THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , AUGUST 14. 1888. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE , NO. IB I'HMIIJ HTKI3KT Delivered l > y Carrier In Any T'nrt of the City nt Twenty Couti ) 1'er Week. II.V , TlI/rON MANAOKIl. TlSMU'HONliS ! 1lt'fliNK. s Omcr , No. 41. NKIIIT llniToii , No. - ) . M1NOU MHNT10.V. N. Y. Plumbing company. The little daughter of A. A. Hazard is very 111 .vith dlph thorla , and fears wore felt yesterday that she would not recover , Colonel Baker , of Bongham , Iowahas bought al ot at Manawa , and prosposcs putting up a cottage there by another season , and use It for his own summer f recreation. The case of Reese , for securing money on a worthless check , was again continued in Judge Aylesworth's court yesterday at the request of County Attorney Dailoy , on account of tlio absence of the prosecuting witness. Money loaned on furniture , pianos , diamonds , lioivos , buggies or anything of value , at low rate of interest. No publicity ; fair and honorable dealing. A. A. Clark & Co. , ollico cor. Broadway and Main , over American Express. Dan Carrigg yesterday generously remembered the Cottage hospital with a goodly cash contribution. Tlio ladies in charge of the worthy enterprise expressed - pressed their appreciation of his gen erosity , but Dan modestly declined to have his name made public. A young man by the name of Griffith was lately taken ill hero , and being a stranger some kindly hearted citizens took him to the Cottage hospital. His father arrived yesterday from Moberly , Mo. , to care for him. lie is having a hard run of malarial fever. On lower Broadway there is a rather loud smell from an expensive pig pen , and also from a cow yard. So long as these lots were out in the country it mattered little , but with the opening up of tlio paved thoroughfare , and the putting on of metropolitan airs the pig pens and cow yards should go. The hincll is rather strong for those who take pleasure drives along the new Broadway. DMrs. Elixa E. Franks died of strangu lation at 10 o'clock Sunday evening at her homo , 343 Lincoln avonuo. About 0:80 : o'clock she complained to her hus band that she could scarcely get her breath , and ho hastened to secure the services of Dr. Allison. She was in terrible agony when they returned , and died before anything could bo done to relieve her. The funeral will take place to-day. A large attendance is desired at the board of trade meeting this evening. The secretary and other desponding members are much encouraged at the interest manifested at the last meeting and hope that it will bo doubled to night. The change of the Red Oak Cart and Buggy company to tiiis city will bo discussed at length. Three im portant propositions arc to come before the meeting. The weather is now con siderably cooler , and there is no reason for the absence of members on that Bcoro. The board is thoroughly organ ized ami in shape to do effective work in securing business enterprises to lo cate hero , ana its efforts should not bo hampered by repented failures to secure u quorum at regular meetings. GUKAT Of Council JMufTH Lots at Auction. I will offer for sale and sell without reserve to tlio highest bidder one-half of all the lots in Cochran's addition to Council Bluffs. Ono lot of every other pair through out the whole addition will bo sold with the privilege to the purchaser of the re maining lot at the same price. The ground on which the addition is laid is known as the old fair ground forty , north of the Union Pacific depot , and Eoulh of Broadway. The number of lots are ICO , or four to the aero. TKIIM3. Ton per cent of the purchase money cosh in hand. The balance in nine equal annual payments to bo evidenced by notes bearing interest at C per cent per annum , secured by mortgage. The Sroporty purchasers will got warrantee ecds , title perfect. I will also sell on the same terms and at the same sale ICO lots in Central sub division and Street's addi tion on grounds joining on the north. So mo of those lots are situated on Broadway. PAY OF SALK SKITKM11KH 12. The place of sale will bo on the ,1 , ; prounds on Wednesday , the 12th of 5 ? September , 1888 , find continue from day $ to day till all is sold. The lots and blocks will bo numbered ' On stakes and maps furnished bidders I' on day of ealo. Other particulars on f , day of sale. A. COOIIKAN. Patrons of the Pacific IIouso have hone but words of pralso for the atten tion given them. A. A. Clark ft Co. negotiate loans on farm and city property. Personal . ' A. T. Elwoll is undergoing a general toning up at Colfax. Miss Ethel Fouton , of Wymoro. Neb , , Is visiting Major Richmond and family. Mrs. R. II. Randall , jr. of Lin coln , Nob. , is in the city visiting hoi Blslor-in-law , Mrs. W. S. Cass. General Agent S. S. Stevens , of the s Rock Island , and wife are enjoying u few days' rest .at Colfax Springs. P- Mrs. W. S. McMickcn is enjoying the waters of Colfax , In company with hoi daughter , Mrs. Hanchott , of Omaha. Nate Phillips has returned from In diana. He reports Harrison enthusiasm to bo growing , and the prospect of re publican victory certain. Mrs. J. B. Ilumo and Mrs. Charles finook have returned from a throe months' visit at Indianapolis , Ind , Mr. Ilumo wont east about a week ago to re turn with thorn. Mr. 13. II. Odt-11 left last evening fm Lake Okoboji , where ho will join r party of friends from lies Moines for n few days' fishing excursion. He wll ' return home next Saturday. Dr. J. 13. Mooru- and Mr. Cv E. Browne o ! Emerson , were In the city yesterday , Dr. Moore is well , known throughout the country on account of his popular proprietary priotary remedy , Mnoro'.s Tree of Life Mr. Louis Bk'dorman and family lot fr last uvening for the east for n thrc < weeks' trip. Mr. Bicdcrnmn goes t < New York on business , and his family will visit ut Mit C.ulnu during his ab BOUOO. WilliamMalonoy. of Lincoln , camcu ] i Sunday ovoniistf to visit relatives in tin , Bluffs , IU was \\itnt-v3 of the rciitm ? railroad riot , and siiy tilings wcrt con Idarably mixed fur u few minutes. 11 < : * r vrlll return to Noluuska toil to-Juy. If you have nr&pwiy for iiilo at a bar gain list It will1 us and -.TO will advoi , tiie it free of chnrgu. A. A. Clark 4 ! * Co. , corner Broadway and Malt , o\v American express. Stop al iho Pacific House. ' The inos o atruly. ! located hotel iu the city. An Irate Farmer Emptloa His Shot gun nt n Neighbor. MATTERS AT LAKE MANAWA. MuroVnlcr null HctliM1 Wnter Sorvlno ICntlnisliistlu Colurccl Jt-tilli- | cans Two Pnsl Young Men NutCH. A Slmotlnc Xcnrcr Homo. A farmer immcil Finton , living Ion miles southeast oj the city , hnq boon in the habit of soiling butter autl produce to parties llvln-f lioro. Atnoiiff thoiso whom he hits been furnishiup butter is Mr. A. Wiiugh , living nt No. 17to Eighth Btrcet. Saturday Mr. Fin ton \vna in the city , and while at Waugh's house arranged to have the little boy , Roy Wiiugh , aged about eight yearn , go out to the farm with him and spend Sunday. It was about dark Saturday evening when they nenrcd Fin ton's home. About a mile and a half this side of the farm lives a man named Cra mer , who , it appears ) , has had an old grudge against Finten. It is paid that on ono occasion ho attacked Finton with a hatchet , and at other times there has boon trouble between thoin. Saturday night aa they wore driving past Cramer's place Cramer como out to the road with a pitchfork , and an angry talk coni- inciH-ed. Cramer asked what Finton was doing with that boy. Finton re plied that he did not know as it was any of his busincbs , and this led to hotter - tor words. Cramer dropped the pitch fork , and picking up a shotgun , which was lying in the grass , approached cloer in a threatening manner. and as Finton drove olT , fired both bar rels , one after the other in quick suc- cobMon. Luckily neither Finton nor the boy was seriously hurt. Four buck shot wont through iho seat of the wagon , and ono shot went through the little boy's leg. The second barrel emptied itb'olf in dangerous proximity to them , and some of Iho shot hit the horses. Finton came back to the city yesterday , bringing the boy home. lie will proba bly prosecute Cramer , and Mr. Waugli will also take a very natural interest in having Iho reckless shooter put where lie can do less harm. Such is the outline of the affair a s given by Mr. Finten , and as corrobo rated by the boy. Cramer's side of the alTair is not known , but it seems that ho will have a dilllcult task to present any cxtenuatMig circumstances for such i\ murderous attack. The boy's wound Is not a very burious ono , but it was won derfully fortunate thai , the marksman ship was to bad. For bargains in real estate see E. II. Sheafo & Co. , Broadway and Main Btrcet , upstairs. Buy mantels , grates and hearth fur- mshi'ngs of the Now York plumbing Co. Pacific House is open to the traveling public , notwithstanding to the contrary. Sliorldau'H Comrades. A committee of the Union Veteran Legion , encampment No. 8 , was ap pointed , consisting of Colonel R. C. Hubbard , Judge George C. Carson and J. B. Iloft , to draft appropriate resolu tions on the death of General Sheridan. Their report as adopted is as follows : Whereas , In accordance with the stern necessity established by the will of God , our comrade , Philip Henry Sheridan , a member of encampment No. 8 , Union Veteran Legion , has passed from the shadow of time into the light of eter nity ; and Whereas , Wo recognize in him the ideal soldier of the republic and a char acter in citizenship that is of lasting benefit to the nation ; therefore bo it Resolved , By Encampment No. 8 , Union Veteran Legion , that it holds his memory as ono of its richest legacies , while it regards the record of his life as a most glorious heritage of a liberty loviitg people. Hcfaolvcd , That as comrades wo sin cerely mourn his death as a personal be reavement , and a natural loss , 'and as an expression thereof it is ordered that the hall and charter of the encampment bo suitably draped , and that each mem ber wear u badge of mourning for thirty days. Resolved , That Encampment No 8 ex tends its sympathy to the family of the distinguished dead in this hour of their sorrow , and that a copy of these resolu tions bo sent to them as a testimonial of its remembrance of their aflllction in passing into the gloomier shadow of separation from their best and most be loved earthly friend. Resolved , That these resolutions bo pproad upon the records of the encamp ment and bo published in tlio daily papers. This is the first death among the members of this Council Bluffs encamp ment. Each year the members have a banquet , and by the rules of the occa sion chairs are to bo set for the absent as well as the living members. Tlio next banquet will have its first vacant chair. There may bo others before that date is reached again. The sad feature of this annual gathering will bo realized more fully as the years go by. There is a peculiar interest in the fact that the first to bo thus mustered out is their gallant leader , and that the first vacant chair to be placed at the banquet table will bo his. Money loaned at L. B. Crafts & Co.'s loan ollice , on furniture , pir.nos. horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds ! and all other articles of value without removal. All business strictly confi dential. - O J. G. Tiplon has bargains in real estate , . . . . , The Muriilni ; Drive. Pralor's restaurant is being movei several blocks further down Broadway , It is understood that the old building i < to bo torn down to make room for i more modern one. The Cole building on Broadway ii nearing completion. It is understood that one of the stores is to ha used as i moat market , and another as a bru-boi shop. The new Brown dwelling on Broad way near the Northwestern depot ii showing up its frame. It is a larg < building , and will bo made complete with all modern conveniences. S. UoldBtein is about to raise his butd ness building on Broadway , and other wise improve his property. ' Work has commenced on the powo building for the electric motor com puny. U is located on First avenue , oas of the water works , and or. the track o the Chicago ft NorlhweMorn. It .win quit stiirtlliig to see the brick am loiio being put into buildings iinioni the ucedtf .mnl sunflower- ; ' , and it ia bu ( he bUtler of u&uy vhurifit's 'rthich ar ffil coming. But a short lime ago there' were no streets nnd few roads , and the o laid out 1 > y chance. Now one llinls Htrcets npon'lnt , ' up , houses springing up iu all direction ) * , and a wonderful trans formation taking place on the bottoms. Tills now building -11x100. . The stuck will be 100 foot high , with an eighteen- foot base , and live feet interior. The first break in the now paving on Broadway was made yesterday. It was for the pin-pose of putting iu water ser vice for the now electric power build ing. Depot Master McMillan , of the Union Pacific , is just completing the finest house on the bottoms. It looms up finely. Tlio exterior is of modern architecture and is very attractive. Tlio Interior is roomy and convenient. Double parlors , dining room , kitchen , etc. , on Iho first floor. Four largo bedrooms above , with bath room and other conveniences. The whole house is made very nicely , as Mr. McMillan intends it for liis own use and has spared no pains or money to have it all that can bo desired. The residence of W. W. Loomls is progressing well. It will be ono ot the most attractive of the many on Eighth street. The two cottages being built by J. R. Davidson on Fifth avenue are ncaring completion. They are as cosy houses as anyone could wisli for , and have been built witli the modern appliances throughout. Work has commenced on the addition to tlio Presbyterian church in accord ance with the original plans. With the addition the appearance of the church building will bo greatly im proved , be.--ides affording the needed rooms for church services. ICnrly Oats. The assault case of state va. John Maher and William Walters was tried before Judge Aylesworth yesterday , and revealed a disgusting state of affairs. Three witnesses wore examined on each side , Bert Williams , Henry Forman and Frank Shoemaker for the prosecu tion , and the two defendants and the woman Georgia.for the defense. The trouble all originated on account of young Williams' attentions to the woman , who was shown to bo a prosti tute , and is known as Walter's "solid woman. " That worthy took offense at the actionsof Williams , and in company with Malior waylaid him at tlio corner of Seventh street and Broadway while going homo with her. Williams was most brutally and cruelly pounded , and bis assailants skipped out for Denver to avoid arrest. They did not return un til a few days ago when they were ar rested. The testimony of the woman was mostly in favor of the defendants , but as the judge stated iu summing up the evidence , "she evidently wanted to keep _ square with both sides , and would continue to rake in their loose change. " The court stated that it was the most disgusting i-aso ho had over tried , and revealed a most deplorable state of mor als in allparticsconcerned. Ho thought that every witness examined lied more or less , and that every ono of the five young men examined was in the habit of continually visiting houses of H'ostitution. lie classed them ill in the same bunch , and expressed the belief that the de- 'endants wore worse than the proseeut- ng witnesses only in that thev carried their depravity to the point of making i premeditated assaults. lie decided , hat it was a case for the consideration of feoven men , and behind the defendants over to the grand jury in the sum of KOO each for assault with intent to do jreat bodily injury. Williams was ineU $14.00 for contempt of court in fail- , ng to appear Saturday as ordered. His 'athor paid the amount and ho was re- eased on furnishing the necessary se curity. The case revealed an astonish ing state of affairs , in the ignorance ind indifference of parents as to where , heir boys arc spending their time when away homo every evening until long after midnicrht. Judge Aylesworth ; nlked very plainly , "and warmly 'roasted" those who deserved blame in the matter. Ho also lectured the boye , " lot yet out of their teens , who desire "to lose as "bleeds , " and referred to the case just completed , in which one young man got his head considerably disfig ured by being where ho had no'bu&inebs ' bo. E. H. Sheafo it Co. , make long or short time loans on real estate , in sums : o suit , at lowest rate of interest. Office Broadway and Main street , upstairs. Travelersl Stop at the Bochtelo. S. B. Wadswoath & Co. loan money. Reforming ; the Motor. Manager Reed , of the motor line , has como to the conclusion that the only way in which to run that road is the right way , and is now making strenuous ef forts to please the public and should re ceive credit for it. The time card has been slightly changed , so that perfect connections with the Union Pacific dummy trains are now made , greatly to the accommodation of visitors from across the river. Not a connection has been missed for the past three days. The cars have been kept scrupulously clean and a gang of men have been placed at work on the track to put it in first class repair. Considerable com plaint was made about the immidonco of the conductor , and the management has1 severely sat down upon that voung man , who was so vividly impressed with his own importance that ho began to think that ho owned the whole motor line and a largo slice of the Union Pa cific. His little "sot-back" has done a great deal of good , for ho now manages to treat nassungors very courteously. The public is ready to appreciate any efforts that are made to increase their comfort or pleasure , and Mr. Reed will Jlnd that his now moves are in the right direction There is n sad need of now cars on the line and they cannot bo put on any toe quickly to suit the public. The old ones are looked upon with fear and trembling , especially when overloaded , as they frequently are. It is still re membered that ono car tumbled down in a dead faint while standing at the Manawu depot , being loaded with a crowd. Had this occurred while the train was spinning along at Its usual reckless rate u torrlblo loss of life must have resulted. While Mr. Reed is coil' sidering improvements ho should not be long in deciding that if ho cannot gel new cars now , ho should take so nit means of preventing the old ones boinp overloaded. The rate of spend should bo slowed , especially in the thickly set tled portion of the city. There are bOV' oral such changes for the hotter witli which Mr. Rood can bu&y himself. II is gratifying to know that ho has made n start for improvement. EnthiiNinstlc Itfinuhllcaiis. The colored republican club nppcaret yesterday for the first time in their now uniforms. They presented a line appear ance , and under the captaincy of Oscai Brewer marched wullnnd excited man ; pleasing comments. They paidthoii respects to tlio republican nowspapei olll'ies , mill were ytyen a ueat. little ad rcss of encouragement by Colouol Hub- Mird , of the Nonpareil. They drew hcmsolvcs up in line ill front of Tin : ir.i : ollico. and nUhbugli oratory was acking in Tin : lliu family , their call VMS no less appreciated , and enthiHinsm vas made manifest by three cheers for larrison and Morton. ' The boys are in earnest and have ctaiilcil Sn vigorouslv , vllh the full determination to not only Oto straight , but woi'k straight for the ucccss of the parly which has done so nuch for thorn. The plub is made up of ho best citlrenflfrtml with harmony and enthusiasm they will bo no weak factor n the campaign , locally at least. E. II. Sheafo loans money on chattel security of every description. Private consulting rooms. All business strictly conlldental. Ollico BOO Broadway , cor- lor Main street , up-stairs. Artists prefer the Hallott & Davis ) iano , at C. B. Music Co. , U21 Broadway. Miiiutwn KUIni ; . The recent heavy rains have made a very material change in Lake Manawa , ind there is now ton inches more water han a few days ago. The steamers now experience no dinicuUyjiti visiting any tart of the lake. Nothing lias yotbeon lone in the way of fixing up the outlet to retain this increased depth of water , ind it is a settled fact that the work will lot bu begun until the return of Mr. McConnell from Arkansas. This ccn- ; lomiin is one of the committee having .ho mall or in charge. Some of the In- .orested parties have visited the outlet ind claim that it is impossible to work .o anv advantage at the present high stage of the water and that tlio work will have to bo done either late in tlio 'all or early in the spring. Mr. Reed is willing to give liberally for the purpose of improving the lake and have the work prosecuted immediately , but there scorns to be a disposition on the part of some of those interested at the lake to iviggle along as they are now doing if it is a possible thing and continue to squeeze the silver "cartwheels" out of the citizens' pockets. These individuals ire working the present for all it is worth , and do not care a picayune for the future until it gets hero. Their shortsighted policy is to be severely condemned , and the public should dis criminate in the mutter and bestow its intronago where it is deserved. A list of over twenty vacant dwellings 'or ' rout can bo obtained at ollico of E. Ft. Sheafe & Co. , corner Broadway and Main streets , up stairs. Full line of sheet music at Council Bluffs Music Co. , UiM Broadway. City Council . At the special session of the city coun cil last evening Mayor Rohrer presided and Alderman Mctcalf , Knephor , Weaver and Waterman were present. Petition for sidewalk on Third avenue from Sixteenth to Nineteenth streets ind protest against the same were re- 'orrcd. ' Petition for the ! opening of a street from the south line of Fall-mount Park to ( Men avenue was granted , and the city engineer was instructed to give the prudes. Petition of Messrs. Turloy and White to bo allowed to cut the street out against then1 property in Tur- ley's out lot was grnntoatln5 petitioners to fllo the propel' bond. Petition that Franklin nvonuo from Plcrco to Pearon streets bo lowered to grade was referred to the committee on streets and alleys and city engineer. Petition for sidewalk on the south side of Pierce street from First avenue to Grace .street wan granted. Petition that Second avenue from Tenth street to Indian creek bo opened was granted , and the oily marshal was instructed to order all obstructions re moved within ton days. The city mar shal was also instructed to notify all railroads crossing Second avenue to put in proper crossings and waterways , The report of Sheriff O'Neill in the condemnation proceedings through lots bix and seven , Kerry's nddditiou , $0120 , was referred to finance committee. In reference to the matter of cutting down trees on Sixtli and Mynster streets , the previous order wa < < re scinded and the matter was referred tote to the committee of the whole. The city engineer's report on inter section paving done by E. A. Wickham iV Co. , amounting to $3,353.15 , was ac cepted. The Chicago , Burlington & Quincy railroad was granted thirty days in which to comply with the requirements of the city in laying certain tracks granted by resolution some time ago. Bonds amounting to iWi.rMO.lM were ordered issued to E. A. Wickman & Co. for paving on Broadway from Twenty- third to Thirtieth street. Bonds were ordered issued to T. O. IIearn for grad ing Ninth street from Ninth to Eleventh avenue ; amount , * 1.141. < > 5. Sewers were ordered on Plainer street , from Franklin avenue to First street , and on Pierce street from First to Grace streets. Alderman Weaver referred to the bad condition of the street at the corner of Seventh and Mill street. Contractor Kelly was notified to complete that part of his contract. Property owners on Mill street from Sixth to Seventh streets , also from Mill to Washington avenue , were ordered to place the streets to grade. Tlio city engineer was authorized to have Indian crook ditched where it is necessary to protect sewerage. Cost , " 5 cents per rod , cash. Tlio mayor was authorized to secure such help as is necessary in the audit or's ollico. Tlio city engineer was instructed to furnish the council an estimate of the sewer work done on thoMooro contract. Certain coal dealers appeared and made verbal protest against the now woighmaster's ordinance. The matter was referred to a committee of the whole. ! A. A. Clark & Co. , real estate brok ers , have a list of choice inside proporti on their books. Nothing but bargains offered. Full line of sheet music at Counci Bluffs Music Co. , 121 ! Broadway. The Republican drill club will meet this evening to complete arrangements to go to Glenwood. There will be , be sides the drill , some brief addresses , one by Judge Sears. -IF YOU IIAVr. AXY- EGOND-HAND STOVES OR FURNITURE Call on M. imOHLICH , ffts ; Ki-oudway , ivliorc you will receive llic HiKlii'st C'asli Price. THE OSDEN | Bfl S WORK COMPANY Wrought and Cast IIIUH flUllll FOR \Ilullalnas \ , Automatic r LI ft I Iw T O Highest Economy , Itcpitlrs. Nciv C 2d Hand LllU I KlLU StmpllcUu and Durability. Nos. 1100 to 1S200 , Tenth Avenue , Council BlulTsIa. , Tolcphono 100. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. SPECIAL iHlvcrUuomciits.biichns Lostround , . . ToLoun.rorHnle.To Hcnt.Wiuits , llo-irdint ; , etc. , will Us Inserted In this column nt the low rate of TIJN CKNTS PRIt LINK for the llwt In sertion nnd Kvo Cents Vcr Line for cnon Milise- quent Insertion. Lonvo ndverttsoinents at our olllce , No. 12 Pearl Street , near liroadway , Council lllullH , lowtt. WANTS. HOI'Sr.S for rent by JohnMou & Van Patten , ; t ! Main bt. FOH SALK Improved ranch , ( M acres ; 1M ) cattle , 9 horses ; elwht miles south of Has- sett. Hi-own Co. , Neb. A bargain. Addros-s , O. A. Illllicrg , atHnssett , or 0 U , llee ollice , Couu- ell FOH SALK The best small fruit nnd vegeta ble farm in I'ottawattumle county , two miles from Council IllulTs postolllce , nt a price that will sell It , on remarkably easy terms. Tltlu perfect and piopcrty In rood condition. Possession given at any time. Good reason for hPllliiK. It. T. llrynnt vV Co. , ( KS Uroiidwny , Council Illuirn , la. Stocks of merchandlso to ex- WANTUD clianso for city propeity In Council Illuirs , Omahn. or western land or chattels of any kind. Wo iniiko nxchaiiKing u specialty. It. 'J' . llryant & Co. , ( H8 llroadway. BtocKi ol merchandlso. Hava WANTED Umalm nnd Council UlulfH city property , ilbo western land to exchanse for goods. Call on or address Johnson > V Chrlatlan , Hocm 3j , Cliambcr of Commerce. Uraulm. COIt. 5TI1 AV11 AND 7TU ST. COUNCIL BLUFFS , 1A. Conducted by the Sisters of Charity , An excellent educational institution , furnl'h- cd with nil modern Improvement * for boarding nnd day school. The academlayenr consists of two sessions , beginning on the < nrst Monday In September and February , respectfully , Torino-Hoard and tuition iier session , 173. Yov further partlculnni address1 Sister Superior , St. rrancls Academy , Couu'cll llliills , la. FINE , CHOICE IMPORTED MILLINERY 1514 DOUGLAS ST. . . OMAHA. , NKD OFFICER & POSEY , BANKERS. MOIlroadway Council niuffs , Iowa. Ustablhhed 1857 0. H , McDANELD & CO , , Hides. Tallow , Pelts , Wool-and Furs. Highest Market Pricas. Prompt ' Returns. 20 miK2 Main Street.UouucIl IllugIowa. atl ijfa ; ! - - > KYNETT'S ' MIXTURE AT THIS SEASON OF THE YEAH WHEN DIARRHEA , DYSENTERY , FLUX , CHOLERA INFANTUM AND CHOLERA MORBUS , Overcoming all opposition , fill the cemeteries with no ly made graves , lenvlug the once happy homo with nothing but memen toes of loved ones lost. Where KYNETT'S MIXTURE Is used It is universally found to be EQUAL TO ANY EMERGENCY , The vnluo of n single bnttlu for use Innnvof the above named dlseates is really Incalculable. Monev could not induce tho&e who huvn thor oughly tried It to bo without it. The market Is mil or remedies for a similar pmuose , and all hftvo merit in xnmu rases , but with tlintn it is n htubborn fact that these are In many places the MOST FATAL DISEASES of the country. With tills medicine they are THE LEAST FATAL. This medicine lias nowbeenused inthls country FOR FORTY YEARS , AMI TO-IIAV KYNETT'S MIXTURE Has no equal on earth. Hold by druggist * every- whole. HARLE. HASS & CO. , Wholesale Agents , Council lllulls , lown. THE MORRIS TYPE WRITER. FEICS $15. Is equal to 0117 High Priced Machine. The KOIton Mimeograph , tlio liost niipnratiiB for ninnifoUllnif , autlioirrnphlo and typewriter work. UIOO ( topics can bo tiiKun. The Ezcelsior Co. , Council Bluffs , IB. TAXI DERMY F. J. BREZEE , THE TAXIDERMIST , In accordance with numerous renuesta has do- clrted to teach Taxidermy In all Its branches. MnnutliiK birdwith ! nianimiils iiud other intricacies , * 1H ) . Would also like to rocelv.i oulers lor birds to till order book on trip south. No. 1110 Main St. . Council Illuffs. SN YDER & SNYDER M. B. SNYDBE , A. M. . II. D. Physician and Surgeon MBS. M. B. 8NYDER , SPECIALIST : DisctiBcsof Women and Children , 307 Uioai'.wuy , Council Illuffs. YouMUST KEEP COOL so a-o TO Baird's for Fruits. Assorted Bnskots Put Up to Order. For GROCERIES & FRESH FRUITS Go To N. I. TIBBBTTS , nnd Save Monoy. No. 315 llroiulnay. For your .LightCarriages BUGGIES , OABTS nncl OTHER VEHICLES , See Henry Van Brunt Stock and Lowest Prices. CITY MEAT MARKET ! No. 12O Brondwny. Telephone No. 2O1. 222 PROMPT DELIVERY. For CHEAP RATES TO ALL POINTS Go to T _ No. 2O Main Stroet. SWANSON MUSIC CO. , 329 Broadway ' Full Line of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. Itfft I'timns anil Own * on MontMu I'm/moiM. / 3 ALLEN'S RESTAURANT . .is.v m'unr iiiwwr. NQ.4-J36 BROADWAY VL'li KXTKAOHDIXAKY LOW VKICKS for SUOKS l tlic fount nftlit Utah Tcwpridlmeo/ ) > rlfiii. | nosrox HOOT \ SIIOK sronn. ; ' . K. A HAMS & co , YIf Hi millionI'otinell llliCJf , 'nioi. | SCOFIELD & GAVINNo.2OQ _ _ _ Brondwny. i Buy Your GROCERIES of I DUHL1N BROTHERS , 533 B'way All Fruits In Their Season. Tol. 20O. Jf i'on Want Nafa Hcpoalt or C/nvrp Loan , Call on International Jtulldliifi , Loan ami I in-cut in cut L'nlon SEWING MACHINE. W. H. KNEPHEB , THE GROCER , 744 B'dway While at IjtKR MAX A IV A Take the 3VX. P. B.OHBEE , For tlie Beach. A FINE DOL'liLE DECKED STEAM Elt. INCOIU'OIlAXtJD 1878. U8TABLWHRD 182 co. , MASSILLON , OHIO , MAXUFACTUlinUS. Adapted for SIZES FROM ELECTRIC 25 TO 300 HORSEPOWER LIGHTING , POWER , Mills and Elevators , AUTOMATIC - : - CUT-OFF ENGINES. . . Durability Cuar- Specifications and estimates furnished for complete steam plants. Hegnlatlon. auteed. Can show letters from users where fuel Kconomy is equal with Corliss Nou-l ondosin ItKAXCIl'ii , IO\VA. Send for Catalogue , E. C. HARRIS , Manager. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. / Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineer. Plans , Estimates , . D III l\l IND I IN L" " Specifications. Supervision of 1'ublic Work , llrown Building , Council BlulV * , Iowa. I IMI TV ni 1DI/C Attorney at Law , Second Kloor Brown BuildlnB , 115 rllNLLY DUlllxt. " Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. IDT Justice ol the IVacc. Ofllcc over American ExpressNo.119 NOPUI U n L. " iJroadway , Council lllullb , Iowa. _ _ _ J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ i a MM H * " ' * ' " * O-rrvivir 0 dlV/l5 / ? Attorneys nt Law , Practice in the State and Kodera O I UIN U 06 Ol IVI 0" Courls. Olllce Rooms 7 and 8 , Sluigarl-Ueno IMock , , Council HlufTh , Iowa , p p HA7PNDentist. . Corner Main Street and First Avenue , Counci - - . ' Bluns , Iowa. P3 REDUCTJQN PM From 15 to 25 Per Cent. kNMJl NOW IS THE TIME TO PURCHASE PETER C. MILLER , Nos. II & 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. DR. C. B. J U D D , MANUFACTURER OF ELECTRIC BELTS AND ELECTRIC TRUSSES , No. 6O6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. WANTED Good Salesmen on largo commission or salary. WANTlil ! - 0 AL AM > THAVii.l\ ; A ! i\Tfi OX MMI klK CASCADE LAUNDRY COMPANY MAKE CALLS AND DELIVERIES PROMPTLY , NO. 330 BROADWAY. TELEPHONE NO. U . . SULtrf.LL .ju-g.t I , ' t 1