Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1888, Part II, Page 13, Image 13

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From this date until further notice , will cut every iirticle in 2 off our plain figure marks. lens' ' , Boys' ' and Childrens1 Clothing , Hats , Caps and Furnishing Goods
At this sale , goods will be sold cheaper than at any other sale in Omaha. COIE AND SEE WHAT 50c ON THE DOLLAR WILL BUY. All new and desirable goods.
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A POT.AOK. Manae-er.
Mysterious Sounds and Slahto Prom
the Unseen Unlvorso.
Bnrah Graves' SU-nn o Drcnnt A
Spirit Refers to n Passage of
Scripture to l xt > Ialit a
BIystcrlous Death.
Voices la tlie Capitol Home.
Washington Slur : A Star reporter
6aw a ftil colored woman the other day
BUimlliiK in the pussaijo about a. tliird of
the way up the dome. She was dressed
gorgeously in a colored boriiba/.ino , and
carried a hand bag and a cotton um
brella. She weighed about 230 pounds.
"Laws , chile , " she said in a fright
ened whhppr , "I hcahs voices. Dis
uuildin' is jos' full ol ) voices. Doy's
cberywharo 'bout. An' thotn ehilluns
ilono gonu up an' lef me , and yor I is.
jMun , I don' much like ilom voicesi I'se
nfcard I'll iK-ber got out ob dis. " She
was trying to be calm with a great ef
"Dcso voices" are a great source of
fear and superstition to simple-minded
visitors. Country colored people par
ticularly arc frightened at the voice ,
they hear among the clustering columns
and arched passages. Sometimes the
voices como up from under the feet
Bomotimcs from the solid stone arches
overhead. Again they bound from
among the shadows in a corner whore
nobody is. They are heard in the crypt ,
still more mysteriously in the old hall ,
where there are plenty of people stirring
around in a Hood of sunlight , and more
fitrangoly still in the great dome ,
from whose height men have com-
Jnittcd suicide. The building is al
ways full of echoes. "Dote voices are
oborywhar. " With these many of Iho
employes of the capitol and others fond
of practical joking play upon the nerves
of the superstitious colonul people.
Sometimes the jokes are played on people
ple who are not superstitious. The
baueor-liko canopy , upon which the
great allegory roofing the rotunda is
painted , acts as a hounding board , and
will convoy the least whisper with per
fect distinctness from any place in the
upper gallery to the point opposite.
When sentimental couples got close
together in th\s \ circular gallery and
lean over the rail , watching the people
moving about on the lloor of the ro
tunda below , and whispering gentle
things to each other , meant for no cars
but tlioir own , they are often overheard
by innocent looking young mon who
happen to bo lolling on the opposite side
of tlio gallery , as far away as possible.
'The young couple may bo startled by
Boino most inopportune remark sounded
in their ears when no one is near them.
At a most tender moment an
irreverent or jocular remark is start
ling to their HOIISO of security. Whoa
parties of tourists climb up to the
loino they are often astonished to bo
nddros.seu by name in the most familiar
way by a voice from one of the allegori
cal terrors painted on the canopy
iibovo. Sometimes they are invited to
como up and take lunch A party of
Ohio people wore in the gallery talking
to each other about their homo matters ,
A young man on the other side of the
gallery listened until ho got
the names of several of the
party. Then ho called out , "Is
that yon , Mr. BlankV Why how
do you deV Como up hero ; wo have
lunch hero for Ohio folks. " The voice
apparently came through the canopy ,
from borne chamber still higher up.
They wore not astonished that the gov
ernment should make spcc'ml provision
for the entertainment of Ohio folks , and
they promptly accepted the invitation.
The whole party trudged up the very
Bleep and dangerous Ilight of stairs
leading up to the worm-light , at the
head of which they wore met with a no
tice : "Visitors not permitted to go
higher. " And there was no lunoh any
where in bight. Some of the ladies
were anxious to get down as soon as pos
Two colored men leaned over the rail
\inilor the great allegory and talked
about Lynehburg , whispering myster
iously about things strictly private to
themselves. A young man lolled
against the rail just opposite them too
far away to hear. They did not mind
him. Directly a voice came out of one
of the painted llgures over their heads ,
warning them to go back to Lynehburg ,
surrender themselves and repent of
their wrong doing.
"Was it murder ? " the voice inquired.
"Ho good J.ordl" cried the two tremb
ling men , as they made a break for the
Another very old ex-slave was accused
by a voice that appeared to como from
the mouth ol the liguro supposed to look
like JolV Davis of being "a runaway
nigger , " and threatened with the whip
ping post and a return to slavery.
These things surround the dome with
mystery ; but such would not bo per
mitted if the perpetrators could be
caught at it. _
Was It a llrenm ?
Sarah Graves , of Grand KapldsMich. ,
writes to the Keligio-Philosophical
Journal : Last year as 1 was coining from
canipmeoting "at Orion , I stopped to
visit an old friend who was a llaptist
deacon. Wo talked of old times , and
religion came up for discussion. Ho
trusted in Christ for all his hope. I
talked of the spiritual philosophy as I
Understood it. As ho was about soventy-
Qve years old , I said to him ; "You and
I will soon know the future life. Now
I want you to make me thispromiso : If
you go before I do , will you come and
let mo know as boon as possible1" ;
Ho said , "I will , " and I had the impression -
pression that I should never bee him in
tin- body again. About ten days ago
I was awakened out of a sleep
with a terrible feeling ol suffocation
and distress. I fjprang out of bed and
took some ammonia , rubbed it on my
throat , and I asked my guides , "What
is this , am I going to die ? " The an&wer
came , "No ! jro to bed ; you are all
right. " I obeyed. Then I wont into a
sleep or trance I don't know which
and saw my friend , Horace Johns , stand
by my bed. I was startled , but he spoke
and said , "Don't bo afraid ; I will not
hurt you. You remember what we
talked about the last time wo mot.
Well , 11mvo lost all physical de iros. "
As I looked at him lie seemed to be
draped in a cloudy substance , but he referred -
forred mo to the past , some things that
wo had talked of years ago. When I
came to myself it'was after (1 ( o'clock ,
and at 11 came a telegram from his
bon , saying , "Father died Una morn-
ing. " His father had beat the telegram
several hours. These are facts.
According to the Bible.
On Uio morning of July 21 , two miles
from Soddy , Tenn. , two men were run
over and mangled by a , south bound
freight on the St. Louis , Now Orleans &
Texas Pacific railroad , says the Now
York World. Tlioro was suspicion of
foul play , and the general belief was
that they had been murdered and their
bodies placed on the rails. A coroner's
jury was summoned , and , after hearing
all the evidence , it rendered a verdict
that the men , Neal Manner and Bill
Lee , fell asleep on the track , and
thereby lost their lives. Now Mr. A.
Hardy , of Soddy , a reliable gentleman ,
says that at 12 o'clock on the night of
July 2i ( , two days after the finding of
the bodies , ho awoke from slumber and
saw ono of the young men standing at
his bedside.
llo was greatly alarmed and for some
time thought ho was dreaming ; at
length the apparition spoke : "Go , "
saiil he , "and turn to the Book of Pro
verbs , third chapter and twenty-fourth
and twcnty-lifth verses , and there you
will 11 nd what caused our death , and
read the fourth chapter , eighteenth ,
nineteenth and twentieth verses , All
go togothor. " The apparition then
disappeared. Mr. Hardy eays ho im
mediately rosa from his bed and going
to a Uiblo picked up the old family
Bible and road these verses from the
third chanter of Proverbs , ! M :
"When thou liest down thou shalt not
ho afraid ; yea thou shall Ho down , and
thy sleep shall bo sweet ; 25 Bo not
afraid of sudden fear , neither of the
desolation of the wicked , when it
cometh , " and then , turning n loaf of
the good book , just on the reverse side
of the above verses , ho read from the
fourth chapter as follows : "IS But the
path of the just is as the shining light ,
that shinetli more and more unto the
perfect day. 1 ! ) The way of the wicked
is as darkness ; they know not at what
they stumbey. 'M My eon'attend to
my words. "
Mr. 11 ard linsists that he was not
dreaming I'jul that he never read these
chapters in the bible before that night ,
and ho is confident that the spirit of
poor Neal Manner visited him to dispel
nil doubts as to the cau o of the death
of tlio unfortunate boys.
The Hod Specter of the Tullories.
American Notes and Queries : This
goblin , known also as the Little RedMan
Man of the Tuilorios , in said to haunt
tlio palace and its adjacent buildings ,
showing himself cm the eve of some
Croat disaster. Ilia first recorded ap
pearance was a few days before the terrible -
riblo 10th of August , 179IJ. Marie An
toinette ' * ? women were sitting in the
Sallo dos Gardes , when they became
suddenly aware of the presence of a
small man , clothed from crown to heel
in fccarlot , who looked at tUum with
such unearthly eyes that they were
frozen with terror , They rushed to the
apartments of Madame la Dauphine and
related their adventure. The next ap
parition of the Rod Man was in ISM , in
tlio presence of the little King of Rome
and his attendants ; and ho was again
seen , according to report , n little before
the death of Louis XV1I1. this time in
the Galorio du Louvre. In 1S15 , however -
ever , much discredit was thrown upon
the ghost's existence by the practical
jolting of some art students attached to
Uro.-t' studio at the Louvre. Some of the
Louvre apartments had boon placed at
the disposal of ruined emigrants who
had returned to Franco and found n
protectress in the Duchesso d'Angou-
lome. Among those were two old
maiden ladioa and a Knight of St.
Louis , who were dining together ono
evening when n "grand diablo rougo"
came down the chimney and , snatching
u leg of mutton from the table , disap
peared with it by the way ho camo.
The incident was reported to the duch-
osse , who sought the presence of the
king and with tears pouring down her
face declared her conviction that some
great misfortune was impending. The
king laughed at his niece's fears nnd
sent for u chitnnoy-swoopor. A boy who
wont up the cnimnoy to look for the
'diablo rouge" did not return. A man
was then sent up , but nothing more was
seen or heard of him , The greatest ex
citement reigned in the palace , and at
length a llronmn undertook to explore
tlio haunted chimney. Ho returned
nnd explained the mystery. It appeared
that the chimney passed byGros'btudio ,
nnd that his pupils , by making u hole
in the wall , were enabled to play these
pranks ujxm illustrious personages.-
They had nmdo the two swoops tholr
confederates. But the fireman was not
to bo bribed.
The genuine ghost made his 11 mil ap
pearance in 1S71 , in the last days of the
Commune. A concierge at the Louvre ,
making hisuei-ustomcMl round one night ,
observed in the Galorio d'Appollon a
human form standing against tlio win
dow , with crossed arms and drooping
head , in an attitude of profound alllic-
tion. Believing ho had surprised a
robber , ho made toward the intruder ,
who thereupon disappeared. Ho tried
to persuade himself that his souses had
deceived him , but on reaching the
Grand Galcrio he saw the sumo figure
again , in the same melancholy posture.
On being challenged theforin'vanished.
The official then remembered the
legend of the "Ilonime Rouge , " midlcwt
no time in regaining the street. He re
turned with some of his comrades , but
this time the search for the goblin was
fruitless , and was cut short by another
kind of apparition a lurid.glare in the
sky. The communists had begun their
incendiary work , and the next day the
llames shot out of every window of the
Tuilni'ln * .
Mrs. Snmmons , near Hot Spring" , Ark. ,
has had seven i-uildrcn in tlio apace of three
j cars twins lirst , then a single boy , and at
1 last four equally divided as to sex.
EUlridge & Adams , of Koekville , Conn. ,
liavc 1 a curiosity at their marble works , in
their 1 cutting room i ° s a chopping-bloi-k about
j three | feet long and fourteen or liftccn inches
in diameter. The block was biouglit in last
fall ] , after rolling around a farm for some
timo. Now from it a four-foot sprout is
growing , and others are starting. H stands
whore it is spattered with water.
\Volvcrliamnton corres | > ondent of the
London Times status that during a recent
heavy thunder storm a colliur , named Hates ,
who had lost his sight through an accident ,
was being led horn1-1 , when a Hash of lightning
was rollcctod on the spectacles ho were to
coiK-ral his disfigurement. After the peal of
thunder which followed ho complained of
pain In his head. The next moment to his
surprise ho found that he had regained pos
session of his eyesight.
Until a few days ago , Jacob Miller , who
lives in Cobb county , Ga. , had not walked in
seven j years on account of the contraction of
the muscles of his log. During n recent
storm , while sitting under a tree , u stroke of
lightning shattered tlio top of the trunk of
the tree. Miller says ho lelt the em-rent of
electricity pass through his body , and ho
thought death was upon him. In attempting
to got his crutch ho found that his laino log
was almost straight , and ho has walked
without assistance ever since.
As the steamboat James \V. Baldwin was
coming down tbo Hudson river a few nights
ago a meteor dashed through the pilot house ,
passing within three feet of the faces of two
pilots at the wheel. It entered the steam
boat window , shivering the glass into count
less fragments , and made its exit at thu lar
board window. The pilots , though blinded
for about ilvo minutes , retained their hold
on the wheel and kept the boat In her course.
Eventually the effect of the great ball of
fire on their eyes passed away , and they
called the captain and related thulr expe
rience. The captain now joins his pilots in
asserting the gospel truth of this story , and
invites all the doubting scientists to visit the
pilot house in question and bo convinced.
On tlio farm of Jacob Groff , who lives
near Xoiliuu Springs , in thu southern part of
Missouri , is a largo pond where milk cows
nro in the habit of standing during the day.
Ono of the ccws acted so strangely when at
the pond that she attracted the attention of
Mr. Groff nnd the farmhands. She would
go into the water an hour or so before the
other cows , and , after wading out a certain
depth , would stop and commence lowing , as
though calling to a calf. Immediately alter
she would remain perfectly quiet and seem
contented. No cause could bo assigned for
hnr strange conduct , although on several
occasions she was closely watched. Ueccnlly
the water in the pond became scarcely
reaching to the cow's knees. She made her
usual daily trip , however , and took up her
old position. One day last week she was
watched very closely , nnd it was discovered
that when she ceased calling u largo cattish
would como to the surface of tlio water and
suck milk until its appetite was satisfied.
The fish was caught by Mr. GrotI in the Sac
river a year ago , and was thrown into the
A Pelican Dance.
Virgin in City Enterprise : The Piutes
had a grand fandango at Pi/on Switch
ono Sunday night. About eighty Indi
ans were present. A big fire was kin
dled , and in .somo dances about fifty In
dians were circling about it , all at once
coming down lint footed upon the bosom
of Mother Karth. The object of the
gathering being to bring rain , the prin
cipal terpsichorean olTort of the evening -
ing was the "pelican dance. " In this
nbont thirty Indians appeared , nil wear
ing head dresses which were good imi
tations of the pouches and great bills of
the pelican. In dancing , these huge
wooilon bills wore constantly snapped
in time with the drums ; tho" snapping
being effected by pulling a concealed
string. The Indians think that by
means of their dances they have brought
about all the recent thunder showers
and cloud bursts.
He Dili AVImt Ho Forlmilo to Others.
The Theatre for August : Charles
Rcade , after seeing "Lohengrin" at
Dresden , wrote : "Two or three of us
had taken a front seat in a proscenium
box. Suddenly a stranger took a seat
behind us , and expressed himself in
such sentences as , * Ach tliminel 1 Sehr
gut 1 Aeh schlccht , suhr schlecht 1' and
many other gutternls of the same sort ,
clapping his hands meanwhile and
stumping like a demented creature ,
until he became absolutely intolerable.
As soon us the first act was over T sought
the usher , requesting him to have the
apparent lunatic removed. But I can
never hope to give you the gestures or
expression with which ho replied : 'Aoh ,
das 1st Herr Wugnur. ' "
Acid flioplintes.
llollcves the Fnolinjt of I-inssltticlo
so common in. mid-summer , and' imparts
How the Invisible Force is Bolus In
Horse Cleaning by SSleotric Motor
KIcctrielty and lUieuinutlsm
Tlic Kdison
In England , Klc. Cloaninic by Kloetrlu Motor.
Electric World : V/ells' machine for
cleaning horses is operated by a Sprague
motor 1 , in the DCS Moines ( la. ) street
1i. railway company's barn. This is the
second installation of the kind made
i.t there. t The first , in a livery stable , has
worked \ successfully over two years. It
is ii i claimed that with power cleaners t\vo
men ii i can clean as many horses as six
men i could by hand , and do the work
much bettor. The hoi-ncs are said to
I enjoy | the performance , and stand
' quieter ' for it than for hand cleaning.
The Killsnn Ftionograpli in Knctniid.
Electric World : Tlio Edison phonograph
graph has been taken to England ,
where it has already recorded somu
notable nujnic. The phonograph re
corded a performance of Handel's
music , the instrument , reporting with
perfect accuracy the sublime strains ,
vocal and instrumental , of the "Israel
in Egypt , " as received by a large horner
or funnel projecting over the balustrade
in the vast concert room in the north
transept of the Crystal palace , near
The phonograph was worked by Mr.
Do Courcy Hamilton , one of Mr. Edi
son's assistants''who ' took it abroad.
The phonograms obtained were sent to
Mr. Edison and will probably bo heard
in public before long , so that wo may
practically bo able to attend Crystal
palace Handel festivals in our own
Special Lighting at Cincinnati.
The Cincinnati Commercial has the
following about the centennial : "Just
north of the Tyler-Davidson fountain is
now to bo scon what is , all things con
sidered , the handsomest and costliest
display over made in a decorative way
on a public occasion by private enter
prise in the west. At night it is ono of
the sights of the Exposition city in her
centennial year. Eleven tall arches of
iron span North Fifth street from the
loot of the Prtmseo esplanade to the
curbstone fronting Mabley & Carew's
great establishment. They range along
the entire frontage of the latter and are
aglow with 1,000 Edison incandescent
lamps so artistically arranged and col
ored that the effect is magical. No
scene described in the Arabian Nights ,
no Oriental illumination could
have cfiuallcd this arbor of
licrht. The lamps range over
each iron arch from ground
to ground again. They stretch along
the center of the street leaping from
the arch. I'Yoin the central span rise
mighty letters , reading "C-e-n-t-c-n-
n-i-a-l each letter three feet high and
cai-h a work of art parti-colored , with
one hue of the rainbow stained upon
each incandescent globe set into a lilly-
shaped bell of white glass , "Centen
nial" was the only legend put up on the
Fourth of .Inly ; there was no attempt at
advertisement , but now wrought in
equal beauty one reads in illuminated
letters of all colors the names of "Ma
bley & C'arow1 whose enterprise makes
this part ( if the city look as if a feast of
light was in progress. The cost of the
maintenance of such a display during
the three months of the exposition can
only bo estimated as being great. The
beauty of tlio arches of iron and lire no
one who sees will forget. "
Underground Iililil ; Wires.
Several deaths caused by shocks from
electric light wires have called atten
tion to the dangers of the present sys
tems of liigh-poteiitial distribution , and
much has been written in the daily
journals about the deadly electric light
wires. Tlio general remedy propo-ed
is to put the wires underground , and in
many cities ordinances have boon
pa sod directing that all wires shall be
buried within a cnrlain time. In tlio
present state of things it will bo impos
sible to obcv these ordinances. There
are great difficulties and expenses inci
dent to any system of underground dis
tribution in our largo cities. The enor
mous number of telephone and tele
graph lines that must bo put in con
duits with the electric light wires for
tlio scheme embraces the burying of all
wires introduces the factor of dis
turbance of messages from induction
as well as the great difficulty of
preventing leakage between the
dittVront lines , and from the lines
to the ground. And in Now York ,
where this work is being done on a
large scale , the commission which di
rects it is composed of politicians who
have no idea of the mechanical and
electrical dilliculticg that must be met
and overcome. Again , it is very much
a question whether the putting of arc-
light wires under ground will decrease
the danger. The wires have still to betaken
taken to the lamps , and in the branch
wires there is the same possibility of
accident as there was before. As the
case now stands , then , the putting of
electric wires under ground will bo at
tended with trouble and expense , pos
sibly failure. It will not greatly in
crease the danger of high-potential
lighting , and it will greatly retard its
development. At the same time an
otllciont underground system is much to
desired. It would bo as foolish to give
up all attempts in this direction as to
try to accomplish it at once ,
without the necessary experience.
KInctrlclty nnd RhcninittlHiii.
Electric light men are never troubled
with rheumatism. The stilt jointed
portion of humanity hover around the
big dynamos in the Brush Light com
pany's works just the same as con sump-
lives seek a slaughter-house for the
blood of a freshly-killed bullock. "Why ,
people would be hanging around pur
dynamos all day if wo permitted it , "
said a superintendent. The discussion
upon the subject of electricity as a cur
ative agent in certain chronic cases ,
notably rheumatism , has excited much
interest among electricians and all
classes of workmen engaged in handling
heavily charged wires. Numerous cases
are cited in dilTerent parts of the coun
try to prove that men engaged in those
employments are free from till rheu
matic and neuralgic troubles. This ap
pears to be tlio case in Pliiladelpoia
A superintendent is ready to debate
the question with the best in formed doc
tor in the land. Eight years ago when
ho first began to work around 'dynamos
in San Franei co ho was alllicteil with
acute rheumatism. His lingers were
twisted out of all natural shape and pro
portion by the insidious disease , and
tlio joints were swollen to
many times tlu-ir natural size. His
shoulders , hips and knees were simi
larly affected , and ho was , as ho expresses -
presses it himself , so stiff that ho could
scarcely move , lie soon began to im
prove , however , when ho came into
close contact with the dynamos , and al
though he was not cured immediately ,
his recovery was .sure and rapid , and in
less than eighteen months ho was ap
parently a well man. lie has had no
recurrence of the trouble , and is con
vinced that the cure can bo credited to
nothing but the wonderful influence of
the strong currents of electricity with
which ho has been constantly siir-
rpun-'cd for years. Ho speaks of a portion
tion of his experience as rather in the
nature of heroic treatment. He has
been knocked down time out of mind by
coming in contact , cither through hi
own carelessness or by accident , with
two wires , and upon ono occasion re
mained unconscious for ton minutes.
The shock upon that occasion , he says ,
felt to him as though lie had been hit in
the neck with a sand-bag. Ho was
rather surprised to find himself alive
when ho came to his senses. If life can
bo taken in that way , ho thinks it
would bo the moat humane method of
executing criminals. Ho suffered no
pain at all from the shock except when
lie was burned , but ho thinks it has
effectually banished the rheumatism.
Electric Sparks.
Now evidence presents itself daily in
Boston to prove that the \Vcst End
Street Railway company is putting forth
active efforts to get electric motors in
practical operation on its suburban line
at as early a day as possible. The com
pany has awarded the Jarvis Engineer
ing company the contract for the build
ing and equipping of the first steam
plant for the electric railway depart
ment of the former.
The best way would seem to bo a
gradual putting of the wires under
ground , instead of a city directing all
the wires to bo placed underground by
a certain time. Let them ordcj1 a cer
tain per cent each yeai' , the localities
to be determined by people who know
something about the subject. In ibis
way experience will be gained in the
cheapest manner , and , if it is found
practicable , the end will finally bd
reached without injury to the com
panies concerned.
Several mornings during last week in
Boston , before vehicles and street cars
began to occupy Columbus avenue , an
early pedestrian would have noticed
and boon astonished to see a machine
moving along with lightning-like rapid
ity without evidence of human aid aa
its propelling agency. It vas simply n ,
tricycle equipped with a small electric
motor and two accumulator cells , un
dergoing a series of experiments. The
tricycle thus operated gave satisfaction
to the experimenters as regards speed
A mechanical genius in Lewiston ,
Me. , has applied electricity to wood-
sawing. In a recent trial his invention
sawed a cord of soft-wood slabs in
twenty minutes. The only difficulty ex
perienced was in getting wood to the
saw fast enough to chock the speed.
In another column of this issue will bo
found an entirely now and novel speci
men of attractive advertising. It is one
of the neatest over placed in our paper
and wo think our readers will bo well
repaid for examining the SU1TOSKD
display letters in the advertisement of
Prickfy Ash Bitters.
IMnri'led in n Iloat.
Atlanta , Constitution : Quito a roman
tic marriage took [ mice at West Point ,
Ga. , the contracting parties being Dr.
E. Hill and Miss Mattie Pratt of our
city. The ceremony took place on the
"yellow" waters of the swift rolling
Chattahoochee. The brida and groom
wore seated in a light yawl boat , and
the latter deftly plied tlio oars , bearing
his lady to the rocks about half a milo
above tlio landing. The hour waa
splendidly suited to the occasion. The
sun was just hiding its glorious outlines
below the horizon when the Kov. W.
li. Brisooo pronounced the solemn
words that bound them together irre
vocably. The river was dotted hero
and there with boats of the Chattahoo-
cheo club , filled with joyous friends ot
Dr. and Mrs. Hill. All repaired to Mr.
and Mrs. T. .T. Jennings , where a
bounteous supper and hearty congratu
lations awaited them.
An Absolute Cure.
is only put up in largo two ounce tin boxes ,
nnd is an absolute euro for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , and all skin erup
tions. Will positively euro all hinds of plies.
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. , at U3
cents per box bv mall 30 cents.
Prince B ismarck has given evidence that
ho is still a skillful marksman. W hilo prac
ticing with a rifle at I Si ) yards recently ho
hit the bull's-oyo every time.
Are the Finest Goods Ever Sold for tlie Money.
Guaranlc.etl Long Havana Filler , fine as silk. Smoker ? , Ask Your Dealer for these goods. They can bo found on sale at
.lames \ lluvoristork , Council lllutls Max Conrad , dp 11 It Hall A : Son , Nelson , Neli I' GIllls , North Ileiid.Nob
Moore \ Kepltnger. r dodo \V J Ward , do J C 1'cldmnn , Kansas City , Neli C II Chase , Schuyler , N b
IIJ I'almor , ' dodo S T llnldrliliw. do Drll II lloden , Kopubllcan City , Neb
S llackey. Alnsworth , Neb
U A lUlrd , dodo Mcllrlde& Hunter , do
M DCaluf. dodo CM I llnpp , do Statllcinan A ; llodlvn , Orleans , Keb J II. Sumtior , Illoomlngton , Neb
KTMcAtoe. do Oluf li Jlnng , do II T 1'crgnnou , Orleans , Neb Henry Crook , Ueil Cloud , Neb
I'nt ( luinumile , ' do .1 W Clnrk , do I ! 1 ! llowendobler , llcrtranil , Neb T I'ruhin , Freenumt , Neb
Hudlo .V clears , < do I ) ciirtl As Son. I'apllllon , Nub Pnow Hn.s&Co , Holdrcge , Neb A Gibson , Fiei-mont Nub
John Allen , do O A Melcher. South Umiilm ,
A 1) ) foster * Ito ( , do r K Tucker. Florence , Neb Wattermau AV Co , Hay Spilngs , Neb Kreil N I'oarxoii , IJustu , Neb
A M llenrdslcy- . do Cole A : Neville , llolilrlilee , Neb .1 llniry,01tlon , Neb W K Hodges. North llond , Neb
Ir 1' V HoiiKhtou , ! Uo ( ( ' Cutler. Itapld City. Duk K namesCentral City. Neb Kd J Stoldl , Crete , Neb
.S II Kelly. , dodo JnmebiV Meekur , Osceola , Neb
Bimnlr A . Cedar
; Macquecn. ltapld , Neb -
O 11 llrown , do H Wllcox , Scotia , Neb K J Tou-sleo te Co , Clieyenne , Wyo
KO lirown , " do W M Shopurd A ; Co , Dunbiiry , la Tower A : Stone , Suttou , Neb T H Miller & Co , Crete , Neb
Tholl . * Kracht , do ( ! eo H Cnrltun. I.IKO : ! drove , Iu I S Darling , Strung , Neb Fredericks & Kngstritm , Holdregc , Neb
\Vm. A mil iV Son ' , ' , do Win Ilnnmm , Mo Vulley , la Viiy teCroston , Crete , Neb . W 1 > NorrlH * Co. Holdrege , Neb
Camp Jc Kills , do 11J sfchorr. t'rcstou , lu
Doll O .Morgnu'i- ' , do Trauk SVulkt-y , I'jrtsmouth , la \Vodgj A : Ilnrlow , Albeit Lua , Minn Osborno Ilro' , Stromsburgh , Neb
J 0 llraglutun 4 Co , do Cherry A : linul y. Cioston , la Chas r Woehner , liullnnola , Neb II Homey , Denver , Col
Clark A. I , do Story & Co , Sidney , Iu Alitfcluvlur , Lincoln , Neb Wobiter ' It Son , Ilnrvaid , Neb
HoUfrt Miillis , do linker A ; Hill , Corning , la Thomas ( c Oo. Grand Island , Neb Oeo I' I'ontla , Moulder , Col
Vic Jennings. do J \V Shalbrotn. Oakland. la J J , Taylor A ; Co. Akron , Col li L Young , Tekamah , Neb
H A McDonald , do J C Pruther. Mu Valley. la .1 Q Hamilton , llentrlce , Neb Little \ WIlllaniH , Omaha.
11(3 Hanson , do Clnrk Kills , I.lltle Sioux , la lr K A Richardson , Clavks Neb H Whl.shter , O.ikdale.
M Gallagher. do Dr. Tims Mucfarlune , Moiulamln , la Kutm A ; Co. , Omaha.
Molnkopf & Scolleld , do II A Kauutr. Cicaton , la HlKKons A ; Klnaey , Mum Creek , Neb 1) ) W Saxo , Omalia.
U K lUttlK. do 8V Clnrk , Magnolia , la A S liyan. Hattlnutou. Nub Frank Chandler , Omaha.
W II UruniUy. do A I' McEmlreu. Control City. Neb Dr 0 I ! Vean , Arapahoe , Neb Ham II I'lirnawortli , Omaha.
.las 1) Stunrt .Council llluffg. A M Smith A. Co , Seward , bieb II T ' rerKtmnu , Orleans , Neb Fruuciriro A ; Co. . Omaha.
.1 S Chrliitensen , Omaha , Neb. 1' I ! Ilnzurd , Grand Island , Neb J I'.Oulhtaltti. Albion. Neb A H llolirais , Omaha.
I'orimli , v I.Ql'evcr , do I , I ) Mmphon , Clyde , ICuns. A G Kclilt-h , ftt IMwards. Neb .1 D Adums A ; Co. , Sterling Col.
H J Aberly. do AdaniH llros. lead\vood , Dak Gee n Urauon , Albion , Neb Sterling MdseCo. , "
W A Hoitcttcr fc Co , do Douglass , V Nelson , Superloi , Neb Osbornellro ! ) , Genoa. Neb now liros , A Co. , Iloldrege , Neb ,
Seykora , Noith Hend , Neb
And all other first class dealers. Retailers ordering ono tli ° usand of these brands of us can o their name and address
in this ad. gratis. Mail your orders to us at ono.