Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1888, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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Monday Sale.
76 i1o/.on ladies' jersey ribbed lisle
vests , low neck , no sleeves , in black
patterns ; also high colors , lavender ,
jiink , blue and ecru , and at less than
lialf cost to innnufaeturc. One day only ,
Monday , lc ! ) each. 100 Persian shawl. * .
Wo want to close them out. Your
choice Monday $1.80 each , worth $ -1.00.
100 line cashmere shawls in cream , ctir-
ditmls and fancy plaids. .lust what you
want for chlllvevcningH. Your clioleo
Monday.125'each. ] This is indeed a
Ijlg bargain. 500 street jackets In
t nobby fall htyles , just received , from
[ K.50 up to WOO , on wile Monday. 1
case flue white Doinet llannol for early
fall wear , 8e yard. Do you need feather
pillows':1 : Wo place on sale to-morrow
100 pairs , ! 1J Ibs feathei1 pillows , fiOc
each. Boarding : nouses tak < notice
of this item , . ' ! Hb pillows 6Ue each.
Special prifies on table linens ,
10 pieces line blenched damasks , ! ! . > < :
yard. Ask lo see them. 15 pieces ele
gant bleaehed and nnblcnched
damasks , 08 indies wide , at 75e and
8to ) vard. They are great bargains.
10 pieces bleached and unbleached table
damasks , our price Monday 59e yard.
They are cheap. Silk department A
grand pienio in this department. Foul- ! Ik 2o ! ) , plain silk i'.Oo. A hand ,
tome black silk 75o und one atSc ! ) -
Thcso two numbers no one can touch at
the price.Vo shall include in this
Bale a lot of summer silks at 2c ! ) yard ,
Bold all sca.sou at 50e. Now girls , if you
want a cash or a fancy stripe biitin dress
for evening wear , all in evening shades ,
wo will olTor a lot of fancy stripes satins
nt So ! ) yard. If you want any plushes
we have just received our own importa
tion.Vohnvoall the new shades and
you will find the prices right. Great
bargain. 1,000 lace fichus worth up to
60o , Monday two for 25o. 1,000 Winner
wire bustles 15c each , others ask 25o for
B.imc. Silk veiling 5c jnrd , line nich
ingle , fine silk ruuhing lOc yard , Hue
fancy ruchings " yard , all worth double.
50 do en ladies' kid gloves ; SSc pair , was
II,23. 25 dozen ladies' kid gloves 5c ! )
pair , wns $1.00. A lot of lisle gloves
and fancy mitts 125e pair to clo o.
Read Stonohiirs great ad.
I in port ant AniKiitiieoiiienr.
Max Meyer & Bro. , the jewelers , have
this day received appointment as ex
clusive licensed wateli examiners for
the Union Pacific railroad company.
Employes of the Union Pacific railway
company wishing to have their watches
closely regulated can have this done
free of charge at the store of Max Meyer
& Bro. , cor. Sixteenth and Farnam
To comply with the above wo have
put an experienced watchmaker in our
regulating department , and invite the
citizens of Omaha to have their watches
regulated free of charge.
"The .Jewelers. "
Tlio Htnr .Merchant Tallorn
JIavo opened their handsome btorc ,
cor. Iflth and Davenport , and are now
prepared with a full line of domestic
and imported woolens of the latest pat
terns to furnish anything in their lino.
TJioy have also secured the services of
Mr. M. Doyle , a first class cutter with
nn experience of 17 years. Call and
BOO them before you order your fall or
winter suit.
Auction of Furniture.
Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock wo will
Bell the entire contents of a 0 room flat
nt 414 S. 15th street ( flat No. 2) ) , every
thing in good order. Parties leaving
the city. Must bo bold. Omaha Auction
& Storage Co. , Auctioneers.
As we near the completion of the
wagon bridge , fBroadway paving , and
the beginning of work on the electric
motor line over the river , wo notice
Oinahti capitalists are making purchases
there , among wliich is a $21,000 bale to
Guy C. Barton by E. A. Benson.
A solid vestibule train daily , with
dining car attached , viatho Burlington
route , leaves from their own depot ,
Omaha , at 8:45 : p. m. , arriving at Chicago
cage 8 a. m. Tickets sold and sleeping
car berths reserved at tlio eity oillce ,
12123 Farnam street. Telephone .
Read Stonehill's great ad.
Westminster Presbyterian church ,
corS29th and Mason sts. , regular servi
ces at 100 ; ! ! n. in. and 8 p. m. , conducted
by Rev. Thomas MoClellaud. Young
people's meeting at 7 p. m.
If you have railway or other securi
ties call or address John Culloy , 252,5 Far-
liaui , representing London eapitalibts.
Beth Eden Baptist church , Park avo.
just bouth of Leaven worth. Ser vices
Sunday morning , Aug. 12 , at 10:45 :
All ofllcors and members of Omaha
( irt ! ) regiment K. of P. are requested to
meet at Nobriibka No. 1 hall , 14th , be
tween Douglas and Dodge , Wednesday
evening , August 16 , at 8 o'clock.
Thompson's klndorgardon homo and
school for children 1 to 12 years of ago ,
Loavonworth and HOth. Address J. R.
Thompson , Omaha , Nob.
Read Stonohill's great ad.
Portland. Oregon , and all points in
Alaska can bo reached over the Oregon
Short Line of the Union Pacific.
Flambeau torches , uniforms and cam
paign goods. Mtix Meyer & Co.
Read Stouohill's great ad.
Campsii u floods , bullies , canes , uul-
fonnsiit factory pficos. MnxMoyor&Co.
The Union Pucifio is the only roar
rimulngr to the celebrated Clear Creek
canyon iu Colorado.
_ _ -
JLJ - | >
Visitors to the city should try the
Globe hotel , 1 12 Douglas.
Hntliuit ; In Mexico.
- "Oh , Is it true , " doninnded some
Rcnndiuli'.cd youusrvoraon from Boston
T'thiitut AjjuasCulientcsoiio cnn see llio
t > conlo bathing by the roadside withou'
any clothes on V" toys a Mexican corro
siwndcnl of the Sail Francisco Chronl
clo , And the imrty iiitorrotntud wai
fntn to admit thai in the ditch ruiininj
prallol with the horse car lines tha
lends to the excellent hot springs bath
at that city , the lorwer orders , boiiij
unable or unwilling to pay the trilling
fees ut the baths , do bathe at casein
the lightest , of apparel men ,
\vomon and children , altogether
with the the faimpllcityof the Sandwich
Ullinders. And they may cyoti be seen ,
having no towels to dry thonibolves
yvithul , Hitting on the bank while the
feun performs that ollico , the bare , brown
bntiK-s elipting in the light , while a
tiinoly stitch ib taken , porhups , in dmn-
ngod "raiment. And the scene is even
more unimatud and the landbcape more
ihfohRcd of Saturdays , when the mi <
t&rs fflvo their servants .a half holid T
lo "clean up in. " Nor is this sight pe-
ciillurto Agnus Caliontos. And it must
bo Bald that the view inspircsono obecr-
Atlon namely , that a brown ukln bare
Is lefs sUirtling and shocking to mod-
ty than a white one under Uio ntune
The Greatest Discount Sale of the
Not One Article Mnrkril Up Kor tin ;
( JccnNloii , Hut a Genuine Dis
count of From 1O to . " ( ) I'cr
Cent Off All Around.
ICvery arllolo in our store will bo of
fered nt a reduced price from now until
uo move. Our discount will bo from 10
per cent to fid per cent off.
W.Uj kid gloves will bo sold nt'
11.00 " " " " " 1.7o
1.7o " " " " " M.ol )
l.'Jo " " " " " .1)3 )
Rome odd lots from fid to " > cents.
$ ! UW cor.-etn for $12.50
12.50 " " L'.Od
1.12" " " l.dd
1.00 " "
.7fi " " .fid
T31aek elmnlillv hico reduced
from W.fiO to ( )
" $12.123 to $1.125
Hoys' shirt wai.sts , chopping bags and
some other lines at iibout half price.
And remember even our choicest floods
are Mild at a reduction , Including u now
line of limy bustles that have just
come in.
All our jewelry will be told at 2o per
cent off.
A good line of gouts' half ho e that
will bo told at coit.
An elegant line of honiory , mu lin
and knit underwear will bo sold al a
grout reduction.
C'oino and price our poods and you
will bo convinced wo uro selling goods
way down. You cannot pay the same
price for an article in our store that you
did one month ago.
ago.MHS. . .1. nr.xsox.
llcud Stonohill's great ad.
The Passenger Department of the
Union 1'acilic , "The Overland Route , "
has issued u uoiit little pamphlet , pock
et fi/.o , entitled ' 'National Platform
Boole , " containing the democratic , Re
publican and Prohibition Platforms , to
gether with the addresses of acceptance
of Grover Cleveland , Uonjamin JJarri-
sion and I'linton H. Fink ; also tabulat
ed tables showing the plurality vototho
electoral vote and an analysis of the
vote as cast for Cleveland and Blaine in
This book is ju st what is needed at this
time , and should ho in the hands of
every voter. It plainly sets forth what
each parly has tootTornnd every reader
can draw his own comparisons. Sent to
unv address on application.
Address.I. S. TEHBKTS ,
General Passenger Agent ,
Union Paeilie Railway ,
Omaha , Nob.
Flnmlioaii TorcticH.
Wo have secured the solo agency for
the celebrated McCiill's Patent Flam
beau torch , the best and inost popular of
its kind in use.
\Vo also carry nu elegant line of cam
paign goods , and are prepared to fur
nish suits and uniforms at short notice ,
and at the very lowest prices.
Cor. Farnam and Sixteenth streets.
The Northwestern Ijlno
Runs three superb daily trains to Chicago
cage , leaving as follows : 0:15 : a. in. ,
3:15 : i ) . in. ( fast vestibule with sleepers
direct from Omaha ) , and 6:15 : p. in.
Ottlce , 1401 Farnam ; telephone SOI.
Read Stonohill'b great ad.
Hammond typo writer , 30(5 ( S. loth st.
The joint assembly of K. of L. will
moot at Gate City hall , cor Douglas and
13th streets at 2 o'clock i ) . in. to-day.
All members are particularly requested
to attend. By order of the M. W.
The Union Paeilie and its Oregon
Short Line make the moat desirable
route to Montana.
Charming Music ( or Nortli Omnlin
Last Sunday was the first service of the
new surpliccd boy choir at St. John's Epis
copal church ou North Twenty-sixth street.
The choir consists of sixteen boys , supple
mented by twelve ladies and six men. Ills
.mdor the direction of Ur. Piilin Saxby , who
lias labored assiduously for two months to
rhitf his choir up to its present standard of
excellence. The music sung is the strong
and simple music of the English church , to-
pettier with a To Dcum which was composed
' > y Dr. Suxby expressly for this choir. The
ntontion is to make the choir take its place
n the service , and not use it merely as an
attraction or advertisement for the church.
The rector , Uov. William Ospood Pearson ,
: ias been striving for n year to raise the class
of music in his church , and with Dr. Sa\by's
assistance has arrived at a high stamhud of
excellence. Now voices will be added to the
choir from time to tune. The congregation
appreciate highly the new acquisition to their
church , as evidenced by the largo and in
creased attendance. Dr. Saxby loft the or
gan at thu KounU Memorial church to organ
'zo and conduct this choir , for which his
ilgh qualifications as n church musician
make him peculiarly adapted.
Road Stonohill's great ad.
A Pocahoiitaf * Story ,
Now York Sun : Unsentimental his
torians may prove if they can that such
potty little btorics as that of Poeahontas
saving the life of Captain John Smith
are mythical.Vo can substitute for
thu discredited narrativas , if wo desire ,
stories of more recent date and of un
doubted truthfulness. Dr. Wolf says
that while ho wns ascending the great
Sankuru aflluont of the Congo a number
of the wild Uassongo-Mino , who had
never before seen a white man , sud
denly popped up out of the bushes one
day , and aimed thctr arrows at the visi
tors as their htcamor was approaching
the shore only about a rod away. Ho
says lie had no doubt that the next in
stant a volley of arrows would have
poured into the little crowd on deck ,
had not a woman in the dress of a native
queen suddenly leaped among the throng
of savages , struck to the ground the
bow of oiio man who was just ready to
lot bis missile fly , and in a tone of au
thority bade the rest of the crowd to
unbend their weapons and else their
warlike front. The brief command and
cautionary gesture of this picturesque
female had a magical effect upon her
warrior subjects , who relaxed their
bowa and grinned sheepishly at the pale
faces , who wore nervously beginning to
flngor their revolvers. In common
with other life preservers , this Central
African lady deserves a medal for the
rapid transformation nho wrought in
the attitude of her people.
Children flumcd to Death.
Giurrox , Ont. , August 11. This morning
a house occupied by a French family named
Tousing burned and two children perished.
Another child Mas so badly burned that it
cannot recover. The rest ot the family
barely escaped with VUclr lives.
Through the liberal system adortcd by the
Artisans' Order of Mutual Protectiw about
twelve years BRO , $20,400 has been paid totJUfc
beneficiaries of deceased members in excess
of wnat the ccvtlllcuUs culled for.
Ilaydcn Itro , , laMtlnt : Down the
rmrcss GOODS.
Plain colors in eliallie delainesaC lie ,
worth 25c.
Fancy French plaids and stripes , 15e ,
good value at ! ! 5c.
All the new shades in P. F. cash
meres at Hie , worth 'lie.
All wool Killing Flannels at 2c ! ) that
are extra value at I5e.
10-iti plaid bcrgcs at 2'e ! ' that have
been selling atISt ; .
iti-in all wool FtviiPh suitings , 75i' , al
ways sold at $1.10.
52 in Henriettas , now shades , at OSc ,
worth $1.01.
40 In blk Ilonritta , 75c , worth $1.10.
40 " " silk warp. ! ! 7c , " $1.1)5. )
4T " , " " " Jl.VjJ " ? ! > 5 !
41 " " " " $1.85 , " $15.75.
22 In gros grain colored bilk , O'Jo ,
worth $1.'I5.
22 in blk gros grain sill : , UUc , worth
21 in blk gros grain silk , See , worth
21 In blk gros grain silk , Hoe , worth
$ l.i5. !
21 In blk gros grain silk , $1.15 , worth
21 in blk gni- , grain illk. S1.J51 , worth
2J in blk gros grain silk , $1.01 , worth
21 in Surah silks in all colors , 55e ,
worth U5c. Silk plushcfl , all colors , at
51k1. worth ! We. English kid glovo-llnish
cambric , i'.jc. JlAYDKN BROS.
Stnro llooin For Kent.
The elegantly fitted store room , south-
cast corueiFarnam and Sixteenth
btrcelH , opposite Max Meyer & Bro. ,
( now occupied by Katon Bros. ' candy
store ) is now ottered for rent. Call oil
II. N. McGrow , at Daily Nonpareil of
fice , first door south of Sixteenth and
Farnam , f03 ! South Sixteenth. Best lo
cation in Omaha for retail cigar store ,
millinery or drug store.
Read Stonehill's great ad.
Thronuli Sleeping ; Car From Omaha
Kvi-ry Day
limited train that leaves OMAHA at
. ' 1:15 : p. m.arrives at Chicago at8o'clock
a. m. Ticket ollico. 1401 Farnam st.
General Western Agt.
Meyer llullinati Sued For $15OOO
DamagoH By A. It. Knowdcn.
In the district court Frank 1 { . Wasscnuan
has sued the Knights of Pythtns Building us-
socintion to annul his subserliitlon to its
building fund und to recover $300 already
paid thereon. Ho states Unit ho sub
scribed for * 5,000 worth of stock and paid
in 10 pur cent of it on tlio representation that
n building would bo erected on Farnam
street within three months. The condition
lias not been fulfilled and he alleges ttiat the
association has given up the ideu of building.
Thomas F. Urcnnnn nnd Edward J. liron-
nan have sued the eity for u balance of
f 14,105.17 , claimed to Do duo for work on the
eity hull sub basement. Their bill WHS
.V. , S'ri.lU nnd they received in cash $ :1SKM : ( ! > 5.
Jeremiah Whalen is made a party to the de
fense. Wlmlon is a partner of the Brcnnans ,
and the petition recites : "That plaintiffs
have endeavored to obtain the consent of
said Whaloti to bo inado a party plaintiff
and have failed to obtain his consent , and for
that reason iniiUo him n party defendant. "
Chuichill Parker has begun n foreclosure
suit apninst James F. Ilainsworth for SIOU.
The mortgaged property is two lots In
Prnyn's und Mllinrd & Caldwcll's additions.
A. U. Snowden has sued Meyer Hcllniuu
for $15,000 damages. For several years
Snowden occupied the south end of the first
lloor of the Hellman blocic. at Furnam and
Thirteenth streets. Tlio plaintiff alleges that
for the purpose of injuring , annoying and
persecuting him the defendant has prose
cuted a series of suits , pretending the same
to bo for tlio purpose of getting possession of
the storeroom mentioned. Four suits for
ejectment wore won by Snowden. One suit
for rent in excess of the rate fixed In the
lease was won by the tenant , but another is
now pending. Another suit for ejectment
has also been begun.
Read Stonehiirs great-ad.
Instruments Placed on Record Dur
ing Yesterday.
M II Peterson to n V must , lot in , blk 7.
Ki'lby place , w it $1,000
Willlnm (1 ( Albright and wlfo to K It
Knight , lot 7 , blk X > , lot 1 , blk ! J7 , lot U2
and 31 , lilic ill , Alliilght'H choice , wil. . . . l.CCO
William G Albright to A 0 Knight , lot .
blk ilTi , Albright's choice , w d 403
1) CtinnlnBliam and w ifo to A 1' Annock ,
lot 14. folk II , UlrerMdo R < U1 , w il ifiO
William tilovorx mulito to M Williel-
mine , i-t ul. lot 0. UumlioMt phieo , w d . 375
M .1 Jones and wlfo to ! ' Jl Jiiyncs , lot : . " . ' ,
Slnu < l l , blk I ) , ilayno place , w il 7,500
Pouth Omaha I.anil Co to K .1 McCarthy ,
lot II , blk in. South Oinnlm , w d 750
M Ij.laynos and husband toll K Hunt , n
; tl ft of lot , blk 7 , Omaha , w d 7,500
William r/iibel and wife to William M
BtrBltz , und y of o ! J of H w H5-ll u ,
w d K )
M Ieo und wlfo to ( i 11 Tzschuck , lot 'M ,
lilkl'i , Shu ll's Sad mill , w d (1,500 (
A li HurKBiiist mid wlfo to W II JInllory.
awia ft iioxt n or B : n it , lotss , Miiiura
& Calduiill mid , w d 0,500
The Patrick Uind Co to M Cox , lot 21 , bIK
110. Dimilfo plucjo , w d 1,000
N P I.lndqucat to J K Polbker , lot SU , blk 7 ,
Douglas add , w < 1 ] ,000
0 E llnrker to W I teuton , lot 5 , blk 1 ! * , iVX )
Oichard 11111 , wd - .
W V Allen and wlfn to A P Tutsev. und \ , '
s 41 H of lot yblkt . faiib.IQ Jledlck'rt
mill , wil a.000
K II Shoebrldge to V O I.nntry , nil real
pstutn lioUmgltiKto mu In Florence , ( j cd 1
F M Phlllco und Imsniiiul to H 1 ! Moore ,
e H lot B , blk I , Ibuac Helden's add. w d. . 2,750
Co operative Land A : Lot Co to V O Stilck-
ler , lots ill , as unil 10. blk 8. Huward , w d 400
Alt fmlth to K A Ilcnson , lot ! )7 , blk 4
1 Irlirgs place , wd 1,150
A K Smith to M Trunkcy , lot 2tf , blk 11 ,
llrigys place , wd 2,000
So Onmtm Land Co to 0 K JOIH-M , lot labile
12 . So Omaha , w d CIO
K H Wiilker and \\lfo to 8 J Walker , und
i' lots and 10 , blk 4. IloyiVs add , n c A 1
J W Ortlllth to J P low et al , lot 111 , blk 3 ,
Conkllngplace , wd 60o
Twenty-thi co transfers $10,173
ItiilldliiK l'crmit < 4.
The following pormlts to build wore is
sued yesterday :
Itobert K. Pease , two-story dwelling.
Twenty-eighth , near Jatkium $ 6,000
II. U. Clarke , tliroe-ntory btoro and llntx ,
northwest corner Leuvonworth und Mix-
teeuth 10,700
F. K. Dulilstrnm , cottage , Orchard , near
Pleasant 910
C. It. CiiBlimau. cottage , llecatur , near
Lowe 150
Tour permlt.s , aggregating I10,7fi0
Road Stonohill's great ad.
FRENCH On Saturday evcntilfr , August
II , 18S3 , Infant son of ! . .k.end Mr . U. E.
Funeral at 11 o'clock n. m. Monday from
the family residence In Central Park , west efFort
Fort Oniuha. Interment at Prospect Hill.
Ask your friends whether the Museum
of Anatomy , 1303 Douglas bt. , deserves
to bo patronized. Positively the grand
est and costliest collection over put on
exhibition in this city.
Changed Her Mind.
"Now " said bride
, darling , an elderly
as they boarded the train , "wo must bo
careful not to do anything bridal , you.
know. "
Ho fervently assented and they sat
Then an old lady loaned across the
aisle and said :
"Beye travclin'for pleasure , ma'am ? "
"Ycs'm. "
"Left the children to home , I s'poso ,
or haint yo never had none ? "
Then the bride leaned her head upon
her husband's shoulder.
I.cttlni ; Dim ti tlHl
Crinkled soorsuekoi'H that wore l/5o / n
yard now only OK' . Striped uuit checked
colored Indlu HIIOIIH at JOe worth L'Ur.
Fancy Inco chocked Niiiu nooks worth
00 and ( Wo , reduced to We a yard.
Figured Swiss reduced to lOo. Host
quality French siteons for Monday only
IWc per v-'ird , worth ! ! > ( . and -Illc. Wo
have a few uinbroidurud robot * loft which bo told ; call and ( jot
priouH , Funny lace stripe ht'rim
al oc. worth loo. Special bargains In
lace ourtalns to reduce stoek. All full
tape bound at Too , * 1 .00 , $1. 1 o , if 1 .60 , * l M ,
* 1.7o , $ li.OO , 8U.SK , W.oU , * l . .7iCnd tU.OU.
Our linen dcpartnioiit IB full of bargains.
Note t-omo of our iirlcus : All linen
crash for file a yara , lll-ineh checked
glims ton-cling HI yards for $1 , chocked
napkins tMIc a doUyards wide Gorman
table damask worth 61.05 reduced to8"
per yard. Monday will bo n big bar
gain day. Largo nize crochet beu-
spreads at 1'Sc ' each. ' iJost bargains in
towels you will find in the eity. Ituin-
niiiits of shirtings , ginghams , table
linen and crashes at le s than whole
sale prices. Host quality yard wide
iwlisto worth lee , Monday only lOc.
Bargains in wall paper.
They DlheiiHM Slioi'lir Colnmi niul Ills
l'Vcn Yi-stcrdny.
The county commissioners luivo gone nftcr
Sheriff Cuburn with n big gun. Coiinnls
sioner Aiiilcrsoii is working thu trigger iiinl
sceius to be ilutuniiincil to bring down the
The sheriff lins been keeping United Stales ,
Sarpy county und transient prisoners in the
Douglus county Jail and putting the whole
proceeds down decn Into his own je.ins. lie
got TO cents pur day for eaeli federal charges
and $1 for each of tlio othcis. As lie only
guts ! C > cents per day from tlio connt.v for
boarding its prisoners , it Is pluin that tills
business on the side was itrolitablo. Tlio
coiniaissioners not only want a slice of the
padding In the future , but they propose hav
ing a share of the plums alrcnd y garnered by
the thrifty sheriff.
The following was offered by Mr. Ander
son and adopted :
Resolved , That on and after August 10 ,
1888 , the sheriff of Douglas county will be
required to pay on nil prisoners confined by
him in the county Jail ana for whoso main
tenance und custody the county is not respon
sible the following sums : 1 , for each
United Stilted prisoner , ! t5 cents per dav ; 2 ,
for each Sarpy county prisoner , 05 eents per
day ; . ' ! , for each transient or other prisoner
not included above , US cents per day. Tlio
above amounts to bo compensation to the
county for rent of jail and apparatus , sala
ries of jailor and guard ! , and for expenses
and repairs In jail during the tune such pris
oners may be contlned in said Jail.
Air. Anderson offered a resolution "that it
is the sense of this board that i bill bo pre
pared and presented to William Cobura ,
sheriff of Douglas county , on account of cer
tain prisoners heretofore confined In the
Douglas county Jail. " For the period bo-
tweea .lane HO , isbli , to January 10. ISbS , the
following charges are named : For each
United States prisoner , 20 cents per day ; for
each Sarpy county prisoner , f > U cents ; for
each transient , BO cents. For the period be
tween January 10 , 18SS , and August 10. 1883 ,
the amounts to bo charged to the sheriff are :
For each United States prisoner , STi cents per
day ; for each Sarpy county prisoner , 05 cents ;
for each transient , 05 cents. Tlicumounts in
said bill are "to bo compensation to the
county for rent of Jail and apparatus , salaries
of jailor and guards , and expenses and re
pairs to jail during the time said prisoners
were confined. "
Mr. Anderson moved the adoption of
resolution. Ho was supported by
Mr. Corrigan. Messrs. Mount and
Turner voted against the adoption , and
Chairman O'ICeefo east the deciding vote in
the negative. The position taken by the
latter gentleman was that under a report
adopted the week before the board was to
adjust its differences with the sheriff , and
they believed the proper method was to rufer
It to a committee for that purpose. Tno
resolution was thereupon referred to tlio
committed on finance.
The following by Mr. Anderson was
adopted :
Hesolved , That from the IBth day of
August , 1S88 , the compensation of the sheriff
of Douglas county for boarding prisoners
committed to the county ] all by the proper
authorities within said county , and for whoso
maintenance the county is responsible ,
shall not exceed the rate of 115 cents per day
for ordinary eases and 25 eents per duy for
prisoners sentenced to bread and water. All
resolutions inconsistent herewith are hereby
The following by Mr. Andeison wns
adopted :
Hesolved , That the sheriff of Douglns
county bo notified that ho will be expected
hereafter to furnish vouchers for all expen
ditures of Ids office , the same as all other
county offices.
A resolution by Mr. Anderson was adopted
authorising the register of deeds to employ
two assistants in addition to the number
allowed by the resolution of January US ,
1SSS , ouch of such employes not to bo paid
over SUM per month.
The Danish association asked to bo re
lieved of taxes on its property on Eighteenth
street ncnr Hurney , on the ground that it is
a benevolent organi/ation. Referred.
Tlio board received from tlio H. & M. n bill
for $20.40 for certain taxes collected. The
judiciary committee will wrestle with the
l > roblem.
Gusttiv Kncssnor , of Elkhorn , put in a
bill for J > 3,0-ltHJ ( for damages by reason of
the damming of water by u public highway.
The bill was rejected.
The commissioners ordered the cancelling
of a tux on property belonging to the South
Tenth street Methodist church.
A Political Hello That in nil Interost-
liiK Novelty.
liillio Ostrandcr , a local bartender , has in
his possession nn interesting heirloom in the
shape of a genuine Tippccnnoo medal. It
came to him from his father , who re
ceived it from his paternal progenitor , and
consequently is highly valued by Mr. Os-
trnnder , who has rufnscd several offers for
it. On the nbvorso side ot the medal Is the
bust of Major General William Henry Hani-
son , under which are the words : "JJorn
February tl , 17TJI. " On the reverse side is a
log cabin and a pine tree , which are sur
rounded by the following sentiments : "Tho
People's Choice. " "Tho Hero of Tippo-
canoe. " So far as is known , this Is the only
medal of the kind in Omaha , and its pos
sessor has many calls from interested parties
who wish to examine the relic.
. . .
Fechter's Famous
i a porfcctly hartnlcM
herb reineJy anil duet nut fun-
lain any uv irqflcait , nitrate of
Kliir ur other ttiltonoui tub-
Ha. ; * . (1,000 REV/ARD
tTnlc3i the rooUof th l lrbo
entirely dried up , wl.lnh oooure
very rarely and probably not
ovar flvo Umei In A huiidnxl
It > ttrclprodueetQewtroviUil ;
Just Think of This !
Ur. rwlur vii HrfMll/
1.14 U IKM II ll > . Ikl IUI ,
lniinbcrjDfyciini.cvenllrtoiibJf U lbKLMf iludifd U r ui
ptttdli t U 9 ri * Iti fcf IkJ kUl
tir > i It lt > t ttiKlb
1'AIItUO.V N. . 1 nJ B.
ptJce 1. p r bottl * for
bco < lifinMr lyorprtlallyfci > li1.
KAIItlCO.V > a. C , prlco 76
eeuU per bdttle U Invaluable rut
a 1LAIUORES3EH. itnlllre.
new tu ( TowUi cr JiMr lb t in
fnlllnc out , keep It emooth and
mauuCaoturera en rC ; ct. at
price. Bend for hiitory of tuo
h remedy and toitlmanlali from
thp e wuo have utod It.
iirCut thl out and ner.d to
llome bald headed friend.
Trade lupplled l/jr Z.Hewitt ft Co..New Hivcn.CU
for Sale byj. A. Vl'J Kll , Uuinim.
Per Cent 151S-1520 Farnam St , Per Cent
OT ,
Cloaks , Suits , Underwear ,
Will be Sold at a Genuine Refund of
1518-1520 Farnam St.
A Chance to Procure Fine
2 Goods at 20
Per Cent Bargain Prices. Per Cent
[ 120Y k E
Santa Abio : and : Cat-R-Cure
For Ralo by
Goodman Druo % Go.
North 10th Street , Between Biiinoy and Wirt Sts. , Omaha.
Siege of Sebastopol
Imcntcil and produced by Pain & Sons , of London and New York. Thearle & Cooper
Managers , Realistic bombardment efforts , by boats , on an immense Artifi
cial Lake. Tt n ific Assault of Fortress by Allies.
Coiicctly costumed and excellently drilled as Russian Soldiers , Cossacks , Ficnch
and English tioops and marines , Turks , Sardinians , etc.
By specially engaged artists , Russian athletes , SwordMiicn , etc. The whole to
conclude with
Consisting ot" the latest novclties.Mauh.iUan Beach Aciial and Aquatic P/rotichnics
Music by Sabastopol Military Band.
Admission 50c ; - - Reserved Seats , 75c
PAID UP CAPITAL , $300,000. SURPLUS $40.000.
b ° | o Interest on deposits , compounded soml-onnually
Savings Certificates with Interest coupons attached.
DEBENTURE BONDS In Denominations of S2OO , S3OO , 8BOO ,
oi and SI OOO , based upon Flrot Mortgage Real Estate Securities
deposited with , and bonds certified by the Union Trust Company
0 of New York. Drafts drawn on the principal cltlos of Europe.
0. M. CARTER , Pres. D. D. COOLLY , V.-Pres. PHILIP POTTER , Sec.
W. 1) ) . Miu : > , I'ns. W. 1) . V-l'ies
UAVIU JAMIF.SON , Ticas. W.N.McOASJnusii.&ec
Capital , - ,
J.ount Mndcon Ilcul Kstato.
Nci commissions. Money on Imuit.
314 South inih Street , Omalut , Ac
1'ionosals lll ) ) icculxeil In Iliurll *
SrAIiKD fiiliNiitxun Nubr.tsltu. until St-plem-
liiirl't 1 ! * J. for the fiunlshliu' . electing anil
comiiietlnu'ofH-iyMomor Wnlt-r Works for tlio
vIlMKeutrulfoeiUon. Nebraska.
bnlil Hysti'in to be fmnlslicil iiml bulll hi np-
Mriliiiii-wv.lllililansanilspeclllcntionsoiiBlH In
' ck'ik of Ciillivrtvin ,
llit ollico of the I'llliice
NTl'ircHh"jc ? } coittKll rc < t'rvct tlif light to reject
mid alFlilds or nnr p.\i ts of lld .
1 Riioiilil be uldre 3fil to
. Nuiir-isku. nud iimikedt-
I'luiiols for Water Works. "
ior ! cmiles of apooincntlonB. ilrawlnw or
otli"r Information apply to village clerk of Ciil.
Soitson. Nehra.lcn. 'liy order of vllhiferannill
of fulboitsou. Ketimiko. u ! ' M ? .
.nii..llUil-'lt * .
Host on. Afass.i Ktnnnn City , Mo.
Capital fiSyiplus $1,500,000 $ , ,
This company 1ms opened an Omaha olllre anil
i&piepjicd tofumUli money promptly on Im-
pio\vd iIty and fauupiopcrty.
No applications Rent away for approval.
J.ouua closed and p.ild for without delay
JOHN W. (1IB1I. Manager ,
SOU South iJUi St. . 1'lrst NutlonaJ Haufc. _
Kansas City Investment Co.
JIas opened an olllce in Omaha , and la pra
Iiared to
promptly on desirable Improved Property. Mil-
Inehs U ull trunsatted at tills otlice. Ho delay *
ulmteri'r , Woaleomake
6EO , M , VAN EVERA , Secretary ,
Uoom V6 Chamber nt Comnioice , 10th anil
Bam Btroets.