Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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fevonts of the Week Among the Secret -
crot Orders.
Prominent Mnsonn Pay Their lie-
m > eetn to tlio lej > nrtrtl IJrotlier
Xlio Forester OlIlcciM In-
Btnllcd Grip Notes.
Tlio IjsiHtHnrt KKos.
The members of Capitol lodge of masons
In particular and nil of the niciiibcis of the
Inasonic order la this city nnd slate In gnu-
oral were called upon last week to mour n
the death of Brother Lorm Miller , u mason
for sixty-seven years and one of the oldest
mid beit known members of tho. . order In
this city und stnto. Mr. Miller died at tlio
residence of Mr. V. E. Sauborn , No. 813
South Nineteenth street , Tuesday evening ,
ut the advanced ago of eighty-elght your * .
His rciimms were embalmed and U'ken to
the masonic temple where they wore viewed
Wednesday afternoon mid TJiuntdny mornIng -
Ing by all of his old friends in well as mem
bers of the masonic order. The funeral t
this place was conducted by the members of
Capitol lodge at 1:90 : Thursday afternoon nnd
was attended by u largo circle of fi lends of
the deceased.
Hon. George U' . Llnlugcr had charge of
the exorcises connected with the funeral.
After music by Mr. Saxby and the scriptural
load Inland prayer by Kev. John Williams
the funeral ceremony was gone through by
"lion , ( jcorgo W. Llnnigorund the brethren
Brother Llnlngcr thru suld : "Urcthreii ,
wouro called together to-day to inomu the
loss of one of the landmarks of Freemasonry.
Htothcr Korln Sillier has been u standfast
Frccnin on for over sdjity 11 vo yciiiM ; was ono
of the founders of Capitol lodge , No. U. In
this city. It Is very rij'ht and proper that
wo glvo oxpiession to our feelings on this oc
casion. "
Mr. Bowcn was thi'ii asked to sjicnk of the
dcpuitud luothcr. Mr. Bowen spoke brlll >
us follows : " 'The young may , the old must
tlio- the wisest knoweth not how soon'wo ;
yield to the Inevitable , bid our western
brother good-bye , uuletly mourn his absence
from oar midst , his cheery words , his char
itable view.s , his wlso council ! ) and his abid
ing faith In the fatherhood of Cod ! and tlio
brotherhood of man ; wo who lernuin will
cherish his memory , emulate his virtues ,
roudonp bis faults , and hold his i coord up to
tmr jowiKur bretbrrn us one who was faith
ful to the lust faithful with no weak faith ,
but u strong , vigorous man and Freemason ,
who held stionj. , uggiessivo opinions ami
vigorously upheld them , but always tcnipoied
them with the over-spreading cement of
brothoHj love nnd affection.
And as wo who hiivo known him hero forever
over thiity yuan ) , as we. too , puss away ,
oven his memory will bo forgotten but his
works remain ; would you behold BOIIIO of
them , look around you ; and yet beyond your
vision an ) deeds of charity und pure beneficence
cence- distress relieved , sorrow assuaged ,
help extended that you cannot see ; oven
with his brethren of the mystiotie , his right
hand know not that which Jiis left liiiiul.jlid.
A landmark Is erased , u pillar fallen ; for
two-thirds of a century our brother 1ms been
u Free Mneoii , aud in tlio earlier duysot his
membership the mm of
favor Hid not shiuo an brightly
on our society as It does to-day ;
when a young craftsman our brother had to
defend himself from pcisiiml violence at tlio
bauds of the enemies of our fraternity ; ilrm
In the belief that our society was the noblest
of human institutions , lie lived to see tlio
clouds of intolerance and the storms of op
pression pass away , and lie was permitted to
nee Freemasonry the most widespread of nil
soeietiiM , respected even by its enemies. "
I ( rothcr ylllium Cloburno was then called
UKii | to speak of liiother Miller nsn member
of the Nebraska Veteran Freemasons and
the president of the order at time-of tils
death. After a beautiful peroration ho said :
"Our Urotlicr Lorln Miller , sixty-seven
years a Master Mason , president of tlio No-
hraska association of Veteran Freemasons ,
muster of the royal uich Knight Templar
iiii.l master of thu royal secret liessllcutln
tlmtcoflln. He was not .illustrious among
the ambitious seekers of popular honors or
for wc.dtli to bo obtained honestly if practi
cable. Ho preferred to walk the path of an industrious and peaceful life. A
limn of clear intellect unclouded by Intem
perance or excess , of sterling honesty , of
purpose nnd practice , of simple , kindly ways
nnd unseltish aims. No man in this commu
nity can say that the dead man lying bora
died rich bocuuso hois poor. Mourn not my for the dead , but rather mourn for
the living who see In death no promise of u
hereafter , who bellovo that this lifo is allot
man. " Mr. Cloburno closed his eulogy with
im appropriate and nicnly rounded poem.
Brother J. J. Points was next called upon
in behalf of Omalm Chapter of Hoyal Arch
Masons , and spoke , hi brief us follows :
"Worshipful Sir , Hrethron and Friends :
It is hard to realb-o that our deceased
brother had his birth In the lirst mouth of
the flrUyoar of tlio nineteenth century ; that
tiowas a resident of our continent while
Florida , Louisiana and the whole southwest
worn under tlio dominion of foreign flags ,
uiul befoi o tlio great northwest territory ,
Within whoso borders our prosperous city
now stands , had been trodden by Anglo-
Saxon feet : that ho was a prattling boy when
the Corsica ! ! , with the world at his lect , on
the anniversary of his greatest victory , was
crowned emperor in the most magniticent
euplUil in Europe ; that ho was n stalwart
youth eapablo of bearing arms when the sun
of Austcrlitz sunk In endless night behind
the sodden hills of Waterloo ; that "by the
rlcht of being a man , " ho had for years been
n voter before Jefferson and Adams had
jmssed from oartb.
What opportunities are offered to n lifo
which covers such a span of years and
touches so much history. It Is the testimony
ol who know him best that in his day
ho \ \ us not content merely to absorb the In
fluences by which ho was surrounded , but
that ho was at the sumo time n radiant con-
tro of power.
It was not my fortune to know him until ,
for him , aspiration had passed Into nchlovo-
incut , character had built reputation and Im
paired function had In a measure obscured
faculty nnd our brother was known as a very
old man.
It has been said that ho novcr attained and
purluijw never aspired to high ollleiul posi
tion. May not this fact bo placed to his
creditIn / his rugged Integrity this man sat
In the forum of conscience not as nil attor
ney with talents to bo subsidized by wrong
which should bid highest , but as a judge
with un eye to discover mid n courage to pro
claim the truth.
Urother Miller was no trlllcr with words ,
but throughout lifo it was his custom to call
u spade a spade , n coward a coward , and n
thief a thief. It is meet that the ashes of
our brother should bo returned to that Im
perial state in which his best years were
spout , that state which so lltly s.vmboli/es
the growth nnd the glory of our common
: > untry , und with so many of wiioso gifted
sons ho was intimately acquainted. "
Brother Liumgcr then remarked that our
deceased brother was also n Knight Tem
plar , A member of Mount Calvary Com-
mnndory No.I , and that the Kov. Mr. House
would iimko a few remarks in this connec
tion. He spoke In brief ;
Our ancient and honorable order of Knight
Tomplurlsm was established on Christian ro-
lion and virtue , the great corner-stone of
which is the belief in the bon of God and the
resurrection of the dead. Wo nro assisted
from faith in the truths taught In that pro-
clous book. Consolation In the hour of
iloath. Eternal happiness in the IIfu to come.
Our brother loved masonry ana the many
virtues of lifo.
As wo build upon our foundation let us ro-
tncuibcr wo nro not In the presence of death ,
but of life eternal. Our brother knows moro
of lifo now.tlmu In all of the years of his past
So may wo follow In his footsteps as ho fol
lowed the Muster , und at last receive an
abundance of everlasting and eternal lifo.
Ill-other Llninpor brought the services to a
cioso by the very striking sentiment : "Let
brotherly love prevail , and every social nnd
rioral virtue cement us.
The body was then conducted from the
room by thogunrd of honor , which was com
posed of the folio wing Knight Tmnplars ;
J. T. ClurUsou , M. A. Maul , John Cl. Mills ,
James Hruner , Itichnrd Smith , Fred H.
l.owe , E. 1C. Long , Gustavo Anderson , I ) . E.
Keyca , W. A. Gardner , O. S , Chase.Uov.Mr.
U'iio feuiulos wore'suiupud to Cardiff , N.
At Half Price-
Men ? ' real Dalbriggnn Shifts
and Drawers , reduced to 80c ;
regular price GOc.
Mens' blue mixed Dalbrigqan
Slilrts nnd Drawers reduced to
S9c ; regular price GBc.
Mens'Striped Balbriggan Shirts
and Drawers reduced to 39c ;
regular price 7Bc.
Mans' extra good quality Jenn
Drawers reduced toOlc ; former
price BOc.
Mens' Balbriggan Undershirts
in long and short sleeves reduced
to 20c ; worth BOc.
i Collars and
Mens' 4-ply all linen Collars ,
latest styles in standing and turn
down , reduced to Oic ; they are
worth 2Oc.
Mens' 4-ply all linen Cuffs in
round and square corners , re
duced to 12jc a pair , worth 2Bc a
pair' . '
Mens' 4-ply all linen double and
single link Cufls at 12jc a pair ,
worth 4Oc a pair.
Men's seamless Balbriggan half
Hose reduced to 12Jc , worth 25c.
Mens' seamless Lisle Thread
half Hose in fancy stripes and
solidcolors , reduced to 20c , regu
lar price BOc.
Flannel Shirts.
Odd lots Mens' summer flannel
Shirts in light colors , reduced to
SI,68 ; regular price $2.2B.
Odd lot Mens' fine Jersey Shirts
In cream , white and light colors ,
reduced to $2.28 , well worth $3.
Corner Bodge and Fifteenth. Street.
' '
Y. , where they were interred yesterday with
full Musomo honors.
* '
Knights of tlio UoUIou Kajjlc.
Supreme Chief J. D. Barucs of Philadel
phia , of tlio order of the Knights of tfio
Goldci : Eagle , is in correspondence with
gentlemen in this city in regard to the Insti
tution of n lodge of that order in this city.
Tlio order is but llttlo known in tills city ,
only by the few men who have belonged to It
in other cities. It is now in successful op
eration in twenty-three states. Since Jan
uary 1 , ISS-t , its growth has been unprece
dented In the history of kindred organiza
During that period the order was intro
duced into eighteen states , 'JSi ! castles were
institiicd and the membership increased
over thirty-six thousand.
The present membership of the entire
order is over forty-olio thousand , divided
among 415 castles. ns follows : Pennsylvania ,
2Tt castles ; Maryland ] ; Massachusetts , 11 ;
New Jersey , ! ! 0 ; Dulawaro 1(5 ( ; New York , 0 ;
Ohio , W ; Georgia. 4 ; West Virginia , 1 ; Dis
trict of Columbia , 5 ; Missouri , 4 ; Michigan ,
i ) ; Nebraska. - ; California , 5 ; Colorado , M ;
New Hampshire , ; ) ; Iowa , Connecticut , In
diana , Illinois , Virginia , Alabama and Lou
isiana , ouo each.
The features of the Knights of the Golden
Englo are bouctlclal , benevolent , social and
The order was founded in Baltimore , Md. ,
February 0 , 1873. The Supreme Castle was
organized January 22 , t"JT8. It is based upon
tlio most liberal principals consistent with
future prosperity , nnd is especially adapted
for all , bo they rich or poor. It has for its
motto "Fidelity Valor and Honor "
, , , u trinity
of graces which are taught in its beautiful
ritual , which Is perhaps unexcelled for
beauty and Imprtsslvcnoss.
The ritualistic worK consists of thrco de
grees , viz. : First , or Pilgrims' ; Second , or
Knights' ; und Third , or Crusaders' Degree.
Tlio thrco degrees are symbolic of u'soldicr
battling for his faith. Ho Is first a pilgrim ,
then a knight and finally u crusader. He has
for iiis aim that of a Christain warrior strug
gling to gain the Immortal crown.
The Knights of Pythias order claim to have
the giant man of the country in their mem
bership. The Pythian King gives the fol
lowing biography of him : Urother John
Hanson Craig , of whom an excellent likeness -
ness is given on this page , Is undoubtedly the
heaviest man upon whom the three ranks of
the order have over been conferred. Ho was
born in Town City , la. , nnd his place of res
idence Is Danville , Ind. Ho weighs in the
neighborhood of seven hundred pounds , and
is part of tlio attraction of n show of which
ho is proprietor. Ho came to Join the order at
Philadelphia through an acquaintance with
Urothor George Moore , of Adherent lodge ,
No. 124 , und was admitted with forty-thrco
others on December , 1875. On April 15 ,
18iO , ho was presented with a gold medal by
Adherent ledge as heing tlio heaviest mem
ber of the order. Brother Craig's grand
father was killed at tlio battle of Hunker
Hill. His grandfather , on his mother's side ,
was Dr. Hanson Catlott , assistant surgeon
general of the U. S. A.
In response to the petition of several wes
tern jurisdictions for it visit from the major
general of the U. H. , says the Spur , General
Carnahau under orders from tlio supreme
lodco started August" ! to visit all the states
nnd territories west of the Missouri river.
Ho will go via the Northern Pacific route ,
visiting first Montana , Washington territory
und Oregon. After visiting the divisions of
California and attending the encampment of
the California brigade ha will visit the di
visions nt Nevada , returning via tlio Union
Pacific visiting Utah , Wyoming and Cole
rado. This will consume all the time at pres
ent which ho can spare from headquarters.
Ho will afterwards visit Dakota und other
states of the west. . Tlio trip will bo made
exclusively In the Interests of the order and
the Uniform Ilank and caniot help but rn-
sult In now enthusiasm and largo additions
to the order and the rank In the wost. His
business at headquarters will not suffer dur
ing his absence , us It will bo loft In excellent
and competent hands.
Tlio Now Order.
Tucra are many Journalistic endorsements
of the order of Foresters , a ledge of which
has Just been established in this city. An
exchange In speaking of. It soys ;
" .It has boon ald , and truly , of the For-
Our entire stock of 42-inch
black Chantllly and Spanish Gui
pure Flounclngs will bs offered
all next week at greatly reduced
All our short lengths of42-inch
black Chantilly and Guipure will
be offered next week regardless
of cost.
S.lss Embroide'.d Sk'ilings. .
The balancs of our 42-inch
white Swiss embroidered Skirt
ings will bo slaughtered all next
\veek regardless of cost.
At One-Half the cost OF Manufacture ,
1OOO yards of Ecru and two-
toned Swiss and Mull embroid
ery from B-inch to 12-inches
wide , worth from 25c to BOc a
yard , will be slaughtered all next
week at lOc a yard.
2OO dozen Ladies' white H. S.
Sheer Lawn Handkerchiefs with
B Iine& of lace revering , lOcworih
Orgmidijs , Law fi Balis le-
Our entire stock offinc p > mtocl
Organdies , Lawns and tintUta
goods that have oeen selling at
I2jc and ISc a yard. On Monday
at 8sc.
estera. that as a benevolent fr.itornity it is
an eminent successmid a Clod-Kiveu hlcsjlng
to u widowed mother uud her father
less llttlo ones. Hardly a week foes by that
HOIIIO distressed family is not made the re
cipient of the watchful euro and generous aid
of this Samaritan brotherhood , and deep is
tlio grutltudo of hundreds throughout tlio
land that there is such an institution us the
Independent Order of Foresters.
As to the growth of the order , the increase
during the last year or two njjo has been
simply marvelous. In the lust five years
there have been 123 courts built up whoso
memuerslilp extends into the hundreds. The
latest renort gives the number of courts in
the order nt 104 , nud tlio total membership us
approximating fifteen thousand. On August
la In each , known u "Forester's Day"
jn the order , u general celebration is engaged
in by those of the organisation who uieublo
to absent themselves from business. Tlio
event will bo eolccruted on tlio lltb the pres
ent year , the 12th falling upon Sunday.
X1 * +
Cnnniltaii Working.
The Canadian Aneloiit Older United Work
men Hullcf association luis reduced the
amount for weekly benefits from f 10 to t"
per week , and the amount paid in ease of the
death of the wife from ? ! < > ! ) to f-5' ) . The fees
for admittance have boc'ii increased in some
eases to WO. Tlio Canadian and Northern
Huliof associations work on the same plan ,
and tlio benefits and expenses nro nearly the
sumo. In addition to tlio disability certifi
cate , the Northern issues ouo for deitli
alone , in which ease the expense is much
lighter , and this department is ussoased for
deaths only.
A Now Ijodne.
A dispensation lias just boon issued under
date of August 24 , by Lucius D. Uiehurds ,
G. H. P. of the grand chapter of Nebraska
H. A. M. . for the opening und holding of anew
now chapter at Oxford , Neb. , with Co nip.
George E. Whitman , II. P. : Comp. Frank
C. Condon , king ; Comp. Edgar J. Pease ,
scribe. The installation and institution will
take place on the above date.
Mlio Piiet Imitrcnto Doml.
Robert Morris , the poet laureate ot'ma -
masonry , died nt his home in Lugrungc , K.\ . ,
last Tuesday. Ho wus tlio most noted mason
in America.
The Oldest odil Follow.
St. Paul Press : Speaking ubouttho oldest
Odd Fellow in tlio stuto tlio other day , it was
discovered that I. D. CJregg of this city can
properly lay claim to that honor. Ho was
mudo a member of the order nt Philadelphia ,
July J , 18J5 , aud initiated into tlio Fourth of
July ledge No , 141 of that Jurisdiction , In
the same year ho withdrew by card and do-
posltcd it nnd became a member of Dela
ware ledge No. 1 at Wilmington. In the
spring of ' 49 ho took a card from Delaware
nnd deposited in nnd became n member of
Washington ledge at Madison , Ind. From
thcro ho severed his membership and became
n charter member of Augcroua ledge , in
North Madison , whcro ho remained In good
standing till 1S05. From thcro ho trans
ferred his membership to Lincoln ledge nt
Clinton , la. Next ho took his withdrawal
card and became n charter member of St.
Paul ledge No. 117 , I. O. O. F. , where to-day
ho is an active and respected member. This
makes n continuous membership of over
forty-thrco years in the good work , and dur
ing that time never askoi for but ? 0 benefit ,
which ho donated back to the lotlno again.
Very few men bavo boon so loyal to a good j
cause as Mr. Gregg , who at this writing is In
the full enjoy men s of sound health ana
ready to continue his battle for the right
through u long nud usaful life.
Grip NotCH.
The Knights of Honor order 1ms paid
* J4,2 JOOl.ia In benefits.
The councils of Now York of the Ameri
can Legion of Honor nro showing their usual
activity In securing now members. The
order will raako n good showing for the past
The promptness with which the Knights of
Honor order pays its claims is illustrated by
the fact that one of Its members , Hrothbr
Kimus , of Geruianla , who was u member of
the celebration committee last month , died ,
and already the money has been paid to bis
On April 1.18S9 , New Jersey ha-1 thirty-
nvo lodges of KulghU nnd Ladies of Honor ,
with a membership of ! ) , b < J7. Of this number
only 170 are social members. The grand
ledge has beeu in existence flvo years , The
Silk Mitts.
Silk Mitts.
Silk Mitts.
Ladies' A'l Silk Lnco Mltls In ,
Blacks , Modes , Tauc and Cream that
have boon soiling all Reason at 25c , ,
30c and 35c ; on Monday at
15c a Pair.
In nil the desirable shades , also
Orocim and Black , goods that have
boon sold at 5Oo and 65c , on Mon
day at
40o a Fair.
45 dozen Ladies' Pine Llslo Thread
Hose with vvhito feet , in Tans ,
Modes and Black , all at
21c Per Pair.
6O dozen Ladies' French Lisle
Thread Hose , all full regular made ,
warranted fast colors Modes , Tans ,
Groys and Black , til
35c : 3 , , for $1.00.
subordinate lodf-Cfi have a bnlnnco on hand
in their general fund 6 $ ? Ui02.73. ) (
The fttipromo council of the Legion oC
Honor baa offered n premium from 8W 0 to
SI.OOi ) to such Kitiml councils as ahall show
the largest gams within their jmisdictions
for the year ending' .June. 'M , isy.t ; also a
special reward of SltXl to tlio compauloa of
uny Jurisdiction who shall propose tlio lurgost
number of accepted candidates within the
same time.
Tlio sick benefit fcatuio of the American
Legion of Honor is working well nud generally -
ally satisfactory. It is nit us heavy n draft
on the order U3 some supposed it would be.
Tor the six months closing July I thcro has
been advanced on certificates to bo deducted
at death the sum of & 14b'J2 , a partof which
has ahead v been returned. Califoiuta bus
receive J S
The grand commander of Wisconsin , of the
American Legion of Honor , bus also offered
a promiimi of ? > J5 to t'o council in that stuto
making the largest gain , and a similar
amount to the ouo nliowiug the largest pcr--
eeutaie of gains. The t-upremo commander
bus prepared H euvulnr to bo sent to each
member of tlio order , uud nctit tlio sumo to
the various councils for thorn to distribute.
Tlio following councils of the American
Lesion of Honor of California show gain * for
the term ending Juno ! ! ( ) : Hohcmkm , 201. i ) ;
Vulloy , S.U 2 ; Goodwill , < ! > , 0 ; Neuadu Citv ,
2H : , U : San Francisco , 412 , 2 : Wistaria , 515 ,
2 ; Safety , lilVI , i ) ; Jelfeison.TUJ , 3 : Tuolumno ,
ji : , S ; Gispln , JK5J , iL-Ooldcn Star , .VH , 1 ;
Ventura , C51 , 1 ; Aunty , 721 , 1 ; Napa. 74' . ' , 1 ;
Ucddlns , M7 , 1 ; Llvermore , 11)70 ) , 1.
A notable feature of the coming coloura
tion of tlio order of Foiciters will bo a uni
formed corns , vs oaring the garb and bearing
the arms of tlio renowned Kobin Hood and
his merry men of the forest. This is a new
departure in the order , but it is looked upon
with much favor , and it is thought u formid
able and imposing drill coi ps will bo the out
Thodiftvrcnco between fraternal and busi
ness Institutions was shown in tlio payment
lust week of 3,000 to the widow of u brother
of the KniglitH of Honor who died HOIIIO tima
ugo in Mexico. The order , free of all expense
to the beneficiary , through the American
consul , procured all of the nccoasurv proofs
of death and other legal documents requisite
to establish the claim.
The August assessment notice of tlio
KnlghtH of Honor bus beeu received for as
sessments Nos. 3,121111(1 ( 331. It covers 121
deaths , from Noa. 12,11)7 ) to 12,017 , inclubivo ,
nil thiil have bpou filed up to July 14. On
the list are six from California , viz : James
II. Wordcn of Suisun , Daniel Kennedy of
Sacramento , Christian F. Sulil of Oakland ,
Charles E. Hassan , H. Kuaus and Felix Uri
of San Francisco.
The grand council of the American Legion
of Honor has been called to meet In Chicago
on September 19. Among the visitors will
bo the supreme commander , Iwiioch S.Hrown ,
of Now York. Tlio tenth anniversary ol
the institution of the order will bo cele
brated with appropriate exorcises at the
close of the session of the grand council of
Illinois. A general Invitation to the mem-
ship throughout tlio state has been given. It
is expected thut the grand officers of several
other states will bo present us well an many
representatives of the , supreme body.
Assessment 1J2 , of the Hoyal Arcanum ,
was called August 1 , The following state
ment shows the condition 'of the W. nnd O.
H. fund : Halnnce on hand Juno 1533,10(1 ( 87 :
hold for delayed claims , $31,030 ; received
siuco on assessments 8(1 ( to 110 inclusive ,
i'J78OOO.lU ) ; imid out seventy full-ruto death
benefits , f21,030 ( ) ; paid out three half-rate
death benefits. f4,500 ; also , in addition to the
above , payment has been inado ot ono two-
third order , ? 2,000 , and ono ono-third order.
? l,000j on hnndv100W7,80 ( ; held for delayed
claims , $1S,000 , ; current cash'bnlnnco July Id ,
| .SSi'J7.8it. ( As near as can bo estimated
there are now 8r > , : il8 members in the entire
order , divided iitnoug 1,111 subordluato coun
Supreme Treasurer 1) . II. Kockors ] > orger ,
of the Hoynl Arcanum , reports that every
council in the ardor has remitted assessment
No. 11. This assessment was forwarded by
the treasurers of the subordinate councils
with nn unusual promptness , which Is very
gratifying , as it shows the interest man !
tested In the order. Upon receipt of notice
from the suurcmo treasurer certifying to the
supreme scribe that the assessments were all
paid , that officer drew nn order on the treas
urer paying the benefit In full to the holder
oftho certificate No. 3,820. This being the
last unpaid of a deceased member , it leaves
tlio widows' and orphans' fund with no
further liabilities , and with assessment No. 13
nearly collected and in the bauds of the sub
ordinate treasurers ,
Store flooded by water pipes bursting in the
third story and flooding a large portion of our
store , embracing the Shoe stock on first floor *
and duplicate stock of Blankets , Bed Comforts.
Table Linens , etc. , all to be sacrificed Monday
and Tuesday at 50 cents and 75 cents on the
dollar. Now is the time to get bargains. Come
early and secure the choice.
Boot and Shoe
Ladies' Kid Opera Slippers. . ' ! 7e } ; reg
ular prieo 7oc.
Ladies' Kid Opera Slippers. " > < K > ; roj -
tilur price , 81.1)0. )
Ladies'1 Kid 1 Sirup Slippers , Toe ; rog-
ulnr pi-leu $1.50.
Ludies' Kid Oxford Ties , putent
leuthoi' tips , < > Je ; regular prieo. $ l.-j. ; )
Ludies' Don spin Kid Oxford Ties ,
put out leather tips. $1.12-3 ; regular prieo
Ladies' French Kid ( ) \ford Ties. 3.01) ) ;
ivfjular price SI.00.
Ladies' Kino Satin Slippers , $ ! . ( ) ;
regular price , $ -1.1)0. )
Ladies' Kid Hut ton nnd Lueo Shoes ,
JLTo ; regular price Jll.QO.
Misses' Kid liulton Shoes. * LeO : re"
uliir prieo $3.00.
Ali-o a lurgo lot oT MonWomen's
and MihBes' Shoes at " < > rents on the
dollar , with only dnnmgod boxes.
Men'h Grain Lueo Shoes . ' . "
, ifi.- ) ; ivyu-
lar prieo i.'i.OO.
Men's Grain and Calf Slioeh , laec and
Inilton. ? ; t.)0. ( ) regular price S-1.00.
Ladies' Kid Hntlon Shoes , 8 . ( > : i ; reg
ular price : W. " > 0.
Ludies' l > 'ino C'nracoa Kid Button
- Shoes , $ ; ! . ( ) ( ) ; ve ulaiprieo $1.00.
Ladies' Fine Kid Slippers , $1.1 ! ! ; reg
ular price $1.50.
Wo hnvo the above poods in broken
si/e- nndvidths. . Xo goods 'Out out on
approval , and no exchanges for regular
A Number of Ploaaant Picnic Parties
in the Park' . "
The Great Clinching i'nrty
Cltih Tclcphuno OIi'ln' IMcnie
lllHlulny Pin-tics Minor
i'cr.sonal Items.
Tlio Society Oirl.
"It is so wurin , " the iiial'leii ' sighs ,
"Don't ask my help , imuinim , I iirr.y. "
Then from tlio liouso slio Bwiltly liios
And pliiis lawn tennis half tlio day.
An Outdoor I'nrty.
Tlio MfsC ! < Cnrrio House and Allc-o Pnr-
Ucr triivo u sueressful party to n num-
her of the : ? friends uc Hnnicoin park on
Wednesday evening. At 5 o'clock the
guest * liu un to gather and nt ( i nil elegant
cold lun.-li w.if served. Hummocks nud
chitchat were the order until S0 : ! ! , when
ilniicinir commenced , Every ono present do-
cl-irosthnt ho had u "splendid" time , uud tlio
event wus without doubl'ona of the most
pleasant r-ocial affairs hold in the pnrk
tills Ni-iison. Among those present were :
Tlio Alisscs Carrie House , Alioo Purker ,
Muuol , Jlapfe'io Botliin , Gussic Price.
Kullio liausuiinun , ( < eori.'U ) Khnrpo , Pe.irl
Hiirtiuun , Oundio Coburn , May Yutes , Lulio
Hullcntino , Mary Stephens , Daisy TJoaue ,
Km inn Wakeloy , Opal Tou/nlin , Illuncho
Hollman , Dolly Pollack , Maud Staloy ,
Maud Hccso nud Mrs. Jennison.
The Messrs. Will MllUguii , Fred McCormicK -
micK , Hurry McCormick. Hurry Hicks.Clins.
Kills , .loo .loyalln , Hugh Joyslin , Mat Hos-
wortli , DJII UcnMlct , Cluis. McConnell ,
Wood Allen , Wing Allen , Ed Mo-
Con , Jim Mi'Cou , Frank Simpson ,
Clark Hcdiek , Hurry Mooros , Fred Hustin ,
Herbert Uogerii , Gould Ueitz , Harry Mor-
ford. Stocky Hc.ith , Charles 11.-nisei man ,
Murt Urown , John Hrowu , Hurry Smith ,
Kd Wllber , Hurry Stnley , Hilton Fonda.
A Itirtlidny ratty.
Mr. W. Hoehl , proprietor of the wire fac
tory on South Sixteenth street , or "Papa"
Hoelil , ns his employes delight to cull him on
account nf his genial disposition nnd kind
heart , was tendered a party hist Tuesday In
honor of having reached the fifty-second
milestones in his life. An evening wus
never more delightfully spent , .lohn Kuhn
presided ns master of ceremonies and was
ussKted in getting the affair up by Leo
Uiiioch and Willie Kuhn. A line supper and
a keir of other lefrcslimonts were served.
Dancing was the main pastlmo of tlio even
ing , but n number of line musical selections
were interlarded ut proper intervals. Among
these might be mentioned tlio pieces ren
dered by the /Cither club , of which Mr.
Hoelil Is a member , n solo by Julius Fcstnor
and n gnitur solo by Mr. Hoold himself.
"Pupa" was delighted with the line recep
tion tendered him and succeeded in malting
his guests enjoy tlio occasion us much as
Hello ! Ilniisconi 1'ark , Please.
On Tuesday evening the young ladies of
tlio telephone exchange gave u delightful
party at Hanbcom park. About 8 o'clock
supper was served und dancing commenced
about 9. Crossed wires nnd still crosser
telephone customers were for the once for
gotten nnd n splendid time was enjoyed.
Manager K. H. Smith was present and took
great pride In the elegant appearance of his
girls. Dancing was prolonged until after
midnight. Among those present woros The
Misses ICendrlcks , Ingram. Jesslo nnd iscssio
fSoffo , Corlctt , Nellie and Lizzie Luwton ,
ICrigcl , Drink , Nichols. Li ieniid EllaHouf ,
Jones , Hoguo. Cruickshanlt , Vlcclo und Mia-
nlo Walker , Hichardsoii , Hobbs nnd Hough ;
Mrs. Lawton nnd Gwynuo ; the Messrs.
Hendricks , Mittaurer , Morris , Smith , Drink ,
Welch , Dakln , Fuller , Duttou , Dradloy ,
Sabin , Gwynno , Walling. Plumb , Mllblor ,
Ayers , Cox , Walker , loty ) , Green , Eponoter
aud Dcnnlson.
Miss Lillian Ucllono'a Party.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Dellono gave an
evening party at their beautiful residence on
Colfax street. August 2 , In honor of their
daughter Lillian , who is homo on vacation
Blankets. Blankets .
1OO pairs Bed Dlnnkots ranging In
piico from $2 to $12 per pnir , will bo
sold on Monday at just half price.
Bed Comforts.
GOO Bed Comforts ranylng in prieo
from $1 to $5. will bo placed on oulo
Monday at juat one-half price.
Table Linens ,
Napkins , and
Bed Spreads.
GO pieces ( Bates ) 50 and GO inch
Turkey Rsd Damask , former prieo
6Oc , for thlo sale 25c.
1O pieces Bleached Irish nnd Gor-
ninii Linen Damask from O3 to 72
inches wide , at half price.
1OO dozen 3-4 Bleached Gorman
Napkins , former price $3.OO , for this
sale $1.72j.
This includes our boat Marseilles
Pattern Orochot Bed Spreads , former
price $1.85 and $2 , for this sale $1.38.
Boys' Summer Flannel
Boys' Light Colored Summer Flan
nel Shirt "Waists reduced to 85c ;
regular price $1.GO.
fiom tbo Sacred Heart convent. A most on
Joynblo time was passed in singinir , music ,
dancing , games , etc. Among those present
were tlio Misses Florence Miles , Mary
Mi'Croary , Angela Kulslcr , ClnriiHiloy , Alice
and Maggie Cannon. Lorcttn Delone. Kiln
Gibbon , Mamie and Sarah McGavock , Pearl
uud Klin Uradlcy , Cnssio Hoylo. The Messrs.
Tom Gushing , Frank Coad. Frank Itllev ,
Knnnet McCroary , Cliurlus Gibbon. Freddie
IJcllone , Charlie Mormrty , Kd Miles , Dick
and Ed Uradloy , Albert and Cal Knislcr ,
Tom Cannon and Charles Uuiley , of Chicago.
Tlio Gront Coachliift Party.
K. W. Patrick , csq. , ] { . S. Herliu and John
Patrick loft Saturday evening for New
York , and Mr. H. W. Yules and U. S.
Walker , of Salt Lake , followed this weclt , to
join Mr. and Mrs. ,1. N. H. Patrick and Sen
ator mid Mrs. Manderson in a great coaching
trip , which will ho given by Mr. und Mrs.
Patrick. They start from New York early
in August , and drive along tlio roads border
ing on the coast of Now England watering1
places , with the White mountains as their
objective point. From tlio White mountains
they drive to Lake George and Sarutoru ,
returning then to Now York City. Thotiip
is expected to consume about sixty days.
Tlio IJOIIIH Glut ) .
Tlio employes of the Poycko Dros.1 whole
sale company have established for them
selves a reputation us a poeiul lot of young
people. They hnvo organised an association
to give parties nt regular intervals and they
nro known us the P. D. C. Lotus club. Their
first out-door party was given at Hanscom
purklast Monday evening , and oven eclipsed
the former gatherings in enjoyment. Sixty
couples were in utteiuluncu. Dancing was
tlio main pastlmo of the evening. A cool
nnd refreshing lunch was served at 11 : ! W.
In two or three weeks they give nnotuer
Canniini ; Out at Man awn.
A Jolly party of young society people have
been enjoying n week's frolic camping out nt
Luke Mnnawu. Fishing , boating , bathing
nnd n myriad of Oilier pleasures have en
gaged their attention and made the days Ily
ouly'too swiftly. Tlio party consists of John
Liudor , O. Lindcr. tlio Misses Jacobson ,
Huehlor , Dolbayno , Swift uud Hoffman , Fred
Plloeging , William Huchler und Jack FIU-
No Miirrlanes.
Tlio warm weather has finally eclipsed the
fervor of lovers nnd depressed the matrimonial
menial market. Not n single marriage has
occurred among Omaha society people dur
ing the past week , tlio llrst time such a tiling
lias been known for boveral months , however -
over , the match-making is being vigorously
carried on at tlio various watering places and
other resorts , and will doubtless bo followcu
later with u perfect Hood of nuptials.
An Editor's Itlrttulny Parly.
Otto Wolff , the well-known tenor of the
Apollo club nnd proprietor of the Danish
newspaper Dannelrog , celebrated his thirty-
fourth birthday Sunday last. A largo num
ber of friends assembled ut Mr , Wolff's cot-
tugo to present imiiiy well wishes. The
Danish singing society , Droken , of which
Mr. Wolff Is tlio leader , presented him with
a beautiful birthday gift in the shape of u
gold watch.
Hums Club Picnic.
The Hums club hold Its annual picnlo nt
Pries lake yesterday. It was n great day
with the Scots nnd n number of old country
pastimes were indulged in , such as racing ,
jumping , elevating the stone , quoit throwing
nud various other feats , ( tout riding , dancing
and other amubumcnts were also patronized.
There was u very largo turn-out of Scotch
Tim Haiti Interfered.
The dunce of the West Sldo club , which
was to have been hold nt Hanscom park on
Thursday night , has been postponed for ono
week on account of rain. The proposed
dnnco of the Omaha guards at the sntno place
on Friday evening was nUo interfered with
by inclement weather.
General Gossip.
Dr. Gibbs Is convalescing.
Leavltt Hurnham Is at Kabux , Mass.
Lyman Shales' family Is at Mankato.
Mrs. A. Hudd has gone to Now York.
Miss Hattlo Wltman Is nt West Point.
O. M. Carter has returned from the east- ,
Clint Allen returned from Chicago , Mon
day ,
Thotmts F. Uranium loft for the onst Tucs '
tiny.Hoinj Dahl wont to. Wushtiigton'Thur -
ft. " .1. Rcnfold hiis gone hist on a twd.Wcelcs1
Mnjor Wilson lui returned from Spirit
I like.
Kruest Uiull mid A. M. Kltihen nro In
Mrs. n. S. Senver \lsitlug friends In To-
Mis. Colonel Ileury left for the east
Henry Dohl left for Wellington , 1) . G. , on
.ludpo Ouudy returned from Hot Springs
C1. T. Rnmsey has lotumcd from San
IYaiiei eo.
Thomas Miller nnd fiunily left for Denver
11 S. Rowley Is taking n trlu in southern
Dr. 1' . S. Leisonrlug Intends moving' to
Snu DIOI.-O , Cnl.
Colonel Henry nud sou loft for Oakland ,
Mil , on Monday.
lr ( Icorgo L. Miller in iccoverhig from
his lute lllno.- .
Mr. Ileury V. Lucas hits gone cusl for a
two months' vucution.
Nolls .loriTPiigeu uud fiuuily sturlcd for
Sweden Wi'thiomhiy.
.1. C. Howuul mill wife hiivo loft for n trip
along the St. Laurence.
Perry I Imlololt left lust evening for u two
weeks' trip in the west.
Depot Muster Ilnnoy und fiunily nro taking
mi outing In California.
Mrs , C. F. Goodman hnsgoiiu to Now York
for n two months' visit.
Eunice ( loodrlch , the nctrcss , Is u nlcco of
the Into Colonel Lorln Miller.
T. 1C. Sudborough is taking u trip through
Idaho unit along the I'.icillc slope. >
Mr. nud Mrs P. W. Hod ou hnvo been vis
iting in central Iowa tlio past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Will W. McHrlclo hnvo re
turned from Cleveland to Omaha to live.
Mrs. P. U. Hrymitnnd fiunily have gouo to
Colfax Springs for the rest of tlio summer.
The veteran Hi onion nro making prepara
tions for u grand picnic in the ncur future.
Lyinun H. Tower hus so far i censored that
ho was taken east yesterday to sumo cool ro-
Mrs. N.T. . Edholm , Mrs H. C. Akin nnd
Miss Kent ) Hamilton have gone to the moun
The Misses May und Lena Dtiudy nro en
joying the cool mountain retreats about Sa-
Ililn , Colo.
Mrs. Frank Irvine returned yesterday from
n months' vixlt to her former liuiuo ut Cleve
land , O.
D.W. Ilnynos has loturncd from n delight-
fill trip to Mackinaw nud n voyage on Luke
Kov. .lolm Gordon , of the Westminster
Presbyterian church , left for Plttsburg
Mr. A. 15. Davenport g.ios to Kansas City
to assume the management of the Controp-
olis hotel.
Miss Aniin Pollock , of , Ul'ii who has hccn
visiting Omaha friends , loft for tlio cast
Miss Muggiu IJnidcn left Tucsdiiy evening
to spend u month's vacation ut her homo iu
Oalesburg , 111.
Superintendent and Mrs. John A. Gillispio ,
of the deaf and dumb usjluni. are visiting
friends In Iowa.
MissiJiidio Miller of ICeokuU is visiting
her sister , Mrs. Charles Prlmcaii , 21W !
Charles street.
Mr. n ml Mrs. W. F. Allen und family hnvo
returned from Qiilucy , 111. , after u two
months' visit there.
Vied , Kohort , Alexander ami UessloCus-
oadcn uro ing with their grandfather
tieur Cliillicotho , O.
Miss E. P. Clark 1ms relumed from a
brief but pla nsuiit vacation spent nt the lakes
ncur Stillwator , Minn.
County Attorney Simcrnl hns returned
from his trip to tlio St. Liiwrcuco river , Lnka
Gcorgo and other resorts.
Dennis Cunningham has recovered suftl-
elontly from the injuries received in n late
accident to again get up town.
Mr. Edgar II. Mum ford hns gene to Lenv-
cnworth to nssunio the duties of division
foreman on the Kansas Pacific.
Mrs , Colonel Henry nud her youngest son
left for Oakland , Md. , Tuesday to pass u
few weeks with Mrs. General Crook.
Miss X.ahnli Warner , n charming hello
from Oiiawn , la. , is the guest of Miss Dolly
Bailey , 1502 North Nineteenth street. (
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O'Dny , of Buffalo , N.
Y. , were the guests Thursday of Mr. and
Mrs. Gcorgo W. Ames , Park iivenuo.
Hon. Charles H. Brown willgo to Stephen-
town , N. Y. , to visit a eounlo of week * . His
wife is now on n visit to tlio same place.
Mr. Fred W. Gray nnd family hnvo hnd to
curtail their stay at Colfax Springs on no-
count of the children contracting the ivhoop-
ing cough.
Paul W. nnd John If. Kuhn , sons of nor.
H. W. Kulins , nro homo for the summer
vacation. They hnvo been in collcgo at
Gettysburg , Pn.
, The Misses "Puss" mid Nora Fclkor ,
daughters of Mr. S. S. Folkcr , of this city ,
hnvo gene to Chicago whcro they will spend
scum time visiting friends and.relatives. .
Mrs. 13. F. Marti , accompanied by Mrs. J.
W. Rocco , loft Thursday evening for Sterl
ing , Colo. , whcro Mrs. W. H. Truesdoll will
jolu theift on a thrco weeks' trip in the moun
Hon. Vic Hlorhowcr , of Ogden , brother of
Mr. Ellis Blorbower of this city , has been In
Omaha the past week. Ho is astounded with
the strides Omaha has made in the past four
Officers Instituted.
The Knights of the Golden Rule held their
installation of officers last Wednesday evening -
ing at their hall Douglas nnd Thirteenth
streets. Tlio vurious chairs will bo filled by
the following persons : -as
Commander , G. H. Roberts ; vloo coma '
niuudor , Lady Thioinan ; maslnrnt nrms , O. &
Yosoj prelate , W. Andres ; recording sccroM
tary , C. Weston ; financial secretary , Louis S
Trudell ; trensuier , J. Swnrtzlandcr ; herald , $
Thomas Festner ; warder , Lady Andres ;
sentinel , William E. Hughes.
This semi-monthly organization composed
of knights and ladies is a beneficiary society
and it pioudly boasts of the progress made
In Omaha. Charily , nld , friendship nnd pro
tection nro watch words nnd the foundutioa
principles upon which it is built. It is oper
ated on a puiuly economic plan , thereby
claiming the attention of persons of oltbor
sox that have the welfare of those dependent
upon them at heart. A sociable event in the
shape of a picnic is spoken of to take place la
i the near future.
I *
Forester OMlci
The following geiitlomcn hus boon elected
and Installed as ofllcors of the ledge of th
Order of Foresters , which has boon organ
Izcd in this city : Dr. C. Koscwatcr , chief
ranger ; Patrick Fny , vlco-chlof ranger ;
Fred Scsscntcr , ilminclal secretary ; Mr. Me- \
Caho , recording secretary ; Messrs. Taylor * f
and Walters , junior nnd senior H. The la&r |
Btullntion exercises took place Friday ngfat.
A New Hull Dedicated.
A very pleasant Odd Fellows' gathering1
occuried at Hanover , Mass. , a few dnys ago ,
the event being the public dedication of the
now hall just completed by North River
ledge , and the Installation of its officers for
the proscnt'term by the board of grand of
ficers attracting a largo attendance. Tht
principal ofllcors installed were John H.
Crocker , N. G. ; John O , Knight , R. S. , and
George U. Claim , T. , the V. G.-elcct , Molvln
S. Nash being absent. The ledge Is In uoiy
pro8) ) > croiis condition , and In the erection of
IU beautiful hull , which Is fully paid for , It
has had material aid from Riverside lodge
Daughters of Kobekuh , also of Hanover ,
which contributed nearly $1,000 thereto , nr
the proceeds of n fair and other social enter
tainments. Among the pleasant Incidents oC
the dedicatory and other services of the oc
casion was the presentation to the ledge by
Gcorgo H. Clapp , of Lomervlllo , a member
ofFranklln loda No. Ul , of a beautiful pair
of''ivjl blojc-t , WiMiuut ti-juvjr.v Hot
pcciiue.ns of Mexican onyx.