. . . . _ - - . _ . ' ' " 'Ml' ' * " T 'f ' lt " | i.l"il"1 lfHJH1 * ' * * ' ' ' fl ' ! ' ' 'wvy ' " ' * * " * -\v v * THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , AUGUST 7. 1888. THE CITY. The intornnl rovonua collections ycs- toiday amounted to & ! , ! Ii0.oi. ! Gas Inspector Gilbert 1ms boon prnnt- cd 11 second patent on his smoke con sumer. Edward O. Ryloy 1ms given a mort gage ( or * 1,514.39 to J. A. Fuller tc Co. , of Omaha , mid Spoor Mnckoy. of Chicago cage , on the wiill paper and paint stock tit 010 North Sixteenth street. The chattel was filed yesterday. Daniel McNally , an old and demented gentleman , has been iniBsIng from liifi homo , No. 1011 North Seventeenth street , since July Sl. ! ( His friends are greatly worried over the matter , and have asked for police aid to assist In hunting him up. Mr. Lang was dually tried by jury , in the police court yesterday , on the charge of keeping a filthy hog pen north nf the fair grounds tlmt is offen sive to the olfactory .senses of his neigh bors. The cane wont to the jury , but they were unable to agree. A bill of sale was liletl with the county clerk yesterduy conveying from Otto Lange to Christian W. Knicely the stock of hardware , tin , stoves , etc. , at ill" and ! il8 South Thirteenth street , and n set of tinner's tools tat tt'2'2 South Twentieth ntreet. The consideration named was $5,000. I'trsonnl I'nrnnr.iplm. Gcorpa M. Humphrey is nt the MlllnrJ. n W. R White , of Lincoln , la ut tliu Wind- tor. Isanu Powers , of Norfolk , is ut the Mil- Inrd. Inrd.W. W. A. nankins , of Sioux City , is u Mllluril g\icst. Finnk HIco , of Gtnml Island , is a Windsor guest. M. C. Christy , of DC * Moincs , is a Paxton guest. John Peters , of Albion , Neb. , is at the I'nxton. T. C. Mori oil , of Hod Oak , In , is at the Paxton , Philip Kcadc , of Chic.igo , U. S. A. , was it Oiuiihu yosteidiiy. Messr- * . Joy and Carl Morton , of Chicago , were la the city .yesterday. George Sp.mgli-r. of Hastings , and ,1. A , Crane , of Klslng Water , are Omaha visitors. W. D. Mutliuwi , or 1'remont , and \V. H , B. Stout , of Lincoln , were in Omaha ycstor day. day.N. N. C. Abbott , of Lincoln , and .1 , D. Mc Donald , of Fremont , weie in the city yester day. day.II. II. M. HIco , of Lincoln , C. H. Tniptn , ol Fremont , and J. H. Welden , of Plum Cieck AVUIO Omaha visitors . \esteriluy. Gone With Hovel FrancCj one of Omaha's f.unou- bass Hinders , has accepted a position as t member ol Dockstudcr's minstrels at a vcrj luerativu salary , and leaves in a few days for New York to Join the troupe at the con elusion of their summer tour. The Now Grand. The directors of the Grand Opera house have let a contr.iot to Wnicoto & Hllcy foi Important and much needed changes in the interior of their house. An entirely now h.il- cony will bo erected , new proscenium boxes put In and' the Hoar level changed , making a decided improvement over last j ear. Valuable Animals Klllijcl. nOniccr Goldsmith shot two horses Sun day evening belonging to Fi cdei ick D. Weed , of Thlrt.v-smh and Center stieets. Tlioj were allllcted with glanders and were slab accoidlti } } to the instruction of State Voter ! nary Surgeon J. Gorth , jr. One of the animals WHS n two-year-old stallion valued ai f500 , and the other a seven-year-old valued at $123. , Marring ! ) The following marriage licenses were is sued yesterduy by Judge Shields : Name. Kosulenco. Age. j Lawrence H. Kosslter , Omaha . 2 ! ( Julia A. Maddln , Omaha . 2 j Put Crowe , South Omaha . 21 J Hattie Murphy , South Oman . 2 ( Will lo Shipped to Alaliami. The remains of Henry Mall , the Pullman porter who was shot at Lookout , Wyo , n few days ago , will ho brought to this city tomorrow - morrow and shipped to Alabama , his homo , It was Mill's HrJt trip on the ro id and his ncijualntnnco was very limited , conso- qucntly but few of hi * follow porters know him. Ills mother lives In Birmingham. T\vonty- nrunduIiiUlroii. Tom Casey , the veteran flngmnn at the Union Pacific crossing on Tenth Street' , for a long tune boasted of having tmro grand children than any man in bmaha. Last week the number was twenty-five. Sunday night Mrs. Peter Cusoy. his son's wife , pre sented her licgo lord with a luuidsomo boy nnd for the twenty-sixth time Tom is grand pa. The old gentleman is very much elated over the latest addition. Quaker Meeting. Religious services of rather an unusual tunrncterero hold Sunday afternoon at the residence of Samuel White , 1815 Corby Btroct. They were conducted by Mrs. Louisa J. Hoborts , of Philadelphia , editor ol the Fi lends' Intolllgoacor , the Qnukcr or gan. Mi s. Uoborts Is a very talented woman and nblo oxpjnont of her religion. Quito a number ot Quakers who are scat- tcicu through Omaha attended the meeting , It Is likely tlmt another meeting of a more public character will bo held while Mrs , Uoberts is in the city. 'I lie l' lllo Fountain * ! . The water works company will have thclt publlo fountains up and In opeiatlon by Octo bcr 1. That is the present calculation al least. There are to bo five of thorn , nnd thoj will bo fully as ornamental us useful. 'Liu one tlmt is to bo located at thocoinor of Far namand Fifteenth streets will bo an espod.V work of ait. These fountains am to bo con btiuctcd of Nmv England granite boulders with oruato designs carved up on the facings Q'lus work Is to bo In the h.mds of that excel lentDculptor , John Wilson , ot Wuuimcu , Wis. ivho Is already well along with his designs. Oilliollo Music. F-This evening , in St. Phllomena' luill , n second meeting will bo held to pcrfcc the urguni/ation of a Catholic choral sjciet } ttio first stops in which direction woio take , on last Thursday night. Every musically In cllncd lady and gentleman is invited to b inosiml , The president of the association I Hev. F. Can-oil ; vice president , John Hanmer Rucrelary , J. Mullen ; troasurur , Blla Ken iiedy ; musical director. Faunlo Arnold plunist , Ma < o'lo Swift. The association ha won so mo talcntod mcmbuis and hopes to d excellent wrk during the coming fall am winter. lnii ( > ls l > County'H County Cleric Kocho Inw received the o : lloial assessment of the t.ixos for Douclv ; county according to the levy Just made. Th total valuation of the property of the count ; With the assessment for the state gaverr. mcnt in as follows : Total valuation . 4 , W , < m 1 General fund , > mills . 12.i2S ( School fund , ) { mills . 1-Y-t" ' University fund , % mills . 0.197 l Capitol tund , 9f mills . IS.aiU ' . Htjform school fund , ) { mills. . . 3,005 ; Institute for Feeble Minded fund , J4 mills . - . . 0,131.4 Total , 7 } ( mills . S 174.T44 ( The republicans of the Ninth \vur nro r.qucblcd to moot in caucus at tli conior of Twenty-ninth nnd Farimi Ft root nt 8 p. m. Tuesday evening August 7 , for the purpose of nominal Ing a ticket "for the republican pri luarles to be hold on August 10 , b "Order of . M. S. Lty i > uv , . C , , T. JOHNSON , Members of coiitnll cuiuimlUio h Ninth \vurd. SIIANK'.S UKHIGNATION. \Vlint CoiiimlsHloncrH nnd Contractors Hay About It. Nearly a week ago , a UEE reporter heard hat every thing was not as ngreeablo as It might bo between the county commissioners , he hospital contractor ) ) , and Dan Shane , RUpjrintendcnt of construction of the hospl- al. He called upon the gentleman to atcur- aln what had occasioned the misunderstand- ng. Mr. Shane did not admit that thora was i ulfToroncu of very great moment , but 10- questcd that publication of the subject be do- 'erred for a lew du > s xvlien ho should bo iblo to back up what he might sec fit to tell ind otherwise act us the emergency would require. On last Saturday Mr. Shane tcnde-rod hU rcHlyn.itlon us supi'rintendcnt of the erection if tin ) county hospital and when , In the same evening , ho was Interviewed by an attache of this paper , the only reason he assigned Tor his act.o.i was that the Inspection inter- [ eicd with his contracting business und ho was forced to give the former up. Commissioner O'Kcefo ' said that if Shtr.io'.s resignation had been tondcrod bccaus j of uiy ipiariel with the contractors , he was llsposcd to vote against accepting it. Shnuo latl been put In us superintendent jccuiiBo the commlssionors wanted the work on the hospital done according to specifica tions. He was asked If Shane and the com- nlssloncts had not iiuuricited In Detroit over the Mjers-Utown toof and icplled that.so far is ho knew , they had not. IIo had under stood , however , that Shane and Contractor 2unnlughum and Commissioner Andcison uul had Borne dllTcrcnccs of opinion. It was ibout the Myers toof. Shane was one of thu iirst to make objections to some of the feat ures of the Myers plans. Hut the commis sioners , uftcr considering it , and those or Urown , decided to support these of Mvers. They did not , do this upon thelf own ideas of what was required , but after consulting expotts In the matter. "I called on Expert Wagner In Chlcigo , " said Mr. O'Kcufo , "timl he supporU-d Myers' plans , with a few exceptions , \\hlch could and will Lo ) readily exchanged without any cost to the county. The Iron in Myers' plans is lighter , better and capable of supporting more than the lion of Hrown's ' plan. Tnu latter , if adopted , would put the county to an ad ditional expense of ( > , OX > . Hrewn wanted his plans adopted , and I think Shane was rather In favor of them. Hut in this resuect , I think Shane is wrong. Ho has nothing to do with the plans of the loof , especially after tnc cominlssioneis decide in favor of a certain set of them His duty is simply to sco that the roof Is built according to the specifications. If the loof full * , the responsibility rests upon our shoulders. " Mr. O'Keolo stated that ho thought there was something of a Job in the Hrown plan. Hut he did not thlnlr it could be worked. In it there was a great dual mine lion than n the Myers' plan nnd 1C the Hrown plan had been accepted , ninny changes would h.wo been made In the Myers' plan. The present contractors could not have boon compelled to put up either , the county being iciuiliudto stand all extras. Dennis Cunninghamwho Is one of tha part ners In the firm of Uy.in & Walsh , contract- cm for the hospital , said that ho luld bccm ut Detroit with the commissioners ivhen they examined the Meyers and Hrown roofs. Ttio lommisstoneis had sustained Meyers' plans , but Slmno wanted lirawn's. "H told mo and ho told Anderson , " said Mr. Cunning ham , "wucn \ \\crocuiniiig hcto in the c.us tlmt as soon us ho should le.u'U Omaha ho would tender his resignation as superintendent rather than build u roof which ho said would fall down. "Yes , Shane has given us some trouble. It couldn't bo otherwise. Ho li a contiactar the same as wo arc , and it is n.itutal for him to want to down us. No contractor should act as an Inspector , because ho must bo either a fuvonto or an enemy , und In either case , ho is not worth anything. If Hrown's roof was accepted , us bhane wanted it to be , it would put the county to great expense. " Shane's resignation is now in the hands of the building committee' . It will probaol.v bo reported on at-thelr no\t meotinir , and what tli.it report will be only the LOinmitlou them selves know. Mr. Mount , when asked why Mr. Shuno had resigned , ra-itod that he knew no reason for it whatever , and all ho did kaow about it was what ho had hoard at last Saturday's mooting when the resignation was read. Ac- coiding to the statement of two or tbreo of the commissioners everything was pleasant between Mr. Shane and the architect and contractors. When asked as to the report that Mr. Shuno when returning from Detroit liud said ho was going to icign as boon as he got homo , they said they never hc-ard of it. County Commissioner Mount , when asked what action would bo taken in Superintend- cut Shuno's resignation , said : 'TiHrrr't-Uill jou. I know what I shall do. . My vote will bo against accepting the resignation. I think I can guess what the other four com missioners will do. Their \otes , I believe will bo the same as mine. " The bank clearings for yesterday were $ C50,4SO.ii ; ) . IXJ8T A OUIUO. Illrtli and Bccrct Hiirlnl of nn Oinalm Monstrosity. A most remarkable malformation or freak of nature bus Just died in Omaha. About eight days ago a colored woman , the wife of a kalnomlucr , who llvo In the vicinity of Pacific street and Twenty-fifth avenue , guvo bh tli to u boy baby with two faces on one head. One fa.-o was situated naturally , with tno exception that the left car was nearer the eyes than the right. The second faca was on the left sldo of the head'iiud * com menced back of the left cor , extending partly across what should have been thu buck of the head. The top of the hcnd and the other portion of the head not occupied by the faces , was covered with an abundance of black kinky hair. hair.This This poor baby hud four eyes , two of nlilcn , however , \\oro sightless. The side face was well defined , but was not so perfect us the fi out , or actual face. The mouth and lips were well developed , but there was no connection with the throat. The child when born was apparently as healthy as the average bi bv born to healthy hiird working parents , but Ilka many chil- dicn this summer It succumbed to the hot weather and pissed aw won Fildiy last. Dr. Koovns. who attended tliii ciso , In formed TUB iJtE reporter that thopircnts felt very sonslve about the mulfo.'mutlon of their child , ami for that reasjii the name is withheld. This is one of the most curious cases of Its kind on record , und , had the child lived , It would have been a mo t intorc-t Ing freak of nature. In this connection It m ly bo well to say that this death has not boon reported to the city physician. Dr. Hooves slid ha bus not been In the habit of reporting births und deaths , and that , ulthoiigh he knowd the 1 iw to bo well dcllncd on this point , it h.m not been strictly enforced in tins city. He s ild he thought muny physicians In this city were in the hublt of neglecting this duty. Free to All. The beautiful picture , "Will They Cotibent'i" ' is ti largo magnificent engraving - graving , printed upon a shoot 1 ! ) inches wide by 24 inches long. It is an exact copy of an original painting by Kwull , . \hioh was sold for ffi.OOO. This elegant picture represents a young luely st'inding in a bu mtlftil 160111 , surround ed by all that is luxations , near u half- open door , while the \oung man , her ! ovcris seen in an udjolnlng room asking the consent of her parents for thoirdanghterinmuiriiige. The line interior decorations , to tether , with the graceful po-dtion of the beautiful girl is in keeping with the sentiment of the picture. It must bo scon to bo appreciated. This v iluablo picture is fitting to adorn the wall of any Indies' parlor , und in , order to offer an exti aordinury inducement to intio- duce our Wav St.nch , this costly picture w 11 bo given away , free to every person puichis- Ing n small box of Wax Slui oh. . This starch is something entirely n3w , and Is without u doubt the gieatcst st uUi in von lion of the nineteenth century , ( utleMstcvuri- body days so Ui it have used it , ) It supersedes everything huiotofore used or ' ; nn\vn to BcliMica in the laundiy art Unlike uny other sturch , us it is coated with pmo whitu wax nnd chemically prepared upin soi'iitillc piinciples by an expcit in the lui.idry jiio- fussion who h.is had yard of pr.ic'te.ll exper ience in fancy laundiyint ; . It is thollrstund only staieh In thu woild that mikes honing easy and restores oldbummor drcs-sss to their natural whiteness , und Imparts to linen u beautiful und lusting finish. Please remember that the present you re- eoivo with each box oC Wa c Starch , lias never been sold at retail tor les's than ono dollar. This grc it oner b only goo.l for six weeks , after which tbo mo'rnt will be omit ted and the starch sold at thei U'uil price. Try it jind bo convinced of thu whole truth. Ark your grocer for Wax Starch and ob tain this bountiful and costly picture fico. THU WAX Si'AUCH CO. , Iveokuk , lowu. Smoke Soldonborg's Figaro and get the best 6-cont cigar in the world. . Max Mover & Co. , wholesale depot. M.ulv ( > liill'n Lnn cut. Thomas Mulvohill , the goni il gentleman who runs the tartariu acid fountain at the base ball park , during Sunday's game cashed n § 7.75 check for a gentleman ( f ) Ci'lling himself James O'Hiion. The. name of E. D. Hobinson was slcnccl to the paper , and Mr. Mulvohill , always on the < ml vlve to maUo un extra dollar , advanced the quail O'Hrien ? 3 75 upon the it. The smooth gen tleman s lid ho only desired to hypothecate the paper until evening when ho would call on Mr. Mulvehill and redcam it bv p lying him $1.7. ) . The police tuo now looking for Mr. O'Hrien. The Grandtst Triumph ol Eloclrlc Science Scientifically Mude and Practically Appllad. mHDISEASES SEDIGIHES. \ & DISEASES CURED WITHOUT . JIT WILL CURE VOU B ? L P aj.WJS ? . .i- : Im.tl.Mi , IV.r lr. ! , H r li , RtUtK-B , DlftsM * of Kldbcy * . frl * * ! ! . Torpid Uver , lUuut. rihnuiUoK. Kralitloiu , Altbnie , ) Uuri I'UruM , J yij > pMU. . C uup tlt a , ryali > cl > , ! Induction , WruliacM. U l > otnor , O l rrh , I'U . Kpllcprr. Uawb Anc , l > U.b U , llfdroccle. j l > Uu < l Illvuv * . I > ro9 r , telbr > IkU kill Id Jiul what Jo ucc < - j flteliirit * iKilantlv nil I Cn t orplldl wllv. . _ , . - . . | . njr pArt It Ibo . body. Whnlo tuottf . n WHE&l ALL " It clectrlawi JL blood and curoi ' " I tdIIMUNlALd J5ijii1rji'r-A."iruoiruBd"K ' , B.'V SiYVna j. . "iiiiiitt. i'S5no0rdorTnu" CUUafoi A. Un-iurjr , coiniulnlonniircbiBt.guicltY rdj BuddlHttlo.tboRToatbunsmaniCol Connfllr , or ILu I'ltr Ottant O , W. Bellui. M. U . Mormonto-arn. IO M I mutl Ml lie , Kirkakoc , 111 l Jud l. K. InurinT , MapfrTllle. Ill i 1M. Atbott. lopt-ellrvrAtrrvrorki , Bonlhlltmri.lnd I Eobt. U.fadinpioii. < , hlc KO I pcit cfccoi L. D. UoHlcba > l. M. t > , UuHa.o. N. V. " Your hrltb acromvlMixl uhat co O-.IIIT rcuKdr ban liwadr rtrtM andromfortobUilccpfttoiflit. " ncbb Hall , aljvnuui , 160 Kail JjUiBtreefc.Wo * ToiV llr. ' HORIIEVS ELECTRO MABKETIC BELT &Wl S lWS5SlS iSl P ilrei pnxiQv-c < K eontlnuoui currinti conrori rl etrlcllr throttKh lb body on tbo narrm. It eor i dJicuoi 1 by B u ratlnc * coiitlunou current ot Itctiiclty (1O ( or 19 bour onto * M4) ) throuihuut th bumaQ tyitcm , ctrouUtlon of tbo iUo forcM-tho blood , 1m [ aIlaiUi ain ; rTau > uiulmm ! iUaulyand produclnKanew Cirtlnvirliiar.ilreBKtli.tneriry and health , wbrnanothertreatmcnthairaUtd. TbemerlU ot UiUiclea- . nolWtaMb lapiTO < > | rnU > laiidludor < lbylbouiand whomttbai JUMd. „ KCFKHENCta Any buik.r < > niiucruUloecDor or wbolewJe bojla InChleaeO ) vnolciua drujji t 31"VV irlriScOHrtf3E ! DittTeotorandt : acrar r , Jill Wnkuli ArvBue CU a. IRUPTUBE S DR. HOME'S ELECTRO-MABNETIC BELT-TRUSS. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH DIAMOND BRAMD JHE ORIGIN AL.THt ONLY NUIIMC ENNYROYJ kBCWARE OF WOKTHLESSlMITAT < ON& k ASK DRUGGIST FOR QICHESTER'S EMCtISt SAFE lWAYSREI.IAnE.TOLADIE , DIAMOND INDISP N5ACl.SOlDEY/ltDnUCCIIS7 _ , ORINCtOSC 4f ( STAMPS ) DIAMOND BRA ! < jJt > < r. ) < CtTCirCKCUMl > OR PARTICULARS rnjemt 5rCSI HATUI > fCMtVCKVBOX. n or KtTURU [ HATUrfCl PILLS K Annu"ssuiTI'Q'"t'TtJTIUCWAUAXaOHB ! TRIM LADIES WfiSHAVUJlB 9JU W UtttUUraa EAUJUIAfAMOIUMMM rCMMYRBYAL PIUS WTO ( < Burlingtoi Route The Burlington takes the lead. It was in advance of all lines in developing Nebraska. It was in advance of all lines in establishing dining-car service between Missouri.river points and Chicago. It was in advance of all lines in giving the people of Omaha and the West a fast mail service. It was in advance of all lines in running its trains from the East into Omaha proper. It was in advance of all lines in reducing the time of passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago. It was in advance , and is the only line by which you can feave Omaha in the morning and -arrive in Denver the evening of the same day. It has been progressive in the past. It will lead in the future. Travel and ship via the Burlington. t Ticket Office , 1223 Farnam Street. Telephone 250. Depot on Tenth Street. N. W. Cor. 13th and Dodge Sts. , Omaha , Neb , CAUTION Dozening purnnnn , inking ndvntitiirrt of our rnnutn- tlon lire const'tntly HtarMnt ; bi ) | U8 Modlunl KsiubllHlinioiilH to dnccUa ftrancrrs visitInu thu city. These prctondcrd u iiiilly ( llsaiipu.ir in n f \v wppkB. Io\vara or thrm or their runners ip uuciitH. 'I ho Oiiuihu Mriliculnml Surulcul IiiNtltnut Is tlin only iistnblisliud Minllo tl liistltiito la Oinnhn , JJr. MRAlcnnniy , Proprietor. When you ninko up your niiiul . ' " * " * ' * - " - - " T.T = i i- - ; ' " J"'i. > liiAoij " fT"ti jjet8i mcijm-giy to visit us innko a inoinornituiu ) of our exubr address , and thus - - . - r ' .r iW r ? S | MJSS flS5 SS5 % - * ' " * | trouble , delay or mistakes. issraiSigS T - p I 'S --l FOR THE TREATMENT OF ALL Clironic and Surgical Diseases , and Diseases of the Eye and Ear J W. Bc ENAHY asiil isi , . , Physician Surgson Eharge. TWENTY YEARS' HOSPITAL AND PRIVATE PRACTICE. I > y a iVtiiiiltOi' of Com > clcnt } SUiilf'ti ! and ixjiuriciicc < l Physicians ami rnrlicular Attention paid to DcfoiMiltii s , DNo.ises of W men , Dhens s of the Urinary nnd Sexual Orja.is , 1'rlvato DKoascs , Diso.ue ol' tic iSir OH Sj loui , L inj and Tar at lisiio , Siir ioil Operations , Epilepsy or Fits , riles , Cane Tu Kiv. r % , nor-1 , More money m\csieu ; more fkilllu pinsiciansanci surgeons employed ; more patients treated ; more cities effected ; more mod- ern itnpiove.l instrumenth , apparatus nnd npplmnccb than can l < e found in all other infirmaries , institutes or ( dispensaries in the \vest combined. L.irje-.t ; and mo > t complete Medical Institute or Hospital in the west. Fifty newly famished , well warmed and ven- tilatcd rooms lor patientt. , three tkUK'd pin Riciani always in the Iniildiii ! * . All kind' , of diseases treated in the most i scientific manner. We Manufar.tura Snro-iral Rrar < = s fnr DP Support for circulars upon all sub- ect . " facilities for treating diseases Per' forming should make the Omaha Medlca anil Surgical Institute the lira choice. The Oinilia Medical and Surgical Institute 's ' conducted upon strict business and scientific principles , and patients heie receive c\ciy advantage that art. skill , science and human ingenuity , can bring to heir on their cases. Their comfort and convenience willalvvays be taken into consideration. Should jou conclude to visit us for treatment or correspond with us , you will find that these statements of our position , location and facilities are not ovcidrawn in any particular , hut ire plain um.unislietl facts. Only Reliable Medical Institute Making a Specialty of PRIVATE DISEASES. ' _ All Blood Unease * mceessrully tieated. Syphilitic Poison removed from the system without mercurv. New icstorative treatment for loss of Vita' ' I'ovver. 1'cri.ons unable fo visit us may be treated at home by correspondence. All comir.timc itions confidential Medicines orinstiumcnts sent by mail or express , securely packed , no marks to in dicate contents or sender. One personal interview preferred. Call and consult us or send history of vour case , and we will send in plain wrapper , our * y BOOK TO MEN , FREE , Upon Private , Special or Nervous Diseases , Impotency , Syphilis , Gleet and Varicocele , with question list. My ItcaMHi Tor Writing n Kouk Upon Private , special anilcrvoiu I > Uca c * . I have for many > eart made a specialty of diseases of the urinary and sexual organs , h.ive become a recognized authority upon the subject , consequently 1 receive an immense number of letters 1'ioin physicians and ulllictcd persons , asking inv opinion and advice upon individual cases. For the benefit of such persons , I have written a hook , giving a genet a ! dcsci iplinn of the most common diKeascs and conditions , my treatment , success , advice , etc. Alter tending it.peitons will huve a clearer idea of their condition and can write me more intelligently and to the point It will therefore he seen that our object in writing these pages is not to furnish reading matter to a class 01 pcirons who read out of mere idlecuriosiu , but for the benefit of the many who arc suffering to a greater or le s decree from diseases , or the effects of diseases or abu'.c-i , of the sexual or urinarv organs. Not a day passes but we rcciive many calls or letters from persons suffering from this class of diseases , or theirsequel. Many of them aic ignorant of the cause of the difficulty that has wrecked their constitutions , thrown a cloud over their bright prospects and is shortening their d.-ys. SURGERY. Surgical operations lor the cure of Hare Lip , Clnh Fi-et , Tumors , Cancerf , Fistula. Cataract , Strabismus ( Cross Eyes ) Varicocele , Inverted Nails , Wens and Deformities mities of the Human Uody performed in the most n-ientiric manner. We treat Chronic Diseases of the Lun < ; s. I lea it , Hca.l , Blood , Skin , Scalp , Stomach , Liver , Kidneys , Bladder , Nerves , Uoncs , etc. , a-5 Paralysis , Epilepsy , ( Fits ) Scrofula , Bright's Disease , Tape Woim , Ulcers or Fever Soies , Dvspepsia or Gastritis. Mildness Kccma , etc. 331 S EA. . S 33 3 O IF "TJV Q 3iv S XT 'TT 3 SI A. T 33 3D Caiefnlly , skillfully and scientiiically bv the latest and most approval methods. ' WRITE FOR HOOK pN DISEASES OF WOMEN , FREE. Dr. McMenamy has for j ears devoted a large portion o'fhis lime to the study and treatment ol this class ofdi-eases , and has spaied neither time nor money to puifect him elf , and is fully supplied with everv instrument , appliance and remedy of value in this department of Medicine and Surgery. Wo claim superiority over any oculist or anriht in the west , and the thousands whom we hae cured , after others have failed , Mihstanthte our claims. To thosa nlllictej with Eye and Ear Diseases , we simply say call and consult us , get scientific opinion , then visit whom you like , and if you are an intelligent person yo'i will return lo us lei treat- ment and cure. cure.Our book , describing the Eye and Ear nnd their diseases , in plnin ] language , with numerous illustrations , are written for the benefit pt nation's nnd phuicinns w g" write us in regard to caces ; 1-v ' reading them carcfnllv physician and patient ; will have a clear understanding and Crt dcsciibe cases to us more Intelligently. WKITHFORIJO ON DISEASES OF THB'lJYE AND IAR ? KREC OK Address all letters to J. W. McMENAMY , N. W. Corner 13th"and Bodge Streets , Omaha , Kefo. INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION Industry , Science and Ait , Open Until October. 4838. Medical Congress Moots August 7th , GLASGOW , SCOTLAND. Round Trip Excursion Ticket , Via STATE LINE , $ flo and $75. for information apply to AUSTIN , BALDWIN & CO. , Agts. , 63 Broadway , Now York. tl of yinitkfvl . In B a 1 01 . . t-arljr drear. t Inknuuod .Lto. 1 'Hit u ! titlilu lnatU < H'iurdl couululux full | - fur 1 > iu iunf ma ( CpROr. F.rb"OVLUR , Mooou * . Conn. , PACIFIC "The Oiorlnnd Kontc. " Haa BO arranged its Family Sleeping Car rforvic'i , that berths can now bo re served upon application by any ticket agent to M.J. GroovyPassenger Agent , Council BlulTs , Iowa. The reservations when made are turned over to the train conductors taking out such cars , BO that passengers can now secure berths or dered , the feaino as a Pullman berth la reserved and secured. J. H. TKIHIKI'.S K. U liOMAX. Gen. 1' . * T. Agent. AsVt O. V. & T. A. OMAHA. NKI1 FENNVOOYAIj XVAFEUn sra lucceaaf ully u > ed monthly by over lO.OuO Ladies. Aro.Sa/e. Vyectualand I'Unttint > J $1 IHTbox br mill.or al rtruj-ci u. fralrtl ' Particulart 2 potUge Umpa. Addr Tilt LUKC&A CUtKlCAL Co. , UuXMtT , MlCLL For tutlti anil by mall bu Drug Co , , QMalut , Xcb , da National U. 0. DEPOSITORY , OUAHA , NEB. raid Up Capital . $250,000 Surplus. . . . . 50,000 H. W. VATfs , 1'reslctrnt. JKWIS 8. Iti-rii. Vlco 1'iestdent. A. i'iou/.ALlN.2na : Vlca rresldont. W. II. S. UuaiiLS , Cusliler W. V. MOIUK , JOIIMB.COM.IKS , II. W. Vvrm. I.KVVIS S. HBI.U , A. Ii. TouALLS. . Hanking Olllce- THE IRON BANK , Corner l-'lh and Farnam Sts. A Geuviul llnulclutf HuslnoaaTraiisacte'l. Hit U tiMCITtn onlT r. ial i Uil ctlon In thi cure of Uouorrlicea nd aieet.TprcKrlbtlttod feel i te In r > comm nd' liif U lo ll lutfmr * . , M.D. , D e tiir , III. PAtCE.SI.UO , InJ U kr Your Left Liver IS OUT OF ORDER ? BEAD THIS IF IT IS. AJfropriutary Modicum that need * to prove Its mirth. Dr , Calbdei's ' Left livei Bitto , Tno only Distilled Hitters In the United I'nltcd Mutes ' onli' lm.teM lecognlzcd br the Intcnul imfnuo laws as aPro- prletaryJtoiUrliio. Lawfully Patented. No. ot riitent l'VnG73. Contains no fusil oils , no c entlal oils , no foiolitn HUhstnlico ordiiranc- in ilnip A perfectly pure medicine , com pounded from 1'nrci lloot llerbs nnd Old iViich : plviis int to tlin taste , quiet nnd derisive In It * i fleet. Clues Oyspep-dn or Yellow .liumdlc * In nvodays. KtRitlntcs the lloueta. Iinlirorntos Inactive favor , ( "ires imeino t Liver. Knrlves the Kulnojs , Improves the Appetite Quickly. Itegnlntes the v > note system. New Life to thi whole sy-item. i.clll.hcrUlttvM nro coM In Omiilin , .Neb , \ > r the lolumliu ilruitnlMn : Itlclinnlwn Uniu O > , bnecUl \Miiilo nle , lurlhuilriiR Interest of Nebrmkn. llotiUI- i mil * lollowv. ( i Imiiu liriiK Co , W. J. WhlU'limne , T.V , ii. CUMIIIIII , ti A itum. o. n. win i icns-'n , > T. t\ . l-iimbi'i-on , II. S Cor , MHX Cunrnil , IriinkV. . Joitif , l.Uiiimii > n , ( innritit llociler , lluyil 1'hnrmncr , 0. A Mulilii'r , llcmunl Mourt. Vnink Dvllimu .t ( Jo , wholes iloilonlers In ClKun ami IxjfU.lver Hitters. DREKEL & ( Sncccbsoi-a to John O. Jucobs. ) Undertakers & Embalmers At thu old Miind , l)7 ) Kiirmim St. Onlets by tvluiniph hollcltLd und prumplly uttundod Teluphouo to. NoJ tr. j. , Surgeon and Physician , OOlcoN.S Corner iltli in. 1 liiim ; ! isdt. Ofllc * telephone , Iflo,1 Uoslduuco toluphone , Wa. Iteinartable for powerlnl B.Tmj tllttlo 'cur. ; iBnVle uctloa und'ilv T tlirt beat Kimrantta ot thoexcol- If m e of tnow liutrumenta. jinioious AMD . _ Arit milling Imj abvoya porea ' . luccetaful. Ucfora placing aa * Newipnper Advrrtlftlnir rontuv LORD & THOMAS , mil 4i tl 19 < Ui < < lk Hrl , CHICAGO. 6 ifluof & 8 hi in y " 11 ai""i > ° iurjiIit. L tt lWI EUUtlll Nu | i.rr niiMi purwia. IICIlLIKti It OITtff 10 I.Vll Illltfl * fnllll KftOluK III UUF n VI uuiiku lli.t oiler. II tun b gnvu wlili ur liui t tini Hie ImuytUdrfU uf Ili4 pooi.li ln lu it , .