Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1888, Page 12, Image 12

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, Matrimonial Haps and Mishaps
Successes and Failures.
* Men and Women who Huvo hnil Mnlri *
inonlnl Advoiilnrcs Divorce
Items Marrying and Giving
in Marriage.
. the Marriage Feast.
Now York Herald : Miss Jennie
Gould is a school totichor nnd farmer of
Tyngsboro , N. II. She io forty .yours of
ago , plump , fair and highly educated.
She teaches three terms of school a
year , and between whiles curries on n
farm , which oho owns and which is said
to bo worth $10,000 in cold cash. All of
thissho accumulated by hard work.
Lust May Joseph Homblott came to
town t > put engines into the factory of
S. D. Chandler < fc Co. After work hemet
met Miss Gould. Ho was well-to-do , a
widower , ho said , forty-live and very
handsome. ITo looked at her COWH and
her barns full of hay and grain and
then ho proposed. To the surprise of
nil Miss Gould accepted.
The wedding was lixed. The clergy
man came , so did the guests and a bund
of music. The ceremony wus to take
place nt 7 o'clock , but the bridegroom
did not appear. The supper was get
ting cold and the guests wore growing
tired , when at It o'clock , Engineer Iloin-
blott came in his working clothes. Ho
nnd Miss Gould adjourned to a private
room. The guests heard them talking
nnd heard her crying. At midnight
nil the company loft for homo.
The engineer , it is announced , had a
wife still living whom ho supposed to
bo dead. Ho could not marry.
Tears and regrets wore of no avail.
Miss Gould has engaged her school for
another year and will curry on the farm
M usual. Hotnblott bus gone to New
York with Jus wifo. The village goi-sip
1ms lot her tongue loodo and everybody
Is talking about the wedding that did
not como olT ,
Mnrrirtl n lliiltet Girl.
Chicago Times : Abel Hayes , a son
of wealthy parents at Itnmnpo , N. Y. ,
nnd Maude Illloy , ono of Kiralfy's
"Nero" ballot dancers , wore married by
Justice Wood , in Now York , under cir
cumstances rather sensational. Young
Hnycs nnd his father came to town to
buy stock. The old man snout the
evening nt the hotel , while the youth
. "Nero. " Ho
wont to St. Gcorgo to see
had known Maude lliley for two years
nnd recognized her among the dancors.
The pair met and after a talk parted
until they appeared tugothor at Justice
Weed's houbound wore married. When
Abel took his bride to his father's ho
tel nnd introduced her the old gentle
man refused to believe that his son wus
married. To convince him Abol'took
him to Jersey City nnd showed him the
tertiflcato in the justice's olllco. Hayes ,
senior , denounced the union , and loft in
a rage. Abel returned to Now York to
moot his wife at the hotel where ho had
loft her. and was horrillcd to find that
she had gono. Ho found hoi- later in
the day , however , and was happy.
Judge Duffy and Correspondent.
New York Special : Police Justice P.
Gnvan Duffy is in danger of being sued
for broach of promise of marriage. It
nil came about through n trip to Long
'Branch. ' Ho put up at the Ocean House.
Although a bachelor , the "little judge"
IB known to huvo an eye for female
beauty. Among the other guests at the
hotel ho noticed a regally beautiful
' young woman , nnd ho determined to
make her acquaintance. Ho found n
friend to introduce him , and nt 1.20 last
Wednesday , n week ago , ho spoke to
' > ' , pretty Margaret Manton for the first
Inline. She had hoard of him as a pop-
vulnr Judge in Now York. Ho had often
. . hoard of her as n brilliant newspaper
fl correspondent who writes for the Mor-
t cury , Journal , World , Minneapolis
. Tribune , nnd other papers , under the
I uom do plume of "Margaret Munton. "
f Bho is also editor of the Long Branch
' „ Burf. It is not strnngo that two such
gifted people should bo attracted to
one another. The strnngo part of the
? case comes in by a report telegraphed
t from Long Branch that Miss Manton in-
\t \ tends to sue his honor for breach o !
promise. The judge was seen at his
law oflices , 220 Broadway. His honor
lu > did not npponr to fool a bit nervous.
lur "That story is only n hoax , " said ho.
r "Tho lady who is referred to there is as
beautiful AS the dawn of the eastern
'morn. ' She is just ns intelligent ns she
IB beautiful. I could not say too much
in praise of her beauty , intelligence
and ostimnblo character. " "Then your
will marry her ? " suggcfctod the rc-
j , porter. "Ah , if I was younger , " sighed
a the 1udgo , "I could do many things
that I would not do now. " "Did you
ask her to marry you ? " . "I will not say
thut I did. I did say that when she
Cf would bo Mrs. Duffy wo would see the
f world together , and I will keep my
( I * word. The lady is a newspaper corres-
? ' pondent. She told mo she would write
J something about mo and she has. ow ,
S understand mo , I have the highest ro-
gnrd for the Indy , but that story is only
& a honx. "
Her hotter Game nt ]
North American : A singular mis
carriage of n letter has just como to
light. A young man named Roitmoyor ,
> the bar clerk of the Cameron house at
Lowisburg , Pa. , was living in Chicago
two years ago. Ho formed the acquaint
ance of an estimable young lady in that
city and they soon learned to love each
Other. Roitmoyor was called east , and
fc correspondence followed. But it
| V etopoed because the young man did not
lf. ! i-ecolvo nn answer to his "last lottor. "
Ho wns too high strung to nsk an expln-
s nation , nnd it is fair to presume that
> the young lady held the Bamo opinion.
j"Reltmoyor , of course , tried to forgot
K bi Chicago love , and just nbout the
[ g'tiraa ho wns succeeding his love was ro-
kiudlod under the most peculiar circum-
, ttanccs.
Last week ho received the answer to
> bis last letter , aim n note of oxpluna-
| -tion accompanied it. A commercial
' 'traveler , while riding on n Malno rnil-
1 road , purchased a magazine published
In Chicago , and between the pages ho
discovered the letter addressed to Rolt-
Bieycr. [ t wns sowed fast. It had n
- fcunp upon it , but no postmark. . tTho
'drummer was mystified ; , and upon reflection -
' flection sent on the letter ns directed.
' There is no doubt thut the young
lady while working in the bindery
"placed the letter between the leaves of
I' we magazine to hide it from her tibso-
, nnd it was forgotten only to
anguish and pain to a young
K anpe Marriage nnd Is Jnllcd.
< K w York Sun : Louis Stuckhoubo , n ,
rMcd , intelligent young in-in
from u Pennsylvania town ant
4 in I'ntcrson several months ago.
W R piano tuner and repairer. Ho
ined the Mnrkot street Methodist
rrch. Ffntxlly it ? > ccnrn < > known that
J CRiii'Jroft the heart of MUi
Ulo Gruflon , ( ho pretty daughter ol
Mtx ( Mr of the Cliurah tot thu Holy
if nnd tholr Angagumnnt was
rocdutty * The Invitations
for the wedding , to take place nt 8
o'clock on Tuesday evening , wore scut
out. In the meantime Mr. Stackhouso
moved hii business to Newark , whore
ho thought there was a larger field for
him. How ho got along there is not re
ported. The young man turned up ,
however , in time for the wedding on
Tuesday evening.
The bride was ready and dressed , the
guests asbomblcd , and the Rev. E. W.
Uurr was ready to tie the knot , when
Constable Quinlan stepped in and ar
rested Stackhoubc for obtaining money
under false proUnces. The complain
ant was Mrs. Bush , who keeps a board
ing house at 202 Ellison street , Pater-
son. She allegor ) that Stackhouso owes
her $30 for board obtained under false
representations. The bride was greatly
grieved , and consternation took the
plaeo of joy. The young man could not
give ball before Justice Uimond , and
consequently ho was committed to jail ,
where ho still remains.
" - " "
. For ot He AV'ns Married.
Troy Times : A young man who until
recently had lived at the house of his
father'married n few weeks ago and
wont to live in other apartments. Soon
after , at the end of his day's work , ho
loft the olllco , bought an evening paper
and uliinod the hill to his father's ' house.
Entering the familiar precincts , ho
wont to the wash-room , made his toilet
and presented himself at the table. The
family , who had been watching him
ciirioutly , eyed him with amusement ,
and at last his mother bottly inquired :
"Robert , have you already procured a
n divorce ? " A Hush bulTubed the young
man's fuco , which rapidly changed to
crimson. Leaving the table amid a
roar of laughter , ho hurried out and
walked rapidly to nis own abode , whore
his young wife was impatiently await
ing him. Ho had forgotten that ho was
A Discouraged Dnmthtcr.
Pittsburg Dispatch : It has boon the
singular fortune or misfortune for a
certain Pittsburgor. in the course of by
no means a long lifo , to marry and then
lose by death no less than four wives.
During the interval between the
'uncral and hymeneal feasts this ami-
iblo man has'relied upon a daughter by
lis first wife to keep house for him.
Three times in fifteen years has this
lutiful child taken the keys of olllco ,
ind thrice has she laid them down for a
lew wiio of her father to take up.
When the fourth wife died a little
while ago she became housekeeper
settled down in the position in the hope
, hat her father would bo content to re
main a widower for the rest of his lifo.
She was doomed to disappointment.
Ono day her father came to her and
said : "Mary , how would you like to
uivo a now mammaV"
She answered quickly : "Not at all ,
inpa ; I'm no hog. 1 know when 1'vo
lad enough. Four mothers are more
.htt.'i . enough for mel"
The poor man was so discouraged by
, his remark that ho has not donned a
wedding garment until this day.
Insist * on Marrying Kvery Woman
Jle Meets.
Chicago Herald : W. W. Lane , ono
) f Pinkerton's ' employes , lias fallen
nto a chronic habit of getting married.
Last November Lane , who is said to bo
n handsome fellow , married his first
wife nt Lasullo , 111. In April ho cap
tured the affections of wife No. 2 , whoso
Christian name is Annie. After * the
ceremony they wont to housekeeping at
! 5It2 State street. Wife No. 1 moved
into the neighborhood and Annie heard
of hor. She thought nothing of the
matter until a few days ago when n.
firoposscs&ing girl named Alary Elliott
called upon hor. Miss Elliott told Mrs.
Lane that she was engaged to bo mar
ried to Mr. Lane , that the event was
sot for next week , that ho had told her
that his parents had lived at 8532 State
street , whore ho also resided , and that
she had decided to give the old folks a
call. The news worked wonders on
Sirs. Lano. She rushed to Police Mng-
strnto Caldwoll's oflleo and had a war-
ant issued for her husband's arrest on
a charge of bigamy.
The flannel shirt Is an excellent thing ,
To wear on a summer day ,
And we don't object to the style at all
But what wo were going to sny
A man who will wear a llnnnol shirt ,
And hold up his pants with a sash
As red as u town that is painted right ,
Is n niun that wo wnnt to smash ,
riio other dnv at Wostport , Ct. , Mr.
Mitchell and Miss Lewis got married , and
went off canoeing upon a bridal tour.
Lord Beaumont's marriujro to Miss Violet
[ suueson , daughter of Mr. Vv'orton Isaacson ,
M. IJ. , brings another Jewess Into the Enjj-
jllsh peerage.
Mrs. Sidney Smith Swann , the several
million heiress of Baltimore , who has just
Ijcen granted a divorce , pays her ex-husband
a salary of $ 'JO a week.
The DuUo and Duchess of Mnrlborough
have had the legality of their marriage es
tablished in England. They went before
the registrar at the vestry hall , Mount Sulnt
Grosvcnor square , London , and had their
marriage duly recorded.
At a recent breach of promise suit m Bristol
tel , England , It was tcstlDod that during the
six years that the defendant , u young man of
twonty-HOven , had paid court to the fair
plaintiff , a thousand letters had passed be
tween the lovers 500 on each side.
The latest tale of romantic marringo
comes from Buffalo , where a widower of
sixty wedded a widow of sixty , but refused
to lot the fact bo known , und swore before u
notary to eternal scoresy , because his first
wife loft him money unon condition of his
remaining forever single.
The evil of marrying In haste is shown by
the experience of Mrs. Gilbert Austin , of
Now Haven , Conn. , who recently married
Mr. P. G. Bart , a perfect stranger. The
bride had about $35.000 anil the groom had
nothing. The two left for the west , anil in s
few days the husdand got about half of Ilia
wife's money and skipped.
A Miss Battle Drake of Chicago married
ono J. Davis , lived with him a month and
never found out what his full Hist immo
was. Chicago ladles are proverbially retir
ing In disposition , and this is but u slniplo
Illustration of n living , potent fact. She
wants a divorce and she ought to huvo it. J.
Davis did not doscrvo hor.
A new profession has been started in St.
Louis , Unit of solicitor of marriages for the
justices of the pcaco. A great many people
procure marriage licenses and do not Know
exactly where to go to have the ceremony
performed. Then the solicitor stops forwaril
arranges the whole mutter satisfactorily and
gets a certain percentage out of the justice's
fco for his trouble.
American girls have a liking for foreign
ers swarthy students from the Spanish
isles , etc. but when they marry them they
usually repent of it. In Now York , Qruco
Ada , wife of Manual do Almagro , the son ol
u wealthy Spaniard , obtained an absolute
divorce from him. She was a pretty , roman
tic Malno girl of twenty when she married
him. and ha a gallant Cuban whoso father
possessed n great mansion nnd estate In the
bills auovo Havana. I'oo much income was
the trouble.
The brutality with which newly-married
people are treated by their Jesting friends , is
conotuutly receiving fresh Illustrations. "At
a recent Boston wedding , " says the Courier
of tuut city , "a couple of sportive usuera dis
covered the train on which the bridal pair
wcro to leavp town and what baggaio they
mid. Driving swiftly to the station they con-
Hded their plan to the Caggago master , and
with his conmvanco , they afllxed to the han
dle of the trunks of the brUio and groom nn
enormous bow or white satin ribbon. If the
frwdm did not blaspheme when ho saw the
trunks dejKialto.t | n the hull of the hotel to
which ho went he tnay wko rauk with' Job
for patience.
iiy taJta Mtf8ttMkK0KV !
Henry E. Dkoy left 1'arli for Homo the
other dny.
Henry Miller will prob.ibly bo Mr * . Lang-
ry's leading mini thli season.
It is whispered that Miss Mlnnlo Mnditcrn
vill bo married before her next hcason be-
; ins.
Max Hclnrich , the barytone , has gene to
Condon to sing and rather expects to stay
Hnlie , the famous pianist , has married
klme. Norman-Ncruda , the famous llddler of
ho finer sex.
Vokes sailed for Europe , to
icar n now play written for her by Mr.
Clement Scott.
A report from San Francisco states that
Slmrles Coghlan will not support Mrs Lang-
try next season ,
Jules Levy , the famous cornetlst , has or
ganized an operatic concert tour , under
Aaron Appletou's direction , to begin Sep
tember a.
Francis Wilson nnd company Is to bo the
name of the organization of which Mr. Wil
son will bo the leading feature , mid which ho
will put on the road a year hence.
Pretty Lillian Kuitsoll at the last moment
turned up her nose at the part of Tltanlu in
'A Midsummer Night's Dream , " u pastoral
lurforiimnco at Manchester , N. II. So Marie
Janscn will bo the fairy queen.
A magnificent performance of "Tho Mels-
ersinger" was given nt Hayreuth , July 21.
n the presence of u largo nnmbar of royal
ties. Fran Wagner , widow of the composer ,
was present und attracted much attuntlon.
Mrs. Potter Is now engaged In studying
and rehearsing Clcop.itiu In London under
, \io \ supervision of Mr. Hctinan Vczln and
Mrs. Sterling. Mr. Abbey has engaged Mr.
Kyrlo Dcllow for thu leading man of her
Duncan H. Harrison will play his success
ful melodrama , ' 'The Paymaster , " In New
York for six weeks next season. The phiv
s said to bo full of stlrrintf Incidents and
sensational climaxes. It-was received with
great satisfaction in Chicago and the west
ern cities.
Neil Uurgcss has accepted the new play ,
ust finished , written expressly for him by
vharlas Uarnard , entitled 'Ton to One ; or ,
.he County Fair , " in which mechanical ef
fects never before seen upon the stugo will
jo introduced. Mr. Hurgcss considers it the
best pluy ho has ever hud.
Huffalo 15111 has been lassoed by the Phila-
lolphlans , who huvo been bent upon captur-
! ! the great scout for over u year , and they
iroposo to give him a royal welcome a mouth
icnco. Therefore , the stay of the Wild
West at Erastlna Is limited , us the cntiro
encampment will bo seen In the Quaker City
on August 2) ) . Meanwhile , the grounds arc
crowded with daily visitors from all parts of
the country.
When "Miss Alisla Craig , " the daughter
of Ellen Terry , recently made her debut in
Snglund in an amateur charity performance
the bills announced that Ellen Terry would
ilso appear. The announcement attracted a
urge crowd. Miss Terry did appear us a
servant , and wa ? welcomed with u storm of
applause. She simply handed n letter to ono
of the characters on the stage , said three
words and vanished , and the audience thinks
t was sold.
Koso Lovcro has just completed a dramatic
version of "Tho Quick and the Dcad"whlch
she hopes to perform during her starring
: our this season , sub'ect ' to the approval of
Miss Hives and her publishers. The princi
pal difficulty to overcome in dramatizing this
loinarltublo sketch was its meagreness of
[ ilot , and iu order not to depart entirely from
Lho peculiarities of the novel , Miss Lovcro
lias endeavored to make thq psychological
nnd amatory struggle of the horoiuo a pro
nounced feature of the play.
A writer on musical subjects points out
that , successful and in moit respects excel
lent us has boon the current season of opera
in Italian at Covcut Gin don , not a single now
work has been put forward neither a work
new to any stage , nor ono now to that of
London. Tho. knack of putting together
grand opera seems to be fa t disappearing ;
few of the younger musicians of the conti
nent have , apparently , any tendency that
way. It looks as if , for some time to como ,
wo should have to put up with the favor
ites of the past ; nnd when ouo comes to
: lunk of it , this will not bo so unpleasant as
it seems.
Sick headache is the bane , of many
, ives. To cure nnd prevent this annoy
ing complaint use Dr. J. H. McLean's
Little Liver and Kidney Pillots. They
are agreeable to take and gentle in
their action. 25 cents a vial.
A plain loop of silver cable cord maKes an
odd brooch.
A "third baso" bag , in white enamel , is a
scarf pin for base ball enthusiasts.
A miniature base bull , cither in silver or
enameled , makes a popular charm.
A silver ostrich plume studded with diamonds
mends makes u tasteful and brilliant brooch.
Small silver frames with beaded rims aio
much admired as artistic photograph hold
A copper crab In the act of seizing a small
fish Is a pleasing design on silver match
A bird's nest of oxidized silver in which Ho
three HUiull pearls Is a pretty conceit in sum
mer scarf pins.
Hand rings , having ono-hnlf of the shank
plain and the other side chased or varicolored ,
are much admired.
A miniature corn cob of Roman gold , from
which springs a strong amber mouthpiece , is
a dainty cigurctto holder.
A locket charm for the nautically Inclined
is of gold , and represents a ship's ' block. It
contains space for two pictures.
Hook marks of silver , bearing variocolored
designs in inscriptions , are tasteful and orna
mental adjuncts to a library 01 writing table.
A perfect representation of a butternut in
bright silver makes a pretty bonbonniere.
The interior Is cither glided or In satin silver
A peculiar design in scarf pins is a piece of
rough diamond , bound round with u small
gold cable. It rests upon a crossed spade and
pick of oxidized gold.
In wedding rings the demand is now for
narrow , high center band , with nlmost round
edges. The flatter and wider rings are still
sold , but the now style Is becoming very pop
A beautiful pansy brooch , much admired ,
has the three lower petals paved with diamonds
mends , whllo two , largc.llut top.izcs form the
upper petals. In the center of the brooch is
a small ruby.
Vacation panholdora and pencil cases are
shown in many and varied designs. All are
packed in padded , stout.lcathcreases nnd can
ho safely thrown Into a vallso or trunk with
out fear of damage.
A pretty scarf pin Is a hemisphere of
moonstone having tha round surfacejiollshcd
and a ( lower engraved on the fiat side. The
moonstone when backed by pink tinsel pre
sents u tasteful appearance.
An artistic watch ciso seen in a downtown
show window , has a whlto rose bush in full
bloom on each cover , The roses which are
as thick upon the bush as though garden
slugs and rose bugs were unknown , are rep
resented by brilliant diamonds.
An expensive writing set , recently soon ,
was of Mexican onyx and silver. The stamp
and pen boxes had silver feet and trimmings ,
the two candle stiloks , portfolio uuu paper
box , wcro sot off by bands of the saino metal
and the Ink bottles were topped by massive
silver stoppers ,
The over popular game of lawn tennis Is
highly complimented in some recent brooches.
In one , sot in u dull gold frame , Is a miniature
painting of a tennis court at the seaside ,
with brightly attired players deeply inter-
csted in the gamo. Another represents a
tennis net of Honum gold , the balls being
small round pearls.
California , the Imiut of Discoveries
Why will you lay nwako all night ,
coughing , when that most agreeable
California remedy , Santa Abie , will
give you immediate relief V SANTA
ABIE is the only guaranteed cure for
Consumption , Asthma and all Bronchial
Complaints. Sold only in large bottles
at $1.00. Three for $2.50. C. P. Good
man Drug Co , will bo pleased to supply
you , and guarantee relief when used as
never fails to relieve Catarrh or Cold in
the Head. Six months treatment , $1.00.
By mall , $1.10.
When he was a kid he cried for LIES'
When he was a voter he asked for LIES'
When he was a Pa he recommenden to
the coming generations LIES' GRAND
ROS , as being the finest in the market
for the money.
Little & "Williams , Omaha. Frank Chandler , Omaha. J.D.Adams &Co. , Sterling , Cal
S. 'Wliisliler , Oakdale. Sam H. Farnsworth , Omaha Sterling Mdse Co. , "
Kuliri & Co. , Omaha. Francisco & Co. , Omaha. Snow Bros. & Co. , Iloldredge ,
D. W. Saxo , Omaha. A. II. Behreris , Omaha. tfeb.
L ; " ! i.V JagJr tr rnr - . CTS SSSSTr i
Chronic and Surgical Diseases , and Diseases of the Eye and Ear I
DR , J. W ; HcMEfiAMY , Physician and Surgeon in Charge.
by n Number of Competent , Skillful ami Experienced Physicians and surgeons.
Particular paid to DcrormUirs , Diseases of Women , Diseases of the Uriunry and Sexual Orgaus , Pi-halo Diseases ,
Diseases of the Serious System , > Lui ( ami Tlir-mt JMsea-e * , Surgical Operations , Epilepsy or Tils , Piles ,
Cnncr.4 , Tumor. * , Etc- .
.More . money invested ; more skillful physicians and surgeons employed ; more patients treated ; more cures effected ; more mod
ern improved instruments , apparatus and appliances than can be found in all other infirmaries , institutes or dispensaries in the
west combined. Largest and most complete Medical Institute or Hospital in the \\est. Fifty newly furnished , well warmed and ven
tilated rooms for patients , thiee skilled physicians always in the building. All kinds of diseases treated in the most scientific manner.
1 We Manufacture Surgical Braces for Deformities , Trusses ,
Supporters , Electrical Batteries , and can supply physicians or patients any appliance , remedy or instrument known. Call and consult us , or write for circulars upon all sub <
ects , with list of questions for patients to answer. Thousands treated successfully by corrcbpondencc. We liave superior advantages and facilities for treating diseases , pen
forming surgical operations and nursing patients , which combined with our acknowl cdpcd abi ity , experience , responsibility and reputation , should make the Omaha Medica
and Surgical Institute the flrtt choice.
The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute is conducted upon strict business and scientific principles , and patients here receive every advantage that art. skill , scienc
and human ingenuity , can bring to bear on their cases. Their comfort and convenience willalways be taken into consideration.
Should you conclude to visit us for treatment or correspond with us , you will find that these statements of our position , location and facilities are not overdrawn
in any particular , but are plain unvarnished facts.
Only Reliable Medical Institute Making a Specialty of PRIVATE DISEASES.
All Blood Diseases successfully treated. Syphilitic Poison removed from the system \\itbout mercury. New icstorative treatment for loss of Vital Power. Person !
unable to visit us may be tieated at home by correspondence. All communic.itions confidential Medicines or instruments sent by mail or express , securely packed , no marks to in
dicate contents or sender. One personal interview preferred. Call and consult us or send history of your case , and we will send in plain wiapper , our _ _ uA $
Upon Private , Special or Nervous Diseases Impotency , Syphilis , Gleet and Varicocele , with question list.
My fCeuson for Writing a Ilixik Upon Private , special and .ferrous Discaici.
I have for many years made n specialty of diseases of the urinary and se.\ual organs , have become a recognized authority upon the subject , consequently _ I icceive nn
immense number of letters fiom physicians and afflicted persons , asking my opinion and advice upon individual cases. For the benefit of such persons , I have written a book ,
giving a general description of the most common diseases and conditions , my treatment , success , advice , etc. After leading it.persons will have a clearer idea of their condition and
can write me more intelligently and to the point. It will therefore be seen that our object in wiiting thews pages is not to furnish reading matter to a class 01 persons who read out of
mere idle curiosity , but for the benefit of the many who are suffering to a greater or less decree from , or the effects of diseases or abuses , of the sexual or urinary organs.
Not a day passes but we receive many calls or letters from persons suffering from this class of diseases , or their sequel. Many of them arc ignorant of the cause of the difficult/
that lias wrecked their constitutions , thrown a cloud over their bright prospects and is shortening their dajs.
Surgical operations for the cure of Hare Lip , Club Feet , Tumors , Cancers , Fistula. Cataiact , Strabismus ( Cross Eyes ) Varicocele , Inverted Nails , Wens and Deformities
mities of the Unman Body performed in the most scientific manner. ' . , , . , . . .
Wetfeat Chronic Diseases of the Lungs , Heait , Head , Blood , Skin , Scalp , Stomach , Liver , Kidneys , Bladder , Nerves , Bones , etc. , as Paralysis , Epilepsy , ( I-its ) ,
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Carefully , skillfully and scientifically by the latest and mobt approved methods. ' WIUTE FOR BOOK ON DISEASES OF WOMEN , FREE.
Dr. McMenamy has for years devoted a large portion oV his time to the study and treatment ol this class of diseases , and has spared neither time nor money to perfect bimsclf , and
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