THE OMAHA DAILY BEBt SATURDAY. AUGUST 11. * 1888. THK CITY. Tlio liotolH report trunslcnt travel on the increase. Tlio bnnk clenrcnces for yesterday were $ .3812,1203.1)9. Last evening n conch load of Onmhans Uft for Spirit Lake. The interim ! revenue collections yes terday amounted to 312,581.4'J. ' Th Seventh ward Democratic club will meet next Wednesday evening at IliuibCotn park. J. .T. 1'olnts is president and M. U. llocho fcocrutary. I'er-ftonnl ] 'nrntrn ] > ti& , V. E. Crapsor , of Lincoln , Is at tlio Mil- lard. Gcorgcj Spnngler , of Hastings , Is n Mlllurd gUCSt. G. P. Chessman , of York , Is a Paxtou guest. J. W. Wort , of Sterling , was In the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. liuum , of Lincoln , nro at tlio 1'iixton. George W. Kelley , of ICclloy & Stlgcr , loft for tlio cast yesterday. Mr. mid Mis. O. II. Phillips , of UctUrlco , wnro Omaha visitors yesterday. Ira Thomas , of Oakland , John S. Hoover , of Hluo Hill , D. C. Wallace , of Tekamah , wcro in the city yesterday. William McGoorge , jr. . of Philadelphia , will visit Omaha to-day. Mr. McGeorgo Is u heavy capitalist and a vica president of tlio Lombard Investment company. H. 1' . Craiidon , tax commissioner for the Northwestern railway , was in tlio city yes terday on his way to Denver with a party of friends. Dr. CummlngM , president of tlio Northwestern university of Evuuston , 111. , was ono of the party. II. W. Gilbert and N. II. McCarter , of Now York City , who'aro Interested in tlio Lom bard Investment company , left for the east yesterday after a visit of several days to Omaha. John I. Dunn , of Kansas City , chief examiner of the company , is yet in tlio city , "Whore Is I/OIIIH ? It is reported in financial circles that Louis Charles , of the painting linn of Charles & Klordan , : (0i ( : North Fifteenth street , has left for parts unknown , with several bills re maining unpaid. A Fcinalo Tlilel' Mary Choc , the 13ohcman ! girl charged with breaking into Maggie Littleton's trunk at the Crelghton hotel and stealing jewelry , .money and wearing appaiol was cupturcil in South Omahu yesterday. Marshal Mc- Cracken brought her to the central station and turned her over to the chief of police. An Ohl-Tlme ItcHlUcnt. James Ferry , ono of the pioneer resi dents of Omaha , now of Oregon , Is visiting his son-in-law , City Treasurer John Kush. Mr. Ferry will bo well remembered by all old citucns , as the builder of the foundation of the old capital , which stojd where the High school building now stands , way back in IS 14. AwnuU With n Spado. Josef KnscnuuBkl , the ISolioinian laborer who assaulted a fellow workman named Michael Scrallno with a spade and split his check open , besides otherwise injuring him , hud a hearing before Judge Herka yesterday afternoon. As the testimony showed that the complainant was us much at fault as the defendant , the latter received the light line of only 5 and costs. A Fnll ol1 Pnow. Mingled with the rainfall during the noon hour yesterday was a generous sprinkle of very line snow. Notwithstanding this fact. the mercury at the signal service ofllco registered C2 , four degrees warmer than it W'is at the same hour Thursday. The indications from the northwest , the direction of this cold wave , are for mild and warmer weather , with local ralus. A WreoK on tlio Union Pacific. A fast stock train on the Union Pacific was wrecked near Silver Creek yesterday. The accident was caused by a broken rail. The train , which consisted of twenty-three cars , passed over the break in safety , with exception of the caboose and last car , which jumped the track and wore overturned , the caboose being turned bottom upwards. The car which was loaded with horses was turned over on its side , but , btrango to say , only ono of the animals was killed , while the injuries sustained by the remainder wcro only slight. A wrecking train was sent out and the track was cleared In le&s than an hour after its arrival ut the scene. A Solid Vestibule Train , daily , with dining car attached , via the Burlington route , leaves from their own depot , Omaha , at 3:45 : p. m. , arriv ing at Chicago 8 a. m. Tickets sold ana .Bleeping car berths reserved at the city olllco. 11223 Furnam street. Telephone " 50. _ Portland , Oregon , and all point ? in Alaska can bo reached over the ORE GON SHORT LINK of UNION PA CIFIC. _ _ „ „ _ _ _ _ The Itoth-Koril lloj ; Case. The case of Charles E. Hoth , who was ar rested for shooting a couple of bogs belong ing to Benjamin Ford that were trespassing on his property , finally caino to trial yester day In Justice Anderson's court. It appears that Ford's hogs ami cnttlo have been al lowed to run at largo and nro a perfect nui- sunco to that neighborhood. Ford makes no effort to keep them penned up and ns a consequence they are continually breaking into till the neighboring gardens and corn patches. AH the neighbors endorse the ac tion of Hoth m finally killing the porkers , who have already done moro damngo than they nro worth. Kotli was found guilty of shooting the hogs , but in view ot Ford's criminal negligence ID not keeping his stock properly corraled , Justice Anderson let Uoth oft with 5 and costs , the lowest possible line. The UNION PACIFIC and its ORE GON SHORT LINE make the most de sirable route to Montana. You can find cool , well fumisl'ied rooms at the Globe hotel , best located house in Omaha. THK COVLWXOU'S ILLXKsS. The Apoplectic Attack Sustained by Governor Humidors. The announcement In THE Una of yesterday - day of the apoplectic stroke sustained by ox- Governor SuuudoM at Colorado Springs , caused souio anxiety among the gentleman's friends lu Ihls city. Tlio governor is accom panied by his wife and doughthor , Mrs. Ilus- oil Harrison. The husband of the latter , the night before the attack , loft for Indian- Opolis to visit bis father , General Harrison , the republican nominee for president. Charles Snundcrs , the governor's only ton , isou a pleasure trip to Montana. George W. Holbrook , the governor's part ner was specially startled by the news of the governor's illness , and Immediately lelch'rapncd Mr. Barlow , cashier of the El Paso bonk , at the Springs to learn the pres ent condition of the patient. It is but a few days ago since ho received a letter from the governor which showed that the latter was in the enjoyment of excellent health. It spoke about the cool nights and told how the writer had already rested up and was ready to resume business hero provided the heated term luxd passed away. Ho expressed a dej cldod aversion to again submitting to being stowed. Best table board lor the money. Try our day board. A DAY FOR FILING. A Number of Onsen neRUU In the DIs- triot Court Yesterday. Lee Hartley , of the firm of Leo Hartley & Co. LC3 sued E. Leo Grave for $300 and dlso- lution of the partnership and au accounting pi the business transacted by the firm for the iast month. They entered into n pnrtncr- ' ship to do printing and could not ngreu upon ho inunngcmeut of their affairs. Leo Grave vas to pay Hartley f30U by the 20th of July ind the latter was to retire from the linn. Ho did nut make the payment nnd Hartley begun this suit to recover the amount. He also asks that the * defendant bo enjoined from transacting nny business under the llrm'a name. Mnlo ( ( M. 13arnford has * sued George M. nnd Margaret J. Cooper for ? : rJ7.a" > , the amount of u judgment ugalnst n lot in Pat rick's addition , which slio purchased from them on representation that It was elear. German D. Wyatt hns sued Snngwln it Muttlson for the foreclosure of n inecnnnic's Jen for fl.lXH.tW , for the material used by .hum In the construction of a house on St , Mary's avenue. Goodhcart Hros. ft Co. , of Richmond , Ind. , Imvo sued Starr Si Co , formerly of tlio same | ) lace , for f",344.7S on it book account for foods purchased from them in lbb.'J. Also on n promissory note for ? 100 , given the snmo year. Sarah J. Hr.vnnt brought suit ngnlnst James H. McCulloch for $5,100 dnmages for signing tin order when ho was county Judge U ) Imvo her moved from n house nt . ' (11 ( North Fourteenth street when shu in a [ coble condition. She claims to Imvo sus tained cevero Injuries from the expjsuro she experienced by reason of his order. Clustuv Knesncr has begun n suit under n cchimc's Hen ngninst George Heinzmnn for $ ; ti * worth of lumber for a house in Elk- liorn. Henry C. Voting , claiming un Interest In tlio property , has been uindo it party to the defcnso. John E. Edwards , who wns adjudged by the police court guilty of maiiitalng u nuis- nnro and lined , has appealed to the district court. John T. Ochiltreo hns begun n mechanic's Hen suit against Gerhnrd S. lienawa for $ ! ) i'i on n house In Hillside addition. M. A. Dis- brow ft Co. are nlso made parties to the de fense. F. U. Johnson hns begun suit to quiet the title to lot ! i In block a , lot a in block 2 nnd lot 1ft in block 4 in Orchard Hill addition. Ho claims title by nn unbroken ehnin of convey ances from the government down. Sophia L.OWO claims title by virtue of a warranty deed dated May IU , 1857 , and recorded March S , IbtiO. _ Teeth that mnstlcatc well Are n blessing indeed. Hut unless from all tartar They're speedily freed. With SO/.ODONT best of all things for th teeth You'll never have good ones your lips be neath. KIIjIjING THK FAST TKAINS. Tlio Opposition They Received In CliiuiiKO Tlinrwilay. As briefly stated In Thursday's Issue , the general managers mooting in Chicago have decided to discontinue their fast train ser vice between Chicago , Kansas City , Omaha and St. Joseph. The now schedule takes effect August 20 , and by it the time of trains between Omaha ami Chicago is lengthened about three hours. It is understood that the Hurllngton an tagonized the movement from tlio beginning , but the other roads were determined on abolishing the service. It was stated yes terday that the LUirllngton was the only road making any money out of tlio limited trains , hence the action taken by the others , and the Hurlington's objection. The Hur- lington will perhaps not discontinue- run ning of its fast traiubut will merely lengthen the time. The fast trains from Omaha westward will be continued in the meantime , and an Onmhan can go to Denver in at least some thing like decent time. General Agent Habcock , of the Chicago & Northwesteru.was asked what ho knew about the proposed change , and remarked that ho had heard nothing on the subject except as liad been published in Tun Hm : . Their thfeo trains between hero and Chicago wcro all well patronized , and ho was satisfied that they were paying. Mr. S. S. Stevens , general agent of the Chicago , Hock Island & Pacillc , said that the move for sometime had been to cut oft the fast trains beciauso they didn't ' pay. It cost about ? 700 to run a train between hero and Chicago , and that was quite nn item , especi ally when the fast trains cut into the patronage - ago of the others. Ho thought that if his road made any change it would bo to take off the extra or fast train but that the quick time would bo transferred to ono of the remaining trains. At present his ro.vd wns running three trains daily between the Missouri river and Chicago , but ho had heard nothing ofllcial about nny of them being taken of. Fred Nash , general agent of the Chicago , Milwaukee- - St. Paul , said it was pretty generally believed that what was called the fust trains did not make money and that ho had often heard that they would bo laid off. The train his road was running , however , woula continue to bo run as ut present. A ItlK Kim. The Union Paciilo again claim the dis tinction of having made the fastest long dis tance run west of Chicago. It happened la this manner : Mr. G. 13. Markle , a business man of Portland , Ore. , received a telegram on Tuesday from Chicago notifying him that his father was lying at the point of death nnd bidding him got there in ns short a time ns possible. Mr. Mnrklo hired a special , with the privilege of traveling as fast as ho desired , and on Tuesday evening at 0 o'clock left Portland and arrived hero at eight min utes to 7 Thursday night. The average rate of speed , Including stops , between Cheyenne nnd Omaha was forty- nine miles per hour. The ralo between Port land and Choycnno , taken collectively , was forty-eight miles per hour. Maimed nt Millnrd. Thursday a fireman named Jones , on the Union Pacific , when near Millard was crip pled for life. His foot slipped between the engine and tender and was badly mashed. His Injuries were attended to by IJr. Miller , who was at the depot. He was brought to town and taken to his residence , Eighteenth and Izard. Tips From tlio Tied. General Passenger Agent Tobbetts , of the Union Pacific , returned last evening from a trip to Denver and Cheyenne. General Superintendent D. M. Philbln and Superintendent 11. T. Homo , of the Sduth Platte division of the Fremont , Elkhorn it Missouri Valley , were in the city yesterday. General Freight Agent Morehouso , ofi the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley road , is back from a visit to Syracuse. Springfield station , on the Kansas division of the Union Pacillc , bus been changed to llroughton. Tlio UNION PACIFIC is the only roiid running to tlio cololmited Clear Crook cunyou in Colorado. Drink Miilto it is pleasant. The New Bridge. The work of erecting the Omaha and Council Bluffs bridge Is progressing quito rapidly since the water in the river has sub sided. There are thrco spans over the water yt5t to complete , and as soon as the piers nro llnlshod the .yorlf of stringing thorn will bo- gin. The pier on thu side is completed , us Is nlso the ono on the east ba'jki Inavlng two moro near the channel to bo finished. Already they are above water and in a few weeks will bo ready. The western approach has been planked and is now being painted , while the Council Bluffs approach is pro gressing quite as rapidly. Instead of { joins to Europe take a trip to the Yellowstone National nark over the UNION PACIFIC. No Pctldllni ; at Jlauscoin. Mayor Droateh has informed the chief of police that numerous parties living in the vi cinity of Hanscom park have complained that the ordinance relating to huckstering within the park limits is being extensively violated. The mayor requests the chief to notify tlicso oflondcts without delay , and not allow them to establish a stand upon the Btrcet or anywhere within the curb lines. The chief has complied with the mayor' * order. Take the UNION PACIFIC for Gnr- ficld Beach , the best watering place in the United States. Dcnth of Mrs. Helena Ferguson. The death'of this well-known lady oc curred at La Plntto Thursday. She was the widoxv of Judge Fourier Fcrguspn , who died a number of years ago. She U nlso the mother of Hon. A. N. Ferguson , of this city. Mrs. Ferguson has resided hero since 1854 , mvlng been ono of the earliest settlers In .his vicinity. The funeral will take place -o-dny nt 11 o'clock , the remains being uterrcd at Hollevuo. Several of the older residents of this city will attend the funeral , which , it is thought , will bo conducted by Hev. John Williams. Plump and ifosy Babies "IliidU not bn for I ctatod rood onr little baby muni lu\ii < 1l < il. Mm has been R'liur It for throe tnouths , ami Is a plump , bcaltliy , rr y.cheek l b by. " Jlrt. MMit Lii > pin , Ko' mn , ln.1. Sleep All Night , Happy Ail Day "Wo tried other fee < K but. flntllnit none to nprro with our llttw ( tlrlo ii'cd 5 our Lactntd' Food. She lCifan at onca t pnln floh , ami liuprou.l . In health To-il.iy * ho li un bright , HM ) > , uml heart ) an any child can IHl l | > liitf twtlvu houis at a Btalcb , and waktim up lautfhlnif cmy moruluir. " - II m. . . Jratu. U7 > i Sumach it , . 'l\liontu. Out _ Cutting Teeth Easily ii. Mylal > > i usUiKitdiul i iii'tmsJiertieth thin liot weatucr without auy trouble. " iln. } ltniuO. . Jlniml , lantlm , J/u. Saved from Cholera "Our baby luil Cholera Infantiim. and until no tried Laclatcd Food. T\eooiiM ttnclnothing toetuj cults etoinacli. 11 ritaiuwl } our Fowl without auy ttoublc , and 3ocu cocrwt. . " Jtn. E. II. Z..JJM , II ' llwitti iy , I'a. THE RESULT OF its MOST NonnifiiiNO AND ECONOMICAL OF TOODB , vnluitblo tianinliltt nn "The Nutrition of ISO Menlo for nn Infant for 81. InfantH and InvrlUU , " fico on appll-atlon. Easily prepared. At Drugglats-So eta. , Wits. , 81. WELLS , KICUAHDKJM fa Co. , Bmllnirkm , VL ure ft " Silver FOR T 'E LAUNDRY. FOR THE TABLE. ' THE VERY PERFECTION OF QUALITY. DR. HORDE'S EieeMapetiG Beits ! The Grandesl Triumph of Electric Science CentFemen's ' Sc'enl'fioaly ' ' | Mate ! an < Practically Applied. Belt Best & ntfi/t ( / Kith Klwtric flcdi&g , DISEASES CURED WITHOUT MEDiCIIIES. BT WILL CURS YOU BiV.J. . mattlm , I' , ficBralj ; ! * , fi-laUrn , I > | MIMM or Kldnf IB. Hulttkl I I > l c < i j , TorMfl I.lrcr , Uoat , feihau.Uoin KmlMloni , A.thraa. Heart 'ra't. I > j nep J . Coai.tlBi.tUni. Erf.lp.l. * , Jndlacttlon , Wcakneu , Impntrner , Catarrh. , I'I , ( K | > llep r. " - J > JU-ue , Dictate * . lljdroooU. KTcryon < geniiln' mtni Jbyi > rmlslon. K > TB tbefollo 1nfr wlio Imvo hten eumZ i-A. J. lloiyrUml , IS > ' rMkcrMifU.M.UMUtttnoaKo nlcf Trail * . Chloaeo : A. Orrcory , oomtnUilon ni < "rc * ntutock Yards ) DmW Doble. lh ri t horyjaam Ool. C > inn < llr , of the Inter Ocoini O. W. Hellut , 11. D. , Moricontown , lorrni I.rmnil UlTk , K > nXak < .ill i Judre i. A MumT.Neperrlllc , III. ; P. I. . Abbott , rapt. rltrwAtorvrork , Hoctli } l oi'Ind i Hobt. u. fcimrson. Chicago poit oulcei L. D. McMlchnel , M. 1) . , Buflaio. H. i . " Year Iwl I bat Mcoraplbiied what no othtr rotnedr b * > f iteadr ncrics anl comtorUtlo llc.patclgdt. " llobt. Hall , oldennan , Itill tatt WUi Str ct.Ko * tort- KORME'S' ELECTRO MA6HETIC BELT & ITCI produce cootlnuoui current i conre/a olectrloltr through the bo.ljr on the nvn . It cni i1lsc es C by eeneratln ? a oontlnnom current of electricity (1 ( < I or IS hour * out of 4) throujhojit the bcnian Vtt"ni t ( JUTljiir oil neiTcuuit.slmmcUiitoly , anil producinannow circulation of the lft . forM-thn lloo < im- ! | < RUPTURE . . HORSE'S ELECTRO-KABaElia BEIJ.TRyS , [ ' I PAINr.SVII.Tn , OHIO. Locution rlPnfnntBnilliMlllifnl ronr i > c.fStmlycriiiI"iIou'l . tlioroncli ; foiirttcn rf"l < lnt l tcvlicrn. Tlili-llflli > o f l > reln Ncpl.Tilli , IS8B. "iu..u.Mi.rlii.liiniiiiinTi3im3 A1AUY I ; VAN ft , i' Klti Vll'AL jit [ ST. MARY'S ACADEMY. ( Onn Mile We t from Notre Dnrno Unl. Tha t jth Academic torni will upuil Mouilay , t-ept. 3.1. SCHOOL OF ART AND DESIGN. CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC , Tlio Acntlcmlc Conr o U tboroutl > In the 1'rcparn. tory. tonlor , nutl ClHMlcul ( iriuleJ. .Music ileniutmont , on the pluii of tlio bust Comervatorles of liuropc , I * iindor clutr e of 11 complete corn * of teuchora. atu * dlo mortulcd on tli great Art Srhool of Kuropu. Iliunlne ami lulntlnu from llfu nnd tlio antique PlionocriiphT Bint T/po-WrltlnK tnutiht. HuiMlni : equliipfd wttli Mro K > i'upe. AeopiiMto dcpnrlmont for children under 13. Apply for CUIII | KUO to MOTH EU . KT. ilAiir'rt AC. UKMV , NUTUK DA ML l * u. , bi. JOSKI-U Co. . INDIANA. NORTHWESTERN MILITARY ACADEMY. f.MATIO23 miles north of Chicago. FACULTY-A Full Corps of Experienced In. atruitnr . of Study. ar--l forjniinirtlon , II. r. 1 > A.VI1I UN , kupt. , III. Stnil for Cuttluxuu. SOMERVILLE SCHOOL For Young Ladies. BT. CLAIH. MICH. Three courses of study. Thoroughness In every department , llulldlngs elegantly fur nished. Heated with bteara , lighted ultimas , \vater from St. Clatr river. Superior advan tages in music and art. Address for circular , SOMKUV1LLK SCHOOL , St. Clalr , Sllch. ST. JOHN'S JIIUTAHY gCHOOL , MANUUS. N. Y. Civil Engineering. Classloa. rtiislnesn. 11T. ItKV. F. D. IinNTINUTON. President. LT. Cou W. VEItaucK. Superintendent. INSTITDTB. , , Mass. A private school for boyt. 1'reparo for college , bcleutltlc nchool or business. Forty-sev enth year begins .Thursday , September 13tu. ror catalogue udOre c ( JKO. ! ' . MILLS , Principal. Alniilonrl.lly ( C. Ford , of Montour , In. , writes to Chief Sonvey that his datiRhtcr-lii-linv , Mrs. Annlo Ford , resides somewhere on Shirley street between Twenty-qlKhth nnd Twenty-ninth , and requests that her cxnct whereabouts bo looked up. Mr. Ford further states Hint ho has Just received { Information to the effect that his daughter Has been abandoned by her husband , nnd iadrawlngout n llfu in squalor and destitution. If this Is true ho desires to Ameliorate her condition nnd will send her pecuniary nld through the ehief. As yet the matter has not'bccn Investigated. EDUCATE Your SONS TIII : UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME offers unequalled ndvnufiRes to Impart to your sons and ) \urds a tlinroimn education for elthui commercial coin e , or u full loimu , comprising Classics , Law , Science , M.itbumutUs and Jlualc. TIU5 MINIM WHrAIlTMK.Vr , ( St. I'dwaid's JIall ) for boys under thirteen years of a e. Is Hop.tratu and under theinatcinal cnie of the tiisUr.s of the Holy Cross. liefuro coueludluK Mherc to Msnd your toim. feail for n rntuloKUu containing Illustrations of the bulld- IUK.I of Notre Dame nn-l full nirtlruliirs us to terms nnd course of Btudy. Uho 8sth session opens Tuesday. September 4th , ] & . Aildifai liev T. U.ulsh , 0. B. C. , 1'res. Unlveislty , Notre Dame , Ind. LAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY Comprises jjAKK TOIUISTCOIJjF.fJK. I'-KKHV cou.uni : rou LADIES I'KUHV HAUjaUMINAItV. LAKH FUItiBl : < AUAUIJMV. HUSH MHUICAL COI.I.CrtK. rOhKOE 01' DISNTAIj BUItOnRV , ami I'OS'IHJHADUATK COUUSEa. 1'or catalogues address 1'rest. W. C. HOUmtTS. Lake Torcst , 111. COLLEG r rkl ( r hlc ga ) . Hoarding UMonr for Olrltona Youn failles. Iror CntnloKue ildr M U. TUATKK. l.L. I ) . , Mort nlrVlU-'j' > rctt' " o"tre t. Chicago , lit FREEHOLD INSTITUTE FREEHOLD , NEW JERSEY. 4.MU year. For catalogues Bond to ItKV. A. 0. CIIAMlllSUS , A. M. . 1'rlnclpal. Morgan Park Military Academy The Heat Hoys' Hoarding School in the West. Sixteenth year begins Bent. loth. Send for cata logue to CHIT. KI ) . N. KIllIC TALCOTT , Supt. , MUIIQAN 1'AIIK , COOK CO. , It.Ci. UNION COLLEGE OF LAW , w For circulars addresn H. llootll , Chicago , 111. PCKKSICIfJj MIMTAHY ACADEMY IVeksKlll-oii-lludsou , N. Y. Bend for cata logue. JNO. M. Tll.DIIN. 4I.D. H.A. . 1'rluclpal. Bettie Stuart Institute Will commence lt 2ltl jcur September IZtU. 18 * . Ad * Tauta e > uniurpa od. Home comfortij careful Uaiulof. Apply to Mr * . M. XicKH UUUES , TrloclpU. Burlington . Route CB&QRR < ClfiQ l1P The Burlington takes the lead. It was in advance of all lines in developing Nebraska * It was in advance of all lines in establishing dining-car service between Missouri river points and Chicago. It was in advance of all lines in giving the people of Omaha and the West a fast mail service. It was in advance of all lines in running its trains from the East into Omaha props- . It was in advance of all lines in reducing the time of passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago. It was in advance , and is the only line by which you can foave Omaha in the morning and arrive in Denver the evening of the same day. It has been progressive in the past. It will lead in the future. Travel and ship via the Burlington. Ticket Office , 1223 Farnam Street. Telephone 250. Depot on Tenth Street. Burlington -TUB- OF TUB Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' , Tito Best Route from Omaha ami Council 111 tiffs to iTHE EAST- TWO TRAINS DAILY DBTWEKN OS1AUA AND COUNCIL 1II.OKK8 OMvflgo , -AND Mlhrnnkoc , St. i'aul , Odar IlapiJ Ilock Island , Frrcport , Reckford , Cllutou , Dubuque , Davcuporf , Elgin , Madison , Jaucsvllle , Delolt , Wlnonn , La Grosse , And ull other Importnat points Entt , Noithosstnofl Sonlhunst. Forlhrnuab tlckots call on tU ticket nccnt at 1M1 rur.inta struct , In Murker Block , or Bt Umdn I'ucino i'lillrean ' Sleopera aiwl lUo flncst Dlnlna Curs In thp worUt nrw run on the nn.ln lluu of the Chkago , MJf naukce & fctt. Paul Uiulw y , un i every altonllon li pi.M to pnskonjure by couituuui employe * cl Uie company . K. 1111. 1. KH , nonoml Munngcr. J.K niCKGB.Anlhl util 'n 'riil Manager. . A. V. II. OAJll'KNnSil. ( ! enor l I'asa nger and " - im'AKFOUD , Aulttant General u. o. rsposron7 , oiiAnA , IIEB , Paid Up Capital $ ' V,0,000 Surplus. . . . . fi,000 ( II.S' . VATUS. 1'rcslilent. Uwis : B. Ituui ) , Vlc > I'rosMent. A. U. TOU/ALIN' , "nJ Vice 1'mlilen , \S' . H. B. HuuiiES , Cashier niitucroitrti W. V. Mouse , JOHN 8. COM.INS , II.V. \ . VATtS , LBWIS H. ItUKU. A. E. TOUZAI.I.N. Ilanklnff Offlco THE IRON BANK , Corner 12tli nnd 1'iirniim St ? . A General DankliigllublnusaTransnetea. State Line. To Glasgow , Belfast. Dublin and Liverpool From New York Every Tuesday , Cabin passage 8H and MO. according to location of state room. Excuislon Witof'JO. Bteerage to and from Europe ut Lowest Hates. AUSTIN BALDWIN & CO. . Oen'l Au'euts. W llroadway. NcwTork. JOHN IlLEanN , Ocn'l Western Auent , IRJ lUmlolph ht. , Chicago. HAnilY E. JfOOKE ? , AReut , Omaha. Reduced Cabin Rates to Glasgow Ex hibition. Notice. I'ronosals will bo received y ths SEALED of Button , Ii'ehniska , for the purchase of l.UX.OiJ ) ( or no much thereof an may lie Issued ) in water bonds of the city cf Button , drawing six. ( Bjper cent Interest duo In twenty years , but redeemable after tire (5) ( ) , years at tlio 0pillp lf ! U rwtb6 marked "Proposals for Uonds- ' and Ultd lth the Mayor of suld c ty on or before August 10th. 1st * , at keven , i7i | o'clock : p. in. , and as ati evidence of good faith bo ac companled by a certlned check for two hundred dj"or8CltrySciimcJI ? ; reserves thei right to reject anVond oil bids. Uy order of the city Council. Button , Nebraska - jly-ZMfit IHKO , UILLIU , Cleric , Nortli Ifllh Street , Between Binnoy nnd Wirt Sts. , Ouitihn. Commencing THURSDAY EVE'NG. , AUG. 30 Siege of Sebastopol THE GRANDEST OF MILITARY SPECTACULAR CONCEPTIONS Invented and produced by Pain & Sons , of London and New York. Thcarle & Coopeif Managers , Realistic bombardment of forts , by boats , on an immense Artifi- tial Lake. T nific Assault of Fortress by Allies. 350 PERFORMERS 350. Correctly costumed and excellently drilled as Russian Soldiers , Coseacks , French and English troops and marines , Turks , Sardinians , etc. MARVELOUS PERFORMANCES By specially engaged artists , Russian athletes , Swordsmen , etc. The whole to conclude with $1,000 FIREWORKS DISPLAY. ' : ; Consisting of the latest novclticsMauhattan Beach Aerial and Aquatic Pyroticlmic * Music by Sabastopol Military Band. Admission 50c ; - - Reserved Seats , 75c MILWAUKEE COUNTY , WIS. Tills Itcantifully Located rropcrly on tlio Mciioiiionco Kivcr , adjoining tlio ramous City of Jllhvnulicc , and containing die Celebrated Orlndn Springs , platted ns per cut Blitnui In this adrcrtlscincnt , 11 111 bo sold in lots to bull purchasers , AT AUCTION. IN THE- CITI OF MMAIEE , -IN TIIK- ACADEMY.OF OF MUSIC , -HEGINNING- lt Is Imncratlvo for ttnyone seeking liculth iinii lorrcnllnn to lm\o quietude , ] > iiro iilr mid Inspiring'MIIroumlliiKH. This the Orlnila I'nik cim Kivo In lurgur nbunU- iinco thun nny other propctty of Kulza , Tlio ANALYSIS of the waters of tlicso Inr fumed fiprlnRS : Chlorldo of sodium C131 Bulphatoof eodn 2.1339 ] H-cixrbonatoorHOlx ( l.GOOi Ut-CArbonato of llmo 15.5837 Ill-catbonato of magnesia O.CC3S lli-carbouato of protonlto of iron 1755 Blllcla 78 7 Orgaulo matter .0000 Total BoIIds In U. 8. gals 30.708 * Bliowlnfr no organic or nnlmallc matter ot nny klnil , but more solldn than uny other of thucclubiated health giving HnrlDRs of this vicinity , or for that matter tuo uutlro United Status. We want the people of the crowded eastern cities nnd the malaria ridden low lands of the South to purchase bummtr homes In this beautiful * pot. wherp they and their n-ien I * will bo neither ut the meicy of exoibltuut hotel rates or be compelled to llvo iu crowded boardlDf-housei. All other Information regarding tills properly or conditions of the sale con be liail bj addressing tlio OIUNDA BI'ltlNUS COMPAXV , 1 5 Mason Street , or L. WATERMAN & CO. , AUCTIONEERS , 312-314 Grand Avenue , MILWAUKEE , WIS. 8AMPAIGN UNIFORMS TOnCHE8.FLACS.BAN * ERS.TRANBPARENCIES. Send forManufa Camion Of , Foster SonS Co 172 MndlBOn > at.Cluc2Ko. OTEIDY EMPLOYMEHT S A uiil D r ( tla ladr canTnsieri reildlnx In this V or otber towns. No capital neceisarr. Unodi ll the rear round. Ileferenca reqiilied. Addrt-M WKSTKKN AGENTS1 bUWLY CU..B3 tlfUl AT , Cblc * u. 111. T. E. GILPIN , INSURANCE BBOKER , Room 03 Trailers' flangi ! ! ! ! CHICAGO. Rcrerenccs Metropolitan Nattnnal Hank. It. u. Iun St Co. Ttiu Kriiditreet Co f. ' > . ! of youtUful r. i run. titlj dKar , loit > d . tc. I Kin Wl ' "luaLf. tr. . U. ( K J.J1 ronUluli < i ; full | nlcuUr > fur bum * cure , li t C dr , Moodui , Oonn.y