Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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The most desirable and beautifullysituated residence property in the city of Omaha , the ground having natural drainage and located on the
Western Highlands. The grading of all streets in the addition without cost to the purchasers of lots , the system of paving and sidewalks will
be on the Detroit plan , making every street a minature park , and giving shade for all houses , duplicating the best portion of Detroit residence
property. Parties purchasing lots in this addition must examine thoroughly the following restrictions inserted in all deeds to
First The said premises shall be occupiedand used for residence purposes exclusively for a period of at least -fifteen years from the date hereof , and forn'o
other purposes whatever.
Second No residence or dwelling house shall a-t any time within said period of fifteen years be erected or kept on any lot hereby conveyed , wholly or partly
within twenty-five feet of the street line in front of said residence or dwelling : .
Third No residenc or dwelling house built on said lot shall at any time within said period of fifteen years be erected on any lot hereby conveyed costing less
than twentv-flve hundred $2,500 dollars exclusive of other buildings and improvements on said lots.
Fourth The premises hereby conveyed shall never during said period of fifteen years be used for aiiv immoral or illegal business or occupation ; nor shall any
Spirituous or malt liquors be sold or bartered away on said premises during said period oi fifteen years ,
t\ Blocks or half blocks will be sold to those wishing ample grounds ; average lots sold , 200 feet front ; smallest lots sold , 100 teet front. Parties purchasing
Will not be required to build at once , but can secure choice sites for future homes.
We offer tlie lots at this low price for the present. Terms : One-third cash ; balance 1 , 2 , 3 years. Every purchaser receiving deed on mafc > |
_ the first payment. We invite homeseekers to carefully investigate our proposition and terms for first-class residences. Call at our office
for further particulars , building loans , payments on lots , etc. Our salesmen are always ready to show the property at all times.
Room 25 , Board of Trade Building , Omalia ? Neb.
. H. CRAIG , President , N. D. ALLEN , Viee-President and Treasurer , W. K. KURTZ , General Manager
Tobraska's Board of Equalization
Completes Its Labors.
ploltlrogc Refuses to Protest Against
n Freight Unto Reduction A. Now
Dank Incorporated Supreme
premo Court Notes.
1029 P STUEKT , }
LINCOLN. August 4. J
The state board of equalization have Just
finished their labors , and the state levy for
185U is complete. In conjunction with this
the taxable valuation of the state by coun
ties has boon compared , aggregating 1175,815-
BoTi.45 , the levy upon which Is X mills , dts
tributeJ by counties as follows :
Vinliialton. Leva.
Adams $4,173,001.90 8
Antelope 1,603,211.55 8
JJhUno. 183,470.00 5
Uoono 1,554'J70.60 7
Uiown 1,014.841.50
IJoxllutto OOO.CS4.00
UufTnlo 8,700,451.41 8
Hurt- . 1.W9.671.40 7 %
Uutlur 11,012,070.45 7J <
Cuss , 4.741.S1000 1i }
Cedar 1,71)0,709.70 ) 7 %
Chimu 478,70900 7 %
Cherry 1,004,850.50 '
Chcycnno 3,00 31.40 7X
Clay. a,143.015.'i5 ' "fc
Colfax 2,07,370.bO ( ! 7f
Cuming 1.W11.04D.45 7K
Ouster ? IV-'SO.'JSl.OO 7
Dakota 1:174,55T.70 :
Dawcs . 1,101,74353 0
Dawson 1U70,1I9.50 ! S
Ilixon 1,5 , 1,11W 05 7K
Dodge ( s
Douglas 3 , G2SO.H.70 7
Dundy 055.5J200 .
Fillmore 2.17.5MD.60 7
Franklin 1,075577.0U ! S
Frontier. 1OS1,034.SO !
Furnas 1,70.,477.23
Ougo 6,501,737.25
ciaiHoid iwvmoo
tospcr ! 741,4117.50
r.nuit U0.7W.OO 8
Orcoley ObO,8l4.45 T
Hull 2,931,2'G. 15 8
Hamilton 'Jlt0bOU.H ! ) 8
Harhm 13,173. ! > 0 7J
Haies 0
Hitchcock EC3.sai.lO
Holt g'J ) ,204.40
Howard l.fibb.lCl.10
Jellorson U,501,7h3.W ( 8
Johntoii lUir.,510.80 ! 8
Kearney l,4WWOfiO ( S
Keith 1,107.1J.OO 7' ' f
Keyix Paha 4IW.5-J7.00 7K
Knox 1.308,830.03 ! } {
.Lancaster 0,028 , llU.OTi 8
Lincoln 2,178,8.50.10 t\i
Logan 214,599.00 G > ( ,
Lou | ) 177,723.00 Oj <
Madison 1,831,25010 7
Mcrick 'J,17J.478.40 , 7
Knnco l.OO .bMS.OO 8
Kemaha 2,413,010.70 8
Nuckolls , 2,4U.,5i0.70 , ! 7Jf (
Otoo 5,40.- ,7b4.90 %
Pawnee 2,200,1(7.1.05 1 %
Perkins 74i.2CO.50 7&
Pholps. ' . 1,250.050.03 7K
Pieice 1,330,101.05 1 %
Plalto 2,501,731.30 8
P.olk 1,504,008.03 8
lied Willow. . . " . l.a."Jfe49.05 7K
itichnrdsou aao-or4.iri 8
Kallno 8,333,1-55.45 3
Ktupy 1,401,1SS. 8
Kmmders 8,83,005.00 8
Bow nrd 2,703,200.50 7 #
Sheridan , 1,075,093.00 OH'
SUmnan , . 1UU,710.SO 7V
Klcmx , . . . 615,800.00 OX
Stnnton W5.153.40 7K
Thnyor C.49S.403.25 7&
Thomas . , 872,857.00 Otf
Valley 1,125,291.70 7 %
Wellington , 8,035,214.15 8
Woyno. , , . . . - 1,705,700.35 7 #
Web tor. . . > . . . . . . . 2,341,212.85 7tf
Wheeler G , '
York 8,148,323.03 8
There nro wheels within wheels , and the
railroads of Nebraska are trying to turn
them all. It is very evident that the railway
corporations of the state don't like the order
of the state board of transportation reducing
freight tariffs. Successful efforts have been
madu to induce some of the boards of trade
of a. few towns to remonstrate against the
order , and recommend its appeal. But all
like efforts have not been crowned with suc
cess. An effort of this kind was made upon
the board of trade of Holdrego by
a railroad company recently , but it
would not work , as the following letter from
the editor of the Semi-Weekly Progress ,
addressed to the attorney general , will fully
evidence :
HOLDISEDOB , Nob. , August 2 , 1SSS. Hoi. :
W. M. Loose Dear Sir. Mr. GriOln , of
Omaha , who in the interest of Omalm and
the railroads appeared before our board of
trade last night , honing to cajole them into
passing a resolution requesting the state
board of transportation to rescind its order
of roduclne freight rates , contended that the
voluntary reduction of the roads lust Novem
ber averaged 33)tf ) per cent reduction the
state over. Wo have failed to notlco any
such reduction at this station. Did it affect
different parts of the state differently ? Ho
went away quite crestfallen. Holdrcdgo did
not surrender. EIIIO JOHNSOX.
Articles incorporating the Farmers and
Traders banic were Hied with the secretary
of state this morning. The bank's principal
place of doing business is Wnkoileld , Dixon
county , and the incorporators nro John D.
Haskili and D. Mathowson. Business com
menced on the 1st day of August with an
authorized capital of $50,000 and 50 per cent ,
of it was paid in on that date. The bank Is
incorporated for ton years and will continue
thus long unless otherwise decided by a ma
jority of the stock holders.
The following cases wore tiled in the supreme
premo court this morning :
Willis G. and Harry Uurrell vs John Lart ;
error from Lancaster county.
J. M. Carlisle ic Co. vs. H. B. Dauchcy ;
error from Otoc county.
crrr NEWS xsn NOTTS.
Governor Thayer returned from a trip to
Hardy. Nuckolla county , this afternoon ,
whore ho attended a grand army reunion.
The pavers will soon lay down the "shov 1
and boo" on P street. But It is well ulfth
time. Work commenced on the street nearly
two months ago.
The builders will not try to finish the now
Christian church until next May. The out
side woik , however , will bo finished before
cold weather. The wood work on the struc
ture will bo don6 during cold weather.
The wind storm last night nlTcctcd the
Burlington will's and made them work slug
gishly. But asulo from blowing down n few
shade trues the storm did no material dam
age. It was the heaviest of the season for
this locality.
It is stated thai 103 now drlvo wells will bo
put in operation as soon as the pumping
machinery can bo put in position. It scorns
now that the water pressure Is to bo raised
to the needed standard by working n count
less number of wells. This will probably do.
But anything for pmo water and a sufficient
supply to moot all lire dangers.
Wlmt la Nebraska Imnil Kcnlly Worth ?
Has Nebraska land any value aside from a
speculative one , I. e. , the intention of laying
It all out In town lots ! If It has a real value ,
what Is it ? Surely not the inoro ability to
produce crops , for to-day in Nebraska land
that needs but to bo combed with a harrow ,
to shed an abundant crop , averaging in
wheat twenty-live bushels and in corn sixty
bushels , can bo boueht on the easiest terms
fo"r $3 per acre.
Ah yes 1 Far from markets and railroads ,
which , tnorefore , determine the value of
land. Not at all ; for this land Is within a
few niilci of a great trunk railroad , near a
, nourishing town and with a market RO much
superior to that of eastern Nebraska , that
the average price of produce is Just double
what it la in the Missouri valluy. Then the
people must bo outlaws and desperados and
life unsafe. Again a false guess , for school
houses abound , churches are built und the
people are us. pleasant and cultivated as any-
whcrd olso. There is no such laud ns you
describe some will say. Let us soo.
On August 9 1,500 acres of laqdworosQldat
auction 4u.quartcr section lots at Madrid , In
Perkins county , Neb. A special excursion
train was run from pastern Nebraska.
Every aero of land was good and lovcl and
much of it was under cultivation showing
the richest and most promising cropt. Tnu
whole town of Madrid was decorated with
hedges of green and and waving corn , most
of it twelve feet high/ Festoons of golden
shocks of small grain swelled like the Oran-
thus capitals of Corinthian columns , and
potatoes , beets , caobages and vines formed
the minor arrangements of an agricultural
display. All those tilings were grown within
sight of Madrid , and for miles in every di
rection the broad fields stretched , and yet
tills land was sold at auction in quarter BOO-
tion lots at 5 00 to Sii.O. ) per acre , only one-
tenth down and 0 per cent interest on balance.
A double crop und a double price awaits
every careful farmer in Perkins county ,
which does not have a poor quarter section in
8,01)0 ) farms.
What then determines the value of Ne
braska land I
The answer is paradoxical. Ignorance 1
and nothing else. Land in Franco is wotth
$350 per acre , and is cut up into live acre
tracts , but the French peasants do not Know
that free homes for the millions await thorn
in America. Land in Ohio and Illinois mid
Michigan , land that costs a life time of labor
to form timber or to drain , sells at j50 to $100
per aero because the mummies do not know
that hotter land is to bo had for ncarlv noth
ing in Nobnibka. Land in custom Nebraska
soils for $30 to $50 per acre , because the pee
pie nro too lazy to find out that land equally
good in every respect and in most bettor ,
laud blcsbod with the high priced western
market , yin bo had for one-tenth of What it
costs to buv near the Missouri valley. Lund
in eastern Nebraska is now too high , but
land in western Nebraska is scandalously
cheap , and those who fall now to secure a
slice will rue It when too Into , when the
crowd has found out , when this difference ,
due only to ignorance , has been wiped out ,
and that day is close at hand.
A Meeting to Arrange For It
A meeting of the committees having the
arrangements for n traveling men * ' day ,
Thursday of the fair week , was hold last
night at the Arcade hotel to further perfect
the arrangements for their day. W. B.
Lunlus presided. The committee on recep
tion reported in favor of holding the recep
tion at the board of trade rooms. Partial
reports were made by the committees on music
and decorations. A committee consisting of
Joseph Gorne.w , G. H. Gates , Mr. Wright ,
II. H. Meday. W. H. McCord and W. T.
Glllcsplo , was appointed to call upon the
Jobbers of the city und Invite thorn to Join
the procession with a trades display.
The committee on parade reported the fol
lowing gentlemen as officers for the day :
John S. Brady , chief marshal , Hobort
Hasson , G H. Wllcox and C. H. Coo , aids.
The parndo will take place In the morning
and will be through the principal streets of
the city.
The commltco on uniform reported in favor
of wearing silk hats , light colored fiannol
shirts and each man is to carry a Japanese
The afternoon will bo spent at the fair
grounds , where a number of foot races and
other amusements will bo indulged in.
The ofllcais for the day nro W. B. Lainus ,
president ; \V. J. Broatcb , Hobcrt Simons of
Lincoln , John A. Fleming , Frank Buchhclt.
W. 11. Sheldon of Hastings , Joseph May of
Fremont , Eugene Bradley of Nebraska City ,
Frank Martin of Lincoln , O. K. Livingston
of Norfolk , L. C. Dunn of Council Bluffs ,
Mauiv Kllev , Frank Daniels , Charles Hann
and W. F. Manning , vice presidents. W. L.
Eastman was elected secretary , and C. O.
Lobeck treasurer.
Another meeting will bo held two weolis
from last night to complete arrangements
and hear the final reports of the committees
for the day ,
\ Doultln Wed ill n K.
Judge Shields , of the county court , offici
ated at a double wedding yesterday after
noon. The event was unusual , and was sur
rounded with all the pomp and dignity in the
capacity of the office , while Clerk
Moriarty smiled benign approval. Miss
Lucy Wlnn , of Pluttsmouth , was made the
wlte of Charles J. Paper , of this city. Mr.
William M. Magee and Miss Fannie V.Snutt ,
both of this city , Were made one.
Wbore the Negro Stands in the
Eyes of the Administration.
Congressional Dudes anil tlic Clothes
They Wear An Irlsli Domoornl's
llcvult Distribution of Mr.
MuKinlcy's Great Speed ) .
Treatment or the Colored Men.
AVAIIIIXOTOX , August 4. [ Special to Tun
BKK.J--"I am surprised , " said u prominent
colored republican from North Carolina , this
afternoon , "that the colored people of this
country should bo such fools as to bo in
veigled Into tills attempt to injure the repub
lican party , and thereby aid Mr. Cleveland's
re-elojtion. All this talk about love for the
colored brother is the most absurd nonsense
that ever was uttered. What has Cleveland
done for the negro that ho should aid cither
diiectly or indirectly in the re-election of the
man who now occupies the white house I
Nearly every colored man who filled any of
fice of tnist or emolument when Cleveland
came In has been dismissed from the service ,
und white men have been found to fill their
places. It is true that Cleveland appointed
Mr. Trotter recorder of deeds for the Dis
trict of Columbia ; it is true , also , that ho se
lected a colored nun to represent this coun
try in Hayti , and another as the representa
tive of the United States in Liberia , but
these latter appointments were madu because
no white men would care to fill tlioio places.
There are left in the departments in Wash
Ington u few colored employes among the
laborers , watchmen and spittoon cleaners ,
but lii many instances even these men have
made way tor southern white men who have
forgotten their blue blood for the time being ,
and are willing to accept places on the most
insignificant teat on the political udder.
"The railways mall service was one of ttio
roads open to young colored men during the
previous administrations , but the service has
been almost entirely relieved from the pres
ence of our people. I don't bollovo there are
a dozen loft In the United States , and I don't
recall the api > oiiltuioiit of a blngle colored
man to a place in this service since the pres
ent tulministraUpu came in. Then , too , if
wo look over the list of postmasters ap
pointed wo will find that oven in black com
munities wliito men have Invariably been
found to fill the places. White men , In fact ,
nro given a preference in every respect over
the colored man , and the patronage which
has been doled out to the race is of the most
insignificant4 character. This Indianapolis
convention Is paid for by the democratic
managers. They are trying to alienate the
colored vote from the republican party which
made the colored men voters , and they have
succeeded in finding a few tools who could
be purchased to 'Uo their bidding. I do not
bollovo that this movement will pay back to
the democratic jmrty the money it has cost ,
for colored people are not the fools they are
sometimes bejlcvpd to bo. "
There Is no man In congress who has boon
more extensively written about than the
Hon. Frank Lawler of Chicago. Mr. Law-
lor has been the hero of some of the best
stories that have over been circulated
about congressmen. Ho became famous
when ho first came to Washington through
the circulation of several yarns In which ho
appeared in the most rldiculous'light. One
of the best of them was n story to the effect
that after having oaten , with a great deal of
enjoyment , his first dish of soft shell crabs
In company with a friend , ho. tried to secure
u fresh supply when alone next day. The
story goes that Mr. Lawler entered a res
taurant , and , having forgotten the name ol
the article for which ho was looking , unO
seeing lobsters on the bill of faro thought
that must bo what ho wanted , and at once
ordered a dozen. The waiter in astonish
ment exclaimed , "A dozen , strl" Mr. Law- >
ler then saw that ho had made a mistake ,
but It Is reported in tolling the story after
wards that he said bo wiin't going ; ( q let any
ngger ] waiter to tell him what ho wanted ,
Ulll persisted in his order. _ Two
ables were spjoad , and the lob
sters wore produced. Mr. Lawler
tried to cat them In the way ho had the
crabs , but found the shells wera somewhat
urdor. After having found how to got at
the edible portion of the toothsome shcll-
ish , ho pitched in and mimngod to got rid of
ono and a half , when ho said : "Waiter , I
am not as hungry as I thought I was. Bring
no n glass of brandy and the bill. " The bill
was SI t.50 , and Mr. Lawlor simply re
marked : "Is that all i You may keep the
change.1' as ho had handed him a twenty.
Some of Mr. Lawlor's friends in Chicago
who read the story said thov would not be
lieve It until they rend the last part , when
: hey were convinced by that that Mr. Law
ler must have done Just what ho was said to
have dono.
The latest ono on the Hon. Frank is that
some yo.ns ago ho determined to buy ono of
Ills boys a drum for a , Christmas present.
Ho is not well up on musical Instruments ,
but inquired the price of a drum and was in
formed that the one which ho was looking at
was worth $10. "That's rather more than I
want to pay. You can give mo one of them
half ones for . " > , " and ho pointed to a tara-
bnurino which was on the shelf.
* *
The varieties of costumes worn by mem-
bow of congress In both houses has boon par
ticularly marked this summer. The conven
tional black suit is almost as much of a rnretv
us was an unconventional light ono In the old
days , when legislators wore punctilious in
the matter of dross. Seersuckers , pongees ,
alpacas , monairs , und linens are scattered
among the tweeds , and casslmeres of all
shades and varieties. Flannel shirts and
silk garments of the same class nro found
more common than white ones. The craze
for cool garments is ut Its heighth , and
aomo of the gentlemen who are epicures in
the matter of dross astonish their associates
by the great taste which they display in sel
ecting their summer garments.
Senator Mitchell , of Oregon , wears n neat
cream-tinted suit of thin material , on the
order of mohair , which has been ono of the
most nttraotlvo in the senate , but Senator
Blackburn , of Kentucky , has Just come out
with a suit which is moro noticeable
than any because of Its novelty.
It Is made entirely of flax of a coixrso
quality grown on ttio hills of Kentucky. The
flax was cut , hacked , spun and woven by
hand , and is of that peculiar color between
gray and white which Is only found in fibrous
material in its raw stato. Senator Blackburn
had the cloth sent to him from homo and
employed ono of the best tailors In town to
make it up. The result is that ho has n suit
of clothes which cannot bo readily dupli
cated , and which is luxurious In its coolness.
It is a garment purely of home manufacture ,
In which no foreign labor or material has en
tered , and several of his senatorial associates
have asked the gentleman from Kentucky to
secure for them a supply of the cloth from
which the suit Is made , in order that they too
may demonstrate their devotion to homo
products. It is not likely , however , that
many suits of this kind will bo seen in Wash
ington this year.
* *
Everyone who paid any attention to the
congressional debate of the Forty-eighth
congresses will remember readingtho denun
ciations of Great Britain which were uttcrca
by an Irish-American member , who always
managed to occupy a front scat near the
speaker's desk. This member was "Ulcho-
lieu" Hoblnsou. who represented ono of the
Brooklyn districts for three terms , Kobln-
son is an old manwith a smooth-shaven face ,
and a mane of white hair , which ma'lo him n
prominent figure in the house whenever ho
arose to his feet. Ho never missed an op
portunity to twist the British lion's tall , and
persistently and consistently opposed every
attempt at legis'atlon which might bo con
strued us giving the British nuy advantage
whatever In the United States.
Mr. Robinson was in the city this week ,
and was , naturally , subjected to a number of
interviews as to his political preferences. Ho
has always been a democrat , yet ho Is not a
and diplomatic standpoint , and his friends
assort that ho has about made up his mind to
oppose there-election of the man whoie ad
ministration Is noted for Its truckling policy
towards the British foreign office. Mr.
Hobinson is at present engaged In writing a
work on the Irish In America. He Is an old-
tlmq journalist , havln'g been the Washington
correspoQ1' \ hero before the war and &
writer of prominence in the old days for the
Tribune and other great papers.
If Mr. Hobinson comes out for the repub
lican ticket , as ho is expected to do , as ho
can command at least 2,000 followers who
will be likely to step with him from the free
trade plunk in the democratic platform to
: hat republican plank which means so much
: o foreign born citizens who come to Amer
ica to better their condition , and not to aid
in the establishment of British commercial
theories in Uio confines of the United States
* *
It is estimated that 500,000 copies of Major
McKInley's speech have already boon printed
in Washington. On Monday 25,000 copies
were sent to Indianapolis. It is ono of the
oldest arguments in favor of the doctrine of
protection which was ever delivered on the
lloor of congress and it is so convincing in its
logic that democrats who have roadit have ,
in several instances , admitted that they can
not longer support the free trade idea of the
Mills clique. The speech is being translated
into German , and the gentleman who is en
gaged in the work said to mo to-night :
"I have always been n democrat. When I
read the speech I was convinced of the
folly of longer training with u party which
advocates free trade , however , that central
idea may bo disguised in misleading phrases.
I have road the speech all through and I
have never before read an argument which
is so forceful in every point it discusses. "
W *
It begins to look as though at least
two of the great New York newspapers had
cancer crnnks employed. The recent an
nouncement that Mr. Kami fill was doomed to
death and that his fatal malady was cancer
in the stomach has recalled the fact that
during the last two years about twenty of
the leading men of the country have boon
reported by these papers as having cancers
in the stomach , und being on the rapid road
to eternity.
It was onlv five or six months ago that ono
of the New York papers gave prominence tea
a special from .this city stating that Senator
Joseph Blackburn of Kentucky , had cancer
of the stomach , and that ho had gone homo
to die. Blackburn returned to Washington
a few days later looking as tough us a knot ,
and convinced his friends that the report
was pure fabrication. Jt developed that the
statement was based upon a Jesting observa
tion made by the senator to ft woman friend
ono day. They were talking about the news
papers having u panic of cancers in
the stomach among prominent men when
the senator from Kentucky replied that ho
was suffering from ono himself. The woman
seemed to think it was n very serious mat
ter and convo\ed the secret to a friend who
was n newspaper concspondent , and so the
report went.
It has several times boon announced that
Speaker Carlisle had a cancer in his stomach
ach , and Senator Ingalls and three or four
of the old members of the house , M well as
Secretary Bayard and the president , have
Imd u whole bushel of cancers in the stomach
ach , according to the newspaper reports dur
ing the last twelve or fifteen months. It is
said that cancers of tno stomach are some
times superinduced by excessive stimulation ,
and whenever a Ktatesman gets "under the
weather" ho is Immediately reported In
Washington to have ono of these troubles
gnawing at his vitals.
It was a very casual observation a thought
which originated in the mind of a single in
dividual that led to the nomination of Allen
G. Thurman for the vice-presidency. About
the the 1st of May four or five gentlemen
were taking lunch In ono of the leading
cafes of this city. During the conversation
the question of who would bo nominated with
Mr. Cleveland nt St. Louis was discussed.
After nil those present had expressed their
views , and a majority had predicted the
nomination of Governor Gray , 6f Indiana ,
Nick Bull , superintendent of the foreign mail
service , said :
"If the democrats are ns wise as they
should bo they will make ttiolr ticket read
Grovcr Cleveland und Allen G. Thurman.
Wo need u man wno will give character to
the ticket and whoso name will bo n shlbo-
loth in the campaign. The red bandana
would be n war cry worth the rally. "
There were some grunts and comments
made on the suggestion , but no ono took It
with any seriousness. The next day Mr.
Boll met Jules Guthorldgo , correspondent of
the Now York Herald , and told him that ho
could give him a good piece of news. Nick
lias no scruples against enlarging on a mat
ter of this kind , and ho told Jules that there
was a conference on the night before at
which wore eovera ) prominent federal Offi
cers , and that the name of Thurman was
KUggested ns a candidate for the vlco presi
dency , and that ho was the favorite of the
administration. Ho told the correspondent
to take the clue and make an Item with
proper embellishments. Gutherldgo did so ,
and duplicated the dispatch to the San
Francisco Examiner. Thurman's name was
familiar on the Pacific slope , owing to his
prominence In creating the present laws af
fecting the debt of the Pacific railroads and
other interests located in the far
west. The San Francisco paper
published the dispatch with great promini {
once , und made comments upon it which i ! ,
spread throughout the Pacillo slope , and 1m- VJ f
mediately there was an agitation and a
Thurman organization. The Now York
Herald was taken UD by the press ossoola * ' i
lions and sent over tho" country , and from . . * 1
that little spark there grow n great name. In * *
loss than n week the matter was spoken of
at a cabinet meeting , and Secretary Whitney
told about it in a very serious manner. Ho h
was asked to look into the suggestion and report -
port upon the advisability of Inviting Mr.
Thurman to take the nomination. Hcpro-
sontatlvo Outhwaito.who lives at Thurman'n
homo , saw the reports In the newspaper !
and wrote a letter to Mr. Thurman. asking A H
him if ho would accept the nomination. Before - & > !
fore a reply was received the Thurmrn boom w. i
grow so heavily that , it was beyond the con
trol of the Old Roman , The Pacific slope
was organized , and the result is very well Vj i !
known. There have been many men nomt \
inatcd for positions of about the same prom3 I
incnco upon quite as slight provocation , how
ever. . PERKY S. HEVTO.
What Might bo Called Hot Wonthnr.
"Is it over hot on the lako'i" ' queried
a Detroit reporter yesterday of an old 1
captain who was fanning himself in the v ,
shade of a coal pile. *
"Hot ! is it ? Well , you are fresh. |
Why , young man , If I should tell you
how high I have soon the mercury go
down on Lake Erie you'd call me a
liar ! "
The reporter hinted that no man of
sense would over think of questioning
a mariner's word , and the captain con
tinued :
"I rome mbor the summer of 165S. I
ailed the Orphan Girl that season. On 1
the 18th of July wo were becalmed with f
a Hoot about midlako. Hot ! Oh , nol J
By 10 o'clock in the morning the mor I
cury marked 125 ° in the shade , and wo
were loaded with Ice at that ! "
"Is it possible1'
"By noon wo had put out seven o *
eight spontaneous fires , and the anchors
were then so hot wo had to drop 'em
over to cool 'em. There wore eight
vessels of us , and wo dropped about the
bamo time. "
"Yes ? "
"Well , sir , the result was boiling hot
water all around us for half an hour.
Wo captured over ono hundred fish
which were nicely boiled. It was very
lucky for us , as the heat of the sun had
molted our cook steve , and wo should
have gone hungry. Is it hot out on the
lake ? Well you just stay on land dur
ing a hot spoil if you know what'u good
for you ? Did you say loraonado for
two ? "
What nccnmo oftho Tipped Chicken.
Wo went to spend a day in the coun
try , and had a line treat of fried
chicken for dinner. Then wo took a
wall : with the children , who led the
way to the chicken coop.
"All our host chickens are doad"sald
ono of the olilldron , sadly.
"Why , what killed them ? "
"Papa did , but they were going to die
any way , 'causo they had the pip. "
"What became of them ? " ( this with a
heavy heart and squeamish fitomach. )
' Wo fried 'oin for dinner , " answered
the child , sorrowfully.
Another Day
"IIuBh , " ho whispered with a warn
ing gesture. "Isn't ' that the night *
watchman'a rattle ? "
"No , Mr. Sampson , " 'replied the girl , ' 4
suppressing a yawn , "that is the coek
grinding , tuo codec for.broakfttst. "