Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1888, Page 4, Image 4

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Daily ( MornliiK Kdltlon ) including Sunday
HKK , One Venr . $10 no
Tor Six Months . A )
iKorThr-v ! Months . . . . . . SO )
Olio \hnSimilnv II m % mulled to any ad-
dre i , ono Vrnr . 2 )
UMAitAOrncrNOR.oil ixtitrlt ) P.tti.f AVHTIIRKT.
I'Ol'ltTKK.NTII ttTKKirr.
All commttnlcatlnns relating to news nnd edl-
torlrtl matter should bo nildre-B'd totlieisumm
All littllnefis Mteri Biid reinlttaliops should be
acldre * eil f > TiiK HKK I'tfm.miiMi CoMi-Asr.
OMAHA. Ilrnrt * , rheek * nnd pottolllco orders to
be made payable to the order of the company.
fny , Pronrislors ,
E. IlOSBWATKIt , Editor.
Till ? 1)AII < Y HKK.
Bwnrn Statement ol Circulation ,
Btnfoof Ndiraslca. I . .
.County of IOUKW . I Bi" '
, ( jpo. It. Tzsi'hm k. secretory of nie Hoe T > ib- ;
llahlnx company , doe * noleiuuly HW uar that the
nctuafclrculutlnu of the Dally flee for the week
cndlna Au u t * , lW8 ! , was as follows :
Kundny. July Si
-Monday..lul v : )
a-iK-mlay , July III ] . } '
VrectnrH'iay. August 1 JJJ. r |
Tluiradar , August . ' JV"- :
Friday. AiiKtist ! l W * ?
Baturday , Au mt 4 .If.Qn
Arcrngo ln.013
Sworn to bcforn mo and subscribed In my
presence this 4th day of Atictist. A. I ) . IW
N. I' . FHU * Notary 1'ublle.
Etate of Nebraska , I „ , .
County of DoiiKias. f . , , .
< lcoruo II. TMcmick , belns ntst duly
IKWsnml says that he It secretary of The llee
J'libllfchliiR company , that the iicttial avuraeu
dally circulation of the Dully lieu for the
April. 1HSH. 18.7H copleas for ay. x. t.
copies ; for June.lStS , l , Sl.lroples ; for July. 1W ,
JB. )3 ) copies. OKO. H. T/SCIIUCK.
Sworn to before mo and sulnc-ilbed In my
presence this 1st day of Ansnist , A. 1) . . IHSJJ.
N. 1' . 1 KlL. Notary Public.
EVKN the Sioux pow wow is controlled
by the "unit rule , " which the commis
sion has been so fur umiblo to break.
IK the boy preacher , Harrison , who is
lorty odd years old , bus converted u
Kew York editor in the middle of these
do # days , the duy of jubilee must bo at
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
PniNCH Ai.itKHT VICTOU , of Wales ,
1ms learned another trick of American
talesmen. Like them ho is making
dates ut this season to address the people
ple at country fairs when the pumpkin
ttinc sots in.
Tine Chicago board of trade will per
mit no more "put nnd call" trading
'among its members. But the buying
and belling of "margins" on 'change is
considered legitimate. This is like
swallowing a camel and choking at a
gnat. _ _ _ _ _ _
FAIimANKS , the great lard manufac
turer , lias become a. director of the cot
ton seed oil trust , but this docs not
imply that cotton seed oil will bo la
beled lard and put on the market. It
will bo placed on the shelves of grocers
in bottles stamped "uuro Italian olive
THE shabby manner in which Tul-
mngo treated the Crete Chautauqua of
this state and similar- gatherings in
Minnesota , may load the Brooklyn divine -
vine into a complication of law suits
for breach of contract. Sam Jones , who
'promised to speak bcforo an Illinois so
ciety has boon sued fpr $ " ,000 , nnd the
Nebraska people are waiting to see how
the suit terminates before they serve
tholr papers on the great preacher from
the city of churches.
TUB number of fatal prostrations
from hent during the past few days calls
for precaution on the part of every person
to guard against sunstroke. The opin
ion of loading physicians as to the best
methods of keeping well may bo sum
med up : Keep out of the sun , don't
work too hard , don't worry too much ,
don't got excited , drink lightly of iced
water , cat moderately of plain feud , nnd
don't drink whisky.
AND now the insurance trust , which
is another name for underwriters , has
advanced its rates at Lincoln twonty-
five per cent , under the pretense that
the water suuuly of Lincoln has become
teunpalrod. Wo do not profess to know
jbout the condition of the water bupply
At the state capital , but we do know
that with constantly improving fire pro
tection , insurance rates at Omaha have
boon gradually advancing. The truth
IB , 'that the insurance trust , like our
public carriers , will charge all that tho.
traltlc will bear unless the people chucl
tholr rapacity.
IT will bo gratifying to the student of
tistronomy to learn that the great Lick
telescope has * moro than realized the
high expectations set upon it by the as
tronomical world. Not only ia it the
largest telescope in the world , but hav
ing boon erected on Mount Hamilton ,
in the remarkably clear air of Cali
fornia , the opportunities for studying
the marvels of the heavens are
unsurpassed. Although the tele
scope has been erected but
a short time , the immense lens has
revealed the heavens in an entirely now
light. As Professor Holdon of the ob
servatory puts it , "thoro ia absolutely
nothing to bo taken for granted and
there is no object in the whole heavens
which wo must not observe as if viewed
for the first time. Wo hnvo" to use Iho
now telescope in a now way. " The
greatest success so far in the use of the
instrument has been solving the
uiyutorlcs of the nebula ) world ,
especially that surrounding the Ring
NobuUc in the constellation of Lyra
"which has bafllcd every previous at
tempt at uxphmntion and has led to
many speculations. With ono sweep of
, the Ltok telescope the structure of this
wonderful constellation has become us
tin open book. At u glance , as it were ,
the Lick telescope has revealed a cor-
tier of the houvons where ono can sco
ibo work of creation going on , suns
eyolvcJ from the unformed nebulous
" Mftttor.
, For jclencp , then , the Lick talusconq ,
groatHold tor Invcsti-
. fcai opened up a groat-
.gallon , whcro the hcaverUwill.reveal
MurvdU ol eraatlon.
A.Scholarotl the Schools.
T.ho current number of theIthrntic
MnnlMy contains a most Interesting ar
ticle by President HHot , of Harvard , on
the problem of how to lessen the pro
grammes in the public schools nnd at
the sumo time increase their richness
and usefulness to the pupil. While
necessarily having as the guide to his
views and conclusions the system and
methods * of the schools of Massachu
setts , which in their entirety are not of
universal practice , much of what Presi
dent Eliot sayw is of gonorul applica
tion. Authentic figures for the last decade -
cado demonstrate that the number of
pupils In thn higher school * chow rela
tively n very much smaller increase
than that of the whole mass of
population. This class of pupils ,
in numerical strength at least , is not
keeping pace with the national develop
ment , and the very important question
is how the public schools can be so man-
atred that they will give to the bulk of
the youth at the land a satisfactory
foundation training , concluding in sea
son to allow them to leave school at the
ago for leaving , which for the great ma
jority is by the time they are fifteen.
The great trouble , in the view of
President KHot , underlying the higher
grades is hick of thoroughness and com
pleteness of Instruction in the prepara
tory classes , and ho compares instruct
ively the course of study in
our public institutions with
that presented in the French
classical schools. At eight years of ago
the French boy is studying a modern
language , while here that is not thought
of until at least thirteen , when history
is also approached , which the French
lad has undertaken at eight. Less at
tention isgiven in Franco to the endless
repetition of arithmetic and the memo
rizing of geographical facts , but u moro
general view of different subjects is
taken at a time when the mind is moro
receptive. The French idea is not to
inllicl upon the boys and girls the
necessity of committing to memory long
lists of names , dates and localities ,
which are easily forgotten , and which
are insisted upon in Iho pub
lic schools of tliis country. Our
system of memorizing non-os-
icntials , as for example a knowledge of
eography which enables the children
o appear precocious. President Eliot
ocs not believe to bo the best training
n the primary schools. Ho finds also
hat the schools are lucking in method.
Our promotions are made on oxamina-
nH , and the result is that classes nro
iomposcd of various ages , whereas they
ihould be divided moro by ago than ac-
uisition. Rather than to fix promo-
, ion by arbitrary standards of knowl-
Ugo it is better the child should go
long with those of equal years , even if
, ot completely mastering nil the stops
vhich ha meets.
President Eliot regardsas first among
ssontiul improvements u bolter class
f teachers. His policy would bo more
iccurity in ofllee and better salaries for
.cachers . rather than in extravagantly
spending money for appliances and
Buildings. Ho evidently prefers men
eachers and would encourage teaching
is a stated profession. Ho urges n bot-
, er and more substantial course of study
moro meat in the school programmes ,
hlldren lose their interest , ho bc-
iovcs , more from lack of the right ma-
orial on which to feed them because
hey are overcrowded. Straining their
ITorts upon subjects which do not in-
.orest . them leads to carelessness and
nattentlon. The numerous reviews in
onoral practice President Eliot
believes to bo superfluous.
The pupil would bo bettor
engaged in taking up' now subjects , ro-
icrvlng the review of all his course
until maturor powers have enabled him
Lo re-grasp the subjects ho has studied.
Another fault ho finds is that children
n the same line are kept too long in
, ho different grades and hold to too
strict u standard for promotion , in con
sequence of which many schools nro
burdened mentally with dull pupils who
, iavo not been thought by tholr teachers -
ors sulllclontly advanced to pass on with
others of similar ago. President Eliot
would have pupils pass on by regular
stages , regardless of the question of
equality in the absorption of abso
lute knowledge , dooming it sufilcient
that they go through the course , each
ono assimilating what is natural , and
not bo hampered and harassed by im
pediments in ini. fever of examinations.
The lesson which President Eliott
seeks to impress is that the public
schools are not intended to teach any
absolute thing to pupils , nor to force a
certain amount of knowledge into each.
They should by a carefully devised
course of development moot the ave
rage power of assimilation , letting all
the youth pass through that course
with moro or less profit , keeping
every ago together , and so ar
ranging the > grades that now sub
jects and fresh developments will
bo made sufficiently often to interest
tiiid direct attention , without seeking to
indelibly stamp upon the minds of
pupils dead facts and rules never to bethought
thought of later in life , or if remembered -
bored to bo of no practical value. The
views and suggestions of Harvard's
president should receive the careful
consideration of nil who are engaged or
actively interested in the work of public
Foreign nnd Native-Horn Convicts ,
Among the interesting facts pre
sented to the attention of the National
Prison Association at its late mooting
was n statement of the percentage of
foreign born prisoners as compared
with that of natives , which will serve to
corrcctaquito general miflupprohonslon.
It was admitted that statistics were not
so thorough ns could be desired , but
such us had been obtained showed that
there had been a marked change in the
pcrcontngo of foreign to native born
criminals between 1850 nnd 1SSO ,
doubtless still maintained. Tito common
idea is that the inorcace of crlmn has
boon greater among foreigners
than among natives , but it
is the rovorao of thto , the
statistics showing that while In IS" > 0 the
percentage , of forolgn-bpfn prisoners
was five times that of native prlson/ors' ,
at tiio labt census it was loss than
double. Th'ls is au exhibit , which cer
tainly spunks well for tUu forclgu-boru
population , whilst not calculated'to con
tribute to tho. pride of Alnoricahs.
Neither Is it cncodraging to these who
ofTer n < 5 the most formidable argument
ngainst the increase of the foreign popu
lation the assumption that it is most
largely responsible for the increase of
crime in this country.
There is another aspect of the matter ,
however , which somewhat mitigates the
severity of the reflection made
by the statistics referred to upon
the native population. This is
that the ratio of foreign-born prisoners
to the foreign population is very nearly
double that of native prisoners to the
native population. The foreign-born
population Is to the native white popula
tion ns two to eleven , but foreign crime
is to that committed by native whites
us two to live. This statement would ,
however , said the report to the associa
tion , convoy a false impression if al
lowed to stand without comment. The
crimes against the person , committed
by foreigners , when compared with
these committed by native whites , are
nearly ns two to five. As regards
crimes against property , the ratio is
about two to seven. But in the matter of
oironscs against society , most of which
are only quasi criminal In character ,
the ratio is a little more than two to
two nnd n quarter. In other words ,
foreign disregard for law shows itsolt
far moro In immorality and disorder
than it docs in dishonesty and violence
a showing that must certainly bo re
garded as decidedly favorable to the
foreign-born population. Accepting
these statistics as accurate , so far as
they go , while no doubt can reasonably
bo entertained of the absolute impar
tiality of the ofllcial of the association
who presented thorn , they leave no
choice but to modify the general opin
ion respecting the increase of crime in
the United States.
JiiNtlco to a Great Scientist.
The late Professor Spencer P. Baird
was ono of the most distinguished
utriong American scientists. His la
bors , pursued with an unselfish devo
tion , contributed largely to the sum of
the world's scientific knowledge. As
the successor of another great scientist ,
? rofessor Henry , in the oflico of secrc-
ary of the Smithsonian institution , he
id much to promote scientific interest
.ml investigation at homo and to ad-
anco his country in the respect of the
men of science in other lands. In the
'calm ' of his labors ho won a high and
onornblo renown.
But the crowning work of Professor
Baird , in its vast practical value , was
n connection with the fish commis-
ion , the origin and practical develop
ment of which wore due to his intelli
gent , comprehensive study and undcr-
tanding of the subject. The bureau
cnown as the fish commission has been
u operation nearly twenty years. The
ibjcct and duty of the commission are
o inquire into and study the iluctua-
ions in the quantity of the supply of
'ood fishes on the coasts of the United
States ; to investigate whatever discov
erable causes may exist for diminution
n the supply or that may lead to in
crease , and generally to watch over and
protect that important matter in our
domestic economy. To this work ,
which in the earlier existence of
he commission was exceedingly
irduous , Prof. Baird sedulously do-
, 'otcd himself for many years.
The bcnellts to the country have
been of the greatest value , and immeas
urable advantage is yet to como. The
laticnt and unselfish scientist who did
: iimost the whole of this great work in
the interest of his countrymen , and in
deed of all civilized mankind , died com
paratively poor. The government paid
nim nothing for his services as fish com
missioner , not oven allowing expenses ,
nnd his salary as secretary of the Smith
sonian institution not paid from the
public treasury did not enable him to
accumulate much to leave his family.
The nation is morally his debtor in
something moro tangible than grati
tude. Ho performed a great service
that deserves n generous recompense -
componso , willingly given. Yet
when it was proposed in the senate to
pay his widow fifty thousand dollars for
his nearly twenty years of service to
the country there was a vigorous oppo
sition. The proposition , however , for
tunately for the credit of the senate
finally passed. It is yet to bo acted
upon by the house , whore narrow dema
gogues who talk economy for buncombe
will doubtless oppose it , but it is to bo
hoped there will bo a sufficient number
impressed with the manifest justice o
the proposed appropriation to pass it
thioug'h that body. There need bo no
fear of its becoming a dangerous pre
cedent , nnd at any rate it is time our
government should begin to mani
fest a moro liberal spirit toward
the men of science who devote -
vote their ability and olTorts to advanc
ing in practical ways the wolf are of their
country and mankind. It will bo a reproach
preach to us as u people if this proposed
recompense of the public service of
Prof. Baird , many times earned when
the immense worth of his labors are
considered , shall bo denied these who
survive him.
On tlio Wronj ; Scent.
About two weeks ago this paper pub
lished a letter dated from Hillsdulo ,
Miss. , which gave a torso and caustic
description of the political serfdom that
prevails in that section. The writer reiterated -
iterated what has been time and again
reported by men of good repute with re
gard to the disfranchisement of the
negro and the methods by which the
votes of republicans are suppressed.
This publication has stirred up the Mis
sissippi democracy to a fever heat and
the ox-confods of Marlon county
mo on the war path against
our correspondent. The following letter -
tor bus just reached us , with tin ad
dressed envelope to carry the response :
Pori.AiiviLLB , Marlon Co. , Miss. , July 25.
To the Editor of TUB HBB : Wo have
teen a letter copied from your paper , dated
Hillsdalc , Miss , , July 7 , nnd signed Iron
and Stcelo , " which U a tissue of slanderous
lies lies so patent that wo do not sea how
any mnn , not even the most Ignorant and
prejudiced , could bollovo thorn.
Wo nro citizens Interested In tlio welfare of
our county , and reside In. the luimcdlatq vi
cinity of Hillsdale , Mis * . , ( which consists of
one tor ft and two male inhabitants ) and
tkiuic tlial wo bavo tlio right to demand of
you the n me of. the ri r of the article m
question. KoHpcutfuUy , J. M. Stirivera , T.
H. White , J. L. Strahnn , F. . Lonvlr , A. U.
F. Itawley , H..C1. Stuart , U. L. Uatllff.
Tun Bui : very ( respectfully declines
to comply with the request of the indig
nant citizens of Marion county , in the
great state of Mlssfeslflpi. While con
ceding their right to n alto this demand ,
wo do not propose tp'c ! rposo our correspondent
pendent , who is nil ol I union veteran ,
to the porsocutioi * to which ho would
inevitably bo subjected at the hands of
the Mississippi chiy ly which docs not
usually respect the right of free speech
and free press. No man could live in
that section of the country who Is offen
sive by reason of his political activity
in opposition to homo rule as it is prac
ticed in the gulf states.
In order that no innocent party may
suitor from groundless suspicions , wo
will state that our correspondent does
not live in Hlllsdalo nor in Poplarvlllo.
Knowing that ho would bo tracked ,
spotted , hounded and kukluxcd if ho
mailed his letters at the postofi'co
where ho receives his mail , ho has
taken the precaution to date his letters
from another town * not very distant ,
and mailed them through a second per
son from another town. But his letters
are written in the state of Mississippi
and to our best knowledge and belief ,
his statements are founded on fact.
Cuming county politicians nro becoming
cry liberal , ns witness this promise from
he West Point Progress ; "To the Cltircns
fThurston County , Greeting Nnmo your
: ian for the legislature and wo pledge the
ntlre vote of Cuming county to his sup-
iort. "
The Nebraska City Press Is sure "that , so
'nr ' ns the attorney generalship is concerned ,
t will bo Lcosc against the field , and it will
st the railroads ns much to niako their
loint , If they do make is , as to elect a United
States senator. "
"It Is nearly time , " says the Hooper Sen-
.lucl . , "that aspirants for the honor of rcpre-
cnting Dodpo county in the legislature
hould bo making themselves known. The
Icntc season Is at hand and the walking Is
good. "
Commenting on the fact that a minister
, vas present at the Pawnee City lynching ,
, nd offered n prayer for the condemned , the
Schuylcr Sun says that "Nebraska is set-
ing the world an Improved example in the
matter of lynchlngs. "
Captain John Stcen , candidate for land
jommissioncr , says the Fremont Tribune ,
is a genial and capable follow , but his can-
dldai-.v Is suggestive of a kind of fruit com
monly called chestnuts.- ! has held oftleo
'or a great many years , and has boon a can
didate for auditor nnd secretary of state , and
now he wants InniL' cduimlssloncr. John
hould glvo the people of Nebraska a much
needed rest. "
Hero is a hint to pmah | merchants from
the Herald , printed ju ouij neighboring city
of Plattsinouth : "Tlio'Omaha merchants
ivould reap a rich harvest if they would lay
a motor line between hero and Omaha and
; et It In shape for carrying passengers. The
3lattsmouth busines 'mtn would then be
bilged to move their place of business to
.hat . city , nnd they would probably sell moro
goods to Plattsinouth customers. "
The talk of abolishing lie board of trans
portation makes the Wood River Gazette
rory tired , nnd it oxclnlms : "The pitiful
argument of the corporations tlint the rail
roads have made Nebraska what she is
and she should release them from all statu-
, ory restrictions , because If not so released
.hey will discontinue building in the state ,
s the thinnest kind of bosh and makes us
ircd every time wo hear it. The muscle
and sinew of her settlers have contributed
more to Nebraska's prosperity and develop
ment than the railroads have , and against
the rapacious encroachments of the corpora-
t'ons the sturdy sons of toll are deserving of
ust such protection as Messrs. Leeso , Mason
et. at. are now trying to give them. "
This is the way George D. Mciklojohn's
: iomo paper , the Nance county Journal ,
speaks officially of his candidacy ; "For
some time there has been a persistent call
through our state exchanges and from other
sources , for the Hon. G. U. Meiklojohn to
accept the nomination for lieutenant gover
nor at the coming state election. Mr. Molk-
lojohn has not desired the position ; In fact ,
ho positively refused heretofore to stand for
the place , but the desire has been so general
that ho has reluctantly yielded , and white ho
will make no effort to secure the nomination ,
If it bo tendered nim ho will accept. This
will gratify his many friends. Mr. Moiklo-
John is well fitted for the position , ns ho tms
represented this district In the state scnato
for the past two years , and was elected pres
ident pro torn of that body , nnd presided dur
ing the greater part of the session , and later
was unanimously chosen chairman of the re
publican state central committee. With Mr.
Mclklcjohn ou the state ticket , this county
will roll up a good old-fashioned republican
majority. "
The Wayne Gazette has no use for traitors
and monopoly henchmen , and calls on the
untrammeled voters to bo on their guart
ngainst the army of railroad strikers. "Al
over the state , " says the Gnzette , "tho
Cranes nnd Ilobblns , who betrayed
their constituents in the last legislature ,
are serenely bobbing up as candi
dates for re-election ; and everything Indi
cates that the railroad shysters are already
preparing to thwart the will of the people by
packing the conventions and securing the
nomination of men whom they know they
can use. And this applies not only to the
legislative candidates but to state ofllccrs as
well , and the flat has gene forth that Attor
ney General Lcoso , who has boon a true nnd
tried servant of the poopla must go. They
have the machinery and propose to work it
for all it is worth. Will the people submit
or will they attend their party primaries and
sec that only men who will truly represent
them are sent to the party conventions } It
Is not a question of politics merely , for the
railroads have their trusted agents in both
political camps. Llkq Jim Flsk , they 1110
republicans In republican districts , demo
crats In democratic districts , but always for
tbo railroads and against , the people. The
pins have undoubtedly bcfa sot up In both
the senatorial nnd legislative districts , and
must bo promptly knocked down , If wo
would bo fairly roprcfienjfcd nt Lincoln the
coming winter. For ourselves , whatever
tuny bo the outcome , wo shall support no
candidate for legislative honors this fall
whom \vo do not bollovo to bo fully In accord
with the principles of anti-monopoly ns expounded -
pounded by ex-Senator Van Wyck. "
Tlio LInwood Journal calls ou Its readers
to brace up and baltlo for their political
rights this fall , and urges them on to the
fight in the following language : "Already
the monopoly henchmen have commenced
tholr canvas * of Kutlor county. The war U
on. The campaign "swag" ts being planted ,
Campaign promises nrc being made to bo
broken in the future aa they UIWQ been In
the past. As an Independent paper , above/
the narrow limit of party dictation , but a
friend to ( do Interests of the agricultural
masses from wnom It derives its supportthq
Journal admonishes IU readers to
wutch. Watch your central coia'mitloo-
mcnl Wntch your caucuses 1 .Watch
your conventions I .Watch every body 1 The
o.ltl effort will bo inndo to eloct. fawning .rail
road tools to nil the state offices and to the
state legislature. The corporations , by
shrewd manipulations , through local politi
cians with promises nnd with money are
making n stronger effort than over before to
continue In control of the eaunlbatlon board
and board of transportation , together with
the officers elected to superintend the several
state departments. They will repeat their
old tactics In attempting to defeat all needed
legislation , and to elect John M. Thurston
United States senator , ns a fitting reward
for his services In the "oil room" two years
ngo. If they fall on Thur.ston Manderson or
any other brass-colarcd "servant" will an
swer the same purjioso. In this congres
sional district these forces are being concen
trated with the strength of Laird ,
nnd they nil are ono nnd the sauu ,
fed by corporation bread ami
butter. In this county the old
line republicans and democrats
who have drunk poor whisky together , at
tended and advised In each other's caucuses ,
and openly declared that certain nu'ii
couldn't bo elected to certain oftlces because
they didn't have the "stuff" to put up , are
the chosen local lieutenants who expect to
islt the central commlttecmcn and Job the
primaries and conventions In the Interests of
.heir bosses. While the farmer's grain is
being gathered , and he Is busy In the Held ,
.heso . direct blows at his personal welfare
ro being planned for him tolgnorantly ratify
, utcr on. "
P. T. Hnrnum has Just celebrated his
seventy-eighth birthday anniversary.
Justice Gray , of the United States su
preme court , is gunning and fishing In Can
Kobert T. Lincoln , now In Geneva , is to
sail for homo on August 11.
Mr. Gladstone gave to n poor church the
sum received for his recent contributions to
ho Nineteenth Century.
Dr. Oliver Wendell Homes has written a
chapter on the dialect of Massachusetts for
Mr. Loland's ' forthcoming boolc on Ameri
Although ho has become a social lion in
i2nt'hind Bret Harto longs to get homo again.
At least a correspondent says so. Bret's
heart beats high for his native hind.
George H. Bokcr , the author of "Frnn-
ccsca da Ulmiui , " is gathering material fern
n new book which his friends are confident
will prove to bo tlio great American novel
he critics have been looking for so long.
Just before General Butler started for his
annual cruise on the America ho was asked
for his opinion ns to the remit of the coming
presidential election. "I am outside of the
arena , " answered the general , "and I cannot
see over the heads of the very tall men in
side. "
The now Genmn embassaclor at Washing-
: on , Count Arco Valley , belongs to the Ba
varian aristocracy , but has been in the ser
vice of Prussia since 1870. In 1871 ho was
appointed secretary of legation at Washing
ton , and in the following year was trans
ferred to Vienna , and subsequently was at
tached to various embassies. For a time ho
, vas charge d'uffatrs at the Hague , and for a
year and a half held the position of consul
general In Egypt.
4 - -
* A Ijoucl Smack.
A" < /R'/Ic / / ! .imcrfcttii.
Mayor Hewitt's kiss bestowed upon the
duchess of Marlborough seems to have been
heard around the world.
filer Glory Gone.
JVcio York Il'ofld.
Boston Is stirred to its depths by the fail
ure of the league team to play admirable
baseball. After sinking $7,51520 ! ! in a nine
no city could bear defeat with equanimity.
One Way Out of the Woods.
Ketft ,
It would bo n good plan for Chairman Quay
and Chairman Brice to get up a grand fish
ing contest between President Cleveland
and General Harrison , the ono first succeed
ing in landing a certain number of fish to bo
declared the winner of the presidency. If
the contest should end in a tie the oflico
might bo awarded to the ono tolling the
biggest fish story.
VCH , Mr. President.
Chtcauo Ifeics.
Mr. Henry Wattcrson has been holding n
mysterious consultation with President
Cleveland. What the president said on that
occasion is not reported , but wo have It on
good authority that Mr. Wutterson said
'Yes , Mr. President , " nnd "No , Mr. Presi
dent , " several times with considerable effect.
As a conversationalist Mr. Wattorsou has a
wull-estubllshed reputation.
A Division of Labor.
Pinnctr 1'rcrs
"Look at that hand , Dan. " "Yes , sire. "
"Looks limp , doesn't ill" "Yes , sire. " "And
hero wo nro with a letter of acceptance to
get out and four bushels of pensions to veto.
And that hand is so stiff from hauling blue
fish over the rail of a cranky , bobberty ,
chunk of a yacht that It can hardly cling on
to a ball bat , say nothing of a penholder.
Say Dan , you work off the letter and I'll do
the vetoes , a dozen a day to bsgln with. I'll '
be limbered up before the week's out. "
No 31illors' Trust For Us.
CMmun Tribune.
Now comnth the mlllrrs' trust. 'Twill fal
Like Persians at fatal Thnrmopyhu ,
The people will never stimuli to the thrall
Of such u grinding monopoly.
Tlio Old Story.
JIari > er'i Mauatlne.
You may call It lllrtation , or what not ,
But I don't sco that I was to blame ,
How could I know that you loved mo
When you never once mentioned the same
I've walked in the starlight with tiany ,
And huvo risked my llfo on the bay ,
Yet among them I'vo never found any
But had something decided to say.
You thought that your silence had told mo !
The silcnco that's golden we've heard ;
But the girl of to-day prefers silver ,
Coined into words sweet and absurd ;
There are lovers whom there's no mistaking
Whoso language leaves no one In doubt ;
There nro other * who leave one's heart aiming -
For a word there's no living without.
But since the sweet year has grown older ,
And you'vo failed us a special pleader ,
Sball I bo left out in the cold , sir ,
Because I was not n mind-reador )
You blame me , I think , without reason ;
If you really had something to say ,
What matters the time or the season I
Why can't wo bo happy to-day I
Prlnco Louis Ferdinand , of Bavaria , hat
become an l'M. D. "
The queen of Denmark has been made dea
by a bug crawling Into her car at night.
The youthful emperor of China rises at 3
o'clock In the morning , breakfasts at 0 , dines
at noon , sups at M o'clock and goo * to bed
The death of the ox-Empress Carlotta o
Moxlro may occur at any moment in Bui
glum. She Is rapidly sinking and has become
entirety helpless.
The young empress of Germany U Gorman
nnd Danish to the core. She Is also sprung
from the plain poopjo , for the founder of tier
family was ono Sooren .Mutthlscn , Boxtoit o :
Trinity church , Copenhageo.
'Emperor Francis Joseph it duwibed'a
invlng n Tugged face halt hidden under n of wild uiustaoho nuil whiskers that
; lvo him a ferocious look , though tie Is'cx-
roinely' good hearted. Ho aiiswcrn there-
ore to tlio mai > with "hard but kindly foa
ures , " whom Mr. Haggard speaks of In his
ast story.
Kmporor William ami his consort will bo
crowned king nnd queen of Prussia about
Jctober IS. Hitherto only two kings of
'russla huvo been cfowno.I , Frederick I.
and William I. , other nnnarohs having con-
cntcd themselves with what was called the
luldigung , or the solemn declaration of
lomaija from the roproiontatlves of the
states of the realm ,
The king of Denmark will celebrate the
wcnty-llfth anniversary of his reign on Xo-
vcmbcr 15 , next. Heccntly he learned that a
subscription was being promoted among all
classes of Dimes nolontes volentcs to pres
ent to him n magnificent Jubilee gift In tlio
shape of a country scat In Jutland. Ho lias
written a letter In which ho states that when
10 looks upon the existing economical i-oiidl-
.ions of Denmark and sees tlio lintd struggle
tor existence which his pauplo are carrying
on , ho feels obliged In oonsclcnca to refuse to
accept any gift so costly.
Professor Curtlus , who was an intimate
'rlend of the Kmporor William I. , recently
told this anecdote in Berlin : "When Wll-
lam was king of Prussia , but an exile In
England , he witnessed the tremendous on-
.husiasm displayed by all London in front of
Utickingham palace after the well-known at
tempt on Queen Victoria's llfo , when she
was slightly wounded , and ho was present
.he same night In tlio queen's box at Hur
Majesty's Theatre when the ovation of the
audience on seeing the queen enter know no
bounds. Stricken by his own anomalous
> ositlon an cxllo ut the hands of his own
subjects , and his kingdom on the point of de
struction the kin ? could not restrain his
tears ; but the queen , seeing hU great emo
tion , seized his hand , and , with true womanly
instinct , divining its eauso , said in an affec
tionate and sympathetic voice : 'Your
Majesty will live to experience a similar
demonstration toward yourself from your
own subjects. " "
An AiiKii"t Day.
Jiiri > ; i ir//l/ / / ( / < i , /M Jii.jim Tiililc T.if/ ; .
Night's reign is o'er , nnd now her pale-faced
Beckons her glittering suite , grows faint ,
and throws
Her sccptro to the coming sun.
E'en as I look , ho lifts the now-Hushed morn
High on Ins shoulders up into the blue ;
Then o'er the hill-tors peeps , himself , and
Hoon ,
Aslant the valley , wood and field , ho flings
His rays , that all-athirst drink up tlio dew
A dainty draught u royal draught I Out
That tlio Egyptian queen prepared to please
Her Antony gums by the billion , hers
But n single pearl.
The iKOrn 'tis ' but
n flattering pre
To the day that drags , with wearying -
, ing tread ,
The tedious length along. The torpid
Invisible it should be unwilling
Hugs thu heated earth , then quivering
'Scapes to cooler regions. Sllcneo un
Save by the drone of locust or the
humming bee-
Oppressive hangs ; birds drop their
lithesome pipes ;
The cattle quit their browse for shel
tered brook ,
ThereIn the shallows slake their
fevered thirst ,
Or ruminate with sleepy eye , and
slow ;
Humanity Is mute ; and Nature's self ,
Wilted and drooping with her own de
Pants for her evening shadows.
A moving train knocked the tall off n Mis
souri calf without In any way hurting the
rest of the calf.
A cat ut Norwich Falls , Conn. , Is bringing
up her kittens on a diet of frogs' lops , which
she catches for them in a near swamp.
A colt in Georgetown , Ky. , possesses three
heads. Ono of them is that of a Kout , the
other that of u donkey and the third n colt's
A six-months-old calf in Rutherford
county , Tennessee , gives a quart of milk
daily that makes about two ounces of beauti
ful golden butter.
A negro woman died the other day at
Memphis from the voluntary opening of the
sutures of the skull. The doctors are puz
zled over the case , and cannot account for it
by any laws of physics or of anatomy.
Joseph Guilfoylo. of Binuhamton. N. Y ,
sunk Into a partial trance or cataleptic sleep
two years atro last March , from which ho
has Just awakened. Ho remembers nothing
that has occurred in the Intervening time.
A curiosity in Minneapolis , Minn. , is an
Infant eighteen months old , whoso entire
body Is covered with n heavy growth of hair.
At birth the peculiarity was apparent and
since several attempt * to chock the hirsute
growth have been made , but only in vain.
An atmospheric phenomenon was wit
nessed in the English channel lately. The
atmosphere became rarefied to the extent
that objoots thirty nnd forty miles distant
could bo discerned by the naked eye with re
markable distinctness. Almost every promi
nent object could bo picked out along the
French coast.
"Four babies in ten months , " was the
heading to the following Hartford , Conn. ,
telegram in tlio Now York SVorld recently :
Mrs. Patrick Connorton gave birth to a
child October 4 , lust. It lived but one week.
July 21 she gave birth to triplets , all girls ,
making four babies in than ton months.
Mrs. Connorton was married eight years
ago nnd has had seven children , all living
but one.
There is in a southern asylum an eight-
year-old boy who has never boon awulcu
since the day of his birth. Ho was the child
of a paralytic mother , and has delicate fea
tures and a hish , white foruhoad , with long ,
black curls. His arm is not larger than on
ordinary man's thumb. Ho lies on his bed
year after year , taking no note of anyth ing
that passes. Twice n day ho Is aroused
enough to take n little nourishment , nnd then
relapses Into sleep.
Prof F. W. Cragin , of Washburn college ,
discovered at Downs , Orborno county , Kan-
Has , the petrified remains of a lingo fossil.
Prof , Cragin pronounces It the most remarkable -
markablo opoclmon found slncn 1877. The
animal complete was n little over sixteen
feet In length. The Jaws measure thrco foot
eight Inches , the nock between four and five
feet long , and the body about nine feet long
nnd thrco or four feet through. It had im
mense tcoth , about three inches in length ,
and each pair worked Independent of the
rest , like a pair of hooked shears. The nnl-
mal was of such gigantic proportions that it
would have been able to crush n horse in its
massive Jaws , and must have been king of
the water. It had flippers quite similar to a
seal's , nnd Its feet , two in number , were
short. It Is plain that It was an aquatlo
animal of the rcptlllaitngo.
The Wisconsin Free Baptists at their recent -
cent state convention adopted a resolution to
support the prohibition party.
There nro now fl.CO ) Christian endcavo
Koclotics , the number having doubled every
year since 1831 , the time of the first orguui-
Heccnt statistics show that there are
about 0,800 Catholic churches In this coun.
try to which nro attached U.OOO parochial
The first unmarried colored woman sent
out by the Auierican board of forolcrn mis.
sions Is about to start for routhcastorn
Africa. She Is a graduate of Flsk Univer
sity.Jo Cook , of Boston , has coma out of tlio
prohibitionists. In his opinion the "saloonlin
the saddle Is to-day u greater evil than the
south In the tmddlo. "
The Lutheran church is doing grand work
and achieving wonderful success in America ,
In IStO the number of communicants In that
denomination In this country was loss than
40J.OOO , Now there nro over 1,000,000. ,
A colored pruachar near Macon , Go. , 'has
committed to sauuiory tug entire biblo. A
fOTT years nw .ha was unable to road , , and
claims that his knowledge lw booa rovoall
to him In n vision.
In 1838 there wcro 000 Romnn Calholfa
priests on missionary duty in this country.
The Hov. Peter Havcrman , of St. Mary's
church , Troy , N. Y. , Is the solo nurvlvor.
Ho has boon n priest for over fifty-eight
years. Ho is greatly beloved In Troy , and
has many friends among the uroles.ta.uts of
that city.
It Is currently rumorod'that the Rar. Stop-
ford Brooke of London , the fnther of the
Hoy. Stopford W. Brooke of tlio First Church ,
tins been invited to como over and assume
tlio charge of the late James Frocman
Clark's ' parish at Boston. Mr. Brooke , who
was formerly of the church of England , bo-
ciinio a convert to Unlturliui'.im some years
ago , and Is a brilliant preacher anil author.
The Prliifo of Wnles recently nttondod the
church of St. Botolph Without on Trinity
Sunday , and the result of his visit was an
expomllturo account by the parish authori
ties of .i . * . ) , IDs , Od. Among the items were :
"Prayer and hymn books to order ; renovat
ing Prayer Book nnd Hlblc , 15. " "Four
bookmarkers , jC.'J 3s. " "Violet cloth frontal ,
embroidered nnd fringed , J19 IPs. Od. "
"Ribbons nnd silk for ditto , JK1 Os. lid. "
"Cupboard for ditto. 4 Ifis. " "Paid policeman -
man for taking man into custody , 10 * . ; pold
policeman for taking woman Into custody ,
J . 4d. " The bill wn.s allowed In splto ot
opposition rather than permit nn "uuproflf
able scandal. "
Ktornnl Fitness.
Hubert J. Himlttte Jn Slfttngr ,
A sailor for sea ,
And a iplnstor for tea ,
A lawyer for talking and n soldier for fight *
Ing ;
A baby for noise ,
And a circus for boys ,
And a typewriter man to do nutogrnpU
A banker for chink ,
And n printer for ink ,
A leopard for spots , and a wafer for sticking ;
Anil n erack base ball filngcr ,
An opera singer ,
A shotgun , a mule , and n choir for kicking.
1' , l > U CATION A L.
Twenty-four women hnvo graduated as
lawyers In Michigan this year.
Ground for the building to stand on the
site of Yale's historic fence is to bo broken
next week.
In the city of Baltimore there nro 111,731
children of school ngo , of whom 10,870 do not
go to school. The ehlldreen of school ago nro
these between five and twenty years old.
Prof. W. O. Vnncc , superintendent of the
colored schools of New Albany , Ind. , is try-
inif to rouse Interest in tlio organization of
"John Brown clubs" among the people of
the country , for the purpose of honoring the
martyr's memory and , eventually , of erect
ing u monument in his honor. With this end
in view ho has been lecturing In Indiana on
"John Blown nnd Harper's Ferry. "
The Industrial homo nnd school of St.
Francis do Sales , founded by the Misses
Drcxol , at Ellington , P.t. , near their country
seat , we * informally opened July 10. Two
hundred children were transferred from thu
St. John's orphan asylum to the school.
Besides furnishing SWO.OOO for the erection
of the building , the Misses Dre.xoi will pro
vide for the current expenses of the Insti
Mrs. H. B. Kolls , professor of physiology
and hygiene in the Mississippi state Industrial -
trial institute and college , has been dismissed
from her position for presuming to criticiso
GcVornor Lowry's veto ot the scientific torn-
perauco instruction bill. Mrs. Kclls Is n
woman of talent , an excellent teaohor , and
n lady of high social qualifications. She secured -
cured her place in the institute through the
influence of Jefferson Davis nnd his wife.
Miss Locy A. Plympton , of Albany , will
bo a delegate from the Dana Geological soci
ety of that city to the International Geolog
ical congress which meets nt London In Sep
tember. She will not. bo the only woman
member , nnd so the speakers will not bo put
to the comical strait of their brethren of last
year's congress at Berlin , who , by the pres
ence of Just ono woman delegate , were com
pelled to address the assemblage as"Madamo
ct Melsleurs. "
Thirty thousand dollars is bequeathed by
the lute Mr. Sibloy to Cornell university , nt
Ithaca , to "endow a professorship of me
chanic arts of said university , the said sum
to be Invested and kept , safely and securely
Invested upon interest , nnd the Income there
of to bo applied by s.iiu university to the
maintenance of such professorship , nnd to no
other purposes or object whatever. The
principal is not to bo diminished or any part
of it diverted to any other purpose. "
The Lo Moyno school for colored children
at Memphis , Tonn. , Is a model ono , nppar-
ently. A vi itor. describing It , says : "Im
agine 125 white children up north remaining
quiet without n teacher in sight. In the Lo
Moyno school that number of children are
loft In chnrgij of n monitor , who Is responsi
ble for their safe and orderly conduct to
their recitation rooms. A girl sits nt the
piano , and at the word from the monitor
strikes into a march , and the children fllo
out. How the children are made to behave
so nicely is n mystery. "
Quito n tempest in n ten pot Is going on
between the churches and thoHchools In Bos
ton. The use of Swlnton's History In the
schools is the cause of the trouble. The Ro
man Catholics have objected to what It says
of indulgence ? , and n toachnr who was called
to account for what he had taught on the
subject has been transferred by the school
hoard and censured for what ho has dono.
The result of this action has been that some-
of the protestant clercy have taken up the
caw , and considerable animosity has been
engendered between the two parties.
Fifty miners have loft the Conncllsvlllo
( Pu. , ) coke beds for Carbonado , W. T.
The Saturday half-holiday is almost gen
erally observed by the largo houses of Chi
A ( lour mill ut Whcatport Is said to bo the
largest In the world. Its capacity is 2,000
At Sioux Falls , Dak. , stonecutters have
struck for f I for a nine-hour day instead of
ten hours.
The flist Chinaman who over came to
Casur d'Aleno arrived some days ago , and ho
was given his walking papers.
Twenty-one miles in nineteen minutes win
tlio speed lately attained by a train on the
railway between Boston and Bar Harbor.
The Long Island Railroad company has
placed nt convenient points in its yards at
Long Island city palls filled with Iced tea , at
tlio company's expense , for the employes.
The Rogers Lopomtlvo works nt Patterson ,
have Just finished a number of now onplnos
for the Union Puulllc ronj. They have two
cabs to protect the engineers and firemen
from tlio western storms and cold.
It U expected that 5,000 Brotherhood en
gineers will bo at the anniversary celebra
tion in Detroit on August 17 and IS. The
Brotherhood was born at Detroit on August
17 , 1HI3.
Model vlllasje-s for manufacturing oper
atives nra cheerful products of the timo.
The last experiment Is Mr. Hartley's village
for 1-tOO operatives of the Jam factory at
Liverpool. Great attention is being paid to
the picturesque grouping of the bulldlngci ,
and when completed thu village will hnvu
plenty of garden and nlr spaco.
Oinalia Indian HcHcrvntlou.
Many inquiries have boon made in
reference to an act of congress provid
ing for an extension of time of jiay-
niont to nurchatora of land on the
Omaha Indian reservation in thin stato.
In rcsponfco to these Inquiries thu bill
Is printed in the form in which it re
ceived tlio feigimturG of the president :
Bo it enacted by the t-onntu and houfco
of representative ! ! of the United Slates
of America in congroub asbOinblcd ,
That the fcccrotary of the interior bo ,
and ho if > hereby , authorized and di
rected to extend the time of payments
of the purchase money duo for land
sold on Omaha Indian reservation under
the sales made by virtue of an act to
provide for the salu of a part of Iho
reservation of the Omaha trlbo of In
dians in the stale of Nebraska , mill for
other purposes , approved August 7 ,
18&12 , n& follows : The time of each pay
ment cluill he extended for thu period
of two years beyond Iho lime now fixed :
Provided , Thai Iho interest oji said
payments shall bo paid ut the lime Mild
payments are due : And provided fur
ther , That the act above mentioned ,
except as clumped nnd modified by lull
act , shall remain in full force.