Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1888, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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oKCiri : , NO , in I'IAUIJ STUKF.T
-till. Oii-tii1 ! ' In Any I'ait of the Pity nl
I'rtcnty Cunt * I'erVrok ,
ii , Til ION . MANAIII ; : : .
Itrsliri tMH-nir. No.I ) .
Mi IIT riiiinii , No. IS ) .
N. Y. 1'luinbln"1 company.
fllioos Cheap. 1'cw dins. Adnms' .
To-cluv's Ruino nt AthlMlc
puvlt will 1 i between the homo club anil
tbo C'rano Hroloinu " of Onuilin. 'J'bo
tnmo will bu called at ! > : " ( ) oVloi'k.
Excelsior lodffo ? s'o. ' . ' " . ! > . A. K. & A. M. ,
incuts in rcjftilur ( oiuint'iiiculioii Mon-
dny , 7 : JO o'clock. A full nt-
toiidniK'G rcqiioHtrd. VUlt'njj ' brcthrun
cordially invited. } \ \ , ordoi- \ \ * . M.
An iiifunt chl'il ' of Mi1 , and Mrs. A. M.
Hupcri died yesterday morning at the
fnmliri'bldiiico , comer of Si.vti'onth
Hti'uol ami Avoniu1 ( ! . The funeral will
take place to-morrow ; "t H >
The police wore railed on last night
to niTCHt Iho ui fa of an Omaha painter
named Hill. They liad no authority to
do M ) , and -iholefton the Hock Island
train for Chicago. Hill claimed she
was clojrin ; , ' with a younj-Ui'r ? naniud
. , ,
Ul Alcnimlor in tlict-ninloy of Wii-kham
l * tiros. hail a thumb badly crushed jos-
* 'i\u.'jbiy forenoon while unloading mate
rial \\i the now Cerman parochial
school. The la-it joint of the injured
member had to bo amputated by Dr.
1 < ncoy.
Dick Oumorman yo-tor/lay contrib
uted $ H.1U for over-iiidulponco in the in-
toxk'nliiitf cnp. William Jones \\t\s tiled
away for future reference , whenever the
btrcet conimi-nionoi1 complete ! ! arrange
ments for working the vugs , under the
recoil tly enacted ordinance of the city
An information was yesterday filed
with the county attorney against lYoo-
land Robinson , of Oakland , lor break
ing tin entering a barn at that place
last September and stealing several ar
ticles. He is MI id to be one of a pang of
llfteen or sixteen who have been doing
a great deal of inW'hiut in that local
ity. Two of the gang , Vandorpool and
Stanley , are now in jail In'ro charged
with robbing Hobiiibon'ft father. Young
KobiiiHon's ca'-o i" now sot for trial be
fore a justice of Jk-lkiKip township , but
will probabl.\ brought , to this city.
The count.1 , commissioners roiimin
carelessly indifferent to the complaints
of our eili/ons in regard to the condi
tion of the court ho.iu grounds. Fri
day litftht's wiln washed another liberal
slice of the recently tilled grounds down
over the grounds , compelling eitixoas
to either wade through tiivoo inches of
mud or talce the middle of the street.
The commissioner1 refused to fcod the
grounds for the purpose of rendering
them attractive , and now neglect to pay
any attention to the comfort of the poo-
pie. Tt is time for the city council to
Htoii in and M'O to it that the county ofli-
eiais abate. the nuisance immediately.
K. II. Shoafo loans money on chattel
security of every description. Private
consulting room * . All business strictly
conlidental. Ollice > 0i ) 13 roadway , cor
ner Main street , up-stair .
Travolerul Stop at the IJoclilolo.
Pacific House is open to the traveling
public , notwithstanding to the contrary.
Personal I'aragrnphs.
S. P. MacConnell left yesterday for
Ai'kuiibiis , expecting to bo absent a
The MibFCs Bonncll , of Lincoln , Nob. ,
are visiting their aunt , Mr.s. Judge
Mr. and Mr.s. Frank Martin , of A venue
E. , are the happy parents of a bright
baby boy.
John lohn | i.s smiling on account of a
thirteen pound boy who has just arrived
lit hib home.
Kd. C. Turner , of Louisville , Ky. , is
in the city a of his aunt. Mr * .
Charles ] } . Wilson.
James Graves , residing at Tenth
avenue , is rojoioing o\or the advent ol
a daughter to his home.
- Lrtuis Iliedoorinan , of this city , is the
"owl yolec.ted grand warden of t lie grand
edge , I. O. O. lof Iowa.
. . . Mrs. C. B. Howard , wife of tlio cheek
clerk in the United States and Pacific
express oOieo at the transfer , is visiting
in the east.
Architect S. K. Ma.xon leaves tomorrow
row for Columbus , Nob. , where the con-
tracUt arc to be let for a now $20,000
liotol of his denign.
Misd Hell Iiiffoivoll.ofWymoro ; Neb. ,
is the guest of Mrs. K. P. Nichols and
family at 'too Seventeenth street. She
will remain about a month.
I. N. Fliekingor , who , with his fam
ily. is having an outing at Spirit Lake ,
in a private letter says : "Awful cold.
Thermometer ! ' > S. Stoves in demand. "
J. M. Lane , freight and passenger
ngont of the Onicago , Milwaukee fc St.
Paul , in absent on a ton day's business
' trip through Dakota , Wisconsin and
HMrs. D. Hoist , Miss Li//io Spotman ,
and Masters Carl and Henry Ilolst are
visiting with Mrs. Hoist's mother at
Sioux Falls , Dak. They will bo absent
about three weeks.
C. B. .Tudd has returned from an ex
tended stay in California whore ho has
pome landed interests. Ho reports the
political outloou as very glowing for the
republicans on the national ticket , al
though the democrats arc making a
strong otlort to carry local tickets. Ho
says the attempt to raise a howl on tbo
( Jhinoso question lias fallen Hat. The
republicans are so certain that the coast
will bo carried by them that they have
110 special nnxiuty even for Blaine to
como out there , as they think hols
npt needed and can bettor put his lime
in whore there is some doubt of the re
sult. Thoj feel safe.
' Ilio lloputillcaii CauouscM.
Last night the republicans mot in
ward caucuses to select delegates to the
county convention , to bo held in this
city next Tuesday. The olTcet of the
primaries was to select a delogatioi
solid in favor of the nomination of C
M. Harl for congress.
First Wni'd George Carson , chair
man ; M. B. Urown. secretary. Delegates
gates R. C. Hubbard , M. F. Soars , J
Cromo , M. B. Brown , II. CoJTeen , J
Second Ward John Fox , chairman
E. G. Sears , secretary. Delegates J
J. Steadman , C. Boson , J. H. Pace
- Morns Stewart , J. C. Mitchell , C. J
Kiibtlnnd , P. II. Wind. Ed Mott.
Third Ward John I.indt , chairman
Delegates Henry Van Brunt , L. B
Cousins , John Llndt , J. W. Morse , J
M. Ounler , William and George Fail-
Fourth Ward Leonard Everett wa
olioi-on chairman , P. M. Pryor , socro
tnry. The follow ing wore selected dele
gates ; Dr. W. H. Hart , C. B. Watto ,
1. M. Troynor , C. A. Rood , W. T
Smith , John Gilbert , Dr. John Croon
Frank Cook , W. A.
tonu > of Interest About the Council
BlufTa Ohurchog.
Ily AV.tlor A Joker
I'or ( lie Police and COM Them
-Urcttkera of tlie tu\v
The Mill School.
AmotiK tlin Olinveliei.
One of Iho fcervleos of special interest
vlll bo that at the Presb. * , tcrian church
, hls evening , it being a memorial sor-
, lee of the late Oonoral Sheridan , lie
vas a member of the Union Veteran
ogion , of this city , and that orgnni/n-
ion will attend in a body. Kov. I Jr.
'hoiIH will preach Iho sermon , which is
lullleient assurance that those \\lio at-
end will have an intellectual treat. In
. 'lew of tlii * service there will not bo the
isual vnion tori'lco.
The Baptist Sunday school is planning
'or ' a picnic next Thursday.
The now pipe organ of St. Francis
Xaviur's Catholic church is ono of the
inest in the west , and its tones wi'l ' add
'roallv to the impressive services there
The orgnni/alion of the new Baptist
hurch. called the Boivnn , has pro-
jres'.cd so far that letters luncheon
> sued for a council of recognition , to bo
: ield next Tuesday in All .Saints' chapel ,
commencing at ill o'cloeic. Kev. Mr.
. 'hiekstun is the pastor starting this
hurch , and thoio are already over
twenty members enrolled. The new
. hurch starts out under \ cry favorable
unpicos. Uev. Mr. Thlckttun was lor-
nerly pastor of the First church hero ,
ind is one of the most earnest and able
workers in the denomination.
The pnr-oiingo of the Congregational
church is being enlarged and unproved
jy the building of a now kitchen. The
'improvement is paid for from the ro-
ailts of an entertainment given some
.ime ago. 'J'ho work is being done dur-
ng the absence of the pastor and his
'amily , and on their return will be com-
) loto I'or their use.
The Young Men's Christian as < < oein-
.1011 is still without a permanent secrc-
.ary. Mr. Stacy is attending to the du
ties well , but his wlio'ii * time is really
iccded on the gymnasium part , and ho
s desirous to bo relieved from the olhor
duties. Correspondence is in progress
which \viii probably soon result in the
selection of another secretary.
The Sister * of Mercy return thanks
or the following donations : Mesais. Me-
Alee , Merlon , Peek'Weis , MeNnmnia ,
Murhy ] and Uothort for vegetable" ;
L'ii > toii Coal company , load of coal ; Mr.
Koss. making kitchen pi-e s ; Mr. Kam-
icr , lumber ; Dr. T. F. Soyberl , medi-
'ino press ; Mrs. Murphy an'd Mrs. Kin-
icy , ton chickens each : Mrs. ( Jline ,
'niitand eggs. Additional to building
fund : Dr. McCroa , WO ; Mr. MeCnbo of
Neoln , $10 ; Mr. Cuppy , Avocn , Wo.
Miss ] ji//.in M. Kern , of New Vurk ,
received the habit and veil of the Sis-
; crs of Mercy in St. Bernard chapel on
.Thursday ovtining from tbo hand ? of
father MeMenamy and \\ill bo known
to the world in future as Sinter Mary
Methodist Episcopal Church. lov.
J. D. Moore , of Hamburg' , la. , will
preach at lflI : > 0 a. in. ; Sunday-school at ,
12 m. ; claw meetings at 7 p. in. No
preaching service in the evening1.
St. Paul's Church. Divine service
and sermon nt 10:80 : a. in. Subject of
sermon , "Progress. " Sunday-school at
1U in. Iiov. M. F. Soroiibon in charge.
Presbyterian. There will bo no
services this morning. Sunday-school
nt Im. . The memorial services for
Cionoral Shoi-idan will bo hold in this
church in the evening. All invited.
The Korean ISnptiht church worships
every Lord's day at All Saints chapel at
10:30 : a. in. Kev. T. F. Thickstun pas
tor and preacher. Subject , for this
morning , ' 'Fidelity to Uo. t Ideals. "
Preaching by the pastor in the Fi'/at
Uaptist church at lO.'IiO a. m. ; Sumln > -
school at 1in. . ; young people's meeting
at 7 p. m. No evening service.
Young Men's Christian Association.
Uooms on southwest corner of Main
btreet and Hroadway open to-day from
U to 0 p. in. Secretary O. C. .Tenner
will lead the young men's meeting from
4 toj / o'clock. Special music has been
provided. Stra.ngor.-i . always welcome.
On Saturday next Mr. L. Kinnehnu
will open his .store , No. : ! u'G Broadway.
The stock will consist of boots , shoes
and the goods usually found in this con
nection. All will bo now , and a more
complete stock cannot bo found in the
city. Mr. Kinnohan is well known to
the readers of Tin ; Bins , and it is sure
that ho will merit and rccoivo a liberal J
patronage. Remember the opening.
Money loaned at L. 13. Crafts & Co.'s
loan oflico , on furniture , pianos , horses ,
waaonp , poraonnl property of all kinds ,
aim nil other articles of 'value without
removal. All business strictly confi
Buy mantels , grates and hearth fur
nishings of the Now York plumbing Co.
A Now Factory Seonreil.
Mr. F. II. Koyos , secretary and general -
oral manager of the IJcd Oak Cart and
buggy company has boon in the city the
past week making nrrangomonN for the
removal of that enterprise to this point.
All that was asked by thorn was thai a
suitable building bo erected by them to
lease as a factory. They require a
building ( iO.00 ! foot and three stories
high. Messrs. Wicklniin Uros. and
Strnub will erect the building on their
own account at a cost of about § : ! ( i,00 ( ) .
The structure will require liOU,000 !
bricks to complete it. The OMiot loca
tion in not yet decided upon , but Mr ,
Keys stated when ho left for homo Fri
day owning that , ho would inform Ilio
secretary of the board of trndo of his
decision in the mutter the forepart of
this week. lie has three sites under
consideration. Ono is just west of tlio
canning factory , another is ono block
south of Broadway and two blocks cast
of the watorwarks pumping station , and
the third adjoins the Uiork's property
in the southern part of the city. The
move will ho made about the 1st of Jan
uary , in order to bo hero to got out tlio
spring orders. Until that time they
will bo busy with orders for winter de
livery , mainly cutters , otc. This enter
prise , employing about a hundred hands
is attracted to this point by the superior
facilities for shipping presented by the
numerous railroads centering hero.
The company baa been in communica
tion with the board of trade for some
time regarding the proposed change ,
but wore unable to make any definite
proposition until recently , as they were
busy potting out an order of § ,000 carts.
This business has grown to b-jor-nous
proportions in a very short time , and
those carts are shipped to all parts o it !
the country. It is these wide-awake > ,
paying industries that uro wanted .in
this city ; and this is but one of povornt
that are hcndo.d this way. Th"re Is
room for thorn nil , and CounUit Bluffs
offers thorn superior advantages.
J. G.Tlplon has bargains in real cslnlo.
K. ii. Sheafe & Co. , make long or
short , time loans on real cs'ato , in sums
to suit , at lowest rate of interest. Olllco
Broadwnj and Main street , upstairs.
The N'ow School House.
Sub-contractor Weaver is rushing Iho
work on the AYnshingtoii avenue school
building. Tlio floor joist for the llrst
btory is already in position on the cast
Mo of the building , and the remainder
will be by to-morrow noon. The found
ation is practically completed , and is of
suUlclent strength tosupportastrueturo
of much greater \\elght than the now
building. The huge stones at the liot-
torn are 5.\S1 feet , and fifteen inches
thick. The heaviest \vorkwm \ put in at
the base of the chimney , which is to bo
about ninety foci , high. The walla of
the foundation are t\\o \ feet thick , and
above the llrst lloor the walla will bo
sixteen inches thick. It has required
i7o,000 ! bricks to build the foundation ,
and they have nearly all been laid the
past week , the * i.\teen ear loads of base
fctono ha\ing been placed in position
the preceding week. The basement ,
the walls of which are jiHt completed ,
will contain the. room * fo- the janitor's
family , and Iho boiler room on the west
side , and three large storerooms on Iho
cat. . A good idea of the shape of tlio
building and its interior arrangement
can now bo obtained by visiting the
grounds and inspecting the work al
ready done. Tlio three upper stories
will bo divided in the sanie manner as
the basement , the heavy brick pi"tition :
walls intending from tlio basci nt to
the top of the building , and rendering
it lire proof. All of the material enter
ing into the construction of the building
is of the bobt grade , and the workman
ship ia strictly llrst clas * . At the pres
ent rate of progress there wilt bo no
dilliculty in having the building com
pleted at the spucilicd time , January 1.
Mr. Weaver o.s poets to have his imrt
of the work done by October 1 , leaving
three monthb for the roofing , plastering
and interior finishing. Contractor
Murphy tcoins determined thai the oily
shall have a model building , and is
sparing no pain.s to oH'cct that end.
The plans of Architect Ward are being
faithfully carried out , and that gentle
man is highly pleased.
of tlio I'oneo.
The Wnlton-Mnhor-WillianH assault
ca o was called acain yesterday before
Judge Aylcbisorlli but the prosecuting
witness was not on hand. A bench
warrant was issued to bring him into
court , but Murtihal Guanotla searched
fruitlessly for an hour to llnd the erratic
young man who > o head was o Minmo-
full.i pounded a few wcclvi ago. County
attorney waxed hot and made no at
tempt to conceal hit. belief that the def -
f 0110 had bought oft' the loading wit
ness for the btato. The woman who
was with Williams at tlio tiinu has nlf.o
been spirited away. The cio ; was con
tinued until Monday and the wandering
will be looked up in the meantime and
lined for cot. tempt.
The ca&o of Mrs. Donohuo was also
called. She was charged with disturb
ing tlio peace , by a tenant named Mrs.
Kilbiiin. The testimony showed that
the landlady Had indulged in the very
suggestive amuf-cment of "thumbing
her nose" at tlio prosecuting witness ,
who regarded it ns a breach of the
peaeo. The defendant was a little Kite
in getting into court , whereupon his
honor took occasion to reprimand her.
She then created a little bree/o of ex
citement by a well timed faint , and the
spectators watched the proceedings with
much interest while Marshal Guanolla
carefully poured a couple of gallons of
aqua pura down her back. The treat
ment was very effective and the patient
recovered. The testimony evolved was
quite amusing and the court shared in
the general hilarity as much a * it is
possible for a very dignified judge to do.
Ho finally discharged the defendant ,
who lost no time in trotting out of the
judicial atmosphere. *
J. G. Tiplon has u largo list of real
estate contiguous to the now bridge ,
and is prepared at all times with a con
veyance to show bargains to specu
For bargains in houses and lots see J.
G. Tipton , 5 7 Broadway.
Too .Much Water.
The heavy rain of Friday night did
considerable damage in different parts
of the city. On Pierce street the great
amount of water could not llnd a proper
outlet , and undermined the wall of
Cook & Lautorvvapsor's storehouse , causing -
ing it to fall , and doing damage to Iho
amount of WOO.
An extensive washout was made at the
cast end of the Union Pacific bridge ,
and as a result the suburban train serv
ice yesteulay was not of the best. The
damage was replaced during the day.
The effects of the rain was al.-o no
ticed at the excavation for the Mcrrinm
block. Trenches for the foundation of
Iho walls had just boon completed , but
the water caused a general cn\ing in of
the banks , and the work will now have
to bo done over again. An immense
quantity of dirt was washed down onto
the paved streets from the bluITu , and
crossings were in a dii-agreeablo condi
The POWOIS were also pai tially filled
with a f-imilnr deposit , and Inspector
Jacobs had a force of men at work Hush
ing them.
Aside from that mentioned no ma
terial damage was reported in the cit\ .
At Manawa the only change noticeable
was a very decided ri o in the lake. No
damage to the lake Hoot was done , and
no accidentfc to boats or pleasure bookers -
ors as the lake was deserted at the
time of the storm.
fipeculntorsaro learning that. ] . G. Tip-
ton lias gome line bargains in "Ferry , " '
"Brown's Sub , " "Benson's First'1 tind
"Bryant & Clnrk's. "
Too Much Telephone.
Frank Trimble , the brilliant son of a
still more brilliant father , is a good
deal of a wreck , owing to his passionate
love for the ardent. Yesterday he was
on ono of his frequent drunks , or else
the old one prolonged , and , stopping up 1
to a Lower Main street telephone , ho
called for the police. The police came ,
and when they could find no just reason
for Bending in the call they took poor
Frank ] as the only ono in sight. The
call was not BO foolish a ono after all , as
Frank needed to bo taken in.
"Wanted to Sober Up.
A whisky wrecked traveling man
yesterday afternoon got sober thought
enough to appeal to Chief Lucas to take
cnro of him , as lie wanted to sober up.
Ho was accommodated , and a conunlt-
inont was speedily made out , by which
ho will bo kept away from the tompta-
Units of this prohibition city for n week
at least. <
i . . .
Work About tire
Mr. A. Kgbert , formerly dhlslon
superintendent o ( the Union Pacific ,
1ms boon employed lot luv the linok of
the electric ! motor comciuiy between
this city and Oinnhal/Work will bo
commenced next wei-Uiuid , the track
will bo put down nt UK ? rale of n mlle n
day. The company has nUo scoured the
services of Mr. Lovcltsnporlntendent
of the Midland KlootHo company , as
electrician. Both of these gentlemen
have established olllces with Mr. Moore ,
the supervising engineer in charge 01
the bridge. The motor line will bo
completed from Iho bridge east by the
end of the present month , n-i will also the
Broadway paving. The work on the
bridge is progressing rapidly , the only
remaining pier being over half way to
bed-rock. Jt is sllll the expectation of
the company to have the structure com
pleted by the first of October. Work on
the power house is already underway ,
and it will bo completed in time to re
ceive the machinery by tbo time the
track is In condition to receive the toll
ing stock.
Pull line of hcol minio at C'ouucl
BluHs Music Co. , ! l Bro.uhvay.
S. 13. WniUwonth & C'o. loan money.
No Money Up.
The game of ball announced for Sun
day , August 111 , nt Union park , Council
Ululls , between the BlulT Cilys and
Council BlulYs Hods has been declared
olT , the former club failing to come to
time with Iho money.
The Keds are prepared to play them
at any time for from WO to $1(10 ( a bide ,
and are very much disappointed in not
having a chance at them to-day.
If the Blull City's have any sand i.ow
is the time foe them to show it or for
ever hold their peace.
For bargains in real estate POO I' . IT.
Shoafo it Co. , Broadway and Main
fetreot , upstairs.
Patrons of the Pacific Hou o Irivo
none but words of praise for the atten
tion given them.
on MA
Ol % Council Illnlls 1/ots nl Auction.
1 will oiler for sale and Fell without
reserve to the highest bidder one-half
of all the lots in Cochran's addition to
Council UlulTs.
Ono lot of u\cry other pair through
out the whole addition will be soul with
the privilege to the purchaser of tin.1 re
maining lot at the same price. The
ground on which the addition is laid is
known as the old fair ground forty ,
north of the ( Juion Pacific depot , and
south of Broadway. The number of
lots are 1(10 ( , or four to the acre.
Ton per cent of the purchase money
cash in hand. The halance in nine
equal annual payment1 * to be evidenced
hi notes bearing interest Jjt 5 per cent
per annum , secured by ino'ijtgago. The
property purchasers will gj't warrantee
deeds , title perfect. '
I will also sell on the sumo terms and
at the saive sale 100 lots in Central sub
division and Street's addi
tion on grounds jiJinijiJt ; on tbo
north. Some of these Iolsuro , situated
on Broadway.
The place of sale ! will he on the
grounds on "Wednesday , the I''lh of
September. 1SSS , and continue from day
to da.1 , till all is sold. ,
The lots and blocks Will bo numbered
on stakes and maps furnished bidders
on day of sale. Other particulars on
day of sale. A. CouilitAN .
Artists prefer the Ilnllott & Dai is
piano , at ( J. B. Music Co. , 221 Broadway.
Stop at the Pacific ITouso. The most
centrally located hotel in the city.
K Ijoouinutlvo Whistle ?
Prank B. Taylor , of Hridgoport , Conn. ,
the inventor of tlio "soeonhone , ' ' for
transmitting messages or holding con
versation with tlio engineers while
under full speed on their locomotives ,
has patented n device which ho
ca'ls ' a tootomotor. In reality it is a
species of phonograph. Mr. Taylor was
fed to believe that bomo mechanical de
vice could be employed to settle the
oft-disputed question in regard to
whistling at grade crossinirs. There
are a largo number of grade crossings
upon which annually many 1 vs are
lot. The lolatives of those kilted in
variably claim that the locomotive
whistle was not .sounded in time to warn
the victims. The railroad companies ,
to protect themselves against damages ,
dispute the point so often taken. Mr.
Taylor now conies to the front with a
toll-tale whistling register , which takes
the sound from the whistle every time
it is blown and records it.
In order to explain its workings the
run of any engine on tlio Now York and
Now Haven road may bo used for illus
tration. Say engine No. 120 draws the
7 o'clock morning train from Now
Haven to New York. The engine is
backed up in front of the depot and at
tached 1o the train. The engineer ,
George C'orhett , stops into thodibpatch-
or'f > ollico to get the time or sot his
watch exactly with the standard time.
The dispatcher hands the engineer a
"tootomoter , " which is already bet for
Knginoer Corbott's run. It in numbered
to correspond with the engine's number
and is dated and ollloially lookedso that
it is impossible for any ono to alter its
register of the whistle soundings. The
"tootomotor" is placed in a pocket
bracket on Iho front of the cab , just be
neath the whistle. Inside the "tooto
motor" is a long roll of tinfoil , upon
which are stamped cross-linos repre
senting every grade crossing on the
road. The roll is unwound from ono
axle to another by menus of a small
clock attachment , so that each line rep
resenting a crossing will bo brought to
the ' 'sounder opening" precisely nt the
same moment thatthe locomotive speeds
over the grade crossing. At the proper
distance before reaching the engineer
blows the standard signal , two long and
two bhort blasts , , or
T o ot , t o ol , too , top.
Those sounds are registered by the
"tootometor. ' * Should the engineer fail
to bound his whistle the ' 'tootomotor"
would show an empty blanlK
And bo Iho run is made jUi Now York ,
the "tootomotor" rolling oil' its strip of
tinfoil in time and ui.ison with the
movement of the engine ; All trains
are run on exact time on tliis road , so
there is very little ehahoo'of ' the "toot
omoter" disagreeing with the time
grade crossings are reached. If extra
whistling is done to drive cows olT the
track or blown for olhor purposes than
grade crossings , the sounds are all reg
istered and an exact record taken of
the whistle's blasts , and the exact lo
cation of the engine on the rails
at the time of the blast is denoted from
ono end of the road to the other. At
the completion of the trip the "tooto
motor" is handed by the engineer to
tlio proper olllclnl , who removes the
roll of sounds and prepares and adjusts
the "tootometor" for the return trip.
The strip * of tinfoil are carefully in
dexed and preserved for future refer
ence , and the engineer credited or
charged with omission of whistles.
In the event of a person being killed
on a grade crossing' the tootometor will
truthfully indicate the whistle blasts and
denote the distance at which they were
blown before Iho crossing was. reached.
The tinfoil strips can bo produced at an
inquest or in a court of justice in ovi-
doneo and dissipate the necessity of an
iiuincnue amount of swearing ns to tlio
fact of the wlnstlo having 'bounded or
not. By running Iho strips through a
phonograph the exact volume of sound
n ml Iho key of the whistle can bo repro
duced. This can bo done at any future
mid convenient timo. Mr. Taylor , the
inventor , hn * assurances thai his inven
tion will go into very general u o ,
SI'lTlAfj nilvpUNementfi.Mirli in Tiost , found ,
To Loan , I'or Siile.To llrutWunt , llomilluir ,
etc. , will 1m IriMcitiMl in till * column nt thu low
into of TUN HINTS ! > ] ! I.INH for the llrst In-
fort Ion nml I've Cents I'oi1 MHO for unm mibsi -
iHU'iit Insertion. IIMVH nilvertlicmpnti ntaitr
ollico , No. K I't-nrl Sticet , licnr llroiuhwiy ,
Council IIIiurH , IO\VA.
OI'SKS forii'iit byJolniPton \ . A'liu fatten ,
: ci Muln it.
. - inncli. P. nu-oi ; 1M )
. r-vtllo , 'J lioist-s ; elulit mill's south of llns-
celt. Iliown Co. Ncl > . A lini'Hln. ( AtUllrs-i , 0.
A. lllllioivr , ut llu-t-t'lt , or ( Id , llco olllcp , Coun-
_ _ _ _ _ _
\\7 ANTIJD A ( mod clrl for gimernl lionso-
> work nt tlin K. C. hou c.
IJlOlt SAI.i : A liHiciilii : ! l lots on Au-mier1
-L1 imil l.'lh st I'or liit'm million cnll at U.8
"I71OK SAIiK TlmljHjt sin ill fruit uml vejiota.
JL' bin liu MI lit I'littiiwnltniiilo comity , two
mitt's linni Council IIUUTsiMHtollIci" , nt u jnlio
that will ell It , on njnmrknlil ) eiiiy ttnns.
Tltlo ixrfoi t nml jnojx'ity In i-ooil condition.
I'dssesoluiiKlvciiutRny tltun. ( loiil te.isou tor
It. 'I. llryiint \ Co. , bis llruiulwny ,
"I y'XNTr.lTronms nml Dion tooi k on [ .o o
> Jtnmitwny. I'or fiutlior lur iiiiatloii In on woik. Oucn Ilioa. , contrattorn.
WANTUD Stocks of moiclmmllso to ox-
for city ] irou < itIn Council UliillK ,
Onr.ilm , or wostotn liml or cli.ittclsot imv kind
W < > IIIIIKO cxcli.uiKliiK u Hiieualt } . K , T. iltyunt
\ Co. , 0'S llioiily. : ! \ .
\ \ TANTUnStocks ot iTioi'chainlUe. " I lave
TT Ointxliii mid Council lllulTH city propeity.
uKowilnrn land to otclmjiLM for > ; ooiU. ( ' .ill
on or nildrtws .lohiison , v Ctirlstlnu , Itocm 'J > ,
Oiamliurof Commerce. Omaha.
iifMill oi > o ltlon. till tlio ( Piii"ti-ilps
with newly mnili1 ( juivt'S IvavliiK thu oncu
liomu with nnthlni ; but mi-mtu-
i's of loved ones lost. Where
Is ti'i-d It 1J found to 1 > o
The \nliioof a single bottle for nsi > In nm of
the nUovo mimed rtlMMe K icallj incaliul'ihle.
.Monevioiild not induce those who h.ivtthor
otifthlv tiled It 1o lie \u1honi It. Tlio niniki-l is
lull of lunicilles toi n similar pinno-t.1 , ninl all
liKvein rlt In 101110 racs , lint wlifithum it Nu
btnlilioin lai.t t'uu ' llic o ar" in many iilari's the
of the countiy.itli this inedlclni ! they aie
'Ihlb medicine tins now been mod In tills conntiy
lias no equal on earth. Hold
wheie. HARLE , MASS & CO. ,
Wholesale Agents , Council lilnirn , Iowa.
PRICE $15.
Is cauil to
any High
Tlin Kitlson MlnipORrnpli , ( lie bc t npimrntus for
iiiiinlfolillny. autlioKraphlc nml Dponrllvruri. .
3,000 coplei c.m bo tiiken.
The Escelslor Co. , Council Bluffs , la.
In accordance with numerous ivouests has de
cided to teach Taxidermy In all Its branches.
Mounting blids , ViO ; with niaiiiiinils and other > - > , ? Kli. Would also hUu to lecoive
orders lor blids to Illl order book on trip boutli.
No. ttlUMiilii St. , Council
Conducted by the Sisters of Charity ,
An excellent iMlurntloanl Institution , fiiuil-U-
cil with nil modern Jmjiroveiuents for bountlnc
nml diiy wliool. Tlio ncnilvmlc year ronslsts of
two sessions , beginning na tlio Ih-nt .Moiulnj in
Sejitutulicrnnil rebrunry , respectfully.
TeiiiH-Iloiinl unit tuition per c . | on , J7"i.
I'or fmtlieiimitlrnlarr ) uililre s Sister fc-nneilor ,
St. rinncUcudoniy , Council llluils , la.
DOOIIroadway Council IllulTs , Iowa. KiUblhlioJ
D , N. McDANELD & CO , ,
Hides. Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
t 0and82 Main Btreet.Couucll Illiiff.-Uowv.
M. B. SNYDER , A. M. . M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Disciibcuof WOIIIDII mid Children ,
Ju7 llioii.wuy. Counvll Lliulls.
Baird's for Fruits.
Assorted Baskets Put Up to Order.
N. I. TIBBETTS , mid Suvo Monoy.
Xo Hl.'i Itronilwny.
For you rJLightCarriages
See Henry Van Brunt
Lnrfrcst Stock and Lowest Pricoa.
c i T Y M EXT MARK Err
No. ISO Br'ondwny. Telephone No. 2O1.
sl Go to
slC . . . T
No. SO Main Stroot.
50 * llt 1'niwn olid ( ) i/iii | ( on Moittlttii I'lit/incnlt.
A s > tx . it r K / > / / : ( vr
OL'll MX'liAUltniXMiY LOW I'ltUKSfa tllOl-
luthf CiiHrniJ tlif Iltuli Tmiixiatuicnf I iiinii'illiim.
nosrox iwor , suoi : .svo/jjj. / : . / ; .I/M.I/.S , v co ,
dE j\ < > Jli Iliiittlieaii , ( diiiirfllhifft / , mm ,
Mirrp'oor to
SCOFIEUD & GAVIN , No. 2OO Brondwny. (
DUHX.IN . BBOTHEE.S . , 533 B'way
All Fruits In Their Season. Tol. 29O.
I'a ' naM 11 * ii "i * * i mi > ! * i IK M I * " " " * * > < <
-4 If Yon Want .S > r/'e I'cpo it or ( 'limit Loan , t' < itl on
International Jiiiildtmi , I.ottiKttiil Investment 1'nion
* " '
Jl. r. JiJDD ( .SO..V , H'Hi Itrotulmti/ .
VVHITE r > .2
THE GROCER , 744 B'dway
WlilSe at KKK 11 A1 WA Talic Viio
M. F. ROHRE& For the Beach.
CO. ,
Especlnlly Adaj'ted foi
25 TO 300
POWER , JMills and Elevators ,
rmw. v ni JivjL * J " ' ' * -MU * TVJW
Specifications ami estimate furnished for complete plants. lieRUhitlon , Durability ( ! nar-
autct-d. Can show letters fiom users wlioio fuel llconoiny Is opml with Coill-s Non-Couilen-iiit' .
itu.vxii siorhi ; , c r % < 'is. iti.rrrs , IOV/A.
Send for Catalogue , E. C. HARRIS , Manager.
/ Hydraulic ami Sanitarv Knginccr. I'lniib , IMimalcs ,
HDIDl/IMDIMC I " Specifications SupcrvWnn of Public Work. Hrown
Uuilditit ; , Council I5lulVs , Iowa.
PI Ml PV Attorncv at Law , Second Floor Brown Building , 115
rllNLLY Pearl St. , Council HlulV , , Iowa.
lusticc ot the Pracc. Oillcc over American ENpicf. . * , NoU9
N i " Ill oadway , Council IJlnll'b , Iowa.
i ? Qln/I / Attoineys at Law , Practice in the State and F ; d era
06 OliYlO" " Courts. Ollice Rooms 7 and 8 , Shujjail-Ileno Ulock ,
Council UluOh , Iowa
UA7ITM Dentist. Corner Main Bticet aml Fi
CP , I1AZ.LIN' " nitiffh , Iowa.
From 15 to 25 Per Cent.
ii * .
Nos. II & 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
DR. C. B. J U D D ,
No. GOG Broadway , Council Dluffd , Iowa.
WANTED Good Salesmen on largo commission or snlary.
i\"i'S : OX C'O.II.'dl.SSIO.V.
* - - . - . * J JL + J . . M.JtMfclA >