Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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    in I > jWMHn 'raiiy i iriiiii > > in fK igi iff fj.j..g g
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Watches and Diamonds Found in Tea
and Coffee A Novel Way of In
troducing Goods.
The names of all persons finding diamonds
mends , watches , etc. , are added to this
lint daily. The Overland Tea company
of San Franciscohavo , refitted the store ,
220 S. 14th St. , near Farimm , Omaha ,
and in order to introduce their goods ,
this company put for GO days , souvenirs
iu every can of toaand colt'oo sold bitch
as solid gold , silver and nickel watches ,
also genuine diamonds , in solid gold
setting ; also money , and many other
articles of less value. Every can con
tains a bouvonlr. The colTco , can and
contents weigh about throe pounds ; the
tea , can and contents about one and a
half pounds. This expensive and novel
way of advertising will bo discontinued
after CO days , and these really choice
goods will be sold strictly on their mer
its but without , the souvenir. Of course
every purchaser must not expect to got
a diamond or watch. This company
claim that they have just ns good u
right to give away watches , diamonds
or other jewelry and money ns their com
petitors have to give away glassware ,
chromes , etc. Got up a club. Those
who got uj ) a club order most always got
a hund&omo present. Orders by mail
promptly forwarded to all parts of the
United States on receipt of cash or post-
ofllco order. Terms : Single can 91 ; six
for S3 ; thirteen for $10 , and twonty-sov-
on for $20. Address Overland Tea Co. ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
Mr. William Tail , Twenty-ninth and
Grant streets , stem winding and stem
setting watch ; Miss Mary Ennowold ,
Cunnnings street , can money ; B. fen
Redmond , North Eighteenth streetdia
mend ring ; Frank Lnrkln , Farnam
street , Eolid hunting case gold watch in
tea ; W. F. Creary , Cass street , silver
berry dish ; Alfred Johnson , Fourteenth :
street , cluster diamond ring in tea ;
John Ilymcs , Council Bluilscan money ;
Lllllo Burkhnrt , Douglass street , 820
gold coin In tea ; J. W. Foster , Cuss
fitreot , silver pickle castor ; Fred Stan-
berg , Council Bluffs , silver live bottle
castor ; L. T. Wolloy , Thirtieth street > ,
can money ; Henry Ashton , Fifteenth
street , solitaire diamond ring
Miss Sadie Rotholz , with Falconers ,
diamond ring ; Mr. II. M. McGrew ,
> Council BlutTs , can money ; John 5 :
Whltoly , California street , ladies hunt
ing case gold watch in tea , Elgin move
ment ; Edith Howard. Douglas street ,
silver butter dish ; Robert Stolndlor > ,
Tenth street , solid gold ring , combina
tion diamond ruby and sapphire
Eotting ; Mrs. Kate Mulonoy > ,
South Nineteenth street , dia-
. mqnd ring ; Eva Bradley , Davenport
street , silver pickle castor ; W. J.
Byrnes , of TUB BEK , oolitalro diamond
' ring ; Frank Percy , North Twenty-sixth
street , silver fruit stand ; J. F. Sickle ,
Twonty-'fo'urth and Dorcas , ' Bto.m wlnd *
and mom setting watch.
Where Some Orenhans Enjoy Tholr
Dolce far Nlonto.
The Ilcgattn The Don't-yoit-Knows
1'lny Ilnso Unit Iowa's Summer
Ilcaort Free null Easy nml
Cool. .
Si'JitiT LAKE , la. , July 28. Six years
ago two railroads came racing through
this part of the world , each straining
to bo the ilr t to reach and take posses
sion of a narrow strip of land between
Spirit Lake and Lake Okoboji. It was
in the palmy days of Fargo , when she
confidentially told the world that she
intended to be the "future great" of
the northwest , and the Burlington ,
Cedar Rapids & Northwestern railway
was pointed that way. The jealous
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul under
took to head olT Its neighbor , and shot
out a branch toward the coveted isth
mus. The Cedar Rapids road had lee
good a start , however , won the race and
took possession of the valuable goal.
The Milwaukee stopped short in the
middle of nowhere , and ran weekly
trains , woods permitting. After sev
eral years of hesitation it crawled into
the town of Spirit Lake by another
route. The Cedar Kap'tds road reached
Worthington , in southern Minnesota ,
when the bottom fell out of the Fargo
boom , or it was run into the ground and
broken off short -you take your choice
of metaphor without extra charge.
The road stopped at Worthington , and
that little country town has reached the
dignity of supporting a lunch counter.
This railroad is like ono of those
little green worms that humps its way
through the world. When it reaches
a jumping olT place it humps its back ,
roars on one end and paws the air with
the other in search of a now route. If
unsuccessful , it backs track and gets oil
boniowhoro on the side. Like the wise
little worm the railroad wont twenty
miles bouth of Worthington , spit on
its hands for a fresh grip and
started for Bismarck. That town had
captured the territorial capital , and
for several months was a city of great
expectations , but its boom Rationed out.
and the railway stopped ut Watortown
to catch Its breath , which seems to bo
still a-coming. The Cedar Rapids road
has other discouraged branches of the
same sort , and they all hang over the
ragged edge.
Like every other western railway in
its construction qrn , this road imrt
a town site ring. They thought they
saw a bonanza in building n big summer
hotel at Spirit Lake anil selling high
priced lots for cottages. The railroad
thought it could get a long haul of 323
miles from Burlington by enticing
southerners to the hike , and it selected
the name Hotel Orleans as a bait for
the patriotism of the south. The hotel
came but the southerners did not. The
patronage of this resort comes chielly
from Iowa and eastern Nebraska , with
Kansas City and St. Louis represented ,
and it is a fact that so largo a business
bus thus been diverted as to cau o the
closing of ono or two of the Minnotonka
hotels. This is ono of the many illus
trations of the instability of summer
hotel trade.
The Orleans is this season under the
management of Mr. Horace Lohuid , a
member of the noted hotel family of
that namo. Ho was discovered run
ning a country house atSibloyin north
western Iowa. How ho came to stray
out here and got lost gossip doth not re
late. The Orleans is a mixture of tav
ern ami-seaside hotel. The cake bask
ets have to do service for so many tables
that it is never safe for a person to de
lay his attentions to them , and a print
ed time table for the traveling sugar
bowls is a convenience not provided
The uncertainty of this sort of browsing
is trying to nervous natures which have
been brought hero to bo freed of fret and
annoyance. The art of grab may bo
cultivated with benefit to one's peace of
mind. Fish are abundant in the lakes ,
and are frequently served on the table
If the angling guests have good luck.
The waiters are white men , who are re-
niiirkablo for the number of orders they
attempt to fill , and the number of dishes
they succeed in forgetting. The
charges are seaside. Ono of the ndul-
tions of this year is a tax of 25 cents for
wheeling a trunk to the railroad plat
form , a distance of perhaps 200 feet. Ice
water is still furnished without extra ,
charge. Time and experience may cor
rect these faults. The railroads provide
every convenience to attract travel.
The Elkhorn line is running a through
sleeping car between its Omaha depot
and the hotel hero.
The names hero are confusing to n-
stranger. Spirit Lake is but ono of a
chain of several lakes , but the name is
applied to the whole locality. Spirit is
approximately round , with n diameter
or Hvo miles. It is four feet higher than
Okoboji , though but two or three hun
dred yards distant , and the two nrocon-
noctc'd by a small canal. One can ride
on West and East Okoboji a distance of
twelve or llftoen miles if the boat is
lucky and doesn't got stuck in the mud
of "tho narrows. " The Orleans Is locat
ed on the Isthmus between Spirit Lake :
and Okoboji , and it is a mile and a
half from the town of Spirit Lake ,
which is on Okoboji , and not on the
shore of its namesake. The hotel has
a postollleo called Minnie. Mail in .si
tended for friends at the Orleans iis
liable to delay if addressed to Spirit
Lake. There is no town about the ho
tel. It is a little world in itself.
No well regulated western lake
would think of doing business without
a Hrst-clnss legend , and of course this
locality is not behind in that respect.
The myth relates the drowning of t..n t.a
young bravo who had boon crossed In
love. It also tolls how the spirits of the
departed lovers periodically bobbed up '
serenely and paddled about in a canoe
of moonshine or something equally sub
stantial. Then If you want boliu facts
you may cross the lake to Aunt Sotno-
bodyorothor , who , for a consideration ,
will toll you of her experiences and E,1.
sorvatlons in the Spirit lake massacre.
She will describe with artistic embel .
lishment the Indian method of braining '
children , and will do her best to give
you your money's worth of horror.
The lakes are pretty , not grand nor
majestic , and not strikingly pictur
esque. They lill depressions in a high
table land. A fringe of forest
adds beauty , and away beyond the tree
tops ono sees miles of as fair
fields as sun ever kissed or God over
smiled upon. The lakes have no visible
supply or outlet. Tnolr water is sup
posed to come chiotly from springs , PId
theory that would account for the cold
streaks a person encounters when in
bathing , There are many hunters'
lodges , the survivors of niito-rnllroad
days , in which accommodations can ha
found cheap , both in price and quality.
The wooded shores are dotted with the
tents of 'scores pf camping parties , but
the center of fashionable life is at the
People come hero for rest and com
fort , and , strangely enough for Una
world of disappointments , they pot it.
The gaily colored railroad folders may
be misleading In picturing yellow water
and blue foliage , but they toll with Hn-
nc-'ing fondness and loving iteration ot
the altitude and the coolness of tills
place , and for once they do not stretch
the truth unreasonably. The very ther
mometer Itself is too In/y to bo ambitious ,
and botwccn the two Inlccs ono gets the
ministering breath of every hrco/.o that
may stir out of doors. Unconventional
ity has let itself loose , and the flannel
shirt ; blooms in great abundance and
variety. At the table it touches elbows
with the aristocratic claw hammer , and
even the women are appropriating It
for waists. Ultra fashionable life with
Its burden of dress and for
, mality , Is compressed -within the
limits of Wednesday and Saturday
evenings and the ball-room. For style
there : is a mid-day lunch and a G o'clock
dinner. The head waiters exemplify
the niceties of "good form" by wearing
four-button cutaways at the earlier
meals and full dross for dinner. With
such line distinctions in life
this locality can hardly bo lumped oil
with the rowdy west.
Instead of trying to out-dress or out-
dude each other , the sensible western
ers boat , bathe , llsh , yacht , read , sing ,
play 1 > ! ball , tennis and billiards or make
love. Of course there is ono woman
whoso numerous gowns the curious of
her sex are trying to count , and occa
sionally a masher lilts across the field of
observation , but they are conspicuous
by their lonesomonoss. Of course no
resort is complete without a belle who is
pointed out as the catch of the season.
This year the distinction fell to Miss
Minnie Hawk , of Nebraska City. The
belle of the bcason is Miss Childs , of
Kansas City , charming in person and
manners. Among the younger neoplo
Miss Marguerite Williams ana Miss
Grace Himcbaugh , of Omaha , are the
Spirit lake has a line sandy bench
near the hotel , and bathing parties are
of daily occurrence. It scorns to re
quire the aggregated courage and
countenance of a company of friends to
induce the modest western belle to
make herself a study in hosiery
and arms for the male specta
tor , wlio is always on hand.
Major Wilson of Fort Omaha has
proven himself lobe ono of the strongest
swimmers , but ho can't climb into a
yacht. Last year an enterprising Ger
man from Davenport erected on the
beach n structure which a Hying
streamer proudly proclaimed a "sani
tarium. " It had suits and dressing
rooms for bathers , and beer for every
body. Ono of the door's was labelled
with a docior's name , and the place was
smart with brussels carpets and uphol
stered furniture. But the prohibitionists
had a virtuous spasm and shut on"tho
beer supply. The place is stripped of
gay trappings this season , and dooa
legitimate bathing house business. The
thirsty have to depend on the wine
room of the hotel , a share of whoso con
tents maybe obtained by the initiated.
If that mipnly should fail , ono may
cross the lake , step over the line into
Minnesota , and there ho will find a
lonesome building , with a variety of
The second rogntta day opened with
a rain storm , and disclosed tlio resources
which visitors have within themselves
for solf-entortainmont. Summer novels
came forth quicker than mushrooms.
Elsewhere were parties playing
heartsmuch abused progressive euchre ,
billiards and other games. Among the
wielders of the cue was a number of
ladies. A party of young people made
u ] ) an impromptu inusicnlo nt the little
chapel , an Institution that was secured
by the personal canvass of Mrs. C. J.
Ivos , of Cedar Rapids , la. , the wife of
the president of the railroad. The chapel
soon filled up with older listeners.
Mr. O. C. Holmes , of Omaha , officiated
ns master of ceremonies , and Miss Himo-
baugh acted as accompanist. Miss
Williams , of Omaha , was ono of the
bright particular stars , and ren
dered a number of humorous songs
to the delight of aiv , enthusiastic audi
ence. "The Prodigal S-jn , " "Tho Day
Played Base Ball. " "Donnernboeh's
Sausage Machine , " etc. . were exceed
ingly amusing. Miss Williams has a
voice of peculiar quality but very
sweet , and accompanies herself on the
guitar. She is in great demand in the
evening , when the tired resortors
gather on the verandas in groups and
lill the night air with melody. Among
the many singers were Mr. and Mrs. J.
M. Troynor , of Council Bluffs , both line
The Englishman from the Lo Mars
colony Is hero about a score of him.
Ilo brought along his llannols , with the
trowsor legs turned up at the bottom.
And ho didn't his
forgot brier-root pipe
or his skull cap with peaks looking both
ways for Sunday , nor his "Don't vou
know. " Ho has a line physique , and is
constantly on till go , either bathing ,
walking , yachting , riding , playing ten
nis or baseball. The national game is
not his strongest hold. Ho has not
bolvcd the mysteries of curved pitching ,
and dodges the curves. The round
stick is too small for him to lind the
ball. Ho forgets that ho hasn't a
cricket bat ns broad ns n plank , and un
consciously tries to bunt the ball. Ho
attempts draw hits and makes a vi
cious leg hit at a wild pitch that threat
ens to send a foul half way across the
lake. "Dum this game , " ho says in
disgust , "if I hit at the ball the umpire
calls it a strike , and if I don't hit
at it ho calls it , a strike , " and
the poor follow is fanned out before ho
gets over his amn/.omont. Tlio English
man Hocks by himself , and in his ilan-
nols , pipe in mouth and hands in
pockets , adds plcturesquuncss and color
to the scone. His broad accent is very
pleasing and has many good natured
mimics. Ho appears at dinner in evening -
ing dress , and conducts himself as a
gentleman. If ho has any of the snob
bish superiority or boorish insolence of
the average Britisher , when traveling
through this big. raw country , ho has
sense enough to keep it to himself. At
least a casual observation of two or
three daysdld not discover any indica
tion ! ) of the kind.
Regatta week is the great event of the
season here. The Iowa rowing associa
tion is un amateur ntfair in the strictest
sense. The boating clubs are filled
with clerks and young business men
and lliuro 1ms been no taint of pro
fessionalism in the regattas. The
annual meeting is intended to ho a
social reunion as much as n sporting
event , and Spirit lake affords un-
cqualod facilities for the purpose.
Friends of the oarsmen will comonoro
who would not go elsewhere , and many
now time their vacations BO as to attend
the regatta. The yearly ball is another
of the conspicuous events hero. An
application for membership from the
"Omaha club of Manawa" received fa
vorable action by the executive commit
tee last spring , but the club has not yet
joined the association. Speaking of the
regatta , ono Omaha young lady re
ceived tipa on the races from a boating
friend , and won throe pairs of gloves ,
one pair of shoes and two boxes of
candy. Who ? Guess.
Among the Omahnna who have boon
hero during the week , some of them for
long stays , are the following : Mr. and
Mrs. P. C. Ilimebaugh and daughter
Grace , Mr. and Mrs. Milton Rogers and
their sons Herbert and William , Mrs.
L. B. Williams at d daughter Marguer
ite , Mr. and Mrs. Oacur Williams , Mr.
A ten cent cigar for five cents. "All Straight Havana Filler. " For sale by Following named Dealers ;
Aberly II. .T. , No. 213 N. 23th St.
Anisliold Ed. , No. 809 S. 10th St.
Anthcs Geo. & Co. . No. 322 S. 10th St.
Anderson A. , No. 2213 Cuming St.
Ask with W. S. , No. 1003 Saunders St.
BnrkolowBros. . Union Pacific Depot.
Ball I. S.f No. 2705 Lcavunworth.
Bell Ed. , No. 1807 Lnko St.
Bocht MnxCor. 15th and Ilarnoy.
Bonnorll. .T. , Cor. IGthiind Vinton St.
Brown A. , No. 2001 Cuming St.
Bennett J. S. , Cor. Clnrkand Saundors.
Bergen J. E. , No. ! )02N. ) 10th St.
Boll B. C. & Co. , 13th and Jackson St.
Beaty Clms. , l.'Hh and Lcavenworth St.
Brown N. II. , No. 1620 S. 10th St.
Brown it Cronk , No. Oil S. llith St.
Chandler P. , No. 2 < )20 ) Leavenworth St.
Cavnnaugh P. . No. 184 Sowtml St.
Conrad Max. 16 , bet. Douglas&Farnam.
Cumniings k Murphy , S. 13th St.
Gates Bros. , 20th and Walnut.
Cajori A. , No. 001 Pierce St.
Ciminghiun P. , No. 107 S. 10th St.
Crutn & Bishop. Cor. 24th and LakeSts.
Dalzell J. A. , No. 115 N. lllth St.
Dygort C. A. & Co. . Cor. , ' ! 0 & CorbySt.
Engelman R. , No. 421 S. 15th St.
drnneisco G. O. & Co. , No. 2200 Farnam.
Frank M. J. , C'ozzons House.
Floodinnn P. E. < fc Co , , 1 ( > iS : Davenport.
Fruolmuf J. I. , No.110 S. 15th St.
Fields C. C. , HOth and Cumings St.
Fecnan M. J. , Park nvo.
Gontbeh F. H. , lOtn and Howard St.
Gentleman Win. , cor. Lako&Snundera.
Goodman Drug Co. , Farnam St.
Gladstone Bros , it Co. , Douglas St.
Grosfold E. , No. 1805 St. Mary's avo.
Gentlemen it Hunt , No. 601 N. 10th St.
Hughes it Evans. No. 1220 Saunders St.
Hammond it Co. , No. 121 N. 10th St.
IlirtM..No. 1020 S. 10th St.
Hnll , Edwards & Co.,271ULoavonworth.
Huntzingor J. F. , 1011 St. Mary's nvo.
Ilnllnuor F. . No. 009 S. 10th St.
Hensell it Klouso , 10th and Farnam.
Hess J. G. . No. iW04 Farnam.
Hetzoll & Sass , 27th and Cnming St.
Kuhn & Co. , 15th and Douglas.
Kinslor J. T. . No , 1307 Farnam.
Kuhn Fred , No. 010 S. 10th St.
Kelly J. A. , No. 151 ! ) Furnnm.
Lang A. , 13th and Jackson.
Leu/ Christ , No. 418 } S. 10th. St.
Lipshit/ . , No. 709 S. 13th.
Lind it Christlanton.Clark it SaunUors.
Mo.stoollor & Scott , 16th and Vinton.
Murphy J. A. , No. 120 N. 10th.
Mulligan T. F. , No. 1423 Saundors.
Molchur Agt. C. A. , South Omaha.
McDonald C. C. , Saundurs & Caldwoll.
McLood E. , No. 1824 N. 10th.
McKoy C. , South Omaha.
NuwM. , No. 000 S. ! ) th ,
Owen .t Co. , No. 605 N. 10th.
Pryor W. A. , No. i301 Park avo.
Powell M. B. , 13th and .lackson.
Parr M. , No. 423 S. 10th.
Prince J. S. , No. 214 N. 15th.
Postal D. C. , cor. Blonde and 20th St.
Redlo Wm. No. 1800 S. 13th.
Ross it O'Hearno , No. 412 N. 10th.
TCouther G. , South Onitilia.
Kfhliold it Co. , 13. Farnam it Douglas.
lUibin it Co. , No. KS05 St. Mary's nvo.
Richard Tlonry , Farnam. bet. 10 it 11.
Sander A. II. , i-or. Saunders it Cumings
Savillo.l. J..No. 1101 N.24th.
Spallord T. W. , 13th and Howard.
Sjottman ) J. II. , No. 2S12 Lonvenworlh.
Distributing Agents-Max IWeyer & Co. , Omaha , Neb. ; also Western Agents for the Seidenberg&
Co. Rosa Espanola and Thekla Havana Cigars.
B. B. Woods and family , Mrs. Fred
Nye and child , Major C. J. Wilson and
daughter Gertrude , Mr. Adolph Meyer
and family , Mr. J. S. McCormick. Mr.
and Mrs. G. W. Cook and bon Bert.
Messrs. A. L. Reed , W. L.McC'ngue ,
W. J. Hughes. W. II. Clouhton , P.
N. Skinner , Harry McCormick , J. A.
Strangland , G. G. Wilson , O. C. Holmes
andC. N.'DUit/ .
In additioifto the above were many
on the adjoining lake , the Okobojis.
Several irosidents of your city have
bought a strip of Okoboji shore and
named it Omaha beach. Last year
they lived in tents and were known a.s
Caihp Omaha , but this season they are
housed in attractive cottages. Amen *
them nrti/Messrs. / H. T. Clarke , A. M.
Clarke , W. E. Clarke , Augustus Pratt
and WilHam'Preston , and their fami
lies. RoV. A. W. Lamar is also some
where on one of the Okobojfs.
Among the , other Nebraskans at the
lakes this week were : Mr. and .Mr.s.
George L. lies , of Norfolk ; Mr. J. L.
Pierce , of Norfolk ; . Mr. William Mar
shall , of Fremont ; Mrs. Rector and Miss
Minnie Hawic , of Nebraska City ; Miss
Mao Bryant , of Norfolk.
Council BlulVs was represented by
the. following : Mr. and Mrs. I. M.
Troynor. Dr. George C. Brown , Messrs. '
E. H. Morrinm , Thomas B. Lucey , T.
B. Baldwin , Ed Gilbert. J. McCHntock , !
John T. Oliver , Henry C. Atkins ,
Frank Cook , E. R. Sadler , . ) . Custer ,
E. E. Ilartand , L. Dodge.
Froc to AH.
The beautiful picture , "Will They
Consent ? " is a large magnificent en
graving , printed upon a sheet 19 inches
wide by 24 inches long. It is an exact
copy of an original pauiting by Kwall ,
A-hich was Bold for $5,000.
This picture roi > resent } a youni ;
ludy standing in : v baautiful room , surround
ed by all that in luxurious , ucir ; a hulf-
open door , while the .vouiu ; man , her
scon in an adjoining room asking the consent
of her parents for their daughter in m.irrlaso.
The Him interior decorations , toother , with
the position of the bountiful > trl ! U
in keeping with the sentiment of the pieturo.
It must IWHUPII to bo npprcci.Uert.
This valuable pieturo is ntlin ? to adorn the
wall of any ludlea' parlor , and in order to
offer an extraordinary Inducement to Intro
duce our Wax Starch , this costly picture will
bo given iiwity , free to every person purchas
ing a small box of Wax Starch.
This Htnrch is something entirely now , and
is without a doubt the greatest starch inven
tion of the nineteenth conturyatleu ( t every
body says so tlmt have used it ) . It suporcoiles
everything heretofore cd or Vuown to
science in the laundry art Unlike any other
starch , as it is coated witli pure white
wax and chemically prepared upon seientiliu
principles by an export in the laundry pro.
fcssion who has ha-l year * of exper
ience in fancy lauwlryini ? . It It * the Urstami
only starch in the world that makes ironing
easy and restores old summer dresses to their
natural whiteness , and imparts to linen a
beautiful and lasting tlnish.
Plenso remember that the present you ro-
reivo with euch box of Wax Starch , has
never been sold at retail for less than oim
dollar. This great offer is only peed for aix
weclts , after which the pro < cnt will bo omit
ted and the starch sold ut the usual price.
Try it nud bo convinced of the whole truth.
Ark your grocer for Wax Starch and ob
tain this beautiful and costly picture freo.
Kcokuk , Iowa.
The DcinooriitM Munt Let Up.
Detroit Free Press : "I want you to
come up to the house and arrest my hus
band ! " exclaimed n middle-aged woman
who called at police headquarters yes
terday , t i
"Yos'm , What's the trouble with
him ? " *
"Abusive.JTo has abused mo in the
most shameful manner every day for
two weeks. " .
"Has ho struck you ? "
"No , but it's his language. "
"Call you names ? "
"Not exactly names , butho slurs mo. "
"Pleabb bo a little more definite ,
nw'nm. "
"Well , then , I'm a republican and
he's a democrat , and ho keeps slurring
mo and tut my candidate and party. Ho
suya Hariribon is ti fool and Morton is a
monopolist , Kind it would make your
hair bland uf ) to hoar him go on about
nil our prominent men. Every time ho
comes into the house ho flings out eomo-
thlngabout Elaine or Sherman or Algor
and ho has repeatedly told mo to my
face that hadn't
wo ono ahuiice-in n
hundred to win. I've got tired of it and
want him arrested.1' '
"But , ma'am , ya can't arrest him for
that. "
"Vou ean'tV Can't you arrest a demo-
crr.i for slundor'i" '
"No , ma'am. "
"Nor scare him ? "
"No. '
"Well , I see how it all is. The whole
pack of you are democrats and you are
just glad to hoar my party slandered
and abused ! You needn't "come _
don't want any of you around my house.
Don't ono of you duro .come iubido ray
gate ! "
; 'C.B.&Q.R.R
The Burlington takes the lead.
It was in advance of all lines in developing Nebraska.
It was in advance of all lines in establishing dining-car
service between Missouri river points and Chicago.
It was in advance of all lines in giving the people of
Omaha and the Wast a fast mail service.
It was in advance of all lines in running its trains from
the East into Omaha propsr.
It was in advance of all lines in reducing the time of
passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago.
It was in advance , and is the only line by which you can
feave Omaha in the morning and arrive in Denver the
evening of the same day.
It has been progressive in the past.
It will lead in the future.
4\ \
Travel and ship via the Burlington. '
Ticket Office , 1223 Farnam Street. Telephone 250.
Depot on Tenth Street.
i Route
t\ Visit to tlio Ijiuly Who Would Not
Alnrry a Kiituro President.
Globe-Democrat : A country correspondent -
respondent of the Texas , pub-
lishcd at Honey Grove , Texas , furnished
the following item to hi paper :
"Mrs. William Oronnn. a respectable
lady of this county,01100 ref used to marry
Abraham Lincoln , who was afterwards
president. "
Haying a curiosity to .soo and talk tea
a lady who had been otlored , and de
clined , an alliance with the martyr
president , a reporter started out in
soaroh of the residence of the lady in
It had rained the night before , and
although seated behind a splendid liv
ery team , which the proprietor said
was good for ten miles an hour , I found
the road to the Dronan farm quite hard
to travel. It Is a typical north Toxin
farm , consisting of 000 acres in the
highest state of cultivation , every acre
of which is good for a bale and a half of
cotton , thirty bushels of wheat , seventy
bushels of oats , forty or llfty bushels of
corn , and other things in proportion ,
there being nothing adapted to this
soil and climate that is not produced on
this model farm.
A substantial double frame house ,
with u gallery extending the entire
length of the bouth bide , was the Mecca
in front of which wo llnnlly drew rein.
A full-blooded Irish Bettor , an English
pointer and half n do/.on greyhounds
greeted the approach , mingled with
cries of "Come back" from an old gen
tleman and Invitation to "Light and
come in. "
I was greeted with n cordial "Good-
morning" by a cheery old gentleman of
sovonty-threo summers , who kindly in
vited us to enter with the genuine old-
time Texan hospitality. A statement
of a desire to ECO Mrs. Drenan elicited
from the old gentleman a cry of "Old
woman. " which was answered almost
immediately by the appearance of iv
tall , well preserved lady of diepillcd
and prepossessing appearance , whom
mine host presented in duo form , and
who proved to be the lady who once do- '
SchilleJ J. , IGth anil Nicholas.
Schaefer Aug. , Sherman ave & Corby.
Sweeney S. L. , South Omaha.
Sobotkor C. H. South Omaha.
Stevens Henry A. , Ifith and Vinton.
Southmayd &Runnoll , No. 1010 N. 10th.
Schubert II. , SIGN. 10th.
Smith it Owens , South Omaha.
Sims C. D. , Saunders St.
Slobodisky L. , 603 N. 10th.
Thompson Gco. , cor. 10th & Mnmlorson.
Torbitt C. S. . 2203 Fnrnam.
Toco I ) . , 1120 } Farnnm.
Van Krogo & Pahl , cor. 17th ft Clarke.
Vnngroon & Holin , 2SJ02 Cumings.
WilrotC.,8UN. 10th.
Wolfor W. , cor , 20th and Oocatur.
Wliolan James , Ilt2o Saundors.
Whltehouso II. 13. , cor. 10th & Webster.
Waller , 101 S. lllth.
West & Fritchor , 1222 Farnam.
Westrnndo & Weber , 200 ! ) Cumings.
Wilbon Clayton. 410 } S. 10th.
Ward W. J. & Co. , 001 N. Kith.
Wilko & Sautter , Cor. 20th and Piorco.
Worthy Win. , Cor. Corby and 10th.
Abel E. , Denver , Col.
Boh nor G W. , Bradshaw , Neb.
Birken W. .1. , Leigh , Neb.
Buyrhollor it Koissellweh , Shelby , Nob.
Brown E. R. , Fremont , Nob.
Bennett T. N. Sf Paul , Nob.
Craig A. J. , Mindcn , Neb.
Copeland L. N. , Minden , Neb.
clincd the honor of an alliance with
Abraham Lincoln.
Mrs. Dronan said that she was a na
tive of Buncombe county , North Carolina
i lina , whom she was born in May , 1810 ,
( and from whence her nuronts moved to
Sangamon county , Illinois , in 1830.
Shortly after their settlement in Sanga- _
mon county she mot young Mr. Lincoln
at one ol the social gatherings which
wore rather infrequent at that early
day , and the acquaintance thus casually
made was continued until 1832 , some
time in the autumn of which year Mr.
Lincoln mtido the young lady , Miss
Martha Wilson , a. formal oiler of mar
A previous attachment , however , led
Miss Wi'.fion to decline the olfer of Mr.
Lincoln , for whom , who protests , she had
a sincere- , though Platonic , regard. She
gave many reminlsconcc.s of the onrly
life of the rail-splitter president and his
associates , which would make interest
ing reading matter for the present generation -
oration , from wluoh the following inci
dent is offered nt showing tno straight
forward , homely character of Mr. Lin
coln :
Mrs. Dronan &aid that at one
forc Mr. Lincoln had proposed to her ,
she nttondsd church ono Sunday at n
phvcs which was several miles from her
homo , and was accompanied by three
other young ladies of her neighborhood ,
all of them riding to the pluco of wor
ship on horseback. The party of girls
were escorted by a couple of youths of
tender ago , and among the congrega
tion assembled was the mother of Air.
Lincoln , who albO cnmo on horseback by
herself , her son "Abo" being absent at
the county scut , attending to some legal
business. Before the conclusion of the
services a thunderstorm came up. and
when the congregation win dismissed
the rain was descending m tor
rents. The young ladies were standing
in the school house in which the
services had boon holddobating whether
they should start out in the rain or wait
till it was over , when Mr. Llricoln wn.
scon driving along the road in a cov
ered or "top" buggy , the road pa&olng
in front of tfeo school houbo. Naturally
the young ladles began to speculate
as to which oue of them would bo in-
* fr * tkf. , 'ir-i. .
Cleveland Bros. , Ord , Nob.
Dahlstodt M. K. , Chapman , Nob.
Deyo it Dorr , Rod Cloud , Nob.
Dresser C. W. , Chndron , Nob.
Gilbert C. E , . Central City , Dak.
Galbrnith J. E. , Albion , Nob.
Hopkins W. W. , Oakland , Nob.
Harris it Gunnoll , Paxton , Nob.
Irwin it Ileckmun , Dcudwood , Dale.
Judd L. P. , Cedar Rapids , Nob.
Jensen , John , Mead , Nob.
Johnson A. B. , Mason , Neb.
Kin/.ol Bros. , Wlsnor , Nob.
Krauss , Phillip , Plnttsmouth , Nob.
Knrkor , S. J. , Aurora , Nob.
Knowllon E. W. , Oxford , Nob.
Larson it Son , Bralnard , Nob.
Lamhofor Ed.Schyulor , Nob.
Lyons Drug Co. , Lyons , Neb.
M'nyhJ. .1. WBlnlr , Nob.
Mo'ran John , Olnx , Neb.
Morris it Co. , O'Neill. Nob.
McEvoy L. A. , North Platte , Nob.
Odendahl Bros. , LoupCity , Nob.
Ovorllold J. E. . Noligh , Nob.
Pethick Thos. M. , Silver Creek , Nob.
Robb J. D. , McCook , Nob.
Stevens W. II. , Ogden , Utah.
Showers it Co. . Linwood , Nob.
Stuart , t Forrls. Cedar Bluffs , Nob.
Shrvock W. B. . Louisville. Nob.
Soykorn E. J. , North Bond , Nob.
Stein it Co. , Lincoln , Nob.
Scull E. B. . Boulder , Col.
Thomas J. R. , Tekamah , Nob.
Travis it Samples , Iloldrogc , Nob.
Wells W. E. , Burwoll , Nob.
Woods II I. , Stromsburg , Nob.
Wood W. .1. it Co. , Buffalo Gap , Dak.
Whaley , M. II. , Claries , Nob.
Wolz Geo. , Fremont , Nob.
Wilson C. W. , Mead , Nob.
Wolf it Gillon , Madison , Nob.
Young J. P. , Phvttsmouth , Nob.
vitod to a scat in his buggy , finally
agreeing that ho would certainly ask
Miss Wilson , as it was current neigh
borhood gossip then that ho was "sweet
on" her. Mr. Lincoln stopped in front
of the house , came in , and after shak
ing hands with the preacher and speak
ing to numerous friends , talked over
to one corner of the ruilding whore his
mother sat conversing with some other
ladies , and said :
"Come on , Ma , I'll take you homo. "
In 181511 Miss Wilson was married to
Mr. David DronaninSangamoncounty ,
111. , Mr. Dronan buing a natlvo ol Caldwell -
well county , Ky. , whore ho was born in
181(3 ( , being about three months the
senior of his wife , with whom ho has
lived happily for forty-live yearn. They
moved to Texas In 1842 ana settled on
the place whore they now reside and ,
whore they have lived over fjiiifio.
Some of the loading and .vcalthlost
people of Honey Grove rlulm descent
from this voncrtiblo couple , several
sons , diiughtors , and granddaughters
being among the most estimable , people ,
Mr. Dronan , too , gave many reminis
cences of his early lifo , both in Illinois
and Texas. In speaking of Mr. Lincoln
ho said ho heard him nmko the. ili > t po
litical speech ho ever made , when ho
was a candidate for the legislature. Mr ,
Drenan hays ho was always iv warm
friend of Mr. Lincoln'H , and after ward be-
camean ardontudinirorof him. Just pri
or to the removal of tlfj Dronan family to
Texas Mr. Lincoln visited them uttliaii'
homo , and tried to dunuado thnnt from
their contemplated move to the then j
wilderness of Texas-and nnnnt throat ,
days with them at their Illinois homo , *
Mr. Drenan has always boon a staunch'
republican , and lie says ho hccs no rou- '
feon to chaiitfo his politics ut tills Into
hour , Ilo hiivij the llrnt vote ho over ; ,
cast was for William Henry Harrison , i
the grandfather of the nresont rapublU
can candidate for president. Hu h } lpoil - ,
to build the llrst and original log cabin , i
that was u od in the campaign irhoii old
Tlppecanoo made the race , and tooli an
active , though perhaps not vor. prom-
inoiit , part in that campaigny
/Vt Courtland , Cal. . thirty Ghlnnuion itruclt" *
for 1.50 pur day instead of 11.83.