If ! i THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY. AUGUST 11. 1888. Iff ' ' tTiin * MnifpTC ! | SPECtLAllyE MiillliETS , Ml Coronla Rule From Bnroly Stotvdy to Weak. WHEAT DULL AND FEATURELESS. Corn Declines From Start to Klnlnli OatH Quid IM-ovlHloim llnlliciIe - niorall/.ccl A Cooil Cntlle Trade JIo > n Firmer QuotaIons. CHICAGO PltOIHJCK MAHKKT. CmcAno , August 10. [ S | > Mnl Telegram to TIIK Hii.J : : Tl.o Hpcculntivo nintkcta ranged from biircly stciuly to very wcuk , wheat bo- Intr bnrcly stcmly mid provisions mid corn wcnh. The nnnoiiiicoiacnt miiilo In the proa's illfttifitcliCH tills morning Hint tin ; ( 'overiuncnt report would not bo issued until 4 o'clock p. in. , \ \Viiflhliintoii time , deprived the trading crowd of the ua'unl opportunity to speculate on what it would contain nnd to go homo "even on the market , " all in one day. The comment on the change was generally to the effect thut.tho change was good , but that it would have been n better hour at 8 or II a. in. instead ofI p. in. Tho. local crowd was decidedly bearish In temper on the theory that H the bull news that bus been received for the last two weeks couldn't advance the market nothing could , and that thoonly thing to do would bo to no the 'other way. From the northwest advices were received eon- Ill-mini ; what has been received of late nbout the deteriorated condition of the wheat crop. If ascei tallied fuels receive ofllclal confirma tion , well and good ; If not , facts will not bo changed. There wore all sorts of "tips" In circulation about the government report ranging from 7 points better to 111 points off in the condition of .spring wheat. Nothing that the most reek- less would operate on was in circulation , however. The range of prices to-day was J e , September soiling at 82 > (38)c ( ) and De cember nt8a ! < ( ffHi'ic. ' The close was within } e of the top and not materially different from yesterday's lln.il quotations. Corn sold oft from sturt to linish with Just the slightest change for the better right at the cloae. Anticipations of a bearish gov ernment report gave the market n down ward Inflection. Largo icccipts and the ex pected arrival of 410 c.irs for to-morrow in- lensilled the weakness which was not offset by anything that could bo construed into u favorable sign for the bulls. Speculative in quiry was not at all urgent , and a inonien tary let up In the shipping demand is noted. Trading wiis active at times , but in the ag gregate dealings were not largo in compar ison with standard "big days. " Oats were quiet and about steady , aside from the advance in August , which sold up % c early under a demand from the shorts , with the rine partly lost later. Graded No. 2 sold up to 2 Use , but closed easier , whllo other futures were in about the usual favor and practically steady with long months in clined to dullness. The in store market for old oats was nearly nominal at JWVflgSflo , with some trading in now No. 'J at ! ! ! % ( ; , or u fraction easier than yesterday's bid prices. Cash sales were ehielly by sample , with old oats at a liberal premium. Provisions were weak , nervous and some what demoralised. Yellow fever reports from Florida published In the morning news- papcis occasioned a depressed opening and strengthened the position of the bear inter est. Hutted on yesterday's closing ilrst sales of pork for September delivery wore umdoat n decline of T' ' c. Lard for the same month opened -j c and short ribs lc ( ) lower. The two last named articles subsequently sold 2J c above the first figures accepted , but pork was bearish from the start , though irregular in its movoiimt. It was the lacding line with the general speculative trade , andlwas ham mered freely and steadily by Heam , Cudahy nnd other professionals of more or less im portance. From the best prices quoted , which In the case of pork was the opening quotation , pork declined during the duy-12jc , lard 15c and short ribs ' . ' 2Xc. Shortly ieforo adjournment a little of this lost ground was recovered , but the improvement witnessed was duo to the buying of early sellers nnd was unattended by any change In the pro viding sentiment. Trade was bearish and the closing all around was feverish aud un settled. Packers again regarded the market indifferently , and while not actively inter ested on the bear side , turnlshcd little or no direct support. Lute advices from Now Or leans reported the city in a healthy condition with no excitement over the yellow fever re orts. In pork the day's actual decline was In lurd lOc nud In short ribs CHICAGO JAVE STOCK. CHICAGO , August 10. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. I CATTLE The market wns in good condition this morning and ull of the desirable cuttle sold at stronger prices , the advance generally lOc though some prndcs sold even hotter. Common cuttle , however , were alow snlo nt only steady prices. Green nnd course cuttle were abundantand dressed beef men bought HOIIIO as low as & 1.40 ; some glucose tailings and oxen at 54.CX ) ; 1205-lb dehorned cattle , nt ? 5.25 ; l32Mb ! Angus steers at (3.50 , nnd n car of 15-0-1 b beeves n ! Kt.OO. Shippers bought some thin nnd rougl 1171 to 1234-lb cattle at $3.95@4.15 , and some common Kli'I-lb steers at ? 1.55. . For poor to good 1 00 to 1500-lb steers they paid $5.00 ® 0.00. The receipts to-day wore 3,000 Texas uni Indian cattle. Some Dakota cattle sold at W.85 @ 4.40. Good Texas cattle sold stronger to day. Tlieiowas u somewhat better reeling nil iii-ouml , A lot of Texans 71) ) head , aver- nging 10.VJ Ibs sold at W.SO , and L'OS head of llL'Ulb Texas cattle sold at $3.50. Plenty ol "skinny" cows sold nt $1.50 , and fair to gooi sold at | J.tTf.i5 ! ( ! ! , with choice hello at 1.00(23.25 ( ! bulls , JI.73QiU.2dt calves ? 2.50ft ( C.OO. Ileus The declining tendency shown In prices yesterday wus ctiocUed and u Jinn feeling - ing chamctori/cd the market from opening te close , although It could not bo said that prices wore any higher. Sellers , however , were more Independent and insisted on full figures with loss sorting. S.ilcs were made within an extreme range of f5.00 ( < ? (5.40 ( , the Inside for some Michigan "lazorbuclts , " nnd the outside for choice shipping grades. The great hulk of transactions were nt ? < ! .00SO,15 ( for fair to good , and tl > .20Clt.27 ( ; > 4' for good to choice , with fC.uO@(1.40 ( paid in n few m- stances. The closing was quite linn , with good prospects for the next few days. FINANCIAL. NEW YOIIK , August 10. [ SpecialTelegram to THE Huu. ] STOCKS Coal stocks were again the feature nnd prices averaged higher. The Impression prevailed that they were be ing put up to sell other stocks on , und despite numerous predictions that Jersey Central , which advanced another S } { points and touched BS-Sj' , was going to par nnd Lack , wanna to 150 , there wns liberal realizing by pai tics who thought the mlvnne.o too rapid. The bears were nlso more courageous and sold the marKet moderately. The old story nbout St. 1'uul passing its next dividend was brougnt out , and parties sold stock * on it early , but un increase of $15,000 In the earn ings for the first week in August offset the effect of such selling and after a } fo advance prices declined c. Northwestern advanced to 115 early , aud for a short tlmo looked strong , as did all the other grangers , but re ports of damage to crops In the west caused liberal selling and reactions of JiOJfc- followed. London took an active hand in the market nnd it was reported that Jones , Kennott and Hopkins bought 10,000 shares of Erie alone. This put the stock uu J/ . After midday the market became erratlcbut the general list weakened. Chicago , Bur lington & Qulncy lost 3 per cent , notwith standing the other western roads undo gains. The contest which this company is waging with its former operatives is making sad hovoo with the company's earnings and there are no indications that tho' end is near. The passenger and freight business ot tbo. road are both reduced by fears of delays and ' disasters , and the increased expenses from pjlk'o protcctlyn nnd kindred causes nro n heavy burden for the company , The Union Pacific was very ctroifg undnrthe belief that nil Its differences with the Noithcrn Pacific nro In process of adjustment nhd it Is thought that the funding bill tmi.v be pasted nt this session of congress , although this seems hardly iwsslble. Trunk lines stocks nro strong , but rather Inactive. There Is no in dication that the long expected reaction is nt hand , but prospects are that under liberal buyi'ig by the public , who scorn to bo taking more Interest in the market , prices may con tinue Btrong and advancing. At the close Larkawannn showed n gain of 1'4 ' , Dayton & Hamilton ! ? „ ' , cotton oil Jf , Missouri Pa- cillo % . Western Union was off , Can- a-la Southern , ' { , Lake Shore } ft Pullman 1 ' .f. Total soles wore 215,759 shares. IT. S. 4 < i regular. . . 1i7 . N'ortlu-rn 1'aclllc. . . " " ' { U. S. 4s coupons 127 , tin prof erred f > 7'i JI. SM'txri-gtilur ' .Kid1 , -J.A.N.W HI'S IJ. H. I'juroiipons .11)7' ) . do preferred , . . . .U.'l raclllcbsot'li * ! 1-.1) .V. V. Ontral 107U Crntnil 1'nrlllo 8.VJ r. , n. A i : 2-j's OilrftKO & Alton .13' ) Hock Iskud ld-4 VlilcaKo.Uurllngloii C' . . M. A : St. 1' 7I't ) ' A : yutncy IJU LUy preferred. , . . . IJ..I.&W l.i't t < t. Fnul&Oin.ina. Illinois Central. . . . 1SI dopreferted 108 I. . II..VW iji I'nlmil'acitlp MHJ KnnsiHTtxns . . 14" , W. . St. I , . & ! 114 Lake Shorn % 'j do preferred . . . . U7 Mli-hlj'im Central . ! Western Union SI Missouri 1'ucillo . . . t2 , | MOXET o.v CALL Easy ntlcN1X per cent. I'niMii MKUCANTIU ! PAI-UII 4 > / < i4 } per cent. Snmivn Excnivon-Quiet and weak with actual business at SI.S2'-i ' for sixty day bills , ? 4.b7Jf for demand. I'llOIUJCK MAHKRl'S. CIUCAOO , August 10 Whu.it rinn ; casli , SUlC.o : Septoinbcr , Wj : Octobur , Wl' < c. Corn Stcu'ly ; p.isliISJ o ; Bcptumbcr. 5Vc ; October-JUro. Oats Finn : cnsb , 2"iXeSeptember \ , ! 24Vc ; Octobur , a I 11-l o. U.ve irja'c. Harley Nnllilng dohif ? . 1'riiiio Timothy ? 2.10. Flax-Si.11. Whlslcy-Jl.20. Pork Lower ; cash. $13.00 ; September , * 1 .02K ; October , JS13.8TK. Lunl Steady ; cash , $ S.T5 ; Soptcmber , $3.7T ; Octobur , * J.7 * > . Flour Finn and unchanged ; winter wheat rels , _ Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , $7. short clear , ? 8.7U@9.00 ; short ribs , $7.U3 > i.OO. i.OO.Butter Butter Steady ; creamery , lt@19c ; dairy , 12K@10c. Cheese Easier ; full cream cheddnrs and lut.s , 8@3ic.voting } ; Americas , SJiftfs e. Eggs Firm at tt\l \ < iwUc. ( Hides Unchanged" ; green salted calf , 4V @ > c ; heavy green salted , % ( tf51fc ; lightgreoii failed , BJflatle ; salted bull , ! H o ; dry Hint , Se , dry calf , 8e ; deacons , 20 ( ! 'ir > c each ; dry salted , 0@7c. Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1. solid packed o ; No. 2 , ye , and calie , : i } @ 3e perlu. Uecoipts. Shipments. ' ? lour , bbls l.l.OOO 15.1KJO Wheat bu 77,000 182,000 Corn , bu 170,000 255,01)0 ) Oats , bu 1)0,000 ) 04,000 : { yo , bu . . . . jarloy , bu . . . . Now Vork , August 10. Wheat Uccelnts , 109,000 ; exports , ( IS,2.)0 ) : cash dull and K ( < eie ewer ; options ruled irregular and business was mainly of n scalping nature ; market opened % ( iJ c higher on .vinter red , later the general market broke ? N@s < c. closing steady at about tno lowest ; ungnulud red , 50(7 ( < .07c ; No. 3 red , b7c ; steamer , No. 3 red. SOc ; No. 4 red , DO c ; No. 2 red , Soptcmber , closed at 'Mfa. Corn Heceipts , 219,000 ; exports , 219,0)0 ) ; cash dull and JrfoUe lower ; options lower , closing steadier"ungraded ; , fj2 ( < i.C ; No. 2 , 54 ( < ? 5jc ; September closing at I3 > e. Oats Keceipts , 49,000 ; exports , 114 ; mar ket Hrm : mixed western , yyQcS'Jc ; white western , 42 4 Ic. Coffee Spot Hrm ; options 10@15 points higher nnd more nctivo ; s.ilcs , 5t,500 : bags ; August , ? 10.70@10.85 ; Setember ] , tlO.'O ® 10.40 ; October. W.70(49.85 ( , Petroleum United closed weak at GOJ e. Eggs Quiet and steady ; western , 17@ Pork Steady and quiet ; mess was quoted at $14.25 for old ; * 15.25@15.50 for new. Lard Dull and lower ; cash , fS.90. Butter Dull nnd heavy ; western , 10@19c. Cheese Dull and easy ; western Hats , 7@ JOc. Minneapolis , August 10. Wheat Ko- ceipts , 100 cars ; shipments , GO cars ; mar ket firm. Closing prices : No. 1 hard , cash and September , 85J/c ; on track , 87o ; No. 1 northern , cash and September , 832/c ; on track , 85Kc ; No. 2 northern , c.ish and Sep tember , 81e ; on track , 82@8tc. ! Flour Patents , In car lots to ship , fl.40@ 4.50. Milwaukee , August 10 . Wheat Closed firmSeptember ; , 81e ; October , 81e. Corn Quiet ; No. 3 , 45Kc. Oats Firm ; No.2 white , 37 } c on track. Hyo Dull nnd nominal ; No. 1 , 4Sc. Uarlev Higher ; No. 2 old , in store , COc ; September , C2c. Provisions Lower ; pork , cash nnd August , ? 13.70. St. LoulH. August 10. Wheat Easier ; cash , 83@S3 } e ; September , d ( ii& ' c. Corn Lower ; cash , 43@iiXc : ; September , Oat's Firm ; cash , 221/1 c ; September , Pork Lower nt $14.25. Lard Nominal at 58.03. Whisky 51.14. Butter Creamery , IdJBlSc ; dairy , 14ill5c. ( ; Cincinnati , August 10. Whisky , $1.14. City August 10. Wheat jvuuntm Jtifj f jvMh1CU " " * iwiw * No , 2 red , cash , sales at 71e ; September , 71c bid ; No. 2 soft , 74e asked. Corn Steady ; No. 'J , cash , SOtfc bid. Oats No. 2 , cash , 20c bid. Ijlvi'i-pnol , August 10. Wheat Quiet ; holders olTcr moderately. Corn Quies. IjlVK STOOll. Clilcnito. August 10. The Drovers' Jour nal rcuorts as follows : Cattle Uccoipls , 7Xn ( ) ; market steady for ordinary , lOe higher for good stock. Heel cattle , $3.93QO.O. ) ; Texans , $1.50ii3.50 ; cow and mixed , $1.50@5.25 ; stackers unU feed ers , ? 2.0.y.75. ( . Hogs Receipts , 12,000 ; market steady to strong ; mixed , > .bO@il. ! ! ( ) ; heavy , $3.90(3 ( 0.45 ; light , * ai)0 ) ( < lt.40 ( ; skips , $3.75r 5.90. Sheep Ueccipts , 5,000 ; market weak am easier ; natives , $2.50cH50 ; westerns. SJ.5t' 4.00 ; Texans , t2.l2 ! > ( i 3.45 ; lambs , $ l.5 ( 5.50. Natiuunl Slock Yards , Knst St. lioalH , August 10 Cattle Uecoipts , 900 ; shipments , 2,200 ; market steady ; choice heavj native steers , $5.00@5.50 ; fair to good native steers , $4.40 ( < J5.15 ; butchers' steers medium to choice , $ y.50 4.50 ; stockers ntu feeders , fulr to good , f2.80@3.40 ; rangers corn fedi.50ft4.10 ; ( ; grass-fed , f2.20j ( 3.00. Hogs Heceipts , 1,900 ; shipments , 400 market easy ; choice heavy and butch ers'selections , { 035(215.45 ( ; packing , medium to prime , fO/JOfetl.SJS ; light grades , ordinary to best , I0.10@0.30. Knnsnn City , August 10. Cattle Re ceipts , 5.000 ; shipments , 4,000 ; choice corn- fed steady ; grass range steers , wcak'to lOc lower ; choice fat cows steady , others lOo lower ; good to choice corn-fed , 1.75@5.50 : common to medium , f3.25@l.50 ; grass range steers , fl.80@3.25 ; stockers and feeding steers , lOe lower at fl.CO$3.W ( ; cows1.25(3 ( 2.80. 2.80.Hoas Hoas Hecclpts , 3,300 ; shipments , none ; market opened steady and 5a stronger , clos ing weak ; goou to choice , $ (5.15@0.25j ( com mon to medium , $3.2. " > @G,10. OMAHA I < IVK srooa. Cllltlo. Friday , August 10 , 18S3. The receipts of cattle were light and mostly all western grass cattle of not very good quality. There was ono load of corn-fed western steers , which sold at $5.00. There were also eight loads of corn-fed natives hero , but they were sold in the country before - fore being shipped In. There was a demand for good western cuttle , but those hero were not good enough for klllcra. A few feeders changed bunds and a few small lots of butch ers' stock. The general market was about steady. Hogs. ' The market was far from satisfactory to salesmen. A few loads sold in tbo morning a.t easier prices , but the market grew worse and closed flat -wltli twelve loads unsold. Only two loads rcarh'tl ,15e , while one extra choice load sold nt f4j.2. > . It took good hogs to bring Klnuf > . There were three loads of Colorado sheep here , which sold on the market. Cutllo . ( T.O Ho s . , . 3,400 She-op . 370 Iorsc-3 . . . . . CO Tliofollowmir H a Ubtaot prlczt pit < l In his m.irxct for the gr.Uo ) of stoclc men- loncd. Prime steers. 1300 to 15iXI lbs..f.20 ra..M 'nine Bteeri , 1100 to 11WO ib . 4M fa.V3J Fatllttlostcurs. 900 to 1050 lbI.Otl , W4.25 "ceders . 2.75 (7C,1.25 ( Common to good cows . 1.75 ( < t2.00 Jholce to fancy cows . U.SO dl 3.25 Common to cholco bulls . 2.25 rit&flO 'alrtoctioicollghthogs . 5.1K ) WD.05 'air to cholco heavy hotrs . (1.05 ( Fulrtocholco mixed hem . 5.9J ( jiO.10 UcprVMUIItlltlVO S.Xllil. OAT1LB. No. Av. Pr. Icow . 1120 $1.50 2 cows . 1(170 ( 1.05 Ibull . UO ) 1.75 1 cow . 1190 2.K ) 4 mixed . WI7 2.00 Ibull . UtiJ 2.00 20 fow.s . b27 2.15 17 cows . 1010 2.30 ID cows . S."iO 2.0 ; I 1 cows . 972 2,1)5 ) 15 cows . KKltJ 2.10 17 feeders , natives . IB13 2.110 5 cow-s . - . . 1144 1 feeder . 1 151) ) 3.1)0 ) 2 feeders , natives . S25 3.0J 19 steers . 1 UB 3 10 II feeders , natives . 907 JUS 1 feeder , native . 10. ' > 0 3.25 22 feeders , natives . 10)7 ; ) .i.25 "calves . 207 3.25 31 steers . 1 147 3.3' > 20 steers , Colorado . I'Jb * ! 3.1.5 . 7 steers . l'4'J ' 4.00 17 westerns , corn-fed . 13ii ( ) 5.00 Isteer . 12C,0 5.00 54 natives , corn-fed . 1407 5 UD 70 natives , corn-fed . 14,11 5.00 SIIEIU' . No. Av. Pr. ill westerns . . . . . . " 9 75 westerns . bO 3.5) 14 westerns . 77 3.5) 90 westerns . 73 3.5'J HOOS. No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr. 7i ) . . .2 ' (1 ( 240 SV70 IH..2IC ) 200 81. . M ) fi.bf ) 52. 10 0.05 71. . .2211 200 rr > fill. 12J 0.10 7.1. . .210 ICO 5.1K ) bO 15.111 00. . .204 5.90 tw. . . 2(12 ( 201) ) 11.10 40. . 120 5.90 5 * . . . .2IS 100 (1.10 ( SI. . bO 5.5 ' b2. . . .24 320 0.10 70. . .220 I'M ' ) ( i.Oi ) 7J. . . .210 210 (1.10 ( 73. . .218 200 ll.H ( ) ( M ) . . . . ' . ' 54 (110 ( 72. . .207 200 ( UK ) 01. . ' ' 2 ° 9 40 0.10 73. . .242 SIX ) ( ' 5. . . .251 Ilk ) (1.10 ( 81. . .102 bO GOO 48. . . .244 40 0.10 OS. . .190 80 ( i.OO ( B. . . .27i ( 210 0.10 5(1. ( . .217 200 G.OO . .257 100 (1.121 ( 78. . .217 1(10 ( ti.OO 71 ! ! . .2(13 ( bO 0.15 ( Ki .2.10 fcO (1.00 ( n. . .277 120 (1.15 ( 72..215 120 G.05 53..225 bO G.25 Packers 1'iirclinsos. Showing the number of hogs bought by the leading buyers on the nurlcut to-day : G. H. Hammond A ; Co 311 Omnlm P. Co (152 ( J. P. Squires & Co 1104 Gibbs & White. 13J and Lowest. The following are the highest and lowest ( irices paid for mixed and he-ivy loads of hogs on this market during the past 1'cwdaya , ami for the corresponding period in 1 7 and | _ JnlylS8 v July ! > ) . _ 5 OJ (2 ( 4 W CJl f- > 5 * ) C6J0 ( 1 4" 4il 70 U 11) Wilt ) r , mj © " > 2. ) 4 m Oil 70 I ) a ) ( ir.il.lJ 6 00 4A > 25 4 II ) Col SO i ! @ > l I. ) Slindiiy 4 ' ) Gel M Allijuit IH-'W. August , 1 * > 7. August IhSli. ( i III ( if ) l' > Sunday. a tfcii r.u 5 11) & . ! -7i5 I u.161 7. ' > a 2.us ( n 5 ( IT ) Ci.23 4 50 t 7-j ! 0 10 < il' ' ! 3J 4 IK ) ? > 2J iVI W 70 Sunday. 4 40 4J1 CO n ID < itir ) , 4 M 4f. " > It ) (1 ( 10 461) 40 Sunday. 4 .T ) ffii M 0 10 { 0 51 4 U" > < it * ' > 15 Sunday 5 IK ) < & (5 ( 10 4 UJ tfi IS 4 au ( , inn Iive Stock Xotei. E. P. Folda , Schuyler , was in with two cars of cattle. Al Powers , of Button , was In and disposed of a load of cattle. John Philpot , jr. , of Weeping Water , was hero with a load of cattle. Ed. Cloo , Blakemau , Kan. , was here and marketed two loads of cattle. * J. and M. Welch , of Haskins , Neb. , were both here with three loads of cattle. L. II. Smith , of Black & Smith , came in from ICeatney with three car.s of sheep. W. U. Ramsey was hero with two car loads of horses for A. J. Buckingham , of Pendle- ton , Ore. W. C. Swnrtz. Silver City , was in with eight cars of cattle. Fifty-live head were fed by O. Lawson , of Silver City , and they gained 403 pounds in 137 days. Chris Beck , Davenport ; Mr. Hastio , Tal- mage ; M. 1C. King , Lawrence ; E. S. Bogart , Glenwood ; M. Hough , Crescent ; Mr. Shert- llff , Vail , la. , nnd G. C. Barnum , Columbus , wore among the shippers who came in with hogs. G. P. Dodge , Wood River ; J. P. Pull , Sil ver City , la. ; J. M. Parker , Broomllold ; Adam Graham , Springlleld ; S. M. Elino- lund , Swedeborg ; William Orr. Council Bluffs , and Henry Windsor , DCS Molnes , la , were among the stockmen who came in to look over the market. Produce , Fruits , Ktc. August 9 , 1SSS. A few tomatoes came in this morning , the first for several days. A glut is expected to-morrow , as several shipments are on route. Melons are plentiful and lower. A car load of line California poaches is ex- Docted on tuo 10th. ' UUTTKK Fancy creamery roll , 20 ( < t > 21c ; solid packed , 10@17c ; choice country butter , 15'itlOo ; common grades , 10iijlc. : ! Eaos Strictly fresh , 14i15c ( candled. ( JKERN CoitX 50@75c per 100. OIIANOKS Messinas , J5. ( ; ( ) ( < i(1.00 ( per box ; Rodi , $ O.OJ < tti5.3 ! ! per box ; f3.5U ( < 4.00 per half box. CALIFOUNIA Dvvso.s-s $1.25 per box ; south ern DamsoiiH , 90o per box. CALIFOUNIA Outrns fl 50i ( 2.00 per caso. SouTiiniiN GitArcs 75e ( < $1.00 per 10-lb basket. HLACKIICUUIKS J3.00 for 21 qts. 1'EACiins California , il.OOuM.SO per box ; Missouri , 75i-@f 1.00 per X bu. UtxiNAS Common , ? 1.50@2.25 per bunch ; choice , * 2.503.50. LEMONS f 1.75@0.00 ( xr ; cabo. SQUASH 2o per lo. CANTii.oi'is : : 7r > c@$1.50 per dozen. SOUTIIUIIN PI.U.MS 51.25 1.50 per bu. HUCKI.CIIKIIKIES ? 1.2o per drawer. POTATOES New , homo growth , 40@GOc per bushel. POULTIIV Mo dressed fowl In the market ; live chickens , $3.50@3.75 per doz. ; bprinjj chickens , * a.S3@a.OJ. STIIIXQ UKASS 75u ) > or bu. TOMATOKS S1,25J1.5 ( ( ) | ) cr bu. TuitN'irs 25fI30o per bu. WATEUMKLONS JI5.00@18.00 per 100. PKAKS California , JJ.OOQ3.50 per bu box ; Southern , 75 per % bu. CKLKKV yOt40o ucr dozen. CAIIHAOES W.50 per 100. ONIONS 2o nor Ib. AiTLES-f l.00@3.25 per bbl. CIUIIAITI.KS f 1.00 | > er box. CiiF.u Michigan , $4.50@0.50 per bbl 32 gals ; California pear cider , $15.00 per bbl. Pop Coitx Rice , 3@4o ; common , 2@3c. CAUHOTS 75oper bushel. BEANS Choice eastern handplckod navies. f2.25@2.50 per bushel ; western hand picket ] navies , $3.50@2.tiO ; mediums , ? 2.00@2.15. Lima beans 5o per | x > und. Grocers lilst. Revised prices are as follows : IlAoaiNa Stark A , seamless , 21o ; Amos- keag , seamless , lU > fo ; Lewiston A , seamless , lOo ; American , seamless. JO' ' o ; burlaps to 5 bu,50)fo ; gunnies , single , 13c ; gunnies , double , 20o ; wool sacks , 35o. COFFEES Mocha , 5@2flo ; Rio , good , 1V ( l o ; Mandahling , 2rt@2So ; roasting Rio , 14@ 16e ; O. G. Java , 3l@2to ( ; Java , interior , 22Q " 5c : Rio. fancy , laaiOo ; Santos and Maro- calbo , 17@10e. SuoAK-Granulatcd. 7Ji'8 ' e ; conf. A. 7Kc : white extra C , 7 } < @ 7 > 4o ; extra C , 7 I4@it3o for one pound frames ; ilrained honey , < X3So jier pound. BEESWAX Cuolcb yellow , 20y22Kc. ; dark colored , 13(5 ( He. Cu BUCK Young America , full erenm , 0 4M10'io ' ; full e.rcatn Cheddars , 9@9Vi full crcatn lints , Iill4 ! ) ; good to choice sklihuted Cheddars , ( Vifd'4 ' iskliinnl'd flats , ftrif.V c. I'icKi.r.t Medium , in'bbls.f.VSO ; do Ihhnlf ibl , fi.OO ; ; small , In bbN. KXK ) ; do In half ) bls , W.25 ; gherkin ! ) , In bbls , ? 3.2o ; do In half bbls , ti.OO. TOIIACCO Plug , CCCilOTiu ; smoking , 10y90c. ( ! Jr.M.tKsi tl.W pcrUO-lb pail. SALT fl.ilOC'f 1.35 per bbl. ROPE 7-1(5. ( 9Vc < * 9'4'e. SPICK * Ntitmeir , per Ib , fhHTtfi.'c. pepper , icrlb , 17fiill9c ; cloves , per Ib , lSW21o ( ; allspice - spice , 7 ( < fbc ; cinnamon bark. 35c ; cassia , Ge ; cassia bud , 12 } c ; cloves , 20e ; maec. 70c. NAII.S Iron nails , per kcp. ? 2 05@2.10 ; steel nails , per Itcg , ? 2.20 < 25i wire nails , per kee. f J.J2.70. ( ( ) TEts Youni ; Hyson , common to fair , 1SG5 J5e ; Young Hyson , good to fancy , ! ! OC"55c ; junpowder , common to good , 2Ja25c ( ; Gun- lowilcr , cholcu to fnncy oy.CMc ; Japan , coin- lion to niedlnni , li'f ( Japan , choice to 'ancy. 30jf45c ( : Oolong , common to good , 25 ( < 3 )5c ) ; Oolong , cliolco to fnncv , 50Cit70c ; Imper il , common to medium , 2r > ( $ ' )3c ) ; Imperial , jood to fane.v , 40 501' . NUTS Almonds , 15@17c ; filberts , 9MOc ( [ ; Ura/il , Cc ; walnuts , ( Jcl''e ; pecans , 0 } @ lOUc ; peanuts , noii c. Cit \CKKIIS Baltic per Ib ; assorted cakes , 7 g20c peril ) , as per list MAI-UJ Sfout Bricks , 10 ( 10Wc per Ib ; ienny cakes , IRd'H c per Ib ; pure maple syrup , 81.00 per gal. Hunovs Extra 4tlo2.40j p.irlor , 3-tle , .aimed . lumllcs , 225 ; No. 1 , Sl.bO ; No. 2 , SI. 0 ; heavy staolc brooms , $4.00. Sruti'ii Mirror gloss , fO e ; Ur.ives' corn , Go ; Oswego gloss , 7c ; Oswego corn , 7c. POWDEH ANP Slier Shot. $1.20 ; biicltshot , , M 45 ; powder , kegs , $5.00 ; half kegs , f2.75 ; one-fourths , $1.50 ; blasting , kegs , $2.15 ; fuses , 100 ft , 55 C70c. Rinsii : : ) L vim Tierce. S'-fo ; 40-ln square cans , si c ; 50-lb round , b'o ; 20-lb round , S c ; 10-lb p.iils , 9c5-lbpails ; , 9'sc ; 3-lbpiils , J'aC. ' Ptiovisiovs Hams , 12' c ; breakfast b.x- eon , lO iille ; b.icon sides , 93/f , ( / Hie ; dry alt , 9'iCj ' shoulders , "iim } liU\ \ dried beef , b1 . il"'ac. WOOIIENMVVUE. Two-hoop ] pills , per doz , , * ! . ' ( ) ; three-hoop pails , $1.03 ; No. 1 tub , $7.00 : No. 2 tub , * < ; . ( > ( ) ; No. 3 tubs , $5.00 ; washboards , frl.Vig.2.7B : ! ; assorted bowls , $3.75 ; No. 1 churns , $ - > .OD ; No. 2 churns , $7.00 : No. 3 churns , $ VO ; butter tubs , ? l.70 ; spruce , in nests , 70o per nest. bvitfi's AND Mot.\ * ! > IN Sugar syrups , common to choice , 2s Mle ; corn syrup , 2s(0 ( tic ; black strap molasses , 15c ; Now Orleans molussos. open kettle , JljiJJ.'Vlc ; New Orleans contritugnl. 27i.3.c ; s-jrgntim , 27tc : > e. RICE Carolina and Louisiana , S.'jCfgfl. ' ' e ; I'atna and Rangoon , 5nV > } e. CANDI---Mixed , 8f < UJo ; stick , b0' e ; reek candv. 105@13 } ; f.itu-y candy , , ( a2'c. FISH California salmon , per bbl , $10.h ) ( ! 18.011 ; halibut , per Ib , HJu ; family white iisli , per v .bbl. $ ; ) .lii ) : whlt fish , No. 1. nor ibbl , V5.75 ; trout , perbbl , ? 5.00 ; scaled herring , | ) er box , 2Sc ; new Holland heirniL' , per keg , llOo ; George's Bay split herring , | fer bbl , now , $7.75 ; split Lnbnidor herring , | ) er bbl. new , $7.00 ; extra George's cod , per Ib. now , ) ± < ' , \ Western Bank cod , per Ib , new , 7.fc ! ; bone less eod , OiuU'lfc ; largo family mackerel , per M-bbl , Sl'J.50 : mackerel , No. 1 bay , Jbbl , $ lil.ii ( ) ; smoked bloaters , per box , $1.40. DKIEII FuriTS Figs , in boxes , ierlb ) , 13 5 IGc ; tigs , in mats , por-lb , 5 > Cttic ; dates , in boxes , 5 } ( < 7c ; London JNlalnga layer raisins , per box , * 3.50cf'3.75 ( ; Maluga loose raisins , $ J.30 ( < 42.50 ; new Valen cia raisins , per Ib , 7 ( be ; Cali fornia loose muscatels , pur box. 61.GO. California London layer raisins , per box , $ . ! .H5e2.50 ; intted cherries , per Ib , lSf20o ; California pitted plums , per Ib , I'JOfelHc ; dried bluukberries , per Ib , SVifi'c ; dried raspberries , per Ib. " 4cS5c ( ; dried aiples. | 7 ( j''e. ' ; evaporated apples , 8' ( nis.'jc ' ; California sun dried peaches , It ( ( § lie ; Calllorniu Utnurcd evaporated pe.iclies , ll lOc ; evaporated California apricots , llioclbc ; Ztintce currants , 7c ; Turkish iirunes , 3T-'ft41 < c ; citron. Ilc ! < i20c ; or.in o peel , Hitl2' ( . - ; lemon peel , 23iiiJ ( ) : c. CVNNEII Uooiis Oysters , cove , No. 2 Stan dard , per case , $ ) .05itl.lHI : ; strawberries , 2 Ibs per ease , $2.lii ! ( < f2 10 ; rnspbemes , 2 Ibs. , per caso. 2.0)- California pears , per case , t4.SO ( il. < 0 ; upricots , per case1 , 00 < f4. 5 ; California pjaches , per case , $5.00 525 ; California white cherries , per case , $5.70 tg.0.00 ; California plumper ? case-l.20@ 1.30 ; pine apples , 2 Ibs , per case , $2.7.a.50 ( ; 1 Ib. salmon , per doz , $1.90i2.00 ( ; 2 Ib goose berries , per case. $2.00 < iZ > 2.1 ( ) ; 2 Ib. string beans , per ease , $ l.75@I.b ( ) ; 2 Ib. marrow fat peas , $2.10(3.0 ( ! ; 2 Ib. early Juno peas , $2.00 ( u2.75 ; : i Ib. tomatoes , ? J.OOr2.15 ( ; 2 Ib. corn , $2.00 ( < t2.50. Dry Ciootls. COTTON FIANXKI.S 10 per cent dis. ; LL , BUfo ; CC , ( l c ; SS , 7 'c ; Nameless , 5o ; RX , 18c ; R , 20c ; No. 10 , 8 oNo. \ . 40 , ll > Kc ; No. (10,12 ( } < c ; No. bO , 13Kc ; No.30 , coloredHe ; No. 50 , colored , 12c ; No. 70 , colored , 12' < e ; Bristol , I'JJsfc ; Union Pacific , 17c. CAHI-ET WAIUIJib White , 19c ; colored , 22oBATTS BATTS Standard , Sc ; Gem , lOc ; Beauty , 12Kc ; Boone , 14c ; B , cased , $ i.50. ! PHI NTS Solid colors-r Atlantic , Go ; Slater 5) e ; Berlin oil , fi c ; Garner oil , ( i ( 7e. CoitsET JEAVS Androscoggin , 7)ijc ; ICear- sargo , 7 4c ; Rockport , G c ; Concstoga , ( > c , TICKS York , 30 in. , 1'Jl c ; York , 32 in. . ISi c ; Swift , River , Sc ; Thorndiko OO , 8 } c ; Thorndiko I3F , SJ c ; Thorndiko 120 , ' .life ; Thorndiko XX , 15c ; Cordis No. 5 , 9J c ; Cordis No. 4 , lie. DIIXIMSAtnoskcag , 9 oz , IG e ; Everett. 7 oz , 13kc ; York , 7 oz , l3J c ; Hiiynmker , S e ; Jnffrey XX , llVfc ; JalTrey XXX. 12Kc ; Beaver Creek A A , 12e ; Beaver Creek BB lie : Beaver Creek CC , lOc. KnXTfCKY Jiuxs. Memorial , 15o ; Dakota , ISc ; Durham , 27J < fc ; Hercules , Ibc ; Learning , ington , 22 } < ' fc ; Cottswold , 27'c. . Ciusii. 'Stevens' B , ( ic ; Stevens' B , bleached , 7e ; Stevens' A , 7 ! e ; Stevens A , bleat-lied , } < fe ; Stevens' P. 8' jC ; Stevens' P , bleached , 9Ue ; Stevens' N , 9 ! < ro ; Stevens' N , bleached , 10 > Jc ; Stevens , SRt. 12J c. Mistii.i.\xiou . Table oil clotn , * 2.S5 ; plain Holland , 9 c ; Dado Holland. 12) ) c. FI.AXMI.S. : Plaid Raftsiiien,2UoGoshen ; , 32iic ; Clear Lake , ! ! 2Vo ; Iron Mountain , Allen , DC ; Hlveriiomt. 5o ; Steel HIver , Gi'e ) ; Hichmoml , ty c ; Pacific , ( ! V'o. PuiN'Td Dress Charter Oak , B' c ; Humapo , 4) ) , c ; Lodi , 5c ; Allen , ( ic ; Kleh- mend , lie ; Windsor , ( JV.e ; Eddystoue , " ' ' Pacitlc , O1 'o. GINOIH.M Plutuccttchecks , 7 c ; Whitten- ton , 7 } < | O ; York , 7J c ; Normandi ur < > ss , bl-jc ; Calcutta dress , b'gc ; Whittenton dress , 8 > .jc ; Henfrow dress , bJV r. c. CAMIIUICS Slater , 5-ic ; Woods , 54c ; Standard , Bife ; Peacock , 5'4 ' < s. CoiFoiiTins00& 35.00. BI.ANKHTS White , S1.00@7.50 ; colored , Bu\cnii : ) Sniiirnxa Berkeley cambric , No. ( il ) , 9 'e ; Best Yet , 4-4. ( i > fc ; butter cloth OO , 4'4e ; Cabot , 7J c ; Kiirwoll half bleached SJ o ; Fruit of Lopm , 9'.ic ' : Greene G , Co ; Hope , 7S ( ; King Philip cam brie , lie ; Loiisdiilo cambric , ll o Lonsdale , 9o ; Now York mills , I0'c ' ; Pepperell , 12-in , lie ; Pepporell , 4-in ( ! , 12c ; Pepperoll , 0-1 , Kic ; Pepperoll , 8-4 , 21c ; Pop- licrell , 9-1 , 2Je ; Peppqroll. 10-4 , 25o ; Canton 4-1 , 8l4o ; Triumph , Oe ; Wumsuttu , He ; A'nl ley , 5c. Brown sheeting Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7J o ; A Bantio H , 4-1 , Tlfu ; Atlantic D , 4-4. 0 > io ; At- lantio P , 4-4 , do ; Aurdr.i LL , 4-4 , Oo ; Aurora G , 4-4 , 4Jfe ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , OJ/e ; Hooslor LL , 4-4 , Oo ; Indian Hoa'l , 4-4 , c ; Law rence LL , 4-1 , (5c ( ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 5 } < o ; Pepperell H , 4-4 , 7e ; Pepporell O , 4-4 , G c ; Pepporell. 8-4 , IS c ; Pepperell,9-1,21o ; Pep peroll , 10-4,23c ; Utic.iC , 4-4,4J4/rc ; Wnchusctt , 4-4f7Ke ; Aurora H , 4-4 , 7c , Aurora B , 4-4 , Quechcp No. 2 , Jf. 37Kc ; Quecheo.No. 3 , { , 12UoWe3t ; Point 29 in , 12 oz , 15cWest ; Point 40 in , 11 oz , IGc. SIIIIITINO Checks , Caledonia X , 9 } c ; Cal edonia XX , 10 > fo ; Economy , 9o ; Otis , Oo. Leather. City harness per Ib , aSO'JOc ; country liar- ness per Ib , 24C'25o ; city line per Ib , 32@33c ; kip heavy per Ib. 4550o ; kip medium per Ib , 55g ( 0o ; veal per Ib , i > 3tf ( > 70o ; Chicago slaugh- tcred solo per lb,2.V iJio ; city calf 2S to 30 Ibs , S590ocity ; upper per foot , 18S20o ( ; col lar , 14yitic ; Buffalo slaughtered solo per Ib , 2--5(380o ( ; Oak leather slaughtered sole per Ib , 2-j' < j30o ; harness , per Ib , 28i ( ? : o ; upper per foot , 21@22c ; kip heavy p'er Ib , OS ( . 70q ; ki [ medium per Ib , 75@SO ; city calf per Ib , tOc ) < 2J1.00 ; lininB per dozen , M.OOOS.M .French calf 25 to 30 Ibs , * 1.10Q1.7fi ; French calf 80 to.60 Ibs , * l.lo < u5).75j ) French calf 60 to751bs,00c@1.25. Ruboer boots and shoes Boston , dis 40 per cent ; Uay State , dia 40@10'pec ccut ; P.nrn , dis 40 5 per cent ; Goodyear ; dls 40(25 ( icr cent. _ _ _ _ _ Metnls nnd Tlunorw' Stock. Tin plate. I 0 , 10x14 , best , K5.75 ; tin plate , in , 2o ; solder , 15@-\c ) ; copper bottoms , 31c ; heathltiB copper , tinned , 29c ; planishing oppor. tinned , 35c ; lead pipe , Mfct sheet ron , N S. 13 to 24 , $3.20 ; Russia iron , 13c ; Vui Russia planished , A , lOi/o : Am Russia ilanlshcd , It , 9'fo ; painted b.irb wire , W.15 ; galvanized barb wire , $3 75. mill u3 Sulpli. acid , l Tc ; citric iclu , GOi1 ; tnrtiiric , 50c : bal. cojiavia , GOc ; borax , lOe ; chloroform , 50c ; glycerine , 2c ; ! ; gum Arabic , seleet , $1.K ( ) ; gum camphor , JlOc ; gum opium , fj.75 ; sulph. morphia , $250 ; iromlilo potassium , 42c. Oti.s-Carbon , 150 ° lOo ; headlight. 175o 2Jfc ; gasoline , 74 ° 12Hc ; West Virginia ummcr , liecro ; , 17c ; No. 1 golden ma- liine , 18e ; extra W. S. Inrd , ( Vc ! ; No. 1 lard , 2o ; turpentine , 4''e ; linseed raw , SOc ; boiled , )3e. Conl and LIMB 85V90c ( ; Portland cement. 3.55 ; do- uestio eomeiit , ? 1.35 ; plaster , $2.00S2.15 ! ; uiir , 2.1@-5c. GOAL Anthracite , range , and nut , $10.00 ; argo ocg , $9.75 ; Reek Spring , $7.00 ; Su- terlor , id.K ( ) ; Iowa , 54.50 5.50 ; steam coal , 1.50 to $ J.OO. _ TilllllDei- . IllMENSIUNit AM ) TIMHiilS. : 12.14\- | 10 It. 118 ft ft si fi 21 ft 2x1 .1(1 ( I III ( Ml 111 0. ) ' 0 ( USI .in i t'l ( HI I'l ' (0il ( Ml 21 ks < ! .in i in mi III U ) 2i > OJ 2,1 i .in i in in I'l ' ( KI2I IKI21 17 ft ) 1 ! ) m II \M , 22 Ml 2-J ' . - . ) III wl''l ( Hi ! I ( Ailil i0 cents per 1W ) feet for rough Joist. nouinf. No. 1 com , B 1 s f 18.00 I No. 3 com , s 1 s f 15.00 No. 2 coir. , H 1 P 10.50 | No 4 com , sis 12.50 Add 50 cents per 1,000 for rough. FHXC'IXO. No. 1 , 4 and 0 in , 12 and 14 ft , rough. . . $20.00 No. I , " 1(1 ( ft , " . . . . 20.00 No. 2 , " 12 and 14 ft , " . . . . 10.00 No. 2 , " 10ft , " . . . . 17.00 sinixo. A , 12,14 & 10 ft.'M.5'l I C , 12 , 11 & 10 ft.14.7.- > B " " 19.75 | " " , D. 11.73 CI'lt.INO ASH I'AUTITION. 1st com , } { ill white pine celling $ .13.00 2d " " " " 27.00 Clear jtf In Norway pine celling 15.50 2dcom > V iu " " " 13.50 ri.ooinxo. A 0 in white pine $ : U.)0 ) B " " " 32.00 D " " " 21.00 E " " " ( sol. fencing ) 18.50 Six Inch drop siding BOe per 1,000 extra. STOCK mmiDS. KKS A , 12 in , s 1 S..J45.00 I C , 12 in , s 1 u.$30.00 B , 12 in , s 1 s . . 39.00 D , 12 in , s 1 s. . . 22.00 No. 1 com , 12 in , s 1 B , 12 ft 20.50 No. 1 com , 12 in. s 1 s , 14 ft 20.00 No. 1 com , 12 in , sis , 10 ft 20.00 No. 1 com , 12 in , sis , 10 , IS nnd 20 ft. . 2J.50 No. 2 coin , 12 in , s 1 s , 10 , 18 and 20 ft. . 19.-15 No. 2com , 12 in , s 1 s , 12 and 14 ft 18.50 No. 2 com , 12 In , s 1 s , Hi ft 18.00 12 in grooved roofing $12 per M. more than 12 in stock boards same length. 10 in grooved roollng same price as 12 In stock boards. SIIII' LAI1. No. 1 plain , Sand 10 in SIS.75 No. 2 plain , 8 and 10 in 17.00 No. 1 O. G. , 8 In 19.25 KlMHlllXO. 1st and 2d , clear , 1. I'i , ins2s 550 00 " " ' 1M , 2 in , s 2s 50.00 id , clear , 1 in , s2s 45 00 " Itf , lK.2in 4(5.00 ( A , select , 1 in , s 2 s 39.00 A , " 1 # , IX-m 43.00 15. " Iins2s 2U.OO B , " lflK.2in } 30.00 B , select , all 1(1 ( ft , $1 extra. HOlnilllKX Y KLI.O W 1'IXE. Star4 in flooring . . * . $19.50 1st and 2d. clear , 4 in flooring 21.50 Clear % in ceiling 19.50 Clear % in partition 23.50 Clear % in p.irtion-J above % in ceiling Clear finish , 1 and lf in , s2 s 2(5.00 ( Clear finish , \Va and 2 in , s2 s 20.00 Cle.u-corrugated ceiling , 4 in 23 'M Clear yellow pine easing and babe 25.00 roi'Lut I.UMIIIH. Clear poplar bx bds , % m s 2 s f.'iS.OO Clear " " " % in panel , s 2 s. . 27.K ( ) Clear " " " ' ' eciling ' cor'ga'td , 23.00 IIATTCXS , W1II.L TUHINO , PICKETS. O. G. Butts , 2 in 8 05 O. G. Butts , Ux3slB 30 3 in well tubing , D. & M. and Bev 22.50 Pickets. D. & H. fiat 19.00 Pickets. D. & H. square 19.00 BIII.NOLKS , LATH. XX clear $ 3.10 Extia-A- 2.95 A * Standard ' 2.(55 ( AH. B. & B 2.33 Oin.cl 2.05 No. 1 1.10 Lath 2.85 White Cedar , 0 in. , % s. " " Uin. - qi-s la- " " &X in. , y& 11 " " 8 in. qrs 09 " " 4 in round 14 Tennessee Hcd Cedar , split 14 SphtOak 03 Loiiuid hotel , Chicago , for comfort. ii'j.Kli Land lnrili ir. Now York Sun : English landlordism in Ireland occasionally attracts the attention tontion of congress , hut ollleinl docu ments sent to that body suggest that English landlordism in the United States is worth keeping in view. Two English syndicates hold in Texas alone nn aggregate of 7,000,000 acres. A third syndicate has 1,800,000 acres of American land. Sir E. Reid. K. C. B. , lias tOt)0H)0 ! ) ( ) acres in Florida , and a Scoteli syndicate 600,000 acres in that state. The London firm of Phillies , Marshall iS : Co. , lias l.iiOO.OOO acres in tliis country ; another London firm 1,750,000 acres. A Gorman tn-ndieato owns 1,100.000 acres. An English com pany pobsesbos 700,000 acres in lissis- | ) ] ) ; another has 750,000 acres to its credit. A do/.on other foreign eom- panicn or individuals hnvo ueres figur ing in the hundred tho'.ibands. Some times thehO great trusts appear to work to the injury or inconvenience ol neighboring actual settlers ; and , at all events , as the country becomes devel oped around these enormous holdings , the government should boo that no law is broken by the foreigners having charge of them. Drink Mnlto. Are the Best , IN TIIK KNSENTJAIj UUAMTIIM OF Durability , Evenness of Point , and Workmanship. B mpl i for trial of 12 different styles by mill , on receipt of 1U Cfiil * iu ttumjni. Ask for curd hu. 8. WISOH , BUKEMiN & CO , , 75a rovte" .rl-AI.MElt. X , P. IlICnMAX. J.B. III.A.NCUAIlll PALMER. RICHMAN 4 CO. . Live Stock Commission Merchants M3RIMER.WESTERFIELD& MALEY Live Stock Commission , lloom U , Exchange HullJln * , Union Stock Turd * , tkmlh Omaha , Nob. ALEXANDER It FITCH , Comraision Dealers in Live Sock , OpK | lta Kicbanso Ilulldlng , Union Sto : VvrUi , soulb OoMha , Nob. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , . ; : . Of Oraaha Liraiteil JOBBEBS'DOiEGTiY ' AgrlouTturni implVnionta. " " "CHURCHILL PARKER , Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Onrrlam'S r.nd Huirslrv .Imp * Ptrt'i't.hctirocnfthnncl lUihUmaiia Netiraikn. LINfNGER"A M ETC-ALF CO. . Agricultnral Implements , WagonsCarriagei , lliipelc , ttr. : Wholesale. O'ii hNetirn ( ka. PARLIN , ORENDORF & MARTIN , Whole alf liler ) In Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies Ml , i l. ' .UJnrnl B Jours Street , Omaha. _ P . PT MAST & CO. , Manufacturers of BucKcye Drills , Seeders , Ctlltlvolon , liny Hakes , Cldor Mills nnd l.nhau 1'ul- Torlirrs. Cor. lltli anil Nlcholnn Mri'i'lf. WIN'ONA Whole ale - Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies rurni'rHlh nil Nlihi'ln Slrei't > . OMAttA IIIIANCII. J. F. SEIBERLINU & CO. , Akron , Ohio. Harvesting Machinery and Binder Twine , W. U. Mpnil , Mannter. ISltl.eavoiiworth t. , Omnhn. MOLINE.MlLBURN&TsTODDARbco .Mnniifacturern nnd Jobbers In Wagons , Biigges : , RaKes , Plows Etc , Cor. lUhaiiit 1'ndilc streets , Onuilin , Neb. Artists' Nlntorlnls ' " * A HOSPE , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1511 llouvl Street , Omaha , Ni'bra ka. _ Dooksollora and Stntlonors- H. M , &V. W.'JONEST Succesjonto A. T. Kimjron A Co. , WlinlrMlo A Hcti'.ll Booksellers and Stationers , Kino Wcditliifc Slallnnory , CiiiiinierrlHl t-talloncry l.CJ I > oiiila * Street Uuialm , Nrb. Boots and Shoos. _ KIRKENDALL , JONES & CO. . ( Successors to lived , Jonei A.LO. ) Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes Agents for llotton llubticr Shoe Co. HIB , 1101 A. 11UO _ llnrnvy bt. , Omaha. Kcbruaku. _ \V. V. MORSE \ CO. . Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , 1101 , lira-llflj Dougl'n St.Onialm .Manufactorj , Sum- nier t. lloslon. Coffees , SplcoB , Etc. _ CLARKE COFFEE CO. , Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills. Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder , FlaTorlnc KxtrnctB , Laundry llluc. . Inks , Ktc. UK Ultillarnay Street , Oiimha. Nebraska. Crockery and Clossvvaro * ' " w. L . WR'IG"HT. Agent for the Manufacturer * and Importeisof Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys , Ktc. OBI co. 317 S. 13th St. , Omaha. Xcbratka. PERKINS , CATCH &LAUMAN , luiDortur and Jobber * of Creepy , Glassware , Larars , Silverware Ete. 1M4 rnrimni St. , Now I'aUun Ilulldliiic. Commlsolon and Storage. " RIDDELL & RIDDELL , Storage and Commission Merchants , " f Her PIICI - . < " > ' ' Miry , Came. 1112 Howard Street. Omaha. CEO. SCHROECER & CO. , Bucccssors to McSbano A i-throeder. ) Produce Commission and Cold Storage , Omaha , Nebraska. FREDERICK J. FAIRBHASS. Wholesale Flour , Feed , Grain and General Commision Jlerchant. Correspondence solicited. 101J North 1Mb Mroot , Onnilia , .Selu Coa ! , Coke and Llmo. ' ' ' ' OMAHA COAL , COKE''UM'E' Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal , 209 South 13th Street , Omaha , Nebraska. J. J. JOHNSON & CO. , Manufacturers of Lime , And shippers of Ciiul , Couk , Cement , I'jiMter , Llm Drill n Tllo , and Sewer 1'lpe. Offlco , 218 , S. 13lh St. , Omaha , Neb. Telephone 811. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Shippers of Coal and Coh 214 South 13th St. . Omaha. Neb. Dry Goods and Notions. M.lfsivfiTH * CO. , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions , 1102 and 1104 Douglas , Cor. 1Kb St. , Omaha , Neb. KILPATRtCK-KOCH DRYGOODSCo Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goofls.Notions . Gents' Furnishing ( Jooils Corner llth and HoJncj bu. Omaha. Nebraska. DEWEY & STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Fnrnam Street. Omaha. Nebraska. CHARLES SHIVERICK , Furniture Omaha , Nebraska. _ Crocorlpa. PAXTON , GALLAGHER "it ; COM" Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , T05,707,700 and 711 P. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb. * McCORD , BRADY & CO. . Wholesale Grocers , I lh and T/eavenwotth Streets , Omalia , Nobratko. Hardware LEE. CLARKE. ' WARE COMPANY , Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate , Metnls , Phpct Iron , etc. Afients for llown Scaled , Mlnml l'o der anil I.yniHii llurbcd wire , Omaha , Nubrusku. HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop Mechanics' Tools and HulTnln Scales. 1(05 Douglu btrect , Omaba , Nebraska , RECTOR. WILHELMY & CO. , Wholesale Hardware , 10th and Harn y Sts. , Omaha , Neb , Western Acenti for Austin Powder Co. , Jullur.on SteolNalle , Fairbanks Standitnl Scales. MARKS BROS. SADDLERY CO , Wholesale Manufacturers of Saddlery & Jabbers of Saddlery Hardware Anil Leather. UOJ , lVf > and 1477 Humor 8t.Ouutm , Ncbr k . Heavy Hardware. W. J. BROATCH , Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springs , Wagon Stock , Hardware , Lumber , Ktc. 13U and 1211 llarney Struct , Omaha. Hats , Capa , Etq. W. L. PARROTTE Si. CO. , Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods , 1107 Harncy Street , Omaba , Neb. J-urnber OMAHA LUMBER CO. , All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale 19U Street anrt Union Paclflu Track , Omaha. LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lumber , lath , Lime , Sash , DoorsEtc. T rdCoruf r 7th and Uouilaii Cerisi . th sjul Uauklai. 'OliAgEBS'MGTOKY ' - . . _ _ Lumber _ _ _ _ C. N. DIET2 , ' 1 Dealer in AllKindsof Lumber , < I'.lhand Colitornlii Stri'els.Onialm , .VcbrMifc ' Lumber Lime tent"Etc , , Etc , , Eic , Corner fill and IVuiBlnsFU. . Omaha. " \V. HARVEY LUMBER C6T To Dealers Only , OITIro.HKl Karnam Street Omann , JOHN Ar'WAKEFIELD , " Wholesale Lumber , Etc , CHAS. R. LEE Dealer in Hardwood Lumber , Wood Carpet * and Parquet lloorlng Pili ami I ) . - . -r. Millinery nnd Notions. I. OBERFELDER V 667T Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions n. lrtiin.lHioiHi llth , „ CANFIELD MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans I'nllUilit' ! , Kle. Ilittninl 1101 DotiKlat Street , Utunlin. Ni-li. Noti'ons. J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. . Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods1 t'O ' mxUlfiSmtli 10th St. , Oninlin , Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholsale Refined anil Lubricating Oils , Ailo ( Irvnsc , KlcOmaha. . A. 11. lllrhnp , Mnnmter VINYARD & SCHNEIDER , Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods , llCfillanii'r Strci-t. Onuhii. Office Fixtures. Tin : SIMMON'DS MANUPACTUKlNa CO. .Muininicfirtvs of Bank , Office and Saloon Fixtures , Mnntlov Slili'lxwrt , Hook Cusp' , Druif KUtnri"Wnll C'a'.oi.l'iut tiotiii , KMIIiik'M'o'mti'rv lleornml Wlno Cooli'M. Mirror * etc. I'm-tory am * onlor , ir Jand JIM toulli I mi SI. , Oiunhit. Toloplimio 11.14. Pnlnta and cfGMMINGS & NEILSON , Wliolcinlo Demur J In- Paints , Oils , Window Bias , Etc , 1111 Fiirnam Street. Omnha.Nob. Paper. CARPENTER PAPER CO. . Wholesale Paner Dealers , Orrr n nice dock of I'rlntliiK , Wrapping anij Writing ! ' & , . ST. 6puci.il attention clvon to car loi'l orders. Pa pp rJJp xo s. - , . - . - JOHN "L. WILKIE , Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory , N'oi. M ! " uml 131'J Douglas Ht. , Omahn , Neb. Printers' Materials. WESTERN NEWSPAPER 1/NION , Auxiliary Publishers , Dvtttersln Typo. l'rc pie > and Printers'Supplies. 503 J-ovUh 12th Strvct. Oinnha. Rubber Goods. Manufacturers anil Dealers in finite Goods Jll Clolhlng and Leather llcltlnrf. 1W6 1'nnium Street. Sjsh , Doors , Etc. M. A. DISBROV f CO. . Wholesale Manuf icturoM or Sash. Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , llrancb URlcu , 12td and leant Street * , Onmliu , Neb. * ' BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. Tannfictiirers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , uldlimn. Stair Work nnd Interior Ilanl Wool FU& su. N. K. Cornerfth and l aveuwurtli Btrceti , Omaha , ' Pumps , Etc- A. L. STRANG CO. , Pumps , Pipes and Engines , CHUHCH1LL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , m U. S. WIND ENGINE & PUMP CO. , Steam anil Water Supplies. Unllldar Wind Mills. 019 nnd 03) ) Farnam Bt. . Omaha. U.K. Hess , AclliiK MmiUKi'r. BROWNELL & CO. , engines , Boilers and General Macliinery. Sljoetlroa Work Slcam I'ntnrs.SRw MIH . 1213-1213 LuttvenwortUSticut. Omaba. = > f _ SoOtl8. j PHIL. STIM M E L"coV " Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds 811 and S13 Jonus Htrott. Omalia. Storage , Forwarding A. Commission ARMSTRONG. PETTIS & CO. . Storage , Forv/arding / and Commission , Dranrli liounoof llui HiMMioy Hugpr Co. lliiuKluaat ' , ( ! and nilnll , 1 iiw UlOunil 1312 liard Street , Omaha , Tflenlioiii ? No.TM. Srnokc Stacks , Boilers , Etc. ' " . K.'SAWYER , Manufacturing Dealer in smote Stacte Urltchlut : ' , Tanks and Ccnuml nollcr Hopalrtng. 131 $ _ l > o < ltfo hlrcL't , Omaha. Neb Broyvora. SJORZ & . 1LER , 4 ( Lager Beer Brewers , 1531 North KlglhtcontU Street , Omaha , Kcb. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS. w Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice , * * John Epentlt-r , i-nipnoinr. lu ) DndKe and Ittl and lfl ( Nurlli luth hlrcpl. Omaln. 4) ' ' * Iron Works. STEAM BOILER WORKS , Carter ti boa , 1'rop'a. Manufacturers of all klnd Steam Boilers , Tinls and Sheet Iron Wori Works Bouth iiOtU and 11. A. M. Crossing. I'AXTON & VIEHUNO 1110N WOHKS. Wrought and Cast Iron Building Worfc Uniilnos , Itrasi WorkGeneral Koimdrr , MaohlnoKnl Ulackimlth Wink , oillcuund Woik ) , U.I' , llj. and Kth Street , Omnha. OMAHA WIRE & IROTTWORKS , " Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings Deik Haiti , Window Quants , dower Staudi , Vflr BUm.Kte. 1SI Nortli ICth Blrcet.Uinaha. OMAHA SAFE and IRON Maii'frsofFire&BnrglarProofSafes ' fftultt , Jail Work , Irou and Wlrn Fencing , Bleui , Bto. U. Andreta. 1'rop'r. Cor. lUh tnd Jatkaoa Pti. CHAMPION IRON and WIRE WORKS Iron and fire Fences , Railings , Guards and Screen i , for banki , offlrei. torv . rti'.deoros ' , tc. Imiirovod Awnlnitt. Ix > ckiuillh Macblnirr aail lllttcktmlili Worki. CUboulh Itlu Ht. ! " ; MEAGHER * LEACH , Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time Locks , General AKODU tar Dlebold Safe A Lo k Co. ' * Taulu aai Jail Vfutk.llU taraata Bu ui , oaah .