Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1888, Image 4

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IWily ( Morning Edition ) including Sunday
llKK.Ono Venr. . . . . $10 CO
rorf-KMontlm . fi 00
J'or'Hiri'o Month.4 . 2 W
The Oniilm Sunday UKI , mailed to any ad-
tlresi.Ono Vcar . 200
OMAiiAOrriCB.Nos.ui4 t < inr.\nxAvHTnir.T. :
. , ,
All communications relntlntito news nnd edi
torial matter should be addrufSud to UioKmioit
iss : ir.rnii3. :
All Imilncs * letters nnd remittances should bo
nduros vdtuTiiis IU.K I'UHM-WINII COMI-ANV.
OMAHA. DrattR , checks nnd postolllio orders to
be undo payable to the order of the company.
Wee Publishing Company , Proprietors ,
E. KOSEWATEK , Editor.
Sworn Stntoincnt of Olrculnllon.
Btnteof Nnbraskn. I , ,
County of Douglas. 1 '
( Ico. II. Tzschurk. secretary of The Hco Pub
lishing company , does tuiloinulr swear that the
nctiml clruimtlim til the Dally flee for the \\cok
( tiding Auguttt.lSfcS , was us follows :
Hnnday , .lulyJW
Monday. July :
Tutisd y..luly3t
Wednesday. August 1 . . '
Thursday , Augusts . .
Friday , AugUHt 3 . JWJ07
( Saturday , August 4 . .1S.U30
oio. : .TzsciiucK.
8 orn to hoforo rae and subscribed In my
presence thU 4th day of Atipust. A. 1) . IS * * .
N. I1. KfclL , Notary 1'ubllc.
Btato of Ncbnwka , I _
County of DouKlas. f Bl "
( Ji'orKO II. TzHcnuck , being first duly
po osnndHayslhntheis Hecrotary of The 1 lee
Publishing company , that the actual average
daily circulation of the Dally lleo for the
month of August , 1W , was 14,151 coplpo ;
for September. ItW. 14.MU conies ; for
October. 1 > 7 , H.fltfl copies ; for November ,
) W , 15,2211 copies ; for December , 1887. 15,011 rop-
fl ; for Januuty , IW , IS.'JKI ; for I'obruarr , liw ,
IWMJ copies ; for March. 188 * , in.fcbu copies ; for
April , ltd * . 18,744 copies ; for May. lwt , 18.M
toples ; for Junelf8 , 19i4.oples ! ! ; for July , lt-8S
Ji. l copies. OUO. 1I.T/.FCIIUOK.
bwornto noforo me and subscribed In my
presence this 1st day of Aiwint. A. D. . Ifw.
N. P. ililL. Notary Public.
Tun Nebraska farmer will bo on the
"bull" side of the murkot this fall when
the corn crop puts him thoro.
IT looks as if Omaha is determined
to become a rival of Chicago in the
divorce court as well as in the packing
ITAVOULD seem that Dan Voorhces has
not entirely recovered from the boll on
Ills log. Ho has broken out again with
n fresh fit of spleen.
THIS refusal of Justice Day to go on
the Parnoll commission has put the
tories in an awkward predicament. The
English judge could not barter away his
KOIIHO of justice in taking his seat on a
packed bench although he is said to bo
strongly prejudiced against Parnell.
WHILE the county commissioners are
trying to find out why delinquent fees
in the sheriff's office have not boon col
lected , it would bo in line of their in
vestigation to make inquiries whether
fines levied on delinquent jurors have
ever boon collected an turned into the
county treasury.
for the aesthetic by introducing an ordi
nance requiring the telegraph and tele
phone companies to paint their polos.
It is to bo hoped that some councilman
will have a nose for cleanliness and
health by introducing an ordinance re
quiring the disposal of garbage in a
city crematory.
THE mugwump newspapers of Now
York nro pouring broadsides into Gov
ernor Hill , nnd warning the democracy
that It will be impossible to ro-eloct
him and that the effort to do so will
cost Cleveland thousands of votes.
This , of course , is said to bring an ad
ministration influence in opposition to
the governor , but the trouble with
Cleveland is that ho understands ho
must bo n loser whether ho favors Hill
or IB against him , the perplexing ques
tion being as to the position of least
danger , The indications nro that the
mugwump influence will not bo able to
prevent Hill's ronomination , nnd it is a
promise quite reassuring to republicans.
THE grain shippers of Kansas City in
A conference with the representatives of
roads west and east of the Missouri
river have gained an important con-
coBslon. Heretofore when grain was
ehlppod from Kansas City , say to the
eca board , and hold bock at interme
diate points , as at Chicago , with a view
of selling it , but was afterwards
If shipped to destination because
it could not bo sold , it was charged
local rates. The now agreement
with the railroads allows the Kansas
City shippers to hold their grain at in
termediate points in transit not exceed
ing ton days nnd then to forward it
to destination In the east at the origi
nal through rate from Kansas City ,
Those terms , so satisfactory to the grain
shippers , can not bo confined exclusively
to the benefit of Kansas City. Omahn
nnd other Missouri river towns have
the right to claim the same advantages.
By this arrangement it is expected that
many of the complaints of discrimina
tion will be removed.
TUB Kansas state authorities have
taken tardy action to suppress the war
thai has Veen flagrant in Stevens
county , that state , for two weeks past.
An issue between the citizens of two
towns has caused the death and
wounding of a half dozen men , but ns
the crimes occurred in No Man's land ,
which is outside the pale ot all law ,
thosQ yho committed them will go un
punished. It is time this region with
out law was brought under judicial
jurisdiction , nnd for this pur
pose congress ought to pass
at the present session ono
of the bills for creating the territory ol
Oklahoma , Including No Man's land ,
and extending over the country a terri
torial form of government , so that the
laws of the United States could bo en
forced by the courts. There seemed
earlier in-the session favorable promise
that this would be done , but political
scheming , ns well as some adverse In
fluence , has prevented action. Por-
luips the late murderous buslficss in the
region will renew congressional Inter
est in the territorial'question.
Death of Orncrnl Slicrldnn.
General Sheridan has surrendered to
tile Invincible Conqueror. The daunt
less spirit , that never quailed before
mortal foe , has mot detent nt last. The
eye that blazed in battle has lost its
lustre. The voice of command that
summoned always to victory is silenced.
The intrepid heart , as gentle ns it was
bravo , is still and pulseless. The great
t-oldior ono of the greatest the world
has known has joined the innumerable
army of immortals. The profound sorrow
row of a nation will attest how entirely
the dead hero possessed the affection
and honor of his countrymen.
General Sheridan's career was
wholly military , and it consti
tutes ono of the most illus
trious chapters of American mili
tary history. Of the great triumvirate
whoso ability nnd achievements were
pro-eminent in the war of the rebellion
on the side of the Union Grant , Sher
man and Sheridan history will record
that the soldier who has just died de
serves to occupy a place of honor not
loss elevated thi\n the others. The as
sistance ho rendered to Grant in Vir
ginia thatgrcat nnd justcommnndcr has
berne most ample testimony to. IIo
gave Sheridan his fullest confidence ,
allowing him the largest latitude for
the development and execution of his
own plans , and invariably with results
that were of the utmost advantage to
the union armies. The future reader of
the history of the rebellion will dwell
upon no portion of it with greater in
terest than that which records the first
raid of Sheridan in the Shonnndonh
valley , his advance toward Richmond ,
his ride to Winchester , when ho
snatohod victory from the jaws of de
feat , and his brilliant and masterly
achievements in the grand movements
of the army of the Potomac , which
ended with the capture of Richmond
and the overthrow of the rebellion.
Among the great soldiers of history
there are not many whoso victories as
subordinate commander wore more
honorable to their wisdom and their
valor , or more valuable to their country ,
than were these won by Sheridan after
ho was placed in command of the cav
alry of the army of the Potomac.
All this splendid work of Sheridan
demonstrated that ho was a soldier in
the broadest sense not simply a bril
liant and intrepid fighter. In this re
spect few of the great cavalry com
manders of history will stand compari
son with him. Noy , Murat and others
who will bo naturally suggested , pos
sessed the gallantry , dash , and all the
moro fighting qualities that distin
guished Sheridan , but in the larger
ability that makes successful com
manders that plans as well as
wins victories the American gen
eral was the peer of the greatest of
thorn. His services to his country were
of inestimable valuo.
As a man. General Sheridan had a
most kindly heart , and ho made and
hold friends. IIo was a modest man ,
whom fame and station did not spoil.
IIo had uo ambition above that of being
commander of the army , and when
talked of as a possible presiden
tial candidate ho promptly and
unqualifiedly refused to allow
his name to bo considered in
that connection. It was sufficient to
him to bo the first soldier of the repub
lic , and in that capacity ho rightly
avoided nil association with politics.
His death will bo sincerely mourned by
a grateful people , to whom nro loft too
few of the distinguished soldiers whoso
genius and prowess preserved the
union , and his memory will bo cher
ished and perpetuated as ono of the
most brilliant nnd successful of the na
tion's military chieftains.
The Question of the Hour.
The tux levy for 1888 has been com
pleted by the state board , and the ratio
of taxation is fixed at seventy-five cents
on the hundred dollars of valuation
on the real nnd personal property sub
ject to taxation. This is a reduction of
six cents and a quarter per hundred dollars
lars ns compared with 1887 , but the levy
is still outrageously high. The levy
made by the board is expected to yield
ono million , throe hundred and seventeen -
teen thousand , nine hundred and thirty
dollars. In other words , in this year
1888 , the people of Nebraska are to pay
over one hundred and thirty thousand
dollars for the maintenance of their
state government.
The enormity of this forced contribu
tion can only bo realized by com
parison of Nebraska's tax levy with
those of other states. Our neighboring
state of Colorado , which has new state
buildings to construct and institutions
to establish , levied a state tax last year
of forty cents on the ono hundred dollars
lars and managed to conduct its entire
state government with an income of
five hundred and thirty-two thousand
two hundred nnd fifty-eight dollars.
Florida levied the same tax as Colorado
rado , nnd only realized throe hundred
nnd sixty-seven thousand , ono hundred
mid ninety-seven dollars.
Minnesota , with a slate debt ten times
ns largo as that of Nebraska , was con
tent with n state tax aggregating six
hundred and flvo thousand , six hundred
nnd fifty-one dollars.
The stnto government of Now Hamp
shire was maintained with a tax aggre
gating four hundred thousand dollars.
North Carolina , with ever fifteen
millions of debt , only levied n state tax
aggregating four hundred nnd eighty-
seven thousand dollars.
Vermont only levied ton cents on the
hundred dollars , nnd realized an ag
gregate state income of throe hundred
und seventy-one thousand six hundred
nnd ninety-BOvon dollars.
Wisconsin , with a state debt of two
millions and a quarter , only taxed her
people seven hundred nnd eighty-throe
thousand ono hundred and fifty-nine
Kansas , with double our population
and double the taxable property , levied
two hundred thousand dollars loss state
taxes last year than Nebraska.
Out of the thirty-eight states only
twelve have n moro costly state govern
ment than Nebraska , and in all the
states but ono the levy on the hundred
dollar valuation ranges from eight to
fifty-live cents , while eighteen of the
thirty-eight states are below forty cents
on the hundred dollars. In Nebraska
and Nevada alone the state levy ranges
above seventy-five cents on the hundred
These nro stubborn facts and they
must bo fi'Ced at nil hazards. The tax-
ridden people of this stnto must grapolo
with the state tax-eaters nnd choke
them off. Thirteen hundred and fifty-
thousand dollars a year for state taxes
in a state that is practically out of debt ,
is utterly indefensible. Why should it
cost moro to maintain state government
in Nebraska tlmn it docs in the more
populous and wealthy states ? This is
the question that confronts us now and
will continue to bo asked by every tax
payer from now until the legislature
meets. That there is something rotten
in Denmark is patent. Our state olll-
cers are not high-salaried nor does this
state maintain a larger number of bo-
nuvolont and penal institutions than
other states. Where then do these
thirteen hundred arid fifty thousand
dollars each year go.
Tin : BKI : is taking great pains to col
lect statistics that will enlighten the
people on that point. Meantime the
conventions of all parties snould raise
their voices against extravagance and
in favor of revenue law revision , and
above all the republican pSrty should
too to it that the mon nominated for
stato- offices this month are eapnblo
and rigidly honest. Unless men of
known integrity are put in nomination
the party will have to face disaster ,
notwithstanding the national campaign.
A man's shirt is nearer to him than his
overcoat. The demand for lower state
taxes will have moro weight in the im
pending campaign in this state than
the racket rabod by political hacks
over the protective tariff , which every
intelligent man knows cannot and will
not bo materially changed as long as
the republicans control the United
States sonuto.
Treaties With Indians.
It is noteworthy that the conduct of
the Sioux is having a very decided
effect upon the public mind unfavorable
to continuing the policy of making
treaties with the Indians. That policy
has been observed largely as a matter
of sentiment , notwithstanding the man
ifest absurdity of the government nego
tiating formal treaties with its wards
and the opinion of the supreme court
that such conventions have uo binding
force on the government , but there is a
growing feeling that the time is at
hand when the government can
not wisely or with justice to the people
ple go on allowing a few Indians
to obstruct progress and stand
in the way of the general welfare in
order that they may live in a condition
of idleness and lawlessness at the expense -
ponso of the whole peowlo.
The proposition which has boon sub
mitted to the Sioux is so entirely fair
and just in its terms , and the result
would so unquestionably bo to their
great ultimate advantage , that their ob
stinate refusal to accept it is convincing
a great many of the folly of dealing
with Indians in this way. They mani
festly cannot understand what'is best
for themselves , they are under the in
fluence of strong prejudices which are
kept alive and intensified by designing
men , and they are naturally hostile
to whatever makes for civilization.
They should bo fairly dealt with on the
same general principles of justice that
are observed in dealing with other people
plo , but the policy of treating thorn as
entitled to special consideration will
have to bo abandoned , and it undoubt
edly wiH bo if the Sioux reject the
treaty proposed to thorn. The senti
ment is that their reservation should
bo opened , whether they will have it seer
or not , It is a rich territory which
should no longer remain unproductive ,
and there is a demand for it which it is
the duty of the government to regard.
The Iowa Railroad Issue.
It is expected that to-day Justice
Miller , of the supreme court of the
United States , will decide whether the
temporary injunction granted by Judge
Brewer , restraining the Iowa railroad
commissioners f roui putting Into effect
their schedule of freight charges , shall
bo made permanent. This issue has
excited widespread interest , and the
decision of Justice Miller is awaited
with a feeling of profound concern by
the people and the railroads. The
decision of Judge Brewer was hailed bj
the corporations ns a signal victory ,
and its immediate effect was to ad
vance the speculative price of the
stocks of several roads directly
interested in the decision. It has
received , however , a great deal of ad
verse comment , ns involving a principle
hostile to the constitutional right and
authority of the state. It imposed a
chock and limit upon the legislative
power which if allowed could be em
ployed at any time under like circum
stances to defeat the will of the people.
The jurisdiction of the federal courts , in
controversies of this character , Is ques
tioned , nnd there is a very general ex
pectation that Justice Miller will not
sustain Judge Brewer in assuming jur
isdiction. The attitude of Justice
Miller regarding the rights of the
states has boon very clearly defined
and no man on the supreme bench has
made greater concessions to stnto au
thority , so that there is fair reason to
expect that his decision in this case
will bo in favor of the people.
TUB state board of equalization has
not kept faith with the Douglas county
commissioners. They agreed to reduce
Douglns C9unty from eighth mills to six
and n half , which would have boon
relatively higher oven at that rate
than a majority of other counties.
Instead of fixing the rate at six and a
half mills they have rated Douglas
county at seven und one-eighths for the
present year. This is only throe-
eighths of one mill below the average
state levy and seven-eighths of ono mill
below the highest rating. While it
saves Douglas county twenty-one thou
sand dollars on the basis of the highest
rate , the aggregate contribution from
this county for the year 1888 for state
purposes will exceed the enormous sum
of "ono hundred nnd seventy-four thou
sand dollars.
J. M. Schoup , of Fort Dodge , swam ono
day last week in West OkoboJI lake from Ar
nold's park te Omaha yolut , a distance of
three irnlc * ,
The GampnlgiFls Now Opening Up
ISopubllcnns . nml Democrats llapltlly
Getting Into MHO AVhllo tlio
Ijnbor nnd Cold AVntcr 1'nr-
tlcs Aro'.Unnstinlly Active.
Front Ncltrnskn City.
NumnsKi CITY , > reh. , August 6.-Special [
to TUB Hun. ] 1'olltlcs in Otoo county have
never boon less Interesting tlmn nt present ,
mid , nsidu from u few lenders , no ono scorns
to have un opinion ns to thu outcouio of the
primaries or conventions.
In conversation with Tun Hun representa
tive , n leading republican expressed himself
us to probabilities. "First of nil , " said ho ,
"General Van Vi'yck will bo the republican
candidate for senator , and will bo elected.
Paul Schmlke will bo sntisllcd wltli u neat In
the house , and , of course , will have what ho
desires. "
Kan McKce , of I'nlmyrn , is also n candidate -
date for nomination for representative. Ho
Is a pronounced anti-Van . nmn , but ,
strange to say , has promised to support him
in case of his own election. J. O. Mooio , also
of Palmyra , and Albert .Tovco of Syracuse ,
arc two others who doslro to represent Otoo
at Lincoln next winter. The former is a
political p.utncr of MoKee , whi'o ' the latter
favors Van Wyek.
John C. Watson Is said to lose much sloop
thinking of his chances to represent Otoo
and Casa counties as lloat senator. Watson
never wanted anything quite so eagerly as
he docs the lloat scnatorship and stands u
good chance to win the nomination , us ho
has many friends among the politicians , but
there are many men who are bettor liked by the
voters in general. His known lldellty to
Van Wyek , however , will bo of great assist
ance to him. The county newspaper * are
not enthusiastic for Watson. Mr. Watson is
also a candidate for congress , and his friends
are quietly urging him to the front nnd are
sure , ho could win in a contest with McShano
in n district overwhelmingly republican.
Mr. Watson's record as a legislator Is clean
and open and bis ability is undoubted.
Prohibition will cut a very small figure in
the fall election in Otoo county. The reso
lution adopted by the republican state con
vention to submit the amendment proposi
tion at the primaries will bo entirely ignoied
in Otoo county. Till * was decided at a
county central committee meeting last Tues
day. The only contest in Otoo county seems
to bo centered on Van Wyclc , who
will make an effort to regain
his lost scat in the United
States senate by succeeding Senator Man-
dcrson. Ho will go to the state senate wl h
that aim , and his friends think ho has more
tlmn a Hunting chance to win. Certain It is ,
there is no man In Nebraska so irapulnr with
the people as General C. H. Van Wyek.
The democrats have as yet brought no
nainos forward as candidates for any olllco ,
with the exception of Uobort Lorton , one of
our leading citizens and business men. and
locally very popular , who is spoken of as a
nrobablo candidate who will bo pitted against
Van Wyek in the race for state senator.
Hon. J. Sterling Morton to-day expressed
himself regarding the floating item about the
relationship existing between his son , Mr.
Paul Moi ton , of the liurlington road , and
Lev ! P. Morton. Ho says the kinship , if any ,
is so remote as to be ridiculous to mention it ,
and as for Paul Morton owing his present
position to the influence of Lovl P. Morton ,
it was utterly false and- preposterous ; that
the two gentlemen had never known each
other , much less had they over met , and that
politicians worof " 'digging for very small
potatoes" in trying to make capital out of the
alleged kinship. '
Kcnni 1'awncp.
PAUNni5Cm-Nob. , , August 4. ( Special
lo Tnr Hni : . ] Thy question of senator and
representatives from this county to the legis
lature is getting to bo pretty freely discussed.
The idea of naming men and seeing them
swell up has given "place as to how they
stand. The republican county committee has
called the convention to elect state delegates.
The convention meets Saturday , August 18 ,
in this city. The respective merits of the
candidates will then bo discussed and dele
gates to the state convention bo nominated.
Whether or no Pawnca county will send up
the usual anti-llcenso icsolutiou It has testate
state conventions of former times is not ascer
tained , but it is believed they will not stop to
do HO this timo.
Gene Berry will figure largely in the
county convention that nominates represen
tatives. Ho has distinguished himself as a
farmer and being on the right of way ap
praising beard when the 13. & M. built
through this county. The "distinguished"
part of the programme was after the prop
erty owners wore inado to believe thny had to
accept the appraisers' torins , whoa they
found too late they were fooled.
Another candidate for legislative honors
Pawnee county gets two representatives
will bo J. P. Love , of South Fork. "Undo
John" figures largely among the grangers
and thinks to pull a good vote. Ho is a good ,
casy-tromg farmer , who will do as the party
tells him und help wonderfully to pull liorry
through. Uut in cose the senator-
ship goes to Hiohardson county the
latter of these will bo fought by
H. C. Worthenn of this city. He belongs to
the "Humphrey crowd. "
All of these are the "prominently men
tioned" ones. There are more developing.
C. A. Schaffel , a good honest farmer near
town , who uses his energy and intellect to
gether , was talked of , but he gave them to
understand be bad a mind of his own on
public questions and would obey no ring but
the voice of the people as ha understood it ,
and the talk has very greatly died out.
From Hitchcock.
CULBEBTSO.V , Nob. , August 4. [ Special to
THE BEK.J The contest for the republican
nomination for representative from this dis
trict la the all absorbing topic of political dls-
cusssion in this section. This district , the
ono hundred and sixty-seventh , comprises
the counties of Hitchcock , Hayes , Chase and
Dundy. The contest in this county is be
tween W. W. Brown nnd Hon. W. D. Wild-
man. Brown represented the district in the
last legislature and It is owing to the dis
creditable record made in the house that a
formidable opposition to his rcnomlnation
has arisen in all parts of the district.
Brown's constituents heartily agree
with the brief summary of his
record in the legislature which appeared in
TJIK Bee shortly after the session adjourned
as making a desj > crate light to carry thia
c unty , but with impossible show of success.
In order to divert the attention of the public
from his own disreputable personal as well
political record , be and his henchmen have
seen tit to assail the character of the Hon.
W. D. Wlldman , who , in jioint of ability and
reputation , compared with Brown , Is as a
giant to a pigmy.
The primaries In this county will bo held
on the Uth of August and the convention on
the 14th. The representative convention has
not yet been called. The democrats have
not yet decided upon a candidate , as they arc
awaiting tbo action of the republican con-
vcntion before they make a "forwn.-d" move ,
Froh | Bntler.
DAVID CITY , Nob. , August 4. [ Special tc
THE Bnn. ] The 'democrats hold amass meet
ing in this city tq-d"ay and elected delegates
to attend the congressional convention to be
held at Hastings , nnd also to the state con
vontion. to bo hold at Lincoln , Not munh
available legislative timber has yet been dis
covered , yet it is probable that Matt Miller
will bo induced to run. Casper peremptorily
declines to again bo a candidate. However ,
Casper Is prominently spoken of as the con
gressional candidate for this district. The
delegation was not instructed.
From Cumliijf.
BAKcnorr , Neb. , August 4. [ Special to
TUB BBE. ] All the political parties are or
ganizing for effectual work this fall in this
county. The democrats elected the countj
ofilccrs last fall , through the bad manipula
tion of a few republicans. By proper organ
ization and management the republicans can
carry the county by a handsome majority.
The democrats are sending circulars ml over
the county gtillcltlng the names of all democrats -
crats that will sign their names. But many
of the old-time democrats refuse to cndorso
the free trade platform. The prohibition
party has organized clubs nil over the
county. In some localities the v seem to have
considerable strength. But the great Issue
In this country Is between the republican
and democratic parties mid all other ques
tions will bo absorbed by the two old par-
tics. By systematic and proper management
too republican party can bo restored to Its
lormcr position In the county this fall. The
republicans will organize hero In a few days.
They will endeavor to have the best speak
ers hero this fail to present the issues of the
campaign lu their proper light.
From SiMVnrd.
Sr.wAno , Nob. , August 4. [ Special to Tun
BKK. ] Politics nro rather quiet , but our
county Is solid for Harrison and Morton , and
for William Loose for attorney general for
another term ,
Nebraska tlottlncx.
The contract has boon let for building two
bridges over the Hepubllcau river near
An Undo Tom's Cabin company is making
the lesiUenU ) of interior towns very weary
these days.
August ICoolcr , an Aurora saloon keeper ,
has been lined ? 1H ) for selling liquor to an
habitual drunkard.
Kit House , tbo old Dakota City lecher , has
sold out his property and will hlo himself
uuuy to some mote suitable clime.
A number of families at Fullcrton have
been very sick , caused by eating pressed
beef. None of the attacks proved fatal.
Tbo Cumliig county agricultural society
proposes to make an effort to. capture the
pri/o olToicd by the state fair for county ex
Loulo Slander , an old soldier nnd for
twelve years an ininato of thoTliayer county
poor farm , has boon sent to the state soldiers'
homo nt Grand Island.
A cow belonging to Gcorgo Smith , of Long
Pine , discovered a box of parls green In a
| Ktiito patch and ate It up , box and all. The
next morning she was u corpse.
The unlicensed dogs of Auiora uro not
being annihilated very rapidly. The city
marshal had to shoot seven times at a cur
tied to a trco before ho could bit It.
One of the remarkable things about the
residents of Campbell is the amount of viuo-
gar that they use and the peculiar casks that
it is shipped lu. There is no sulocm In the
The last "round-up" has boon made In
Cheyenne county. Less than four years ago
the county was given up entirely to range
cattle , but now the cattlemen have loft and
have Seen superceded by the farmois.
Ed Halght , n resident of Pierce , is playing
the Job act , sitting in sack cloth and ashes
and refusing to be comforted on account of
the numerous boils which make the present
hot weather unusually uncomfortable.
The Gage county agricultural association
will hold its suvcnttiouth annual fair at
Beatrice September 4 to 7 , inclusive. Three
thousand dollars In premiums , $1,000 for
speed , special attractions each day , Uoman
chariot races and balloon ascensions will bo
some of the features.
An Iowa lady named Good , who for flvo
years has been searching for her little son ,
found the missing boy at the residence of
Simon Kirk , near Croightonlast , week. Kirk
had been given the custody of the child by
its father , who had separated from his wile
and had later been sent U > state's prison.
Mrs. Good secured possession of the bov , but
Kirk will contest her claims to him in the
According to the Hlsing City Independent ,
Dr. George Ii. Dunnolly , who is making auti-
prohibltion speeches In various towns in the
state , has had quito n varied career. Ho is
known as "Antelope Dick , " and it is said
that a few jears ago ho slatted out from
Grand Island as n temperance orator , at the
same time lumping a board bill of about $30 ,
besides several small whisky bills about the
city. At one time ho was editor jf the Osccola
Herald , and with the record left behind
him everywhere ho has been it is not likely
that ho will become a power in the land in
any cause. At his birthplace , Independence ,
Mo. , things are entirely too hot for him. A
few years ago ho bobbed up in a Kansas
town us u minister of the gospel , and after
creating great excitement In the religious
circles and getting in debt to all the unsus
pecting , ho imported a woman of easy virtue
to the town und played such a high gauia of
disgrace and villainy that the natives ilred
him out of the country. Ho afterwards
turned up in Denver , whuro ho opened up a
game of chance in violation of the law ,
and was compelled to skip out to avoid being
Representatives of the People ?
Onind Isluiul Imlcpcniltnt ,
Mr.V. . F. Grillltts , as a milrond
speaker before the Oirmlm board of
trade , assumes the role of a. "ropro-
Bontutivo of the people , " clnimod that
the board of transportation ought to
have yielded to the advice of bomo so-
called boards of trade of dilYoront Ne
braska places , and that a reduction of
railroad rates wore disastrous to the iu-
torosts of Nebraska , uncalled for and
against the will of the people of Ne
Wo want Mr. GriffHts and his so-
called delegations of so-called boards of
trade to understand that that they are
by no moans the representatives of the
people of Nebraska ; that the interests
of. most of thoin uvo entirely different
from the interests of the people , and
that the great majority ot thorn lack
independence of cliaractor and of
business relations required for good
and reliable representatives of the pee
ple.The egotistical interests of the mer
chants have very little , if any , to do
with the true interests of the people. It
hardly makes a ditlerenco to u merchant -
chant whether ho pays $100 or $20 for a
carloud of goods , because ho adds the
freight to the priuo of his goods , and
takes BO much more from his customers :
who have to suiter lor it. Consequently
the majority of them , ninety probably
out of ono hundred , look with supreme
indilTeronco on the most outrageous
overcharges of the railroads. The com
mon merchant takes an interest in the
freight only , when discrimination is
practiced , either in his favor or against
him. And hero just is the point where
the railroads control him , so that ho is
always willing to help thorn against the
pooplo. They can favor or hurt him ,
either individual against individual , or
city against city. And they use this
power by threats of their vengeance or
promises of their favor. This explains
why it it an easy thing for
the railroads to get in a
mooting of a board of trtule- majority
winch is willing to whitewash railroad
oppression , railroad swindles nnd rail
road overcharges. A great many stay
away from lack of interest and from
fear the railroads might hurt thorn
while the railroads send their tools to
do their bidding.
In this way they got some delegations
of "boards of trade , " to appear before
the board of transportation , and had
some meetings in Omaha and Hastings
called , to IIKIKO declarations in favor of
excessive railroad overcharges.
For these mon , who are nothing but
railroad assistants , it is the height of
impudence and deceit , to call thorn-
solves "representatives of the people"
nnd to claim that their demand is the
"will of the people. " It Is the usual rail
road game to foist upon the people rail
road mon as "representatives of the
pooplo. "
That among the merchants there are
mon , who are willing and able to truly
represent the interests of thu people wo
know well enough , but they are scarce
mid form sin exception rather than the
rule. Those , that crowd themselves
into these delogationsof boards of trade ,
are none of these exceptions , they are
the common railroad tools like these
who crowd the political clubs , primaries
anil convontlons'for the bonent of | ho
railroads and their excessive rules.
Some Sly Political Work by Ne
Ono of Them Is tlio Capture of the
State- Hoard of TrniiHiior-
tntlon Tliclr Chances
oi' Success.
lutti 1' STIIKUT , >
LINCOLN. Augusts. )
' Oh , yes , " said Judge Miirvlu to Tun
UKI ; representative last evening , "tho
railroads are getting lu some sly polit
ical work these days. Play those fol
lows for fools and you will got lot down
hard every timo. "
l > 13ut what great things are they do
ing. judgoV"
"Thoy are bent on capturing the
slate board of transportation , anil they
will como pretty near doing it. No
great olTort will bo made to boat Loeso
for attorney general. IIo Is too hard a
nut for them to crack , altliou gh they
would make a sturdy effort that way
if they thought it would do any
good. IIo is too strong for
them , though on thu surface
it would boom that to beat him was the
only thing the railroaders cared for. In
my opinion they are only throwing mud
in this direction to hldo their real in
tentions. "
"How so ? Plenso explain. "
"Well , you will llnd that the slate
convention will develop thu fact that
they want the atato treasurer , auditor
of public accounts anil the commis
sioner of public lands and buildings ,
and the various candidates they have
in the field for these positions goes n
long way toward unveiling the end they
have in view. To bo half way fair
they will seem to bo willing to concede
something to the dear people. Thoyswcur
by Loose anil the ronomination of Laws
is conceded upon past precedent. Now
if you will study the geographical loca
tion of the candidates they have sprung
who are evidently friendly to their in
terests , you can see the force of my po
sition at a glance. Benton , Fetors and
GrobslmiiH are open cuiididatas for au
ditor of stato. Yost , Graham , Hill and
Eiiibol are gripping for the troasurship
like grim death. Dow , Carter and
Parker are working ha-il for commis
sioner of public lauds and buildings ,
and so it goes , and you will find a do/.ou
other fellows playing at dark horse can
didates , and they como from localities
that are most likely to have
n chance to Bocuro represen
tation. Tlio railroads are playing a sly
game , and they are playing it hard. If
they secure tlio treasurer , auditor and
commibsionor , they have a majority of
the wtato board , and they care more for
that than anything ulse. Of the candi
dates I have named for the&o positions
only Graham and Grosshans are for tlio
people lir&t , last and all the timo. Now
you have my idea. "
"But should the game explode , judge ,
don't you think that the railroads would
labor for the repeal of tlio law of their
creation ? "
"That might be. but I doubt the wis
dom of that , bocaubo of the peculiar
diillculty there is in securing the
passage of a statute law that
will cover railroad issues as thor
oughly as the ono that provides for the
state board. The law that wo have is
good enough if the people are only
sharp enough to keep a majority of the
board at the helm who are in their
favor and will stand by fair and equit
able regulation. The people had bettor
lot well enough alone and stand by what
they have. It is time that the people
understood the importance of the pri
mary election. There is the place to
make the fight , and the railroads would
then settle down to the inevitable or
do all the kicking. "
At the capital J. D. McDonald and
C. S. Peailold , Fremont ; J. P. Hoalo ,
Charloetown , W. Va. ; , T. T. Madder , St.
Joe ; O. H. Schramm , Kansas City ; Mrs.
R. W.Kolly and Miss J. T. Dillman ,
Turlingtown ; William Guottol , Chicago
cage ; H , Hill and wlfo , Grand Island ;
F. M. Benedict , Loavouworth ,
Kan. ; A. G. Molntosh , St. Louis ;
P. M. Hallowoll , Chicago ; H. A.
Airoy , Nobosville ; Abraham Chapman ,
St. Louis ; Frank Livingston , Kansas
City ; E. B. Phillips , Valparaiso ; F. L.
Boynton , Westside , la. ; William Bruno ,
Chicago ; C. F. Wilson , Marseilles , la. ;
U. W. White , S , Rogers and John Had
dock , Chicago ; D. N. Do Lim , Dos
Mollies ; Frank Catron , Omaha ; H. E.
Kiel , ValparaUoBp. ; H. Johnson , St.
Louis ; E. D. Wright , Binghampton ,
Ni Yi
At the Windsor G. 0. Rinman , Cin
cinnati ; H. F. Hubbard , St. EouJs ; J.
B. Fatten , Now York ; R. L. Duncan ,
Chicago ; B. Apple , Now York ; A. W ,
Pullon , Chicago ; W. Hard wick , Now
York , H. Eslir , Chicago ; F. T. J. Nu-
nan. New York ; J. S. Lltt , Milwaukee ;
G. W. Sotcholl , Boston ; S. Huchings ,
St. Louis ; W. C. Fox , Chicago ; J. W.
Dickinson , Boston ; C. W. Peck , Chicago
cage ; H. W. Young , Sioux Citv ' ;
Charles Connor , Chicago ; L. C. Child's ,
St. Paul ; A. E. AndersonChicago ; W.D.
Lommon , Now York ; S. Velio , Chicago.
Ben Spitz , Kansas City ; R. Subor , Chicago
cage ; John I. Dunn , Kansas City ; H.
W. Gilbert , Now York ; II. Simmons
and wife , Kansas City ; U. H. McCartor ,
Now York ; John W. Fisher , Atthibon ;
W. L. Jenny , Idaho ; L. Ravobrook , Ot-
tumwa , In. ; William A. Wolfe , Omaha ;
R. K. Cooper , St. Joe ; N. E. Ilackman ,
St. Louis ; Ed Long , Chicago ; E. A.
Haven , Now York.
At Opolt's S. W. Strunk , Atchison ;
J. A. Campbell , Seward ; G. E. Woth-
orwick , Now York ; W. II. Allen ,
Omaha ; George Leper , York ; K. F.
Fnssig , Chicago ; George B. Shumway ,
Kansas City ; M. K. Van Huson ,
Sioux City ; L. W. Ball , Denver ; A. A.
Dunckol , Boston ; L. W. Willis , St.
Joseph ; W. H. Taylor , Kansas City ;
F. J. Jostin , Omaha ; Frank Landers ,
Chicago ; H. Hosoiibtook , Omaha ; O. F.
Turner , Couni-ll Bluffs ; A. M. Githols ,
Chicago ; J. P. Malloo and George
W. Davy , Fremont ; Charles M.
Hough , St. Louis ; M. W. Rayloy ,
Omaha ; W. L. Rothorlck , St. Joseph ;
T. E. Patterson , Chicago ; R. A. Durst ,
St. Louis ; A. E. James , Chicago ; F. A.
Pollard , St. Joseph ; L. L. Gorbrick ,
Dos Moines ; L. C. Fobslor , Chicago ; C.
C. Goodoll , Pcorla ; C. E. Cannon ,
Columbus , Ohio ; C. E. Winslow , War
saw , Wis. ; G. N. White , Chicago ; C. R.
Chandler , Rockford , 111. ; E. Rosonbaum ,
St. Louis ; Eugene Pitts , Omaha ; V. E.
Crapsor , Chicago ; J. L. Webber , St.
Louis ; F. W. Wells , B'ondulac , Wis. ;
C. A. Diamond , St. Joseph ; J. N. Hunt ,
The following letter from W. C. Rod-
ley offers a word explaining his actions
in reference to the late death of his
nephew , M. C. Ridley , qulto severely
condemned in some quarters of the city.
HASTINOS , Nob. , August 4. In an
article published in the State Journal
Friday , referring to the death of my
nephew , M. O. Uidloy , I am
charged with unfeeling conduct. Per
mit mo to any that upon receipt of the
telegram announcing his death I was
confined to my bed with sickness nnd
was , on that account , unnblo to person-
nlly go to Lincoln nnd see to the nr-
rangcmont of his funeral. I immedi
ately wrote n letter to his mother , in
forming her of the sad state of
allalrs. and telegraphed to Lincoln ns
stated , thinking it best at present to
bury htm there on account of the extreme -
tromo hot weather , with n view to re
moving his remains to his old homo
later on. As to the expenses of hia
funeral. I am not nt present financially
able to boar thorn , but it is not on no-
count of my luck of affection for him , ns
I have always been almost n father to
him , as ho would testify to were ho
alive to-day. W. C. RiDhKY.
lostorduy afternoon Sheriff Million ,
of Dodge county , committed R. A.
Irwin and James C. Crawford to the
merciful care of Warden Ilyors , and
they will do service for the state in the
poimontiary for two years. These >
crooks were arrested in Fremont about
five months ago for house breaking and f
robbery ; were tried nnd convicted and
are now paying the penalty of the law.
William Davidson , a laborer on the
N street sewage work , attempted to
cross a plank ever the trench yostordny
evening , and slipped and fell heavily
upon his fai-o , his chest striking some
rusty spikes sticking from the plank ,
ono of whioh penetrated his lungs , pro
ducing a wound that may cost the joung
man his Hfo. Mr. Davidson passed a
blooploss night , sulToring great agony ,
and is but little if any hotter this morn
ing. Tlio attending physicians fear
the rust from the spike may cause blood
poisoning anil in that event there is but
little ohanco for recovery. While a
peculiar accident , it is certainly n sad
The fact that insurance companies
have raised the insurance rate on oity
property , because of the insulllcioncy o'f
the water supply , spurs the wntor coin-
mittco to wouk its level best to help the
city out of the pressing strait. It is
now stated that 155 wells will bo ready
for operation by the middle of the week ,
everyone of which will throw pure ,
swcot water. It is thought that this
number of wells will do the work and
raise tlio water pressure to the required
nood. This plan will bo thoroughly
tested , and moro wells will bo made if
it is found to bo necessary.
Bishop Ward , D. D. , colored , of
Bonning , D. C. , will visit Lincoln Mon
day and on Tuesday evening will deliver
a lecture at the M. E. church. A grand
reception will bo tendered to him while
ho is in the oity , Ho has boon of the
bishopric for ever forty years and is ono Ref
of the oldest of the F. M. E. church. j !
His lecture Tuesday evening ought to
bo largely attended. '
The rain storm last night was very
heavy hero. Some of the business
collars were nearly filled with water , .
causing a great deal of hard work and |
considerable damage. } ' ,
Colonel Al Fail-brother and General
McBride wont to Omaha to-day to recreate -
create for a day or two. ' :
Free to All.
The beautiful picture , "Will They
ConsontV" is a largo magnificent engraving - '
graving , printed upon a shoot 19 inches ' .
wide by 21 inches long. It is an exact
copy of an original painting by Kwnll , I
ivhich was sold for $5,000. '
This elegant picture represents a young
ludy standing in a beautiful room , surround
ed by ull that is luxurious , near a half-
open door , while the young man , her lovcrIs
soon lu un adjoining room asking the consent
of her parents for their daughter in marriage.
The flno Interior decorations , together , with
the graceful posiUon of the beautiful girl is
in keeping with the sentiment of the picture.
It must ho seen to bo appreciated.
This valuable picture is fitting to adorn the
wall of any Indies' parlor , nnd in order to
offer an extraordinary inducement to intro
duce our Wax Starch , this costly picture will ]
bo given away , free to every person purchas
ing n small box ofVax Staroli. j
This starch is something entirely now , and j
is without a doubt the greatest starch inven
tion of the nineteenth century , ( at least every
body says so that hnvoused It ) . It superccdcs J
everything heretofore used or Vnown to ]
science in the laundry art. Unlike any other ]
starch , as It is coated with pure whit * I
wax and chemically prepared upon sclcntiflo ]
principles by an export in the laundry pro- 1
fosslon who has had years of practical oxpor- I
ienoo in fauoy lauudryin ? . It is the first and ]
only starch in the world that makes ironing ]
easy and restores old summer dresses to their I
natural whiteness , and imparts to lluon a j
beautiful and lasting ilnlsh.
Please remember that the present you ro-
celvo with each box of Wax Starch , has J
never been Hold at retail for loss than one 1
dollar. This great offer is only good for six 1
weeks , after which the present will bo omitI I
ted and the starch sold at the usual price. I
Try it and bo convinced of the whole truth. I
Ark your grocer for Wax Starch and ohI
tain this beautiful nnd costly picture free , I
Keokuk , Iowa. I
The Illll Providing Tor tlio Purcliqso ,
ofn Now Si to , {
Below is a copy of the bill"as Introduced - '
duced in the house of representatives '
by Mr. McShano , providing for the sale '
of the site of Fort Omaha , the sale or '
removal of the Improvements thereof ,
nnd for a new site and the construction , '
of suitable buildings thereon : j
Bo it enacted by the Senate and House I
of Representatives cf the United States j
ot America in Congwcss assembled , '
That the secretary of war is hereby ]
authorized to boll the military reserva1
tion known ns Fort Omaha , near the 1
city of Omaha , in the state of NoI
braska , nnd such of the buildings and I
improvements thereon ns cannot bo I
economically removed to the now site
heroin provided for. In disposing of
said property the bccrotnry of war shall
cause the grounds to bo platted in
blocks , streets and alloys , if , in his
judgment , it would inure to the benefit
of tlio government in making sulo of
said site , having duo reference to
the requirements of the houses
and buildings located on said
grounds in such cases us they
may bo sold with the ground. The sue-
rotary of war shall also cause thu lots ,
lands and buildings to bo appraised nnd
sold at public auction or private saloat
not less than tlio appraised value , litiv-
ing first been offered at public Hale. The
expo n bo of advertising , appraisement , fl
survey and sale shall bo paid out of the
proceeds of said sale , and the balance
paid into the treasury of the United
Sco. 2. That the secretary of war is
authorized and shall purchase suitable
grounds of not less than 320 nor more
than 010 acres in extent , to bo situate
within n distance of ton mites of the
limits of said city of Omaha , in the state
of Nebraska , and construct thereon the 1
necessary buildings with appurtenances
sufficient for n ton-company military
post , to bo known as Fort Omaha , in 1
accordance with estimates to bo prepared - 1
pared by the war department ; nnd n 1
Bulliolont sum of money , not exceeding
$ 200,000 , is hereby appropriated , out of
any money In the treasury not other-
wlso appropriated , to enable the secretary -
tary of war to comply with the provisions -
ions of this nut : Provided , That the
title to the lands authorized to bo purchased -
chased under the second section of this
act shall be approved by the attorney
Sec. 3. That section 1 of this nut shall
be of effect when the i.urcnim : of a new I
bite provided for In section y ahull hava
boun effected.