THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY. AUGUST 11. 1888 , TO1E DAILY BEE. VHIIY MOIININU. THUMB OP St'llSClUl-riON. Daily MorfilnjjlMltlon ) including Suil : > \ v lll.r . Onn Year . $10 TO Vor Six Months . . . fi W IVir'nu'if Months. . . . " W .PnKO'tAiiA SUNDAY llr.r , mulled to any mldrob i , Una Yrur . 2 HO . YolWOmrH , HOOMIHANII 15TIUIIUNH JlL'lI.IIINd.VHIIINUTON UtflUK , No. 01' ! l > 'ouiati\Tit : . . All communications vclntlnu to news nnd edi torial mutter should bo uddrukstd totliuKniToii oi'TiiK llr : : . JIUSINRSH Lirrrniis. , , , , All biiiliipsi letters nnd remittances should bo nddrcs-cd toTiiB Hun I't'iiMsntnu COMPANY , OMAHA. DrnttK , chwU'i nnd post > ! llco orders to bo imulupajablu to tllu onlurof the company. TlicBcePniilisliiii ! Company , Proprietors , E. ROSEWATER , Editor. 1JI3K. Hwnrn Hlntoinciil of Circulation , Btntoof Ncbr.iikn. I . . County ot Uouglafl. 1 ' flpo. II , Tzschuok , poorctnry of The HPO Pub- Hulling company , doon Holcnnily mvear that the actual circulation of Tun DAILY line for the week ending August 4 IMS , was as follows : Pnndny. .lnly ! IS.S-lo Jlonduy , .lulj-IJO 1WKI 'J-iu'sday..liily3l 1S.007 AVi-dncsdav. August 1 li .ttil 'Thursday , A BUHt2 W > 12 miiliiy , Annum ; ) WWT Baturday , August 1 , WM Average 18,018 01:0. : H.TXPCIIUCK. S\vorn to licforn mo and subscribed In my Jiruseuco thin 4th dixy of August. A. 1) , 1SW. N. I' . i'Ellj , Notary 1'ubllc. Btateof Nebraska , I _ , County of Douglas , f H > s < ( IforRu II. TzHctnirk , being first duly s\vorndc- pdat-si\nd says that he Is secit-tary of Tlio llou j'ubll hliiK company , that the actual average dally circulation of TUB ] ) Aii < r llM ! for the .ircv , > cmtiuai 1UI jiiuiun , ircv , ltvoy IUMI-D , IUL April , 18 , 18,744 copies : for May , IMS , 18,181 copies ; for Juue.lbSS , HVJM copies : for .Inly , 183 , J8. ( n copies. ( JKU. II. T/.PCIHJCK. Sworn to heforo mo and subscribed In my presence this 1st day of August , A ] ) . . IfWN. N. P. I'Kilj Notary Public. Till- : now comet just discovered has a slow custom motion , : i short tail and in invisible to the naked oyo. From the description it must bo a brother to John L. Webster's congressional boom. TUB Honorable Patrick O'Hawes is looming up ns an alternate from the First ward this time. Pat is boxing the compass in his changes of location. At the last election ho bobbed up in the Fifth. has led oft with a demo cratic majority of 100,000 votes. But that was to bo expected. Republicans kept away from the polls , for they know well enough their ballots would bo counted with the majority if they votod. ATTOKNKY GUXUUAL BAKHK , of Iowa , has brought fifteen suits against the Chicago & Northwestern for extor tionate freight charges based on the Btato railroad commibsionors' tariff schedule. But the Northwestern does not mind a dozen law suits , so long as it can keep on charging what the trafllc will bear. BENKATU the surface of the present political turmoil in Douglas county the undercurrent of the October tussle is manifesting itself. The county attor- uoyship , the scramble for legislative Boats and incidental minor offices which nro to bo fought for at the next republi can county convention are all playing their part at the present time. TIIK execution of MaxwellatSt. Louis for the murder ot Arthur Proller will recall in the minds of everybody the crime for which the young Englishman paid the death penalty. The circum stances surrounding the mystery , the flight and recapture of the murderer will bo remembered as ono oP the most sensational and peculiar events in the annals of crime. That Maxwell had a fivir ana impartial trial no ono can doubt , and the bravado with which ho sent out his remarkable address to the people of England ia only in line with the character of the man. While the fate which ended Maxwell's life will excite no sympathy , every one will fool compassionate toward the heart-broken tnother and disgraced father who in a etrango land came1 to see their boy expiate - $ v * piato the crime of murder. TnK special committee now Investi gating the Italian immigration evils in New York City came across n startling bit of testimony. A number of wit nesses have testified that the coal oper ators of Pennsylvania had entered into an agreement by which the labor ques tion could be kept in their own hands. Thrice as many mines as wore needed to apply the market were opened and enouch labor to overstock the labor market was imported from Italy , Hun gary and Poland. In this way the coal barons of America were able to reduce the price of labor to such a pittance that American workmen could not com pete nnd thus render all strikes'harm- loss. There is evidently a wide field for investigation open to Congressman Ford nnd his colleagues. The Inquiry in the light of this testimony can well bo ex tended into the coal mine dibtricts ol Pennsylvania , where the wretchedness of the coal miners and the causes thereof may be fully brought to light. K roundups are now going on in Wyoming and it is estimated the terri tory will within ninety days bo ready to ship from sixty-five to sovonty-fivt thousand cattle to markot. The out look , therefore , for tho'industry is mucl brighter than it has boon for some yean past , and cattlemen will bo able U recoup themselves by the improved tout iuprices.over the losses sustained dur ing 1885 and 18SO. As compared witl lost year , cattle which sold ia the fa ) of 1897 in Chicago- $22 have beer corn-fed- a cost of $30 per head am market last mouth at front $05 to $90 poi head , thus yielding a handsome profit The-wast comparatively mild winter or the ranges has also contributed in im proving the condition ot cattle , niu they came through it in bolter shape than for three years past. The rocoy cry In the depression of the cattle busl iicss has put stockmen on guard to nvph the dangers of ovororowdingtho ranges It id thqrcforo , certain that the oxcoesoi in saiidiug vast hqrds into the territory which 'caused the decline in 1S84. wil uot again bo repeated. , ; ' - ' ' ! Ilic..IjnBt of Earth. To-day tlio' mortal part of General 3hlllp II. Sheridan will bo consigned o the grave. The immortal record of lis illustrious oaroor remains to the glory of his country and the instruction if linn kind. It is an imperishable , part ot the history of this nation , which irofilcd so greatly from his genius nnd lis valor. It is a legacy to the coming fc.iier.itions of Americans which will trongtlion their patriotism and love of ountry. It is another lesson to the vorld that great heroes may spring rom the humblest ranks of a free pco- > lo who give to all an equal right to lursuo the pathway to success. * The event which will make to-day nomorablo in the country's annals will > o distinguished by no imposing dis- ) ltvy of martial pomp and august cero- noiiicrf. Thodctilroof the great aoldior hat his obsequies should bo only those of a soldier will bo respected. Ho was nodost in his life , seeking only the just OA'nrd of his services , , and ambitious only of the approval and gratitude of lis countrymen. Ho did not wish at lis death any of the "pomp and cir cumstance" which ho declined to por- nit while living. IIo had attained the lighcbt military rank in the gift of the opublic. IIo was not unconscious" lis place in the history of his ountry. No funeral grandeur could add to its glory. 'J ho ihnplo and necessary ceremonies of , o-dny , are the final testimony to the noduHt character of the great soldier , nd therefore more impressive than any vhich the affection and gratitude of the uition , had those been consulted , could uivo dovisod. The death of General Sheridan has ) cen universally mourned. Sorrow has ouchod the hearts of those whom ho 'ought ' and conquered as well as of those ivhom ho led to battle and to victory. Eulogy of his great services to the coun ty and of his splendid ability us a boldier has boon pronounced with equal ullness and heartiness by man of the lorlli and of the south. The fooling is hat the glory of his achievements , and .ho honor of his fame belongs to the lution and are the heritage of all .ts people. Thus it is that to-day every American citizen is in profound sym- wlhy with the last sad rites that will consign to their final resting place the mortal remains of ono of the greatest of American soWiers , and the condolence of the entire nation goes out to those who know his love and devotion as a lusbaud and a father. Uliiliio'H Ilcturn. The delayed steamer City of Now York , with James G. Blnino as its most listinguishod passenger , arrived at w York yesterday morning. Mr. 31nino is reported to bo in excellent iiealth , and it nothing occurs to itn- : > air his present vigor his promised act- .vo part in the political campaign will jo fulfilled. All citizens will bo glade ; o know that Mr. Blaine returns to this country much bettor nnd'strongor phy sically than when ho loft it. The arrangements to give the oral- , icut states man a grand welcome were seriously intorforrod with by the delay in the arrival of the atoamor , which s two days late , but undoubtedly there will bo a d6monstrntion in honor of his return that will not lack in on- husiasm and memorable characteris tics. As it was , ho received a most cor dial welcome , expressing in return his great gratification at being again in the republic. Referring to the political campaign , Mr. Blaine pointedly indi cated the character of the contribution tie would make to it , and it is hardly necessary to say that it is likely to have an extended and important infiuonco. IIo will nrobably not enter upon his campaign work until some time in Sep tember. The Mississippi Bulldozers. The letters which have been pub lished in THE BEE from a correspondent in Mississippi , showing the way in which the colored republican vote in sections of that state is suppressed and the political rights of those people do med them , appear to have nettled some democrat in this locality who is not un willing to assist his political follows in Mississippi in hunting down the author of the letters and driving him , if possi ble , out of the state. A letter received from our cor respondent states that some demo crat in Nebraska forwarded ono of his communications printed in THK BEK to the postmaster at Chotard , Miss. , and asked him for the facts. This democrat also sug gested to the postal official to find the author.of THE BKK articles and endea vor to have them suppressed , which it is understood the otiiciul is seduously seeking to do. Of course the method of suppression , should the author of the ar ticles bo discovered , would bo the com mon ono of driving him out of the state , or , if ho refused to bo driven , taking summary measures to got rid of him. As our correspondent states it : "If you don't wish to stir up the wrath of the southern bourbon , you must keep your mouth shut and swallow everything and vote the democratic ticket without asking any questions ; for if you dara question their methods ol nullifying the constitution to Mip- prcss the negro votes your life and property would bo. in danger. " Our correspondent is fully warranted in his plan of campaign against the democratic bulldozers of Mississippi , not merely on personal grounds , but because it is the only way of getting the truth of the situation there before the country. Their efforts to locate him are not likely to succeed , It is sufficient for Tiw Bisu to repeat what it has hereto fore stated , that its correspondent is a competent * intelligent and entirely trustworthy witness , in whoso testimony it has full faith. The article of our correspondent which was sent by a.Nobruska democrat to the postmaster at Chotard It appears was forwarded by that official to the editor of the. Vicksburg JFeruhl , with the request that ho reply to it. The re sult can hardly havo. bqen satisfactory to the Mississippi bulldozers. Not a single fact stated by our correspondent is denied , but on the contrary , the truth of ( he charge- suppressing the colored vote Is virtually confessed in the assor- 'lion of the editor that the white people iV of the south will never submit to'bo ulcd by the black race , while it Is joldly declared that whether or not ho people of the north approve1 of this _ ( lotonntnntion "tho southern white people will go on just as they mvo been doing since negro dominn- ion was overthrown. " In other words , t is the settled purpose of the bouthorn whites to go on defiantly disregarding the constitutional amendments which nndo the negro a citizen and gave him equal political rights with the white nan. This deliberate acknowledgment of a prominent southern newspaper is commended to the attention of intol- igont democrats who believe itisncces- Fiiry to the perpetuity of republican in stitutions that the fundamental law should bo respected and obeyed in all ts requirements. Supervision of Street AVIren. Applied science is a dangerous thing when its operation is not coupled with safeguards. . This fact was forcibly dem onstrated in the city of Dayton , Ohio , jy the total destruction of the telephone system from contact with the wires that serve as conductors of power to electric street railways. This accident could have been readily avoided had n-opor precautions boon taken in the n-uction of the overhead wires used for the street railway motor. It has boon well established that the contact of telephone - ophono nnd telegraph wires with lines used for conveying power and light s very dangerous. Not only is there liability to cause a whole sale destruction of telegraph and telephone instruments , but also moro than a possibility of setting fire to buildings and killing or maiming ) crsons who happen at the time to bo Handling the telephone and telegraph wires. The lesson of Dayton should not bo lost upon this city. There has boon U together a too promiscuous stringing of wires in our streets and alloys , regard less of public safety , or oven of public convenience. The telegraph lines should by all moans bo ordered placed under ground in the business portion of the city , and the telephone lines should bo made to follow just as soon as proper arrangements can bo made. Electric light wires should bo located under export supervision , and in no case should they bo allowed to hang in dangerous proximity to telephone and telegraph lines that onlor dwellings and business blocks. As a matter of public safety a compe tent electrical engineer should bo em ployed to supervise and inspect all wir ing in the public thoroughfares. Such a man will more than earn his salary in chocking and preventing disaster that may at any time overtake this city by negligence or accident. RIGHT on the heels of the protest of the citizens of Albright for a hick of fire protection came the disaster which swept away fifteen thousand dollars worth of property. This ought to be sufficient warning to call the South Omaha city council to a sense of their duty. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dit. MKHCEU'S motor line is moling again. The doctor expects John A. Harbach to infuse sonio vitality and electricity into its slumbering body. Other Limuls Than Ours. The arbitrary and unjust application of the cloture during the debate on the Pnrnoll com mission was a fittlnf , ' termination to the dis cussion of a measure planned for the purpose of exciting suspicion against the Irish parlia mentary party , as well as fpr ransacking the history of the National Lcaguo in order to find something capable of distortion into the semblance of a plot or a crime. The rapid manner fn which the normal majority of the government dwindled on the various amend ments to the bill showed that many of the tories share in the feeling of dis gust with which it is re garded. The rights which from time immemorial huvo boon conceded to legislators are denied to Mr. Parnell , and , in spite of his protest , a one-sided investigation will bo carried on , not to determine whether the letters published by the Times are for geries , but to give every malcontent , renegade - gado and subsidized Informer an opportunity to indulge in the falsest of accusations and the foulest of slanders. No such disgraceful action has over been attempted in British politic * , nor does English history furnish a case in which prejudice and passion have boon given freer scope and have been allowed raoro effectively to override every principle of honesty and justice. * * There nro indications that the relations of England and Germany are about to become cold , if not unfriendly. The predudlco against England and things English has long been manifested at Berlin in the form of per sonal dlsliko for the wife of the latp Emperor Frederick while she was crown princess , as well as during the brief period of her hus band's reign. It was a sonflmcnt which the present emperor unfortunately shared. While Frederick was allvo ho was almost the only real friend England had in Ger many. Now he is dead the anti-English feel ing is rendered moro bitter by the quarrel of his physician and the political intrigues that were incident to his last illness. The ves tige of an English party cannot bo said to exist in Germany.and U1 Great Britain has still a sincere friend In German political circles ho is likely to bo alienated by the recent ut terance * of the English newspapers , What ever is to bo done In the Balkans , where a modus vlvendi pf the great powers will probably bo formed , Germany is never likely to lend oven a quasi- moral support to England ns far as concerns the extension of Uussiau influence in Turkestan and Afghanistan. If slio is to save India from the Muscovite , it must bo by her own prowess. Slio has the opportunity of doing a great service to the world by ex tending her Indian railroad system from its present terminus in the desert cast of Can- dahar to Herat to connect f with the Transcaspian , just completed to Sainurcnnd. Were this douo , the time from. Europe to India might bo shortened , from three weeks to twelve days , and the expenses of the trip ' reduced , by at least one-third. Will she do ill Probably not , if wo can judge by the re cent refusal of parliament to consider the quwtlon of tlio channel tunnel. She insists that England shall remain an island , and she prefers , that India shall continue , isolated on the landward sldo , fsarlng that it the road is built it will only make her possessions moro accessible to the Husslan army , a largo part of which Is always massed in the Caucasus , only a few days by rail from her Indian frontier. % The Russian-Gorman policy of subordinat ing Franco to the designs 'of the two cmpo' i-ors was outlined about the tlmo the proscat emperor of Germany grospod the scepter , Tlio nrst turn of the imperial screw may foi that of placing Prnnco nnd Italy in strained relations to each other. Italy U encouraged In a line of policy which slio would not think of If' the two emperors did not aland behind her. Ono of two results will probably follow the hoisting of , jlaly's ' Hag over Sovilln. Either Franco wilt submit with , perhaps , a purposeless protest , or slio will oppoao the step Italy hni tikcii , It Franco submits it will not bo longlbqforo another opportunity is placed before llcr for a slulilnr exercise of the virtues of patiincc. If Franco docs not submit , nnd war sjiould follow , Italy would bo supported by the two emperor * If the tldo of war should turniigamstlicr. Franco then would bo tciiiptcil to fight a battle which she could not \\In under nny circumstances. If moro than n' match for Italy slio would certainly bo loss than a match for Italy , Hussla and Germany. It is quite probable that In this cut-throat game Hussla will bu only n i passive party. It is Germany which regards France with npprc- honaion , and desires to force her to disarm. Knsaia cares nothing about Franco except ns n power which may aid or may frustrate her designs in the iMcdlturnnoan. When Russia is ready to move south she anticipates the opposition of Great Britain. If Franco shoud : bo hi a position to reactor Great Britain assistance the outlook for Kussia would ho less promising. But if Franco should ho exhausted by n profitless war with Italy it wonM let England fight its own bat tles. It appears that William 11 of Germany is going round to the different courts to per fect a kind of govrnmcnt trust. IIo will visit nil his brother momirchs , and lot enough into the trust to enable the combina tion to dictate to Europe. At least , such ap pears to ho his purpose , nnd ho will doubtless succeed if the people remain passive and hand over without a murmur the bulk of their earnings. tf * * All the military forces of Germany nro said to lie in the highest slate of ofllciency , and the vast engine of war which lias been constructed at such immense cost awaits only the touch of ICalsor Wllhulm to begin its deadly operations. Tim acerbity and irritation that have been manifested along the French frontier over trifling matters of dispute between the authorities of tlio two nations furnishes a convenient spark which may at any time si't Europe in a bhizo. The friction will doubtless bo increased by reason of the harsh measures which Germany has adopted to stamp out French ideas and inllu- eiii'o in the two conquered provinces of Alsace and Lorraine. Among these are the suppression of the study of the French language in schools or by private tutor , the abolition of French money as the commercial medium of business transactions , nnd the threat of expatriation which hangs over the heads of the large landed proprietors. This latter mcasuro wouhLho resorted to reluct antly , if at all , vet it cannot ho doubted that the ultimate intention and desire of the Ger man government is to destroy tlio largo lauded estates in these provinces by cutting them up into smallholdings , to bo occupied by a. new infusion of fully Germanized pea santry. If the critical sentiment of the age will permit , Alsatt ! and Lorraine as French communities may 'yet ' bo as completely ex tirpated as Prussian Poland has been. # * * The assertion of the French that Italy's increase of armaments is duo to the fact that she has designs upon Tripoli seems to bo based on apprehension rather than on evidence. Italy's experience with Massowah is ccortainly uot encouraging to lurthcr at tempts at territorial acquisitions in Africa. Yet of all placeman that continent she un doubtedly woulii , . prefer n foothold in Tripoli. Doubtless , also she would find her ambition in thatfj direction furthered by some other European nations whose for eign policy coiltd not interfere with Italy's. But it is wholly premature to sup pose that her Immediate object is tlio con quest of Tripoli. Her increase of armaments has been going on steadily of Into years , partly from the well-grounded pride which sno feels in having put herself in the very front rank of naval powers and partly from the consciousness that she may at any time bo called upon to act in armed alliance with other powers in a great European conflict. It is by no means improbable that the price of her assistance in such a conflict would bo a foothold in North Africa , cither as a volun tary cession for aid rendered or us the spoils of successful war. * * It is not improbable that whoever at i/ekm is responsible for the talk of putting the army and navy of China into condition to light Great Britain upon the Chinese exclusion question , is evidently indulging iu a game of bluff. It is said that "three years will be required - quired for this purpose. " China ha now of vessels going fifteen knots or more , four ar mored and eight unarmorcd , only ono in the dozen having over 3C < > 0 tons dis placement. Great Britain has seven teen armed vessels build and six building of moro than fifteen knots and ranging in displacement from 5,600 , the smallest , up to 10,0K ( ) . She has twenty-seven fast unarmored cruisers built , of whioh nearly half nro of more than 3,700 tons dis placement. It is therefore safe to say that it will require quite as much as three years for Mongolia- rule the waves , vice Britan nia , A curious part of the alleged imperial edict Is the ordering homoof nil Chinese sub jects In Australian colonies within thcso three years of preparation. It would bo odd to complain that moro Chinese are not al lowed in Australia , and then to call homo oven these that are thero. It ia still said that the relations between Emperor William nnd his mother are n good deal moro than strained. Nothing but the Influence of Prince Bismarck has prevented the emperor from summoning the Hohen- zollern family council for the purpose of formally declaring that the Into emperor's will and settlements are invalid , as his state of health should have disqualified him from ascending the throne last March. This step may yet bo taken unless the Empress Vic toria gives up tlio papers which were sent to England with th4 queen and which are now understood to bo deposited at Windsor. The result would bo that , while the public acts of Emperor Frederjck would bo unaffected , Emperor Wlllian ) would bo placed in pre cisely the same position , so far as money .goes , as if ho bad succeeded his grandfather ; and his mother , Empress Victoria , should be reduced to the very moderate jointure of a dowager crown princess and her younger children would have tneirallowances greatly cut down. * n w * A much moro manageable and promising cutcrpriso for French capital to engage in than the Puuama canal U the proposed mari time canal through * Franco , planned by M. do Doubrot , to connect Havro and Mar- sciles , utilizing the waters of the Seine , the Loire and the lltione , and intended to make Paris a seaport. By damming the rivers the plan , if carried out , would engage to fur nish insurance against floods in those portions of France where these disasters are of almost annual occurrence , and would provide , not only Irrigation , but hy- draulio power convertible Into electric light ing and olectric-motlvo power. It would take about eight years to complete this undertaking by present estimates , and would , at the end , give both the Straits of Gibraltar and oomo trans-continental Hues of railway the "go-by" so far as French use of them for transportation U concocntsd. It would also furuUh that "homo market" for French investors that is th greatest urabl- .lion auy country cau havo. VNED JOHN 1muu \ \ W. J. Council Oomos Out Victorious nt Yostordny's Primaries. THE OUTLOOK FOR CASPER YOST. An Active Contest Wltli Hut Mute to Destroy tlio Good l''oolli of i'rlnelwlH | and As sistants. The Itosult In All the AVnriln. The primaries for the republican county convention were hold yesterday. In general , they were the most liberally attended in many years , Hclatively largo votes were polled Iu nearly all the precincts. Feeling at times ran very high , though but ono instance Is recorded whore the difference led to blows. That occurred in the Third ward , when a gentleman promptly gave u knock-down blow to a fellow who hail Insulted him. Money was an Important factor In this ward , as also hi the Eighth , and It liud something to do , In u greater or less degree , in nearly all tlio wards. In the Sixth the lately aroiiBod citi/.ons who have undertaken to ri'ortf.inizQ the oltlb were defeated bv the old crowtl , but only by a majority of less than ninety. The Fourth was warmly con- te.-tteil , while iu nearly till the others there was but u single ticket In tlio Held. As nearly as can bo estimate Council will cuter to-duy'sconvention with parlmps thirty delegates more than Webster. This , \\mv- \ \ ever , doj.s not insuio him a solid delegation to tlio congressional convention. Yost will make an attempt to have the delegation to the state convention Instructed to vote for him for treasurer , but last night It seemed as if ho would scarcely bo able to attain his end. It was understood , how ever , that ho had been able to secure a good number of delegates. The convention which Is to be held this afternoon In the council chamber will nomi nate two sets of delegates , each consisting of thirty-seven men. Ono of thcso sets will go to the eongiessionul convention of the First district , which is to bo held in Lincoln , Sep tember 'Jl > . Tlio other will go to the stuto convention , which is to bo held at the sniiia plr.eo on August 2i. ! At the latter a lull quota of sUitu officers will be nominated. First Ward. There was a lively fight hero during the day and the result was doubtful till about 4 o'clock when a rush of Council men com platcly buried tlio vote of the opposition ticket. Of the 3iW votes polled ISO were for the following Council ticket : Delegates John Mathieson , frcd Nye , Isaac S. Ilabcall , William Uiuphorbon. John Uobicity , A. J. Ilobuii , Oohu Hush and Fred Hcrtzko. Alternates -Tohn Christopherson , E , J. Cornish , Pat O. Hawes , George Hoffman , John W. Lytle , Charles Hunley , Charles B. Sch roth. Second Ward. Iu this ward the Council delegation had ab solutely no opposition. Of the 132 votes polled 4 were in favor of the prohibitory clause mid 1J3 ! against it. Following is the ticket elected : Delegates P. J. Barrett , E. M. Stonborg , John Hoye , Fred Bulim , C. M. O'Donovati , DaTF O'Keofe , Frank Dworak and Al Mas- tcrmun. Alternates J. Kiulowsky , J. W. Ilonza , P. D. Horde , C. L. Van Dorn , S. J. Broder- ick , 1C. W. Bartos , Frank Walters nnd John H. Boyd. Tlio Third Wnrd. A new and realistic performance , "Miko Maul's ' Kovonge , " was produced in the Third ward yesterday with a company numbering CGI men. The company were divided In their preferences for congressman , but Michael had gotten in his deadly work early and 402 Hocked with him for Webster , while 15S favored Council. Following ia the success ful ticket : Delegates Charles Wehrer , Charles .T. Mentor , P. J. Williams , Price Sanders , Dr. Lavender , Lee Hartley , S. B. Smith , John S. Cauliield. Alternates A. Burineister , M. O. Maul , James O. Adams , Julius S. Cooley , H. W. B. Grcor , A. H. Willis , L. E. Iteed , F. E. Ilea- cock. Fourth Ward. Ono of the liveliest contests of the day was that in this ward. There was a largo num ber of workers on either side , but the Cou ncil ticket was llnally elected by an average majority of 49 votes. The names of the suc cessful ones are 113 follows : Delegates J. H. Millard , F. W. Gray , E. Rosowntcr , W. F. Bechol , U. S. Hall , W. F. Gurloy , F. E. Moores , F. H. McConnoll. Alternates L. S. Hoed , Elijah Dunn , George B. Tzschuck , E. Whitehorn , Peter Slmrlcey , P. II. Green , H. D. Duncan , Gus- tav Anderson. Fifth Wnrd. There was no opposition to the regular cau cus ticket in this ward , and the 1ST votes cast were for the straight ticket. The dele gates are as follows : Delegates Henry Bolln , Joseph Hudman , ClmrlcH Cheney , John Wallace. Joseph Miller , J. B. Bruner , Dennis Koioher and Joseph Shlller. Alternates D. T. Scott , J.W. Phillips , J. M. Counsman , Henry Dunn , John A. Smiley , John Jenkins , D. H. Mercer and John Mc- Donala. The ticket is n split one , some of tno dele gates being for Webster , others for Council , Sixth Wnrd. The "Straight Republican Ticket , " was snowed under by the "Republican Labor Ticket , " by a majority of 87. The total vote vote polled was 87. The successful ones are : Delegates Ed H. Cone , M. T. Patrick , Chris Specht , M. Ittner , .foo Howies , Frank Kammerer , George W. McCoy and James Knight. Alternates John P. Bay. B. O. Burbonk , Henry Estabrook , A. Dauble , Sergeant M. Cody , C. C. Gary , I. Card and Dr. C. W. Hayes. There nro both Webster and Council men on this delegation. The Seventh Ward. Council's victory in this ward was pro nounced , the majority lor his ticket being 114. The names are ns follows : Delegates Paul Vandervoort , D. V. Sholes , Michael Lee , P. J , Oucaloy , J. E. Watt , C. L. Chaffee , C. H. Woolloy , Louis Peterson. Alternates J. E. Troll , J. P. Piper , M. D. Hyde , C. Inskeoi ) , A. L. Wiggins , C. B. Clancy , Charles C , Thomas , M. D. Peterson. ElKhtTTwnrd. Five hundred and thirty-eight votes were cast in the contest in this ward. There were llvo tickets in the field. The last of these sprung was the worklngmnn's. It was handled by several hardworking men like John T. Clarke. About one hundred of these were polled. Money was used lavishly , several - eral bankers being on the ground. As a con sequence , men who had been secured in tbo morning to support the anti-Yost ticket , under the infiuonco of the gold changed their allegiance to the man tlipy had previously offered to defeat. The Yost ticket was suc cessful by quito a majority. It is as follows : Delegates C. E. Yost , Guy C. Barton , C. E. Bruner , W. 1. Baker , A. W. Parker , E. L. Armstrong , J. J. Savillo , A. I' . Gram. Alternates J. 11. West , A. P. Hayes , J. B , Molkle , George Franklin , John Cain , J. B. Furay , J. W. Nichols , C. S. Nelson. There is a strong Council backing in this delegation. The Ninth Ward. There was no contest in this ward. The ticket is as follows : 4 Delegates AL S. Lindsay , Charles Unltt , II. L. Seward , Charles J. Johnson , F. M. Ellis , G. F. Brown , D. L. McGuckin , Charles Djurceu. Alternates H. S. Ervin , Hugh McCuffery , W. J. Ktorstead , William H. LiR-imcr , Henry Beckert , C. J. Ryan , J. C. Carr , C. P. Nood- ham. Th& Country I'rooljictH , Elkhorn precinct chose the following dele gates , who are for Connell : Ous Nolto , William Hopper and John Rolfs. McArdlo sends the following Connell dele gates to the county convention ; William Lcwon , Hans Thompson and John Ilaiiev. ' Douglas Is also for Council with thg follow- { tip delegation : Henry Holfg , Jurgen PhCl and Ernst J , Gllssijian. South Omaha ftcuds a divided delegation as follows : Dr. J. M. Glasgow , Cuuni'llmnu Fred M. Smith , 1C. O. Mitytlold , L , Carpen ter , T. F. Elliott. Joseph llouucr , Jerry How ard and lj. 1C , Wells. President OstholT of the Fifth \Vurd Dem ocratic * club has called a meeting for the transaction of Important business at S o'clock nt the corner of Sixteenth anil Ctiss streets , The Flambeau club bus been called to as semble ut the usual place. Tlio Eighth ward republicans will meet nt Twenty-fourth and Cuiulug streets. 'llto Sixth ward republicans will have a polo raising utTwenty-sl.xthaiid Luke streets. All the * candidates as well as Thurstou and others will bo present , The democrats of the Eighth ward will at tempt to org.iulzo another club at 1403 Satin- dors street. HTATI3 AM ) TKIUUTOUY. Nclirimkii .lottlnni. With Its lust Issue IS. E. Spencer severs his connection with the Crete Globe , L. . 1. Abbott taking charge of the paper tempo rarily. Several suspicious characters nvo making their headquarters at Anipahoo ami the citi zens are sleeping with ouo eye open and llxcil upon their horses. Dave Herman , of Blair , has a dog winch a brakesman on tha road coveted. The rail- rosulor captured the uniiliie and took him away on his train , but the olllccr.s of the law followed him up and took the dog away from him , together with ? 17 to pay for their trou ble. ble.Little Little Johnny Bohan of Greoloy wandered away from homo the other night and was found the next morning by a neighbor lying near the railroad truck fast asleep. A big dog was keeping watch over the sluoncr ami tried to keep the stranger away from his lit tle charge. A Blair sow was frightened by a circus elephant In .Inly , and last week she gave birth to a pig with its huad shaped lilto an elephant , with a trunk attached , and without any hair. The freak only lived ten minutes , but a local druggist has piescrved the car- cuss iu alcohol. Some Coll'ax county boys nro apt to find themselves in a tight box if they do not stop breaking into .school houses , nnd writing ob scene sentences on the blackboards and chang ing ether people's harness. The county attor ney thinks that it is about tliua to "cluch" tlio young hoodlums. Tlio republicans of Kcd Willow county held their couventioii at Inumiiola and nomi nated Justin A. Wilcox , of McCook , for representative in the stuto legislature. The vote at the primaries on the ( jucstion of sub mission of the prohibition question stood iH ! ( for and 1VJ ( against. Take Dais , a furinor living near Crete , brutally beat his wife the other day , was ar rested ami lined $ .10. The mayor remitted the line , ns the wife would have boon obliged to pay it , and on the way homo Duls gave the woman another boating. Again ho was arrested and lined $25 , which ho was forced to pay. .Too Armstrong , formerly editor of the York Democrat , and son of the old gentle man Armstrong , whoso murder so agitated that community several years ago , suicided at Long Island , Ivan , He had been accused of embe77llng a largo sum of money , and al though another party was afterwards sus pected of tlio oflonso , the accusation s.o weighed upon his mind that temporary in sanity ensued and ho sacrificed his own life. lown. Saloon aiinlhllators have commenced work in Scott county , Waterloo now has four letter carriers. In July 20,774 letters were delivered and .20,470 collected. The annual convention of the Iowa farm ers' alliance will bo held at Dos Moines Sep tember 4 and 5. - Tlio Burlington Herald intimates that someone ono of the nine city fathers have been boodlud with electric light stock. Sam Baldwin made his balloon ascension at KeoUuk and came down with his para chute in the Mississippi. Ho was nearly drowned , but kept up until rescued by a skiff. skiff.A A company has been organi/.cd at Clinton for the maiiufacturo of matches. The fac tory is expected to bo in operation within sixty days , employing 100 hands and turning out 100 cases u day. An old gentleman called at the offlco of the secretary of the Fair association atOttumwa and wanted an old settler's ' ticket for his wifo. He was asked if ho did not want one for himself. "No. " ho replied. "I don't go to such places. Nothing but a pack of gam blers 1" Tlio secretary was Irritated nnd flrod the old gentleman. Dnicota. A number of farmers near Wesslngton are cutting grain at night. Charles Jones has been bound over for trial at Sioux Falls for outraging Lillie Aker. The people at Rapid City have begun an onslaught on the woods , being forced to it by an order of the city council. Sioux Falls has a mysterious stranger In her borders and the people believe ho Is a Pinkerton detective working up an import ant caso. The city council of Grand Forks has passed an ordinance prohibiting all parsons not citi zens from carrying on the laundry business without firbt having paid a license of 150 u year. This is a direct blow against the Chinese , which is hoped will drive them out of the city. It is whispered that the present territorial grand Jury may create a sensation by return ing Indictments against certain brazen ones who Haunt their wickedness In the faces of tlioso whoso conduct and reputation Is with out shadow or reproach. Leandor La Chnpello assisted his wife In taking down the clothes at Dendwood the other day. Ho took them down In a hurry , for the shod ho was standing on collapsed , and now tlio unfortunate man carries his arm in a sling and the wife will have to do all the work for some time to come. IJOAllU OP EI1UCATION. Xho Meeting Taken Up With the Sub ject of Ventilation. The absentees at the session of the board of education last evening were Messrs. Fcl- ton , Copoland. Goodman and Savillo. The discussion of the subject of ventilation con sumed the greater part of the time nnd finally resulted in being referred to a com mittee for further consideration. Applications for positions as teachers were received from Minnie V. Moriarty nnd 11 , F. Miller. Referred. The mutter of ventilating the Park school house with the Exhaust Ventilating com pany's svstcm was referred to the committee on buildings and property. Proposals for placing steam heating appa ratus In the Park school were received n follows ; Wolshnns , McKwan & Co. , (3iiVi ! ; Strang & Clark Steam Heating company , $2,700. Also bids for placing mechanical ventilat ing apparatus in thd same building as fol lows : Exhaust Ventilator company , 11,170 : Welshnns. MoEwan & Co. , ? 318 , provided their bid for steam hcatinif l also accepted. Strang & Clark Steam Heating company , i-'W , providing their heating system In ad- doptcd. Mr. Barrett and Mr. Clark ware each granted an opportunity of addressing the board and.poiniinir out the merits of the ven tilating systems they represent. Both availed themselves of the chance und apoko at some length. On motion of Mr. Coburn the matter was referred to the committee on heating and ventilation , Mr. Coburn moved that the opening of the schools bo postponed from September 3 to September 10 , 011 account of the fair coining in the first week of that month. Suporlntendcnt Jumea spoke In favor of such postponement , saying that In the past the first week of school has been practically a failure on account of the fair , The motion was carried. The bll | of Arthur & Ilurd for the con struction of the building nt Ninth and Ban croft , amounting to tS.70S.25. was allowed. The president and secretary were author- bed to enter Into a contract wltji HoNnan iCountzo for the occupancy of the school site selected In ICountzo Place , HOOO to bo paid for the sumo on January l ! > , ISS'J , mean while 8 per cent to be paid on the amount , The board then adjourned to meat next Monday oxening. " Driulf MO.UO , 2u ctmiaabotUo. . ' , DIAMONDS Waiclios and Diamonds Found in Tea and Coflofl A Novel Way of In troducing Goods , The names of nil persons finding diamonds mends , watches , etc. , are milled to thia list dally. The Overland Ton company of San r'rnneisco.lmvo rcllttod thostoro , SJL'O S. lllh St. , near Farnam , Omaha , and In ortlor to introduce tboir floods , this company put for ( H ) days , Bouvunlr.s IP ovcry can of ton nnd cotfeo sold such as solid frold , silver and nickel watchoH , also genuine diamonds , In t-olld. cold bolting ; also inonoy , and many other articles of less valuo. Kvory can con tains a sou von ir. Tlio colTco , can and contents weigh about three pounds ; the tea , can and contents about one and a half pounds. This ' expensive and novel way of advertising 'will bo discontinued after GO days , and these really choice toods ; will bo sold strictly on their mer its but without , the souvenir. Of courho every purchaser must not oxpoet to got a diamond or watch. This company claim that they have just as good a , right to give away watches , diamonds or other jewelry and inonoy aa their com petitors havd to give away glassware , eliromos , etc. Got up a club. These who got up a club order most always got a handsome present. Orders by mail promptly forwarded to all parts of the united States on receipt of cash or post- otllco order. Terms ; Single can $1 ; six for S-1)1 thirteen for $10 and - ) , , twonty-fcov- on for $20. AddrobS Overland Tea Co. , Omaha , Nebraska. Miss Lulu Wittig , 21st , silver cake basket ; Miss "Wlmrton , Nebraska Citv. mail order , ladies' Hunting case gold watch in tea ; Mrs. llaimlln , 8th nt. and Capitol nvo. , silver castor ; Mrs. Gco. Gollingbecif , Ilarnoy st. , silver cake basket ; Mr. Tims. Hussoll , 24th at. , 820 in gold coin ; Jennie Nowcomb , Howard fit. , cluster diamond ring ; Annie 1'rebol , Davenport st. , silver cake bas ket ; Ada Williams , California st. , can money ; Mrs. Duett , Seward st. , silver hiignr bowl ; Mrs. T. Savage , Council Bluffs , silver cup ; Burton Howard , Douglas st. , ladies chatelaine watch ; C. E. Votto , N. 2ilh ( , silver butter dl h ; Chan. Wills , Howard , silver pickle stand ; Henry Cohhin , St. Mary'a avo. , diamond ring ; A. J. Hunt , Kith and Cass , silver butter stand ; Chas. Grlllln , C. 11. & Q. K. U. , $10 in gold ; Irwin Drake , mail order , Miadon , Nob. , silver eup _ ; Mrs. A. B. MoAndrows , Dodge at. , sliver castor ; Miss Lou Mitchell , Lincoln , Nob. , mail order , gents' hunting case gold watoh ; Sadie Meyers , Thirtieth st. , silver castor ; Mr. II. C. Wald , Valparaiso , Nob. , diamond ring ; G. II. McLano , traveling sales man , solitaire diamond shirt stud ; Mrs. Hogan Macy , silver pickle stand ; Eddie Laroquo , Ohio st. , stem winding and btom setting watoh ; Mrs. J. W. Gross , Grace s > t. , silver cake basket ; O. II. Stratton , S. 18th fit. , silver sugar bowl ; Aaron Watson , Council Bluffs , can money ; Arti Lawsou , 00th at. , diamond collar button ; Mrs. C. R. Luodou , 14th , silver cup ; Mr. P. II. Woodbridgo , Chicago cage street , silver cake basket. Miss Isabella Clark , 13th and Cnss , silver fruit stand ; Siiniu * ' . Flnlayson , job printer , diamond r'.jg ' ; Mrs. E. Devonshire , N. 15th street , can money and cluster diamond ring : J. A. John- bon , transfer company , mlvor castor and can money ; Prank Lawrence , Daven port , 850 in gold coin ; Mrs. II. S. Car penter , Miami street , can inonoy ; Kdji llobitl , North Platte , Nob. , diamond ring ; Mrs. L. M. Morritt , Gum- ing street , diamond ring ; Mrs. A. Jones , 20th and Cuniing , silver pickle btand ; Mrs. Eda Pruandor , Parker street , silver butter dish ; Thomas Kelly , Dodge street , can money ; Carrie Barmen , Douglas street , ladies' hunting case gold watch ; Emma Swanson , S. 10th street , diamond ring ; Mrd. W. II. Saunders , mail order at Kinsou , Nob. , diamond ring ; Mr. W. P. Riley , N. 80th , silver cake basket ; Mrs. J. M. Dougherty , Sherman avonuo. sil ver pickle stand ; James Schrinor , Chicago , street , diamond ring ; .Mrs. Castello , Pierce street , silver butter dish ; Charles Marsh , Fnr- nam street , gents' hunting case gold watch ; Mrs. B. P. Turner , South Eighth street , silver cake basket ; Mrs. Nettie Christian , North Fourteenth , silvorcas tor ; A. B. Eastman , Charles street , silver castor ; C. W. Smith , at Windsor hotel , silver butter dish ; Ray Groon- weld , Sherman avenue , elegant gold case pin , diamond , ruby nnd sapphire setting ; Miss B. Brenton , Thirtieth nnd Lindsloy , silver cake basket : Hough Smyth , Twentieth , silver butter dish ; Mrs. P. B. Donisthorp , Geneva , Nob. , mail order , silver pickle stand ; H. E. Newton , Greenwood , Nob. , mall order , silver oup ; W. A. Kcolor , Falrmount , , Nob. , mail order , silver cup ; Prod Wandloy , traveling salesman , 810 in gold coin ; Samuel R. Clary , Leaven- worth street , solitaire diamond stud ; Mrs. B. G. Lottcks , Clark street , silver butter dish ; W. Buruso , Thirteenth , diamond ring. Mrs. Henry Crosslo , Clovordalo addi tion , diamond ring and silver fruit stand ; Miss Josie Platt , Pierce treot , $20.00 in gold coin ; Mrs. J. A. Johnson , Marcoy 'street , diamond ring ; Herman , T. Lutonsor , Howard street , gent's hunt ing case gold watch ; Mr. John Moraine , Thirty-third street , diamond ring ; Mrs. John'Woostor , Davonpdrt street , can money ; Mrs. Dr. J. P. Hortzmann , Walnut Hilldiamond ring ; MissKittio Leo , Douglas street , solitaire diamond collar button ; C. W. Bishopmailorder , Superior , Nob. , diamond ring : Frank Webber , California htreot , SslO.OO in gold coin in tea ; E.J. Davis , chief clerk military headquarters , diamond ring ; Frank Prescott , Park nvanuosilvor but ter dish ; Ada Wells , Parnam btreot , can money ; George Edwards , mail order , Council Bluffs , solitaire diamond shirt Hlud ; S. M. Martinovich , S. 14th , silver fruit stand ; Mary Andrews , ilOth st. , mlvor castor ; Bon It. Rand , South Omaha , silver sugar bowl ; Lou Fitz gerald , Union club , diamond ring ; Kttlo Smith , Ilarnoy street , lady's gold Jiunting case watch ; Louise Eugorton , Woolworth avenue , silver pickle stand ; Alex N. Wilson , Burdotto street , clus ter diamond ring ; Nita Ellefson , Ilar noy street , silver fruit stand ; George Ambrose , traveling salesman , Chicago , gent's hunting case gold watch ; Prod Dennis , Pierce st. , diamond ring ; E. J. Storms , 9th and Pierce , diamond ring , Mrs. Alix D. Greendiamond , ring ; Mrs. C. R. Gaylord , Howard street , silver caster ; II. J. Bomgardon , mall order , Lincoln , Nob. , silver cup ; Will Nlstol , bal ; ry South Thirteenth street , diamond mend ring ; Fred Cooper. South Omaha. $20 in gold coin ; Mrs. J. H. Irwiu , mail order , Kearney , Nob. , silver cup ; Churles Van Arnam , Harvey Btreot , can money ; Emma Anderson , Nineteenth street , ladios'chatolainewatch ; Charles Monhonick , Thirtieth street , elegant solid gold lace pin , diamond , ruby and sapphire setting ; L. B. Darling , South Fourteenth street , silver castor ; J. C. Miller , Howard street , sjlvcr sugar bowl ; Paul Strifllor , Fourteenth street , can inonoy ; Howard Meyers , rn'ill order , Beatrice , Neb. , 27 cans for 820 , found gcnU' hunting cose gold Avutoh and $10 In gold coin ; T. Cast in , Millard station , silver co&tor ; MJs3 Pagan , ChicUvo blroot , can money ; Mrs. S. Dallow , Chicago street > silver cutoc.