Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1888, Part II, Page 10, Image 10

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AdveifisemctitM under thii nrmJ 10 cents per
line for the IIht Insertion , 7 rents for cixcli sub-
heqticnt ItiF-citlon , unil fl.M ) n fine per moiitli.
No advertisement taken Tor less than 25 rents
tlio first Inunion. . Scion words will bo counted
totlio line ! they must nm consecutively nn'l
must 1)0 ) paid In ADVANCE. All advertise-
incuts nniHt lie handed In before 12:30 : o'clock p.
lii. , and uinlcr no circumstances will they betaken
taken or dl eontlntud by telephone.
1'iirtlOf Ulslng In those columns and Imv-
Inir their answers addressed In cure of TIIK UKI :
Vlll please askforn cheek to enable them togct
their letters , as none will bo delivered except on
Jircsentatlon of check. All answers to adver-
tl.seme.nts should bn enclosed In enveloped.
. All iidvertlM'tnents In those culutnnM arc pub-
ilslu-d In both morning and evening editions of
tl'm : Ilr.r , tin ) rlrclilntlon.of which aggregates
more than IM.dio papers dally , and gives the ad
vertisers the bencnt , not only of tlio city cltcu-
lalton of TIIK Itr.r but also .of Council Illulls.
Lincoln nml other cities nnd towm throughout
this fccUon of tlio country.
Advertising for these columns v/lll bo taken ,
on the above conditions , at the following busi
ness houses , who me nuthoil'/c'd ngonts foi Till !
JiKK special notices , and will ( juoto the same
fuites as can bo had at the main ollke ,
VOI1N W. Illlhl , , I'harmaciU , b.'W Houtli Tenth
< J Street.
C HA Si : * 1IDDY , Stationers and 1'rlnters ,
Sou'li lith ( < treet.
SH. FAHNSWOHTH. 1'harmacHt , 2113 Cum-
' ' \\T HUOHF.S , Pharmacist , t2 l North Ifith
? Street.
' Foiv7l'Altl Avenue. ( , Pharmacist. "iKa St. Mary's
S city colli'ptor , best of references. Address ,
L Collector-'i : > j Hamilton st. MJ 12 *
TWANT honon.blo woik ? I'alrly educated
young man. i\perlencoatclei-klng : In ollicu
nnd furmtn.t. Letter of recommendation from
lormer employe and good lufercnces. Address
A il. this olllce. S.VJ ia
\ VANTr.Df'.ltuatlon In meat market by n
T > practtnil biitehor , or taking c.uo ol
liorse ? . Heferencis given. Address J , : : oK
Cumliig Ht. ! Ui lit
'A 1 JHTUAC'I nil w Ith K years' expedience , AVlui
J ha and ran Use typewriter , wants portion
Addicss.VU ) , llee. H 'js r. , '
OI'Jl ATION nshouseUeejicr or ollleo WOI-K , V-
KJyciirs expcilencc. No. 1 rclerencea.ddreaf
JJ2115 C'umi'ig ' st. : 'I'J ' \t \ }
I > Ii.\C I ! to do general housework by a Swcdlsl :
Ituly , Iwiulie cor. : id nul California ,
V\7A.NTKD- old gentleimin. who Is acuhl
T net maker of over ! > o j ears experience , do
hires a sltuaMon where IIH can do light work , re
jmirlng. etc. ; a situation desired , wages nc
iibject ; wants Mimetlung to employ his time
.Aildre.ssX ( A lleo olllce. 233 II *
AN lady desires a siluiit Ion as work-
jtl Ing housekeeper ; Aildicns ll-'l N UMh st.
A good gill to be found for general liousi
work al.b3l'/i i-o. iPth st. 20U-1I *
TTTANTii : ) Situation by man nmlvlfo as llrsi
t and second or meat and pastry ; both No. 1
Address .V Cii , llee. : r.'l lit
" \X7ANTKD Situation by competent book
T keeper , who would be satisfied with mod
crate wnge.s. ( 'ood leferences furnished. Ail-
llress , "S. I. , " care Wurren Swltzler , : i7 ! S 13th
ONM boy to feed Job press and to make him
self generally useful. Geo.Stllep , 1-11 How
nrd , upstairs. 1.117 H
\\7ANTKD-A llist-class barber at once. Cal
TT at3lth and Hamilton bts. , ' ( IM 1'lc
TlfANTCD-Two (2i ( llrst-class steam lltteiH
Inijulre .1. K. Hu.ssell. Jlerchant's hotel ,
from H to 1' ! a. m. , Sunday. SM ! , !
" \\r ANTHD good helpers to put on iron gut
11 ters , Hed Oak Cait lattory , Hod Oak , la ,
ill 1-13
\\7ANTIID-2fl experienced coat makers am1
TJ 23 girls to make overalls and nhlrt . fieo
Etlle.s , 1311 Howard st , upstairs. SJM-lb
'VIJ'ANTIJH Salesmen In city and country foi
a low-priced , fast-.solllng patented siie
clalty. An A 1 Hide line. Addieas .M. H. H. , It)1 )
Ia Sallo St. , Chicago , 111. 307-13 *
GENTS-Startlmif novelty , pocket lint rapt
and f how-wlndow air hook , adheres to gins-
or smooth surfaces , no nails , screws or mucilage
Used. Samples 10c. SeadlerA : Co. , 1S-1 Gram
Bt. , New York. JiOS-iu *
l\\f ANTIID , immediately , good barber ; steadi
V Job. 104 N. 10th ht. 247-1 i
"XXTANTKD-A young mnn about 20 for gou-
TT ci-u I ollleo work. None but extra good pen
man with lltht-classrefeicnct.s need apply. Ad
dre&aA J , lice ollleo. 2711 *
KXlTKlMKNCIU ) dry goods salesmen a
's , 10l"iJonglas. 237-11
| 7 ANTKl ) A few eneigetlc men to make ? 1&
1 TT amontn pushing a business that com
tnends ItBelf at sluht. Territory best in state
Address box DM , York , Neb. 231 13 *
A { HINTS wanted In every town In the wesl
fcl-ror the Patterson Oil limner forcooKtny
find heating stove * , 33 per cent cheaper thai
coal ; territory tieo. Call or addicssj. S.l'attei
con , St. James hotel , Omaha. 233 11 *
' \\rANTiD-Mannger : of ollleo at Mn cell
T t 830ft cash and best of references rcqit irt-
galary n.r 00. "U. " 1' . 0. box .63Lincoln. 237-1J
WANTI5D a good wlndow-drosser for clotli
. . ing and furnishing goods ; only those win
fcavo had experience lu largo cities need apply
luldreas 1' . O. llox 243. Omalia. 211 12 *
' \\rANTlID-A printer. 'A good printer , n sc
1 1 TT ber man that is capable of taking cliarg
cf the mechanical department of a wo ]
equipped countiy newspaper ami Job odlci
can obtain steady employment by addressln
'Jhe Hupilbllcan , Wecplm ; Water , Neb. Jo
open Aug. 20th. 20lil
"C1IHST cook vnntod at European hotel n
A- onto ; man or womnn , 207-11
\\7ANTr.D-A good barber. Apply In per.sor
.T > or addniss tor particulars , Joe Morsel
fiorth 1'latte , Neb. $1B per week ( juar.uiteed.
) Hookkeeper who has had som
experience in wholesale grocery buslnesi
Address X5'l , lleo olllce. 151 11
\\MNTK1 > KO ralhoad men for Washlnsto
TT teirltory at Albrights habor Agency , 1U
3'ariiam. lu , '
* \\7 ANTKD ( ! oed hotel runneis. Apply c
I the Nebraska hotel , 010 uudU12 Jackson s
' 150 13 *
"ll ANTKD-50 track-layers at Albright's L :
, T < bor Agency. ll'.O Farnam st. 7M
r\\rANTUD .1 rellablo traveling Biilesmon t
T\ wholesale manufacutured goods ( thi ;
pell at sight ) In Iowa and Nebraska , who canglv
pecurlty or cash tor stock to bo carried and < U
Jlvuicd us told. Cull nt room510 Sheelev block
1)12 ) 12 *
" \1TANTF.D Knergctlc men and women ever
n hero for a genteel , money-making bus
ness. $ fi < ) weekly profit guaranteed easier thn
ScOmonthly otherwise. Hxportenco nbsolutel
linnecessary. 1'ermanent position and exclt
five territory nssurcil. i".W samples free. Writ
for particulars' . Address , with stamp , Meirl
* 1 fg Lo , , H 3 , Chicago. too a2 ! *
\\TANTKD-Men for th ? west. Albright
labor OK Key. H2u 1'aruum st , CIO
-Am. Dlst. Tel. Co. , 1304 Douglas ,
" \\TANTii-nood : rfrl for homework that
> > can go home at night , 111 13 Douglas. 17111 *
" \\rANTIID-l.ndy typo-writer : one who 'an
' operate Hemiu t < > n type-writer w Ith spend
and accuracy. No othets need apply , l.ujy to commercial work prefoncd. K
t , lleo olHce. 1MMI *
\\rANTF.D-A girl nt Doran house , Tfth and
T T Howard , iw 11
" \\TANTii : ) Thn best of wages will bo pnld n
> first-class , strong kitchen girl. Call ut sr.'IO
l.oavcnworth. ii * i 13 ;
\\rANTiD-Flrst : girl , 173 ; } Davcnpoitst.
_ T > V.H 11 *
\\fANTii-I.ady : ) agentslor "A" skirt and
il bustlfi combined ; also "II" hose support-
en. Our ( lalesburg. 111. , agent cleared tins In 10
days , hadlis'Supply Co. , 2J7V. . Washington
st , Chicago , irss3l )
TVTANTHD A lady with 3 years' experience
TI desires a situation us bookkeeper : first-
class city reference. Address X 33 llee. W.I 1"
\\rANTI5D Two youncjmen who de lro hemeT
T cnmfoits to tout room mid take breakfast
nnd supper , with privilege of sitting room , also
three regular boarders , Rood uelghbornoud ,
hand ) to cable , Addi ess or apply to A. II. Vot-
burgh , II. 4 : M , local ft eight , orillS Clrace st.
" \ \ TANTrDSerond hand gasoline stove.
> ( jnlek meal preferred. Must bo In gnod
order. Addiess U . 'iM'Jl'leicp st. UlO-liJ
\\f ANTiD ; 'I he pulillc to make good use of
'iho llee's message boxes tin oughout the
cny. _ _ inc _
\ \ ' \ : ) - ( all kinds of
> ImMiiess , aso hiivo custoineis tor the
Mine t'M'ty tiny Co-operative Laud & lot Co. ,
'M m _ lr-'UJ : _
\\rANTID ; More houses to rent , good-paying
lenantH , tmlcl ; i ents Insured. 11. II. Wan-
dell. IQt N Kith , tfiid lioor. _ .4j ° _ n- " ' _ _
\\7ANTKD-Ilorsestnkpn to board. M stalls.
10 largo airy box stalls , llrst-class aicom-
modailons ; the coolest and best stable In the
city , lluckeye Hum , llli. 418 and 4 0 S. ll'tn ' st. .
between llainev and St. Mary's a\e. Telephone
841. Shelby A : I'hinlgan. piops. I.KS 13 ?
GOJIlIeaily , come Into for the sacrltlce made
In pUnns. organs , furniture , stoves etc. at
Nuu Voik htotago Co. Sale. luOS to 151 J Capitol
TANTP.D-More nouses to rent , llo-iwortli
.V.loplln , Marker lilork. 'M
\ V ANTii ; ) To buy or tlado lor a good build-
i Ing that can be moved. 1'leasu call on
or addiess George J. SternsdorlT , room II , oppo
site I' . O. r" _
\\7ANTIJD-lfyon have any lnnii < J , lot" , or
T V houst'S and lots to sell or exchange for
other property , call on mo or write. I can find
you a customer. C. C. Spotswood , SOii'a S. lutn.
rF.HASKA ! Employment olllce. No. 317 N.
10th st. Male and lemalo help supplied.
Private families a specialty. 13.VUJ
MALI ! or female help fuinlshed In or out of
city , private families a specialty. II. II.
Wandell , 408 N llith st , 2nd llror. 437 n'il
\\rANTiD : lloatd and looms iorsmall lam-
TT lly In good location ; jirlvate family ; no
other boniderspieferted ; lol'erences. Address ,
with location and terms , A fi , liee. 2-"i 1' . *
T\7AJ < Tii : > Hoom anTTboard For young mar-
Tt rled couple ; modem Impiovemel.ts ; liny
good price It Milted. X 71 , llee ollice. 2C7 13JU
H OMIJ table day board ; 1512 Davenpoit ,
. - table boarders at the Glob
hotel , Douglas st but 13li and Uth : best
lu city. ( ! a 15
WANTii : ) A gentlemen would like com
fortable f mulshed room In private fam
ily. Address A 0 , llee. iiol I2t
/"ANTI3D To rent , a house with modern 1m-
1 provements , in good nelghlioihood , con
venient to horse or cable C'irs. Address , stating
location ami lent , A 1 , lleo ollleo. 237-11J
TANTIID To take care of furniture for use
\ \
of It , No children. Address , X 11 , llee.
" \\7ANTKD-Toient.a nicely located slnglo
T T house , containing about 13 to 14 rooms.
Call or address room 40J 1'uxton bl'd , giving de
scription. 14 11
7" HOOM house , rent jr > , fin nltiiio MOO ; n-room
'house , 10 loom Hat , lO-room cottage , u-rooin
lint , 4-room flat , Nroom Hat , 7-room , 10-room
Hat , 7-room house , H-room house , 7-room house ,
5-room house , U-ioom IlatIO-room brick terrace ,
11-room house , 10-room house , IK-room , li-
loom Hat , l-i oem Hat , S-ioom house 10-ioom
house. 10-rooin house , J-room tlat,10-room house ,
H-room house. 11-room house , 10-room brick
house , t'i-room Hat , 10-room house , 14-room house
and many others of vailous si/.es ; all those
houses are centrally located and the furniture
for sale very reasonable ; routs various prices.
Co-opciatlvo Iaml A ; Lot Co. , 203 N ICth st.
2lU 13
HOUSK 5 looms , 1 block of street car , . " . '
per mo. . 1318 N. 27th 311 U"
FOll HKNT 5-room house in good rnvtilr.
liKliilro'-flll Douglas. 205-12 *
TfilOH HKNT Nearly new 7-room house , S. 12th
J-1 st. , near Martha , $ > -U a'i-UJ
F8S HKNT 1-ioom house , hard and soft
water , N. 1.cor. 14th and Webster. 271 13t
HKNT Four live room houses. S. K. cor.
2sth and Dodge sts. , city water , 417. Hiug-
wait llros. . Barker block. 2W
OH HKNT-Cottage , six rooms. No , G1H , N.
17th st. , centrally located , * 23 pr mo. 191 13
TI10U HKNT 10-room house , with large barn ,
-I ? full lot , nice shade trees and yard , 2215 Unit
st. , Jiw per month.
7-room house und barn , 25th nnd Peward St. ,
{ .io per mouth.
5-room house , 2113 Ohio St. , near cable line ,
$ W per month.
1-ioom house. 17th and Dorcas , will rent It
very cheap. Geo. .1. Fox , room I , Continental
block. 1430 Douglas St. 1'J'J 13
"I/1OH HUNT room cottage , J35 ; 83ti S. 21st ,
X1 M3-12 *
HKNT-House. 13 r _
provements , one hlk from Cable , 2t0 Canltol
ave , S10 per mo. Kwjulre.A. Spigie , 121 NJfith ,
"IT'OHHKNT Sept. 1 , elegant east front 10 room , on Pleasant st , , JtiO pur mouth. C. F ,
Harilpon , 118 S , 13th st. 113
FOH HUNT HOUBO of 8 rooms , 3 closets , pail'
try , good well and cistern , on 1'lth nt. eai
line , paved stioet. Enqulio nt 1102 S liltn st. ,
room 0 , over drug store , & 33.W ) per month. 1)71 )
" IX room house- for sent , city water. No. Ill'
Faclllc street. Kucmlro atiM Howard. 101
HINT : 7-room Hat * I3 , tOd S 13th In-
Foil nt the Fair. 103
Tjldlt HF.NT ! i room house. No. UU.I Chicago
Jst ; apply to Kitchen llros. , I'axton hotel.
1J1OH HF.NT New brick house of 11 rooms ,
JU gas , bath and all conveniences , splcndlil
location , 220 N. lUth. Inqulio2ltiN. 10th. M3
TTIOH HUNT ( looil sized house , now. * 10 i per
JU month , C. F. Harrison. 41s S. 15th HI. b.ll
"TjlOH HKNT < * room hou o and barn nw cor ,
Jl ? 2th ave and Webster st ; inquire at room
( TO 1'axtcm blk. 1' . J. Creedon. K l
O fi ItiNT : 5-room house , 110 , s. e. cor. lltl :
and Vluton. > 77
HKNT When you wish to rent u house
store or ollico call on us , II. K. Cole , roon :
0. Continental block , 47
TTIOH HF.NT A 10-room house brick house
JL ? with all modern Improvements , on20th st
near Leavenworth. Imiulre , No. b37 S 20tlu > t.
' : . stores und flats to lent , all pirts of
HOl'Sis. II. Wandell , 403 N loth , 2nd floor.
4j'J ' a25
1/1011 HKNT 7 loom house. No. 10J ; so. 20tl
JL3 s . } 23 per mouth. Call ( mlclt. K , F. Sea
vcr. Hoom 40 Darker block. 813
fUUl HF.NT-10room modern house * 55.tO. I
1 loom ditto. ZJUO. 7 room ditto , Othei
, stores and olliecs. (5. II. Uhompson
; blk , 13th nnd I toward fts. JUi )
. . .UNTHandsome new home , 10 rooms
conveniences , best nelghljorhood am
Mlve minutes' walk of poatolllce. Natluu
TI603 Faniam st. Hit
single house of 0 rooms ,
. hot nnd cold water , on street cm
ared street , ready for occupauej
ier month. Apply at once C. F ,
B. 15th H ; . OU
7-room house , No. 1518 f > 5th St. !
ae , No. ia Win. t. : Mom cot
harles st. Inquire 1400 Cap ave
lr Bale Now cottage , Iledfor (
IT payment * , inquire M. L
Fu.xtoubloct. 010
kllue 10-room brick house wltl
oveniDnn , tlno location oil
a , llOJ Douglas st.
nodcrn convenience
257 13 *
1 ITHNlSlinD front rcomi to rent , with
> atenin heat nnd gas , 400 N Uth st , 3d llcor.
2.J 1J
"Ir'olt HF.IT-1 funiMied front room , with tieo
J of kitthen and 2 rooms furnlshc'd or unfurn
ished for light housekeeping. 203J Hiirney st.
front loom on mtnn floor with bath ;
. KufTH cold wAtcr. 171s Dodge. 'I he base-
incut of boarding house doing a llrst-class bust-
heal. 213-liJ
ITU'HNISHKD room foi runt , 2 MS St. Maiy's
V avenue. ! H 13'
_ . . HUNT NOW double cottage , r. rooms
each , pump and sink , cemented cellar. Ill-
Will o No. HI N.JMtll stieot. 231-14 *
Foil HUNT Suit of furnished rooms with 01-
without boatd , Iul2 Faclllc. 23S-13.
. . . . HI'.NT Furnished rooms en suite ; also
a front chamber. Slufl Farnam st , 2'12J '
1J OO.M and board for ? 5 a wi-oiC , 001 S. nth st.
Jl 471 a >
IIKNT Your choice of cool furnished
slecpltiR looms , $ s and flO a month , payable
weekly or monthly ; no children , SJJ llonaril ,
'IT OH HKNT Nicely , newly fuinlshcd looms
- * ? with llist-elass table board , 1721 Davenport.
WJ 17"
"lilolt HUNT line suite ot looms , back parlor
JL anil bed loom suitable tor four gentlemen ,
uUo front pat lors. ( .02 . N F.tli. 2-6-lfj
IT OH HF.NT-2 furnished looms with or with-
J. out bciaul. Kill Dyuglas St. J.OJ 1"
T\F.SIItAIII.V furnished rooms , single and
J-'double. Gentlemen pietened , 110-Ca ] > .t. > l
nvo. 2s
"IT1OH HUNT Two nicely furnished rooms , all
JL ? modern convenlenu's jirivate family , board
If detlied. No. w.2 S. 2Uth bt. ( Georgia avei.
21S 12 *
TjiL'HNISII III ) rooms for rent , 1701 Capitol avei
" 171011 HiNT-Largefiont : loom , 1813 Chicago.
JL ? IN ) li , *
OOM and board. 1S12 Chicago st.
187 s 0 ?
> OOMriwlth or without board. 170) ) Dodge.
I 4Jii 13 *
17" HI.NT Furnished room , modern con
JL1 veniences. A. Hospe , 1313 Douglas. 174
171OH HUNT A furnished loom , modern 1m-
JL provcments , laei N Ibth st. wxj lif
4N1CIU.Y furnished rooms wltli board or
without , all homo comforts. 17IU D.iveii ) urt.
Ill.NT South room , IIH ) Farnam.
mi in *
ELii : ANT 1'AHLOI ! ? , also single rooms , in-
eluding board. Fine location. 11)11) ) ) Dodge.
HKNT-rurnlshed tooms. 170r Cass
_ 4:3
MALL front room , modern conveniences'
311.7 . Douglas st. 511
_ _
rp\VO front rooms , 1013 Dodge st. C73
T71OH HUNT A ple.'isant room with all modern
* - comenlences ; brick residence , cor.Uth
and St. Mary's a\enue , or d3J South 2Uth at. _ i
_ FOH HUNT Furnished rooms , Hinglo or en
suite. Ml 1'leasant st. , So. 2)th nvo , 73 13 *
"IJ1OH HiNT : ruinlshed looms , with orwith"-
-L1 out boaid. 2011 llarney. _ liiil 13 *
XTICI'.LY furnished rooms , * l par week or ? 1 50
-L > month , rui , : m and niKi f. Istli st. U52altlj
IJ1OH HUNT Furnished rooms in Greunlg blk
- Icor. . 13th and Dodge sts. Inquire of Geo. H. ,
DavK Mlllard hotel billiard room. GM
" | > OOMS including board In the Young Wo-
1 V men's homo W10 Dodge st. Heferences ro-
quired. ItlJ
"ITIOH HUNT Trout room , largo unit nicely
-i.1 furnished , located near the high scliool , In
the highest and coolest section of the city ;
cable line and horse cars pass the door. Un-
cniiro at ' ' 'i Dodge near 21th st. h50-
ITHH'H gentlemen can bo accommodated w th
Ja nice suite of looms and llrst-class board at
2 : . " ! ) St. M ary'H nvo. . Graddy block. _ tiUl
IT'Oll ' ItnNT Nicely furnished n out room for
-L gentlemen. Modem conenleiices. . 1U17 Cass.
_ Is4 _
L Altai ! and small room suitable for grnt Io
nian. with or without board , 1S12 Dodi/e.
) I'NrL'HNISIJD front rooms In stillo or single ,
J J12 and id. Ill ) S. IDth nt. 2 3 1J ?
TflOH HUNT Suit of two unfurnished rooms
Jwith closets , gas , bath , furnace and grate
heat ; 1710 Cass street. 21) ) , ' 13 *
T7OH HRNT Two unfurnished rooms , $10 per
-L month ; 1410 Chicago street. 2U1 14 *
fp\VO large unfurnished rooms en suite ; all
Jl conveniences. 2J07 Cass st. 2h1-llJ
FIHST tloor to rent unfurnished for light
housekeeping ; all conveniences , 1015 Cap.
aye. 815-lu *
I7UH II15NT Two unfurnished rooms with or
-i-1 without board , ' 15 Capitol nvo. Wi K'
"TTiot'iui ) rooms , 415 s. unii st 12 ro
JL1 Three (3) ( ) rooms , lltttv s. 7th st 1100
Three ( U ) rooms. llt0 ! N. 21&t st H IW
1'our (4) ( ) rooms. 1701 Webster st 2250
Three (3) ( ) rooms. 1010 North21st st 12 r.U
Three (3) ( ) rooms , 71'3' ' . 1'aclllest 18 00
Four (1) ( ) rooms , 1703 Webster st 18 00
i'our (4) ( ) rooms , 113 South I'.ith st IS 00
Tour | 4I loom house , IIW N orth llth st . . . 10 00
' 1 hree (3) ( ) rooms , 1130 Noith 21st st 11 00
Tnreo(3) ( ) rooms , 7ltl'i ' 1'acitlcst 111(1 (
1 line ( ilrooms ) 1B ( > N.'Oth st 11 2.1
1 hree (3) ) rooms , 707 1'acino Kt 13 W
Two (2) ( ) rooms , isib Howard st 10 Ou
Apply to Judge Iteutluc Agency. Herald
bulldiug , K. W. corner of 13th and llarueyst illi
" | j > ( ) ll KENT TAVO unfiirniBhod basement
J. ' rooms to family without children , 1122 N 17th
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7.H
T710H HI'.NT Double store room , suitnblo for
J- clothing , groceries , dry goods , etc. , location
llrst class. Address X M llee ollleo. 1IU
WOK Hi\T ; Storeroom The elegantly fitted
Jtoreroom , southest corner Farnam and Slx-
tennth streets , opposite Max Jleycr & Hros. ,
( now occupied by llatou UroV. candy titoro ) la
now olfereii tor rent. Call on II. N. McGrow , at
Dally Nonpareil olllce , first door south of Six
teenth and rnrnam. 305 South Sixteenth. HeM
location In Omaha for retail cigar tore , milli
nery or drug store. 2Ut
SMALL store for rer.t on N 10th st , fixture'
and goods for bale , about i 130 , Co-op. L. &
I , . CO..JJJ3 N llith st. 15" ) 10
Foil HKNT-Store ; splendid place for gro
cery , S. W. corner building of llith and J.eav-
enworth sts. IQS U
rpWO stores , 22x30 , Just completed , with flats
X ot seven rooms above , with water and jas ,
llrst-class llnl.-h , Uth and I'aclllo sts. , low rent.
Apply to Killnger llios. , U1J S. 10th st. , Omaha ,
HKNT 1'Ino retail store and Igrgo basement -
ment on IMh Bt. lies * aide of stteet. { 10) per
month. Call at once. C. I' . llarrlsou P S 15th ,
j for rent , llli Farnam street. Inquire
of Nathan Shelton , at 1503 I'aruam street
1T1OH HKNT Storeroom , No. 214 9. llthst. Ap
plyat .
FOHHiXT-Half : of ! ) S. 10th St. . opposite
Chamber of Commerce. M. A. Upton tBt A : Co
' 011 HKNTStororooin , northwest cor. listl :
jind Vluton. iia
STOHK for rent. 519 N. 10th. Inquire ol
Henry O thoir. 131.1 California Bt. C.'l
FO R _ nZK T - M1S C E U A N fiO U S.
"itKNT Halt basemcntTTsOJ Tarnam st
184 Hi *
ri OOD barn cheap , 11H1 Chicago st. 533
Y\7H glvo special attention to renting and col
T T looting rents , list with us. H. K. Cole , loon
C , Continental bloc ! ; . 487
171OH quick rental and good tenants list you :
-U houses with II. H. Wandell , 40d N icth gt. 2m
floor. 4'ff a'3
nw Insure quick rental list your property
JL with J. II. 1'arrotte. liXM Chicago. 211 a2
-F. It. 8MITI I , 610 N. 10th St. SU023
fK YOU want your houses runted pmcathero
L with llenawn & Co. , 13th , opposite poxtolllce
STHAVEI ) or Stolen-A liver colored Irlil
spaniel ; very large for the kind ; a llbera
rew urd will be paid fur his delivery at ius B 2 tl
ave. 2i-i ) 14 ?
IOST-On 13th st or In telegraph oOIce. sill
- umbrella with gold e.iglo claw handle ; re
turn to Atlantic Uuttl.lOtU tt , and gee liberal re
uaid. Itil 1U
l Ii mi I ml 11 i l II IIH il il l
T O3T Hank rhoqV , notes and Insurance pa-
J-pers. A rewiiil * IH bo pnld on return ,
Leave nt lleo olllfj. BIM'1 *
LOST Ono It on cray j > ony marc , ono white
hind foot fv rcf.ard fur her return to
Pwentj eighth and D.ucnport St. arils *
rPAKHN L'l1 Ablnck sow pig. Cull on Pied
JL Lainje , ( section 3. lot 7. North Omaha.
Jy 14-21-2"a4-ll
TT'OI'ND-npntleman's ' rintr ; owner call nt
* room 27 , Otualw Nat'l bank and pay for ml.
201 n ;
_ _ _
'PAKIIN PI * skriolinaro pony , star In fore-
JLhead. .Illl rf. UtadlUJl Decaturst. 1H ) 1C *
pTTlbON : AlT l 1 tirVToTaTl eVtTsTniTis lie-
L Ing. I teach the only perfect Indies' tailor
system In the city ; to piove It , challenge all
ithnrs teicilt a test ut mj room. Piof. Molpoer's
scientlllc dress cutting school , IIM ! I'm num.
313 I2t
IjMJItSONAIj A transient widower of good
pontlcn desires tlio acquaintance of dls < reet
roung indy of good address , c > ne wlio Is em-
ilu/ed preferred. AdUie"s X C7 lieu olll' ' e.
ii-.l 11 *
_ _ _
IJIJIfONAl/ Wanted a young mnnlth good
habits who hns ; 3niOor K > , * iOO who wants to
go into u good paying business with a Rood
inn : address befoio the first of September ,
X-t.2 . Dee olllce. None others need apply. lit ) III
1 > F.HS ( > NAL-\\11I the gentleman who adver-
J Used Lost , lara11 black dog , 4'J'J ' b.nth St. ,
please call at lieu ollleo/ 20,1 II *
" \"O\V is your tune to buy furniture. Moves ,
Jetr , , nt your own price. New Vork Storage
stock must bo closed out. l.W. 1510 , 151" Capitol
av mine. Sold by older of court. 125 Kt
IOF.HPONAli If you haven. personal Item , or
any communication , drop It In ono of Tlio
Hee's message boxes. 104
If you want to buy , sell , rent or exchange
call on or address Geolge J. StetnsdorU' ,
room 0 , oppoallu 1 * . O. 231
FOH SAI.K A number of choice fresh milch
cows , which will bo sold from August 11 to
Ii , from W to J.I1 . per head. Parties wishing a
good cow can get a bargain for the next few-
days only , by calling at ( ' 53 N 25th avenue ,
Ouiaha , Neb. C. L. Walker. 2'8-12j
IT OH SAL1I 2"jfl stout wooden chalr.s , 1 > cts.
JL ? apiece ; take any number. li.'O N 20th st.
237 13 *
J71OII SALK -'I'he entile iurnlture of ( ! looms
JL ? at 411 S. 13th st. , on Tuesday morning at 10
o'clock , at am tlou. 272 1) )
F -A Snyder bug y , only been used
a few times ; also and ntwo-wheeled
cart. Apply at Stouohlll's , 1511 Douglas. 2115-12
GAS fixtures for sale cheap. Have a large as
sortment of tuo latest designs In gas fixtures
which 1 will sell ut cost. M. 1. . Free , successor
to .1. C. inilott. agent. 1111'S ' Farnam st. 27S
"I7IOH SALi : Or tiade , young Jersey cow with
JL1 boiler calf , luqiilia of James llarrett. list
nnd Howard st. 217 12i
TfilX'ITHIJS and bt-itionery store tor sale on N
JL ? IMh st ; sickness cause of selling. Co-op. L. A :
h. Co. , 205 N 10th st. 155 10
"IJTOH SAIII ! Furniture nearly new ; house U
JL looms ; terms reasonable. 1703 Douglas. J.
h. Chambeilaln. 15- )
IjIDK SALK First-class roadster and new slue
X1 bar buggy : horse I * perfectly gentle aud veiy
fast : will sell cheat ) , part cash and balance on
time if desired , Address X51 llee. 11013 ;
"TTIOH SALI ! Complete outllt of nearly new ,
JL ? Hist-class household goods. Everything
ready for houseki oping. Hental of mode.
house in good nelghboihood If desired. Address
Xf,7 , Hen ollico , , lO'l II *
TVTFAV Vork Storage Co's great sale , furniture ,
Li stoves , pianos , organs , carpets , etc 1301 to
1512 Capitol avenue. 120 I'J *
"lilOH SALII Furillturfr , carpets , etc. , of a fi-
-L room Hat , at great sacrifice ; party has to
leave town. Flat centrally located. Can bo
lonted. 4IIS. Ilithst. Flat No. 2. 10014
HOHSK aud buggy for sale cheap , imlet for
lady to drive , must bo sold. all at 1S22
Shermanave , " 101 10 *
GOOD moitgago securities for sale by K. F.
Seaver , room 10 , Darker block. Ml 1(1 (
SALi : Lanr'o span mules , 4 years old.
W. h. Solby. 1521 Farnam. VU
EOH SALi : or rent Store room 21x10 feet ,
ith counters and shelves , living looms up
ntalr.s , In thriving town of 4'JO or 50 > , In central
Nebraska , on the I' . K. & Mo. V. railroad , town
less than a year old , Uood opsnlng for almost
any business. Call on or address W. F. Dutton ,
Petersburg , Neb. 'J23 12 *
SI'KAIvlNG of housekeeping , I have for sale
the furniture ot a nine-room house , nicely
situated and can give frMsessirti at once. II. W.
Huntress , 1117 rarnam st. I'.tl '
WH SALT ! A lew choice milk cows. C. ! '
1 Harrison. 418 S. 15th. . ii32s1
. . . . SALI , Largo lluo carriage horse , young
and gentle. W , L. Sclby , 15''l Farnam st.
SAIJ' Heavy youm ; team horses , small
paymcnldowu. C. M. llatou , blO N. llith st.
EljlIGANT two-seated cairliige , best maVe ;
will sell cheap for cash. G. J. Slernsdorir ,
Hoom 0. opp. I'U. _ 5hl
? T,030 tons of ko for sale by Uoogo Packing Co. ,
'J Sioux City. R.hia3-j
Tbit SALK-'i'ho lea o of a ten room llariiml
Ilurnlture , which Is nearly now. Address
11 07. care llee. 075
TT10H SAIifi Klecant carriage horse , new
JLA phaeton and liuniess. Inqulro room 4i ,
llaiker block. 411
FOH SALE Planin ? mlirmnchlncry. " Call at
140S Davenport st , Omaha. 310
B KAl'TIrL'L faces and forms gi'arantepd.
- > l'ace bleach removes freckles , plmplon and
wilnkles. * 1 per bottle. Hook of receipts for
the coniilexloii2i | cents Send 4 cents for cir
cular. Madame Huppert , 213 State st , , Chicago.
\TOT1CE , to Contractors : Sealed proposals
-l- > will bo ro-elved up to The 20th of August tor
the erection of a brick building on the corner of
N and 27th st , Houth Omaha. Plans and speci
fications may be seen on and nftar the isth at
the ollico of S , K. Moxon , architect , Humgo
block. Owner reserves the light to reject any or
nil bids. 107 Ib *
H : ! , for ilastltuto Women and Uhilclron ,
2718 ; Hurt St. U10
VtrOMAN'S Exchange , 1C17 Farnam st. hunch
T t dally , supper Saturday nights , UU
TlilIJ banjo taught as. an art by Geo.F. Gollen-
beck , WJ Harney st. is. ;
. .
t > iii.iitfiiu i KUI. " . ouim i ciiti
Madame ltupi > Ji't , 21'J State
LOOK horel lly order of court the entire
dtocK of fnrnlltin * . is.tovt'H , Pianos , organs
and house-keeping gouiis of the New Vork
Storage company will bo sold out at your own
price , regardless of cost. Now is your time to
load up with cheap but good articles of this
kind. l HrI _
AUCTION and Btorafo Wo are prepared to
receive consignments of furniture and other
goods for sale at auction at our large salesroom
No. 1121 Farnam st. Cash advances made. Wo
have also the best of stoi ago facilities. Outside
sale.s attended. Omaha Auction A : Storage Co. ,
u MllHF.LLAS repaired at 111 S llth st-
HAVING entered the Jinn of H. McClelland &
Co. , wholo-alo and rofall dealers lu coal and
coke , 1507 Douglas st , I have turnoJ over to
llcnuwa , V Co. , Frou .nr block , my rental and
liuuranco business ! 'F. h. Gregory. 213
IT TllOMl'SON , Hoom 113 Slicoly blocl ; .
' 1)11 )
TUN and sheet Iron work , rooflntr , spouting ,
1'Utterlng \ repairing dune well by ditvju'u , v
Do Lev , tinucM , 1514 Uodge , opposite pu.4toltlce.
IF you nave anytnln , ? to trade call on or ad
dress ( leorgeJ. SUjvntUortr. Hoom 0 , oppo
site postolllco - 107
Sl'OT cash for second-band furniture , stoves
and carpets. Anything from a bedstead to
n house and lot. put k Co. , 117 N. Ulth Ht.
r 81 , S. 3
A UCTION and Storage Wo are prepared to
tXrecelva consignments of furniture and other
goods for sale or storage at our warehouse , 1121
I'aruam st. Outside auction salM attended.
Omaha Auction & titoiuge Co. D37 SO
FTlblt HKNT Storage very cheap at lllock ft
JL1 Heyman , clothiers , 11U Farnam Rt , Two
Oi-phans' old stand. Ki'toSi
STOHAGK Safe , dry and clean at low rates.
Hidden A ; Hlddell , 1113 Howard. * ' .Ma23
TOItAOF.- ! ' . Hocco llros , & Co. , 1103 Howard
street at the lowest ratos.
iHACICAQK , ( itorage. lowest ratoa. W.
L nushinan , 1311 Leavenworth. 187
\\TAN riulUcln ; | bodT"Addrtsi XCI , llee.
\VANTnn-ll < w ohold furniture , etc. , Otnn-
T lm Auction & Storngo Co. , lua Pnrnnm st.
W < 1 a 9
\\rANTHO-To buy a goud payliiR dtiitf store
> > or Interest In buslnl-.M , Address X 47.
\\T ANTKO-rortRblmecoiiiMiand boiler front
M 11 to4Q U 1' . Address X 4' ' , eo. 1441. *
QKVEUALotoie bulldlinra or houses th t can
* > bo moved. Will pay good prlco If suited ,
( ieorgo J. SternsdorlT , room 0 , opposite post-
olllce. 1VJ
aw.'OT ' ( calh for .second-hand fuiulturo at A.
aw. Cowan's , 4fi ( N , Kith st. wil SO
\\7"ANTKI-wxvj ) ; brick nt lowest prlco for
' cash. Also bids for removing ; t.uOl ( vatds
earth. Addiess 1N. . Jnynes , Mlllard. S7J-11 *
WANTBI ) ( lood House and lot In desirable
part of the city ; will glvo llrst-class bar-
pain to anyone If suited. Oeo. i.Sternadortr ,
Itoomti , Frenzer blK. Kli
\TTAN'l iU-l ; ist front lot In west part of
town. Address , Xl ; , llee olllco , 713 "I *
11' you have Improved ousluess or residence
property that you wish to cell , call and see
me. ( toorio J. fcteriibdorll , loomt ) , opposite
postotllce. KJI
" \A71I.libuyfurnlturoofa house or lint ron-
V T tially located. Co-op , 1 & L. Co W5 N. 1UIU
_ ItW
\ rAI.KNTlNK'S Hhnrthniul niid "T ypewrltlng
> Instltnl" is the largest and best equlppud
sh.irtliand si-hool In the west. ( Irudtiates all occupy -
cupy ( foml paying situations. Students uui cu
ter ut any iline. Send for circular , e v 1'ax-
ton biilliling , Onialrn. _ MBS , , 'J
A TTlIXTlON'-Arrhed- . Dr. olaiide ,
Wmost wonderful palmist In the world , This
lady reads jour past , present ami futuio with
out question or mistake , Now , after you have
been humliugged to jour hearts content by
many pretended mediums , mind render * , and
fortune-tellers , come and i-eo thlsgltted lady ,
when Mie will glvn to each one desiring a read
ing of their life a test tree , to coin lure \ on or
her marvelous powers. A trial will convlih-u
the most skeptical. She leads your past , pres
ent and future ; will glvo you truthful advlco
on all business money matters , law suits , wills ,
chanties , travels , all family allalrs , etc ; glxes
initials of friends or enemies ; tells of absent
friends and w hero they are ; tens what business
) ou are most adapted to , also hat part of the
country Is tlm lilt klest for you to got < > . Ladles
are respectfully Invited to glvo Mrs.Dr.Yolundo
a call ; whether jou wish n reading of your life
or not , you .shall be politely received , 'itemom-
berthlsls the oulj lady In the world that war
rants to give perfect satisfaction or no charge.
No fee required in adance. . Tills lady x111 be
in-slated by I'rot' . Yolnmlo , clairvoyant , ollleo
rooms No. 1320 Capitol arc , cor. nth s > t . up ono
Illght. 11 ! ) i : ,
Dlt. NANN1K V. Warren , clnlrvovant. .Med
ical , business and test medium. Diagnosis
free. Keinnlo diseases a spBCialty. 119 N. ICtU
st..Hooms 23 Tel.Oil. inu
MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. . ino."i 1-ar-
nam Complete abstracts furnished , A ; titles
to rt'iil estate esamluedperlec'ted Jc guuranteed.
BIXSON&CAKMICIIAIII : : furnish complete
and Riiaranteed abstracts or title to any
real estate In Omaha and Douglas county upon
short notice. 'I ho complete set of abstract
booKs in the city. No. 1IXW I arnam st. [ ivl
MONiY : To Loan Hy the undersigned , who
has the only propel ty organized loan agency
In Omaha , j.oiinsor tlO to trio ) made on lurni-
turc , pianos , , wat'ons.machlnery ,
etc. , without removal. No delays. All business
strictly confidential. Ioans so made that any
parl , can bo paid at any time , each payment re
ducing the cost pro rata. Advances made on
line watches and diamonds. Persons should
caiefully consider who they are dealing 1th. as
many ncsw concerns are dally coming into exis
tence. Should you need money call and see me.
W. H. Croft , Hoom I , Withnoll bulldlng.lJtli and
Harnoy , ti.,0
GOU ( ) cltv and tarm loans wanted by A. 1C ,
Uiley , loU ) rarnam. M3
MONKY ( Jood commercial paper and short
time mortgages bought. Keul estate loans
negotiated , ti. A. blonuui , 13th ami rarnam.
Omaha Financial i.xchnnge ; , [ loom n ,
Darker block , southwest corner of Far-
nam and 1.1th sts.
Hakes a specialty of short-tlino collateral and
repl estuto loans.
Money always on hand In sums of 8100 and up
wards to any amount , to loan on approved se
Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged
Clear real estate and cash to exchange for
good or second mortgages.
Jeans made upon laud contracts , stocks ,
bonds , trust deeds , first or second mortgage se
curity , without publicity , delay or redtapo.
Financial business of any kind transacted
promotly , quietly ami fairly. Kooin 1" > , llnrker
uloeltl Cprbett. Manager. _ CLM
K 15IIlAlj"champ Jc liyan
Louii money on Improved property In
Omaha and principal additions , alco building
loans , at low rates. Hoom t ) , U. B. Nat bank.
MONnV to loan on Horses , furniture und other
personal property or collateral. Hates mod
erate ; business confidential. Ollico S. W. cor
ner llth and Douglas sts. llutruuco ou l.lthst.
1 ho Fall-bank Investment Co. 031
MONKV to loan in any amount , cither for
bulldlngor otherwise , at lowest ratcj of in
terest and on short notice. Sholes \ Hunt , suc
cessors to D. V. Sholes , room 1 , Darker blo'k. |
MONKV loaned at 0. If , Heed & Co..s Loan
olllea , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons ,
porsoiml property of all kinds , and all other
articles of value without removal , 311) ) 8. 13th.
All business strictly conlldoutlal , C50
vou are figuring on a loan go and talk with
A.'K. Hlley , 1511) Karnam. M3
EASTKHN money cheap. City and country.
Ollico Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust Co ,
room 13 , Hoardof _ Trade Goo. W. 1' . Coates 7G3
DON'T b ow money on furniture , ltor es ,
wagons , etc. , until you have seen O. H.
Jacobs , room 110 , First Natloual bonk bulldlmr.
cor. 13th and Farnam i.Vi
Y > LAL estate loans , lowest rates. Odell llros.
JUCo. . , 312 S. st. ( * !
CHATTEL LOANS made on any available RO-
curlty. Heal estate loans made on Dnmna
city property. Secured notes bought. All bus
iness done promptly , quietly and fairly at the
( hattol AT Heal Ksiato Loan Agency , Hoom 7 ,
Itodrick block , 15U'J Farnam St. , up stair
Archer & Hobblna. 7CI
UlhDINGloaus. hlmiban .V Mahouoy.Ml
( Ml
HI ! . 1HKVJ3iX.0. . tel oan on city property
and improved farm land. Fronzer blowl :
M ONKV to loan. O. F. Davis Co. , real tutato
and loan agents , KO < ) , Farnain st. 0.13
( irx)0iOto ; ) loan on Omaha city propeitvat
Ppercent. G , W. Day. so cm Hx , bid. 131
T mortgage loam promptly placed. A.
K. Itlley , 151 ! ) Farnam. H3
OANS made on real estate and
" 'ought. ' J.ywU S. HCHI ! iV Co. , 1521 Fiirnam.
Ol'KU CKN'I money to loan , I'.uteraon It Ilar-
nanl3is 815th st on
GI'KH CUNT money to loan cdnh on hand W ,
.M. II an is , room 20 , Fivnlm1 block , opp. 1 * . O.
MOM'.V to loan on diamonds , watches anil
Jewelry ; all business strictly confidential ;
can accommodate you wlthlung or shoit loans ;
It will pay you to see mo. bams Diamond &
Watch loan Co. , 21'J ' S 15th bt Iloyd'sopeia
housobqck. ] 7711 all
MOTljV to loan : largu and small sums at low
rates , lor short time , ou real estate or
chattel security ; second notes bought ; all finan
cial buslnesi strictly confidential. 1'eople'o Fi
nancial Kxchani-'e , o. Don .caren manajjer ; mom.
fiUii Darker bio ! : , IBtli and Farnam. 773
MONKVtploan ; c.isii ou Hand ; no ueluy. J.
\ \ . Siiulre , 1211) ) Farnam st. , First National
bankbiiildiiig. _ 141
WONKY to loan on lurnltuio , lior s. wagons ,
etc. , or on any approved security. J. W , Hob-
bin. " . H.2 IShocly blfcJ5th and Howard. CI'.IJ
LOANS made to parties desiring to build. 1) .
_ V , Bholo.s , room 1 , llarknr block. Ul
\VK kenpon hand money to loan on Inaldo
property In Omaha and South Omaha In
sums from JuOO toOUJ , ami as w o do our own
valuatlng , make all papera , etc. , wo can com
plete a loan any day you wish and pay you the
money. liuteJ , Smith .V Co. , Hoom 2UJ , Hamgo
bnildjhig. ] _ _ _ 0l _
' and farm loans mudo at lowest rates ,
Cll'V delay ; no commiMlon charged. J , W.
Itobblus , It. 200 , Shcoly blk. , 15th and Howard ,
IIATI'lil.and collateral loa a ? , M.E.Davis ,
. _ HI S. 13th Bt. _ 110011127. 751
TVT ONF.V to loan on Omaha and South Omaha
lU-prupsrty. C. F. Harrison 413 B. 15th st. 341
OMAHA Chattel Loan Co. , has money to loan
on chattel and collateral security. Hoom 1 ,
Omaha Nat'l Huns 045
$11,000 lo loan on city piovji-ty , lo . rates.
H. C. Uoynton , iU3 S Uth utopp 1'nxton house ,
70S a 13'
_ _
TV f ONKV to loin , Lens ? time. George J. I'auU
J.1J. iouv Jr'uruuiu st , Ka
I.OANBinacleon Improved and uulmprovpd
"olty pioperty t lowest r tos of Intcrpst ,
spi Ul ruteii oaf nrpo loans oil lnldo property.
Odell llros. A Co. 313 3. icth st. IU7
_ _
M ON I ! V to loan on furnlturo wagons , etc. ,
without removal or ou collateral ticctiilt- .
Iluslness strictly coulldentlal. A. K. ( Ireeuwood
& Co. , It I , Ciuiulughain block , cor U .V Jncksou ,
- loan at fip rcent. Llnahan k Ma-
'Plionoy , Hoom POJ 1'axlon tilock. li <
D ON'T fall to s e A , 1C. Hlley about your loan ,
at 151 ! ) Farnam. "is
, ( i per cont. Money to loan on m pro
$ ved farms or city property. James A. Wood.
man , at the old lite insurance ollico of Muiptiy
A Lovett , 220 S. 1'lth St. 0.4
\\7ANTKD-A thoroitRh laundrvnmu astmrt-
TT tier , or will ell entirely. Have two oust-
nesses and can't run both. Ills Jackson st.
{ Wt IJ *
SALF. 'Ihe best paying restaurant nnd
- chop hniHi' In the city. I'm ty clears KM per
month. Location 1st class. Co-opoiathe Land
and Lot CM..215 N. 10th st. .VJ 13
1711'U SALK An elegant drug stoiv. In line
location , diilnga good business Must bn
sold on account of poor henllh.itplv to Kd
( I , ItUst. room ion , Paxton block , OiY.ih.i , 30K-IIJ
UTOHirfdrient. * . ) ) . Steele forTaTe. i onslst-
k 'Ing of coufei tlonery , books , statiniieiy , etc.
Invoice M'rt.lll IHKO H' > 0forall.Owner go-
In--away. Co-operatl\e Land \ Lot Co. , 20"i N.
1Mb si. i.-i3-l3
"I > AHIIKlt shop fovsale , 5 chali.s , good busl-
J > ness. tQi'N ' Hitli st. 23112'
HF.STAl'HANT In line locallonTdolng Mno
business. Sickness cause of selling ; good
saloon , confectioner ) , clgnr and tobacco stole ;
-'l-iontii hotel ; 2 good restaurants and I line
dining hall ; bakery. lively bain , giocery store ,
diy gnoits stoie , clothing stoic , nud others.
Co-opciatlvo l.alldLot Co. , 203 N.
; aw-1 j
Foil SALK Saloon ou Farnam at a bargain.
Apply 11. Maiinweller , 411 S llth at , 2.15 13 *
will liny my half interest in a good
paying business. Addiessoi , " lleo olilcn.
22sJ |
$300 will buy a dairy and milk route , or SUM
a paitnership Interest , Omaha Iliislne-s
I.X. , S' . W.cor 15th and Douglas. 22.11 ! )
"I/IOH SALi : At Kearney , Neb. , the furniture
J- ' and lease of Grand Central hotel. The second -
end best house In the city , and the best lorated ,
being opposite depots. Doing a pa ) lug busi
ness. 1'ilce ti.nio , Jnniilro T. C. llraluaul ,
Mld\\ay hotel , Kearney , Neb. 271
T/1OK SALF. A good lumboi.coul , ngrleullmal
- * - Implemeht and live stock business. Ad < ! ro > s
Ik'dg Mnis. , Yiitan. Neb. 71'I ' s 1
SALK-Flrst-class billiard and bar"
THOU - - hall ,
J- long lease on property , best stand In city ;
good iea"ous for selling. Address A 2 llee olllce.
275 17
DKFG Htoie. established 20 yrs , thlscity-xii ( |
cash , tare bargain ; address X K ) llee. 2F-s'.i *
\\rK hnvo over 1(0 ( guaranteed business
TT chances that will bear thorough investiga
tion. Omaha Kx. , t > . W. tc.r. 15th nml
Douglas. 22SM3
iv" " SALIJ A clean stock diy goods , boots
JL ? and shoos and clothing ; will Invoice Jl.lUll.
Well established and payiiu ; business In a llvo
town ; good farming country ; splendid pios-
pei ts ; stone quarries and gravel pits , with em
ployment r > r over 2iH ) men , " Just opi-nlug near
by. and will be In operation within ill days.
Cheap tor cash , howy llros , Sprlnglleijl. Neb.
FOH SALiStock : of hardware. In good coun
ty seat town , only two stocks In the town ;
best location in brick corner store : good coun
try surrounding : crops and business pro.spei Is
excellent. ( Jood reasons gtv en for selling. Ad
dress .1 , W. Dolan , Indlanota , Neb. 211 21
YjlOH SALK A well relected stock of gen'l
JL ? incise , postollice in connection , in a thriving
town on the F.K. & Mo. V. tallroad townabout
a year old , in ono of the best farming commies
of 1'latto county. Good opening lor tome ono.
Stock will 1'ivolco about M.iHlO. Iti-uson for sellIng -
Ing , 111 health. Address , I1 , o. Ilex 4.11 , Colum
bus , Nob. , or postmaster , Columbus , Neb
1W ) 12)
17011. SALlI-Or exchange , hotel In Hay
JL. ' Spilugs , < lolng a first-class business. Also ,
meat market with IKtures ; for stock of hard
ware. , H. McNalr , Crawford , Ned.
FOHaladyorgentlnmeii wishing to engage
In book and stationary and confectloin'i-y
store about i 150 required. Co-op. Ij. i ; L. Co. , 2J1
NIGthst. 155 10
" \\7ANTKD-Money to use in the purchase of
T T gilt-eclgi'd mortgage securities , long and
shoittlme. Will guarantee V ! per cent. Tliosu
desiring such investments please Investigate.
UiKMiestionablo references given. Address X 54 ,
Hop olllce. 158 12 >
FOH SALF. IllacUsmlth shop , two fires ; tools
all complete. Address , X 52 , llee. 13711 *
E RSTAUHANT business foi- sale In a llrst-
1 class locality ready for immeelate entry ,
everything complete ; a Hr t-clavs connection ;
terms very modulate. Apply room 23 , llarkor
' 112 10 >
_ _
7/ioTl SALI ! A well-established wholcsalo and
JL1 retail obacco and cUar business , c .
a good jobblngtrade In city and country ; busi
ness is located on ono of the principal buslne-
streets In the city. Good reasons lor selling.
Fur particulars addiess X 55 , lleo ollico. 173 15
FOH SALK-Or trade , for good productive
property , one of the beat notuld in Omaha.
Address , X" 6 , lleo ollico. 171 8 S
Fl'HNlTIJItn , pianos , organs , stoves. Uvery
thing must go regardless of cost at New-
York Storage Co. great sale. 1503 to 1512 Capitol
incline. 12.1-12 ?
\ VANTI5D Afowgood men for county man-
t T ugers of Panorama of Nations. Half time
to bo devoted lo soliciting , must deposit $25 for
samples and clvo security for money collected.
Salary HO ) per month. Address George S. Cllno ,
Wagner block , Dos Molnes , Iowa. ) " > 12 *
A GOOD bakery , flio-bilck oven and fixtures ,
lu good busmens partof the city , for sale
cheap. Only store trade ; must bo sold ; address
X II lleo olllce. UJI 14 *
lJ > Altlillt ! shop Mrsale in Logan , la. , county
JJ&eat Harrison Co. on account of slukua > s.
Fred Kimpel , hogan , Iowa. Ill II ?
\VANTKD A partner In a good paying
i butcher shop. Too much wort for one man.
Good chance for energetic young man with
Home capital. Mustlmvo refeiunce.s. German
preteired. Address I4IG N. Kith f.U 10'
lj HH SAhK First-class confectionery , pfi
JL ? tlonery und Ice cream parlor ; in county
seat : pop. i'.iotl ' ; cause selling , sickness. Ada.
lex k box 11 , Wuhoo , Nob. KVI-10 *
T1IAV1 ! a few baigalns In South Omaha
which icqulre from iO to fJ.WA ) cash. Call
aud lot mo tell you \vhat they aro. and lu whlrii
I will take a half Interest myself. D. 1) ) . Sim a-
ton , Darker blk. , Omaha. OTS 12
JF sold this wi ck , Jl.WlO will buy pn estab
lished Insur.inco and ollico business paying
on an averagiof vJ70 per month. Omaha Itusi-
nesa Exchange. HVV cor. 13th and Douglas.
7J1OH SALK Hotel and saloon fixtures ; II-
JL loom hotel for lea-o. All HMVV. liuslntvi
center of South Omaha. M. A. Upton .V Co ,
: old established m.tnufacttir-
ing house wants a partuei who bus M-IIII'-
fty or cash for an interest that will take thn
roud and bundle the wholesale trade. Call ut
room5IOSheelcy block. Ull 12J
Ult SALK flio lolebrutud immral spiing
near lmo rene , Iowa. A fortune for some
ono. , A.S. Lake , Sheiiandoati , la.
. „ , . SALI' A llr-t chins hnkriy , fco cream ,
- fruit end confeuilonery biHinoss In Fremont -
mont ; splendid location , good reasons for sell
ing. Address ( ieo. Itasler. Fremont , Neb. BsH
Foil SALK A go.idgrocery , establlsned four
years , good location , doing a good business.
Good rcnuMts for selling. IT. . " * ) capital , and will
take nothing but cash. T'JU , lleo OflUe. < " >
" " "
MX ) F.XCH AN(7i : \ good B-"j-tTirTI.T"f"imTly
* - h rni > , si lt-ar ! bii'jgy , harne-s and Hvveil-
box intlei lor a good piano. Dodgi'sdrug
store , cor J > iorcdau < l2Uth sts. 3iD 13
JL1 Omaha , lor Kansas C Ity lots. Value , fci.ouo.
Addrcfis A 7 , lice. iJtt b *
tl ' . ' ,5i ( ) utoclc of millinery and fancy goods ;
P J,5i stmk ot grocorlei , genii' tiiriilslnu
goods , ImtH , raps , boots and shoes ; tl.H J uloclc
of clothlnh' ; W,0 > ' stock of hardware ; 3OJJ
slock of drugs ; ? J'oo stock of drugrf ; t33 , ( ij
stock of diy goods ; tlu.'WO ' stock of dry goods :
fll'.UM ' general stock ; ( V > room hotel ; two nicely
furnished Huts ; good saloon ; good tlrat Mort-
page ; photograph gallery ; set of iihittuit
books ; a good piuiilng mill. In good town ; w lid
and linpioved lands : vacant loin ; houses ami
lots , und uil kinds of real and iiurrunsl IIIOD-
crty. Co-operative Jnml X Lot Co
UJl.OWof good morlgago notes to oxcliango for
P clear tiita. or lightly Inciimbeicilpron.irty ,
Co-operative hand and Lot Co. , 203 N. 18th nt.
I71OH KXCIIANHlI'Lotil. blk 2 , Hodlck'BBUb-
JU division , 73x140 , east front on rt. 26th st. , car
line , pavement , sewer , .Vc. , ( i-room IIOUSB and
fjarn : jirlce Jl'.OK ) ; Incumbrunco j.-ilj ; want
well located house ami lot Woith about f jVM ,
deal' ,
Alio4 ath r well located house * with light
Iniuintiruucu for clear city lotn , vacant , c r good
rann Uud. K. T. fc'eavef , room 40 , Darker block.
1711NK residence In Ilanscom placn on car line
JL1 and paved street , M rooms wjtli every con
venience , commodious two story barn In tine
ahapej might take choice property In pnrt pay
nient. fee A. K. Hlloy. Iftiu Farnam. \ > ; \ 13
TO KXCIIANGKTwentyfour choice lots lu
I Cottupi > I'lac-e. near M. 1 * . llelt Line Ity In
West Omaha. The o lots are clear and unlii-
rumbered. Price Sti.flK ) . Will trade for good
farm land , GuorcoN. Hlckv , llarkor block ,
a 13
_ _ _ _
"VTKW 2 seatert carrlnse nnd now single top
Jbuggv to trndo for long time real cstatu
morlgHgo. W. ; „ Bolbj'vJl Farmim st. GOO
ri iT lI.vrilANOKnouse""itnd lorfii Nori
JL Springs , la , worth tMbnnk \ building In
same place worth * .ViOO , und 10) acres of land In
Hancock county , Iowa , worth J3.400 , all clear ,
for business property or good residence 111
Oumha. will tmv SJ.IU ) to tt.Wl cash additional.
Call and get lull particulars. C. F. Harrison. 413
S 15th st. wi
" \ \ TANTKD To evchanne brick work for horse
T T and buggy. Call or address , Itili Castellm- .
w : in
ri'O KXCHANC.K--F01U' lots
- - immediately ad-
1 Joining Swift's immense packing house ,
South Omaha. This prupcity vxill bo wmth u
forttino within a very few years. Price iT.OK' .
owner's eiiulty ji.2vM. Will tiado for first-class
faint land. tieo. N. Hicks , Darker block. 'Aft 12
" \\rANTKD-A good Korso , buggy and hnriu > 3i
TT Ini'xrhanga for t-outh Omalia lots , ( leorga
J.Stetnsdorll. loomO , opp ( H-stolllco. SM
17MGHTVHO ) ncres of and adjoining Laku
JUJ Munaw.i. Council , lllults , la. This tract
will make 40Jli. > mUlfm lots aud Is free from
encumbrance. What huvo vou to olfcr ? George
.I.Stetnsdorir room n , opp ( ' . o. 107
rro iXCH.\NOr-A : ! JIOU equity lu an Hj lot
JL for a goiiil second hand piano. Address
nsTii Hamilton it. 7K > 11 *
\\rAN" ! KD-NIXK hundred thousand or morn
' lu Id ; for lot i nnd cash. Vt. , I. Paul , liWJ
Faniam. ; ? !
( J .1. t'TKItXSDOniT , Room l'opposlto ! I * .
* ( ) . , has Homo choice Inrni land to trade
for city propm ty. Will assume light liicum-
brances. 2.11
BHICIv Wanted -KO.OOO brlclcs m exchange
tor good Inside Omaha property. S. A.
Sloman loom 22 and 2.1 llelhnun bloV. uil
rpHADKS made In cstntu and porsouivl
JL property. Son exchange book , ( jo-on. U
and L. Co. 20j N. 10th st. I''u '
\\riIATha\e you to oiler for 1.2.-0 acres of
T l timber landl n West \'irglnia , cletirof In-
cumbrance , perfect title. tJeoige J , Storusdoiir ,
Hoom ( l , opposiio F. o. 231
XWIIAT have you to trade for so acro.s or mud
unlnciiiuhcred in .lunaan county , U n , ,
3miles fiom county uout. G. J. Storusdour.ioom
( i , opj ) 1'ostolllce. 1117
"IilOH i\CllANi-N7brfaHn : ( ! : or two South
JU Omuha hits for siauof | mares or muk'N W.
L. Selby , bl.'l Fiirnam st. OtiO
WILL give you a > id tr.uie tor an p-i'lit or
ten mom nouse und lot. George J. Menu ,
doi If , lloom (1 ( , opposite 1' . O. 2.11
S'nUl'II 23nl , just ni'rth of Vlnton , 50 loot loti
lor * IOH > , uish. M. A. I'pton.V Co. 101
H \I.F-Improved farm of M ) a < res ; good
orchard , fences , house , barn , outbuildings
and living water ; fifteen miles from Omaha.
The best jiioiluce and live stock market In the
world , ii.i per at lu , C. F. llutilsun , 41S S , 13th ,
Omaha. _ t'JI '
A FKW choice Investments :
ill ft In best part of 1 Ith st. , for $150 a foot loss
than value.
Choice trackage near So. 13th St. , noith of
tracks. 1'ilcn will Interest Investors ,
Three good houses-u coiner near rablo
pajs 12 percent mi price. F.asy terms.
- \ cor. onS. llth st. ' { mlle Irom poslofll 't\
only Sii.liK ) .
A double comer , 120x1 S3 , four good lioifes ,
room tor as many ini > n > , tuo bloi U Irom cable ,
less than 3a mile Horn com t lioiise , t'.OiW. In
vestigate tills baigaiu.
Nlu5 room cntlage , 30 ft lot. bloik of cable ,
$1,750. Veiv ensy teims. T. J. Hook , leal es
tate , room 3111'uxton block. 27ii-l l
" \IOTOIt line will soon mole. Then pr > pi ity
I'l in not th part of South Omaha will double
up over these prices :
Lot ! ! . blocK24. IXKI.'O ? 'JOO
Lots II and 12 , bl.'ck ' 20 , corner , 120xFO. . . ISLet
Lot U. block \ li ) xir,0 75U
Lot 111 , block- XIIVI 7W
Thesepilies are ( ' .Ncepiional ; no pioperty as
goodolleied foi an > such money. M. A. I'ptuii
i. Co. 22.i
171OH SA LK-IIV M. A. I'pton \ Co ,
JL' lutli st. , opposite chamber of commerce. .
lliisliiHvi 1'ioporty
Faimim street , between l th and-'Jd , J150O
fTO I per loot.
Capitol avenue , between llth and loth , $ .100
per foot.
Comer lUlh and Jono < , Ct3 ft. dcop , $111 per
Corner 15th and Jones , tW ft. dcop , 51(5i.tvi ( per
Douglas stieot. between 10th and lllli , J7IW
per foot.
Howard street , between llth mid 15th , $ jOJ per
Howard street , between llth and 10ih$3.JJ pet
Twelve p'-r cent investment Thrco 2 story and
bast uieiit brick Mmsts , III rooms each , ail mod
em Improvement" , < i < * ihlo line , fji.iHX ) ; T .WJO
cash , oalanei > t yeais ; vlll take good , clear lot
for part cash payment.
lleautlfut south front lot in block 1 , Kountza
I'lucHj elegant 13 room house , iiirnai e , laun
dry , bath , hot and cold water , electilc annun
ciator aud burglar alarm , intoiior finely till-
Ihlu-d , fsjxiU ; * . ' , ui ) cash , bahinco easy.
I me Kountze Place leslclenc1. south front on
I'mmet st. , between 20th und , opposite thi
reset ve , 10-1 oem lio'i- finely Hnlsheif , all mod
ern ronveniemei eept furnace , pipes lu for
that , street car within Irilf u blocu , ji.OOj ; f . ' ,6 * )
cash or good notes , bahinco easy.
Ten-loom house , new and complete , couth
fn.nt , In block 31. Kountzu I'htce , U,700 ; W,3JU
cash. This Is within 74 feet of 20th st.
Fine resldeuni 111 Windsor place , full east
front lot , elegant 10-room house , bath , hot and
cold water , , first class barn. A cholcu
homo , s7,5UO. ; J'rlce includes new carpets and
A nice east front lot In Windsor Place , now
8-roiim house , well , cistern , cemented cellar.eto.
A line home , only > ) ,700 ; J.VIO cash , t3U ) In ono
year , balance in thiee j
Hero , sen this : Mi-foot front lot In Sidnn's
2nd aid. , 0:1 : rranklln st. east of 30th , 5-room
house , , cistern , yqun , ; trees , good Eldo-
walkf , etc. , etc. , * , ! . ( KI.
Iteslilcnco Sites ,
Fine building lot , No. 'i. In block 1 , Donlso ad
ditlou , three blocks from cable line ; an extra
bargain at K.3.H )
Very Kasy Termf. Lots I'l and 14 , block 2 , K1I
by I'hiie onil'ith ' between Dodge mid Daven-
pmtl.'LOcach. . If paity will build a house to
cost not less than il.uoo , will sell lot with only
f KM cash payment , balance I , 2 and .1 years.
Flue residence situ. 130x110 , east front corner ,
betwveii Leiivunworth and Fariiam , only two
bio' ks 1'ioin paved street. Note the size and lo
cation of this piece of ground and then the low
pi ice , j4.Vlil.
Heautlfiil east front lot In Arcade 1'Inco on
"nth stieot. Just youth ot Leavenworth.for fl.SH ) .
This Is MOD below actual value , nnd will bo in
the market u shoit time only at the pilco
1 virv1 Choice Healdenco Fito-9 < l feet cast front
on : i7t'h street , IVl feet south of Farnam 37th
stietH Is being paved from Farnam to Leaven-
worth. No location better than this for line
rml'lenc1'rice , f.i.O'JU. '
Five blocks from paved strcct.onn block .south
of Lviivcuworth , ! tixl31 , corner , lie.s beautiful.
Gradual slope frnni lots to Luavenworth street.
Jl.4'0 ; f I'D cai-h. Is bnlow bed rock for this. Notu
the slof the lots and that It Is a double cor-
nor.NHW here ts a bargain : 21x140 on 1'arkavo. ,
betvvwn Ma on andVitclllcsts. , SJ.IOO , adjoining
10 te.-t ( old for J125 ) ier foot ,
Di'iit muss this ; l it HI , Clarke's add. , Just
noith of M. Mary's avo. , fil feet front , woith
? ( > ,4iX ) . We will soil for u shoit time for tj.OOX
South Omaha I'roperty.
'llmeguod South Omaha lots at a price much
below their value. Lot 14 block 12 , Albrlght'H
aminx. Just northwest of dnpot.on main county
road. | 1X ) : lot I block 3 , llrown'H park , corner
on siii mm H ( llrownst. * , fl,2iH ) ; lot 3 block 21 ,
Souili Omaha , Iliust Inside lot , 00x150 , east
hot'ii bi/Kk in , and lot 1 block 01. J 1.000each ;
oiu'-thlrd i ash , balance In four equal semi-
Hiuiiiul paymoMt-i. Viaduct on L st. will muku
ti.j.o 1,13 very valuable , hot 13 block 71 ,
bargain-New 11-room hotel ; lot 31x
150 , Jus' south of N st , , pried 4P.WW , which In.
ciudes hutel fiirnlluro , saloon fixture : ! , etc
IUixriUim T > th Just north of M st.oppo8lto
thn Heed hotel , with good cottage , JIO.OOO. This
w ill b worth i-'O ) a foot In a year from to-day.
Wo li.ueon our list the bout ftmth Oinuim
business and residence property In the market ;
wo can soil It at the lowest price obtainable.
M. A. I'pton If Co. , Tel. 8.11 , 2W
SALK-iry lextor ) h. Thomas , at No
biaska Savings Hank , 10th and Fainam ;
30 per cent oil value.
10 full lots ill grade 0 blocks from poitofllco
block , South Omaha , t-'AH each , tunas to fault ;
who wants first choice ? .
I ) lots on Karnam street , past of Dundee Place ,
north or * outh fronts. $ t..W ) each and less.
5 nicest full lots in llvdford 1'lacc.euuth trouta ,
Cholco jioo , terms caxy , .
10 nlooit corner lots and adjoining In hlncola
I'lhce.ivry cheap nmltonni to ault ,
5 aim 10 acre timber j rut WO miles from Omaha
I'.O. . tloo peracie. . . . .
f- aero tracts by Florence , can't ba beat for
smpt fruit , & * i per ocro.
1 Jwn thti above us well as lots In various act
dltioiiN , including 0 loU on West Uroadway ,
Coiinf 11 lllunu.
Boo mo for a bargain. t
Dexter h. Thomas , ut Nebraska Savings lUufc ,
Hoard of Trade building. l/J'l '
GJ.STKIIN8DOHKF. roomO oppo Ite peat *
olltce , will sell you a good 4-room houia
on IKth troet , 'I block * sbuth of c r line , by pur.
Ing iAn rain , balauoo monthly payments to
cult. Thii ii a Njitendld opportunity lor auy <
one WAOUUU a cUcdy livwo , ) UH