PART I. THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE EIGHTEENTH YEAK. . , . . NUMJ5EU 39. OMAHA SUNDAY AIORNTNG. AUGUST 12 1&S8.---SIXTEEN PAGES. 9 tj Lord Salisbury's Spcooh Occasions Much DlEcueslon. ONLY ONE PORTION CRITICISED. The Latest Rumors Concerning the Bulgarian Muddlo. PRINCE FERDINAND MUST GO. Dowager Empress Augusta's Dovo- tlon to the Flood Sufferer s. IMPORTANT STEAMER SERVICE. Opening < > C thu Knad Between I'm1 In and Constantinople Mailers in Operatic and Dramatic ( JlrctCH. A Much Discussed lOvcnt. lf"oj/rfu/il ! | / ( iv , \i\i \ \ yew Yoilt\ \ > finlrtl l'ie * > . ] Binil.iv , August 11. The most discussed event of the week was Lord Salisbury's speech at the lord mayor's banquet in Lon don. The confident tone of the speech was welcomed us confirming the National Xei- tung's statement that Prince Bismarck be lieved that the meeting between the emperor and the c/nr would result in u long period of peace. 'I ho only portion of Salisbury's speech that is thought to bo open to criticism is his reference to Bulgaria. Advices re ceived from St. Petersburg to-day | n no way tend to confirm the prime minister's optl inlstlc remarks. On the other hand , it was stated on reliable authority that Russia ad heres to her original programme of ousting Prince Ferdinand , excluding Prince Alex ander nnd sending n Russian commissioner to restore diplomatic relations without inter fering with internal affairs , preliminary to allowing the Bulgarians to elect any prince they think lit , piovidcd ho bo legally elected and n member of the orthodox church. Salisuusy's speech met with greater criticism in Vienna than elsewhere , his ap parently improved feeling toward Russia being unpalatable to the Austrians. The cabinet nt Vienna has no intention to aban don Prince Ferdinand , and continues to favor a settlement to bo agreed upon by all the powers. The Massowuh incident Is here considered definitely closcu by M. Goblet's note of pro- tost. Herr von Schloezer , the German represen tative at the Vatican , who brought a letter from Cardinal Hcmpolla , papal secretary of state , has had several long interviews with ] 'rlnc'j Bismarck during the week. There are rumors that the results of these confer ences have caused a hcsistancy in completing tlie plans for the kaiser's visit to Italy. The Italian government is arranging a railway excursion from all points of Italy in order to bring together a largo concourse of people in honor of the royal visitor. The empress is feeling remarkably well. She rose for a short time yesterday and to day. The young prince is also progressing favorably. Dowager Empress Augusta bus sent , through the Dnchoss of Rutibor , 1,000 marks for the relief of the suffers by the Hoods In the Hirschburg district. The em peror In the autumn will lay the foundation of the now palace of justice and supreme court of the empire. The Duke of Cambridge has arrived at Kcssinger , where ho will stay w 'crnl weeks to tuko the water. .Tlio King of Portugal will arrive in Berlin to morrow , Tlio report that Germany is about to join n n roufercnco on central African affairs is do- rldi-cd to bo absolutely unfounded. A iitenmur service from Hamburg to Aus tralia has been arranged by the Dcutbcho bank and other establishments , the gross C' . ! . tal being already subscribed. Two bto utters nro In thucoursoof construction , und it is expected that they will start runj iiin ; ' nt the beginning of next year. Bishop Strossmoycr is preparing a defense of ! < s conduct in which he will contend that tlo : net of becking to unite the Catholic and ( livoli churches ought to meet with the np- jiiiiiitlon of the pope , und further , that he dot1. ! not consider Ills Slav sympathies In compatible with his duties as an Austrian proV.te. The train which inaugurated the direct service between Paris and Constantinople p.v-jyJ through I'esth to-day. It had on buru'-la number of notable guests and jour nal b X. Hi-rr Sucher , conductor of the Berlin nn. .i , has expressed a desire to resign his n. It is probable thut his resignation I bo accepted and that Herr Motto will bo fi. IRCU to succeed him. ij\-iu : Hrull has written a new opara en titled ' 'Das Stelucrno Hew. " It will be pro duced lu Vienna nnd Now York nc.\t season by u Ciornwn opera company. HA tUUOIt-S PltOTKST. They Weary of the Methods of the Bureaux do Placement. ' ( rj'jillit ) / / tSSSliyJamu ( Ionian llennttt. ] l'mAugust 11. [ Now York Herald Cubic "poelal to the BBK. ] The loading ropubllcr.n papers congratulate Floquct on Ms f let und energy. His determination not to uppro - the obnoxious bureau do place- lii"ut , uf which the barbers and waiters cusiila'.n. causes less enthusiasm which is mt sill-prising. Barbers and hair-dressers a\\i \ Uio : ! ii > st loquacious people in the world. Slnrc : ho Arabian Nights , since Oliver in j ) . l'i , since the immortal Figaro , they hire ) > ) a.1-0.1 the leading roles in history , the barbers strike or when they comb I bruMi up political discord they are rovo- ui. Due ! n Paris they certainly have fl Rnt'VUKOo against thebureaux deplace- ntcnt. The bureaux doplaccmmit have a list of ; ' ! ! thbiMiii'curiiOf Paris. When a Rood VOsffour tYiiuts n piiwo they won't havn any thing 'J ) do with him because they kro\v thitl ifoacu piacwl be will stay , but whereas If n bad one bo placed ho will soon lie displaced and bo on their list again. Thus the bureaux do placement reaps a new com mission for placing him again. Thobureax do placement pass their time In playing bat tledore and shuttlecock with the bud barbers. All this tells heavily against good barbers , who now want to abolish the bureaux do placement and replace them by u barbers' syndicate , whcro n list of all barbers out of work shall be kept and from which patrons choo o their workmen , untrammeled by the brokerage of intelligence offices. The barbers are on the right track and , it is hoped , will have their way , but it Is a pity that good barbers do not advertise In the papers us they do in Amcr- ico. Then they would need no bureau do placement and no syndicate , but the employer and employed would bo put in communica tion with each other without the interven tion of costly middlemen. SAUSS1RK UN DO ItS 121 > . Paris Highly Pleased with Illy Treat ment of the Mob. fOipjryJit95i / | / James llnnlun Ilime'.1 PVHI.S , August 11--New York Herald Cable Special to Tnu Hr.ii.J The political atmosphere is much clearer since the linn attitude of thn government that holds forty thousand tioops , with Seboy repeaters in hand , ready to crush in tlio bud any attempt at revolution. General Siusslcr , the governor of Paris , has won the raise of all law-abiding French men. This general has the quiet , dogged determination and strengtli of char- tcter of General Grant. He has twlco saved 'aris ' from revolution , once during the pros- dcntial election last autumn and again during the past week of strikes and com munist threats and swagger , nud to-day iMicral Saussier is the moil papular man in Franco. So long as ho or any man like him commands hero Americans and their wives and their children , aunts , cousins and their omalo relatives may visit Paris with the conlldenco and security that they would fool n New York or London. The Temps , the leading organ of respecta ble republicanism , gives the premier unstlnt- ng praise for his resolution. The Debats : norc grudgingly remarks : "The govern ment seems at last to have awakened to u sense of its rights and duties. " The Rcpub- , Iquo Francaiso says : "Tho pojplo have : iow boon nblo to convince themselves that .mdcr the republic , no matter whether tho- ministry bo radical or moderate , order will bo equally maintained ; revolt pitilessly repressed und public order respected. " The Lanterno and other so-called advanced papers arc less enthusi astic , some clamoring for the dismissal of M. Lozi , the prefect of police , whoso firm hand calleil the rioters to order so strongly. The Hommo Libre , once the organ of General Endes , runs over with rage , denouncing the police us brutes and cowards for assailing on unarmed crowd a rather irrational tone to take , seeing that the unarmed crowd threw bombs and lired revolvers. I'AIUS GOSSIP. Some Better Weather New Bathing Costumes PcrHonal AtovcmciitH. iSSSbyJamci flonlmi isennctt.l August II. [ New York Herald Cable Special to THE BKU. ] A complete climatic revolution has been achieved during the past forty-eight hours. The torrents of rain and Siberian blasts that continued with out u break during June and July , and which threatened to place every poor household throughout Franco fnco to face with want and starvation , and swell the rivers into de stroying floods are over. The floods Imvo now suddenly ceased , and the bright , blaring sun reigns supreme from Calais to Marseilles. At last the ideal summer weather of Franco is with us for good. All Paris that is not en gicvo is Hitting off to the seaside resorts , The mania for La Tosc.x and Dircetoiro cos tumes , which gave the keynote to Parisian toilettes this spring , is now spreading to bathing dresses. They are elaborately trimmed with flowers , tulle and ribbons. The tiiUion bathing dresses are most deliciously - liciously captivating. They are of heliotrope faille with artistic facings of violet colored velvet. To see groups of Parisian Naida splashing about in the surf at Trouvlllo Dieppe attired in these charmingly revised revelations U worth a trip across the ocean. There are fewer Americans at the Roche Noire and Hotel do Paris at Troleville than previous seasons , but this Is easily accounted for by the weather. Mrs. James Hrowa Potter has left already. Minister MeLano has not arrived yet. Mr. and Mrs. Calm , o ! Baltimore , Miss Lily Hall , of Now York , and several other strangers from the United Status are at the Uocho Noire this week. I did not MOO the Princess de Sagau and the Marquise Gallifot , but they will doubtless illl their usual places in the grand staud dur ing the Dcnvillo races. A Weird Suioidi ! . JSSS by James Ctonlnn lluinctt. ] PAHIS , August II. | Now York Herald Cable Special to Tin : Uiii. : ] The old French superstition about the luck attached to a rope on which a man or woman had been hung has just been sadly bclici in the case of a commissionaire living in the Hue Bandcllquo at Mont Mar- tro. Ho had for some time been the liuppy possessor of a bit of the coveted ropo. Much thinking of his treasure made him morbid. Whenever ho looked at It ho re membered the dreadful faoo of the young girl whom lie had cut down In a neighbor's house oue morning. At last this becatno unbearable. Ho got his rope out , tied it to a hook and hung himself. The lllvcr nnd Harbor BUI. WAFHIXOTUX , August U. Tha river and Imrbor bill becomes .1 law without the presi dent'approval. . The president states thut while thi ) bill contained Items to which ho could not sign bin approval , the great bulk o the work provided U so important to the bcs interests of the country that he is unwilling to olv.iue * . It by a veto. THE BRITISH SOLOXS 'nterostiug Gossip Concerning the Members of Parliament. SEVERAL HAVE LEFT FOR HOME. Combatants in the House Diminish ing in Numbers. THE IRISH PARTY STILL ON DECK. Goschon Wandering About Gloomy and Dejected. A POPULAR THEORY EXPLODED. VII But a Few ( if the L < mln and DtikcB 12i\oyliii | ; ThcmsolvoH In the Highlands or on the Ocean Wave. "Who ( Joos Homo ? " [ O > pyjfit ( ; ? 1SSS till JamrHlnrtlun llcimrlt.\ \ LONDON- , August 11. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to Tnc Uiic.l The last day's ' session did not ebb away peacefully. Remains of the warlike spirit are still visible , although the combatants diminish rapidly in numbers. Mr. Gladstone has gone , and Hnrcourt ap pears to have followed him. Morley is no more seen. Lord lltutington and Sir Henry James still make themselves visible for a little while , and Chamberlain returned for a brief interval one day. Some keep an eye on the liberal unionists or they would all vanish , but the Glndsloninns can bo trusted to hold together even without their great leader. The conservatives also continue to drag them selves to the chamber reluctantly. The Irish party are sticking to their l > osts. Blggar is never absent. Some of his colleagues wish that ho was , lor it must be frankly confessed that when the nationalists , get off the homo rule question they will bo by no means united. Last night and early this morning they fell out fre quently. Blggar resisted the progress of several bills which his Irish friends deem necessary and desirable , and although Sex ton appealed repeatedly to him ho refused to give way. At List Sexton sncermgly de clared that he could scarcely call Biggnr his colleague again. When Dr. Tanner set off on the warpath Sexton administered to him so sharp a rebuke that Tanner seemed on the point of shedding tears. Biggar is the terror of his party when ho means to have his own wuy. Ho will oppose a bill even though ull his colleagues earnestly de sire that it should pass. We who look on cannot help coming to the conclusion that it will not all be honey and rose water on St. Stephen's green when the Irish parliament is called together. The members of the government arc bound to bo hero at the opening nnd remain till the close. Poor Mr. Smith looks utterly tired out , and if ho is rash enough to undertake the leader ship of the house of commons another session he will forfeit all claim to sympathy. Tno w oik , anxiety and responsibility are crush ing him down. Ho has done his best , but ho ought not to go on staggering under a burden which is far too for him. Balfour stands the racket a little better , but ho is absent many hours together and gets plenty of rest , whereas Smith has to bo eternally on the watch. If Balfour is tired it only renders him a trifle more languid nnd indifferent , and the people pity him and praise his devotion to his country. Ho knows how to economi7o his strength. The amount of work ho does will never hurt him. In his own room hero ho has a very comfortable couch , and when ho is not reading novels he is iiblecp. How Smith must envy him. Goschen comoi wandering into the house in his fldgity , restless , purblind way feeling for his eyeglass , which has generally worked its way around to his back. The chancellor is gloomy nnd de jected , for the session unquestionable prcssa- gcs failui e so far as ho is concerned. His iiorso tax , wheel tax and foreign securities tax all are deeply resented by the classes effected , und the ona popular ido i that Goschen was a financial genius is exploded forever. Last session ho borrowed money to create a sur plus. This year ho has revived or invented a number of vexatious imposts which the public scoff at. Even at the Lord Mayor's dinner ho was received in dead silenco.Tlio Goschen boom Is over , and nobody is moro conscious of It than the chancellor himself. The house of lords always docs what it likes. The larger number of members are yachting or in Scotland getting ready for next Monday's grouse , but the remnant of the faithful remained till to-day to support Lord Salisbury in his efforts to get the Par- nellite commission bill safely through. The premier made a perfunctory sort of speech to a sleepy house. Poor old Bob Lowe , Lord Sherbrooke , came into the gallery with ills wife , for of late ho never ventures upon the floor of the house. Ho haunts the upper regions like a phantcm. Ono princess made her way into the gal lery. The son of that lord chancellor who wrote so many dull or spiteful lies , Lord Campbell , sat fast asleep. Lord Grauvillo und three or four other Gladstonlans tried to keep awake. Near Lord Salisbury , by way of keeping him In countenance , were Lords Cross , Knutsford , that sublime mediocrity , nnd Lord Ashbourno , who managed public life so extremely well for himself. A few speeches in the liouso of commons , a fierce attack now and then upon his brother Irishmen , brought him 10,000 a year , to say nothing of tlio opportunity which ho bad , and did not neglect , of pro viding tor all his family Irishmen , who knew how to make themselves useful to the gov ernment. Verily , they will get their re ward. When the. tones go out Lord Ash- bourne , once Milner Gibson , gets a pen Bion of i'5,000 . .ayear. . When they are in again lie KOPS back to his ofllco and 10,000 Who says that patriotism , of a certain kind , Iocs not pay I With the local government grinding its way slowly through the mills of the lower house , ind the Parnell commission bill being put through the upper at railroad speed , wo wind up this long and weary session. While the ndlcs are on ttio lorrara below renti ng themselves with tea or Ices , and the lord advocate with his shiny lutldhcad stands leaning over the parapet Mtirtlng the gcntlo breo/cs , which tire grafted up and down the Thames , happy shall wo nil bo when on Monday , for the last Llmo this summer , the quaint oltl cry rings through the lobbies , "Who goes homo ! " MUMIIlfll 01' P.UM.IAMl'.XT. Tim STUIK1NG 1M11ISIANB. Genuine WorkliiKiniMi ct Public Sym pathy Sonic llunioroii'4 Incidents. l < 'iij > l/ifu/it / / IKStiyJamt * ( limlon llennctj P.utis , August 11. [ New Vork Herald Cable Special to Tin : Uini.1 The peace ful work of the bona fldo woritmcn In the Hades procession during the riots , has re stored to them much of the public sympathy they were losing. The navvies , wnggoneis and masons now on a strike have a real grievance which they would gladly have righted without to violence , if the anarchists and communists would let them. But hero , as elsewhere , there are always agitators on watch hungry to bring quarrels to their own advantage Qnnd snatch bad notoriety from their neighbors troubles. Negotia tions are now going on between the men nnd the bosses which may end in the point nt issue being settled by arbitration. Unless foreign money bo , as sonio think , be hind the agitators , it is hoped that the strikes in the building trndo at least will soon be over. A small book might bo filled with serio comic anecdotes of these dreadful strlKes. On Thursday , finding they could not gat into their favorite meeting place , the Bourse do Travail , a gang of several hundied navvies formed in procession and started for a quiet lounge down the Uuc Kivoll. A strong force of police , almost as numerous , hastily told off to watch them , joined the cortege and tramped round about the city with the strikers , wondering what wild mischief was brewing. After a couple of hours of this amusement the sergeant do villo got tired of this amusement and asked the navvies where they were going. "LJlcssed if we know , " was the answer. "Where arc you taking us ! " While the Paris waiters were smashing windows in the Rue do St. Honore the other night a halt was made in .front of the Cafe du Dancmark. A volley of stones demol ished the windows and the mob were about to complete its triumph by upsetting the glasses of the harmless , citizens who were enjoying their beer ontsldo when a well known journalist calmly drew a loaded re volver from his pocket , laid it on the table , besldo him , nnd told the aggressors they might do as they chose with the windows , but if they dared lay n linger on his book , ho would blow somebody's brains out. The mob did not disturb the beer drinker further. When the excitement about the strike was at its height two policemen were patrolling the Rue do Abro when ono suddenly fell to the ground , exclaiming , "I am killed. " His overthrow was produced by some joker who had thrown an enormous slab of ginger nt him and thu guardian of order hud mistaken It for a paving stone. As proof of the marvelous , buoyancy of Paris amidst the most discouraging circum stances , it is worthy of remark that at the very moment the mob were lighting the police nt the chateau d'cau on the bourse ( H1,000CO < ) francs were subscribed for a new credit loan of ir > , ( )00,000. ) A IjADY AMOXG IjlOXS. Boldness ol'a French Woman Clovi.H Now Drama Produced. 1SSS tin Julius ( loidon llcnnctt. ' ] PAHIK , August 11. [ Now York Herald Cubic Special to Tun Bii.l : : Mile. Martha Guillon , the pretty managrcss of the cafe concert tit Boitiers , has just repeated an ex ploit which made Mllo. Ghinassl famous in Paris some years rgo. She won a wager tlio other night by entering a lion's" cage in Pezon's nienagario with a lady lion tamer remaining with her while she put the ani mals through their exercises. On making her exit she was frantically cheered. Clovis Hughe's live act drama in verso "Lo Sommet do Dauton" was produced for the llrst und last time this season at the Opera Comiquo Wednesday. The plot is laid in the time of the terrible tribute and closes w ith Danton's execution. In spite of the icpulsivc character of many of the inci dents in the play und the fact that it was played by a scratch company , tlio drama had a cordial reception. The author , however , was so dissatisfied with the actor \vh played the part of Danton that for a moment ho vowed ho would act it himself. The point of this joke will bo apparent to those familiar with the physique of the shaggy and eccen tric llttlo deputy. Several grand marriages are al ready announced in aristocratic nlti tudes. Thus the Duo do Lorgcs n nephew of Lo Comto Necolai , who is the shining light of the French turf and who , like Lord Fnlmouth in England , always runs his horses to win , is goingto marry Mllo. do Brlssac , ono of' the most charm ing flowers of the Faubourg. The fifth daughter of the Duchesso do Maillo is also about to be married to the Comte da Henry. Mrs. Joseph Rigos is also engaged to Prince Ruspolo , whoso brother married a short time ago Miss Curtis , a sis ter of the Murnuls de Talleyrand Porigord. A French John Anderson. [ Copuriulit 1SS8 Lu JoniM Gordon Jiennrtt. ] PAKIB , August 11. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to Tun BEB. ] It is reported from La Fosse , near Montargis , that a work man has been buried-allve 1TO foot below the the surlaco. Strenuous efforts are being tniido to rescue him with but little hope of reaching the victim before ho die * of thirst and hunger. m LpT1JlH ? WFT W17F1 Gorman Papers Filled With Doleful StorloB of Flood. MANY CROPS BADLY DAMAGED. Fruits nud Small Grain Almost a Total A SWALLOW FAMILY'S INSTINCT. The Kaiser UntlrhiK In His Efforts to Improve the Army. HOW MILITARY TESTS ARE MADE. The Kindly Feellnc Shown Toward * General Sheridan By the ( icrinaii I'rcss Americans Who Create German "Inn Wetter" JSiSS/ij ; James Coition Bum.iv , August 11. ( New York Herald Cable Special to Tin : Bir.1 ; "Das Wct- tei" is still the regular heading in tlio Her man papers generally preceding a doleful column of disastrous Hoods and destroyed crops. Fortunately the Hooded districts are gradually emerging from the water and arc in no great danger of further overflow. With crops thu case is different. Mnny a small farmer who was Hooded last spring has been under water again this summer , and will suffer all winter for lack of the two crops so lost. Even in the unllooded dis tricts fruit and similar crops suffered se verely from wind and rain. Apples , pears and plums have , as a rule , been thrashed from the trees by winds or rotted by rain. One little incident tells the whole story of the summer. A half frozen swallow family , attracted by the light and heat of an open ail- swinging lamp , arranged a roosting place on the cross piece above the lamp , nnd spent each night swinging backward and forward with the lamp , preferring the noise of the peonlo below nnd the exit erne heat to taking their chances elsewhere. Notwithstanding the weather Kaiser Wil liam continues his reviews and inspection of troops. The autumn manouvres are to bo on an almost unexampled scale , so arranged as to test severely all the many army improve ments introduced since the first emperor's death. For instance , as showing the minute care used in all military mutters , a new sad dle 1ius been invented which was thought worthy of introduction into the army. As a flnal trial n squadron of fifty cavalrymen are now taking u four weeks' ride through Prussia under the personal command of n general. They ride forty-live miles a day under the same conditions which would pre vail in actual warfare , und of course test their saddles as they could bo tested in no other way. In addition to soldiering , the emperor found tltno for showing his characteristic traits. Ho dislikes the police , ana on Tues day , when several important business streets were closed to trafllc because of his expected approach , ho showed his strong disapproval by suddenly changing his route , leaving the police stranded with no ono to protect. Ho seems to believe , too , in all the external signs of an empire , including oven the colonies , so that his long interview with Lieutenant Wissmann , the celebrated African traveler , which was at llrst thought to Indicate a Stanley rescue party , is now taken as indicating some big move of annex ation or improvement in Africa. Americans have taken this week an unut > - mil amount of space in the German papers. General Sheridan is noticed in hundreds of obituaries , always with the most kindly feel ing for him as a man and a soldier. This , too , in spite of the bad feeling ho created towards himseli in Ger many by certain criticisms on Von Moltko , That other famous general , Inspector specter Byrnes , of New York , is also running through the press , not in obituaries , but be cause of the robbery in his summer house , which is regarded as a joke. This robbcryof tlio detective chief seems to umnzo the average - ago German editor almost as much as Mayor Hewitt's ' ducal kissing did. Carl Schurz's ' ap pearance at the dedication nt Metz of the Kaiser William monument naturally makes him more than ever prominent hero among the small fry Americans. Eloa Ellas , the seventeen-year-old daughter of the late Now \ork brewer , Henry Ellas , created a local sensation in Cassoll by her reported elopement with a waiter. She had 1,000.000 marKs In her own right , nnd was therefore regarded too high game for a man who the day before had been thankfully taking 2-cent tips. They were caught and separated at Quconstown , but the cruel mother may relent. It is said that two young Americans , whoso names were suc cessfully concealed , also had nn experience In Berlin. They were seeing the German elephant , nnd after a costly evening , paid their bill in gold which had a bad ring. They were arrested as counterfeiters. They created much suspicion by showing check or ders for 1,000 marks. Finally the gold was tested and proved good , nnd they worn kicked out of the station , so much subdued by police attentions that they were glad to get off at any price. Among the small items is the nuicldo of a shoemaker who sold his lottery ticket just before drawing a prize , but this evil is coun terbalanced by [ a distribution among many poor people of several of the chief prizjs in the recent drawing. Consul General and Mrs. Ralno loft Bre men on the Oth for Now York on a vacation. Mrs. Raino expects to return in October. Mrs. J. A. Harlun , of Washington , arrived hero early In the week. Hypnotism AKUII. | , lCop/r(0ht | ( 1SS8 by Jamet Gordon llennfUtl PAIIIS , August 11. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to Tins Hre. ] The. hypnotic / , . - . suggestion is once more making u stir in the French scientific world. The last sitting of the Academic de Medicine was largely occu pied by a hot discussion of the marvelous ex periment of Dr. Lugs , so stnitllng , so calcu lated to upMJt all accepted notions on the .subject of moral responsi bility. Thatl learned body was mightily perplexed but found n way out of their difllculty by declining to admit the good faith of the subjects experimented on. During a storm at Puy do Forucho in the Boulogne this week several hay makers took shelter under a walnut tree. Ono happening to say they were safer in the open the party loft their shelter , but n girl who had , heard the remarks suddenly ran back to the tree nnd Hung her arms around it. Tlio next moment n Hash of lightning struck her dead. Tim noLiiAM ) Hoonvrv. It IH Belnt ; Itoyalty Untcrinliird on Iho Other Side ol * the Water. [ Ojj/i ) fulit 1'KS , by James ( Tin Jon /IciinrC.l AMMKIIIIVM , August 11. [ New York Her ald Cable Special to Tin : Hii.l : The Amer icans of Dutch descent , constituting the Hol land bociuty , were , perhaps , the most on- thusmstio iidmlreis of the laud of dykes , dimes and mills that ever entered Holland , when tlio good ship Amsterdam had brought them this week mifcli through fogs nnd mists to Rotterdam harbor. A steam yacht , con taining the committee of reception and rep resentatives of the Amsterdam and Rotter dam press , met the New Yorkers. As they sailed up cheer followed cheer. Amid the Hags of all nations the st.irs and stripes were the most cheered. When the representatives of the Dutch press came on board they were presented to Rev. Dr. Guydun , of Jersey City ; Res' . Dr. Elmer , Mayor Ellsworth , of Poughkecpsio , and a daughter of Deputy Surrogate Judith Van Voorhccs , of Brooklyn ; Mr. Van Voor- hces , of Rochester ; three other gentlemen of the same name , of Schenectady , Washing ton , D. C. , and New Brunswick ; Peter L. Forte , of Scheucctady ; Giles T. Vandebo- ger , of the same place ; the Kredcnburghs , of Freehold , N..T. ; the Van Husiins , of Al bany ; Treasurer Hurbrcuck , of Phughkccp- sio ; the Vandciberks , of Jersey City ; the Van Sicklcns nnd Van Wicks of New York , etc. Extraordinary honors were paid the Holland society on their arrival. A special train within two hours afterwards took them in grand style to Am sterdam , where the reception committee placed twenty llvo landaus at the disposal of the society. The committee was composed of Amsterdam's most prominent citizens , among whom were F. A. Ankcrsmit , mer chant ; C. D. Asscr , jr. , LL. D. , professor ; I. M. C. Asscr , LL. D. . Charles Boisso- vain , editor ; Algemccn Handclstud ; .T. M. Vunbosse , underwriter ; II. Cayaux , Van Stnphorst , C. E. Dutcht , a-ent of the IS'etli- erland-American Steamship company ; J. II. Van Eglin , banker ; W. Heybrook , jr. , Dr. II. J. K. Hubrccht , manager of the Bell Telephone company ; Rev. P. II. Hcigcnholtr , jr. ; B. R. II. Toelar , director of the Equit able Life , of New York ; II. J. Demaroy , banker ; J. L. Pier3on , banker ; Aug Rapp , jr. , director of the New York Life Insurance company ; A. Roolvink , banker ; N. Dcroovor , LL. D. ; Dr. II. C. Roggos , librarian of the university ; II. Dover , editor ; A. C. Wert- helm , banker ; D. G. F. Westerman , manager of the Royal Zoological society , and Maitin Wolff , merchant. Under the auspices of such cmi- ucnt gentlemen the Americans are being feasted and entertained during their sojourn Early in the morning loprcscntativcs of both , the committee and the Holland society agreed upon the following programme : Friday , August 10-A visit to the city hall at 3 p. in. , a grand dresa rcccptoon at the Amstoll hotel nt 8:30 : p. m. , which was a brilliant society affair. Saturday , August 11 Zoo gardens. Sunday Dutch royal museum and Dutch church. Monday -Reception by the Association of Lcyden. Tuesday Cruise along the Zuyderzco and a visit to Market ! Hoorn and other places. Wcdnusuay Xcccpilc : * . by Mix-ster I'.OOE- vclt , who is a member of the Holland society ; then dinner nt Schevcningcr , the fashionable watering place. Thursday Water excursion to Rotterdam and dinner at the zoological garden. Friday Visit to Utrecht. Saturday On board the steamer Amster dam , homeward bound to Now York. ON TJ1K UOUIUUVAUUS. New Arrivals of Americans at thu Gay French Capital. ICopi/i / tt/ht IMS by James Uonlon lltnnrtt. [ PAIIIS , August 11. [ New York Herald Cable Special to THE BiiE.l Many familiar American faces have llittcd past me on the boulevards or in Bois this week. Richard 1C. Fox was dining at the Cnfo do Paris lust night , where he dropped in for a dcml-tasso. Just before I had caught u glimpse of Nordica nnd Kellogg riding down the Avenue I1 Opora. John Jacob Astor is hero looking about him rather sadly I thought. Soon after I ran into the arms of Augustln Daly , who had como over to make llnal arrangements for his coming to Purls. Henry E. Dlxoy was at Hindu a few days since on his return from n flying tour through Italy nnd Switzerland. Adonic told me he had gone through the entire- pro gramme , churches and all , but regretted he had no chance of favoring the pope with a sacred song and dunce. Marie Roe is still winning laurels on her tour through Franco. No tribute she has received hits given her greater pleasure than the modest salute she had at Alx les Uaius from Mr. Toolo. The great comedian kissed her on bath cheeks in Gallic fashion , exclaiming us he did so ; "Ici en parlo FrancaU. " A t'rlzo American Painter. MUNICH , August 11. The first-class medal has boon awarded by the jury ni art exhlnltlcu here to uu Amerli- " . " " Gurimelcners. . . * . . - . / „ , - . . MWAR OFFfFFTS Mixu Ul I LlJJu 1 v ) Irish Cruieoi-8 Successfully Run the Blockade. ENGLAND'S ADMIRAL OUTWITTED The Enemy's Squadron Spreads Ruin Along the Coast. SEVERAL CITIES LAID IN ASHES , Incalculable Damage Done to the Merchant Marine. THE ENGLISH CAPITAL'S DANGER , Liverpool lionihnrdcd and Forced td 1'ay an Knorntoiis Hansom , From a Technical Standpoint. The Naval Maneuvers. lCorffif ; > ; / / JSri till James ( limhin lltnint 1 LONMION , August 11. [ New York Herald Cable Special to Tin : l\rr. \ J The naval week closed with the Innings for England's long blockaded enemy. By u clcvor man euver , brilliantly executed , Admiral Tryon , succeeded . in forcing the blockade ; of Buntry Bay In the darkness last Sunday morning , when Admiral Haird awoke to the fact that homo of the fastest cruis ers of the licet were nt largo and free to direct hostile operations against the coasts. As the Calypso had al ready escaped the vlgilanco of Admiral Baird nnd was rapidly approaching the un- ptotccted Scottish seaports , it became clear that an attempt , to blockade them had failed at every point , and there was nothing left for the Biitish fleets but to follow up the hostile bbcls , which in the meantime were work ing their way along the coasts. Greenroek was the tlrst point of importance attacked. It was shelled und deslroycd on Sunday. The same fate was shared by several conspicuous marine residences in the vale of Clyde. Adrossun was the next vis ited and roughly hundied. On the east coast matters were still worse. On Tuesday morning Aberdeen was bom barded by four lines of battle ships belong ing to Admiral Fit/roy's squadron. Proceeding south the hostile licet sailed up the Firth of Forth to Forth bridge , which they are considered technically to have do- strnycd. They then put about and steamed down St. George's channel nt a rapid rate. Tynemouth and Sundorland wore the next objects of attention by the hostile fleet , but the foe appeared. Scarborough was then shelled and laid iu aahcs. Tlio fast cruiser , Hand Fly , careering around Quconstown , captured two Cunurdcrs and an Inman , greatly to the astonishment of thu third-class passengers. On Thursday Liverpool was bombarded and only baved by paying 1,000,000 ransom. Meanwhile Admiral Baird und Admiral Rowley effected a junction to pursue the es caped squadrons , and finally cnmo up with them in time to prevent the supreme catas trophe the capture of London. So far it has been proven that , once nt large , an enemy's cruisers , judiciously handled , can fill the whole coast line with alarm and inllict at certain points enormous damage ami destruction to mercan tile shipping. A catalogue of the places which have been shelled , bombarded , laid in ashes , or laid under contribution , would bo well calculated. to rouse patriotic anxiety in the most apa thetic John Hull. Doubtless very soon aomfl one will take pains to comput-j how much damage has been done since Saturday by the Heels of Admirals Tyroa and Fitzroy. Tlio result , shown la pounds , shillings and pence , would t > 6 exceedingly instructive. So lar , at any rate , the defending British fleets have been corn- plotcly ballted , and it remains to be seek whether the Thames and water approaches to London can offer sufficient resistance , ferns ns I write the hostile ships are already hover * ing near. ENGLAND IN AFrtlCA. I-'ranco Viewing Her Aggreiialon * With a IKrCR of Complacency. [ Co/r/'it | ) | / ( ; ' l&SSfiiJamet ( Ionian UenncUi.f PAHIS , August H.-fNcw York Herald Cable Special to Tins Bnu. ] Lens jealousy lias been stirred up in Franco by the latci Hritish annexation in South Africa than mlgh have been expected. Every foot of ground secured by England leaves so much less for Germany to grab. The French have small affection for the English , but the Gcrmank they abhor. The contents of Goblet's reply to Crispi'B note iu regard to Massowah , now divulged , proves fur hotter in tone than were expected. The 11 cry little minister of foreign affulrt takes the Italian's arguments one by ono and tears them to pieces. He flatly denies the right of Italy to abolish capitulation ! without even going through the courteous form o discussing the point with France who w i ready to make concessions. In couolunloa ho hlntr. that Italy will be repaid la her own coin nt thu llrst opportunity. Talking of Italy u Itoman correspondent telegraphs m that the lloraUl's r.r'ielos or. Italian Immi grant n aio making a prodlgoua tlr In the peninsula. Extracts are cabled to all the leading papers and are glv Ing their editors plenty to think about. A Fatal Quarrel. UALvrsTOx , To * . , August ll. Thin aft r > , noon John Lovujny , a prominent attorney , ' shot nnd Instantly killed Aaron Wlllianuca./ J. The dimculty originated over an election-/ / ; doU of 5T-0 ov.etl Williamson by Lovejojf * ainco the full of 1SS5. John U is Still Alive. BOSTON , Angus 111. John L. Sullivan dlt * tinguishcd himself to-night by getting drunk nnd binasuini : up the turnout ho wu driving at Urighton , Ho was tiriv , < H for druakeiM % ' ' an.d'alld. . ' > . ' . ' . * ' * * j *