Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1888, Part II, Page 15, Image 15

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A Nacossary Evil to a First-Glass
liulo Him I-Vcl liiko Ilr > 0 in Hi n
, , AVilcl ntul Wooly Covdioy. 'Hie
' Jmtost Kail.
"Tho Inti-it fiul , " says n hotel clerk In the
Hi ciito Mall , It to hnvu u In-lli-V rlcrk In the
house Vou Knou tlmt In no uncommon tlilnu
torn Inilv toiome to tlu > olllru mill mttli' lier
lilll now , Just like ix num. Well , old rlmps like
me nn- not lonildeiod uood enough to unit nu
n lady liny more ; hen o tin * Inilli'tleik \\Vvo
K t one of them. Jn t fioin lollrw.ejrin
iiilliir thnt lookH llki the hind en 1 of mi old
fa iilotipd wimim cover ; liii tii > us"s that are
nut on IhiKiinie pattern us the harem pants In
'Hit' ( o'.ilr . HehuHnHoit of Ule In the Hum-
mcr ulr aliiiut lilm ; I mean liumuld look llo
oiili up it d'jllnr'-t worth of tooth jilrki In a day ,
nmlKety mint from the barkeeprr to wi'nr In
the button li'di * of Ills I Ktlpposn It Is all
i Ifht , but I in vcr wanted to be a i owbn > In my
Hie until ho i-ame In hero nnd I think now of
KOIIIK Into tinbulnoi - < . "
U In ( her the hot t is of our city arc pio\lde l
lailleV Ucrtu or not , we nro unable to Mini out.
lint tlmt hOincot th"in mo l > \ldi'l > with KO.II !
jorler-i n cilo know nn 1 the writer of this urtu le
fan vinii h for tliattiut. Some time ago we met
/ ll
Mil. .1. II. Ill VIII' .
< hn Kcnt'eiinnly jioit'r ut the 1'liinter'n Motel ,
101 ner ot inlinnd Dodue stm Is. and had iititto
aiouveisitliiii with him , i-ul.ulvo to hotel bus
Mr Than ) t-nys : " 1 have been In ( he hotel
bus.ness now for nl'imt iliihtein mouths nml
can lint-ay tlmt 1 know o.vilhlug uD nit uin-
nliiKn lintel us I IIUAO been .1 hniaumnii almost
n'l my lifo pr < vlous to that time , hut I i an tell
you M > inethiiiK else tlmt will pro\u ut mote It
teiest t youi icadets than hotel business won d
1 01 nh'iut light Jinrs I was 11 mist r.ible s if-
feier with lo.itliesoni" disease , ciituirh .mil
lei that length nf time did not have a Hood ilny.
1 innld lint tin utlie tlunuKh m > noitills , would
letlreat nluht only tu beMted bj fitUK st
hoiiilile'lienuis , would wukr up .it itilirtili
durlii ! ; the llluht with a choking seii.itinn , and
llnd my mouth und thin it si my tlmt 1 cotilil
not swallow , us aiutural i onseipi-lite I would
gel up In the nun nlm ; us tired us I wns the night
before ; I bail head i < lies nil the time , mens
weiv ( nnllmiallv buz/Inn and I WHS alw.ij.n
h.iwklm ; and iplttlm : My stomach was i ut of
oidi i owing tu the amount of minus that would
ilu > l > down my thmiit and I wi > s tlil-alenedwith
that illi-nd ill onse , dyspcp-il.1 1 Hiilleied along
th'fl way until lite became n burden. I ) m't
think full 1 did uottiy tn do M > melliiiig for mv-
beir ; 1 ill I , I Hied n half dii/en dilleient do tuts
and tiled pittnt medicines until I hail lost all
hopens weil as my appetite. In leading tlio
dally papula dining ) ear , I notleed the
mheitlsuiiri'tsof Dr. lii t'ny , and atlor a time ,
J oMiianumy sktptlilHin and enl'Lil ' at Ida
olllce and \w e\amlned by Dr. C. M. .Ionian
who told me Unit hoeould Hire me. I did not
doubt him fur he Impressed mi ) ns a man who
knew w lint he was talking about and I stnrtei
treating with him nnd after the llrst tientineut
1 bewail to Impiove nnd 1 breathed thiotigli my
instills tin the Mist time In a him ; time .aid I
continued to improve all iilo it ? until to-day. I
leel liken new mull , I can hn-nthe fieoly , tan
Meep wo'l at night. 1" fact I nevers'eptbetter In
iu\ life than I do now : 1 h.ivo no nmro bur/Ing
iMiMMlnmy uUs.m > he.uliigispeifi-ct noinoio
haw king and spitting , no mine heailathoi. and
no mule s\mpt unsof ratarrh nt ull.mystom.uh
is all rlKht and my iippctlto well the tioublu
now Is thnt 1 ran rut too murli , I used to iiso
uiough hniidkerch'.efs to keep u small laundry
Mipplied , but now I do not liuve to use nm I
vmild not takelhe huudrid dolhus foi thcb-n-
cllt 1 lm\odo.i\ed tium his treatment.
Mr 'Iharp , vlioso portrait is given nbovu. li
pnitorattl > ol".inter's Hotel , at Hith and Dodge
Mreets , and H very well known in ( minim , lie
\vlll willingly coiiiiborati the nboxe Interview
to any person doubting It.
" 1 Don't ilollrvn It. "
No doubt tills Is the remiuk mndomnny times
after icinllnj , our testimonials by skeptlcs-
' "I hey 1m ) Ihelr rnbes. " Just lousliVr , tur tie
tt iment. nro the people of t lis community so
ii < iniiK ! for mmi v that they In neutral our
iiise-i are taken from the Kwriil public woul I
( oniiivi ) for n pal'rv sum to hoodwink nnd
lleece their iollow mouV Not only that , cuiild
vo alter 1. In a monetary sense , not to t-pe.ik of
llndliisihe person , to pay from ten to Ility dol-
lura torthousoof amiuiH niuna nnd his manhood -
hood to cheat nnd swindle poor tnifottunates.-1
No. Our testimonials are ! > voluntaill ) by
thankful patients whoso names nud addresses
nro Klvei lu lull , wo do not Klvu the Initials fol-
lowidbva , bul the coriect miiiio and ad-
drihsso'that nil can llnd them. There are thous
ands of bkopiles Btlll In the city who Butler fiom
plopped up noses , w 1th miirus collecting In their
tlnouts. iiM'tlnc their voices thirl : and huskv
nnd with n n-isil twani ; , stiiroilUK from lieud-
nche , e.tts iiiiplin ; , coiiKhtiiK. luiwkltiK and spit-
tliiK tontinuaur , othen with dUchaine-i tiom
their ear.muo or less deaf , a sreat nnnoy-
nue to tiiemtjiilvos and other * , and whySim -
lily beeauso they are aXoptlcal ; they don't take
( ho trouble to look our c iss up. and even If
I he ) did. they oft -ntlines hu , : tne small bum
thnt would miiko thorn well until itloans. ( .
Jleiilthls wut"himm < than money , and at the
lnw prho for wlitoli relief can lu ) obtained U Is
u "blotch on bis esaitcheon" to let the chauco
i ; by.
A I'Vw H iiiptonis of Dlsoaso That
Mnv I'l-ovo Serious to You.
Do you lm\o frequent tits of mental depiea-
tlon *
Do ) ott experience rlnghiK or buzzing noUos
la your em.-/
no Mtu letl us though you must sulfocato
Aioyou tioubled with a hacking cout-ii and
tcneial debility1 !
Ate your ujesgenerally weak and watery and
Jreiuentl ) inlliimeil/
lines your > i > lee have u husk , thick bound nnd
n nasal hoi t of tw aiiR. '
Isyour breathfieqiiently olfinslve from homo
I lave you n dull , oppiestivo headache , ( 'ener-
Rlly located o\er the ojesf
' 1 lie above are some of tlio many symptoms of
catarrh nnd the heKlnnlmr of liuijt tioiiulo < < . txit
one rnso lu a hundied will ha\o all of them , but
every cue nllectod will have a few or jnaiii ) of
them. Theitieutorormoro berloiis yoin n.\mp-
loins , the more denKerous your condition , 'ruin
rln of dlseiibwls treated \eiy .sueiebsfully by
Dr. > U Coy or his nf-soclatos 'I ho many ene ! re
ported through the columns of the dnfly pap is
proves this , and each statement publl hedl < Mib
htnncially the Mime as KlMn by tlio patient cuud.
Jr. ) McCoy and his us.-ocato3 ! n o no HOC tot ni.s-
tnims , but cine iiisenso by their ttklllful combl-
jmtlon of the best Known remedies , applied in
the most appioved manner , nud by using the
Intebt BUI ) must highly i ecommended appllancea
Jctiown to tno pi-ofesslon , Ihey thmpioduceio-
pult-f that speak , for themstdxos in the many i > . \ -
tents cured , nnd wo a Biiru our renders that the-e
tmmcnt phfaleliins have achievedamuc'v-8 In
iurlmdUei o which few or no other doctors
inu dupllcato I
( Late of llel'eruo Hospital.New York , )
" " (7ro'u y
) (
/Late of the University of Now Voik City nnd
llowuul Universltr , Washliigton , 1) ) , C.
No. 01O nnd 311 Bnmsto Building
Comer 1'ifttPnth aud Hftniey su. , Oilman , Neb. ,
whvra all curablu cases are treated
with success.
Note Dr. Charles M. Jordan has IISHII res { .
ilcnt phyhlclan for Dr. McCoy , In Omaha , fet
the past > eiur and U the physician wliohna
made the curti-tnnt hare been piibUhhed
vcekly In this piper. *
Medical t1Uen os ureattil skillfully. Consump
tion. Hi luhfs disease , Dytuouala , Ithommitlsiii ,
and all MIUVOUS II lJ.\8i:3. : All diseases 11
cullnr to the sexes a specialty. ( UTAHKit
CONSULTATION at oOlce or by mall , fl ,
Ulllco hours-i to 11 a. m , S to I p , m. , T to 3 p ,
m Sunday oitico hours from u a. m . to 1 p , m.
-C rrop > nilent roculrus prompt atttmtiuu.
. MnnrdtMiasca ur trdatvd nuccesifully by Dr ,
Ionl n tltrougR the mati8and it Is thus jrossiuli
tot thoMTiuurtl * to wake a journey to obtuli
. HOSl'n'AL
Hints on Clothing , Food nnd Drink
for the Summon
Ciiuxl Aflvlco to YIIIIIIK Mothers Iin-
Iiortanuu of KxproNo , I'uro Air
and Kuiillulit Trent niimt
of Various Ailments.
The llnhy.
Three importmit thing * lit connection
with the euro of children should nlunys
bo rutnci.ihorcd cleanliness , pure uir ,
and proper feeding , nays the New York
World. Much injury Is done children
hy ovorfuc'tliiifrtliom. In the lirst month
or so of ii child's life frequent feodinj , ' is
necessary. Its stomach is incapable of
hard work , and that oryun must gradu
ally become accustomed to the duties
nature intended it to perform. For
this rcn > on Miiall quantities of food arc
taken at a lime ntul thu feeding must
occur lit short intervals. At first let
intervals be only two or three hours
long. At six months the child should not
be fed oftcner than live times a day. A
child will often hecin liunjjry when a
little water will satisfy it. Give pure
\\alerorbarley water. Do not accus
tom your child to feeding during the
night. This nniy bo easily avoided by
beginning' ' rightly. If the child awaken
and cries give only water. It uill oun
go to sice ] ) again , and if not given food
it will certainly learn not to expect it.
This plan is bettor for the child , and it
baves the mother and everyone elau
about the house a deal of trouble.
As to the kind of food bc-t suited to
young clnldivn , it mtiy bo accepted as
an axiom tlmt unless the mother's milk
) ( > Mtively disagrees with her babe it is
H'ttcr than any artificial preparation.
The rule is tlmt the child will thrho
< oil mid htiAu thu best chance of life
which is nourished at its mother's
breast. Even if the milU at first scums
to di-ugrou with the child it will u u-
itllj be lound that this is duo to romov-
nblo causes. attention . to or disre
gard of hygienic rules the milk may be
made healthful or injurious. The
mother with an infant at breast should
nlwn.\s remember that fact and regulate
her diet accordingly. She should avoid
sour foods and drinks nnd alcoholic
timulants , for these have a direct ef
fect upon her milk. Highly seasoned
food should not be eali'ii. Popper has
a tendency to dry up the milk supply.
ilittle 'ripe , but not overripe , fruit
ill do no harm , but care must MO taken
that it is not grfon or decomposed.
The objects to bo obtained from
the mother's feeding are to build up
her own strength and to produce a plen
tiful supply ol wholesome milk for the
child. Kgus arc usually excellent.
Milk is good , and MI is cocoa and broma.
Tender meat , if in a , perlect state and
well cooked , makes excellent food , but
it should bo taken with other foods indi
cated above , so lu not to put too much
work upon the digestive organs. It
may bo remembered that preferences in
fooA must nlwiiAs bo consulted , for the
appearance , odr > r , and taste of food is of
nutritive value. The mother should
avoid as far auossiblo , worry and ex
citement , and it is highly important
that shu does not subject horoolf to
overheating. All these things directly
ollcct the quantity and quality of the
milk supply.
When on account of thoqtnuity or in-
mitlleiont quantity of the mother's milk
some other food must bo provided for
the child it is important that no mistake
bo made in selecting the substitute.
Goat's milk comes nearest to the infant
food of nature , but to many people that
is out ol the question. Besides , con il
obtainable , it is sometimes dillicult to
got children to drink iton account of its
strong odor. After this comes cow's milk.
This is dink-tilt to obtain in the city
in a pure state , and tlio quality , of
course is not uniform. To people living
in the city , and especially pcoplo it
humble cirouiiibUineea , it is not otisV to
got one cow's milk. It is therefore
customary with ph.ysicians to recom
mend condensed milk , because it is
more uniform , leas liable to decomposi
tion , and purer. Whore cow's' milk is
used it should bo freshly boiled every
time the bottle is filled. The boiling
destroys any disease germs lurking it
the Ilu'id and rondor.s it less liable tc
irritate the delicate stomach of the
babe. "Weaken it with water , and adi
a httlo lime water. Thisaids digestior
and prevents thonciu stomach to whicl
\oung children are so liable. Many
'artificial foods for infants are advertised
nowaday-but probably none of them are
equal to milk properly prepared.
Avoid nursing bottles with long rub
ber tubes. Milk will collect in them
and turn sour in spite of Iho utmost ef
forts at olcanliiH-3. They cannot be
thoroughly cleaned. Such bottles have
produced many caaes of intestinal do-
ran,20inonts. The simpler the bottle
tlio bettor. A plain bottle with
a rubber nipple is all that
in necessary. Have two bottles ,
nnd while one is in use keep the
other in a strong solution of bicarbon
ate of soda , after it has been thoroughly
scoured out. Do not use a nipple too
long. It noon becomes saturated with
the milk and should bo thrown away.
These precautions should not bo disre
garded. Disease germs are facts , and
uncloanliiic'ss aids their rapid develop
ment. Ctiro in these matters makes the
ditlerenco botwcoon n healthy and
bickly child.
There is adlfforoncn of opinion among
physicians as to the advisability of giv
ing children alcoholic liquids. Some
advise giving a small quantity , not
more than n teaspoonful on the hottest
days. All agree that it is easy to take
too inuim. Dr. "William A. Hammond ,
and many others with him , think oven
the smallest amount of alcohol in
jurious to children during the period
when their brains are growing. You
will err on the safe side if such things
bo molded.
Here is a formula , for prepared food
for infants , , which is recommended by
the board of health :
Hell a tiwipr-onful of nowilorcil barter
( irrouml In conVu-grlnJcr ) unit one-half pint
of water , with a little salt for tlftoon min
utes , strain , then mix It with Imlf us much
boiled mill ; , n lump of white Bairnr , slzo of n
wiunnt , nml Rive It luko-warm from n nura-
Ini ? bottle. Keep boltlo fttid uiouth-placa in a
bowl of water when not In use , to which a
Ittlo soda may bo added.
Tor Infants llvo or six months old , giro
half barley water anil half boiled milk , with
salt and u lump of SUK.U- .
Tor older Infants , giro tnoro milk than barley -
loy water.
For infants costive , giro oatmeal Instead of
When your breast inlllt Is only half enough
change elf between breast milk and tbo pre
pared fcod.
15o careful not to use nny food which
has boon cooked long enough to bo sour.
Infants of six months may have beef tea
or beef soup once a day , but do not cook
vegetables with it.
To insure proper cleanliness infants
should'bo bathed twice a day , and of-
touor in hot weather. .A child always
foul a better after a bath in cool water.
13aby should love its bath. If it does
O fers :
Lots 11 and 12 , block G , 100x150 fepu , south and east front , corner Foppleton avo. and 32d st. The street has been graded in front of these lots ,
and they are about two font abovegrade. ; The opposite corners are all built up and occupied by elegant homes. Can oll'or this properly at fig
ures that make it a bargain. ' *
Jicnttrtfitl south front lot. corner Fonplcion Afcimc anil a.'M fitrcet. Price $ ' 1,8QO ; $7X0 cttsli , balance 1.J. J. tt and -t i/cars.
JSIcf/ant residence alto : JOt.rJ.lOfccl , south nnd cast fronti-oi'iier I'opnlcton Avenue and IJvl wtireat'cetinni/nlllcrnt view , can ) > nt Mod ; ofIra tiotises on this nroito'tit or two clc-
gatit residences * Catl and yet t ricoan < l terms.
Lots J.'l anil It , htnck i ) , lOOsl > O feit , ctn'nr-r of It'oolivorth Ai'cnne and Delaware street * , faces and orerlonlitnu the nark ; one of the finest re.tldt nee sites in the < / ( / / . $7"iOO.
Lot ii , lilorl ; 7 , elenant catt front lot on IMawttrc street. On-ifr I * out of town nnd until hum ntont-y. Cu'l ' andact i > rlcc.
C'ornci' , lOO.rlOU feet , on I'onplcton Avenue and.'Md strcit , only $ { i-H)0.
7 Si feet , cttst front , on Dunne Direct , iil"n < lid neluhoorhondtjust the { tlnec for a Mod , of three home * . $ (1,000.
Tin- < , hove lot t are first * residence sit s , h tali itn I slilitleonnnnndina ; a inaifiti/iernt rleit' of the eUt/nnd t ark. U'nler main * and ua-xtre. alreatl/ ) laid In front of these lots
A licantlftil tiarlc oflO ari'cs , a snlendld neliihliorliood. natural elevation aiviniperfcrt dralnat/e and nitre utmosphere , quick and direct ( ( rc < s t > u twojliuai of street curs , and
cable line now IntHi'tnt ; , all combine to mukeJIanwom 1'lace a hcalthi/ and dcliahffal nlueefor a home.
While i/ou arc waiting and Itcsl'at ' in/ ; when ; to invest OMAlfA IS tiTKADlhl'G ROWIXG AX"D DKrKLOMXG.
3'ho Immense territory comHrlslno Xelfi'aeka , ll'iiomlnij , ( ' ( ah , Colorado , Nevada , Idaho , Montana , ll'estern Joint , Konthcin Dakota and Northern Kansas , all natiirnllitribn -
taritto Omaha , it scttllnu tip rapidly , nnd the dni'elonmrnt ofthl * vat rcalon fortes Omaha aloni/ with it. In what eastern city ean ijon Inre.-t nt'iir money and obtain the
lifomcon ean here.
rysOL/Tlf OMAIf.l WK Olf I'"Kit A LA IK , K LIST OF C1IOICI1 lirsiJTKSS AXD JtKSlDKXUK J'ltOl'KHTy that will i/ic'tl ' , if built o ifi'o > n l. > to , 'i ( ) percent nor an
il inn mi an Ini'tstinent ' , aside/mm the steady a. Ivance l'i rnltie of the properti/ .
IX II'KST OMAHA , WK OFFJllt SO31K Vl < " THE VIXKST RKilDKXUE I'UOl'KltTY IX THK CIVV OF OMAirAaml at prices nnd terms that place It within thft
reach of at' .
Choice lots , suitable for wholesale and re'n'tl Inilne * * , that will double in value in the ne.rl lire ycurs ,
If'e hare the n jcncj for a lai-f/e ttmoiin' of AC UK J'HOI'KHTi' , especially salt tble/or narden purposes , at very low /trice * and lonrj lime.
i * jt
Southwest Corner I5th and Farnam Streets.
not , the fault lies with those who tul-
ininiblor it. Do not splash the water
: ibout or got Iho soap in baby's e.\es.
Nor should ono give the buth when Iho
ohihl is hungrv. The Hoothing oll'ect of
the bath upon the child is noticonblo.
Quiet , healthful , refreshing sleep is
often the result. Indeed , n eool bnth at
night it , better than a narcotic. Sloei-
lossnobs in the chilu moans worry and
exhaustion to the mother , , inil this re
acts upon the child byatroelingbolh the
quality and quantity of her null ; . The
bath , lee , has a marked olToet in pre
venting bowel complaint.
piioriu : ci.oriiixc. .
In this connection a hinl may bo
given on the clothing of infants. They
should bo neither overdressed nor ttn-
dordrossod. The clothing should not bo
so heavy as to etiusp discomfort nor &o
light as to permit their eatjhing cold.
In our cha igeablo climate , where cool
nights often succeed warm days and
sudden changes are liable to occur in a
few hours , it is diilioult to have Iho
clothing always just right. Matters
will be much simplified bj using a llan-
nol band around the abdominal region ,
covering the digestive organs. This
will 'ward oil sudden chills and fre
quently bo the moans of preventing ill-
ne-is. The band should bi1 made to tit
evenly and snugly , and should bo worn
ft v all children under four years of ago
at all times.
One of the most sinitary agents is the
air. Elllmin and organic vapor of vari
ous kinds becomes developed iu every
occupied dwelling from daily coo'cing
and organic Giibstaneossaturato all text
ile fabrics and become a fruitful source
if disease. Ventilation is essential to
eradicate the-fo noxious vapors and
vorj room should bo thoroughly airc.l
ich ilny by a current of fro&h air sulli-
cient to'renovate its atmosphere and
> remove all impurities. The external
tir in cities is not , of , tilwivy as
lure and free from olluvia as could bo
Icsired. but it maybe taken for granted
hat free impure air is bolter than bot-
led-up impure air , and thai Iho air
\liiehjmsbconcnntlnod in a room for
, omo lime may always be exchanged
vilh advantage for air from the outside.
The hints given above are for pro-
vonling sickness among children. fJul
diooaso will sometimes como in delianco
if all wo can do lo prevent il. At
his season Iho diseases most likely to
jtl'cct infants are UICHOvhich como
'rom derangements of digestion , such
n a summor-compliiint and cholera in-
"aalnm. In a eireular which the health
lepartmont has issued the foil iwing ad
vice on summor-complainl is given :
It comes fiom ovorfeldln and hot and foul
air. ICeup your denis mil windows opon.
Wash your well children with cool water
.wic-o a day , or oftonur in the hot aoasou.
Never neslci't loosunoss of the boivoH In
an infant Consult the family or dlsponsary
[ iiiysic'im ' at oiR-o and ho will irivo you your
i-iilo , nblut what it should tike and how it
iliould bo nursad. Keep your I-OOIIH as eool
; m possible , have thom v.-ell vontllutcil , and
do not iillutv any b.ul smell to como from
sinlts , privlos , jf.irba o boxes or gutters
about the hmiso whuro you live See tlmt
, Miirowii ) .tp.irtmoiits ate right and complain
to the uoard of health if the noighboihood is
olTonsivo.Vhero ,111 infant H cross and ir-
rit.iblo in the hot weather a trip on the
water will do It a great ilcal of Rood ( ferry
boat or steamboat ) and may prevent cholera
With the first uppoamnuu of teeth in
n child some foo.l other than milk be
comes nocoss'iry. Give it a crust of
bread to exorcise upon , and let it occa
sionally suck a piece of rare beof. To
wards tno closn of Iho vear the
tooth phouldif ) ! ) coming regularly. A
failure in this regard will uhii illy 'mean
that something is wrong. The food
may not bo as nutritious as necessary , or
there may be some defect of digestion.
The child's digestion frequently shows
blgna of weakness after an attack of
cholera infnntum , nml sometimes when
there has boon no positive sickness.
The child does not gain in weight acid
btreng'bh as it should , the color is pile ,
and the bonoo show signs of impurfect
development. This is seen in their
tendency to bend in the well-known
"bow-logs. " ' Under these circumstan
ces the head , too , will assunm a decid
edly square appearance.Vill , thcso
symptoms are well marked. They point
to tbo alToctlon known as rickets ,
which Is always due to bad nutrition , re
sulting from improper purroiindings.Tho
diet must bo mado. richer in bono form
ing material. The child must also hnvo
plenty of oxorclso and pure air and sun
light. Some medicine is usually needed ,
and when the condition described mani
fests itbolf the parents should consult a
physician before the malady has gone
so far as to produce malformation ,
The neuto diseases which afllict chil
dren in c'tmtnor are , as a rule , short in
thoircotsrse. What is n slight bicknosi
to-day may turn out a fatal uno to-mor
row. For this season no disturbance ol
n child's digestion should bo neglected
A physitfan should V < j consulted as boor
ns possible.
For the information of those who d <
not Know ol the fact , it may bo said tha
a physician can always bo obtained iv
night by the w who are unable to em
ploy one if application is made to the
nearest police st ttion. The doctors who
are willing to obey the Mimmons leave
their mimes and addros- at the sta
tion. They are paid for all such visits
of the city. A more general knowledge
byjtlus arrangement may result in the
having of main lives.
For a man who hits no chart to heaven
Colonel li ! er- > ell talies in a { 'ood iiiun.v
funeials. It suggests deviled crabs and angel
It is not true that Solomon pot his reputa
tion for wisdom bv his intellmont peislstciR-y
in always ItiUni'-r tlio car window iilone , even
if thu pretty-girt In the seat in fiontunl want
it open. \ -
A youiiR lady who teaches n Sundnv ac-hool
clnsT of enjit-.vear-olds recently asked them
the question , ' -\Vlmt is an altnr ! " " 1 Know , "
smd "it's wheio '
on irrepressible ; u place
they burn insects. "
Dunron 1 was terribly shocked , my dearto
discover on my wav homo from ehuich a
Kiimc ot base ball bomp plu.\cd on the vacant
lot near the park- Wife Wits it tlmt which
makes you pa vjtry late , do icon ?
Wo uscd'to 'hoar much of "Hluo Prcsby
termns , " but it is setting to bo ns hard to
llnd n blue I' . 4sit is to Hud n red-
hot Methodist. We have no doubt that they
still exist , but ill e denomination , as a whole ,
is changing color.
Old Bobbins ( to Tomplcins ) "Bin a havin'
some lmpti/in' un your wav. I hour. " Tompkins -
kins "M'yes. Old Stnro | Uldloy's son. Saul
he wniitvil to reform. " Bobbins "Do any
good ! " Topipldus "Did the villn o a honp
o' fjooJ. The clmj ) took cold and iln-d in a
week. "
"Father , the piper says jon 'oRlelatcd at
the wcddiuu , clad In the triubtional R.irb of
the clergy. ' What does traditional mean ! "
"Traditional " ' led the minister
, my son , rep' poor
ister , ns he looked nt his cheap suit of blncl :
with n sifjh. "refers to things tlrat hnvo been
humled down. ' "
At the woso of , t series of revival mootinga
hold in Kentiuky recently by Sam .Jones , the
owners of twenty-seven lost umbrellas were
surptised at ilailins them mysteriously re
stored to their po-sossioti. The loc tl paper
jipeaks in the higlu st tonm of the perm t-
nency of the work effected by Mr. Jonoi in
the comimiuitv.
Clergyman should bo brief and to the point.
A IJoUon clergymen once hud a broad hint
to that effect. "Wo would like to hnvo jou
short when you mnrry us , " : ild n prospective
bridegroom , "bacauso wo me ijolng west. "
"How soon nfier the ceremony will you
start ! " asko.l the clergymen. "In about a
week , " was the reply. Then the minister
realized ho had a reputation as ono possess
ing the frift of continuance.
A circus in lullnn.i postotl its gorgeous
bills over a country church which it mistook
for a school house that it hail hud ponnission
to decorate In this pieturoscpii stylo. At llrst
the church deacons were incline 1 to got nnd
about it , but a few circus tickets distributed
among them by the wily showman promptly
adjusted the matter. The circus linn a strong
hold upon human nature , and even church
deacons prefer frco tii-'icU ' rather than run
ning the rla'cs that nlwaya attend nttompti to
crawl under the canvas ,
The H-'V. M. .1. Suvaeo , nf Boston , will
spend August unJ Scptembur in Europj.
flovernor Lulioof Mont un is a Sunday
school man an I toaohos a Ulblo class In the
Uaptlbt Sunday school m Ilolana.
PascVi Potter , the Cam 3.1-1 buy preacher ,
who has exulted the world bv his romarknblo
pulpit olonur-aca , is only twelve years old.
The Ivcv. U.'orgc MoClollau Flslto , I ) . D. .
of Khodo Island , has doMmol the opis 'jpata
of Fond duLto , Wis. Ho was elected hist
The will of Mrs. Loon ird Church , of
Ilnrtfiml , Conn. , gives $ " > 0OJO to the city
missionary noumtv and sn : dlur amounts to
othur local charities.
Durham university has conforroJ the dc-
groo of doctor of dmmtv upon tl.o bishops
of New York , Frcjertuton , Kuport's Lniul ,
Minnesota and Harbadocs.
Hov. Philip 1'ooUs is Hald to bo the only
other In this country holding Ox-
ford'i decree of D. U. , whle'a ' Uiahop 1'erry ,
of Iowa , has Just iccolvod.
Harrison"th'o bay prc.tchor , " wont into
the heart of Now York in the hottest month
of the yenr'itnd ' conducted a religious revival
at which 'J.ti'JU ' people have professed to bo
convert ed.
Oenoral Hooth , commnndcr-in clnof of the
Salvation ann.y , will leave ICngland for the
United States early m October for thu pur
pose of reorganizing the army in the eastern
states. It Is oxpectcu that the general will
ordur a for the trial of Major
Moorn , who , it ? is allowed , has bocotno possessed -
sossed of fiuidii and supplies bulouilng to the
nrmy to the value ot isO.OOO.
JJishop Harris of Michigan , who Is re
ported by came to have been stricken down
with paralysis In London , was formerly rector
tor of St. James' church In Chicago , lie
had started with his daughter to attend the
London conference of thu Anglican church ,
which Includes the Protestant Kplscopal
church of America. Later on in the season
ho Intended to go on an extensive tour
through the Holy Lund , when ho , u perfect
picture of health and robust Btiongtb , was
suddenly brought to death's door. Ills
daughter was the only pcr on proicnt In a
strungo land to nurse him , ha having loft the
rest of his largo family ut Mackinaw , Mich.
Hishop Harris , who Is thought by many to
bo the most powerful member of tha Episco
palian hierarchy in America , is but about
llfty-tlvo years old. During the war he ,
born and bred la the south , served with
great distinction in the confederate army ,
and comiminde-1 a robal brlgado at the battle
of Lopkout mountain.
What Mttlc Heads Think , anil What
Ijittle Tontpien haj.
St. 1'aul Globe : 1 always read with in
terest the children's column in the Sun
day Globe , and I bend two true stories for
it which 1 am sure your rondel's will en
joy. Tbo Hist is a little boy who had
never before noticed the moon in the
heavens while it was still bright day
light , and as ho was standing at the
gate he discovered it , and was hoard to
call : ' 'God ! God ! You bettor take in
your moon ; it is too early for it to bo
out. "
Tlioocoiul is about a little tot ono
year and a half old. As Ills grand
mother was rocking him one day she
biioo/.ed , and her false tooth How out of
her mouth. The little ono ga/.ed in
I ama/.omont for a moment and then
wailul : "Oh , draiiima's mouf's boko. "
YANKTON , Dak. M. H.
A JXJUIIM : rAiMiiti : .
A bright little western boy was on a
visit to his grandma in Connecticut.
llefore loa\ing homo ho had gene
through the ordeal of being vaccinated
twice and had heard the subject thor
oughly discussed. One day nis grandma
asked him if bo had been bapti/ed ,
whereupon the little follow , thinking
blio meant vaccinated , promptly re
plied : "Yes , ma'am ; I hnvo boon bap
tized twice , but it didn't take. "
M > 3iiwn\r : MIXID.
Uoslon Times : The small son of a
Baptist clergyman recently had his
lirat pair of bouts. They wore bomo-
what hard to get on , and lie tugged and
stamped and twisted for some time be
fore they \\oro where they bhey should
bo. ' 'My goodno-ss ! mamma ; did'n't they
go on hard1" ; ho said. "I camu near
baying devil , but then I remembered
papa has told us wo mn-t not take the
name of the Lord our God in vain. ' '
Jii rr.u , srn iitiith. ;
Christian Jlegistor : Druggist Now ,
what do vou wantV Boy Throe cents'
worth of paregoric. Druggist What
do you mean , waking mo up for throe
cents ? Uoy Why , L had tor get up for
nothin' .
Richmond ( V.i. ) Critic : I have a little
tlo nephew who is very proud of being
able to tell what the pictures in a
child's bible ropresontand I listened to
him lately with great interest till ho
reached tlio engraving representing
the dearth of the illuminating lluid in
curtain foolish young women's lamps ,
which ho calmly told mo represented
the "ton Virginians. " Then I sent him
out to buy some candy.
AV oviu\voitKii : ) < JIIIN" : : .
Habyhood : Little Lucyseomod much
impressed upon being told that it
night in Australia when it was day in
England , and day there when il was
night at homo.
After considering the subject forsomo
time she said : "I think it's pretty harden
on the queen. ' '
' Why , LucyV" asked mamma.
' "Cause when wo are in bed nnd asleep
she has got to bo up all night reigning
over tlio people in Australia. "
Detroit Free Press : Jimmy had been
promised a trip into the country.
"Mamma , are you going out to atmtio's
' No , dear ; I'm afraid it will rain.
Don't you see how black the oloads
nru ? "
"Yes , " rulucttuitlv , "but I don't think
they'll leak ! "
AN' : roit I'Af.v.
Chicago Tribune : Harold is getting
old enough to astonish hia parents oc
casionally with an original remark.
The other evening his mother said
something to his father , who was read
ing. IIo didn't hi1 ir it. She repeated
il , but the head of the family was too
Intent on his reading to notice that ho
was being addressed. Harold had
watched oporationa.andaftor his mother
had spokou the second time observed :
"Mamma , I think jou'll have to 'scuso
p.xpa. I guess his ears has gone out to
walk around the block for u few min
utes. ' '
TIJII'S : uorou HAND.
Harper's Voting People : Grandma is
pretty \\oll on in yoars.and time has loft
hia marks in many wrinkles on her dear
old face , Little Lucy was sitting in
grandma's lap the other day , nnd after
a long , inquiring gu/.o tiskcd : "Grand
ma , what makes your face all bo mussed
Ilarpor'a Young Pcoplo : Harry has
fallen in love with a little girl who
lives next door to him , nnd who is
about the same ago ns his sister Etnol.
Having been told that ho and his sister
wore bought at the doctor's , Harry ob
served to his mother : "I don't sink
you got good taste , mamma. "
\Vby , Harry ; what hua mammn done
thnt is in bad tastoi"1
"Wollf I sink when you wont up to
the doctor's to buy Ethel you'd fwnj
done better if youV bought Dp."Dthy
Parker. She's a great dea I nicer than
r.thel. "
Philadelphia Times : The little miss
who wrote the following will develop
into a brilliant satirist ono of these
days :
' 'Dear Mama wrote to
Pupa : me get
my washing done , to got my shoes
mid to buy some buttons for my dress
and a new ribbon for my hat and she
bent me 10 cents. "
riiiLDitr.N's miTATiVKxr.s' ? .
Indianapolis Journal : Not long since
there was wedding tip town , and quite 11
number of children who are in the fam
ily were present. The olliciatSng cler
gyman until o the ceremony a very brief
oiio , and the children caught il all , and i
now not and hour passes that the ceremony - |
mony is not gone through with by tbo j
little ones. On one occasion the two to
be married wore pronounced man and
wife in a very short time , when the miii- '
iaturo clergyman astonished the family
by saying : "It's so hot hero we'll hnvo
to go'into the hall to pray , " and they
followed him to the cooler spot , where
tlio service was finished.
iMarriajje of Neil IJiiiitlinc'.s Willow.
Nebraska used to bo the homo of
"Nod Buntlino. " Uooontly the an
nouncement was made of the marriage
of Mrs. Anna L1' . .ludson , widow of the
late Colonel K. 7 . C. Judson. best known
to fame as "Nod LUintlino , " says the
New York Sun. Since the death of her
husband in July , ISbG , Mrs. Judson has
continued to reside at the country homo
occupied by the pair for eighteen years
previous , a homo which Ned ihmtlino
tilted up for his family in a picturesque
locality in the Calskills region near
Stamford , and which ho called "Eagle's
Ncsl. With Mrs. Judson has lived the
novelist's only child , a son by a former
wife , now grown to manhood.
Mrs. Judson was Miss Anna F. Mar
tin , of Now York City , and she married
Colonel Judson soon after his discharge
from the army at the close of the
war. The bridegroom was E. Locke
Ma on , u Boston commercial traveler ,
her senior by some years. The match
was a surprise to the nnignbors at Ka-
glo's Nest. The wedding rites wore
quietly celebrated one oven ing last
week by the Hov. F. B. Murch , at the
parsonage in South Kortrighl , in Iho
presence of a few witnesses only. The
lady does not bring to her husband a
largo fortune. Colonel Judson died in-
testate , leaving something like $1)0,000
lo bo shared between the widow and
son. The novelist's earnings with his
pen during the thirty latter years of
his lifo wore , it is said , from $120,000 to
MIOID ) ) a year. It is said limb ho once
earned $1:2,01)0 : in six weeks , and at tin-
other lime , under pressure , wrote a novel
of (11:2 ( : pages in sixty-two hours , bcarcely
sleeping or eating during the timo. His
novels , each long enough to niiiko a
book , number over throe hundred. Hut
if ho earned the money rapidly ho
spent it with a meal improvident hand.
There were homo complications in
Ned Buntline s four or llvo matrimonial
ventures , that at his death threatened
rioUb trouble in the soUlcmont of his
estate. A woman living in Greene
county , and calling herself Mrs. Lovan-
tia L. Judson. appeared before the siir-
regale of Delaware county , with ox-
JudgoW. D. Wagner as her uttornev ,
and demanded that letters of adminis
tration should bo issued to her as the
rightful widow of Iho deceased. Him
alleged that she was married to tlio
novelist nt Hoboken , in lkj * > l > , nnd lisuil
with him as his wife until 1M > 1 , when
ho deported her to enter the Union
army , and had since refused to luo wither
or support her. A scandalous and costly
contest in the courts was avoLlod by
private arrangement.
Liceosed Plumijefs & Gas Fillers
I'oinor Kith nml Jnckson .Street ,
Where they hav a full line of everything neo-
canary to their business. They nro prepared to
give estimates on all work in tholr line nnd
piomptly till nil eiders entrusted to their cure.
llest of workmen employed nnd all work war
xiw : I.OOATIOV ,
Corner Kith and Jackson StroctH.
UMonr forOlrlj ao4 Younx JjidlHi. Kor
csuloirue aitdrem U. TM A VKll. l.f. . I ) ,
Morgmu i' Uilltgn buvct , Cblcngo , 111.
TKI > . who in his FOS.t.Y hnil KJNOIIANCC
Mi3TKIi'Ir.I > nwnv Ills VlCiOIt of 1V1 > I Y ,
drains upon the rorTASM of MFC ,
II F A n A 1' HE. IlAfHAVHE , Drcnnful
DrenmsVKAKK ; sH of Memory , HASH.
the rAVK. and nil the KITKi'TN lending to
KAMI.V I > ktAVand ) pbihaps : o > MIni .
5'FltN or BM ANITT , ihotlld coniult Bl once
Ibe < ! Ji.Et : H.VTr.l > lr Clnrko , Entnblldied
Uil I'r Clfttkrj linn made ! ViitV4 : > IN ! 1)E-
nil.ll'T. 4'HrioWI < ! mid nil Dlieases of
the Ur.MTO 1'HI.NAltY OrKiun a Mia
H'urty. It ruafeon 3.O . dlllurence XVII AT you
'iftT ' * taken or WHO has failed to pure you.
' . .
liar to their tax can consult with the assurance
or speedy loUefnnd cure. Send 2 centi poatago
fur vmrkrt ou your diseases.
3,3-llond 4 cent * postfifjo for Crlcbruteil
Vv'orkK on i'liroitlc , Ncrvoii * nud Dell-
cato Dlsea3u3. Con < tnllntlou , personal'y ' or by
k'tter , frco. Consult the old Doctor.
Vhoneniic ! ! * cured. oillrcN and ( inrlom
prSiruta. * drlhose contemplRtlng Marrlnffo
tend for Dr. i'liirkn'N celebrated gutdo
Mnto and Female , onch 15c. . both 25e.
irtamps ) Jlefuio conflrtlnK your case , consult
JJr. CI < 4ItIi7 : . A friendly letter or call may
jnve future uBcrlugiiml slmino , and cdd golden
y ai to life.Book "I.iln'H ( Sferel ) Er-
! , " Co. ( stflraps ) . Medicine and writings
Bent everywhere , Rpcnro fiom fximntire.
Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays , 9 to m. Address ,
F. D. CLARKE , M. D.
186 sa , eisrt a-w oamcAao , 11,1. .
Intho tiontmeut of
hns permanently locnlail in Omnna , The 71oc-
tor'H theory Is tmlt NO UlSUAbl ] JS INCL'HA-
111. i : until the illiroieiit pnitsot the body nro
dmtroyt'il hy dlsunsa faster than they can ho ro-
mil oil or built un. Tills Is a IKi'il law , estab
lished when "Tho waters WHO mljusteil by
Is It your MVl'.lt , lODNMiVS , MINUS or
IIKA1N , KA1I. UVI ! or HliAKT. that you lie-
Ikno to he diseased Am jon Hullerlm ; from
( sit \vuij or msi\hi ; ; or THI : HLAODUH.
riSTI'LA , 1MM.H , dlioabeH ot the SKIN or
HONUS : if s > o , loiirntho Doctois"NowTroat-
mont for Old Diseases"
I3AHi.S ; nml nny tr.icoof thu ilibensu eradicated
Irom the IHU.CH , bUn niidhlooa.
nubility of the SIJXt'AI , OltUANS nud their
n\iiilt-.connktoly ) i < moved ,
Iir. McCiHIIW is aKinduiito of roi'iilnr modi-
ciuu.iind his ( Uti.Yl : HL'U KhSln ciiilnj , ' disease
In his close attention to the ticutuiunt of each
The Doctor is Justlv classed na ouooftho
rONSUI/m JON nt the olllce. trro.
Chin KC.S for treatment , ItllASONAHU' Treat
ment given the e nt a illbtnuce by correspou-
deme. .Send stamp tor teply Jledlclno sent
to nil putts of the I lilted Mutcn Addrest.
, / . E. MrVltEir , 31. D.
IlusUimin lllocli.C'or , ICth i. Douglas Sts. ,
Omnhn , Nnbinskiu
Will locale in tliU city ,
Corner 16th and Davenport ,
On or about the 1Mb of Aimunt , with iv full line
Imiiorted and Domehtlo Uoolens. Onr nrlrns
will Mill the times , and all our work done v.lth
ilist-clnss tailors la this city.
Corner Dearborn and Lake Streets ,
This house lia just bcui thoroimhly refitted
nt n cost of o\ir ti10 , making It far better
than nny hotel of thn Hiimu pil.iin . the wegt.
I'.lcvntor. elcitil > lluhtd , bath lOJliia , and all
mo lorn > nioiitb.
Rates , $2 and $2.80 Pei > Day.
Including meals. Centrally located ; a"cojblblo
to nil tnllnny ttti'l"iit th ator-i and b.mlnejs
liotiHBt. Str-et rant t > all points of the tlty.
hpi rates to i
r 11 . . snuiiiirn , MnthlVtchet-mompt
Freckles ly f rudlcati'd by Jlnlo Fn-ckl i < Cm o
* Millurd Co. , Itiiiialo
N. i.
ni I Illii'-'i He'ds. 1'lef.h Worms , cm-fit by
MuB'r i "tnph'il"nfriap.'ic.byinalf.
rllTin DO " ' . ' .
rilllUluuM'limdfii..IlutliibN. y.
WEAKlj | | IEr"ilrlor > i/mhfiii ir.
rviil xl. t . I win . ikl a n li"VirfrliwT ' | ? d )
' 4 full ( XutlcuiuM ( ur hoiu ; vurr , fr v c (
i F > 0. FOWLER , Mootiugt Oonn < / -