OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY AUGUST 12. 188&-SIXTEEN GENERAL PHIL SHERIDAN , Incidents of the Ijifo nnd Battles of tlio Dead Hero. HOW HE WENT TO WEST POINT. An HvpcrlptH'is JIN it IjIcittPiinnt The MIsMon Ultimo ClmrRc How Slicrl- dan's Hide Came rtliotii His Urnvcry In Hal tie. I Sow Ho Wont to West Point * Chicago Tribune : "Stories or remi niscence.- * about 'Little I'hil' ShoridanV" mused Colonel William Sexton. "I can toll you a story about Phil's father that is pretty good I remember telling this story to a crowd tit a meeting of the Loyal Legion one night. General Sheridan - idan was one of the party and enjoyed the yarn hugely. Ho neither allirmcd nor denied tlio truth of the story , nnd I'll ' give it to yon for what it's worth. Phil Sheridan's fat'ior ' , John Sheridan , was a good old Irishman back in York state. He was something of a politician in those days , always voting the straight democratic ticket. The congtesdional district was largely democratic. One day an old friend of his of the same nationality and of the same jolly old class came to old man Sheridan and says : " .lohn , 1'vo got a great moind to run for coneross. There's darned sight bigger fools than myself in Wash ington. If you'll buck me , old man , I'll civo 'cm a whirl just for tlio fun of the thing. ' Sheridan promised his hearty co-operation , and his friend secured the nomination and was elected by a rous ing majority. IIo wont to Washington nnd served his lirst term , acquitting himself fully as well as tlio majority of his associates. On his return home ho went to the house of his old friend , John Sheridan. After a general con versation about tlio scenes and events at Washington , tlio newly Hedged statesman said : " 'John , I have found out that I have the appointment of a cadet I think that's the name to a government school at West Pint. I have decided to send one of jour sons. Now which one shall I name. Mike or Phil's" " 'The old man thought a while and asked : "What kind of a school did you auy it was , Pat ? " " 'Faith , I don't know jistwhnt kind of a school it is , but from what I can learn it's a place where they make sol- jers. ' "Soljcrs,1 meditated the old gentlc- tnan , glancing at the two boys , who wore most attentive listeners. Til tell you what you do , Pat. Foind out jist what kind of a place this government school is. If it's a school whore they tench book-laming I'll send Mike , but If it's lighters they want , bo the powers I'll send Phil , who can lick any boy in the district ! ' "After the nece. ary investigation had been made , " continued Colonel Sexton - ton , "tho old man selected Phil , and that was how ho came to go to West " Point. His subsequent career demon strates that neither his father nor con gressional friend made any mistake. " An Experience ns n Lieutenant. When Sheridan was last in Chicago he told some Mends of the incident of his career as a second Lieutenant , Fourth infantry , in 1851. It was in con nection with escort duty to a paymas ter , U. S. A. , and the safekeeping of about $20,000. Tlio disbursing officer bad provided himself with that sum , all In gold.plcces. in a canvass sack , in tending to use the money to pay ofl cer tain troops after the party reached the proper destination. Meantime the re sponsibility for the custody of the money was vested in Lieutenant Sheri dan , who found himself incumbored with a troublesome yellow elephant. The general said that ono night lie didn't feel well , so ho left the camp , and taking the money with him , went to sleep in a rough"- looking house near by. The lower part of the house was filled with the usual western rough characters , and the lieu tenant know that if .ho didn't keep one eye open ho'd stand a good chance ol losing the gold. Said ho , in tolling the Story : "During tlio night it became necessary for mo to leave my shakedown - down and visit the guard.on something Of.course I had to carry the money will ine , Then I had to lug it up-stalra again to my room. Not many minute : later I had to do the same thing ovoi again , nnd tlio canvas bag was infernally ally heavy to carry. There I was , bin Sored and burdened by a pile of metal afraid to go to sleep lest I bo robbed unable to leave it for the name reason sweating and anxious. My arms achei a good deal that night , lugging the baj in and out , as my necessities compelled and I've boon a convert to paper monei over since. " Tim Mission ICldtru Cliariro. Chicago Tribune : "Tho first time faw General Sheridan , " said a inoinbo Df the Nineteenth Illinois infantr.y "was at the battle of Mission Ridge \Vo had formed in line of battle in th timber facing the ridge , not knowiii ; what was coming. Wo wcro ordore forward nnd emerged from the timbo in full view of the rebels. Tlfero was Email crook in our front and many of ou Loys were trying to keep their feet dr by crossing on a log , but a comman from one of our officers brought the boy into line again and the creek wn waded. Then wo started across th clear space between the timber and th foot of the ridge , in one of the pretties lines I over saw ; the Hags wore ilyin and it looked like a grand re view. The rebels in the llrst line e breastworks wore making their way I the top of the ridge , and wo soon occi pied tnoir places in tlio works they ha just loft amid n shower of bullets and fusillade of cannonading. Then coir pienccd our scramble up the hill , takin advantage of every stump , bush , an frocky prominence to cover our advane nnd pick oft the sharpshooters in froi who were annoying us. At this mi xncnt , to my surprise , a man in a con mon blouse , riding a black horse , can : picking his way up the ridge right 1 pur ranks. I said to seine of the bo' around : 'Why is that foolhardy mn Who is courting death ? ' 'That is Gei pral Sheridan , ' said ono of the boys , nn then a cheer went up ns ho continue on his way. Occasionally ho would st < to give adviceor directions and c couragemont to the boys , but never di hiounting. Wo lost in that ndvnm four color-bearers and a largo numb pf mon , but the litllo general rode h horse uninjured to the top of the ridg I saw him again as wo had nhnc reached the crest , picking his wi ttmong the brush , logs , and stone. I evidently know no tear. " How Slinrldnii's Ilido Cnino About Now York Sun : The battle of t Opoquan was fought wlUi the precis ! ol clock work , and that was the Urst o of the war in which cavalry , artillo ana infantry wore all used concurrent and to the best possibly advantage , oa according to his own nature and trm tions. The overthrow of the onoi was absolute and complete. The cot try was electrified , and the shadow gloom which had hung over it was d polled as if by magic. Gold took sucl tumble as it had not jccelvod since t outbreak of the rebellion , anil them forth no man of sense doubted the ultl- iniitc triumph of bur arms or the rc-os- tablishmcnt of the union. The nsloniahud Early was defeated again in a few days , and then driven rapidly out of the valley , but the rebel authorities at Richmond could not re alize the magnitude of his disaster. They hud become so accustomed to triumph in that chosen region , to gather in its abundant crops , and to equip their mon with arms , clothing , ana military munitions captured there from their antagonists , that they ac cused Early of having been stampeded , and sent him back with reinforcements to try the issue over again. This time it so happened that Sheridan had been called to Washington for consultation , and during bis absence Karlv , who was an able nnd a shifty commander , and a tough nnd persistent lighter , fell upon the army at Cedar creek and came near destroying it entirely. It was tempo rarily in command of II. G. Wright , an able nnd successful general ; but its Hank was turned under cover of dark ness , and this gave Early such a tre mendous advantage that it was compar atively easy work to drive back the whole federal line and capture mot of its artillery and camps. Wright and his generals did their best , nnd. thanks to the attractions of the federal camps to the hungry and ragged rebels , they were enabled to rally their sur prised and discomfited battalions and reform their ranks on advantageous ground in ample time to fight another battle and retrieve the fortunes of the day. Chargined and astonished at what had happened , both olllcers and men were in excellent frame of mind to assume the offensive , when Sheridan , who had llnislied his business at Wash ington and was hurrying back , rode on the field in a whirlwind ot rage and Hory determination. Ho had mot the usual shoals of stragglers , several miles in the rear , drifting back toward Win chester , and from their number , rather than the exaggerated stories which they told , ho know that a great misfor tune had befallen his army. Giving rein and spur to his trusty charger , he galloped to the front , found General Wright ready for action , received a hurried account of what had hap pened , rode the lines rapidly , and gave everybody to understand in soldier's English that Early must bo beaten be fore night , no mutter at what cost ? Right gallantly did officers and men respond to the inspiring call that he made upon thorn. Infantry vied with cavalry in spirit and enthusiasm , and nothing could check or withstand their gallant onset. In almost as short a time as thcj had lost thorn they recap tured their guns and camps , and drove the enemy in disorder from the Held. Tlio victory was signal and complete , and it was followed up with relentless and untiring energy , until the valley of Virginia was again left in possession of the union forces , never again to be relinquished. Even the rebel govern ment was finally convinced that it was hopelessly lost , and that the lirst alam- norto which had taken place was the legitimate result of the federal victory. Outwitted u Stem Parent. A Chicago special gives an interest ing account of a little episode pf Will iam II. Lincoln , who started in life as an ofllco boy in the onieo of the general manager of the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy road , and in course of time worked his way up to the poiitlon of assistant chief cleric in the ofllco , though he is now only in his twenty- second year. Recently' ho and bride came out to Howard , Neb. , on a bridal tour. Lincoln married Miss Mamie Lucas , daughter of Captain Lucas , a wealthy banker of Columbus , Ind. The young lady has a large fortune in her own right , left her by her grand mother , and will inherit 81,000,000 from her , provided "the old gentle man" will give in , which he undoubt edly will. Captain and Mrs. Lucas , accompanied by their daughter and a rctinuo of ser vants , summered at Cedar Beach.a fash ionable watering place in Indiana. They have boon visitors there for the " past" four years. Young Lincoln mot Miss Lucas during the first visit of the Lucases to the beach , and they soon became - came ardent lovers. The stern old cap tain and his wife did not approve of the match. The lovers made three attempts to elope , but were each time surprised and separated by the girl's family. On last Saturday Miss Lucas and Lincoln mot at the beach and resolved to make another attempt to escape the vigilance of the venerable Captain , who had an unpleasant way of prowling about when the lover was in town. That night Miss Lucai escaped out of a win dow of the notol , and with her boots in one hand and her hat in the other slowly lot herself down a rope , which was held by Lincoln , who was concealed in a thicket. A few monent * later they were aboard a train , anil on Monday they were married. After a sending ploascnt message to the irnto banker and his wife , whohavu invoked the aid of the police to find then daughter , Mr. nun Mrs. Lincoln left lor a wedding tour in the west. The bride is n blonde , very pretty and i.ot ycl twenty years of age. Jny Gould. A report gained some credence thai Jny Gould was to sell out his Wcstcrr Union holdings in much this same wai ; in which W. K. Vnndcrbilt disposed o a largo stock of New York Central. O course there wore two opinions on tin subject and there is no telling which i ! right , but it can be said in behalf of the rumor's correctness that Gould is uneas ; about his health and is anxious to 'c lievo himself of some of his crushing load of care. Wore it not for "tin boys" ho might drop active busines altogether , but they are showing such i capacity that naturally ho is templet to keep the business in the family Gould's less aggressive mood of Into i illustrated by his surrender in the cabl rate war , Wall street men say tlia this was the lirst time Hint Gould eve came to the enemy's terms in a matcl of endurance and resources , and that lv has now done so is referred to as a proa that ho is either losing his grip , o doesn't euro so much for victory as In used to. Delinquent Jurors. Philadelphia Lodger : Among th citizens of Now York who failed to re spontl to duty when drafted as jurymen according to the list published by tin World from the books of the commissioner sionor of jurorscovering a period sinci January It are William Astor. C. 1 : Huntington , Henry Clews , Chester W Chapin and other mon t > f equal proml nonce. Mr. Chapin paid his lino. Mi Clews , got his reduced from 8100 to $5 ( nnd then paid it. Mr. Huntington' ' was remitted , and there is no return rte to Mr. Astor. Rich men with largo interests torosts requiring their attention nr naturally averse to serving as jurymen though in certain cases they might I the very best judges as to the fact ; The astonishing thing about the rocort of the commissioner , however , is th fact that though there are many dt llnquent jurymen , who are regular ! fined by the courts , yot.wlth few oxcoj tions , the lines are remitted. This is i- is. state of affairs that requires explain s. tloil. a Tcrra cotta and black , and terra cntta ai 10 dark green nre two favorite combinations f o- street dresses. DRAWING THE COLOR LINE , The True Inw&rdiiosa of tlxo Cry , Negro Supremacy. SOUTHERN ELECTION METHODS. Forcible nntl Fradiilcnt Suppression til'tlic Colored Itcpubllcnn Vote Uo\v the "Solid South" is licld Tor Dcinoornoj- . TIic Hnnic Old Game. CliITTKN'DKN , Ark. , August 8. [ Spo- citil Correspondence of Tun BKK. ] As tv report was circulated that n "race war" was expected at any moment in Critloii tleu county , Arkansas , and desiring to ascertain the truth of the same your correspondent came hero , and found the facts to bo an follows : As the republican party was tmulo up entirely of negroes , for fear's sake they entered into an agreement with the whites ( democrats ) to divide the olllccs. It is commonly known as the "fusion agreement. " For some cnifeo unknown to the negroes the whites found it nee- eHinry to break the agreement by tak ing one of the olllccs held by a negro , bo at the late election the negroes wont to work and nominated a full-Hedged republican ticket which was elected , thereby boating them badly at their own game. The "White Li-agues" organized and set up , the old dodge , "negro supremacy , " which means strictly drawing the "color line" in politics to enlifit the sympathy of lho = e of the whites who believe it a. sin for a negro republican to hold an ol'.ice , it mailers not 'now unimportant. Tele grams were sent to neighboring states for help , which came willingly , eager to kill the llrst poor negro that dare show himself. Hundreds of volunteers filled the county , ready for any emer gency. A Hag of truce was sent , with ti proposition that all the negroes lobign their offices and leave the country at once or abide the consequences. Not Imving committed any crime , they re plied that the only terms they would uccppt was "restoration to their ollices , with nil former liberties. " Somehow , the negroes had not been idle , and wore well equipped with arms of the mobt improved pattern. So serious trouble is oxpioted at any moment. Notwithstanding it is a. crime to be a republican , yet the south clamors for oinmigrn- lion ! The life of u white republican here is as insecure as that of the black republican. With those outrage1) ox- poaed what northern man would bo fool enough to come horoV Who would in vest moncv whore the pistol and shot gun is tlie supreme law' ? If you doubt what has been written come down and see for yournolvcs. I have stated the situation mildly. Now , wo shall notice Mississippi. In the ' 'shoe-string" district , which polls the largest republican vote of any dis trict in the state , the democratic'jour nals have begun to warn the republi cans not even to try to carry the dis trict , which moans that thov'will prac tice the old methods of fraud , violence and a criminal suppression of the negro vote Louisiana , for instance , as frankly said by ex-Governor MoEnery , is car ried "by the violation of the civil righUi guaranteed the blades by the constitu tion of the United States. " As with Louisiana , so unquestionably with Mis- sUsippi , and again with Soutli Carolina , . In thcso three states the colored voters are largely in the majority. The majority ' jority vote is forcibly and' fraudulently suppressed. It amounts to the forcible and fraulent subversion of the constitu tion. The electoral votes in these three particular states are thus boldly and outrageously stolen. These stolen votes made Grover Cleveland president. Georgiamakosreturn often representa tives in congress , upon a sum total of 27,5:20 : votes. That is an average of but 2,75votes to each representative. Oregon gen gets but one representative upon a. vote of 03,000. The ono white voter in Georgia is equal to twenty-two white voters in Oregon. That' makes the pinch in the Oregon shoe. The southern colored voter still counts in the basis of representation. The southern bourbon leaders suppress , yet steal the colored vote. They thus hold a solid south , make returns of 151 ! elec toral rotes , RO _ elect Cleveland , so hold the majority in the lower house of con gress , and to dictate to the nation , through the nullilication of the consti tution of the nation. "Whom the Gods would destroy they first make mad. The southern bourbon leaders have acted with much the same madness as displayed before the war. They have shown much the same shortsightedness in their estimate of the stamina of the northern voters , and it would seem , pro ducing the much similar results. Every thing points to the election of Benjamin Harrison. The outlook is that his elec tion will be on the much similar footing as was the election in ISljO of Abraham Lincoln. Benjamin Harrison if the signs of the limes mistake not , will , like Lincoln , receive every elec toral vote north of the Ohio. The "solid south" will be offset by n "solid north. " "The issue that overshadows all is suffrage in the south. " The southern blacus are citizens or "chat tels. " They arc citi/.ens if the coiioti- tntion is to 1)0 enforced. They are chattels if the constitution ito bo nullified. If the ono they are to \ ) < in sured their rights as voters. It the other , the southern bourbons must bo denied representation. It can easily be seen from these facts that the ser pent of democracy is winding around the vitals of the national , through fraud , violence , nullilication of the con stitution and a criminal suppression of sullrngc. Sit idle and the ponderous coil of rebellion will crush the lifo out of the republican institutions and sot at naught the fruits of the union army. Once in complete control of the govern ment and all is over. HEAT FltOM KLKOTUIO1TV. A. Cleveland Invention AVlilch IB I3\- pcotcd to Tulcn tlio IMuco , oi * Fniil. Cleveland Press : On a small street in this city lives an inventive mechanic who for years has spent his spare time in u little shop back of his house. In it electricity reigns supreme , and the owner has worked out the triumph of many hours of study. Models of almost every electrical apparatus known ho has made for himself. In front hangs a powerful carbon light , while every corner is illuminated with soft , mellow incandescent bulbs , all made by him self and run by his own dynamos and engine. Miniature buzz saws running so fast as to bo almost invisible , electri cal cars , phonographs , telephones , bat teries and motors of all kinds , every thing operated by electricity , turn this curiosity shop into n place where ono fools the very influence of that subtle fluid on his body , and even in his brain. All these machines and toys-are inero by play to the great discovery of pener- ating heat from electrjeity , on which THE MISFIT Will sell fine Tailor-Made Clothing at half price. All our Summer Clothing1 to be sold at 50c on the dollar to. Our buy ers are in the market buying their fall and winter stock and the manager has made this sale special for bargain hunters ; $8.35 buys a tailor-made suit wnicli was made to order for $17 $10.95 ' ' 4-button cutaway frock suit " $22 $12.25 " " " " $26 $14.70 " " " " $30 $18.65 " " " " $35 $22.75 tk b % " " $45 $6.35 buys a straight cut sack suit which was made to order for $16.50 $9.10 buys a straight cut sack suit It ( f $20.00 $12.45 buys a straight cut sack suit if $25.00 $15.50 buys a cutaway sack suit II $30.00 $18.60 buys a cutaway sack suit tl $38.00 $23.15 buys a cutaway sack suit ct el $45.OO & t AT ; 1119 Faniam Street , Omaha. 1119 All alterations to improve a fit made free of charge. Mail orders re ceive -prolnyt attention. A ten cent cigar forfive cents. "All Straight Havana Filler. " For sale by Following named Dealers Aborly II. J. , No. 21 ! ! N. iTith St. Anisfield Ed. , No. 80 , ) S. 10th St. Anthes Gco. & Co. . No. : ' , > S. 10th St. Anderson A. , No. 12211 ! Cumin ! , ' rft. Afakwilh . S. . No. lliOi Siuindei-i tit. DurkoUnv Bros. . Union Pacific Doiiot. Hall I. S. , No. 2TO" ) Lcavoinvorth. Boll Hd. , No. ISO" Luke .St. Becht Max.Cor. 15th and Hnrnoy. Banner II. .T. . Cor. 10th and Vinton St. Brown A. , No. i-'OOl Cuming St. Bennett J. S. . Cor. Clnrknnd Siiunders. Bergen J. U. , No. DOU N. Kith St. Boll B. C. Co. , ilftli and Jackson St. Beatv Clins. , l.'Jth and Lenvi-nworth St. Brown N. II. , No. KiHO S. 10th St. Brown & Cronk , No. ( ill S. lilh : St. Chandler K. No. 2iJl ) ( Lcavoinvorth St. Ciivannutfh I'.No. 1H1 Seward St. Conrad IUn1" > , bet. OougrhisA : Farnam. Cuinininsrf & Murphy , S. Kith St. Gates Bros. , lilith and Walnut. Cnori ] A. , No. GO I Fierce St. GuninKham P. , No. 107 S. 10th St. Cruni iJc Bibhop. Cor. 21th and LnkeSts. J. A. , No. 115 N. llJlh St. Dvgcrt C. A. Co. , Cor. ! ! 0 it Gorby St. Kntfflinnn U. , No.421 S. l.rith St. Frnnri&eo G. O. it Co. . No. 2 015 Farnnni. Frank M. J. , Cohens FlooJinan P. K. it Co , . K > Davenport. Fruehauf J. I. , No. 110 S. loth St. Fields C. C. . 2ith ( and Cuminys St. Feonan M. J. , Park ave. Gent'Hi F. II. , ICtn and Howard St. Gentleman Wm. , cor. Lake it Saunders. Goodman Urujr Co. , Farnain St. Gladstone Bros. \ Co. , Douglas St. Gro-fold E. , No. ISO" ) St. Mary's ave. Gentlemen it Hunt , No. oOl N. IClii St. Hughei > t Evniib. No. 1220 Saunders St. Hammond it Co. , No. 121 N. Kith St. HirtM. . No. 1020 3. 10th St. Hull , F.dwards & Co.,2718Leavonworth. Ilunt/.injjer .1. F. , Kill St. Mary'sine. Ifallauor F. , No. 00 ! ) S. Kith St. Heiiholl Klou'-o , Kith and Farnam. % Hess , ,1. G. , No. 2Mt ) Fnrnam. llot/.oll it Sii" > > , 27th nnd Cunring St. Kuhn it Co. , 1'ith and Douglas. Kinkier .1. T. , No , l. " > 07 Farnam , Kuhn Fred , No. (110 ( S. 10th St. Kelly. ) . A. . No. 151 ! ) Furnam. Lane A. , loth and .Tachion. Lonx Christ. No. ! 18i S. 10th. St. Lip-hit" .1. . No. 709 S. Mil. Lind \ Chritiin-.onClnrk it Sunnmrs. Mo-tooller it Scott , loth and Vinton. Murphy .T. A. . No. 120 N. Kith. Mulligan T. F. , No. 1423 Saunder ? . Meleber Apt. ; C. A. , South Oinuha. McDonald C1. C. , Saunders it Caldwell. McLeod E. , No. 1821 N. Kith. McKey C. . South Omaha. New M. , No. OIKiS. Oth , Owen .t Co. . No.oO.j N. Kith. PrvorV. . A. , No. i. " > 01 Park ave. Powell M. B. , UUh and Jnckbon. Parr M. , No.12 : ! S. 10th. Princo..S.No.21lN. ) loth. Postal D. C. . cor. Blonde and 20th St. Kedle Win. No. 180(1 ( S. Mb. Hobi it OTIearno , No. 412 N. Kith. Ueuthi-r G. , South Omaha. Rob Hold it Co. , I a. Farnam & Douglas. Kubin it Co. , No. Ifc05 St. Mary's avo. llic/hard Henry , Farnam , hot. 10 it 11. Sander A. II. . lor. Gainings Savilh- . .1. . No. IK'N.2Hh. ' ! . Spallord T.V. . , Mh and Howard. Spettinnn .1. II. , No. 2S12 Leavenworth. Schillo.i J. , 10th and Nicholas. Soba for Aug. , Sherman a\e it Corby. Sweeney S. L. , South Omaha. Sobotlcc'r C. 11. South Omaha. Stevens Henry A. , Ifith and Vinton. Southimiyd it Uunnell , No. 1010 N. Kith. Schubert II. , 811 ! N. 10th. Smith A Owens , South Omaha. Sims O. D.Saundors St. Slobodisky L. , 50d N. Kith. Thompson Geo. , cor. 10th it Mandorfon. Torbilt C. S. , 220S Farnam. Toco . , 1120J Farnam. Van Krogo it Pahl , cor. 17th it Clarke. Vangreen it Helin , 2(102 ( Cumings. WilrotC. , 814 N. 10th. Wolfor W. , cor , 2 < ith and Decatur. "Wholnn James , Io2o S.iunders. Whitohouso II. B. , cor. 10th & Webster. Waller Eimnn. 101 S. Mh. Wcbt & Fritchor , 1222 Farnam. VWbtrnnde it Weber , 200 ! ) GaniingH. Wilson Clnjton , 4101 S. 10th. V.'ard W. J. it Co. , 001 N. Kith. Wilko it Sautter. Cor. 20th and Pierce. Worthv Win. , Cor. Corby and Kith. Abel K. , Denver , Col. Boliner G W. , Bradbhaw , Nob. Birkon W. J. , Leigh , Nob. BayrholTer it Kcissclbach , Shelby , Neb. Brown E. H. , Fremont , Nob. Bennett T. N. Sf Paul , Nob. Craig A. J. , Minden , Neb. Copeland L. N. , Minden , Neb. Clevuland Bros. , Ord , Neb. Dahlslcdt M. K. , Chapman , Nob. Deyo it Dorr. Red t'loud , Nob. Dresser C. W. . Chadron , Neb. Gilbert C. E , . Central City , Dak. Galbraith.l. E. , Albion , Nob. Hopkins W. W. , Oakland , Neb. Harris it Gunncll , I'nxton , Nob. Irwin it [ leckman , Dcadwood , Dak ( Judd L. P. . Cedar Hapids , Nob. Jcnson , John , Mead , Nob. JoltiiMm A. B. , Mason , Nob. Kin/el BroWisncr , Nob. Krauss , Phillip , Plattsmouth , Nob. Knrkor , S. J. , Aurora , Nob. Knowltcn E. W. , Oxford , Neb. Lnr&on it Son , Brainnrd , Nob. Lamhofer Ed..Schyuler , Nob. Lyons Drug Co. . Lyons , Nob. M'aylo , J. W. , Blair. Nob. Moran John. Olax , Neb. Morrih it Co. , O'Neill , Nob. McEvoy L. A. , North Platte , Neb. Odendiihl Bros. , LoupCity , Neb. Ovorlleld J. E. , Neligh , Neb. Pothick Thos. M. , Silver Creek. Neb , Hobb.l. D. , McCook , Nob. Stevens W. II. , Ogden , Utah. Showers it Go. . Lin wood. Nob. Stuart it Ferris , Cedar Blulls , Neb. Shrvock W. B. . Louisville , Neb. Sojkora E. J. , North Bend , Nob. Stein it Co. , Lincoln , Neb. Scull E. B. . Boulder , Col. Thomas J. K. , Toknnmh , Nob. Travis \ Samples , Holdrege , Neb. Wells W. E. . Burwoll , Neb. Woods HI. , Slromsbiirg , Nob. Wood W. J. it Co. . Bulhilo Gap , Dak. Wlialey , M. U. , Chirks , Nfb. WolxGco. , Fremont. Nob. Wilson C. W. , Mead , Nob. Wolf it Glllon , Madison , Nob. Young J. 1' . , Plattsmouth , Neb. DistributingAgentsMax Meyer ACe . Omaha , Neb. ; ho has been upending his lifetime. Under a cloth stood his invention , bmall yet perfect and capable of generating enough heat to turn the shop room into u regular Turkish bath. The inventor uncovered the machine and explained borne ot its workings , but the most im portant parts are still secret , "tor years , " he said , "I studied and experi mented in vain. My llrst work was on the rule that from the result the cause could bo produced. Following this theory I commenced on the electro- thermic battery , reasoning thut if heat generated the electricity , by working backward heat could be made by elec tricity.- For a long time I clung to this , but had finally to abandon it as practi cally impossible. Various other the ories were tried and many weary hours spent in study when 1 bhould have been resting from my day's work. "Somo of my experiments produced heat , but not in sulliciont quantities to bo of any benefit. Finally I started oil on another tack and began a new line of reasoning. Heat is simply an accel erated motion to the molecules of a body which crowd out a larger space for them selves in their fabler movements and consequently caubo the expansion no ticed in a boated object. This heat is diffused by radiation , tliat is by impart ing its motion to the adjpi.nng molo- culos. This is the case either in a solid body or In ttuld. Following up this thoorv I began experimenting with elec tricity as a moans for causing an in creased motion to the molecules of n body. The first thing necessary was to form a substance on which the electricity could act. Hero it is. " An irregular shaped piece of composi tion that looked like a lump of eoko &f carbon was disclosed to view. Wires were connected at opposite ends of it and that was all. The Inventor pressed a button and in aji instant the mass gave forth n heat not dry like a furnnco nor yet damp , but that pleasant warmth felt on a spring day when the sun shines brightly and fairly invigorates a person after the cold days of winter. In the further corners o'f the room the heat evenly penetrated , and except when quito close the sound could not bo no- ticca. The Mass did not change color or present any dilToront appearance when the current was shut oil. ' The composition of that is the first Bocrot , " said the electrician as ho broke the current , ' 'and will bo bo us long as I can keep it. As you can neo , it is prin cipally carbon to conduct the electric ity. By adding certain acids it can bo molted and moulded in any form desira ble ; in masses to put in grates , shaped like radiators , flat and placed under registers or whatever way wanted. I call it by a now name , carbodium. But here is the moat important part of the wlmlo thing : the machinery whic gives motion to the molecules and gen erates heat in the carbodium. It con sists of a device for making and break ing a ftrong current of electricity as is done in an electric door bell. This , however , is made on an entirely dilleront plan , and cost mo two years of study. As it is hot patented yet , I don't wish the principle to become known , but it nets with inconceivable rapidity , in fact , so fast that placed in a circuit with electric lamps the light barely quivers. The current iw intended to inss through this and in jerks to the cnrbodium. On that peculiar composition it has the ef fect Ural of producing the small amount of heat given oil by an electric light or two wires when crossed. This is sufficient - ' ficiont to start the accelerated action of the molecules , which is then taken up by the electricity , coining in broken ! currents fabler than tno motion of the molecules themselves , and boon causes ' an intenseheat. . From this simple outline - line and the lest you sco my invon- ' lion is a success. It can bo attached to ! the same wires which run an electric ' light circuit , and does not require Uoarly as much power as a single light. Owing to the equal dilluston of the heat one carbodium will warm half a dozen rooms. The apparatus itself costs very 1 litllo. Of course , a severe shock would bo received if Iho carbodium were i touched , but with the care given a car bon lamp no accident need result. I ant engaged now in perfecting a now kind of insulation which will not wear oil'anu which is entirely dilToront from the covoringri used for wires at present. By dipping the metal in a peculiar kind of solution permanent insulation is se cured , which makes it impossible to re ceive a shock even from the most power ful dynamo. " The inventor thinks his fortune is made , and ho has fcecurod monicd menlo lo back him , including a well-known and wealthy electrician of thib city. Globe-Democrat : Every ono who knows a railroad engineer nnd baa watched him about his engine knows tha alTeollon and oven tenderness with which ho handles it and hpeaks of It. There is no pol like ono of Ihoso iron dogs. It is tlio man's protector. It has the t-pccd of his horoo , and more. It has to his car , a voice a glad , welcom ing voice. Ho likes iibuvo all the cry of that engine , and its shout of dollanco to Ills rival on the other road. "Jack never tires of tolling what his ongina did when she was going up "Rattle- biiako Grade. " But wo find this affec tion badly broken by the now rules of "first in. first out. " The engines are sent out in the order they came in , and the engineer takes' whalovor ono falls to his lot , So romance depart ? from the exactions of bualuosj habits nnd routine ,