Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1888, Page 2, Image 2
SO i * < lt1jji MFM'- THE OMAHA DAILY : TUESDAY , AUGUST 7 , 1888. NARROW ESCAPE FOR OMAHA , They Win tv Pretty Qamo on a Very iK. Oloso Blmvo. HITS FEW AND FAR BETWEEN. The tiocftls Scorn thn Winning R n In the Ninth Inning on Mllwnukeo'n Only Krror Dei Mollies U'lns From tlu iMnrooiiH. 'Western Ansoclntltm Standing. Following is the ofllclal standing of the Western nssociatlon teams up to nnd In cluding yesterday's games : Plnmt Won Lost Pr Cl DCS Molnes . 00 41 2-ri .Oil 8t.Paul . 08 4 .017 Omaha . 07 40 U7 . ! > 91 KunsnsCity . 07 8.'l 31 .40' . Sioux City . U7 13 14 .431 Chicago . 70 31 31) ) .41i Milwaukee. . . . 7J ! 33 41 .4fc ! Minneapolis . . .07 S3 43 ,87 ( Omaha Q , Minneapolis 1. Omaha had a close call yesterday nftcrnoor and she can thank her lucky stars that she escaped humbling herself to the Mllwaukcca The attendance , as usual , was good nnt wlulo there was but little enthusiast ! evinced , the struggle was of a most oxtraor dlnarlly Interesting character. This was simply on account of its extreme closeness and the uncertainty which attended the out come. It was neither team's ball until the last man wns out. Both Clarke ana Shenklo did their part in the points , nnd in fact a ; much cnn bo snid of every man in the twc teams with the exception of Miller nnd Grlf flth , the former's being excusable ones npor hard hit grounders , but the latter's was ol the yellowest lino. Hiigan , of courso.umplred flnfily. In the first innings after Burns' out , Chip- jiey McGnrr tnndo a hit , nnd then without further ceremony proceed to stcnl llrst , second end nnd homo. Of course this was nil accomplished midst the most enthusiastic npplnuse. II wns n font no other man In the team couli have accomplished , or would ovei attempt. Crooks nnd Miller , thereafter quietly retired the side. For the visitors MoAloer led off with r corking two-bugger , wns ndvnncctl to Hurt on Forster's ' baser , and tied the scot o on Strauss' Sufo drive. The next three batter ! went out with delicious rapidity. Alter this ono lively .innings , the game wa nn uninterrupted successioh of goose eggs U | to the ninth , when by sheerest luck , the Omahas succeeded in lassoing the winning rmii Griffith muffed Burns' long lly , am the hatter mndo second bcforo ho couh recover the ball. The vnliiml Chippoy then came to the bat , but foi once ho was unequal to the task , nnd died ot a high ( pop-up 'to Fuller. Lucky Crooks however , happened along past nt this crltica juncture , und suavely throw himself Into the breach. Ho lined n corker out to center , am : the Poet dashed homo. Ho scored but b.s the slimcst shave in the world. The snmllcsl fraction of subdivided tlmo would hnvo beet RUfllcicnt to have squelched the giddy High lander. Wilson put the side out by cleaving the wind three times in rnpid succession. In their final hull the Beer Jerkcrs , got r man on base , but the subsequent muscle tc bring him in wns lacking , und with ono loiu drawn out , lingering groan , they gave up tlu ghost. Full particulars will bo found in the ofllcin score. Hero It Is : OMAIIi. Totals 84 1 5 3 37 15 Omaha 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1- ! Milwaukee. 00000000 Two-base hits MoAlcor. Bases on balls- Oft Shonkel 1. Struck out By Clarke 8 Shenkel 3. Passed balls Wilson 1. Tlrao- 1:45. Umpire Hugan. Den MolncR S , Chicago 1. DBS Moixus , la. , August 0. [ Special Tele gram to THE Hr.K.j The Chicago team wen like pigmies in the hands of giants in tin B mo against Dos Moines to-day , gottlnf only three hits off Hutchlnson's delivery anil I ton batters being struck out. Cody struct out nine batters , though ton hits wore modi off of him. among them four three baggers two doubles ana n homo run. besides ilvt bases on balls and a base bv hitting a battoi with the ball. Morlarty mudo a diflloul running catch in center Held. The score : Dos Moines 3 11000031 1 Chicago.0 00001000 Uuns earned Des Molnes 7 , Chicago 1 Two baio hits Qulnn , Stearns. Three bas < hits Shnfor , Stearns , Alvord. Homo runs Stearns. Double plays Milton , Henglo nnt Schoonlck. BJses on balls By Hutchlnsor 3 , by Coely 0. Bases given for hitting mat with ball By Hutcliinson 1 , by Cody 1 Struck out By Hntchlnson 10 , by Codv 9 Passed balls Dugdnlo 3. Tlmo of gamo- 1:45. : Umpire Quest. Kansan City H , Minneapolis S. KANSAS CITV , Mo. , August 0. [ Spcola Telegram to TIIC HBC.J The rains of tin past three nights have made the grounds a Exposition park very bad but not bad onougl to account fully for the miserable field worl of the Minneapolis team to-day. Winklomni did excellent work but received poor support The homo team won the game in the iirst in ning without a hit on n lot of errors. Th < homo team did excellent Hold work. Cusiol was questionable m most of his decisions am KUVO the visitors the worst of It. The score Kansas City..4 Minneapolis . . . Earned runs Minneapolis 1. Two-has hits Manning , Hnwes. Double ploys Gun son nnd Cartwrlght , Long , Ardnor nnd Carl vrrlght. First base on errors Kansas Git 3. Minneapolis 2 , Struck out By Conway i Winkloman 6. Passed balls Gunson 1 Broughton 1. Wild pitehos Winkloman 1 Tlmo 3:00. : Umpire Cuslck. nnvcn.Er.i-r H.ieks Down. DivcxroiiT , la. , August 0. The Daver port Base Ball association to-night refuse * to ratify the action of the committee wh bought the Minneapolis franchise in th Western association , owing to reports of 01 position in the Western directory. At Sioux City. Sioux CITY , la. , August 0. The Slou Clty-St. Paul game was postponed on nccoun ot wet grounds , O'niER Q AMISS. Yesterday's 'Winners In the Natlonn League CoutCbtH , New YOUK , August 0. Ref > ult ot to-day1 cftmo : New York..0 IndionapoU * 1 00000100 Pitchers Keofo and Shrove. Base hit Now York 10 , Indianapolis 7. Krrors- New York 4 , Indionapolia 4. Umpire- Kolley. WAsniyoioN , August 0. Result of to-day1 fviuhington 1 - Detroit. 1 Q 1 1 0 0 00 0- Pitohars-O'Day and Qruber. . Base Ml WMWoKton-T , Detroit 11. Errors-Wasl lartoa 1 , Detroit 1. Umpire Powers. , August 6. Rain 'caused xistponcincnt of the two ball game * here to- la.y. In the.Chleago-Phllndoljhla game two linings were played , with the score 3 to 1 hi Tnvor of Philadelphia. Four Innings wore lilaycd In the Athlctlo-St. Louis game , with the score 3 to 1 In favor of the Athletics. BOSTON , August 0. The Hoston-Plttsburg ; amo was postponed on account of ruin. American Association. HUOOKI/ITJ ? , August 0. Hcsult of to-dny's pnmc : Brooklyn. . * 0 00000000 ( I Loulsvlllo 0 00000030 'J TURK 13V13XT3. Summary of Yostcrdrty'H Races at Rrlghtott Itcaoh. Nr/iv YOMK , August 1) ) . Unces at Brighton : Seven-eights of n mile Youghioirheni > won In lil : % Albemnrlo second , ballio Hiir- per third. Three-fourths of' a mile Eatontown won In 1:21 : , the Vanilla ( filly ) second , Gunshot third. Seven-eighths of a mile Tcnstrlko won In 1:42C : , MacGoga second , Kismet third. Seven-eighths df n milo Helax won In 1:32J : { , Pilot second , Henly third. Ono nnd one-eighth miles Efllo Hnrdj won In 3:00)1 : , GallusDan second , Lemon third. SHOTS ON THE RANGE. The Opening Day of tlio Department Kino Content. The eighth annual competition of the De partment of the Plittto opened at 8S30 yester day mornlu ? nt Bellovuo. There are present twenty-flV'L officers' nnd 171 enlisted uuon , Eleven of the former nnd ninety-two of the latter will bo competitors who will contest fet places In the dephrtment team of twelve nnd for two medals. The most interesting lirlng will bo the skirmishing of Tuesday , Wednesday , Friday nnd Saturday. On Mon day morning , August 13 , the medals will be presented , and nn address will bo made by Colonel Morrow. The band of the Twentieth infantry will go down to the range. Colonel Henry has rhnrgo of the contest , nssisted by Captnin Coolldge nnd Lieuten ants Van Leon , Bwoko , Pickering nnd Hutcliinson ns n staff. The range ofllcors nro Lieutenants Burns , Nnrring , Tyler , Dw.yor , Jones nnd Gregg. To witness the firing is well worth a trip by our citizens , who con make a picnic of the visit , leaving Omnhn by the B. & M. railroad nt U n. m. and returning nt 5:30 p. in. The preliminary practice began yesterday , the shooting being nt known distances. The following are the names of the lirst twenty competitors , with their scores : Mulr , C. H. , Seventeenth infantry . 17C Cox. Twentieth infantry . IOC McKenzIo. Seventeenth Infantry . ICt Walker. Ninth cavalry . IK Deit7 , Seventeenth infantry . 1C-I Mercer , Eighth infantry . 10 ; Gcrbor , Twenty-llrst infantry . IK Elwcll , Second Infantry . ICi Huber , Sixteenth Infantry . ICi Wnrnler , Twenty-first infantry . I0i ! Buck , Sixteenth in f nntry . IM Mercler , Seventeenth infantry . 101 Saludin , Eighth in fantry . 101 Glynn , Seventeenth infantry . 15 : Schollc , Seventh infantry . \K Dressier. Seventh infantry . 15i Davia , Sixteenth Infantry . I6t Hart , Seventh infantry . 15S Dorsey , Ninth cavalry . 15 : Snuer , Second infantry . 15S The programme for this morning is skir mish firing , nnd this afternoon known dis tuncc , ! iOO nnet 300 yards. liOOAlj Lively Skirmish In tlio Kl hth The Meeting JCmlH In Dlmmlcr. Tlio Eighth Ward Hepublican club mol last evening nt the corner of Twcnty-fourtI nnd Cumlng streets with James Allen , president ident of the club , in the chair.After some preliminary "sparring" between Cadet Tay lor , Councilman Kitchen , John B. Furay am others , n motion was made to adjourn tlu meeting and the republicans of the Eightl ward go Into caucus to appoint delegates tc the primaries. John T. Clark'o moved thai Charles A. Collard bo appointed chairman which wns carried amid howls. Mr. Clarke then moved that the chair appoint n commit tee of five to select delegates nnd alternate ! to report to the caucus which was also car ried. ried.A A division being called showed that n cor- talti faction wanted .John B. Furay in the chair , which seemed to glvo great dlssatii faction , nnd after the howls had subsided C , E. Yost made a motion that the caucus be adjournet' and the meeting broke up In great disoidf. the lights were turned out and the Furay men Hied out into the street. The club again wont into convention will fully ono hundred nnd fifty members present , the labor element being largely represented , James Allen was again in the chair and nftoi some routine business had been transactor n motion wns made and unanimously carried that the club select n ticket to bo voted for al the primaries. On the motion of Charles \ Collard the chair appointed a committee ol seven who returned the following names , which wore unanimously endorsed : Delegates C. E. Yost , James Allen , A. C Kcar , James Hndflold , J , T. Clarke , Thomas Doyle , Dr. Hostctter , E. L. Armstrong. Alternates Guy C. Barton , A. H. Sander Peter Peterson , W. T. Baker. S. B. Lake John Groves , A. B. Balcombo , M. F. Single ton. ton.A A resolution was then mndo and carrlce that the club use their utmost endeavors tc aid C. E. Yost nt the county convention am also to endorse Webster , which , pending uo bate to adjourn , was lost. CHINA WANTS TO FIGHT. Preparing Ibc War on England in Three Years. SAX Fiuxcisco , August C. fSpoclal Tele gram to TUB Bnu.J Mull advices frou Australia give n remarkable statement thai the leading Chlnoso merchants of Dundlno Now Zealand , have received n copy of nn 1m porlal edict in which the action of the colonies nies in trying to prohibit Chinese emigration Is chnraetcrl/cd as a breach of treaty obliga tions. The proclamation gees on to saj that the Imperial nrmy numbers 13,000,00 ( mon , but they are not so well armed 01 drilled as thu troops of western nations wlulo the navy is not sufficiently largo te warrant the empire In taking aggresslvi action. The government , however , Intend ! building moro ships and to Improve tlio army This work of enabling China to oopo will Great Britain will occupy three years. Bi the edict the government commands ill Chinese subjects in the Australian co Ionic : to wind up tholr affairs within , the next throi years and return to China. AT SI1 AN DIN Cf ROCK. A Resolution "Which Places the Indl nun in an Awkward Position. ST PAUL , Minn. , August 0. A Blsmarcl special says that an inside mnn from Stand ing Uock to-day nays that the Indians hav resolved in secret council to kill the llrst In ctlati that siens. This troublesome rtsolutioi makes It rather awkward for the lirst Indlni to sign. Ho credits the Indluns' firm posl tlon to bad ndvlco of squaw men and hal breeds. The Klin ; Haddock Fisher Caught. ST. Axpuutts , N. B. , AugustO. A sousa tlon was caused by the arrival hero of th Dominion cruiser Dream , with an America ; vessel In tow , Saturday. William Danburj of Eastport , who Is commonly known ns th hint : haddock fisherman of the Muluo coast nnd Charles Black , set sail from Border town on a flshing expedition in Canadiai WAters and failed to provide themselves wit : a license. They sailed ns far ns Campbell and wore Just getting leady to flsh when th commander of the cruiser caught sight o them and soon after made them prisoners The iUhory department was notified. A Dondwood Street Car Kntbrprise. DEUWOOD , Dak. , August 6. ISpccto Telegram to THE BEE. ] J. 1C. P. Miller , o this city , has asked to have a right of wa , given to him for his friends in New York t build a city railroad through the streets o Dcadwood for the purpose of connecting th upper camps with this city , Mr. Miller liu deposited JcO.SOO with 'the First Nntiona bank of this city , snowing that the railroa company i > not ono of paper. The road fret Whltcnyood to Dcadwood has also bqen dc We'd cm and build lug , will progress soon. YOUNG NELSON MAY SURVIVE , Physicians Say His WOund la Not NocoDsdrlly Fatal. TALK OF LYNCHING REVIVED. An Unquiet Ghost Causing Consider able lOteltcincnt. lit Cherry County IlcportH From the lloucnt Storm Other Stnto News. Not l-'atnlly Wounded. HASTJSOB , Nob. , August 0. [ Special Tele gram to Tim Hr.B. ] The colored boy des perado Was brought back this morning from Falrflcld , Where ho was taken last night for safe keeping. Ho waived examination before Justlco Pierce , and was held in custody to nwnlt the result of Bulcoinbe's Injury. The latter Is resting dulotly , but there is llttlo hope of his recovery. The boy , Nelson , Is not fatally wounded , ns supposed. Oftlcors are carefully guarding the prisoner. Should Halcombo dlo it Is feared that an Attempt will bo made to lynch the young rascal. A Troublesome Spook. VAI.EXTIXB , Nob. , August O. f Special Telegram - gram to Tim Hcn.t Southwestern Cherry county is all torn up over a ghost story. Deputy Sheriff Clyno nnd others , who have Just returned from there , state that the poo- pie are wild with excitement , over twenty persons beliig willing to swear that they have seen the phost of Sheldon , who wns murdered by Hoblnson some two months ago. In nil probability it Is imagination produced by the twltehlngs of conscience for permitting the body of the murdered man to lie in the rain nnd mud for twenty-four hours within twenty Btcps of his homo and then rolling it in a two- foot hole without shroud or coflln. A Heavy Storm. BROKEN- Bow , Nob. , August O.-tSpcclal Telegram to Tin : Hnii.j Saturday night one of the most terrific rnln and wind storms of the season occurred at tnls place. Buildings were upset nnd twisted out of shape , store fronts suffered somewhat , and crops were totally destroyed wherever the storm struck , The front doors of Graham Bros. ' store blew open nnd a part of their dry goods were com pletely soaked. The job printing rooms of Trefrom it Mcscrnult were deluged nnd con siderable stock spoiled. Dr. Sanders' place suffered from hull. David Tappan lost his crop , and small fields too numerous to men tion nro destroyed. fllorrlok County I'rohlhitionlstH. CiXTiiAi , CITV. Neb. , August 0. [ Special to Tun BI.E. ] The prohibitionists of Mcrrick county met In convention ut the Grand opcrn house in this city on Saturday and nominated candidates for the offices of county commls. sloner nnd representative and elected thirty- six delegates to the congressional convention nt Columbus. Thirteen delegates were chosen to the senatorial convention nt CInrka nnd twenty-seven delegates to the state con vention , .and everything pacscd off pleas antly nnd harmoniously. In the o veiling n largo nudienco listened to n splendid lecture by Mr. Mnillcy , of York , who is known hero as the "Young Cyclone Orator of Nebraska. " A How With Council. Cor.UMiiua , Neb. , August B. [ Snoclal to Tim Bcn.l The city of Columbus is without n Jail In which to plnco the violators of its laws. The city has never had n Jnil but has always used the county Jail for its prisoners. Last fall there was a change of administra tion iu the sheriff's ofllco nnd the first bills presented by the new sheriff to the city were cut down fully one-half by the council. The now sheriff claims that his bills were lower than those of his predecessor , which wore al lowed in full. Other bills wore presented with the same result. The sheriff now ; re fuses to allow city prisoners ( n the "county Jail. The city council has ordered suit against the sheriff. A OntliolloOhnrnh Dedicated. CKOAU ItAi-ins , Nob. , August 0. [ Special to THE BEK. ] The Catholic church lately erected at this plnco was dedicated y6 ter- day with appropriate ceremonlos. A largo congregation was present , many being unable - able to obtain scats. High mass wns hold at 10:1)0 : ) n. in. and the dedicatory sermon was preached by Bishop O'Connor , of Omaha. Mr. W. J. Onahan , of Chicago , and Me- Illduff , of O'Connor. Neb. , assisted in the ceremony. The building cost about 61,100. The Catholics of this vicinity now have u nCut and attractive house in which to wor ship of which they may well feel proud. IMorrlck County Politics. CnxTRU CITT , Neb. , August 0. [ Special to THE Bun.l Q . S. Meiklojolm is ex pected to speak before the Young Men's Republican club at this place soon Senator Mciklojohn is well known hero ns a good speaker , and ho will rccclvo a warm wel come. The political campaign bids fair to bo a warm ono in this county this fall. The of- Jlco of commissioner will bo especially looked after. linproYcnientfi at Central City. CnMiai , CITV , Nob. , August 0. [ Special to Tan BKK. ] The city council 1ms ndvor- tlsod for bids on the new system of water works and expo-its to get stf.rtod to work soon. This work will glvo employment tea a good many men nnd make prosporoue times. A movement is on foot to establish n fountain In the square , near the Central City bank , which would bo n flno ornament to the city. Coll'nx County Touchers. Scnuu.En , Neb. , August ( J. [ Special Tele gram to THKBEB. ] The Colfax county teach ers' Institute opened nt this plnco to-day , with llfty-ono teachers in nttcndancc. H Is under the supervision of County Superin tendent L. O. Spnnclor , with Prof. W. W. Drummond , of Plattsmouth , nnd A. B , Hughes , of the Sohuylcr schools , as In stiuctors , _ Tnkon to the Penitentiary. SIDXKV , Nob. , August 0. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BEK ! Sheriff Eubnnk departed to-day for Lincoln with the following prison ers : Henry W. Elllsot , horse stealing , five years ; Joseph Hoxtor , four years , burglary ; Pat McICunc , Kichard Deluvy and William Harding , eighteen months each for receiving stolen goods , and L. P. A116n , nn insane prisoner - oner , who says ho was a member of the salj vat ion army nt Oumha. An Acooinodntinir Judge. NEIIIUSKI CITY , Nob. , August 0 [ Special Telegram to TUB BEE. ] Judge Chapmnr wns in the city to-day and upon request ol Frank Emmerson , ouo of the "burglars ar rested at Berlin , sentenced him to the pcnl tcuMary for two years. Emmerson wanted to begin serving his tlmo and did not want tc wait for a trial In November. Antelope County ProhlliltonlntH. | OAKDM.R , Neb. , August 0. [ Special tc Tun BBE. ] At a muss prohibition convcn tlon hold here on the -Uh last. , , C. M. Hub bant was nominated for representative anc M. J. Putney for county attorney. In nddl tion to the national prohlblttcfn platform t 1 evolution was passed taking strong ground : against dangerous monopolies. , Crops Damaged By Ilnll. , PAXTOX , Neb. , August 0.- [ Special Tele gram to Tiir. BEE. ] A hall storm visited" the southern part of Keith and the northern par of Perkins counties yesterday dotag grea' damugo to crops. The storm was two mile ; wide and ten long. Kopubllcans at Broken Bow. DIIOKEN Bo\v , Neb , , August 0. [ Specie Telegram to TIIR BEB. ] Broken Bo\v \ has i full-fledged jlambeau olub composed of stal wart republicans. Uniforms have been or dcrcd , and ) > efora another week the wilt 'west will hum with enthusiasts for HUrritoi and'Morton. RAILROAD MATTERS. Knnsns City ( Ir'alu Hntos The Rock ; lRlnrilCut ( Other Items. Some of { ho buiinOss transacted at the re cent meeting oT general freight agents In this city hns been made public. Among other things con' dcred wns the fact thai nt St. Joe , Atculs.on nnd Kansas City the various lines of i road , nnd principally UK Chicago , Knnsi&'r. ' & Nebraska , refused tc stop their shlittnSnts of grain nt the points mentioned , for tysspsction , without rcbllllng , which action destroyed the through rnte , the sum of the t < vol locals being greater than the through tarff { ! ! This applies of course to grain bought by dealers nt the points ubovc mentioned from dealers west of the river , nnd destined for shipment to Chicago. The meeting ordered nil roads to hold theJr ship ments nt these river points for inspection. No CoiiunUHloiiB. The lines In the Western States Passenger association hnvo received n notice from Chairman John M. Abbott stating that ii ha < been suggested thnt no commissions b ( paid on tickets sold to the G , A. H. reunion nt Columbus , Inasmuch as the rate 1 cclil per intlo has been made so low. Ho asks n vote on the proposition. From InformatlOr gathered yesterday it is fair to presume that the suggestion will bo concurred lu , Oh the Quiet. Kansas City Is reaping a benefit nt prosenl which Otnnhn does not enjoy. Chairman J N. Abbott , of the Western States Passcngei association , Is In Now York and the lines ho twcen Kansas City and Chicago have opcnlj made a rate of * S.50 , which Is $4 loss thai regular passenger tariff. Consequently , the Kansas City lines nro crowded with passon gers. . Chcan PnnsoiiRcr Kntes. The Chicago & Hock Island recently made a rate of W7.50 from the Missouri river tc New York city and return lor nil person1 wishing to attend the Blame reception. The other roads followed suit nnd the trafllc was evenly divided. A number of Ncbrnsknn nro said to have availed themselves of the opportunity offered. Hot Boxes. Chairman Abbott , of the Western States Passenger nssociatlonfhns notlllcd all general oral passenger nnd ticket agents in his tcrrl tory that In nil excursions from the Pacific coast to Chicago the proportionate rnto casl of Omaha to Chicago nnd return must not exceed $10. The business men of Edgar , Neb. , have for some time Importuned the St. Joseph A Grand Island to erect it new depot , which liac brought forth promises nnd promises , but nothing else. Now they notify the road that until the depot is built they will ship and re ceive goods only on the B. & M. Hence thu Grand Island folks nro drawing plans nnd Will build. The Pullman campany Is providing all itc cars with a now device , by which the occu pants of upper berths are protected against the possibility of being thrown out. It con sists of a netting resembling a hammock , fastened to the upper edge of the berth and con be adjusted at a moment's notice. The cars on the "llyor" yesterday were all provided with ths ) attachment. It is stated that . .the associations which in sure railroad men' against accidents have within the last sixty days been called upon to pay more benefits .than at any tlmo during their history. Tlior last days of Juno and July were prolific ! iti railroad accidents. The passcngerinnd'frelght departments ol the B. & M. have issued nn order to the effect thnt baggagq must not bo checked for transportation on freight trains , excepting hand baggage. Heavy baggage may bo checked and sent thead } or may bo sent on next regular train. The Union Pacific have not ceased theii wholesale "firing of conductors , nnd yes tcrdny twelve 'more ticket punches were turned loose upon the world. From their main line , Conductors Fnrbr.i ! s , Kecshnn , Morohouse , Blaliloy , Wenklcmnn , and Lul- tor. On the Omaha & Hepublican Valley , Weismnnn , Cowin.'Nuthill ' , Flatts , Gordon nnd Beckley werof decapitated. The cause assigned for this * ' action is that "tho men didn't suit. " Colonel A. C. Dawes , general passenger ngent of the Kansas City , St. Joseph & Council Bluffs , with headquarters in St. Joseph , is In the city. J. Uussell Griftltts , for a long time chlcl clerk in the general agent's ofllce of the B , & M. , has been promoted to general travel Ing passenger and ticket ngent. Ho left this morning for Denver. Arthur G. Smith , for some tlmo chief clerk in Superintendent Cul vert's office at Lincoln , succeeds him in the position in Mr. Francis' oftlco. T. C. Wells , passenger agent of the Ohio & Mississippi , has arrived. FUGITIVE IN TWO COUNTRIES. Ait American Defaulter Does Up Cana dian i'coplo Very Badly. MOSTIIRAI , , August 0. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE ] William S. Heckman , who twc years ago ran away from Boston to Canada nf tor swindling the people of that city out of ? 40- 000 , Is again a fugitive from Justlco. This time the Canadian ofllcers nro after him. His steal- Ings nnd spoils amount to $ r > 0OCO. , A perfect shower of warrants have been issnod for his arrest , and the past few days half a dozen ball ills hnvo done nothing else but watch his rcsldcnco nnd scour the city and surrounding towns. The manner in which ho mnnagod tc work on the credulity und Innocence of othci people is remarkable. Ho became a promin ent promoter of a now Ice company , which ho got up for the benefit of the butchers ol this city and vicinity. Ho secured the slgnn tures of butchers to contracts , which after wards turned out to bo promissory notes Ho was arrested , but ns ho was not commit ted for forgery , ho wns released. Ho hns lived very expensively and gambled nwny a good deal of his cash. His notes went tc protest and Judgment after Judgment was entered ngainst him. Ho wns cnpturei ! Thursday , but on promise to appear in courl was released. To-day ho Is non eat. It Is supposed that ho hns gone to Philadelphia. His total stealings hero figure up > 0ODO. 111K SUICIDK'H LOVE. Miss Mueller Jlclnteti Her Version ol thu Story. Ernestine Mueller , the girl for when Christopher Henscn , the soldier , suicided 01 Saturday last , was met yesterday nnd give ; nn account of her late lover's wooing that I ; somewhat in conflict with the story givoi by him. She says she first met Honsen lasl May while on n visit to this city , her home being In Walnut , la , After a brier acquaint nnco ho declared his passion to her and nskx'd Jicito writ.ttlm. She refused , but he continued to pay | ier his attentions. Aftei she returned to her homo tlu two krpt up a correspondence and when she came back tr Omaha two or throe weeks ago , he renewed his suit , wanting her to wed him to-morrow , his twonty-ilrst birthday. She again refused , and to have him desist further attention , she sent him n plcco of crape In a letter as a slgi : that all correspondence and everything else between them was at nn end. The rest ol too tragic tale is known. At present Miss Mueller Is visiting at , 11)13 Vinton street. Slit is a very prepossessing young lady , but ex presses annoyancerather than grlof will the terrible termination of Hcnsen's suit. The llrotir'iood | ' Mooting. KVXHAS CITV , fiAUgust 0. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Bnujlt ] Is at last settled that the meeting of brotherhood engineers ant firemen will bo held at St. Louis on the Oth The headquarters of the executive committee too of the federation , it is understood , wil bo placed in this city. Enck'n Comet Returning. BosTON1 , August 0 , A cable message ro colvcd to-day from the European union ol astronomers announces the discovery o : Enck's comet on Its proiont return at tin royal observatory of the capo of Good Hope on Friday evening. Judice Duudy U 111. An adjourned session of the United State : court was to have been hold yesterday foi the transaction of some unfinished bUslnc-t : but owing to the illness of Jidgd | Duudy tin adjournment had to bo continued. Saturday evening his honor w&s taken sick suddenly Ho is as yet unable to leave his homo. HOARD OF KDUOATIQX. It Allows n Number of 'Bills and 1'Mxes Hnlarlcs. The selection of now teachers nnd the salaries of old on.cs were the subjects wltli which the board of education wrestled last evening. The question ns to who Is the proper pt-rsbti to tench German was also debated. The only absentees from the meet ing were tlio sanio ns nt the last meeting- Messrs. Copolnnd , Folton nnd Goodman. Mr. Standcvcn , who had been nppolntcd to cxnmtne the boiler nt the St. Barnabas school , reported that the necessary repairs would cost $ . ' 00 , and n now boiler WOO. He recommended the purchase of u now boiler , He f erred , The report of the treasurer to the board showed the following figures : Balance in general fund f 02,242.5 ! ! Balance in Hinktng fund 10,71'.If ! Situ nnd building fund 154V 80.H A number of applications for the positions of teachers nnd Janitors wore referred. The committee on claims recommended the payment to Arthur & Hurd , of t8VO ,2S for construction on the Bancroft school. Ho for- red to committee on buildings and property , it being thought too largo a bill by the bonrd. The following bills w6ro allowed ! John H. Hart , construction Lnko school , Hocheford & Gould , Mason school , J. C. Gladden , Mnsoii school , IMS9,40. On the presentation of Miss walker's nninc for the position of teacher of German In the high school , Mr. Morrison moved to Mnend by substituting the name of Miss Nogl , 11 native German. Ho thought that a person could tench his or her own tongue bettor than a foreigner. Mr. MilUrd said It was not a question of German or. American. but one of ability. The best toucher of German over in the college ho attended wns nn American , An American well educated In the Gorman tongue understood better than n Gohnnn the diniculties that would uriso to a student ol thnt Immuatro. Mr. Wehrer said : "Every mnn to his own trade. " Ho was a Gorman and would favor the German girl. On being put to vote It resulted in the fol lowing ballot : Miss Wnlkor , 7 ; Miss Nngl , 5 ; blank , 1. As it required eight votes to elect , another ballot was taken resulting the same as before. It was then decided to post pone the election until another meeting. The following teachers were elected : Mr. Myron W. Uichnrdson , Miss Goodbon nnd Mr. Grant Lilllc. A motion by Mr. JSholes not to pay nny teacher In the high school above Sl,4iO ( per annum was defeated by n vote of five to six. A motion by Mr. Wehrer to ralso-tho sal ary of Mr. Heals from $1)00 : to $1,400 per annum was defeated by the same vote. The following teachers in the hli'h school hud thulr salaries per annum fixed ns fol lows : ? l)00 ! Mr. Lewiston , Mr. Blnko , Miss Harris , Miss Davis und Mrs Koysor. $ lnoO Mr , Beats , Miss Johnson and Mlsa Crowley. $1,20) ) Mrs. Wcinhugen nnd Mr. Burnam. § 1,100 Mr. Richardson and Miss Good- soon. SOOO-Mr. Grant Lilllo. The following persons were reported ns having passed the examination for Janitors : Samuel Durnell , Michael McGrath , C. P. Storrs , John Bailey , Otto Schnoidcionid , Juihes Shields , Moses Johnson , Peter Olson , Joseph Grace , T. W. Shay , Simon Hoblnsoli , Frank Uabor , William Payne , J. E. Upton. Improvements were ordered for the Omahn View school. It was decided to move the school house in Omaha View to Kount7O place. It was decided to rent two rooms from E. Stunt on Eleventh street near Mason for school purposes , provided the rental docs not cost more than $70 a month. The following bills were allowed : G. An- drecn , balance on fire escape. ? 2.7iO ; S. W. Wilson SWo ; Uochoford .t Gould , work on Wobbler street school , $727.87. James Haj lies was elected superintendent of buildings for the coining year. The only prominent candidate ngainst him was F. M. Wooloy. The veto stood 8 to 4 in favor oi Haynes. The board then adjourned to meet Friday evening. DR , VANDEN BO HP'S DAUGHTER , The Probable Motives of Those Kid- napplnc Her. No news hns yet been received of the whereabouts of Dr. Vnndon Burg's ' nlno- j car-old daughter who was kidnapped on last Friday afternoon while playing in the front yard of her homo. Ills still believed thnt Dr. Vunden Burg's divorced wife was one of the parties engaged In the bold act. After being driven to Cordova It has since been learned that the kidnappers could not mnko connections on the railroad that thoj wished nnd they then drove to Dorchester , where they purchased tickets for Lincoln , On arriving nt thnt city the man bought a ticket for Omaha and the wonuin ono to Peoria , 111. The cause of the abduction Is supposed to bo duo to the fact that the child is about to fall heir to 810,000 which the kid nappers wish to got hold of. Telegrams hnvo been sent by the anxious father to all parts of the country. Mothers Read. The proprietors of SANTA ABIE have nuthorlxoel Goodman Drug1 Co. , to refund your money if , after giving this California King of Cough Cures : i fair trial as directed , it fails to give sat isfaction for the euro of Coughs , Croup , Whoopincr Cough and all throat and Lung troubles. Whnn the disease nlTocts the head , and assumes the form of Catarrh , nothing is ao effective aa CALIFO11NIA CAT-R-CURE. Those preparations are without equals ns household remedies. Sold at 81.00 n package. TIu-co for $2.60. WlLiI-i REMAIN 11EHE. The Lumber Dealers Will Not Herd in fiouth Omaha. Thcro has been a rumor in circulation on the streets for several days that the whole sale lumber dealers of Omaha weio going tc move in a body to South Omaha and create there a lumber district similar to that of Chi cago. This rumor proves to bo without foun dation. The K. S. Ncwcomb Lumber com pany nro about to establish themselves there , nnd the Chicago Lumber company have no- clued ground nnd nro grading. George A , Hoagland and Fred W. Gray botli disclaim their intention of having anything but branch yards nt South Omaha , nnd the other whole salers nro in about thoflomo situation. They nil unite in denying the truth of the rumor. When yon need a friend , select a true one. Dr. Jonos' Reel Clover Tonic is the best friend mankind lias for all dis eases of the stomachliver and kidneys. The bestblooel puriltornnd tonic known. 50c. For sale by C. , F. Goodman. Triio Wchtern Style. S. T. Lord , a wild cowboy from th o woolly west , came to the oily yesterday to squander his earnings for the past year. A couple of sharks , ono of whom was named John Green , got hold of him and attempted to work him by getting him full first. They succeeded in getting him drunk , very drunk , but Instead of having u stupefying effect on him the liquor nwoko nil the latent deviltry In his foul. Pulling out about a yard of revolver In n Tenth street saloon ho began brandish ing it wildly , gave vent to a series of appalling - ing Indian war whoops and threatened to kill ovcry fellow in the saloon. Officer Sav- ngo was culled nnd not In the least abashed by the glittering revolver of the cowboy gathered him in nnd sent him to Join the rest of the sinners nt the central station. Gioon was also arrested. The other shark escaped. Blcio ol' Hulmtitopol. The different persons connected with the coming great "Siego of Sebastopol , " which Is to entertain Omaha's guests during fair week , are beginning to arrive in the city to push forward the work. Among these are Mr. C. Cunablo , press ugent ; W. S. Ma- gulre , advertising agent , and Mr. Newman , direct from Pain's factory , In London , Eng land. Work has already been commenced on the amphitheatre , which Is to have a seating capacity of 10,000 people. Jloraford's Acid i'hosphate. .Relieves ( ho Feeling or Iiaailtude mid-summer land Impurts BO common In - , vitality. 1 .AJL. . * . A j t. j.ri. . Qonornl Sheridan's Death An- uouhood in Both Houses. RESOLUTIONS OF CONDOLENCE , llrlof KuloRlcfi Dcllvcrrtl l > y Itnwloy , Hooker , Otttulicon and Others A Pension For Mrs. Hliorldan. Scnntp. WASIUXOTO.V , Augusl rt. As soon ns the reading of the Journal wtw concluded in the nuimto Mr. Kdiiuuuls rose nnd Bald : I nsk . unnnlmous consunt to offer nl this tlmo rcso' lutlons on a subject which every senator will understand. Hcsolvcd , That-tho sonnto has learned with profound regret of thu death of 1'hllip II. 8horldnn , Into goncrul of the nrtny of the United States. Hesolvod , That tlio sonnto hereby expresses Its grateful BOUSO of his grout nnd patriotic Borvlees in the cnuso of his country , Its deep sensibility of the loss which the nation hns sustained In his death , nnd Its nympothy witn Ills family in their bereavement , Hesolved , That n copy of thcso resolutions bo forwarded to the family of the deceased. Unanimous consent hnvItiKbecti given , Mr. Edmunds snid : "It Is quite unncecsBnry for nny senator to submit any observation in support of those resolutions. The career of General Shcridnn has been BO conspicuous , BO grand , so noble and so patriotic that nny words which 1 could utter In respect of his memory or in pralso of his career would bo Ilka Kildlnp rcilnod pold or painting the Illy. Therefore , for my part , leave them to the Judgment of the scunto without nny further observation. " The resolutions wore ndoptocl unanimously. Subsequently n bill was introduced by Mr. Furwoll nnd referred to the committee on pensions granting a pension of So.OOO n year to Mrs. Sheridan. Mr. Ulnir introduced n Joint resolution , which was referred to the committee on for eign relations , requcstltiK the president to open negotiations looking townrd n settle ment , of nil differences between KiiKlnnd nnd this country , nnd to n political union between Canada and the United States. Mr. Jones , of Arkansas , offered n resolu tion Instructing the committee on flnanco to inquire into the fact of the alleged combina tion of producers of cotton bags. Lnld ovr till to-moi row. The senate then resumed consideration of the ilsherles treaty In open executive session nnd wns mldrcssod by Air. Vance in supiioit of its ratification. The ptesldont's messngo nnnoitncing the denth of General Sheridan having been read , Mr. Hnwloy nroso nnd s.iid : "Nothing that I can say is needed to fct forth the loss which the country 1ms sustained by the decease of that able , brilliant , umgnillcjnt soldier nnd beloved general , Philip II , Sheiidan. I have Just learned of the course taken by the house mid I now send to the desk n resolution for which I nsk immediate consideration. " The resolution was us follows : Uesolved , That the chair la requested to appoint a committee of seven senators to nttcnd the funeral servicesof the Into Gen eral Sheridan. * The resolution was adopted , nnd Messrs. Hawley , Mnndorson , Cnllom , Stcwntt , Hamp ton. Gibson and Gray were appointed. The senate then adjourned. House. WASHIXOTOX , August 0. Deforo any im portant action wns taken In the house , the proceedings were interrupted by n message from the president announcing the death of General P. II. Sheridan. Mr. Wliooler , of Alabama , said that ho had prepared resolutions nppropriato to the occa sion , but wns Informed that the military committee had agreed to n scries of resolu tions and ho would refrain from offering His. Mr. Hooker , of Mississippi , uskcd unnui- inous consent to offer the following : Hesolvcd , That the liouso hns learned with profound grlof of the death of General P. H. Sheridun , commander of the armies of the United States ; Hcsolvcd , That as a mark of respect to the memory of the deceased this house do now adjourn. Hesolved , That the speaker of the house bo directed to transmit to the widow of the deceased a copy of these resolutions , and assurance of the sympathy of the house in the loss which she hus sustained , in common with the people of the government. Hesolved , That the speaker of this house appoint a committee of seven members to confer with a Hko couimltteo of the senate , nnd after consultation with the family of the deceased to tnko such action as may bo ap propriate in regard to the publlo obsequies of General Sheridan. Mr. Hoover then briefly addressed the house In eulogy of the deceased soldier. Ho said : 'The career of the distinguished military man whom thcso resolutions were designed to honor wns a mark of the singular fact that in this country there was no position In civil or in military llfo that was not within the reach of the humblest citizen of the land. General Sheridan inherited from his fnthor the lire nnd spirit of that great Irish race that had so successfully fought the battles of all countries save his own. " Mr. Cutchcon , of Michigan , on behalf of the military committee , seconded the resolu tion. Plump H. Shcridnn. ho said , entered ' the voluntco'r service of the United States as colonel of the Second Michigan cavalry , and Michigan had always claimed him lor her own BO far as his military record in the vol unteer service wns concerned. The black steed , so famed in poetry nnd song , upon which Sheridan rode into the frnyfiom Win. Chester "twenty miles uwav , " the gift of citizens of Michigan. This was not n time to speak of Sheridan's gallantry ns n soldier , of his modesty as n man , of his loyalty to the flag ho followed , or of his boundless fame. Ho only desired now to express , on bchalt of Michigan , her boundless grief that this man , of the last of that great brilliant galaxy of generals , who matlo illustrious the epoch in which they lived , had passed away. The resolutions wore also seconded in be- h.-.lf of the people of Ohio by Mr. Grosvenor. His memory , ho said , is the common heritage of the loyal people of the country , nnd will rank ultimately In the peculiar line of war ho adopted as in which ho made himself con- splclous ns without n ilvnl , nnd his modest misdemeanor since the war hns loft nn American sense of comradeship and n love of his memory which will over live in the ostl million of thd people. The resolutions were unanimously adopted and the house accordingly adjourned , A Delimiter Givcri Jllinsrlf Up. KAXHAS CITV , August 0. [ Special Tele gram to Tnu I3uK. | A tall , dark complexioned - ioned , middle ngod man of a very Intelligent appearance occupied cell No. a at the central police station to-day. Ho is of n retiring dis position and docs not converse with nny of the other prisoners , not oven with his cell mate. His name is not on record at the sta tion and to all the oftlcers except Captain McGlnncs the mysterious prisoner is n conundrum. Ho is William H. Moore , n defaulting - faulting bank cashier of Socorro , N. M. Moore used $10,000 of thu bank for his private ends nnd the Institution wns compelled to close its doora. Ho gave himself up to the local authorities hero and will return without u requisition. Drink Multo , iiocontsabottlo. Tlio "Weather Inillcnt long. Nebraska Local rains , nearly stationary temperature , winds generally northeasterly , Iowa Generally fair weather , stationary temperature , variable winds. Dakota Light rains , followed by fair , slightly cooler , variable winds Tuesday night , generally westerly. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Wken Bby was tick , we gare bar CutorU. When the waa a Child , ihe cried tor CaatorU , Wiito aba be ine Hlaa , abe clung to Castorla , Wbrn abebad CUlUreo , aba CATO tbum Coatorla. A SCENE iPRECEOENTEB , Thousand lollnr ) < Iinesiotl by Iiocnl lliinluMs Mm * Ihn SolRO or taatmiUaiiol Itrt Karly RcitroHontatlnu In Oiimhn ! * nn AH- MIII nil Knot Whom mid When tlio 8lio\r Wtll lie Seen. thftl Omaha Is to lm\o one of the greatest attractions over orrercil west of New York Uty Is now it settled fuel. lU'fnro tlio uxpltntlon ot tlio throu days lu which tlio Kvntlomrn limn- KurutliiK tlio schema wcru ghon to tlecldo defin itely as to whether or not tlio contrnot should heroine binding. a toK'nnun vrns soul to Now York notifying t'nyno .V Son to at once begin preparations for the removal from Manhattan Itcncli to Oiimhn of tliu urcnt historic nnil plcrtntlc inlllUry nuil spectacular play , 'Tho SI-IRO of Hi'liitHtnnnl , " On receipt of this word two men were sent to Oimihn from Now York to superintend and pet In rondlnpss all the mlu'or detiillH necessary in-fore tlio arrival of the scenic effects , iiud to tnko charge of thn different methods of adver tising the event. ThCROuvntloniun ImVo not yet mrlvod. but nro expected to reach here to-dny. A rot deal of work Is necesinry to be nccom * l > llshod by the committee hnvlmt the innttor In rhnrgo. The agents of I'njno & Son will eutor Into co-operiitlon with tliu Committee , and nothing will bo loft undone to make the event fl 1 n grand success. ' Too much ( ixmiot bo Bald of the enterprise of the citizen i who hav * been Instrumental In pro curing thla cri'iit purformnncrt for our city. NothliiftRlmuM bo loft undone thnt will In nny way assist In Its success. Our reporter who whllo recently on a hunt for nnttcm of interval to our readers met n llttlo boy who ho know Imd for years been very dcnf , nnuscolnghlmnnsw'i'r his companions very renil. lly nmrveled at the rhnngo and culled on the llt tlo boys mother and InquUed as to tlm change. Mr. V. T. Sliinroofc. the father of the boy It miuiiiRorof thoUlenco Mills , nt lrard : And fclnl streets. ami resides r.t No. KM \ \ lionton street , The writer met Mrs. Shlnrock nt homo anil to him she told tlio following in regard to the boy , "Yes , Howard cnn us well ns von or 1 now ; ho IH seven years old nnd has been duf for about fouryenrs. I llrst nollieil thlstlcitfnossonuiUy wlillu running thu sowing miichltie. ho looked n't Itnwhllo and then naked mo why It did not nmkb nny nolso , ho held his our nit Against the machine out could not hear Its nofso at nil , In ordinary coin eisntlon ho could not hear mm word , I was considerably ii'utmed ' about It. but concluded that It would come ullil ht , but It did not. Wo sent him to school for n year , but ho made no progress bocnnso ho could not near. Ho would not cut Interested In any talk and nl * moHt iil nj Tiacl nhe.ulichn and then could scarcely hear when I would hollow to htm , ho seemed to hiivu been born with a bad cold for his nose \SIIH nlmost loiitliinnlly stopped npnml when he was six months old , no would Biuezn and run at the no o and eyes for sometimes thii'o days , ho never could hear n watch or a clock tick , and we had about undo up our minds that he would ho hopelessly deaf for wo had tried several doctors , but had found no rolluf for him. 1 had read for sometime tliu adver tisements of Dr. McCoy and at last wo made up our mind we would try him : wo did. wo hud him examined bv Dr. .Ionian , who at that time had charge of Dr McCoy's onice , and the doctor told us that ho had catarrh and his deafness was duo to the catarrh or what w as known as cntarrlinl deafness and that ho could cmohtm. Wo con- eluded wt < would try him and wo did , nnd now after u llttlo over two monthshu lienrit perfectly and Is as bright us a cricket : his catarrh Is cm ed too. after tlio first or second treatment at thn doctor's olllce , lib heard the clock tick and Immediately said , I lieur that rlock tick , and ho continued to glow batter until now as I suy H Is cured. " Thu wr tor saw MAHTKH IIOWAlin BIIINKOCK , who Is n bright and Imndsomo llttlo man , and who certainly appreciates the clliferonco the doctor has mudo in his hearing. Mr. 1T Shtnrock , the father of Master How ard , resides at No. Ml Wheaten street , and Is willing to corroborate the above Interview with his wife In regard to little Howard. To anyouo doubting It wo can only say go BOO them. " 1 Don't llollnvn It. " No doubt this Is the remark mademany times after reading our testimonials by skeptics 'They buy thulr cases. " Just consider , for ouo moment , nro the people of tnls community so grasniiiK for money that they In Kenernl our cases are tnkon from the Keneral public would ronnlvo for n paltry sum to hoodwink and lloeco their fellow mon ? Not only that , could wo nllarJ , In a monetary house , not to speak of llndliiKtho person , to pay from ten to tlfty dollars lars for the use of a man's name and his man hood to cheat anil swindle poor unfortunates ? No. Our testimonials are Klven voluntarily by thaukf nl oatlunts whose names and addresses nro given In full , wo do not glvo the Initials fol lowed by u - , but the con c-ct natno and n d- diess so that all can llnd them. Theroaio thous ands of bkeptlis btlll in theclty who suffer from stopped up noses , with mucuscollectlnc In their tin oats , ma'JlUR their voices thick and hnskv nnd with a nasal twanu , sillTerlnK from head ache , ears rlnulng , coiiKhliiu. linwking nnd jlt- tine contlmmllv , others with dUcharges from their ears , moio or lo s deaf , a great unnoy- ance to tlivtusnlvos and others , and why ? Win- ply because they are skeptical ; they don't take the trouble to look our cases up , and even If they did , they oftentimes hui ; the flinall sum that would makutthcm well until It k'ro.ins. Hcaltll Is worth more tlmn money , and ut the low prlco for which relief can bo obtained It la a "blotch on his esuitchoon" to let the chance Onn Oatiirrh Ho Cured ? Tlio past ai'e might bo called a biipefstttlous onp. 'Jhe pteseiit can moio inoperly bo called an ago of HIII mines' , for many things oncn classed amont ? the Impossibilities havti now botomo ovui J day possibilities. 1 1 w mild bo superfluous tomminerato them. Hut have wo reached thu utmostllmlt ? Hnvowo ? I'hyslelans whorlalm to make certain nllmt-nls tliu human body Is subject to a special study , nnd claim to he nlila touirrtsiichuKmso" , aio pronounced by other self-sytlslled pructlt'o vrsapreRniiiptli < > tlHbut ; does tholr sa ) Ing so maku It seTh mnn who can i omo the nean-Ht to ovcrcomo the 8e iiiiliif ( ImposHlbllltles of others Is now all the rHK'.and w oil does ho or they ileseivo the HUICCSH they havuhiboied so hard to obtain Jlr. J.Crolap McCoy or his nmoclates do not mnko claims to anvthlng mniveloiiH. such as raising the dt ad nnil glvliiK them now life ; neither do theyclalm to ulva Night to tnu blind : lint by thulr notr and hclentlllo method of treatliiK tatiirrh tiny liavo cnied nnd do euro catarrh us wull as bronchial nr > d throat troubles. Ihoy make cutarrh a sueolalty.becnuselt Is one of the moit prevalent and troiiblcsiiinu diseases that tliu people of tliHcllinnioiirolu'lrtc ) . Hlnce Dr. Mc Coy uiid his asHoclHtes have located In thlsolty tht-v havu truUcd with success hundreds of P ts9ns whom otncr physltlans have told their disease wua classed umonu' the lur-nrablcs. Do they not publish from week to week in thedally papeiH testimonials from some of the many grateful pi-.tlcnts patients , ctvlng in each case tint full name and address of the persons mak- Ini ; the state ment that the doubting , and skepti cal mny cull any Interview thu said people prlur to vliltlng the uoctor's olllco for toiiHiiItAtlon , The people nilvrtlsid us cured nro by no means oo cure ornnkuown , but in thn majority rf rases nro cltl/tns wull known by thu busi ness lion il and community at luige , nnd It will mom tlun reiny [ any one suirerlng with ca- tarrhul atfettlon tovlsltthosowhose statements are ) > ubllehid , or consult with the doctor or nt ; issuclatus at his oitlie. I > O ' 1'OU J. CRESAP fflcCOY , ( I ite of llellovue Hospltnl.NtiW YoiU. ) Bucceedpd by I MM TO It CHAUUJH 4 | . JOHDAN , [ I.atoof the I'nlverslty of New York CHy and Howard University , Washington , 1) , 0. HAS ( HTICK6 No. 31O and 311 Rumtco Building C < Jrncr Kilteentli HIH ! llarney sts. , Omaha. .Neb. , where all curable cases lire treated wl'h success. Note Ir. Charles M. Jordan has bseti rest- nent physlcluu for lr. McCoy , in Omalm , for thu past jear And is the phyiklmi who has mudH the cures that Jmyu besu publUhed weekly in IX > NHLIWATION at olllco or by mail , tl. Otllce hoilM-ti to U u. m , V to 4 p. in. , 7 to 8n. in. . Kuntlay oillcft hours from U u. m. . to I p. in. ( orroijpondciice receives prompt nttentlnn. .MtuivilUeiues ure treated successfully by Dr. lordnn througn the mall i.und u U thus pos iul for JhoH tumble to make a journey to oV.ulu ' ' '