Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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    f ' " " "
mmnviiiMKMimmaaamHsaFf Tj Tv - - -T r-ny ,
- - - - . - - .
H BI i i
"AelvcfiiTwnctits under thlTiiead 10 cents per
line for the Mist Insertion , 7 cents for each sub-
nouuent Insertion , nnil f 1.0) ) a line Mr month.
No advertisement taken for less than 85 cents
the Urst tnsertloiu Seven words \ % 111 t > o counted
to tlie line ! they must run consecutively nnd
must bo tiald In ADVANCH. All advortUo-
rocnts must bo handed lit before 12 : l i o'clock p.
in. , and under no circumstances will they betaken
taken or dl'contlnued by telephone.
Portion advertising In thrso columns nndnnv-
Inn their answers addres ed In rare of TUB UKI :
will please ask for ti check to enable them to gut
thoh letters , ns none will ho delivered except on
presentation of chock. Ml answers to adver
tisements Miould bo enclosed in envelopes.
All advertisements In these columns are pu ! > -
llshnl In both morning and evening editions of
Tnr. HUE. circulation of which aggregates
morn than 18,000 papers dally , and gives the ad-
vcrtlsors the benefit , not only of the city ctrcu-
J At lOll Ol Tin : IIF.K , but also . of OruiiMl Illuirs.
Lincoln nnd other cities and towns throughout
this section of the country.
Advertising for these columns will 1 > o taken ,
on the above conditions , at the following busi
ness honse . who are authorized agents forTiiK
HFK special notices , and will quote the same
mtcs as can bo had at the main olllce.
( ) H > TVv.YlI2LL , Pharmacist , S "south Tenth
HASH & EDDY , Stationers and Printer * , 113
0 South ICth Street.
s. 11.1'AIINSWUUTH , Pharmacist , 2115 Cum-
. ' Ing Street.
W.l. HUOIir.B , Phnunaclst , KJI North Iflth
. Struct.
GKO. W. I'AHH , Pharmacist. 1W9 St. Mary's
ANTKD An oxpoi fenced traveling sales
man wants position In western territory ;
Hteiidy habits ! references. Address H. 41823d
fct. , Denver , Colo. K57 n
ITUATION asf housekeeper by a French-
American girl of 21 ; is a nlco cook. No wash-
Ing. Mrs , llregniHii 13 15th. 833 4 *
SITUATION wanted An expert patent sales
man wants good patent that will bell by
Counties. Address Chase , Hotel Ilarker. 7583J
' Situation ns ilrst or second bookkeeper
keeper by young married man ot good
habits , well acquainted in city , good references
and bonds If required. Address U 71 Hoe olIUc.
(101 (
ANTEITwo > restaurant cooks , Jin ; 2nd ,
8 . 1'astry cook , * 4 ( ) ; 2nd out of city , $ .i'i.
1'nrm hands , laborers , etc. Mm. llrega , : JHVt
K.lli. S78-U *
WANTF.D A good barber cor. l th RUd Web-
Hter. 818-1 *
ANTHD Man'pastry cook.JIO ; short order
cook. If 10 ; bellboys , dishwashers , 8 labor
ers , city work , $1.76 ; farm hands , Mrs. Hiega ,
HUM S Iflth. N33 4 *
ANTED lllg boys nt Faltbank's lard ro-
llncry , Wo 4
"WANTED Hey to take caie of two hornes
TT and one cow. Hornberger , 1J21 Douglas.
WANTED Immediately two llrst class bar
bers , wages $13 per week , steady Job ,
colored preferred. Address Goo. Kennedy ,
Bloux Fails. Dak. 771 4
WANTED I good men to sell a new line of
goods on Installments. I'M St. Mary's ave.
ANTED A good barber for partner. In-
qulro 818 N. Klthst. aj-Ut
\\7"ANTED Hoys 10 to 18 years old to learn
T i trade ot compositor. Address X 22 this
olllco. 870-0 *
"VY/ANTED Hoy. Inquire of Dr. Jones ,
T ? room2Continental block , between
nnd 12m. 817
W ANTED Granlto carvers. Only good men
need apply , at tliu lieu building , 17th and
WANTED At Noi tlr.estcrn labor agency
815 8. 10th , carpenters , brick layers , team-
Bter.s for low a. J. Muliioon & Co , MO
W ANTKD One llrst class man cook , none
other need apply , at 1001 N. Iflth. Kll
\\7ANTED-50 track-layers at Albright's La
TT bor Agency lUO Faruam st. 785
WANTlU ) Feeders for Gordon and cylinder
presses ; steady work if experienced. U
CO , earn Hoe. 5Gfl
ANTED 5 lellublo traveling salesmen for
wholesale manufacutured goods ( that
Will sight ) in lowni and Nebraska , w ho can give
Hccurlty or rash lor stock to bo carried and de
livered as bold. Call at roomSlO Bhoolnv block.
U12 12 *
W ANTKD Knergetlo men and women everywhere -
where for n genteel , money-making busi
ness. SO weekly prollt guaranteed easier than
fOOmonthly otherwise. Experience absolutely
unnecessary. I'orinanent position and cxclu-
nlve territory nswired , 82.00 baniplos free. Write
for particulars. Address , with stamp. Merrill
MfiiCo. . 1153. Chicago. KiOal2
fT 'ANTED Mori for the west. Albright's
TT labor agency. H20 Fnrnam Bt. U10
DOl'B-Am. Dlst. Tel. Co. , 1304 Douglas.
ANTED Woman cook for hotel. $40 ; font
dining room girls in city , 1 chambermaid ,
C girls for Council DlulTs , 10 girls for nice coun
try places , dishwashers , laundress , and 60 girls
for good places in city. Mrs. Drega. : ) I45 ! S
15th. 808m *
W ANTKD Woman to clean olllce after C
p.m. Apply Jos. Garneau Cracker Co.
WANTED Woman cook , $10 ; pastry cook ,
$30 ; 4 dining-room girls in city , 1 for Wy.
cmlng , girls for South Dend , Ashland , Wood
Itlvcr , Fremont , Florence , 4 for Council Illuirs ,
S In same family , and 60 for general housework ,
Mrs. Drega , 3UVJB 15th. _ 8334 *
TOT ANTED Ily two Danish girls , position as
T T first and second girls in same faintly. Ad-
arcsH Nob. Employment Olllco , 817 N. luth.
_ _ _ _
W ANTKl > A competent girl to do general
housework , llberel wages paid. Apply 1SK
Us at. 7D74 *
ANTED 2 girls to work with tailor on cus
torn woik , HIM. 16th t. , upstairj. 877-ii *
W ANTKD Ludy agents for a now and profitable
itablo business ; good lefereiicns requiicd
DO capital necessary. F. G. Craiulu.ll , Dlu s 15tl
81U Of
W ANTKD A good second girl. J. H. Du
mont , 811 Park avenun. ail
WANTED Good servant girl , toforonces re
quired ; good wages paid , Mia. It. C. Put
_ terEon2H3J iiriinni. _ KO
NE or two dlnlugroom girls and two dish
O washer * , at 1001 N. ICth tt. Kr
G OOD girl , 1708 Douglas st , 807
lirANTED Good cook nnd laundress. Appl'
T > ut 2503 Capitol UVO. C8U tt
'MTANTED-AtTlidwny ' hotel , Kearney , Neb.
TT u good dining-room girls ) * ! per week ; fan
paid. T. C. llralnanl. 627
" \\rANTKD-More IIOUHPH to rent , good-pavlni
TT touunts , quickluntKInsured , ll. 11. "tVun
dell. 4U3 N loth. 2nd lloor. 410 a25
w ANTED Dtt board ( breakfast and
per ) In prh ntn tuiuly by widow cr nea
Decatur aiuutltn. H. F. C. , 1421 Douglas bt.
) -Hpr BS taken to board. 50 stal
10 largu airy box stalls , Hrst-class accon
modutlons ; the coolest and best stable In 111
city , llurkoyo llnrn , 410 , 41H and 420 S. Itltn Rt ,
between lluuioy and tit. Mary'd ave. Trleiihon
* ' _ § l'elby ' & FlauiKan. p > op . _ < -M _ _ ] .
\XT-AiTKl > If you have any mniiu , lots , o
T T liousr and lots to sell or exchange fo
other property , call on me or write. I can div
you. a customer. C. U. Bpotswood , 803HH. l tli
ANTED-Morehousrs to rent. losw-ort
& Joplln , DM ker block. 600
A aliUe'to niRkOKOod usao
Thu lieu' * niB3SBjtf [ boxc throughout tin
city. _ _ _ lOtl
\y ANTED-To buy or trade tor a good bulk
T > ing that c.bu \ \ moved. Please call 01
or address Georgtt J. Stvi nadortf , room U , omxj
ALK or fvmala help furnlslifd in or out t
city , private families a ipednlty. II. ]
Wpndcll. 40 N 10th ht. Sud lU-or. 437 aS
fTOMU table day CoaFariSBTTCv
-IUO table lioardrr * at the Olol
hottl , Douji'.ns A V-cUatt ) uod Utitl ! i
tn rlty , bed a 15
. , corthweitei :
* T inrtofilty prccorrtd , or uiitun > i.-ie !
roomi for llylit houne neenlug , Tvruis must L
0 II ItKNT New brick house ot li rooms ,
furnished , gag , bath and all ronvenlonces ,
pplctnlld location , S2U N. IVth. Inquire 210 N
mil. 853
TOIl IlENT-0 room cottage , K > , - SV8. \ . SI fit.
8 U-4'
EOll HENT 10 room hftuso and barn fo 5
horses , splendid location , 22I5 Hurt st.
5 room house In Omaha View IIS per mo.
4 room hou o 17th and Dorras. $16 per mo.
4 room house tti Walnut hill M per mo.
Geo. J. Fox. Ill , Continental bldg , 1420 Doug
las. 772 4
_ _
FOll HENT-q four-roomed Hats on Izard and
ttJth , on cable line. W. H. Marr. II. 40 , llarkcr
block. 715 i
FOIl KENT HotelTlcnsousituated on 2.1th st ,
South Omaha ; 33 rooms ; doing good busi
ness ; furniture for salt ) cheap. Address W. I.
Stevens. ir,12 8 tth , Omaha , or apply at 1 in S 13th
st. Omaha. 64.14
SlX-room Hat , vacant. S. E. cor ICth and Web
ster , rent Wij U houses for rent centrally lo
cated where : furniture ls-for sale. Co-opcratlvo
Laud \ Lot Co. , 2U.1 N. ICtll st. IU2 (1 (
TjlOIt HENT New (5-roqm ( house. Inquire H.F.
JL ; Hanmim. 2811 Lcuvenworth. 72U 0 *
171OH HENT Good sized house , new. $10 j per
JL1 month , ( J. F. Harrison , 418 B. 15th st. Kll
TTHHl HKNT H room house and barn nw cor.
JL ? 2tli nvo and Webster M ; Inquire at room
Cff > 1'iixton blk. 1 > . J. Creedon. KM
1T10H HRNT 6-room house , tQ ) , s. c. cor. llth
JJ and Vlnton. H77
iroil HKNT When you wish to rent n house ,
JL' store or olllce call on us , 11. E. Cole , room
0. Continental block. 4S7
"ITIOII HKNT A 10-room house brick house
JL1 with all modern Improvements. on"itu st ,
near Lcavenworth. Imiuire , No. SJ7 a iOth Rt.
Foil KENT 7-roomllat. all modern Improve
ments. Inquire Western Cornice uorks,15th
bet. Jackson and Jones. T l T
"I71OU HENT New resilience of 13 looms and
.i-1 bain , all modern Improvements , 40th and
Fanmm. Inquire Western Coinlco works , 15tU
bet Jackson und .lones. 77
TH ) HUNT 2 now i-room cottages at 18th
JJ and Castellar fatrccts. 1C. II. Sllkworth , 1505
Farnam. 705 C
I7IOH HUNT lllecant 8 loom house with bath
JJ and burn on cabin line. $40 per month. H.
r Cole , room 0 , Continental block. 485-a-O
8HOOM house with bath , 2 blocks ot cable , * T >
per month. H. U. Cole , room 0 , Continental
11 lock. 4S.1-H U
. . . HINT : ll-rnomllnt. W. per month. 13th
nnd Howard. lnqure _ at The Fair. 4'a
H OtTPUS. stores mid Hats to rent , nil parts of
city. 11 II. Waudell , 40iN 10th. 2nd lloor.
' -
EOll HENT-7 room house. No. 10.17 so. 20th
St. Wiper month. Call quick. K. F. Sea-
vcr. Itoom 40 Darker block. 312
"IjTOIl HKNT 10 room modern house $ 9
JU room ditto , 1.15.00. 7 room ditto. 825.0U. Other
houses , stores nnd olllrcs. (1. ( I ! . Thompson.
Sheeley bllt. 15th and Howard sts. ill ! )
TjlOH HKNT 2 6-room cottages ; line location
JU tor railroad men , 2 blocks from U. P. depot ,
rent J25 a month. Mead Investment Co.,311 S.isth
"I71OH KENT Handsome now home , 10 rooms.
JL1 all conveniences , best neighborhood nnd
within live minutes' walk ot poptolllce. Nathan
Shelton , 1605 1'amain ht. OU
T71OH HENT Save car faro ny mnovlng In the
JL " . " with all modern
; "Her llat.s , lilted the most
conveniences , 7 llKUt rooms including hath ,
pantries , closet P , steam heat , frns and water ,
"also two nlco stores" nnd basement. "Hofer-
cnces lequlrcd. " Apply to Itaymer .V Her ,
hardware , 621 h'outh lttli ! t. 614.i7
T71OH HKNT Modern single house of t > rooms ,
JO bath room , hot and cold water , on street car
line and paved btreet , ready for occupancy
Aug. 15 , { l.i per month. Apply at once C. F.
Harrison , 418 S. 15th st. 014
IIOIMIENT 7-room house. No. 1518 S6th St. ;
B-room cottage , No. CI'J Win. St. ; 6-room cot
tage , No. 2725 Charles st. Inquire 1400 Cap ave.
TJ1O11 HENT or Sale-New cottage , Iledford
JU Place , on easy payments. Enquire M. L ,
Hoeder , room 403 PaxtonblocK. 010
RENT A fine 10-room brick house with
modern Improvements , tluu location on
street car line. It. M. Genius , 1103 Douglas Bt.
FOll SALE Two cow , 8-room houses In Or
chard Hill nnd Pnppleton Park. Will sell
cheap for cash , or will take good first or second
mortgage paper. Any reasonable terms to hon
est parties. 0. C. Spotswond. 8115)5 ) 8. ICtll. G18
J OH 4 unfurnished rooms for'rcnt , 20jriTaT-
Oney , iU.50 par month. 708 4t
FH RENT Cool rooms , furnished for sleeo-
ing ; $8 , payable weekly or monthly. W9
Howard. UiJ7t )
ANDSOMELY furnished rooms for gentleman -
man ; with or without board. 171'J ' Daven
port at. OOO-C *
FOH IIFNT Nicely furnished room with all
modern conveniences , 2013 Cass at. 8i2-7
ELKQANT PARLOUS , also single rooms , in-
eluding board. Fine location , 11)11) ) ) Dodge.
rpWO or 3 furnished rooms , light nousekeep-
JL ing , one single room , 202tl St. Mary's avo.
8to ; C *
ONE largo room , suitable for three gontlo-
nien. Itoom 6 , Jacob block , l&th and Capitol
nvo. 870 U
OH RENT Furnished room , south front ,
for two , 1514 Ca&s st. 8JU 6
F IURNISHED room * to let , 2103 Douglas st.
H)9U ) *
TjTOll HUNT Small front room , 1700 Chicago.
JP 804
NICELY funilslied rooms in most pleasant
location in city. Shady place , seven blocks
from 1 * O , on cable line , rent reasonable ; board
If desired. 2010 Davenport st. 803 6t
"DOOM for gentlemen near postolllce , 323 N.
11 17th. 702. C *
FOll KKNT-Furnlshed rooms. 1707 Cass st.
FOll HENT Nicely furnished front bed-room
In nice cottage. J7 per month , 400 Williams
st , 8 minutes' w alk southeast U. P. depot. 71)3 )
Rooms with or without board. 1709 Dodge.
T71OH HENT To ouo or two gentlemen. A
JL' largu nicely fiirnlsned south and cast front
room with bath und nil modern improvements.
501 Bo20th bt. C77
Y > OOMS , single or cu suite , 1713 Dodge.
SMALL front room , modern conveniences1
2107 Douglas Rt. 511
rpWO front rooms. 1015 Dodge st. C75
NKWJjY furnished rooms In good location to
transient or regular parties , single or en
suite. Apply to Mrs. A. Uussell , (107 ( B. 13th.
! ! 28aG *
FOlt KENT Furnished rooms. 11J H. 2Uih Bt ,
072 a 10 ;
FOH UF.NT Furnished rooms and Dony.l bj
the day or week , all 8.13th st. 471 a 2U
FOll HKNT A plefint roomv > 1th all moderr
conveniences ; brick residence , cor. 20tl
and Bt. Mary's u > euuo , or CM South 20th st.5JO
NlCIlliV furnished rooms , II per week or W.K
mouth , 603. 601 and MO B. Ibth bt. OTC'ulC ,
.11) . rooms , 1201 Farnam st.
7277 *
fOIl HKNT-Furnlshcd rooms In Greuulg bl >
JU1 cor. 13th and Dodge sts. Inquire of Geo. it. ,
lo Davis. MllUnl hotel lillllard room. too
KOOMB IncludlnR board in the Young Wo
m n's home 1U10 Dodue at. Iteterences re
quired. MO
17101111KNT Front room , large and nlcolj
JL } furnished , located near the hluU Hcnool. li
this hlchest and coolest gootum ot tlio city ;
cable line nnd horse cars pass tha door . Ki :
qulro at 2223 Dodge near 21th s j. 60-
TjlOU ItL'NT iurnlt.hod rooms , 1610 Dodge ,
-C an 1)
\v tit Voai-d , ' . 11 Hurt
5i ± IL
1710UH Eautlemeu can be. accommodated wltli
.1' a nlco suite nt rooms and UHl-clana board a
2J.-I ! ) St. Mary's aye. . Graddy block. UJl
TTUU HKNT-Nlrtly furnl li d iront room fo
Jcentlcmcii. . Modern conveniences. 1V17 < . 'nei
LAlQi ! : iid Vmail room &u I table foi
man , with or without board , 1U31ea
F OU llKNT-itoti * ad lourd , IWf Farnani
n w"
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _
IOIH * KNT T'our roc > u5 fn beiVTn Tior"Ti
' - -
W < or tt\ \
Vo"'i * nt xinfnrnlJlimJ for Ugt.
Uouiticijilua ; oil coove.-iU c > ,
i ) iiKQANTunfuvulf.hcd ; rooms , new bulk
-o. * wus : , good locntlou , xoutiu-in uxposura. In
in'.urbourK , loth and Hiauey. SH
SITIT of rooms , furnished orunfurnlshed ; also ,
furnished rooms. 2100 Farnam. W7 \ *
liTOH ItBNT Two unfurnished basement
X ! rooms to family without children , 1123 N 17th
TTlour (0 ( looms. 415 S. HUh st. ' . { 20 CO
JThree ? ft ) rooms. lllUU S. 7thst 11 00
Four ( I ) rooms , msimth lVth t 15(0 (
Three ( .l | rooms , 1010 North 21st st IS GO
Three (3) ( ) rooms , 703'i J'aclllost , , . . . 12 M
Four ( I ) room * , 17 ( Webster st IK 00
I'our(4) ( ) rooms , in South l'.Mi st ISO )
Four (4) ( ) rooms. 41T South inthst 18 IX )
Two proomy , 18H Howard t. . , . , . . , 8 PO
Three ( II ) rooms , lOMff. 2Vth st 11 25
Three f3) ) room cottage , 1124 N.SIxtst . .4.2W )
Three (3) ( ) rooms , TOT 1'aclllo st 1J nu
To < 2)roomH. ) INItt Howard st , . 100(1 (
. Apply to Judge Iteming AR ney , llel-ald
building , V. Vf. coiner of 16th and Harnevitt
T7WH UKNT-Olllconearpostonice. WclMians
JL' & Co. , exposition building. WKHi ?
T71OU HUNT Desk room , with or without ad-
JL1 Joining bedroom. Welsh ana & Co. . imposi
tion building. TO-li *
THOU ItKNT-Sloro 22x42 , 4 good living rooms
A attached , bcjt location in city for hardware
nud tin shop , nil for 125 per month. Address
3KW Hamilton st. KM 7
FOH lUINT-FIno retail store and Ignro base-
nicnton 15th at , best side of street , $10J per
month. Cull at ouco. 0. K. Harrlsou,4lt ! S 16tu.
STOltn for rent , lilt Farnam Mrcot. Inquire
ot Nathan Sheltou , ut 1505 I'arnatn street
FOR HKNT-Oillco suite $25 month , 2 single
olllcr.s5euch ] , all flouting Iflth St. , Hush-
man block , N. K. Cor. Kith and Douglas. W. M.
llushnian , 1311 Leavenworth. 324
FOll linNT-Ptorcroom , No. 214 S. 14th st. Ap.
ply at 111U Howard st. 077
FOIlIUINT-ltalf ot n09 S. Iflth St. . opposite
Chamber of Commerce. SI. A. Upton * Co.
.11 HENTStoreroom , northwest cor. 15th
nnd Vlnton. 023
S for rent. f > II ) N. 10th. Inqulrn of
Henry Osthotr , 1513 California st. KM
BTuHIIlfshop for renfilfotel llarkerr
and Jones. Ml ( i
ri OOI ) barn cheap , 10U Chicago st. WW
\\7K giro special attention to renting and col-
> > lectliiR lents , list with us. II. 13. Cole , room
0 , Continental block. 487
I71OH quick rental and good tenants list your
X1 houses with H. II. Wnudell , KM N Kith st. 2nd
lloor. 417 n35
rpo li'stiro quick rental list your property
JL with J. II. 1'nirotte , ICOfl Chicago. 244 a21
pi H. SMITH , 010 N. 16th at. 334a23
12. THOMPSON , lloom 113 Sbooly blork.
j _ _ _
IV YOU want your nouses rented place them
with Henawa & Co. , loth , opposite postolllce.
825 ,
rPAKF.N UP A black sow pig. Call on Fred
JL Lull no , section 3 , lot 7 , North Omaha ,
FOUND Sum of money. Address with par
ticulars , X 15 , Dee olllce. 817 4
IMlSONAIj Ifyouliavoa personal item , ot
any communication , drop It lu ono of The
' boxes. 100
IF you want to buy , sell , rent or exchaiiRe
call on or address Oeorgo J. Stenisdoiu" ,
room o , opposite P , O. _ 201
FOll SALK Furnltuio of a small house , has
been used 1 year ; will sell cheap. Ad
dress X It" " , Dee olllcu. boS-7 *
FOH BALL Large line carriage horse , young
and gentle. W. L. Selby , 15'1 rarnam st.
TflOH SALK A flne family mare 4 years old ,
JO perfectly sale ; also an almost new bnyO.ur
bupgy and harness. Inquire L. D , Duruott. cor.
13th and rarnam at Helman's. b8J.
SALI3 Heavy youiiB team horses , small
payment dow n. 0. M. Katou , 810 N. ICth st.
. 7 < U
ELKOANT two-seated carriage , best make ;
will sell cheap lor cash. G. J. BtemsdorlT ,
Hooni 0 , opp. P. O. BSl
5,000 tons of Ice for sale by llooge Packing Co. ,
Sioux City. BSDaSJ
FOll SALI' . Ulio lease of a ten room Hat and
furniture , which Is nearly new. Address
U. BT.jcfiroDee. (175
ClOlt SALH Grocer's double team and \\agou ,
X' a ulncle delivery rig and lire-proof safe'at
OOUNiethst. 725 7
FOH BALE Furnished Hat. paylnR $10 per
month above rent. Welshans Jc Co. , expo
sition building. , OUS-U *
FOll BALK Klccant carriage horse , new
l > huetou and harness. Inquire room 40 ,
Baiker block. 441
TJlOll SALK Pinning mill macninery. Call "at
JU 1408 Davenport st. Omaha. 310
BKAUTIl'UIj faces nnd forms guaranteed
Face bleach removes frocklcs , pimples and
wrlukles. II per bottle. Hook of receipts for
tliecomplcctlon25runtj. Send 4 cents tor cir
cular , iladamo lluppert , 24J State street ,
Tfll ! banjo taught as nu art by Geo.F. Gellen-
beck. 0illarneynt. ) 1S2
H OME for Destitute .Women and Children ,
" 13 Hurt st. WO
THF. SH ELTON. 25th and Dodge
First-class family hotel. Hoard and rooms
Blugloor enhiilto at reasonable rates. Itefer
enccs required. Mr.s. M. Whlttakor. CIS a'J
IF you nave anytnlng to trade call on or address -
dross George J. Sternsdortf , Itoom U , oppo
site postolllce. 167
BIDS will bo received by the undersigned
until Saturday , August 4,18fi8 for soft coal ,
to bo delivered at the Masonic hull. IGth nnd
Capitol ave Irom October , 1888 , until May , 1889 ;
coal to bo delivered In quantities to suit and at
such times as ordered. The right Is reserved to
leject any and all bids. Address bids to Fred
J. Hothwlck , secy Masonic Temple Craft , 221
S. Uth.
677 5
WOMAN'S Exchange , 1C17 Farnam st. Luncli
dally , supper Saturday nights. Ul'J '
SPOT cash for second-hand furniture , stoves
and carpets. Anything from a bedstead tea
a house nud lot. Oil ! & Co. , 117 N. 1'lth ' st , .
_ . 813.0.11
IF YOU contcmplato btty-TiiR a funiace don't
fall to buy rt Magee Doston Hunter , It wMl
ea 0 yon three ton ot coal lu ono winter : thU
furnace Is surpassed by none. Sold by Weston
4 ; Mct'rono , Oil N. luth st. C7l-a iO
| 7\OH \ HENT Storage very cheap at Dlock &
JL1 Heyman , clothlurd , 111J I'armim st. Two
Orphans' old stand , C25a2S
TOIIAOE Safe , dry and clean at low rates.
Hidden & Hlddell. 1113 Howard. 4.'lo2j
STOUAHU-V. Hocco Dros. tt Co. , 1103 Howard
street at the lowest rates.
milACKAQK , storage , lowest retea. W. M
JL lUifhinaii. 1311 Leavenworth. _ 1G7
ALENTINlTa Bh6rthana and 'lypewrltins
Institute Is the largest anil best equipped
shorthand Echool lu the west. Graduates all oc
cupy good paying situations. Btudcntd can en
ter u tuny Urn is. Send for circular. New Pa $ .
ton bulhllug , Omaha. 810
\\7ANTiD-3'Jt , : ) , inbrlckRt lowest price foj
11 cash. Also bids for removinft 3.0UU yardt
earth. Atldiesa 1N. . .laynoa. Millurd. B71-11 *
\\rANTr.D l or desirable iots located be-
' twccn 15th and 40th sta und Fanibm and
Callfoinlat deslrabln loc tlon and price ; will
pay casu. Addiesa X , So , Dee onice. b'J3 C
WANTED A good roller top olllce desk ,
Cutler or cherry preferred. Wm. A. Wll
ton. 14li ! Harney gt. _ b5U
WANTED Good house and lot In desirable
put of tliu city ; will give first-class bar
cftln to anyone If united. 0 o , j. Sternsdortt ,
Hooro 6. bit.
\ \ T\NTBP-Kagtfront lot In west part o ;
> t'mn. Artdraaa. X a , Dee olllce. 713 81 *
Ty you nave Improved liuslnen or resldenci
Jt property that you wish to sell , call and ici
tr.t. O orK J. fcttrnsdotn. room t , opjpoalu
postcfflco. Sal
SKVIItAL store building * or house * that CJLI
b moved , Will pay good price It suited
oorc j. stcrasdorir. room e ,
STILL buy fiirnltureoTR house or lint cn-
T trally located. Co- f.LL. . Go 106 N. 16th
_ _
A TrEjrFi ON ALIiYwuld know thy de -
xxtlnyT If so consult IBB gifted destiny reader )
tolls your life from the "cradle " to the grave , re
unites the separated ; nil Jn trouble will do well
to call on this glftod * tecress , Madame Xoc ;
locates diseases and eirrw them with massage
and electric treatment. 417 B. llth st ; upstairs ,
Jj 2.T-4 *
_ _ _
Pill. NANNIE V. Warrira , clairvoyant. Med-
JLleal , business and toil medium. Diagnosis
free. Female diseases Ti specialty. 119 N. 18th
2A3 Tel.O llli )
MONEY" to loan in any amount , cither for
butldlngor otherwise , at lowest rates of In
terest and on short notice. Sholes Ac Hunt , suc
cessors to D. V. Wholes , room 1 , Darker bloek.
1)02 )
ERAL estate loans , lowest rates. Odcll Ilros.
.V Co. , 312 H. llilh st. t8l
FTMIB Omaha Financial Exchange , Room 1.1 ,
JL Darker block , southwest corner of Fern -
n ra and 15th sts.
Makes n specialty ot ihort-tlme collateral and
real estate loans.
Money always on hand In sums ot 1100 and up
wards to any amount , to loan on approved se
Secured notes boughty sold or exchanged.
Clear real estate nnd cash to exchange for
good llrst or second mortgages.
Loans made upon land contracts , stocks ,
bonds , trust deeds , llrst or second mortgage security -
curity , without publicity , delay or red tape.
Financial business of any kind transacted
promptly , quietly and fnlrly. llootn 15 , Darker
block , Corbett , ilanager. ( 0
MONKY To Loun Ily the undersigned , who
has the only property organized loan acency
In Omaha. Loans or (10 to ilOJmado on furni
ture , pianos , orKans.horscs , wagous.mactiluery ,
etc. , without removal. No delays. All business
btrlctly conlldentlal. Loatis so made that any
part , can be paid at nnr time , each payment re
ducing the cost pro rata. Advances made on
tlno wutchos and dlumonds. Persons should
caiefully consider who they are dealing with , as
man'new concerns ore dally coming into exis
tence. Should you need money call and see me.
W. H. Croft , Hooni 4 , Wlthnoll bulldlng.lSth and
Harney. OX )
VON'T fall to see A.1C. lllloy about your loan ,
'at 1511) ) Farnam. 812
OIIATl'KL LOANS made on any available se-
curlty. Heal estate loans made on Omaha
Ity property. Seemed notes bought. All bus-
.ness done promptly , quietly nud fnlrly at the
rhattol & Itoal Kstato Loan Agency , Itoom 7 ,
Hedilck block , 15UU Faruam t. , up stair
Archer & Dobbins. 'M
E ASTEHN money cheap. City and country.
i'OllIco ' Philadelphia Mortgage nnd Trust Co. ,
'O01U ' 13 , Hoard of Trade ( Ico. W. P. Coiites. 705
MONEV to loan onnorsos. furniture and other
personal property or collateral. Hates moderato -
erato : business conlldentlal. OIHco S. W. cor
ner 15th and Douglas sts. lUitrauce on inthst.
"Hie Fnlrbank Investment Co. K > t
GOOD city and larm loans wanted by A. 1C ,
Hlloy , 1511) ) Faruam. 812
M ONKV to loan. O. F. Davis Co. , real nstato
and loan agents , 160(1 ( 1'arnam st. KtS
UJ600C03to loan on Omaha city propervat
* Pper cent. G. W. Day. Re cor lix. bid. 13-J
LOANS made on real estate. Cash on hand.
W. M , Hams , over 22) ) 8 15th St. 03i )
MOTEV to loan ; largo and small sums at low
rates , for short time , on real estate or
chattel security ; socond'uotcabought ; all finan
cial business strictly confidential. People's Fi
nancial Exchange , ( ) . Doilscareumanager ; room
W'i Darker block , 15tn and Farnam. 772
"TjlIHST mortgage loans promptly placed. A.
Ju K. Hlley , 1510 Farnam. 813
Gl'Ell CENT money tolban , Patterson iTlia ?
nard 3la 815th st , , 013
MOSEY to loan on'-diamonds ' , watches nnd
Jewelry ; all buslniias strictly confidential ;
can accommodate you V'Athlong or short loans ;
't will pay you to see mo. Sams Diamond *
iVatch Loan Co. , 2H ) S 15tli st. Doyd's opera
louse block. / > 770 u 11
MONEY to loan : cash bn hand ; no delay. J.
\V. Squire , Ul'J ' Farnam st. , First National
bank building. , , j 141
KIM IIALL , Champ fclllyan
Lof n money oil , .Improved . property In
) maha and principal dddltlous , also building
oans. at low rates , lldom 0 , U. S. Nat bank.
' K12 a3
MONEY loaned otO. ' \ Heed Sc CO.'H Loon
olllco , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons ,
personal property of all kinds , and all other
articles of value without removal , 31fl S. 13th.
All business strictly conlldentlal , 050
"I' you uro figuring on a loan go and talk with
-A. K. Itiley , 1519 Farnam. 813
MONEY to loan on rurnlturo , horses , wagons ,
etc. , or on any approved security. J. W. Hob-
bins. H. 201 Shcely bit , 15th and Howard. 010 J
made on real estate and mortgages
bought. Lew Is 8. Heed tc Co. , 1621 Farnam.
DON'T borrow money on furniture , hordes ,
wagons , etc. , until you have seen C. U.
Jacobs , room 410 , First National bank building ,
cor. 13th and Farnam IJ55
H H7lUEY J5l ) ,000 to loan on city property
and Improved farm land. Frouzer block.
OANS made to parties desiring to build. D.
Ar. Sholes , room 1 , Darker block. CIO
WE keep on hand money to loan on inside
property in Omaha and South Omaha in
sums from JiOO to 85,000 , and as we do our own
valuatlng , make nil papers , etc. , wo can com
plete a loan any day you wish and pay you the
money. Dates , Smith & Co. , Hooni 203 , Itamgo
building. 1)01 )
CITY and farm loans made at lowest rates.
No delay ; no commission charged. J. W.
Kobblns , K. 200 , Shcely blk. , 15th and Howard.
/CHATTEL and collateral loans , M. E. Davis ,
\Jlll S , Uth t. lloom 27. 751
TITONEY to loan on furniture wagons , etc. ,
JlJlwlthout removal or on collateral security.
Business strictly confidential. A. E. Greenwood
& Co. , It 1 , Cunningham block , cor U Jackson.
M ONEY" to loan on Omaha and South Omaha
property , 0.1\ Harrison } B. 15th st. ail
OMAHA Chattel i/mn Co. , has money to loan
on chattel nud collateral security. Itoom 1 ,
Omaha Nat'l llaulc U13
$11,000 to loan on city property , low rates.
II. C. Uoynton,31J S Hth stopp Paxton houso.
] 758 a 12 *
_ _ _
T OAN8 made on Improved ana unimproved
JLJclty pioperty ut lowest rates of Interest,1
special rates on largo loans on lusldo property.
Udell Hros. & Co. , 3U S. Idth St. f37
fONEY to loan. Long time. George J. 1'auL
L lOOy Farnam ht. C.
d > fiOOiOO ( to loan at o per cent , l.mahan i Ma-
Phoney , Itoom KM Piixton block. CIS
MONK\ Good conn-rrclal paper und sliort
tlmomcrtgagesliouglit. Heal estate loans
puiiatQd. S. A. Bloman , 13th and I'urimm.
fljMO.OOO ( I per cent , Money to loan on i mpro-
tpved fuims or city property. James A. Wood
man , at tliu old 11 ro insurance olllcu of Murpny
& Lovctt. 221) ) S. Uth St. ft'U
"OUILDING loans. Llnahan 4 : Mahoney. _
flDfjANO Guarantee and Trust Co. , 1.105 tar-
J-'J-nam Complete abstracts furnished , & titles
to real estate uxamlnedperfected & guaranteed ,
! " COS
pliNSONiVCAHMICIIAKL furnish complete
JJaud Buarantei'd abstracts of tltlo to any
real estate In Omaha ailil'Douglas county upon
fchort notice. The most complete set ot austract
booKs In the city. NoXO Varnam st , teil
P AHTNUIl wanted In saloon , with hinall capital -
ital ; rent cheap ; n'o'llcenses ' to pay ; cant
do all the worJc myself. Inquliu L. O. Hlbben ,
2JOB 13th st. b'J27t
' _ _ _
A'HIiMAIHjK old published manufactur
ing house wants a , unrtner who has tecnr-
ity or cash for an intoWst that will take the
road and handle the Whfclcsalu tr.ule. Call at
room 610 Sheeley block. * 1)11 ) 12J
FOll BAI.l'-IIUBlnon * . lease of store. 412 S.
luth , good stand , call at onco. & 7SaU
HALF liito7oitTri"iTBrociry btort ) anO a nice
house and lot lu Omaha to exchange for
stock of goods In Iowa or Nebraska. Co-opera-
the Land At Lot Co. . 203 N liith st. 7914
BKICIC pard In line location worth 11,500 , to
exchange for saloon or hardware. Cooperative
ative Laud , * Lot Co. , KCtt N lUth st. 7JI 4
BALE l'"irst-cla 3 confectionery , Bta ;
tlonery and ice cream parlor ; in county
seati pop. 3.COO ; caube selling , elckness. Add.
lockbo loa , Wahoo , Neb. .KSO-10 *
RPUDLICAN paper for sale , located inn
county with UW republican majority ; 5 res.
taurants for rale ; one Is ottered at y value ,
Stationery , cigar and confectionery store ,
price nccontinu to invoice , about WOO ; 23 room
noiel , prlco $3,000 , part cash : 1 good bakery. 1
saloon en the corner , price ,000. Co-oneraUvc
Land awl Lot Co. , SOI N. IflVh ut. Ml-0
TflOlt 8AM5 A good , complete bakory. cstRba
J-1 ll ueil tfctir yuan , i-ood location , dolii ? a
good buv'iiii. Take cash , or some cash. Good
reason ror rifting out. Address , X 13. lleo.
toy St
TIKll ) QAtlr A good Innjber.coM , agricultural
JL' implement and llvn stock butlncss. Address
Hedge ros. . Yntan , Neb. _ 701 s I
"TJ1OH SAL1I Lumber and hardware in Oel.
JL1 rlchs , Fall Hlver co. . Dak. Monthly sales
from K.-UOO to WVJO , w Ith stock VOW , Will sell or
rent yard. Profit ) to tooo per month. II. A.
Calland , Oolrlcln , Dak. 7M-C *
For cash n small stock of gro-
cerles with store lliture.s at ono of the best
locations in the city to open a cash trade. Ad
dress X 1) ) llee. 707 St
T710H SALE A good , clean stock of hardware
JL ? of about &JWO. located 121) miles northw est
of Omaha ; population 1.2W ) . County seat , llus *
mess established live years. Terms cash. Hea-
hens for selling , poor health , Address. X 10 ,
Omaha lice. _ 7.15-8 *
A CHOICE opening for a tl.fino stock of
groceries and crockery. Ilulldlng ready ,
rent rcahouablo. 11. H. Wilde , Osccola , Neb.
_ 7K1-8J
FOlt BA LK Dntg business on principle street
luclty. Omaha llustuess Exchange , S. W.
cor. 15th and Douglas. f > 'Ji
AFIHST-CLAS3 opportunity for an cnergetlo
business man in tlie hotel linn in the house
] ust completed at the corner ot Oth and Pacltlc
sts. , 2 blocks from the 11. St M. nnd U. 1' . depots.
Water and gas all over the house and all mod
ern Improvements ; also 2 stores In same build
ing. 22x50 , with good cellars , suitable for any
business , as there is a densely populated neigh
borhood and good tralllo ; reasonable. Apply to
Elllnger Hros. , B12 8. 10th at. . Omaha. Neb , lull
"iTlOinSALliPTho celebrated mineral spring
JL ? near Imogene , Iowa , A fortune for borne
ono. Address , A , B. Lake , Bhcnandoah , la.GrO
PAHTNEll in a restaurant , paying $ , KX ) per
month. Omaha llusliiess exchange , 8. W.
cor. Ifith and Douglas. C91
FOll SALK Half Interest In one of best pay
ing Sunday papers In the west. Job olllco
In connection. Ill health reason for selling.
Address U S7. Iloo ollloe 531
FOll SALK-An established Insurance agency.
Call at Omaha lluslnoss exchange , S. W.
cor 15th und Douglas.
"IIUHl SALE A first class bakery , Ice cream ,
JL' fruit end confectionery business in Fre
mont ; splendid location , good reasons for sell
ing. Address Geo. Uasler. Fremont , Neb. W8
FOll SALK A good grocery , established four
years , good location , doing a good business.
Good reasons for selling. $2UK ) capital , und will
take nothing but cash. T 20. llee Olllce. COO
WANTED A good horse , buggy and harness
in exchange for South Omalia lots. George
J. Btcinsdorfr. room 0 , opp postolllco. 230
T7IOH 3ALE Not for trado. 513.7(1 ( acres of iiu-
JL' proved land 2 miles from Marquelte , in
Hamilton Co. , Nebraska. Frame house , frame
stable , UK ) acres under a good 4 barb-wire fence ,
round cedar posts nnd 2 Htayo : living water ,
good corral. 2 wells , wind-mill. 32) ) barrel tank ,
" elf-feeder troughs , otc75acros clover ; a model
rlco ( less than $13 per aero ) $7,000
! nsh 4,000
J years time nt o per cent 3OiK )
Go nnd look over the land , and address the
owner , F. 1C. AtbUi . 15U2 Larimer st. , Denver ,
"old. 572-4
" \\TI3 have u. KOoilt5lWJ stock of geneinl mer-
t T chnndlsu to exchange for clear Omaha
property. Co-Operutlvo Land is Lot Co , 215 N.
'llth st. B50 (1 (
F EXCHANGE Iowa or Kansas land for
- mdsii. or livery. H. & 11. , Dux W3 , Shenandoah -
doah , Iowa. 828 K
TO EXCHANO E-A J400 equity In nn SOJ lot
for n good second hand plauo. Address
38MHuiniUouHt. 7BO 11
TIT"ANTED NINE hundred thousand or more
T > brick for lots and cash.V. . J. Paul. 1003
Farnam. 774
GOOD quarter sections of land In llrown.
Holt und Ouster counties , for houses nnd
ots , horses or HtocKS of goods , furniture ot two
good Hats , to exchange for city property nnd
noibes. Two saloons for land or Omaha prop-
eity. Three stocks of yoods for Rome cash and
good real estate. Photograph gallery for Dart
cash and real estate. Set of abstracts ot title
for real estate or merchandise. $700 1st mort
gage paper tor stock of groceries , and will pay
dllferenco In rash. Co-Oporatlve Laud and Lot
Co. , 205 N. Ifith St. tOO U
aJ. STEHNBDOKKF , lloom 6 , opposite P.
O. , has some choice farm land to trade
for city property. Will assume light incum-
branced. 231
BKfCK. Wanted 100,000 bricks in exchange
for good Inside Omaha pronurty. S. A.
Bloman rooiu22and23 Hellmun bldg. tifll
rilltADES made in reaL estate and personal
JL property. See exchange book. Co-ou. L.
and L. Co. 20 N. 10th st. 1U3
"ITTIIAT have you to olfer for l.SWO acres of
T T timber laudl n West Virginia , clear of In-
cumbrancc , perfect title. Geoigu J. Sternsdorlf ,
lloom fi. opposite P. O. S31
WHAT have you to trade for 60 acres or lana
untucumberod in .luneau county , Wls , ,
3 miles from county seat. G , J.
6 , opp Postoflico. 1G7
F H EXCHANGE-Neb. farm or two South
Omaha lots for span ot mares or mules. W.
L. Bolby , 1521 Farnam St. 060
EIGHTY (80) ( ) acres of and adjoining Lake
Munawa , Council , Dlutrs , la. This tract
will make 409 beautiful lots and is free from
encumbrance. What nave you to offer ? George
J. Btcriisdorff room 0 , opp P. O. 1 7
NEW 2 seated carriage and now single top
buggy to trade for long time real estate
mortgage. W. It. Solby 1531 Farnain st. Quo
b EXCHANGE House and lot in Nora
JL Springs , la. , worth $1W ) , bunk building In
same place worth $ . ' ,500 , and UK ) acres of land in
Hancock county , Iowa , worth $ -2,400 , nil clear ,
for business property or good residence in
Omaha , will pay FJ , < 100 to S5.00J cash additional.
Call nnd get full particulars. C. F. Harrison. 418
S 15th st. 40(1 (
WILL give you a good trade for an eight or
ten room house nnd lot. George J. titorns-
dorff. Room 0 , opposite P. O. 231
TOTE have for sale a longtime lease of the best
V T location for fancy retail business in the
city. Fearon , Cole & Robertson , 310 S. 16th at.
tgSOO buys a full lot and good 4-roora cottage ,
P easy termn and good location. Sbolcs If
Hunt , successors to D. V. Sholes , room l , liuikor
b'.oclc. 102
MUnT bo Hold 3 lots on t carlnUramercy
park $ i75 per lot ; 2.5 acres on West Doago
st. $150 per ncru , terms to suit ; this is a bargain
and nuibt be sold at once. Address Dee olllco.
Will trade for house and lot. Address X 8 Deo.
TOO 4 *
OMAHA Lot 10 block7. Must be Bold
at once lor cash. This Is a choico. Jot near
Summit depot. InyeUVnlo and send sealed
biualC J. C. uoscha , Continental liotol.SaltLako
City. 8JJ 68
EAST front in Shull's 2J add , three-quarters
of a blk from ttio route of cable ; lot 60x127 ,
B feet above grade ; $2,80J It taken quick. O. F.
Harrison. 418 S. 15th. 171
T710R SALE-Lot in Smith Park , 60x110. facing
JL' east on 10th st. Price , t" > ,2U ) ; } { cash ; If you
don't wish to build on the lot do not apply. C.
F. 11 arrlson , 418 S 15th. 777
T71OH SAtiE Full lot and large 2-story housa
JU of 7 largo rooms , geol well , cellar , cistern In
the kitchen , good neighborhood , street cars ,
church , school und store close by. All new and
complete , J.C.X ) . Small rash payment , balance
monthly. Just the place lor u man of moderate
means and large family. Come and ace me
about it. 0. F. Harrison , 418 8.15th bt. KJ2
ONE thousand people wanted at my ollico , bo
that 1 can tell you how to get a home , I can
put you Hi the way of having a nice , cozy little
place of your own. It don't take much monfy.
Call and see mo about it at ouco. C. F. Hnrrl-
Eon , 418 S 16th st. 777
FOR SALE I nm prepared to build you a
good house In a good location and take
monthly payments on tun house and lot. Call
and see me about it. 0. F. Harrison , 41 $ 15 15th.
NEW five-room cottage , full lot , good location ,
for sale cheap ; small cash payment , bal
ance to suit. Inquire of C. II , Sllkworth , 1505
Farnain Bt , 702-ti *
BARGAIN Lot 13 , block3 , Summit Place ad
dition , C8 feet on Farnam by 132. Ktmball ,
Champ & Ryan , room 0 , U. H. Nnt , bank.
811a3 !
TJ10R rea estate call on Geo. j. fauu lOT ) Kurn
TTtORSALE ll.SOOfora neat 6-ronm cottage ,
JL' LM11 Grace Bt.nlcu homo for a mechanl'J woi K-
Ingln the north part ot town. Easy
C. F. Harrison. 418 South 16thst. _ 2U _
ELEGANT residence lots for sale In lluuscom
place by Hicks , Room 40 , lliirKer hlooX.
BARGAIN Choice tcn-acro tract In a fluu
state of cultivation , especially desirable for
fruit nnd market garden , for snlo ut figure * that
make It u big bargain , lleo. X. lllr.ks , Itoom 40 ,
JJarker block , S.\v. corner 15th and Farnam.
CHEAP LAND-COO acres of good land In
Hamilton county , Nebraska , at a grer.t bar
bain. Terms easy. Address W. J. Wlltlmiu
Denver. Colo. KM-7
\\7ILli sell a lot near Lowe ave. for f 1,56) , anil
T V loan ll.OJO to Improve laine. on itt month
ly payment * , Addrosi , D. 0. l'Httr on , 481
T AM agent for tome cit the finest ruul Jcnw
J- lots lu Honscom Place und can o3 r thitu at
ilgurus It will par you to Investigate. HJ ; 3
} lix > U ] 10 , U&rker block. iU
TTWH BALE-lly M. A. Upton ft Co ,
JL' KlU st. , bpposlto chamber pt commerce.
' lluslnoss Property
Farnam street , between 18th and 23J , 1X0 Q >
$700 per foot ,
Capitol avinne , between 15th and IQlh , KOO
prr foot.
Corner 10th and Jones , CO ft. deep , (203 per
Corner 15th and Jones , CO ft , deep , HCO.Ct ) per
Douglas street , between 10th and llth , JTOO
per foot ,
Howard street , between llth and 15thMW per
foot ,
Howard street , between Uth and ICth$530 per
Twelve per cent Investment Three S story and
basement brick houses , 10 looms each , nil mod
ern improvements , on cable line , $23,500 ! tf.fioo
cash , balance 4 years ; will take good , clear lot
lor part cash payment.
Deautlful south front lot In block 5 , Kountzo
Pluco ; elegant 12 room house , furnace , laun
dry , bath , hot and cold water , electric nnintu-
clator and burglar alarm , interior finely fin
ished. J.s.000 ; 2uMcash , balance easy.
Fine Kountzo Place residence , south front on
Enimet st. , between 20th and 21st , opposite tin )
reserve , 10-room house finely finished , all mod
ern conveniences axcopt furnace , pipes In for
that , street car within half n block , $7,000 ; $2,600
cash or good notes , balance easy.
Ten-room house , now and complete , south
front , In block 31. Kountze Place. 0,7UO ; K,1M
cash. This Is within 74 feet ot 20th Bt.
Fine residence In Windsor place , full cast
front lot , elegant 10-room house , bath , hot nnd
cold water , furnace , lint-class barn. A choice
home. $7,500. Price Includes now carpets and
A nlco cast front lot In Windsor Place , new
8-room house , well , cistern , cemented collar.etc.
A line home , only $ . ) , ; 00 ; $501) ) cash , $500 In ono
year , balance In three years ,
Hero , see this : (10-foot ( front lot in Shlnn's
2nd add. , on Franklin st. east of 30th , 6-room
house , cellar , cistern , young trees , good side
walks , etc. , etc. , $3OUO ,
Residence Sites.
Fine building lot. No. > , in block 1 , Dcnlso ad
dition , three blocks from cable line ; an extra
bargain at $2.250.
Very Easy Terms-Lots 13 nnd 14 , block 2. Kll-
by Place on 3Uth between Dodge nud Davou-
port J1.700 each. It party will build a house to
cost not less than $ luuo , will sell lot with only
$100 cash payment , balance 1 , 2 and 3 years.
Fine residence site. 12(1x150 ( , east front corner ,
botw-Hon Lcavenworth nud Fnrnnni , only two
blocks from paved street. Note the sl o nnd lo
cation of this piece of ground and then the low-
price , $4,600.
Deuutlful east front lot In Arcade Place on
! th street , Just south of Lcavenworth.for $1,800.
This Is $500 below actual value , and w ill be lu
the market n short time only ut thu prlcu
Very Choice Residence Site M foot east front
on 37th street , 150 feet south ot Fnrnum. 37th
street Is being paved from Farnam to Lcavun-
worth. No location better than this for line
residence. Price , $ 'JCtlO.
Kl\o blocks from paved strcet.ouo block south
of Leavenworth , U" > xl3) ) , coiner , lies b autlful.
Gradual slope from lots to Lcnvonworth Direct.
$1,450 ; $4fiO cash. Is below bed rock for this. Note
the size of the lots nnd that It is a double cor
Something Choice Lot 4. block 0 , Hillside No.
1 , on Davenport street , opposite Yates' f.VOOJ )
mansion , onlvtiOO. . Them's n nice icsldonco
site for you nt a low llguro.
Now heio Is n bargain : 2(1x110 ( on Park ave. ,
between Mason andPucltlc sts. , $2,100 , adjoining
40 lect sold for ? I25 per foot.
Don't miss this : Lot 1 , Clarke's add. . Just
north of St. Mary's avo. , 01 feet trout , worth
$0,400. We will soil for n short time for $ o,50J.
South Omaha Property.
Three good Southomaha lots at a pncemuch
below their value. Lot 14 block 12 , Albright's
nnnux. just northwest of depoton main county
road , $100 ; lot 1 block 3 , Drown's park , corner
on 23d and H ( llrown st. ) , $1,200 ; lot 3 block 21.
South Omnlm , finest Inside lot , 00x150 , east
fiont , $1100.
Lot (1 ( block M , and lot 1 block 09 , 81,000 each ;
one-third lash , balance in four equal semi
annual payments. Viaduct on L st. will make
these lots very valuable. Lot 12 block 71 ,
Hotel bargain Now 14-room hotel : lot 30x
160 , just south of N st , , prlco $8,000 , which In
cludes hotel furniture , saloon fixtures , etc.
mixI60on25tli Just north of M st. , opposite
thn Heed hotel , wftn good cottage , 110,000. This
will bo worth $ . ! OJ a foot In a year from to-day.
We liavo on our list the best South Omalia
business nnd residence propeity in the market ;
wo can sell it at the lowest prlco obtainable.
JL A. Upton & Co. , Tel. 85 f , 710
CALL and see the plat nnd prices of Seymour
park. li. F. Heaver , Itoom 40 , llarkcr block.
FOll SALK The very best laud In Chojenno
county. Neb. , from 15.00 to $7.00 nn aero.
1 tenth down , balance In ten annual equal pay-
mtmts. Leddle Hros. , Julcsburg , Colo.
BIG money in It on account of prices nnd
terms ; lot 0 , block 55 , So. Omaha ; M50 casn ,
M50 May , 1WW , and other payment February ,
Ib91. D. D. Smcaton , Darker blk .Omnlm. 507 5
N1 OHTH OMAHA. Noith Omaha. North
Omaha. 882-5J
SAL13 A beautiful residence lot In Isaac
A ; Selden's addition : If you want a bargain ,
Investigate. George J. Stcrnsdorlf , Room 0 ,
opp. P. O. 681
ALT , those desiring to go out and Inspect the
beauties of Seymour park , nnd the advan
tages it offers for homes , are requested to call
at the olllco of E. F. Scavor , Hooni 40 , Darker Illk.
M FRANKLIN formerly of 513 Poxton Illdg.
will carry on hU trading nt 1511 Farnam st.
Redlck'.s Block at Paulson and Arueman's room
and will always have a good list of property
to trade and exchange. 4'JO
OOlt SALE Deautlful 8-room house with all
JL1 modern Improvements , full lot , Kouutzo
place , * 7iKX ) ; ) ii cash , Will trade for good va
cant business property on lower Sounders 8t.
C. F. Harrison , 41u S 36th st. COO
/COUNCIL DLUKFS-Nico 1-room cottage ,
v good barn , lot 60x120 , on Droadway , paved
street , street cars by the door ; can give posses
sion at an any time , but has good tenant at $15
pur month. Only $ -OOJ. Twenty acres Just
north of Droadway , ono mlle from the river ,
$1,000 per acre ; submit oiler ; only CO feet from
motor Hue. M. A. Upton 4 ! Co. 737
NLY a few lots left In D. & M. park addition
to South Omaha. What have you to olTnr ?
George J. Sternsdorlf. Room C , opj > . : P. 0. 231
T71OR SALE Or exchange. We have some
JL' good Omaha real estate and Nebraska
farms , which we will soil cheap or trade for
stock of clothing , furnishing goods , dry goods ,
boots andshoes , groceries or hardware. Schlos-
Inger Pros. . OU B. 10th at. 01.5
J. STEKNSDOHFF. room 8 opposite post-
olllco , will sell you a oad 4-room house
on ICth street , 2 blocks south of car line , by payIng -
Ing $ JOQ cash , balance monthly payments to
suit. Tills Is a splendid opportunity for any
one wanting a cheap home. 2Ji
I710R SALK Improved farm of 60 acres ; good
JL' orchard , fences , house , barn , outbiilldiiigd
and living water ; fifteen mile * from OniaUS ,
'Iho best produce and live stock market lu the
world. $45 per acre. ij. 1' , Harrison , 418 S. 15th ,
Dinah" . 1154
Nos. 3O3-4O4-I7O-6O4.
Cnpltal Stock # 150,000
Liability of Stockholders 800,000
Five 1'er Cent Intercut Paid on Do-
losltsCompounded Semi"
I , . .M. HUNNKTT. Vlco President.
F. W. WESSF.LlS , Manaclng Director.
JOHN 15. WILUUlt , Cashier
. ( . .1. Ititow.v , I > , M , ,
c. ! ' . MANDKIISON , i'no . KIMUALL ,
IIHNIIV I'UNDT , H , li. Hi ON I ! ,
( ) \HIIA 1. . JcT. CO. , It. U. WlM.IAMS ,
MAX Mr.rKii , TIIUMAN llircK ,
A.V80N G. MCCOOK , N. W. WEt.1.8 ,
II.NlHUAN , JOHN K , WlLDtllt.
Cnpltnl : . . . ? 500OOQ
Surplut w 100,000
JOHN A. CUKIUHTON , Vic © President
P. n. PA VIS , Ca&hler.
W. u , MUqaUIKU , As lst nt Cashier
' Notice.
My wltt , Francis Tlnson , Isavlnp loft my hem
without good caufo or provocation , I hprobjr
Rhonotlcii to the iiublluthat I will not bo re-
MHinslblo for any dcuts contracted by her from
this date. A , J. lltuo.v.
OMAHA , Augusts. AugKdiltt
* !
% J *
Hunnlng between Council Ilium and Albright.
In addition to the nutlons muntlnuod , trains
If 1
Corner of ICth and Farnam Streets , Chamber ot
Commerce Duildlng.
Capital Stock . 9400.000
Liability of Stockholders . 800,000 '
Fire per cent p l > l on deposits , loans made on real -I
c'tnto und pcrsnnul security ; notes , warrants , Itacki ,
JOHN L. SULKS. President.
ANIJUEW llOSKWATKn , Vlcn Pr ' 3Bnt.
iinX7r.ll H. TUOMAB , UMh
John I ; . Miles , Krastus ItrrHOn ,
bntuuel Cotncr , John II. Urans ,
Anilrow Hoicwntcr , Morris Morrison ,
W.A. L.lilobon , lleo. M. Uurker ,
( iov. Alvln SumiJcrs , Dexter TJ. Thomas ,
Norman A. Kulm , .lames Thompson ,
I'.ll. Johnson , John Kuan ,
Goo. C. Hobble.
W. D. M K At ) , Prcs. W. D. Mr. AIJ. Jr , V-Prcs
Capital , - $100,000
Loans Sfade on Real Estate.
N o commissions. Money on hand.
South IBlh Street , Omaha , JVc6
.Boston. Mass , } Kansas City , Mo ,
Capital &Suplys : $1,500000 $ ,
Tills company has opened an Omaha office and
is prepared to f urnUh money promptly ou Im
proved city and farm property.
No applications sent away for approval.
Loans closed and paid for without delay.
JOHN W. GIHH , Manager ,
009 South Uth St. , First National llaulc.
0 ? 3 = 3 ; 0 = 3
Has opened an oiUco In Omaha , and U pro *
promptly on desirable Improved Property. Hus-
Iness U all transacted at this olllce. No delays
whatever. Wo alio make
GEO , M , VAN EVERA , Secretary ,
lloom 80 Chamber ot Commerce , ICUi add Vve *
naiu SlrctUk