Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1888, Page 9, Image 9
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SUNDAY AUGUST ISSS.- TWELVE PAGE& I MIGHTS OF THE GREEN CLOTH How They Throve In Omaha in 'Former Times. CANADA BILL'S PECULIARITIES. UK ; I'plsode of the Itlvrr A Gam bler Compelled to Din- Ills Winnings 1'roin nn Old Sinn. Old Time Gamblers. The law that closed the houses In Omaha took ollcct July 4 , 1887 , since which time gambling hns virtually ceased In this city. The flush time when money was plenty and bets big , wits about twenty years ago. Prob ably ono of the best known men of the gambling fraternity of the west in the eld days was "Canada Bill" whoso real muno was William Jones. Ho was n liorhe trader by profession and a three- cnrd-inonto export from choice. Thcro was not n railroad west of the Mississ ippi that ho had not traveled over al ways ns n slouchy conntrymnn , and so complete was his disguise , that upon ono occasion he succeeded in fleecing a follow gamble r from the Pacific coast who had thought to practice his art upon Bill , taking him for the unso phisticated farmer ho appeared. It is Mild that when the game was over , Bill returned all ho had won , disclos ing his identity , and advising the as tonished California ! ! that in future ho should not consider every man in rough clothing his victim. Bill's Omaha place was in a frame liuildlng that stood at the northeast corner of Eleventh and Furnutn streets where Max Meyer's elegant brick block is now situated. In those days mituh traveling was done by water , and the ohlof landing place for steamers and ferries was at the foot of Jones street. The old plank road leading up town rtuno up Jones to Ninth , then to Fnr- jinm street , and Bill used to catch all the emigrant "suckers , " for ho could toll ono at sight. The story is told that once nn emi grant possessing considerable stock and several wagons , as well ns a snug sum of money , dropped into Bill's place with the fond intention of becoming n mil lionaire. But ho lost all his property and in all likelihood would have put up his children if Bill would have taken them. However , Bill gnvo back every thing to him with the hound advice that in future ho should not endeavor to gain something for nothing. It was ono of Canada Bill's favorite sports , to win all a man had , only to return it with a lec ture. On one of his railway trips , ho ran across a boy traveling with father and mother , sitlingilownbesidothoboy , ho devoted all his attention to amusing him , and at last asked the boy to get borne tobacco , offering him lifty cents for his trouble. After a time Bill drew out hlH cards and threw them , asking the boy if ho could pick up a certain ono. Cyrus looked up in surprise at so simple a question and exclaimed : "Well , I should say I can , " and ho did. Whereupon , Bill declared Cyrus was the smartest boy ho had over known , and throw the cards again. After the boy had picked up the right one a number of times in succession , and had thus won qnito a bum of money. Ills father , who had bcon nn interested spectator whispered audibly to his wife. * 'Go and got that inonoy out of your bolt. I'm going to have Cyrus bet high next time. " The woman loft her seat for a mo ment and returning handed her hus band a big roll of money. Ho banked ' with liis son and the two made a bet with Bill. The curds were thrown and 'the old go n tic man rubbed hifi chin and "Can you pick it up , Cyrus ? " and Cyrus answered confidently : "I should say lean , pa. " But ho didn't. With his usual mag nanimity Bill returned the money and the way ho lectured that boy on being smart was a caution. Cyrus probably has never forgotten the game or the lecture. Bill finally drifted east , and died penniless among strangers in Reading , Pa. His funeral was attended by only u few sporting men. It was conspicu ous for the absence of either women or tears. Just as the collln was about to bo lowered into its last resting place , one of the gamblers present suggested that they look inside the colHn to be sure that Bill was there , saying that ho had been in many a tight place before , bi't had always been successful in extri cating himself. The lid was raised , disclosing the remains of ono of the most famous throe-card monte men of his day in a place from which no man can free himself. The lid was screwed down ugain and the eofl'ii lowered into the grave which hid Canada Bill from eight forever. Jack Morrow was an eccentric gambler but very liberal in his peculiar way. Jack would meet a farmer on the street with a load of apples , inquire the price , and no matter what it was , pay cash down for it and have it dumped in the Btreot for the benefit of the public. It is said ho has oven disposed of a load of hay in this erratic manner. There wiis a physician that used to gamble a considerable. Ho would ride His horeo into a saloon and take a drink. Another well known gambler of the old days was Dan Allen. Dan had his place out Cuming street , then known as the military roadnear Saunders street , and where Furay's barn now is. There wore Bwnmps and a big bridge out there then. It was quite a ways out in the country and it was quite a "fly" coun try. Dan Allen was ono of the finest men of the gambling fraternity. No man , gambler or preacher , saint or sin ner , could over bay a word against Dan personally. Ho was always kind and obliging , never taking an unfair ad- i vantage of anyone. Other old-timers in Omaha wore "Stuttering" Brown , who ran a place where the Diamond saloon now is , on Douglas street. Doe Bangs , Shown Thuraton and McAlTy. The Union Pa- cillo and the Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific railroads worn the favorite routes that they worked. The steamers plying between Omaha and St. Louis was also u favorite route for the gamblers to ply their vocation. , After working a boat thoroughly they would stop at the first landing-place and await another boat. Many of them have been known to bo four and live monthscoming from St.Louis to Omaha. Arriving in this city , they would recu perate for a few days and then return. Uncle Johnny Stanton used to pose as u gambler , but he never was. Ho was n great story-toller and a universal favorite among the fraternity , and they Kept him well supplied with funds. It is said that ho was a brother of Edwin M. Stanton , but this lacks verification. Uncle Johnny died at the county poor farm not long ago. A cattleman came into u gambling-house on Doug las street u good many years ago with the ayovyed intention of break- tug the game. At one time ; he .Was nearly $7,000 ahead , but ho grow excited , and when ho finally left nftor playing all night , ho was a loser to the amount of 11,600. Evidently ho was not really ns smartasacountrymau , fi pawky , beardless boy , who played un til ho was a winnerof about 8100 , when bo refused to play any longer. "Oh. I ain't goin' to play any more , " ho mild , as ho pocketed the money and moved towards the door. "I mightn't bo BO lucky nglri. " "I was coming up from St. Joe on the river once buck in the Ws. It was so warm that the little stateroom win stilling to me , and so I loft it and went out upon the deck. It was a dullmoon light night , and the moonlight falling upon the water gave it a dull , pombro aspect. I drew a chair up to the rail ing , and was leaning over , lost in thought , when a voice startled mo , "Are you going to remain in Omahni1" " Vcs sir , " I roplied"for a short time. " "I never tire of watching the moon light on the water , " ho continued in a low , friendly voice. "There is always something peaceful about it. I remem ber , not long ago , I was coming up from St. Louis. There was a notorious gam bler aboard from St. Louis , who was reaping a rich harvest from the many susceptible men aboard. I really felt sorry for the poor victims , but I was powerless to aid them. There was ono old man in particular whom I pitied. Ho seemed to have lost his head completely , and actually could not keep away from the gnmblor. Ho was accompanied by his daughter , a pale girl of about eighteen , who clung to her father , pleading with him not to piny , but for some gambling possesses a peculiar charm audit did for this man. Ono afternoon I ran upon his daughter sitting with her head in her hands and weeping. 1 could not resist the temptation to slop and listen to what she was saying to her father who stood before her. "Oh , dear , dear father , ' ' she cried , "what will wo do when wo reach Omnha and mother in Lincoln dying ? How will wo reach Lincoln ? Fattier for the love of Oed and mother , stop gambling I pray you father stop. " Her passionate pleading and tearstained - stained face had not , the slightest ofleut upon the man , for ho laughed hoar ely and turned away. I saw him a short time afterwards playing with the gnjn- bler , and by his haggard looks and the triumphant gleam in the shark's eye I know ho was losing. I felt very sorry for his daughter assho paced backwards and forwards like a caged beast. I did not see her father until in the evening when wo wore onlya few miles from Omaha. His daughter was clinging to him and crying. His eyes were heavy and bloodshot. I divined the reason at onco. Ho had lost ail his money , and now when it was too lalo lie saw his folly. The full horror that ho would soon arrive in a strange place without money or friends , and his wife in Lin coln , dying , and waiting for him , swept over him. By and by his daughter left him and walked down the deck and I went up and spoke to her. She told mo the gambler had robbed her father of $700. I loft her in her borrow ivnd walked away. I hud not gone far before I found the gambler loaning over the railing and looking do\yn on the water. It was just such a night as this , the moonlight falling upon the river. Ho was a small man , and as I was quite strong and agile I sprang forward , caught him by collar and leg and raised him over the railing. "Don't cry , " I hissed , "or I shall throw you into the river. " "What do you want ? " ho gasped , his teeth chattering with fright. "I want the § 700 you got from that old man , " I said. Ho taw beneath him the cold , sombre , seething water that scorned to bo thirsting and calling for him. "Let mo down. " ho cried , "I will pay you the money. " 1 let him down , for ho was completely cowed. Ho paid mo the money just-ns the boat whistled for Omalia and wontskuHdngaway. Never before or have I since experienced so much pleasure as I did when I returned the money to the girl. I was very glad to learn after , that the mother was not as ill as had boon supposed , and that she lived to accompany her hus- and daughter back to St. Louis. E. A. EATON. 1M1MET1KS. A San Francisco clergyman preached a sermon on truth a week or two ago , In which bo said this would be a hard year on truth. A young sporting nitm went into a religious book store the other day and nskcd for a work on Btpoplochuslng. He was given a" guide book to the cathedrals of England. The report that Ouida has become a devout Christian Is rocoivcd with incredulity , and runnot bo verified or dlsprovea with any thing HUe absolute certainty until after the uppoaranco of her next book. Evangelist Moody's Chicago church was struck do lightning during the morning ser vices ono Sunday. The members of the congregation were shocked nnu somewhat indignant. They could not understand it. A Sunday school lesson was on the "Ten Virgins , " and the next Sunday the review question was uskcd : "What was the lesson was about last Sunday ! " A bright boy gayo the prompt unswcr , "about 10 gals that went to n wedilln' . " From what Mount were the laws given to the people ! " asked a teacher in the Mount Pleasant Sunday schoollast Sunday. "Mount Vernon , " sung out n llttlo girl , bcforo any body o'.so had a chance to answer , and the answer counted. At a Brooklyn church sociable "Are you acquainted with the Pointdoxters. Mrs. Or thodoxy ] They are such nlco pcopio , and so good , . " "Oh. dear , no. They were In our church last buiulny and requested to ho shown to n scat. I only know paw-owners , Mrs. Gooclsoul. " Sheriff Adnmson cnmo to town last Satur day afternoon with a largo negro securely tied , who was taken care of by Jailor Will iams , says a South Carolina country papnr. Ho U now the only occupant. Ills otlenso must bo a light ono as ho has not yet begun to sing hymns. James Stcphcnson , of Montezumn , Ind. , n loader In the Methodist church and superin tendent of the Sunday school , has tied to Canrnlu with (1 ± OJO of public school funds. As long ns ho didn't carry uway the church and Sunday school the peopleof Montczuina ought to become reconciled to their fate. A clergyman in ono of the Bahama islands proposed that the service bo shorter for the convenience oT his parlshloncis. A day or eo afterward ho received this protest : "Jndcod , air , our ladles will nebcr tlnk it worth whllo to dress only to sit In church for ono hour. " Wo wonder If such a remonstrance could como from any other place I Certainly , It would not bo heard In this country. Sunday school scholar ( who 1ms boon giv ing profound attention to the subject under discussion ) "Teacher , you say wo must al ways love our enemies. Now , s'poso two fol- lors love the sarno girl , an1 ono gets her nn' the other don't. Do you s'poso the ono that gits loft is gain' to love the ono that gits the girll" Teacher lost In meditation Village Parson ( entering country editor's ofUco ) You promised to publish that sermon I sent you on Monday , but I do not llnd It in the latest issue of your paper. Editor I sent it up. It surely wont iu. What was the name of It ! Parson "Food my Lambs. " Editor ( after searching through the paper ) Ah yes ura here It is. You sco wo'vo got u now foreman , and ho put It under ttio head of "Agricultural Notes , " as "Hints on the Care of Sheop. " When the Energies Flnjt Usollorsford'H Acid 1'liOKphnte. DK. T. 0. SMITH , Charlotte , N. D. , says : ' It Is an invaluable ncrvo tonic , a delightful beverage , mid ono of the best restorers when the energies flog and the spirits droop. " Paris decrees that while tall , slender women may wear puffed sleeves at discretion those who are plump or short may confine themselves to close-fitting ones , which , how ever , need by no uiouns bo devoid of orna m.out. COTTAGE HOMES We are now prepared to sell lot to responsible parties in West Lawn and build cottages to suit pur chasers , on small cash , payment and long time. WEST LAWN is the finest laying addition around Omaha , streets and lots are smooth and level , and perfect grade. THE BELT LINE trains , now running at regular intervals through the day , afford quick and easy transit between WEST LAWN and the business center of the city. THE F. E. & M. V. R , R. runs along the west side of the property , and a street car line is already within a few blocks. A VERY HANDSOME TWO STORY SCHOOL HOUSE is now being erected on W EST LAWN , insuring splendid school facilities , free from the unhealthy and demoralizing influences of our overcrowded city schools. THERE WILL BE NO SHA NTIES or poorly constructed houses in WEST LAWN. We propose to do the Building Ourselves and Make West Lawn a Splen did Neighborhood of Cottage Homes. YOU CAN SELECT from any of our plans of four , five or six room cottages , the one you prefer , and we will build it and turn it over to you all complete with cistern , well , coal house , walks , fence , etc. WE CAN OFFER YOU AN ELEGANT COTTAGE , with full lot , amply large enough for nice lawn , fruit and vegetable garden , all complete , A PERFECT GEM OF A HOMEfor $1,200 , with a small amount down , and the balance on easy MONTHLY PAYMENTS. WHAT YOU ARE NOW PAYING FOR RENT will , in a few years , pay for a cozy home in WEST LAWN. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO CALL at our office and let us show you WEST LAWN ; examine.the plans of cot" tages we propose to build , and then if you are not satisfied that we are offering the best located and most complete homes for the money ever offered in Omaha , you will will not be asked to buy. Southwest Corner 15th and Farnam Streets. IN THE FEMININE DOMAIN , Facts and Fancies for the Fair Sex. DON'T TELL HER SHE IS PRETTY. BniiK ! Wholesome .Vilvloe Well Written The DoliiKs of Three lirato Women GlrlH Who Kind Ituslmmlf ) . Don't Tell the Girl She l Pretty. in Itlcn fur The lice. Don't toll her bho is pretty , Unit bright , iwy-fiwed { , 'irl with the pink urn ! white chocks and the little , tempt ing rosebud mouth. Let her retain her girlish innocence as loner us possible. Don't tell her that her eyes ivro a thou sand times more lovely and expressive than those , of her young friend across the way , who is known as a roinnrkivbly pretty girl. Don't toll her that her hair has a peculiarly lovely tint , even though its tawnv gleams are your heart's pride. Don't change the gay and carolehs laugh to an affected simper , or the open , unselfish nnd winning expression of youthful innocence to u conceited smirk , by constantly reminding her of hoi * charms. She may bo your friend , your daughter , your sister. You may love and admire and feast your loving eyoH upon her expanding beauty and mentally reckon and recount the con quests in store for her and the number of hearts that are bound to boat fast and high under the witch ing influence of her smile. But as you are her friend I bog of you to say nothing to her of these things. Totach not the down upon the peach , unless it is your own. Brush not the dew from the rose , unless to wear it upon your heart , nor pull open the petals of a half extended bud to hautcn its appearance of bloom. Let lice dreams of love bo dreams until the surg ing tide of time and reality brings to her ripened heart the crowning glory , of woman's life. Love , in a measure , full rounded and complete , beautiful in its newness ; not stale , tame , or half mixed witli fear and distrust or robbed of its wierednc s by former flirtations. How many girls of the present day beeni to have lost all girlish'iobb and freshness in their earliest teens ; seem even at Unit ago to have grown tired of empty compliments and to look upon the world with a wisdom and instinct away out of keeping with their years. To many a bright , intelligent but iiiju- cticiouwly potted girl the voice of praif-o and llattory is as common as fully ex pected and almost as necessary to her existence as her daily meals. She im agines nil the young men of her ac quaintance madly in love with her ; her young lady fi lends wild with jealousy and with an bvor present consciousness of her charms , she becomes , instead of the guiiial , laughing , pleasant compan ion she should bo , conceited , tolllch and haughty. And who is to blame for this ? Mothers , perhaps , unwittingly. Broth ers , sihtors , friends , and any who fall thoughtlessly into the habit of wholesale - sale and senseless ( lattery. And if those would save themselves from many u heartache caused by the selfish and thanklubs bpirit which they have fo - tored , they should exorcise great care in bestowing llattory on tonuor and sus ceptible natures. J. JAC-CJUISS. Tliroo nF vo AVomeii. Boston Herald : There wore eight persons in the mountain wagon. They were at the steepest pitch in the des cent from Mt. Washington , and both springs had already been broken on the trip , and were bnndugcd with wooden splints , when the horses tumbled. The woman on the scat with the driver turned an eye of terror to those behind her. In a moment ono of the two men in her party had jumped from tluj wagon and ordered the ladies to dis mount ns quickly lib possible. The other man of the party , stricken with terror ran into the woods. The driver hat speechless , holding his reins in hand. Ono woman hastened to block the wheels with a stone. The woman on the front seat unhitched the two span of leaders from their fallen companions nnd led thorn to n position out of danger and petted thorn until they were quiut. Another woman , nnd a Boston lady who is well known , stopped up to the kick ing and groaning horses and disengaged the traces , at the same time dodging the heels of the disabled animals , nnd then the driver , who had held the fort till his assistants had made the lifting of thot cam from its pressure on the dis abled horses possible , dismounted nnd speedily put his team in order again. Girls Who Find Huslmiuls. "That man's a bruto.nndl won't work for him another minute. " These angry words,6ays Oio Wash Ing- ton correspondent ot the Baltimore Tlorakl , came from the rosy lips of one of the prettie&t and brightest girls in the Bureau of Engr.iving and Printing. With her black eyes ipurkling and Hashing like two stars and her round , plump little body tronibling under the power of a great rn l < , she dashed into the' otllco of Mr. Morgan , the amiable j and paternal superintendent of the printing division- and relieved her pent-up feelings with stingiiiir brevity. Than theto gathered in her shining pyos a great Hood ofytuars. She heb'od the it-ornor of her long apron between her pactty hands and thrust it violently' ' into her eyes , and liOjrnn to bob as thoigh her heart would bi isitk. Kvon if her apron was covered witli green ink from the btccl plates IriStn which the man bho denounce ! was j printing $ -0 greenbacks , what did she ( carer1 Better that her pink cheeks had always been of a hideous line than that she should have lived to have him. nil men , treat hcV unkindly. lip. ho not told her how ho loved her1 Had ho not looked deep into those little black eyes of hers ? Had ho not kissed those pretty lips ? Had ho not touched those pretty cheeks1 ; Had he not admired her till she reeled from the sweet intoxication of a lover's praiseV So bho rubbed her eyes and her teur-Btninoil cheeks with her apron , making her face look like a half-painted window blind , and anger coining back into her voice and attitude , he sii : d : "No , sir ; Mr. Morgan. I shan't work with him ; he's a bruto. " "Como , my young friend , " said the nmiablo * * he isn't superintendent , as pud ns that. You go , back to work , and if , when yon como hero to-morrow morn- inrfj you btill think that Mr. Brownis , a brute , I'll give you another printer , to work with. " \ Btlt she did not cotje back the next morning , and Mr. Blorgan knew that shq'wouldn't. Witn'that ' keen insight into "human naluro born of long expe rience , ho know that the outburst of rav6 on the part of tljo little beauty had - in of rthoso lovers' its-origin ono quar rels that occur bct\veon \ printers and their assistants whqn they fall in love with ono another , as they sometimes do. In fact , ono of his many and onerous duties is to subdue these Cupicl volca noes , nnd ho does it with such tact und judgment that the lovers , instead of being separated forever , remain united forever. Two or thrco months later ho had the satisfaction of learning from the little rosebud herself that she and Mr. Brown were soon to bo married. She handed in her resignation , in ac cordance with the nn written law that no woman with a husband shall work in the bureau , and began tier preparation for the translation before the altar from a printer's assistant to the higher position of a printer's wife. HONEY FOH THE L.VI ) IES. Veils now fall just below the chin ami match the costume In color , or else are of black net with n luco edge. In dlrcctoiro sashes a nowofloct is obtained by making them of two shades of a color with four cuds and a rosutto bow. The gowns cut low in the neclt at the front fasten over a Ilchu of folded mull , and have cufts of folded mull about the wrist. If n silk petticoat is worn , it must match the gown In hue quito ns strMly as the stock ings , and much more so than the gloves. Among new fabrics corded sllK , with a thread ot gold running through It , Is ono of the richest , nnd Indescribably handsome. The most elegant imported parasols nro de void of lace garniture , ana nro in ado of costly satins , molro , anil silk nets. With the atill growing fashion for round wai.sts and their styllxh bait ailornin s , buckles and clasps uro In great demand. A utidsummer fancy that late weather makes sensible Is that oJ wearing shoulder capes of long fur or of plush with thin gowns. The loose sailor or Gnrnbaldi blouses are good wear for growing girls , as they give room for development und blue undesirable angles. Lace , tulle or not mixed with velvet or molro upon straw and forming u matrix for numberless lona-slenvncd llowers Is the fea ture of millinery ] ust uow. Very ninny of the more stylish summer dresses ewe their elegant effect to the care ful blending of harmonious colors , or other wise to delightful contrasts of color. Ulick lints are allowable with any onlnred costume , nnd nro moro nnd more tralinod with green- ribbon in variety , whllo In Paris they add short grcon plumes ns well. Tan shoes are very generally worn both by men nnd women. With the latter , however , they seldom harmonize jwlth the toilet , and , us a contrast , they nro not a success. If the callco'pattcrneil India silks are com bined with plum stuffs , the underskirt must bo of figured goods with drapery of the plain , and waist In wuloh both appear. While Henrietta cloth and white camels' hair are far nnd away the choicest of the season's light wool textures , whlto striped Scotch cheviots bear alt the palm for uso. Two Buffalo girls are carrying on a drug store. They have both'taken a course In pharmacy at a medical collage , and are emi nently qualified to inalro a success of the en terprise , Hlbbon four to eight inches wide appear on the newest hats , and If the bows look as though they were designed by a lunatic and ' iir - ii ify i ImJ been through u cyclone , the acme of clcgauco has been attained. Old time silk belting is once more to the fore and has uunklos of silver , cut stool or ninther of pearl , as do the belts of glovo-kld in nil colors that are now imported to wear with the universal blouse. Bodices of Henrietta cloth In light shades , close fitting , with short cutawav Ironts over a vest of plo ited nilk or crepe , may ho worn' with liny sort of .skill , and aio well-nigh us useful as the ever faithful blouse. Tim women of a Knights of Labor local ns- sojubly in Toledo , O. , liavo established u co- op.'mthe association for the sale of homo products , cloUilnu , Unit goods , otc. Should it provo successful , they contemplate pro viding a homo for disabled and homeless women. A good quality of English serge is an cx- cjllont "a'undhy , " and gowns nmdo of this m.iteiial nro uxticmc-ly simple in st.vle. A plain lound skirt , long drapery llnibhod wjth a deep horn , aim a bo liuo in tailor style , with n bit ot silk passementerie trimming the fronts , colhir , and sleuvcs. 1 Thomas Sloven ? , a iJangor lawyer , had for u client a widow living inIHna , Mo. She refused to piy him what he demanded , and he , ti.vl her arrested and Ihiown into jail for dub ! , a thing that has not occurred there for iu.irrt. He pajs her board in the jail , and shu says she will make him p ly it for years botoro she gives in. The sorvice.ible light-weight Shetland tweeds and Irish homespun stuffs woven by hand from undyed wool are thu boH of their kind. NothiugjuaJu > iuoc0-i > l > I > ropriato or suitable for a traveling dress or utility gown for the beach during the changeable summer and early autumn months , and they wear so well that their original cost is very soon repaid. Early news of cloaks for next winter hath it that long , close paletots and wadded dolmans mans uro like to divide honors among people who buv a cloak for general servk-e , while very big cloaks , either in Irish peasant shape , full to n .voice or with titled short back , to which a full skirt is gathered or pleated , and long half-fitted fronts , will bo worn by those who nsuiro to the hoignih of fashion. Mrs Tom III John was arrested In 1'nssnic , N. J. , 1 ist weak Thursday forwearing mascu line apparel. She was peddling psrfumory. The city counsel was sent for and u council of war was hold. The prisoner made an elo quent nnd indignant speech in defense of her right to wear what she chose. It was finally decided to treat her ns the cat did the crab. She was let go. A young fellow In Chicago whoso pet amusement appears to have consisted in an noying the lacllcb who passed by with imper tinent remarks met his miteh the other evening. A pluo'ty girl upon whom ho thrust his unsought attentions , promptly struck him with her parasol nnd nftor break ing it into small fragmcnts\ over his heid ; , BO it Is related , she made liltu pay her $ } , the prlcu of the Impromptu weapon. Very handsome white muslin gowns have a scallop at thu foot of the skirt and small em broidered sprigs powdered nil over it are made very full with single seam ut back , shirred deeply to form u joke at top looped high at o'io side to let a scalloped flounce bJ seen have n round waist of the sprigged stuff and are tinished by a wide cmpiiu sash soft silk at the waist and one or two small bowj of voi-y good nbban hero and there about them. Dress bonnets nro now really nothing more than dainty headdresses a bit of crowning miish to the toilet so small have they bo- come. Hats , on the contrary , mo spread Ing , the brims wider , the crowi.s constantly growing lower. White tulle is used with a lavish hand on summer hats , and hazel nuts , green acorns and trails of hops are very fashionably worn. Bonnets of natural ( lowers are increasing , worn nt weddings and garden parties , and these uru charming. imcms. A burglar who was recently prostrated with lockjaw cured himself by picking the lock. lock.A A thing that is lightly passed over Just now i * the fence surrounding a watermelon p itch. The latest thing in ntago realism is n real yacht. Hy and by , perhaps , the stuijo will have real actors. When a cat gives an entertainment from the top of the wall it Isn't the cat wo object to , It's the wuul. There is only the difforenca of an "s" between - twoen woman's weakness and man's weak ness. Olio is gossip and the other is go sip. It Is undcrbtood that all prohibitionists carry Wntcrbury watches , feeling that they are in duty bound to support the spring tick it. People who keep summer boarding-houses nro beginning to wonder by this time whether city pcopio really cat that way all the year round. A town In Alabama Is named Veto. It goes with without saying that Its Inhabitant are great admirers of President Cleveland's policy. The "Cleveland shirt" is ono of the Into novelties in masculine apparel. It is bound alike nt both extremities , and can bo worn cither end up. There Is qulto a romantlo story going the rounds of the press of a Chicago c'rl ' who arrested a burglar. That is more than a Chicago cage policeman could do. General Boulangcr has nearly recovered from his wound. The next time ho fights a duel he will wear a IJorry Wall collar of the standard stiffness and altitude. A woman may scold at her bustle all day To hurry it up , and yet she will find Her efforts are useless , her scolding don't p yt The obdurate thing Is always behind. A dialogue of the future : "I'm an artist ami I want some spirits to use In the arts. " "Certainly , sir [ filling the flask ] : may I nsk what jour branch of art ) si" 'Tainting the town red. " "Now , John , " said his wife , as sue was about starting for the country , "bo very careful about drinking ice water. " "Maria , " he responded reassuringly , but unwittingly , "I won't drink a drop of water whllo you're gone. " "I cannot give you u definite answer to night , Mr. Paperwnte , " saitt the girl softly ; "you must give mo a month to think it over. " "Very well , " was the young man's icsponse , "nnd in the meantime 1 can think It ever my self. " A city 5'ouug man , who , whllo summering n week in the country , fell in love with a pretty dairy maid , pioposcd , and was re jected , told his friends when ho returned homo that ho got only ono "milk shako" while ho was away. ' He You hnvo considered , darling , the seriousness of thu step you have consented to takoi Married life , you know , is not all roses. Do you think you can bear to suffer as well as to rojoicot" She Indeed , I can Charles I Haven't I worn shoes two sUes too small ever since I was 14 ycais old. An Absolute Cure. The ORIGINAL AUIETINE OINTMENT is only put up in largu two ounce tin boxes , and is an absolute cure for old sores , burns , wounds , chapped hands , and all skin erup tions. Will positively care nil kinds of piles. Ask for the ORIGINAL AI3H3TINE OINT MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. , at ! )5 cents per box by mail SO cents. Ucv. Dr. J. Aspinwall Hodpc , of Hartford , is about to sail for Brazil to attend n meeting of the presbytery of that country at Rio do Janclro7 J5cvcmnliilsters nna'"thrco elders form a committee to represent this country on the Interesting occasion , of which com mittee Mr. Hogo is chairman. YOUR AH II. M.2.and f l.fiO Straw Hats , Mo All $ .1 and $1 Light ] Stiff Hats , now REED Licensed Plumbers & Gas Filters REMOVED TO Corner Kith nnd Jackson Street , Where they have a full line of everything nec essary to their business. They are prepared to give estimates on all work in their line and promptly till all ciders entrusted to tlielr care , llest of workmen employed and all work war ranted. MORRISON & REED , NUW LOCATION , Corner lOtli and Jnckson StroctH. Cnn be nulrkly CURED t homo by utlnir If 11 * A I T Mdt LLJ"rc tlMbeUiximdj VITAL TABLETS rmaJefor NF.IIVOUHnmlBKXUAL UKIULITY , TOST MAN. lirnulli trial piickRfo c.tMrruUiBfreu. HTiklUUU UKlU > Y UL. bi Dt rt rv Bcrrtt. I UIUCU. ILL Uf C A U M tuffcrlnz from th ft. II UH r\ § Hi ret-to ofjoullidil cr. " HI tllro" , t rlr decay. I < 1 n"nmo ! < l , etc. I winViiT * vuluaUo trratlre Ixokil ) eoitUlnlair full | tillcut&m for bomo cure , irvu of CltATtTU. Atttlll KJI. PROP , r. O. fOWUER. MoodUi. Conn. . H School forUlrli and Younc I.nillo. . caulozue uddreia < > . T1IAYK11. I. . Morgan 1'arlc , 111. , or > 77 Modlion bircvt , Chicago , III. r I I Tmi.ftiinburn.Mnthl'utcliespiompt- rfD Pi/ / 1 OP'y ' eradicated uy MafrtoI'reckleCare riuUftJUO-c. by wall. Sllllard Co. , UulTalo. N. Y. Jllnck Heads , Klenh Worms.curcd by Who ii WEAK , If KIIVCVN. nr.nif.ITA > TED. who In bis VOLI/T t.nd IGNORA Nl'B bu TRIFLED twajr bli V1UOR of 11OOT. INDand MANnonD.cauning exhausting drallil upon the FOUNTAINS of LITK , HEADA111IE. BACKACHE , Dreadful Dreami , WEAKNESS of Memory , RAMH * rOI.NENS 111 NOCIETT. PIMPI.F.8 upon the FAC . ndallthe EFFECTS Icudlnpto KARI/r D12OAT and perhaps VONNI7MF. TKON or INSANITT , iliou'd consult at one * the CELEBRATED br. Clnrlro , Eitabllihod 1SSI. Cr. Clarke bai made NERJOUS UK. BII.1TV , CHRONIC and all DlieaiM of the GENITO I7R1KART Orenni a Life ftudy. It makei NO difference WHAT yott h4re tnken or WHO bos failed to cure you. VFISJ ! A LEH Buffering from dlieatci pecu Bar to tbttr aex can consult with the uiuranc * of tpeedy relief and cure. Send 2 cents postage tor works on your diseases. 3-nen < l 4 cent * postage for Celebrated Work * on Chronic , Hcrvou * and Deli cate JJlicaseo. Consultation , personally or by tatter , sYon. Consult the old Uoclor. TboMandH cnrort. Otncn and nnrloi * private.ThoEo contemplating Marring * oond for Dr. cinrlce * celebrated gulda Male and FcniHlf , each 15c. , both 25e. ( temps ) , llofoto conflcllne your case , consult Dr. CLARKE. A friendly letter or call may lave future suBcrlng&nd shame , and add golden yean to life.Booi I.ire * > ( Score ? ) F.r > rot-N , " fioc. ( stamps ) . Medicine and writings eaut everywhere , secure from evpostar * . Hours , 8 to flSund : T r tn 12. AridrM . F. ± > . OLAflKB , M. D ; 188 Sat , Olark Sb. OHIOAOQ. ILL. LOMBARD NVESTINT CO Boston. Afasa.f Kansas City , Mo. Capital Surplus $1 $ i This company has opened au Omaha olllce and Is prepared to furnish money promptly oa lm- pioved city nnil farm propeity. No applications sent away for approval. Loans closed and paid for without delay. .JOHN W. Olrilf , Mutineer , 309 South Uth St. . First National Itanlt. W. D. MKAII , i'res. W. 1) . MEAn.Jr. V-Pres DAVID JAMIKSON , Trcas. W.N.McOANDi.isii.Soo INCORPORATED. Capital , - $100,000 Loans Made on Iteal Estate. No commission * . Money on hand. 314 South 15th Street , Omaha , Mb City Iretat Co. KANSAS CJTY , JIO. Has opened uu olllce in Qmaha , and Is prepared - pared to MAKE AND CLOSE LOANS promptly on desirable Improved I'roperty. llua- Iness Is all transacted at this ollice. Mo delnys whatever , \V'o also make BUILDING LOANS. GEO , M , VAN EVERA , Secretary , Koom S > \ Chamber of Commerce , 10th and Far- imiu Btreutu. State Line. To tiliifgoW ) llclfiist. Dublin anil Lherjiool From New York Every Tuesday , Cabin passugu ? 3 > and $50 , according to location of state room. Excurhlon (05 to t'M. Stccrugo to and from Kuropo ut Lowest Itatc/i. / AUSTIN HALWVIN & CO. . on'l Agents. Kl Urouilwny , Now York. JOHN IIMSQEN , Gcn'l Western Agent. lt'4 Knndolph M. , Chicago. IIAltllY E. MOOHES , Agent , Omaha. Reduced Cabin Rules to Glasgow Ex hibitioii. _ _ THE GdMERGIAL Comer Dearborn and Lake Streets , CHICAGO. This house has just been thoroughly ivllttod at a cost of over nWO , muklu ? it far better than nny hotel of tliti winio price In the Meal. Elevator , electric limits , bath roams , and all modern Improvements. Rates , $2 and $2.OO Per Day. Inclndlnirmcals. Centrally located ; ft-ccs&ibl * to alt ruUttay btatluiis. theaters and lJsnis ! house ; . Btruet earn to all points ot the city. Kpjclnl rates to professional people. PROF. BYRON FIELD. TOPEKA , KANSAS. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *