jc , nnd December to 84J c. Hutchlnson was an npun seller early In the day , but ho bought freely most of the session below ti'2a for Sep tember nnd 84 > ie for December. When tno market got above this range ho turned seller ngaln und aided to break the price back again. In this ho had some trouble , as the market , had u llrmcr undertone than it has had for several days. There was a coed class of buying nnd most of the tlmo very little wheat could bo had without causing an ad vance. The general crowd was less bearish to-day than usual. The continued heavy movement from western points Is ut length beginning to have an effect on the specula tive mind. 'This great quantity of wheat would not bo started unless It was going somowhcro , " scntentiously remarked u trader , "and wheat that moves as this is do ing don't stop at the seaboard ; it keeps right on. " The closing to-day was at S2u for Sep tember und 8-l Jo for December , just the Binallcst fraction below yesterday. The trade was not largo in the pit , nnd , as before stated , the range was narrow. Crop news from the northwest ; that Is , news upon which the trade seems to place most reliance , docs not Indicate an improvement in the prospects for spring wheat. Winter wheat that Is being received at primary markets is running very poor as to quality. Liiko shipments tram this part are keeping up well. well.Tho The corn market boomed to-day , the fluct uations extending over n range of l DU'-Cc ' , nnd n gain of I'jOM u being established the dealings wcro on a largo scale. Inside prices ruled around opening and the top was reached right nt the close. Ilutehinsoii Btnrted the ball rolling by liberal buying at the outset. It was soon demonstrated that the market was in n badly strained and ovor- polil state und rapid advances resulted from the efforts of the shorts to cover. The crowd had been overselling itself with reck lessness for Bomo time and was brought un with a short turn. It was not until the esti mates of SJRO cam for to-morrow wcro iniulc that the public bears wore thoroughly awak ened to their danger , however , nud then they Jumped to the conclusion all at once that re ceipts were going to taper oft sharply. That nuulo them more anxious bidders. Septem ber corn advanced from 4'14C to 4Go , and October from -t.'t' ' c to 44c. August went to 45j c , advancing from 44c to 44 fc on the llllingr of one order for yO,0X ( ) bushels. There was sunn { singly little August for sale. The market was greatly excited , and more interest centered in corn than In wheat. * O.xts wcro far Irom active , although the feeling was fully steady In all futures , with Something of a iirm tone developed , resulting In nn advance of J J o on near months , while seller May was practically steady. The receipts for to-day were less than ex pected , nnd under a show of lli-mnuss iu other markets some buying orders wcro exe cuted. It was also reported that wet weather Is delaying ttie harvesting to a slight extent. Less than -0 per coat of the oats Imported yesterday passed into contract grade , but the condition is improving each week. Casli oats to go to Htoro wcro in some demand , but trailing was chiolly by sample with only eight transactions in No. 'J store nt 'J4c. iu provision circles business was qulto slow. For cash delivery purchases wore Homowhat larger of late , but in the line of speculation n listless feeling rather held con trol. Traders acted as If they were unwill ing to take sides on the market. No fresh news was received from the south regarding yellow fever , aiid with the local receipts of hogs small and of poor quality , an uncertain Btntu of affairs existed. Dealers apparently paid little or no attention the movement ol the trade. In a speculative way pork led In interest , though lard showed the greatest ntrenqth. Short ribs averaged easier and closed at n decline of 2J c from yesterday's last prices. 1'orlt covered a range of UUc in its fluctuations and at the adjournment ohowcd nn uctual advance of S1 . Lard wa ; strong from the start and closed 7J ( o10c ; higher. _ CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CniOAOo , August 14. [ Special Telegram to TUB UKB.I CATTLE As has been the casi for some tlmo past the great bulk of arrivals consisted of Texans , with a liberal sprinkling of western or range cattle and a very fov good native cattlo. Han go cattle which an coming In nro only of fair quality and not as fat ns was estimated , considering the favor able condition for putting on flesh. Com men native stock is quite freely offered But sailors find that they have to compett with a better quality of Texas cattle offeree nt about the same prices , hence they find I difllcult to close sales and must shade prices. Butchers and canners bought qulto froolj of Texas cattlo. The receipts included 0,500 Texas and western cattle ; medium to gooi steers , 1,1(50 ( to 1,500 Ibs. , $ j.4l@il.OO ) ; 1,1203 ti Ia501bs. , fl.80@5. 0tl50to ; 1200 ! Ibs. , tU.St 04.50. Stockers and feeders , $2.00Ji.35 : cows , bulls and mixed , $1.30@UO ! : ; bulk t2.15Q3.CO ; slop fed steers , f l.40@-i.50. Ii Texas cattle , good strong canners wer lower ; steers U50 to 1,050 Ibs. , $ i.80@t.5C : 750 to 000 Ibs. , , ' .40@3.S < ) ; 000 to 000 Ibs. , $20 ( S2CO ; cows $ l.tJOa'j.05 ( ; western rangers , m lives nnd half breeds , SU > 0@1.05 ; cows.JT.C @ : i.5 ; winteicd Tcxans , Kl.50@4,00. Ilous The market to-day was dull and a easy feeling provnlled , prices settling bac to about Saturday's llcurcs. The receipt wore light for Yesterday and below the cs puctatlon. Still the demand was oven mor meager. Packers were not buying and enl , u few houses were running , and they only Ii u small way , turning out fresh moats. Tin shippers ulono prevented further decline , a they were buying good grades. Tto genera quality was not very good. Sales were matt nt f5.75@it.40 , with the bulk of sales at ( ! t.ooj ( 0.20 for medium to fair , nnd * i-5@ ! < i.40 fo good to very choice. Light and heavy hog nro about In equal demand now. There Is n perceptible difference in quotations there lore. The market closed quiet and easy. FINANCIAL. NEW YOUK , August 14. [ Special Tclecrni to Tim HKE. ] STOCKS The stock mnrl opened mtlicr quiet , but steady , at fraction : ) declines , and during the first hour quotation receded from K to 1 point , the extreme los being In Chicago , Burlington & Qulncj There was some weakness caused by th yellow f over scare. Coalers wcro firm , wit the commission people moderate buycn Small operators wcro disposed to rcnlli their profits quite generally , which was on of the main features of the morning bus noss. The transactions Included many of tli usually inactive stocks , though the toti volume of business was small , whllo tradin in the trunk lines and Grangers was ver light. After the early decllno thorn was slight rally , but after 11 o'clock the feelln was dc-cldedly heavy , the market by nee being VS9f below the opening , with Hoc Island sharing the greatest weakness. Dm ing the latter part of the session there woi no now developments of importance. Thei was nt times a little moro support to tli market at the decllno by reason of somobuj Ing orders , but ttio close was weak at uboi the Igwc3t Ugurca of the day , the general tl . l. ( clmo being H@l point , though IJudlngton lost 2 points. Total sales , 179,553. IT. P. 4s'reRiilnr..mlii ! Northern 1'otinc / . 8811 1' . ! ? .4scoupons..l273i doprpferrod , . . . MV . - .101' $ C. AN. W 113 > x II. H.4'.i8coution . .lU7ii do preferred 141H I'nctnc 03 of 'in 120 N.Y , Central 107't ' Ccntrnl 1'ixclllo. . "I'l K.U.-H 23 ChlcRRo & Alton. .IS ! Hock Island 107' ChlcaKoJlurllngton C. . M.iSt. I' 711 i Qntncy Ill do prof erred Ill n..I/.AW 137'1 St. 1'aul.VOmaha. . 4H lllmols Ccntrnl..119 doprpferreil..10S 1..II.&W IS Union 1'ncitlc r.'J.'j KnunnH kTexas. . . 14 W..8t.I&l' 14i ! I.akcHlioro U5S do preferred lt ! Michigan Central. . Western Union 81 ? 4 Missouri 1'nciQo . . . SO , , MONET ox CtLt , Easy nty \ < $1 per cent ; last loan at 2 per cent ; closed offered at 1 per cent. PniMB MEHCANIJLB PArnn 1QOX per cent. BTEIIMXO Excntxon Active hut steady , with actual huilness at fl.Sljf for sixty day bills , $4.b7 for demand. 1'itonuorc MA nit era. CnicAoo , August 14. Wheat Finn ; cash , 8IKc : Septcinbor , S'Jc ; October , S > 3 ll-lOo. Corn titrongor ; cash , AaOulohcr } \ \ , Oats Strong ; cash,2l c ; September , 21c ; October , 24 5-10c. Kyo 47Kc. Harlcy Nothing doing. Prime Timothy SI.OJ&2.00. Flax-fl.14. Whlsliy-M.SO. Pork Strong ; cash and October , ? 13.12 . Lard Firm ; casli and September , { 3.75 ; October , H.77. Flour Firm and unchanged ; winter wheat in sucks , ? J.753.85 ; In barrels , f3.00jM.4' ( ) . Spring wheat In barrels , $11.50v < ? 4.b.5 ; In sacks , J1.755fl.65ryo ; In sacks , i.80@.lK ) ) ; in bar- Dry " Salt''Meats Shoulders , $7.40 ( < ? 7.50 : short clear , * 7.bl7.00 ) ; shoit ribs , fS.OO ® 8.H5. 8.H5.Hntter Hntter Unchanged ; creamery , ll ( lUc ; dairy , 14i < ilGc. Chcesu Unchanged ; full cream cheddarn and Hats , S't@ic } ; young Americas , 8Js@ Eggs Unchanged nt 13@14c. Hides Heavy green salted , fi'f Go ; light green salted , OC'di' ' o ; salted bull , 60 ; greou palled calf , ( iK@7c ; dry Hint , 7aO < 2Sc ; dry calf , 7 ( < iS ( . < 5 deacons , 20@25u cacli ; dry salted , 7c. Tnllow Unchmigcd : No. 1 , solid packed flj e ; No. 2 , 3c , und cake , 3J @ 34C per li . Receipts. Shipments. Flour , bbls 18,000 20,000 Wheat bu 01,000 210,000 Corn , bu 2M.OOO 135,000 Oats , bu 123,000 184,000 Ryo.hu Hurley , bu Now York , August 14. Wheat Rcceiuts , 100,000 ; exports , none ; options opened } lo\veradvanced yf ( < % a , closing steady at Qf } + c under last iiigltt ; spot. Irregular , closing Btcady. No. 2 red , OSjSgc&t'.M ' c , delivered ; No. II red , 80 e ; No. 4 red , bO@30) c ; uu- graded , IGJ e ; September closed at OlJ e. Corn Receipts , 181,100 ; exports , 44,000 ; options opened easy and rallied l@l&c , clos ing strong nt best of day ; spot lJi@l'fo higher ; ungraded , 4C@53c. No. 2 , 5i)4a,33'c ; , in elevator ; 51 X@53 delivered ; September closing ut 53Jfc. OaU Receipts , 83,000 ; exports , none ; spot H@l ) e higher on No. 2 , firm on white ; moderately active ; mixed western , 33@3'Ju ; white western , 40u40c. ( Coffee Options opened 10 points lower on cables und declined 5@10 points additional on heavy receipts ut Rio and Santos ; closing steady ; sales. 3.,000 bags ; August , $10.75 ; September , H0.3S ; October. $ ' .l.bO. Petroleum Easier ; United closed at 8'iXc. F.ggs Easier ; western , Ki cJlSJ/c. Pork Stronger ; siow ; mess $14.25 for old ; S15.25515.5 ! ) for now. Lard Closed strong ; sales , western steam spot , S9.10. Uutter Steadier on fine grades ; western , llMOc. ( ? Cheese Very dull ; western , ' ( ffS'.fe. Minneapolis , August 11. Wheat Local receipts , 100 cars ; shipments , 5" curs. The few cars of No. 1 hard wcro held firm at 87c , with sales of No. 1 northern ranging from 85 to 85Xc ; closing prices : No. 1 hard , cash und September , S5 c ; on track , 87 ; No. 1 northern , cush and September , 83J o ; on track , 85o ; No. 2 northern , cash and Sep tember , 81c ; on track , 82c. Milwaukee , August II. Wheat Dull ; cash , &lo\ \ September , 80c ' ; October , 81c. Corn Quiet ; No. 3 , 43c. Oats Firm ; No.2 white , 37c. Rye Quiet ; No. 1 , 4S ) < " fc. Harley Nominal ; No. 2 , COc. Provisions Lower ; pork , cash and August , $13. 0. St. IjonlH. August 14. Wheat Lower ; cash , 82i ? > S3 > .fc ; September , 82@b3)'c. ) ( Corn Higher : cush , 41 i@llc ; Septem ber , 41f c. Oats A shade bettor ; cash , 21i4'21Jjfc ; September , 23J c. Pork Firm at $14.00. Lard Higher at 5S.CO. Whisky 51.14. Butter Creamery , 10@10e ; dairy , 13 < 210c. ! Cincinnati , August 14. Whisky , $1.14. KniiKiiH City , August 14. Wheat Quiet ; No. 2 red , cash , 70o bid ; No. 2 soft , cash , 72o bid. Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , cash , ffiKc bid ; 30 o asked ; No. 2 white , cash 40c bid. Oats-No. 2 , cush , 204'o bid. LilVE STOCK. . Chicago , August 14. The Drovers' Jour nal reports as follows : Cattle Receipts , 10,000 ; market strong for good grades ; common lower ; steers , f3.80@ 0.00 ; stockers ana feeders. $2.00 ( 3.35 ; cow , bulls nnd mixed , * 1.30@3.10 ; Texas cattle , l.uO@3.80 : western rangers , S3.00@4.05. M Hogs Receipts , 8,000 ; market slow ; mixed , J5.70@0.30 ; light , * 5.70.40 ! ; skips , t4.00@ 5.70 ; heavy , ? 5.85@0.40. Sheej ) Receipts , 0,000 ; market stead. natives , ? 2.75 ( < t4.50 ; westerns , shorn. $ ; i.50@ 3.00 ; Toxuns , shorn , $3.00@3.75 ; lambs , $4.25 © 5.75. National fitock Yards. Kast Rt. IjoulH , AuBU-it 14. Cattle Receipts , 0,000 ; shipments , 700 ; market strong ; choice heavy native steers , ? 5.)0@5.50 ( ) ; fair to good native steers , $4.40@5.15 ; butchers' steers , ' medium to good , f3.30iil440 ; rangers , corn- fed , { 3.50 ( 4.25 ; grass-fed , $2.253.CO. Hogs Receipts , 2,300 ; slilpments , 300 ; market stronger ; choice heavy and butch ers' selections , | ll.40@.5 ( ! ( ) ; packing , medium to prime , J.2ortr ! ( > .40 ; light grades , ordinary to best , KI.20@U.85. KUIIHAH City , August II. Cattle Re ceipts , tt.400 ; sliipments , 3,400 ; best fat steers steady ; good to choice corn-fed , $5.00(35r ( > 0 : common to medium , $3.25@4.75 ; grass range steers. $1SO3.10 ; stockers and feeding steers , $ l.l > 5@3.i5 ( ; cows , H.25@2.bO. Hogs Receipts. 3W)0 ) ; shipments , 300 ; strong ; fi@10o higher for assorted light weights mixed und heavy closing dull and lower ; good to choice , f0.25@0.35 ; common to medium , $5.50@oM5 ; skips and pigs , ? 4.25 @ 5.40. OMAHA. IjlVK HTOCli. Cattlo. Tuesdaj' , August 14,1833. There was little or no change in values on cattle to-day , tie | market being about steady on good cattle aad weak hi undesirable kinds , The market was slow to open but it closed active with a good many cattle sold , HOK8. The receipts of hogs were Hgnt for Tues day , only forty-nlno fresh loads being on sale , The market opened strong but eased oil an ttio later rejrarts arrived from Chicago and closed lOo lower. Five loads were loft ovet unsold. _ _ _ Hhoop. There were no fresh receipts but several loads of holdovers changed hunds. Cattle 1.20C Hogs ; 3,501 I'reviiilinu Prices. Tbefollowlnc : is a table of prloos paid In this raarKCt for the gradoi of stoo'it men tioned. Prime steers. 1300 to 1500 lb . .f 5.20 (35,50 ( Pnmosteers , 1100 to 1300 iba. , 4.50 (45.30 ( Fat little stocra. 000 to 1050 Ibi. 4.03 551.23 Feeders 2.75 ® ; ) .25 Range steers , fair to choice. . . 8.00 ( gl..i.'i Common to good cows 1.75 ( ic'J.OO Choice to fancy cows u.50 ( $3.25 Common to choice bulls 2.25 0(3.00 Fairtocnoicoiighthogs. , 5.70 &H.W o Fair to choice heavy hogs. , , . . 0.00 ( 0.20 o Fuirto ctiolco uiixoa hosi 5.U5 lit0.10 0 UoprcHeittativo C1TTLB. No. Av. Pr. Scows 12S1 11.00 a &reatTrfmaBaab. Icow . 1290 1.80 icow. , . , . nee i.bo 2 cows . 1035 2.00 21 cows . SM ! 2.00 Icow . 000 2.00 2Jcows . 10W 2.25 4 cows . 1025 2.20 Ocows . . . .10:0 2.25 2 cows . 1020 2.25 40cows . Ml 2.25 Icow . 950 2.25 iicow * . PI2 S.B5 1 western . 1040 2.30 21 cows . 10,15 2.40 llmll . ICiX ) 2.50 33 cows . 6SI7 S.CO 2hclfcis . bOO 2.75 21 heifers . 803 2.75 1 cow . 1420 275 7 cows . 111U 2.75 55 feeders . 078 JI.10 bO natives , feeders . 1037 3.10 7 feeders . 050 3.15 3 feeders . Idbrt 3.15 50 feeders , westerns . 10H8 8a * > 8 mixed . 10J7 Jl.OO 1 heifer . IMO 4.00 1 steer . 12M ) 4.00 21 hirers , natives . 1100 4.25 ! ! 2 yparllngs , Herefords . NH 4.25 27 steers , natives . 1140 4.35 45 westerns , corn fed . 12SO 4.75 50 westerns , corn fed . 12V ( 4.75 17 steers , natives . 1307 fi.15 43stcers , natives . 1310 5.35 43 steers , natives . 1322 5.35 17 steers , natives . 1100 5.35 Kiin e Cattle. Owner. No. Av. Pr. Daiilmon & Simmons . . .42 steers. . .120S Toxns Cattle. Owner. No. Av. Pr. Thomtts Ashtou . 10U steers . . . 1010 'l.20 IIOO" . No. Av. Pr. 105 westerns ill SJ.50 100 westerns 113 3.50 200 westerns Ill 3.50 Packers 1'iirolnne * . Showing the number of hogs bought by the leading buyers on the market to-d.iy : H. Hammond & Co . 310 Omaha P. Co . ii0 : ! Armour-Cudnhy P. Co . 515 . 1 > . Squires Ac Co . 053 C. L. Lambert . 201 ibbs & White . . . . ] ! J2 nnd To\vosl. The following are the hisjhust and lowest .iriccs paid for mixed and heavy loads of hogs on this market during tlio p ist few days , and "or the corresponding period in 13 7 and Is3i5 : ' July 1R87. I Jufy I 31 ! Snnd'iy August INI Altitust 1N0. fi llT Sundnv. U > © it M r > ID ( Q7' ! I ( I' . (81'75 ( ft Sfi f. . . - ) 4U 505 4t5 i 4 r > j Qd 7 j ) G 11) ) 6M ! U 4 UJ < T a ) 4 fij 4 , ( ) Sunday , 4 ir > © } D 4 40 4t4 bit ( i in W"i 4 K"i ( JC" ) I ) tl 10 H > I 4'J Sun lay. I 3 * > © 4 M 0 IU CM M 4 Ui fifi l"i Sun ! ny. 5 IU © 1 3' 111) ) © > Ij 4 35 CM ft ) 5 iw H-i : r " " 4 Pi ( rM liU D 70 © ' ) lo 4 H ) Itt o 4" ) C'.l G.i Sunday. fi ( U 4 G ) fff.4 ( Vi 6 IU 440 IU 5 U © " > 3 < 4 50 C'Cl ' G5 Ijlvo Klook NOIC.H. Peterson Bros. . Weston , la. , sold a load oi cattle at § 5.35. Henry Burcham , Hlckman , was in with four loads of cattle. Phil Unitt , Seward , topped the market witli a good load of hogs. P. Plialen , Coir.vny , In. , was hero and sold n load of butchers' stock. G. H. Babbitt , Abhland , was in nnd mar keted twenty-seven steers. Thomas Ashton brought in flvo loads of Texas steers from Kay , Colo. Hog * arc 80c higher than ono year ago aui $1.15 higher than two years ago. Joe Miller , Valley , a well known feeder , was in looking after feeding cattle. A. F. Seymour , Ladoga. la. , came in with n load of cattle , his lirst shipment to the yards. William Frazier was at the yards with flvo cars of fat cattle of his own feeding shipped Irom Wayne. Mr. Simmons , of the firm of Dalilman & Simmons , Chadron , was in with two loads o range cattle. Mr. Shields , hog buyer for Kingau ft Co of Indianapolis , has returned from n trip to his homo at St. Louis. T. B. Herd , Central City , was lioro niu marketed a load of yearling Hereford steers of his own raising at $4.25. John Burke , who has an extensive ranch near Buffalo , Wyo. , and u brother of George Burke , came m with three loads of cattle. U. Eldrich , Tobias ; P. M. Colby , Br.nl- shaw ; F.V. . Mattoon , Blue Springs ; J. Cox , Hampton , and It. C. Cliumblcy , Blair , came in with hogs. From the 1st of August to the llth the re ceipts of hogs at Omaha were 5,550 , in excess of the receipts at Kansas City. Omaha's gain over Kansas City during July was 20- , 755 and during Juno 17,722. H. C. Benedict , Culbortson ; A. T. MuEl- dcrry , Missouri Valley ; Mr. Wilburn , Ash land ; E. D. Swan , Waterfall , Wyo. ; Mr. Grccg , Guide Kock ; W. F. Button , Peters burg , and J. M. Culver , Clay Center , were among the shippers who came In with cattle. OMAHA TUAOH CONDITIONS. Money is easy at the ruling rate S per cent , exchange $1.00 per $1,000. General trade continues to Improve nnd orders both by mail and to salesmen arc literal. Salt fish ( cod and mackerel ) are held steady ut the present high prices , and there is reported to bo no improvement as yet in the prospect for n catch. Several vessels have arrived ut Gloucester , Mass. , in the past few days with less than ten barrels cacti of mackerel , from a two months' trip. Halus are said to have damaged the crops in northern Kansas and the complaint in made of too much wet weather iu this state , but the outlook continues good , Product ) , Fruits , I2tc. Saturday , August 11 , 1SSS. BUTTCH Fancy creamery roll , 20(7 ( ? 21c ; solid packed , 15@lic ( ; choice country butter , ISfijPJc ; common grades , 10ift > iyc. * Eaos Strictly fresh , ll ( < J15ucandled. ( JUKiix Coux 50@75c per 100. OiiiNOES Mcssinus , f5.ClKitd.00 per box ; Uodi , $0.00 (0.25 per box ; $3.0 ( < J4.00 per hull box. box.CALIFOIIXIA CALIFOIIXIA DVMSOXS $1.25 per box ; south' crn Damsons , OOo per box. CAMFoiiNiARiitrKS * 1.50 ( < ? 2.00 per caso. Sou'fiinitx Giui'ES 7bcii$1.00 ( per 10-lb basket. BiACKiinimiES $3.00 for 24 qts. PUACIIES California , $1.00@1.50 per box ; Missouri , $1.00c@1.25por K bu. BINAXAS Common , $1.50@2.25 per bunch ; choice , $2.50(313.50. ( LEMONS f 1.75@5.00 ! per case. SQUASH 2o per It ) . CAXTnixM'ES 75c@fl.50 per dozen. SOUTIIUHX Pi.i'MS $1.25uJ1.50 ( per bu. HucKi.EUKitiacs Sl.3.1 i > er drawer. POTATOES Now , homo growth , 50@75o per bushel. POUI.TUV No dressed fowl In the market ; live chickens , $3.50@3.75 per do/ . ; spring chickens , $2.25@3.00. STIUNO BKAXS 75c per bu. TOMATOES $1.50@2.00 par bu. WATKiiMUi.oxs-$13.0017.00 per 100. Punts California , $3.00(33.50 ( per bu box ; Southern , 75per } bu. CELEIIV 30 ( < MOo uor dozen. CIUUAQES $ J.50per 100 , " Eoo PJ.AXT $1.00 ® 1.25 per dozen. Oxtoxs 2o per Ib. AVVLES $1.00 ® 2.50 per bbl. l.us $1.00 pur box. J4.WK20.W per bbl S gals' California pe r cider , $15.00 per bbl. Per Cons' UK-e. SuMcr common , 2jt3o. ( C nuoTS TSoper mmhol. BEAXS Choice.eastern hilndplrkcd nnvlcs. 2.25'i 2.50 per bunhcl } western hand picked invlus , $2.60ci2.0V ; tncdlums , $ i.OOiJ2.15. ( Lima beans So per pound , llAv r. o. b. cais , No. 1 upland , $0.00 ; No. 2 upland , $5.00. Bit tx f 10.00. Ciioi'i'EU FEED $17,00 per ton. No. 50 , coloied , 12c ; i-w. iu , cuiu Hristol , 12'tfc ; Union Pncinc , 17c. CAIU-KT WAiti' Bib White , 10e ; colored , 22e HATK-Standard , So ; Gem , lOc ; Bcnuty. 12 < e ; Hoonc , 14c ; U , cased. ? i.60. ) PiiiNTS Solid colors Atlantic , Co ; Slater 5) ) o ; Uorlin oil , G ) o ; Garner oil , G@7 * . Coitiur .IKONS' ' Androscogeln , 7) ) c ; Kcar- sarge , 75fc ; Rockport , OJjc ; Conestoga , O'jc , TICKS-York , 30 In. , l-Jtfc ? York , 82 In. . 13'ij'o ; Swift River. 8c ; Thorndlko OO , S ) o ; Tnorndiko KF , 8' t ; ; Thorndiku 120 , O'sc ; Thonidiko XX , loc ; Cordls No. 5 , 0 > e ; CordisNo. 4 , lie. DBMMSAmoskcag , 0 or , IrtJ c ; Everett , 7 or , 13 > , c ; York , 7 oz , ! 3Jic ; Haymaker , 8'c ; .Inffrf.v XX , HWo { Juffrcy XXX , 12 > , 'o ; Heaver Creek AA , 12c ; Heaver Creek 1111 lie ; Heaver Creek CC , lOc. Kr.XTt'cuv JIM vs. Memorial , 15c ( Dakota , IRc ; Durham , 2" c ; Heirules , Ibo ; Learning , lugton , 22 > e ; Cuttswold , 21'jC. Citvsii.-Stevens' H , lie ; Stevens' n , bleached , 7c ; Stevens'A , 7l/it" Stevens A. bleached , Vc ; Slovens' P , blvc ; Stevens' * P. bleached , O'o ' , ; Stevens' N , U&e ; Stevens' N , blcarhcd. lo'ic ' ; Slovens. SHt , I2 ! c Miscri.i\Ni.ols. Table oil i-lntn. { 2.50 ; plain Holland , OJ.c ; Dado Holland , 12lc. Fl.ANXr.l.s. Plaid liiftsineii,2'ii { ' > ; Uosticn , 32'tfc ; Clear Lake , ! W } < c ; Iron Mountain , .O'c. ' Ft AXM.IWhltcG II , No. 2 , ? 4' , 2UG II. No. 1 , 9f. 2 ? > 5c ; B II , No. 2 , Jf , 22J3'c ; B H. No. 1 , , : ! 0r ; Quochoo , No. 1 , % , 42c. GisniiAMPluimett checks , 7ac ; ; V.'hitlen- ton , 7J < * ; York , ijoc ; Normandi dross , h1jc ; Calcutta dress , S'rfc ; Whittcnton dress , C\Miiuis Slater , 6' ' o ; Woods , 5lC | , Stamlnrd , 5'-Cc ' ; PoarocU. 5' ' c. CoMrouTCits . li COQJ35 ( X ) . Bi.vxKf.r > White , $1.00 7.50 ; colored , $1.00018.00. Bi.r.vmr.ii SHEHTINO Bcrkeloy cambric No. ( X ) . < | i ; c ; Best Yet , l-l. lljfo ; butter cloth OU , 4iV : Cabot , 7 > < e : Fin-well Imlf bleached SJic ; Fnnt of Loom , O'jc : Giccne G , Oi" Hope , 7f ; King Philip cam bric , lit1 ; Lonsdulo cambrio , 11 ' { ' , Lonsdalc , Oc ; Now York mills K > i.c ; Pepperell , 4J-in , lie ; Pcppercll , 40-in , 12c ; Pepporell , (5-1 ( , Hie ; Peppciell , 8-4. 21c ; I'ep- poroll , J4 , 33c ; Popperi'll. 10-4 , 2V ; Canton 4-4 , s c ; Triumph , Oo ; Wnmsutta , lie ; Val ley. 5o. Blown sheeting Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7 0 ; A Bantic H , 4-1 , 7 > . { V ; Atlantic D , 4-4. 0 > , c ; At lantic P , 4-1 , Ik1 ; Aurora LL , 4-4. Oo ; Aurora C , 4-4 , 4 4c ; Crown XXX , 4-1 , Hc : Hoosicr LL , 4-4 , ( V ; Indian lloatl , 4-1 , 7' c ; Law- rcnco LL , 4-4 , lie : Old Dominion , 4-4 , .Vji : ; Pcppcrell H , 4-4 , 7c ; Pepprrell O , 4-4 , ( IJfc ; Pcpporoll. 8-4 , ISKc ; Pcpperell , 0-4 , 21c ; Pop- perell , 10-4 , 23c ; UticaC. 4-4 , be ; Wachusott , 4-4 , 7jc ; Aurora K , 4-4 , 7c , Aurora 15 , 4-4 , XLPitivTs PitivTs Pink and Kobcs Richmond , (5ljC ( , Allen , lie ; Hivcruoml. So ; Steel Kivcr , lie ; Klchmond , 0 , ' c ; Pacific , OV i : . PitiNTh Ureas Charier Oak , 5'4c ; Knmapo , I'io ; Lodi , 5'c ' ; Allen , Oc ; Richmond - mend , Oc ; Windsor , 0' , c ; Eddystone , OJ c ; Pacilic , 0c. PuiXTi ISDIOO Bi UK Arnold , OJjC ; Amer ican , ti e ; Gloucester , fil4c : Arnold C long cloth , 0 : Arnold U long cloth. 10'i ; Arnold Gold Seal , 10' ' , : Sticful A , 12 ; Windsor Gold Ticket , 1MK- FMXN.I.S Ued , C , 21 in , 15J < ; E , 31 in , 21c ; G G , 2-1 in , lic ? ; II A F , Jtf , 2.V ; .1 H F , , 27'acG ; , > ( , 35c Ui'cKVo t Point P.O in , 8 m , 10W ; West Point 29 in. 10 oz , lic ! ; West Point 20 In , 12 o15t - ; West Point 40 in , U oH5c. . SiiniTtXd Checks , Ciiiedonia X , OVj'c ; Cal edonia XX , 10 , ' ; c ; Economy , Oc ; Otis , , Oo. GrotM-ra List. Ruv'scd prices nro as follows : BAOOIXO Stark A , seamless , 21e ; Amos- keag , seamless. 10J-c ; Lewiston A , seamless , 10o ; American , se'amlcss , 10' ' ; c ; burlaps , 4 to 5 bn,8l.@W gunnies , ahiRlc , 13c ; gun nies , double , 20c ; wool sacks , 35c. Twines- Flax , 3oc ; extra sail , 2 ( > ( 21u sail B , 10 ( .20c ; cotton. 21c ; Jute , lOc. CorrKKh Mncha , 25@2(5o ( ; Hio , good , K5fi > 17e ; Mandahling , 2(5 ( ( < D tic ; roasting Kio , Hf ) Klo ; O. G. Java , 21ft20o ( ; Java , interior , 22jfi ( 25c : Hio. fancy , 10flOo ( ; Santos mid Mara- caibo. ncaMOc ; Arbucklef , IbJjC. SuoAit Granulated. 74C'tS'4c ; conf. A. 7'.jc ; white extra C , 71 oi71ic ; extra C , 7 © 7'dc ; yellow C , 0ROc ( ; ; > owdered , 82 < b Jjc ; cubes , 8Kffib4e. HONIV : 14 ( < ilOc for ono pound frames ; strained bonny , firt Se per pound. BEESWAX Choice yellow , 20 ( < J22V c ; dark colored , 13@14c. Cnii : > n Young America , full cream. 9J4C'rlll'4o ' ' ; full cream Cheddars , l0) ) ) c ; full cream flats , ! ) @ 0jj : ; good to choice skimmed Cheddars , OWO'4 ' ; skimmed Hats , 5ftt5lj'c. PK Ki.no-.Mcdlum. in bbK $5.5) ) ; do In half bbls , UM ) ; umull , in bills , $15 00 ; do in half bbls , $3.25 ; gherkins , in bblsiS.2 > ; do in half bbls , W.OO. ToiiAcro Plutf , 20 ( < ? (55c ( ; smoking , KJi.iOOc. ( Ocu.iEs S1.25 ior30-ll ) ) pail. Su/r tl.301.3r. ( per bbl. Hoi-K 7-1(5. ( O'i O 'c. SI-ICES NutmcL' , per Ib , SogG.'c. pepper , per Ib , 17CilOc ; qloves , per Ib , 18@21c ; all spice. 7iJc ; cinnamon bark. 3So ; cassia , Oc ; cassia buds , 12 i- ; cloves , 20o ; mace , 70c. NAILS Iron nails , per keg , 2.05g2.10 ( ; steel nails , per keg , $2.20i2.25 ( ; wire nails , per keir. * ) .00@2.70. TEAS Young Hyson , common to fair , 18g ( 25c ; Young Hyson , good to fancy , 30Vf55c ( ; Gunpowder , common to good , 22i/25c ( ; Gun powder , choice to fan i y,40@iAc ( ; Japan , com mon to medium , 15 .0 Japan , choice to fancy , 30@45c ; Oolong , common to good , 25g ( 35e ; Ooloni ? , choice to fancv , 50C 70e ; Imper- I'll , common to medium , 25@ioc : ; Imperial , good to fancy , 40 ( < f 5e. ( ) Nurs Almonds , 15@17c ; lllberts , 0S ( 10c ; Brazil , Oc ; walnuts , s'-Jicl2c ( ; pecans , 0'aa ( 10' < , o ; peanuts. f.Oi'iJfc. ' C'IUCKEHS 5@10c perlb ; assorted cakes , < Q20c ] ) er Ib , as per list. M.U'U : SUOAH linclts , 10 ( ' < Jlo ; < o per Ib ; pimny cakes , lKllJ4'o iier Ib ; pure maple syrup , $1.00 per gal. BROOMS Extra 4-tie , S2.40 ; parlor , 3-tie , painted handles , § 325 ; No. 1 , Sl.bO ; No. 2 , $ l.iO ; heavy staolo brooms , $1.00. Sruicn Mirror gloss , SJi'u ; Graves' corn , Oo ; Oswego gloss , 7c ; Oswego corn , 7c. I'owDEii AND SHOT Shot. $1.20 ; bucushot , $1.45 ; powder , kcss , $5.00 ; half RogiJ , Vi.75 ; one- fourths , $1.50 ; blasting , kegs , $2.15 : fuses , 100 ft , fiVi70c. UKI-INEI ) LMID Tierce. SV/o / ; 40-lb squart cans , SKc ; 50-lb round , Sa ; 20-lb round S ) c ; 10-lb pails , Oo5-lb pails , O'bc ; U-lb pails , 04'c. } 04'c.PROVISIONS PROVISIONS Hums , 12 } c ; breakfast ba con , 10 > iOilll4'c ; bacon sides , OJ10e ; drj salt , O'c ; shoulders , TXQiTJic ; dried beef , Sj * ( W OOIIEXWAIIE. Two hoop pails , per doz. , $1.30 ; three-hoop pails , $1.05 ; No. l tub $7.00 ; No. 2 tub.i 45.110 ; No. 3 tubs , $5.00 washboards , $ l.35@J.75 ; assorted bowls $2.75 ; No. 1 churns , $8.00 ; No. 2 churns , $7.00 ; No. 3 churns , $0.00 ; butter tubs $1,70 ; spruce , in n.osts , 70u par nest. CAXiiy Mixcii , SfflJo ! ; stick , aS rock candy , 10J @ 18j ; fancy candy , wij2i ( > c FI H California salmon , per bbl , $10.00oj 18.00 ; halibut , per Ib , 13c ; family white fish per Jbbl. J . $3.00 ; white Hsh. No. 1. ner H-lihl J5.75 ; trout , \or \ } - \ ) f$5.00 \ ; sealed herring pur box , 2So ; new Holland herring , per keg ( 0c ; Georgo's Bay sf > llt herring , per bbl , now $7.75 ; split Labrador herring , per bbl. new $7.00 ; extra Georgo's cod , per Ib , now , 74c Western Bank cod , per Ib , now , 74c ! ; boneless less cod. OCal'Jio ; lurge family mackerel , po ; K-hbl , $12.50 : mackerel , No. 1 bay , Jtf-bbl $13.00 ; smoked bloaters , per box , $1.40. Duiuu FHUITS Figs , in boxes , per Ib , 13Q ICe ; tigs , In mats , per Ib , f > K@(5c ( ; dates , In boxes , 57e ; London Malaga layc , raisins , per box , $3.50ii3.75 ( ; Malagi loose raisins , $2.30@2.60 ; now Valen cia raisina , per Ib , ! MdibcCall \ forma loose inuscatols , per box. $1.00 California London layer raisins , per box $3.35Cii2.50 ; pitted cherries , per Ib , lS ( 20o California pitted plums , per Ib. 12ilUo ( dried blackberries , per Ib , 8 ! < , ( UOc ; dnci raspberriesj per Ib , 24(7j25o ( ; dric < apples , 7 ( < * 0c ; evaporated apples , 8J > ( rtSJjo ; California sun dried peaches , 100 : llo ; California unuared ovaporatoi peaches , 14M10c ; evatwrated Caltfornli apricots , K5 l8o ; Zauteo curnmts , 7o Turkish prunes , % ( &iV.fo ; citron. WSlZOa orangu peel , ll@12)ic ) ; lumen peel , 23 ( < 4'13J ' c Leather. City harnchs perlb , 3Si20o ( ; country hat DCS * per Ib , 2i 25c ; city lluu per Ib , Idp heavy per Ib. 4S ( 85geoo ( ; venlj : " tcred solo per- _ , . . „ . . „ . , . . . Ibs. So'fiOOc ; city upper per foot. 18M20c ; collar - lar , 14 ( < { 10c : Huffafoslaughtered solo peril ) , 2i < < t50c ! ; Oak leather slaughtered sole per Ib , 2bu30c ( ; harness , * per Ib , 2Sif32e ( : upper per foot. 2ljj22c ( ; llp heavy per Ib , OS ( < C70c ; Kip medium per Ib , ? fi(3M ( ) ; city calf per Ib , Rubber boots aud shoos Hostou , ills 40 per cent ; Hay State , dls 40tT10 per cent ! Parn , tits40@5 percent ; Goodyeari dis 40(35 ( per cent. Mctnlfl and Tinners' Stock. Tin plate. 1 0 , 10x14 , best , W.75 ; tin plnte , reeling , 1 0,14x20 , * 5.15 ; sheet zinc. tii.&OQS 0.75 : pig lead , $4.80 : bar lend. $4.55 ; larpeplg block tin , 2Sc ; siniill pig bloek tin , 27c ; bur tin , 2So ; solder , 16@20c ; copper bottoms , 31o ; sheathing copper , tinned , 2t'c ' ; planishing copper , tinned , 35c ; lend pipe , Gc ; sheet iron , N S. IS to 24 , $3.20 ; Russia Iron , 13o ; Am Russia planished , A , lO'/c ; Am Hussln planished , H , U' ' c , painted barb wlrci * J.15 ; gnlvaut/cd barb wire , $3.75. JIN-K Machine castings , 12.00J ( ! 13.00 ; steve plates , $7.00u8.K ( ) ; wrought lron8.00 © 10.1H ) ; bones , dry. 43.00 ; steel , t.VOO per ton ; copper , * 8.00i ( < y.X ( > ; brass , SM. < KrfS.UO ) ( ; zinc , $2. < X > ( < ? 3.00 ; solid lend , S2.00il3.00 ( ; tea lead , f2.0tX < i2.5U ; rubber , 2.tOii3.UO ; mixed rags , fl.ll'ul.l5 ( pcrcwt. . . and Chemical * . MI OII.HNIOU.S : Sulph. acid , 17c ( ? ; citric aciu , OOi- ; tartaric , fide : bill , copavia , ( Wo ; borax , lOc : chloroform , 50c ; glycerine , 23e ; gum Arabic , soloot , $1.00 ; gum camphor , Me ; gum opium , 2.75 ; sulpli , morphia , $250 ; uronildu iiotassium , 42c. OILS Carbon , 150 ° 10o ; headlight , 175 ° 12V ? gasoline , 74 ° 12V" West Virginia summer , lie ; zero , 17c ; No. 1 colden ma- cliino , ISo ; extra W. S. lard , Me ; No. I uird , 42c ; turpentine , 42c ; Unseed raw , 50e ; boiled , 53c. Coal and Inline. LIME S5 < Y ? ° Oe ; Portland cement. S3..V > ; do- mcstK ; cement , $1.35 ; plaster , $ J.Oi ( ) ( 2.15 ; Imlr , 2'lt7'5c. ! COAL Anthracite , range , and nut , $10.00 ; large ogir , * D.75 ; Rock bpnng , J7.UO , Superior - perior , yi.OO ; lowe , fl.50@5.50 ; steam coal , $1.50 to UOO. Immhcr. DIMCXilOXS ANM ) Add 50 cents per l.Wtt feet for rougn Joist. luniius. No. 1 com , sis f 18.00 I No. 3 com , sis ? 15.00 No. 2 coin , s 1 p 10.50 | No 4 com , sis 12.50 Add 50 cents per 1,000 for rough. KCXCIMI. No. 1 , 4 and C in , 12 and 14 ft , rough. . . ? 20.00 No. 1 , " 10 ft , " . . . . 20.00 No. 2 , " 12 and 14 ft , " . . . . 10.00 No. 2 , " 111 ft , " . . . . 17.00 . A , 12,14 & 1C ft.$20,50 I C , 12 , 14 & 10 ft.14.75 B , " " 10.751 D. " " 11.75 CHIL1XO AJfll 1'AUTITIOX. 1st com , Jf in white pine ceil Ing SW.OO 2d " " " " 2".00 Clear Y In Norway pine ceiling 15.50 3d coin-V I" " " " 13-SO ri.ooitixr . A Gin white pine ? UOO U " " " ; i2.00 C " " " 20.00 D " " " 21.00 E " ' " ( sel. loncmg ) 18.50 Six inch drop hiding 50o per 1,1100 extra. STOCK iioutns. tfflaS A , 12 In , s 1 s.$45.00 I U , 12 in , s 1 s.il5.00 : B , 12 in , sis. . 30.00 D , 12 in , sis. . . 22.00 No. 1 com , 12 in , s 1 s , 12 ft 20.50 No. 1 i-oin , 12 in. si s , II ft 20.00 No. 1 com , 12 in , s 1 s , 10 ft 2(1.1)0 ( ) No. 1 com , 12 In , sis , 10 , 18 and 20 ft. . 22.50 No. 2 com , 12 in , B 1 s , 10 , 1S > and 20 ft. . 10.45 No. 2 com , 12 in , s 1 s , 12 and 14 ft 18.50 No. 2 com , 12 in , s 1 s , 10 ft 18.00 12 m grooved roollnir $12 per M. moro than 12 in stock boards snmo length. 10 in grooved rooting same price as 13 In block boards. SHIP LAI' . No. 1 plain , Sand 10 in $18.75 No. 2 plain , S and 10 in 17.00 No. 10. G. , Sin 10.25 1 i.M-lll.N'O. 1st and 2d , clear , 1. 1' , , in s 2 s $50 00 " " ' l ,2in , s 2s 50.00 3d , clc.ir , 1 In , s2s 4& 00 " Uf , lW,2in 40.UO A , select , 1 m , s2s HO.OO A. " 1J.A IJi , 2 in 4t.OO : B ; " 1 in , s2s 20.00 B , " 1) ) , IK. U in 30.00 B , select , all 10 ft , Jl extra. feuU'iiiuitN YIU.O\V : rixL. Star4 In flooring $10.50 1st and 2d , clear , 4 in flooring 21.50 Clear % in ceiling 10.50 Clear % m p-irtition 23.50 Clear % In pirtion2 absvo % in ceiling Clear finish , 1 nud l > 4' in , & 2s 20.00 Clear finish , Vt and 2 in , s2 s 29.00 Clear corrugated ceiling , 4 in 2H.50 Clear yellow pine easing and base 25.00 I'OI'I.VU l.UMIIIIIl. Clear poular bx bds , K in s 2 s $ . ' ! .00 Clear " " " H i panel , s2s. . 27.1M ) Clear " " " cor'ga'td cciling , % 2S.OO IIITTBNS , Wll.l , TflllXO , 1'ltKRTS. O. G. Baits , 2i , , In $ C5 O. G. Batts , hxU.sl s 0 : t in well tubing , D. & M. and Bov 22.50 Pickets. D. ft H. Hat ll.0 ! ( ) Pickets. D. & 11. square 10.00 State Line. To IJIasgow , Uolfast. Dublin nutl Livurpool From New York Every Tuesday , Cabin passngH * 31 ami JuO , Hccorillng to location of stuto i oom. KxLiirhlon W > to t'M. ' SteeraKti to and from Kuropu at Lowest Hates. AUSTIN HAUMVIX i ; CO. , ( ien'l Agents , KI liroadwuy. New York. JOHN III.KOHN , Oen'l Western A ( rent , 1(14 ( Hniiilolph St. , Chicago. HAItUV K. MUOHKS. Agent , Omaha. Reduced Cabin Rates to Gldbgow Ex hibition. EXHAUSTED VITALITY rpHE SCIENCE OF LIl'E , the * great lleillcat Work of the aga on Manhood , Ncrvoiu nnd' I'hyclcnl Diblllty , I'rtinaturo ' Decline , Errors or Youth , nn.i thpuntold miseries coiue < iuent thrrron , 'Ml imccn 8vo , 1J5 prescrU'tlons ' fur all dlscaa Cloth , full B t. only 1.00 , 1) } mall , Bealod. Illustrate o sample free to oil young and middle aged men. Send now. The Gold and Jewelled Medal awarded to the authorbytho Na tional Medical Association. Addrcta r. O. box J885 , Ilofton , 5Ias . , or Dr. W. II. 1'AHKE.l , grad uatcof Harvard lledlcal College , 25 years'iiactlca [ In Idjstuulio may bo consulted confidentially Specially , Diseases of Man. Office No. I L'ulflncn sU Hlg O llnaglven unlver sal gatlsfactlon In the cured ( lonorrlaa-a and Uleet. 1 prescribe U and feel safe In recommend- urdocljb/tht lug It to all suflereri. ITUI Cbtslcil Ca. Cincinnati , * .j.STOxin : , H.D. , Ohio. Decatur , III. rnicn , 01.00. Sold by PEERLESS DYES Ml. I'AI.MKIl. X. IMIinilUif. J.ll. lll.AM-IIAIUI PALMER. RICHMAN & CO. , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Offlce-Uooraa * . Opposite Kxchange IlulldlnK , Union _ _ . . _ 8tork Yards , HoutU Uniaha , Neb. _ NORIMERWESTERFIELp& MALEY Live Stock Commission , Uoom 15 , Kzcbannu Hulldlnu , Union Block Yards , bouthOamhii , Neb. ALEXANDER : Commision Dealers in Live Soci , KoomJI , Opposite Kxchanco llullillnt' , Union Slocli Yards , buutb . Omaha , Neb. ° " _ _ UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha , Limited , ioka V .Uojrd. cuc rlut adeaU rni impIoTnonts. Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Cirrlsgcs and llnrflci. Jimo' Plr clbct een9lU nJ _ lOtli , Ouiabk , Nebr ti . LINING E R & METCA LF CO. , Agricultural Implements , Wa onsCarriage , ! { Utiffltt , Kle. Whotrsale. Omataa , Nrbrankn. " " "PARLIN , ORENDORF & MARTIN , WholctalM Dealers In Agricnltnral Implements , Wagons & Buggies (01 , nt ) . SO& and 007 Jones Btrert , Omaha. P. P. MAST & CO. , Manufacturers of Bnckcye Drills , Seeders , CuUlTntnn , Hay lUkri.CIJpr Mills and l.ubnn I'ul- verltcrs. Cor , lull and Nicholas Streets. V/TNONA IMPLEMENT co. , Wholr alo- Agricultural Implements , Wagons &Bnggies rumor Hlh .nil Nicholas tJtrfftn. OMAHA tlltANCH. J. F. SEIBERLING Jk CO. , Akron , Ohio , Harvesting Machinery and Binder Twine , W. K. .Mead , Mannaer. 1S13 LeaTiniworth St. , Omaha , M O LI N E. M I LBCmNsToTO D DA R D Co .MnnufacturvrsandJobbeis In Wagons , Buggies , Rates , Plows Etc , Cor. 9th and TaclOc SUcoU. Omnha , Neb. Artists' " ' 'X HOSPEJr. Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1513 DoiiKlas Street , Omens , Nobrafka. Booksollora and Stationers. H. M. & S. W. JONES , Succcstorn to A. T. Kenjrcm .V Co. , Wholesale & Itctnll Booksellers and Stationers , Fine Weclillnn Slntlonory , Commi'iclal Stationery \Ki Dourlai blicet , Omnhn. .Nub. Boots and Shops. KIRKENDALL. JONES & CO. , ( Hucccioors to llccd , Jones A Co. ) Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots aud Shoos iit * for Ilostnn Hubhor Hhoc Co. 111' ' , 1104 A 1100 - I. , Umah ' W. V. MORSE & CO. . Jolihsrs of Boats and Shoes , 1101,1103-1105 lougl : > St.Omilia ManufactorySum mer M. Huston. Coffooe , Splcos , Etc. CLARKE COFFEE CO. , Omaha Coffee and Splca Mills. Teas. Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder , Flavoring Kxtracts. Ijiundnr lllue. Ink * . Ktc. 11U 141U Ilarney Street , Qma.hu , Nfbrnnka. Crockery W. L. WRIGHT. Agent for thi > Manufacturers anil Importers of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys , Ktc. OB co , 317 S. loth St. , Om h . Ncbratkft. PERKINS , CATCH &LAUMAN. H nnd Jobbers of Greenery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware Etc. 1111 rnrnnm St. , New 1'nxton llulWlnf. Commission and Storage. _ RIDDELL & RIDDELLV Storage and Commission Merchants , Spcclaltlc" Tli-itpr. Kpr Chro o I'nnltry , Qamo , 1112 Howard Strsflt CEO. SCHROEDER & CO. , ( Jucri'siors to Mcfhano & Scbrocder. ) Produce Commission and Cold Storage , Omnha. Nebraska. FREDERICK J. FAIRBRASS. Wholesale Flour. Feed , Grain aud General Commisioii Merchant. Correspondence solicited. 1014 North 16th Mtrcct , Umiiha , Neb. CoalJCcko and Lima. O'MARA cbA"u cO"KE SI'UME' Jotes of Hard and Soft Coal , B South nth Street , Omaha , Nebraska. J. J. JOHNSON & CO. , Manufacturers of Lime. And shlppnrs of Coal , Coak , Cement , 1'wster , Llm Drain Tile , and Huwcr 1'ipc. ODlco , il , ti. Uth fct. , Omuliii , Neb. Telepbono 811. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Shippers of Coal and Coiis , i'll Soulh 13th St. . Omaba. Neb. Dry coodsand _ Notior s- M. E SMITH & CO. , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions , 1102 and 1104 Douglas , Cor. llth St. , Omaha , Neb. KILPATRICK-KOCH DRYGOODSCo Importers and Joooers in Dry GoodsNotions , Gents' Kurnlsblni ; ( loods. Corner llth and Uuncr bis. , Omaba. Nebraska. Rjrnlture. DEWEY & STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Karuam Street. Omaba. Nebraska. CHARLES SH1VERICK , Furniture Omaha. Nebraska. Crocerlps. PAXTON , GALLAGHER "itCO . , ' Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , 705,707 , \ < n and 711 S. 10th Et. , Omaba , Neb. MoCORD , BRADY & CO. , Wholesale Grocers , t th and Leavonwortli Streets , Omaha , Nebraska , Hardware. LEECLA KEpjNDRAESEH HAHD- Wliolesalc Hardware , Gallery , Tin Plate , Jletals , Micot Iron. etc.Rents for Howe Scales , Miami I'owdi-r nud l.ymun llurbcd wire , Umiiha , Nubruaku , HIMEBAUGH Ac TAYLOR. Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Snop , Mechanic ! ) ' Tools and IlulTnlo Bcalps. 1(05 Douulni btrcct , Omaha , Nebraitka. RECTOR , WILHELMY & CO. , Wholesale Hardware , 10th and Ilarner 8ts. , Omaha , Neb. Western Agcnti lor Austin Powder Co. , JonYrnon Htf ul Nails , _ _ _ Fairbanks btandanl Hcales. MARKS BROS. SADDLERY CO , Wholesale ManufuctureMof SaMery& Jfoersof Sidfllery Hardware And Leather. 1IM , 1 ia' > mi 1 H77 lluruuy St. , Oiuaha , Ncbraika. Heavy Hardware. W. J. BROATCH , Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springs , Waxen Stork , Hardware , Lumber , Etc. 1W. and 1211 Ilarney Street , Ouiah * . Etc. W. L. PARROTTE & CO. , Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods , 11U7 Ilarney Slrett , Oinuba , Nob. 'OMAHA LUMBER cd. All Kinds of Building Material at WMesali 16ti Street and Union 1'uclHe Track. Omaha. L O u7s B R"A DFORD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sasn , Doors , Ute. Yardi-Corner Tth and UOUCJRJ : Cb'inui Vtb aud IKjuiila * . * T i Lumber C. N. D1ETZ. Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber , l..lhnml Ollfornl * Slr ol8Oini > liB , .Vebrn'Sn. , Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , _ Corner rih ml nouBlMeu..Onj lin. _ T7WV HARVEY UUMBEH COTT" " " To Dealers Only , _ OBlrel4HFi ( > rn in Street , Omthit. _ JOHN A. WAKEFlELbi * Wholesale Lumber , Etc , Imported ml American IMrtlmi.l Crinent , Pt t Agent fur Mllwiuikci * HyilnuiHcOmom and _ _ QulncyVhllo l.inif. _ CHAS. n. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lumber , Wood Carpets and Tftrquet Klourlnir tth nn.l ! > , , . .M J _ Millinery nnd Notions. "l. OBEnFELDEti Vc6 " Importers & Jokers in Millinery & Notions _ Oyornllsj _ " ( " CA"NFTELD M ANUF/ui URING "bo. , Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans Touts , Shirts , Kto. llClund 1101 UuuuUi Street. Umnhn. Kcb. J. T. ROBTNSON NOTION CO. , Notions and Furnishing Goods 4(5t ( nnd 405 B < uth 13th St. . Omaha. Oi9. | CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholsale Reflned and Luliricatins Oils , Axle ( Ironto , Ittc. , Ouiaba. A. II. IlltUop , ManaKtr , VINYARD & SC"HNEID"ER. Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods , 1106 Harney S'trcM.Orpihn. Office Fixtures. TUB S1MMOND3 MANUKACl'uHl.Xa CO. i'n of Bank , Office and Saloon Fixtures , Mantles , Sl.tcboarJn , Hook Cnic < , I'ruir rixttires.Wall Caw. I'uttltlons HalltnKM'nnnt'rs. llci-rnnd Win * Cooler * . Mlrrorvetc. Factory ant' onlce , KJO nud 173 ? Houtli Uih St. , Offlulia. Telephone 1IJI. Paints and Oils. cTjMMINGS & NETuSON , Wholesale Dcnlcrsln , Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc , 1118 Fiunam Slrocl. Omaha , Nob. Paper. CARPENTER PAPER CO. . Wholesale Paper Dealers , 'nrry n nlre ttnck of Printing , WrnppInK and Wrltlag 1'n er. Biiecltil attention Riven to car Toad orJeri. Paper Boxes. JOHN L. WILK1E , Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory , Kos. UK and 1319 Uouelas Bt. OmahH , Neb Prlntora Matorlnla. ' ' " ' \v E ST'E R'N N Ew SPAPER'UNI ON , " Auxiliary Pnfclishers , Dialers In Typo , l're e anil rrlnters'Buppllos. O South 12th Sircct. Omnlm. Rubber Goods- OMAHA RUBBER CO. , Manufacturers and Dealers in Rate Goods 911 ClothlDK ami Leather IlcUlnn. 1003 Karnam SUMti SJsh , Doors , Etc. M. A. D1SBROV/ . CO.a Wliolcsalo Maniif'.cturcri of Sasli Dears , Blinfls ani Monldings , Brunei ! office , litti nnil Uanl blrcots , Ornuliu , Neb , , BONN MANUFACTUR1NQ CO. MannlaCtnrci's of Sash , Doors , Blinds , YruMlnRi , Stair Work nnd Intorlor IlHnl Woo 1 V\ & au. JJ. Ii. Corner 8lh anil I.cuvcuwortU Streets , ' Omtthn. Hcb. j , j -i Pum PBj Etc. A. L. STRANG CO. , Pumps and 2 , Pines Engines , CHUHCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pimps , Pipe , Fillings , U. S. WIND ENGINE 4 PUMP CO. . Steal and Water Supplies , tlalllday WlndMllln. 01S ami 020 Fnrnara Bt.Omah O. K. lloss , Actlne Manager. BROWNELL & CO. , Endues , Boilers and General MacWnem - Sheet Iron Work. Steam I'umps.Bow MIHi. UU-UlS Lcavcnworth Street , Umaha. * t Seeds. PHIL. ST1MMEL & CO. . Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds 811 and 813 Jones Utrert. Omalia. Storage , Forwarding & Commission ARMSTRONG. PETTIS & CO. , Storage , Forwarding and Commission , nranch tiotiitn nf the ilermur 1HKK7 Co. HiiKClenft whulcsulo and retail , 1 < H UlOaml 1312 lianl titreet , Ouialia. Tcleplione No.TM. OMAHA MA Stacks , Boilers , Etc. HTK. SAWYER , " Manufacturing Dealer in Smote Stacks- Ilrltchluug , Tnnks and ( lencrnl Ilnller Itopalrlng. U1S Duilltn Mtrcct. Oiuttlm. Neb Browore * ' STORZ ILER , Laier Beer Brewers. 1M1 North KUtbtceutli Street , Oumua , Keb. Cornloo. EAGLE CORNICE Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice , John Eieniitcr | , I'roprintnr. V2Q Dortt/o and ICUttlid 1QI North lUlh Mtrcot , Omalin. Iron Works. STEAM BOILER WORKS , Carter & ( on , 1'rop's. Manufacturers of all kind * Steam Boilers , Ms and Sheet Iron YM Worts youth IM h and H. A .M. Crossing. N & VIKItEl'NQ 1IION WOK KB. Wrought and Cast Iron Building Wort KnKlini9.Ilrn s Work , General roundry. Mnohlno nal Illuckumllli Work , unu-u and Works , U. 1 * . Ujr. and 17tb btreel , Umiilia. " * " " O"lvrAH A WIRE & IRON" WORKS , Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings Ueik Italln , Window Huardi , Flower Rtandu , Wlrd bluni. Kto. lip Nortli ICtli 8trectOm la. ' OMAHA SAFE and IRON WORKS , Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes t'nulti. Jail Work , Iron an'l Wire Kxnclnif , B\tn \ * . Klo. a , AuUruun , I'rop'r. Cor. llth and Jack ou HH , CHAMPION IRON nnd WIRE WORKS Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards and Bcreeni , for banks , olIros.Morpv re Monre < , nlct laiprnred AwnlnI I ockumlth Mcchlne.-y pntl UlucLiiultli Works. ( Ultjoutti Uth Bt. MEACHER St. WHtTMORl ] * Fire and Bnrg' r Pro J Saes.Tiine , Locis Uvnvra ) Aucntii lor DlulK < M burn A. IxckuDiu ? > a 'ii \ tuluuuJJallVoik , IWbUilubt.