OMAHA DAILY BEEr SATURDAY , AUGUST 13 ; 588 % SPECIAL NOTICES. p ' i ' . _ j ; Advertisements under this neiul 10 tonte per line for the flint insertion , 7 rents lor ench sub- foquont Insertion , mi'l ? I.M a line p < > r month. Mo advertlsnmrnt tnken for less thnn2. " > cents the Hr t Insertion. So * , en words Will bo counted to the line ) they must run consecull * , ely nnd must bo paid In ADVANI E. All advertise ment * muni bo handed lu before I2fi : ! o'clock p. in. , nnd under nn circumstances will they be taken or discontinued by telephone , 1'nrtles nrtvi rtlslUK in these columns nnd liar- Int.- their answers addressed In cnro of TIIK HKK will penso ! ask for n check to enable them to got their letters , ns none will bo dellveicd except on Jircsentntlon of check. All nnswers to adver tisement * should bn enclosed In envelopes , All advertisements lu these columns nro pub lished In both morning nnd evening editions of U'llK Itf.K , the circulation of which aggregates more than If.tJOO papers dally , and glvos tlio nd- vertlscrs the benefit , not only of the. city circu lation of TIIK HKK , but alsX/f ) Council IJllllH. Lincoln nnd other cities nnd | wns throughout this pectlon of the country. BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for the * < o columns will bo tnken , on the above conditions , nt the following busi ness bonnes , who nro authorized iigolits forTilK JIIB : npeclnl notices , nnil will quote the same rntenns cnn be had ut thomnlii olllce. JOHN W. HKIiU Pharmacist , K * ) South Tenth Btreet. C HASH tt RDDV , Stationers and Printers , 113 South Kith Street. H. I'AHNSWOHTH , 1'harmaclst , 2115 Cum- ing Street. W .1. HUGHES , Pharmacist , 621 North 16th Mrcct , G IX ) . W. PAHH , Pharmacist , 1W. St. Mury'a A\cnue. SITUATIONS WANTED. A good girl to be found for general house woik nt824H So. Ibthst. 'JW-ll * W 1 ANTED Ily an extierlenced diessmaker. work In families. Address X CO lleo olllce. Ill m WANTIJI ) Situation bymnnnndwlfons llrst nnd second or meat und pnstry ; both No. 1. Address X CO , Hoc. 221 11 ? \\7"ANTEI-SltuntIon , by competent book- TT keupor , who would Hi ) sntlsllcd with mod erate wnges. Good references finnlshed. Ad dress , "S. I , , " cnio M mien Swltzlcr , : ! I7 S luth. liflll WANTED-Slluntlon for German woman with child of Syr . Jlr.s. Hrega.llU'J Stttu. 100 10 * A YOUNG respectnblolndy with n snuill baby desire to get a nlco plnco where she tan done Bomo woik for her bonid Addiess X 'M. lice I ! olllco. [ 07 10J WANTED WANTED A bright , active , trustworthy boy , nbout 15 or III years of ngc , ono having been in shoe store preferred , uwiuostlonnblo references rciiulied. Cull at ' "Iho Popular" bhoo Htore , 1IWO Douglas St. 21U 10 YJ\7 ANTED a good wlndow-dtesser for clotn- T Injjnnd fuinlshlng goods ; only those who have hnd experience In largo cities need npply ; udduaa P. 0. Itox aiOmaha. . 211 12 * WANTED A pilntor. A good printer , a so- bor Hum that Is capable of taking charge Of tlio mechanical department of n well equipped countiy newspaper and Job ofllci > , can obtain steady c-uiplojuient by addressing Ulio Hcptibllcan , Wueplng Wutor , Nob. Job ppon AtiK.jmlu 20J-1U " 17MHST cook wanted at European hotel at JL' once ; mun or wotnun. 2U7-U WANTED A good bniber. Apply In person , or mldross tor particulars , .loo Moracu , Noilh Pintle , Neb. ' $10 per week giuu.uiteed. 200 12 WANTED Ilookkecper who has bnd some oxperlenco In whoHtsnlu grocery business. , AddresHXM , Dee olllco , 15111 WANTED-100 millond men for Wnshlnglon toirltoryut Albrights Lubur Agency , 1120 I'nrnuui. Itii " 1717 ANTED Good hotel runnel's. Apply nt T T the NubrnHka hotel , 910 anil HI" Jackson st. 160 12f WANTED 15 carpenters nt Albrlgii I'M Labor Agency , 1120 1'ariiam st. U ) 10 JN DU.STH10US , capnljle second mnu , to do nil work In n hoiso-power grain eleuitor : nd- dress wlthrefeieuces P.O. UoxJ4 ! , illnden. Neb. ) K > 10 ? WANTED A good bnrbcr ; for particulars npply to or nqdress Joe Morsch , North riiitte , Nob. ; $10 per week guaranteed. OtO 10 * ? I7 ANTED At once , thorough first class. TT broom maker. Apply at 1113 and 1115 t' street. Lincoln. Neb. IM5-10J SAI.KSM EN wanted Five 11 avellng salesmen ; salary nnd expenses ) no experience necca- nry. Address , with stamp , Palmer & Co , Wtnonn. Minn. U17-10I WANTED Hoy. Inquire of Dr. Jones , room 2 Continental block , between 10 n. m. Und 12m. H47 TXTAN ED 50 track-lnvers at Albrlght'H la. TT bor Agency , 1120 Farnurn st. 7t5 WANTED- rellnbla trnvollng salesmen to wholebalo' mnnufncutured goods ( that | ell nt sight ) In Iowa nnd Nebraska , who can give security or cash lor stock to bo carried and da- llvered na bold. Call ut room 510 Sheelov block. . Uia 13 * _ WANTED Enqrgftlo men AUd women every , where for n genteel , money-making busi ness. W weekly prollt gunnmteod tusler than fdO monthly others lie. Expevlenco nbsolutely Permanent position nnd nxclu- nlvo territory asbiued , t2.W ) sample * free. Write for particular * ! . Addioss , with stump , Jleirill Jl tg Co , , H fa. Chicago. WO n2 "Vr7ANTKD Men for til ? west. Albright's labor agency. Ji''u Karrmm st. via B OVAm. . Dlst , Tel. Co. , KW4 Douglas. 611 VVANTED'-rEMAI-E HELP. WANTED competent Gorman or Irish girl for general honcework nt 718 N. 21st St. ; InQuire - Quire after 1 p. ui. ( Suturduy. 214 12 WAN'iT.D Coinpeteiitcook nnd housekeeper Kt once ; gooa wat-os ; ut Dodge. Pearlea > lacky. 220 12' WT"ANTED Good girl"for housework. Mrs. T > W. W. Illnijhum , hl B. 16th st. 193 11 ? WANTISU Uuly typo-writer ; 0110 who can operatu Hemington typowrltvr w 1th speed nnd accuracy. No othei.s need apply. J.adv nccustouii'd to commercial work pruferiod. X CO , I ! eo oilice. 1M-11 ) , good sscoud girl. ( )21 North 20th , \ 7ANTED-A girl nt Doran house , 18th and V > lluward. 188 U VA _ A V ANTEU-A dliliwasher nit 1001 Dodje ; st M 136 lot _ \\F A M'lD A Indy to solicit , must Imof gooil TT addiessi.nd ( tevoiit JU ) . Suhuy f6" > pel month. Address , X-10. Omaha Ueo. IIS 12' \ \ 7"AN'l'lU-G.ood ) girl for housework that T T can go home at ulgjit , 1'llJ Douglas. 175 11 * r\VANTED-airlwnuted at A. Uospol l ) N. T lith ; loforenco reqijlred. 173 \\7ANTP.D Tlii ) beat of wages will be paid n t > um-elusw , stiouj ; kltchoualil. Cnll nt 2216 Z.caveir ouh. _ VM 121 \ yANl'lU rirbt Birl. 1723 DaveupoU st \\rANTUn L idy ngenU for "A" wklrt ami TT bustle combliud : also "U" ho.-o suppoit en. Our ( lalejburg , III. , agent clcarod Slits in U llays. { .tulles' Supply Co. , 287 W. Wushlncttoi Bt , - _ WANTED Alncly wltli 2 jenM'expoiIeuct desires a situation as bookkeeper ; first class city reference. Address xn : llw. M i i < ' MISCELLANEOUS WAHTS. \\J ANTED Two young men who deslro homt TT comforts to tent loom and tuko bieakfus : nnd buppcr. with prlvlk'go of sittlni ? room. nl thrco icUar ( boarders , good ue hbuiliood liundy tn cable. Addrewornpplyto A. II. Vos Inirgfi , li. & : M , local freight , or 2118 Gract * st. 21t 11 * "VXTANTIU ) Tn public to make good use oi T T U'tio lieo'ti mesiags boxes throushout the city. JCO \ \ ANTED Stocks of goods and all kiudTo v business , an we Imvo customers lortli .e ( fiery d y. Co-operative Laud & Lot Co. juNHthbl. _ ; tt.4J'3 "VXrANThD JIoie houses to rcnr , gooii-payini Tt teiunti * , quick U'U * insured. It , H , Wuu dell. 1W N With. Sllil lloor. 4W ) US3 WANTKU Hov e taken to W l.ugo airy box btalls , ttrat-chvsj UiodKtlons ; the CKlcst ) and t t KtaljTn in th city. Iluckeyo Hum ' % I8 and i'-fl a. lutn bt , bofACeu ll i , rr.USU Mary's nve. Telephon fi. enclby & Flnnlgan , props. iM l-HT /10WK early , coma late for the sucritlcti mad Win iiluuot ) . orgHiu. furniture , stoves etc. n Now Vork htorugu Co , tale. 1WS to 151J japltc aveuue. 12H21 W ANTED More nouses to rent. Boswortl VJoplln. Hurktr block. CW \\J ANTJiD To bay or trade tor n good build T .og that CHU M moved. Pleaia cull on cr uddn-si George J. StcrnsdorlT. room (5 ( , oppo ftlldPvO * 3J " | \7ANTnD-If you hnye nny lnnd , lot * , of > houses nnd jots to sell or exchange for ollipr property , call on mo or write. 1 cnn find you acustomor. C. C. Spotswood. KBJjrS. jnin. 612 EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. NnilHASKA Kmploymeiit olllce. No. niT N. loth H ( . Mule and female belli supplied. J'rlvato fannlles a specialty. 13.MJJ WA M : or female help furnished In or out of city , ptlvnte families a specialty. It. II , Waudell. 408 N 10th st , 2ml lloor. 417 n'ii BOARDING. HOM13 table day board ; 151'J Davenport , m t _ AN'1T.D-100 tnblo boarders at the Globe hotel , Douglas st bet 13th iitul Ilth : best lu city. \\rANTED To rent , a nicely located Mmlo TT house , contalnlmr nbout 12 to It rooms. Call or address room 40J I'axtou bl'd , giving de scription. lui 15 WANTED To take cnro of furniture for use of It , No children. Address , X 11. Bee. Till 12t h'OR RENT-HOUSES. TTKH HENT-Cottauo. six rooms , No , 61P , N , JE 17th st. , centrally located , $2 , > pr mo. 191 12 * " 171OH HENT 10-rooni house , with large barn , JL1 full lot , nlco shndo trees and yard , 2215 Hurt St. , * V > per month. 7-room house uud barn , 25th and Sew ard st. , SHI per month. 5-rooiu house , 2113 Ohio Ht. , near cable line , tJO per mouth. 4-room house , 17th and Dorcas , w 111 rent It very cheap. Goo. J. 1'ox , room 1 , Continental block , 1 tw Douglas st. 19ii 12 "IjlOH KENT 0 room cottage , $2.i ; 83iJ S. 21st. * 1M" : * TT1011 HENT House , 12 rooms , nil modern Ira- JL1 provements , ono blk from Cnble , ssn Cnnltol nvo , { 10 pur mo. Enqulro.A. Splgle12l N Iflth. itjO ir t FOll HENT Sept. 1 , elegant east front 10 room house , on Pleasant st , , 400 per month. 0. F. Inrrlson , 418 S , loth st. 112 T71OU HUNT 1 room cottage and Imrn near JL' U. P. depot ; line location. Inquire lit A. "rich. Leavenworth , between loth and IHh sts. H7I-U ? "I71OH KENT 8-room house with modern 1m- JL1 provomont ? . Inquire cor. 21st and St. Mary's -vo. VM HOUSE for lent. Inquire 11B3 Dodgo. 1170 * FOll HENT HoiiBo of 8 romns , ! 1 closets , pan try , good well and cistein , on litli st. car llie , pa > ud Mioct , EmtuliA nt 1H > ! ! S I.'itn stt. , oem 0 , over diugtore , ill'i.OO per month. 1170 vjIX room house for sent , city water , No. 1117 OPnclllestieet. Enqulro nt liiO'l Howard. 101 771OK UENT-7 room Hat } | j , COS S 13th. In- JL1 quire ut the I'.ilr. lit ! 7Ult lliNT : It room house. No. PHii Chicago bt ; apply to Kitchen llroa. , Paxton hotel. VM 11 [ 710 H HENT Now brick house ot II rooms , JL1 gas , linth nnd nil conveniences , bplendld ocntlon'J20 N. Hlth. Inquire 210 N. 19th t-VJ FOK HENT-Goort sized house , now. iflOS pe month , C' . 1' . Hnrrlsnu , 1H S. 15th &t. ; ll [ POll KENT S room house and barn nw cor. L 2 thavo and Webster st ; Inquire at loom > Paxton blk. P. J. Creedon. bOO "TjlOH HF.NT 5-ioom house , $16 , s. e. cor. tlth JD and Vinton. h',7 71OH HENT When you wish to vent a house , O store or otllco call on us , H. E. Cole , room i. Continental block. IS" T71OH KENT A 10-room house brick house JL1 with nil modern improvements , on 20th st , near Leaen orth. Inciulre , No. 87 S 20th st. 7US HOUSES , ptoics nnd Hats to rent , nil parts of city. H H. Wundell , lOaNlflth , 2nd lloor. 4U'J a25 ITIOH HKNT-7 room hoimo. No. 10.J7 so. 20tli JL' sv. J2S per month. Call quick. E. F. Sea- . Hoom 40 Darker block. UI2 1T1OK KENT 10 room modern house $55.00. 9 JU room ditto , &n.uo. T loom ditto. $25.00. Other 'louses , Rtou'st und olllccs. ( J. E. Thompson. Shecley blk , ] 5th and Howard sts. Illll FOll KENT Handsome new home. 10 rooms all conveniences , best nolghboihood und w Ithln 1U o minutes' walk oi po-stofllce. Nathan SheUon , 1605 Ynrnam rt. 'JI4 7On I'KNT Modern single house of 9 rooms , JL1 bath room , hot and cold water , on street car line nnd paved street , ready for occupancy Aug. 15 , ij4 ( > per month. Apply at once C. 1. Harrison. 418 S. 15th at. 614 TJUHl ilENT 7-room house. No. 1518 S 5th St. ; JL ! U-room cottage , No. 019 Wm. St. ; 5-ioom cot tage , No. 2725 Charles st. Inquire 1406 Cap ave. [ 615 FOU HENT-or Sale-New cottage , Bedford Place , on easy payments. Enquire M. L , lloeder , room 4UJ Paxton blocK. 610 -CTOH ItENT-rA nne 10-room brick house with X1 all motllein Imirovement3 , ilno location on street car line. It. M. Genius. UOS Douylai st. FOR RENT-ROOMS FURNISHED. iriOll ItENT Nicely , newly furnished rooms JLJ with llrst-class table board , 1721 Dnvenpoit. VM 17- FOll 1U5NT Two nicely furnished rooms , all modern convenience- ) , private family , board if desired. No. tC2 S. 2ith ) bt , ( Georgia ave ) . 218 I2 > K1UKN18H ED rooms for rent , 1701 Capltolave. THOlt KENT Largo fiont loom , 1812 Chicago. JE IN ! 10 * "POOM nnd board , 1612 Chicago st. sOI ROOMS w Ith or without board. 17W Dodse. 420 15 * TTOR HKNT Furnished room , modern conK - K vcnlences. A. Hospv , 1113 Douglas. 174 T71UHNISHED room with board for two gcn- JL1 tlomeu , modern convenience ; ) . 1U23 Cap. avo. WO lOt "IjlOKUENT Front room\\Uhflrst-classboard JJ 1513 Howard. 1J7 ( 10 * * IjTOirUENT-Two nice furnished front iocnni JU nt 320 S lUth &t. 97'J lOf KENT Cool furnished ! e ) lug rooms ; , paj able weekly or monthly. UW How ard. looms nt 2l South 19th , ono L. block from St. Mary's me. Every conven ience , 940 lu * " 1710U HUNT A furnished room , modem im- pioveuieuts , u , ' ! N Ibth Bt. Uoo 1 ! t fTIOH iFENT Fiunlshod rooms. Single or ei JJ Siilto. :3 ! Pleasant t > t. So. 2oth nvo. 975-10 ; 4N1QELY furnlslud rooms A\lth board or without , all uouio comforts , 1719 Davenport ftW IS * FOU UENT-SoutU room , 19H Fnruam. U23 ID * ELKflANTPAKLOHS , nlsosinijlo rooms , in eluding board. 1'lno locution. VJI'J Dodge 1J TfJIOH UENT-FurnKhedlcouis. 1707 Cass st. U 412 TT1OU UENT Nicely furnished front bed-room JL ; in nice cottage. $7 per month , I0 > ) Wllllnm-j 6t , 8 luluuteV walk houtheast 17. P. depot. 7W SMALL front room , modern conveniences 211,7 Douglas st. Sll rpWO front rooms. 1015 Dodge St. 673 HKNT Furnished looms. 11J S. 2tlth st UT2 n I0t FOR KKNT Furnlxned rooms and Doard by the day or wrek , Mi S. loth st. 474 a 2U | 7\OH \ HUNT A pleasnnt room with nil moderi X1 conNonleaces ; brick resldeuci > , cor. illtl nud Bt. Jlary'J nvjnue , or C2J Boulh 2Uth st. _ i 61ft- Olf'UKNT Kilriilshod rooms , single or en 1 suite , &U I'leuuint St. , So , 25th ave , U75 12 * . with or with. out boaul. 2011 ilnrnoy. 1M 15" VTICELY f mulshed looms , SI per week or JJ.50 X > month. 6U2 , 60i and &JU S. Uth ht. taialUJ ITOH HKNT Furnished rooms in Grouulg blk JL * cor. l.'lth nnd Dodge Bts. Inquire of Ueo. H. , 0) MiUard hotul billiard room. ( 0 KOO.M3 includlui < board tu tlio Young Wo- men'3 homo 11)10 ) Dodge st. Hcfereuces ; j , , , rdoui , largu ann nicely .urn'slied , located near tha ulgh sciiool. in the highest nd coolebt section of the city ; rablo line and horsa caH iiais the door. Hu < quire nt ViTi Potuuuoar 2Uh si. tuiv ITKU1 gentlemen can ba accommodated with JL' a nicasnlto of rooms and tn ) > t-clasi buurj ul gig ) ht. ) lnry' > TO Uraddy block. U21 "IpOll ItKKTN-Nlcely furulsli d trent room foi JL' gentlemen. Modern conveniences. 1U17 Cuss m * | J1OU HKNT Itoom od bourd. 1UCU Kuruani - 678 a 10 * LARQR and small room saltaltla for gentle man. with or without board , 18J2 Uodirq. "OR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED. HUNT- Two unfurnlshciT rooms with or _ \i Illiout boord , gais. Cnpltol avo. ' IP12 * [ TOIrHi4 rooms , 415 S. Wth st . 12 fill U Three ( il ) rooms. liiMli S."thst. . 11 00 'ourcDrooms , 4l' > y. I'.ithst ' . li W our ( | i rooms , 1701 WobsterJst . 2250 'hrco ( H ) rooms , loin North21st st . . 12 M ) 'hreo (3) ( ) rooms. 7UT , I'aclllcst . IH CO 'our (4) ( ) rocms , I7U2Veb"tcr st . 180) ) "our (4) ( ) room * . 411 South Mil Ht . is 00 'our(4)roomhou ( ) > ' , W * North Ilth st . . 10 00 hrco ( III rooms , 1120 North 21st st . 11 OJ Tnrco < : i ) room" , 7isi'f ' 1'nclilcst . 11 ou nree ( .1) ) room * " , Iff.'l N. 20th Ht . 11 2. " > liree ( H ) rootiix , TOT 1'nclllc st . 12 M 'wo(2)roomt. ( ) 181S Howard st . 10 O1) Apply to Judge llentlii't Apencv , Herald building , S. W coiner of Uth audllarnevst to rent utifiirnlslied for light hou'ckeeplng ; nil coin cnleuces. iniR Cap. . SIS-IO * _ AOH HUNT Two unfilrnlshod bntcim > nt rooms to family without children , 1122 N ITtli " 14 rOR RENT- STORES AND OFFICES. CnOK HlTNf'iouTTe ) sTore rooniTsuitnbie fdr * - clothing , grocorle , dry goods , etc. , location irst clnss. Address X 01 llee olllce. 110 JJMAIJj store for rent on N 10th fct , fixtures nnd goods for sale , about tlSO , Co-op , u & L. Co. , Oij N lUth Ht. 1 u 10 FOH HUNT- Store ! splnndld plnco for pro- ct'ry , S. W , corner building of luth and I.fiir- nworth BIS. loy ii ; _ P WO stoics , SixftO , just ciimpletod , with Hats JL of seven looms above , \\lth wnter and , first-class llnlsh , Oth nnd Tactile sts. , low rent. Apply to Efflnger llros. , U12 S. 10th St. , Omaha. Itol TJHK HUNT Kino retail store and Igrgo base- JL1 mcut on loth st , best side of Hticet , * 10J par month. Cnll at onco. C. 1' . Harrlson,4is s 15th. 'TOHU for rent , llli rarnnm fctreet. Inquire O ot Nathnu Shelton , ut l.VU rarniim street ! i27 TtfOH HKNT Olllco suite $21 mouth , 2 Hlnglo JL1 oltlces $ l"i each , all fronting liith St. , HIHII- nnn block , N. II. Cor. Kith nnu Douglas. W M. lushmnn , 1.111 l.vnrennorth , IM ) FOll Iir.NT Stoieroom , No.214 S. Ilth Ht. Ap- ply utll 10 Howard bt. H77 FOK HUNT Half of ! Xn S. Iflth Ht. . opposlto Chamber of Commerce. M. A. Upton \ Co. ( .21 . TOOK HiN'TStororoom : , northwest cor 15th - tuud Vlnton. H2. ) S ITOHE for rent. 51 ! ) N. 10th. Inqulrn of Henry Ostholl , 15H California st. C.4 _ _ FOR RENT MISCELANEOUS. 1TKMI KENT Half brisement. 1201 r ' - * - lilt n OOD barn cheap , l l Chicago st. 5'I3 RENTAL ACENC'ES. \V'5 K'v" ' special nttentlon to renting and colT - T lecting rents , list with us. H. E. Cole , room i. Continental block. Ib7 TT10U quick rental nnd good tenants list your J-1 houses with H. H. Waudell , 4U8 N 16th st. 2nd lloor. 4'17 n2.'i 110 Irsuro quick lontnl list your propoitv U with . / . H. Pairotte , ItAJO Chicago. 244 a21 F.H. . SMITH , 010 N. 10th st. aila23 IF YOU want your nousc < i rented pinco them with Ueunwn i. Co. , 15th , opposite po tofltce. LOST IOST-On 13th st or In telegraph olllce. silk Juml'Vella ' with gold eagle claw handle ; ro- tuui to Atlantic liotol.lOtli at , and get liberal 10- "vaid. Ihl nt FOUND. [ TXH'ND Gentlomnn'.s ring ; owner call nt L room 27 , Omnlia Nat'l bank and pay for ; ul. 201 IIP MAKEN UP Sorrel mare pony , star In fore- Lhead. JulS. Head , 3101 Decnturst. 1W ) 10 * PERSONAL. PEIIPONAL Wanted a j-ounj ? man with good hablts-whohus W.i'OOor ' K.t.W who wants to go into a good paying business w ith a good linn ; address befoio the llrst of September , X-02 ileo ollice. None others need npply. 190 1U IEHSONAL Will the gentleman who ndyei- tlsed Lost , large black dog , 409 S. fl > th st. , please call at leo ! olllco ? 2U'I 11 * TDEHSONAL If you have a personal Item , or Jnny communication , drop it lu one of Tha IJee's message boxes. IW IF you want to buy , sell , rent or excnango call on or nddre-is Geoige J. SternsdoilT , room 0 , opposite P , O. 2lil FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. "I71OH SALE Or trade , young Jersey cow with JL1 heifer calf. Inquire of James llarrett , 41bt nud Howard st. 217 12 ; TjMXTUHES nnd stationery store tor sale on N -L luth st ; sickness cause of selling. Co-op. L. & : L. Co. , 205 N 10th t. 115 10 "TJIOH SALE Fuinlturo nearly new ; house 'J JU rooms ; term1 } reasonable. 1703 Douglas. J. L. Chumbcilaln , 153 "I71OK SALE 1'lrst-class loadstar and new slue JU1 bar buggy ; horse Is perfectly gentle nnd very fast ; will hell cheap , part cash and bnhinco on tlmo It cleared. AfdrfessX51 llee. 14013 ; FOH SALE Completwoutllt of iienrly now , llrst-class household goods. Everything ready for housekeeping. Kentnl of house in good neighborhood If desired. Address X 57 , Ileo olllce , lO'i 11 * NEW York Stornco Co's great sale , furniture , stoves , pianos , organs , carpets , cto. l.VW to 1512 Capitol avenue. 120 ] 2t FOll SALE Fin nlturts , carpets , etc. , of a 0- room Hat , at gieat bncilllco ; party has to leave town. Flat centrally located. Can ba lunted. 4143. 15th st. Flat No. 2. 10U 14 HOUSE nnd buggy for sale cheap , qutot for lady to drive , must bo sold , ( 'nil at ISil , bhermnnave. 104 10 * GOOD mortgage securities for sale by E.F Heaver , room 40 , llaritor block. Utll 16 1JK > I { SALE Lnrsw span mules , 4 years old. X1y. . L. Selby , 1521 Farnam. UJU TT'OU SALE or rent Store room 2ixiJ feet , JL ; with counters anil sh < jl7es , living rooms up stair.In ) thriving tow not 4 x ) or 50-J , in centra Nobinska , on the F. E. X Mo. Y , railroad , town loss than u your old. Good opsnlmj for almost nny business. Call on or nddre s W. F. Dutton Petersburg. Nob. KM 12 QJPEAKlXGof housekeeping , 1 have for sale lethe furulturo of u uluu-ioom house , nicely situated und can give possession ut once. II. \ \ . Huntress , 1117 Fuinnm st. UJ3 SALE A tew cholco milk cows. C. F. arrlson. ilii S. 15lh. D22sj " 1T10H SAL ! ' . Largo Cue carrlnge horse , young JL1 uud geutlo. W. L. Selby , I'nrnaui st. TfOH SAM ! A flne family mare 4 years old , JL1 perfectly safe ; also an almost new Snyi'er buggy mid harness. Inqulro U D. llurnett cor. l.lth und Farnam nt Dolman's. 68) ) . 9AtK Heavy younjj team her ei , smnl -L pnyment down. 0. M. iaton ; , blu N , 10th ht. _ EI.KdANT two-seated cnrrliige , In-st mnku will sell chenp lor cn.-.h. G. J. Steriisdortf . 1' . O. ! _ rr.OU ) tons of ice for sale by Uooge 1'acklnt ; Co. O Sioux City. BiJnJj _ TT1OH SAU' . 'Ilio lease of a ten room lint imi -L furniture , \/lilch is nearly uaw. Addi-ess U. CT. c.iro Ileo. ua ; _ TpOH SAI.13 Ulegant carilage horbe , now -t. plmoton and Tiamcso. luuulru room 43 IJarkc-r block. < 44 [ TTlOIt SAI.n-IM.unu * ; mill machinery. Call a -i-A ItUS IJavenport 3t , Ouwun. 3iy MISCELLANEOUS. MOTlCi : , to Contractors : Sealed proposal -J- > will be re-elvtd the - - up to 2uth of August to the erection of a bi Ick building on the corner o N nna 2lth st. South Oumlm. I'lun * . uud suscl llcatloua uioy be been on nnd nfter the ' " ' , , . , lt thoolHie of S. 1J. Jloxon iJitoct , ° Wncr --.r. reji ? , - - . . tno right to _ IO01C herel ily order of court the entire JstocK of furniture' , stoves , plnnos , oreima nnd liouse-keeplnK goodi of Iho New Vork Storage company will be soUl out at your own price , regardless of tost. Now is your time to load up with cheap but good articles of thli kind. 127-12 * AUCTION and Storage Wo are prepared to recelvo consignments ot furniture und other needs for sale at auction at our largo salesroom No , 1121 1'arnam nt. Cas > n advances made. We Imva also tha best of btorasa facilities. Outalda sales attoudud. Omaha , Auction & Stornce Co. . , UMSC TTMlJUElJa.S repaired at 111 S UtU st- V 1HI3U * WOMAN'S Exchangs. 161T Farnam st. luncli Cally , supper Saturdajr nljljts. ( VW rPJlH banjo taught a * ) aua'rtby ( Ico.f. ( lollcu- J. buck , 801 Harneyst. fc' BUAt'TIKt't * faces and fnrmi Kiinranlced Knee blench reJnovpjitrecklft , plmplei and vrlnklcs. $ lper bottle , ( look of receipt * for ho couiploctloll 33 cents. Send I cents for cir cular. Madame Itupperr , 2I'I Stuto street , 'lllCRRO. A VINO entered Ihe linn of It McClelland & Co. , wholesale nnd rot nil dealer * ) lu coal und cokc , 1M7 Douglas t , , I hao turned over to Jcniiwa & Co. . I'ronzor bloc * , my rental and nstirauco business. _ F.J Gregory. 213 ET'JUOMl'SON , lloom 112 Sbeoly block. ' ' 113 riilN nnd sheet Iron work , rooflmr , opoutlng , L KUttcrlng it repnirlnu.Uone well by yavn o i : JoLee , tinners , 1511 Uodgt' , opposite postolllce. ( VM 14 * OMR for Destltuto Women nud Children , IIS IS Hurt st. Wil ) IF you have nnytnlnc to trade call on or ad dress GeorgoJ. SterusdOra. lloom U , oppo site postolllco 1Q7 SPOT cash for second-hand furniture * , stoves nnd cm pets , Anything from u bedstead to n house nnd lot. OrII Ac Co. , 117 N. Uith st. & 10. B. 3 STORAGE A UCTION nnd Storage Wo nro prepared to -ti receive consignments of furniture and other goods for Halo or storage at our warehouse. 1121 1'uruam st. Outside auction sales uttendod. Omaha Auction & Storage Co. i > 57 SO I710H HENT Storage very cheap nt lllock A JL1 Heynmn , clothiers , 11U Farnam st. Two Orphuns' old stand. 62oa2H STOHAGE Safe , dry ami clean at low rntos. Hlddull & Hlddoll. 1112 Howard. 4Ma2'i S' 1TOHAGE-P. ' Hocco llroa. & Co. , 1103 Howard street nt the lowest rates. KWall mitACKAGE , storage. lowest ratoj. W. M JL llushmnn , I'll I Loavonworth. 1U7 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITINQ VALENTINE'S Shorthand nnd 'lypowrltlng Institute Is the largest and best equipped shorthand school In the west. Graduate * ) all oc cupy good paying situations. Students can en ter nt any time. Send for circular. Now Paxton - ton bullillng. Omaha. BIOS , il WAHTED-TO BUY. "WANTED Household furniture , otc. , Oma- T T ha Auction It Slorago Co. , 1121 I'limum st. 201 ! s U ANTED To buy a good paying drug store or Interest In business. Addtui > sX47 177 11J 1'ortnble second-hand boiler from WANTED 1" ) to40 II P. Address X 41' ' , Hoe. Ill 12 { WANTED To buy good paving diug stoio or Interest lu business. Address X 47 , Itee , 141 10 * WANTED To buy a small house and lot within 1 mile of poilolllce. Campbell & Hc-rvey , 310 S 10th bt. lll ) 10 SEVEItAL store bulldlnirs or houses that can Lo moved. Will pny good prlco If suited. George J. SterusdorlT , room 6 , opposite post- olllce , 123 A PHYSICIAN would llko to buv n coimtry practice lu Neb. , state nddrots , XSlliouof- lh.e. 115 Wt I'O'f cash for second-hand furniture ntA. JW. Cowan'.s , 40fi N. 10th bt. ' , ! SO WANTED-300,000 brick nt lowest price for cash. Also bids fonremoving ; iJOO ( yaids earth. Addiess F. N. Jnynus , Mlllard. 874-11 * WANTED Good nonsa.and lot in desirable part of the city ; will give illst-class bar gain to anyone if suited. Goo. J. Sterns'lortr , ItoouiO , Frenzor ble. y 8U W ANTED East fiont iut In west part of tow n. Addrc is , X SJlJee olllco. Tl'l 21 * F you Have improved'business or leslilenco property that > ou wlsb to sell , call nnd see me. George J. faterusdarfl , loom B , opposlto postolllce. jr _ 131 TILL buy furniture of a nouse or tint con- L trally located. Co-op , JU. &L. Co 205 N. Wtli IW LIFE REA.DINC. ATTENTION Arrived Mrs. Dr. Yolnnde , most w onderftil palmist in the woi Id. This lady reads your past , prewnt nud future with out question or mlstnko. Now , after you hnvo been humbugged to jour heart's content by many pietended medium's , mind readers , nnd fortune , tellers , como nnd sue this gifted lady , when bhowlll glvnto each ono deslilug a lead ing of their life a test tree , to convince vou of her marvelous powers. A trial will convince the most skeptical. She reads your past , pres ent and future ; will give you truthful advice on nil business , money matters , law Milts , wills , changes , travels , nil family affairs , eta ; gives initials of friends or enemies ; tells of absent friends and where they are ; tells what business you are most adapted to , also what part ot the country is the luckiest for you to goto. Ladles nre respectfully Invited to give Mrs.Dr.Yolnndo n cell ; whether you wish a rending of your lifo or not , you shall bo politely received. Remem ber this Is the only lady In the world that war rants to give perfect satisfaction or no charge. No fco required In advance. This lady will bo assisted tiy Prof. Yolnnde , clairvoyant , olllco looms No. 1320 Capitol uve , cor. Hth st. , up ono flight. J49 lu * CLAIRVOYANT. ATTENTION all Would know thy destiny ? xi.lf so consult the gifted destiny leader ; tolls your llfo li om the cradle to the grave , reunites the separated , nil In trouble will do well to call on this gifted peeress , Madame Zoo ; locates diseases nnd cures them with massngo and elec tric treatment. 417 S. Hth st ; upstairs. 21210 * DR. NANNIK V. Wnrron , clairvoyant. Medical - ical , business nnd test medium. Dlnsmonls free. Female diseases a specialty. 119 N. lOtll Bt..Hooius 2 A3 Tel.944. ltd ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. TtTIDLANDGuaranteo nnd Trust Co , . 1505 fcnr- J.U.nnm Complete abstracts furnished , & titles to real estate oxaminedperfected & guaranteed. Kits BENSON &CAHM1CHAEL furnish complete and guaranteed abstracts of nny real estate In Oiualm and Douglas countv upon short notice. The most complete bet of nustr.ict boons lu the city. No. 1509 lWnam st. GSJ MONEY TO LOAN TPIIE Omaha Financial Exchange , Itoom 15 , X llarker block , bouthwest corner of Fnr- naiu and 15th ets. Makes a specialty of short-time collateral and real estate loans. Money nlways on hand in sums of 3100 and up wards to any amount , to loan on approved so- Secured notes Iraught , sold or exchanged. Clear roul estate und cash to exchange for good tlrst or second mortgages. Loans made upon land contracts , stocks , bonds , trust deeds , tlrst or second mortgage se curity , without publicity , delay or red tape. Financial bulnoM of nny kind transacted promptly , quiolly and fatily , lloom 15 , lUrker block. Coilbett. Manager. (23 T\JONKV ro Loan Ity the undersigned , who 1V1 has the only property organized loan agency InOuiuha. IxxmsofilO to jlU.Jiu.ida on lurni- ture , pianos , organs.horses , wagonsmarHlnery , etc. , without removal. No delays. All bualnen-i btiictly confidential. Loans so made that nny part cuu bo paid at nnv time , each pnymeut re ducing the cost pro vuU. Advances made on flno watcuei and diamonds. I'ewons r-hould carefully consider who thqy are dealing with , n , ninny new conteius mo daily coming into exis tence. Should you need money call and f-eome. W. It. Croft , Itoom 1 , Withnoll building , 15th nnd Haruey. 0 ' 0 GI'EU CKNTmoney toloan ctxsh on hand W. il. Hajrrls , room20 , Frunizor block , opp. P. O. 210 KIM HALL , Champ & llyan Loan money on improved property in Omaha nnd principal additions , also building loans , ut low i ales , lloom U , U. S. Nat bank. MONEY loaned at 0. F.'Hocd & Co.'s Loan oflice , on furniture , pl.iios , hoiaos , wagons , poisonal property ot alK kinds , und nil ether m tlcles of value w ItUout 'itmovtil. Ol'i S. Uth. AH lmslnegastrictly _ coiilUljmfal , 050 IF you are llgurlns on n loan go nnd talk with A. K. Hlley. 151'J l-'arnujiu Sia 3J .OfA bpucinl fund , toUM on imimpioved ill- Poldo property. Jload luvvtitiuvnt Co. ? ' W 12 "MP M , * 0 loa" ln % "Mount" , either for au-uuiiumgo ; J/cntrwlje , nt lowest rates of interest - terost- on short notice , ( -holes i : Hunt , suc cessors to D. V. Shol 3 , loom 1 , llarkor block. ; vw TJEAL cstnto loins , lowest rates. Odell Bros. JU.JS Co. . 312 8. irth st. bS4 CHATTEL LOANS made on any available se curity. Heal estate loans mndo on Omulm city property. Secured note * bought. All business - iness done promptly , quietly uud fulrfy at tha Chattel \ Heiil li ata Loan Agency , lloom 7 , Hedrlck block , isw > 1'urnam bt. , up stair Archer & Hobblns. 704 EASTEKN money cheap. City and country. Office PMlndflphln Mortgaw and Trust Co. , room 13 , Hoard of Trade Ueo , W. P. Co.ites 701 DON'T b ow uionoy ou furniture , , \vngons , etc. , until you hav been 0. H. Jacoba. room 410 , First National bank buililluir , cor. 13tn and I'urnaui ua MONIJY OCXKI eommercial pap r anil ihort time mortgages bought. Heal estate loons nt'2Qtmt a. & A. Slorauu , Uta and 1'ornuni , ' BU1UJ1NO loans. Ltuatian i ( Mahouoy. , tul HII. I Hi : Y Wnn ) tel oan on city property and Unproved fnrni land. 1'feuzer block. IM " \TONKY to loan on nurses , furniture and ether a.'I personal property or collateral. Hates mod * orate ; business conlldontlal. onicc 8. W. cor- lor 1Mb and Douclns sts. entrance on 151 list. J ho Investment Co. ( ill MoSfEV to lonn. O. t\ Davis Co. , real nstiito' and loan ngentg , IMt I'nirmm st. ( . ' CSfWO.'OJto ' IOAII on Omnhn cltr tirotiertrnt Pl > er cent. 0. W. Day. sa cor ix. : bid. ty : ) "TjllllST inortgngH loans promptly placed. A. JL1 K. Hlloy , 13IK Fnrium. yi2 LOANS made ou real estate and mortgages bought. Lo ls S. Hood * Co. , 1521 Knruam. . | 017 Ol'KH CKN'1 money to lonn , 1'attcrsou A. llnr- nard : ! 18 a st ill.J CJOOD cltvnnd fnrm loans vnnted by A. 1C , EltllRy. IJlii . MONEY in loan on diamonds , watches nnd jewelry ; all business strictly confidential ; can nccommodnte you w llh long or short loans ; it will pay you to sea mo. hams Diamond & Watch Loan Co. , 2W S 15th Bt Hoyd's opera house block. 77U n 11 MOI'EY to loan : large and small sums nt low rates , for snort time , on real citato or chattel security ; second notes bought ; all llnnn- clal business strictly eonlldentlnl. People's Fi nancial Kxchnneo , ( ) . lloitscnroninnnagor ; room MK Harker block. IStli nnd I'nrnnm. 77- MONEY to loan ; cash on hnnd ; no delay , J. W. Stiulro , 121U rarnani st. , First National bank building. 141 MONEY to loan ou furniture , horses , wagons , etc. , or on any approved security. J. W. Hob- blna. H. SOU Sheely blk , 15lh and How ard. tHUU LOANS made to parties desiring to build. D , V. Sholes. room 1 , llarker block. C40 WE kcopoirhaiul monoy"to loan on Insldo property In Omaha nnd South Omaha In sums from 1500 to t-'sOOO , and us wo do our own valuutinjj , make all papers , etc. , wo cnn com plete n loan nny day you wish nnd pny you tlio money. Hates , Smith & Co. , Itoom 20.1 , Hnmgo building. 001 and farm loans made at lowest rates. CITY No delay ; no commission clmrged. J , W. Hobblns , H. 200 , Shecly blk. , 15th nnd Howard. CHATTEL nnd collateral loans , il. E. Davis , 111 S. I Ith Ht. HooinJJT. 751 MONEY to loan on furulturo wagons , etc. , without removnl or ou collateral security. Huslnoss strictly eonlldentlnl. A. E. Greenwood & Co. , H1 , Cunningham block , corlJ 3c Jncksou. O. ! , ' ) MONEV to loan on Omaha and South Omaha property , C. F. Harrison 4H s. 15th st. 311 OMAHA Chattel Loan bo. , tins money to lonn on chattel and collateral security. Hooni 1 , Omaha Nat'l ItauK 015 ( JM1.000 to loan ou city property , low rates. PH. C. Hoyntou , 813 S Ilth stopp Pnxton houso. 758 n 12 * T OANS made on Improved nnd unimproved JLJclty propertv nt lowest rates of Interest , upeclnl rates on inrtio loans on inside property. Odell llros. It Co. 312 S. Kith st. ( > 17 MONEY to loan. Long timo. George J. Paul , 1003 rnrnam st. . 'i2 tijriOO.WiO to loan nt fl per cent. Llunhnii & Ma- 4 > honey , Hoom 501) Pnxton block. 018 D iON'T fall to see A. 1C. lliley nbout your lonn , nt 1519 Farnam. 812 , ( I per com. Money to loan oni mpro- $ ved farms or olty property. Jnmos A. Wood man , nt tn old flro ItHurnuco olllco of Murphy & Lovett , 220 S. 13th st. 051 BUSINESS CHANCES. DIIUG btoie , established 20 yr-i. 215OOJ cash , laro bargain ; address X CSIteo. 5-b9 * FOll SALE A clean stock dry goods , boots nnd bhoes nnd clothing ; will Invoice JI.OJO. Well established nnd paying business In n me town ; good farming country ; splendid pros pects ; stone quarries and gravel pits , with em ployment tor over 200 mon , just opjnlng near by , and will l > e In operation within 3U days. Cheap for cash. Lowyllros. , Springfield. Nub. POH SA LE Stock of h irdwnro , in good coun ty sent town , only two stocks in the town ; best location In brick corner store ; good coun tiy surrounding ; ciops nnd business piospects excellent. Good reasons given for belling. Ad dress J. W. Dolan , Indlanola , Nob. 201 23 FOIt SALE A well relected stock of gen'l indsc * , postolllco In connection , in n thriving townon thoF.E. in Mo. V. railroad town.about n year old , In ono of the liest farming countries of Platte county. Good opening for some ono. Stock w ill l-ivoice about 13.000. Henson for hell- Ing , 111 health. Address , P. O. llox 451 , Colum bus , Nob. , or postmaster , Columbus , Neb. 196 12t FOR 8ALE-Or exchange , hotel In Hay Springs , doing a first-class business. Also , meat market with IKtures ; for stock of hard- wine. Address , It. McNair , Crawford , Ned. in.i * T71OK a lady or gentlemen wishing to engage JL. In book and stationery and confectionery store about $450 required. Co-op. L. & L. Co. , 205 N 10th ot. 155 10 WANTED Money to use in the purchase of gilt-cdgod mortgage securities , long and short time. Will guarantee 12 per cent. These desiring such Investments please Investigate. Unquestionable references given. Address X 54 , Dee olllco. 158 121 TTIO 11 SALE lllacksmith shop , two llres ; tools JJ nil complete. Address , X 52 , Hoe. 137 14 * RESTAUIlANTbuslnoss for snlo In atlrst- class locality , ready for imincelute entry , everything complete ; a llr-st-clnss connection ; te.V is very moderate. Apply room 22 , llarkor blu 142 10 + T/IOIl SAI - = A. well-established wholesale and JL ? retail toOnc o'nnd clgnr business , enjoying ngood Jobbingtrado in city and country ; biibi- upss is located our ono of the principal business streets in the city. Good reasons for belling. For particulars address X 55 , liee olllco. 172 15 TT IOH SALE Or trade , for good productive J- ' property , ono of the best notels in ' Address , X 58 , lleo olllce. 171 s8 TplUltNITUIlE , pianos , organs , stoves. Every- X' thing must go regardless of cost at New- York Storage Co. great sale. 1508 to 1512 Capitol avenue , 123-12 $ WANTED A few good men for county man- auers of Panorama of Nations. Half tlmo to be devoted to t-ollclting , must deposit J28 for samples and give security for money collected , Salary $10) par month. Address George S. Cllno , Wagner block , Dos Motnos , Iowa. 9T5 12 * A GOOD bakery , fire-brick oven and nxturea , in good business part of the city , for sale cheap. Only stoio trade ; must bo bold ; nddrens X 41 Hne olllce. IKU 14 * _ shop tor sale in Logan , la. , county seat Harrison Co. on account of Mcknoss. Fred Kimpel , Logan , Iowa. 114 1U T\7"ANTEO A partner In a good paying T T butcher shop. Too much work for ono man. Good chance for energetic youug man with some capital. Must lm\o references. German pieferred. Address 1410 N. 10th 992 10' \\7I3 have some raw Xmsluess openings which TT we guniaiitce , and cuusult nnyonoounny kind of business. Omahu llusinesa Exchange , sw cor. IBth nnd Douglas. 946 TT1OK BALE-1'lrst-class contectlonerj- , - - tioiiery and ice cream parlor ; in county Beat : pop. 3(00 ; causa selling , bickness. Add. lock box 192 , Wuhoo , Neb. 856-10 * TjlOH SALE A good lumbot.coal , agricultural JL1 iniiilemeht nnd llvo stock biulness. Address Hedge llros. , Yutan , Neb. VJi s 1 TTJIOH HALE-Hotel nud snloon llxtures ; 14- JL.1 loom hotel for lease. All now. lluslness ccntor of SoutU Omaha. M. A. Upton , V Co , 97 _ I HAVE n few bargains in South Omnlia which rebuilt ) from if.Vl to S2lroo cash , Cnll nnd let me toll you what they nre. nnd In which I will take a half Interest myself. D. D. Smea- ton , Darker blk. , Omaha. 978 12 i' sold this week , l.OTX ) will liny nn Jl lishcd inaurnnre nnd olllco business piiylng on an uv rae of itTO per month , Omaha Hubl- ness Uxchango. bw cor. 15th and Douglas. _ 916 AHELIAIILK old ojtabllshed manutnctur- ing house wants n pai tu r who has eocur- ity or dash for nn Interest that will take the road nnd handle the wholesale tvndo. 'V.i BIT loom 510 Shuoley block. Jt'u r.'J * JIISi - ni Dtty a dairy und inllk route , or S-JW Pn partnersnlp Interest In same. Doing 11,000 busineaH per month. Omaha Iluslne s Kxchnnge , sw cor. 15th and Douglas. mi ] ITUJK SALE The ceTebrato < l mlncral" spring JJ near lmo ; no , Iowa. A fortune for i > omo oils. Address , A. S , Lake , Shenaudonh , la. _ 6M 1T1OU SALE-Aflrst class bakery ; Ice crenm , -L fruit end confeciionery business in Fre mont ; splendid location , good reasons foruoll- liu ; . Address Ueo. Uoiilor. Fremont , Nob. 888 FOH SALE A so ; > d grocery , established four years , coed location , doing a good business. Good reasons for selling. J2i j capital , and will tnko nothing but cash. T M , llee Olllce. MX ) FOR EXCHANGE. rpo HXCHANO13-Fonr lots immediately nd- XJoining Swilt's immense packing house. South Omiiha. This property will bo worth u fortune within a very few years. Price t7OJ < > , owner's equity 11,200. Will trade for first-class farm Innd. Quo. N. lllcks , Darker block. 2U3 13 NEW 2 heated carriage and new 'single top buusY to trade for long tlmo real e.statd W. i , Selby 15211'arnam f t. COO rilO EXCllANGE-IIoimo and lot In Norn JL springs. l . , worth lm rmnk building In Kami ) place worth 1-MJ ! < J , and liW acres of land lij Hancock county , loun , worth W.400 , nil elenr , for business property or good residence lu Oiimhu. will pay { , > to K.w ( rnsh additional. Call and got fnll paitlculnrs , C. F. Harrison. 418 S 15th st. 4M EXCIIVNGE-Orrent. the Commercial hotel , furnlahed , nt Wnco. Vork Co. A good open ing for n hotel man. J , M , Hell , York , Neb. IIMI HI ONE hundred nnd sixty acres In llrown Co. , Neb. , good house nud lot In nqroodloun town , nnd two good Malllons to oxelintme for mdso. Price of nil nbout JI.OOO , nnd nil from Incutnbrunco. Co-operatlvo Land & Lot Co. , 203 N Ifith st. ll > ) 10 " \\rANTED-To exchange brick work for horse T T nnd uuggy. Cay or address , 1017 Cnstcllar. iKi1.K rilO EXCIIANGE-Twenty-foiir cholco lots In JL Cottngo Place , near M. P. llelt Line Uy. lu WestOinahu. Iheso lots nro clear nnd unlu- cumbcrcil. Price to.nuo. Will trade for good farm laud. George N. Hicks , Darker block. "J)3 ) 13 WANTED A good l.orsn , buggy and harness In exchange for South Omaha lots. Georg * J.Stoinsdorfr , room 0 , opp postolllco. 230 "I71INE residence In Hunscom place on car line JL1 and paved street , 1J rooms with every con venience , commodious two-story barn In fine fthnpo ; might take choice prouerty in part pay ment. See A. K. Hlloy. Itiu Farnnm. tot 13 EIGHTY ( BO ) acres of nnd adjoining Lnko Munawn , Council , niuft.s , Iiv. This tract will make 400 beautiful lots and Is fro * from encumbrance. WhatlmvsNouto offer ? George J. Sternsdorit room e , opp P. O. 1B7 l710K EXcTlANTinmprovcd farm of ICO JL' acres and somn cash for n drug More or printing olllco. 611 N. llith st. IKi ) 10 * mo EXCHANGE-A JIOO caulty in an ? OJ lot Jl for u peed second hand pluno. Address 383' ) Hnmllton Bt , 7HO 11 * WANTED NINE hundred thousnnd or more brick for lots audcnsli.V. . J. Paul , 1C09 Farnam. 774 J. STEHNSDOHFF , [ loom 0. opposite P. O. , hns some cholco farm land to trade for city proporty. Will assume light Incum- brancoi. 231 BUICh. Wanted 100,000 brlcKs m oxchnnga for good Inside Omaha property , 8. A. Bloiuau room 22 and 23 Hcllmnn bids. Oil FpKADES made In real ostnte nud personal Jproperty. . See exchange book. Co-ou. L. and L. Co. 205 N. ICtli at. 1M T have you to olTer for 1'JSO acres of ft timber landl n West Virginia , clear of In- ciimbrnnce , perfect title. Oeoryo J. Sterusdorlf , Itoom 0 , opjioslte P.O. _ gll WHAT have you to trade for 80 acrei or land uniucumbered in Junoan county , Wls , , n miles from county sent. 0. J. SteruadoriT.rootu 0 , opp Postolllco. _ 107 T710K KXCIIANOlT Neb. farm or "two "South JL ; OmHliu lots for span of mares or mules W. 1. . Solby. liKl Farnam at. _ COO V\71 'jli Bivb"you a jood traao tor nn olKht or I V ton room nouse and lot. George J. tfterns- dortr , Itoom 0. opposite P. O. _ 2.U FORSALE REAL ESTATE. MUbT sellMxHO just onst of Uth on Hlckoiy , $ . ' ,11/0 paved St. , ix lllock away , u ortli $ ) ,4X ( ) . Other bargains , Improved nnd unimproved. Good inside property to trade for farm. An thony Johnson. : 0 8. Hth St. 1U11S _ * "VTKW 5 room cottage , lot 42x100 , Cass st. near i- > : r > th ; piico J2roO ; pnymuntn to bUlt ; this is n bargain. 1' . K. Uaillntr , 10J1 Kurnnm , 13 ( ! in \\ants to liuy one of the best coiner WHOants lots In Oichard Illll for $5r,0 ? hinall c.xsh payment , balancu very easy terms , tills lot Is M xl.M , InrK" uuoiiKh to build four coitngvs on. K. J. Steinsdorir , room 0 , opp P. 0. PC5 12 "fiWK SALE 240 ncros choice land ndjolulnn J ? the original town of I'.xeter , Nebraska. 125 acres In timothy grans ; fiO acres cultivated land ; liO ncies good wild grass land. This Is HUltablo for line farm or addition to town. Exeter has nvo lines ol H. 11. , It. & M. and N. W. , has mill , elevators , schools , churches , canning factory , \c. Address J. W. JJolan , ludliiuola , Neb. 202 23 thousand ncros of Nebraska lands for TIKN sale at prices nnd terms never bofoio of fered ; will sell pomii nt $2. ? , with small cash payment. A like opportunity for good lands at low prices win not Boon occur. T , S. Clarkson , 211 bo.llthst. UU-11 EOH SAIjK The very best land In rhoyenno county. Neb. , from &VOO to 7.00 an acre. 1 tenth dov.n , balance lu ten annual equal pay ments. LeiUllo llroj. , Julesbiirf , Colo. WIMJAJI st. near Oth.lot Xlxlt ! , 4-room Inrg cottage. S2.400 ; payments to suit. K. K. Dar ling , 1D21 Farnnrn. 103 13 I AM agent for some of the flues trosidcnco lots in Hunscom 1'laco and can offer them nt ilgures It will pay you to luvostlgato. lllcks , Itoom 40 , llarker block- . 411 WILL sell a lot near Lowe nve. for $1,500 , and loan $1,000 to improve sumo , on HI month ly payments. Address , D. C. Patterson. 481 few lota left in n. & M. park addition to South Omaha. What have you to offer ? George J. Bternsdorff. Itoom a , opjd' . O. 231 TTKll SALI3 lly 51. A. Upton & Co. , J-1 loth bt. , opposite chamber of commerce. Business Property Farnam street , between 18th nud 23d , $3iW 0 8700 per foot. Capitol uvenuo , Ijotweon 13th. nud 16th , Jj'W ' per foot. Corner 10th and Jones , CO ft. deep , $ .205 per foot. Corner 15th and Jones , CO ft. deep , $100.00 per foot. Douglas street , between 10th nnd Ilth , $700 per foot. Howard street , between 14th anil 15th , $500 per foot. foot.H ow ard street , between 13th and 10th , $530 per foot. Ilesldencos Twelve percent Investment Throe 2 story and basement brick houses , 10 rooms each , all mod ern Improvements , on cable line , } 23,500 ; IS.noo cash , balanced years ; will take good , clear lot for part cash payment. Ueuutlful south trout lot In block S , Kountze I'l.ico ; elegant 12 room house , furnace , laun dry , bath , hot and cold water , electilo annun ciator and burglar alarm , lilt01 lor tlnoly tin- ishcd , SiMXrO : JJ.ixMcnsh , balnnco easy. 1'lno Kountzo I'loco residence , south front on Kmmetst. , between 20th am2lst , opposite th > ) reserve , 10-room house ilnely nnlshed , all moil- eny conveniences except furnace , pipes in for that , Btreet car within half a block , $7,000 ; $ . ! , GOO cash or good notes , balnnco easy. Ten-loom house , new nnd complete , south fiont , In block JJ4 , Kountzo Place. 8ii,700 ; , . ' ,200 cash. This is within 74 fuel of 20th st. 1'lno residence lu Windsor place , full east front lot , elegant 10 room house , bath , hot and cold water , f urnnco , flrit-clnss barn. A cholco home , JT.IHA ) . Price Includes new carpets and curtains. A ulco cost front lot In Windsor Plncp , now 8-room house , well , cistern , cemented cellar.eto. A Una home , only W.7CO ; * 5W ) cash , 4500 In one year , balance lu thieo yours. Here , bfo this : (0-foot ( front lot In Shlun'i End a.1d. , on Franklin ut. cajt of ROth , fi-ioom house , cellar , cistern , young trees , good side- v.alks , etc. , uto. , W.OO. Itesldcnco Sites. Fine bulldlnu lot. No. , In block 1 , Denlso ad dition , three blocks from cable line ; an extra bargain at 52.2.VJ. Very Easy Terms Lots 13 nnd 11 , block 2 , Kll- by Place on uuth between ledge and Daven port 81,700 each. If puity will build a house to cost not less than Sl.UUU , Avlll sell lot with only 1100 cash payment , bal.mco I , 2 anil : i years. Tine residence site. 12tjxliO , cast front corner , netttrun Leavenworth nnd rurnnm , only two blocks fiom pa > ed street. Note the alio and lo cation of this piece of ground and then the low price , il/M ) . Ituautlful east fiont lot In Arcade Place on Mill bticet , just south of Lenvenwoith.for } lwio. Thlslsjyuj bulow actual value , and will bo in the market a shoit time only ut the prlco quoted. Very Choice llesldence Site W feet east front on 37th street , VM feet south ot Rirnam. intli street Is being paved from Farnam to Leaven- worth. No location better than this for line residence , Prlco , { ) , ' . live blocks from paved block south ot Leavcnworth , Wxl3\ corner , lies beautiful , Gradual slope from lots to Luavonworth street , Jl,4.,0 ; JIW cash. Is below bed rock for tills. Note thu size of the lots and that It Is n double cor- uor. Something Choice-Lot 4. block n. Hillside No. 1 , on Davenport streot. opposite Vates,1 J.1J OS3 mansion , only $ . ' . ( ' 00. Thoro'a n nlcr > residence Blto for you at a low figure.'in : DOxUO on Parkave. , botw .ni.VRmrindPttcilIcsts. ; , 2,100 , adjoining 40 teist sold for S12' ) per foot. Don't miss thU : I ot I1. ' , Clarke's add. , just north of Ht. Mary's nvo. , 64 feet fiont , worth W.KW. We will sell for a short time for $5,500. South Omaha Property. Three good SouthOniHha lots at : priremucu below their vnlno. Lot It block 12 , Albright's nnnux. Just noithwost of dopot.on main county road.IlltO ; lot 1 block : ! , llrown's park , corner on M ami It ( llronn st , > , SI.2UO ; lot It block 21. South Omaha , fluest lusiao lot , 00x160. east fiont , ' 0. Lot H block 61 , nnd lot 1 block TO , $1,000 ench ; one-third cash , balance in four equal semi annual payment * , Viuduct on L st. will make thess lota very valuable. Lot U block 71 , Hotel bargain New H-room hotel ; lot 30x 1W ) . just south of N st , , pric $8,000 , which in- tludes hotel tmulture , saloon fixture ? , etc. lUQzlMonSftih just north of M st ; , opposite thn Heed hotel , witli good cottase , SlO.OiW. ThU \ > ill bo orlh $ JX ) a foot in a year from to-day. Wo have on our list the best SoutU Omnlia business and residence property in the market ; we can soil it at the lowobt price obtainable. M. A. Upton & Co. , Tel. 851 , 710 171011 SALB Improved farm of 60 acres ; good J- orchard , fences , house , barn , outbuildings and Hrlng water ; nfteen miles from Omauu. Tlie best produce and live stock market in the world. $15 per acre. 0. F. Harrison , 118 B. 15th , Oman * . . 5i 171011 8ALUUy Dexter I. . Thomas , at ifb .L1 biaikn Suvliif.s Hank , ICtli and rainam ; i percent oir vaiuo. lu full lolsnt grade ( I blocks from tosolllco block. South ( itimlm , fXHI each , tenns to suit ; Who \Miuvi llrst cholco ? lots on raiuitn street , fast of Dundee Viaco , north or soul trontn , $ | ,5W i ncn and less , fi nicest full hits lu lledford Placo.ttouth fronts , cholco 1700 , terms cn y. 10 nicest cot nrNKiti nud adJolnliiR In Lincoln I'lnco.M-ry cheap nndteruis to Milt. fi anil lOnciotimbortrni'tsO miles fromUmnlin P.O. . fioo pora"rc. P aero tracts by Klornucc , can't b boat for small fruit , JM per mu- . I o n tlienbou- % u > H as lots In vnttous nil- dttlouM , Including U lots on West llrondway , Conn 'U lihurs. See mo for a bargain. Dexter I , . Thomas , nt Nebraska P rlnrs ( Ilnnk , Hoard of I nido building. l 0 _ _ " 131101'OSni ) cablTwill nuTon"noith7ldo of blk JL Hlltuicoin % plnce.ln which 1 IHIMI tine new rcsldonco to sell on favorable terms to good nity , 2-stoiy nud 7 rooms. A , K. Illley. lultf I'm num. MS 12 " _ OU SA Li-l : ) t f > . block 11. Plnlnvlew , Jl.lOOj mnko cash oiler ; you \ > 111 waste tliuo t.iUtng rade. C. I' . Harrison , 418 S. 15th. Ill UJ81XI buys n full lot ami good 4-room cottugo , P easy ternn nnd good location. Smiles . * Hunt , successorsto D. V.Sholes , loom I , Hmkor b'ock. swi "I71OH8ALK Jl.KWfora neat C-room cottage , X1 2011 Grace st.nlco homo fora mechanic woric- ing In the north part of town. Easy payments. C. F. llarrlmin. 41rt South lf > th st. Bll Foil SAlr.-Chenp , splendid homestead ro- llnnulshment , 10 acres trees growing ; ad dress X. (5 ( lloo olllco. 12 14 1J1ULL lot northeast corner f'arnam and 42d -t ? house that cost $4WO , nil for KNKl if taken this week ; go no further for a bargain. M. A Upton Jt Co. _ 104 FltANKLIN formerly of fin Pnxtou Illdir. will carry on hU trading nt 1M1 rnrnam st. lledlck'N lllock ut Pnitlsen and Arnemuu's room nnd will nlttnys hnvo a good list of property to trade uud exchnugo. 4'JO rTTirSAL14 llenut I fill R-ronm house with all JL1 modern improvements , full lot , Kollnt/o place , $7HOO ; ) j cash. Will trade for good va cant business propoity on luwcr Sauudora st. C. F. Harrison. 413 tf 15th st. _ CM EAS'I' front In Slmll'a 2d add , throo-qimrters of a blk Irom the route ot cnblo ; lot 50x127 , n feet above grade ; 1 , NW It tnken < iulck. O.K. Harrison , 118 S. 11th. 171 _ " 1J1OH SALI'-Lotln Smith Pnrl"mxlltl ) , facing' X1 cast on 10th st. Prlco , $ ' > ,2lU ; xj rush ; If you don't wish to build on the lot do not apply. C. V. llairison. 418SI5tli. 77 T710I * SALK Full lot nnd largo 2-story house Jof 7 large rooms , good well , cellar , cistern In the kitchen , good neighborhood , street cars , church , bchool and store close by. All now uucl complete , f . ' ,610. Small cash payment , balancu monthly , .lust the place lor n man of moderate mi'niH nnd largo family. Tome nnd see mo about It. C. F. Harrison , 118 S. lith st. fc32 "VTINT I'-riVK by one hundred and thirty-two J- > south and east front on rurnam nnd Wtli for $8f > 00 , H cashbalance 1 , 2 and 3 years. How't * that ? Jl. A. l'ptonCo. 104 GNU thousand pooilo wanted at my olllce , BO that 1 can tell you how to get n home. 1 can put you In the w ay of having u nice , cozv llttlo place of your own. H don't take much money. Call nnd SBH mo nbout It nt once. C. P. llnrrl- son , 418 S Ifith st. 777 TTIOU SALR I am prepared to build you n JL good house In n good location nnd tnko monthly payments on tlid house and lot. Call nnd see mo nbout It. 0. F. Harrison , 418 S 15th. 7M BA110A1N Lot 13 , blocks. Summit Plnco ad dition , (18 ( foot on Turn im by I.'B. Kimball , Champ iV llyun , room 0 , U. a. Nat. bank. Ullat3 FOU SALi-Lot : 5 b8 Lincoln place. . . .9 750 Lot 11 b 1) ) Ilcdfoid place , south front . KM Lots 21 and 21 b 4 llnwthorno 2.COO LotBblO llltchcock'b 1st CM Lot 221) 1 Ilanscom place l.KiO Lot 12 b34 South Omaha , corner 1,1UO Lot 4 1)4 South Omaha 800 5 nnd 10 ncies llucst garden land In Si ring Valley , per ncro tOO Marshall fc Lobeck , l ooin 0 , Chamber of Com- incrce. U3 ir < DO you want a south front lot In Omaha View Just west of now school house ? Wo have onn at { 7f > 0. M. A. Upton & Co. 104 GNU hundred and thlity-two by ono hundred and thlity-two on llrlstol street , between 21th and ililth , $ JfiOO. SI. A. Upton fe Co. 104 TJ1OH SALU-Lot 10 , block 7 , South Omalia , A ? $750 ; dirt cheap ; woith SI.OOO. C. F. Hnrrl- bou , 418 S. loth st. 111 FOll SAL1J A beautiful residence lot In Isaac i ; Solden's addition ; if you want a bargain , Investigate. George J. Storusdorlf , Itoom 0 , opp. P. O. 681 SOUTH 20th , Just south of Cnstellnr , the very llnestklnd of cast fronts ; on giado ; natural trees ; $ ' 0 front foot. M , A. Upton & Co. 101 /COUNCIL ULtll'Kd-Nlce 5-room cottage , V good barn , lot 50x120 , on Uroadway , paved street , strpet cars by the door ; can give posses sion at an any tlmo. but lius good tenant at 115 per month. Only $2,00) . Twenty acres Just north of Uroadway , ono mile from the rirer , $1,000 per aero ; submit otrcr ; only 00 feet from motor line. M. A. Upton & Co. 737 ONE of the choicest homes in Kountze Place , 10-room house , large linrn ; all conveniences ; Spencer st. but. Kith and isth alt. Cnn take a good vacant lot as llrst payment. F. K. Darling , 1521 Farnam. 10J U OH SAL13 Or exchange. We have some good Omaha real estate nnd Nebraska farms , which wo will Bell cheap or trade for stock of clothing , furnlsrtlng goods , dry poods , boots nndshoos , groceries or hardware. Schles- inger Itros. . fil4 S. 10th xt. Cffl S OUTII 23id , Just north of Vlnton , 50 footloti 'for ' SM.OUO , H cash. M , A. Upton & Co. 104 GJ.STEUNSDOHFF , room 6 opposite post- ollice , will sell you a good 4-room houia on 16th street , 2 blocks south of car line , by p Ting - ing $ M ) cnsn. balance monthly payments to suit. This is a splendid opportunity for anyone ono wanting a cheap homo , 831 eNACQUAINTED WITH THl CIOORAPMYC * THI COUNTHY Wlti 6BTAIN MUCH INFOflMTIOH rBOM A 6TUOY OF THI HATOfTMl " 5s -s CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAHD& PACIFIC l'I Its main llnea and bra.ncb.ea Include OHIOAQOL PEOHIA. ZIOLINE. ROOK ISLAND. DAVz POUT. DES MOINES. COUNCIL BLOTS * . XO CATINE. KANSAS OUT. BT. JOSEPH. I4EAT * EN WORTH. ATOHISOW. CZDAB UA7ID& WATERLOO , MINNEAPOLIS , and BT. PAUfit and icorei of Intermediate cities. Cbolo * < 3 routes to and from the raclBo Coest. All tru > fore la Union depots. F&st tralcs of lint Da Goachea. elegftat Dining OrtmafftiUlodAt Tull * man Falaco Cleopere , end ( between Chlcxo. Bt Jcsoph , Atchlsou and Kantua Olty ) T fifnlpg Chair Cara , Soata ITreo , to bolJoro of throuck Qrat-cloea tlcketa. Chlcaeo , Kansas & Nebraska R'y "OrentRock lalancl Route. " VirtendsWcet nnd Bouthweit from Hanaai t end Bt. Jooerh to NKLGON , SORXON. . BELLK- VILI.E , TOPEICA. irEIUNQTON. WICHITA. uuToirmsoN , CALDWEIX , and ail potnu in KANSAS AND SOUTHERN NIBRASKA andbayoad. Kntlro prusonger ijulpnwnt of tka colebmud Pull noun cutnufactura. A" saAty kV pUancea and modoriiisiproTeaients. The Famous Albert Lon Route * I : me favorite betwean Cbtceeo , Bock Inland , AtcbUon. Kansas City and Hinnoapolla and MX I'auL It * Wfttortown branch travorsta tbt gr t "WHEAT AND DAIRY BELT" of Northern Iowa , Bouthwoiturn MlnntaoU , end East Central Dakota to Wotertourn , Bplrlt LeJc * . Blouz lralla and many other towns and citlt * . Tbe Dhor * . I/lne via Ooneca and Kanhakoo offra uporior faclUtioa to trav l to and fromlndiaft * apolia , Cincinnati and other Southern point * . If or Tickets. Maps , Ifoldtrs , ordoslrod informa * tlou , npply at any Coupon TciitOtUc' ! ooil JroM E.OT.JOHN , U.A.HOLQROOK Proposals. SRALEI ) Proposals will be received In the Til- lagoof Culbertion Nebraska , until lieptom- bor 1st , 188 % for the furnishing , erecting and * completing of a system of Water Works for tha village of Culbert.son. Nebraska. Bald system to b furnished nnd built In no- cordnnce with plans and specifications ou Sin la the olllco of the village clerk of CulburtMju , Nobraskn , The village council reserves the right to reject any and all blda or nny parts of bids. Proposals should benddiessod to the village clerk of Culbertson. Nebraska , aud iuark d : "I'roposalB for Water Works . . , ' . - - - - - - For copies of other information liertson , Nebraska , of Culbertson , > ' "