Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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IVwonnl Purajjrnplifl.
Henry Heroic , ol I'lattsmouth , was In the
city yesterday.
C. A. Williams nnd family , of Sidney , nro
Pnxton guests.
V. M. Mills , of Dos Molnes , cx-stnto prln-
tcr of Iowa , Is ut tno Mlllard.
W. Dobbin , of Holdrcge , is n Mlllnrrl
George W. Walnwright , of Hlnir , is in the
l-'rcd W. Clarke anil H. S. Clnrkc , jr. , of
Crcston , were In Oinnha yestcrduy.
Ilo Hnx His I'ny.
Mr. S. S. Audi Mocily smiles uncoil-
ccrncilly over the action of the county com
missioners In refusing to allow an item of $100
in hl favor for services ns a second deputy
register of deeds in tlio month of February.
He has his nay nnd the loss falls on Register
Clvtll/nllon Xnt Without Its Price.
Several times of Into the reporters have
been asked to omit notice of ceitain mar
riage licenses. The reason assigned In each
case was that the grooin-to-bo was a poor
man who wished to bo married so iiuletly 113
to uvado the toll of a elmravari and the tux of
nnxlous-to-bo-treatcd frljiuls.
Into tin ; Dltoli.
A horse cnr last night goti off its track
on South Tenth , near the point of
crossing the Union I'jcitlc track , and ran
Into nn excavation made for the extension of
the cable line. Tlio car was not muob dam
aged nnd no person Injured , but it was u
troublesome Job putting the car again on
its own right of way.
The UNION PACIFIC wns the first
Trails-Continental Lino.
The D atli o Olnl' PrciH A < ljiulicil to
Ho Purely Accidental.
Olaf Prels. who was accidentally shot by
his bi other Saturday , ukd about 0 o'clock
yesterday mouiitig. A coroner's inquest
was held nnd the jury rendered a verdict of
accidental dc.ith. They exonerated the do-
ccased's brother from blame.
In Iho case of Christopher Henson the jurv
rendered a verdict of suicide. The mother
hits telegraphed for the hoJy nnd It will bj
sent to Mcchnnicsburg , O.
Do not bo induced to take Rome other
preparation when you call for Hood's
Sarsaparilla. Bo sure to got Hood's ,
which is peculiar.
IIerr Molehill's llcnullt Ijust Night nt
MotGarden. .
The pretty play of "Anna-Lieso" was
presented at Mctz Garden last evening nnd
W.IH a benefit to Hubert Molehln who played
the leading inalu part , Leopold. It is an his
torical piny nnd shows how that famous gen
eral and prince won his poisnnt wife. The
nctlni. was all uniformly good. Hcrr Moleh
ill's efforts were up to their usual standard.
Frauleln Dorofska , ns Anna Lieso of course
was splendid , wliilu the part of the prince's
mother was most excellently carried by Frau
Collmer. Next Sunday u boncllt will bo
given for Fraulein Dorofska.
Soda Springs , Idaho , excelling all Iho
Spas of Iho world , can be reached only
A Kuimwny Team Dash Into a Cnr
Ono HOI-MO Killed.
At half past tun last night n runaway team
hitched to a hack dashed down South Tenth
street. A cable cnr was running north nnd
the two forces collided nt Harnoy street.
One of the horses was disemboweled and its
intestines strewn upon the street. Olll-
car Hlooin put the animal out of
its misery with a number of shots from his
lovolvur. The other horse was slightly
scratched , but the carriage was demolished.
The headlight and front end of the cable cir
wcro smashed , but no ono was hurt. The
hank hnd neither driver nor passenger. It
was rccogni/ed as belonging to Atwood &
Fox , of 1707 Cumlng street , who were noti
fied by telephone.
Dr. J. A. Viimlen Uurit' * Daughter
Carried off by Unknown Pariles * .
While Dr. J. A. Vundcn Htirg , now of
Friend , was visiting with his fntlirr nt 1419
Davenport street last Saturday , and making
preparations to return to Omaha to practice
Ills profession , ho received a telegram telling
of the 'Kidnapping of his nino-year-old
daughter at Friend , it appears that a gen
tleman and lady hnd alighted fioui : i west
bound train in the afternoon at the village ,
nnd nftcr procuring a livery team and driver
they drove by Dr. Vnndcn Hurg's residence
to rcconnoltcr. The child was playing nlona
in the yard and she was seized
nnd forcibly carried off. Tno
U'lrl 1 u child by his first
wife from whom he was divorced eight
years ago , nnd it is thought the kidnappers
tire no ono else than this woman and her
stupsoii. She 1ms ro-uiurriod und is now
living near PlnttHinouth , nnd it is thought ;
Bho now 1ms the child with her. After se-
I'uring the girl the kldnnpnors wcro quickly
ilrlvou to Coruorn on thu Fremont , Elkhorn
ft Missouri' Valley rullioad and a circuitous
route taken to Plattsmouth. This was
learned from the driver of the team. The
girl is a great pet of the doctor's and ho is
rrcntly concerned over her disappearance.
Jliuvlll do all lu Ills power to llud her and
A luxurious draught of Tarrant'fi
SoUzor Aperient removes all ill effects
arising from indiscretions in eating or
_ _
Policemen 3Iiibt Not Leave Their
I'.oalH Without. Permission.
A now order was Issued to the policemen
Saturday night directing them not to leave
their beats without going to : i patrol box , tolo-
phoninuto the central station nnd getting
permission Some of the p.Urolmcu are not
Blow to criticise the new regulation.
"Suppoho. " fuysoiio i > f them , "I nm told
that a man is being murdered over on tlmt
street. I can't go over thora without por-
11)1831011. ) I may bo some distance from a
patrol box and a dcluy of flvb or ten minutes
may bv fatal. Suppose I am uotlllcd of a
burglar at , work around the block. If ho
woroalainicd ho would huvo plenty of time
to go scot free before I could get word from
headquarter ? . If I vlolnto orders I nm liable
to a fine. It's n cauo of being between
the devil and the deep sea. There's the
case of ofllccrs Culleu and Hrady the Other
dny. A man lird been sandbagged and
fobbed the night before , and when they got
wind of u gang of suspicious fellows on the
street next to their they wont over to
Investigate the crowds. As the suspects tied
ono of them throw away the stolen watch
nnil another fired at the policaman. After a
long chase in nn intensely hot day two of the
men wcro captured , but both of the ofltcors
wore overcome with the heat. A sergeant
happened to go over their beats wlillo they
were absent mm reported them. Chief So.ivy
lot the olllccrs off , but if they hadn't cap
tured their prisoners they would probably
hixvo been fined , although they were running
the chanca of bolni ; shot nnd of sunstroke in
trying to protect the public. Wo can't af
ford to bo fined , and this now rule will put
us Into a peculiar tlx sotncUmca. "
Free Excursion Sleeping Cars , via
Council JUuffs and Loa Angeles are ruu
dally. _
MOUI2 Ii'v ,
Xho Finnic Puul
oilier Mnn of HI *
The sudden decampment of Frank Paul
from the city and desertion of h'ls family
bring * to light n romuutla ktory pf lov'e and
Kullt thftt ia a fcou.rro of antonlthuieot tahli
ifiuiid * .
Two yean ago Frank , full of ambitious
for the future , loft } h o futhcrlund to
seek his fortune in America. On the snmo
steamer on which ho sailed wns n German
couple named Mr. nnd Mrs. Hlncsmun , who
nl 'word bound for the prosperous land of
freedom. Mra. Hinesinau was u charming
and petite young woman , and Frank , who
became Infatuated with her , managed
to pass considerable of his time
with her whllo on shipboard.
She. too , very indiscreetly allowed herself
to fall In love with the handsome young
Prussian. At Cnstlo Garden they parted ,
Mrs. Hlncsmaii settling with her husband In
Now York stnto whllo Fnink Paul eamo
west , finally establishing himself in business
in Omuha.
Fortune smiled on him nnd ho yearned fern
n female puitncr to share- his prosperity.
The daring scheme of writing to Mrs.
Hlncsmun und asking her to desert her hus
band nnd Ily to him suggested Itself In his
mind. To think was to act nnd ho was
thrilled a week later by receiving
a letter from her npprovlng the
scheme and telling him she would
come ns snon ns she got sulllcicnt money to
buy n ticket to Omuha. The next mull east
carried n money order suniclent to pay carfare
faro und other expenses to the Gate City. A
week later found the illicit lovers united and
they commenced to llvo together us man nnd
wifo. Frame's friends supposed that the
two hud been innrticd for some time , she
meanwhile living in the east whllo ho came
west to make a home for her.
Mrs. Hlncsman had covered her tracks
so effectually that her husband never learned
to what place she hud ilnwn. She
and Mr. Paul have been living together
ever since , on Thirteenth Htroet , part of
the time near Lcuvcnworth , and about a
year ago n child was born to the guilty pair.
Slnco then hw pseudo-husband has become
cool und even cruel toward her , mistreating
her In various ways and neglecting to
properly provide for hur , although ho wns
umplv ublo. A few days since ho suddenly
disappeared und no news whatever concern
ing him am bo learned. Mrs. Hinesman , now
repentant of her sinful relations with him ,
declares'that she Is suffering u Just retribu
tion for her course. Paul has loft her ia nl-
most destitute ciicumstuncca.
Win. Black , Abingdon , Iowa , was
cured of cancer of the eye by Dr.Joncs'
Ued Clover Tonic , which cures all blood
disorders and diseases of the stomach ,
liver and kidneys. 1 ho best tonic and
appoli/.or Known. 50 cunts. Goodman
Drug Co.
An Insect Enemy.
Si'TTON , Neb..Tuly31. To Iho Editor
of Tine BIK : : Please answer the follow-
.ng : My Traiibcendent andHyslopapple
.rees wore stung by somp kind of insect
n May for the llrsl time. I out the
lead branches and burned them , but
.he killing of branches is becom-
.ng alarming. They are now killing
, lie more valuable kinds of apple trees
ind the slinging still continues. What
ib Iho roinoJyV At lirst the work was
on last year's growth , but now it is most
iinywhoro on the trees. I have borne
trees I am afraid I miibt cut down. Any
information through your most valuable
[ iiipor will De thankfully received.
Yours , C. B. GUAY.
In order to secure a correct answoi to
the above , the writer should have boon
more explicit in regard to the insect
which lias caused the devastation. The
damage may have boon caused by half
a do/.on different species of pest , and
therefore only a general suggoslion
may bo made as to the remedy. Ono of
Iho"best remedies for destroying the in
sect enemies of the apple Irco is lo
shower Iho tree with a bolulion of paris
green or london purple , mixing at the
[ ate of a tablespoon ful to a gallon of
water , and applying freely by means of
a force hump with a spray nozzle. The
puniDS for this purpose are so cheap
now that every farmer should have ono.
They are convenient not only for this
use , but for many ptner purposes about
the farm. Many insect posts can bo de
stroyed or driven away by the shower
ing procobs , oven when only cold water
is used. Bettor still , when it is de
sired , to mix poison , kerosene or other
substance which is offensive to the in-
Bccls with the water.
The ho-callod Missouri River termin
als of the UNION PACIFIC are Omaha ,
Council Bluffs , St. Joseph , Leavon-
worth and Kansas City.
A Purty Way to Talk to a. Pore lionn
A wcathor-boalon woman of melan
choly and dibcouragcd mien sat in front
of a drummer on a railroad train. She
was clad in rusty mourning and her ap
pearance indicated that her loss was
recent. When near to Chicago she
turned lo Hie drummer and asked :
"What place are wo coming to next ? "
"Chicago , madam. "
"Lomino BOO ; that's in Illinoy , ain't
"Yes certainly. "
' 'I'd ort to know , but I'd forgot I ben
in Illinoy. I buried my first husband
there 'bout twenty years ago. "
'Indeed ? "
"Yes ; and from Illinoy I wont to
loway. I buried my second man out in
loway , and I ain't been there scnco.
That was eighteen years ago. Wont
down lo South Carliny from loway. "
"Oil , did you ? I'vo boon thoro' "
"You hov ? Ever boon to a place
called Black Snake Fork's ? No ? Well ,
lien Dodson lays thoro. "
"Who was Air. DoJHon ? "
"My third man ; and a right smart
follor ho was. IIo had a cousin named
Hi Daggott. Ever run across Hi ? "
"I think not. . "
"You'd know if you had. Everybody
liked Hi. Him and mo TV.-.S married in
Gcorgy , and he's buried nine miles
from Atlanty. "
"Oh , indeed ! and do you live in
Georgia now ? "
" ! Ain't set foot there for
moro'n a dozen yours. I wont from
Gcorgy away up to Minnsoty , anil I mot
Tom Ilixon up there. "
"Tom IIlxouV"
"Yes ; him and mo lived most a year
there after wo were married ; then a
blam'cd old white mule wo had kicked
Tom bo fatally that I buried him ono
cold day under the snow , up near St.
Paul , and sold off and wont out to Kan-
sag , near Atchisou , and luk up a quarter
section of luud iinin' a real smart
man's , named Dill. "
"And you "
"Yes , I married Dill , and ho took
chills and fpvor 'foro thrno months and
loft mo a widow 'foro the next year was
out. I toll you , I'vo had mighty bad
luck. "
"I should think so. "
' That's what I huvo. There was Bon
Barber. After mo and him wns mar
ried out in Callforny wo got along splen
did and was making money fast , when
all of a sudden Bon goes head lirstdown
a 000-foot shaft , and of course I was a
widdor 'foro the pore man over struck
bottom. "
"Thon you loft California. "
"Yea ; I staid there eight or nine
months , and then Bob , ho wanted to
"Bob who ? "
"Oh , Bob White. Ho was Bon's pard-
nor ; and ho never give mo no peace till
I married him. He's buried in the
Black Hills.11
"Great Caisar ! " cried the drummer ;
"do you make a business of going rouni ]
the country burying husbands ? "
The "widdor" put her handkerchief
to her eyes and said in keen rebuke :
"That's a purty way to talk to a pore
lone widder that got her husband's
cawnso in the baggage car ahoai
a lukln1 him out to Dakoty to lay him
side of hi.Other kin folks. You ort to
bo Shamed to bt 69 oufeelin' . " Dotroi
Sinoko Soldonborg's Figaro and got
the best , 5-ec.ut cigar in the world. Mas
M Jyor & Co. , wholesale depot.
An Old Operator Exchanges Boml-
nisoonoos With the "Gang. "
llustcd nnrt n Ijonji Way From
Home , " JIc Works a
Clever Scheme for n
.11 in DooiIy'H niufT.
Now York Times : The big operating
room in the Western Union telegraph
wilding was almost quiet. It is never
entirely still from year's end to year's
end , but sometimes , an the gray Btreaks
> f dawn steal up over the harbor , across
ho roofs of less lofty buildings and into
.ho top windows of the telegraph com-
inny'tf great pile , malting the gas jots
ui(1 ( incandescent lamps appear as if at-
aokod with jaundice , there isi lull In
.ho no'iHo caused by the clicking of the
uindrcds of sounders. At .such an hour ,
t may bo , the night force of operators
ins succeeded in clearing iiwuy the
nindreds of thousands of .vordsof ncws-
> aper dispatches , the papers having
) y that time gone to press ,
ind thousands of "red" or 1ml f-
'ato ' night dispatches Imvo been
ilickcd away to their destinations. Hero
ind there a tired operator , who has
'cleared" his wire may bo seen with his
inns on his table and his head btnyed
, ipon them , while his deep breathing
indicates that he i resting in sleet ) .
In other parts of the spacious room little
groups of operators whoso wires are
clear , gather together to talk "shop , "
or to exchange rominihcont talcs of por-
ml experiences , of adventure , rom-
uico , or misfortune , all of which come
lo most operators at some time or other ,
rho voices of the talkers are never
heard beyond their own circle , for oven
in a lull there are always a Milllcient
number of armatures in motion to drown
in ordinary conversational tone.
The room was almost quiet when a
tow inorningsagoan ox-operator walked
in to renew faomo old acquaintances.
Notwithstanding that a dozen years had
passed since ho hud boon ween by many
D { the men on duty , ho was recogni/.ed
by a half do/.en whom ho had mot in
various parts of the coimtrv. In the
first group ho encountered were "Les"
Uradloy of New Orleans , 'Mud" Thomp
son of Omaha , Ilarrv Whalon of Phila
delphia and "Aleck" Morribon of Salt
Lake City. The ox-opciMtor. like the
rest of the grouphad boon a "traveler , "
and the four old-timers , whom ho had
mot in widely separated olllces of the
company , jumped up to greet him. The
greetings over , the party of course be-
.fiin exchanging reminiscences.
"Do old " eaid
you remember , man ,
one , 'tho time when old Jim Doody
traveled first class from Omaha to Now
York on a dollar ? " The older men had
heard the storyjbut the younger ones
who were listening had not , but wanted
to. so the speaker continued :
' 'It was by means of tho'lost hat' trick ,
which Jim invented for the , occasion.
Jim and a lot of us wore working for the
Atlantic & Pacific company in Omaha
in 1877 , whoa a consolidation of the
Western Union and Atlantic & Pacific
companies was effected. As a means
of economy the Western Union company
ran the Atlantic fc Pacilic wires into
its own oflico and discharged all of the
Atlantic & Pacilic operators. Wo
wore making big salaries then , but wo
lived woll'and , when the discharge came
some of us were badly loft out in the
cold. Wo were half way between the
Atlantic ocot i and the Pacilic coast ,
and wo all found out then what it
meant to bo 'busted and a long way from
homo. ' After a week or so wo managed
to raise money enough to carry us to the
largo telegraph olllces in oilier cities ,
but Jim got discharged , acted
a trifle unwisely , and got broke again
before ho could got out of town. Ho
awoke one morning with just $1 in his
pouKot. His relatives lived in Now
York , and how to got there was a ques
tion that severely agitated Jim's mind.
Finally ho evolved a scheme , desperate
but clover. IIo was well dressed and
looked as ncatand gentlemanly as could
bo. Going into the ticket ofllco ho
asked for a ticket to Now York. The
clerk took ono out , stamped it and
handed it over. Jim looked at it a mo
ment , then suddenly remembered an
engagement to bo kept before leaving
town , and rushed out of the otllco.
"In this way ho found out what a
New York ticket looked liko. Next , ho
secured an old calendau , printed on
paper somewhat resembling a
long-distance sectional railway
ticket , and from this ho cut a strip of
proper width. This strip ho folded in
such a way as to represent the various
coupons , and with this absurd counter
foil of ticket ho proposed to roach Now
York. It cost him CO cents to cross the
United States transfer bridge between
Omaha and Council BlulTs , so his capi
tal was just that much less. Jim
reached Council BlulTs just before dark
with his satchel in hand and waited for
the night express eastward. It was
lattt 'Hid before the start was made the
night became very dark , While tno
train was waiting at the station Jim
boarded the last of the passenger
coaches , and prepared for his 'grand
bluff. ' Pulling his silk hat in a rack ,
ho took a soft traveling hat from his
faatehtil. In the next scat were an old
gentleman and his wife. With this
couple Jim entered into conversation ,
and soon made himself very agreeable ,
lie casually mentioned that lie was
going to Now York , and niado a great
display of nutting his 'ticket' in the
band of his hat , remarking at the same
time that loiig-distaneo lickots were terribly -
ribly bulky allairs. Then ho talked with
other people in the car , taking partic
ular care that everybody should observe
the ticket in his hat-band. When the
train Blurted Jim opened the car win
dow and prepared his trap. IIo as
sumed sleepiness , rested his arm on the
window sill , laid his head on his arm in
such a way that ho could either hold
his hat on or lot it fall off , and awaited
"Tho train was running at a high
rate of speed when the conduclor came
through. By that time Jim was fast
asleep. 'Tickets , ' called the conductor ,
hut Jim did not hoar , and the olllcial
could not see the bogus ticket , for Jim
had turned his hat around so that it
was on the other side of it. Then the
conductor gave the sleeper TV shako , but
it fulled to arouse him. Another shako
followed , and still another , when at
last the conductor lost patience , and
while ho exclaimed 'Iluro , wake up
thoru , ' gave Jim a rougher shako than
those preceding. Now was the
critical moment. Jim jumped up ,
raised his left arm as ho did
so , which caused his hat to
fall out of the window. Half sleepily
ho began fumbling in his pocket for
a ticket , when the old lady in the next
scat volunteered the information that
Jim had put his ticket in his traveling
hat. Jim looked around for his hat.and
now the kind old gentleman came to
the rescue by saying that ho had seen
the hat fall out of the window. Jim
then took a turn at the conductor. 'Con
found it , ' ho exclaimed'my ticket for
Now York vvus in my hat. If you hadn't
tried to shako thd life' out of mo my hut
wouldn't have shaken off. I'll report
you for this whenwo get to Chicago. '
"Tho loud talking hnd attracted the
attention of olhur passnngersj several
of whom gathered around and volun
teered the information that they had
seen Jim's ticket , The conductor wont
on through the train and reflected that
perhaps no had boon a litllo rough. A
little later ho came back and sat down
in the neat with Jim. Jim told a
straight story , and the conductor llnally
acknowledged his-error , apologized for
it , bogged Jim. tu say nothing about it ,
and when they got to Chicago took Jim
out for dinner , gave him a pint llask of
whisky , a now traveling hat , a pass to
New York , and an introduction to the
Pullman car conductor , with all of
which and some sandwiches Jim con
tinued his journey to Now York in stylo.
IIo arrived in the city with 17 conls. "
Even the old-timers laughed heartily
at the recollccllon of Doodv's cleverness ,
and then the inevitable ' 'That ' reminds
me" came from another of Iho party.
"You remember the crowd wo had in
Omaha in the old times when wo used
to 'relay' all the overland sluff there'/
No'/ Well , it WIIR the daislost sot of
operators I over saw together. Every
man was 'gilt-edged , ' and could handle
any wire in the olllco , though they were
all through circuits. Wo all got the
best salaries paid by the company in
any part of tiio country , and wo just
about owned the town , which was a
small affair then compared with what it
is now. The boys were all hard drink
ers and of course spout all their money
for rum , but they were a set of
good-hearted fellows , nevertheless.
Well , a liquor dealer came to us ono
day with a proposition Unit if wo would
settle up or pay something on account
at Iho end of each month when we got
our salaries , ho would give us all llio
credit wo wanted between pay days.
Of eout-hO wo accepted and started the
credit account within three minutes and
a half. At the end of Iho month wo
each owed half a month's pay. Then
wo each wont around and pa'd ' $10 on
account. The proprietor may have ex
pected more , but he said nothing about
it , and took what ho got and looked
happy. yVithin six months ho came to
us and offered to present us with the
saloon if wo would pay what wo owed.
Wo declined , and ho retired from busi
ness in Omaha. I guess ho didn't lose
much , for the whisky ho sold was of the
'tarantula1 juice variety , and was war
ranted to kill. "
And so Iho reminiscences went on ,
the stories relating to narrow escapes
from Indians when the lines were
strung overland , encounters with train
robbers at isolated stations in the south
west , and of marriages contracted be
tween operators who had never scon
each other until the wedding hour , and
whoso acquaintance and courtship wore
conducted and developed through hun
dreds of miles of wire.
In the midst of a story a chief came
ilong. "Hero , Bradley , I want you for
iho cable wire : Morrison , go lacklo Iho
Chicago quad. "
"Snatched Pink thunder ! "
by , by exclaimed -
claimed a junior , and the group dis
persed with "C6mo in again , old
nan , "
In the Amusing Comedietta of
Sir Charles Coldstrcam , n blnso niiin of
fashion , is nmilo to ilcprccato everything in
which everybody clso is supposed to take an
Interest , with the liiiniuiil roumrlc that
"there is really nothing in it. " Ilo oven ex
tended this eritlcismito the crater of Versu-
vlf , down which ho looked , but snw "noth-
Inp in it. " Such characters are scarcer on
this side of the Atlautic than abroad , but
they exist here notwithstanding. Such men
need a "fillip to imturo" to medicinally stim
ulate their jmleil appetite , overcome their
lassitude , nnd renew the zest of existence.
They and others upon whom the world's ' en
joyments are bcpiunlnc prematurely to pall ,
will fliul Hosteller's Stomach Hitters a
wholesome and speedy renewal of vigor and
hcullh. Appetite returns , dyspepilu nnd
bilious symytoms disappear , the nerves grow
stronu , und the hour of retirement is 1111-
frauijht with apprehension of uneasy repose
when tills superlative tonic is employed. It
remedies fever and ague , rheumatism and
kidney troubles.
_ _
Diablo Itoddy Makcu Friotuls Who
AVI-ill to Adopt Her.
Several notices have been made of the
disappearance of a little girl named Mablo
Heddy. Tin : Uni : Is inforiiietl that she is
belne kindly cared for by Mr. and Mrs. J. N.
Myers of Onkdnlo , Neb. She wont to that
place July 23 to BOO her aunt , the wife of a
railway station agent named Fuller. The
Fullers had removed from O.iVtd.ile a year
before , and the child had tried to return to
Ouiuha , but the conductor refused to tuko
her without ticket or faro. Mr. Myors hap
pened along- , and on learning of the situation
and ascertaining that the girl had no friends
he took her to his homo to the c ire of his
wife. IIo wrote the mother , but received
110 answer. Ho wrote again , and on seeing
a second notice in Tin : UKIJ telegraphed the
mother , but has had no reply. Mr. and Mrs.
Myers Imvo no children of their own , and
have become very fond of Mabel. They
wish to adopt her and have written the
mother to that effect. The child recipro
cates their affection. Mr. Myors is manager
for A. Truesdel , dealer in grain , coal and
Its superior excelenco proven In mill Ions of
homes for more than a iinnrter nf n century. It
IditseiUiy the United Sinter llovjrmuent. .En
dorsed by thti heads of the great universities as
the strongest , purest and most healthful. Dr.
1'rlcca Cream naklntr Powder doaa not contain
ammonia , llmu or alum. Sold only In cans.
New York. Chicago. 6t. Louts.
Industry , Science and Art ,
Open Until October , 1888.
Medical Con gross Moots Aufrust 7tU ,
Round Trip Excursion Ticket ,
(65 and $75.
For Information apply to
Agt8. , 63 Broadway , Now York.
Accumulations of odds and ends in our men's and boys' suits stock.such
as one or two suits of a kind , must be closed out during the next few
days as our incoming fall goods are already crowding us for room
Among the men's suits are a few extra fine dress and business suits
made of choicest fancy worsteds , and gotten up in a No 1 style. No cus
tom garment can beat them , They are suits for which merchant tailors
would charge from $40 to $5O , and fine ready-made houses are asking
$35 for them today. To make a quick and clean sweep with them , we
have marked them at less than the material in them is worth.
Of the $4.75 all wool cheviot suits advertised last week , there are only
a few left We never had such a run on a suit as we had on this , and at
this time of the year , when other stores have nothing to do. It is a better
looking and better wearing suit than other houses are offering for dou
ble the money.
Enormous reductions form former prices on all Boys' and Children's Summer Suits wo
have left. Wo do not intend to carry one over if we can help it.
An endless accumulation of odd Knee Pants which will be sold at less than half their
Wind up clearing sale of all our Summer Furnishing Goods , such as Underwear , Hosiery ,
Flannel { rhirts , etc.
Closing out of all our Summer Scarfs at ridiculously low prices.
A lot of splendid Silk Tooks at 15c ; usually sold at 50c.
Another lot of extra fine Four in hand and Tccks at 45e ; such as are generally sold at 7. " > c and $1.00.
A lot of very fine Silk Grenadine Tccks at 535c. This is the handsomest and most elegant Scurf for Sum
mer wear , and the regular price for these Scarfs is everywhere § 1.00 ; our price this week is 35c.
One price only and plain figures. .
Cor. i4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
iTIie Burlington takes the lead.
It was in advance of all lines in developing Nebraska.
It was in advance of all lines in establishing dining-car
carvice between Missouri river points and Chicago.
It was in advance of all lines in giving the people of
Omaha and the West a fast mail service.
It was in advance of all lines in running its trains from
the East into Omaha proper.
It was in advance of all lines in reducing the time of
passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago.
It was in advance , and is the only line by which you can
feave Omaha in the morning and arrive in Denver the
evening of the same day.
It has been progressive in the past.
It will lead in the future.
Travel and ship via the Burlington.
Ticket Office , 1223 Farnam Street. Telephone 250.
Depot on Tenth Street ,
Our summer Cca * ?
now going at sumiuei *
This marl : down is legitimate -
gitimato and includes
many of our best quali
ties. Men's line all wool
suits , former price $20
$22 and $25you can take
your choice at $15. Re
member , wo olTor notn-
ing but first class goods ,
SSL \ ) if JL U XL JCl
lPa niniT.cun4lu ! Uda7 > ETl > r.
B r 'intl < r .M ll BeU.
a > lr wi wtka worlireatnttlMt
uac.tfea * Jfa ipnilM
uac. wtrful , Dur tl ,
lOTlNTM. 104
r' i " " - T Ji
Ladies and
IhoKost MedlcinolH
"Tho Overland Konlu. "
Has BO arranged its Family Sleeping
Car service , that berths can now bo re
served imon application by any ticket
agent to M. J. Groovy , ljassongor Agent ,
Council DlulTs , Iowa. The reservations
when made are turned over to the train
conductors taking out such cars , so that
pafasengcrd can now aecuro berths or
dered , the same as a Pullman berth ia
reserved and secured.
J. S. THIini'lTS , 13. U IjOMA
Gen. 1' . & T. Agent. „ As 't 0. V. T. A.
Itemarleable for .pow rfijlBrmp ;
rhellutoiie , pUa'lilo act'on and Kl >
6lui durability. ! * ) yeara' record ,
tha bent ( fuaramoajit the excel *
leiu e of uif se InmrumenU.
Tansill's ' Punch Cigars
were ( hipped daring the imit
two yearn , without a drummer -
mer in our mplov No other
house in tue world can truth *
rullyiunVoiucu a ihovfluc.
One iout ( de&lvr oujyj
( w ut xt lit ench town ,
sato BY IUDINC onuccicTj.
. R.W.TANSlLL&Ca.55 Stale SWhlcaao.
I'or JsaitHi'ons Drugs , is
ete ami Music Mm.
( ] eneni/.I'PiitH for
und other llrst-cluss 1'lnnos.
rtcnrn MtinlMu
1'iiUiMnt ,
1 Btclnway Square , cost MW ,
lor'-I''i . . . . . . . fSOO { 10.00
* „ - , ' ) . . . . ' . ' . . . . S'.OO 15.00
1 Do k. r Ilios. Square , cost
SIM ) for M ) -MX ) 10.00
1 Kmiiicraim Square , coit
* UM. forfiO 10.00 6.00
1 Mow on A. I'o. Square , cost
f)0 ) > > , fnrtliu. in.OO 8.00
1 .Marshall & Wcndnl Uprlcht
I'iiino , cost iiowhriOil.rorlll J 30.0J 10.00
1 Ilftllut to Davis Upright
KB good as now , coat & < ou ,
foritii'i 25.00 15.0J
1 Jlallet In DavisBqiuiru , coit
1 Bhonlni ! r 0 Octiivc
cost now lift , for only : ii. . 10.0J G.OO
organ. UMIU ono
year , cost now tUi.for JfiS 10.00 6.03
1 Mamu & llumllii OrKan
doiilil. ) hunk , cost now ti'-o ,
10.03 0.00
Ilrlng tills ad"with ! you to avoid mljtakes ,
/1//IA' / / ? & BRO. ,
GomelSlxiarntli mill Fnrimw Btfl.
jcc4't lully UM < ! iiionllily by ov r 10,000
jidlM. AruKafe. Effectual and Htaiant
ilprrlmxhyniftll.oriitilrUKKkU. Sealed
_ < \irH < mlan S | XMUig ftt&ni | . AddreM
TDC tt'iitci Cauiiau , Co. , DCTKOIT , r
J-'oi4 fp and by mall by Coot'
Ji'itti Co. , Omaha , A'etf.