Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1888, Part II, Page 11, Image 11

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T/IOn SALT A beautiful 13-room rosldcnco In
i. ' block 6 , Konntzo place , Routu front , hus nil
latest Improvement * , Including bntn , gnv. hot
nnd cold water , ( urnncn. electrlo burglar nlarin
nd annunciator , laundry , vegetable cellar and
Jnrnnco rooms In baiement , making 10 rooms In
nil. Interior llnely nnlshcd in oil ; prlcn M.nuo ,
11,000 caHli , balance easy ; this In an extra tine
enap , AilJross owner X W Ilee olllce , ZU la * a
pclltOxUO just east of Cth on Hlcko r
'tAlW ) paved tt. , n block away , worth Id t H
Other barialnft , Improved nnd nnlmpro V
Cloodlnsldo property to trade fur farm. 4tn
thony Johnson , 6. 14th at. im 12'
C-room cottage , lot 42xlW , ( "ass t. near
J- ij price | 2ttW ; paymt-nts to Kiilf this Is u
bargain. F. K. flarlliiif.K \ rarnam. lit I.I
want * to buy ono of the best corner
WHO In Orchard Hill for tVtt small cnsli
liayraent , bnlnnco very easy terniH , this lot Is W )
ai : > ) , IBIKO enough to build four coitagci on. I ! .
J. BtcrnsdorlT , room 0 , opp I1. 0. l r > I-
SALE 540 acres choice land adjoining
FOH original town of Kxeter , N biaslo. IU. >
ncres In timothy grass ; W acres cultivated lurid :
( O mires good wild grass land. This Is htiltnlile
for line farm or addition to town. Kxctcr tins
two lines ol U. It. , 11. & M. nnd N. W. , bus mill ,
elevators , schools , clinrchos , rannlng factory ,
&c. Address J. W. JJolan , Indlnnola , JsVl )
fpEN thousand acres of Nebr.iMkn lauds for
JLnule at prUts and terms never before of
fered ; will sell homo at ts.13 , with Hinnll cash
payment. A like opportunity for good lands fit
low prices will uot noon occur. T. 8. t'lnrkson ,
21l ! bo. Hth St. 011-11
_ _
S OUTH"OM A HA-Lots 7. B. 9 , in , block no. 210
. _ lect on llellevuu avenue , Inclndlug a corner.
adjoining grounds of Hptlng Lake purk , only
trviflO , li.ftiti cash ; a grout bargain nnd cnn only
\ > o had tlirotiKh us. M. A. Upton & Co. 3i
FOH fiAI.K The very best land In riii-jcnno
county. Noli. , from 'i 00 to | 7.IO ( an acre.
1 tenth down , balance In ten nuniial ujnal pay
ments , I ddle llros. , JuIusbniK. C'olo ,
\\riM.IA.M St. nearnthlotnxlti,4 : room IHIK
T > cottn B , W.4UO ; payments to suit. K K.
ling , mi I 'amain. _ 1' > 1 n
AM iigfiit for Minni of the tines trcsldenco
I lots In Utilise om Place iind run olfer them : it
flcures It will pay yon to Investigate. Hicks ,
Koum 10. Itarkcr block. 441
V\ni'Ii sell n lotni'ar Lowe nvo. for tl/iUt ) , and
T T loan Jl.fiiiu to Improve s iimj. on M > month
ly iiayment.s , Addres" , D. U , l'nttt'r on. I1) ) !
iTF.T' a few lots left liiTl. & M. p rk addition
to South Oiiiiiha. What liiueyon tuonVr. '
Oeorge J. Steumlorir. Koimi n , opp.1. 0. -II
I " > KOI'OSP.n cable ttllfum oil north sldo of blk
14 , llnnscoin place. In which 1 have Hnu new
icslilencu to sell on favoiablu terms to good
arty--stoiy and 7 loums. A. K. Ulluy. lliltl
I'urniim. UIS I'i
" OH SAl.i-"T.otliriilo'kTl."nainvle : \ . fuiJJ !
make cash offer ; yon will waste tlmu tulklni
rude. C. I' . Harrison , II8S IMh. Ill
$ tOO buys n full lot nnd oed 4-100111 cottage ,
ea y tcnns and good location , tholes A :
Hunt , successorto 1) . V.Shales , room I , lliu'iei
b'ock. CO !
fora nent li-roum
aill Ilia u iiilri > honiH tin n tnwluinlc v
Ingln the noithpait of town. Kusy p.ijmentk ,
J'.T llnriHon , IIH Smith l.Mh t. 211
'ICOH SAM ! Cheap , f > p1cndid homestead re ,
J lluiiui * > hnient. It ) luiestu-ea giowing ; ad
dri'ti X 4."i Ili-i. oiilre. I" . ' 11
| 7M'I.I. V > t northeast corner Karnarn and 4-M
J.1 hon * . . ( lint , .st iM.iVKl , all for Mf taken
tW'i wet-it ; go no fitrthor for a bj.rg.iln. Jl. A
1 lit on A : ( a. Kil
& \ TltAN'KI.IN foniu-rlyof r.ll I'.ixton Illdg ,
JM . ! , ! oari ) lartmnibt.
llc'dlck hlllixh at I'linl'-i'iianil Arncmnn'H roon
unil ulll nlnayiliiivi ) u good list of pnipurt )
to trndu and pM-lnunju. -ill )
SAI.i : io.iutlfnls-roi ! > m house" with ai :
ifOlt lniiri > viiinint.s , full lot , Koum/.t
lilaco , K.'iii ' ) , ' , o-isli. Will trndu lor goml.i
runt imMni-t. prnpo.'ty on lower Batmders t > t
t' I' I In IT m , 4I S irthht.
IjS'I I'nnit In HhllH's 2d mid , throe-qnaltfri
-t ( if a lilk tioiu the route nf cublu ; lot 60x1-7 ,
niei-t nbinf umdo ; iK.hOJ It taken ipilek. C. F
llari-lsnn ll S 15th. 171
IjAolt S \ IIILot lit Smith I'nrit , notlll ) , I.ielii [ !
' fast mi Kith st. 1'rliv , fi,2l ; 'a cash ; Ifyot
don't wish In build on the lot do not apply. C
J' . HniriMjii , 4ls s iit'i. 177
1 fOUS M.i : hilllotaud lawi H-stoiy lions ;
ot 7 largo rooms , gno 1 well , cellar , clstein li :
the kltehen , good neighborhood , street car- *
( liiiiih. school nnd store close by. All new um
complete , } . ' , ' ! H. Small rush iiaynipnt. balanci
monthly. JUKI thu jiluee lor a man of moder.iti
means and liuvit tiuully. ( 'oinu and Hue mi
nbimtlt. 0. F. Haillami.4iaS. fitli &t. 1S2 !
'V'lNTl' VI Vi : by < me hundred and thlrty-t <
J- > south and east front tin I nrmim and 40tl
for t"Mi ) ( , 1 1 ( ash.halniicp 1 , 2 and U ycaif. llow'i
that. ' M. A. Pptou &Co. _ 104
ONi : thousand people wanted at my olllco , s <
that 1 can tell you how to get n home. I rat
put you In the w.iy ot having a nice , cozv llttl <
jilaru of your own. It don't take much money
( Jail and huu mo about It at once. C. 1' . llarrl
ooii. 418 S IMh t. 77"
ITIOU SAM : I am prepared to burnt you i
JL' KO"d house In a cixid location and tnki
montlily payineiitK on the honso and lot. Cal
and see me about It. C. F. Harrison , 4 If * S 15th
B AHRAIN < ot I.I. block : . ' . Summit 1'laro ad
dltlon , r,8 feet on I'm by l r. . Klmliall
ini ) A : Itynn , room 6' U. S. Nut. bank.
Foil SA l.i-I.ot : fi b 8 I.lncoln jilacu . . . . 7ft
Lot 11 1 > ! l lledfoid place , south front . . PM
Jots"l iind'iob I llnwthorno . 2fO
l.ntOb III Illichi-ock's Ibt . Ki
Lot .iib 1U llanscom plaio . 1.N'
J.ot lit bill South Oinnlia , corner . l.ic
Lot 4b4Simth Oninlia . H
t uiul io.icre.4 lltiHst gulden hind In Spring
Vullny. per acre . . MI
> lnvsliiii X Lobeck , Iloom 'J , Chamber of Com
jm'ii'e. 1'tl 1" >
* | " \ ( ) } < m wiinta south front lot In Omaha Vim
.Ujilitwestof nov\ school lioiibj.Vo huv
1 111nt * 7rU. Jl. A. Upton Ac ( . 'o. llil
OXi : hundred and thlrtv-two by ono hnndre
and thlity-twiiou llrlstol htn-et. botwoe
S4th nndJMth , i' , : > ( . M. A. Upton A : Co. 1(1 ( >
oil HA U : Lot 10. block 7. South Ouialni
J7 i : dlit cheap ; worth ifl.OHO. C. F. Hari
Kon. 118 S. nth - > t. Ill
) - . \ beautiful tosldenrp lot In Isan
.v Snhlun's addition ; It you want , a b.ueiulr
Jnvostlgiilu. Guorgo J. Sternsilorir , Itouiii '
iipj ) ! ' . O. _ 6SL
oll'l H 5)tli."jiihrsonth ) of Casti'liirivfii "ver
llnest ktnrt of fronts ; ongnula : iiuturj
trees ; t'ti Jiont foot. M. A. Upton V Co. IGt
/"lOt'NCII. III.L'l'Kd'-Nlc l-room cottngt
V-/go < Mlb.iiii , lot , VJ\-1M , on llio.ulway , pavn
htreut.Htroot cars by thu door ; can c'V ' | ) pussi- :
rlou ut nn any tlnui , but luu good ten uit Ht ( I
per month. Only I. , ( ) J. Twunty ncrcs ju1
north of Ili-oinlwiiy. one mlle from the rive
ll.lKiO pcrncin ; Hiibmtt olli'r ; only ( JO fuet froi
motor HUH. > 1. A Upton > v Co. W-7
N1J of tliTi-holrost homes In Kount/o I'lnc
lU-ronm house , lixrge bnrii ; nil convonloiu c
Hpi'iicot st , li > t. lutli nnd Isth ats. Can tnku
good varimt lot as tlrst 'i.iymt'iit. T. K. Dnilln
IKI ! I'mnnni. 1H1 It
TJvTll 8AL15 Or exclmima. We Imve. son
K good Omaha e tat nnd Nebrask
fnrina. wlileh > will .sell che.ip or traila f <
itock of clothlinj , fnrnlshlnit goods dry good
joot.s RiulshnB.s , groceries or hnrdwaro. fcohlu
o < . , nu H. 10th ht. ( US
\ STAN'1'1Mp > nd Imkfrs for reunion we
> lit the City llnkcry of Norfolt. N b. .1. \
routs , 1'riiprlctor. III. ) M *
The btBt aad Burect R mcdy for Cure of
oil dlseuea eaaicd by anjr derangement of
the Liver , Kidneys , Stomach and Bowels.
yiptimlA , Sick Hetdaeli * , Constipation ,
Dllloiu Complaint * and U&UvrUof all kind *
yltld readily to the Uncfl < nt influence of
It la fbuMBtto the tut , toati p the
ijr Um , r tort and prtMm * healtk.
It U purely Ytflvtakl * , Ml MMOt * 01 to
oT UaeJUUl , k tk to li act jornn * .
Xl BlooA rorilir It U tmp Her U alt
ethm. SoUcTMTwaeNat $1.00 a bottle ,
No Change to Note in the Finan
cial Bituntlou.
A Good Outlook Tor Ijumhcr Plumb *
Int : HiipplleH on the IJooin Cheer-
i'ul Crop I'rospccts Colleo
t IOIIM Fall * General Notes.
City Financial Affaire.
No change is to bo noted in the financial
condition. Money continues In good supply
for all legitimate demands nt the usual rates.
A good volumeof business Is reported In all
lines of trade , nnd cspci inily in boots nnd
shoos , dry-goods and hard wine. Lumber ia
also mote and the outlook favorable
for a heavy full trade. The trade in stcnni
litters' and plumbers' supplies , which ha
languished for the past thirty days , is loomIng -
Ing up and verging on the proportions of n
boom. The Interior finishing of the munj
new buildings in process of erection will give
cmplo.unont to several hundreds ol
mechanics during the fall and winter
and by largo difbur-sements for wages , boll
the ictiiil trade of the city , which is nut in a ;
good cjnditloil ns It might be.
The crop outlook continues good , thougl :
tlipr > ! has been nil the ndn needed , and mon
will probably start a cry of 'Soft corn. " Hoi
sunny catlicr is now essential to the perfcci
maturity of the corn crop , on winch so mucl
Country collections are fairly peed , but no' '
up to the mark of last week. City collections
from the retail trade , are not satisfactory
and it is evident that some lines have UK
many stores and too few capable met chants
Saturday , August 1 1 , 1SS3.
There wcro not enough cattle hero to main
market. A few feeders and a few gias
leers were ull that were sold. The ina/kc
IMS nominally steady.
There were not far from llfty loads on sali
.o-day , Including holdovets. The tmirke
> vi8 slow and liOglOc lower. The hogs wen
11 told before the close.
There was nothing hero to malic a market
Iluueint * .
Cattle . 4s
logs . 2,70
I'revnilinsi I'rltMH.
Thofollowinic is a table of pricji paid In
his inancet for the gradoi of htook men
TimostoeiM. 130Jto 150J lbs..f..20 CT5.50
'rnno steers , 1100 to 13 > ) Jn. \ \ . 4.50 fC5.3' ( ' )
Fatlittlo stcars. 900 to 10VJ lb * . 4.0J v' < i 4.25
" 'orders . 2.75 ( ; CI'J5
Common to good cows . 1.75 ( > r2.00
Jholce to fancy cows . 2.50 ( ) (3.2."i
Common to choice bulls . 2.2.1 fii.'I.OO
" ' 'air tocnoico light hogs . 570 W.V.tO
' 'air to ctiotco heavy hojr-i . C.UO ( . ' 20.15
Fan to clinicu mtxeit hogs . 5 bO ( ji.l5.0d
CA n i.u.
No. Av. Pr.
Ibull .1320 1.75
10 cows . Dill 1.75
II cows . ! I70 l.M )
31 cows 2.40
2 cows . b'.tO
! ) cows .11--3 2.TO
li cows 2.70
1 feeder . . . MO H.dO
45 feeders , natives . . .1009 3.20
r > 5 feeders , natives . . .1D13 I.20 !
C steers , natives 3.50
35 steers , natives ll''S 3.r,0
40 steers , natives .1113 :
No. Av. Shlc. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
IM. . .UK ) 2(0 ( S5.C.5 70. . . .251 r .85
. .1t3 2JO5.i5 ( t ! . . .251 2SO n.yo
63. . . .ItsS 120 5.70 fit. . .241 200 fi.yo
M ! . . 3JO 5.70 72.M. . . .sal 2-10 5.1K )
74. . .212 200 5.70 M. . .241 120 5t)0 )
3. .IS'J SO 5.75 78. . .2C3 200 5.)0 ! )
Ni..20'J IIU ) 5.75 . .211 10 5.'JO
78..220 120 5.75 71. . . .234 210 fiS'O '
CO..VJi ( T..75 71. . . .253 2SO 3.0 '
81. . . . W 40 5.8J 03. . . .2(54. ( 120 5.H5
70..2(1 ( J 2(0 ( fi.M ) W. . . 207 240 5.1)5 )
( M..2-J8 12J 5.SO SI . . .217 SO 3.113
7fl..2 a 320 5. 0 71. . , . .2113 200 G.Ufi
85..214 40 5.SO CM. . , . . ' . ' 10 KM 5.1.5 .
05..22.1 200 5.bO 07. . , . .2M uo ; 5.U7' '
100 5 8-JK 71. . , . .245 200 5U7 '
O'J. , . .2:17 : SO 5.b5 til ) . . to (5 ( 00'
81. , . .215 200 5.S-I 75. . 10M ( ! OJ
TO. , . .207 100 5.S5 (15. ( . . .218 M )
. .2-.0 5to ; 5.8- > . .292 KO ; ii.05
. .242 120 ft Vi (5.05 (
'JO. . 120 5.b5 50..20-1 0.15
120 5.b5
I'nukors I'll roll JISI'H.
Showing the number of hogs bought b
the leading buyers on the market to-day :
(3. II. Hammond it Co . ft
Oraah.xP. Co . IV
Armonv-Cndahy P. Co. . 23
unit IiowcHt.
The following are the highest and lowe
prices paid for mixed and heavy loads of lioi
on this market during the past 1'ow days , an
for the corresponding period in 1SVT and 18bi
_ | JnlyliW. I July 1HS7. I July lhS.1.
271 Ii ll'i 06 20 4 11 CM 70
2S 0 10 ( li't ' il ) 5 ( X ) QK"I 20 4 01 ( ft I TO
5 U ) © ' ) : . ' 5 4 ttl 4tt so
Sunday 4 Ki K5
August life" . August 1M7. August IbNl
U ill ( L'Jl 15 B ID t61"i Siindny.
U - ' ) ' ( Hi 50 Sill ) W 274 ! 4 0,1 4flt 7.1
A " "i 5 ( "i 4 ) 5 0.1 ( ( ' 5 a' > 4 M < ? U 7S !
0 10 . " It ) 1 IK ) ® aO 4 K ) ( ( I 70
Sunday , 4 11.1 ( ij.1 ! i"i 4 il ) l IU )
fl It ) ( i ii 2J 4 M < & 5 ID
10 C'JI 40 bunday. 4 ai fi,4 M )
( i 10 ( t K ) 4 05 GM 1.1 HuuiUy
11K ) 1U 4IH ) 4t i lli 4 a.1 4t I M
5 DO a ) 4 0 5 11 4 41 ( if I IK )
liive Stock Notes.
K. 0. Goodoll , Wcston , was in with n lo
of bojs ,
Kortliowcclc ending Wednesday , Augu
S , bioux City received t\M bogs.
B. M. Gibson , of tlio Urusb Iulcc Catt
coinnaav , sinnu In wltli six loads or fccdci
\V. ! ' . Lindlcy , Devizes , Kr.n. , came
witn n cur ot cuttle nnd a car of bogs , 1
llrst shipment hero.
J. M. Strahn , Mnlvcrn , bought 100 head
feeders to day that tiveruged 1,011 , which
will ship to his Iowa farm ,
\V. H. Orton , Fullcrton , was at the jar
to-dtiy. He fed the live loads of cattle whi
wcro shipped in by JticUson & Cunklui , u
which wcie on the market to-dny.
I'mduec , l rull * , ICtc.
Stxturdny , August II , 1SSS.
HUTTKU Fancy crc.uncry roll , ' . ' (
21c ; solid iiaclied , 15c < J10c ; choice count
butter , liit'jUto ; common grades , lOkAKIu.
Ecus Strictly fresh , 14iM.Ccandled. (
lilicas Cons 5'J@75c per 100.
OiuNor.s Messinas , ? 5.COIi.00 ( ; per bo
Hodi , f .Ul ) < 20.2. ) per box ; # a.50@4.0U per hi
bov.CALIFOIIXU DAMSONS fl.SOucr box ; soul
crn Damsons , UlKi per box.
CAMroujiiA Oiui'm tl fiOffia.OO per C.T
Soi'TiiKitx ' OIIAWSS 73cQfl.OO per 10-
Uul : < ot ,
lllAOKnEUtiiES fl.OO for 24 Qta.
I'KACIUS California , f 1.0tiJ1.50 ) ( per bo
Missouri. ( > pcr } bu.
UISANAS Common , fl.iOS'.W per bunc
choice , f..Wfl5l.50. ) ; :
LEMONS $ l,750.00 per caso.
S < JUASII 2c per lu.
CtXTB.oi'KS TScfjfJl.BO pur dozen.
SouTitEiiN I'l.u.MS-Sl.'iX'Cl.fiO per bu.
IIUCKi.Eittiituics $ l.3a per drawnr.
PorvTOF.a Now , homo growtli , 50 < 3T5o p
POCLTUV No dressed fowl in the mttrko
live chickens , $ J.50tJ.J.73 ( par doz. : sprli
chicUonb , * 'J.2J@a.Ot ) .
STKINO HEANS 75c per bu.
TOMATOES tl.WX U.OO per bu.
WATBIIMELOSStl2.0H3 ( 17.00 per 100.
I'EAiis-Californln , nw.i@a.50 per bu bo
Southern , 75 per > f bu.
CKI.KIIV SO ( < Mo ( ) twr dozen.
CxuiiAaES f.W icr : 100.
ONIONS 2o uer lb.
ArrLES-1.00@i.25 : per bbL
CitABArpi.ts ? l.X ( ) per box.
CIIIEU Michigan , $4. . ' < g .50 per bbl
gals ; California pear elder , f 1C < . ( " pur bbl.
POP Cons nice ; 3 40 ; common ,
CAntiois 7ocicr ) bushel.
UK INS Choice eastern handplckcd navies.
t3.25@i.M ! ! per bushel ; western hnnd picked
nnvlcs , t2.WKn2.CO ; mediums ,
Limn beans 6c nor pound.
lUr f. o. b. cars , No. 1 upland , W.OO ; No.
3 upland , ? .VOO.
CnoiTiui FEKU f 17.00 per ton.
Dry Goods.
COTTON Ft.iNxr.i.s 10 per cent dis. ' , LL ,
5kc ; CC , 0)ie ; SS , 7 fc ; Nameless , 5c ;
UX , ISc ; K , 2oc ; No. 10 , 8) c ; No. 40 ,
No. fX ) , l'2)e ) ; No. bO , itj : < c ; No. no , colored , vc ;
No. W , colored , 12c ; No. 70 , colored , 12Hc ;
llrlstol , 1'Jt c ; Union I'ucltlc , 17c.
CAIII-ET WAUP UlbVhite , 10c ; colored ,
irs Standard , So1 , Gem. lOo ; Beauty ,
i ; $ c ; Uoone , lie ; H , cased , ? IMJU.
PHIS rs Solid colors Atlantic , Oc ; Slater
fijic ; Merlin oil , O o ; Gnrnuroil , ( XS7i' .
Cousr.T.lutxs AiulroscoRfrln , 7c4 ; Koar-
sarge , 7fc ; Hockport , O'fc ; Concstotrn , O e ,
TILKS York , 0 In , 12Kc : York , I1J in. .
13tjc ; Swift Hiver , be ; Thorndiko OO , 8 > fo ;
Ttiorndlko EP , S'jc ' ; Thorndiko 120 , D' ' c ;
Thorndiko XX , me ; Cordis No. 5 , U'.j'cj
'ordlsNo. 4 , lie.
DBS-IMS-Amoskciifr , flo , Kl' c ; Everett. 7
7 , IJi'ac : York , 7o < s , 1IH ! ° < Havmakcr , b' c ;
affrcy XX , UVfu ; Juffrey XXX , I2Mc ;
leaver Urook AA , 12c ; Heaver Creole HH
lc ; Heaver Crook CC. lOc.
Kr.s'TUCKV Jr.INS. Memorial , lfia ; Dakota ,
Sc ; Unrhnm , 2'Kc ; Hercules , Ibc ; Lcnming.
iKton , 2Jfc ; Cuttswold , 27'c.
CUAII. . Stevens' U , fie ; Stevens' H ,
leached , 7c ; Stevens'A. 7' ' c ; Stevens A.
Icnchod , 8 } c ; Slovens' P. 8' ' < o ; Stevens'
. ' , bleached , Kc ; Stevens' N , UJfc ; Stevens'
S' , bleached. UIJ c ; Stevens. S1U ,
Mist EliAxroi' . Table oil clt tli , { 2.50 ;
ilnin Holland , 'J } < , e ; Dado Holland , 1'J'vC. '
FiAsxit.9. : 1'hiid Haftsmen,2icClnslien ; ,
12 'c ; Clear Ivakc , y2 ! < c ; Iron Mountain ,
' . -c.
KiANxrt.i- White G II , No. 2 , W , 21c G
I , No. 1 , , 2ric ; : H II , No. 2 , 4' , 2-J c ; H
llNo. 1 , jJI : ic ( ) ; Qnechce , No. 1 , / , f.V.
GINOIHM I'luiiKett checks , 7-io } ; Whittcn-
on , "Kc ; York , 7JgC ; Normandi dross ,
i' < c ; Cnlcnttu dress , 8'ic ; Whittenton dress ,
; Ucnfrcw dress ,
C\MIIUIC < - Sinter , 5'te ; Woods , ri'4c ' ;
Standard , 5)fc ) ; Peacock , S' ' c.
HI.ANKITS White , $1.00@7.50 ; colored ,
UI.IM : nr.n Sur.r.Tixo Hoikeley cambric ,
No. ( X ) . ! ) 'rc ; Hcst Yet , 4-4. ( % c ; butter c-loth
OO , 4J4c ; Cabot , 7JtfoFnrwellh ; lf blenched
SUc : Fruit of Loom , l jc : Greene
G , Cc ; Hope , % : Kltnj Philip cam-
"jric , lie ; Lonsdule cambric , 11'.5 ' ;
Lonsdalo , ! ic ; New York mills 10' : c ;
'cpperell , 4'i-in , lie ; Pcpperelllin ( ! , 12c ;
. 'epperull , 0-1 , Kic ; Pcppurell , S-l , 'Jlc ; Pep-
icroll , 'J4 , 2.ic ; Popiiercll. 10-4 , 2V ; Canton
4-1 S' ' tjj Wumsntta lie Vnl-
- , c ; Triumph , ; , ;
'cy , fie.
Hrown sheeting -Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7lic ; A
Hantic II , 4-1 , 7i4c ; Atlantic D , 4-1 , li'.e ' ; At
lantic P , 4-4. ( ic ; Aurora LL , 4-4. ( I.1 ; Aurora
C , 1-1 , 4Jfc ; Crown X.KX , 1-4 , 1'.Wc ; Hoosicf
LL , 4-4 , tie ; Indian Head , 44 , f ! c ; Iviw-
rcnco LL , 4-4 , On ; Old Dominion , 4 4 , fi'yo ;
Pepjicrcll K. 1-4 , 7o ; Poppurell O , 4 I , 4c ;
Penpcrell. S-l , lh cPcppercll ; , ' . ) ! . Sic ; Pep
pcrell , 10-4,2ic ; UticaC. 44.4Jfc ; Wachusctt ,
4-1 ' ' Aurorn U 1-1 7c Aurora H 4-4 ,
- , 'J-i'c ; , - , , ,
c.PIIIXTS I'lnkand Hobes Uichmond , O' Ci
Allen , ( ic ; Hivcri > omt , Ac ; Steel Kivcr , ( ic ;
Ulclunond , G'Je ; I'ucillc , d' c.
PIIINTS Dross Charter Oalc , ri'4c ' ;
Hntnapo , 4ic ; Lodi , 5'c ' ; Alhn , ( io ; Ulch
mend , Oc ; Windhor , ( i't'c ' ; Eddvstenc , ( IJjjO
Pacitlc , OV c.
Pitts ra Ivmoo Hi -Arnoltt , O' c ; Anier
lean , ti'ic ; Gloucester , D c : Ainold C lotif
cloth , U : Arnold H Innjr cloth , H\tf \ ; Arnolii
Gold Seal , 10' ' , : Stlefcl A , 12 ; WniUsor (5oli
Ticket , 1U' < ; .
FIAVVKI.SKod , C , 21 in. I.IJ ; E , 24 in
GG,2lin , isc ; II A F , j4' ! , -5j.J ; K F , ? {
'jc ; U. > 'f , Hoc
uruK-West Point 2'J In , S or , lO'-.V '
West Point 29 in. 10 olac ; West Pom
29 in , 12 o ? , l.V ; West Point 10 in , 11 o/ , It'-
SniiiTivii Checks , Caledonia X , d' c ; Cal
cdomaXX , 10jc ; Economy , DC ; Oils , Iiu.
Oroecrs Ijl-it.
Kuviscd prices arc as follows :
lUooiso Stark A , seamless , 2lc ; Amos
kcag1 , seamless , lli'-ji" ' Lewiston A , seamless
I'.ic ; American , scamlrss , ] 0' < c ; burlaps ,
to .1 bii.x'iQJifo ' ; gur.nlcs , single , 18c ; gun
mes , double , 2ilc ; wool snclis , ; i,1c. Twines-
Flax , 'Me ; extra bad , 20a21c ( sail H. lil Oe
cotton , 21c ; Jntc. lOc.
CoFt-KKS Moclm , 2. > @ 2c ( ! ; Hio , good , 1C *
17c ; Mandahllnp , 2li@'Sc ; roasting Uio , 140
lc ( ! ; O. G. Java , 2IO ' . ' 'ic ' ; Java , interior , ! i2i ( ,
25c : Hio. fancy , Ki l'.ic ; Santos and Mara
caibo. 17l'Jc. Arbucklcs , is fc.
buo in Granulated , " idlsijc ; conf. A
7 > < c ; white extra C. " 'ttgr'hc ' ; extra C ,
( ii.71c ( ; yellow C , ( ijffjiii e ; nowdcrcd , 8 } i'
bjfc ; cubes , S fSSJ/c.
Hoxiv 14@ltic tor one pound frames
strained honey , ( ( < ? < c per pound.
UnuswAX Choice yellow , 20@22J e ; darl
colored , l@llc. !
CIIIIM : : YomiK America , full cream
3ililO4e ! ! ; full cream chtddars , OOMKe ; fnl
ci cam Hats , ! l@9' ' ; good to choice t kimine <
Cheddars , ( ! C' < ( i'4 : skimmed Hats , riW.IV-j'c.
PICKI. ib : Medium , in bbls , W.fiJ ; do in lull
bbls , W.OO ; small , in bbls , sftiOO ; < io in hal
bbls , $ ! . ' > ; gherkins , in bbls , $5.2 j ; do in hal
bbls , # 1.00.
ToiiACfo Pint2tiiIWe ( ( ; sntoUiiijj , IGQifllc
.1 EI.I.IIS : $1.2.1 per ; ! 0-lb pail.
S I.T fl.06Tl.i.1per ! ! : bbl.
Koi'B 7-1(5. U'jia'J'jC.
Si-ici : NutniCL' , per lb , rMfOJp. ( ! poppet
per lb , I'fdllOo : cloves , per lb , 18@Jlc ; nil
spice , 7iE8c ( ; cinnamon bark. IHc ; cassia , Oc
cassia buds , 12'jc ' ; cloves , 20c ; mnce , 70c.
N ui.s Iron nails , per keg. * 2 OT > @ 3.10 ; stet
nails , per keg , f2.20@2.2.1 ; wire nails , pe :
kcu' . ? ) . (10@2.70. (
TIHYoung : Hyson , common to fair , 185
2.1e ; Young Hyson , good lo fancy , 8057 Me
Gunpowder , common to good. 2.i2rc ; Gun
powder , ctiolco to fancy , 4 < ! @ ( i. > c ; Japan , com
mon to medium , 1 " > ( ( ? : [ , Japan , choice t
ancy , ! . ( ( > c ; oong , common to goo , ( i
l5c ! , Oolong , choice to fnticv , f)0yf70c ; Inipei
ial , common to medium , 2.1@iT.o : ; Imperial
good to fancy , 40 ; 50c.
NUM Almonds , ir > @ 17 ; lllbcrts , DtMOc
Hnuil , ( io ; walnuts , Sj ( jil2c ; pecans , ( > > . , ( <
lll.'tjc ; peanuts , rifg-l e.
CmcKcus r > @Uc ) per lb ; assorted cakes ,
@ 20c perlb , ns per lis > t.
M\ri.R StwiAit Hricks , 10i81l ( ) } c per lb
penny cakes , 11C'1U4 ° per lb ; pure mtipl
syrup , ? 1.00 per gal.
HIIOOMS Extra l-tio , $2.40 ; parlor , 8-tic
painted handles , SJ23 ; No , 1 , fl.bO ; No. i
Sl.'O ; heavy stunlo brooms , f 1 , 00.
Sruioii Mirror jtlov , , fljfc ; Graves' corn
Cc ; Oswego gloss , 7c ; Oswcgo corn , 7c.
Piwniu AXD SHOT Shot. 81. 20 ; bucushol
$1 15 ; powder , kegs , $5.00 ; half keg'
W 75 ; one-fourths , $1.50 ; blasting , kegs , ? -i.lfi
fuses , 100 ft , ri.1'.f70c .
llKriNni ) L Kim Tierce , S' c ; 40-lD sqimr
cans , SJ c ; ftO-lb round , bX" ! 20-lb rouni
S'-c ; 10-lb palls , 9c5-lb ; palls , U'sc-.WbpaiH '
9'.c. . *
PROVISIONS Hams , 12) o ; breakfast b ;
con , 10:14ulli4c ( ; bacon sides , illjC'MOc ; dr ,
salt , U'4c ; shoulders , 7 > < W74c ; uried heel
8h'SlOKc. ( !
wooncNWiiir. . Two-hoop pails , per do ,
$1.0 ; ; thrco-hoop pails , 1.05 ; No. I till
47.00 : No. 2 tub , fO.00 ; No. Jl tubs , 5.01
washboards , j-1.85@i.75 ; assorted bowl'
$2.75 ; No. 1 churns , ? s.OO ; No. 2 churns
$7.00 ; No. ! 1 churns. * ll.(0 ( ; butter tub1
jl 70 ; spruce , in nests , 70c per nest.
CAXm--Mlxed , 8raliic , ; sticlc , oSi' < 30 > < c
rocit candy , lO'i lS1 ; fancy candy , 7f < iij ! <
FISH California salmon , per bbl , $10.X ( ) (
lb.00 ; halibut , per lb , 18u ; family white Ilsl
per J .bbl , S3.0l ; whit" lisli , No. 1. per < -bb
W 75 ; trout , per Jbbl J , $5.00 ; scaled horriiu
per box , 2Sc ; now Holland herring , per koj
( Hie ; George's Uuy split herring , per bbl , nov
$7.75 ; split Labrador herring , per bbl. nev
$7.00 ; extra George's cod , per lb. now , 7"li
Western Hank cod , pet lb , new , 7'4c ; bom
less cod. 0 < ( il7J4c ; largo family mackerel , pc
K-I'l'l ' ' , * 12.r)0 ; unickorol , No. 1 bay , Jj-bb
$ I1.0i ! ( ; smoked bloaters , per box , $1. 10.
DIIIKD FnuiTd Figs , m boxes , per lb , llj ! (
lOc ; ligs , In mats , per lb , 5W ( iOo ; dates , Ibexes I
boxes , 5Ji$7o ( ; London Malaga layt
lalslns , per box , $ ) .50Vi.7r ( ! > ; Maluii
loose raisins , ? J.30@2.50 ; now Vuloi
cia raisins , per lb , 7Xfebc-'i Cal
forma loose muscatels , per box1. $1.V (
California London layer raisins , per bo :
$2.3502.50 ; pitted cherries , per lb , lb' ( 20i
California pitted plums , per lb , 12 ( < tl3 (
dried blackberries , per lb , SXtgOo ; dric
raspberries , per lb , 2li ( 25o ; dric
apples , 7 ( < iyc ; evaporated apples , 8 :
S'foj California sun dried peaches , 10 (
lie ; California uiuured ovaiwratt
peaches , 14@lOo ; evaporated Callforn
apricots , lt5 ( < J18o ; Xanteo currants , 7 (
IMrklsh prunes , tyCGWfei citron. 10C3i ( )
orangopeel , 11@1'JK % lemon pool , 23Ul ( ) i {
Coal anil Inline.
LIVE 85@30o ; Portland cement. $3.55-
mcstio cement , fl.tU ; plaster , $3.00 < < { 'U !
hair , S3 < 3i5c.
iTitin it'infi Tr *
MnniTin Anvii , MARKETS ,
Wheat on the Down Orndo With
Light Trading.
OatH Dull nndVrnk PrdvlHlons
Hut hose Oround lilt tie
iKO in . .Cuttlo anil
HOIHQiiotatldiiN. .
Cnicioo , August U. [ Sprc-Iul Telegram to
TIIK UEK.J It was generally expected that
tin ) publication of the government report
would bo followed by n Mood of buying or
ders from the outsldu and from abroad. The
market opened } { @l o up , but Initial prices
proved to bo the top. The rush of outsldu
business did not materialize , and in Hen
thereof a sudden desire took possession ol
the operators hero and throughout the sur
rounding eltles to avail themselves of the op
portunity to reali/o profits on the iidvanco.
Then followed a season of general "unload
Ing" nnd values settled to u level of jester-
day's closing range. It took till day to get
the market back there , and n great deal ol
wheat was absorbed In the process. Cables
were strong and In many Instances an ad
vance quoted. Crop now s from the north
west was conllicting and confusing to the
trado. It is noted also that a good deal ol
\Nhcat that was started west dnrinp
the last three weeks is arriving In New Yorli
and that export clearances are not large
Furthermore , it , Is clear that there Is gomp
to be another increase in the visible supply ,
according to the next showing. After price *
brgan to work down under the combined in
Ilnenco of general realising and heavy hum-
moring by Ilvtehinson. Local traders wcro
in a mood to swallow anything that was of
feted them. Their credulity was not over
taxed when they were asked to accept as gos
pel the statement that a reduction ot S points
and a fraction in the condition means an in
crease of ! i ( 4 per cent in production , and
they operated largely on that theory. Ii
mattered not that un accepted govornmeu' '
estimate of the production o' Julv w.i1
lfi'i,000 , < X)0 ) bushels , somebody llguied tha
with a marked deterioration in the condition
the crop is now going to b about 1TIOOJOOJ !
bushels , and they were bound to believe
lievo It. Nothing was too long ! :
for the bearish digestion to-day
so long as the procession of prices was kop
moving on the down grade. The tendenc ;
lifter the llrst thirty minutes was downwan
too strongly to bo checked. Every bit of eve :
night improvement was lost and the closing !
cro Identical with those of yewtcrduy , viz
U'c for September. S'l > ac for October , b.V&i
for December. Tlio volume of business wa ;
ight from 10 : M on to the close.
Corn opened higher in sympathy will
wheat , there being sales nt 4ft'40 lor Septcm
bar and -ll' ' c lor October , heptcmbor Roh
off to % and October tolltj < c and closci
at the bottom. This marks a shrinkage o
1 'jc in September nnd J < c in October. Trad
ing was heavy most of the session and sovem
largo short lines wcro covered on the dc
Oats wcro dull nnd weak , with August none
ono time selling ort lc. There wen
liberal oflcrings this month on the part o
longs who wished to reali/o. and also ttik
advantage of the premium on tin
month over other futures. Hccen
deliveries on August contracts tt
gether with depressed corn markets , wer <
ul-to elements of weakness. Futures beioni
August ruled dull and' ' ' : lower asuli
trom May , which \\.is nearly steady , ncv
No. ! i cash oats in store wcro saleable at i.3i
with old nominally U'.iQglflc , and the day'
business chiolly by Hamplc.
The provision trndo was somewhat unsel
tied. The opening was cjuito strong and ii
pork and short ribs nt better price
than yesterday's closing , but befor
business had proceeded far th
old bearish feeling resumed control. Th
yellow fever scare was inndu good use of t
depress the market , and ns its Influence mad
weak holders anxious to sell and bu.veis coi
sorvative , n sharp break followed. From til
highest prices quoted pork declined : ! . " > e , hir
lOu and short ribs l'-i'c. ' In the last name
article this dcpre.ssioii was morcvthau recovered
ored later , and ut the adjournment short rib
stood 7Kc higher than yesterday. Pork an
laid also regained some of the ground los
though the former closed at an actual di
dine of 5c and lard ut a depression of % c.
CHICAGO , August 11. [ Special Telegram t
THE Br.n.l UATTLK The receipts we :
4,0 W , mostly Texnns , and not of very desin
bio quality 'either. Although really good cu
tlo wcro much lower to-day , shippers wet
looking nroun.1 with some orders , but as tli
offerings were almost exclusively Texan :
they wcro nnablo to find suitable stock fc
purchase. Had the stock been offered prict
would have been fnlly up to yesterday
figures , so that good to choice shipping sloe
may bo quoted nominally 11 rm nt 'i.'Jodlli.Oi
Stock cattle were luirly active un
bold from ft ! 2i to $3.11) ) tor common to good
For all other grades of cattle prices wet
weaker at yesterday's quotations. The suppl
of range cattle tor the entire week numbore
only-about 'j,000 head , to-day's prices bein
entirely nominal. Butchers' stock may 1
quoted from ? l.f,0 for poor to * : J 00 for chok
cows , with some sales of extra cows nt &l.i
and better. There was a surplus of old bull
and they sold generally at about --.00. ! Tl :
yards were well cleared of all save Toxat
and lowRrnda natives at thoclosoof busincs1
The quotations wcro as follows : Medium 1
coed steers , lilflO to ISOO Ibs , 8Ti.40j5 ( " . ; 121
to 13 0 Ibs , fj.yifiy.l 11 ; 050 to lu'OO Ibs , , ; i.liO (
1.50 ; stackers and feeders , § J.OJ@J.5'J ; cow
bulls and mixed. 1.50St.lO. ( : Texas cattli
stcoru. ir.O to 1050 Ibs , iJ.)0 ( ) . ' ! . : ) ; 7.10 to ' .if
Ibs , $2.(5U ( ( < JUO : ; 000 to 700 Ibs , i,4i.S ( ) ! (
cows , ? 1.7b lJ15 ! ; western rangers , native
and half breeds , SMMXgJ.lil ) ; cows , ? J 00 (
! UX ) .
lions Salesmen witn good light <
heavy hogs wore enabled to close out i
strong yesterday's prices. Indeed in son
few instances slight advances were notei
All other grades , however , were dull , an
sales could only bo made at a little cask
ligures , averaging probably nbiut 5c per K
Ibs. There Is no preference worthy of mci
tion between light and heavy. The oxtren
range of the day was ? .r.oi for rough coi :
mon to yi.4.1 ; for choice light to heavy.
LIVK hi'
Chicago , August II. The Drovers' Jou
nal i enortstts follows :
Cattle Hcceipts , 3,700 , Including 8,0 <
Texnns and western cattle ; market slow in :
weaker ; common to goo 1 steers , $3.UJj { . ' > . ? (
stackers and locdcrsJ.OOC < il..r ! > 0 ; eow > , bul
and mixed , . ? ! . VJC't'l 10 ; Texas cattlo. li
lower ; steers , ? , ' .4U ( < | 3.0 ! ; cows , $ l.i$2 : ) ,
western rangers , weaker ; natives and hal
breeds , -3 OOyf-J.50 ; cows , ? -J.W@3.X ( ( ) .
Hogs Receipts , tS.OOO ; market good , stead ;
others , lower ; mixed , f5.fcOJ < ( l.'iO ; hoav
* .1.1X ) ( < t.4' , ( ) ' ) ; light , f5.75O.IO ; skips , $ J.SO
Sheep Kecclpts , 1 , ( KM ) ; market steady ; n
lives , S3 75 ( < 2 > J. < lO ; westerns , ? ; ) .40 ( < l4.00j To
tins , shorn , J3.0U ( i. > - ( ) ; lambs , M.UOgtl.OO.
Nut tonal Stock YurilH. Kasc H
IjoulH , August 11. Cattle Heccipts , 30
shipments , lbOO ; market steady ; choice hea\ \
native steers , ifTi.tKva5.50 ; fair to goc
native steers , .45.15 ! ) ; butchers' steer
medium to choice , * a.40 4.50j stackers ut
feeders , fair to good , f J.iO(5j3.50ranger : ( ;
corn-fed , * 3.50 ( 4.40 ; grass-fed , $ ' ;
Hogs Heccipts , 700 ; shipments , Oi >
market strong ; choice heavy and butc
ers' flections , | 0.JOl ! ( fl.45 ; packing , mcdiu
to prime , l.2U@U.a.i : light grade's , ordinal
to best , ti.20@i ( ) . 3.
City , August 11 , Cattle IJ
ceipts , 2,000 ; shipments , none : mark
slow and weak for common ; choice f
steady ; good to choice corn-fed , $4.75i5,5 (
common to medium , $3.25@4.50 ; grass rani
steers , ll.80r { 3.25 ; stackers and fccdlti
steers. fl.tiOtf.l.a'i ; cows , * 1.252.80.
Ho's ) Hccoipts , 803 ; shipments , non
market blow ana lower ; gooa to cholc
t J.lC@X20 ; common to medium , fj.OOQO.C
NEW YORK , August U. [ Special Telegm
to TUB B K. ] STOCKS The market to-di
exhlblteJ tnodqrato activity. Tito bank stRto-
ment flowed nn lucrcnv ; in the loans of
r4OsfuOO , nnd a decrease in the reserve of
SiJiiri.Vl. ( : The latter , wljllo larger than for
some wei'ks , crrnted n < ) uneasiness , as the
banks hold f.'niWTS25 above Uvpnl rrqulro
ments. The feature of the market
was the strength nnd activity In
Heading , It being maiked Xip J4r.
The other coal stocks remained Jstcnily ,
but the Ornngcrs developed weakness owing
to unfavorable crop reporls from the west
and the poor showing made by the govern
ment crop report , nnd Northwestern lost \ ' .
The Vnnderbllts wcro weaker , nnd Michigan
Central declined * { . Tlio rest of the list
showed only fractional changes. The total
sales \veio 114,12 * } shares.
H. S. 4s rpKitliir. . .1S7' , Northern I'ucltlc. . ! . ' , V {
r. S. 4sconpoai * . . \ T'tdoiuoforrod. \ . . . . fifi'i
1' . H.4iM regular 10 V 0. * N. W . lii :
. S. 4 > iSciiiMins 107'SI doprcfi'ircd , . . . 141'
rarittc ( Is nt 'in . . . lai N. Y.Contlul . . .11)7 )
Central I'ncliic . . il5 tii . , I ) . \ n . 2J
Chlcaitu & Alton 131 IKock IMand . . . H's'J '
Chlcagii.llnrllnKton li' . . M. \ St. I1 . . . . 7:1 :
A , ( julnoy . iri'4 doprefoncd. .lll'i
0. . IW . . 1 17' , St. 1'anl & Omaha 4n ,
Illinois Contra ! . I1B'S doprefi-ncd . liw
I. , II.W . 14 rnlonl'ni'illc . . . 1x14
Kantns A. Texas . 14' \ \ . . St. I , . \ 1' . . . . ll'i
I.aki-Mioro . t * ) > , l do prpfciu-d . . . ' i t
Michigan ( 87't ' , Western I'nlon. . . . S.P ,
Jllsvottrll'acitlo . . b'i't. . Kx. IHv.
MOMV os CAI , Hnsy nt U'U'f per rent.
SiKin.ixn KxcmxoK Quiet and heavy
with actual busini'ss nt $4.b4 for sixti day
bills , ? 4 > 7'j ' for di'imind.
o , August 11. Wheat -Easy ;
cash , 62. ' % o ; September , b3s'c ; August ,
Corn Lower : cash , 44c ; September ,
4IJCe ! ( ; October , 4'J'c.
Onta Steady ; cash. ' . ' 5c ; September , 24'6c ;
October , 'JI'Hc. '
Hye ir' c.
Hurley Nothing doing.
Prime Timothy Sl..O.i.i 2.0 J.
Flax Sl.l4.
1'ork Stronger ; rash , September nnd
October , * 13.r > 0. -
Lard Steady ; cash JTC'21 , ' ; September ,
J . ( M ; October , tr.H ( ) .
Flour ( Julot but linn ; winter wheat in
sacks , wrfipn.85 ; In barrels , $ : UKt.t ( .40.
Spring wheat In barrels , ft.50if4.b : ; > ; in sucks ,
$1.75ri ( t.b5ryo ; in sacks , W.3ii6f3.00 ; in bar
rels , fj.r.s@3.'jo.
Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , JT.IOoTT.riO
short clear , $ S.70C'i'J.OO ; short ribs ,
Butter Steady ; creamery ,
dairy , 14 .ltic- .
Cheese Better ; full cream ehoddnrs
ie : Hats , Si7si4c ; young Americas ,
Kegs Steady ut lEIVjOiIlu.
Hides Heavy green salted , ri'tttlflo ' ; light
green salted , ( J ( < iH'ie ; salted bull , .lc ; grecu
nailed calf , tl.1 < 0f'"e ' ; dry Hint , 7 i-icc ( ; drj
calf , TCifJc ; deacons , 20@-oo each ; drj
salted , 7c.
Tallow Unchanged : No. 1. solid packed
3'jc ; No. 2 , ! ic , and cnkc , 3 ci3c peril * .
Hecpipts. Shipments ,
Flour , bbis . l.-.OOO 111,001
Wheat bu . Wi.OOO ItO.OOl
Corn , bu . IN'i.UOO 2 12iK ) (
Oats , bu . 81,000 'JS4.001
Hye , bu . . . . .
Barley , bu . . . . .
Now Vork , Augnstll. Wheat Ueccints
11(5,000 ( ; exports , bOO ; cash llrm and ipiiet
options unsettled , opened JijWle higher , do
clmed h'n'J < cbut only to sell up Jud 'hC-
closimr steady ; ungraded , bOO/OOJ c ; No.
red , blc ; No. 3 red. Si fc In store ; No. 2 rci
and September , closed ut Me.
Corn Heceipts , 20ItOOl ) ; exports , 850
cash quiet an weak ; options lower , closnif
heavy at bottom ligures ; ungraded , 4OiSllj ! * <
delivered ; September closing at fi.'lc.
Oats Hecoipts , 47,000 ; exports , none ; mar
Itct j C'O'jC higher : mixed western , a3j (
3'c ! ; wlnto western , 42 < i4 > c.
Coffee Spot fair ; Hlo llrm at $14.2) ; op
tions ftfa 10 points higher and fairly active
sales , 41,000 bags ; August , Sll.00@ll.10
September , flO.fiO , . " 10.00 ; October , yj.'Md '
Petroleum United closed weak at SOJ/c.
Kggs Quiet and steady western , l d
Pork Quiet nnd firm ; mess was quotci
at 14.25 for old ; $15.25C'015.D'J ' for new.
Lard Dull and lower ; western steam
spot , S'J.OO.
Mutter Quiet and steady ; western , 10V (
Choose Quiet and weak ; Ohio flats , " ( aSt
MiiinoniiollH , August 11. Wheat Loca
receipts , bS cars ; shipments , 57 curs ; sale
of No. 1 hard wheat wcro ut bTfSSTJ-jJc am
prices remained llrm until the close. Clos
ing prices : No. 1 hard , cash and Sopteni
bor , S5JiCj on track , S7c ; No. 1 northern
cash and September , SH/c ; on track , SS' c
No. 2 northern , cash and September , blc
on track , 82e.
Flour Patents , in car lots to ship , $ ( AQi (
Milwaukee , August It . Wheat Close
easy ; September , SO 'c ; October , Slj 0-
Corn l ewer ; No. 3 , 4"ie.
Oats -Firm ; No.2 wlnto , : )7Kc. )
Hye-Dull ; No. 1 , 4"o bid.
Barley Slow ; No. 2 , OOc for old , i
Provisions Lower ; pork , cash and August
St. IjonlH. August 11. Wheat Lower
cash , SUV1 ; September , b2i < V-
Corn Lower : cash , 42V < (2il2c ( ; Sopten
bor , 4ln8-(341 ( c.
Oats A fraction better ; cash , 2l , ' @ 240'c
Spptcmbcr , 23c.
Pork Higher at tl I.25@l4.ft0.
Lard Nominal at $ S.i5. (
Whisky fl.14.
Butter In better demand ; creamery , UK
Cincinnati. August 11. Whisky , $1.14.
Liverpool , August 11. Wheat Strunq
demand good ; holders not offiiring ; Califoi
nia No. 1 , 7s2lid ncr cental ; red wcsten
spring , Os lldC Ts Xd ; red western , wintei
( is lldG Ts.
Corn Quiet ; demand fair ; new mixc
western , 4s lld per cental.
UiinnaH City , August 11. Wheat -
Weak ; No. 2 red , cash , "O c bid ; Sopten
ber , 7140 bid ; No. 2 toft , cash , 74o asked
Corn Weak ; No. 2 , cash , 30c bid ; So |
tember , ! ttc : bid ; No.2 white , cash , 43c uskeil
Oats No. 2 , cash , 203 e bid.
New Orleans , August 11. Corn Irrciri
lur ; mixed , i'iO@B c ; yellow , Ctta ; white , CMC
Oats Kxcitcd and higher ; No. 2 , 4S' c o
Cornmeal Steady at $2.55.
Hog Products Scarce and llrm ; porli
? 14.02K ; laru , ? 7.75.
Bulk Meats Shoulders , $ rt.5'J ' ; long clsa
and clear rlS ) ) , i 7.9J.
Carl Will Stay in Germany During tli
Nr.wroiiK , Augnstll. [ Special Tolosrat
to THE Hr.n.l The World this mornin
says there has been considerable nnxlel
among the German-Americans In Now Vet
to have Carl Suhurz declare himself In n
gard to the coming1 campaign. It is state
that ho declares positively that ho will in
take any part in It. Ho will not return froi
abroad until after the November election
There are said to bo two reasons for thl
Ono is the precarious condition of the heiill
of his eldest boy , Carl , for whoso sake ho I
said to be remaining at lha springs. Tli
other is that ho U completely disgusted wit
Cleveland's downfall from the high porch <
civil service reform , and cannot vote for hi :
a ain , while at the same time ho dislikes '
eat his words of four years ago. Oerma
republicans assert that ho Is HO thorough !
sickened Miat iu a certain contingency 1
would come homo and tuko the stump fi
Harrison , that contingency being the di
missal of Postmaster Pearson. On the othi
hand the democrats claim there Is nothing i
all this but speculation , and that if Schu
were hero ho would work for Clnvclani
During his absence he is busily engaged I
writing his political rcralnlscenscs , tonchlr
the events of his notable career both In Go
many and America. The forthcoming wor
is awaited by Germans with great intercs
Burned Up In a fitoiiinor.
GLENCOVE , L. I , , August 11. The stoami
Bay Hidgo was burned early this mornli
while lying at Glenwood dock. Frai
Laughlln , the liar tender , was burned
death In his berth. There was no means
putting out the lire , so the crew cut the bo
loose from the dock , when tdio Moated o1
Into the channel ana burned to the xvatcr
edge. The dock , freight house , water tan
etc. , were also destroyed. Thu loss 1s csl
muted at iO,000.
The Money Supply in Excosa of the
New York i\olmtiKo : in Good Supply
Conslilernlile Activity In Stouten
More LU'o Kxltlhttril In the
Pnultiuu Market.
In rinnnuliil Clrclon.
August II | Special Telegram
to 1'nn ilru.--Tliuro ] tire no linioitniit |
chimpes In local financial nft'nlrs. The do-
mniul for money on local account was com-
pnrntlvoly light , uiul bunkers were uiiubli ) to
loan nil tlielr nvailablc funds. Speculators
were not disposed to borrow to nny extent ,
ntul shippers imbed for very few favors * , ami
generally In n temporary way. Packers mid
provision dealers wore vlrtnnlly out of the
nmikct , as they require very little tlnaiii'iul
assistance. Lumber dealers presented very
little paper for discount , and merchants lu
the wholesale trade were not pressing in
their demands. Tlui moveinent of new
grain Is creating u llttlo more demand for
money "t Interior points and this will prooa-
bly inirovo ] ns the season advances ,
but will nut be sufUclcnt to absorb
tlio ready money of banking institutions.
Hates of Interest arc without Important
change , ranging at "igrij , ' per cent on c.ill t < i
7@iK l'crunt ' on time loans , the. Inside llg-
uru for very short date paper. In eastern
financial centers the demand for money if
gradual ! ) Improving , and bankers me en <
ablcd to pluco a larger per centime of their
funds. Interest rates , too. are n little more
favorable to the banks , ranging at 2@2J < ; pet
cent on call and r > C < ll per cent on time loans ,
Advices from abioad nro decidedly more en-
niuraging to an nctivo trade and u strongci
inonoi market. The demand for money hiu
increased considerably and the balances ol
the leading b.inks have been reduced mnlcri
nlly. The Hank of Kngland rate of discount
lias been advanced to3 percent. Continental
banks are n little more independent in tlieii
ntorost rates.
New York exchange wus in good supply
luring the week. T 10 demand was only fair ,
L'lio market inclined to weakness nni
sales were niadcul2'i ( < 8 < > 0c discount per II , 000
mil the m.irket closed ut fiK ( ( JUo discount
foreign excbangovas offered moderately
clilolly by exporters of gram and provisions
and the demand was only fair. Shippers
sixty day's documentary bills on Londoi
were steadier and clmngcd hands ntfl.SIl'.jdi '
4.54 , and closed steady at 4 s.UCfij.-t.Sl'tf. '
The New York stock market attracted considerable
siderablo attention during the week , urn
trading was quite active. Fluctuations it
prices were frequent , though con lined ii
comparatively narrow limits. Hnthcr more
strength was manifested and prices nvcrugoi
ilgher , though the lull outside ligures wen
not supported to the close. Wall street operators
raters traded with considerable freedom , am
western speculator * were interested to i
eonsidcrablo extent in somu of the le.idmi
iroporties. Foreign traders wore not In
dined to do much bus.ini" < s. The earnings o
most of the leading linen are fairly main
tnined , though freight and passcn
? er rates are somewhat unsettled , will
ipimrontly little chnnco of settlement n
inesent. The outlook for crops is ivgardei
is encouraging , and the western road
especially are anticipating a heavy busines
during the fall and winter months. Tliei
was homo reali/.ing by the "long" intetest
though not in very large quantities. Th
whole list of stocks were traded In quit
freely , though Heading , St. 1'nill , Kiic
.lersev Central , Missouri Pueille , Te.\a
Pacillc , Union 1'aeiilo and Western Unio
met with most favor. The market close
comparatively steady. The aggregate baleen
on the New York stock exchange for th
week were lvwbO'i : shares.
Speculative trading exhibited considerabli
life with quite a lively contest between th
long and short interests.Vhilo it must b
admitted that the general inllnence surround
ing the gram trade were not favorable to th
latter , yet they managed to check thoupwar
tendency In prices for most articles. The re
ceipts of grain have been moderately free fo
all western points , and shipments rather 111
oral a portion of the latter destined for foi
oign markets. The quality of now grain s >
far Is not very good , but these complaint
exist more or less every season , when no\
crops commence to move. Advices froi
European countries Indicate that the crop
are backward and considerable damaged b
storm , BO that the opinion is gaining groun
that food purchasing countries will have t
enlarge their orders during the comln
twelve months , wheat and rye croi
especially being sadly dclicicnt. Thes
reports have been rcinfoiced to som
extent by orders for t'uc purchase of grain ,
portion of which was for immediate shi |
ment. The export movement is gradual ) ,
Increasing , especially of flour and whoai
The supplies of grain are gradually cnlurjj
ing , ns might bo expected at this season c
the year. The government crop report indl
eates a decrease in the yield of wheat , whic
is fully -1:3,01)0,000 : bushels less than in 1SV
while the outlook for other crops is unusual !
promising. Prices early in the wee
were slightly advanced , but increase
offerings toward the close caused sotnewh ;
of n reaction and prices receded again I
most eases. Provisions have sympathise
to some extent with the conrso ot the Krai
markets , but weakened on the report , of tl
prevalence of yellow fever in southern ma
kets and closed at decidedly lower pric *
than were current ono week ago. The n
coipts of live hogs at all the principal wcstci
packing points were small , and the qualil
not very good. The packing of the wee
continues to decrease Gradually , and returi
now show a decrease of 180,000 hogs , col
pared with the returns ol lust benson '
date. _ _
I < tliiiclU | > In Arihtnerntlc I'arlu.
American Mayii/.inc : Jnthis Pnrisin
world of ftit-liionnhlo forinuln , tlio tin
lesson in llio bcionc'o of lifo is thnt <
oliquoUo , Hint tlio dead things ot vu
{ jnrity may be wrapped in ntihrouil i
politeness. form and custom. The sei
end lesion is tfivun whuti the poreo. ]
lions are so developed as to comumn
and control the my&tory of illusio :
which la the supernal art in this sphin :
like domain ot inclusive customs an
antiquated formulas. The cllorts of
whole lifetime uro devoted to this blud.
which , once bu < fim , never ends. T !
next lfh ou is in discretion or tact , whic
brings tlio ambitious aspirant into ! Held of social ell'oct and IK
tion. And thus it is the bauio prine
plt5s of fashionable lifo are fonnoi
whi/h rendnr tlio student ot liumii
naturci capable of grappling with tl
moat entangled forms of otiijiuitto , t !
mobt mystical mothodo of illubion , : n
the moil subtlu device ? of diplomat
Yet in thotio tlirco miuiremoitts tl :
cs&onco of each is woven into the ollu
in till their varied rules , modes of a
plication and hypocritical d siniul
tion. Ktiquot.tu is the foundation
policy , unit illusion is its framewor
yet the my-stery of illusion belongs mete
to the fumnlo mind , for tlio physiologic
fasuiiiution of this strange inltuom
only linds its proper clement in the ci
dowments of female jjrnco and brl
lianey. To know how to entertain
dinner party , -how to begin a solr
miislonlo , how to roootvo one's enen
with uncompromihlng sang froid , he
to render a , company of antipathlo iiu'
vidunls at once comfortable- spir
and smooth in tongue , belongs to ta
and etiquette ; but the line senbo
preooption which is required to coinpr
hond the intricate ways of the illusi
world is n accomplishment so rare th
but few i cr master the art.
Dunk Statement.
J- New YOIIK , August 11. The weekly bai
statement shows a reserve dccrcasn of I
tW.OOO. The banks now hold 12 1,037,000 ,
excess of legal rcqulrcniontK.
I.oxnos' , August 11. The Pn
hlon bill passed Its thir reading In the hnu
of lords to-day.
- _ _ _ M * ' ,
Watches and Diamonds Found in Tev'
and Coffee A Novel Way of In- ' m' (
Uoducing Goods , *
Tlio names of nil poisons llmllng dia
monds' , watches , etc. , uro ml tied to this
list dally. TUo Ovorlmitl Ton company
of Sun FraueiHeolmvo rolltlotl the store ,
220 S. llth St. . near Fnrnnm , Omaha ,
nnd In order to introduce tlu-ir goods ,
this company mil for ( id days , souvenirs
IP every can of ton nnd eolloi * sold s-tloh
ns frolidTgold. bilvor nnd nickel watoncs ,
nlhu genuine diamonds , In solid gold
totting ; also money , nnd miuiy other
itrticlos of Iocs value. Kvory can con
tains n souvenir. The eolloo. oun and
contents weigh about three pounds ; the
ten , can and contents about ono and n ,
half pounds. This o.\onnivt' | ) nnd novel
wny of advertising will ho tli-continuud
after GO days , ami those rotilly choice
goods will be Mild strictly on their mer
its hut without , the souvenir. Of course
every purohuMjr must not oxpuct to get
a diamond oruitch. . Thi-company
claim that they have ju l a * good a
right to give uwny watchc * . diamonds
or other jewelry nnd money ns-lheireom-
) ) olitors have to give n\\ay glassware ,
olironuM , ete. Get up a club. Those
vho get upti cluh order most nlwnys got
i handsomepresent. . Orders by mull
( roniptly forwarded to all parts * of the
Jiiitod States on receipt of cash or post-
ollico order. Terms : Single can $1 ; six
'or * . " > ; thirteen for * 10 , and twenty-sev
en for * liO. Address Overland Ton Co. ,
Dmaha , Nebraska.
Cora Kills , North Hth St. , cake haskot ;
Mrs. Bworkmau , Davenport St. , pickle
stand : Mrs. Mnry Frey/or , silver sugar
bowl ; Miss Grace E. White , N. 14th ht. ,
silver castor ; Harry Andrews , Capitol
we. , WO In gold coin ; Mrs. Humphreys ,
Jnldwoll , nilvor castor ; Mrs. E. I'\
lirllllth , 2 ilh si. , bilver caUe haskot ;
Mr. J. C. Uus'oll , Hllli bt. , can money
n tea ; , I. T. Oohiltreo , Seward st. , sil
ver butter dish ; Miss Ella Outiley1st
and Harnes , hilver butter dish ; Mr. W. * i
V. Coehran , Jones , silver oako basket ;
Hotirv Jones , N. Ultn st. , silver butter
dit > h'L. ; W. Whitman , N. 14th St. ,
cluster diamond ring ; Mrs. Charles
Mikesoll , 1-08 Dotlgo ht. , Bilvor
milter dish ; Mrs. A. K. Dewey ,
Dougla bt. , silver pickle btnnd ;
Mrs. .1. Staniield , S. llith st. , silver
pickle stand ; Mrs. J. 11. Lecko , Hick
ory , St. , silver castor ; Mr. Thtw. Tlengo ,
N. ' 22nd St. , diamond ring ; Mr. Frank
Spora , Irene and lilondo , gent's gold
hunting case watch ; C'lara Gardner ,
mail order , Lincoln , Nob. , bought 27
eatib for WO , found $10 In cold and ole-
irnnl gold lace phi , diamond ruby and
rapphiro totting nnd gonl's soltiro diamond
mend shirt stud ; ( i. L. Cath , Mason St. ,
diamond ring ; John O. CVUoark , Wal
nut Ivj , Nob. , silver picKle stand ; Mrs.
Cubiek , Fort Omaha , silver huttor dish ;
Mr.W. S. Hcdliold , Fire Dout.No. 1 en
gine housesilvervakobasket ; Mrs. J. A.
Norton. Sixteenth nnd Vinlon , diamond
ring ; Mrs. J. H. Miller , Iztird street ,
silver pickle stand ; C. II. .loncs , Wal
nut Hill , diamond ring ; Mr. .1. T. Ilahn ,
North Twontv-llfth , sihor cake bland ;
Mrs. .1. F. Fox , South Tenth , silver
biignr howl ; Dora England , North Nine
teenth , bilver cnko basket ; Mrs. L. , T.
Firm , Ilnrney btroot , bilver sugar howl ;
W. S. Hohcrt , Tekeinnh , Nob. , Hilver <
castor ; William Cullou , Maple btroet ,
silver cake basket ; Mrs. II. L. Fort ,
mail order , llod ( . 'loud , Nob. , bilvor
pickle bland ; C. W. Mayuo , South
Nineteenth street , bilver butter dish ;
MUb Gertie Ilannaii , Twenty-eighth
and Farnnm , silver castor ;
Charles Hill , Grant street ,
diamond ring ; Daniel Daughoy , N. 17th"
silver huttor dibh ; John Kelly , silver j
pickle stand ; A. A. McKechnio , S. 10th ,
diamond ring ; Gcorgo Powers , S. 22d ,
bilver butter dish ; Airs. N. W. Hayes ,
Saunders st. , cake basket ; Mrs. Bcnnott ,
816 S. 25th st. , Bilver pickle stand ; Fannie -
nio tlrown , 2oth and Douglas st. , silver
cup ; Miss Mary Russell , ladies' gold
hunting case watch ; OUo Nohhrtg ,
Oinalia View and Corhyst. , silver huttor
dish ; Mrs. C. L. Smith , N. 18th and Col- f
fax , bilvor huttor dish ; Mrs. Emerson , k
diamond clubtcr ring ; Gcorgo Piehol
Howard , diamond ring and -
can money ; Mrs. Wayerin , 14th
and Pacilic , silver pickle stiuid ;
M. M. Runniol , N. 10th , bilvor pickle
stand ; Mrs. Heafoy , S. 11th , diamond
ring ; Mrs. Hayes , Mason st. , bilvor cake
haskot ; J. H. Ryan , S. .iOth , diamond
ring.Miss Lulu Wiltig , 21st , silver cake
haskot ; Miss Wliarton , Nebraska City ,
mail order , ladies' Hunting case gold
watch in tea ; Mrs. Hanalin , 8th st. and
Capitol . silver cn&tor ; Mrs. Geo.
GollingbecK , Ilarnoy Ht. , silver cake
hnskot ; Mr. Tlios. Rttbsoll , 21th St. , 820
in gold coin ; Joiinio Nowcoinb , Howard
st. . cluster diamond ring ; Annie
1'rchol , Dnvonnorl fct. , silver eako has-
kct ; AdaVilham , California st. , can
money ; Mrs. Buelt , Seward Hi. , silver
sugar howl ; Mrs. T. Savage , Council
BlulYfi , silver cup ; Burton Howard ,
Douglas st. . Indies chatelaine watch ;
C. E. V lto , N. Ulilh , silver huttor dish ;
Chas. Wills , Howard , silver pickle
btnnd ; Henry Cobbin , St. Mary's nvo. ,
diamond ring ; A. J. Hunt , ! ! 4th and
Cuss , silver huttor stand ; Chas.
Grillin , C. B. & Q. R. R. , $10 in
gold ; Irwin Drake , mail order , Mindcn ,
Noh.jbllvori'ti ] ! ; Mrs. A. 15. McAndrews ,
Dodge st. , silver castor ; Mibs Lou
Mitchell , Lincoln , Nob. , mail order ,
gents' hunting case gold watch ; Sadie
Meyers , Thirtieth bt. , bilver castor ; Mr.
II. C. Wald , Valparaiso , Nob. , diamond
ring ; G. II. MeLane , traveling sales
man , solitaire diamond blurt html ; Mrs.
Ilngnn Mnoy , .silver pickle bland ; Eddie
Laroiiue , Ohio st. , stem winding mid
slom setting watch ; Mrs. .1. W. Gross ,
Grace St. , silver etiko basltot ; O. H.
Stratton. S. llith St. , bilvor stigur bowl ;
Am on Watson , Council Blutfs , can
money ; Art ! Lawson , 30th St. , diamond
collar button ; Mrs. C. R. Luodon , Hth ,
silver cup ; Mr. F. II. Woodliridgo , Chicago
cage sttvot , silver cake hnskut.
Miss fsabolla Clark , llith aiul Cass ,
silver fruit Htstnd ; Samuel Finlaybon ,
joh printer , diamond ring ; Mrs. E.
jJovnnshiro , N. Ifith street , can money
and cluster diamond ring : J. A. John
son , transfer company , sllvor castor and
can money ; Frank Lawrence , Daven
port , $ ) ( ! fn jjold coin ; Mrs , II. S. Cnr-
jmntor , Miami street , can money ; Eda
Robin , North Platte , Nob. , diamond
ring ; Mrs. L. M. Merritt , Cuin-
ing Rtrci't , diamond ring ; Mrs.
A. Jones , 20th and Cumin ? ,
silver pkltlc stand ; Mrs. Eda Frtinndor ,
Parker btrool , silver hutlor dish ;
Thomas Kelly , Dodge btrcot , can
money ; Carrie Mnrmon , Douglas Btroot ,
ladies' hunting case gold watch ; Etniim ,
Swanson , H. lilth street , dit'inond ring ;
Mrs. W. H. KaundorH , mull order at
Klnson. Nob. , dinmonil ring ; Mr. W. P.
Riley , N. JiOth , silver cake basket ; Mrs.
J. M. Dougherty , Sherman avonuo. sll- 3
vor plckio bland ; James Schrlnor ,
Chicago , dtroot , diamond ring ;
Mrs. Cnstollo , Pierce street ,
silver huller dibh ; Charles Mur&h , Ftu-
nam Htreot , gontH1 hunting case gold
watch ; Mrs. 15. F. Turner , South Eighth
street , Hllvor cake haskot ; Mrs. Noltlo
Christian , North Fourteenth , silvorcau ,
tor ; A. U. Eastman , Clmrlos street ,
silver cantor ; C. W. Smith , ut Windsor
hotel , bilvor huttor dish.