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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1888)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY AUGUST 5. 1888.-TWELVlfl PAGES. IOVE DROVE HIM TO DEATH , * ' Coldlor Honeon'd Murdoraoua As- eault and Dramatic Suloido. HIS FIANCEE HAD JILTED HIM. Ho Attempt * to Shoot Her In A Thir teenth Street Car nntl ICnilH Hln Sorrow Hy Taking n Dose A Rolillcr Itnvre "Harry , I'm done for. I'm good for llfo In the pen. " The speaker \vns Christopher Hcnson , n linmUonic young soldier who Is a Hold mu- ulcinn at Fort Omuhn. For sonic time ho hao bccu engaged to a pretty and rcllned uppcnrlng Otnnlin girl named Kunlco Mullcr nnd their murrluga was to coino oil on next Wednesday , Ills twenty-first birthday. This morning ho received a letter from her and when with throbbing pulse ho opened it ho Vriw astounded to llml that It contained ONLY A IMEtK OF atU'E. From former conversations with bcr ho knew that this was symbolic of im end of tholr engagement. IIo rushed to the depot near the fort and took the first dummy for the city. On the train ho happened to occupy the same seat with Harry Hutlcr , son of Major Hutlor , of Fort Omaha , who Is engaged In the study of law lu this city. The two parted at the Webster street depot , young Hullcr little dreaming of the tragedy that the day was to develop lu which Hunson was the principal actor , The young soldier half-craved started for the home of his late ufll.mcod on Thir teenth street. Near Thirteenth and Jones ho spied her on the street car and ho Jumped on board. Ho spoke to her twice hut re ceived no answer Ho suddenly turned as vvlHto as a sheet and drawing a revolver from his pocket HE ATTEMITKI ) TO HIIOOT. Ilia agitation pnriilyred his strength nnd ho was uuablo to pull the trig- per. The persons in thu car were horror-stricken and a number of gentle men present jumped to their feet and wrested the deadly weapon from the would-bo mur derer. Ho jumped Irom the car and ran to Harry Uu tier's office , room aa , Ware block. 1 11s exclamation on bursting into Harry's oflico was as mentioned aboro that ho was "dono for and for llfo In the pen. " Ho. related the facts to young Butler and appealed to him for help. The young legal Bludcnt dressed the soldier in civilians clothes so us to save him from arrest nnd told him ho would as a friend go witn him unil sec If ho could not effect some settle ment with TUB CAi'inoiors oinu They happened to meet her on Fourteenth nnd IJouglus , and she very willingly prom ised to do what she could to suppress the facts about the attempted murder in the car. She said also that she was sorry she had broken the news of her ciiaugc of mind to htm in such a cruel manner. However , she would not change her decision 'in regard to her refusal to become Henscn's wife. The soldier expressed his gratitude for her leniency In not prosecuting him for his mur derous act , but was still down-hearted over her refusal to bccoino his wife. On their way b.ick to Hutler's oftlce the soldier was STOI'l'KI ) IIY Till1. I'OI.ICK and charged with being tlio fellow who had attempted to kill the young woman Inthocar. Butler , however , was too quick wilted for the officers nnd managed to throw them off the track and shield his friend. On teaching llutlcr's oflico , Hcnscn throw himself down upon n sofu in an adjoining room where it was supposed ho was taking a nap. Uut a curious choking sound soon brought Butler and another gentleman named C.ipplngor Into that room. They saw from his blue lips , inirplo linger nails and general drowsiness that HE HAH TAKUX SOME POISON. On examining his loft hand they found In thopnlmtho remnants of a powder. Dr. Potts was called and ho pronounced It a casts of poisoning. IIo applied ipecac and hypo dermic injections but all to no purpose , i At 4 o'clock tha young soldier was dead. On his person was found the following letter to young Duller : a TIIK LETTER. Dear Harriet I thank you very much for your kindness , and hope you will never bo in this fix. I have coino to the conclusion to do nway with myself , for life Is not worth living for. Do not let my mother know about my troubles , but tell her that I died from heart disease ; and , Harry , I ewe a good tea [ dcalj , but thcro Is money enough coming to mo that will stlo [ settloj It all , ana plcaso sea that it Is all paid. Soil my clothes and shoes to the best advantage , " and BOO that it ia done , and pay these accord [ Ing ] Iv. Miur Meyer & Co. , SlNMO : Joehiofslit. 40 ; M. Coady , S10 ; John Hlwcll , 5 ; Tlncoy Stolhl , $10 ; James Ocor , * 2.7.ri. You will find what Is coming to mo on a book that is netting on the shelf at the barber film ) ) , ex cept $33 that Mlko Shay owes mop and sco if you can' straighten out the debts I made , and try and got the revolver , and you ceop Jkoop ] it yourself. Say. I have some pic tures getting taken at the first gallery on Sixteenth street between Capitol avenue and Davenport , street. Pleasn send them to my mother. Her address Is Mrs. James Henscn. Mcchamlcburg , Champaign county , Ohio. My last line , a good-byo to all my old friends. Good-bye , Henry , CHUIS HCESEK. The young student tearfully read the last message from his late friend nnd carefully laid it away. The body was turned over to thu coroner and nil Inquest will bo held at 1U o'clock this morning. ENTHUSIASTIC UKPUHMUAXS. * A MoiiHtcr DcmoiiHtrntlon in tlio Eighth Wnril. A largo meeting of republicans was held at Twenty-fourth nnd Cumlug streets last nteht under the auspices of the Eighth ward republican club. The Flambeau club constituted n valuable addition to the affair and their parade was u very prominent feat ure of the occasion. The club , about ono hundred strong , headed by the A. O. II. band , loft Thirteenth and AVIlllams nnd marched up Thirteenth to Farnam thence on Farnam to Sixteenth nnd to Cumlug on Six tccnth and thence to tbo placn of meeting. The club carried several transparencies very nleoly gotten up , two immense oil paintings of Harrison and Morton illuminated , nnd lu addition hail a representation of the old log cabin of the days of 1SH ) . President Allan opened the meeting by In- troduclng Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Gurley , who mndo a very able speech in behalf - half of the platform and the candidates , nnd was followed by City Attorney Webster , who dealt the democracy some sledgo-hunnnor blows. Then W. J. Council did himself and thojiarty ho represents great credit by a very able oratorical effort. His speech concluded , the -Eighth V.'iird glee club sang the "Battlo Hymn of the Republic , " after which Hon , John M. Thurston explained the political situation to the audlcuco and vr ? repeatedly cheered , ills remarks on thu tarilT iiut > stiou being warmly received. Ills remarks con- eluded , the meeting adjourned , and It Is saft ) to sur from enthusiasm manifested the Eighth ward will roll up an unusually largo vote for Harrison and Morton. The club will hold a meeting on Monday nlaht at Sohroedor's hall to select a primary ticket for delegates to the county con veil- Klxtli Ward Itepubl leans. Thu .Sixth ward republican club hold the largest meeting ever held In thu ward at the corner of Twenty-sixth and Lake streets lust evening for the purpose of electing officers and perfecting the organization. The "Sixth" now claims to have one of the best organized club * In tint city. Next Saturday evening the club will hold a ratification meeting , at which n Harrison and Morton banner will bo unfurled on n ovcnty-llvo > foot Hag polo. Thor r eftlcurs ulretcd uro J. II. McCultougu , prcsl. tdent ; W. A , Mcstluk , vice president ; O. H.- KolMiy , secretary ; W. O. Shiver , treasurer. Tbo club will bold moetlngs the tirfct cud thin ) Saturday of each month during the Troubles. .t. * ; August 4. Charles Trepanier , a ry feooUs dealer , madeun nsiguu.cut ' to- y. UU liabilities nro (31,000. IIAYDEX HUPS. Down tlio PrlooH for Monday. August ( Itli i , 1883. All our best French piitcons inI , 5 and ( I colorings , which wore oold nt ! Wc , 40o and 45c per ynrd , roduuud to U8o per yard. They uro mostly nil light toiiHonablo shades' , nnd largo nnd Imiidsomo ilgUrcs , tlio latest mtteniH introduced this season. A Immlsomo Him ot plain colored natccns reduced to JJ" c per yard , light und dark Hhadca. BcHt Norton M'f'g Co.'s crinkled seerauekors , extra widths , re duced to 8e per yiml. to closo. Another lot of plain Inilin linens just opened , and will ho tola at 60 per yard. A big bargain. Box suits and fancy ombrold- cred robes at about one-fourth iiinnufno- luror's eost. Look over our odds nnd ends in wash dress goods , on Monday , and yoli will Hud some among them to interest you. Everything in this de partment must bo sold.Vo don't want to carry over a , single 10-iiieh wide red or blue checked glass toweling 10 yards for $1.00. All linen browner or bleached crash flo per yard. Wo are offering special bargains in Linen toweling at Oe , 7c , So and lOo a yard. Checked and fancy bordered doylies at oc each. Cream colored table linen at loc and iMcayard. Turkey red table linen at lite , ± > c , 'Joe , 2'o ) , Joc ! , 4Co and Wcu yard. Largo bine white bed spreads at 5o , 8Uo and $1 each. Fifty largo six.o bed comfortables to clo-o at $1 each , worth $1.60. Six foot window shades , with fixtures complete , loc and COc each. Fifty pieces -10-inch lace stripe , scrim at oc a yard. Ju t re ceived , ! 50 pieces of fancy llgured double faced plushes at iijc a yard. All our outing ilamiolb reduced to ! ( lc a yard. Unbleached Canton llanacl Oc a yard. Thirty-Mix inch wide brown sheeting lie a , yard. A full line of bleached muslin at oc , ( ! c , OJe , 7c , Tic , jije and lOo a yard. Remnants of shirt ing and ginghams at less than cost. JHIKSS GOODS DEPAUTMPiNT. Australian crepes and berires lOjc , re duced from 18c. French challics at lie , reduced from 2"C. French mohair chocks and stripes liic , reduced from T > c. F. F. cashmeres , all shades. lc ! ) , re duced fronioTjc. French llaiiucl suitings ! ) c , reduced from -\t \ > c. ! ! 8 in albatross , now shades , UOc , re duced from < " > ! ) c. 18 ! in all wool bicgcH , now shades , 38c , reduced from fi8o. 41 in all wool biegos , now shades , oOc , reduced from 7lc. ) 4 tin fancy French suitings , "oc , re duced from $1.10. 2 in Ilouriotta , all shades , 98c , re duced from Jl.W , in black Henrietta , silk warp , 07c , reduced from 91. "o. 41 in black Henriotta , silk warp , f 1.10 , reduced from $1.05. D44 in black Henrietta , silk wnrp$1.4"i , reduced from $2.1.3. 44 in black Ilonrietta , all wool , 7oc , re duced from $1.10. 21 in surah silks 6"c , reduced from Doc. Doc.Silk Silk plushes and velvets Me , reduced from $1.0 j. Best English kid llnishcd cambrics 3Sc. 3Sc.Just Just opened a now lot of wall paper. II AY DEN BROS. . Dry Goods. EMIWACK THK OIU'OUTUNITV. Knlui Ilros. Selling Out Their China 1'alnce. \Vo have decided to go out of the crockery business and must do so in a hurry. Anything and everything in our store will bo sold at prices that will make you buy. Wo will not quote prices but will promise to save you from $5 to $15 on dinner sots ; wo will selL you tea sots from $2 to $8 below value ; hanging and stand lamps cut from 25 to 40 per cent ; water sots below cost ; toilet - lot sots , silverware , wedding presents and everything in our store at prices that will never again bo duplicated. Don't take our word for it ; call urfd got prices , thev will tell the story. KAHN BROS. , Corner Douglas and Sixteenth. Triangle Lodge No.54 / K. of P. has 200 watermelons on cold storage for their festival at WollPs hall , Twenty- second and Ginning fstroots , Monday night. Admission 21o , including sup per and dancing. Smoke Soidenborg's Figaro and got the best 6-cont cigar in the world. Max Mover & Co. , wholesale depot. Tlio UNION PACIFIC carries the United States Overland Mail. C. Fallott , 11KJ8 Military avo. , Walnut Hill , house mover. Through Bleeping Car From Omiiliii Kvory Day Via the CHICAGO & NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAYon their VESTIBULE limited train that leaves OMAHA at 3:15 : p. m.arrives , at Chicago atSo'clock a. m. Ticket olllce , 1401 Farnam st. W. N. BAUCOCK , General Western Agt. Omaha is good enough for mo , and Beautiful Clifton hill is the cream of its suburban residence property and now is the time to buy. A. P. TUKKY. 15th and Douglas. l UMjJIAX iuSX 1 A\ . A Case of Interest to Traveling 5Ien Other Ijnw SnltH. The divorce csso of Dublin vs. Dublin was heard before Judge Wakoloy of the district court yesterday afternoon and a decree grunted the husband. Judge Doano decided the Pullman car com pany to bo llablo for n coat stolen while la the charge of n porter. The court hold that the company had accepted the custody of the coat through its employe. The suit was brought by Fred H. Lowe , of this city. William A. Guj'ar has begun a suit in the county court against James MoVoy and Jef ferson W. O'Neill. Guycr has a judgment for $400 against MoVoy , and Is seeking to re cover on a bond given by the defendants in making nn appeal to the district court. The will of William McCaskoll was pro bated. It names the widow us the executor. A $05OO lrf > T BOM ) . liic ItccorUs Show It Hold liast Year for $ lO.T.OO. A warranty deed was filed with Register Mcgcath yoEiflrday conveying lot 7 , in block 150 from John t . Bsy uud wlfo to Elbcrt II. Cochran. The consideration is WO.OOO "in hand paid , " und the buyer assumes two mortgages , ono for 10,500 in favor of Ileury D. IJrown and the other for fl-1,600 to Franklin H. Whitney. The lot Is on Howard btreet between Twelfth and Thirteenth. H w s , ° , lti to Uliy , September . , 18S7 , for foO.OOJ , ho assumed the Urown mortgatu for 10,600. The projwty advanced In prlco in less than n year from flO.500 to * 05,0oo. The U. P. band excursion and plcnio will bo hold Saturday , August 11 , at Cushman's park , Lincoln. The finest grove west of Chicago. Train runs to the grounds. All pomms desiring to to visit insane asylum or penitentiary eati do so without n pass between 2 nnd oo clock on that day. The funornl of"William Kayscr , of Holloviio , Nob. , will take place on .Sun day , August 5 , at 10 o'clock n. m. You can find cool , well furnished rpoms at the Globe hotel , best located house in Onmlm. BENNISON BROS , MONDAY , Monday's Special Sale Bargans That Boat Thorn All. Another Great Hlnuglitcr of Undies' Corset Covers nt One-fourth the Money They Cost to Manufacture. Wo will sell thcso corset covers Mon- ilay in two lots. Lot 1 at lOo each. Lot2at ! ) ooach. Ladies if you over expect to need a corset cover , don't ' miss this chance of otting a great bargain. Hero is another ono for hot weather trade. GO pieces French novelty stripe dress goods in light grounds simply mautlful goods and if bought in rogu- ar way would retail at 2oc a yard , but wo bought them cheap nnd you can take ihorn away Monday at 7Jc a yard. Don't rorgot Monday on 7ic a ynrd ; worth 25c. Wo will place on sale Monday 100 ladies light colored parasols at the very ow of 7oo each ; worth $2. CO 'nncy ' silk parasols , none worth less than & 2.oU and up to $11.60. Your choice Monday $1.59 each. CO doV.on ladies superior quality gauze and balhriggan vests , low nocks , no sleeves , really worth ( 0c , on sale Mon day , 2oo each. Ask to see them. 20 dozen ladies Swiss jersey ribbed vests , low square neck , no sleeves , worth 7oc , on sale Monday IS'.lc each. Ladies summer corsets , every ono warranted , 75c each. Others ask $1.2" > 'or same grade. CO dozen ladies fancy stripe lioso , 15c pair , 2 pair for 2oc. Idoon ! children's ribbed hose in ) lucks and colors , all sines 0 to 8 } , 2iic ; iair , worth double. Monday last chance to buy a line fan ' .heap. j'Mno feathered fan's 60c each , worth up to $4.00. Monday only , 50 pieces India liuer.s , 4Scyard. This beats anything yet of fered. , 100 pieces fine white goods worth up to 25o yard , your choice Monday Oc yard. Another lot at 18c worth up to 50c. [ 'ino satin damask towels , knotted Tringe , 2"C each , really worth 50e. Silk veiling , all colors , 5o yard. Silk niching , in white and'cream , lOc yard. A good niching , in white , and cream , 4tyard. . A line niching , in black , red , pink , white and cream , 7c yard , worth 15c. Special prices in embroideries , line | louncings , dress g'oods , gout's furnish ing goods , etc. Special prices in curtains , opaque shades , etc. Don't forget that you can buy summer goods of us at the very lowest'ligures. BKNNISON BROS. Mrs. J. Itciison. Offers some splendid bargains before movinir to her new store. Every article in our htore will be of fered at a reduced price from now until we move. Our discount will bo from 10 per cent to 60 per cent off. $2.25 kid gloves will bo sold at $ ! . ! ) . > 2.00 " " " " " 1.75 1.75 " " " " " 1.50 1.25 " " " " " .03 Some odd lots from 60 to 25 cents. $3.00 joi-sets for $2.50 2.60 " " 2.00 1.25 " " l.Oi ) 1.00 " " .85 .75 " ' .50 Black chantilly lajo reduced from $5,50 to $ , ' ! .50 " $2.25 to $1.2-j Boys' shirt waists , shopping bags and HOIIIO other lines at about half price. And remember even our choicest uoods uro sold at a reduction , including a new line of long bustles that have just como in. JEWELRY. All our jewelry will be sold at 25 per cent off. A good line of gouts' half ho o that will bo sold at cost. HOSIERY. An elegant line of hosiery , muslin and knit underwear will bo sold at a great reduction. Como and price our goods and you will bo convinced wo are selling goods waydown. _ You cannot pay the same price for an article in our store that you did ono month ago. ago.MRS. . J. BKNSON. Free Excursion Stooping Cars , via UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY.hotweon Council Blulls and Los Angeles are run daily. _ Watermelon Festival. K. of I * . Triangle Lodge No. 54 K. of P. will give a watermelon and ice cream socia ble Monday evening , August ( ! , at Wolff's hall , cor. 22d and Cuming sts. Admission 25c including supper and dancing. William Kaysor died at his homo in Bolllevue , Neb. , at'4:50 : a. m. August ! ! , 1888 , aged (15 ( years , 7 mouths and 30 days. St. Louis papers pica&o copy. Soda Springs , Idaho , excelling all the Spas of the world , can he readied only by tha UNION PACIFIC. The Passenger Department of the Union Pacific , "Tho Overland Route , " has issued a neat little pamphlet , pocket - ot si/o , entitled "National Platform Book , " containing the democratic , Re publican and Prohibition Platforms , to gether with tlio addresses of acceptance of Grover Cleveland , Benjamin Ilarri- sion nnd Clinton 13. Fisk ; also tabulat ed tables showing the plurality vototho electoral vote and an analysis of the vote as cast for Cleveland and Blainoiii 1881. 1881.This This book is just what is needed at this time , and should bo in tlio hands of every voter. It plainly sots forth what each party has toolferand every reader can draw his own comparisons. Sent to anv ' address on application. Address , J. S. TEBBETS , General Passenger Agent , Union Pacific Railway , Omaha , Nob. If you have railway or other securi ties call or address John Culloy , 2523 Far nam , representing London capitalists. UUKVITIIS. The Internal revenue collections yesterday amounted to $0,839.8:3. : A prostltuto giving the unmo of Lizzie Aus tin was arrested nnd fined $10 and costs yes terday for beating nnd scratching a fellow sinner named Ada St. Clalr. Mr. nnd Mrs. LUnerom were tried before Justice Wade yesterday afternoon on the charge of breaking Into the homo of Mattlo Tuckman nnd breaking nnd destroying property. There being no evidence to con vict , the case was dismissed. Charles Liunarino and Emma Johnson , both of this city , were united In marriage by Justice Anderson yesterday. The BO-callcd Missouri Rlvor termin als of the UNION PACIFICaro Omaha , Council Bluffs , St. Joseph , Leaven- worth and Kansas City. 'Build your wife and children n homo In Beautiful Clifton hill and got five years time on your lot. A. P. TUKBY , 16th and Douglas. T O UNION PACIFIC was the first Trans-Continental Line. . Klfty Per Cent Off Wo will cut the prices of the follow ing goods in two for Mondny , taking ex actly CO per cent off of' the regular [ H-icos : 18 cent linen torchon locos nt 0 cents per yard. 20 cent ladies' and gents' linen col lars , all stylos. 10 cents. Ono dollar kid gloves 60 cents. Ono dollar silk gloves 60 cents. 16 cent Oriental lace 71 cents. JI8 cent silk ruchlng 10 cents. 22 cent bustles 11 cents. 118 cent fancy towels 10 cents. 08 cent lisle hose 40 cents. OS cent corsets 40 cents. 08 cent gents' underwear 40 cents. 2 ! ) cent white dress goods 14J cents. 20 cent pearl buttons 10 cents a dozen. 18 cent children's ribbed hose , ! ) cents. 75 com sklrtingombroidory , 37j cents. 45 cent ribbon , 221 cents. Ono dollar dress goods , 50 cents. Wo will offer besides the following notions at from 1-2 to 1-5 price : Black silk thread , 2 cents a spool. Button hole twist , 1 cent a spool. Best hasting thread , 1 cent a spool. Needles , 1J cents a paper. Slav-binding , H cents a roll. Goff 's black braid , . ' ! cents. Dress shields , 7 cents a pair. Thimbles , 1 cent. Pins , 1 cent a paper. Hair pins , 3 papers for 1 cent. White agate buttons , 12 dozen for 3 cents. Best wash buttons , 2 cents a do/on. Twelve yards cotton Jlannel for (19 ( cents. Ten yards extra quality cotton flannel for Oil cents , worth 15 cents a yard. An elegant line of silk plushes in 42 colors , 50 cents per yard , worth fully $1. 200 sun hats worth up to $1 each , Mon day at ! ) cents each.STONEHILL'S ' STONEHILL'S , 1615 Douirlas. Attention C. K. of A. All memhor.H of the C. K. of A. arc requested to bo present at the meeting on Mondny. Aug. ( ! . The picture of Mr. Bach will bo rallied at this meeting. Gico. ,1. PA ft , , Rce. Secretary. My daily invoices of choice fall pat- torus in moquottes , Wiltons , body brus- sels. etc. , now arriving are swelling o'ur stock to iiuinent-o proportions and ailord a Hue opportunity right now for making selections. I especially call your attention to low prices this sea on , S. A , OltCUAUD. THK AVRIfK'H IIUSINIMS. Hank Clearings llcnl Kstato nil 1 15n 11 til n i ; IlL'vimnc Collections. The clearing hoiiso report shows up again ill right for th3 weak juat closed and an lu- crease of 15.0 per cent is noted. The follow ing is the tablet Mondny ? Ti9fl'iT0.4S Tuesday 47ltHi : > . ) : Wednesday ' . . ' II'.M.'JIM ( H Thursday , 5'jrr > s-S.iO : Friday. . , r.Jl.lil.lT Saturday fi'M5)72.YO.5 Total j.a : ; 10,5 \ . - > \Vhilo this amount shows - un increase over the corresponding six days lasl year , theio is a dliTeronce hi favor of tlio lust six over that of the preceding week of sJ5.5-l : ( > ! ! . " > . Al though ttiu clearings for the week preceJing the ono just closed were 10.0 per cent mora t mm the corresponding period in IbsTand those of last week onlv 15.0 per cent , the hrst weolt in August , 1M7 , was an unusually busy ono for the season und tlio lanro gain dcncjed is more than gratifying to the busi ness men of the city. This showing cannot fail to uiijireosupou the minds of outside people this lact that Omaha's business is upon a good sound basis. Keal estnto business lias increased remark ably during the past six days ns compared with the week previous , nnd the vnluo of property changing hands shows nn increase of * I04BS ( ever the preceding six days. The following is u table of the amounts of sales mndo during the week just ended : Monday S " > 4,877 Tuesday 51,101 Wednesday : ! 7H : ! Thuisday h,8)4 ( ! ! ) Friday St.OSl Saturday OS , ! ) 11 Total 1 32W4 ( ! ( The total amount of the sales for the w > ) ok previous was 6 > 3oii : ! . Increase in favor of week just clodo.l , . ? ! ( ) IOSS. The building permits lor tlio wcok indicate the fact that the carpoulora and bricklayers of the city are not going to uo idle for the rci- mainder of the season. The following is u resume of tlu1 permits granted : Monday , III permits * ! tf.40 , Tuesday , 7 permit 11,2-sO Wednesday. S permits S.4.VJ Tlwrsd.iv , lOpirmlt 24,050 Friday , 10 permits 8'iVJ Saturday penults 1,700 Total * ffll.270 Incro iso over the previous weo'c , ilS.-l'O. The internal revenue collections for the week are us follows : Monday ? 2lr.lHI ( ) Tuesday i ! l,0..l.27 ! ' Wednesday 7 , UMi Us Thursday f. 12,807.O ! Friday 10.iV41.iH Saturday il.W.l.H'i Total - . . . . $ 4S.tKM.9u The collection : ! last week were * J4,4 < > 0.04. Increase this week , * -4,454.b7. A rc&uiuo shows the total increase in these branchi's of Omaha's business aa follows : Hank clearings : r,51ll.r ( Heal estate NH.OiS.O ) Building penults 12-lVMU Internal revenue collections 2M5l.'i7 Total increase ? UI5,5' 0.5 J Buy a homo complete for your family in Beautiful Clifton hill on monthly payments. A. P. TITKKV , 15th and Douglas. Go to Pries' lake for picnics. Fine concert every Sunday. J-'Oll CHAIUTV'S BAKU. A drum ! Falliu ; October to liaise ! 'n nds. The Hebrew benevolent Roclety , an insti tution which has doled out charity for the last eight or ton yc'iM , spending many thou sands of dollars , will replenish its exchequer by giving a fair the latter part of October. To appreciate the extent of the work of this association It Is only ucccsaary to state that ? SOO were expended In the four months end ing July 1. The society Help * the needy without distinction as to naUounlltyor creed. The ofilcers , who are the moving spirits of the organization , are Messrs. U. Newman. Isauo Oborfolder , Meyer Hollmiin , Ferdinand Adler nnd A. Heller. Those- gentlemen have bcoa instructed to Bolcct committees nnd make other arrangements for the proposed fair. The latter will bo given on a largo scalo. and every effort will bo exerted to In sure its success. Fire anil l > ollo < ; , At the mooting of the fire und police com missioners last evening Chief Qallignn , of the flro department , Theodore Grebe , cap tain of No. 3 hose company , and George Wiudhnm , captain of chemical No. 3 , were each granted ten days' leave of absence to attend the flro chiefs' convention nt Minno- aiwlls. Oftk'cr John F. Hyrnes was granted seven days' absence. Ofllcer James Brady was lined two days' payer smoking u cigar while on duty , onicor Charles Hloom was lined two days' pay for sitting in front of u saloon uud talking to a crowd of men. Marriage Licenses. The following marriugo licenses were Issued ( sued yesterday by Judge Shields : Name. Residence. Age , ( Charles J. Poper , Omaha 25 \ Lucy Winn , Plattsmouth . . . . , 20 1 William M. Magee , Omaha 30 ( Fenny V. Shutt , Oinaba , IS CONTINUATION OF OUR THIS IS THE GREATEST SALE WE HAVE EVER MADE. We offer everything in the store at 20 per cent discount , Our goods are all marked in plain figures , and from these prices , until the stock is sufficiently reduced , we take 20 per cent off the foot of every bill. We do this to reduce stock and our friends get the benefit. Remember everything goes , SPOOL SILKS , all kinds o [ NOTIONS , all kinds of BUTTONS , all kinds of LACES , al kinds of HANDKERCHIEFS , magnificent stock of SILKS , splendid stock of DRESS GOODS , a grand stock of BLACK GOODS and MOURNING GOODS. spIeiulid stock of MUS LIN UNDERWEAR , large assortment of Ladies' WHITE DRESSES , complete slock of LINENS , large assortment of LACE CURTAINS , fine assortment of SUMMER SHAWLS , complete assortment of UNDERWEAR , and a very large stock of HOSIERY ; splendid stock of GENTS' FURNISH ING GOODS , and a very large stock of DOMESTIC GOODS such as PRINTS , GINGHAMS , MUSLINS , SHEETINGS , Etc. , Etc. Remember,2o per cent comes off all , and WILL BE TAKEN OFF THE BOTTOM OF EVERY BILL. This will entail some loss on us , but an old Scotch proverb it is not lost what a friend gets , and our customers are our friends. B. FALCONER. . . . THE COUNTY'S ' FIVE FATHERS The Business They Transacted , at Yesterday's Meeting. THE SHERIFF'S SIDE MONEY. The CoiiimihHlonci-'s Tlilnk the Tnx Payers Should Have a Share of Some ol' tin ; rorqiiislles Coin- IIIK MrColmrn's Way. Thu Commissioner's Meeting. The county commissioners yesterday ap proved the action of County Clerk Kocho in employing extra hulp on the assessment books , but said ho mustn't do so any more. Mr. D. L. Shane presented his resignation as general superintendent of the now county hospital. His letter stilted that his private busiues3ho ( is a contractor and builder ) is in creasing so that ho fcols that ho cannot do justice to the tux payers. The resignation was referred to the committee on construc tion. tion.Tho The committee- tluaiu-o reported In the findings of Mr. J. J. Points. , who examined the reports of the county ofilcors , and the committees report was adopted. They approve the financial statement of the register of deeds except nn item of ? 100 iu February paid to S. S. Auuhmoedy. They said arounable to the they are justify employ ment nnd the payment of two deputies at the same time , " They recommended that the register "bo authorized to employ tit n monthly salary of not more tliim f(10 such additional assistants as may bo deemed nec essary to perform cltlciqntly such work us Is not provided for. " They uro also of the opinion that when thcro uro appropriations for certified copies of records in the oflico of the icgister , such copies should bo mndo by the register or his assistants , that they should bo charged for us provided by law and that the foes should bo included In the register's rciwrts. The liudiugs in the county clerk's report were approved , and in the matter of making copies of records the same opinion was ex pressed as in the cnsoof the register of deeds. The committee advised important changes in the conduct of the shcnll's ofllco , and u brief rcbiimo of the situation will make the import of their recommendations clear. The sheriff's report indicated about f3,500 in fees us on the books nnd uncolleeted. The sheriff is allowed W u day by the stnto for convoy ing charges to the penitentiary or reform school , und ho has been taking such pay- inontB us part of tha perquisites of the olllco. llo lias rnudu a contract with Sarpy county , which has no juil of Its own , to board and ledge that county's prisoners atflpor day per man. Ho has an arrangement to hold prisoners for the United States courts at 70 ( PIUS per day , and for transient prisoners jailed hero en route to other points ho charges $1. For the cignt months ending January , 1S8S , the sheriff received from these sources nearly f > 3100 ! , and ho has treated the inonoy ns ono of the perquisites of the ofllco. The committee think ho should pay something for the use of the county Jail uud the services of Jailor nnd guards. They want the sheriff to divide , and their idea for the future Is that the contracts for keeping such prisoners bo inatlo with the county , which will make the sheriff an allow ance for board. Ho is now allowed 35 cents for feeding the county's prisoners , and as ho gets 70 cents to # 1 for the other prisoners a division of half and half is suggested. The sheriff has been charging a mllengo of 10 cents per tnllo for taking persons to Lincoln , mid Examiner Points raised the question whether ho was entitled to moro than Jlvo cents per mllo. The law is vaeuo. saying that ho shall charge the same as In other llko cases * The committee recommended that the sheriff bo uotUlcd that In the future ho will bo expected as far as practicable , to collect ofilcial fees in advance , uud when that Is Im possible , that ho must require security for their payment ; also that ho will bo hold rc- sponslblo for fees remaining uncolleeted nt the close of his term. The recommendation does not Include fees duo from the city or the country. The committee think the sheriff has no legal or moral right to i.Tiposo upon the county the burden of paying sheriff's coats In civil cases. The committee nro also of the opinion that $ J per day paid the sheriff by the slate for taking prisoners to tha penitentiary and children to the re form school are fees of the sheriff'sofllce and should bo reported as such to the commls. sloners. The committee recommend that for 1&50-7-8 up to date , tha MUnty charge the sheriff fair proportion of the amounts received by him for boarding * lodging and guarding United States prisoners , Sarpy county prisoners , and tr.iusc'ont pris oners , which proportion is to bo a 'crmined by the board uud the sheriff. Such compen sation is fur rent of juil uud Hxturcs , for ex- pcnso of repairs and for salaries of Jailor and guards. The committee recommend un "un derstanding" with the sheriff whereby In the future ho shall pay to the county n tlxod per centage ( say oO ) of the gross amounts ho ro- calves for the boarding uud lodging of the three classes of prisoners specllicd. The question of thu mileage belonging to the sheriff and his assistants In conveying insane patients to Lincoln being n question of law is referred to the county attorney. The po- llco judge of the city is requested to note on each mittimus issued from his ofljeo whether the prisoner was charged with violating n city ordinance or a state law. The committee recommended the payment of $1,1133 CO to William H. Ijums for fees as clerk tit the September term of the district court. The committee cut the claim ? 7S " 0. A resolution was passed allowing the county clerk to certify to the quarterly vouchers for United States pensioners with out making a charge , If ho choose to do HO. A resolution to gr.ido ono-half of Thirty- sixth street from Leaveiiworth to Park and also Poppleton avenue from Thirty-sixth to the county hospital was referred. The appropriation bill from the general fund for July aggregated ? l-151 ; from the road fund $ .3,7-11 ; ironi the hospital fund $10,748. Mr. D. L. Shane's resignation ns general superintendent of construction of the county hospital for Insane was accompanied by the simple statement that on account of the in crease of his private business ho felt ho could not do justice to the taxpayers. Mr. Shane was soon by a HIK : reporter , but re fused to give any reasons for his coui > o other limn that stated in his letter to the county commissioners. The gentleman Is a good Icucor , but while ho would not make any allirinations ho negatively made admis sions which conllrm the belief that thcro were reasons for his resignation that are kept from the public. Mr. Shane was guarded In his statements , but in u lapse of his watchfulness ho inado the remark that hi * "chief" reason was given in his letter. In another unguarded moment ho said that his other reasons were known to the commissioners , and a statement would como with better grace from them than from himself. At another time ho Intimated that the commissioners might fully explain his position after taking final action on his resig nation. Questioned as to the construction of the hospital , Mr. Slinno said that it was not a Iirst class job but was fair work of Its kind. Asked us to whether thu contractors hud tried to ovudo his instructions us super intendent. Mr. Shane said : "Not all of them. " Ho said ho had accompanied the commissioners to Detroit to discuss the mat ter with the architect. Questioned as to whether Mr. Moyors displayed any opposition to his superintendence. Mr. Shane evaded the query. When asked what lie would do if the commissioners refused to accept his resignation , ho r.nitl ho would take the matter under consideration. The inference from the cross-examination of Mr. Sbano is that ho has been hurrassed and criticised In his work ; that , as n man of independence and self respect , ho resigned rather than miller the nunoynnco nnd In dignity , and looks to the commissioners for vindication. Mr. Shane is receiving J100 a mouth for visiting the now hospital every day or two , inspecting the construction , and in- structlnghlsussi-stunt , Charles Koss , upon the details to bo watched by the latter. The trip takes Mr. Shane thrco or four hours. As a contractor ho Is employing forty or fifty hands , nnd the time token from their man agement is given as the ostensible rrasou for his resignation. SHOT IIV A I1UOTHHH. Four Quart ! ) of lilood Taken From I tin Abdomen. Olof Pries , living near Pries lake , a few miles out of the city , was accidentally shot by his brother yesterday. The latter was repairing u loaded rlllonnd It wns discharged by accident. Pries was dangerously wounded but has n fighting chance to recover. The Burgeons performed on him an operation of unusual magnitude. Ho was suffering from internal hemorrhage and threatened to bUcd : to death. The doctors decided to resort to heroic measures. Thny rondo an Incision In his body Just below the breast bono nnd cut uu opening downward through hii ubdiitiien for a distance of eight inches. A second opening was mndo across the right sldo ot abdomen above the groin , and n third WHS mudo In the lower p.irt of the back to alve access to the kidney * . Four quarts of blood were taken from the abdominal cavity nu the liomorrago was stopped. The ballot had pierced the liver and the lodnuys but was not found. U will cau u no especial danger by rein-xlnliiif and tha surgoeua thought best not to lengthen the operation. I'rle * wan sowed up again and the medical profession will watch tils case with Interest. Andersen If. Lee Of Waterloo , U at the .Ml'Iurd ' , 110XDKI ) WAREHOUSES Ami AVnreliouso Kecolptu I'or Mcnla Packed In Oinalm. A desire having been expressed by the packers ut South Omaha to have such com mercial icgulutioiis mndo that they may issue warehouse receipts on the meats stored lit their big refrigerator buildings , a meeting of the board of trade will soon bo hold to issue the necessary'rcgulations. The plan will bo to make bonded warehouses of the storing places. Certificates will bo issued , which may bo bought and sold like other warehouse receipts or used for collateral. The Omaha Inspection of meats Is accepted by certain dealers ns all-sulliclcnt , and the establishment of a bonded warehouse system will bo another Important stop In the com mercial progress of the city. An Actor's Present. Mr. .1. F. O'Neill , the popular actor nt the People's theater who Is filling n four months' engagement , received from Prof. Ed. Miller , ono of his admirers , an elegant amethyst ring and diamond shirt stud last evening , as an oyidcnco of Mr. Miller's appreciation ot the young artist's talent as a comedian. AMUSEMENTS. M HOUSE MONDAY ) , i i n n n TUKSDAV fAllff H 7 X , WKIHiKSDAY , ) fllg. ! Uj j I , 0. The mystery of .TljMtcrlus. Fpeclnl engiigonu'iit of the world fnmous pro- inlorpiustldlpltntour. the original ouu und only HERRMANN Assisted by Mine. Herrmann , uud the billllunt In the , thrilling spectacle , the trrenteRt i-eniiitlon of thu iige , called BLACK - ART. The Mnrvol of the ITnlvcrfe , which hatt crowded. the largest theatres everywhere. Amazing , Ho- wlhlrrluR ami Mystifying , nil dealing u pel foot t uroro ot wonder nnd appreciation. A host of novoltlos nnd a rlmngo or progrnmniH nl/jlitly. / t-ecnro ht'iitb at the box ullive , OMAHA vs , MILWAUKEE , O - 3D u GAME GALLED AT 3:30 : , "NOW'S ' THE DAY And NOW IS THE HOUR" Our RUininor goods new- going ut bummer prices. This mark down ! H lo- ( rltiumto und includes ninny of our bust quali ties. Men's line nil wool suits , former prieo $20 , $22 and gS you c n tiilco your choice nt $ lfi. Remember - member , \vc offer notli ln,7 but first clubs goods.