Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1888, Page 2, Image 2
TTTirr OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SUNDAY AUGUST 5 , 1S88.-TWELVE PAGES. ' . / ' A MODERN LUCRET1A BORGIA Arrest of the Notorious Mrs. Browu at MtiBon City , In. A HARDENED , PITILESS WRETCH. * Blio Commits a Horrible Crime nncl Attempts to Fasten Suhplolon on Her Iliislmnd mill Chlldicn. Mix. Drown Arrested. MASON Cm. In. , August 4. [ Special Tele gram to THK Hrn.J The now famous liiowu case , which has attracted so much notoriety , was brought to u culmination lo-day by the nrrost of Mrs. II. U. Urown , charged with mingling poison In the food with Intent to kill her husband , Hiram II Hrown. The com plaint was in the form so as to make the hus band's ' testimony admissuble. Although Mr. .Urown has furnished the necessary money to employ n detective in working up the case , ivlien it came to making the complaint lie weakened and declared that ho had rather die. His biother , Waller E. , who has been prominent in his endeavors to solve the jnjstcrlous affair , flled the necessary In formation and upon that u wai rant for her nrrcst was Issued Mrs. H. K. Urown was found at the SJUenco of her uncle , Judge George tfarmilliPa , u respected and promi nent citizen of Ihls cily. She manifested no surprise whatever , having for several da\s understood that a warrant was soon to bo Issued for her arrest. She was brought before Judge A. II. Cummlngs , and on consent of Iho parties the case was con tinued to next Thursday. Her bonds were placed at W.IKX ) , which she readily secured. At the lime of the coroner's Inquest , con niderablo comment was occasioned by the ncrsistcnt effort of Mrs. Urown to fasten the guilt of the crime upon her husband. A short time after the investigation was com pleted , she went to Harrington , 111. , for Ihe. purpose of visiting her parents. VYhUa there fiho received some confidential communications from a friend bore , thiough which she learned that the case was being investigated by detectives , and lhat she had best be careful. She was evidently alarmed oy these disclosures , nnd Immediately in nil o prepara tions to She loft suddenly that nieht , telling her friends that she was going to ftlason City. Her baggage and her licKcts bowed Hint her destination was Lang- worthy , In. That fact was immediately tcle- grilphcd nnd an ' 'opcralor" started to shadow her. She arrived there in tbonlnhtuiidwcnt to the house of her old friend , Miss % Hcssio Miller. Her movements were closely watched , nil her sayings and doings cat ofully noted , nnd her lettois intercepted , all of which con tained very damaging testimony against her. In a letter writleii lo her old friend , Miss Bcssio Lake , about the time of the coroner's Inqucsl , she HUJS Hint she meant to put it on to Hiram ami end thu miserable life she was leading. Some of the damaging letters were shown to Mr. Urown last evening , nnd ho - identified them as being Ihoso of his wife , but said ho could not account for much of the contents , While Mrs. Urown was at Montlcello she was confronted by Iho detectives with the evidence against her and was chnigcd with I the murder of her son Jesse and her fathcr- iti-law , Hiram L. Urown , and the attempted murder of her husband and son Henry , and after she had been told that all her move ments were known she broke down , saving : "There wore no eyewitnesses , and you can't provo it. " The oillcers claim to bo in pos session of evidence of Mrs. Urown's pur chasing diluted prusslc acid and Uough on Kuts in the past year without the knowledge or consent of her husband , and further lhat she was skilled in the uses nnd abuses of all the principal poisons. The txjrsistent efforts of Mrs. Hrown in her evidence before the coroner's Jury to fasten suspicion on her husband and inducing t Potcrion to assist her is a strong point against her iu the cose. Added to this are the facts of tier hatred for the family and the I unhappy relations existing between them , and her utter Indifference nt the sickness Is and death of her child nnd her father-in-law , during the entire time never having been seen to shed a tear or heard lo express a re gret. ' Solid lor Harsh. CIIESTON , la. , August 4. [ Special Tolo- gramto Tin : Bus. | Five wards of Creslon have elected instructed delegates for J. U. Harsh for congtess. Enough Is now known of the county to insure u solid Harsh delega tion. Union county is enthusiastic in Senator Harsh's support. Ho will receive , if nomi nated , almost the entire vote of Crcstan without regard to party. Of seven townships heard from in Hinggold county Harsh bus five instructed delegations. Suicide ut Davenport. T , la. , August 4. [ Special Tole- frram to Tin : BEE ] Mrs. Lizzie F. Jouscn , forty-five j'cars of ago , the mother of nine children , Ihrcc of whom are living , com mitted suicide by hanging herself in the garrett - rott to-day. She had been drinking exces sively , and on Thursday last drove her oldest daughter out of the house because she would Hot fetch her liquor. A Clinton Grocer Falls. CI.INTOX , la. , August 4. [ Special Tele gram to THE HEK. ] The grocery house of Santco & Hamilton was closed to-day by creditors , with good bank accounts of the firm und stock amounting to about $0,000. The debts are about $4,500 , mostly to Clinton f nnd Chicago w holesalcrs. Slow collections is the cause of the suspension. Thn Injunction Case Closed , IOW-A Cm , In. , Aug. 4. The railioad InJunction - Junction case closed this evening , Hon. John C. 13111s making nn exhaustive argument for the lloclt Island railway , und Judge N'ourso closing with a powerful uddrcss for the state. Judge Fuliall will lake the case under ad- visouicnt , A Heotlou Htind Hilled. WATEIII.OO , In. , August 4. [ Special Tele gram to THK 13KB ] L. K. Doyle , a bcclion hand employed at Purnell , In . was killoj yesterday by having u crowbar pushed through his neck by u moving cur. Death resulted instantly. Ilcturnrd to Chicago. Nuw YOIIK , Augusl 4. Chief Jusllco Tul- ler loft Moio for Chicago to-day. J.lTiUAltY NOTHS. The Womun's yol ld for August is as full of excellencies as over. Amoiif , ' ether features 1110 "'u Daugh ters" by Curmon Silvii , the queen ol Bohemia ; "A Lady of Ancient 1'uypt , " showing how Indies lived In ilavh ol Ramohos ; two paporet on "Somo Iribli " Clmriotto O'Conor- QuostloiiB , by - Ecclos and Dorothea. Roberts ; "Chil dren's Dresses in This Century , " by Constance Wililo , nnd tv specially meri torious and well illustrated fashion ilo- purtmont. Ilnnry Uae'on lias raproducod in black- nnd-whito his famous painting , "Tho Boston Schoolboy and General Gago. ' now owned by Columbia Collopo ; the drawing accompanies Edward Everett Halo's borinl , uTho Story of Boston Common , " and appears in the August Wide Awuko. For quaint humor , pathos nnd thor oughly realistic descriptions of South ern IHO. read "In War-Times at La Itoso Hlnncho , " a thrilling story o uctutil events on n great sugar planta- lion during the war. The author was ono of the children described. Fred A. Obor's books for bovs , "Tho Silver Clly" and "Monliuunm's Golc Mlncu , " Imvo much of the romance anil inybtory of Hider HiiL'gard's.though not the Impipbnbllity , bolng founded on Jilatorlcnl fact , * Tlto Forum for August contUliis nn lnmlyitU of thq Ufitisli nnd Ainuncun govornmanu by Jnilim James M. Love rdovvu. . The ocoimof the oconomio articles by Edward Atkinsonwhich the "orum haa secured , ia "Must Humanity Starve at LastV" Dr. Chnrcot , the high est living authority on the brain and icrvcs , writes of "Tho Topography of the Dtaln.1 Gco. W. Cnblo contributes an open letter to the freedinon entitled "What Shall the Negro DoV" The railroad question is discussed this month by George R. Blanchnrd , presi dent of the National Tralllo ns-cciation , who writes in favor of railroad pooling. The Huv. John Snyder , of St. Louis , prole-sts in the name of Christianity : ind civilbation against our barbarous tunorul customs , and cites many facts in suport of his argument. Tlio Mormon nido of the Utah question is presented uy Charles W. Benroso , editor of the loading Mormon paper. The educa tional article this month , "What Shall the Public Schools TcaehV" it by Prof. S. E. Warren. Tlio Rev. Leonard W. lUcon attacks the faith-euro delusion from a theological point of view ; und Dr. Felix L. Oswnld discus-.cs . "Is Lon gevity Worth Its PricoV" This number of the Forum completes its lifth volume. Miss Risloy Seward , in her journey around the wotld with Governor Scw- ard , iniulo acquaintance of Homo of the most splendid elephants of Asia , and she tolls bomo good stories of thorn in Lho August Wide AwiiUo. under the title , "Tho Klophats of nn Indian Prince. " " ' Series" is Summer "Lothrop's prov ing immensely popular. Such books as "Pationco Preston , M. D. , " "Romance of a letter , " "John Greonleaf , Minister - tor , " etc. , arn not often found printed on line pvpor : in choice bindings at - > cents. May Kendall , the author of the charming novol."That Very Mab , " con tributes a partible to the August Wide Avwiko , "The Temple of Music ; ' ' Kath arine Macquoid and Dr. Garnctt of the British Museum have stories in the uuno number. Miss Kendall is said to t > o a literary protegoo of Andruw Lang. "Tho Popular Science Monthly" is doing splendid service in show ing the aspect of the great questions of the tiny from the scientific standpoint. The August number opens with an article entitled "Tho Octroi at Itsoito : a City inado Itich by Taxation , " by President lordan , of tlio University of Indiana. There are two illustrated articles in this number : "The Home of the Great Auk , " by Frederic A. Lucas , and "Ainu [ louses and their Furnishings , " by.T.K , Goodrich , who is nt present in Japan. Elorboit Spencer contiibutcs a paper on "Tlio Ethics of Kant. " Natural history is represented in this number by Prof. 3. Haberlandt's article on "Mosses and Their Water-Supply , " and "Something About Snnkeb , " by O. T. Buukland. Walter B. Plait , M. D. , calls attention to some "Injurious Inlluonco- City Life. " Rev. Thomas Hill , ox-President of Ilarvaul Univetsity , describes and recommends what ho calls "Tho Parloi- Game Cure. " The ether body articles are "Tho Unity of Science , " by M. J. Molesehott , " "Drift-Sands and Their Formations , " and "Tho Future of the Negro. " Ptof. Spencer F. Baird is the scicinilie man of whom a sketch and portrait are given this month. Worthington Co. , Now York , an- lounce for immediate publication : "Studies in Ciiticisms , " by Floienco Tiail. There are bov on ebsajf , entitled "Pools Filled with Water , " "Glimpses Into Frenah Literature , " ' 'Genius and Religion , " "Genius and Morality,1' "History in Literature , " "Skepticism of the Heart , " "The Decline in Art.- ' It is a very remarkable book written by a now writer of great power. It makes eujoyablo'reading by its clearly defined ideas , the originality repealed in the unexpected relationship of certain ideas ; the daring jot dogmatic cxpies- sion of opinion , the vivid impression produced by an extraordinary command uf the Englibh language and above all the authors' inexhaustible enthusiasm and delight in study. It will afford a mental stimulus of lasting power and value , and is a noble vindication of the claims of philosophy in a liberal educa tion. tion.T. T. B. Peterson & Brothers , Philadel phia , have just published an entire now and cheap edition of "Nana , " by Entile Zola , to sell at the low price of twouty- live cents u copy , retail , making it ono of the largest and cheapest books for the price ever published. They also publish a new and complete edition of all the works written by Emilo Zola , in twenty-one volumes , in paper cover and also in cloth. Messrs. Frederick A. Stokes & Bro ther announce "Tho Life of Grot or Cleveland , " by William O. Stoddurd , the author of the other volumes in their aoricb of "Lives of the Presidents of the United States. " Mr. Stoddurd has given the greatest possible care and labor to this work , and in view of this fact , as well as its timeliness , the publishers expeet that it will receive much atten tion , and meet with u very largo sale. It will be wol illustrated , and is to bo published in a variety of editions. No. 5 of the Manhattan borics , pub lished by A. L. Hurt , Now York , is "True to Herself , " by Mrs. J. H. Wahoo , author of "Tho Bar Sinister , " etc. The author has boon true to her self in giving the public a story which , while sensational to a dramatic degree , is totally lacking in the "Hash" element of the so-called bcnsational novel of the day. In this connection wo will say that Mr. Burl's plan to ptoduco the wotksof American authors oxelushuly deserves the coidial support of encour agement of American rcadori. The latest addition to campaign liter- atuio is the "Log Cabin Song Book" of 1810 revised for the campaign of 18SS. All the appropriate songs are icprintcd from the famous campaign book of 1840 , loviscd for IbSS , and published by the successor of the publisher of the original book. lied Hair Hated Long Ago. How are wo to account for the popular prejudice against red hairV Is it con nected with the tradition thatJudaa Iscariot was red-haired , or is it of earlier origin ? So strong was the sen timent against it in the middle ages that one of the chroniclers denounces it as "a burning brand of infidelity. " It may very well bo that the hatred with which William Rufus was regarded awed an extra dash of intensity to the olor of his tawny locks. Not a few mous personages , how oxer , have boon ndowod by nature with hair of this atal hue ( which their flatterers , no doubt , persisted in describing as au burn ) , for instance , Anne Boloyn ( Mr. roudo speaks of "her fair hair Hewing loose over her shoulders" ) ; Queen Eliza beth ( Sir Richard Baker describes hers as "inclining to palo yellow ; " Fuller uses the convenient epithet , "fair" ) ; Columbus , the poet Camoons , and Marshal Noy. Ono does not like to think of red-haired poets ; but the reader will lind that auburn , which has at least n warm tinge on it , has not been uncommon among "the brotherhood of the tuneful Ijro. " Shakuporo's hair and beard wore auburn , if wo may credit the orighml coloring of his bust in Stratford's church , and Milton's "hyn- cinthino locks" were of a similar color. But Burn s hair was black , and Byron's of n , dark brown. Dr. Hamilton , Warren , Magnetic Phy- slciuh and surgeon , Room a , Crounso block , corner lOtli and Capitol avenue. Chronic and nervous diseases a epocluA- ty. Telephone OIK KEARNEY OUT IN THE COLD , The Unltocl States Court Bill does to the President FEWER BETS ON CLEVELAND. Democratic IJookmnkcrs of New York Not So Sanguine ns They Were The Ilcpubllcnn TnrllT Mcas- nro Miscellaneous. The Court Dili. WASHINGTON Uuunvu TIIF. OJHIU Unn , 513 rouitTcr.NTii SiuniiT , V WASIIIMITO.V , D. C. , August I. ) To-tlay the bill providing for the terms of the United States illstilct and circuit courts at additional points In Ncbiaska was sent to the president for his signature. The Is'e- bifisku delegation any that It will bo promptly signed and that It will become n law within n few d.iys. The house receded fiom Its dis agreement to the senate amendment sinking out Kearney , and the bill , as It will become n law , will provide that terms of the coin Is shall bo held at Omaha , Lincoln , Norfolk and Hastings. The Kobiaska delegation In con gress , as well as the citizens directly inter ested In Kearney and North Platle , made all Iho offal ts possible to ha\c these cities named in the bill. The delegation fiom Not til 1'latte , as mentioned In my dispatches to lost night's UFE , are jot in the city enjoy ing themselves , notwithstanding the fact that their mission , from a business point of view , will bo fruitless. It required n great deal of effort to convince the sennto that Norfolk and Hustings should be added to Omaha and Llneolu for terms of the courts , .ludge Dundy did n gicat lowaids pioludlclne the semite committee on against the proposition and some uiembeiH of the senate committee referred to the application of the Nebuiskans for an increase of terms ns "putting the court on wheels. " It ic- qulied u good deal of effort , also , to coin ince the house committee on Judiciary but it was nccessaiy to have the thieo additional places which the bill mentioned ns It passed ttio house. Messrs Kodgors of Alkansas and Hendeison of Noith C.nolina , the con- fercoi on the part ot the house said to-day that it became evident \cry soon after the conference committee met that the gen tlemen acting for the senate were unyield ing and Unit it would bo a simple waste of time for the hotiso to try to convince the sen ate that it was necessary to reinstate Kear ney in the bill , cund so the house confers j icldcd and the senate had its way. DliMOeiUTIO ( UMIIIUIS wriUhMNO. Gentlemen arriving lieie fiom New York icpoit that the betting in the metropolis on the approaching presidential election has al most ceased. The genoial ticiid of public opinion toward Harrison and Morton lias checked the enthusiasm on the ether r.ulc to such an extent that the book-makers have almost closed up business. Then the an nouncement that Mr. Ultimo intends to de vote all liis time , beginning about the 25th of this month , to speaking foi the icpublican ticket has disheartened those who have been placing their money on Cleveland - land and Tliurman. Instead of twotoono us were given u month ago on Cleveland the best offoiB of odds that nio being made now are * 1,000 , to fsOO. or JIO.OOO to * 5 , < 00 in fuor of the democratic ticket. Some betswoio reported in Wall street j estcrday of Jtj.OOO on Harrison and Morton to W.OOO on the detno- ciatic ticket , and a Montana miner was searching to got even buts on Cleveland. The icticonceot Chairman Qua" and the great Jlood of visitors to the republiaau com mittee headquarters placed a mystery around the situation , nnd those wtio w ere betting two to one on dcmocrat'u success u month ago , now decline to place money because they have , they say , no infotinution us to how the campaign is going , and they don't propose to jump in tuo dark. THKSI.NVTE VM > Till : TV1111T. Senators Allison nnd Hiscoek woio In con sultation in the of the to-day room cominlt- tco on finance with u number of gentlemen outside of eongi oss on the tariff bill. The measure is practically'completo so fur us tlio sub commitlco is concerned , but Senator Al lison stated this aftoinoon that it would not bo ready to report to the sennto before the latter part of week after next. There are appropriation bills and the llsheries treaty which will occupy every hour of the sen ate's time till that date , and inasmuch as these measures must bo disposed of before the tariff bill is taken up for debate , the mem bers of the commltteo on llnunca saythcro is no 'need to hurry the tariff bill. A limited number of copies of the incomplete measure woio printed some da\s ago , but they Have been kept under n pledge of scciccy In the hands of about a dozen republican sen ators and three or four republican members of the house committee on wajs and means. They say that if the details were published at this time innumerable annoyances would como to the committee. I'llhffSL'Ul. lltOM TUB OUTSIDE. They do not care to injure the trade of the country by any unnecessary agitation. When their bill is done they will submit it nnd hnvo it passed just as it comes from the committee. They point to the recent dot i- sions of the treasury department which aio being stubbornly insisted upon and which HI a based on ambiguous phi uses and stern technicalities for the put pose of forcing nub- lie ; opinion in favor of the Mills bill , and. which are bilnglng about in justice to manufacturers. Those who have neon the bill say it will reduce the incomes of the govpi nmont moro than the Mills bill. The reduction on sugar is 40 per cent , against 25 in the Mills bill , and the duty on leaf to bacco is llxcd at T.'i cents per pound , and fillers at 13 cents It is said that these i ales will be to the decided advantage of giowcrs of leaf tobacco throughout the rountiy , and will allow them to dilvo out Sumatra and the ether Jnfeiior grades , while at the same time the low rates on llllors will allow our munufactmcis to Import with advantage from Cuba and nlsowhei c. With the line Amciicun leaf and Cuba llllcis , smokers will got better cigai s at lower prices than at piosout. Although the senatecominitleo has practically agreed to $14 a ton for steel rail ? , it may nnallj ( N the rate at $15 no. Tneiols u determination lo hnvo the bill as perfect as possible before its contents are authentically made public. MI30I HANPOUS. Second Lieutenant Hcnjamln M. Russell , signal roips , has been relieved from duty in this city and ordered topioc-ecd toUibinuicir , Duk. , and assume charge of all military tole- gi.iph lines in Dakota , Moiilana , Wjoming and Utah tcuitories , and Nebraska. 13ids wore opened to-day in the ofllco of the supervising mcliltctt of the treasury for steam heating and ventilating apparatus for the public building at Nebraska City , ns fol lows : Kuso & Barker , Milwaukee , i5Nii ( ! ; J. R Dalton , Uoston , ? 5.Ali ; Hurtloll , Huy- wood & Co , Ualtimoro , iO,8o5 ; S. I. Pope & Co. , Chicago , $ ( iT3'J ' : Ciook , Humor & Co. , Uultlmoie , $5,617. 1'uuiv S. HBVTII. THK F1SHKHY THl'ATV DONATE. Wliy llcpnbllcrtHH Objreteil to an K\o- Riitivo HcNsinn. WASHINGTON , August 4. [ Special to Tun HnB.J "Wo had a very hmd tussol , " said ono ot the oldest republican senators this morning In discussing the pending debate on the llsheries trnaty , "to secure open doors for the cousideintion of the Jishorles ques tion. Iho lepubllcain would not have in sisted that tlto treaty should bo discussed with open doors had it uot l-een that the sec- re taiy of btato and the president were back ing up llio democratic henatora in an offensive line of policy a policy of prcut offense to the republican members of the commltteo on foreign relations. They vrora Insii.lng that It was pinocussedncss moving the republi cans In their opposition to the ratification of the treaty. This charge was roado so repeatedly that the country ioouicJ to bo arriving al tba con clusion that the opposltiop to thn treaty was not based purely upon' equable and Just , grounds. It Is n legal quostlon. The treaty of 1819 elves us far moro right In the Cana dian territory than the treaty now pending to the senate , and inasmuch oa tba treaty gf ISIS Is nlivo on the law books of our diplo matic department foidlbnly requires enforce ment , there Is no necessity whatever of our surrendering the right ! \er.v much needed. "A few dos before tqo vote was taken upon the proposition to dl < ic ss the treaty in open doors , " continued the sonata * , "an oftlelul statement was given to the public by demo cratic senators to the effect that In reality the republicans were oppoAcd to open debate on thu treaty , because H would expose their partisanship , and Iho Weakness In their posi tion , and that the democrats were nil light ing for an open discussion. Had not this an nouncement been rondo It is quite probable that the treaty woiHd not hnvo been openly de&atcd , because the republicans were arriv ing at the conclusion 4lmt there might bo some Indiscreet thing said , from u diplomatic standpoint , during the debate , nnd therefore it would bo better lo discuss the trcnly m the usual way , behind closed doors. As soon as the democrats assumed this false position before the public a special caucus of the re publicans was held , nnd a vote was at once lakcn upon the proposition to tlnow open the doors. Only tin oo Pcnntois Edmunds Chandler nnd Halo voted against open doors. Wo passed a \erlial resolution to the effect that wo would vote Bolldly in executive session for open discussion of the treaty. This was op- pcscd by the lluco senntois named , and only the usual obligation held them to stand by their paity. When the quostlon came up in c\ecuiive session and the ujcs and noes were called upon the proposition to discuss the llsheries ticaty in open session the demo- ciats , Inhering under the impression that our tanks weio not solid , nnd that at least throe of our number would \oto against the pro position , began to vote foi open doors , the object being to ha\o Just enough democrats \oto lor open session to relieve Hie mailer of pnttisinship thai Is , to make an appear mica of democratic acquiescence , and nt the same time to defeat the proposition , When the call had proceeded almost to the end it became apparent that the majority for open doors would bo ton or twelve , and it was fun to see the democratic senators get up , one by one , and in the most solemn way ask to change their vote from iijo to no. Every lasl one of them did this , mid in the iibscnto of Senator Halo Iho vole was a lie. There was the sickest lot of democrats you ever saw when the announcement of the vote was made. Wo immediately telegraphed lo Sonalor Hulo , who was in New Yolk , to icturn to Wusnmton , and ho came back. ' 1 he irenllcnuMi fiom Maine was laid down upon in the most \ieoious manner. At the next cxecutls o session ho came to time , volcd witli us , and it was ugieed by a stud patty vote that the ilsheries Ircaly should bo dis cussed with open doois " V * Kcprcsontativo Frank Lawler , of Chicago , 1ms become disgusted with what he lerms "the hiircm , " which is the ladies' icceptlon loom , Immediately across the conidor , and to the easl of the hull of lepiesentatlves This reception loom is fuinlslivd like a largo parlor in a ptivuto residence , and is the place wheio ladies go when they wish to see lucmbcib of coii r-ST and from wheie thi'i send their cards in to the logislntois. The ludUs' reception room is ono of thn oldest institutions mound the capital. It was established at the time the picscnt hall of the house of leptesentulivcs was con structed. Oi igmally there was seldom seen in this room mi Impute woman , but later it began to dogcneiato nnd the weaker sex of questionable charactei beiran habitato it Two or three da\i ago a icpicsanlalho of the woman's national league , of this city , called at the housiJ to see Mr. Lawler , and liom the loccption roomjSho sent her caid lethe the Chicago member. Mr. L.uvlci was tuld l > v the doorkeeper that a woman was in the lecoption room , and , hoicplicd. That's all iniht , but I won't go out there , all the same. Tineo or four days aftprwaids Mr. Lawler met the , woman iu'tho con idor of Iho capitol and apologised. "I did not menu to treat you disrespect fully the other day w lion jou sent mo jour card , " said ho. "Hut I never meet a woman mound the cnpitol jilong I ha\o mau > It a rule to never go into that reception loom , which Is nothing loss than n haiem. I do not mean to rcrMct upon the good women who go there ; 1 only mean to say theio are a great manj bad ones who hang mound room , and I sometimes think that no solf-icspecting man would bu found theie. " i . "What is a wotnin to do when she wants to 830ou , then , Mr. Lawlor ? " "Cull for mo , " iopl od the ChiiMgo con gressman , "to como to some othi < v door than thn ono loading to the harem ; be sure to stale on iour card what business ib desired of mo. If you could heur Iho comments the mcuibcis make on that reception room , and the w.iy they refer to it us "the harem , I don't believe you would ever go into it again. " "Who makes the ladies' waiting loom so disgraoefuli" inquired the lady. " The members , I suppose , " replied Mr. Law lor. Aftei ward this representative of the Nn- tloral Woman's league was discussing Iho utliludo assumed by Mr. Lawler , and she took occasion to pay him some voiy excellent compliments , and to lead a moral lectuio , and in the com so of her observations she said : D"l am very glad that there is ono man in the house w ho has the moral stamina to stand up for what ho thinks is right. There are comparatively few of them , who will take the position ho occupies. All this said , however , it is a buining shame that n place us public ns the ladies' w ailing room to the house of icpicsentalives , where llio purest nnd best known women of the countiv are obliged , at times , to go where tiio wives and daughters , mothers nnd sistois of incmbera , senators , cabinet oniccrs and those from the gieut body of people through out the country must sometimes congiegate , if they visit the capilol to see their filends in the hous.0 , should become so debased. Of course the great majority of women ivho are seen about this loom are pure and food ; 1 > ut there are just u suftlricnt numbei of the dis- roputuolo lo leaven Iho mass. Ceitainlv iheio would not bo any of those depraved women around the capitol If liioro was not a demand for them among mcmbcis of iho house. It Is n leilcctlon upon Iho good moineis tliioughout the counii.v. Show mo n vulgar obscene man , and that man has had a coaroo mother in nearly every instance. No matter what his ht.ition in life is , vulguiilv and obscenity and inoial depravity will cling to him ns his natural boon and inheritance. I think the Woman's Nulional league will lake some kind of united action on this matter , and see if it is not possible to ciadicnto Iho evil Inllucnccs which mo polluting Hie national capital. " In Scotland. LONMIOV , August 4 , A slight shock of oartlujunko was felt at Kllsylh , twelve and one-half miles northeast of Glasgow. J'ersonal 1'jiruui'nnlin. Henry Miller of Kcai noy , is nt the Pax- ton. ton.A. A. J. Pnrsall of Cheyenne , isnMillnid gucsl. / J , C. of Lincoln. Is a guest of the Puxton. .Tnmea II. Craig of Herringford , is nt the Millard. < I Milton D. Polk of Plattsmouth , was in Iho clly yestordoy. ' | K. U. Blown of Lincoln , was an Omaha visitor > cstoiday. J. M. Davidson and G.t W. Wilt of New York , were In the city jestenlay. M. 13. Mantz nnd Mi s. 3. D. Avery of Fre mont , wcie Omaha vwitdrs i estcrday. Miss S. A. UichaTdsoi | , of Gicnman & nichaidson , Is east qn n business trip. J. II. Hrown , buyer for S. P. Morse & Co , left for Now York and Boston jesteidoy on the Uiulington , i Mr , T. C. Douglas , leader of the A. O. II. band , was presc'iilod l > y ft lends with n 200 coi net Ki iday evening , > H. C. Moody , monta furnishings buyer for S. P. Morse & Co. , loft for Now Yoik on last night's Hurllngton ( Iyer. A. H. Hocdor , n brolhcr of M. L. Hocder , has como fiom the east and will locate hero wilh his brolhcr In the Insurance business. Mr. P. N. Jnynes and wife , who have been stopping nt the Millard hotel , leave for a Hy ing trip to lon\er , Salt Lake City and the west. west.W. . H. Btsbeo , buyer and manaRcr of S. P. Morse Si Co.'a carpet department , lolurnod last week from n purchasing tour iu Ncv , ' York and Philadelphia. Mr. Mortis Mo\or , ficoompanlod by Mr. and Mrs. M. HcVnng have i turned from a trip to 1C 11 ; City , bringing Mrs. Meyer , whose health Is fjicatly Improved. Henry H. Wiight , Oroto Hutcninson , M. W. Day , B. H. Uuck , U. N. Jones , jr. . James U. Jackson and John U. Grcyg , alt of the United States army , wore registered at the Paxton yesterday. THIRTEEN OUT OF FOURTEEN , The Record of Two Wooks' Plnylng of the Oinahas at Homo. MILWAUKEE THE LAST VICTIM. A rcnturclcss Contest AVIilcli l ncls With tlto JLincnla nn Knttr Win ner DCS Molncs Shuts the Maroons Out. Atestorn Association Standing. The people probibly recognlzo that the Omahas aio putting up n very line nnd bril liant game of ball just now. Three weeks ago they occupied sixth place In the pennant chase , and to day they stuud third , with but a fractional difference separating them from Ihelcadcts. Out of the last fourteen games plnjed they have won thirteen , n record that has not been surpassed by any of the West ern association teams , uml In llioir piescnt condition u continuance of Ibis grand woik can bo confidently looked for. They nro pailiculnrly strong Just now in the bov , Lovctt , Claikc , Shaffer nnd MolTett eonstl- lullng n qunrlcllo of pitchers that any of the big league club would bo glad to possess , mid to face this excellent rotating talent liiey have , a brace of buckslops Iu Wilson and Nairlo lhat aio hard to cquitl and Impossible to beat. Then the Inimitable second end baseman , Jack Crooks , Ihe supple Cooncy nt short , old reliable .Too Miller at tiiitd , and Hums , Annis mid McGurr ate all playing the game of Iholr lives. O'Connoll , ut llisl , has been hundicuppcd by disability , but Is rounding to in nice shape and last getting b ick ni himself. They hnvo set u IMCO for the pennant , and it is going to take iho llnest kind of work lo pi event lliom from laking Iho coveted prl7e. In saying this , sight has not been lost of the Piohlbi- lionisls. They , lee , are doing such work ns their Individual and collect ! * o strenglh would load Ihoir fsiends to expect of them ; sllll they mo not phn ing Omaha's ' game. As was predicted , the St Pauls have tumbled with a dull thud on thcii picscnt tlip , mid the icMsonnblo pios.pecls nro that they will go back homo in lliii d place , and Ihen they w ill have to sti ugi'lu to keep thai. The babies up in Sioux Cily me nslonishmg the nutues and are nfler bl. Paul's scalp. The chances are they will got it today. The following table will show what the clubs have been doing holler than words. Sttuu it : Pl.i\oa Won LostPrCt St. Paul 03 12 2i ) .017 Dos Moincs ( M .VJ 2T > .Gil1 ! Omaha l < Ti Jib 17 ! .5S"i Sioux City 'J7 13 14481 KansasCitj 05 ! ! l 34 .471 ! Chicago OS ni 37 .4.V > Milwaukee 71 J S'l .450 D.ucnpoit K J3 40 .334 Omaha 4 , .Milwaukee 1. H was Milwaukee's turn jesteiday. She lost hi a score of 4 to 1. There was nothing cxliaoidlnnry about the game , and nothing locnlhusoover except ing the foliutous fact lhat Omaha dangled another seal ) ) at her belt. The twirling on bolh sides was fine. The locals got live hits and the visitors four , nnd each scoicd a tiio of onois Omaha's weie of the decayed otdnr , Hums and Annis both inuftlng gieat big horse ilics. Now the cianks and the croakers must nssoveiLti nnd nssevoiate is no slouch of a woid lhat thu Omaha's wouldn't support I.o\ett. That will bo in conson ance with their programme so far. Uut let's sen how it happened , anyway. The Highland songslcr was Iho tlrsl man to face Stephens. Ho wont out from Tors ter to Fuller. Then Stephens attempted to stave In Annis' ribs with the ball and Hagan sent him to lirst. Ho stole second. Crooks then took ills position nt the plate , and after ejecting abaut a half pound of well masti cated "Slur" f torn that fountain of sweet sounds of his , ho smashed the spheroid out against the right field fence for a sack. Billy galloping homo. Crooks also pilfered sec ond. O'Connell hit to ITorstor , WMO made a double play , anil P. O. was safe and Crooks on thltd. Of course tliero was a melodious oul- burst fiom the 1.00 spectators there. Cooncy now came foi th Ho never said a word , but lined the ball out to where Mr. MeAlscr was tramping down the clover , and O'Connoll and Crooks chased each other name. Coonoy , much elated wilh his good luck , essayed lo teach second , but was cauirht on the liirow in. That was too bad , Iho people do so love lo see Iho bo } s make runs. The Hcer Jerkcr.s failed lo score. In the second Lovett went out on a high spring chicken to War ner , but Miler got bin base on balls. Hy Iho wnv , did you know lhat Miller's homo run hit in Thursday's game struck Jeff Hcd- ford's "Hit Mo Per Twentj-live Dollars , " way out m deep centerl Nol Well , it did , and Jcif guvo him u chock for that amount lusl evening. Uutaswoweio saying a moment since , , Tea got ills base on balls. Ho went down to sot end on Naglo's 11 v to McAleer , third on a wild pitch and home on Foster's fumble of the Poet's gioundcr. That is the last run Omaha got. But It was plenty. The visitors failed to score until the fourth , then they got in ono little , emaciated , cudu- verous tally , and that was nil. How'd they manage to do it ? Why , after KOI ster had tiled out to Burns , Sir Joseph Strauss , from Covmgton , Ky. , hit Mr. Lovctt for a beautiful thieo bagccr , and made homo on Fuller's out from CiooUa to P. O. That's about nil there was of it. From this point on out it was 1111 uninterrupted low of goo = o egga for both hides. Some lit tle additional inteicst may bo derived from the olUchil scoie. H H appended : OMAHA. ITil it. it. MIL ro. T. i Burns , If 4 0 0 0 'J 0 1 Annis , m Cioolfs , b O'Connell , Ib 1 0 1 10 0 0 Coiinoy , ss 4 0 3 0 U 3 I ) McGnrr , rf 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 Lovett , p Miller. Jb a 1 0 0 0 0 0 Naglo , o a 0 0 0 JJ 1 0 Totals 1U " 7 5 3 27 13 li MHVUKH ! . All. It. II. SH. TO. A. K. McAleer , m Torslor , HS ii 0 0 0 1 4 2 Sliatiss , If Fuller , Ib Maskioy. rf Pelteo.'Jb 0 Mills , 3b Warner , c Stevens , p 3 0 0 0 , 0 3 0 Totals 33 1 4 0 27 11 3 Omaha 3 1000000 0 1 Milwaukee 0 0010000 0 1 Huns earned Omaha 1 , Milwaukee 1. Three base lilts Slrauss 2. Double plays Coonoy to Crooks to O'Connoll , Foster to Fuller lo Mills. Hases on bails Off Strauss 2. Hit by pitcher Hy Stevens 1. Struck out Lovett 5 , Stevens 3. Wild pitch Ste vens 1. Time.OJ. . Umpire Hagan. Do ? Moincs O , ClilcnRO O. DKS MOINKS , August4. [ SpecialTelegram to THE HEI : . | DCS Moinea took the game from Chicago to day wilh cose. The1 vlsit- ois could not find Cushman's cunes , only sccuiing three hits. While the locals did not hit Spruguo very hard , a number of bases on balls nnd several crrois helped to swell Ihc runs. The score : DCS Molnes 0 0 Chicago 0 00000000 0 Iluns earned Dos Molnos.4. Two base hils Dugdalo. Thieo base bits Hullidav. Double plays Macullnr , Qulnn nnd Stcsins , Bases on balls Hy Cunhmnn 1 , by Sprnguo 5. Struck out Hy Cu hsian 8 , by Spniguo 3. Passed balls Dugdalo 5. Tlrao of game 1:25. Umpire Quest. Minneapolis' Double Piny. MiNNEArous , August 4. It Is reported hcio on good nuthonty that the Chicago Ma- icons , together with their Western league franchise , bnvo been offered to Minneapolis for $1000. An option , expiring next Wednes day , has been glvon , and lopal enthiulasU are now endeavoring to form a stock com pany to accept the offct OTHEHOAMKS. Yesterday's Winners in the National . Ijcnfciio Contests. CMICVOO , August 4. Ucsult of to-day's game : Chicago 0 7 Indianapolis..v..l 00001 100 3 Pitchers Krock nnd Hcaley. Haso lilts Chicago 10. Indianapolis 7. Urrors Chicago 2 , IndiuuniKls ! 2. Umpire Kelly. WVSIIINOTOX , August 4. Kosult of to-day's game : Washington 0 00000000 0 Philadelphia . . .3 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 " 7 Pitchers Whitney and Sanders. Huso hits Washington4. Philadelphia 12. Eriors Washington 1 , Philadelphia 1. Umpire Valentino. BOSTON , August 4.-Hcsult of to-dny's game : Boston 0 00001320 0 New York 0 1005013 * 13 Pilchers Clarkion and Welch. Base hlls Boston 1 > , New York 13 Urrors Boston 7 , Now York 1. Umpire Knight. Dr.ritoiT , August l.-lcsult { of to-day's game ; Detroit 0 02010002 5 Pitlsburg 1 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 Pitchers Got/eln nnd Galvln , Haso hits Detroit 11 Pitlsburg 8. Enors Dolroil 5 , Pltlsbuig 1. Umplio Linch. The American Association BALTIMOUP , August 4. Hosultof to daj's pnmo : Baltimore 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 fi Kansas City..0 00000000 ( I PHILADELPHIA , August 4 Hesult of to day's ' game : Athletics 0 00200000 8 Louisville 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0-3 Ci.NciNNvrt , August 4 The game was called at the end of the twelfth Inning on account of duikncss. The scoto : Cincinnati 102100000000 4 Cleveland 000 100000000-4 BKOOKMX , August 4. The game was called at ttie end of Iho eleventh Inning on account of dm knoss. The score : BrooUlyn.,2 4 St. Louis..1 1000011000-4 TURK KVENTS. Summary of Ycstcrdny'H Knees nt liilghtoii Bench. MosMoi'Tii P\UK , August i. Summary : Three fourths of a mile Telio won in 1:11 : , Filnoy second , Britannic third. Ucd bank stakes , three-fourths of a mile Minority ( Hlly ) won in 1:15 : > / , Gondola ( Ully ) second , My Follow third. Palisade stakes , ono and one eighth miles Badge won in 1.50 , Uaceland second , George OA ster third. One and ono-fouilh miles Surinam won in 2 Oljf , Arelino second , Montague llilrd. Ono nnd eleven sixteenth of n mile- Unique won in 1:50J : > 4 , St. Valentino second , Long Knight lull d , Full steeplechase Hetribution won in 5:04 : , Willlo Palmer second , Schoolmaster thiid. IJIuir's Aiiuiist Meeting. BIAIU , Neb , August [ Special to Tun Bi K.J The Blair driving club bus gotlcn up a programme of races for thofath , 9th and lOthof August In which the purses offered are good. The programme will consist of trolling , 2.3. ) class , pacing , 2.35 class , and running , half mile heats , for Iho ill stdny. The second duj' programme consists of two trotting , 2:45 : nnd 3.00 minute classes ; and Iwo running races , mile heats. The thitd ' is fiee-foi-nll slnllions day's programme - - , free-for-all Irot , and fiee-for-ull tunning. The club owns Iho best stock in the slate and a good meeting is expected. Saratoga Kacns. \ S in VTOO \ , August 5 Summary : i One mile White won in 1 :4bJ : , Kentucky Bov second , Persian Ihiid. Sat utoga stakes , Ihreo-fourths of a mile Gjpsy Queen won in 1:10 : , Monsoon second , bulwas disqualiiied for a foul in favor of Hcion ; The Lioness third. Ono nnd nvo-cighths miles Eckwood won in 2. ! > 0 > i1 Kingston second , Terra Cottu Ihird. Three-fourths of a mile Yum Yum won in 1:14)4 : ) , Little Mincb second , Jim Murphy third. Ono and ono sixtennth miles Tudor won iu 1.50 % , Baujon second , Pn ha Ihiid. An American Wins the Itnoo. LONDON , August 4. N. Temple , of Chicago cage , won iho twenty mile bicycle champion ship at Leicester lo-day. The American team sails for Now York on August 11. THE UKAL.TV MARKET. Instruments Placed on Rccoril Dur- Inir Yesterday. O II flORRS and wife to J 1'uriow , lot 23 , blklh , Q II HOKKS' add. \ % A I 150 N A Kulin , trustee , to W L West , lots II , U anil 15. blk 1. CreiKhton Heights , w d. 1,150 C r I'ahs to i : C Lane , lot . > , blk W. Houtb Omuhn. w d 1,000 D K Hummel and wife to J H Utlc. lot 1 , Wkl. Orchard Hill , w d l.COO Ueo N Hicks t < > II K KrU'Klmum , lots J , S , 3,4 nnd r. , blk 1 J , LuwnHeld.v d ii.OOO C K 'J urner ami husband to I ) Hnrnoy , lot 7 , blk J , Summit place , w A 3,000 V K lllngir and wire to K H Corbett , n ! G It of e ttl ft of lot II , lilk 8,1'iirker H ndil , and lots 11 and U , bile 4 , IJenman place , w ( I TOO John IMxuird , guardian , to J K Calliouu , lots i ) mill 7 , blk 5 , Lake's add , d 7,000 Crituttlnet al to J H 5lcKlnnoylot7 , lilk .1 , Vussnr place , w il 300 O H Claikand nifoto O A Mnoro , Iot ) , lluoll place , w il 300 United States to J It Iee , Island No. 1 , see H-10-a e p t < mt J HLeuaudwlfeto F II Smith , Island No. 1 , secK-IB-Ve. wil 80 F U fcmlth and wifu to J Nelson , et al , Island - land No ] , bee rf-lfl-U o , w il 80 C W nlluee and wife to A Niolicu , Island No I , StcK-lill'e ' , und " , of , w il 40 J NeKon and wife to A NleUon , Island No 1 , HooH-lU'le , all of , q c d 20 A ri Jarkettnnd lfu et al to ( J 0.Moore et al , Is mud No I , w d TA J 11 Jteilfleld and \\lfo to K K itudllald , n } ft of s ' 17014 ft of n tM ft of w iof e ij of lie' , of no VH-lC-lie , w < I . . 4JO I ) U Arthoi end wlfo to W H Hobblns , lot 24 , Millaid X Calduall'H Add nnd \ \ 15 of w 'Slot 47 , ( llsti's Add . . . . I'j.OOO H A Tnimnn to Hit Uujnolds etui , lot'J ' , ulkl" > . Highland place , ( ic il , . G VeMt I'ur UMnK AsVn to K I. Kajnolds et nl , lot 0. blk n. Highland place , wrt . . . 7.Y ) 8 H II Chirk to T J , lot J < , blk I , \V st Sldi > , w d . . . . . . 150 li Hoirmann to ( \Veliroi , lot 5 , W'enthei's add , ( i e d . . . 1 The 1'iitilek Ijuul Co toV II Ciaig lots 7 toU , InclniUnK blk 11) ) , Dundee pluct , w d . . 0.000 C J Cnnan and w Ifo K K Stiong , lot 21 , blk 14 , Calkin's mill. Majllfld , w A , 100 J I'awcntt and wife to T J Jlonnln lmm i > t nl , lot 21 , blk 11 , llrUgs place , w A 1,700 J Kuwcett and w ifo toV II Haider , lot 20 , blkl'l , ISriKBSplare , w rt . . 1,700 J raw celt nuil wife to W blnger , lot l'i , Dlk 11 , llrlgRs place , w d . . 1,700 J riuretlnnuwitotoH A Nelnln.lot 17 , blk 13 , llrlRim placa , w d , . . 1,700 J I awcott and \\lto to A HoiUon , lot 1G , blk 1) ) . llilRHS place.N d . . . . 1,700 T T Unlclnxrt to i : I. Ja > nea et al , lot U , ' ' d 1 fieoiKO I'orbns'Hiib. qc J I' \ K V liny to K II Cochran , lot 7 , blk IVi , Omaha , w rt . . . wfw J I Itedli k to K J Murphy , Blxl li ft. 709 ft not nweoincr blK.ill , Omaha , w d . 1,000 J I HedlcK to T A MllinhV. 51x112 ft , 7W ft n of u coiner blk JU. Omaha , w d . . . l.OM 13 J A. T A Murphj to K II Cochran. Wxl 3 ft , 70 ft n of n w corner blk ail , Omalm , w d . . . . 4,000 John IMuards. guardian , to O I. Straight , lot ! , blkS , [ .ako'aadd. w d 3,4 IU Thirty-live transfers , aggregating . . . WW1 Building Permits. The following building poi mils were issued - sued jcsteiday : 1'hllllp Smith , lesldenco , Twcnty-elgnth near Hickory , . . . . .J 800 1' . J , . Johnson , cottage , 1'iench near ( I rand ' * * ' It. K. Hrown. cottage , Chlingo ncai Oak. . 200 Cjius llaser , cottage. Chicago ncarOak , . 2uO I'our permits , aggregating. . . % 1,700 Ogling tlio Wrt Nurses. Chlcngo Llfo ! "Hello , doctor ! When did you got back from Washington'1' ! , "This morning. " "Have n good tlmoV" "Not very. " "Go in to society any ? " "Attended ono iccontlon. " "Didn't enjoy yourself nt it. tlion ? " "Well , no , You see , I didn't ' o until 10o'cloulcaud everybody of note hud gone homo. Lonstwtiys I only saw n few common , ovcryilny senators ogling the biggest lot ofvut uliraos I ever tint at ono time outaldo n pospital. " The district court ndjourned yasterday until September 17. VOORIIEES VERY VENOMOUS , Ho Dollvora n Wild ITnrmiftuo to His Domoo'rntlo Followers. THE REPUBLICAN PARTY SCARED. Ills Powers of Vituperation GUvou Full SwitiK and JiiNtlco liunson Throw n to tlio Winds. Voorliccs1 Uittor Allude. TRIIMH II * UTE , Ind. , August 4. The demo cracy of this city nnd vicinity hold n mast meeting to-night and Senator Voorhocs imula the opening speech of the democratic cim- palpi ! in Indiana. The following is n synop sis : "ii\ory movement in tlio machinery of thu govcinmcnt set in motion by tlio republican Icadcis and mnmigois has been to su oil nnd bloat the gains of llio i Icli and Increase the burdens of Iho poor. The republican conspiracy - spiracy lo fasten Iho fangs of ihu money power In the struggling body of American labor took its first i eat step In nuthorl/lng legal tender cut roue v In 1M1J. Gieonbnck , the iminoitnl nnd gloilous greenback , wt.s disci ( initiated against mid imule non-iecclv- nblo for duties on Imports and for Intel cst on the bonded debt. No lln.ui * cinl mcasuio was o\cr moro oppio slva and dc-structho to the rights of labot in its icsults than this. Tiio senator declined that this ncl enabled Iho "bulllonisls" of Wall utrecl lo realize a piolll In "naked speculation" with tlio bonds nnd currency of thu nation of nc'.iih one thousand million dollnis He unld. " 1 do not bolio\o any other people on the clobo would liavo submitted , unless icstrnlnod by force , to tlio monstious ncl of icncressof Maic-h , lb(5 ( . Hy one dishonest stioko ol it dishonest lion , guided nnd held b > dishonest leadcis of a gi cat party , iho dc-bt which la- her has lo pay was swollen 15 ! per cent. " Tlio speaker Ihcn ipiolcd it letter wi itten by John bliurmnu in l&tiS , whoietn Shennan said " 1 think the bondholder violates his when ho refuses lo take the eamo kinJ of money ho paid foi bis bonds" "Win/ asked the speaker , "should not the groe sj back como to the front nt this lime , and M all times , when Iho inti'iosts of tlio laboiini : classes nio under conslilointion. IVrsIsl- cntly stigmatized and ciricatuicd as n rng baby , for jenis denouuicd ns dishonest monov , n fi and upon U > o business and com- mpichil woild , jet it stands todaywltlia pnie-hasiiiKpowoi as gieat us thn bilghtest gold dollar. Tlie republican candidate for president suggested in 1S7S that nn Idiot asylum ouglit to bo elected for bo- lieveis in the gieenback. I believed in the greenback then and do now , and I take my place alongside of jou under Gen- cial Hiiirison's bweeping , a inlolcianl , brutal ci itieism and denunciation , lie canvassed - vassed the state In 1S78 us the candidate of his putty for the senate , as I did as the can- dldato of mine , and the people of Indiana di > eidcd by moio limn Ihirtv thousand majority lhat ho was uoniern iinancml idiot llian 1 wan , and that 1 should go b.vek to Washing- ton. " Kenalor Yoorhees Uicn onteiod upon llio lariiT issue and recounted Iho bisloiy of mod- cm larilt legislation. No relief , the speaker declared , was afforded to labor by a icsort to the domestic cxciso system. On the control y , Ihls si stem was made the piotoxt for still fuithcr encioachments on the part of monopoly and greed against the rights of those who toil. The two acts of congress of ISd'J nnd IslH , by which protoctiye duties woio made to asi end if ] to a Pike's peak altitude , were demanded on til iho expresj'inound Unit tlio manufacturer should bo compensated for Ihe amount of his internal lax. On Una point Iho puuker quoted extensively fiom Senators Moirill , Allison nnd others , and said that for nine teen years the republican parly has cauaod Iho people to pay the manufacturer at least $100,000,000 a i ear In ronsidciatlon of a lax paid by Ihe manufncluror lo Iho govcinmcnt. Money kings hnvo tlus far icslstcj every effort to reduce the mountainous tni it ! duties by whluh Ihoy have di allied Iho earnings - ings of the people. Senator Yooriicos then discussed Ihe labor quostlon and surplus. Ho declared that the luboi intc-iosls of the country need in circula tion every dollar that can bo spaicd from the expenses of the government , nnd jot tlicio is piled up us n usnless surplus enough of tlio laboring people's money to paj * down cashmere moro than * -UUO for every day since tiio biith of Christ. Touching upon the icpubllcan internal lev- cniio plank , bcnatnrVooi bees said : "In this Christian land and ago men sometimes spoken of us Christian statesmen have nothing boiler Ihan fieo wliiskj' and lobacco to oner the people in iospon o to their cry for relief. The slave holders of the south once belonged to a class which composed the money power. They once wci o tlio monopo lists of cheap , inidoi paid labor. The most bitter und implacable tmppiirtota of slavery thirty j'eats ncro , woie , in Innt , the most sue- cessful nnd elllclcnt abolitionists of the nine- tcenth century. They stuick too far , and their blows ciimo hick lo deslioy Ihom. And so it will bo vvilh the puiic-prond , insolent nud misled tux luadoisot iho picscnt day. Hy milking no corn cssion to tlio overtaxed people , and by refusing n single dollar of ro- ductlon on the necessities of life , but on the contrary insisting that whisky nnd tobacco should bo free , the tnanufnrtuiors have done more lo promote ideas of fieo trade In inis country in Ihe last taw months than tlio i 4 olorjucnt and silted tongues and pens of ' ' Frank Hmd , Henry Watlorson nnd David A. Wells. " The speaker touched upon the part General Harrison took in s > iipt | easing Iho riols Iu ls > i7 , and rloicd by suylng us attorney for Hlaino , Haiilson committed u crime ngniimt the stuto by dcchii mg In the dismissal of Hlaino's suit against an imllvidaul paper that juBtie-o could not bo obtained In the stale. A I.tvcly Dakota Convention. Dii\m\onn , Dak. , A u usl4. f Special Tol- cgiam lo'J'nii UKL-.J The Lawience county inpiiblli'ai' ' oi'vontlon to rlcct delegates to the congic < nlc.nMl e.o.vcntion tiold at Water- town to d ty waj a lively iiffalr. The fight was hctwcoi the liulloe'V r.r.d Moody fao- tlon * of tin i ) rty. The Bullock men had llio i onvonUcr. au J 'r. ' In.-ted thor ! man. Tlio outcome * i" . .hi ! two dclOK'fions will go lo Wnte.1 tow n fiom Hi's county. At ouo time it was thought thai n geiicr l ro'.v would cn- HUC , but tiio bcllcr clemcit piLvailed , Most of the delegates \ otiiufoi tiie Moody fac tion were rlc < ted after the time of the call for the primaries , w lulu the Hullock dulegatca wcio elected at the icgular call and time. AMUSnMI.NTS. Tlirco MglitH of BIystory With Herman - man , The Slaglclnn. Hcglmilug to morrow evening , Hrrnnan , the king of Illusionists , opens a three nights' engagement at Bojd's opera houi > o. The uomlcifnl ptoxtiJIgitatour Is so familiar to the American public that the bare announco- merit of hU name u s Jllloietit introduction to llio people of Oaioba. Hsimin wilt Intro- duio i > c\cral ! io > / fc'Atnras into hli por- formaiices. Ills "Hi cli Art , " which created siu h a s"inatoi ! in Iho c < ul durlog the past few months , vril ! b xv.riesad | in Otoann for the ilr t tiinn l.a bi nsrfcitnances ntUnul's opera rme. . Ar.o'.htr entatlon I ? "The Uln , ) Jinlls" Mliloh pur < lfs t ! c human concej- ) tlcu whercvnr f\llrs.ed. Altogether tlioso pci foriranrcs will IP amusing , mjfitli'ylng and novel , sjoh n v..l interest everybody. I MK 30.-UIRICII. Cunice noodr'.cl. , tn hi Ight young actress , has j : sUlni hfd -venVa engagement nt the tiiand opera beugc. TUo ropjtatlon of Miss UooOrlch U nuWclent to nn rally Insure n pooj liouiie , but tto vrtti-m wnalhor of the 11 isiVPCC \ ! h.x cltco'jr t4 lh > levers of good acting frc'us ifttiontln ! ! Hit ploy tioueji nnd Miss Goodr.Vh ti n not b on favored wilh tlio nudlcnres she dcsorvcd Howo\cr , she bus done tier bent , not'.vllhstamlltifc' , and won many friends thereby. Struck a Woman. William Ford lay In the police station over night for assaulling H. II. Urlght on St. MUIV'B nyonuo lait evening , Mr. llright was on tlio ulrcot car with his wife , and Ford used such \llo and abusive langungo that Hrlght left the cur. fora followed him and stiuck a blow lhat missed Bright und lilt lil > wlfo In the f ice. Mrs. Bright was HO flight- cncd tbnt she nearly fainted. Ford wo * lefzcd and held by a number of citl/ons 'Jntll the police arrived.