Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered t > r Carrier In Any Part of tlio City nt
Tui'titjr Cents 1'er Week.
11. W. Tlf/roN MANAUEII.
HiWNF.PS Orrici : . No. 11.
NldllT KniTOH , No. SI.
N. Y. Plumbing company.
Tliorn wore no preaching services in
the Congregational church yesterday ,
tlio pastor , Kov. O. W. Groftn , being
ttwuy on 11 vacation.
Tlio Salvation Army paraded last
evening \vflh an umiHiml addition in
the shape of a cavalry bqund , composed
mostly of youngsters in from tlio coun
try. They made a very ulllcient rear
The members of the Congregational
Sunday school will have a picnic in
Fail-mount park next Thursday. The
teams will leave the church at 9 o'clock
in the morning and return between 6
and 7 in the afternoon.
At St. Paul's church yesterday morn
ing Kov. Mr. Sorctihon f > poke on "Tlio
Dignity of Labor. " Ho took the
broader position that labor Is by no
means con lined to the physical , but em
braces labor of the head as well.
Encampment No. 8 , Union Veteran
league , will hold a regular meeting
this evening at 7i : ; ( ) o'clock , and every
member is earnestly requested to at
tend. There will bo a couple of musters ,
and if those In attendance are on hand
promptly they will bo disposed of early.
Yesterday's ' ball game at the lake
resulted in a victory for the J. J. Har-
dins by a score of 8 to 0 , It was a very
fair exhibition of the national game ,
unJ proved qulto interesting to the
small crowd of spectators on the
Jamcu Lawrence , living on Madison
street , was arrested last evening on a
warrant sworn out by his wife , charing
him with the larceny of $4.50 of her
hard earned havings. Lawrence is a
hard looking customer , and will bo
given a hearing this morning.
There will bo an interesting pro
gramme carried out at Mr.uawa on the
1(1 ( th liiBt. The Omaha Flambeau club
will picnic there on that date , and in
the evening will give an exhibition
drill on the lake on board of the M. P.
Hohror. The Second Infantry band
and two strintr bands will also be in at
tendance and add to the enjoyment.
Full details will bo announced later ,
and everybody should plan to bo on
hund on that date.
.T. Kelley was run In Saturday night
for obstructing the sidewalk , and then
insulting an olllcor when politely re
quested to "move on. " Ho should be
severely dealt with , as a warning that
the tender feelings of our blue-coated
guardians of the peace must not bo ruth
lessly lacerated. The average Council
Bluffs ' 'peeler" has a hard enough time
to cover his ten-mile beat , cash his
warrants" take bound
slxty-five-cont city ,
"cus.sings" for everything that is or is
not done , as fancy may dictate , and try
to be in forty-eight places at once ,
without being "ininiltcd'1 whenever ho
does manage to got anywhere.
J. G. Tipton has bargains in real estate.
Travelers ! Stop at the Bochtolo.
Pacific House is open to the traveling
public , notwithstanding to the contrary.
Artists prefer the Hallott & Davis
piano , at C. B. Music Co. , 224 Broadway.
Buy mantels , grates and hearth fur
nishings of the Now York plumbing Co.
Ftvo Harvest KxcurHinna.
The Burlington Route , C. , B. < fc Q. R.
R. , will Eoll from principal stations on
its lines on Tuesdays , August 21 , Sep
tember 11 and 25 , and October 0 and
23 , Harvest Excursion Tickets at Hall
Rates to the Farming Regions of the
West , Southwest and Northwest. Foi
tickets and further information concerning -
corning these excursions call on youi
nearest C. , B. & Q. Ticket Agent , 01
address P. S. Eustis , General Passongci
and Ticket Agent , Chicago.
Mrs. John Green , of Lower Broadway
is seriously ill.
Mrs. D. W. Bushnell has gene to Chicago
cage on a brief visit.
William J. Craig , of Catasauqua , Pa.
Is visiting friends in the city.
Lucius Wells and family are expcctei
homo from Colorado this week.
Prof. McNaughton returned from th <
Avoca Institute to spend Sunday wit !
his family.
Miss Ida Southwell , of Burlington , ii
visiting with Mrs. J. H. Arthur , 01
Fourth street.
Mr. J. W. Brewer left for Kansas Cltj
yesterday morning to enter upon an en
gagcment with a minstrel troupe foi
the coming reason.
Mrs. D. A. Force , wife of a prominon
grocer of Sabotlm. Kan. , is in the cilj
visiting her sihters , Mrs. C. 11. Allen
on Park avenue , and Mrs. II. Corliss
of Bunton street.
S. W. Scott , chief clerk of the general
oral passenger department of UK
Union Pncitlc railway , and A. Troy nor
general baggage agent at tlio transfer
nro enjoying a brief vacation at Colfa :
Miss Scd Taylor , of Mt. Pleasant
who has many friends in this city , i
1ho guest ot Mrs. J. M. Mathows. Shi
goes from hero to Omaha , where sin
will accept a position in the genera
ofllco of the Missouri Pacific railwa ;
Frank Harmon , one of the pronrio
tors of Hotel Manawa , has boon ill fo
Bomo time , and has concluded to try i
little change. Ho will leave for lu )
luth , Wis. . , in a day or two. Durinj
his absence his brother , C. D. Harmon
will nuinago utTairs at the hotel.
Mrs. II. N. Wood , of DCS Moincs , ha
been the guest of Justice E , S. Barnol
und famllyon south First street , for tli
past two weoka , but was taken borloiiBl
ill shortly after arriving , and her prof
once in the city was not mudo know
until she was suniciontly recovered t
receive friends. She is now gainin
rapidly , much 'to the joy of her man
Full line of shoot music at Counc
Bluffs Music Co. , 224 Broadway.
Stop at the Pacific Houso. The mo :
centrally located hotel in the city.
Money loaned at L. 0. Crafts & Co.
loan otlfco , on furniture , pianos , horbo :
wiigotiH , personal property of nil kind
ami all other articles of value witlioi
removal. AH business strictly coal
dontlal. _
Patrons of the Paul Ho House hav
none but word * of pralno for the attoi
tlon given tUem.
E. IT. Khcafo loans money on chutti
security of ovury ilohcrlptlon. Prlva !
contuUIni ; roomy. All business strict ]
CoiHldontal. Olllcd 600 Broadway , co
nor Main jtnot , up-fttairs.
U , \Vudtvroath & Co. loan money.
Eloquouco Supplied by Visitors
Prom Other Cities.
A Youthful Ilnllroiul Wrecker A
Child Wanderer From Oinntiii
Uriel'Bluffs Items and Inter-
I'crsouul Mention.
What Is It to Son Christ ?
The pulpit at the Broad way Methodist
church was occupied yesterday morning
by the Rev. W. O. Allen , of Malvorn ,
who preached an eloquent as well as
practical discourse. IIo is a drop
thinker and close rcasoner , and Ills
effort was listened to with interest and
profit. Ho spoke from these words :
"And when they had lifted up their
oycsthoysawno man , save Jesus only. "
Matt. 17:8. : "Tlio world has been car
ried away by the desire to see. " 'said the
speaker. "Scientists , philosophers
and the whole world seek to look into
the things which are beyond , above and
beneath them. In all directions keen
eyes look and gaze to see what other
men have not discovered. This is scon
in the discovoris made in the realm lying
within the palo of human civilization.
Various instruments having magnifying
and powerful louses are constructed
for these purposes. It is , and
always has been , the great desire -
sire of man to get a clearer
view of what has lain in darkness
and mystery. It was the doubting dis
ciple why said , 'Let me see Jesus. ' It
was the Gorman philosopher who bald ,
'More light , more light. ' Through the
avenue of sight , more than any other , is
education gained.
The gospel takes up the same idea ,
this paramount thought and desire of
man. " Numerous passages of scripture
ivoro cited to substantiate this point.
'Now , with all the evidence before us ,
omo may object that in some directions
nen wee too much. It is a laudable ain-
rition to reach tlio truth , but when
error is the goal men may be truthfully
aid to see too much. Investigation ,
itudy , seeing , hag revolutionized art ,
science , philosophy and the world. Text
books are remodeled to suit the things
homo man has claimed to sec , and in a
'ow years oilier men see other things ,
ind the 'seeing' of those who preceded
, hem is pronounced untrue. The tendi
ng of to-day is not that of a very few
yearn ago. Then it is no wonder that
borne one bays 'Wo see too much , '
"Notice God's plan in the arrangement
of the oyo. It can be closed , to shut out
the world. The incidental thought
lore is that man should rellect asycll
us see. Note the lesson In the betting
riun. During pno half the time the
tli is left in darkness. Rest , ro-
[ lection is God's plan here and I am not
sure but that artificial lights are a di-
God's . * * *
cct Innovation of plan.
It might bo well if men \yould adopt a
compromise between booing too much
and bceing well. The remedy gained
in the ono will suggest the remedy for
the other.
"Let mo ask you to consider what ben
efits come from Boeing Jesus alone.
First , one gains a concentrated vision.
Some men tire like Chinese junks ; they
: mvo great eyes and see nothing. They
would go to the farthest limit of God's
creation. They are too much like
Martha. They are troubled about many
things. What is wanted in n
practical life is singleness ol
tieart. Tn our immediate surroundings
there is a world of knowledge if it is
sought with a single purpose.
"Second. Jesus is seen by 'lifting up
the oyo. ' By 'lifting up' here is n
shutting out of the world. Then Jesus
is scon ; not clearly , perhaps , at lirst ,
for the eye is educated slowly. A
student of the heavens sees through hit
liibs stars which your eye would not
lotect. If wo have the eye of God we
have a concentrated vision.
" "Third. Wo get the broadest view
posjible. It docs not , as bomo say ,
bring to us a imrrowiniiulcdness. We
look through nature for a way tc
heaven , and Jesus bays 'I am the way. '
Wo search the philosophies of the
earth to find the truth , and Jesus say ;
'I am the truth. ' Wo search creation
for life , and Jesus says 'J
: im the life. ' God has given
us two pairs of eyes , ono pair for this
world and another for that spiritual
world unseen by human eyes , and he
who sees Jesus only sees enough foi
two worlds.
il'Fourth. It gives encouragement tc
man by directing his attention awaj
from the perplexities and cares of thin
life. * * * There are bomo things
wo had better not see at all. The
monks of old used to wrap cowles about
their heads that their eyes might not
look upon the profane things of the
earth. * * * Peter walked well
upon the water so long as his eye was
fixed on Jesus. * * * If wo could
control the eye so as to shut oat what
ought not to como in it would bo bcttci
for us.
"Lastly. Seeing Jesus IH the onlj
sure reliance for the haul. Tin
world holds out enticing hands and
promises us many things , but that pronv
o is a ( Ichis-ion and is also the gift. A
snare is it which catches the eye witl
lust and leads the all too-willing feet t (
destruction. Wo ought to bo seeking
after the truth ; walking in the way
drinking at tlio fountain of life ; to sc <
Jesus in which is the full fruition o
promise. "
The speaker was most happy in tin
ube of illustration anil held the alien
tion of the audience closely by the xibi
of these word paintings. In closing hi
said : "Tho face of Jesus will bo bofon
you whoa all memory of other faces ha
failed you. His name will form tin
soul's sweetest melody when ull earth 1 ,
names are forgotten. "
Uiiltnl ClirUtlan Homes.
Tlio Presbyterian church was filloi
yesterday with a congregation to hca
again the voice of Rev. Dr. Cloland , th
former pastor , who for nearly sovontco
years served this people so faithfull
and acceptably. Whenever ho makes
visit hero and an opportunity is give
to hear him , the church is crowdei
The usual cordial reception was give
him yesleyday. Rov. Dr. Cloland is D
present pastor of the church at Spring
field , Mo. , and advantage was taken t
his brief visit here to secure from liii
ono of his excellent sermons. The prci
out mister , Rev , Dr. Phelns , in nnnoutn
ing him , for an introduction was needc
by but few , was very huijpy in his o >
prcssions , paying Dr. Cicland a wo !
merited compliment , without any ur
pleasant fulsomoness. Dr. Ctoland vvs
not a whit behind in the hearty appri
chiUon of the kindly fooling manifei
and in the reciprocity of adiniratior
Ho congratulated the church on havin
such a leader. It was a touching slgl
to sup two such grand men upon tli
sumo pulpit' platform , two mou to whoi
ot only the church folks but the com *
munlty at large arc bo warmlj'altaehed.
Dr. Cleland expressed his npiirocia-
lon of the cordiality with which ho
VIIH greeted every time ho visited
Council BlnlTs. It was an evidence to
lim of the immortality of the affections.
Vnother thought which these greetings
uul suggested , was that there always
ame to mind with the individual the
bought of those related to him. With
learly every hand-grasp , and welcome ,
iniio the quick inquiry as to the welfare
> f the family. This was gratifying as
veil , and it had suggested a theme for
he morning discoui > e."Tlie Unity of the
Christian Household. " IIo cho e as his
ext the words ; "For I urn come to sot
i man at variance against his father ,
and the daughter against her mother ,
ind the daughter-in-law against her
nothor-in-law. And a man's foes shall
10 they of his own household. "
Although the gospel of Christ was ono
of peace , and although its purpose was
mt to thus bring discord into the homo ,
'ot Its oiToet was often to sot those of a
lou.sohold over against each other.
Christ's supremacy in the homoj must
jo rocogni/.ed. Unlike other religions
lie religion of Christ KIWIS coloring to
, ho life , and made distinct changes ,
'ho followers of Christ must have their
ives thus changed by obeying him , and
lenco arose differences between thoao
svoii of the same household. Mime con-
orining their lives to Christ's require-
nonts , others refusing to do so.
Tlio preacher pictured some of tlm
ac cnnseqnont'es of families being thus
U'idod , and in contrast presented the
leeds and the blessings of Christian
inity in the home. Ho made this ap
ical with peculiar fervor and tondcr-
oss , for among his hearers were many
t wlio'-o weddings ho had outdated ,
nd whoso homes he had so often
visited : IIo pleaded with them that
here should bo this second and sweeter
vcdding in the love of Christ , and that
hey unite as husband and wife , as
mrents and children in the loving bcr-
ii-e of Christ.
The numerous allusions to homo life ,
oming from one who for so many years
vassn closely associated with them , in
lours of jov and of sadness , were so ten-
.erly earnest at to causa the tears to
omo to the eyes of uviny of the lioton-
; r.s. IIo talked to thcin HUe a great
icnrtcd brother , and at times his own
emotions were ni'inifest in tlnr moist
ened eye and the pelccpliblo choking ol
lie vok'o. The appeal wiio one which
vill not soon bo forgotten , and cannot
but lead some into a bolter and more
lulled homo life.
For bargains in real estate see 12. II.
jheafe & Co. , Broadway and Main
Irccl , upstairs.
Trio Ilont Clul ) Hoard From.
The members of the Council Bluffs' '
Yachting olub would like to say a word
n justification to their yacht , the J. C.
3ixby , in Saturday's race. Just prioi
o the race the . ) . C. Bixby started tc
? o over the course , and in rounding tin
irst stake piissud within ten feet of ii
ind had not pas ud it by twenty feel
vhem it ran aground of a sand bar nnc
stuck so fast that the Nellie Roller hat'
.o bo culled to pull her oil. The dolaj
caused it to bo too la'c for the race
Ur. Kappoll claims the stake was ii :
, wo feet ofater. . Kv-an if it was lit
showed very poor judgment in placing
it where it was , as itas so near the
sand bar that the principal contestant :
ran aground and had to pull up theii
center boards and thereby lost sevora
ninuten in going around it. Some o
, he contestants also claim they had tc
jull in their center boards in order te
: ome in to the finish stakes and alsc
ivero thrown oil' their course by othci
lags sot out near their course. Mr
ICappell would like to be heard froir
and show cause why this race shouk
lot be declared on"on these grounds.
A You UK llnilrond Wrecker.
Chief Lucas discovered a youngstoi
of about ton yoais of age placing ob
structions on the rails of the motoi
, rack near the dummy depot. He pro
ceedcfl to arrest him , when the youtu
mp bit his hand and kicked and'curset
lim until the ciiief fairly lost hii
ireath. Ho quickly recovered am
shook the refractory cub until ho die
lot know whether he was a liumar
Doing or a Manawa sailboat in a cyclone
Ho was then turned over to his father
who was evidently more to blame thai :
the boy , and both were threatened with
a term in jail if they gave any mon
A. Little Wnudorrr.
A lonesome little six-year old win
found on the streets Saturday night
and taken to the station by Iho police
He gave his name as Eli Hiinloy , ant
said he was brought over hero fron
Ills home in Omaha by a stranger , win
, -aveliim lOcents. lie didn't Know wheiv
lie lived , and but little information
could be got out of him , as ho was coil'
sidernbly frightened and an i in nodi his speech rendered it dillicult
to understand him. lie was dressed ii
blue waist , dark knee pants , blacli
cap , and was barefooted. lias blue eyci
und very light hair. He will be holt
hero until it can b o ascertained if h <
lias relatives or friends on tlio othoi
side of the river.
E. II. Sheafo & Co. , make long 01
short time loans on real estate , in sum
to suit , at lowest rate of interest. Otllci
Broadway and Main street , upstairs.
U'lio IjiKlilniH oriiroaiUvny.
Some time ago a petition was pro
sentcd lo Iho council , praying for tin
establishment of electric lights 01
Iho newly paved portion of Broadway
between the Northwestern depot am
the river. It was referred to a committee
too and has not yet been reported on
The majority of the council seem to b
in favor of granting Iho petition , bu
do not know where the money is t
como from. They reason in this way-
there nro many of the citizens in th
eater parts of the city who are noi
being taxed to maintain the presen
electric lights , from which they roceiv
little benefit , and it is doomed no mor
than just that the next towers to b
erected should bo placed in the res !
donee portions of the city , and then
after they are all lighted , the cit ;
might consider the question of llghtini
Lower Broadway by electricity. 1
costs $80 per month to run an electri
light tower , and the citizens who pa
the money certainly have a right to lr
slst that their own property shall
lighted before lighting up a thorou "
faro that will bo used almost wholly pi' '
pleasure driving in the evening. 'o
There is no question but that Broac
way should bo lighted , and that , too , c
soon us the bridge is thrown open fc
travel , and the time has arrived who
the means of lighting and the motho
of paying should bo discussed. Th
only satisfactory method of lighting
will doubtless bo by the tower llgl
system , as Iho low electrie lights su
pendcd acTos.s the street are objectioi
able on a drive , as they throw the llgl
full in the face of a driver as ho ai
proaohes and ivenJcr it dillicult to see
team coming from .the opposite dire
Uou. As the drive will be filled almo
n mfMmm 1 i i J If W , * * h J , . . - * ViX mJLM
largest Stock , 1 METCALF BROTHERS Furnishing Goods ,
Lowest Prices , Clothing. Hats , Caps , eto.
. RDHRBR , Ol a > William Siadnntopf ,
_ . Dealtr to Hardman , Everett < C Fisher
MlNt Cltf fit.Countjr UEAL ESTATE
. .
MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO. New Y < x * . Na.B N. MUn . Mala St. must. Council Maty. Hindi. , AT.Qnmit ,
00 5 XXX
Largest Capital and Surplus CITIZENS STATE BANK Your Patronage
of Any Bank in the city. , Is Solicited.
STH7& A.DFoster , SMDKB
Polnb , 011 $ ( Gloss 60. Pcregoy & Moore's Abstracts of Title
Wholesale. Santo
No. 8. Pearl St.
X\\ ' X N ? > ---Jl
" S J l-.i
33sa3srsaxa 7vaws'rri ' T VT3ima-afgaBit \
Manufacturer of Fine Carriages and Buggies. H. F. HATTENHAUER I always keen in stock a largo variety or eastern
I have always a full block to select from. . . , make Carriages , which I sol ) at a very low rate.
Call anil examine. Prices Low. \ov. ! 27 to 31 } Tourtli .SIreel. ram always ready to show goods.
DR. C. B. J U D D ,
No. 8O3 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
WANTED Good Salesmen on 1 urge commission or salary.
TS ox
in i uumrHm
every evening , gas or oil lights are ob-
\iouly ! ) not the thing , as they c'o not
give hiilllcioiitliglU to render the street
as bright as i desirable. The majority
of tiio-o who have been heard tooxpress
themselves in the matter are in favor of
lower lighting , but think that the
lighting of thin street should be made a
special matter. It it > true that it can
be lighted at , comparatively little ex
pense with oil , as the city now has on
its hands several Street la'mps that havn
lot been in use since the
erection of the towers , and have boon
ordered to bo relo filed , if the council
seed lit to put Uioniilhere. but they are
sadly needed in other paits of the city.
The opening of this grand new drive
will be a great thlli"1 for Council ninths ,
ind a proper illuminating of it will
tloublo the greatest advertisement that
the city has cvor had. Many of the
citizens think it SJliould bo treated as
in advertising scheme , and the money
raised by the most interested parties.
There is n vast amount of land in that
rt. of the city , the value of which will
bo more than quadrupled by Iho open
ing of the bridge and street , and the
owners can afford to pay handsomely
for a perfect sybtem otoiighting. TCM | ) >
roporty owners , however , do not take
indly to the idea , and claim that Iho
public generally are to be bonefitted
ind therefore should foot Iho bill.
There are those who claim that a spe
cial appropriation should bo made for
Lhe maintenance of lights. There are ,
in fact , almost as many different ideas
in the mailer as there are people , and
some of them will surely be disap
It is settled beyond the shadow of a
doubt that the opening of the bridge
will bring many of the business man of
Omaha to thin hide of tljo river to re
side. They cannot remain blind to the
fact that this cily otters them greater
advantages for a residence , when prac
tically brought by this grand new high
way almost into Iho heart of Omaha ,
and at the same time gives thorn the
pure fresh air , beautiful glens , delight
ful scenery and splendid drives lluvt
they cannot have on that side of the
To err is human , but you make no
mistake if you use Dr. .Tones' Rod
Clover Tonic for dyspepsia , costiveness ,
bad breath , piles , pimples , ngup and
malaria , poor appetite , low spirits , or
diseases of the Kidneys , stomach and
liver. 50 cents. Goodman Drug Co.
A J5nl > y Cyclone.
About 10:15 : o'clock last evening a ,
small rod cloud was noticed rapidly approaching
preaching from the west , and those who
saw it were so interested in it that they
did not think of its doing any harm ,
and the lirst they know they were
nearly carried olT their foot by a furious
gust of wind. The blast made ovory-
thiifg wrattlo , and doors and windows
were cloacd at a lively rate , but it passed
almost as quickly as it came. It was
followed by a heavy , driving rain , with
a vivid lightning accompaniment ,
which reduced - the temperature
several degrees in a very few minutes.
The dull , red cloud , or wlmlevor it was ,
presented a very strange aspect , and
excited considerable curiosity. Nothing
like it was ever seen before. The blast
that accompanied it was a heavy one ,
and many thought that it was the ad-
vunco guard of a genuine cyclone. The
streets wore well llled | at tlio time , and
there was a lively scattering of promo-
nadors in search of a shelter. The
course seemed to bo directly across the
center of the city from west to east.
Score another lucky mark for Council
Bluffs in escaping the violence of the
An Altholuto Cnrn.
is only put up la lurgo two ounce tin boxes ,
and is nn absolute cure for old BO res , burns ,
wounds , clmpiieJ hands , and ull skin erup
tions. Will positively euro all kinds of piles.
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. , nt So
cents per box by mall 80 cents.
1514 POUOfjAfl ST. . OMAHA. NEB
SPr.CfA li lulvevtlsi'inentssucli tis ! , < > t , Found ,
ToI.OUiKorSaIi-To ! ItiMit.Wunta , Ho.inllnir ,
etc. , will bo Inserted lu this column ut the low
latoofT N CENTS 1.INI , fur the lirst In
sertion nml Kvu Cents 1'or l.luo for eucn hu1 > e-
( liif at Insertion. Leave tidvi-rtlsvinents ut our
olllco. No. 1I'e.ul Street , lu'itr lirouduur ,
Council Illuirs , Iowa.
WANTlin A peed ulrl for K ! > oral house
work at the K , O home.
IriOU sr.i-AbarBaln : H lot on Avenue ( J
uuil Uth ! ft Tor Infotmatlon call at OW
POU SAM : Tilt ; best smiill fruit mid vcseta-
lilo farm In I'ottu'.vattumln county , two
miles from ( ouii' 11 Illu'lh ' po-toillcc. at a pike
Hint will sell it , on remarkably easy terms.
'I file ntrfcct nml piojierty In p > > otl condition.
Ppssesislon given at any timo. Good reason tor
Frll-nir. It. 'I. llryjui & Co. , ( l-i ! * Jlroadway ,
Council Illuirs , la. _
Teams and men to workoTTLnvvci
llroadnay. Kor further information In-
< iulioon uork. Owen Hum. , cnmruitoru.
T\7"A.NTni > Stocks of nierchnudl'o to exT -
> T change for city propeity In Council Illiitlo ,
Omaha , or weituru land or chattels of nuy kind.
Wo male exchanging a specialty. It. T. Ill ) ant
Ar To. , ( tfs llioadwty.
rpo KENT Immediately , for the sumnitM. n
JL good furnlslud hoube , 10 rooms ; closet and
bat'i room ; city water. Apply on premises , blU
Cth avc. _
\\7ANTKD , Stocks ot merchandise. Have
> T Omaha and Council llhilN city propel tv.
also western land to oxcliaryje for ooda. CUH
on or addrpH * .lohnionA : Christian , Hoomi' \ ,
Cnambcr of Commetca. Itinaha.
" | 71OH SALi : At.xbarK.iln. lUacroinear htock
-U yards , South Om.oha. Neb. , Johnson Sr
Chrintlan , Hooin 2u , Clnunber ot Commerce ,
Omaha. _ _
GOODroadway Council Illulfx , Iowa. Established
In accordance with nuniurouB ronuchts lias do-
clileil to ti'ucli Tuxldei my In nil its liniiichi's.
Mounting birds , $ \\ltiinmininalA ; nml other
lutrlcavics , HID. Wouhl nNo liku to receive
orders lor birds to till older hook on trip boutli.
No. U10 JIulu St. , Council IllulH.
The Morris Typo Writer la a practical , well
mndu and llnsly llnlshed machine , and combines
the perfect lettering , exact alllKUinents and
rnpltl writlnc of a hl h priced writer. 'J ha IUI-
fc'ON MIMKOCillAl'll , the best apparatus made
for imiulfoldlUK authoKrnphlc and tyjo wilier
.i pies ran be TV1M3 H'UITIIK
supply for sale. Send for circulars. The Ex-
cemorCo. , Council Illults , la.
* M. B. SNYDBE , A. M. . M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Discuses of Women and Children ,
307 llroafiwav. Council lllulfs.
Hides. Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
K and S3 Main HtreuUCouucll HluTb.Iowa. !
llCOIl. . 5TH AVI ! AND 7T11 ST.
Conducted by the Sisters of Charity.
An excellent educational Institution. furnUh-
ed with ull modern Improvements for lioiirdlni :
Biul day school. The academic year consUts of
two session * , beginning on tin first Monday In
September and February , respeotf ully.
Term-Uoard and tuition per Rtsilon , 175.
For further particulars addren SUter Superior ,
Bt. FrancU Academy , Councll.filuffii , U.
CO. ,
SIZES FROM KspccUlly Atlni ted for
POWER , Mills and Elevators ,
mommmH mmmmrnvmi II I > PI H * * *
Spoclliciitions and estimates furultlieil for comjilcto steam itlunts. KcKiilatton , nuriiblllly Oimr-
Cun show k'tU-rs Iioni uscrj ) vhcio fuel Economy Is equal with Corliss Noii-Conduiutluif ,
si : , coUiVcn , UI.SJJTS , IO\VA.
Send for Catalogue , E. C. HARRIS , Manager.
HRIRKINRI NF-- U1 1'1'0. ' ' and Sanitary Engineer. Plans , Estimates ,
i UllllMlllJMNL. Specifications. Supervision of I'ublic Work. Brown
Building , Council Bluff * , Iowa.
CIMI FV Dl IRI T Attorney at Law , Second Floor Brown Building , 115
F I IN LL I DU ImL" Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
| Justice ol the Pracc. Office over American Express , No. 419
i Ov/ll Ulifc. " " Bi oad way , Council Blull'b , Iowa.
QTniVJF Ri QIMQ Attorneys at Law , Practice in the State and Fed era
O I UIXL. ( X OlIVIo" " Courts. Olllcc Rooms 7 and 8 , Sliugarl-Bcno Block ,
Council Blulle , Iowa ,
Dentist , Corner Main Street and First Avenue , Counci
CP , " " BlufTs , Iowa.
l\/l / r\ Specialist In ( liEenocs of Eye , Ear , NofO and
Mil IV ! IJ Tlirout. Glasses Accurately I'rcscriDt'cl. Oat-
lit ITIi L/i .
, niirn treated by mall nrter lirst consultation.
Ollicn cor. Main bticet ami llroadwaj' . Itesldeuco , CIO lllutr st. Hours V to 12 , atoG , 7:30toBaO. : :
Council llluirs , Town.
Call on HI. DROEIL1CII , 5 § UruntUvay , whore you ivlll receive
tlio Highest Cash Prico.
PH From 15 to 25 Per Cent.
Nos. II & 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
OMAHA , MHt. couxcir , . , IA
A triumvirate of instruments which cannot bo excelled in tone , beauty of finish
and tfonoral workinunaliij ) .
Century Organs
Excel all others in style of case , beauty of llnish and volume of tone.
All kinds of Musical Instruments , Russian Gut Strings , Sheet Music and.Muslo
Dealers supplied at Chicago prices. Send for Catalogue.
Our Uoparliiicut of TOYS nml FANCY < ; < > O S , u-o nro doting
inuSto note ol' Ililx , nn I get
out at less Until c I. Outlier * plowo a
unr foods cheap.
' Wrought and Casi FOR
Automatic J''M > IIO HJ ,
Repairs. Few cO 2d Hand Llul Simplicity
Noa. 1100 to 1200 , Tenth Avenue , Council BlulT.sIa. Telephone ICO.